Agenda 09/07/2006 B COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Thursday, September 7, 2006, 5:05 p.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHlNG TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF TIlE PROCEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE TIIAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES TESTIMONY AND EVll)ENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ALLREGIST~D PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRMAN. 1. ADVERTISED PUBLIC BEARING - BCC - Fiscal Year 2007 Tentative Budget. A. Discussion of Teritative Millage Rates and Increases Over the Rolled Baqk Millage Rates . B. Review and Discussion of Changes to the Tentative Budget C. Public Co:tnments and Questions · Letters from Public submitted for the record. D. Resolution to Adopt the Tentative Millage Rates E. Resollitionto Adopt the Amended Tentative Budget F. Allnou,ncement of Tentative Millage Rates and Percentage Changes in Property Tax Rates G. Annquncement of Final Public Hearing as Follows: Final.PllbliC Hearing on thy FY 2006-07 Collier County Budget Thursday, September 21,2006 5:05 p.m. Collier County Government Center W. Hannon Turner Building (F) Third Floor, Boardroom Naples, Florida 2. ADJOURN u '. Ii . , Collier County, Florida Property Tax Rates FY07 Proposed Prior Year Rolled Back Adopted Millage Millage Millage % Fund Title Fund No. Rate Rate Rate Change General Fund 001 3.8772 3.1714 3.5790 12.9% Water Pollution Control 114 0.0347 0.0284 0.0320 12.7% 3.9119 3.1998 3.6110 12.9% Unincorporated Area General Fund 111 0.8069 0.6574 0.8069 22.7% Go1denGate COinmunity Center 130 0.2337 0.1816 0.1815 -0.1% Naples Park Drainage 139 0.0090 0.0067 0.0077 14.9% Pine Ridge Iridusmal Park 140 0.0950 0.0791 0.0537 -32.1% Victoria Park Drainage 134 0.4877 0.3949 0.4328 9.6% Naples Underground FPL 135 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 #N/A Golden Gate Parkway IJeautification 136 0.5000 0.3866 0.5000 29.3% Naples Production Park 141 0.0341 0.0288 0.0284 -1.4% Vanderbilt Beach MSTU 143 0.5000 0.4243 0.5000 17.8% Isle ~f Capri Fire . 144 1.5000 1.2420 1.5000 20.8% Ochopee Fh-eContro1 146 4.0000 3.0238 4.0000 32.3% C;6I1ierCo~ty Fire 148 2.0000 1.4936 2.0000 33.9% GoodlandIHbrr's Island Fire MSTU 149 1.3632 0.8585 0.7734 -9.9% . .'. i Radio Road Beautification 150 0.2500 0.2003 0.2500 24.8% Sabal PaImRoadMSTU 151 1.9881 0.9977 0.9975 0.0% Lely G61fEstat~s Bealitification 152 2.0000 1.6050 2.0000 24.6% Hawksridg~.Stormwatei P~pingMS1U 154 0.1507 0.1324 0.1263 -4.6% Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTU 155 4.0000 3.2104 4.0000 24.6% tminokaIee Beautification MSTU 156 1.0000 0.8120 1.0000 23.2% 13ayshore Avalon Beautification 160 1.7500 1.3205 1.7500 32.5% Livinsston.R6ad Phase II MSTU i61 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 #N/A Co:i1seIV1ition Collier 172 0.2500 0.2045 0.2500 222% ' , ... "., Parks_ qOB Debt SerVice 206 0.0000 0.0000 . 0,0000 #N/A. G,arlbbean Gardens. 220 0.1500 o .i227 0.1500 22.2% ~ies i>f CapriMun#:ipal ReScue 244 0.0000 0.0600 0.0000 #N/A CollierGountY Lighting . 760 0.0850 0.0667 0.1036 55.3% Nap1esProdllctioii Park Street Lighting 770 0.0000 0.0000 ... . 0.0000 ifNIA Pelican Bay MSTBU 778 0.1610 0.1452 ().OOOO .. -100.0% . '. .. .~ Aggregate Millage Rate 4.7933 3.9i07 . 4.4863 14.43% ~ -\ .../. . '-r , , . ' AGENDA ITEM Nt\. -::L. I*t .' .,.... . 