Agenda 04/28/2020 Item #16D 8 (CAT - New Buses) (;(&87,9(6800$5< 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ WR DSSURYH WKH FRRSHUDWLYH SURFXUHPHQW DQG XVH RI WKH -DFNVRQYLOOH 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ$XWKRULW\¶V&RQWUDFW1R36WDWHRI)ORULGD+HDY\'XW\%XVHVIRUWKH SXUFKDVHRIDQGRUIRRWEXVHVIRUWKH&ROOLHU$UHD7UDQVLW6\VWHP 2%-(&7,9(7RDFTXLUHDSSURYDOWRXVHWKH-DFNVRQYLOOH7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ$XWKRULW\ ³-7$´ &RQWUDFWWR UHSODFHRUH[SDQG&ROOLHU$UHD7UDQVLW¶V ³&$7´ EXVHVEHWZHHQ-DQXDU\RIDQG0D\ &216,'(5$7,216WDIIUHTXHVWVDSSURYDOWRSXUFKDVHKHDY\GXW\EXVHVWKURXJKWKH)ORULGD7UDQVLW %XV3URFXUHPHQW&RQWUDFW -7$&RQWUDFW3 7KH)ORULGD7UDQVLW%XV3URFXUHPHQW&RQWUDFW ZDVGHYHORSHGWKURXJKFROODERUDWLRQVZLWKDOOSXEOLFWUDQVLWV\VWHPVLQ)ORULGD7KH-7$WRRNWKHOHDGRQ FRPSHWLWLYHO\VROLFLWLQJDQGSUHSDULQJLWV&RQWUDFW3SURYLGLQJIRUWKHSXUFKDVHRIKHDY\GXW\ EXVHV%HJLQQLQJ-XO\-7$VHQWRXWIRXU  QRWLFHV WKH-7$/REE\-7$3URFXUHPHQW3RUWDO )LQDQFLDO 1HZV  'DLO\ 5HFRUG DQG 7UDQVLW 7DOHQW IRU ³+HDY\ 'XW\ 7UDQVLW &RDFKHV´ 7HQ   FRPSDQLHV ZHUH UHSUHVHQWHG DW WKH SUHSURSRVDOPHHWLQJ KHOG RQ $XJXVW   -7$ 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 DUQROGBP 'LJLWDOO\VLJQHGE\DUQROGBP 'DWH   &DW%LJHORZ 'LJLWDOO\VLJQHGE\&DW%LJHORZ '1FQ &DW%LJHORZR &ROOLHU&RXQW\ *RYHUQPHQWRX 3URFXUHPHQW6HUYLFHV HPDLO FDWKHULQHELJHORZ#FROOLHUJRYQHWF 86 'DWH  6FKQHHEHUJHU6DU D 'LJLWDOO\VLJQHGE\ 6FKQHHEHUJHU6DUD 'DWH  'H 3DFNHW3J$WWDFKPHQW3LJJ\EDFN-DFNVRQYLOOH7UDQV$XWKRULW\0XOWLSOH9HQGRUV -7$+HDY\'XW\%XV&RQWUDFWV REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR: PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DATE: RFP #: a JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 121 W. Forsyth Street., Suite 200 • Jacksonville, Florida 32202 JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR STATE OF FLORIDA HEAVY DUTY TRANSIT BUS PROCUREMENT PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DATE: BY 2:00 PM (LOCAL), FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018, 2:00 PM RFP NUMBER: P-18-005 Jacksonville Transportation Authority 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION SECTION II: INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS SECTION III: EVALUATION CRITERIA SECTION IV: INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION V: CONTRACT SECTION VI: REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONTRACTS SECTION VII: REQUIRED FORMS & CERTIFICATIONS EXHIBIT A: PRICE PROPOSAL FORM EXHIBIT B: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS EXHIBIT C: WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. P-18-005 SUBJECT: STATE OF FLORIDA HEAVY DUTY TRANSIT BUS PROCUREMENT PROPOSAL CLOSING: SEPTEMBER 7, 2018, 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) SECTION I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (the "Authority" or the "JTA) is issuing this procurement as a State of Florida Purchasing Schedule. Sealed Proposals for P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement will be received by the JTA, until the above-stated Proposal opening date and time at the following location: Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Receptionist Desk – Customer Center 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 The Customer Center entrance is located on the Hogan Street side of the 121 Atlantic Place building. The complete Solicitation package will be available Friday, July 20, 2018, and must be obtained by sending an email request to JTA Procurement, at procurement@jtafla.com. SUMMARY OF KEY DATES Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). All Proposers are hereby notified that the DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 do apply to this Solicitation. The proposer, a Primary Transit Vehicle Manufacturer, hereby certifies that it has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR Section 26.49, as amended, by submitting an annual DBE goal, as amended, to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The goal has either been approved or not disapproved by the FTA. Buy America. The Supplier agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, which provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by FTA or the product is subject to a general waiver. General waivers are listed in Proposed Timeline Date Pre-Proposal Meeting Monday, August 6, 2018, 2:00 PM Deadline for Questions Tuesday, August 14, 2018, 5:00 PM Response to Questions in Addendum Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 5:00 PM Proposal Closing Date Friday, September 7, 2018, 2:00 PM Issue Notice of Intent to Award Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Complete Contract Negotiations & Execution Monday, December 1, 2018 49 CFR 661.7, and include microcomputer equipment, software, and small purchases (currently less than $150,000) made with capital, operating, or planning funds. Separate requirements for rolling stock are set out at 5323(j)(2)(C) and 49 CFR 661.11. Rolling stock not subject to a general waiver must be manufactured in the United States and have a percentage of domestic content as follows: For purchase orders placed for rolling stock that will be delivered in FY 2018 and 2019, the domestic content must exceed 65%, and for purchase orders placed for rolling stock that will be delivered in FY 2020 and beyond, the domestic content must exceed 70%. Contract Term. The Contract period shall be for five (5) years. Basis of Award. The JTA will make the Contract awards, if any, to the responsive and responsible Proposes who are in compliance with the conditions and requirements of this proposal, and who meets the criteria outlined in the Evaluation Criteria discussed in Section III of this solicitation, and in accordance with its Procurement Rule 002, which is incorporated herein by reference. The JTA reserves the right to award multiple contracts. The JTA reserves the right to waive any irregularity in any Proposal, to request clarification of any Proposal, to request additional information from any Proposer, to reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, and to re-advertise, cancel, or postpone the Solicitation, at any time, with or without cause, without liability to any Proposer. Each proposal shall consist of a technical proposal, which includes the required forms and additional requested information, and a sealed envelope which contains the signed forms identified in Section VII. The envelope should clearly state the Proposer’s name and the words “Price Proposal”. Minimum Requirements. Proposers must be in good standing and authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, and must not be listed in the System for Award Management (SAM) as an excluded party. In addition, all licenses required for Proposers whose businesses and professions are regulated by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation must be active and current. Pre-Proposal Meeting. Attendance at the Pre-Proposal Meeting is strongly encouraged. The Pre-Proposal Meeting will be conducted Monday, August 6, 2018 at 2:00 PM at the following location: Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Board Room 3rd Floor Board Room 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Those interested in calling in to the Pre-Proposal Meeting may use the following conference information: USA Toll Free: (877) 873-8017 USA Caller Paid: (636) 651-3181 Access Code: 4089289 Proposers who desire to call-in must notify Procurement by email of their intent at least one day prior to the Pre-Proposal Meeting. Contact Information. All questions or concerns regarding this Solicitation must be submitted by email to JTA Procurement, at procurement@jtafla.com, prior to 5:00 p.m. (local time), Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Late questions will not be answered. All responses will be issued in an Addendum on Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 5:00 PM that is provided to all Proposers who have obtained the Solicitation package from the JTA. Cone of Silence. From the date of the initial publication of this Solicitation until the contract is awarded and the protest period has expired, all communication relating to this Solicitation, with the exception of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) related questions, shall be sent to the following JTA email address: Jacqueline R. Glass C.P.M., CPSM, CPPB Sr. Manager, Procurement Email: procurement@jtafla.com All DBE questions shall be addressed to Ken Middleton at DBE1@jtafla.com or 904-598-8728. This includes questions related to certification or assistance with finding certified DBE’s to partner with. If you are not sure who to send a question to, please send it to procurement@jtafla.com and it will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel. All other communication to the JTA or any JTA employee, Supplier, or Board Member regarding this Solicitation is prohibited, unless made in accordance with JTA's Solicitation and Award Protest Rule. The JTA Board of Directors has established a zero tolerance policy and the JTA will disqualify any Proposer who makes or causes to be made, directly or indirectly, any improper communication. Nothing contained in this paragraph prohibits JTA personnel from initiating contact with a Proposer and subsequent communication related thereto for the purpose of obtaining additional information that is relevant to the Solicitation. Proposers are hereby notified that the JTA is subject to the Florida Public Records Law and the Government in the Sunshine Act , as set forth in Florida Statutes Chapters 119 and 286; as such, most communications to the JTA are subject to public disclosure, and the selection meeting(s), if any, will be open to the public. All JTA contracts are subject to funding availability and are not binding upon the Authority until duly executed by the Authority and delivered to the Proposer. SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS 1.INTRODUCTION. The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (the “Authority” or "JTA") is a public body politic and corporate agency of the State of Florida created under chapter 349, as amended, Florida statutes. The Authority is a transit and transportation facilities provider in North Florida, constructing and improving roadways as well as constructing, equipping and operating transit services. The Authority operates in Duval County, Florida (the “County”), including in the City of Jacksonville, Florida (the “City”) and surrounding areas. 2.SOLICITATION TERMINOLOGY. The term Solicitation includes all documents that are included or referenced in the Solicitation package, including without limitation, the Request for Proposals, Instructions to Proposers, Specifications, Scope of Work/Services/Products, Special Conditions, Insurance Requirements, Contract Form, General Conditions, Required Clauses for Federally-Assisted Contracts, Required Forms and Certifications. The terms Proposer and Vendor may be used interchangeably. 3.PROPOSER'S OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS. The Proposer must request and receive the complete Solicitation package directly from the Authority. If you submit a Proposal and you do not receive the Solicitation documents directly from the Authority, there is a serious risk that you will not be kept informed of Addenda and, therefore, your Proposal may be deemed non-responsive. 4.PROPOSAL DELIVERY AND OPENING. Proposals must be submitted in an opaque sealed envelope and properly labeled with the name and number of the Solicitation. Proposals must be submitted by the due date, at the location identified in the Notice for Publication (the “Notice”), or as amended in an Addendum. The sealed envelope must contain one (1) original, one (1) electronic copy, and ten (10) hard copies of all of the exact Forms contained in Section VII. No additional promotional or advertising information will be accepted. Facsimile and electronic transmissions will not be accepted. Late Proposals will not be opened. Due to the lack of control over the standard postal delivery service, many companies hand-deliver or use a private delivery service to ensure delivery by the 2:00 P.M. deadline. The Authority is not responsible for the failure of the postal service or private delivery service to locate and deliver the Proposal in a timely manner. The Authority is the official timekeeper and the Authority's determination of the time shall be deemed correct and final. 5.PROPOSAL ADDENDA. The Authority may respond to questions, or it may clarify or change any part of this Solicitation by issuing an Addendum. By submitting a Proposal, each Proposer consents to the content of all Addenda, whether or not received by the Proposer. Proposals must include the written acknowledgment of all Addenda that is contained in Section VII. The Solicitation may only be modified or clarified by Addenda and no verbal or informal writing that attempts to modify or interpret the Solicitation will be binding upon the Aut hority. 6.LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. The parties recognize that it is of utmost importance for the Proposer to complete the Contract within the time specified therein. The Proposer understands and agrees that its failure to complete the Contract within the required time will significantly impact the Procuring Agency, and that the impacts, costs, and other damages resulting from that failure are impossible to reasonably quantify in advance. The Proposer therefore agrees as follows: if the Proposer fails to deliver the supplies or perform the services within the time specified in the Contract, the Proposer shall pay Liquidated Damages to the Procuring Agency of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per calendar day of delay per coach. If the Procuring Agency terminates the Contract, in whole or in part, under the Disputes, Defaults, and Remedies section of the Contract, the Proposer shall be liable for Liquidated Damages accruing until the Procuring Agency reasonably obtains delivery or performance of similar supplies or services from a substitute vendor. These Liquidated Damages are in addition to, not in lieu of, the excess costs to the Procuring Agency of repurchase that the Proposer will also be liable for. The Proposer will not be charged with Liquidated Damages if there is a delay in delivery or performance beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Proposer, as defined in the Force Majeure clause in the Contract. The Procuring Agency may withhold all payments due under the Contract until the Proposer’s liability for Liquidated Damages has been satisfied in full. The Procuring Agency's receipt of payment for Liquidated Damages does not preclude the Procuring Agency from pursuing any other rights or remedies available to it under the Contract, in accordance with Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, or otherwise in accordance with Florida law. 7.PROPOSER REVIEW OF SOLICITATION AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. By submitting a Proposal, the Proposer represents that it has fully informed itself as to: (i) the conditions to be encountered; (ii) the character, quality, and quantities of work to be performed; (iii) the goods and materials to be furnished; and (iv) all of the requirements of the Solicitation and Contract documents, including the plans, specifications, and the labor and security conditions under which the Contract is to be performed. The Proposer shall not be relieved of its obligation to furnish all goods, materials, equipment, labor, and services necessary to complete the Contract by reason of having failed to inform itself wit h respect to those matters. If this acquisition is related to a project in which conditions, specifications, and/or plans have been issued, those documents, where applicable, are incorporated herein. The Authority does not guarantee the accuracy of any information that may have been provided in connection with the Solicitation and if this is a lump sum Contract, the Authority does not assume any responsibility for determining the quantities required. 8.QUALIFICATIONS AND REFERENCES. The Authority reserves the right to request any additional information it deems necessary regarding the Proposer’s previous experience and qualifications, and the Authority may also consider any evidence available to it regarding the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of the Proposer. The Proposer shall provide any additional information requested within forty-eight (48) hours of such request. 9.NON-RESPONSIVE PROPOSALS MAY BE REJECTED. The failure to comply with any requirement contained in the Notice, Instructions to Proposers, Required Forms, and/or other Solicitation documents may result in the rejection of the Proposal as non- responsive. 10.RESERVATION OF RIGHTS IN THE SOLICITATION PROCESS. The Authority reserves all rights it is entitled to under the law, including the right to : •reject any or all Proposals and to cancel or postpone the Solicitation, in whole or in part, for any reason, without liability; •issue subsequent or concurrent Solicitation(s) for the work/services described herein; •perform background checks, reference checks, and consider any information the Authority deems pertinent to the Solicitation; •request additional copies of the Proposal from the Proposer, at no cost to the Authority; and •request additional or omitted information and seek clarifications of any Proposal. 11.REQUIRED FORMS. Proposers shall complete and return all Forms required by Section VII. The Forms must be submitted using the exact Forms provided and must be signed by an authorized representative of the Proposer. Any alteration of the Forms or failure to submit required Forms may cause the Proposal to be rejected as non-responsive. The Forms cannot be marked “N/A” and returned as an effort to comply with the requirements. These Forms MUST be completed, signed, and returned with your Proposal. The burden is on each Proposer to know of and submit all required Forms with Proposal submittals. If the Authority determines that a Proposer has failed to return completed Form(s), and/or has failed to sign all required Form(s), the Proposal may be rejected as non-responsive. 12.DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM. It is the official policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Authority that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) have a level playing field on which to participate in the performance of all contracts. This Contract is subject to the requirements of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26. The Supplier and its subcontractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the performance of this Contract. Participation Goals. Proposers are encouraged to make every attempt to secure a level of DBE participation that contributes toward the achievement of Authority's overall DBE goal of 19.27%. If the Proposer is awarded a Contract with the Authority, it must enter into formal written agreement with the DBEs identified in its Schedule of Subsuppliers/Subcontractors Form in accordance with the assignments identified and outlined in the Intent to Perform as a DBE. If the selected Proposer is a certified DBE and intends to perform a portion of the work with its own forces, the Proposer shall identify the responsibilities it intends to perform by type and by percentage of work to be done. In order for the work to be counted towards the DBE goal assigned to the project, the Proposer must perform the work as specified and may not delegate or contract the specified responsibilities to other entities. Certification. ALL PROPOSED DBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE FLORIDA UNIFORM CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (UCP) AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF THE PROPOSAL. If a subcontractor/supplier is not certified by the aforementioned certification program at the time of submission, the Proposer can neither report the non- certified business' participation, nor include that company's dollar value of work towards any established DBE goals. Applications for certification may be obtained from the Authority directly or from the Authority’s website at www.jtafla.com. The Proposer shall fully comply with all requests for additional documentation. In determining an applicant's eligibility for DBE status, the Authority will generally rely upon the Federal Certification Process, as described in 49 CFR Part 26. In addition, as a member of the Unified Certification Program (UCP) within the state of Florida, where FDOT is the host agency, the Authority will accept DBEs certified by FDOT and may, on a case-by-case basis, accept a DBE certification decision made by another UCP or non-Florida Department of Transportation. 13.PROPOSER DISQUALIFICATION: Any of the following causes may be considered sufficient for the disqualification of a Proposer and the rejection of its Proposal: a.submission of more than one (1) Proposal from a Proposer for the same work by an individual, entity, partnership, or corporation under the same or different names; or submission of alternate prices which will not be accepted unless the Solicitation (or Addendum) has clearly provided for alternate prices on the applicable Forms; b.evidence of collusion between or among Proposers; c.work for which the Proposer is committed by contract, which, in the Authority's judgment and sole discretion, might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the Contract if awarded to the Proposer; d.being behind on the approved completion schedule for any existing contract with the Authority, being involved in litigation with the Authority, or having been declared by the Authority to be in default on a previous contract with the Authority; e.poor, negligent, or defective performance of work for the Authority or any other party on prior projects, which, in the Authority's judgment and sole discretion, raises doubts as to the Proposer's ability to properly perform the Contract; f.appearance of the Proposer on the Department of General Services' Convicted Vendors List; g.submitting more than one (1) price on each item even though it has two (2) or more types or styles that will meet specifications. Proposers must determine for themselves which to offer; h.vio lating the Cone of Silence; i.having any real or apparent conflict of interest, including any relationship with or interest in those firms who have assisted the Authority in the preparation of the Solicitation; j.misstating or omitting a material fact in the Proposal, submitting a Proposal that is conditional, or submitting a proposal that cont ains unauthorized conditions, limitations, exceptions, or alterations; k.failing to properly: (i) execute any Form; (ii) execute any Proposal Security; (iii) execute other required documents; or (iv) meet the minimum requirements of the Solicitation; or l.any other reason, as determined in the sole discretion of the Authority, that warrants rejection of the Proposal or disqualification of the Proposer, including listing unqualified subcontractors or failing to provide adequate references for the Proposer and/or any subcontractors upon request. The Au thority may cancel or postpone the Solicitation and may reject any and all Proposals, with or without cause, and may waive any minor irregularity in any Proposal. 14.TAXES. The Authority is exempt from the following taxes: (a) State of Florida Sales Tax by Certificate No.85-8012646346C-1; and (b) Federal Excise Tax Registration No. 59-6018367. The only purchases allowed to be made using these exemptions are to be made on either an Authority Purchase Order or an Authority check. The sales tax exemption does not apply to goods or services that are purchased or consumed by the Proposer for which the Proposer is deemed to be the ultimate consumer. The Proposal price shall include all applicable taxes and charges, if any. 15.CARTAGE. All cartage and package charges shall be included in the Proposal price. 16.DEVIATIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS. In addition to the requirements of the previous paragraph, all requests for deviations from the specifications must be submitted as a written question prior to the deadline for questions. Proposals may be rejected as non-responsive if deviations are used without being approved in an Addendum. 17.DISCOUNTS. ALL DISCOUNTS OTHER THAN PROMPT PAYMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL PRICE. Prompt payment discounts will be considered during the administration of the Contract, but will not be considered when evaluating the Proposal price. 18.PROVISION FOR OTHER AGENCIES. By signing and submitting its Proposal, the Proposer hereby agrees to extend the terms, conditions, and other negotiated agreements to any Transit Authority, or any City, County, or State Government agency within the State of Florida. It is understood that some negotiated agreements may require further negotiations between the successful Proposer and the entity desiring to benefit from this Solicitation. Any such resulting agreements will be independent of the Authority. 19.PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT AS AGENT. When the Contracts, Procurement and Inventory Department is acting as agent for "other public activities” defined as activit ies receiving financial support in part from the Authority but not under the direct governing jurisdiction of the Authority, the name of such public activity shall be substituted for the words "JTA" and "Authority" throughout the Solicitation and Contract . 20.ETHICS PROVISION. The Proposer, by affixing its signature to the Proposal and/or by accepting a Purchase Order, represents that it has reviewed the provision of the Jacksonville Ethics Code contained in chapter 602, Jacksonville Ordinance Code, and the provisions of the Procurement Code contained in chapter 126, Jacksonville Ordinance Code. 21.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO CONTRACT TERMS. By signing the Proposal, the Proposer acknowledges its agreement to all terms, conditions, and specifications contained in this Solicitation and resulting Contract, if any. When the Authority issues a Purchase Order(s), the Bidder shall comply with all the terms, conditions, and specifications contained in this Solicitation and resulting Contract, per the Order of Precedence in the Contract, until expiration or termination of the Contract. The work is to begin only after proper authorization and issuance of a Purchase Order or a Notice to Proceed. 22.NO PROPOSAL PREP COSTS. Under no circumstances will the Authority compensate any Proposer for the costs associated with responding to this Solicitation. 23.ALL-INCLUSIVE PROPOSAL. The Proposal shall include, at no additional cost to the Authority, all necessary safety equipment: in addition, all necessary taxes, licenses, permits, and insurance shall also be obtained by the Proposer at no additional cost to the Authority. 24.REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. The Authority reserves the right to seek clarification and supplemental information from any or all Proposers when the Proposal contains any information or implication that is ambiguous. 25.PUBLIC RECORDS AND GOVERNMENT IN THE SUNSHINE LAWS. The Authority is subject to the Florida Public Records Law, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and possibly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In compliance therewith, at the sole discretion of the Authority, the Authority may disseminate or make available to any person, without the consent of the Proposer, information regarding the Contract or the Proposal, including without limitation: requirements; specifications; drawings; sketches; schematics; models; samples; tools; computer or other apparatus programs; and technical information or data, whether or written or oral, furnished to the Authority in connection with this Solicitation. 26.AVAILABILITY OF PROPOSALS AFTER OPENING. In accordance with the Florida Public Records Law, Florida Statute Section 119, copies of all Proposals are available for public inspection thirty (30) days after the opening of Proposals or on the date of Notice of Intent to Award, whichever is earlier. Proposers may review opened Proposals once they are available for public inspection by contacting the JTA Public Records Office at publicrecords@jtafla.com. If JTA rejects all Proposals submitted in response to a competitive Solicitation and concurrently provides notice of its intent to reissue the competitive Solicitation, the rejected Proposals remain exempt from §§ 119.07(1) and 119.24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until such time as JTA provides notice of an intended decision concerning the reissued competitive Solicitation or until JTA withdraws the reissued competitive Solicitation. A Proposal is not exempt for longer than twelve (12) months after the initial notice rejecting all Proposals. 27.SUDAN/IRAN PROHIBITION. Pursuant to Section 287.135, Florida Statutes, by submitting the Proposal, the Proposer certifies that it is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. 28.STANDARD ASSURANCES (including Non-Collusion and Debarment Certifications). By submitting a signed Proposal, each Proposer certifies, under penalty of perjury, that: A.The Proposer understands all requirements and, if selected, the Proposer will comply with all of the requirements of the Solicitation, the Proposal, and any resulting Contract. B.The signatory of the Proposer is of lawful age, and no other person, firm, or corporation, other than those clearly identified in the Proposal, has any interest in the Proposal and/or any resulting Contract. C.The Proposal is made without any understanding, agreement, or connection with any other Proposer or potential Proposer for the Contract, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; no attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person, entity, partnership, or corporation to submit or not submit a Proposal for the purpose of restricting competition; the prices in the Proposal have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement with any other Proposer or with any other competitor for the purpose of restricting competition as to any other matter relating to such prices; unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been noted in the Proposal have not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by the Proposer prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other Proposer or to any competitor. D.The Proposer is familiar with, and the Proposal is in full compliance with, all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and the Proposer shall fully comply with same during the entire term of the Contract. The Proposer certifies that the Proposal complies with all applicable safety requirements, such as those required by OSHA, EPA, and the Authority. E.The Proposer understands that a person or affiliate (as defined by Florida law) who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a Proposal or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a Proposal or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit Proposals or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or contractor under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Florida Statutes section 287.017 for Category Two for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. By submitting a signed Proposal, the Proposer certifies, under penalty of perjury, that no person, entity, or affiliate involved in the Proposal is in violation of the restriction noted above. F.If the Proposal is over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the Proposer understands that the Contract awarded under this Solicitation, if any, is a covered transaction for purposes of the following statutes and regulations and the Proposer is required to comply with 2 CFR Part 1200, 2 CFR Part 180, Executive Orders 12549 and 12689, and 31 U.S.C. § 6101 note, as each may be amended from time to time. By submitting a signed Proposal, the Proposer certifies, that: 1.The Proposer is not currently debarred or suspended by the Authority under the Authority's rules, and the Proposer will comply and facilitate compliance with U.S. DOT regulations, “Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment,” 2 CFR part 1200, which adopts and supplements the provisions of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (U.S. OMB) “Guidelines to Agencies on Government -wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement),” 2 CFR part 180. 2.The Proposer and its principals and subrecipients at the first tier: a.Are eligible to participate in covered transactions of any federal department or agency and are not presently: (1) Debarred, (2) Suspended, (3) Proposed for debarment, (4) Declared ineligible, (5) Voluntarily excluded, or (6) Disqualified; b.The Proposer's management has not, within a three (3) year period preceding its Proposal, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against any member of management for: (1)Commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction, or contract under a public transaction, (2)Violation of any federal or state antitrust statute, or (3)Commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making any false statement, or receiving stolen property; c.The Proposer is not presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state, or local), with commission of any of the offenses listed in the preceding Section 1.b of this Certification; d.The Proposer has not had one (1) or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default within a three (3) year period preceding this Certification; e.If, at a later time, the Proposer receives any information that contradicts the statements of subparagraphs 2.a – 2.d above, the Proposer will promptly provide that information to the Authority; f.The Proposer will treat each lower tier subcontract under this Contract as a covered lower tier contract for purposes of 2 CFR part 1200 and 2 CFR part 180 if it: (1) Equals or exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), (2) Is for audit services, or (3) Requires the consent of a federal official; and g.The Proposer will require that each covered lower tier subcontractor: (1) Comply and facilitate compliance with the federal requirements of 2 CFR parts 180 and 1200, and (2) Assure that each lower tier participant in this Contract is not presently declared by any federal department or agency to be: (a) Debarred, (b) Suspended, (c) Proposed for debarment, (d) Declared ineligible to participate, (e) Voluntarily excluded from participation, or (f) Disqualified from participation. 3.The Proposer shall provide a written explanation attached to the Signature Page of the Proposal if it or any of its principals, including any of its first tier subrecipients or any of its third-party participants at a lower tier, are unable to certify compliance with the preceding statements in this Certification. If requested by the Authority, the Proposer shall execute the FDOT Form 375- 30-32. 29.RECYCLED PRODUCTS. When the Contract is or may be supported from federal funds, the Authority is required to comply with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6962, which requires the Authority to provide a competitive preference to products and services that conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and are energy efficient. EPA guidelines, “Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials,” 40 CFR Part 247, direct the Authority to specify a competitive preference for products containing recycled materials identified in those EPA guidelines for contracts valued at ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or more. For information about the EPA’s recovered materials advisory notices, see the EPA’s Web site: http://www.epa.gov/cpg/backgrnd.htm. 30.PROTESTS. All protests concerning this Solicitation and any award hereunder shall comply with and be governed by the Authority's Solicitation and Award Protest Rule 004 (the "Rule"), a copy of which is available from the Authority's website at www.jtafla.com (under "About JTA," then "Administrative Rules," then "Rule 004") or from the Authority's Administrative Offices at 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200, Jacksonville, Florida 32202. Under the Rule, any person who wishes t o protest the contents of this Solicitation, including Addenda, shall file with the Authority's Senior Contracts, Procurement, and Inventory Manager a written Notice of Protest, no less than five (5) business days before the Proposal’s due date, and comply with the other requirements of the Rule. Under the Rule, any person who is adversely affected by the Authority's decision or intended decision with respect to an award under this Solicitation shall file with the Authority's CEO and Senior Contracts, Procurement, and Inventory Manager a written protest, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fifth (5th) business day after the posting of the Notice of Decision or Intended Decision, and shall comply with the other requirements of the Rule. Failure to timely file a Notice of Protest shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under the Rule. SECTION III EVALUATION CRITERIA 1.Content and Form of Proposal •Proposals should contain no more than thirty (30) pages, exclusive of the covers, staff resumes, required Exhibit s, good faith efforts documentation, and tab sheets. •Text and figures should be printed on one side of the paper only. •Proposal should contain a minimum font size of 11; margins should be a minimum of 1 inch for top, bottom, right, and left. •Proposals should be on 8 ½ x 11 paper bound on one side. •Do not include resumes for staff that will not be significantly involved in providing the services. •The cover page of the Proposal should contain the following: o Legal name of the Proposer; o Primary location (physical address); o Local address, if applicable; o Telephone number and e-mail address; o Name of contact person; and o Authorized signature of contact person. •The Proposal should be divided into different sections with the use of tabs. The tabs should be labeled as follows: Tab No. Category Tab 1 Required Forms Tab 2 Technical Specifications Tab 3 Price Proposal Form Tab 4 After Sale Service Tab 5 Warranty Tab 6 Quality Control Program Tab 7 Training 2.Proposers Responsible for Addressing Criteria Proposers, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the next section, will rate their technical specifications in relation to the specifications outlined in Exhibit A, Technical Requirements. Proposers should structure the Proposal in a manner that properly and clearly addresses each of the Evaluation criteria. It is the sole responsibility of each Proposer to address each of the Evaluation criteria and to provide with the Proposal any other information which would be relevant to the Evaluation criteria. When in doubt as to any requirement or criteria, submit a written question to procurement@jtafla.com by the question deadline on Tuesday, August 14 at 5:00 PM. 3.Evaluation Criteria Tab 1. Technical Specifications (25%) The JTA will consider the type of construction and how subcomponent electrical systems are integrated into the OEM wiring system. The JTA will take into consideration the comments made by the Responders in the Technical Specifications. Excellent Good Fair Poor Body material, type 5 4.75 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3 2.75 2.5 2 1.5 1 Body design 5 4.75 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3 2.75 2.5 2 1.5 1 Sub-floor design 5 4.75 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3 2.75 2.5 2 1.5 1 Electrical system/components 5 4.75 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3 2.75 2.5 2 1.5 1 HVAC systems/components 5 4.75 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3 2.75 2.5 2 1.5 1 Tab 2. Price Proposal Form(25%) Pricing, for the sake of evaluation purposes only, will be based on the proposed base bus price only. Each proposed price will be evaluated based on its relation to the competitive range. The Competitive range will be determined once the proposals are received. An average cost will be established and a deviation of no more than 10% allowed. Tab 3. After Sale Service (20%) The Supplier will indicate their intent to keep price catalogs and parts manuals current and whether the Supplier pays for the cost of freight. The JTA will also consider the availability, location, and qualification of the field service support staff and engineering staff. Past performance records are also included here. Excellent Good Fair Poor 20 17.5 15 13.5 10 7.5 5 4.5 3 1.5 1 0 Tab 4. Warranty (10%) The JTA expects all parties responding to this RFP to meet the warranty criteria. The JTA will also review additional warranties that are offered. Warranties will be evaluated in terms of longevity, cost, and the overall best value to the Purchasers. Excellent Good Fair Poor OEM Chassis 4 3.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0 .5 .25 0 Manufacturer’s Warranty 4 3.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0 .5 .25 0 Air Conditioning System 4 3.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0 .5 .25 0 Alternator 4 3.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0 .5 .25 0 Wheelchair Ramp 4 3.5 2.25 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1.0 .5 .25 0 Tab 5. Quality Control Program (10%) Supplier has out line an effective Quality Control Program to include detail pr ocesses and procedures they have in place. Provide an example of the documents used in the quality control process. In addition, explain the reporting mechanisms available. Excellent Good Fair Poor 5 4.5 4 3.75 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Tab 6. Training (10%) Training is important to the JTA as this new vehicle may have components unfamiliar to the Purchasers’ maintenance personnel. Taken into consideration is the type of training provided, qualifications of the instructors, and the amount of training provided. Excellent Good Fair Poor 1 .75 .50 .25 4. Evaluation Process and Basis of Award The Authority will evaluated the Proposals using the evaluation criteria set forth above. Proposals will be evaluated to ensure that each proposal is priced in a competitive range and meets all the required criteria. The award of this Contract shall be made to the Proposers whose proposal meets the established criteria listed herein. The Authority will enter into negotiations wit h all responsive and responsible Proposers. The Authority shall determine, at its sole discretion, when negotiations are unlikely to yield agreement, and may thereupon terminate such negotiations with a Proposer. The Authority may cancel the Solicitation at any time for any reason. If negotiations are unsuccessful, the Authority may cancel the Solicitation. No commencement of negotiations with a Proposer binds the Authority in any manner whatsoever or gives rise to any contractual or quasi-contractual responsibilities of the Authority. The Contract shall not be binding upon the Authority until the Authority has delivered a fully executed Contract to the Proposer. SECTION IV INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS General Information and Insurance Requirements 1.Commercial General Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Commercial General Liability insurance coverage (ISO or comparable Occurrence Form) for the life of this Contract. Modified Occurrence or Claims Made forms are not acceptable. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fir e Damage Limit (any one fire) $ 300,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $ 10,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit (other than Products & Completed Operations) Applies Per Project $2,000,000 General liability coverage shall continue to apply to “bodily injury” and to “property damage” occurring after all work on the Site of the covered operations to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insureds has been completed and shall continue after that portion of “your work” out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use. 2.Workers’ Compensation And Employer’s Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Part One – Workers’ Compensation Insurance – Unlimited Statutory Benefits as provided in the Florida Statutes and Part Two – Employer’s Liability Insurance Bodily Injury By Accident $500,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Each Employee *If leased employees are used, policy must include an Alternate Employer’s Endorsement 3.Automobile Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Automobile Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Combined Single Limit – Each Accident $1,000,000 Covered Automobiles shall include any auto owned or operated by the insured Supplier/Vendor, insured Sub-Sub-Supplier/Vendor including autos which are leased, hired, rented or borrowed, including autos owned by their employees which are used in connection with the business of the respective Supplier/Vendor or Sub-Sub-Supplier/Vendor. 4. Excess Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Excess Liability (Umbrella Form) insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $5,000,000 Aggregate Limit $5,000,000 5. General Conditions Supplier/Vendor shall require each of his Sub-Supplier/Vendors to likewise purchase and maintain at their expense Commercial General Liability insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability coverage, Automobile Liability insurance and Excess Liability insurance coverage meeting the same limit and requirements as the Supplier/Vendors insurance. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to Jacksonville Transportation Authority for the Supplier/Vendor’s insurance must be received within five (5) days of Notification of Selection and at time of signing Agreement. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain an endorsement that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement will include a provision that policies, except Workers’ Compensation, are primary and noncontributory to any insurance maintained by the Supplier/Vendor. Jacksonville Transportation Authority must be named as an Additional Insured and endorsed onto the Commercial General Liability (CGL), Auto Liability and Excess Liability policy (ies). A copy of the endorsement(s) must be supplied to Jacksonville Transportation Authority ten (10) days following the execution of the agreement or prior to the first date of services, whichever comes first. CGL policy Additional Insured Endorsement must include Ongoing and Completed Operations (Form CG2010 11 84 OR Form CG2010 04 13 and GC2037 04 13 edition or equivalent). Other Additional Insured forms might be acceptable but only if modified to delete the word “ongoing” and insert the sentence “Operations include ongoing and completed operations”. CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Work performed by Sub- Supplier/Vendors on Your Behalf (CG2294 or CG2295) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Contractual Liability Limitation Endorsement (CG2139) or Amendment of Insured Contract Definition (CG 2426) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Premises Rented to you (CG 2145) CGL policy shall include broad form contractual liability coverage for the Supplier/Vendors covenants to and indemnification of the Authority under this Contract Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain a provision under General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers’ Compensation to include a Waiver of Subrogation clause in favor of Jacksonville Transportation Authority. All Certificates of Insurance shall be dated and shall show the name of the insured Supplier/Vendor, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the policy number assigned its effective date and its termination date and a list of any exclusionary endorsements. All Insurers must be authorized to transact insurance business in the State of Florida as provided by Florida Statute 624.09(1) and the most recent Rating Classification/Financial Category of the insurer as published in the latest edition of “Best’s Key Rating Guide’ (Property-Casualty) must be at least A- or above. All o f the above referenced Insurance coverage is required to remain in force for the duration of this Agreement and for the duration of the warranty period. Accordingly, at the time of submission of final application for payment, Supplier/Vendor shall submit an additional Certificate of Insurance evidencing continuation of such coverage. If the Supplier/Vendor fails to procure, maintain or pay for the required insurance, Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right (but not the obligation) to secure same in the name of and for the account of Supplier/Vendor, in which event, Supplier/Vendor shall pay the cost thereof and shall furnish upon demand, all information that may be required to procure such insurance. Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right to back-charge Supplier/Vendor for the cost of procuring such insurance. The failure of Jacksonville Transportation Authority to demand certificates of insurance and endorsements evidencing the required insurance or to identify any deficiency in Supplier/Vendors coverage based on the evidence of insurance provided by the Supplier/Vendor shall not be construed as a waiver by Jacksonville Transportation Authority of Supplier/Vendor’s obligation to procure, maintain and pay for required insurance. The insurance requirements set forth herein shall in no way limit Supplier/Vendors liability arising out of the work performed under the Agreement or related activities. The inclusions, coverage and limits set forth herein are minimum inclusion, coverage and limits. The required minimum policy limits set forth shall not be construed as a limitation of Supplier/Vendor’s right under any policy with higher limits, and no policy maintained by the Supplier/Vendor shall be construed as limiting the type, quality or quantity of insurance coverage that Supplier/Vendor should maintain. Supplier/Vendor shall be responsible for determining appropriate inclusions, coverage and limits, which may be in excess of the minimum requirements set forth herein. If the insurance of any Supplier/Vendor or any Sub-Supplier/Vendor contains deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s), the Supplier/Vendor or Sub-Supplier/Vendor whose insurance contains such provision(s) shall be solely responsible for payment of such deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s). The failure of Supplier/Vendor to fully and strictly comply at all times with the insurance requirements set forth herein shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement. SECTION V CONTRACT FORM THIS CONTRACT is made this ________ day of _________________, 2017, by and between the JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (the “Authority” or the “JTA”), a public body corporate and politic whose principal business address is 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, and (SUPPLIER FIRM NAME) (the “Supplier”), a (State of organization) (select: Corporation/Limited Liability Company/Partnership/Limited Partnership/Limited Liability Partnership/Limited Liability Limited Partnership/Non-profit ) whose principal business address is (Supplier Address). W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Authority has publicly advertised the Request for Proposals, RFP P- 18-005 (as amended, the "RFP" or the "Solicitation") and the entire Solicitation package is incorporated herein; WHEREAS, the Supplier has prepared and submitted its Proposal, dated (date of Supplier's Proposal) (the "Proposal"), which is incorporated herein; WHEREAS, the Authority has selected the Supplier, in accordance with all applicable laws, to provide the specific scope of work, services, and goods (and all other items necessary, proper for or incidental thereto) that are described in the Technical Specifications (“Exhibit A”) and made a part hereof, on the terms herein contained; WHEREAS, the Supplier hereby represents and warrants to the Authority that the Supplier is a legal entity organized/incorporated under the laws of the State of (State), is authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida, has taken all entity action necessary with respect to the execution and delivery of its obligations under this Contract and the officer of the Supplier who has executed and delivered this Contract is duly authorized with respect thereto; WHEREAS, the Supplier hereby represents and warrants to the Authority that the Supplier is qualified and responsible regarding the goods and/or services to be provided hereunder, that all Supplier’s licenses required and regulated by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation are active and current, that each of the officers, employees, and agents of the Supplier who will perform services in connection with this Contract on behalf of the Supplier meet the conditions of this clause, and that all individuals performing services are properly licensed when required by law; NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Authority and the Supplier do hereby agree as follows: I.Scope of Work 1.The Supplier hereby agrees to provide the scope of work, perform the services, and furnish the goods and materials (and provide all other items necessary, proper for, or incidental thereto) that are set forth in the Solicitation and “Exhibit A”. Throughout this Contract, all references to the term "work" include all requirements of the specifications, regardless of whether it involves the provision of goods or services or both. 2.Performance of Services. All of the services shall be performed by the Supplier and its authorized subcontractors as identified by the Supplier in the Schedule of Subsuppliers/Subcontractors Form. Notwithstanding the use of one or more subcontractors by the Supplier, the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that all of the services performed and to be performed hereunder shall be the sole responsibility of the Supplier, and Supplier hereby agrees that it warrants all such work as if such work had been performed directly by the Supplier. 3.Order of Precedence. All of the terms and conditions of the Solicitation are hereby incorporated herein in full. In the event of a conflict between the terms of any of the following, the more stringent requirement shall apply. If the conflict cannot be resolved by following the most stringent requirement, the following order of precedence shall govern: (1) Section VI of the Solicitation that contains the required clauses for federally- assisted contracts, when applicable; (2) properly authorized written Contract Amendments; (3) properly authorized Purchase Orders; (4) this Contract; (5) the Specifications; (6) Special Conditions; (7) the Solicitation Addenda, if any; and (8) the Solicitation. As between the drawings and other specifications, the drawings take precedence over other specifications as to quantity and location and the specifications take precedence over drawings as to quality of materials and workmanship. 4.Review of Work. Any review of the work by the Authority, its other suppliers, or its partner agencies, including the City of Jacksonville, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is for the sole benefit of the Authority. No such review, acceptance, or approval to proceed to the next level of service, nor the payment of any invoice (including the last invoice, release of retainage, or acceptance of final reports or plans and specifications) shall be deemed to constitute: (1) detailed review or checking of design, details, or accuracy of the Supplier's work; (2) a professional approval by the Authority; or (3) a release of the Supplier from any of its obligations and responsibilities for the accuracy of the plans and specifications. The Authority's review, approval, acceptance of, or payment for any of the services under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver of any of the Authority's rights under this Contract or any cause of action it may have arising out of this Contract. 5.Contract Amendment(s). If any modification to the Contract or a Purchase Order is required, the Parties shall execute an Amendment before the Supplier begins performing any additional or changed tasks associated therewith. Reference herein to the Contract includes all Amendments, if any. The Supplier will only be entitled to adjustments to compensation and/or contract time if such adjustments are included in an Amendment. When possible, all Amendments shall be based upon the previously agreed-to hourly rates or unit costs. In the event that the Supplier and the Authority are not able to reach an agreement as to the amount of compensation to be paid to the Supplier for supplemental or reduced work desired by the Authority, the Supplier shall continue to proceed with the supplemental or reduced work in a timely manner for the amount determined by the Authority to be reasonable. In such event, the Supplier will have the right to submit the dispute to the Vice President of Administration for resolution in accordance with the Disputes Section 9 Paragraph 5 below; however, in no event will the resolution of the dispute through the courts or otherwise, relieve the Supplier from the obligation to timely perform the supplemental work. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Authority has the right to terminate the Contract if the Parties fail to reach an agreement on an Amendment. 6. Standard of Care and Quality of Goods. The Supplier shall perform (and cause all subcontractors to perform) all services in a manner that is consistent with the level of reasonable care, skill, judgment and ability provided by others providing a similar type of service in the same geographic area. The standard of care shall not be altered by the application, interpretation, or construction of any other provision of this Contract or any document incorporated or referenced herein, including the Solicitation. Unless otherwise expressly allowed by the specifications, all items furnished by the Supplier in connection with the work performed hereunder must be completely new and free from defects. 7. Personnel. All of the personnel assigned by the Supplier and all subcontractors shall be qualified and authorized under state and local laws to perform the applicable services, whether by appropriate license, registration, certification, or other authorization. The Supplier shall not change its assigned Project management staff, delete any of the identified subcontractors, or engage additional companies as subcontractors hereunder, without prior written approval of the Authority. Supplier agrees that it will remove from assignment under this Contract any employee or subcontractor, upon request by the Authority, which may be with or without cause. Any such removal shall not necessarily reflect on the capability or competence of the individual or entity so removed. Nothing herein shall affect the status or responsibilities of the Supplier as an independent contractor solely responsible for the method, manner, and means chosen by it to perform hereunder. 8. Schedule(s). The Supplier agrees that time is of the essence for the performance of each of the Supplier's obligations hereunder. The Supplier shall complete the work in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Solicitation and provide schedule progress reports, if applicable, in a format acceptable to the Authority and at intervals established by the Authority. The Authority will be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of work being performed by the Supplier and of the details thereof. Either Party may request and be granted a conference. If, at any time prior to completion of the work, the Supplier determines that the work is not progressing according to the schedule, the Supplier shall immediately notify the Authority in writing and shall provide a description of the cause of the delay, the effect on the schedule, and the recommended action to meet the schedule. An extension of time for performance shall be the Supplier's sole and exclusive remedy for any delay of any kind or nature caused by the Authority. 