Eviction Summary Willie Strickland 12-15-2004September 27, 2004 Executive Directors Report  John Kirchner spoke about the sheriff’s dwelling on the Immokalee Airport property that is damaged. Facilities had put $25,000 into. John’s recommendation was to discontinue using it as a residence and either use it as storage or take it down. The dwelling is not needed to deter crime as they have cameras on site. Dennis Vasey made a motion to terminate license for the dwelling. Raymond Rewis seconded it. October 18, 2004 Old Business: Executive Director, Gene Schmidt, updated the issue of the Sheriff’s dwelling at Immokalee. The occupant (Deputy Sheriff and family) will be out in three (3) weeks. Facilities Management will give us their opinion on what to do with the building. December 15, 2004  Old Business: Eviction of Sheriff’s Deputy from Immokalee Residence: Chairman Doyle recommended that we terminate the lease but not forcefully evict the Deputy Sheriff tenant. The tenant needs more time to find another place to live. John Kirchner and the Executive Director will try to settle this matter by amiable mutual agreement with the Deputy, and allow him more time to find his needed accommodations. Steve Price suggested staff set a reasonable not later than move-out date to keep some pressure on the tenant to proceed with his vacation of the premises.