4:: , ,. ".SEP'\ (t7 2006 . .. -. ./ p~. . '/. -"'. -~'. Collier County, Florida Property Tax Dollars FY07 Proposed Prior Year Rolled Back Adopted Fund Tax Tax Tax % Fund Title No. Dollars Dollars Dollars Change General Fund 001 238,222,230 244,867,989 276,339,300 12.9% Water Pollution Control 114 2,132,031 2,192,802 2,470,800 12.7% ' 240,354;262 247,060,791 278,810,100 12.9% U:i1incorporated Area General Fund 111 30,755,695 31,796,269 39,027,100 22.7% Golden Gate Community Center 130 444,164 456,725 456,500 0.0% Pine Ridge Industrial Park 140 47,660 47,873 32,500 -32.1% Victoria Park brain~ge 134 14,925 14,964 16,400 9.6% Naples Underground FPL 135 0 0 0 #N/A Golden Gilte Parkway Beautification 136 417,219 420,455 543,800 29.3% Naples Park Drainage 139 9,941 10,042 11,600 15.5% Naples Production Park 141 14,282 14,393 14,200 -1.3% Vanderbilt B~ach MSTU 143 844,171 860,278 1,013,800 17.8% Isle of Capri Fire 144 967,666 1,011,223 1,221,300 20.8% Ochopee Fire Control 146 1,322,312 1,350,023 1,785,900 32.3% ., 0>1lier CountY Fire 148 422,997 423,127 566,600 33.9% G()od1andIHorr's I.s1and Fire i49 11 0,607 118,890 107,100 -9.9% Radio Road ~eautification 150 277,659 280,750 350,400 24.8% Sabal Palm Road MSru 151 55,000 55,013 55,000 N/A Le1y GoIfEstates Beautification 152 237,213 238,993 297,800 24.6% Frawksridge Stormwater ryunping MSTU 154 8,804 8,$06 8,400 -4.6% Fpiest Lakes Road:way & ~fainage MSTU 155 681,462 682,032 849,800 ~okalee Beautifi.cation ~STU 156 276~727 279,377 344,190 ~ayslwre.^, vaIon.Beautification 160 687,535 692,986 918,400 Conso/Va:tion Collier 172 15,360,455 15,789,716 ..19,392,~00 ' . '.! ',;. - ,'. '.' '" ~., bin'bbem qaroei1s 220 9,216,P3 nla 11,581,700 C()lliet County Lighting . 760 419,265 . 422,597 656,200 :tf~I?Ies Prod. ParkSt Lighting 770 0 0 0 Pelican BayMSTBU 778 779,544 782,291 0 303,725,838 Aggt.egate 'J,'irres 294,509,565 302,817,611 . 346,389,800 . - -, .". ,. ..' AGEND~..lT.EM No.... ..l .. _. ;-- = 4..' ',SEP'\Q'7, 2006 [ ,."....~.- ~ ."p~.." . T' , -" "I FUND TITLE/tNU1\1BER) General Fund (001) Tax Collector (070) MSTb General Fund (111) Pollution Control (114) SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THE FY 07 PROPOSED BUDGET NET CHANGE TO FUND TOTAL ($495,100) EXPLANATION Includes funding for items approved by the BCC via budget amendment including SW Florida Expressway Authority - $150,000; contribution to Pulling boat ramp project - $400,000; imd funding for Transportation Disadvantaged program .. $345,700. Offset by $400,000 reduction in budgeted Tax Collector fees based on actual school and city tax levies. $20,469,000 Reflects proposed budget submitted to State DOR for approval. Includes $9,#3,500 in excess fees and 12 new positions to expand existing satellite operations. ($8,000) Reflects $8,000 budget amendment approved by BCC on 7/25/06 in Transportation for fleet maintenance. $90,000 The forecast $90,000 purchase of data processing equipment will not occur in FY 06: As such, carry forward increaSes $90,000 and the funds to purchase the system are re-budgeted in FY 07. Iminokalee Community Redevelopment DiStrict (186) $450,000 FY 06 forecast operating and capital expense,s reduced with a supsequent cairy forward increase totaling $450,000; FY 06 b'!lildirig acquisition expense connected with the FSU medical facility ($250,000) postponed with a su~seql!ent increase inFY 07 'reserves; Contractual planning services ($200,000) not spent inFY 06 ie-budgeted in FY 07; Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community . Redevelopment District (187) $385,800 Inereas('l reflects salaries fo~ 'ffi:o vacant P?si~ons (project Manager and Oper.atiori~ Analyst) at.. mlirket; minor adjustments m: op~r~ting expenses; Adjustnients in the CIP to. inClude Streetscape Improve~ents ($500,000); Debt Sei:vice Transfer to Fund (287) at $500,000 plus~tral1~fer to E)torirlwatyr Fund (325) to partlleiill the acqujsitfon of Ii detention/retention pOF-d Witbinthe CRA. Expenses offset by an increase in 06'.cany forwai-d plus a reduction in 07 reserVes. .. . . . . . W ~ch6via CRA Debt Service Fund (287) $500,000 To establish a debtservice fund fot the BS:C. approved loan for the property acqwsitioninthe.. Bayshore/Gateway Triangle CRA~' .'