9. Corrections and Clarifications. Upon request by the Authority, the Supplier shall promptly make any revisions or corrections that resulted from any error and/or omission by the Supplier or subcontractors, and shall clarify any ambiguities, without additional compensation. Acceptance of the work by the Authority shall not relieve the Supplier of the responsibility for subsequent corrections and clarifications. At any time during any phase of work for which the Supplier or any of its subcontractors has performed services for the Authority, or during any phase of work performed by others, based on data furnished by the Supplier to the Authority, the Supplier shall confer with the Authority for the purpose of interpreting the information furnished and/or to correct any errors and/or omissions made by the Supplier or its subcontractors. The Supplier shall perform all services necessary to correct its or its subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions without additional compensation, even though final payment may have been received therefore. If any work or service contains an error, omission, deficiency, or mistake, the Authority may back-charg e against the Supplier all reasonable costs incurred in identifying, documenting, and remedying any such error, omission, deficiency, or mistake. Such back-charge amounts may be deducted from any payment(s) due the Supplier. If the payment(s) due the Supplier are not sufficient to cover such amount(s), the Supplier shall pay the difference to the Authority. The Supplier shall be liable, and shall reimburse the Authority, for any and all expenses incurred by the Authority, above those that would normally be experienced if the Supplier’s or its subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions had not occurred. II.Compensation, Invoices, and Terms of Payment 1.The Supplier shall deliver invoices to the Authority on a monthly basis for the work performed hereunder, in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. A written progress report, in format and detail approved by the JTA Project Manager, shall accompany each invoice. 2.All invoices shall reflect the applicable Proposal prices and shall show details of the computation of the amount requested in a form satisfactory to the Authority. Invoices shall be monthly from the first day of the month to the last day of the month and must be submitted not later than the tenth (10th) of the following month. Billings of less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall not be submitted and shall be accumulated to following months' invoice(s), unless the invoice is for the final payment of a work, is a final Purchase Order, or is the fiscal year-end invoice. To assist the Authority with annual financial close-out, the Supplier shall also submit an end-of-the-fiscal-year invoice not later than October 10 of each year for all unbilled services, fees, and costs performed through September 30 of that calendar year. 3.Invo icing for any travel expenses, when authorized by the terms of this Contract and by the Authority's Project Manager, will be in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. 4.The Supplier shall provide the Authority with Certificates of Origin for any and all steel, iron, and/or manufactured goods delivered or utilized by the Supplier in any work or Project contemplated herein, regardless of the individual value of such steel, iron, and/or manufactured goods, when the overall Contract value meets or exceeds Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The Supplier shall also provide separate Certificates of Origin for each component part contained in any and all manufactured goods delivered or utilized by the Supplier in any work or Project under this Contract. Certificates of Origin must accompany all related invoices that the Supplier submits to the Authority for payment. If the Supplier fails to submit required Certificates of Origin with its invoices, the Authority may withhold payments due the Supplier until the Supplier has complied therewith. 5.The general cost principles and procedures for the negotiation and administration, and the determination or allowance of costs under this Contract will be as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, Titles 23, 48, 49, Rule Chapter 14-75, Florida Administrative Code, and other pertinent federal and state regulations, as applicable, with the understanding that there is no conflict between state regulations and federal regulations in that the more restrictive of the applicable regulations will govern. 6.Records of costs incurred under the terms of this Contract shall be maintained by the Supplier and upon written request, made available to the Authority at all times during the period of this Contract and for five (5) years after final payment is made for the work pursuant to this Contract. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the Authority upon request. 7. Records of costs incurred will include: (1) the Supplier's general accounting records and Project records; (2) supporting documents and records of the Supplier and all subcontractors within the scope of this Contract; and (3) all other records related to the Contract that are considered necessary by the Authority for a proper audit of costs. 8. The Authority will have the right to retain, out of any payment due the Supplier under this Contract, an amount sufficient to satisfy any amount due and owing to the Authority by the Supplier on this Contract or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Authority. The Authority may withhold payment on any invoice in accordance with the Liquidated Damages provision, if any, or if none, the Authority may withhold the amount of its actual damages when the Supplier is in default under any provision of this Contract, or when the Authority determines that the schedule cannot be met and an extension of time is not warranted. The Authority may also withhold payment when payment fro m the Supplier is due in connection with indemnification or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Authority. This right to withhold payments will continue until such time as the Authority has been made whole. 9. All invoices requesting payment for subcontractor's services, supplier's services, reimbursable items, or expense items, must have copies of actual invoices or receipts attached which support the amounts invoiced, in such form and with such supporting detail as the Authority may require. 10. The Authority shall have the right, but not the obligation, based upon sworn statements of accounts from the subcontractors, and in accordance with the Supplier's written request, to pay a specific amount directly to a subcontractor. In such event, the Supplier agrees that any such payments shall be treated as a direct payment to the Supplier’s account. 11. The Authority shall make payments to the Supplier based upon the approved invoices and supporting documentation and deliverables within thirty (30) days of the receipt by the Authority of a complete invoice. All invoices shall be sent to the attention of the Accounts Payable Office at accountspayable@jtafla.com, and shall include back-up documentation as required by the Authority, including the applicable Supplier Request for Payment Form (“Exhibit C”). Invoice payment requirements do not start until a properly completed invoice is provided to the Authority. If an invoice is not approved, in whole or in part, the Authority will inform the Supplier of the issue and Supplier will not be paid until the issue has been resolved to the satisfaction of the Authority. 12. Prompt Payment Discounts. Discounts for early payment may be offered either in the original Proposal or on individual invoices submitted under the Contract. Discounts that are included in the Proposal become a part of the Contract and are binding on the Supplier for all invoices submitted under the Contract. If the Supplier has offered a prompt payment discount, the Authority will only apply discounts that equal or exceed two percent (2%) of the invoice amount for payments that are made between ten (10) and twenty-nine (29) days after the Authority's receipt of a complete, acceptable invoice. For purposes of this Paragraph, time shall be computed from the date the invoice was received by the Authority and payment shall be considered to have been made on the date which appears on the payment check. 13. All compensation for services under a particular work or Purchase Order is subject to and contingent upon the availability of the federal, state, and/or local funding source that is applicable to the work or Purchase Order. 14. The acceptance of final payment by the Supplier shall be a full release of the Authority and its members, officers, agents, and employees for any and all claims arising out of or relating to this Contract. The Supplier hereby waives all indirect, incidental, special, and consequential damages in any proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract. III. Ownership of Documents and Inspection of Work 1. When the Contract requires services, all correspondence, documents, drafts, data compilations and tabulations, research, analysis, plans, reports, and work product of any kind, in any medium, submitted to or prepared by or for the Supplier in connection with this Contract, are the sole property of the Authority and shall be scanned into electronic format and provided to the Authority in an indexed, logical, searchable format on computer Compact Disks (CDs) or other format acceptable to the Authority. Such correspondence must be provided to the Authority within thirty (30) days of the close-out of the assigned Project and must be received before the Authority will release final payment to the Supplier. The original documents shall be maintained by the Supplier for a period of five (5) years after the completion of final payment by the Authority. Thereafter, or upon termination of this Contract for any reason, such records shall immediately be delivered to the Authority. 2. The Authority wil l have the right to visit the Supplier's site for inspection of the Supplier's work at any time during reasonable work hours. In addition to the inspection and audit rights set forth herein, the Authority, its agents, and employees may perform inspections of the work at any reasonable time and at any stage of production. Such inspection or failure to inspect on any occasion shall not affect the Authority's rights, or the Supplier's obligations, under warranty or other provisions of this Contract, nor shall such inspection be deemed acceptance of services. IV. Term of Contract and Termination 1. This Contract shall commence upon execution by the Authority and shall be effective for the following five (5) years. 2. The Authority may terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, by delivering to the Supplier a written Notice of Termination. The Authority may terminate the Contract for its convenience or for failure of the Supplier to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder, including without limitation, the Supplier’s failure to complete work within the required time or the Supplier’s failure to diligently proceed with the work to the satisfaction of the Authority. The Supplier shall have the opportunity to affect a remedy within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Termination. Upon the Supplier’s receipt of a written Notice of Termination from the Authority, the Supplier shall: (1) immediately stop all further work unless otherwise directed in writing by the Authority as no compensation shall be paid for any work performed after receipt of such notice (provided however that expense of a nature which cannot be immediately terminated shall be reimbursed at the minimum amount which may reasonably be arranged for such termination, if the Authority concurs); and (2) deliver to the Authority's Project Manager copies of all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and other information and materials prepared while performing this Contract, whether completed or in process, in both paper and electronic formats acceptable to the Authority. In addition, if the Supplier has possession of Authority goods, it shall immediately provide the Authority with an accounting of same and protect and preserve those goods until surrendered to the Authority or its agent(s) or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Authority. 3.These termination provisions shall be made a part of all subcontracts under this Contract. 4.Aft er the effective date of the Notice of Termination, the Authority will only pay for work/services already performed and goods already delivered and accepted in accordance with the terms of the Contract. At the discretion of the Authority, the Authority may make an equitable adjustment to the compensation due to the Supplier, but under no circumstances shall the Supplier be entitled to payment for any anticipatory profit, for work/services not yet performed, or for goods not accepted by the Authority. 5.The Supplier's obligations to the Authority that arise from the Supplier's improper acts or omissions s hall survive the termination of this Contract. 6.In the event that termination is due to default or breach by the Supplier, the Authority may take over and complete the work. In such case, the Supplier shall be liable to the Authority for any additional cost occasioned thereby. 7.Should the Supplier: (1) fail to comply with any federal, state, or local law or regulation, including FTA circular 4220.1F as revised, and 49 CFR Part 18, if applicable; (2) fail to comply with any condition of this Contract; or (3) fail to complete the required work or furnish the required materials within the time required, the Authority reserves the right to purchase in the open market, or to take over and complete, the required item/work at the expense of the Supplier without waiving any right against the Supplier or its Surety, if any. 8.If t he total value of the Contract exceeds o ne million dollars ($1,000,000.00), the Authority may terminate the Contract if the Authority determines that the Supplier: (1) submitted a false certification required by Florida Statutes § 287.135; (2) has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; or (3) has been engaged in business operations in Syria. 9.For the purposes of this Contract, an event of insolvency with respect to either Party hereto shall be deemed to be a default under this Contract by such Party. The term "event of insolvency" shall mean any of the following: A.The insolvency; B.The making of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, the appointment of a receiver for the business or assets of such entity, or the application for the appointment of a receiver therefore; C. The filing of a petition by or on behalf of, or against such person or business in any bankruptcy court or under any bankruptcy or insolvency law; or D. The dissolution, liquidation or winding up of business. V. Records and Audit 1. The Supplier agrees to maintain appropriate records with respect to work performed and other items reimbursable hereunder, and such records shall be supported by payrolls, invoices, vouchers, and other documents evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. All checks, payrolls, invoices, and other documents pertaining in whole or in part to the work shall be clearly identified, readily accessible, and to the extent feasible, kept separate and apart from all other such documents not related to the work. 2. The Supplier shall provide access to records and reports in accordance with the following which are incorporated herein by reference: 49 U.S.C. 5325, 49 CFR 18.36(i), and 49 CFR 633.17, as applicable. 3. The Supplier shall permit the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies to inspect and audit all technical and economic Project data and records of the Supplier relating to its performance and its subcontracts under this Contract from the date of Contract through and until the expiration of five (5) years after completion or termination of the Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from performance of this Contract, in which case the Supplier agrees to maintain same until all said and affected agencies and their authorized representatives have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, or exceptions related thereto. 4. The Supplier shall provide, upon receipt of reasonable notice, free access to its books and records by the proper officers and representatives of the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies during reasonable business hours. Further, the said agencies and their authorized representatives shall have the right, pursuant to an inspection, to review, audit, reproduce, or copy excerpts and transcriptions therefrom as necessary, and to inspect all work data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Contract. The Supplier shall include provisions similar to this Paragraph in all subcontracts which it awards, including, but not limited to, the additional provisions of allowing the Supplier, the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies equal access to subcontractors' books and records. VI. Conflict of Interest 1. The Supplier shall not promise any employee of the Authority, whose duties include matters relating to or affecting the subject matter of this Contract, compensation of any kind or nature from the Supplier, while such employee is employed by the Authority, or for one (1) year thereafter. 2. The Supplier affirms that it will not take part in any activities that will be a conflict of interest with the Authority or that would appear to compromise the integrity of the Authority. The Supplier shall provide written notice to the Authority immediately upon occurrence or first identification of any potential conflict-of-interest situation. 3. Upon request by the Authority, the Supplier shall execute any Conflict-of-Interest Certification that may be required. VII. Debarred Proposers The Supplier has a continuing obligation to inform the Authority whether it is or has been placed on any debarred, suspended, or excluded parties list maintained by the United States Government or the State of Florida. Should the Supplier, including any of its officers or holders of a controlling interest, be included on such a list during the performance of this Contract, the Supplier shall immediately inform the Authority. This obligation must be included in all subcontracts. VIII. Indemnification 1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authority and its Board of Directors, officers, and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Supplier and other persons or entities employed or utilized by Supplier in the performance of this Contract. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Contract. The indemnification obligation hereunder shall not be limited in any way by amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable under workers' compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefit acts. 2. In the event applicable law renders any provision of this Section unenforceable, then solely to the extent necessary to conform such provision to the requirements of law to remedy such unenforceable matter, such provision is deemed revised so as to be enforceable under law. 3. In addition to the Supplier's indemnification obligation, the Supplier shall be responsible for all liability for loss or damages, and it shall also be responsible for the payment of any fines imposed by any federal, state, or local agency as a result of the Supplier's actions or failure to act. IX.Disputes, Defaults and Remedies 1.Liquidated Damages. The Parties recognize that it is of utmost importance for the Supplier to complete the Contract within the time specified herein. The Supplier understands and agrees that its failure to complete the Contract within the required time will significantly impact the Authority, and that the impacts, costs, and other damages resulting from that failure are impossible to reasonably quantify in advance. The Supplier therefore agrees as follows: if the Supplier fails to perform the services within the time specified in this Contract, the Supplier shall pay Liquidated Damages to the Authority of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per calendar day of delay. If the Authority terminates this Contract, in whole or in part, under the Disputes, Defaults, and Remedies Section of this Contract, the Supplier shall be liable for Liquidated Damages accruing until the Authority reasonably obtains delivery or performance of similar supplies or services from a substitute vendor. These Liquidated Damages are in addition to, not in lieu of, the excess costs to the Authority of repurchase that the Supplier will also be liable for. The Supplier will not be charged with Liquidated Damages if there is a delay in delivery or performance beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Supplier, as defined in the Force Majeure clause in this Contract. The Authority may withhold all payments due under the Contract until the Supplier’s liability for Liquidated Damages has been satisfied in full. The Authority's receipt of payment for Liquidated Damages does not preclude the Authority from pursuing any other rights or remedies available to it under the Contract, in accordance with Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, or otherwise in accordance with Florida law. 2.Upon a breach of any of the obligations of the Supplier or the Authority hereunder, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the rights and remedies provided under law, including, but not limited to the rights and remedies under the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Florida, if applicable, as well as those referenced in 49 CFR Part 18 and FTA Circular 4220.1F, as revised. In addition, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the other rights and remedies specified elsewhere in this Contract. 3.During any dispute, unless otherwise directed by the Authority, the Supplier shall continue to diligently perform the work while matters in dispute are outstanding, unless a Notice of Termination has been issued by the Authority. 4.Should the Supplier suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any act or omission of the Authority, or any of the Authority’s employees, agents, or others for whose acts the Authority is legally liable, a claim for damages therefore shall be made in writing to the Authority within fourteen (14) days after the first observance of such injury or damage. The failure to timely submit a written claim shall result in a waiver the Supplier's claim. 5.Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be decided in writing by the Authority's Vice President of Administration, and the decision rendered shall be final and conclusive for the Authority. 6.Mandatory Mediation. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be subject to mandatory pre-suit mediation under the auspices of a mediator to be selected by the Parties. Mediation must occur before a lawsuit is filed. Discovery prior to the scheduled mediation shall be limited to one (1) request for production of documents and two (2) depositions per Party not exceeding eight (8) hours total time per deposition. Each Party shall equally bear the costs of mediation and shall be solely responsible for its own attorneys’ fees and other legal costs prior to and during the mediation process. In the event the case does not settle at mediation, the Parties may re-depose either or both witnesses on non-repetitive matters. The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority may not have present at any such mediation a person or persons authorized to bind the Authority. If the mediation fails to produce a settlement, and the amount in controversy is below seventy-five t housand dollars ($75,000.00), the Parties may agree to submit the dispute to fast-track arbitration with an AAA arbitration panel. X.Insurance General Information and Insurance Requirements 1.Commercial General Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Commercial General Liability insurance coverage (ISO or comparable Occurrence Form) for the life of this Contract. Modified Occurrence or Claims Made forms are not acceptable. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fire Damage Limit (any one fire) $ 300,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $ 10,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit (other than Products & Completed Operations) Applies Per Project $2,000,000 General liability coverage shall continue to apply to “bodily injury” and to “property damage” occurring after all work on the Site of the covered operations to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insureds has been completed and shall continue after that portion of “your work” out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use. 2.Workers’ Compensation And Employer’s Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Part One – Workers’ Compensation Insurance – Unlimited Statutory Benefits as provided in the Florida Statutes and Part Two – Employer’s Liability Insurance Bodily Injury By Accident $500,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Each Employee *If leased employees are used, policy must include an Alternate Employer’s Endorsement 3.Automobile Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Automobile Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Combined Single Limit – Each Accident $1,000,000 Covered Automobiles shall include any auto owned or operated by the insured Supplier/Vendor, insured Sub-Sub-Supplier/Vendor including autos which are leased, hired, rented or borrowed, including autos owned by their employees which are used in connection with the business of the respective Supplier/Vendor or Sub-Sub-Supplier/Vendor. 4.Excess Liability Insurance The Supplier/Vendor shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier/Vendor’s expense Excess Liability (Umbrella Form) insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $5,000,000 Aggregate Limit $5,000,000 5.General Conditions Supplier/Vendor shall require each of his Sub-Supplier/Vendors to likewise purchase and maintain at their expense Commercial General Liability insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability coverage, Automobile Liability insurance and Excess Liability insurance coverage meeting the same limit and requirements as the Supplier/Vendors insurance. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to Jacksonville Transportation Authority for the Supplier/Vendor’s insurance must be received within five (5) days of Notification of Selection and at time of signing Agreement. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain an endorsement that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement will include a provision that policies, except Workers’ Compensation, are primary and noncontributory to any insurance maintained by the Supplier/Vendor. Jacksonville Transportation Authority must be named as an Additional Insured and endorsed onto the Commercial General Liability (CGL), Auto Liability and Excess Liability policy (ies). A copy of the endorsement(s) must be supplied to Jacksonville Transportation Authority ten (10) days following the execution of the agreement or prior to the first date of services, whichever comes first. CGL policy Additional Insured Endorsement must include Ongoing and Completed Operations (Form CG2010 11 84 OR Form CG2010 04 13 and GC2037 04 13 edition or equivalent). Other Additional Insured forms might be acceptable but only if modified to delete the word “ongoing” and insert the sentence “Operations include ongoing and completed operations”. CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Work performed by Sub-Supplier/Vendors on Your Behalf (CG2294 or CG2295) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Contractual Liability Limitation Endorsement (CG2139) or Amendment of Insured Contract Definition (CG 2426) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Premises Rented to you (CG 2145) CGL policy shall include broad form contractual liability coverage for the Supplier/Vendors covenants to and indemnification of the Authority under this Contract Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain a provision under General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers’ Compensation to include a Waiver of Subrogation clause in favor of Jacksonville Transportation Authority. All Certificates of Insurance shall be dated and shall show the name of the insured Supplier/Vendor, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the policy number assigned its effective date and its termination date and a list of any exclusionary endorsements. All Insurers must be authorized to transact insurance business in the State of Florida as provided by Florida Statute 624.09(1) and the most recent Rating Classification/Financial Category of the insurer as published in the latest edition of “Best’s Key Rating Guide’ (Property-Casualty) must be at least A- or above. All of the above referenced Insurance coverage is required to remain in force for the duration of this Agreement and for the duration of the warranty period. Accordingly, at the time of submission of final application for payment, Supplier/Vendor shall submit an additional Certificate of Insurance evidencing continuation of such coverage. If the Supplier/Vendor fails to procure, maintain or pay for the required insurance, Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right (but not the obligation) to secure same in the name of and for the account of Supplier/Vendor, in which event, Supplier/Vendor shall pay the cost thereof and shall furnish upon demand, all information that may be required to procure such insurance. Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right to back- charge Supplier/Vendor for the cost of procuring such insurance. The failure of Jacksonville Transportation Authority to demand certificates of insurance and endorsements evidencing the required insurance or to identify any deficiency in Supplier/Vendors coverage based on the evidence of insurance provided by the Supplier/Vendor shall not be construed as a waiver by Jacksonville Transportation Authority of Supplier/Vendor’s obligation to procure, maintain and pay for required insurance. The insurance requirements set forth herein shall in no way limit Supplier/Vendors liability arising out of the work performed under the Agreement or related activities. The inclusions, coverage and limits set forth herein are minimum inclusion, coverage and limits. The required minimum policy limits set forth shall not be construed as a limitation of Supplier/Vendor’s right under any policy with higher limits, and no policy maintained by the Supplier/Vendor shall be construed as limiting the type, quality or quantity of insurance coverage that Supplier/Vendor should maintain. Supplier/Vendor shall be responsible for determining appropriate inclusions, coverage and limits, which may be in excess of the minimum requirements set forth herein. If t he insurance of any Supplier/Vendor or any Sub-Supplier/Vendor contains deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s), the Supplier/Vendor or Sub-Supplier/Vendor whose insurance contains such provision(s) shall be solely responsible for payment of such deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s). The failure of Supplier/Vendor to fully and strictly comply at all times with the insurance requirements set forth herein shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement . 6.All Coverages: a.Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state that no material change or cancellation, including expiration and non-renewal of coverage, shall be effective until after at least Thirty (30) days written notice has been given to: Jacksonville Transportation Authority, ATTN: Contracts, Procurement and Inventory Department, 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200, Jacksonville, Florida 32202. b.Failure to maintain a current Certificate of Insurance on file with the Authority will be grounds for withholding or rejecting payment of invoices. c.Not withstanding the prior submission of a Certificate of Insurance, if requested by the Authority, the Supplier shall, within t hirty (30) days after receipt of a written request from the Authority, provide the Authority with a certified complete copy of the policies providing the coverage required. d.If Supplier, for any reason, fails to maintain insurance coverage, which is required pursuant to this Contract, such event shall be deemed a material breach of this Contract. The Authority, at its sole discretion, may terminate this Contract and obtain damages from the Supplier resulting from said breach. Alternatively, the Authority may purchase such required insurance (but has no special obligation to do so) and without further notice to Supplier, the Authority may deduct from sums due to Supplier any premium costs advanced by the Authority for such insurance. e.It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that its subcontractors are covered under the required insurance limits. The Supplier may either require its subcontractors to purchase insurance coverage set forth herein individually, or it may include the subcontractor under the Supplier’s insurance program. f.Neither approval by the Authority nor failure to disapprove the insurance furnished by the Supplier shall relieve the Supplier of the Supplier's full responsibility to obtain and maintain the insurance policies as required by this Contract. g.Compliance with the insurance requirements of this Contract shall not limit the liability of the Supplier. Any remedy provided to the Authority, members of its Board of Directors, committees, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers by the insurance policies shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedy available under this Contract or otherwise. h.The cost of insurance shall be included in the Supplier's fees, and there shall not be any further compensation or reimbursement therefore. XI.Public Entity Crimes The Authority reserves the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon written notice in the event that the Supplier or any of its affiliate(s) are placed on the State of Florida convicted vendor list pursuant to Section 287.133, Florida Statutes. For purposes hereof, "affiliate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The Supplier shall advise the Authority promptly after conviction of any "public entity crime" as defined in Section 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, applicable to the Supplier or any of its affiliate(s). XII.Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination 1.The Contractor will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof, and will not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class in the performance of work under this Contract. The Contractor assures that it will comply with pertinent statutes, executive orders, and such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class be excluded from participating in any activity conducted under this Contract. This provision binds the Contractor from the Solicitation period through the completion of the Contract. 2.The Supplier shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities, as may be determined by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with this Section. XIII.Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Participation 1.Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation. The DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 do apply to this Solicitation. The Supplier , a Primary Transit Vehicle Manufacturer, hereby certifies that it has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR Section 26.49, as amended, by submitting an annual DBE goal, as amended, to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The goal has either been approved or not disapproved by the FTA. 2.Affirmative Steps and Records. In accordance with 49 CFR 18.36(e), the Supplier shall take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority firms and women's business enterprises are used when possible. Affirmative steps shall include: (i) placing qualified small and minority businesses and women's business enterprises on solicitation lists; (ii) assuring that small and minor ity businesses, and women's business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources; (iii) dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority business, and women's business enterprises; (iv) establishing delivery schedules, where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority business, and women's business enterprises; and (v) using the services and assistance of the Small Business Administration, and the Minority Business Development Agency of the Department of Commerce. The Supplier must maintain the following records concerning DBE participation with respect to this Contract for at least five (5) years following the completion of the work: A.All subcontractor/supplier subcontracts, including subcontracts with DBEs; B.Documentation developed during the identification and award of such subcontracts to DBE firms, including, but not limited to, copies of executed subcontract s enacted with Project participants. 3.Financial Reporting Requirements. When a DBE goal has been established, the Supplier shall submit monthly reports detailing payments to all subcontractors and suppliers, both DBE and non-DBE, in a format that is acceptable to the Authority. The Supplier shall fully cooperate with all audits, whenever performed. Failure to comply with these mandates may result in an unsatisfactory audit analysis and may have a bearing on future consideration for the award of Authority agreements. “Exhibit C”, the Supplier Request for Payment Form, must be submitted with every invoice presented for progress or final payment, and must show the portion of the invoice due to each subcontractor (DBE and Non-DBE). In addition, when applicable, the Supplier must submit a report detailing the following information as it relates to invoices received from its DBE-certified subcontractors: A.The value of the work actually performed by the DBE employees and representatives; and B.The entire amount of the DBE subcontractor’s portion of the invoice. This includes, but is not limited to, the cost of supplies and materials obtained for work on the subcontract, including supplies and equipment leased and/or purchased from sources other than the Supplier and/or its affiliates. When applicable, the Supplier shall also report the entire amount of compensation paid to each DBE for the following: A.All bona fide services, including professional, technical, supplier, and managerial services; and B.The costs of providing bonds or insurance specifically required for the performance of the subcontract, provided these fees do not exceed what is deemed reasonable and customary for services of this type. All supporting DBE documentation including but not limited to the invoice, the monthly reports detailing payments made to DBE subcontractors, and the Supplier Request for Payment Form included as “Exhibit C” must be emailed to DBE1@jtafla.com. Failure to submit the required documentation may result in a delay in payment. This contract is subject to contract compliance payment tracking, and the prime contractor and any DBE subcontractors shall provide any noted and/or requested contract compliance-related payment data electronically in the B2GNow Contract Compliance Program System. The prime contractor and all DBE subcontractors are responsible for responding by any noted response audit date or due date to any instructions or request for information, and to check the B2GNow Contract Compliance Program System on a regular basis. The prime contractor is responsible for ensuring all DBE subcontractors have completed all requested items and that their contact information is up-to-date. Access information related to contractor access of the system will be provided to a designated point of contact with each contractor upon award of the contract. The B2GNow Contract Compliance Program System is web-based and Contract Compliance Reporting – Vendor Training and can be accessed at the following Internet address: https://jtafla.dbesystem.com/FrontEnd/EventList.asp). 4.DBE sub subcontractors. At times, due to the size of a subcontract, a DBE may choose to enter into alternate arrangements with other businesses. Reporting of work done and applied towards DBE goals for the Project is limited by the following constraints: A.If a DBE subcontracts a portion of its contracted responsibilities to another business, that business must also be a DBE in order for the value of the work to be counted towards the DBE participation goals established by the Authority. B.If the DBE participates in the work as part of a joint venture, only that portion of the work done by the DBE shall be reported towards DBE goals. 5.Modifications and Substitutions. The Supplier shall not make any modification, change or substitution of subcontractors as outlined in the Proposal, without the knowledge and consent of the Authority's DBE Office. In the event that any of such firms identified by the Supplier in its Supplier in the Schedule of Sub-suppliers Form become unavailable therefore, the Supplier shall replace such firm with another similarly designated firm. Such replacement, including by the Supplier’s own forces, may only be made with the prior written approval of the Authority, which may be withheld in the event that the Authority determines, in its sole discretion, that the Supplier has not made good faith efforts to either work with the subcontractor for whom replacement is sought o r to find a minority certified replacement (under the appropriate program) for such subcontractor. If the Supplier desires to terminate or substitute a DBE subcontractor listed in its “Supplier in the Schedule of Sub-suppliers Form” and intends to perform the work of the terminated DBE subcontractor with either its own forces or those of another subcontractor, it must first submit to the Authority’s DBE Office a Request for Approval of Change to Original List of Subcontractors, along with written documentation explaining the specific reasons for the change. The Supplier must obtain approval from the Authority prior to the substitution of the original DBE subcontractor. If a terminated DBE subcontractor is substituted by another DBE subcontractor, the Supplier should include the name, address, certification number, and principal office of the proposed DBE business. The Supplier must make good faith efforts to replace one DBE with another. In the event that the Supplier is unable to contract with another DBE business, Good Faith Effort documentation must be provided to the Authority, describing the attempts to locate a substitute DBE. In all situations, the Supplier may not terminate or substitute a DBE subcontractor without the prior written consent of the Authority's DBE Office. If the Authority approves the proposed substitution in writing, the Supplier shall execute a subcontract with the proposed DBE business upon receipt of the substitution approval. If the change involves a modification to the original list of subcontractors, the Supplier must submit, if applicable, a completed Intent to Perform as a DBE Subcontractor Form for any DBE subcontractor added by the change. 6. Compliance and Enforcement. Before final payment will be made by the Authority, t he Supplier shall provide the final accounting of DBE participation. The Authority may withhold payment to the Supplier pending compliance with this closeout requirement. Any reduction or change by the Supplier in a DBE subcontract, in the total DBE part icipation, or in DBE subcontractors, without the prior written approval of the Authority's DBE Office, will be considered an unauthorized DBE subcontractor substitution and will not be counted as participation. A DBE subcontract dollar value that is decreased by a change order or Amendment issued by the Authority will not constitute an unauthorized subcontractor substitution. The Supplier’s failure to comply with the DBE participation requirements or any other part of the DBE program may result in termination of the Contract and may also result in the Authority issuing an unfavorable performance review of the Supplier. The Authority may consider the Supplier’s failure to comply when evaluating the Supplier for subsequent contracts and work orders. The Supplier may submit an explanation to be retained with the Contract file to document the reasons for its failure to comply with the DBE requirements. XIV.Drug-Free Workplace The Supplier and its subcontractors shall maintain a drug-free workplace and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, 41 U.S.C. §§ 701-707. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, the Supplier and its subcontractors shall provide a drug- free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement: (1) notifying employees that unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using a controlled substance in the Supplier's (subcontractors') workplace is prohibited; and (2) specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibit ion; 2. Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: A. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; B. The Supplier's (subcontractors') policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; C. Any drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs that are available; and D. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of this Contract be given a copy of the statement required by Paragraph (1); 4.Not ifying the employee in the statement required by Paragraph (1) that, as a condition of employment under this Contract, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such a conviction; 5.Notifying the Authority within ten (10) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (4) from an employee, or within ten (10) days of otherwise receiving actual notice of an employee’s conviction; 6.Tak ing one of the following actions, within thirty (30) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (5), with respect to any employee so convicted: A.Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or B.Requiring such an employee to satisfactorily participate in and complete a drug- abuse assistance or rehabilitation program that is approved by a federal, state, or local health or law enforcement agency, or other appropriate agency as may be the case; and 7.Mak ing a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6). XV.Subcontracts 1.The Supplier shall be fully responsible for the performance of all services under this Contract, including when the services are performed by a subcontractor or supplier. At all times, the Supplier shall be responsible for the effort, activity, and quality of services of its subcontractors and suppliers, and at no time shall the Authority have any responsibility for or contractual relationship with any such subcontractors or suppliers, whether by reason of the above-stated references, consent, approval, or otherwise. 2.The Supplier shall utilize t hose subcontractors who were identified in its Proposal, except that the Supplier shall not subcontract with a proposed person or entity to whom the Authority has made reasonable and timely objection. 3.When the subcontract is to provide services, the subcontract shall include the specific key staff members, man-hours, rates, tasks assigned, and all other costs and compensation associated with carrying out the services. 4.The Supplier shall maintain records of payments to all subcontractors for five (5) years following the completion or termination of this Contract, and records of such shall be made available to the Authority immediately upon request. The Supplier shall report to the Authority, on the form included as Attachment C, the portion of each payment made by the Authority (directly or indirectly) which is owed by the Supplier to a subcontractor, and whether such subcontractor is or is not a DBE firm. 5.Prompt Pa yment (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime contractors are required to pay all subcontractors, to include DBE subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days from receipt of each payment from the JTA. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of prime contractor’s reimbursements and/or other sanctio ns until the prime contractor ensure all subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 6.The Supplier shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section XIX of this contract. The prime Supplier or Contractor shall also require all subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The prime Supplier or Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or any lower tier subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. XVI. Non-exclusive Contract This Contract is not exclusive. The Authority expressly reserves the right to contract for performance of services such as those described herein, and in the Solicitation, with other Suppliers. XVII.No Waiver Failure by either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the provisions herein; failure or delay by either Party in exercising any rights or remedies provided herein or by law; the Authority's payment in whole or in part for services hereunder; or any purported oral modification or rescission of this Contract by an employee or agent of either Party shall not: (1) release either Party of any of its obligations hereunder; (2) be deemed a waiver of the rights of either Party to insist upon strict performance hereof; (3) be deemed a waiver of any of either Party's rights or remedies under this Contract or by law; or (4) operate as a waiver of any of the provisions hereof or constitute acquiescence therein. No waiver of any default or breach hereunder shall extend to or affect any subsequent or existing default or breach. XVIII.Public Records and Related Inquiries 1.The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority is subject to the Florida Public Records Law, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and possibly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and that in compliance therewith, at the sole discretion of the Authority, the Authority may disseminate or make available to any person, without the consent of the Supplier, information regarding this Contract, including but not limited to information in the: responses; requirements; specifications; drawings; sketches; schematics; models; samples; tools; computer or other apparatus programs; or technical information or data, whether electronic, written, or oral, furnished by the Supplier to the Authority under this Contract, and that copies of work products and related materials prepared or received by the Supplier under this Contract are public records. 2.The Supplier shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, made or received by the Supplier in conjunction with this Contract. Specifically, if the Supplier is acting on behalf of the Authority, the Supplier shall: A.Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the Authority in order to perform the services being performed by the Supplier; B.Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the Authority would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; C.Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and D.Meet all requirements for retaining public records; transfer, at no cost to the Authority, all public records in possession of the Supplier upon termination of this Contract; and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the Authority in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the Authority. 3.The Supplier shall immediately provide the Authority with a copy of any Request to Inspect or Copy Public Records in possession of the Supplier and the Supplier shall also promptly provide the Authority with a copy of the proposed response to each such request. No release of any such records by the Supplier shall be made without approval of the Authority. The S upplier's failure to grant approved public access will be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract by the Authority. 4.Media and Other Inquiries. All media and other inquiries concerning the services shall be directed to the Authority's Vice President, External Affairs. The Supplier shall not make any statements, press releases, or publicity releases concerning this Contract or its subject matter or otherwise disclose or permit to be disclosed any of the data or other information obtained or furnished in compliance with this Contract, or any particulars thereof, without the Authority's written consent. However, the Supplier may communicate directly with public agencies when required to do so as part of the services to be performed hereunder. XIX. Contract Administration 1.Notices. Except as otherwise provided herein, any notices or demands that are required by law or under the terms of this Contract shall be given or made by the Supplier or the Authority in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, telegram, or similar communication, or by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), and addressed to the respective Parties set forth below. Such notices shall be deemed to have been given in the case of telegrams or similar communications when sent, and in the case of certified or registered mail, on the Third (3rd) day after such communication has been deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid. To Authority: Jacksonville Transportation Authority Contracts, Procurement and Inventory Department 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 To Supplier: (Supplier name, PM and address) The above addresses may be changed at any time by giving thirty (30) days prior notice as provided above. 2.Entire Agreement. This Contract shall constitute the entire agreement between the Authority and the Supplier relating to the work. 3.Supplier is not Authority's Agent. The Supplier is not authorized to act as the Authority's agent and shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act for or bind the Authority, unless otherwise expressly set forth for a particular purpose in a separate writing by the Authority. 4.Compliance with Supplier Code of Business Conduct. The Supplier shall, at all times throughout the duration of this Contract, comply with the Authority’s Supplier Code of Business Conduct which is made a part hereof by reference. Failure of the Supplier to abid e by the Supplier Code of Business Conduct may lead to disciplinary measures commensurate with the violat ion, including but not limited to termination of this Contract. 5.Compliance with Nondiscrimination and Other Laws. The Supplier shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the DOT Title 49, CFR, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Supplier shall also comply with the following civil rights regulations, as may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated herein by reference: 29 U.S.C. § 623, 42 U.S.C. § 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, 42 U.S.C. § 12132, 49 U.S.C. § 5332, 29 CFR Part 1630, and 41 CFR Part 60. The Supplier, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and rules of governmental agencies (including as applicable, the FHWA, FTA, OSHA, applicable State of Florida agencies, including the FDOT, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), the Authority, and the City of Jacksonville (CoJ)). Supplier shall secure all required licenses and permits necessary to the performance of the work at its sole cost and expense. 6.Compliance with Federal Regulations. The Supplier shall comply with all federal lobbying regulations as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 31 U.S.C. 1352, 49 CFR Part 19, and 49 CFR Part 20. The Supplier shall comply with all federal clean air regulations including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 40 CFR 15.61, and 49 CFR Part 18. The Supplier shall also comply with all energy conservation requirements including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 6321 and 49 CFR Part 18. In addition, the Supplier shall comply with all cargo preference requirements as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 46 U.S.C. 1241 and 46 CFR 381. The Supplier shall also comply with all clean water regulations issued pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1251. Lastly, the Supplier shall abide by all federal change requirements as explained in 49 CFR Part 18 which is incorporated herein by reference. 7.Governing Laws. This Contract and the rights of all Parties hereunder shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 8.Severability. If any provision of this Contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 9.Advertising. Supplier will not use the name of the Authority or quote the opinion of any employees of the Authority or refer to the Authority directly or indirectly in any promotional literature or correspondence, news release, advertisement, or release to any professional or trade publications without receiving specific written approval for such use or rele ase from the Authority. However, this Paragraph will in no way limit the Supplier's ability to satisfy any governmental required disclosure of its relationship with the Authority. 10.Assignments. This Contract is binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The Supplier shall not assign, sell, or transfer its interest in this Contract without the Authority's express written consent. Any such assignment by the Supplier must contain a provision allowing the Authority to assert against any assignee, any and all defenses, setoffs, or counterclaims which the Authority would be entitled to assert against the Supplier. 11.Modifications. This Contract may be modified or amended only by a writing signed by each of the Parties hereto. Neither electronic mail nor instant messaging shall be considered a “writing” for purposes of amending, supplementing, or modifying this Contract. No additional services shall be performed until such additional services are provided for in an Amendment execut ed by both Parties. 12.Force Majeure. Neither the Authority nor the Supplier shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance solely caused by acts beyond such Party's control, including, without limitation, acts of God, war, vandalism, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, hurricanes, fires, floods, acts of governmental agencies, or unforeseen interruptions of utility services. 13.Consent to Jurisdiction. The Supplier and the Authority agree that any suit, action, or other legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be brought in the Circuit Court of Duval County, and each Party hereby consents to the jurisdiction of each such court over any such suit, action, or proceeding, and waives any objection which it or they may have to the la ying of venue of any such suit, action, or proceeding, and any of such courts. This provision is a material inducement for the Authority and the Supplier entering into the transactions contemplated hereby. 14.Prevailing Party Attorneys’ Fees. In the event one Party shall prevail in any action (including appellate proceedings) at law or in equity arising hereunder, the losing Party will pay all costs, expenses, reasonable attorneys' fees, and all other actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the defense and/or prosecution of any legal proceeding, including, but not limited to, those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and actual fees charged by expert witnesses for testimony and analysis incurred by the prevailing Party referable thereto. 15.Member Protection. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant, or agreement contained in this Contract or any other agreements or documents pertaining to the work, as such may from time to time be altered or amended in accordance with the pro visions hereof, or under any judgment obtained against the Authority or by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equitable proceeding by virtue of any statute or otherwise, whether under or independent of this Contract, shall be had against any Board Member, officer, employee or agent, as such, past, present or future, of the Authority either directly or indirectly, for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for any sum that may be due and unpaid by the Authority. Any and all personal liability of every nature, whether at common law, in equity, by statute, by constitution or otherwise, of any Authority member, officer, employee, or agent as such, to respond by reason of any act or omission on his or her part or otherwise for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for the payment for or to the Authority, or any receiver therefore or otherwise, of any sum that may remain due and unpaid by the Authority, is hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Contract. 16.No T hird-Party Beneficiaries. The Parties hereby set forth their intention that there are not and never shall be any third-party beneficiaries of this Contract or of any work or Purchase Order authorized hereunder. The Parties expressly intend that the Authority has no obligation to or relationship with any subcontractor that may be utilized by Supplier. 17.The Supplier shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section XIX of this contract. The prime Supplier or Contractor shall also require all subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The prime Supplier or Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or any lower tier subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. 18.Contract Assurance (49-CFR Part 26.13). The contractor, sub recipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49-CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. 