March 25, 1986
1. Certificate for Correction: NEED MOTION authorizing the Chairman
to sign Certificate for Correction to the tax rolls as presented by
the Property Appraiser's Office. RECOMMEND APPROVAL.
2. Asbell, Heins, Doyle & Pickworth: 03/03/86 letter from Donald A.
Pickworth, to Collier County Building Dept. enclosing payment of
impact fees, under protest, regarding Gellman Automobile
Dealership. Referred to Don Lusk.
3. Cable Vision Industries: 02/13/86 letter from Lawrence S. Monroe
advisina of the corporate reorganization concerning the CATV system
franchise being merged into Cablevision Industries, Inc. Referred
to 'Don Lusk and Burt Saunders.
4. Dept. of Community Affairs:
A. Received 03/13/86 letter from Tom Lewis, Jr. , forwarding a
draft copy of the DCA's proposed schedule for submission of
41) revised local government comprehensive plans and procedures for
extensions, and notice of four workshops. Referred to Don
Lusk, Pam Brangaccio, and Vickie Mullins.
B. 03/07/86 letter from Carla S. Stanford, Director, advising of
the conclusion of its second review and scoring of the
application for the (CDBG) Program and advising that
the application was not approved for funding, and attaching
housing scores. Referred to Pam Brangaccio and Vickie Mullins.
5. DER:
A. 03/11/86 letter from Deborah L. White enclosing application
(File No. 111170879, Collier County B.O.C.C. ) which involved
dredge and fill activities. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie
Mullins, and Dr. Proffitt.
B. 03/12/86 letter from Deborah L. White enclosing application
(File No. 111173059, Board of County Commissioners) which
includes dredge and fill activities. Referred to Neil Dorrill
and John Boldt.
C. 03/14/86 letter from Douglas L. Fry enclosing application (File
No. 111171955, Gordon Pass 6 Gulf of Mexico) which includes
dredge and fill activities. Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie
Mullins, and Dr. Proffitt. A�Eq
4 XO.
Fla 25'a6
MARCH 25, 1986
6. DNR:
A. 03/03/86 copy of letter to Mr. W. D. Grow from Carlos R.
Carrera, Engineer, notifying (Grow) File CO-129 of the
incompleteness of the application for construction of a single
family residence at Spinnaker Drive, Marco Island. Referred to
Pam Brangaccio and Vickie Mullins.
B. 03/10/86 memorandum from James W. MacFarland, Director,
Division of State Lands, regarding Chapter 16Q-21, FL Adm. Code
Revisions, and advising of public hearing to be held 04/01/86.
Referred to Pam Brangaccio, Vickie Mullins, and Dr. Proffitt.
7. Finance:
A. 02/04/85 memorandum to Thomas 011iff from James C. Giles
regarding Fleet Management/Motor Pool Preliminary Financial
Statements for the period ended January 31, 1986.
B. 02/28/86 memorandum to Doug Greenfield from James C. Giles
regarding E.M.S. Preliminary financial Statements for the
period ended January 31, 1986. Referred to Lori Zalka.
C. 02/28/85 memorandum to Robert Fahey from James C. Giles
regarding Solid Waste Disposal Financial Statements for the
period ended January 31, 1986.
8. Golden Gate Civic Association, Inc. : 03/03/86 letter from Will
Griffith, President stating that during their 03/03/86 meeting the
association voted unanimously to send this letter opposing the
petition to rezone Golden Gate Golf Course. Referred to BCC and
Missy McKim.
9. Governor Graham: 03/11/86 letter requesting assistance and support
for a project critical to the restoration of the hydrology within
the Big Cypress Nat'l Preserve by quitclaiming the lands necessary
for the restoration of the Turner River, and enclosing The Big
Cypress Conservation Act of 1973. Referred to Don Lusk, Cindy
Faulkner, and Pat Carroll.
10. US Deet. of the Interior: 03/06/86 from Regional Director,
Southeast Region of the National Park Service seeking assistance
and support for a project critical to the restoration of hydrology
within Big Cypress National Preserve. Referred to Cindy Faulkner
and Pat Carroll.
11. Land and Water Ad udicatory Commission: Received 0' j
Order of D smissal: Dept. of Community Affairs, Pet' d.
of County Commissioners and NTG Properties, Inc. , R pondents.
Referred to Pam Brangaccio, and Vickie Mullins. MAR 2j'6&
MARCH 25, 1986
12. Minutes:
A. 02/20/86, Parks and Recreation Adviaory Board and 03/20/86
13. Dept. of Revenue: 03/10/86 letter from Eugene N. Roberts, Jr.
confirming that our Taxing Authority has been determined to be in
compliance with Section 200.065, Florida Statutes. Referred to Jim
Giles and Lori Zalka.
14. Southwest Florida Aero Club: 03/14/86 letter from Robert Kuhn
informing that the 3 hangars in defPult are being removed and
requesting permission to extend aut:zorization for Mobile Home
Office trailer now on site and to store 12' x 48' trailer.
Referred to Rick Reineke..
AG NO. fir