Agenda 06/09/2020 Item #16E5 (COVID-19 Shelter - Horizon Village Community)06/09/2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to ratify, in accordance with the State of Local Emergency declared by the BCC, the execution of a lease with Horizon Village Community in Immokalee to reserve dormitories for use as non-congregate shelters for COVID-19 positive-identified patients and to authorize any necessary budget amendments. OBJECTIVE: To provide shelter for Immokalee residents who have been tested and identified as having COVID-19 and are unable to self-isolate to prevent the further spread of the virus. CONSIDERATIONS: To further prevent the spread of COVID-19 among the residents of Immokalee, it has become vital to identify infected residents and provide isolation. To do this, the Department of Health is conducting testing, identifying infected residents and seeking to quarantine these folks safely. Residents who have been identified as COVID-19 positive and cannot safely self-isolate in their residences can be referred by the Department of Health to reside temporarily in the Horizon Village Community in Immokalee. The lease reserves seven dormitories, at a cost of $96 per night for 75 nights for a total cost of $50,400. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact for this lease is $50,400. Funds will be transferred from 003- 144261 Reserve for Catastrophic Events. The County will seek reimbursement for these expenses through the Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM), and FEMA, if the expenses fall within the scope of FEMA Category B, Emergency Protective Measures. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management impact associated with this item. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: To ratify, in accordance with the approved Local State of Emergency, execution of a lease with Horizon Village Community in Immokalee to reserve dormitories for use as non-congregate shelters for COVID-19 positive-identified patients and to authorize any necessary budget amendments. Prepared by: Michael A. Cox, Director - Operational and Financial Support, Administrative Services ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Lease Agreement with Horizon Village (PDF) 16.E.5 Packet Pg. 1616 06/09/2020 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.E.5 Doc ID: 12519 Item Summary: Recommendation to ratify, in accordance with the State of Local Emergency declared by the BCC, the execution of a lease with Horizon Village Community in Immokalee to reserve dormitories for use as non-congregate shelters for COVID-19 positive-identified patients and to authorize any necessary budget amendments. Meeting Date: 06/09/2020 Prepared by: Title: Manager - Technical Systems Operations – Administrative Services Department Name: Michael Cox 06/02/2020 11:15 AM Submitted by: Title: Department Head - Administrative Svc – Administrative Services Department Name: Len Price 06/02/2020 11:15 AM Approved By: Review: Administrative Services Department Paula Brethauer Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 06/02/2020 1:40 PM Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 06/02/2020 1:41 PM Administrative Services Department Len Price Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 06/02/2020 3:29 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 06/02/2020 3:44 PM Office of Management and Budget Debra Windsor Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 06/02/2020 4:09 PM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 06/03/2020 8:25 AM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 06/03/2020 9:25 AM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 06/03/2020 11:21 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 06/09/2020 9:00 AM 16.E.5 Packet Pg. 1617 16.E.5.bPacket Pg. 1618Attachment: Lease Agreement with Horizon Village (12519 : Recommendation to approve a lease with Horizon Village Community in Immokalee) 16.E.5.bPacket Pg. 1619Attachment: Lease Agreement with Horizon Village (12519 : Recommendation to approve a lease with Horizon Village Community in Immokalee)