19.Pro mpt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime contractors are required to pay all subcontractors, to include DBE subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days from receipt of each payment from the JTA. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of prime contractor’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the prime contractor ensure all subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 20.Return of Retainage (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime contractors are required to ensure prompt and full payment of retainage to all subcontractors within thirty (30 days) after the subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed. Prime Contractors are prohibited from holding retainage from subcontractors until the project is completed. A subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed when all the tasks called for in the subcontract have been accomplished and documented as required by the JTA. When JTA has made an incremental acceptance of a portion of a prime contract, the work of a subcontractor covered by that acceptance is deemed to be satisfactorily completed. 21.Monitoring the Performance of other Program Participants (49-CFR Part 26.37). The JTA will monitor each DOT funded contract with DBE participation to ensure that all work committed to DBEs at contract award or subsequently (as a result of contract modification) is actually performed by the DBEs to which the work was committed. Site visit will be conducted periodically by staff. Contractor’s Request for Payment forms will be monitor ed to ensure that DBEs are being paid in accordance to their signed agreements. All Prime Contractors will be required to self-report all payments received from the JTA into the B2GNow (Contract Compliance Tracking System). This system tracks payments made to the prime contractor and all payments made by the prime to any subcontractors, to include DBEs, and the timeliness of those payments in accordance to JTA’s Prompt Payment Clause. 22.Termination for Convenience (49-CFR Part 26.53). No prime contractor will terminate for convenience a DBE subcontractor that was listed and agreed to perform a project task (or an approved substitute DBE firm) and then perform the work of the terminated subcontract with its own forces or those of an affiliate, without prior written consent from JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office. The prime contractor shall utilize the specific DBEs listed to perform the work and supply the materials for which each is listed unless the prime contractor obtains written consent form JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office; and unless the consent is provided the contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for work or material unless it is performed or supplied by the listed DBE. Appropriate administrative remedies will be invoked to any Prime Contractor that terminates and/or removes a DBE firm/s for convenience. Those remedies may include requirement to pay terminated DBE firm/s; withholding of future payments and/or retainage; and/or disbarment from future consideration of project awards with the JTA. 23.Counterparts. This Contract may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument. 24.Exhibits. The following Exhibits are hereby incorporated into this Contract as part hereof as though fully set forth herein. Exhibit A, Technical Specifications Exhibit B, Warranty Requirements Exhibit C, Price Proposal Form Exhibit D, Supplier's Request for Payment Form Exhibit E, Required Forms Exhibit F, Required Clauses for FTA-Assisted Contracts (Signature Page Follows) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties hereto have caused its duly authorized officers to execute and deliver this Contract on or as of the date first above written. (SUPPLIER FIRM NAME): By: Printed Name: Title: JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY: By: Printed Name: Nathaniel P. Ford Sr. Title: Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Printed Name: Cleveland Ferguson III Title: SVP/Chief Administrative Officer Execute in Triplicate Distribution: 1.Supplier 2.JTA Contracts, Procurement and Inventory Department – Electronic 3.JTA Project Manager – User Department SECTION VI REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONTRACTS I.The following terms apply when the Authority determines that the Contract involves or may involve the expenditure of federal funds. Unless otherwise set forth below, the Contractor must include every clause of this Section VI in all subcontracts under this Contract. 1.Non-Discrimination. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., 29 U.S.C. § 794, 49 CFR Part 21, and federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332. The Contractor agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status. Discrimination includes exclusion from participation, denial of program benefits and discrimination in employment or business opportunity. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, including those of any agency of the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), including FTA Advisory Circular 4702.1. 2.Equal Employment Opportunity. a.Race, Creed, Color, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, National Origin, Religion, or Family Status – The Contractor shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note, and as supplemented by 41 CFR 60), and with any applicable federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and federal policies that may in the future affect activities undertaken in the course of the Contract. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or family status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. b.Age - In accordance with section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 621-634, 29 CFR Part 1625, 45 CFR Part 90, 42 U.S.C. §§6101 et seq. and federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees to refrain from discrimination for reason of age. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements the Department of Health and Human Services, the EEOC, FTA or FHWA may issue. c.Disabilities - The Contractor agrees that it will comply with the requirements of Titles I, II, III, IV and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with 29 U.S.C. § 794, 42 U.S.C. §4151, federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, and any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 3.Compliance with Nondiscrimination Regulations. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the U.S. DOT, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of the Contract. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. Section 5332, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and prohibits discrimination in employment or business opportunity. 4.Nondiscrimination. The Contractor and all subcontractors, with regard to the work performed during the Contract, will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of material and leases of equipment. The Contractor and all subcontractors will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the Contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 5.Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations made by the Contractor and all subcontractors, either by competitive bidding or negotiation for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified in writing by the Contractor of the Contractor's obligations under this Contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and that these same obligations extend to any subcontractor, supplier or lessor. 6. Information and Reports. The Contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Authority, the FDOT, the U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of the Contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the Contractor shall so certify to the Authority, FDOT, U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 7. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this Contract, the Authority shall impose such contract sanctions as it, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to a. wit hholding of payments to the Contractor under the Contract until the Contractor complies and/or b. cancellation, termination or suspension of the Contract, in whole or in part. 8. Incorporation of Provisions. The Contractor shall include the provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 8, in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Authority, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. In the event a Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the Contractor may request the Authority and the FDOT to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the Authority and the FDOT, and, in addition, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 9. Participation by Disadvantage Business Enterprises. The Contractor shall abide by the following statement from 49 CFR 26.13(b). This statement shall be included in all subsequent agreements between the Contractor and any subcontractor or contractor. The Contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in termination of this Contract or other such remedy as the Authority deems appropriate. 10. Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion. If the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction that the Contractor provided as part of its Bid was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances, the Contractor shall provide immediate written notice to the Autho rity. 11. Sensitive Security Information. The Contractor shall protect, and take measures to ensure that its subcontractors at each tier protect, “sensitive security information” made available during the administration of a third party contract or subcontract to ensure compliance with 49 U.S.C. Section 40119(b) and implementing DOT regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 15, and with 49 U.S.C. Section 114(r) and implementing Department of Homeland Security regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 1520. 12. Changes to Federal Requirements. The Contractor shall at all times comply with all applicable US DOT, FHWA and FTA regulations, policies, procedures, directives and federal guidance, including without limitation those listed directly or by reference in the Master Agreement (Form FTA MA (19) dated October 2012) between the Authority and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of a Contract resulting from this Solicitation. The Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act or refuse to comply with any request of the Authority which would cause the Authority to be in violation of any of the FTA or FHWA terms and conditions. The Contractor’s failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 13. Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration Terms. All contractual provisions required by the US DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1F, revised March 18, 2013, whether or not set forth in this Contract are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, all FTA and FHWA mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Contract. The Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any Authority request which would cause the Authority to be in violation of FTA and FHWA terms and conditions. 14. Fly America. The Contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 40118 (the “Fly America” Act) in accordance with the General Services Administration’s regulations at 41 CFR Part 301-10, which provide that recipients and subrecipients of federal funds and their contractors are required to use U.S. Flag air carriers for U.S Government-financed international air travel and transportation of their personal effects or property, to the extent such service is available, unless travel by foreign air carrier is a matter of necessity, as defined by the Fly America Act. The Contractor shall submit, if a foreign air carrier was used, an appropriate certification or memorandum adequately explaining why service by a U.S. flag air carrier was not available or why it was necessary to use a foreign air carrier and shall, in any event, provide a certificate of compliance with the Fly America requirements. 15.No Federal Government Obligation to Third Parties. Notwithstanding any concurrence by the federal government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the Contract, absent the express written consent by the federal government, the federal government is not a party to this Contract and shall not be subject to any obligations or liabilities to the Authority, Contractor, or any other party (whether or not a party to the Contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from this Contract. 16.False or Fraudulent Statements or Claims and Related Acts – Civil and Criminal Fraud. The Contractor acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq. and U.S. DOT regulations, “Program Fraud Civil Remedies,” 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to this Contract. Upon execution of the Contract, the Contractor certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation it has made, it makes, it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying Contract or the FTA or FHWA assisted project for which this Contract work is being performed. In addition to other penalties that may be applicable, the Contractor further acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation, the federal government may impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Contractor to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. The Contractor also acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation in connection with this Contract, under the authority of 49 U.S.C. § 5307 and 49 U.S.C. §5323, the federal government may impose the penalties on the Contractor authorized by 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 49 U.S.C. § 5307(n)(1), to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. It is further understood and agreed that the willful falsification, distortion or misrepresentation with respect to any facts related to the project(s) described in this Contract is a violation of the federal law. Accordingly, United States Code, Title 18, Section 1020, is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Contract. 17.Environmental Protection. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Section 29 of the FTA Master Agreement (2012), including the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq. (as limited by 42 USC §5159), Executive Order No. 11514 Executive Order No. 11514, as amended, “Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality,” 42 U.S.C. § 4321 note; FTA statutory requirements on environmental matters at 49 U.S.C. § 5324(b); Council on Environmental Quality regulations on compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 40 C.F.R. Parts 1500 et seq.; and joint FHWA/FTA regulations, “Environmental Impact and Related Procedures,” 23 C.F.R. Part 771 and 49 C.F.R. Part 622. Contractor shall also comply with federal transit laws, including 49 U.S.C. §5323(c)(2) as amended by MAP-21. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 18.Buy America. The Contractor shall comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, where applicable, which provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by the FTA, or the product is subject to a general waiver. Work orders and small purchases of less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) made with capital, operating, or planning funds are waived from Buy America requirements. The JTA requires each Contractor to submit a completed Buy America certificate with its Bid or Bid in accordance with §§ 661.6 or 661.12, as appropriate. The JTA presumes that any Contractor who submitted such certificate is complying with the Buy America provisions. A false certification is a criminal act in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001. A Contractor who certifies that it will comply with the applicable Buy America requirement is bound by its original certification (in the case of a sealed bidding procurement) or the certification it submitted with its final offer (in the case of a negotiated procurement) and is not permitted to change its certification after bid opening or submission of its final offer. Where a Contractor certifies that it will comply with Buy America requirements, the Contractor is not eligible for a waiver of those requirements. The JTA reserves the right to request additional information, and/or to conduct both pre-award and post -award audits to ensure that the Contractor is in compliance with Buy America requirements. 19.Seismic Safety. The Contractor agrees that any new building or addition to an existing building will be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards for Seismic Safety required in Department of Transportation Seismic Safety Regulations 49 CFR Part 41 and will certify to compliance to the extent required by the regulation. The Contractor also agrees to ensure that all work performed under this Contract, including work performed by a subcontractor, is in compliance with the standards required by the Seismic Safety Regulations and the certification of compliance issued on the Project. 20.Conformance with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) National Architecture. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) property and services, recommended and included in designs provided by the Contractor under this Contract, must comply with the National ITS Architecture and Standards to the extent required by 23 U.S.C.§517(d) as amended by MAP-21, Section 5307(c) of SAFETEA-LU, FTA Notice, “FTA National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects,” 66 FR 1455 et seq., January 8, 2001, 23 CFR Parts 655 and 940, and later published FTA and FHWA regulations, rules, policies, implementing guidance and directives. Additionally, such ITS equipment and designs shall comply with the latest ITS architecture and standards adopted by the FHWA, FDOT, CoJ and First Coast ITS Coalition. 21.Metric Measurements. To the extent practicable and feasible, the Contractor shall express all dimensions in metric measurements, in compliance with the Metric Conversion Act, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, 15 U.S.C. Sections 205a et seq.; Executive Order No. 12770, “Usage in Federal Government Programs,” July 25, 1991, 15 U.S.C. Section 205a note; and applicable federal regulations. 22.Electronic Reports and Information. Reports and other information prepared in electronic format developed under this Contract, whether as a contract end item or in compliance with contract administration provisions, must comply with the accessibility standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Section 794d, and ATBCB regulations, “Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards,” 36 CFR Part 1194. 23.Access to Records and Sites of Project Performance and Record Retention. a.The Contractor shall maintain all Contract records (including paper and electronic records) in a manner so that they are readily accessible for review, audit and inspection and shall provide to the Authority, the USDOT, the FHWA Administrator, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, the FDOT, or any of their authorized representatives or employees, access to any data, accounts, payrolls, project work, project materials, documents, reports, records, statistics, subagreements, leases, third party contracts, arrangements, books, papers and records of the Contractor (and all supporting material related thereto) which are related to this Contract for the purposes of making audits, inspections, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions. Contractor also agrees, pursuant to 49 C. F. R. 633.15 to provide the agencies, or their authorized representatives including any PMO Contractor, access to Contractor’s records and work sites pertaining to a major capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311. In accordance with 49 CFR 18.40, federal agencies may make site visits as warranted by program needs. b.The Contractor agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce any record by any means whatsoever. c.The Contractor agrees to maintain all books, records, accounts and reports required under this Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after the date of termination, expiration or final payment of this Contract, except in the event of litigat ion or settlement of claims arising from the performance of this Contract or other pending matters, in which case Contractor agrees to maintain same until the Authority, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General, the FDOT, and any of their duly authorized representatives, have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, exceptions and other matters related thereto. Reference 49 CFR 18.36(i)(11). d.Any of the agencies listed above may, at any time during normal business hours, with or without prior notice and by or through its employees or its Contractors, inspect, copy and audit all of the books and records of the Contractor (and its subcontractors, if any) including all work papers and correspondence and financial records related to such services. 24.Access Requirements for Persons with Disabilities (ADA). The Contractor agrees to comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 5301(d) which expresses the federal policy that the elderly and persons with disabilities have the same right as other persons to use mass transportation service and facilities, and that special efforts shall be made in planning and designing those services and facilities to implement those policies. The Contractor also agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., which requires the provision of accessible facilities and services, and with the following federal regulations, including any amendments thereto: (1) U.S. DOT regulations, “Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (ADA),” 49 C.F.R. Part 37; (2) U.S. DOT regula tions, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance,” 49 C.F.R. Part 27; (3) Joint U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board/U.S. DOT regulations, “Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles,” 36 C.F.R. Part 1192 and 49 C.F.R. Part 38; (4) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services,” 28 C.F.R. Part 35; (5) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities,” 28 C.F.R. Part 36; (6) U.S. GSA regulations, “Accommodations for the Physically Handicapped,” 41 C.F.R. Subpart 101-19; (7) U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” 29 C.F.R. Part 1630; (8) U.S. Federal Communications Commission regulations, “Telecommunications Relay Services and Related Customer Premises Equipment for the Hearing and Speech Disabled,” 47 C.F.R. Part 64, Subpart F; and (9) FTA regulations, “Transportation for Elderly and Handicapped Persons,” 49 C.F.R. Part 609; and (10) Any implementing requirements FTA may issue. This section applies to subcontractors at all levels and must be added to all subcontracts, regardless of tier. 25.Title VI List of Pertinent Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities (DOT Order No. 1050.2A). During the performance of this contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) agrees to comply with the following non- discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: • Title VI of the Civil R ights Act of 1964 (42 USC § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin); • 49 CFR part 21 (Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation—Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); • The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 USC § 4601) (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC § 794 et seq.), as amended (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR part 27; • The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC § 6101 et seq.) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); • Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 (49 USC § 471, Section 47123), as amended (prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex); • The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (PL 100-209) (broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms “programs or activities” to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); • Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 USC §§ 12131 – 12189) as implemented by U.S. Department of Transportation regulations at 49 CFR parts 37 and 38; • The Federal Aviation Administration’s Nondiscrimination statute (49 USC § 47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); • Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures nondiscrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; • Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 USC 1681 et seq). 26. Energy Conservation. The Contractor shall comply with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction and all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, when applicable. 27. Rights in Data. a. The term "subject data" used in this clause means recorded information, whether or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered under the Contract. The term includes graphic or pictorial delineation in media such as drawings or photographs; text in specifications or related performance or design-type documents; machine forms such as punched cards, magnetic tape, or computer memory printouts; and information retained in computer memory. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer software, engineering drawings and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information. The term "subject data" does not include financial reports, cost analyses, and similar information incidental to contract administration. b. The following restrictions apply to all subject data first produced in the performance of this Contract: i. Except for its own internal use, the Authority or Contractor may not publish or reproduce subject data in whole or in part, or in any manner or form, nor may the Authority or Contractor authorize others to do so, without the written consent of the federal government, until such time as the federal government may have either released or approved the release of such data to the public; this restriction on publication, however, does not apply to any contract with an academic institution. ii. In accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.34 and 49 C.F.R. § 19.36, the federal government reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for "federal government purposes," any subject data or copyright described in subsections (2)(b)1 and (2)(b)2 of this clause below. As used in the previous sentence, "for federal government purposes," means use only for the direct purposes of the federal government. Without the copyright owner's consent, the federal government may not extend its federal license to any other party. 1. Any subject data developed under that contract, whether or not a copyright has been obtained; and 2. Any rights of copyright purchased by the Authority or Contractor using federal assistance in whole or in part provided by FTA. iii.When FTA awards federal assistance for experimental, developmental, or research work, it is FTA's general intention to increase transportation knowledge available to the public, rather than to restrict the benefits resulting from the work to participants in that work. Therefore, unless FTA determines otherwise, the Authority and the Contractor performing experimental, developmental, or research work required by this Contract agrees to permit FTA to make available to the public, either the license in the copyright to any subject data developed in the course of this Contract, or a copy of the subject data first produced under the Contract for which a copyright has not been obtained. If the experimental, developmental, or research work, which is the subject of the underlying Contract, is not completed for any reason whatsoever, all data developed under that Contract shall become subject data as defined in subsection (a) of this clause and shall be delivered as the federal government may direct. This subsection (c), however, does not apply to adaptations of automatic data processing equipment or programs for the Authority or Contractor's use whose costs are financed in whole or in part with federal assistance provided by FTA for transportation capital projects. iv.Unless prohibited by state law, upon request by the federal government, the Authority and the Contractor agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the federal government, its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties against any liability, including costs and expenses, resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Authority or Contractor of proprietary rights, copyrights, or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, use, or disposition of any data furnished under that contract. Neither the Authority nor the Contractor shall be required to indemnify the federal government for any such liability arising out of the wrongful act of any employee, official, or agents of the federal government. v.Not hing contained in this clause on rights in data shall imply a license to the federal government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the federal government under any patent. vi.Data developed by the Authority or Contractor and financed entirely without using federal assistance provided by the federal government that has been incorporated into work required by the Contract is exempt from the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this clause, provided that the Authority or Contractor identifies that data in writing at the time of delivery of the Contract work. vii. Unless the federal government determines otherwise, the Contractor agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract for experimental, developmental, or research work financed in whole or in part with federal assistance. 28. Seatbelt Use. The Supplier shall require all operators of motor vehicles (whether rented or owned) to use seatbelts. 29. Cargo Preference - Use of United States-Flag Vessels. The Contractor agrees: a. to use privately owned United States-Flag commercial vessels to ship at least 50 percent of the gross tonnage (computed separately for dry bulk carriers, dry cargo liners, and tankers) involved, whenever shipping any equipment, material, or commodities pursuant to the underlying Contract to the extent such vessels are available at fair and reasonable rates for United States-Flag commercial vessels; b. to furnish within 20 working days following the date of loading for shipments originating within the United States or within 30 working days following the date of leading for shipments originating outside the United States, a legible copy of a rated, "on-board" commercial ocean bill-of-lading in English for each shipment of cargo described in the preceding paragraph to the Division of National Cargo, Office of Market Development, Maritime Administration, Washington, DC 20590 and to the FTA recipient (through the Contractor in the case of a subcontractor's bill-of-lading.) c. to include these requirements in all subcontracts issued pursuant to this Contract when the subcontract may involve the transport of equipment, material, or commodities by ocean vessel. 30. Policies on Texting while Driving and Distracted Driving. The Contractor shall prohibit text messaging while driving and distracted driving and comply with the intent of Executive Order No. 13513, 23 USC section 402 note and DOT Order 3902.10. 31. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE (41 CFR PART 60 1.4(b); DOT Order No. 1050.2A). Dur ing the performance of this Contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assigns, and successors in interest (hereafter referred to as “Contractor”) agrees as follows: a. The Contractor (herein after includes consultants and subcontractors) will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. b.The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive considerations for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. c.The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers' representatives of the Contractor's commitments under this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. d.The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. e.The Contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. f.In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this Contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts or federally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedure authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. g.The Contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph 1 and the provisions of paragraphs 1 through 7 in every Subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each Subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any Subcontract or purchase order as the administering agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provision, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event a Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a Subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the administering agency the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. h.This clause must be included in any subcontract that exceeds $10,000. 32.Compliance with 41 CFR 60-1.7 – Equal Opportunity Reports. The Contractor shall comply with the reporting requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.7, when applicable. The regulation is copied verbatim here: (a) Requirements for prime contractors and subcontractors a.Each prime contractor and subcontractor shall file annually, on or before the September 30, complete and accurate reports on Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) promulgated jointly by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Plans for Progress or such form as may hereafter be promulgated in its place if such prime contractor or subcontractor (i) is not exempt from the provisions of these regulations in accordance with §60-1.5; (ii) has 50 or more employees; (iii) is a prime contractor or first tier subcontractor; and (iv) has a contract, subcontract or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more or serves as a depository of Government funds in any amount, or is a financial institution which is an issuing and paying agent for U.S. savings bonds and savings notes: Provided, That any subcontractor below the first tier which performs construction work at the site of construction shall be required to file such a report if it meets requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) (i), (ii), and (iv) of this section. b.Each person required by §60-1.7(a)(1) to submit reports shall file such a report with the contracting or administering agency within 30 days after the award to him of a contract or subcontract, unless such person has submitted such a report within 12 months preceding the date of the award. Subsequent reports shall be submitted annually in accordance with §60-1.7(a)(1), or at such other intervals as the Deputy Assistant Secretary may require. The Deputy Assistant Secretary may extend the time for filing any report. c.The Deputy Assistant Secretary or the applicant, on their own motions, may require a contractor to keep employment or other records and to furnish, in the form requested, within reasonable limits, such information as the Deputy Assistant Secretary or the applicant deems necessary for the administration of the order. d.Failure to file timely, complete and accurate reports as required constitutes noncompliance with the prime contractor's or subcontractor's obligations under the equal opportunity clause and is ground for the imposition by the Deputy Assistant Secretary, an applicant, prime contractor or subcontractor, of any sanctions as authorized by the order and the regulations in this part. 33.Veterans Employment. The Contractor shall give a hiring preference to veterans (as defined in 5 USC §2108) who have the skills and abilities required to perform construction work required for a capital project supported with funds made available or appropriated for 49 USC chapter 53; provided, however, the Contractor may not give a hiring preference to any veteran over any equally qualified applicant who is a member of any racial or ethnic minority, female, an individual with a disability or a former employee. II.CLAUSES FOR CONTRACTS EXCEEDING $150,000 1.Clean Air. The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq. The Contractor agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Contractor understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 2.Clean Water. The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq. The Contractor agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Contractor understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 3.Recycled Products. When relevant to the Work Order, the Contractor shall assist the Authority with compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6962, which requires the Authority to provide a competitive preference to products and services that conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and are energy efficient. EPA guidelines, “Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials,” 40 CFR Part 247, direct the Authority to specify a competitive preference for products containing recycled materials identified in those EPA guidelines for contracts valued at $10,000 or more. For information about EPA’s recovered materials advisory notices, see EPA’s Web site: http://www.epa.gov/cpg/backgrnd.htm. 4.Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards. a.Overtime requirements - No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the Contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. b.Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages - In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section. c.Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages - The Authority shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section. d.Subcontracts - The Contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section. III.FOR OPERATIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS 1.Drug & Alcohol Testing Program – When the Contract involves FTA funding under 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309, 5311, the Contractor is an employer as defined by 49 CFR 655. The Contractor shall comply with all of the requirements of 49 CFR 655 and any related regulations or guidance issued by the FTA. The Contractor shall establish an anti-drug use and alcohol misuse program that includes the following: a.A statement describing the employer's policy on prohibited drug use and alcohol misuse in the workplace, including the consequences associated with prohibited drug use and alcohol misuse. This policy statement shall include all of the elements specified in §655.15. Each employer shall disseminate the policy consistent with the provisions of §655.16. b.An education and training program which meets the requirements of §655.14. c.A testing program, as described in Subparts C and D of this part, which meets the requirements of this part and 49 CFR Part 40. d.Procedures for referring a covered employee who has a verified positive drug test result or an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater to a Substance Abuse Professional, consistent with 49 CFR Part 40. 2.Privacy Act. When the Contractor maintains files on drug and alcohol enforcement activities for FTA, and those files are organized so that information could be retrieved by personal identifier, the Contractor agrees to comply with, and assures the compliance of its employees with, the information restrictions and other applicable requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. Among other things, the Contractor agrees to obtain the express consent of the federal government before the Contractor or its employees operate a system of records on behalf of the federal government. The Contractor understands that the requirements of the Privacy Act, including the civil and criminal penalties for violation of that Act, apply to those individuals involved, and that failure to comply with the terms of the Privacy Act may result in termination of the underlying Contract. The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract to administer any system of records on behalf of the federal government financed in whole or in part with federal assistance provided by FTA. 3.Transit Employee Protection. The Contractor agrees to the comply with applicable transit employee protective requirements as follows: e.General Transit Employee Protective Requirements - To the extent that FTA determines that transit operations are involved, the Contractor agrees to carry out the transit operations work in compliance with terms and conditions determined by the U.S. Secretary of Labor to be fair and equitable to protect the interests of employees employed under this Contract and to meet the employee protective requirements of 49 U.S.C. A 5333(b), and U.S. DOL guidelines at 29 C.F.R. Part 215, and any amendments thereto. These terms and conditions are identified in the letter of certification from the U.S. DOL to FTA applicable to the Authority's Project from which Federal assistance is provided to support work on the underlying Contract. The Contractor agrees to carry out that work in compliance with the conditions stated in that U.S. DOL letter. The requirements of this subsection (1), however, do not apply to any contract financed with Federal assistance provided by FTA either for projects for elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5310(a)(2), or for projects for nonurbanized areas authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5311. Alternate provisions for those projects are set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of this clause. f.Transit Employee Protective Requirements for Projects Authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5310(a)(2) for Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities - If the Contract involves transit operations financed in whole or in part with federal assistance authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5310(a)(2), and if the U.S. Secretary of Transportation has determined or determines in the future that the employee protective requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 5333(b) are necessary or appropriate for the state and the public body subrecipient for which work is performed on the underlying Contract, the Contractor agrees to carry out the Project in compliance with the terms and conditions determined by the U.S. Secretary of Labor to meet the requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 5333(b), U.S. DOL guidelines at 29 C.F.R. Part 215, and any amendments thereto. These terms and conditions are identified in the U.S. DOL's letter of certification to FTA, the date of which is set forth Grant Agreement or Cooperative Agreement with the state. The Contractor agrees to perform transit operations in connection with the underlying Contract in compliance with the conditions stated in that U.S. DOL letter. g.Transit Employee Protective Requirements for Projects Authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5311 in Nonurbanized Areas- If the Contract involves transit operations financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 5311, the Contractor agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the Special Warranty for the Nonurbanized Area Program agreed to by the U.S. Secretaries of Transportation and Labor, dated May 31, 1979, and the procedures implemented by U.S. DOL or any revision thereto. i.The Contractor also agrees to include the any applicable requirements in each subcontract involving transit operations financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. 4.Motor Carrier Safety. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Motor Carrier regulations, including 49 CFR §390-396 and §382-383 and §173 to the extent applicable. IV.CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIC CLAUSES 1.Special Equal Employment Opportunity Clause for Construction NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive Order 11246) a.The Offeror's or Bidder's attention is called to the “Equal Opportunity Clause” and the “Standard Federal Equal Employment Specifications” set forth herein. b.The goals and timetables for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: i.Time- tables ii.Goals for minority participation for each trade: 21.8% iii.Goals for female participation in each trade: 6.9% These goals are applicable to all the Contractor's construction work (whether or not it is Federal or federally assisted) performed in the covered area. If the Contractor performs construction work in a geographical area located outside of the covered area, it shall apply the goals established for such geographical area where the work is actually performed. With regard to this second area, the Contractor also is subject to the goals for both its federally involved and non-federally involved construction. The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligations required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a), and its efforts to meet the goals. The hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the Contract, and in each trade, and the contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorit ies and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor's goals shall be a violation of the Contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR part 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. c.The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs within 10 working days of award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 at any tier for construction work under the Contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification shall list the name, address and telephone number of the subcontractor; employer identification number of the subcontractor; estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical area in which the subcontract is to be performed. d.As used in this Notice, and in the Contract resulting from this solicitation, the “covered area” is Duval County, Florida. 2.Additional Equal Opportunity Clauses for Construction Contracts a.The equal opportunity clause published at 41 CFR 60-1.4(a) and published at 41 CFR 60-1.4(b) are incorporated herein by reference. In addition to those clauses, the following applies to all construction contracts and subcontracts in excess of $10,000. STANDARD FEDERAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS (Executive Order 11246) i.As used in these specifications: 1.“Covered area” means the geographical area described in the solicitation from which this contract resulted; 2.“Director” means Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, United States Department of Labor, or any person to whom the Director delegates authority; 3.“Employer identification number” means the Federal Social Security number used on the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, U.S. Treasury Department Form 941. 4.“Minority” includes: a.Black (all persons having origins in any of the Black African racial groups not of Hispanic origin); b.Hispanic (all persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish Culture or origin, regardless of race); c.Asian and Pacific Islander (all persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands); and d.Amer ican Indian or Alaskan Native (all persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and maintaining identifiable tribal affiliations through membership and participation or community identification). ii.Whenever the Contractor, or any subcontractor at any tier, subcontracts a portion of the work involving any construction trade, it shall physically include in each subcontract in excess of $10,000 the provisions of these specifications and the Notice which contains the applicable goals for minority and female participation and which is set forth in the solicitations from which this Contract resulted. iii.If the Contractor is participating (pursuant to 41 CFR 60-4.5) in a Hometown Plan approved by the U.S. Department of Labor in the covered area either individually or through an association, its affirmative action obligations on all work in the Plan area (including goals and timetables) shall be in accordance with that Plan for those trades which have unions participating in the Plan. Contractors must be able to demonstrate their participation in and compliance with the provisions of any such Hometown Plan. Each Contractor or subcontractor participating in an approved Plan is individually required to comply with its obligations under the EEO clause, and to make a good faith effort to achieve each goal under the Plan in each trade in which it has employees. The overall good faith performance by other Contractors or subcontractors toward a goal in an approved Plan does not excuse any covered Contractor's or subcontractor's failure to take good faith efforts to achieve the Plan go als and timetables. iv.The Contractor shall implement the specific affirmative action standards provided in paragraphs 7 a through p of these specifications. The goals set forth in the solicitation from which this Contract resulted are expressed as percentages of the total hours of employment and training of minority and female utilization the Contractor should reasonably be able to achieve in each construction trade in which it has employees in the covered area. Covered Construction contractors performing construction work in geographical areas where they do not have a Federal or federally assisted construction contract shall apply the minority and female goals established for the geographical area where the work is being performed. Goals are published periodically in the Federal Register in notice form, and such notices may be obtained from any Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs office or from Federal procurement contracting officers. The Contractor is expected to make substantially uniform progress in meeting its goals in each craft during the period specified. v.Neither the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, nor the failure by a union with whom the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement, to refer either minorities or women shall excuse the Contractor's obligations under these specifications, Executive Order 11246, or the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. vi.In order for the nonworking training hours of apprentices and trainees to be counted in meeting the goals, such apprentices and trainees must be employed by the Contractor during the training period, and the Contractor must have made a commitment to employ the apprentices and trainees at the completion of their training, subject to the availability of employment opportunities. Trainees must be trained pursuant to training programs approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. vii.The Contractor shall take specific affirmative actions to ensure equal employment opportunity. The evaluation of the Contractor's compliance with these specifications shall be based upon its effort to achieve maximum results from its actions. The Contractor shall document these efforts fully, and shall implement affirmative action steps at least as extensive as the following: 1.Ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment, intimidation, and coercion at all sites, and in all facilities at which the Contractor's employees are assigned to work. The Contractor, where possible, will assign two or more women to each construction project. The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foremen, superintendents, and other on-site supervisory personnel are aware of and carry out the Contractor's obligation to maintain such a working environment, with specific attention to minority or female individuals working at such sites or in such facilities. 2.Est ablish and maintain a current list of minority and female recruitment sources, provide written notification to minority and female recruitment sources and to community organizations when the Contractor or its unions have employment opportunities available, and maintain a record of the organizations' responses. 3.Maintain a current file of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each minority and female off-the- street applicant and minority or female referral from a union, a recruitment source or community organization and of what action was taken with respect to each such individual. If such individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and was not referred back to the Contractor by the union or, if referred, not employed by the Contractor, this shall be documented in the file with the reason therefor, along with whatever additional actions the Contractor may have taken. 4.Provide immediate written notification to the Director when the union or unions with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement has not referred to the Contractor a minority person or woman sent by the Contractor, or when the Contractor has other information that the union referral process has impeded the Contractor's efforts to meet its obligations. 5.Develop on-the-job training opportunities and/or participate in training programs for the area which expressly include minorities and women, including upgrading programs and apprenticeship and trainee programs relevant to the Contractor's employment needs, especially those programs funded or approved by the Department of Labor. The Contractor shall provide notice of these programs to the sources compiled under 7b above. 6.Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy by providing notice of the policy to unions and training programs and requesting their cooperation in assisting the Contractor in meeting its EEO obligations; by including it in any policy manual and collective bargaining agreement; by publicizing it in the company newpaper, annual report, etc.; by specific review of the policy with all management personnel and with all minority and female employees at least once a year; and by posting the company EEO policy on bulletin boards accessible to all employees at each location where construction work is performed. 7.Review, at least annually, the company's EEO policy and affirmative action obligations under these specifications with all employees having any responsibility for hiring, assignment, layoff, termination or other employment decisions including specific review of these items with onsite supervisory personnel such as Superintendents, General Foremen, etc., prior to the initiation of construction work at any job site. A written record shall be made and maintained identifying the time and place of these meetings, persons attending, subject matter discussed, and disposition of the subject matter. 8.Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy externally by including it in any advertising in the news media, specifically including minority and female news media, and providing written notification to and discussing the Contractor's EEO policy with other Contractors and subcontractors with whom the Contractor does or anticipates doing business. 9.Direct its recruitment efforts, both oral and written, to minority, female and community organizations, to schools with minority and female students and to minority and female recruitment and training organizations serving the Contractor's recruitment area and employment needs. Not later than one month prior to the date for the acceptance of applications for apprenticeship or other training by any recruitment source, the Contractor shall send written notification to organizations such as the above, describing the openings, screening procedures, and tests to be used in the selection process. 10.Encourage present minority and female employees to recruit other minority persons and women and, where reasonable, provide after school, summer and vacation employment to minority and fe male youth both on the site and in other areas of a Contractor's work force. 11.Validate all tests and other selection requirements where there is an obligation to do so under 41 CFR part 60-3. 12.Conduct, at least annually, an inventory and evaluation at least of all minority and female personnel for promotional opportunities and encourage these employees to seek or to prepare for, through appropriate training, etc., such opportunities. 13.Ensure that seniority practices, job classifications, work assignments and other personnel practices, do not have a discriminatory effect by continually monitoring all personnel and employment related activities to ensure that the EEO policy and the Contractor's obligations under these specifications are being carried out. 14.Ensure that all facilities and company activities are non- segregated except that separate or single-user toilet and necessary changing facilities shall be provided to assure privacy between the sexes. 15.Document and maintain a record of all solicitations of offers for subcontracts from minority and female construction contractors and suppliers, including circulation of solicitations to minority and female contractor associations and other business associations. 16.Conduct a review, at least annually, of all supervisors' adherence to and performance under the Contractor's EEO policies and affirmative action obligations. viii.Contractors are encouraged to participate in voluntary associations which assist in fulfilling one or more of their affirmative action obligations (7a through p). The efforts of a contractor association, joint contractor-union, contractor-community, or other similar group of which the Contractor is a member and participant, may be asserted as fulfilling any one or more of its obligations under 7a through p of these Specifications provided that the Contractor actively participates in the group, makes every effort to assure that the group has a positive impact on the employment of minorities and women in the industry, ensures that the concrete benefits of the program are reflected in the Contractor's minority and female workforce participation, makes a good faith effort to meet its individual goals and timetables, and can provide access to documentation which demonstrates the effectiveness of actions taken on behalf of the Contractor. The obligation to comply, however, is the Contractor's and failure of such a group to fulfill an obligation shall not be a defense for the Contractor's noncomp liance. ix.A single goal for minorities and a separate single goal for women have been established. The Contractor, however, is required to provide equal employment opportunity and to take affirmative action for all minority groups, both male and female, and all women, bot h minority and non-minority. Consequently, the Contractor may be in violation of the Executive Order if a particular group is employed in a substantially disparate manner (for example, even though the Contractor has achieved its goals for women generally, the Contractor may be in violation of the Executive Order if a specific minority group of women is underutilized). x. The Contractor shall not use the goals and timetables or affirmative action standards to discriminate against any person because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status. xi. The Contractor shall not enter into any Subcontract with any person or firm debarred from Government contracts pursuant to Executive Order 11246. xii. The Contractor shall carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of these specifications and of the Equal Opportunity Clause, including suspension, termination and cancellation of existing subcontracts as may be imposed or ordered pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementing regulations, by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Any Contractor who fails to carry out such sanctions and penalties shall be in violation of these specifications and Executive Order 11246, as amended. xiii. The Contractor, in fulfilling its obligations under these specifications, shall implement specific affirmative action steps, at least as extensive as those standards prescribed in paragraph 7 of these specifications, so as to achieve maximum results from its efforts to ensure equal employment opportunity. If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Executive Order, the implementing regulations, or these specifications, the Director shall proceed in accordance with 41 CFR 60-4.8. xiv. The Contractor shall designate a responsible official to monitor all employment related activity to ensure that the company EEO policy is being carried out, to submit reports relating to the provisions hereof as may be requ ired by the Government and to keep records. Records shall at least include for each employee the name, address, telephone numbers, construction trade, union affiliation if any, employee identification number when assigned, social security number, race, sex, status (e.g., mechanic, apprentice trainee, helper, or laborer), dates of changes in status, hours worked per week in the indicated trade, rate of pay, and locations at which the work was performed. Records shall be maintained in an easily understandable and retrievable form; however, to the degree that existing records satisfy this requirement, contractors shall not be required to maintain separate records. xv.Nothing herein provided shall be construed as a limitation upon the application of other laws which establish different standards of compliance or upon the application of requirements for the hiring of local or other area residents (e.g., those under the Public Works Employment Act of 1977 and the Community Development Block Grant Program). b.The notice set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.2 and the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3 replace the New Form for Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Bid Conditions for Federal and Federally Assisted Construction published at 41 FR 32482 and commonly known as the Model Federal EEO Bid Conditions, and the New Form shall not be used after the regulations in 41 CFR part 60-4 become effective. 