Resolution 1998-132 1 2C3-.. HESOLlJTION NO. 98....ul. RESOLUTION FOR PETITION A V 98-004 TO V ACA TE TilE 20' WIDE UTILITY AND DRAINMiE EASEMENT LYING AI.ONG TilE SOlJTIIWESTI:RLY 10' OF U)'('S ~ lllROI J(jll 7 AND /\I.ONe; TIlE NORTIIEASTERLY 10' OF LOTS 81 TIIROlJGl1 86. ACCORDINCi TO TilE PLAT OF ..PINEl.AND-ON-TIIE-TRAIL... AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3. PAGE 60. PUDLlC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. WIIEREAS. pursuant to section 177,101. Florida Statutes. Roben Duane. A.I.e.P.. of Ilole-Montes and Associales. Inc.. lIS agenl for thc petitioner. Adam FlIeredi. dncs hereby request the vaclltion of II 20' wide Utility and Drailmge Easement lying along the Southwester:)' 10' of Lots 2 through 7 and along the Northeasterly 10' or Lots 8 I through S6, llccording to the plat of "Pinel and- On- The-Trail"; nnd WI IEREAS. the Board has this day held II public hearing to consider vacating said casement us more fully descrihed helow. and nOlice of suid puhlic heuring to vacate WllS given as required hy Jaw; amI WI IERE/\S. the granting of lhe vacation will not adversely alkCl the ownership or right of convenient access of othcr propeny owners. NOW. TIIEREFORE. DE IT RESOLVED IW TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that the following he and is herer.y vacated: See Exhihit "A"ll11ached herelo and incorpor"ted herein BE IT FlJRTIIER RESOLVED. thnt lhe Ch:rk is hereby directed to recoru a cenitil.'J copy of this Resolution in the Public Records of Collier County. Florida. and to make proper notation of this vacation on the recorded plat as rclerenced ahovc. This resolution adopted after motion. sccond and ml~jorily \,IIC 1;I\'llring sal11l..'. ,,,:'Ll ,/ -..1 'yJr!'~ DATED: /~'// '-'-, ., '/ ATfEST: DWfGHT E. BROCK. Clerk BO/\!{() OF COUNTY ('OMr-.IISSIONERS (,OLLlI.:R COllNTY, FI.ORrDA "\, ,/1 ._ ,/ ~}v' ~. . /"" /CI/~i{.1' ;~ /.>~/ I A'X-_' '-"(-1", ,; / \ . \ App;ovc'd as to rorm and ,At lvtl ~~l~eal\:A:f MI4J1' S $ignilture or.ly_ I I, ;1 .I . Ilcidi F, Ashton Assistant County Altorney p ('. "Y'~~I,\", I~ ~ BA /\RA B. flERR'Y.- , .' \ 2319561 OR: 2419 PG: 3149 ?!~O~:iO :r. C:llC!A~, HCO~:.i ~: CO~LI!~ C~~~Tl. !: '~;~':V93 d: ~r.:~~AJ( J.'~;r.! E. s"o:r.. :::~.: ~.!C H5 ' . t, e ~r,: eLm T~ m SOAR:! !.mRmlC! 4!r. :lC:i !lT12H'