-'.--'-',,;;,. Pet SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THE FY 07 PROPOSED BUDGET FUND TITLE/(NUMBER) Facilities Management CIP (301) Parks CIP (306) Library Capital (307) Roads CIP (313) Stormwater Capital (325) Road Impact Fee District 1 (331) 'Road Impact Fee District 2 (333) Road Impact Fee District 4 (336) Road Impact Fee District 6 (338) . Road Impact Fee District (339) EMS Impact Fee Fund (350) Immokalee Cormnunit}r ParI< Impact Fee Fund (3 ('is) Och?pee Fire Impact Fee F':md (372) Isle of Capri Mun Fire & Re?ctie lmpact Fee Fund (373) <;orrectionalFaci1~ties Impact Fee (38 i) ..- taw Enforcetttent Impact Fee Fund (385) Government facility II)Jpact Fee FUi:).d (390) NET CHANGE TO FUND TOTAL $186,100 ($8,335,600) $725,000 $3,878,000 ($5,512,200) ($.13,164,500) ($4,032,900) $1,417,800 $112,600 $3,600 $26,900 ($3,000) $662,300 $1,199,000 $94,800 EXPLANATION $0 Revisions to capital revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project forecasts. Recognizing additional grant, boater improvement and misc revenues $0 Revisions to capital revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense and teveime forecasts. Also received notification of additional grant revenues in FY07. Revisions to capital revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital revenue forecasts. Reyisions to capital revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense:: and revenue forec~ts. Changed the loan aIllortizati6n for ambulances to 5 years.. Revisions to capital project forecasts. Revisions to capital revenue forecasts.. Revisions to capital project exp~nse andrevenue forec'asts. Revisions to capital project expense ang revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. , . j N:~E~.~~T~~. . . t. - . 'SEp.\(tJ 2006. Ptt ' ;J .up .. .;.> SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO THE FY 07 PROPOSED BtJDGET FUND TITLE/INOMBER) County Water/Sewer Operating Fund (408) NET CHANGE TO FUND TOTAL $386,500 EXPLANATION The BCC approved 10 UFR positions on July 25, 2006 increasing Personal SerVices by $484,000, operating expenses by $45,200, and capital outlay by $98,200. There was a corresponding reduction in contractual services of$1,193~000 as a result of the UFR approval. The budget also reflects reimbursements from Solid Waste and Pollution Control for administrative overhead budgeted . 100% in the County WaterlSewer District. This increased carryforward hy $192,200 and FY 07 reimbursements by $194,300. This results in a net increase of $952,100 to reserves. County Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund (410) ($2,647,300) Revisions to SRF Loan Debt Service forecasts. Water System Development Fees (411) ($300) Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Water Capital (412) $1,541,900 Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Wastewater System Development Charges (413) $2,087,800 Revisions to capital project expense and reVenue forecasts. Wastewater System User Fees (414) $1,227,500 Revisions to capital project expense and revenue forecasts. Grand Total $1,245,100 - ' . . . '.' . . .' ~@E~OA1TEM No., . 1't1,. . 'SEP~n7.205tl' . fig; .. >,;. .,' :,:~ l ~ t I .L L'