3.FOR CONTRACTS INVOLVING LABORERS AND MECHANICS EXCEEDING $2,000) Davis-Bacon, Copeland Anti-Kickback Acts and Safety at the Construction Site. The Contractor shall comply with federal transit laws, including 49 USC §5333(a)("FTA's Davis Bacon Related Act"), the Davis Bacon Act at 40 USC §§3141-3144, 3146 and 3147, related Department of Labor (DOL) regulations at 29 CFR Part 5, Sections 102 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, 40 USC §3702 and §3701, Section 1 of the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act as amended at 18 USC §874, Section 2 of the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act as amended at 40 USC §3145, related DOL regulations at 29 CFR Part 3 and 29 CFR Part 1926 and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 29 USC §201, to the extent applicable. a.Minimum wages – i.All laborers and mechanics employed or working upon the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 or under the Housing Act of 1949 in the construction or development of the project), will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR part 3)), the full amount of wages and bona fide fringe benefits (or cash equivalents thereof) due at time of payment computed at rates not less than those contained in the wage determination of the Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the Contractor and such laborers and mechanics. Contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits under section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of paragraph (1)(iv) of this section; also, regular contributions made or costs incurred for more than a weekly period (but not less often than quarterly) under plans, funds, or programs which cover the particular weekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or incurred during such weekly period. Such laborers and mechanics shall be paid the appropriate wage rate and fringe benefits on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed, without regard to skill, except as provided in 29 CFR Part 5.5(a)(4). Laborers or mechanics performing work in more than one classification may be compensated at the rate specified for each classification for the time actually worked therein: Provided that the employer's payroll records accurately set forth the time spent in each classification in which work is performed. The wage determination (including any additional classifications and wage rates conformed under paragraph (1)(ii) of this section) and the Davis-Bacon poster (WH-1321) shall be posted at all times by the contractor and its subcontractors at the site of the work in a prominent and accessible place where it can be easily seen by the workers. ii. 1.The contracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics, including helpers, which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the Contract shall be classified in conformance with the wage determination. The contracting officer shall approve an additional classification and wage rate and fringe benefits therefore only when the following criteria have been met: a.Except with respect to helpers as defined as 29 CFR 5.2(n) (4), the work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the wage determination; and b. The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry; and c.The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination; and d.With respect to helpers as defined in 29 CFR 5.2(n)(4), such a classification prevails in the area in which the work is performed. 2.If t he Contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed in the classification (if known), or their representatives, and the contracting officer agree on the classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits where appropriate), a report of the action taken shall be sent by the contracting officer to the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment St andards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will approve, modify, or disapprove every additional classification action within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary. 3. In the event the Contractor, the laborers or mechanics to be employed in the classification or their representatives, and the contracting officer do not agree on the proposed classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits, where appropriate), the contracting officer shall refer the questions, including the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of the contracting officer, to the Administrator for determination. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will issue a determination within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary. 4. The wage rate (including fringe benefits where appropriate) determined pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) (B) or (C) of this section, shall be paid to all workers performing work in the classification under this Contract from the first day on which work is performed in the classification. iii. Whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed in the Contract for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly rate, the Contractor shall either pay the benefit as stated in the wage determination or shall pay another bona fide fringe benefit or an hourly cash equivalent thereof. iv. If the Contractor does not make payments to a trustee or other third person, the Contractor may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing bona fide fringe benefits under a plan or program, Provided, That the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the Contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of Labor may require the Contractor to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. v. 1.The contracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the Contract shall be classified in conformance with the wage determination. The contracting officer shall approve an additional classification and wage rate and fringe benefits therefor only when the following criteria have been met: a.The work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the wage determination; and b.The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry; and c.The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination. 2.If the Contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed in the classification (if known), or their representatives, and the contracting officer agree on the classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits where appropriate), a report of the action taken shall be sent by the contracting officer to the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, Washington, DC 20210. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will approve, modify, or disapprove every additional classification action within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary. 3.In the event the Contractor, the laborers or mechanics to be employed in the classification or their representatives, and the contracting officer do not agree on the proposed classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits, where appropriate), the contracting officer shall refer the questions, including the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of the contracting officer, to the Administrator for determination. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will issue a determination with 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary. 4.The wage rate (including fringe benefits where appropriate) determined pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1)(v) (B) or (C) of this section, shall be paid to all workers performing work in the classification under this Contract from the first day on which work is performed in the classification. b.Withholding - The Authority shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld from the Contractor under this Contract or any other federal contract with the same prime Contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirements, which is held by the same prime Contractor, so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and mechanics, including apprentices, trainees, and helpers, employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor the full amount of wages required by the Contract. In the event of failure to pay any laborer or mechanic, including any apprentice, trainee, or helper, employed or working on the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 or under the Housing Act of 1949 in the construction or development of the project), all or part of the wages required by the Contract, the Authority may, after written notice to the Contractor, sponsor, applicant, or owner, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee of funds until such violations have ceased. c.Payrolls and basic records – i.Payrolls and basic records relating thereto shall be maintained by the Contractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period of three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937, or under the Housing Act of 1949, in the construction or development of the project). Such records shall contain the name, address, and social security number of each such worker, his or her correct classification, hourly rates of wages paid (including rates of contributions or costs anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits or cash equivalents thereof of the types described in section 1(b) (2) (B) of the Davis-Bacon Act), daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv) that the wages of any laborer or mechanic include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act, the Contractor shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records which show the costs anticipated or the actual cost incurred in providing such benefits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall maintain written evidence of the registration of apprenticeship programs and certification of trainee programs, the registration of the apprentices and trainees, and the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable programs. ii. 1. The Contractor shall submit weekly for each week in which any Contract work is performed a copy of all payrolls to the Authority for transmission to the Federal Transit Administration. The payrolls submitted shall set out accurately and completely all of the information required to be maintained under section 5.5(a) (3) (i) of Regulations, 29 CFR part 5. This information may be submitted in any form desired. Optional Form WH-347 is available for this purpose and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents (Federal Stock Number 029-005-00014-1), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The prime Contractor is responsible for the submission of copies of payrolls by all subcontractors. 2. Each payroll submitted shall be accompanied by a "Statement of Compliance," signed by the Contractor or subcontractor or his or her agent who pays or supervises the payment of the persons employed under the Contract and shall certify the following: a. That the payroll for the payroll period contains the information required to be maintained under section 5.5(a)(3)(i) of Regulations, 29 CFR part 5 and that such information is correct and complete; b. That each laborer or mechanic (including each helper, apprentice, and trainee) employed on the Contract during the payroll period has been paid the full weekly wages earned, without rebate, either directly or indirectly, and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned, other than permissible deductions as set forth in Regulations, 29 CFR part 3; c. That each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the applicable wage rates and fringe benefits or cash equivalents for the classification of work performed, as specified in the applicable wage determination incorporated into the Contract. 3. The weekly submission of a properly executed certification set forth on the reverse side of Optional Form WH-347 shall sat isfy the requirement for submission of the "Statement of Compliance" required by paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this section. 4.The falsification of any of the above certifications may subject the Contractor or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution under section 1001 of title 18 and section 231 of title 31 of the United States Code. iii.The Contractor or subcontractor shall make the records required under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section available for inspection, copying, or transcription by authorized representatives of the Federal Transit Administration or the Department of Labor, and shall permit such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the job. If the Contractor or subcontractor fails to submit the required records or to make them available, the Federal agency may, after written notice to the Contractor, sponsor, applicant, or owner, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee of funds. Furthermore, failure to submit the required records upon request or to make such records available may be grounds for debarment action pursuant to 29 CFR 5.12. d.Apprentices and trainees – i.Apprentices - Apprentices will be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work they performed when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, or if a person is employed in his or her first 90 days of probationary employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program, who is not individually registered in the program, but who has been certified by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or a State Apprenticeship Agency (where appropriate) to be eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen on the job site in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the Contractor as to the entire work force under the registered program. Any worker listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered or otherwise employed as stated above, shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any apprentice performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. Where a Contractor is performing construction on a project in a locality other than that in which its program is registered, the ratios and wage rates (expressed in percentages of the journeyman's hourly rate) specified in the Contractor's or subcontractor's registered program shall be observed. Every apprentice must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the registered program for the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeymen hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the apprenticeship program. If the apprenticeship program does not specify fringe benefits, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination for the applicable classification. If the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor determines that a different practice prevails for the applicable apprentice classification, fringes shall be paid in accordance with that determination. In the event the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, withdraws approval of an apprenticeship program, the Contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize apprentices at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. ii.Trainees - Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.16, trainees will not be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work performed unless they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a program which has received prior approval, evidenced by formal certification by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. The ratio of trainees to journeymen on the job site shall not be greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the approved program for the trainee's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeyman hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Trainees shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the trainee program. If the trainee program does not mention fringe benefits, trainees shall be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination unless the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division determines that there is an apprenticeship program associated with the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the wage determination which provides for less than full fringe benefits for apprentices. Any employee listed on the payroll at a trainee rate who is not registered and participating in a training plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any trainee performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. In the event the Employment and Training Administration withdraws approval of a training program, the Contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize trainees at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. iii.Equal employment opportunity - The utilization of apprentices, trainees and journeymen under this part shall be in conformity with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and 29 CFR part 30. e.Compliance with Copeland Act requirements - The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR part 3, which are incorporated by reference in this Contract. f.Subcontracts - The Contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses contained in 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1) through (10) and such other clauses as the Federal Transit Administration may by appropriate instructions require, and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with all the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5. g.Contract termination: debarment - A breach of the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5 may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as a Contractor and a subcontractor as provided in 29 CFR 5.12. h.Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Act requirements - All rulings and interpretations of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts contained in 29 CFR parts 1, 3, and 5 are herein incorporated by reference in this Contract. i.Disputes concerning labor standards - Disputes arising out of the labor standards provisions of this Contract shall not be subject to the general disputes clause of this Contract. Such disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures of the Department of Labor set forth in 29 CFR parts 5, 6, and 7. Disputes within the meaning of this clause include disputes between the Contractor (or any of its subcontractors) and the contracting agency, the U.S. Department of Labor, or the employees or their representatives. j.Certification of eligibility – i.By entering into this Contract, the Contractor certifies that neither it (nor he or she) nor any person or firm who has an interest in the contractor's firm is a person or firm ineligible to be awarded Government contracts by virtue of section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1). ii.No part of this Contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm ineligible for award of a Government contract by virtue of section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1). iii.The penalty for making false statements is prescribed in the U.S. Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C. 1001. SECTION VII REQUIRED FORMS & CERTIFICATIONS Legal Entity of Proposer /Authorized Signatories The Proposal Pricing Form shall clearly indicate the legal name, address, and telephone number of the Proposer and accurately identify the type of legal entity of the Proposer (i.e., corporation, LLC, partnership, joint venture, individual). The Proposal Pricing Form shall be signed by an individual with the authority to bind the Proposer and shall clearly identify (by typing or printing) the name of the authorized representative of the Proposer. Proposers must be registered with the Florida Department of State to engage in business in the State of Florida. If the Proposer is a joint -venture, the Authority will treat the entity as a general partnership for all purposes, and the joint-venture must submit, in addition to the other submissions required herein, evidence of the authority of the individual(s) submitting the venture's Proposal that such individual(s) is duly authorized to bind the venture make all of the required statements, assurances and certifications on behalf of the entity. Each other entity submitting a Proposal shall cause the Forms to be signed by its appropriately authorized senior executive officer, manager, or general partner. Submitting a Proposal is deemed to be a representation and warranty by the entity and individual submitting it that such entity has duly authorized the Proposal, and the individual(s) signing such Proposal has the authority to submit the Proposal and make all of the required statements, assurances and certifications on behalf of the entity. Required Forms. The table on the follo wing page is a summary of all required forms. Each form that is applicable to this solicitation is properly notated as such with the submittal due date. PRINT ALL OF SECTION VII, COMPLETE & EXECUTE THE FORMS. SUBMIT UNDER TAB 1 OF YOUR PROPOSAL. Required Forms Checklist Forms  Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda Bus Testing Certification Buy America Certification – Rolling Stock Certification of Eligibility Certification Regarding Lobbying Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Terms Conflict of Interest Certification Equal Opportunity Report Statement Intent to Perform Form Non Performance Acknowledgement Form Past Experience/Performance Reference Form (3) Proposed Contract Modification Form Proposers List Proposer’s Standard Assurance Schedule of Sub consultants/Subcontractors All Required Forms should be signed and returned in the Proposal due on Friday, September 31, 2018 by 2:00 PM. EXHIBIT A, PRICING FORM (On the following pages) Exhibit A, Price Proposal Forms Proposal Pricing Form A Base Bus Price Per Size Proposal Pricing Form B Options Items List Proposal Pricing Form C Decals & Signage Proposal Pricing Form D Additional User Manuals Proposal Pricing Form E Additional Training Equipment & Modules Proposal Pricing Form F Warranty Options Proposal Pricing Form G Tools& Equipment Base Bus Price Included in Base Bus Price Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ADVERTISING FRAMES None AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR Donaldson (RBX00-2277) Air Restriction Indicator AIR SYSTEM Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor AIR SYSTEM Bendix AD9 Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton S790) AIR SYSTEM Kingston Auto Drain Valve at Ping Tanks ALTERNATOR EMP (400 Amp for EMP Electric Cooling System with EMP Radiator and Charge Air Cooler) AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA APC Sensors, Cabling, CPU Only (Integrated w/ ITS) AXLES & SEALS Stud Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Oil Seals AXLES & SEALS Synthetic 75W90 Gear Oil BATTERIES (2) DEKA 8D Side or Top Post Connections BATTERIES Vanner 60Amp Battery Voltage Equalizer Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus BATTERIES Anderson 300 Jump Start Connector (Front & Rear) BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Powder Coated BIKE RACKS Bike Rack Deployed Indicator Lamp on Driver's Dash BRAKES S-Cam Drum Brakes with Wabco ABS COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM DC Power Filter for Radio Wiring COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Power Circuit (Route to RH Dash & Electrical Equipment Box) Roof Mount RF/GPS/Cellular Antenna COOLING SYSTEM EMP Electric Cooling Fan System with EMP Radiator MH-4 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% White LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear DOOR SYSTEM--FRONT OEM Standard Air Open/Spring Close Front Door with Full Driver Control--31.75" Minimum Doorway Clear Width DOOR SYSTEM--REAR OEM Standard Air Open/Spring Close Rear Door with Full Driver Control--31.75" Minimum Doorway Clear Width DOOR SYSTEM--REAR Add Touch Bars (Air Open / Spring Close) at Rear Door with Driver Override DRIVER BARRIER None DRIVER CONTROLS Williams Controls 41 Degree Throttle and Brake Pedal (Non-Adjustable) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DRIVER HEATERS MCC Drivers Heater-Brushless Motors, Electric Control, Removable Filter DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 44"H x 22.5"W x 20"D, 1-Door ENGINE Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Magnetic Drain Plug EXHAUST SYSTEM Cummins Computest Fitting at Turbo Outlet Pipe EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4" Diameter LED Tail Lights--Turn, Tail, Stop, Reverse EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4 LED Headlights (Low & High Beam) EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x11", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) FARE COLLECTION No Farebox , Provide Power Circuit and Groundstrap Only FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression System FLOORING Greenwood ACQ Plywood FLOORING Gerflor Tarabus Helios Flooring Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus FRAME None FUEL SYSTEM Spin On Primary and Secondary Fuel Filters GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Speedometer, Air Pressure Gauge, 12/24 volt Gauges, DEF Gauge, Engine Oil Pressure Gauge, Engine Coolant Temp Gauge HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with X430 Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING R357C Refrigerent HUBOMETER Veeder Root Mechanical without Tenths, without Guard INTERIOR LIGHTS LED Interior Lights INTERIOR MIRRORS 8.25" x 16" Interior Rear View Mirror, Flat Faced ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices IVN 4 (AVL/GPS/CAD/Automatic Stop Annunciation) MISCELLANOUS Scissor Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows MODESTY PANELS Standard Melamine Panels on Lower Section PAINT One Color w/ Black Mask at Windows PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Curbisde Aft of ADA Area Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Streetside Aft of ADA Area PASSENGER SEATING USSC 4ONE Gemini PASSENGER SIGNALS Pull Cords (Neutral) with Touch Pad at Wheelchair Location PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM PA with Handheld Mic w / (8) Flush Mount Speakers 35' (6) w / 30' REAR RUN CONTROLS Engine Run Control and Start Switch, Compartment Light Switch ROOF HATCHES Manual Hatch at Front and Rear Positions SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5LBS ABC Fire Extinguisher (Mounted Behind Driver Seat) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Safety Triangles (K-D 610-4640) SCHEDULE RACK NONE STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Stainless Steel Vertical Stanchions, Grabrails, and Modesty Panel Tubes STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Vinyl Coated Nylon Grab Straps--Each STARTER Delco 42MT Electric Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus STEERING SYSTEM Douglas, Single Tilt, Without Column Turn Signal, Without High-Low Beam Switch STEERING SYSTEM Steering Wheel--Standard 20" Non-Padded 3 Spoke Wheel with Center Horn Button STEERING SYSTEM Ross Model TS 65 STYLING PACKAGES Standard Styling Package STYLING PACKAGES Windshield 2-Piece SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 6TB HDD, GPS, Wireless, Impact Sensor TIRES Agency Supplied Tires TOWING None TRANSMISSION Voith D864.5, or Latest Model WHEELCHAIR RAMP Lift U--Ramp (LU-18 Dual Mode Front Door Ramp Only) WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC--V-PRO-Reliant WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with Durabrite DECALS & SIGNAGE ADA Priority Seat Decals--"PLEASE OFFER THESE SEATS TO THE ELDERLY AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES", White on Clear Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DECALS & SIGNAGE Drivers Instructions & Warning--English, Black on White DECALS & SIGNAGE Interior Symbol Decals (3)--ISO Symbols, No Smoking/Eating/Drinking/Radio. White on Black DECALS & SIGNAGE Vehicle Height Decal--English "Caution Clearance Height XX FT XX IN, Black on Yellow DECALS & SIGNAGE Drivers /Passengers Standee Warning Decal for Florida--"It Is A Violation For This Bus To Be In Operation With Passengers Occupying The Area Forward Of Yellow Line. Therefore Passengers May Not Stand Forward Of The Yellow Line While Bus Is In Motion." White on Black MANUALS Drivers, Service, Parts, Electrical, Vendor (Hardcopy) & Compact Disc (CD)--1 Set Hardcopy & 1 CD (Up to 3 buses ordered) 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus Total Base Bus Price Options List Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ADVERTISING FRAMES Advertising Frame - Interior 22" X 21",RH Load, Open Back, Clear Aluminum Finish ADVERTISING FRAMES (1) Information Board (#15-55401-000) AIR SYSTEM Electric Driven 12.5 CFM--BAE Hybrid Package AIR SYSTEM Bendix ADIP , Heated, Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Bendix Puraguard Air / Oil Separator AIR SYSTEM Chicago Rawhide Dual Turbo 2000 Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA15 Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA60 Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Haldex Consep Moisture Ejector, Heated, at Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT 2000 Duraguard, 24V Heated, Filtration Plus Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT_2000 Duraguard Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Wabco SS 1800, Heated, Air Dryer AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton 770) AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection (Milton 727) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ALTERNATOR Neihoff C703 (330 AMP ) ALTERNATOR Neihoff C803 Alternator with Remote Regulator ALTERNATOR Neihoff 803D (525 AMP) with Remote Regulator ALTERNATOR BAE APS2 Beltless Alternator DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Sub-Systems ALTERNATOR Vanner 300 AMP DC-DC Converter AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities (without APC software & Wi-Fi data transfer AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER Clever Devices CleverCount System AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels, Axles with Oil Seals AXLES & SEALS Stud Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals AXLES & SEALS Rear Axle Oil Drain Plug--Magnetic Internal Hex Head Plug BATTERIES Group 31 Batteries BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors –Vanner Start Sentry BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors--HBI KA Power Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Connector (Each) BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Delete BATTERIES 24 Volt to 13.6 Volt DC-DC Converter BATTERIES Marine Cabling for Charging System BATTERIES Vanner 80-series Smart Battery Equalizer w/CAN BATTERIES Voltage spike arrestor, S.K.I. Products SKI241-101445, or approved equal BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Stainless Steel BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Powder Coated BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2, 2-Position, Powder Coated BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX3, 3-Position, Stainless Steel BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 3, 3-Position, Powder Coated BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Stainless Steel BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Powder Coated BIKE RACKS Sportworks Pivot Plate Only BIKE RACKS Sportworks Mounting Brackets Only Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Stainless Steel BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2,2-Position, Stainless Steel BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Stainless Steel BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Powder Coated BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak Pivot Plate Only BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak-Mounting Brackets Only BRAKES Automatic Traction Control-(ATC) BRAKES MGM E-Stroke Brake Wear Monitoring System BRAKES Four Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 85" & (4) 120" Type III Fuel Tanks CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (8) 85" III Fuel Tanks CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 120" III Fuel Tanks CNG Add Second Fast Fill to Low Mount Position CNG Smart Gauge fuel System Monitoring Gauge (includes tank upgrade to electric solenoids) CNG Manual Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus CNG Electric Solenoid Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Motorola APX 4500 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Motorola APX 6500 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Harris XG-25M COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 572 Antenna COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 931 Antenna COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 930T Antenna with RG58 coax cable and TNC connector COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM GPS Antenna (Trimble 502 Model 18334) COOLING SYSTEM Modine Electric Cooling System without E-Coat COOLING SYSTEM Modine Hydraulic Cooling Fan System COOLING SYSTEM Masabi Radiator COOLING SYSTEM Modine Side by Side Plate Fin Radiator COOLING SYSTEM Auxilary Coolant Heater COOLING SYSTEM Breeze Constant Tension Clamps COOLING SYSTEM Oetiker Constant Torque Clamps Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus COOLING SYSTEM E - Coat Radiator, Charge Air Cooler, & Hydraulic Cooler COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard with Splash Shield DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Amber LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Full Color LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--White LED DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--Amber LED DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--Color LED DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Delete Rear Sign DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover Program Software DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Silver LED Sign (16 X 160)-- Front, Side, and Rear DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Amber LED Sign (16 x 160)--Front, Side, and Rear DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Silver Series LED Sign (24 X 200)--Front, Side, and Rear DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Amber Series Sign (24 x 200)--Front, Side, and Rear DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Silver LED Sign (16 x 160)--Front, Side , and Rear Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Amber LED Sign (16x 160)--Front, Side , and Rear DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Spectrum 100% Full Color LED GEN IV Front Sign (16 x 112) DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Amber LED DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Silver LED DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Color LED DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator RearView Camera Integraded into Rear LED Sign DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Rearview Camera without Rear LED Sign DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator--Delete Rear Sign DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Program Software DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE TwinVision Program Software DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Destination Sign Wireless Programming DOOR SYSTEM--REAR Add Touch Tape at Rear Doors DOOR SYSTEM Add Exterior Air Release (Front Door Control Valve) DOOR SYSTEM Add Vapor Class 5 Position Analog Controller DOOR SYSTEM Add Push Button Door Controls Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Activair Differential Engine for Slide-Glide Doors DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor CLASS Acoustic (Photo Sensor) DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Digital Door Control - DDC DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Electric Transit Operator - ETO DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Light Touch Bars DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Optical Pressure Switch - OPS DRIVER BARRIER Drivers Barrier Storage Box DRIVER BARRIER Driver's Security Enclosure DRIVER BARRIER Flat Melamine, Two Piece DRIVER BARRIER Plexiglass Drivers Security Enclosure Door DRIVER BARRIER Wrap Around Fiberglass Drivers Barrier DRIVER BARRIER Wraparound fiberglass, without schedule holders, with drivers barrier grap handle DRIVER CONTROLS Kongsberg Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal DRIVER CONTROLS Teleflex Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal DRIVER CONTROLS 12 V Cigarette Light Adaptor for PC auxilary power- Drivers area Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DRIVER HEATERS Dash Fan DRIVERS SEAT Recaro Ergo Metro, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belts (Lap & Shoulder) DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to Recaro Ergo Metro DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to Recaro Ergo Metro DRIVERS SEAT Add Adjustable D-Ring to Recaro Ergo Metro DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to Recaro Ergo Metro DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap) DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap) DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap) DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to USSC Seat DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to USSC Seat DRIVERS SEAT Add Adustable D-Ring to USSC Seat DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to USSC Seat DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to USSC Seat DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to USSC Seat ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 2-Doors ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door, Louvered Back Panel ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 8.25"H x 20"W x 13"D, 1-Door, Curbside Wheelhousing Storage Box ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add 5/16" Square Key Lock--Each ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Exhaust Ventilation Fan--Each ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Standard Key Lock--Each ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Spinner II Bypass Filter System ENGINE OIL SYSTEM KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - engine oil Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Sample Test Port--Titan Probalizer OD-1014 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Femco Auto Drain EXTERIOR LIGHTS 7" Diameter LED Tail Lights--Turn, Tail, Stop, Reverse EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 4" Diameter LED Brake Light--Each EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 7" Diameter LED Brake Light--Each EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Red LED Strip Brake Light--Each EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Amber LED Strip Brake Light--Each EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Red LED "STOP" Sign EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Amber Triangle Style LED "Yield" Sign EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (Low Beam Only) EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (High Beam Only) EXTERIOR LIGHTS Dual Halogen Headlights (Low & High Beam Only) EXTERIOR LIGHTS Fog Lights EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x8", 1-Piece, Remote Control Both Sides, Stainless Steel Arms EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x10", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x15", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x13", 1-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) EXTERIOR MIRRORS Delete Remote Control (Per Side) EXTERIOR MIRRORS Add Turn Signal Indicator on Exterior Mirror Head EXTERIOR MIRRORS 5" Mirror Front Bike Rack Mirror FARE COLLECTION GFI 41" Tall Odyssey FARE COLLECTION Add Farebox Lamp, Ceiling mounted FARE COLLECTION Install Customer Provided Farebox Base Plate FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex Safety-Net Fire Suppression & 4 Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex V-25 Fire Suppression System FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression & (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum LTD Fire Detection and Suppression System FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum with LTD and (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Armored LTD FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde TLSE Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Optical Sensor (each) FLOORING RCA Rubber Flooring FLOORING Composite Sub Floor FLOORING Altro Transflor FLOORING Stainless Steel Trim on Risers and Wheelhousings FRAME Engine Skid Protection with Extended Tow Eyes FRAME Engine Skid Protection W/ Extended Tow Eyes & 2" Thick x 2" Wide Wear Plate FRAME Reinforced A-Post Skid Plates (Per Side) FRAME Frame Undercoating FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Heated FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Non-Heated FUEL SYSTEM EMCO-WHEATON Posi Lock 105 (Flip Cap or Twist Cap) GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--Diesel GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--Diesel Hybrid GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--CNG Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Alarm GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Warning Indicator GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Engine Hour Meter GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Auxiliary Stop Request Light GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Mutil Function Display (MFD) HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with S616 Screw Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with S391 Screw Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 All-Electric HVAC SYSTEM--BAE Hybrid HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo-King All-Electric HVAC System w/ HVDM--Allison Hybrid HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Sutrak All-Electric HVAC SYSTEM--(Roof Mounted/Rear Mounted HVAC system) HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SanUVAire- Safe Breathe Air Purification System HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King Pressure and Return Display Mounted to Unit HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC Electric System with Alternator HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC with brushless condensor and evaporator motors and 05G Compressor, Eco Temp Controls HUBOMETER E J Ward Data System (Includes CANceiver, Display Unit, and Antenna) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus HUBOMETER Engler (Stemco) Mechanical without Tenths, without Guard HUBOMETER S/A Fleetwatch Data Logger JX 55 HUBOMETER Add Hubodometer Guard HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add BAE Electric Accessories R.E.A.L. System--(Diesel or CNG Engines Only) HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Extended Range Batteries--BAE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Steering Package--BAE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Air Compressor Package--BAE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Auxiliary Coolant Heater--BAE INTERIOR MIRRORS 12" Convex at Rear Door Stanchion INTERIOR MIRRORS 6" Flat Faced Spot Mirror at Bottom of Front Destination Sign Compartment INTERIOR MIRRORS 4.75" x 15" Interior Mirror, Flat Faced ITS SYSTEM Avail IVU with MDC, GPS, APC, and WLAN ITS SYSTEM Avail System Pre-Wire (IVU, MDT, APC, Fare Box) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ITS SYSTEM None ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices BusTime System ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverCAD System ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverVision ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Secure Bus Access System ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Turn Warning System ITS SYSTEM Opticom Traffic Signal Priority ITS SYSTEM MobileEye Collision Avoidance System ITS SYSTEM Transloc Transit Visualization System AVL ITS SYSTEM Intelligent Vehicle System Prewire Only (Pending System Specification) ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys Module ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--Upgrade to 29" Monitors ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--Upgrade to 37" Monitors ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys Module Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--Upgrade to 29" Monitors ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--Upgrade to 37"Monitors MISCELLANOUS Drivers Coat Hook MISCELLANOUS Roller Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows MISCELLANOUS Euramatic Cup Holder MISCELLANOUS Registration Card holder MISCELLANOUS Stainless Steel Waste Basket and Bracket MODESTY PANELS Quick Changing Glazing Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panels Both Sides of Rear Exit Door MODESTY PANELS Front Door Modesty Panel MODESTY PANELS Lower Modesty Panel Forward of Rear Door MODESTY PANELS Melamine Panel Lower Section (Aft Rear Door) MODESTY PANELS Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panel Forward Rear Door PAINT Add--Additional Color--Per Pass PAINT Add--Clear Coat PAINT Add Roof Numbers Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus PAINT Custom Paint / Decal Design (Per Spec) PASSENGER SEATING Kiel North America Intra PASSENGER SEATING USSC 4One Angel PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Vision PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Insight PASSENGER SEATING AMESCO Insight Prime Plus PASSENGER SEATING Add--USB Charging Ports at Passenger Locations PASSENGER SEATING Add--Hinged Rear SeHee PASSENGER SEATING Add--3rd Step To Perimeter Seating (Except Settee) PASSENGER SIGNALS Stop Request Button At Rear Door Stanchion PASSENGER SIGNALS Touch Tape (At Window Mullions) PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Sliders PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Fixed PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Standard Frame PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Sliders PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Fixed PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Standard Frame PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Window Guards (Acrylic or Film) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM (1) Interior/Both/Exterior Speaker Selct Toggle Switch without Guard & (1) Rheostat Volume Control with XLR Mic Jack PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Boom Microphone--Soundview SVA50SF (24") without ON/OFF Switch on Microphone, Momentary Button toe Switch, Floor Bracket Mounted PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devises - Speakeasy II PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Luminator VAS System PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devices Automated Voice Announcement System REAR RUN CONTROLS Radiator Electric Fan Controls--Fan Reverse Flow Momentary Toggle Switch & Indicator Lamp REAR RUN CONTROLS Rear Hand Thottle Control--Rheostat Variable Speed Control with Toggle Witch & Guard REAR RUN GAUGES Add Engine Hour Meter REAR RUN GAUGES Add A/C Hour Meter Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus REAR RUN GAUGES Add Oil Pressure--Mechanical REAR RUN GAUGES Add Oil Pressure--Electrical REAR RUN GAUGES Add Coolant Temperature--Mechanial REAR RUN GAUGES Add Coolant Temperature--Electrical REAR RUN GAUGES Add Transmission Temperature--Mechanical REAR RUN GAUGES Add Transmission Temperature--Electrical REAR RUN GAUGES Add Voltmeter (12V or 24V) ROOF HATCHES Delete (1) Roof hatch SAFETY EQUIPMENT Bio- Hazard Disposal Kit SAFETY EQUIPMENT Blood Born Pathogens Kit SAFETY EQUIPMENT Ten Unit First Aid Kit SAFETY EQUIPMENT Wheel Chocks ( Per Set ) SCHEDULE RACK (1) Schedule Holder OBIC 20/9 4PW-49/923BO- 4 Slots,Gray Color SCHEDULE RACK 22" x 21" Black, RH Load Open Back SCHEDULE RACK Innocom Schedule Racks 3.75" x 7" x 1.5" Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus SCHEDULE RACK Innocom Schedule Racks 8.62" x 1 1" x 1" SCHEDULE RACK OBIC To (4) Quad Pamphlet & (1) Single Pamphlet Holders SCHEDULE RACK Transit Info Products OBICT10P2LTRMC SCHEDULE RACK Transit Information Products -19"x 21" OBIC 19/214P1LTRMC STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions, Grab Rails, and Modesty Panel Tubes STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions Only STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Vehicle Stanchion at Front Wheel Wells--Each STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Add Farebox Grabrail STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Horizontal Grabrail on Curbside & Streetside Wheelhousing STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS SSTL Spring Loaded Grab Handle--Each STARTER Delco 39MT Electric STEERING SYSTEM Steering Box--TRW TAS6505 STEERING SYSTEM TRW Electric Assisted Steering STEEERING SYSTEM VIP Textured Steering Wheel STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap Styling Only Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap, Rear Cap and Engine Door Styling STYLING PACKAGES BRT PLUS Front Cap, Rear Cap, Roof Line and Engine Door Styling STYLING PACKAGES BRT Roof Fairings, Front or Rear (each) STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Cow Catcher on Front Bumper STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Exterior Roof Mounted Sign Boards STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Exterior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Cupola, Front & Rear Overhand Eves, Arches, Window Mullions, Window Sills, Rub Rails, Skirt Panels, Front & Rear Door, Front & Rear Bumper. STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Front Center Trolley Light STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Front Roof Hatch Accomodations STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Hybrid Bus Compatible Cupola Package STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Interior Vinyl Seat Cushions STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Interior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Ceiling Panel Strips, Window Tops & Sills, Overhead Passenger Lights, Driver's Dash Area. STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Roof Accent LED Rope Lighting STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Vintage Style Trolley Seating, Solid Wood Slats, Bull Nose Top, and Bottom Roundover Edges STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Vintage Style Vinyl Graphics: Cupola Window & Exterior Window Graphic Motifs, Standard Gold Vinyl Pinstripping, Exterior Graphics Banner Package, Interior Graphics Banner at Rear I/O Enclosure, Exterior Bus Numbers, Gold Battery Disconnect SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Add (1) Standard Definition Coler Camera Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Delete (1) Standard Definition Color Camera SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Add (1) High Definition Color Camera SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Add 8TB HDD SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo Back Up Camera with LCD Screen SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON NX-16 (7) Camera System, 2TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add (1) High Definition Color Camera SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax (7) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 1TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax--Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax--Add (1) High Definition Color Camera SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax--Add 1TB HDD (Double stacked 500GB HDD) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Network 5412 (10) Camera--Kalatel Mobileview SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview NVR7000 (10) Camera System, High Definition, 4TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview--Add (1) High Definition Camera Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview--Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS REI Bus Watch Digital SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Camera Pre Wire Package TIRES OEM Supplied Tires TIRES Tire Pressure Monitoring System TOWING Cole Hersee 12063 Electrical Tow Connector TOWING Delete Cole Hersee Tow Connector TRANSMISSION Allison B-400R, GEN IV or Latest GEN TRANSMISSION Davco Electronic Fluid Level Gauge TRANSMISSION KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - Transmission Fluid TRANSMISSION Titan Probalizer OD-1014 TRANSMISSION ZF 6AP1400B WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon--6:1 Ratio, Single Slope Ramp – SSR - Front Door Only WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon – 4:1 Ratio, FR2E - Front Door Only WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Kiel North America K-Pod with Secubar Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Dual Auto Lok with Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) with Remote Belt Release WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Q'Straint Q'Pod WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC--Q'Straint Q' POD WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Q'Straint Quantum WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Belt Guard and Wheelchair Ramp Pan Identification Numbers WHEELS/RIMS (7) Steel Powder Coated Finish, White or Black WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish with Durabrite WHEELS/RIMS Alcoa Wheels--Add Duraflange WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Aluminum Wheel WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Steel Wheel Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DECALS & SIGNAGE Wheechair Securement Decals--"WHEELCHAIR SEATING AREA SECUREMENTS ARE LOCATED BELOW THESE SEATS", Black on Optically Clear DECALS & SIGNAGE Trilingual Decals DECALS & SIGNAGE Yield Sign Decal Category Item Description Price per Item MANUALS Additional Driver's Handbook--Each MANUALS Additional Service Manual (Hardcopy)--Each MANUALS Additional Parts Manual (Hardcopy)--Each MANUALS Additional Electrical Schematics (Hardcopy)--Each MANUALS Additional Drivers, Service, Parts, or Electrical Schematics (CD)--Each MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy)--Each MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (CD)--Each Category Item Description Price per Item TRAINING Operator Orientation Training--By Bus Manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Driver/Per Class) TRAINING Maintenance Orientation Training--By Bus Manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Steering System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Chassis & Body--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Door Systems--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Suspension--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Electrical & Electronics----By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Air & Brake Systems--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING HVAC & Climate Controls--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Engine----By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Transmission--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Wheelchair Ramp--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Category Item Description Price per Item TRAINING Destination Sign--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Fire Suppression--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Hybrid Propulsion System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Camera System Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Automatic Passenger Counting System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING Fare Collection Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING ITS Technical Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) TRAINING MODULES Thermo-King Intelligaire Training Module TRAINING MODULES I/O Controls Multiplex Board TRAINING MODULES Air Brake Training Board TRAINING MODULES BAE Hybrid Drive Module TRAINING MODULES Cummins Engine Module Category Item Description Price per Item TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/Allison B400R Power Plant TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/Voith D864.5 (or latest model) TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/ZF 6AP1400B TRAINING MODULES Vapor Door Training Module Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Complete Bus--1 Year/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Body and Chassis Structure--7 Years/300,000 miles WARRANTY Engine (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Emission Control Systems--5 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Transmission (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Hybrid Drive System (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Differential (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--2 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Differential (Extended Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY HVAC (Base Coverage)--3 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY HVAC (Extended Coverage)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--3 Years/Unlimited Miles Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Extended Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Exterior Paint (Base Coverage)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Structure/Body Integrity Against Corrosion (Base Coverage)--12 Years/500,000 Miles WARRANTY Sub-Floor (Base Coverage)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Flooring (Rubber) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Flooring (Composite) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Body and Window Frames Against Leakage (Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Brake Systems--1 Year/100,000 Miles WARRANTY Electrical System (Base Coverage)--1 Year/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Electrical System (Extended Coverage)--3 Years/Unlimited Miles WARRANTY Suspension System--2 Years/Unlimited Miles Category Item Description Price per Item DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Cummins Tune Up Kit (pressure gauge, torque wrench, oil filter wrench, engine coolant & fuel wrench, belt tension gauge, charge A/C CAC pressure kit, engine barring gear, roller follower removal & installation tool, compucheck fitting) DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Nexiq USB Link 2 Wi-Fi Edition with 9-Pin Deutsch Adapter Kit, Insite (X) Software DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Set of Multiplexing Diagnostics (circuit tester, program loader, program, ID writer/verification, RS232/RS485 Converter, read time ladder logic, hand held computer, all required RTM software DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe AMB-45 Insulation Resistance Tester DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Hybrid Battery Removal Tool Kit DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Electric Drive Removal Tool Kit (Jack & Dolley) DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Kvaser Leaf Light HS v2 J1939-13 Type II DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS TK60 - 60pcs. 1000v Insulated Tool Kit DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Thermo King Intelligaire III Diagnostic Kit with Flash Load Programming Cable PCAN Adapter Diagnostic Cable Your PC PCAN Software USB to Serial Port Adapter CAN DIAG Program DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Meritor Software (Tool Box), Serial Link/Interface Kit TOOLS Engine Dolley TOOLS Transmission Jack EXHIBIT B, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (On the following pages) In submitting a proposal, please note where indicated, whether your proposal exceeds, meets, or does not meet the technical specification. Provide comments explaining your response. Each response should be in RED. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL TS 1. Scope Technical specifications define requirements for heavy-dut y transit buses and commuter coaches, which, by the selection of specifically identified alternative configurations, may be used for both suburban express service and general service on urban arterial streets. Buses shall have a minimum expected life of twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first, and are intended for the widest possible spectrum of passengers, including children, adults, the elderly and people with disabili ties. TS 2. Definitions Alternative: An alternative specification condition to the default bus configuration. The Agency may define alternatives to the default configuration to satisfy local operating requirements. Alternatives for the default configuration will be clearly identified. Ambient Temperature: The temperature of the surrounding air. For testing purposes, ambient temperature must be between 16°C (50°F) and 38°C (100°F). Analog Signals: A continuously variable signal that is solely dependent upon magn itude to express information content. NOTE: Analog signals are used to represent the state of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Audible Discrete Frequency: An audible discrete frequency is determined to exist if the sound power level in any 1/3-octave band exceeds the average of the sound power levels of the two adjacent 1/3-octave bands by 4 decibels (dB) or more. Battery Compartment: Low-voltage energy storage, i.e. 12/24 VDC batteries. Battery Management System (BMS): Monitors energy, as well as temperature, cell or module voltages, and total pack voltage. The BMS adjusts the control strategy algorithms to maintain the batteries at uniform state of charge and optimal temperatures. Braking Resistor: Device that converts electrical energy into heat, typically used as a retarder to supplement or replace the regenerative braking. Burst Pressure: The highest pressure reached in a container during a burst test. Capacity (fuel container): The water volume of a container in gallons (liters). Cells: Individual components (i.e., battery or capacitor cells). Code: A legal requirement. Combination Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by a combination of high pressures or high temperatures, acting either indep endently or together. Composite Container for CNG: A container fabricated of two or more materials that interact to facilitate the container design criteria. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): Mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally of methane in gaseous form that has been compressed for use as a vehicular fuel. Container: A pressure vessel, cylinder or cylinders permanently manifolded together, used to store CNG. Container Appurtenances: Devices connected to container openings for safety, control or operating purposes. Container Valve: A valve connected directly to a container outlet. Curb Weight: Weight of vehicle, including maximum fuel, oil and coolant; and all equipment required for operation and required by this Specification, but without passengers or driver. dBA: Decibels with reference to 0.0002 microbar as measured on the “A” scale. DC to DC Converter: A module that converts a source of direct current from one voltage level to another. Default Configuration Bus: The bus described if no alternatives are selected. Signing, colors, the destination sign reading list and other information must be provided by the Agency. Defueling: The process of removing fuel from a tank. Defueling Port. Device that allows for vehicle defueling, or the point at which this occurs. Destroyed: Physically made permanently unusable. Discrete Signal: A signal that can take only pre-defined values, usually of a binary 0 or 1 nature, where 0 is battery ground potential and 1 is a defined battery positive potential. DPF: Diesel particulate filter. Driver’s Eye Range: The 95th-percentile ellipse defined in SAE Recommended Practice J941, except that the height of the ellipse shall be determined from the seat at its reference height. Energy Density: The relationship between the weight of an energy storage device and its power output in units of watt -hours per kilogram (Wh/kg). Energy Storage System (ESS): A component or system of components that stores energy and for which its supply of energy is rechargeable by the on-vehicle system (engine/regenerative braking/ generator) or an off-vehicle energy source. Fill Pressure for CNG: The pressure attained at the actual time of filling. Fill pressure varies according to the gas temperatures in the container, which are dependent on the charging parameters and the ambient conditions. The maximum dispensed pressure shall not exceed 125 percent of service pressure. Flow Capacity: For natural gas flow, this is the capacity in volume per unit time (normal cubic meters/minut e or standard cubic feet per minute) discharged at the required flow rating pressure. Fuel Line: The pipe, tubing or hose on a vehicle, including all related fittings, through which natural gas passes. Fusible Material: A metal, alloy or other material capable of being melted by heat. Fire Resistant: Materials that have a flame spread index less than 150 as measured in a radiant panel flame test per ASTM-E 162-90. Fireproof: Materials that will not burn or melt at temperatures less than 2000°F. Free Floor S pace: Floor area available to standees, excluding the area under seats, area occupied by feet of seated passengers, the vestibule area forward of the standee line, and any floor space indicated by manufacturer as non-standee areas, such as the floor space “swept” by passenger doors during operation. Floor area of 1.5 sq. ft. shall be allocated for the feet of each seated passenger protruding into the standee area. Fuel Management System: Natural gas fuel system components that control or contribute to engine air fuel mixing and metering, and the ignition and combustion of a given air-fuel mixture. The fuel management system would include, but is not limited to, reducer/regulator valves, fuel metering equipment (e.g. carburetor, injectors), sensors (e.g., main throttle, waste gate). GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the axle manufacturer, at which the axle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended purpose. Gross Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position, for the driver, and for each 1.5 sq. ft. of free floor space. GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight): Curb weight plus gross load. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the vehicle manufacturer, at which the vehicle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended purpose. High Pressure: Those portions of the CNG fuel system that see full container or cylinder pressure. High Voltage (HV): Greater than 50 V (AC and DC). Hose: Flexible line. Hybrid: A vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to propel the vehicle. Hybrid System Controller (HSC):Regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. Hybrid Drive System (HDS): The mechanical and/or electromechanical components, including the engine, traction motors and energy storage system, which comprise the traction drive portion of the hybrid propulsion system. Intermediate Pressure: The portion of a CNG system after the first pressure regulator, but before the engine pressure regulator. Intermediate pressure on a CNG vehicle is generally from 3.5 to 0.5 MPa (510 to 70 psi). Inverter: A module that converts DC to and from AC. Labeled: Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol or other identifying mark of an organization, which is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, which maintains periodic inspection of production labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Leakage: Release of contents through a Defect or a crack. See Rupture. Line: All tubes, flexible and hard, that carry fluids. Liner: Inner gas-tight container or gas container to which the overwrap is applied. Local Regulations: Regulations below the state level. Low-Floor Bus: A bus that, between at least the front (entrance) and rear (exit) doors, has a floor sufficiently low and level so as to remove the need for steps in the aisle between the doors and in the vicinity of these doors. Low Voltage (LV):50 V or less (AC and DC). Lower Explosive Limit: The lowest concentration of gas where, given an ignition source, combustion is possible. Maximum Service Temperature: The maximum temperature to which a container/cylinder will be subjected in normal service. Metallic Hose: A ho se whose strength depends primarily on the strength of its metallic parts; it can have metallic liners or covers, or both. Metering Valve: A valve intended to control the rate of flow of natural gas. Module: An assembly of individual components Motor (Electric): A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Motor (Traction): An electric motor used to power the driving wheels of the bus. Operating Pressure: The varying pressure developed in a container during service. Physical Layer: The first layer of the seven-layer International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model. This provides the mechanical, electrical, functional and procedural characteristics required to gain access to the transmission medium (e.g., cable) and is responsible for transporting binary information between computerized systems. Pipe: Nonflexible line. Pressure Relief Device (PRD):A pressure and/or temperature activated device used to vent the container/cylinder contents and thereby prevent rupture of an NGV fuel container/cylinder, when subjected to a standard fire test as required by fuel container/cylinder standards. NOTE: Since this is a pressure-activated device, it may not protect against rupture of the container when the application of heat weakens the container to the point where its rupture pressure is less than the rated burst pressure of the relief device, particularly if the container is partially full. Power: Work or energy divided by time Power Density: Power divided by mass, volume or area. Propulsion System: System that provides propulsion for the vehicle proportional to operator commands. Includes, as applicable, engine, transmission, traction motors, the hybrid drive system, (HDS), energy storage system (ESS), and system controllers including all wiring and converter/inverter. Real-Time Clock (RTC): Computer clock that keeps track of the current time. Regenerative Braking: Deceleration of the bus by switching motors to act as generators, which return vehicle kinetic energy to the energy storage system. Rejectable Damage: In terms of NGV fuel containers/cylinders, this is damage as outlined in CGA C-6.4, “Methods for External Visual Inspection of Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers and Their Installations,” and in agreement with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Retarder: Device used to augment or replace some of the functions of primary friction based braking systems of the bus. Rupture: Sudden and unstable damage propagation in the structural components of the container resulting in a loss of contents. See Leakage. Seated Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position and for the driver. SLW (Seated Load Weight): Curb weight plus seated load. Serial Data Signals. A current loop based representation of ASCII or alphanumeric data used for transferring information between devices by transmitting a sequence of individual bits in a prearranged order of significance. NOTE: An example is the communication that takes place between two or more electronic components with the ability to process and store information. Service Pressure: The settled pressure at a uniform gas temperature of 21°C (70°F) and full gas content. It is the pressure for which the equipment has been constructed, under normal conditions. Also referred to as the nominal service pressure or working pressure. Settled Pressure: The gas pressure when a given settled temperature, usually 21°C (70°F), is reached. Settled Temperature: The uniform gas temperature after any change in temperature caused by filling has dissipated. Solid State Alternator: A module that converts high-voltage DC to low -voltage DC (typically 12/24 V systems). Sources of Ignition: Devices or equipment that because of their modes of use or operation, are capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite flammable compressed natural gas-air mixtures when introduced into such a mixture, or when such a mixture comes into co ntact with them. Special Tools: Tools not normally stocked by the Agency. Specification: A particular or detailed statement, account or listing of the various elements, materials, dimensions, etc. involved in the manufacturing and construction of a product. Standard: A firm guideline from a consensus group. Standards referenced in “Section 6: Technical Specifications” are the latest revisions unless otherwise stated. Standee Line: A line marked across the bus aisle to designate the forward area that passengers may not occupy when the bus is moving. State of Charge (SOC): Quantity of electric energy remaining in the battery relative to the maximum rated amp -hour (Ah) capacity of the battery expressed in a percentage. This is a dynamic measurement used for the energy storage system. A full SOC indicates that the energy storage system cannot accept further charging from the engine-driven generator or the regenerative braking system. Stress Loops: The “pigtails” commonly used to absorb flexing in piping. Structure: The basic body, including floor deck material and installation, load-bearing external panels, structural components, axle mounting provisions and suspension beams and attachment points. Thermally Activated Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by high temperatures and generally contains a fusible material. NOTE: Since this is a thermally activated device, it does not protect against over- pressure from improper charging practices. Wheelchair: A mobility aid belonging to any class of three- or four-wheeled devices, usable indoors, designed for and used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered. A “common wheelchair” is such a device that does not exceed 30 in. in width and 48 in. in length measured 2 in. above the ground, and does not weigh more than 600 lbs. when occupied. TS 3. Referenced Publications The documents or portions thereof referenced within this specification shall be considered part of the requirements of the specification. The edition indicated for each referenced document is the current edition, as of the date of the APTA issuance of this specification. TS 4. Legal Requirements The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. These shall include but not be limited to ADA, as well as state and local accessibility, safety and security requirements. Local regulations are defined as those below the state level. Buses shall meet all applicable FMVSS regulations and shall accommodate all applicable FMCSR regulations in effect at the location of the Agency and the date of manufacture. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of these specifications and any applicable legal requirement, the legal requirement shall prevail. Technical requirements that exceed the legal requirements are not considered to conflict. TS 5. Overall Requirements The Contractor shall ensure that the application and installation of major bus subcomponents and systems are compliant with all such subcomponent vendors’ requirements and recommendations. Contractor and Agency shall identify subcomponent vendors that shall submit installation/application approval documents with the completion of a pilot or lead bus. Components used in the vehicle shall be of heavy-duty design and proven in transit service. TS 5.1 Weight DEFAULT It shall be a design goal to construct each bus as light in weight as possible without degradation of safety, appearance, comfort, traction or performance. Buses at a capacity load shall not exceed the tire factor limits, brake test criteria or structural design criteria. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.2 Capacity DEFAULT The vehicle shall be designed to carry the gross vehicle weight, which shall not exceed the bus GVWR. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.4 Service Life DEFAULT The minimum useful design life of the bus in transit service shall be at least twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles. It shall be capable of operating at least 40,000 miles per year, including the 12th year. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.5 Maintenance and Inspection DEFAULT Scheduled maintenance tasks shall be related and shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended preventative maintenance schedule (along with routine daily service performed during the fueling operations). Test ports, as required, shall be provided for commonly checked functions on the bus, such as air intake, exhaust, hydraulic, pneumatic, charge-air and engine cooling systems. The coach manufacturer shall give prime consideration to the routine problems of maintaining the vehicle. All coach components and systems, both mechanical and electrical, which will require periodic physical Work or inspection processes shall be installed so that a minimum of time is consumed in gaining access to the critical repair areas. It shall not be necessary to disassemble portions of the coach structure and/or equipment such as seats and flooring under seats in order to gain access to these areas. Each coach shall be designed to facilitate the disassembly, reassembly, servicing or maintenance, using tools and equipment that are normally available as standard commercial items. Requirements for the use of unique specialized tools will be minimized. The body and structure of the coach shall be designed for ease of maintenance and repair. Individual panels or other equipment that may be damaged in normal service shall be repairable or replaceable. Ease of repair shall be related to the vulnerability of the item to damage in service. Contractor shall provide a list of all special tools and pricing required for maintaining this equipment. Said list shall be submitted as a supplement to the Pricing Schedule. NOTE: Tools such as compartment door keys, bellows gauges and other tools that are required for daily maintenance and inspections shall not be included in the special tool list and shall be furnished for each coach. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.6 Interchangeability DEFAULT Unless otherwise agreed, all units and components procured under this Contract, whether provided by Suppliers or manufactured by the Contractor, shall be duplicates in design, manufacture and installation to ensure interchangeability among buses in each order group in this procurement. This interchangeability shall extend to the individual components as well as to their locations in the buses. These components shall include, but are not limited to, passenger window hardware, interior trim, lamps, lamp lenses and seat assemblies. Components with non-identical functions shall not be, or appear to be, interchangeable. Any one component or unit used in the construction of these buses shall be an exact duplicate in design, manufacture and assembly for each bus in each order group in this Contract. Contractor shall identify and secure approval for any changes in components or unit construction provided within a Contract. In the event that the Contractor is unable to comply with the interchangeability requirement, the Contractor must notify the Agency and obtain the Agency’s prior written approval, including any changes in pricing. Agency shall review proposed product changes on a case-by-case basis and shall have the right to require extended warranties to ensure that product changes perform at least as well as the originally supplied products. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.7 Training DEFAULT NOTE: The following is illustrative; the Agency should carefully specify its training requirements. The Contractor shall have at least one qualified instructor who shall be available at the Agency’s property for calendar days between the hours of 7:00am-3:30pm and per month for 1 month prior to, and 6 months after, acceptance of the first bus. Instructor(s) shall conduct schools and advise the personnel of the Agency on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. The Contractor also shall provide visual and other teaching aids (such as manuals, slide presentations and literature) for use by the Agency’s own training staff, which become the property of the Agency. NOTE: The Agency should insert language that specifies the hours when it wants the training to occur, the total number of hours of instruction it wants to be provided, what items it expects the curriculum to cover and the format in which it expects the training and teaching aids to be provided (print, DVD, etc.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.7.1 Technical/Service Representatives DEFAULT The Contractor shall, at its own expense, have one or more competent technical service representatives available on request to assist the Agency in the solution of engineering or design problems within the scope of the specifications that may arise during the warranty period. This does not relieve the Contractor of responsibilities under the provisions of “Section 7: Warranty Requirements.” Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.8 Operating Environment DEFAULT The bus shall achieve normal operation in ambient temperature ranges of 10 ºF to 115 ºF, at relative humidity between 5 percent and 100 percent, and at altitudes up to 3000 ft. above sea level. Degradation of performance due to atmospheric conditions shall be minimized at temperatures below 10 °F, above 115 °F or at altitudes above 3000 ft. Altitude requirements above 3000 ft. will need separate discussions with the engine manufacturer to ensure that performance requirements are not compromised. Speed, gradability and acceleration performance requirements shall be met at, or corrected to, 77 °F, 29.31 in. Hg, dry air per SAEJ1995. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.9 Noise TS 5.9.1 Interior Noise DEFAULT The combination of inner and outer panels and any material used between them shall provide sufficient sound insulation so that a sound source with a level of 80 dBA measured at the outside skin of the bus shall have a sound level of 65 dBA or less at any point inside the bus. These conditions shall prevail with all openings, including doors and windows, closed and with the engine and accessories switched off. The bus-generated noise level experienced by a passenger at any seat location in the bus shall not exceed 80 dBA. The driver area shall not experience a noise level of more than 75 dBA. Measurements of interior noise levels shall be taken in accordance with SAEJ2805. An exception shall be made for the turntable area, which shall be considered a separate environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.9.2 Exterior Noise DEFAULT Airborne noise generated by the bus and measured from either side shall not exceed 80dBA under full power acceleration when operated at 0 to 35 mph at curb weight. The maximum noise level generated by the bus pulling away from a stop at full power shall not exceed 83 dBA. The bus-generated noise at curb idle shall not exceed 65dBA.If the noise contains an audible discrete frequency, a penalty of 5 dBA shall be added to the sound level measured. The Contractor shall comply with the exterior noise requirements defined in local laws and ordinances identified by the Agency andSAEJ366. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.10 Fire Safety DEFAULT The bus shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with all applicable fire safety and smoke emission regulations. These provisions shall include the use of fire-retardant/low-smoke materials, fire detection systems, bulkheads and facilitation of passenger evacuation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.10.1 Materials DEFAULT All materials used in the construction of the passenger compartment of the bus shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FMVSS 302. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.11 Fire Suppression DEFAULT Fogmaker- 35 DEG Fluid. 6 Engine compartment nozzles Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.12 Respect for the Environment DEFAULT In the design and manufacture of the bus, the Contractor shall make every effort to reduce the amount of potentially hazardous waste. In accordance with Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Contractor shall use, whenever possible and allowed by the specifications, recycled materials in the manufacture of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DIMENSIONS TS 6. Physical Size With exceptions such as exterior mirrors, marker and signal lights, bumpers, fender skirts, washers, wipers, ad frames, cameras, object detection systems, bicycle racks, feelers and rubrails, the bus shall have the following overall dimensions as shown in Figure 1at static conditions and design height. FIGURE 1 Transit Bus Exterior Dimensions TS 6.1 Bus Length For ease of use, the following tolerances will be allowable for each given bus length. Bus length is determined as the measurement from bumper to bumper. • 30ft bus: 29 ft., 11 in. to 34ft, 11 in. • 35ft bus: 35ft to 39ft, 11 in. • 40ft bus: 40ftto 44ft, 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.2 Bus Width TS 6.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT 102 in. Width Bus Body width shall be 102 in. (+0, -1 in.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.3 Bus Height DEFAULT Maximum Overall Height Maximum overall height shall be 140 in., including all rigid, roof-mounted items such as A/C, exhaust, fuel system and cover, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.4 Step Height TS 6.4.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT The step height shall not exceed 16.5 in. at either doorway without kneeling and shall not exceed 15.5 in. at the step. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.5 Underbody Clearance DEFAULT The bus shall maintain the minimum clearance dimensions as defined and shown in Figure 2of SAE Standard J689, regardless of load up to the gross vehicle weight rating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.6 Ramp Clearances DEFAULT REFER TO TABLE 2A. The approach angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the front tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference forward of the front tire to the ground. The departure angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the rear tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference rearward of the rear tire to the ground. The breakover angle is the angle measured between two lines tangent to the front and rear tire static loaded radius and intersecting at a point on the underside of the vehicle that defines the largest ramp over which the vehicle can roll. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TABLE 2a Default Breakover Angle Angle 30 to 40ft Bus Approach 8.6 deg. (min.) Front breakover 8 deg. (min.) Departure 8.6 deg. (min.) TS 6.7 Ground Clearance DEFAULT Ground clearance shall be no less than 9 in., (8 in. at jacking pad) except within the axle zone and wheel area. Axle zone clearance, which is the projected area between tires and wheels on the same axial centerline, shall be no less than 5.4 in. Wheel area clearance shall be no less than 8 in. for parts fixed to the bus body and 6 in. for parts that move vertically with the axles. – FIGURE 2 Transit Bus Minimum Road Clearance 18”24” 24”18” 45o45o WHEEL AREA WHEEL AREA 45o 45 o AXLE ZONE AXLE ZONE REAR FRONT½ WHEEL BASE DEPARTURE ANGLE APPROACH ANGLE BREAKOVER ANGLE Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.8 Floor Height TS 6.8.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Height of the step above the street shall be no more than 16 in. measured at the centerline of the front and rear doorway. All floor measurements shall be with the bus at the design running height and on a level surface and with the standard installed tires. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.9 Interior Headroom DEFAULT Headroom above the aisle and at the centerline of the aisle seats shall be no less than 78 in. in the forward half of the bus tapering to no less than 74 in. forward of the rear settee. At the centerline of the window seats, headroom shall be no lower than 65 in., except for parcel racks and reading lights, if specified. Headroom at the back of the rear bench seat may be reduced to a minimum of 56 in., but it shall increase to the ceiling height at the front of the seat cushion. In any area of the bus directly over the head of a seated passenger and positioned where a passenger entering or leaving the seat is prone to strike his or her head, padding shall be provided on the overhead paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: VEHICLE PERFORMANCE TS 7. Power Requirements The propulsion system shall be sized to provide sufficient power to enable the bus to meet the defined acceleration, top speed and gradability requirements, and operate all propulsion-driven accessories using actual road test results and computerized vehicle performance data. TS 7.1 Top Speed DEFAULT The bus shall be capable of achieving a top speed of 65 mph on a straight, level road at GVWR with all accessories operating. The bus shall be capable of safely maintaining the vehicle speed according to the recommendations by the tire manufacturer. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.2 Gradability DEFAULT Gradability requirements shall be met on grades with a dry commercial asphalt or concrete pavement at GVWR with all accessories operating. The propulsion system shall enable the bus to achieve and maintain a speed of 40 mph on a 2½ percent ascending grade and 15 mph on a 10 percent ascending grade continuous. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.3 Acceleration TS 7.3.1 Non-Hybrid DEFAULT The acceleration shall meet the requirements in Table 3below and shall be sufficiently gradual and smooth to prevent throwing standing passengers off-balance. Acceleration measurement shall commence when the accelerator is depressed. TABLE 3 Maximum Start Acceleration Times on a Level Surface1 Speed (mph) Maximum time (seconds) 10 5 20 10 30 18 40 30 50 60 Top speed 1. Vehicle weight = GVWR Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.3.2 Acceleration Hybrid DEFAULT The propulsion and braking systems shall meet the performance requirements of the Duty Cycle. Braking application and performance shall remain consistent regardless of hybrid system state of charge (SOC) or other variances related to regenerative braking. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of acceleration and deceleration rate. Performance may be affected when reprogramming. The manufacturer shall supply the new performance data. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.4 Operating Range The operating range of the coach shall be designed to meet the operating profile as stated in the “Design Operating Profile” section. DEFAULT TS 7.4.1 Diesel The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD Cycle shall be at least 350 miles (560 km) or 20 hours with full fuel capacity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.4.2 CNG DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD cycle shall be at least 350 miles or 20 hours with an initial gas-settled pressure of 3600 psi at 70°F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.4.3 Hybrid DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the design operating profile “Design Operating Profile” shall be at least 350 miles on a full tank of fuel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 8. Fuel Economy (Design Operating Profile) DEFAULT Test results from the FTA ABD Cycle economy tests or other applicable test procedures shall be provided to the Agency. Results shall include vehicle configuration and test environment information. Fuel economy data shall be provided for each design operating profile. The design operating profile is assumed to be defined by the FTA ABD Cycle. Fuel economy tests shall be run on these four duty cycles: • Manhattan: 6.8 mph • Orange County: 12.7 mph • UDDS: 19 mph • Idle time The Agency will provide a percentage of each duty cycle that is representative of its service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: POWERPLANT TS 9. Engine DEFAULT The engine shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The engine shall have a design life of not less than 300,000 miles without replacement or major service. The lifetime estimate is based on the design operating profile. The engine shall be equipped wit h an electronically controlled management system, compatible with either 12 or 24 V power distribution. The engine control system shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. The engine’s electronic management system shall monitor operating conditions and provide instantaneous adjustments to optimize both engine and bus performance. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of programmable features. The engine starting system shall be protected by an interlock that prevents its engagement when the engine is running. Special equipment or procedures may be employed to start the bus when exposed to temperatures less than 30 °F for a minimum of four hours without the engine in operation. All cold weather starting aids, engine heating devices and procedures shall be of the type recommended by the engine manufacturer and approved by the Agency. The integration of all systems on the vehicle relative to engine idle speed shall be the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer to meet the requirements of the transit property. The engine control system shall protect the engine against progressive damage. The system shall monitor conditions critical for safe operation and automatically derate power and/or speed and initiate engine shutdown as needed. Automatic Engine Protection/Shutdown Override Feature A control shall be available to the operator/driver that when constantly depressed and released will delay the engine shutdown or allow the bus to be moved. Override action shall be recorded. This data shall be retrievable by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.1 Engine (CNG) The engine shall meet all regulatory requirements when operating on fuel equal to CARB Specifications for Compressed Natural Gas #2292.5.The four predominant characteristics that must be met are methane, ethane, butane and propane. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2 Propulsion System (Hybrid) DEFAULT TS 9.2.1 Propulsion System Description The bus shall be powered by a hybrid propulsion system. Function and operation of the bus shall be transparent to the bus operator and passengers. The OEM shall ensure that the bus structure can successfully accept the installation of the propulsion system and be operated on the stated duty-cycle for a period of 12 years without a structural failure. At a minimum, the propulsion system shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The propulsion system shall comply with local, state and federal (maintenance) and other applicable sections. The hybrid drive system shall be rated for the GVWR or greater of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.2 Propulsion System Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged so that accessibility for all routine maintenance is ensured. No special tools, other than dollies and hoists, shall be required to remove the propulsion system or any subsystems. However, the Agency shall recognize that properly rated test equipment and safe electrical work practices are essential when servicing high-voltage hybrid components. The exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter (if used), alternator, radiator, all engine accessories, and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable. The Contractor shall provide all specialty tools and diagnostic equipment required for maintaining the propulsion system in accordance with the Special Tools List. Primary Propulsion Unit and Traction Motor The propulsion system may be configured in a variety of methods dependent upon type of drive, series and/or parallel. The definition of motor in the context of this specification assumes that the device can provide or consume energy as well as provide or retard mechanical motion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.3 Energy Storage and Controller DEFAULT Design and performance shall be provided to the Agency. Energy storage shall be of a commercial design capable of operating in the Agency transit environment. The primary charging of the energy storage system shall be accomplished by the on-board hybrid system controller and regenerative braking. Thermal management will be provided to ensure optimal life and performance of the ESS over the environmental operating range. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.4 Hybrid System Controller (HSC) DEFAULT The HSC regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (e.g., voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. The controller shall monitor and process inputs and execute outputs as appropriate to control the operation of all propulsion system components. Energy storage system SOC correction methods stated in SAE J2711 shall be utilized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.5 Engine The engine and related emission systems shall meet all applicable emissions and design/durability guidelines and standards. The Contractor shall provide the Agency with expected durability of the engine and related emission systems. NOTE: The Agency will provide desired fuel type. DEFAULT Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Standard Requirements for a Fast Idle Device The engine shall be equipped with an operator-controlled fast idle device. The fast idle control shall be a two -way switch mounted on the dash or side console and shall activate only with the transmission in neutral and the parking brake applied. TS 10. Cooling Systems The cooling systems shall be of sufficient size to maintain all engine and transmission fluids and engine intake air at safe, continuous operating temperatures during the most severe operations possible and in accordance with engine and transmission manufacturers’ cooling system requirements. The cooling system fan controls should sense the temperatures of the operating fluids and the intake air, and if either is above safe operating conditions, the cooling fan should be engaged. The fan control system shall be designed with a fail-safe mode of “fan on.” The cooling system shall meet the requirements stated in the operating environment. TS 10.1 Engine Cooling A means of determining satisfactory engine coolant level shall be provided. A spring-loaded, push-button type valve or lever shall be provided to safely release pressure or vacuum in the cooling system with both it and the water filler no more than ±60 in. above the ground. Both shall be accessible through the same access door. The cooling fan shall be temperature controlled, allowing the engine to reach operating temperature quickly. DEFAULT The radiator and charge air cooler shall be of durable, corrosion-resistant construction with non- removable tanks. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.1 Radiator Screen DEFAULT No screen in front of radiator Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.2 Coolant DEFAULT Coolant Filtration without Supplemental Additives The engine cooling system shall be equipped with a properly sized water filter with a spin-on element. The filter shall not release or contain supplemental coolant additives. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.3 Drive Design DEFAULT Electric Fans The bus shall be equipped with an electric fan drive bus cooling system. A screen guard must be installed on electric motor fans per SAE J1308. Base Bus - EMP Gen IV MH4 Fan System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.4 Mounting DEFAULT Standard Mounting Design Mounting location of radiator and charge air cooler shall be the Contractor’s standard design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.2 Charge Air Cooling DEFAULT The charge air cooling system, also referred to as after-coolers or inter-coolers, shall provide maximum air intake temperature reduction with minimal pressure loss. The charge air radiator shall be sized and positioned to meet engine manufacturer’s requirements. The charge air radiator shall not be stacked ahead of or behind the engine radiator and shall be positioned as close to the engine as possible unless integrated with the radiator. Air ducting and fittings shall be protected against heat sources and shall be configured to minimize restrictions and maintain sealing integrity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.3 Transmission Cooling DEFAULT The transmission shall be cooled by a dedicated heat exchanger sized to maintain operating fluid within the transmission manufacturer’s recommended parameters of flow, pressure and temperature. The transmission cooling system shall be matched to the retarder and engine cooling systems to ensure that all operating fluids remain within recommended temperature limits established by each component manufacturer. The engine cooling system should provide coolant bypass flow to the transmission cooling system with the engine thermostats closed. Unless otherwise noted, the transmission cooler is to be the first component to see cold water from the radiator outlet. In addition, all return water piping, aside from the thermostat bypass line, is to be plumbed in after the transmission cooler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.4 Hybrid Drive System Cooling DEFAULT The thermal management system shall maintain hybrid system components within design operating temperature limits. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 11. Transmission (Conventional Powertrain) The transmission shall be multiple speed, automatic shift with torque converter, retarder and electronic controls. Gross input power, gross input torque and rated input speed shall be compatible with the engine. The transmission shall be designed to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major service. The transmission should be easily removable without disturbing the engine and accessible for service. The electronic controls shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and of broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. Electronic controls shall be compatible with either 12 or 24 V power distribution, provide consistent shift quality, and compensate for changing conditions, such as variations in vehicle weight and engine power. At a minimum, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR, and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. DEFAULT Base Bus- Voith D864.5, or Latest Model Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT A nominal brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT A brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No Automatic Neutral Function The transmission shall not incorporate an automatic neutral shift function. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 12. Retarder DEFAULT The powertrain shall be equipped with a retarder designed to extend brake lining service life. The application of the retarder shall cause a smooth blending of both retarder and service brake function and shall not activate the brake lights Actuation of ABS and/or automatic traction control (ATC) shall override the operation of the brake retarder. Brake lights shall illuminate when the retarder is activated. Throttle Pedal Activation of the Retarder The retarder shall become partially engaged (approximately one-third of its total application, with a resulting deceleration of no greater than 0.077g) when the throttle pedal is completely released. Maximum retarder shall be achieved when brake pedal is depressed prior to engagement of service brakes, with a maximum resulting deceleration of approximately 0.20g in an empty bus. The resulting decelerations specified include the effects of engine braking, wind resistance and rolling resistance. The thermostatically controlled cooling fan shall be activated when the retarder is engaged and the coolant temperature reaches the maximum operating temperature established by the engine and transmission manufacturers. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Requirement for Retarder Activation The retarder shall be adjustable within the limits of the powertrain and activated when the brake pedal is depressed. The Agency will work with the OEM/drive system manufacturer to determine retarder performance settings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Accessible Retarder Disable Switch The retarder disable switch shall be accessible to the seated driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 13. Mounting DEFAULT All power plant mounting shall be mechanically isolated to minimize transfer of vibration to the body structure and provide a minimum clearance of 0.75 in. Mounts shall control the movement of the power plant so as not to affect performance of belt -driven accessories or cause strain in piping and wiring connections to the power plant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 13.1 Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged for ease of access and maintenance. The Contractor shall list all special tools, fixtures or facility requirements recommended for servicing. The muffler, exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter, alternator, radiator, all accessories and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable and independent of the engine and transmission removal. An engine oil pressure gauge and coolant temperature gauge shall be provided in the engine compartment. These gauges shall be easily read during service and mounted in an area where they shall not be damaged during minor or major repairs. An air cleaner with a dry filter element and a graduated air filter restriction indicator shall be provided. The location of the air intake system shall be designed to minimize the entry of dust and debris and to maximize the life of the air filter. The engine air duct shall be designed to minimize the entry of water into the air intake system. Drainage provisions shall be included to allow any water/moisture to drain prior to entry into the air filter. Engine oil and the radiator filler caps shall be hinged to the filler neck and closed with spring pressure or positive locks to prevent leakage. All fluid fill locations shall be properly labeled to help ensure that correct fluid is added. All fillers shall be easily accessible with standard funnels, pour spouts and automatic dispensing equipment. All lubricant sumps shall be fitted with magnetic-type drain plugs or magnets in pan. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No engine bypass oil filter. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Engine Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature Display Engine oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges required in engine compartment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14. Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic system service tasks shall be minimized and scheduled no more frequently than those of other major coach systems. All elements of the hydraulic system shall be easily accessible for service or unit replacement. Critical points in the hydraulic system shall be fitted with service ports so that portable diagnostic equipment may be connected or sensors for an off-board diagnostic system permanently attached to monitor system operation when applicable. A tamper- proof priority system shall prevent the loss of power steering during operation of the bus if other devices are also powered by the hydraulic system. The hydraulic system shall operate within the allowable temperature range as specified by the lubricant manufacturer. DEFAULT No requirement for hydraulic system sensors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.1 Fluid Lines DEFAULT All lines shall be rigidly supported to prevent chafing damage, Fatigue Failures, degradation and tension strain. Lines should be sufficiently flexible to minimize mechanical loads on the components. Lines passing through a panel, frame or bulkhead shall be protected by grommets (or similar devices) that fit snugly to both the line and the perimeter of the hole that the line passes through to prevent chafing and wear. Pipes and fluid hoses shall not be bundled with or used to support electrical wire harnesses. Lines shall be as short as practicable and shall be routed or shielded so that failure of a line shall not allow the contents to spray or drain onto any component operable above the auto-ignition temperature of the fluid. All hoses, pipes, lines and fittings shall be specified and installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.2 Fittings and Clamps DEFAULT All clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the line in response to temperature changes and aging of the line material. The lines shall be designed for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high-temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface, and so on). Compression fittings shall be standardized to prevent the intermixing of components. Compression fitting components from more than one manufacturer shall not be mixed, even if the components are known to be interchangeable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.3 Charge Air Piping DEFAULT Charge air piping and fittings shall be designed to minimize air restrictions and leaks. Piping shall be as short as possible, and the number of bends shall be minimized. Bend radii shall be maximized to meet the pressure drop and temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. The cross section of all charge air piping shall not be less than the cross section of the intake manifold inlet. Any changes in pipe diameter shall be gradual to ensure a smooth passage of air and to minimize restrictions. Piping shall be routed away from heat sources as practicable and shielded as required to meet the temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. Charge air piping shall be constructed of stainless steel, aluminized steel, anodized aluminum or painted steel rated at minimum 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM B117, except between the air filter and turbocharger inlet, where piping may be constructed of flexible heat- resistant material. Connections between all charge air piping sections shall be sealed with a short section of reinforced hose and secured with stainless steel constant tension clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 15. Radiator DEFAULT Radiator piping shall be stainless steel, brass tubing or painted steel rated at 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM B117 and where practicable, hoses shall be eliminated, including biodiesel. Necessary hoses shall be impervious to all bus fluids. All hoses shall be secured with stainless steel clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. The clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the hose in response to temperature changes and aging of the hose material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 16. Oil and Hydraulic Lines DEFAULT Oil and hydraulic lines shall be compatible with the substances they carry. The lines shall be designed and intended for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high- temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface and so on). Lines within the engine compartment shall be composed of steel tubing where practicable, except in locations where flexible lines are required. Hydraulic lines of the same size and with the same fittings as those on other piping systems of the bus, but not interchangeable, shall be tagged or marked for use on the hydraulic system only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17. Fuel Agency to specify fuel type. TS 17.1 Fuel Lines DEFAULT Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported as designed by the bus manufacturer to minimize vibration and chafing and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain or wear. Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabricated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected locations to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose and hose connections, where permitted, shall be made from materials resistant to corrosion and fuel and protected from fretting and high heat. Fuel hoses shall be accessible for ease of serviceability. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.1.1 Fuel Lines, Diesel DEFAULT Agency to specify fuel type. Fuel lines shall be capable of carrying the type of fuel specified by the Agency (i.e., up to B20 type fuel). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.1.2 Fuel Lines, CNG DEFAULT Fuel lines shall comply with NFPA-52.All tubing shall be a minimum of seamless Type 304 stainless steel (ASTM A269 or equivalent).Fuel lines and fittings shall not be fabricated from cast iron, galvanized pipe, aluminum, plastic or copper alloy with content exceeding 70 percent copper. Pipe fittings and hoses shall be clear and free from cuttings, burrs or scale. Pipe thread joining material that is impervious to CNG shall be utilized as required. Fuel lines shall be identifiable as fuel lines only. High-pressure CNG lines shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 125 percent of system working pressure prior to fueling. CNG, nitrogen or clean, dry air shall be used to pressure-test the lines/assembly. The bus manufacturer shall have a documented procedure for testing the high-pressure line assembly. Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported using “split-block” type or stainless steel P clamps; all mounting clamps shall be mounted to a rigid structure to minimize vibration and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain, rubbing or wear. “Floating clamps” (not mounted to a rigid structure) shall not be permitted. Fuel lines shall not be used to secure other components (wires, air lines, etc.). Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabricated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected location(s) to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose connections, where permitted, shall be less than 48 in. in length, made from materials resistant to corrosion and action of natural gas, and protected from fretting and high heat and shall be supported approximately every 12 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.2 Design and Construction TS 17.2.1 Design and Construction, Diesel Fuel Tank(s) DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be made of corrosion-resistant steel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Installation DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be securely mounted to the bus to prevent movement during bus maneuvers. The fuel tank(s) shall be equipped with an external, hex head, drain plug. It shall be at least a ⅜in. size and shall be located at the lowest point of the tank(s).The fuel tank(s) shall have an inspection plate or easily removable filler neck to permit cleaning and inspection of the tank(s) without removal from the bus. The tank(s) shall be baffled internally to prevent fuel-sloshing regardless of fill level. The baffles or fuel pickup location shall assure continuous full power operation on a 6 percent upgrade for 15 minutes starting with no more than 25 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s).The bus shall operate at idle on a 6 percent downgrade for 30 minutes starting with no more than 10 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s). The materials used in mounting shall withstand the adverse effects of road salts, fuel oils and accumulation of ice and snow for the life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Labeling DEFAULT The capacity, date of manufacture, manufacturer name, location of manufacture, and certification of compliance to federal motor carrier safety regulations shall be permanently marked on the fuel tank(s).The markings shall be readily visible and shall not be covered with an undercoating material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Fuel Filler DEFAULT The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 32ft behind the centerline of the front door on the curbside of the bus. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body so that spilled fuel will not run onto the outside surface o f the bus. The fuel lines forward of the engine bulkhead shall be in conformance to SAE Standards. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT OEM to designate height of fuel filler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Dry -Break Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall accommodate a nozzle that forms a locked and sealed connection during the refueling process to eliminate spills. Fuel shall not be allowed to flow into the tank unless the nozzle has been properly coupled, locked and sealed to the filler. With the nozzle open, fuel shall enter the tank at a fill rate of not less than 40 gal per minute of foam-free fuel without causing the nozzle to shut off before the tank is full. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. Once disconnected, fuel shall not be allowed to flow through the nozzle at any time. Any pressure over 3 psi shall be relieved from the fuel tank automatically. An audible signal shall indicate when the tank is essentially full. The dry break system shall be compatible with the Agency’s system. The fuel filler cap shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.2.2 Design and Construction, CNG Fuel Containers/Cylinders CNG fuel containers/cylinders must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with at least one of the following: • NFPA 52 -Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems • FMVSS 304 • Any local standard(s) specifically intended for CNG fuel containers The design and construction of the fuel system supplied by the OEM shall comply with federal and local regulations. Installation Fuel cylinders shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/IAS NGV2 - 1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Fuel Containers” and NFPA 52, “Compre ssed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code,” 1998 edition, Section 303.In the case of a low-floor transit bus, the placement of tanks shall be limited to the roof of the vehicle or in the compartment above the engine of the vehicle. Fuel cylinders, attached valves, pressure relief devices, and mounting brackets should be installed and protected so that their operation is not affected by bus washers and environmental agents such as rain, snow, ice or mud. These components should be protected from significant damage caused by road debris or collision. The roof and area above the engine mounted tanks shall be contained within a skeletal structure resembling a roll cage and contained within an enclosure. The enclosure shall incorporate a hinged clamshell type access. The access panels shall be designed to offer protection from weather and to be sacrificial as a means of providing an escape path to atmosphere upon rapid enclosure pressure rise. The latching method shall utilize quick-release captive hardware that can be demonstrated to last the life of the bus. Additional shielding shall be provided surrounding end fittings and valves as needed. Shields shall be attached to the bus structure hinged in a manner that permits one mechanic to unlatch and swing the shield open for routine inspections. As practical, electrical components shall not be located within the roof enclosure, and if unavoidable, they shall be intrinsically safe. CNG fueled buses shall be equipped with an active automatic gas detection system, which shall annunciate unsafe levels of methane. The automatic gas detection system shall be integrated with an onboard fire suppression system. DEFAULT The access panels shall not be interlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Labeling DEFAULT CNG fuel systems shall be labeled in accordance with NFPA 52, “Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code,” 1998 edition. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs) DEFAULT PRDs must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ANIS/IAS PRD1 - 1998, “Pressure Relief Devices for Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers” and ANSI/IAS NGV2-1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers.” All natural gas fuel system piping, including the PRD vent line, shall be stainless steel. All PRDs must be vented to outside. Valves Valves must be installed in accordance with ANIS/IAS NGV2 - 1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers” and NFPA 52, “Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems.” Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 38 ft. (on a 30, 35 and 40ft coach) behind the centerline of the front door on a side determined by the Agency. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body. The fill and vent receptacles shall be located within an enclosure on the right side of the bus. The access door shall be sized to allow full viewing of gauges, ease of hookups and maneuver of fuel nozzle. The fuel fill receptacle and vent receptacle attachment shall be robust and capable of routine fueling connects/disconnects without deflection or metal fatigue, and capable of withstanding mechanical loads induced by a fueling drive-away incident without attachment failure. No static ground plug shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Fueling System DEFAULT The CNG fueling port receptacle shall be an ANSI/AGA NGV1 or NGV2 certified receptacle as designated by the Agency. The coach shall be capable of being fueled by a nozzle determined by the Agency. The fueling port receptacle location shall be such that connection by fueling personnel can be performed without physical strain or interference. A dust cap shall be permanently “tethered” to the fueling port receptacle. The fueling port receptacle access door shall be equipped with an interlock sensor that disables the engine starting system when the access door is open, to prevent drive-aways. The interlock shall be of the type such that if the sensor fails, the coach will not start. Fueling site characteristics such as pressure, flow rate and temperature shall be provided by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Defueling System The CNG defueling port shall be an NGV-3.1/CGA-12.3 certified receptacle. The CNG defueling port shall be located on the curbside of the coach, in a location that is compatible with the Agency’s defueling station operation. The defueling system shall incorporate the following characteristics: • Dust cap permanently “tethered” to the defueling port. • Device(s) to prevent inadvertent defueling. Specifications to be provided by Agency. • Components compatible with Agency’s defueling operation. • The piping and fittings onboard the bus shall be sized to allow the fueling station to meet the following operating parameters: DEFAULT Fuel system shall be sized to allow a bus with 20,000 scf on board to defuel within 2.5 hours. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 18. Emissions and Exhaust TS 18.1 Exhaust Emissions The engine and related systems shall meet all applicable emission and engine design guidelines and standards. TS 18.2 Exhaust System The exhaust pipe shall be of sufficient height to prevent exhaust gases and waste heat from discoloring or causing heat deformation to the bus. The entire exhaust system shall be adequately shielded to prevent heat damage to any bus component, including the exhaust after treatment compartment area. The exhaust outlet shall be designed to minimize rain, snow or water generated from high-pressure washing systems from entering into the exhaust pipe and causing damage to the after treatment. DEFAULT Exhaust gases and waste heat shall be discharged from the roadside rear corner of the roof. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 18.3 Exhaust After treatment An exhaust after treatment system will be provided to ensure compliance to all applicable EPA regulations in effect. Diesel Exhaust Fluid Injection DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet NOx level requirements specified by EPA, a DEF injection system will be provided. The DEF system will minimally include a tank, an injector, a pump, an ECM and a selective catalytic converter. The tanks shall be designed to store DEF in the operating environment described in the “Operating Environment” section. The DEF filler shall accommodate a standard nozzle. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. The DEF filler cap shall be a screw-on cap and located curbside. The DEF fluid lines shall be designed to prevent the DEF from freezing. The DEF injection system shall not be damaged from a cold soak at 10 °F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 18.4 Particulate After treatment DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet particulate level requirements specified by EPA, a particulate trap will be provided. The particulate trap shall regenerate itself automatically if it senses clogging. Regeneration cycles and conditions will be defined by the engine manufacturer. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: STRUCTURE TS 19. General TS 19.1 Design DEFAULT The structure of the bus shall be designed to withstand the transit service conditions typical of an urban or intercity duty cycle throughout its service life. The vehicle structural frame shall be designed to operate with minimal maintenance throughout the 12-year design operating profile. The design operating profile specified by the Agency shall be considered for this purpose. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 20. Altoona Testing Prior to acceptance of first bus, the vehicle must have completed any FTA-required Altoona testing. Any items that required repeated repairs or replacement must undergo the corrective action with supporting test and analysis. A report clearly describing and explaining the failures and corrective actions taken to ensure that any and all such failures will not occur shall be submitted to the Agency. DEFAULT If available, the Altoona Test Report shall be provided to the Agency with the Proposal submittal. If not available, then the report shall be provided prior to first acceptance of bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 20.1 Structural Validation DEFAULT Baseline Structural Analysis The structure of the bus shall have undergone appropriate structural testing and/or analysis. At minimum, appropriate structural testing and analysis shall include Altoona testing or finite element analysis (FEA). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Frame Material 3CR12 Stainless Steel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Distortion DEFAULT The bus, loaded to GVWR and under static conditions, shall not exhibit deflection or deformation that impairs the operation of the steering mechanism, doors, windows, passenger escape mechanisms or service doors. Static conditions shall include the vehicle at rest with any one wheel or dual set of wheels on a 6 in. curb or in a 6 in. deep hole. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21. Resonance and Vibration DEFAULT All structure, body and panel-bending mode frequencies, including vertical, lateral and torsional modes, shall be sufficiently removed from all primary excitation frequencies to minimize audible, visible or sensible resonant vibrations during normal service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21.1 Engine Compartment Bulkheads DEFAULT The passenger and engine compartment shall be separated by fire-resistant bulkheads. The engine compartment shall include areas where the engine and exhaust system are housed. This bulkhead shall preclude or retard propagation of an engine compartment fire into the passenger compartment and shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90A, dated October 20, 1993. Only necessary openings shall be allowed in the bulkhead, and these shall be fire-resistant. Any passageways for the climate control system air shall be separated from the engine compartment by fire-resistant material. Piping through the bulkhead shall have fire-resistant fittings sealed at the bulkhead. Wiring may pass through the bulkhead only if connectors or other means are provided to prevent or retard fire propagation through the bulkhead. Engine access panels in the bulkhead shall be fabricated of fire-resistant material and secured with fire-resistant fasteners. These panels, their fasteners and the bulkhead shall be constructed and reinforced to minimize warping of the panels during a fire that will compromise the integrity of the bulkhead. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21.2 Crashworthiness The bus body and roof structure shall withstand a static load equal to 150 percent of the curb weight evenly distributed on the roof with no more than a 6 in. reduction in any interior dimension. Windows shall remain in place and shall not open under such a load. These requirements must be met without the roof-mounted equipment installed. The bus shall withstand a 25 mph impact by a 4000lb automobile at any side, excluding doorways, along either side of the bus with no more than 3 in. of permanent structural deformation at seated passenger hip height. This impact shall not result in sharp edges or protrusions in the bus interior. Exterior panels below 35 in. from ground level shall withstand a static load of 2000 lbs. applied perpendicular to the bus by a pad no larger than 5 sq. in. This load shall not result in deformation that prevents installation of new exterior panels to restore the original appearance of the bus. DEFAULT Side Impact Barriers Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 22. Corrosion The bus flooring, sides, roof, understructure and axle suspension components shall be designed to resist corrosion or deterioration from atmospheric conditions and de-icing materials for a period of 12 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. It shall maintain structural integrity and nearly maintain original appearance throughout its service life, with the Agency’s use of proper cleaning and neutralizing agents. All materials that are not inherently corrosion resistant shall be protected with corrosion-resistant coatings. All joints and connections of dissimilar metals shall be corrosion resistant and shall be protected from galvanic corrosion. Representative samples of all materials and connections shall withstand a two-week (336-hour) salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Procedure B-117 with no structural detrimental effects to normally visible surfaces and no weight loss of over 1 percent. DEFAULT Corrosion-Resistance Requirements All exposed surfaces and the interior surfaces of tubing and other enclosed members below the lower window line shall be corrosion resistant through application of a corrosion protection system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 23. Towing Each towing device shall withstand, without permanent deformation, tension loads up to 1.2 times the curb weight of the bus within 20 deg. of the longitudinal axis of the bus. If applicable, the rear towing device(s) shall not provide a toehold for unauthorized riders. The method of attaching the towing device shall not require the removal, or disconnection, of front suspension or steering components. Removal of the bike rack is permitted for attachment of towing devices. DEFAULT Shop air connectors shall be provided at the front and rear of the bus and shall be capable of supplying all pneumatic systems of the bus with externally sourced compressed air. The location of these shop air connectors shall facilitate towing operations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No Provision of Glad-Hand Type Connectors for Towing No glad -hand type connector shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Lifted (Supported) Front Axle and Flat Towing Capability The front towing devices shall allow attachment of adapters for a rigid tow bar and shall permit the lifting of the bus until the front wheels are clear off the ground in order to position the bus on the towing equipment by the front wheels. These devices shall also permit common flat towing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 24. Jacking It shall be possible to safely jack up the bus, at curb weight, with a common 10-ton floor jack with or without special adapter, when a tire or dual set is completely flat and the bus is on a level, hard surface, without crawling under any portion of the bus. Jacking from a single point shall permit raising the bus sufficiently high to remove and reinstall a wheel and tire assembly. Jacking pads located on the axle or suspension near the wheels shall permit easy and safe jacking with the flat tire or dual set on a 6 in. high run-up block not wider than a single tire. The bus shall withstand such jacking at any one or any combination of wheel locations without permanent deformation or damage. DEFAULT Yellow Pads Jacking pads shall be painted safety yellow. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 25. Hoisting DEFAULT The bus axles or jacking plates shall accommodate the lifting pads of a two -post hoist system. Jacking plates, if used as hoisting pads, shall be designed to prevent the bus from falling off the hoist. Other pads or the bus structure shall support the bus on jack stands independent of the hoist. The vehicle shall be capable of lifting by the wheels, and, as necessary to meet tire load requirements, the proper number for wheel lifts and/or adapters must be used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 26. Floor TS 26.1 Design The floor shall be essentially a continuous plane, except at the wheel housings and platforms. Where the floor meets the walls of the bus, as well as other vertical surfaces such as platform risers, the surface edges shall be blended with a circular section of radius not less than ¼ in. or installed in a fully sealed butt joint. Similarly, a molding or cover shall prevent debris accumulation between the floor and wheel housings. The vehicle floor in the area of the entrance and exit doors shall have a lateral slope not exceeding 2degto allow for drainage. DEFAULT Bi-Level Floor Design The floor design shall consist of two levels (bi-level construction). Aft of the rear door extending to the rear settee riser, the floor height may be raised to a height no more than 21 in. above the lower level, with equally spaced steps. An increase slope shall be allowed on the upper level, not to exceed 3.5 deg. off the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 26.2 Strength DEFAULT The floor deck may be integral with the basic structure or mounted on the structure securely to prevent chafing or horizontal movement and designed to last the life of the bus. Sheet metal screws shall not be used to retain the floor, and all floor fasteners shall be serviceable from one side only. Any adhesives, bolts or screws used to secure the floor to the structure shall last and remain effective throughout the life of the coach. Tapping plates, if used for the floor fasteners, shall be no less than the same thickness as a standard nut, and all floor fasteners shall be secured and protected from corrosion for the service life of the bus. The floor deck shall be reinforced as needed to support passenger loads. At GVWR, the floor shall have an elastic deflection of no more than 0.60 in. from the normal plane. The floor shall withstand the application of 2.5 times gross load weight without permanent detrimental deformation. The floor, with coverings applied, shall withstand a static load of at least 150 lbs. applied through the flat end of a ½ in. diameter rod, with 1/32 in. radius, without permanent visible deformation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 26.3 Construction The floor shall consist of the subfloor and the floor covering that will last the life of the bus. The floor as assembled, including the sealer, attachments and covering, shall be waterproof, non- hygroscopic and resistant to mold growth. The subfloor shall be resistant to the effects of moisture, including decay (dry rot).It shall be impervious to wood-destroying insects such as termites. DEFAULT Pressure-Preserved Plywood Panel Plywood shall be certified at the time of manufacturing by an industry-approved third-party inspection agency such as APA – The Engineered Wood Association (formerly the American Plywood Association).Plywood shall be of a thickness adequate to support design loads, manufactured with exterior glue, satisfy the requirements of a Group I Western panel as defined in PS 1-95 (Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-95, “Construction and Industrial Plywood”) and be of a grade that is manufactured with a solid face and back. Plywood shall be installed with the highest -grade, veneer side up. Plywood shall be pressure-treated with a preservative chemical and process such as alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) that prevents decay and damage by insects. Preservative treatments shall utilize no EPA-listed hazardous chemicals. The concentration of preservative chemicals shall be equal to or greater than required for an above ground level application. Treated plywood will be certified for preservative penetration and retention by a third-party inspection agency. Pressure-preservative treated plywood shall have a moisture content at or below 15 percent. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27. Platforms TS 27.1 Driver’s Area The covering of platform surfaces and risers, except where otherwise indicated, shall be the same material as specified for floor covering. Trim shall be provided along top edges of platforms unless integral nosing is provided. DEFAULT No specific trim material specified. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.2 Driver’s Platform DEFAULT The driver’s platform shall be of a height such that, in a seated position, the driver can see an object located at an elevation of 42 in. above the road surface, 24 in. from the leading edge of the bumper. Notwithstanding this requirement, the platform height shall not position the driver such that the driver’s vertical upward view is less than 15 deg. A warning decal or sign shall be provided to alert the driver to the change in floor level. Figure 2 illustrates a means by which the platform height can be determined, using the critical line of sight. FIGURE 2 Determining Platform Height Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.3 Farebox Farebox placement should minimize impact to passenger access and minimize interference with the driver’s line of sight. DEFAULT Driver Interface Required; Platform Needed to Bring Height to Driver Access If the driver’s platform is higher than 12 in., then the farebox is to be mounted on a platform of suitable height to provide accessibility for the driver without compromising passengers’ access. Base Bus- Pre wire to agency specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.4 Rear Step Area to Rear Area DEFAULT If the vehicle is of a bi-level floor design, then a rear step area shall be provided along the center aisle of the bus to facilitate passenger traffic between the upper and lower floor levels. This step area shall be cut into the rear platform and shall be approximately the aisle width, a minimum 12 in. deep and approximately half the height of the upper level relative to the lower level. The horizontal surface of this platform shall be covered with skid-resistant material with a visually contrasting nosing and shall be sloped slightly for drainage. A warning decal or sign shall be provided at the immediate platform area to alert passengers to the change in floor level. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 28. Wheel Housing TS 28.1 Design and Construction DEFAULT Sufficient clearance and air circulation shall be provided around the tires, wheels and brakes to preclude overheating when the bus is operating on the design operating profile. Wheel housings shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant and fire-resistant material. Wheel housings, as installed and trimmed, shall withstand impacts of a 2in. steel ball with at least 200 ft -lbs of energy without penetration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 28.2 Design and Construction Interference between the tires and any portion of the bus shall not be possible in maneuvers up to the limit of tire adhesion with weights from curb weight to GVWR. Wheel housings shall be adequately reinforced where seat pedestals are installed. Wheel housings shall have sufficient sound insulation to minimize tire and road noise and meet all noise requirements of this specification. Design and construction of front wheel housings shall allow for the installation of a radio or electronic equipment storage compartment on the interior top surface, or its use as a luggage rack. The finish of the front wheel housings shall be scratch-resistant and complement interior finishes of the bus to minimize the visual impact of the wheel housing. If fiberglass wheel housings are provided, then they shall be color -impregnated to match interior finishes. The lower portion extending to approximately 10 to 12 in. above the floor shall be equipped with scuff-resistant coating or stainless steel trim. Wheel housings not equipped with seats or equipment enclosure shall have a horizontal assist mounted on the top portion of the housing no more than 4 in. higher than the wheel well housing. DEFAULT No provision shall be made to chain buses. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 28.3 Bellows Replacement fabric type bellows with draft-free, no-sag bottom closure and water drains shall be provided between the lead and trailing sections to seal the bus interior and keep it free of water, dirt and drafts. Bellows hardware shall be corrosion resistant, and the under-floor area of the bellows shall be easy to clean when necessary. The passageway between the lead unit and trailing unit shall have an inside cross section that is as nearly equal as possible to the inside cross section of the bus bodies, with no tripping or pinching hazards created by the turntable cross section or closeouts. The bellows shall be durable, and its supporting structure and stiffeners shall support the bellows material in a neat, sag-free manner. The Contractor shall supply information on the actual service life achieved by the type of bellows being proposed. A sample of the bellows and attaching hardware may be requested for evaluation at the Agency’s option. Bellows shall be approved by the Agency. DEFAULT No bellows liner required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: CHASSIS TS 29. Suspension TS 29.1 General Requirements DEFAULT The front, rear and mid suspensions shall be pneumatic type. The basic suspension system shall last the service life of the bus without major overhaul or replacement. Adjustment points shall be minimized and shall not be subject to a loss of adjustment in service. Routine adjustments shall be easily accomplished by limiting the removal or disconnecting the components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.2 Alignment DEFAULT All axles should be properly aligned so the vehicle tracks accurately within the size and geometry of the vehicle. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3 Springs and Shock Absorbers TS 29.3.1 Suspension Travel DEFAULT The suspension system shall permit a minimum wheel travel of 2.75 in. jounce-upward travel of a wheel when the bus hits a bump (higher than street surface), and 2.75 in. rebound-downward travel when the bus comes off a bump and the wheels fall relative to the body. Elastomeric bumpers shall be provided at the limit of jounce travel. Rebound travel may be limited by elastomeric bumpers or hydraulically within the shock absorbers. Suspensions shall incorporate appropriate devices for automatic height control so that regardless of load the bus height relative to the centerline of the wheels does not change more than ½ in. at any point from the height required. The safe operation of a bus cannot be impacted by ride height up to 1 in. from design normal ride height. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3.2 Damping DEFAULT Vertical damping of the suspension system shall be accomplished by hydraulic shock absorbers mounted to the suspension arms or axles and attached to an appropriate location on the chassis. Damping shall be sufficient to control coach motion to three cycles or less after hitting road perturbations. The shock absorber bushing shall be made of elastomeric material that will last the life of the shock absorber. The damper shall incorporate a secondary hydraulic rebound stop. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3.3 Lubrication DEFAULT Standard Grease Fittings All elements of steering, suspension and drive systems requiring scheduled lubrication shall be provided with grease fittings conforming to SAE Standard J534.These fittings shall be located for ease of inspection and shall be accessible with a standard grease gun from a pit or with the bus on a hoist. Each element requiring lubrication shall have its own grease fitting with a relief path. The lubricant specified shall be standard for all elements on the bus serviced by standard fittings and shall be required no less than every 6000 miles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3.4 Kneeling DEFAULT A kneeling system shall lower the entrance(s) of the bus a minimum of 2 in. during loading or unloading operations regardless of load up to GVWR, measured at the longitudinal centerline of the entrance door(s) by the driver. The kneeling control shall provide the following functions: • Downward control must be held to allow downward kneeling movement. • Release of the control during downward movement must completely stop the lowering motion and hold the height of the bus at that position. • Upward control actuation must allow the bus to return to normal floor height without the driver having to hold the control. The brake and throttle interlock shall prevent movement when the bus is kneeled. The kneeling control shall be disabled when the bu s is in motion. The bus shall kneel at a maximum rate of 1.25 in. per second at essentially a constant rate. After kneeling, the bus shall rise within 4 seconds to a height permitting the bus to resume service and shall rise to the correct operating height within 7 seconds regardless of load up to GVWR. During the lowering and raising operation, the maximum vertical acceleration shall not exceed 0.2g, and the jerk shall not exceed 0.3g/second. An indicator visible to the driver shall be illuminated until the bus is raised to a height adequate for safe street travel. An audible warning alarm will sound simultaneously with the operation of the kneeler to alert passengers and bystanders. A warning light mounted near the curbside of the front door, a minimum 2.5 in. diameter amber lens, shall be provided that will blink when the kneel feature is activated. Kneeling shall not be operational while the wheelchair ramp is deployed or in operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 30. Wheels and Tires TS 30.1 Wheels All wheels shall be interchangeable except for the middle axle of an artic where a super single tire size is used and shall be removable without a puller. Wheels shall be compatible with tires in size and load-carrying capacity. Front wheels and tires shall be balanced as an assembly per SAE J1986. DEFAULT Base Bus- Alcoa Dura Bright EVO Full Polished Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No tire-pressure monitoring system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard non-locking lug nut. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 30.2 Tires Tires shall be suitable for the conditions of transit service and sustained operation at the maximum speed capability of the bus. Load on any tire at GVWR shall not exceed the tire supplier’s rating. Sufficient space shall be provided to allow the Agency to carry a spare tire, if required. DEFAULT Agency specified standard size tires Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31. Steering DEFAULT Hydraulically assisted steering shall be provided. The steering gear shall be an integral type with the number and length of flexible lines minimized or eliminated. Engine-driven hydraulic pump shall be provided for power steering. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.1 Steering Axle DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Front Bearings and Seals The front axle shall be solid beam, non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR and shall be equipped with grease type front wheel bearings and seals. Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Oiled-Type Front Bearings The front axle shall be non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR and shall be equipped with sealed, oiled-type front wheel bearings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2 Steering Wheel TS 31.2.1 Turning Effort DEFAULT Steering effort shall be measured with the bus at GVWR, stopped with the brakes released and the engine at normal idling speed on clean, dry, level, commercial asphalt pavement and the tires inflated to recommended pressure. Under these conditions, the torque required to turn the steering wheel 10 deg. shall be no less than 5 ft.-lbs. and no more than 10 ft.-lbs. Steering torque may increase to 70 ft.-lbs. when the wheels are approaching the steering stops, as the relief valve activates. Power steering failure shall not result in loss of steering control. With the bus in operation, the steering effort shall not exceed 55 lbs. at the steering wheel rim, and perceived free play in the steering system shall not materially increase as a result of power assist failure. Gearing shall require no more than seven turns of the steering wheel lock-to-lock. Caster angle shall be selected to provide a tendency for the return of the front wheels to the straight position with minimal assistance from the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.2 Steering Wheel, General DEFAULT The steering wheel diameter shall be approximately 18 to 20 in.; the rim diameter shall be ⅞ to 1¼ in. and shaped for firm grip with comfort for long periods of time. Steering wheel spokes and wheel thickness shall ensure visibility of the dashboard so that vital instrumentation is clearly visible at center neutral position (within the range of a 95th-percentile male, as described in SAE 1050a, Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3).Placement of steering column must be as far forward as possible, but either inline with or behind the instrument cluster. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.3 Steering Column Tilt DEFAULT The steering column shall have full tilt capability with an adjustment range of no less than 40 deg. from the vertical and easily adjustable by the driver and shall be accessible by a 5th percentile female and 95th percentile male. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.4 Steering Wheel Telescopic Adjustment DEFAULT The steering wheel shall have full telescoping capability and have a minimum telescopic range of 2 in. and a minimum low-end adjustment of 29 in., measured from the top of the steering wheel rim in the horizontal position to the cab floor at the heel point. TABLE 4 Steering Wheel Height 1 Relative to Angle of Slope At Minimum Telescopic Height Adjustment (29 in.) – At Maximum Telescopic Height Adjustment (5 in.) Angle of Slope – Height – Angle of Slope Height 0 deg. 29 in. 0 deg. 34 in. 15 deg. 26.2 in. 15 deg. 31.2 in. 25 deg. 24.6 in. 25 deg. 29.6 in. 35 deg. 22.5 in. 35 deg. 27.5 in. – 1. Measured from bottom portion closest to driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 32. Drive Axle The bus shall be driven by a heavy-duty axle with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR. The drive axle shall have a design life to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major repairs. The lubricant drain plug shall be magnetic type. If a planetary gear design is employed, the oil level in the planetary gears shall be easily checked through the plug or sight gauge. The axle and driveshaft components shall be rated for both propulsion and retardation modes with respect to duty cycle. NOTE: The retardation duty cycle can be more aggressive than propulsion. The drive shaft shall be guarded to prevent hitting any critical systems, including brake lines, coach floor or the ground, in the event of a tube or universal joint failure. DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Bearings and Seals Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 33. Turning Radius DEFAULT TABLE 5 Maximum Turning Radius Bus Length (approximate) Maximum Turning Radius (see Figure 3) Agency Requirement 30 ft. 31 ft. (TR0) 35 ft. 39 ft. (TR0) 40 ft. 44 ft. (TR0) Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: FIGURE 3 Turning Radius TS 34. Brakes TS 34.1 Service Brake DEFAULT Brakes shall be self-adjusting. Brake wear indicators visible on linings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.2 Actuation DEFAULT Service brakes shall be controlled and actuated by a compressed air system. Force to activate the brake pedal control shall be an essentially linear function of the bus deceleration rate and shall not exceed 75 lbs. at a point 7 in. above the heel point of the pedal to achieve maximum braking. The heel point is the location of the driver’s heel when his or her foot is rested flat on the pedal and the heel is touching the floor or heel pad of the pedal. The ECU for the ABS system shall be protected, yet in an accessible location to allow for ease of service. The total braking effort shall be distributed among all wheels in such a ratio as to ensure equal friction material wear rate at all wheel locations. Manufacturer shall demonstrate compliance by providing a copy of a thermodynamic brake balance test upon request. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): DEFAULT No automatic traction control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.3 Friction Material The brake linings shall be made of non-asbestos material. In order to aid maintenance personnel in determining extent of wear, a provision such as a scribe line or a chamfer indicating the thickness at which replacement becomes necessary shall be provided on each brake lining. The complete brake lining wear indicator shall be clearly visible from the hoist or pit without removing backing plates. DEFAULT No remote brake wear indicator shall be required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.4 Hubs and Drums/Discs Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer’s warranty. DEFAULT Drum Brakes The bus shall be equipped with brake drums. Brake drums shall allow machining for oversized linings per manufacturer’s specifications. Base Bus 16.5” x 8 5” riveted lining cast plus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.5 Hubs and Drums DEFAULT Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer’s warranty. The bus shall be equipped with disc brakes on all axles, and the brake discs shall allow machining of each side of the disc to obtain smooth surfaces per manufacturer’s specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.6 Parking/Emergency Brake DEFAULT Air Brakes The parking brake shall be a spring-operated system, actuated by a valve that exhausts compressed air to apply the brakes. The parking brake may be manually enabled when the air pressure is at the operating level per FMVSS 121. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 35. Interlocks TS 35.1 Passenger Door Interlocks To prevent opening mid and rear passenger doors while the bus is in motion, a speed sensor shall be integrated with the door controls to prevent the mid/rear doors from being enabled or opened unless the bus speed is less than 2 mph. To preclude movement of the bus, an accelerator interlock shall lock the accelerator in the closed position, and a brake interlock shall engage the service brake system to stop movement of the bus when the driver’s door control is moved to a mid/rear door enable or open position, or a mid or rear door panel is opened more than 3 in. from the fully closed position (as measured at the leading edge of the door panel).The interlock engagement shall bring the bus to a smooth stop and shall be capable of holding a fully loaded bus on a 6 percent grade, with the engine at idle and the transmissio n in gear, until the interlocks are released. These interlock functions shall be active whenever the vehicle master run switch is in any run position. All door systems employing brake and accelerator interlocks shall be supplied with supporting failure mode effects analysis (FEMA) documentation, which demonstrates that failure modes are of a failsafe type, thereby never allowing the possibility of release of interlock while an interlocked door is in an unsecured condition, unless the door master switch has been actuated to intentionally release the interlocks. DEFAULT Non-adjustable brake interlock regulator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No requirements for accelerator and brake interlocks whenever front doors are open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36. Pneumatic System TS 36.1 General DEFAULT The bus air system shall operate the air -powered accessories and the braking system with reserve capacity. New buses shall not leak down more than 5psi over a 15-minute period of time as indicated on the dash gauge. Provision shall be made to apply shop air to the bus air systems. A quick disconnect fitting shall be easily accessible and located in the engine compartment and near the front bumper area for towing. Retained caps shall be installed to protect fitting against dirt and moisture when not in use. Air for the compressor shall be filtered. The air system shall be protected per FMVSS 121. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.2 Air Compressor DEFAULT The engine-driven air compressor shall be sized to charge the air system from 40psi to the governor cut -off pressure in less than 4 minutes while not exceeding the fast idle speed setting of the engine. Base Bus – Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.3 Air Lines and Fittings Air lines, except necessary flexible lines, shall conform to the installation and material requirements of SAE Standard J1149 for copper tubing with standard, brass, flared or ball sleeve fittings, or SAE Standard J844 for nylon tubing if not subject to temperatures over 200 °F. The air on the delivery side of the compressor where it enters nylon housing shall not be above the maximum limits as stated in SAE J844. Nylo n tubing shall be installed in accordance with the following color-coding standards: DEFAULT • Green: Indicates primary brakes and supply. • Red: Indicates secondary brakes. • Brown: Indicates parking brake. • Yellow: Indicates compressor governor signal. • Black: Indicates accessories. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.4 Air Reservoirs DEFAULT All air reservoirs shall meet the requirements of FMVSS Standard 121 and SAE Standard J10 and shall be equipped with drain plugs and guarded or flush type drain valves. Major structural members shall protect these valves and any automatic moisture ejector valves from road hazards. Reservoirs shall be sloped toward the drain valve. All air reservoirs shall have drain valves that discharge below floor level with lines routed to eliminate the possibility of water traps and/or freezing in the drain line. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.5 Air System Dryer An air dryer shall prevent accumulation of moisture and oil in the air system. The air dryer system shall include one or more replaceable desiccant cartridges. DEFAULT No requirements for additional oil separator provision. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS TS 37. Overview The electrical system will consist of vehicle battery systems and components that generate, distribute and store power throughout the vehicle. (e.g., generator, voltage regulator, wiring, relays and connectors). Electronic devices are individual systems and components that process and store data, integrate electronic information or perform other specific functions. The data communication system consists of the bi-directional communications networks that electronic device s use to share data with other electronic devices and systems. Communication networks are essential to integrating electronic functions, both onboard the vehicle and off. Information level systems that require vehicle information for their operations or provide information shall adhere to J1939 data standard. Data communications systems are divided into three level store the use of multiple data networks: • Powertrain level: Components related to the powertrain, including the propulsion system components (engine, transmission and hybrid units) and anti-lock braking syst em (ABS), which may include traction control. At a minimum, powertrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication between components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. • Information level: Components whose primary function is the collection, control or display of data that is not necessary to the safe drivability of the vehicle (i.e., the vehicle will continue to operate when those functions are inoperable). These components typically consist of those required for automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems, destination signs, fareboxes, passenger counters, radio systems, automated voice and signage systems, video surveillance and similar components. • Multiplex level: Electrical or electronic devices controlled through input/output signals such as discrete, analog and serial data information (i.e., on/off switch inputs, relay or relay control outputs). Multiplexing is used to control components not typically found on the drivetrain or information levels, such as lights; wheelchair lifts; doors; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (if applicable); and gateway devices. FIGURE 4 Data Communications Systems Levels Information level Multiplex level Drivetrain level TS 37.1 Modular Design DEFAULT Design of the electrical, electronic and data communication systems shall be modular so that each electronic device, apparatus panel, or wiring bundle is easily separable from its interconnect by means of connectors. Power plant wiring shall be an independent wiring harness. Replacement of the engine compartment wiring harness (es) shall not require pulling wires through any bulkhead or removing any terminals from the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 38. Environmental and Mounting Requirements DEFAULT The electrical system and its electronic components shall be capable of operating in the area of the vehicle in which they will be installed, asrecommendedinSAEJ1455. Electrical and electronic equipment shall not be located in an environment that will reduce the performance or shorten the life of the component or electrical system when operating within the design operating profile. As a recommendation, no vehicle component shall generate, or be affected by, electromagnetic interference or radio-frequency interference (EMI/RFI) that can disturb the performance of electrical/electronic equipment as defined in SAEJ1113and UNECE Council Directive 95/54(R10). The Agency shall follow recommendations from bus manufacturers and subsystem suppliers regarding methods to prevent damage from voltage spikes generated from welding, jumpstarts, shorts, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 38.1 Hardware Mounting DEFAULT The mounting of the hardware shall not be used to provide the sole source ground, and all hardware shall be isolated from potential EMI/RFI, as referenced in SAE J1113. All electrical/electronic hardware mounted in the interior of the vehicle shall be in accessible to passengers and hidden from view unless intended to be viewed. The hardware shall be mounted in such a manner as to protect it from splash or spray. All electric al/electronic hardware mounted on the exterior of the vehicle that is not designed to be installed in an exposed environment shall be mounted in a sealed enclosure. All electrical/electronic hardware and its mounting shall comply with the shock and vibration requirements of SAEJ1455. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39. General Electrical Requirements TS 39.1 Batteries TS 39.1.1 Low-Voltage Batteries (24V) DEFAULT Two 8D Maintenance-Free Batteries Each battery shall have a purchase date no more than 120 days from date of release, and shall be fully maintained prior to shipment to the Agency. Battery compartment must be well ventilated to prevent hydrogen build up while protecting the compartment from road spray, water intrusion and de-icing chemicals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Same Size Terminal Ends Positive and negative terminal ends shall be the same size. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.2 Battery Cables The battery terminal ends and cable ends shall be color-coded with red for the primary positive, black for negative and another color for any intermediate voltage cables. Positive and negative battery cables shall not cross each other if at all possible, shall be flexible and shall be sufficiently long to reach the batteries with the tray in the extended position without stretching or pulling on any connection and shall not lie directly onto pof the batteries. Except as interrupted by the master battery switch, battery and starter wiring shall be continuous cables with connections secured by bolted terminals and shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Standard J1127–Type SGR, SGT, SGX or GXL and SAE Recommended Practice J541,with 2100 strand 4/0 cable or greater recommended. DEFAULT Color code each voltage. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.3 JumpStart DEFAULT Jump-Start Connector A jump-start connector, red for 24V and blue for 12V, shall be provided in the engine compartment, equipped with dust cap and adequately protected from moisture, dirt and debris. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.4 Battery Compartment DEFAULT The battery compartment shall prevent accumulation of snow, ice and debris on top of the batteries and shall be vented and self-draining. It shall be accessible only from the outside of the vehicle. All components within the battery compartment, and the compartment itself, shall be protected from damage or corrosion from the electrolyte. The inside surface of the battery compartment’s access doors hall be electrically insulated, as required, to prevent the battery terminals from shorting on the door if the door is damaged in an accident or if a battery comes loose. The battery compartment temperature should not exceed manufacturers’ specification. The vehicle shall be equipped with a12VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). The battery compartment door shall conveniently accommodate operation of the12VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). The battery quick disconnect access door shall be identified with a decal. The decal size shall not be less than3.5 × 5in. (8.89 × 12.7cm). The battery hold-down bracket shall be constructed of a nonconductive and corrosion-resistant material (plastic or fiberglass). This access door shall not require any special locking devices to gain access to the switch, and it shall be accessible without removing or lifting the panel. The door shall be flush-fitting and incorporate a spring tensioner or equal to retain the door in a closed position when not in use. The batteries shall be securely mounted on a stainless steel or equivalent tray that can accommodate the size and weight of the batteries. The battery tray, if applicable, shall pull out easily and properly support the batteries while they are being serviced. The tray shall allow each battery cell to be easily serviced. A locking device shall retain the battery tray to the stowed position. If not located in the engine compartment, the same fire-resistant properties must apply to the battery compartment. No sparking devices should be located within the battery box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.5 Auxiliary Electronic Power Supply DEFAULT If required, gel-pack, or any form of sealed (non-venting) batteries used for auxiliary power are allowed to be mounted on the interior of the vehicle if they are contained in an enclosed, non-air tight compartment and accessible only to maintenance personnel. This compartment shall contain a warning label prohibiting the use of lead-acid batteries. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.6 Master Battery Switch DEFAULT The location of the master battery switch shall be clearly identified on the exterior access panel, be accessible in less than10 seconds for deactivation and prevent corrosion from fumes and battery acid when the batteries are washed of for are in normal service. Turning the master switch off with the power plant operating, during an emergency, shall shut off the engine and shall not damage any component of the electrical system. The master switch shall be capable of carrying and interrupting the total circuit load. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single Switch The batteries shall be equipped with a single switch for disconnecting both12V and 24Vpower. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.7 Low-Voltage Generation and Distribution DEFAULT The low-voltage generating systems shall maintain the charge on fully charged batteries, except when the vehicle is at standard idle to allow-voltage generator load exceeding 70 percent of the low -voltage generator name plate rating. Voltage monitoring and over-voltage output protection (recommended at 32V) shall be provided. Dedicated power and ground shall be provided as specified by the component or system manufacturer. Cabling to the equipment must be sized to supply the current requirements with no greater than a 5 percent volt drop across the length of the cable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.8 Circuit Protection DEFAULT All branch circuits, except battery-to-starting motor and battery-to-generator/alternator circuits, shall be protected by current-limiting devices such as circuit breakers, fuses or solid-state devices sized to the requirements of the circuit. Electronic circuit protection for the cranking motor shall be provided to prevent engaging of the motor for more than 30 seconds at a time to prevent overheating. The circuit breaker fuses shall be easily accessible for authorized personnel. Fuses shall be used only where it can be demonstrated that circuit breakers are not practicable. This requirement applies to in-line fuses supplied by either the Contractor or a supplier. Fuse holders shall be constructed to be rugged and waterproof. All manual reset circuit breakers critical to the operation of the bus shall be mounted in a location convenient to the Agency mechanic with visible indication of open circuits. The Agency shall consider the application of automatic reset circuit breakers on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor shall show all in-line fuses in the final harness drawings. Any manually resettable circuit breakers shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Any manually resettable circuit breaker s shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Circuit breakers or fuses shall be sized to a minimum of 15 percent larger than the total circuit load. The current rating for the wire used for each circuit must exceed the size of the circuit protection being used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.2 Grounds DEFAULT The battery shall be grounded to the vehicle chassis/frame at one location only, as close to the batteries as possible. When using a chassis ground system, the chassis hall be grounded to the frame in multiple locations, evenly distributed throughout the vehicle to eliminate ground loops. No more than /spade terminal connections shall be made per ground stud with spacing between studs ensuring conductivity and serviceability. Electronic equipment requiring an isolated ground of the battery (i.e., electronic ground) shall not be grounded through the chassis. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.3 Low Voltage/Low Current Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT All power and ground wiring shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J1127, J1128 and J1292.Double insulations hall be maintained as close to the junction box, electrical compartment or terminals as possible. The requirement for double insulations hall be met by wrapping the harness with plastic electrical tape or by sheathing all wires and harnesses with non-conductive, rigid or flexible conduit. Wiring shall be grouped, numbered and/or color-coded. Wiring harnesses shall not contain wires of different voltage classes unless all wires within the harness are insulated for the highest voltage presenting the harness. Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching, and exceeding minimum bend radius shall be prevented. Strain-relief fittings shall be provided at all points where wiring enters electrical compartments. Grommets or other protective material shall be installed at points where wiring penetrates metal structures outside of electrical enclosures. Wiring supports shall be protective and non- conductive at areas of wire contact and shall not be damaged by heat, water, solvents or chafing. To the extent practicable, wiring shall not be located in environmentally exposed locations under the vehicle. Wiring and electrical equipment necessarily located under the vehicle shall be insulated from water, heat, corrosion and mechanical damage. Where feasible, front -to-rear electrical harnesses should be installed above the window line of the vehicle. All wiring harnesses over 5 ft. long and containing atleastfivewiresshallinclude10percent (minimum one wire) excesswiresforspares.Thisrequirementforsparewiresdoesnotapplytodatalinksandcommunicationc ables.Wiringharness length shall allow end terminals to be replaced twice without pulling, stretching or replacing the wire. Terminals shall be crimped to the wiring according to the connector manufacturer’s recommendations for techniques and tools. All cable connectors shall be locking type, keyed and sealed, unless enclosed in water tight cabinets or vehicle interior. Pins shall be removable, crimp contact type, of the correct size and rating for the wire being terminated. Unused pin positions shall be sealed with sealing plugs. Adjacent connectors shall use either different inserts or different insert orientations to prevent incorrect connections. Terminals shall be crimped, corrosion-resistant and full ring type or interlocking lugs with insulating ferrules. When using pressure type screw terminal strips, only stranded wire shall be used. Insulation clearance shall ensure that wires have a minimum of “visible clearance” and a maximum of two times the conductor diameter or1/16 in., whichever is less. When using shielded or coaxia l cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands that can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. Ultra -sonic and T-splices may be used with 8AWG or smaller wire. When a T-splice is used, it shall meet these additional requirements: • It shall include a mechanical clamp in addition to solder on the splice. • The wire shall support no mechanical load in the area of the splice. • The wire shall be supported to prevent flexing. All splicing shall be staggered in the harness so that no two splices are positioned in the same location within the harness. Wiring located in the engine compartment shall be routed away from high- heatsourcesorshieldedand/orinsulatedfromtemperaturesexceedingthewiringandconnector operating requirements. The instrument panel and wiring shall be easily accessible for service from the driver’s seat or top of the panel. The instrument panel shall be separately removable and replaceable without damaging the instrument panel or gauges. Wiring shall have sufficient length and be routed to permit service without stretching or chafing the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.4 Electrical Components DEFAULT All electrical components, including switches, relays, flashers and circuit breakers, shall be heavy-duty designs with either a successful history of application in heavy-duty vehicles or design specifications for an equivalent environment. All electric motors shall be heavy-duty brushless type where practical, and have a continuous duty rating of no less than40,000hours (except cranking motors, washer pumps, auxiliary heater pumps, defroster and wiper motors). All electric motors shall be easily accessible for servicing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.5 Electrical Compartments DEFAULT All relays, controllers, flashers, circuit breakers and other electrical components shall be mounted in easily accessible electrical compartments. All compartments exposed to the outside environment shall be corrosion-resistant and sealed. The components and their functions in each electrical compartment shall be identified and their location permanently recorded on a drawing attached to the inside of the access panel or door. The drawing shall be protected from oil, grease, fuel and abrasion. The front compartment shall be completely service able from the driver’s seat, vestibule or from the o utside. “Rear start and run” controls shall be mounted in an accessible location in the engine compartment and shall be protected from the environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40. General Electronic Requirements DEFAULT If an electronic component has an internal real-time clock, it shall provide its own battery backup to monitor time when battery power is disconnected, and/or it may be updated by a network component. If an electronic component has an hour meter, it shall record accumulated service time without relying on battery backup. All electronic component suppliers shall ensure that their equipment is self-protecting in the event of shorts in the cabling, and also in over -voltage (over 32V DC on a 24V DC nominal voltage rating with a maximum of 50V DC) and reverse polarity conditions. If an electronic component is required to interface with other components, it shall not require external pull-up and/or pull-down resistors. Where this is not possible, the use of a pull-up or pull-down resistor shall be limited as much as possible and easily accessible and labeled. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1 Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching and reducing the bend radius below the manufacturer’s recommended minimum shall not be permitted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.1 Discrete I/O(Inputs/Outputs) DEFAULT All wiring to I/O devices, either at the harness level or individual wires, shall be labeled, stamped or color-coded in a fashion that allows unique identification at a spacing not exceeding4 in. Wiring for each I/O device shall be bundled together. If the I/O terminals are the same voltages, then jumpers may be used to connect the common nodes of each I/O terminal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.2 Shielding DEFAULT All wiring that requires shielding shall meet the following minimum requirements. A shield shall be generated by connecting to a ground, which is sourced from a power distribution bus bar or chassis. A shield shall be connected at one location only, typically a tone end of the cable. However, certain standards or special requirements, such as SAE J1939 or RF applications, have separate shielding techniques that also shall be used as applicable. NOTE: A shield grounded at both end forms a ground loop, which can cause intermittent control or faults. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands, which can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. To prevent the introduction of noise, the shield shall not be connected to the common side of a logic circuit. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.3 Communications DEFAULT The data network cabling shall be selected and installed according to the selected protocol requirements. The physical layer of all network communication systems shall not be used for any purpose other than communication between the system components, unless provided for in the network specifications. Communications networks that use power line carriers (e.g., data modulated on a 24V power line) shall meet the most stringent applicable wiring and terminal specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.4 Radio Frequency (RF) DEFAULT RF components, such as radios, video devices, cameras, global positioning systems (GPS), etc., shall use coaxial cable to carry the signal. All RF systems require special design consideration for losses along the cable. Connectors shall be minimized, since each connector and crimp has a loss that will at tribute to attenuation of the signal. Cabling should allow for the removal of antennas or attached electronics without removing the installed cable between them. If this cannot be done, then a conduit of sufficient size shall be provided for ease of attachment of antenna and cable assembly. The corresponding component vendors shall be consulted for proper application of equipment, including installation of cables. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.5 Audio DEFAULT Cabling used for microphone level and line level signals shall be 22AWG minimum with shielded twisted pair. Cabling used for amplifier level signals shall be18AWG minimum. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 41. Multiplexing TS 41.1 General The primary purpose of the multiplexing system is control of components necessary to operate the vehicle. This is accomplished by processing information from input devices and controlling output devices through the use of an internal logic program. Versatility and future expansion shall be provided for by expandable system architecture. The multiplex system shall be capable of accepting new inputs and outputs thought head edition of new modules and/or the utilization no existing spare inputs and outputs. All like components in the multiplex system shall be modular and interchangeable with self-diagnostic capabilities. The modules shall be easily accessible for troubleshooting electrical failures and performing system maintenance. Multiplex input/output modules shall use solid-state devices to provide extended service life and individual circuit protection. DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24V) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Base Bus-I/O controls G4 System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24V) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 41.2 System Configuration DEFAULT Multiplexing may either be distributed or centralized. A distributed system shall process information on multiple control modules within the network. A centralized system shall process the information on a single control module. Either system shall consist of several modules connected to form a control network. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 41.2.1 I/O Signals DEFAULT The input/output for the multiplex system may contain four types of electrical signals: discrete, modulating, analogue, serial data. Discrete signals shall reflect the on/off status of switches, levers, limit switches, lights, etc. Analog signals shall reflect numerical data as represented by a voltage signal (0–12V, 10–24V, etc.)Or current signal (4–20 mA). Both types of analog signals shall represent the status of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Serial data signals shall reflect ASCII or alphanumeric data used in the communication between other on-board components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42. Data Communications TS 42.1 General DEFAULT All data communication networks shall be either in accordance with a nationally recognized interface standard, such as those published by SAE, IEEE or ISO, or shall be published to the Agency with the following minimum information: • Protocol requirements for all timing issues (bit, byte, packet, inter-packet timing, idle line timing, etc.) packet sizes, error checking and transport (bulk transfer of data to/from the device). • Data definition requirements that ensure access to diagnostic information and performance characteristics. • The capability and procedures for uploading new applicat ion or configuration data. • Access to revision level of data, application software and firmware. • The capability and procedures for uploading new firmware or application software. • Evidence that applicable data shall be broadcast to the network in an efficient manner such that the overall network integrity is not compromised. Any electronic vehicle components used on a network shall be conformance tested to the corresponding network standard. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2 Drivetrain Level DEFAULT Drivetrain components, consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, anti-lock braking system and all other related components, shall be integrated and communicate fully with respect to vehicle operation with data using SAE Recommended Communications Protocols such as J1939 and/or J1708/J1587 with forward and backward compatibilities or other open protocols. At a minimum, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder ASR, and anti- lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2.1 Diagnostics, Fault Detection and Data Access DEFAULT Drive train performance, maintenance and diagnostic data, and other electronic messages shall be fo rmatted and transmitted on the communications networks. The drivetrain level shall have the ability to record abnormal events in memory and provide diagnostic codes and other information to service personnel. At a minimum, this network level shall provide live/fail status, current hardware serial number, software/data revisions and uninterrupted timing functions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2.2 Programmability (Software) DEFAULT The drivetrain level components shall be programmable by the Agency with limitations as specified by the subsystem Supplier. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.3 Multiplex Level TS 42.3.1 Data Access DEFAULT At a minimum, information shall be made available via a communication port on the multiplex system. The location of the communication port shall be easily accessible. A hardware gateway and/or wireless communications system are options if requested by the Agency. The communication port(s) shall be located as specified by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.3.2 Diagnostics and Fault Detection The multiplex system shall have a proven method of determining its status (system health and input/output status) and detecting either active (online) or inactive (offline) faults through the use of on-board visual/audible indicators. In addition to the indicators, the system shall employ an advanced diagnostic and fault detection system, which shall be accessible via either a personal computer or a hand held unit. Either unit shall have the ability to check logic function. The diagnostic data can be incorporated into the information level network or the central data access system. DEFAULT No requirement for mock-up board. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.3.3 Programmability (Software) The multiplex system shall have security provisions to protect its software from unwanted changes. This shall be achieved through any or all of the following procedures: • Password protection • Limited distribution of the configuration software • Limited access to the programming tools required to change the software • Hardware protection that prevents undesired changes to the software Provisions for programming the multiplex system shall be possible through a PC or laptop. The multiplex system shall have proper revision control to ensure that the hardware and software are identical on each vehicle equipped with the system. Revision control shall be provided by all of the following: • Hardware component identification where labels are included on all multiplex hardware to identify components • Hardware series identification where all multiplex hardware displays the current hardware serial number and firmware revision employed by the module • Software revision identification where all copies of the software in service display the version number. • A method of determining which version of software is currently in use in the multiplex system DEFAULT Revision control labels shall be electronic. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.4 Electronic Noise Control DEFAULT Electrical and electronic subsystems and components on all buses shall not emit electromagnetic radiation that will interfere with on-board systems, components or equipment, telephone service, radio or TV reception, or violate regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Electrical and electronic subsystems on the coaches shall not be affected by external sources of RFI/EMI. This includes, but is not limited to, radio and TV transmission, portable electronic devices including computers in the vicinity of or onboard the buses, AC or DC power lines and RFI/EMI emissions from other vehicles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DRIVER PROVISIONS, CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION TS 43. Driver’s Area Controls TS 43.1 General DEFAULT In general when designing the driver’s area, it is recommended that SAE J833, “Human Physical Dimensions,” be used. Switches and controls shall be divided into basic groups and assigned to specific areas, in conformance with SAE Recommended Practice J680, Revised 1988, “Location and Operation of Instruments and Controls in Motor Truck Cabs,” and be essentially within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, “Driver Hand Control Reach.” Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.2 Glare DEFAULT The driver’s work area shall be designed to minimize glare to the extent possible. Objects within and adjacent to this area shall be matte black or dark gray in color wherever possible to reduce the reflection of light onto the windshield. The use of polished metal and light -colored surfaces within and adjacent to the driver’s area shall be avoided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.3 Visors/Sun Shades DEFAULT Front and Side Sun Shade/Visor Adjustable sun visor(s) shall be provided for the driver’s windshield and the driver’s side window. Visors shall be shaped to minimize light leakage between the visor and windshield pillars. Visors shall store out of the way and shall not obstruct airflow from the climate control system or interfere with other equipment, such as the radio handset or the destination control. Deployment of the visors shall not restrict vision of the rearview mirrors. Visor adjustments shall be made easily by hand with positive locking and releasing devices and shall not be subject to damage by over-tightening. Sun visor construction and materials shall be strong enough to resist breakage during adjustments. Visors may be transparent but shall not allow a visible light transmittance in excess of 10 percent. Visors, when deployed, shall be effective in the driver’s field of view at angles more than 5 deg. above the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.4 Driver’s Controls Frequently used controls must be in easily accessible locations. These include the door control, kneel control, windshield wiper/washer controls, ramp, and lift and run switch. Any switches and controls necessary for the safe operation of the bus shall be conveniently located and shall provide for ease of operation. They shall be identifiable by shape, touch and permanent markings. Controls also shall be located so that passengers may not easily tamper with control settings. All panel-mounted switches and controls shall be marked with easily read identifiers. Graphic symbols shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J2402, “Road Vehicles – Symbols for Controls, Indicators, and Tell Tales,” where available and applicable. Color of switches and controls shall be dark with contrasting typography or symbols. Mechanical switches and controls shall be replaceable, and the wiring at these controls shall be serviceable from a convenient location. Switches, controls and instruments shall be dust- and water-resistant. DEFAULT All switches/controls in the driver’s controls area shall be mounted in an angled panel steep enough to discourage drivers from using it as a personal storage area for items like food, drinks, cell phones, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.5 Normal Bus Operation Instrumentation and Controls The following list identifies bus controls used to operate the bus. These controls are either frequently used or critical to the operation of the bus. They shall be located within easy reach of the operator. The operator shall not be required to stand or turn to view or actuate these controls unless specified otherwise. Systems or components monitored by onboard diagnostics system shall be displayed in clear view of the operator and provide visual and/or audible indicators. The intensity of indicators shall permit easy determination of on/off status in bright sunlight but shall not cause a distraction or visibility problem at night. All indicators shall be illuminated using backlighting. The indicator panel shall be located in Area 1 or Area 5, within easy view of the operator instrument panel. All indicators shall have a method of momentarily testing their operation. The audible alarm shall be tamper -resistant and shall have an outlet level between 80 and 83 dBA when measured at the location of the operator’s ear. On-board displays visible to the operator shall be limited to indicating the status of those functions described herein that are necessary for the operation of the bus. All other indicators needed for diagnostics and their related interface hardware shall be concealed and protected from unauthor ized access. Table 6represents instruments and alarms. The intent of the overall physical layout of the indicators shall be in a logical grouping of systems and severity nature of the fault. Consideration shall be provided for future additions of spare indicators as the capability of onboard diagnostic systems improves. Blank spaces shall contain LEDs. TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Master run switch Rotary, four- position detent Side console Master control for bus, off, day run, night run and clearance ID lights Engine start, front Approved momentary switch Side console Activates engine starter motor Engine start, rear Approved momentary switch Engine compartmen t Activates engine starter motor TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Engine run, rear Three-position toggle switch Engine compartmen t Permits running engine from rear start, normal front run position and off Amber light Drive selector Touch panel switch Side console Provides selection of propulsion: forward, reverse and neutral Gear selection HVAC Switch or switches to control HVAC Side console Permits selection of passenger ventilation: off, cool, heat, low fan, high fan or full auto with on/off only Driver’s ventilation Rotary, three- position det ent Side console or dash left wing Permits supplemental ventilation: fan off, low or high Defroster fan Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits defroster: fan off, low, medium or high Defroster temperatur e Variable position Side console or dash left wing Adjusts defroster water flow and temperature Windshield wiper One-variable rotary position operating both wipers Dash left wing Variable speed control of left and right windshield wipers Windshield washer Push button Dash left wing Activates windshield washers Dash panel lights Rotary rheostat or stepping switch Side console or dash left wing Provides adjustment for light intensity in night run position Interior lights Three-position switch Side console Selects mode of passenger compartment lighting: off, on, normal Fast idle Two-position switch Side console Selects high idle speed of engine WC ramp/ kneel enable Two-position switch1 Side console or dash right wing Permits operation of ramp and kneel operations at each door remote panel Amber light Front door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Front door remote or dash right wing Permits ramp and kneel activation from front door area, key required1 Amber light TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Front door ramp Three-position momentary switch Right side of steering wheel Permits deploy and stow of front ramp Red light Front kneel Three-position momentary switch Front door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at front door remote location Amber or red dash indicator; exterior alarm and amber light Rear door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Rear door remote Permits ramp and kneel activation from rear door area; key required1 Red light Rear door ramp Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits deploy and stow of rear ramp Rear kneel Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at rear door remote location Silent alarm Recessed push button, NO and NC contacts momentary Side console Activates emergency radio alarm at dispatch and permits covert microphone and/or enables destination sign emergency message Video system event switch Momentary on/off momentary switch with plastic guard Side console Triggers event equipment, triggers event light on dash Amber light Left remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Permits two-axis adjustment of left exterior mirror Right remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Permits two-axis adjustment of right exterior mirror Mirror heater Switch or temperature activated Side console Permits heating of outside mirrors when required Passenger door control Five-position handle type detent or two momentary push buttons Side console, forward Permits open/close control of front and rear passenger doors Red light Rear door override Two-position switch in approved location Side console, forward Allows driver to override activation of rear door passenger tape switches TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Engine shutdown override Momentary switch with operation protection Side console Permits driver to override auto engine shutdown Hazard flashers Two-position switch Side console or dash right wing Activates emergency flashers Two green lights Fire suppression Red push button with protective cover Dash left wing or dash center Permits driver to override and manually discharge fire suppression system Red light Mobile data terminal Mobile data terminal coach operator interface panel Above right dash wing Facilitates driver interaction with communication system and master log-on LCD display with visual status and text messages Farebox interface Farebox coach operator interface panel Near farebox Facilitates driver interaction with farebox system LCD display Destination sign interface Destination sign interface panel In approved location Facilitates driver interaction with destination sign system, manual entry LCD display Turn signals Momentary push button (two required) raised from other switches Left foot panel Activates left and right turn signals Two green lights and optional audible indicator PA manual Momentary push button In approved location Permits driver to manually activate public address microphone Low- profile microphon e Low-profile discrete mounting Steering column Permits driver to make announcements with both hands on the wheel and focusing on road conditions High beam Detented push button In approved location Permits driver to toggle between low and high beam Blue light Parking brake Pneumatic PPV Side console or dash left wing Permits driver to apply and release parking brake Red light Park brake release Pneumatic PPV Vertical side of the side consoler dash center Permits driver to push and hold to release brakes TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Hill holder Two-position momentary switch Side console Applies brakes to prevent bus from rolling Remote engine speed Rotary rheostat Engine compartmen t Permits technician to raise and lower engine RPM from engine compartment Master door/ interlock Multi-pole toggle, detented Out of operator’s reach Permits driver override to disable door and brake/throttle interlock Red light Warning interlocks deactivated Red indicator light Dash panel center Illuminates to warn driver that interlocks have been deactivated Red light Retarder disable Multi-pole switch detented Within reach of operator or approved location Permits driver override to disable brake retardation/regeneration Red light Alarm acknowled ge Push button momentary Approved location Permits driver to acknowledge alarm condition Rear door passenger sensor disable Multi-pole toggle, detented In sign compartmen t or driver’s barrier compartmen t Permits driver to override rear door passenger sensing system Indicator/ alarm test button Momentary switch or programming1 Dash center panel Permits driver to activate test of sentry, indicators and audible alarms All visuals and audibles Auxiliary power 110 V power receptacle Approved location Property to specify what function to supply Speedomet er Speedometer, odometer, and diagnostic capability, 5-mile increments Dash center panel Visual indication of speed and distance traveled, accumulated vehicle mileage, fault condition display Visual Air pressure gauge Primary and secondary, 5 psi increments Dash center panel Visual indication of primary and secondary air systems Red light and buzzer TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Fire detection Coach operator display Property specific or dash center Indication of fire detection activation by zone/location Buzzer and red light Door obstruction Sensing of door obstruction Dash center Indication of rear door sensitive edge activation Red light and buzzer Door ajar Door not properly closed Property specific or dash center Indication of rear door not properly closed Buzzer or alarm and red light Low system air pressure Sensing low primary and secondary air tank pressure Dash center Indication of low air system pressure Buzzer and red light Methane detection function Detection of system integrity Property specific or dash cent er Detects system failure No start condition, amber light Methane detection Indication of 20% LED emergency light (LEL) Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Flashing red at 20% LEL Methane detection Indication of 50% LEL Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Solid red at 50% LEL Engine coolant indicator Low coolant indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low coolant condition Amber light Hot engine indicator Coolant temperature indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects hot engine condition and initiates time delay shutdown Red light Low engine oil pressure indicator Engine oil pressure indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low engine oil pressure condition and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light ABS indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber light TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible HVAC indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber or red light Charging system indicator (12/24 V) Detect charging system status Dash center Detects no charge condition and optionally detects battery high, low, imbalance, no charge condition, and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light flashing or solid based on condition Bike rack deployed indicator Detects bike rack position Dash center Indication of bike rack not being in fully stowed position Amber or red light Fuel tank level Analog gauge, graduated based on fuel type Dash center Indication of fuel tank level/pressure DEF gauge Level Indicator Center dash Displays level of DEF tank and indicates with warning light when low Red light Active regeneratio n Detects status Dash center Indication of electric regeneration Amber or red light Turntable Detects status Dash center Warning indication for hinge locking Audible and amber warning and red light if locked Turntable Interlock momentary switch Side console Momentarily release interlock brakes due to overangled condition 1. Indicate area by drawing. Break up switch control from indicator lights. TABLE 6 (ALTERNATIVE,) Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible [Contractor to provide] TS 43.6 Driver Foot Controls DEFAULT Accelerator and brake pedals shall be designed for ankle motion. Foot surfaces of the pedals shall be faced with wear-resistant, nonskid, replaceable material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.6.1 Pedal Angle DEFAULT The vertical angle of the accelerator and brake pedals shall be determined from a horizontal plane regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned at an angle of 37 to 50deg at the point of initiation of contact and extend downward to an angle of 10 to 18deg at full throttle. The location of the brake and accelerator pedals shall be determined by the manufacturer, based on space needs, visibility, lower edge of windshield and vertical H-point. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.6.2 Pedal Dimensions and Position DEFAULT The floor-mounted accelerator pedal shall be 10 to 12 in. long and 3 to 4 in. wide. Clearance around the pedal must allow for no interference precluding operation. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned such that the spacing between them, measured at the heel of the pedals, is between 1 and 2 in. Both pedals should be located approximately on the same plane coincident to the surface of the pedals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.7 Brake and Accelerator Pedals DEFAULT Brake Pedal Non-adjustable brake pedal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.8 Driver Foot Switches Floor-Mounted Foot Control Platform The angle of the turn signal platform shall be determined from a horizontal plane, regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The turn signal platform shall be angled at a minimum of 10 deg. and a maximum of 37 deg. It shall be located no closer to the seat front than the heel point of the accelerator pedal. DEFAULT Turn Signal Controls Turn signal controls shall be floor-mounted, foot-controlled, water-resistant, heavy-duty, momentary contact switches. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Foot Switch Control The control switches for the turn signals shall be mounted on an inclined, floor-mounted stainless steel enclosure or metal plate mounted to an incline integrated into the driver’s platform, located to the left of the steering column. The location and design of this enclosure shall be such that foot room for the operator is not impeded. The inclined mounting surface shall be skid-resistant. All other signals, including high beam and public address system, shall be in approved locations. The foot switches shall be UL-listed, heavy-duty type, of a rugged, corrosion-resistant metal construction. The foot switches for the directionals shall be momentary type, while those for the PA system and the high beam shall be latching type. The spacing of the switches shall be such that inadvertent simultaneous deflection of switches is prevented. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44. Driver’s Amenities TS 44.1 Coat Hanger DEFAULT Coat Hanger A suitable hanger shall be installed in a convenient, approved location for the driver’s coat. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44.2 Drink Holder DEFAULT No drink holder. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44.3 Storage Box DEFAULT Storage Box An enclosed driver storage area shall be provided with a positive latching door and/or lock. 44”H x 22.5”W x 20”D, 2 Doors Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 45. Windshield Wipers and Washers TS 45.1 Windshield Wipers The bus shall be equipped with a windshield wiper for each half of the windshield. At 60 mph, no more than 10 percent of the wiped area shall be lost due to windshield wiper lift. For two- piece windshields, both wipers shall park along the center edges of the windshield glass. For single-piece windshields, wipers shall park along the bottom edge of the windshield. Windshield wiper motors and mechanisms shall be easily accessible for repairs or service. The fastener that secures the wiper arm to the drive mechanism shall be corrosion-resist ant. DEFAULT Single-control, electric two-speed intermittent wiper. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single control for air-operated system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 45.2 Windshield Washers DEFAULT The windshield washer system, when used with the wipers, shall deposit washing fluid evenly and completely wet the entire wiped area. The windshield washer system shall have a minimum 3-gallon reservoir, located for easy refilling from outside the bus. Reservoir pumps, lines and fittings shall be corrosion-resistant and must include a means to determine fluid level. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46. Driver’s Seat FIGURE 5 Driver’s Seat DEFAULT USSC G2A Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1 Dimensions DEFAULT The driver’s seat shall be comfortable and adjustable so that people ranging in size from a 95th- percentile male to a 5th-percentile female may operate the bus. Head rest Seat back Arm rest Seat belt Seat pan cushion Seat base Seat back lumbar support Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Length DEFAULT Measurement shall be from the front edge of the seat pan to the rear at its intersection with the seat back. The adjustment of the seat pan length shall be no less than 16.5 in.at its minimum le ngth and no more than 20.5 in.at its maximum length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: SP 1.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Height DEFAULT Dimensions Measurement shall be from the cab floor to the top of the level seat at its center midpoint. The seat shall adjust in height from a minimum of14 in., with a minimum 6 in. vertical range of adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.2 Seat Pan Cushion Slope DEFAULT Measurement is the slope of the plane created by connecting the two high points of the seat, one at the rear of the seat at its intersection with the seat back and the other at the front of the seat just before it waterfalls downward at the edge. The slope can be measured using an inclinometer and shall be stated in degrees of incline relative to the horizontal plane (0 deg). The seat pan shall adjust in its slope from no less than plus 12 deg (rearward “bucket seat” incline) to no less than minus 5 deg (forward slope). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.3 Seat Base Fore/Aft Adjustment DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance from the heel point to the front edge of the seat. The minimum and maximum distances shall be measured from the front edge of the seat when it is adjusted to its minimum seat pan depth (approximately 15 in.). On all low-floor buses, the seat base shall travel horizontally a minimum of 9 in. It shall adjust no closer to the heel point than6 in. On all high-floor buses, the seat base shall travel a minimum of9 in. and adjust no closer to the heel point than 6 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.4 Seat Pan Cushion Width DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance across the seat cushion. The seat pan cushion shall be 17 to 21 in. across at the front edge of the seat cushion and 20 to 23 in. across at the side bolsters. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.5 Seat Suspension DEFAULT The driver’s seat shall be appropriately dampened to support a minimum weight of 380 lbs. The suspension shall be capable of dampening adjustment in both directions. Rubber bumpers shall be provided to prevent metal-to-metal contact. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.6 Seat Back DEFAULT Width Measurement is the distance between the outermost points of the front of the seat back, at or near its midpoint in height. The seat back width shall be no less than 19 in. Seat back will include dual recliner gears on both sides of the seat. Height Standard height seat back. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.7 Headrests DEFAULT Adjustable headrest. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.8 Seat Back Lumbar Support DEFAULT Measurement is from the bottom of the seat back at its intersection with the seat pan to the top of the lumbar cushioning. The seat back shall provide adjustable-depth lumbar back support with three individual operating lumbar cells within a minimum range of 7 to 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.9 Seat Back Angle Adjustment DEFAULT The seat back angle shall be measured relative to a level seat pan, where 90 deg is the upright position and 90 deg-plus represents the amount of recline. The seat back shall adjust in angle from a minimum of no more than 90 deg (upright) to at least 105 deg (reclined), with infinite adjustment in between. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.2 Seat Belt The belt assembly should be an auto-locking retractor (ALR).All seat belts should be stored in automatic retractors. The belts shall be mounted to the seat frame so that the driver may adjust the seat without resetting the seat belt. The seat and seatbelt assemblies as installed in the bus shall withstand static horizontal forces as required in FMVSS 207 and 210. DEFAULT Orange three-point seatbelt webbing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Lap Belt Length DEFAULT 72 in. The lap belt assembly shall be a minimum of 72 in. in length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.3 Adjustable Armrest DEFAULT No armrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.4 Seat Control Locations DEFAULT While seated, the driver shall be able to make seat adjustments by hand without complexity, excessive effort or being pinched. Adjustment mechanisms shall hold the adjustments and shall not be subject to inadvertent changes. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.5 Seat Structure and Materials Cushions Cushions shall be fully padded with at least 3 in. of materials in the seating areas at the bottom and back. Cushion Materials DEFAULT Open-cell polyurethane (FMVSS 302). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.6 Pedestal DEFAULT Powder-coated steel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.7 Mirrors TS 46.7.1 Exterior Mirrors The bus shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant, outside rearview mirrors mounted with stable supports to minimize vibration. Mirrors shall be firmly attached to the bus to minimize vibration and to prevent loss of adjustment with a breakaway mounting system. Mirrors shall permit the driver to view the roadway along the sides of the bus, including the rear wheels. Mirrors should be positioned to prevent blind spots. Mirrors shall retract or fold sufficiently to allow bus washing operations but avoid contact with windshield. DEFAULT Exterior mirrors shall be installed without a breakaway mounting system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Flat Mirrors on Both Sides The bus shall be equipped with two flat outside mirrors, each with not less than 50 sq. in. of reflective surface. The mirrors shall be located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the bus and shall be adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene. The roadside rearview mirror shall be positioned so that the driver’s line of sight is not obstructed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Curbside Mirrors The curbside rearview mirror shall be mounted so that its lower edge is no less than 80 in. above the street surface. A lower mount may be required due to mirror configuration requests. DEFAULT Remote Adjustment of Curbside Mirror The driver shall be able to adjust the curbside mirror remotely while seated in the driving position. The control for remote positioning of the mirror shall be a single switch or device. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Street-Side Mirrors DEFAULT Standard mirror, not heated, no remote adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.7.2 Interior Mirrors DEFAULT Mirrors shall be provided for the driver to observe passengers throughout the bus without leaving the seat and without shoulder movement. The driver shall be able to observe passengers in the front/entrance and rear/exit areas (if applicable), anywhere in the aisle, and in the rear seats. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: WINDOWS TS 47. General Use with 30ft length: A minimum of 6000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 35ft length: A minimum of 8000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 40ft length: A minimum of 10,000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. TS 48. Windshield DEFAULT The windshield shall permit an operator’s field of view as referenced in SAE Recommended Practice J1050.The vertically upward view shall be a minimum of 14deg, measured above the horizontal and excluding any shaded band. The vertically downward view shall permit detection of an object 3½ft high no more than 2 ft. in front of the bus. The horizontal view shall be a minimum of 90 deg above the line of sight. Any binocular obscuration due to a center divider may be ignored when determining the 90deg requirement, provided that the divider does not exceed a 3deg angle in the operator’s field of view. Windshield pillars shall not exceed 10 deg of binocular obscuration. The windshield shall be designed and installed to minimize external glare as well as reflections fro m inside the bus. The windshield shall be easily replaceable by removing zip-locks from the windshield retaining moldings. Bonded-in-place windshields shall not be used. Winglets may be bonded. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 48.1 Glazing The windshield glazing material shall have a ¼ in. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping AS-1 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Shaded Band The upper portion of the windshield above the driver’s field of view shall have a dark, shaded band and marked AS-3, with a minimum luminous transmittance of 5 percent when tested in accordance to ASTM D-1003. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Two-piece windshield. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 49. Driver’s Side Window The driver’s side window shall be the sliding type, requiring only the rear half of the sash to latch upon closing, and shall open sufficiently to permit the seated operator to easily adjust the street -side outside rearview mirror. When in an open position, the window shall not rattle or close during braking. This window section shall slide in tracks or channels designed to last the service life of the bus. The operator’s side window shall not be bonded in place and shall be easily replaceable. The glazing material shall have a single-density tint. The driver’s view, perpendicular through operator’s side window glazing, should extend a minimum of 33 in. (840 mm) to the rear of the heel point on the accelerator, and in any case must accommodate a 95th percentile male operator. The view through the glazing at the front of the assembly should begin not more than 26 in. (560 mm) above the operator’s floor to ensure visibility of an under-mounted convex mirror. Driver’s window construction shall maximize ability for full opening of the window. DEFAULT The driver’s side window glazing material shall have a ¼ in. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1-1996 Test Grouping AS-2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Driver’s Side Window, Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options: • Full slider • Egress • Non-egress • Top fixed over bottom slider • Egress • Non-egress Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50. Side Windows TS 50.1 Configuration DEFAULT Side windows shall not be bonded in place, but shall be easily replaceable without disturbing adjacent windows and shall be mounted so that flexing or vibration from engine operation or normal road excitation is not apparent. All aluminum and steel materia l will be treated to prevent corrosion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50.2 Emergency Exit (Egress) Configuration DEFAULT Minimum Egress All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Passenger Side Window Configurations Agency to choose from the following options: • Traditional frame • Full fixed • Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels • Openable windows with sliding transom panels • Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels • Openable windows with full-height sliding panels Hidden frame (flush “Euro -look”) • Full fixed • Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options: • Full fixed • Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels • Openable windows with sliding transom panels • Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels • Openable windows with full-height sliding panels Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50.3 Configuration DEFAULT Fixed Side Windows All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50.4 Materials Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3/16 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1-1996 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Windows on the bus sides and in the rear door shall be tinted a neutral color, complementary to the bus exterior. The maximum solar energy transmittance shall not exceed 37 percent, as measured by ASTM E-424. Luminous transmittance shall be measured by ASTM D-1003. Windows over the destination signs shall not be tinted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT (LIGHT) 55 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT (DARK) 27 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3/16 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: NOTE: All glass treatments must be permanent, within the glass and/or in the center membrane. Surface films are not permitted. SHGC and light transmission performance shall be defined by the National Fenestration Rating Council. TS 50.5 Rear Window DEFAULT No requirement for rear window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TS 51. Capacity and Performance The HVAC climate control system shall be capable of controlling the temperature and maintaining the humidity levels of the interior of the bus as defined in the following paragraphs. DEFAULT Rear Mounted Thermo-King X430 407C Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Allow Either Roof- or Rear-Mounted HVAC Unit The HVAC unit may either be roof or rear-mounted. Note that a rear-mounted unit will preclude a rear window and that the term “roof-mounted unit” includes units mounted on top of or beneath the roof surface. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Capacity and Performance Requirements The air -conditioning portion of the HVAC system shall be capable of reducing the passenger compartment temperature from 115 to 95 °F in less than 20 minutes after engine start-up. Engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range at the time of start-up of the cool-down test, and the engine speed shall be limited to fast idle, which may be activated by a driver- controlled device. During the cool-down period, the refrigerant pressure shall not exceed safe high-side pressures, and the condenser discharge air temperature, measured 6 in. from the surface of the coil, shall be less than 45 °F above the condenser inlet air temperature. The appropriate solar load as recommended in the APTA “Recommended Instrumentation and Performance Testing for Transit Bus Air Conditioning System,” representing 4 p.m. on August 21, shall be used. There shall be no passengers on board, and the doors and windows shall be closed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 52. Controls and Temperature Uniformity The HVAC system excluding the driver’s heater/defroster shall be centrally controlled with an advanced electronic/diagnostic control system with provisions for extracting/reading data. The system shall be compliant with J1939 Communication Protocol for receiving and broadcasting of data. Hot engine coolant water shall be delivered to the HVAC system driver’s defroster/heater and other heater cores by means of an auxiliary coolant pump, sized for the required flow, which is brushless and sealless having a minimum maintenance-free service life for both the brushless motor and the pump of at least 40,000 hours at full power. DEFAULT Manual Mode Selection of Climate Control System After manual selection and/or activation of climate control system operation mode, all interior climate control system requirements for the selected mode shall be attained automatically to within ±2 °F of specified temperature control set point. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single Control Set point at 70 °F The temperature control set point for the system shall be 70 °F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 52.1 Auxiliary Heater DEFAULT No auxiliary heater. Auxiliary Heater An auxiliary heater fired by diesel fuel shall be provided to supplement the heat supplied by the engine and shall have an output necessary to meet the performance criteria. The heater shall be equipped with safety devices to prevent over fueling, overheating due to loss of coolant or water pump failure, and operation during conditions of low battery voltage. The auxiliary heater shall have capability of functioning in the supplemental mode and preheat mode. The supplemental mode shall automatically cycle the auxiliary heater “on” and “off” according to the coolant temperature. No driver input shall be required when the engine is running. The preheat mode shall be enabled through a single-pole double-throw momentary switch. With the master run switch in the “off” position, toggling the switch to its momentary upward (“on”) position shall enable the auxiliary heater to operate in preheat. Once in preheat, the unit shall continue to operate and cycle until either the preheat switch is toggled to its momentary downward (“off”) position, or the master run switch is turned “on,” or the time elapsed exceeds 60 minutes, at which time the preheat mode will automatically be disabled. The supplement mode will always override the preheat mode. The auxiliary heater coolant pump shall shut down when the coolant is up to temperature during the supplemental mode. With the engine running, there shall be coolant flow through the heater all the time. The temperature sensor shall constantly measure the coolant temperature and cycle “on” if required, at which time the coolant pump turns on. The auxiliary heater shall be equipped with a self-priming fuel pump. The unit shall be electronically controlled with appropriate diagnostics for troubleshooting. Operation, as well as diagnostic data, shall be stored and shall be retrievable through an IBM compatible PC. The auxiliary heater maintenance/diagnostic information shall be communicated through the appropriate protocol, SAE J1708 or J1939. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53. Air Flow TS 53.1 Passenger Area The cooling mode of the interior climate control system shall introduce air into the bus at or near the ceiling height at a minimum rate of 25 cubic ft. per minute (cfm) per passenger based on the standard configuration bus carrying a number of passengers equal to 150 percent of the seated load. Airflow shall be evenly distributed throughout the bus, with air velocity not exceeding 100 ft. per minute on any passenger. The ventilating mode shall provide air at a minimum flow rate of 20 cfm per passenger. Air flow may be reduced to 15 cfm per passenger (150 percent of seated load) when operating in the heating mode. The fans shall not activate until the heating element has warmed sufficiently to ensure at least 70 °F air outlet temperature. The heating air outlet temperature shall not exceed 120 °F under any normal operating conditions. The climate control blower motors and fan shall be designed such that their operation complies with the interior noise level requirements. DEFAULT No “Fresh Air” Requirements To be used by agencies that have an operating profile where the door opening cycle results in effectively providing an adequate “fresh air” mixture. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.2 Driver’s Area DEFAULT The bus interior climate control system shall deliver at least 100 cfm of air to the driver’s area when operating in the ventilating and cooling modes. Adjustable nozzles shall permit variable distribution o r shutdown of the airflow. Airflow in the heating mode shall be reduced proportionally to the reduction of airflow into the passenger area. The windshield defroster unit shall meet the requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J382, “Windshield Defrosting Systems Performance Requirements,” and shall have the capability of diverting heated air to the driver’s feet and legs. The defroster or interior climate control system shall maintain visibility through the driver’s side window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.3 Controls for the Climate Control System (CCS) DEFAULT The controls for the driver’s compartment for heating, ventilation and cooling systems shall be integrated and shall meet the following requirements: • The heat/defrost system fan shall be controlled by a separate switch that has an “off” position and at least two positions for speed control. All switches and controls shall preclude the possibility of clothing becoming entangled, and shields shall be provided, if required. If the fans are approved by the Agency, an “on/off” switch shall be located to the right of or near the main defroster switch. • A manually operated control valve shall control the coolant flow t hrough the heater core. • If a cable-operated manual control valve is used, then the cable length shall be kept to a minimum to reduce cable seizing. Heater water control valves shall be “positive” type, closed or open. The method of operating remote valves shall require the concurrence of the Agency project manager. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.4 Driver’s Compartment Requirements DEFAULT A separate heating, ventilation and defroster system for the driver’s area shall be provided and shall be controlled by the driver. The system shall meet the following requirements: • The heater and defroster system shall provide heating for the driver and heated air to completely defrost and defog the windshield, driver’s side window, and the front door glasses in all operating conditions. Fan(s) shall be able to draw air from the bus body interior and/or exterior through a control device and pass it through the heater core to the defroster system and over the driver’s feet. A minimum capacity of 100 cfm shall be provided. The driver shall have complete control of the heat and fresh airflow for the driver’s area. • The defroster supply outlets shall be located at the lower edge of the windshield. These outlets shall be durable and shall be free of sharp edges that can catch clothes during normal daily cleaning. The system shall be such that foreign objects such as coins or tickets cannot fall into the defroster air outlets. Adjustable ball vents or louvers shall be provided at the left of the driver’s position to allow direction of air onto the side windows. A ventilation system shall be provided to ensure driver comfort and shall be capable of providing fresh air in both the foot and head areas. Vents shall be controllable by the driver from the normal driving position. Decals shall be provided, indicating “operating instructions” and “open” and “closed” positions. When closed, vents shall be sealed to prevent the migration of water or air into the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.5 Driver’s Cooling DEFAULT No dedicated evaporator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 54. Air Filtration Air shall be filtered before entering the AC system and being discharged into the passenger compartment. The filter shall meet the ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 requirement for 5 percent or better atmospheric dust spot efficiency, 50 percent weight resistant, and a minimum dust holding capacity of 120 g per 1000 cfm cell. Air filters shall be easily removable for service. DEFAULT Cleanable Filters Air filters shall be cleanable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 55. Roof Ventilators Each ventilator shall be easily opened and closed manually. When open with the bus in motion, this ventilator shall provide fresh air inside the bus. The ventilator shall cover an opening area no less than 425 sq. in. and shall be capable of being positioned as a scoop with either the leading or trailing edge open no less than 4 in., or with all four edges raised simultaneously to a height of no less than 3½ in. An escape hatch shall be incorporated into the roof ventilator. Roof ventilator(s) shall be sealed to prevent entry of water when closed. DEFAULT One Roof Ventilator One ventilator shall be provided in the roof of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 56. Maintainability Manually controlled shut -off valves in the refrigerant lines shall allow isolation of the compressor and dehydrator filter for service. To the extent practicable, self-sealing couplings utilizing O-ring seals shall be used to break and seal the refrigerant lines during removal of major components, such as the refrigerant compressor. Shut-off valves may be provided in lieu of self- sealing couplings. The condenser shall be located to efficiently transfer heat to the atmosphere and shall not ingest air warmed above the ambient temperature by the bus mechanical equipment, or to discharge air into any other system of the bus. The location of the condenser shall preclude its obstruction by wheel splash, road dirt or debris. HVAC components located within 6 in. of floor level shall be constructed to resist damage and corrosion. DEFAULT High and low refrigerant pressure electronic gauges to be located in the return air area. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 57. Entrance/Exit Area Heating DEFAULT No requirements for entrance/exit area heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 58. Floor-Level Heating TS 58.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT No requirements for floor-level heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: EXTERIOR PANELS, FINISHES AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING TS 59. Design DEFAULT The bus shall have a clean, smooth, simple design, primarily derived from bus performance requirements and passenger service criteria. The exterior and body features, including grilles and louvers, shall be shaped to facilitate cleaning by automatic bus washers without snagging washer brushes. Water and dirt shall not be retained in or on anybody feature to freeze or bleed out onto the bus after leaving the washer. The body and windows shall be sealed to prevent leaking of air, dust or water under normal operating conditions and during cleaning in automatic bus washers for the service life of the bus. Exterior panels shall be sufficiently stiff to minimize vibration, drumming or flexing while the bus is in service. When panels are lapped, the upper and forward panels shall act as a watershed. However, if entry of moisture into the interior of the vehicle is prevented by other means, then rear cap panels may be lapped otherwise. The windows, hatches and doors shall be able to be sealed. Accumulation of spray and splash generated by the bus’s wheels shall be minimized on windows and mirrors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 59.1 Materials Body materials shall be selected and the body fabricated to reduce maintenance, extend durability and provide consistency of appearance throughout the service life of the bus. Detailing shall be kept simple, and add-on devices and trim shall be minimized and integrated into the basic design. DEFAULT No requirement for protection against graffiti/vandalism for body material surfaces. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 59.2 Roof-Mounted Equipment DEFAULT A non-skid, clearly marked walkway or steps shall be incorporated on the roof to provide access to equipment without damaging any system or bus paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 60. Pedestrian Safety DEFAULT Exterior protrusions along the side and front of the bus greater than ½ in. and within 80 in. of the ground shall have a radius no less than the amount of the protrusion. The exterior rearview mirrors, cameras and required lights and reflectors are exempt from the protrusion requirement. Advertising frames shall protrude no more than ⅞ in. from the body surface. Grilles, doors, bumpers and other features on the sides and rear of the bus shall be designed to minimize toeholds or handholds. Exterior protrusions shall not cause a line-of-sight blockage for the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 61. Repair and Replacement TS 61.1 Side Body Panels Structural elements supporting exterior body panels shall allow side body panels below the windows to be repaired in lengths not greater than 12.5 ft. DEFAULT Standard attachment of side body panels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 62. Rain Gutters DEFAULT Rain gutters shall be provided to prevent water flowing from the roof onto the passenger doors and driver’s side window. When the bus is decelerated, the gutters shall not drain onto the windshield, driver’s side window or door boarding area. Cross sections of the gutters shall be adequate for proper operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): Comment: TS 63. License Plate Provisions DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to mount standard-size U.S./Canada license plates per SAE J686 on the front and rear of the bus. These provisions shall direct-mount or recess the license plates so that they can be cleaned by automatic bus-washing equipment without being caught by the brushes. The rear license plate provision shall be illuminated per SAE J587. DEFAULT No plate or holder provision is required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 63.1 Rub rails DEFAULT No requirement for rub rails. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 64. Fender Skirts DEFAULT Features to minimize water spray from the bus in wet conditions shall be included in wheel housing design. Any fender skirts shall be easily replaceable. They shall be flexible if they extend beyond the allowable body width. Wheels and tires shall be removable with the fender skirts in place. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 65. Wheel Covers DEFAULT Wheel covers not required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 65.1 Splash Aprons DEFAULT Standard Splash Aprons Splash aprons, composed of ¼ in. minimum composition or rubberized fabric, shall be installed behind and/or in front of wheels as needed to reduce road splash and to protect underfloor components. The splash aprons shall extend downward to within 6 in. off the road surface at static conditions. Apron widths shall be no less than tire widths. Splash aprons shall be bolted to the bus understructure. Splash aprons and their attachments shall be inherently weaker than the structure to which they are attached. The flexible portions of the splash aprons shall not be included in the road clearance measurements. Splash apron shall be installed as necessary to protect the wheelchair loading device from road splash. Other splash aprons shall be installed where necessary to protect bus equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 66. Service Compartments and Access Doors TS 66.1 Access Doors DEFAULT Conventional or pantograph hinged doors shall be used for the engine compartment and for all auxiliary equipment compartments, including doors for checking the quantity and adding to the engine coolant, engine lubricant and transmission fluid. Access openings shall be sized for easy performance of tasks within the compartment, including tool operating space. Access doors shall be of rugged construction and shall maintain mechanical integrity and function under normal operations throughout the service life of the bus. They shall close flush with the body surface. All doors shall be hinged at the top or on the forward edge and shall be prevented from coming loose or opening during transit service or in bus washing operations. All access doors shall be retained in the open position by props or counterbalancing with over-center or gas-filled springs with safety props and shall be easily operable by one person. Springs and hinges shall be corrosion resistant. Latch handles shall be flush with, or recessed behind, the body contour and shall be sized to provide an adequate grip for opening. Access doors, when opened, shall not restrict access for servicing other components or systems. If precluded by design, the manufacturer shall provide door design information specifying how the requirements are met. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 66.2 Access Door Latch/Locks DEFAULT Requirement for Latches on Access Doors Access doors larger than 100 sq. in. in area shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant flush- mounted latches or locks except for coolant and fuel fill access doors. All such access doors that require a tool to open shall be standardized throughout the vehicle and will require a nominal 5/16 in. square male tool to open or lock. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67. Bumpers TS 67.1 Location DEFAULT Bumpers shall provide impact protection for the front and rear of the bus with the top of the bumper being 27 in., ±2 in., above the ground. Bumper height shall be such that when one bus is parked behind another, a portion of the bumper faces will contact each other. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.2 Front Bumper No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 5mph impact of the bus at curb weight with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the bus’s longitudinal centerline. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. The bumper shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 6.5 mph impacts at any point by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000lbs parallel to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. It shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 5.5mph impacts into the corners at a 30deg angle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The energy absorption system of the bumper shall be independent of every power system of the bus and shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. DEFAULT Standard bumper. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.3 Rear Bumper DEFAULT No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 2mph impact with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. When using a yard tug with a smooth, flat plate bumper 2 ft. wide contacting the horizontal centerline of the rear bumper, the bumper shall provide protection at speeds up to 5 mph, over pavement discontinuities up to 1 in. high, and at accelerations up to 2 mph/sec. The rear bumper shall protect the bus when impacted anywhere along its width by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000 lbs., at 4 mph parallel to or up to a 30degangle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The rear bumper shall be shaped to preclude unauthorized riders standing on the bumper. The bumper shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.4 Bumper Material DEFAULT Bumper material shall be corrosion-resistant and withstand repeated impacts of the specified loads without sustaining damage. These bumper qualities shall be sustained throughout the service life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 68. Finish and Color TS 68.1 Appearance All exterior surfaces shall be smooth and free of wrinkles and dents. Exterior surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared as required by the paint system Supplier prior to application of paint to ensure a proper bond between the basic surface and successive coats of original paint for the service life of the bus. Drilled holes and cutouts in exterior surfaces shall be made prior to cleaning, priming and painting, where possible, to prevent corrosion. The bus shall be painted prior to installation of exterior lights, windows, mirrors and other items that are applied to the exterior of the bus. Body filler materials may be used for surface dressing, but not for repair of damaged or improperly fitted panels. Paint shall be applied smoothly and evenly with the finished surface free of visible dirt and the following other imperfections: • blisters or bubbles appearing in the topcoat film • chips, scratches or gouges of the surface finish • cracks in the paint film • craters where paint failed to cover due to surface contamination • overspray • peeling • runs or sags from excessive flow and failure to adhere uniformly to the surface • chemical stains and water spots • dry patches due to incorrect mixing of paint activators • buffing swirls All exterior finished surfaces shall be impervious to diesel fuel, gasoline and commercial cleaning agents. Finished surfaces shall resist damage by controlled applications of commonly used graffiti-removing chemicals. Proper adhesion between the basic surface and successive coats of the original paint shall be measured using an Elcometer adhesion tester as outlined in ASTM D4541-85. Adhesion shall be a minimum 300 ft.-lbs. The bus manufacturer shall supply test samples of the exterior surface for each step of the painting process that may be subject to adhesion testing per ASTM G4541-87 and ASTM D4145-85. ASTM D4541-93 may be used for inspection testing during assembly of the vehicle. DEFAULT Standard Contractor exterior paint finish quality. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Base coat/clear coat paint system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 69. Decals, Numbering and Signing DEFAULT Monograms, numbers and other special signing shall be applied to the inside and outside of the bus as required. Signs shall be durable and fade-, chip- and peel-resistant. They may be painted signs, decals or pressure-sensitive appliqués. All decals shall be installed per the decal Supplier recommendations. Signs shall be provided in compliance with the ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, 38.27. NOTE: The Agency should supply a list of interior and exterior decals including size and location. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 69.1 Passenger Information DEFAULT ADA priority seating signs as required and defined by 49 CFR shall be provided to identify the seats designated for passengers with disabilities. Requirements for a public information system in accordance with 49 CFR shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70. Exterior Lighting All exterior lights shall be designed to prevent entry and accumulation of moisture or dust. Lamps, lenses and fixtures shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. Two hazard lamps at the rear of the bus shall be visible from behind when the engine service doors are opened. Light lenses shall be designed and located to prevent damage when running the vehicle through an automatic bus washer. DEFAULT Commercially available LED-type lamps shall be utilized at all exterior lamp locations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Lamps All LED lamps shall be standard installation of the OEM. The entire assembly shall be specifically coated to protect the light from chemical and abrasion degradation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Size Size of LED lamps used for tail, brake and turn signal lamps shall be standard installation of OEM. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.1 Backup Light/Alarm DEFAULT Visible and audible warnings shall inform following vehicles or pedestrians of reverse operation. Visible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Standard J593. Audible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J994 Type C or D. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.2 Doorway Lighting DEFAULT Lamps at the front and rear passenger doorways (if applicable) shall comply with ADA requirements and shall activate only when the doors open. These lamps shall illuminate the street surface to a level of no less than 1 foot -candle for a distance of 3 ft. outward from the outboard edge of the door threshold. The lights may be positioned above or below the lower daylight opening of the windows and shall be shielded to protect passengers’ eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.3 Turn Signals DEFAULT Standard Turn Signals Turn-signal lights shall be provided on the front, rear, curb and street sides of the bus in accordance with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.4 Headlights Headlamps shall be designed for ease of replacement. DEFAULT Standard Installation Standard OEM headlight installation shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.5 Brake Lights TS 70.5.1 Transit Coach Brake lights shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. DEFAULT No High/Center Mount Brake Lamp or Deceleration Warning Lamps Bus shall not include a high/center mount brake lamp and/or deceleration warning indicator lamps. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.6 Service Area Lighting (Interior and Exterior) DEFAULT LED lamps shall be provided in the engine and all other compartments where service may be required to generally illuminate the area for night emergency repairs or adjustments. These service areas shall include, but not be limited to, the engine compartment, the communication box, junction/apparatus panels and passenger door operator compartments. Lighting shall be adequate to light the space of the service areas to levels needed to complete typical emergency repairs and adjustments. The service area lamps shall be suitable for the environment in which they are mounted. Engine compartment lamps shall be controlled by a switch mounted near the rear start controls. All other service area lamps shall be controlled by switches mounted on or convenient to the lamp assemblies. Power to the service area lighting shall be programmable. Power shall latch on with activation of the switch and shall be automatically discontinued (timed out) after 30 minutes to prevent damage caused by inadvertently leaving the service area lighting switch in the “on” position after repairs are made. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: INTERIOR PANELS AND FINISHES TS 71. General Requirements Materials shall be selected on the basis of maintenance, durability, appearance, safety, flammability and tactile qualities. Materials shall be strong enough to resist everyday abuse and be vandalism and corrosion resistant. Trim and attachment details shall be kept simple and unobtrusive. Interior trim shall be secured to avoid resonant vibrations under normal operational conditions. Interior surfaces more than 10 in. below the lower edge of the side windows or windshield shall be shaped so that objects placed on them fall to the floor when the coach is parked on a level surface. Any components and other electrical components within close proximity to these surfaces shall also be resistant to this cleaning method. DEFAULT No requirement for anti-graffiti/vandalism surface treatments. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72. Interior Panels Panels shall be easily replaceable and tamper resistant. They shall be reinforced, as necessary, to resist vandalism and other rigors of transit bus service. Individual trim panels and parts shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Interior panel required to meet FMVSS 302. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.1 Driver Area Barrier TS 72.1.1 Transit Coach A barrier or bulkhead between the driver and the street-side front passenger seat shall be provided. The barrier shall minimize glare and reflections in the windshield directly in front of the barrier from interior lighting during night operation. Location and shape must permit full seat travel and reclining possibilities that can accommodate the shoulders of a 95th-percentile male. The partition shall have a side return and stanchion to prevent passengers from reaching the driver by standing behind the driver’s seat. The lower area between the seat and panel must be accessible to the driver. The partition must be strong enough in conjunction with the entire partition assembly for mounting of such equipment as flare kits, fire extinguishers (1.2kg), microcomputer, public address amplifier, etc. The panel should be properly attached to minimize noise and rattles. DEFAULT No Driver Barrier Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.2 Modesty Panels Sturdy divider panels constructed of durable, unpainted, corrosion-resistant material complementing the interior shall be provided to act as both a physical and visual barrier for seated passengers. Design and installation of modesty panels located in front of forward-facing seats shall include a handhold or grab handle along its top edge. These dividers shall be mounted on the sidewall and shall project toward the aisle no farther than passenger knee projection in longitudinal seats or the aisle side of the transverse seats. Modesty panels shall extend from at least the window opening of the side windows, and those forward of transverse seats shall extend downward to 1 and 1½ in. above the floor. Panels forward of longitudinal seats shall extend to below the level of the seat cushion. Dividers positioned at the doorways, where applicable, shall provide no less than a 2½ in. clearance between the modesty panel and a fully open, inward opening door, or the path of a deploying flip-out ramp to protect passengers from being pinched. Modesty panels installed at doorways shall be equipped with grab rails if passenger assists are not provided by other means. The modesty panel and its mounting shall withstand a static force of 250 lbs. applied to a 4 × 4 in. area in the center of the panel without permanent visible deformation. DEFAULT Modesty panels shall be installed as stated. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.3 Front End DEFAULT The entire front end of the bus shall be sealed to prevent debris accumulation behind the dash and to prevent the driver’s feet from kicking or fouling wiring and other equipment. The front end shall be free of protrusions that are hazardous to passengers standing at the front of the standee line area of the bus during rapid decelerations. Paneling across the front of the bus and any trim around the driver’s compartment shall be formed metal or composite material. Composite dash panels shall be reinforced as necessary, vandal-resistant and replaceable. All colored, painted and plated parts forward of the driver’s barrier shall be finished with a surface that reduces glare. Any mounted equipment must have provision to support the weight of equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.4 Rear Bulkhead DEFAULT The rear bulkhead and rear interior surfaces shall be material suitable for exterior skin; painted and finished to exterior quality; or paneled with melamine-type material, composite, scratch- resistant plastic or carpeting and trimmed with stainless steel, aluminum or composite. The rear bulkhead paneling shall be contoured to fit the ceiling, side walls and seat backs so that any litter or trash will tend to fall to the floor or seating surface when the bus is on a level surface. Any air vents in this area shall be louvered to reduce airflow noise and to reduce the probability of trash or liter being thrown or drawn through the grille. If it is necessary to remove the panel to service components located on the rear bulkhead, then the panel shall be hinged or shall be able to be easily removed and replaced. Grilles where access to or adjustment of equipment is required shall be heavy duty and designed to minimize damage and limit unauthorized access. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.5 Headlining DEFAULT Ceiling panels shall be made of durable, corrosion resistant, easily cleanable material. Headlining shall be supported to prevent buckling, drumming or flexing and shall be secured without loose edges. Headlining materials shall be treated or insulated to prevent marks due to condensation where panels are in contact with metal members. Moldings and trim strips, as required to make the edges tamperproof, shall be stainless steel, aluminum or plastic, colored to complement the ceiling material. Headlining panels covering operational equipment that is mounted above the ceiling shall be on hinges for ease of service but retained to prevent inadvertent opening. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.6 Fastening DEFAULT Interior panels shall be attached so that there are no exposed unfinished or rough edges or rough surfaces. Fasteners should be corrosion resistant. Panels and fasteners shall not be easily removable by passengers. Exposed interior fasteners should be minimized, and where required shall be tamper resistant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.7 Insulation DEFAULT Any insulation material used between the inner and outer panels shall minimize the entry and/or retention of moisture. Insulation properties shall be unimpaired during the service life of the bus. Any insulation material used inside the engine compartment shall not absorb or retain oils or water and shall be designed to prevent casual damage that may occur during maintenance operations. The combination of inner and outer panels on the sides, roof, wheel wells and ends of the bus, and any material used between these panels, shall provide a thermal insulation sufficient to meet the interior temperature requirements. The bus body shall be thoroughly sealed so that the driver or passengers cannot feel drafts during normal operations with the passenger doors closed. FTA Docket 90-A All insulation materials shall comply with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90-A, dated October 20, 1993. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.8 Floor Covering DEFAULT The floor covering shall have a non-skid walking surface that remains effective in all weather conditions. The floor covering, as well as transitions of flooring material to the main floor and to the entrance and exit area, shall be smooth and present no tripping hazards. Seams shall be sealed/welded per manufacturer’s specifications. The standee line shall be approximately 2 in. wide and shall extend across the bus aisle. The color and pattern shall be consistent throughout the floor covering. Any areas on the floor that are not intended for standees, such as areas “swept” during passenger door operation, shall be clearly and permanently marked. The floor shall be easily cleaned and shall be arranged to minimize debris accumulation. A one-piece center strip shall extend from the vertical wall of the rear settee between the aisle sides of transverse seats to the standee line. If the floor is of a bi-level construction, then the center strip shall be one piece at each level. The covering between the center strip and the wheel housings may be separate pieces. At the rear door, however, a separate strip as wide as the door shall extend from the center strip to the outboard edge of the rear/exit area. The floor under the seats shall be covered with smooth surface flooring material. The floor covering shall closely fit the sidewall in a fully sealed butt joint or extend to the top of the cove. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.9 Interior Lighting DEFAULT The light source shall be located to minimize windshield glare, with distribution of the light focused primarily on the passengers’ reading plane while casting sufficient light onto the advertising display. The lighting system may be designed to form part of or the entire air distribution duct. The lens material shall be translucent polycarbonate. Lenses shall be designed to effectively “mask” the light source. Lenses shall be sealed to inhibit incursion of dust and insects yet be easily removable for service. Access panels shall be provided to allow servicing of components located behind light panels. If necessary, the entire light fixture shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.10 Passenger First Row Lights The first light on each side (behind the driver and the front door) is normally turned on only when the front door is opened, in “night run” and “night park.” As soon as the door closes, these lights shall go out. These lights shall be turned on at any time if the switch is in the “on” position. DEFAULT LED lights. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT First Light Modules Dim/Extinguish When Front Door is Closed When the master switch is in the “run” or “night/run” mode, the first light module on each side of the coach shall automatically extinguish or dim when the front door is in the closed position and illuminate when the door is opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.11 Driver’s Area DEFAULT The driver’s area shall have a light to provide general illumination, and it shall illuminate the half of the steering wheel nearest the driver to a level of 5 to 10 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.12 Seating Areas DEFAULT The interior lighting system shall provide a minimum 15 foot-candle illumination on a 1 sq. ft. plane at an angle of 45 degrees from horizontal, centered 33 in. above the floor and 24 in. in front of the seat back at each seat position. Allowable average light level for the rear bench seats shall be 7 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.13 Vestibules/Doors DEFAULT Floor surface in the aisles shall be a minimum of 10 foot-candles, and the vestibule area a minimum of 4 foot-candles with the front doors open and a minimum of 2 foot -candles with the front doors closed. The front entrance area and curb lights shall illuminate when the front door is open and master run switch is in the “lights” positions. Rear exit area and curb lights shall illuminate when the rear door is unlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.14 Step Lighting DEFAULT Step lighting for the intermediate steps between lower and upper floor levels shall be a minimum of 4 foot -candles and shall illuminate in all engine run positions. The step lighting shall be low profile to minimize tripping and snagging hazards for passengers and shall be shielded as necessary to protect passengers’ eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.15 Ramp Lighting DEFAULT Exterior and interior ramp lighting shall comply with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.16 Farebox Lighting DEFAULT None required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 73. Fare Collection Space and structural provisions shall be made for installation of currently available fare collection devices, which shall be as far forward as practicable. Location of the fare collection device shall not restrict traffic in the vestibule, including wheelchairs if a front door loading device is used, and shall allow the driver to easily reach the farebox controls and to view the fare register. The farebox shall not restrict access to the driver area, shall not restrict operation of driver controls and shall not —either by itself or in combination with stanchions, transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment, or route destination signs—restrict the driver’s field of view per SAE Recommended Practice J1050. The location and mounting of the fare collection device shall allow use, without restriction, by passengers. The farebox location shall permit accessibility to the vault for easy manual removal or attachment of suction devices. Meters and counters on the farebox shall be readable on a daily basis. The floor under the farebox shall be reinforced as necessary to provide a sturdy mounting platform and to prevent shaking of the farebox. Contractor shall provide fare collection installation layout to the Agency for approval. Transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment shall be located in a position convenient to the driver. DEFAULT Agency will install its own fare box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 74. Interior Access Panels and Doors Access for maintenance and replacement of equipment shall be provided by panels and doors that appear to be an integral part of the interior. Access doors shall be hinged with gas props or over-center springs, where practical, to hold the doors out of the mechanic’s way. Panels shall prevent entry of mechanism lubricant into the bus interior. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. DEFAULT Access Doors that Do Not Require Tools or Keys to Open Access doors shall be secured with hand screws or latches. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 74.1 Floor Panels DEFAULT Access openings in the floor shall be sealed to prevent entry of fumes and water into the bus interior. Flooring material at or around access openings shall be flush with the floor and shall be edge-bound with stainless steel or another material that is acceptable to the Agency to prevent the edges from coming loose. Access openings shall be asymmetrical so that reinstalled flooring shall be properly aligned. Fasteners shall tighten flush with the floor. The number of special fastener tools required for panel and access door fasteners shall be minimized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS TS 75. Passenger Seating TS 75.1 Arrangements and Seat Style The passenger seating arrangement in the bus shall be such that seating capacity is maximized and in compliance to the following requirements. NOTE: The Agency recognizes that ramp location, foot room, hip-to-knee room, doorway type, width, seat construction, floor level type, seat spacing requirements, ramp or lift, number of wheelchair positions, etc. ultimately affect seating capacity and layout. DEFAULT Forward-Facing Seat Configuration Passenger seats shall be arranged in a transverse, forward-facing configuration, except at the wheel housings and turntable, if applicable, where aisle-facing seats may be arranged as appropriate with due regard for passenger access and comfort. Other areas where aisle-facing seats may be provided are at wheelchair securement areas and platforms (such as for fuel tank storage space). Base Bus-USSC Gemini Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.2 Rearward Facing Seats DEFAULT Rearward facing seats not allowed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.3 Padded Inserts/Cushioned Seats DEFAULT Non-Padded Inserts – UN upholstered The passenger seats shall be equipped with un upholstered inserts throughout the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.4 Seat back fitness DEFAULT Back insert Seat Configuration The seat back insert thickness shall not exceed 1in. in the knee room area. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.5 Drain Hole in Seats DEFAULT No requirements for drain hole provision in seat inserts. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.6 Hip-to-Knee Room DEFAULT Hip-to-knee room measured from the center of the seating position, from the front of one seat back horizontally across the highest part of the seat to a vertical surface immediately in front, shall be a minimum of 26 in. At all seating positions in paired transverse seats immediately behind other seating positions, hip-to-knee room shall be no less than 27 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.7 Foot Room DEFAULT Foot room, measured at the floor forward from a point vertically below the front of the seat cushion, shall be no less than 14 in. Seats immediately behind the wheel housings and modesty panels may have foot room reduced. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.8 Aisles DEFAULT The aisle between the seats shall be no less than 20 in. wide at seated passenger hip height. Seat backs shall be shaped to increase this dimension to no less than 24 in. at 32 in. above the floor (standing passenger hip height). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.9 Dimensions FIGURE 6 Seating Dimensions and Standard Configuration DEFAULT Seat dimensions for the various seating arrangements shall have the dimensions as follows (refer to Figure 6): • The width, W, of the two-passenger transverse seat shall be a minimum 35 in. • The length, L, shall be 17 in., ±1 in. • The seat back heig ht, B, shall be a minimum of 15 in. • The seat height, H, shall be 17 in., ± 1 in. For the rear lounge (or settee) and longitudinal seats, and seats located above raised areas for storage of under-floor components, a cushion height of up to 18 in., ±2 in., will be allowed. This shall also be allowed for limited transverse seats, but only with the expressed approval of the Agency. • Foot room = F. • The seat cushion slope, S, shall be between 5 and 11 deg. • The seat back slope, C, shall be between 8 and 17 deg. • Hip to knee room = K. • The pitch, P, is shown as reference only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.10 Structure and Design DEFAULT The passenger seat frame and its supporting structure shall be constructed and mounted so that space under the seat is maximized and is completely free of obstructions to facilitate cleaning. Seats, structures and restraints around the securement area should not infringe into the mobility device envelope or maneuverability. The transverse seat structure shall be fully cantilevered from the sidewall with sufficient strength for the intended service. The lowest part of the seat assembly that is within 12 in. of the aisle shall be at least 10 in. above the floor. In locations at which cantilevered installation is precluded by design and/or structure, other seat mounting may be allowed. All transverse objects—including seat backs, modesty panels, and longitudinal seats—in front o f forward-facing seats shall not impart a compressive load in excess of 1000lbs onto the femur of passengers ranging in size from a 5th-percentile female to a 95th-percentile male during a 10g deceleration of the bus. This deceleration shall peak at 0.05 to0.015 seconds from initiation. Permanent deformation of the seat resulting from two 95th-percentile males striking the seat back during this 10g deceleration shall not exceed 2 in., measured at the aisle side of the seat frame at height H. The seat back should not deflect more than 14 in., measured at the top of the seat back, in a controlled manner to minimize passenger injury. Structural failure of any part of the seat or sidewall shall not introduce a laceration hazard. The seat assembly shall withstand static vertical forces of 500 lbs. applied to the top of the seat cushion in each seating position with less than ¼in. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat assembly shall withstand static horizontal forces of 500 lbs. evenly distributed along the top of the seat back with less than ¼in. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat backs at the aisle position and at the window position shall withstand repeated impacts of two 40-lb sandbags without visible deterioration. One sandbag shall strike the front 40,000 times and the other sandbag shall strike the rear 40,000 times. Each sandbag shall be suspended on a 36in. pendulum and shall strike the seat back 10,000 times each from distances of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seats at both seating positions shall withstand 4000 vertical drops of a 40-lb sandbag without visible deterioration. The sandbag shall be dropped 1000 times each from heights of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seat cushions shall withstand 100,000 randomly positioned 3½ in. drops of a squirming, 150-lb, smooth-surfaced, buttocks-shaped striker with only minimal wear on the seat covering and no failures to seat structure or cushion suspension components. The back of each transverse seat shall incorporate a handho ld no less than ⅞ in. in diameter for standees and seat access/egress. The handhold shall not be a safety hazard during severe decelerations. The handhold shall extend above the seat back near the aisle so that standees shall have a convenient vertical assist, no less than 4 in. long that may be grasped with the full hand. This handhold shall not cause a standee using this assist to interfere with a seated 50th-percentile male passenger. The handhold shall also be usable by a 5th-percentile female, as well as by larger passengers, to assist with seat access/egress for either transverse seating position. The upper rear portion of the seat back and the seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be padded and/or constructed of energy-absorbing materials. During a 10g deceleration of the bus, the HIC number (as defined by SAE Standard J211a) shall not exceed 400 for passengers ranging in size from a 5th percentile female through a 95th percentile male. The seat back handhold may be deleted from seats that do not have another transverse seat directly behind and where a vertical assist is provided. Longitudinal seats shall be the same general design as transverse seats but without seat back handholds. Longitudinal seats may be mounted on the wheelhouses. Armrests shall be included on the ends of each set of longitudinal seats except on the forward end of a seat set that is immediately to the rear of a transverse seat, the driver’s barrier, or a modesty panel, when these fixtures perform the function of restraining passengers from sliding forward off the seat. Armrests are not required on longitudinal seats located in the wheelchair parking area that fold up when the armrest on the adjacent fixed longitudinal seat is within 3½ in. of the end of the seat cushion. Armrests shall be located from 7 to 9 in. above the seat cushion surface. The area between the armrest and the seat cushion shall be closed by a barrier or panel. The top and sides of the armrests shall have a minimum width of 1 in. and shall be free from sharp protrusions that form a safety hazard. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand static horizontal and vertical forces of 250 lbs. applied anywhere along their length with less than ¼ in. permanent deformation. Seat back handho ld and armrests shall withstand 25,000 impacts in each direction of a horizontal force of 125 lbs. with less than ¼in. permanent deformation and without visible deterioration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.11 Construction and Materials Selected materials shall minimize damage from vandalism and shall reduce cleaning time. The seats shall be attached to the frame with tamper-resistant fasteners. Coloring shall be consistent throughout the seat material, with no visually exposed portion painted. Any exposed metal touching the sides or the floor of the bus shall be stainless steel. The seat, pads and cushions shall be contoured for individuality, lateral support and maximum comfort and shall fit the framework to reduce exposed edges. The minimum radius of any part of the seat back, handhold or modesty panel in the head or chest impact zone shall be a nominal ¼in.The seat back and seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be constructed of energy-absorbing materials to provide passenger protection and, in a severe crash, to allow the passenger to deform the seating materials in the impact areas. Complete seat assemblies shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Agency to select seat fabric. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76. Passenger Assists DEFAULT Passenger assists in the form of full grip, vertical stanchions or handholds shall be provided for the safety of standees and for ingress/egress. Passenger assists shall be convenient in location, shape and size for both the 95th-percentile male and the 5th-percentile female standee. Starting from the entrance door and moving anywhere in the bus and out the exit door, a vertical assist shall be provided either as the vertical portion of the seat back assist or as a separate item so that a 5th-percentile female passenger may easily move from one assist to another using one hand and the other without losing support. All handholds and stanchions at the front doorway, around the farebox, and at interior steps for bi-level designs shall be powder-coated in a high-contrast yellow color. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.1 Assists DEFAULT Excluding those mounted on the seats and doors, the assists shall have a cross-sectional diameter between 1¼ and 1½ in. or shall provide an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than ¼ in. All passenger assists shall permit a full hand grip with no less than 1½ in. of knuckle clearance around the assist. Passenger assists shall be designed to minimize catching or snagging of clothes or personal items and shall be capable of passing the NHTSA Drawstring Test. Any joints in the assist structure shall be underneath supporting brackets and securely clamped to prevent passengers from moving or twisting the assists. Seat handholds may be of the same construction and finish as the seat frame. Door-mounted passenger assists shall be of anodized aluminum, stainless steel or powder-coated metal. Connecting tees and angles may be powder- coated metal castings. Assists shall withstand a force of 300 lbs. applied over a 12in. lineal dimension in any direction normal to the assist without permanent visible deformation. All passenger assist components, including brackets, clamps, screw heads and other fasteners used on the passenger assists shall be designed to eliminate pinching, snagging and cutting hazards and shall be free from burrs or rough edges. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.2 Front Doorway DEFAULT Front doors, or the entry area, shall be fitted with ADA-compliant assists. Assists shall be as far outward as practicable, but shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the entrance step and shall be easily grasped by a 5th-percentile female boarding from street level. Door assists shall be functionally continuous with the horizontal front passenger assist and the vertical assist and the assists on the wheel housing or on the front modesty panel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.3 Vestibule DEFAULT The aisle side of the driver’s barrier, the wheel housings and when applicable the modesty panels shall be fitted with vertical passenger assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist and that extend to within 36 in. of the floor. These assists shall have sufficient clearance from the barrier to prevent inadvertent wedging of a passenger’s arm. A horizontal passenger assist shall be located across the front of the bus and shall prevent passengers from sustaining injuries on the fare collection device or windshield in the event of a sudden deceleration. Without restricting the vestibule space, the assist shall provide support for a boarding passenger from the front door through the fare collection procedure. The assist shall be no less than 36 in. above the floor. The assists at the front of the bus shall be arranged to permit a 5th-percentile female passenger to easily reach from the door assist, to the front assist, to vertical assists on the driver’s barrier, wheel housings or front modesty panel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.4 Rear Doorway DEFAULT Vertical assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist shall be provided at the aisle side of the transverse seat immediately forward of the rear door and on the aisle side of the rear door modesty panel(s).Passenger assists shall be provided on modesty panels that are functionally continuous with the rear door assists. Rear doors, or the exit area, shall be fitted with assists having a cross-sectional diameter between 1¼ and 1½ in. or providing an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than ¼ in., and shall provide at least 1½ in. of knuckle clearance between the assists and their mounting. The assists shall be designed to permit a 5th- percentile female to easily move from one assist to another during the entire exiting process. The assists shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the rear doorway step. NOTE: For an articulated bus, passenger assists will be provided to aid in the transition between the front and rear sections of the bus. TS 76.5 Overhead Except forward of the standee line and at the rear door, a continuous, full-grip, overhead assist shall be provided. This assist shall be located over the center of the aisle seating position of the transverse seats. The assist shall be no less than 70 in. above the floor. DEFAULT No requirements for overhead grab straps/extensions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Grip rails shall be stainless steel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.6 Longitudinal Seat Assists DEFAULT Longitudinal seats shall have vertical assists located between every other designated seating position, except for seats that fold/flip up to accommodate wheelchair securement. Assists shall extend from near the leading edge of the seat and shall be functionally continuous with the overhead assist. Assists shall be staggered across the aisle from each other where practicable and shall be no more than 52 in. apart or functionally continuous for a 5th percentile female passenger. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.7 Wheel Housing Barriers/Assists DEFAULT Unless passenger seating is provided on top of wheel housings, passenger assists shall be mounted around the exposed sides of the wheel housings (and propulsion compartments if applicable), which shall also be designed to prevent passengers from sitting on wheel housings. Such passenger assists shall also effectively retain items, such as bags and luggage, placed on top of wheel housings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77. Passenger Doors TS 77.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Doorways will be provided in the locations and styles as follows. Passenger doors and doorways shall comply with ADA requirements. TS 77.1.1 Front door Door shall be forward of the front wheels and under direct observation of the driver. TS 77.1.2 Rear Door Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Front Street-Side Rear Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open DEFAULT If air -powered, the door system shall operate per specification at air pressures between 90 and 130 psi. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.2 Materials and Construction Structure of the doors, their attachments, inside and outside trim panels and any mechanism exposed to the elements shall be corrosion resistant. Door panel construction shall be of corrosion-resistant metal or reinforced non-metallic composite materials. When fully opened, the doors shall provide a firm support and shall not be damaged if used as an assist by passengers during ingress or egress. Door edges shall be sealed to prevent infiltration of exterior moisture, noise, dirt and air elements from entering the passenger compartment, to the maximum extent possible based on door types. The closing edge of each door panel shall have no less than 2 in. of soft weather stripping. The doors, when closed, shall be effectively sealed, and the hard surfaces of the doors shall be at least 4 in. apart (not applicable to single doors).The combined weather seal and window glazing elements of the front door shall not exceed 10 deg of binocular obstruction of the driver’s view through the closed door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.3 Dimensions TS 77.3.1 Transit Coach FIGURE 7 Transit Bus Minimum Door Opening CLEAR WIDTH FLOOR OPENING WIDTH DOORHEIGHT When open, the doors shall leave an opening no less than 75 in. in height. DEFAULT 31¾in.Minimum Doorway Clear Width Front door clear width shall be a minimum of 31¾ in. with the doors fully opened. Rear door opening clear width shall be a minimum of 24 in. with the doors fully opened. If arear door ramp or lift is provided, then the clear door opening width shall be a minimum of31¾ in. with door fully opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.4 Door Glazing The upper section of both front and rear doors shall be glazed for no less than 45 percent of the respective door opening area of each section. The lower section of the front door shall be glazed for no less than 25 percent of the door opening area of the section. Door glazing shall be easily replaceable. DEFAULT Zip type glazing rubber. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT The front door panel glazing material shall have a nominal ¼ in. thick laminated safety glass conforming with the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.5 Door Projection TS 77.5.1 Exterior DEFAULT The exterior projection of the front doors beyond the side of the bus shall be minimized and shall not block the line of sight of the rear exit door via the curb side mirror when the doors are fully open. The exterior projection of both doors shall be minimized and shall not exceed 14 in. during the opening or closing cycles or when doors are fully opened Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.5.2 Interior DEFAULT Projection inside the bus shall not cause an obstruction of the rear door mirror or cause a hazard for standees. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.6 Door Height Above Pavement DEFAULT It shall be possible to open and close either passenger door when the bus loaded to gross vehicle weight rating is not knelt and parked with the tires touching an 8in. high curb on a street sloping toward the curb so that the street-side wheels are 5 in. higher than the right -side wheels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.7 Closing Force DEFAULT Closing door edge speed shall not exceed 12 in. per second, and opening door speed shall not exceed 19 in. per second. Power doors shall not slam closed under any circumstance, even if the door is obstructed during the closing cycle. If a door is obstructed during the closing cycle, the pressure exerted on the obstruction shall not increase once initial contact has been made. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight-type device shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing device that, at a minimum, alerts the driver if an obstruction is detected between the closing doors. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight type device, when unlocked, shall be capable of being pushed to the point where the door starts to open with a force not to exceed 25 lbs. applied to the center edge of the forward door panel. Whether or not the obstruction-sensing system is present or functional, it shall be possible to withdraw a 1½ in. diameter cylinder from between the center edges of a closed and locked door with an outward force not greater than 35 lbs. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.7.1 Rear Door Closing Force DEFAULT Power-close rear doors shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing system such that if an obstruction is within the path of the closing doors, the doors will stop and/or reverse direction prior to imparting a 10-lb force on 1 sq. in. of that obstruction. If a contactless obstruction sensing system is employed, it shall be capable of discriminating between the normal doorway environment and passengers or other obstructions within the doorway, and of altering the zones of detection based upon the operating state of the door system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.8 Actuators Doors shall open or close completely in not more than 3.5 seconds from the time of control actuation and shall be subject to the closing force requirements. Door actuators shall be adjustable so that the door opening and closing speeds can be independently adjustable to satisfy the above requirements. Actuators and the complex door mechanism shall be concealed from passengers but shall be easily accessible for servicing. The door actuators shall be rebuildable. If powered by compressed air, exhaust from the door system shall be routed below the floor of the bus to prevent accumulation of any oil that may be present in the air system and to muffle sound. Door actuators and associated linkages shall maximize door holding forces in the fully open and fully closed positions to provide firm, non-rattling, non-fluttering door panels while minimizing the force exerted by the doors on an obstruction midway between the fully open and closed positions. DEFAULT The rear door actuator(s) shall be under the complete control of the vehicle operator and shall open and close in response to the position of the driver’s door control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.8.1 Rear Door Interlocks See “Hardware Mounting” for door system interlock requirements. TS 77.9 Emergency Operation DEFAULT In the event of an emergency, it shall be possible to manually open doors designated as emergency exits from inside the bus using a force of no more than 25 lbs. after actuating an unlocking device. The unlocking device shall be clearly marked as an emergency-only device and shall require two distinct actions to actuate. The respective door emergency unlocking device shall be accessible from the doorway area. The unlocking device shall be easily reset by the operator without special tools or opening the door mechanism enclosure. Doors that are required to be classified as “emergency exits” shall meet the requirements of FMVSS 217. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.10 Door Control The door control shall be located in the operator’s area within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, “Driver Hand Control Reach.” The driver’s door control shall provide tactile feedback to indicate commanded door position and resist inadvertent door actuation. DEFAULT Door control located on street side. The front door shall remain in commanded state position even if power is removed or lost. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.11 Door Controller TS 77.11.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Five-Position Driver’s Door Controller The control device shall be protected from moisture. Mounting and location of the door control device handle shall be designed so that it is within comfortable, easy arm’s reach of the seated driver. The door control device handle shall be free from interference by other equipment and have adequate clearance so as not to create a pinching hazard. Base Bus-Vapor Door Controller Position of the door control handle shall result in the following operation of the front and rear doors: • Center position: Front door closed, rear door closed or set to lock. • First position forward: Front door open, rear door closed or set to lock. • Second position forward: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. • First position back: Front door closed, rear door open or set to open. • Second position back: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.12 Door Open/Close DEFAULT A control or valve in the operator’s compartment shall shut off the power to, and/or dump the power from, the front door mechanism to permit manual operation of the front door with the bus shut down. A master door switch, which is not within reach of the seated operator, when set in the “off” position shall close the rear door, deactivate the door control system, release the interlocks and permit only manual operation of the rear door . Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78. Accessibility Provisions DEFAULT Space and body structural provisions shall be provided at the front or rear door of the bus to accommodate a wheelchair loading system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.1 Loading Systems There are three options: • high-floor lift • low-floor ramp • platform (boarding bridge plate) level boarding Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.2 Lift The wheelchair lift control system must be capable of receiving multiplex commands from vehicle interlocks. An automatically controlled, power-operated wheelchair lift system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR 571.403(FMVSS 403) shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Wheelchair Ramp mounted in front step well. Base Bus-Lift U LU 18 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.3 Loading System for 30 to 40 ft. Low-Floor Bus An automatically controlled, power-operated ramp system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, §38.23c shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Front Door Location of Loading System, Flip-Out Design Ramp with 6:1 Slope The wheelchair loading system shall be located at the front door, with the ramp being of a simple hinged, flip-out type design being capable of deploying to the ground at a maximum 6:1 slope. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.4 Wheelchair Accommodations NOTE: Agency will approve acceptable securement system. DEFAULT Two Forward-Facing Wheelchair Securement Locations Two forward-facing locations, as close to the wheelchair loading system as practical, shall provide parking space and securement system compliant with ADA requirements for a passenger in a wheelchair. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.5 Interior Circulation DEFAULT Maneuvering room inside the bus shall accommodate easy travel for a passenger in a wheelchair from the loading device and from the designated securement area. It shall be designed so that no portion of the wheelchair protrudes into the aisle of the bus when parked in the designated parking space(s). When the positions are fully utilized, an aisle space of no less than 20 in. shall be maintained. As a guide, no width dimension should be less than 34 in. Areas requiring 90deg turns of wheelchairs should have a clearance arc dimension no less than 45 in., and in the parking area where 180deg turns are expected, space should be clear in a full 60in.diameter circle. A vertical clearance of 12in. above the floor surface should be provided on the outside of turning areas for wheelchair footrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.6 Lift Door DEFAULT The lift door shall be a single leaf design that operates in a sliding track mounted both above and below the door leaf. The door shall open by sliding to the rear of the coach and shall remain on a horizontal plane throughout the opening and closing process. No pin-hinged doors shall be provided. The transmission must be in neutral and the parking brake activated for the lift to operate. The accelerator shall be automatically disabled and the fast idle system activated when either the lift master switch is turned on or the lift door is open in order to provide maximum safety and security. These features shall be wired to the lift master switch to allow activation only when the transmission is in neutral. The coach directional (hazard) lights will also flash on/off. After the lift operation is completed, the lift shall be properly stored and secured, with the access door closed and the lift master switch at the dash in the “off” position in order to move the coach. The lift door shall have a window in line with the other passenger windows and shall not detract from the appearance of the coach. The door latch mechanism shall be located in the lower section of the door so that operators in the 5th percentile female range can operate the lift door. The lift storage door shall not block the visual observation to the lift assembly while utilizing the manual override mode of the lift . A lift door design consisting of a horizontally hinged lift platform egress door mounted within a vertical motion pantograph luggage door is a preferred design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.7 Lift Width DEFAULT The installation of the lift to the coach structure as well as the installation of the lift door into the sidewall of the coach shall not affect the structural integrity of the coach. The parcel rack module above the wheelchair lift platform area shall be permanently removed to provide additional headroom. The modified rack shall be professionally finished at all ends. A threshold warning module with a red warning light and an acoustic sensor shall be mounted in the ceiling structure above the wheelchair lift entrance doorway. The heating and air ducts shall be rerouted around the lift area to ensure proper interior air conditioning/heating airflow and distribution. A passenger chime tape switch shall be mounted on the sidewall at the two wheelchair securement positions. Each coach shall have adequate information decals installed that detail the proper lift operation in both the normal and manual modes of operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.8 Lighting Requirements DEFAULT Lighting for the lift areas shall be designed to meet Title 13 and ADA and FMVSS 404 standards. Lighting shall be provided to effectively illuminate the lift area. Light shall be wired through the lift master toggle switch on the driver’s dash and shall automatically illuminate when this switch is in the “on” position. The lighting design shall minimize the effect of glare on passengers entering the bus through the wheelchair lift door. During lift operation, the street surface shall be illuminated to a minimum of 6 candlepower a distance of 3 ft. beyond the external dimensions of the lift platform once deployed and lowered. Additional lighting shall be provided to ensure illumination of the instruction placard and the manual override pump when it is in use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.9 Securement System DEFAULT The vehicle interior shall permit the securement of two forward-facing wheelchair passengers in which the primary position shall be on the street side of the coach directly across from the lift. Securement areas shall be a minimum 30 × 48 in. as required by the ADA. A separate three-point belt securement shall be provided to effectively secure wheelchair passengers. To further secure the passenger during the lift operation, a retractable seat belt strap shall be provided at the ingress/egress area of the lift platform. A minimum 10.5 in. high barrier shall also be provided at the rear of the lift area for additional passenger protection. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.10 Roof Ventilation/Escape Hatches DEFAULT Two roof ventilators shall be provided and designed to perform as escape hatches. One ventilator/escape hatch shall be located in the roof at the front of the coach, another in the roof at the rear of the coach. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: SIGNAGE AND COMMUNICATION TS 79. Destination Signs DEFAULT A destination sign system shall be furnished on the front, on the right side near the front door. The driver shall be able to access the sign while seated. The destination sign compartments shall meet the following minimum requirements: • Compartments shall be designed to prevent condensation and entry of moisture and dirt. • Compartments shall be designed to prevent fogging of both compartment window and glazing on the unit itself. • Access shall be provided to allow cleaning of inside compartment window and unit glazing. • The front window shall have an exterior display area of no less than 8.5 in. high by 56 in. wide. Base Bus-Hanover White Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 80. Passenger Information and Advertising TS 80.1 Interior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made on the rear of the driver’s barrier or equipment box located on the wheel well for a frame to retain information such as routes and schedules. Advertising media 11 in. high and 0.09 in. thick shall be retained near the juncture of the bus ceiling and sidewall. The retainers may be concave and shall support the media without adhesives. The media shall be illuminated by the interior light system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 80.2 Exterior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to integrate advertising into the exterior design of the bus. Advertising media, frames or supporting structures shall not detract from the readability of destination signs and signal lights, and shall not compromise passenger visibility. Advertising provisions shall not cause pedestrian hazards or foul automatic bus washing equipment, and shall not cover or interfere with doors, air passages, and vehicle fittings or in any other manner restrict the operation or serviceability of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 81. Passenger Stop Request/Exit Signal TS 81.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Pull Cord A passenger “stop requested” signal system that complies with applicable ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR, Part 38.37, shall be provided. The system shall consist of a touch tape, chime and interior sign message. The touch tape shall be accessible to all seated passengers, with provisions for standees .It shall be easily accessible to all passengers, seated or standing. Vertical touch tape shall be provided at each window mullion and adjacent to each wheelchair parking position and priority seating positions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 81.2 Signal Chime TS 81.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT A single “stop requested” chime shall sound when the system is first activated. A double chime shall sound anytime the system is activated from wheelchair passenger areas. Exit signals located in the wheelchair passenger area shall be no higher than 4 ft. above the floor. Instructions shall be provided to clearly indicate function and operation of these signals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82. Communications TS 82.1 Camera Surveillance System DEFAULT Base Bus- Apollo 8 camera 6TB HD Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.2 Public Address System DEFAULT A public address system shall be provided on each bus for facilitating radio system and driver- originated announcements to passengers. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.2.1 Speakers DEFAULT Interior loudspeakers shall be provided, semi-flush mounted, on alternate sides of the bus passenger compartment, installed with proper phasing. Total impedance seen at the input connecting end shall be 8 Ohms. Mounting shall be accomplished with riv-nuts and machine screws. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.3 Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) DEFAULT Base Bus -UTA An infrared APC system shall be installed. Agency to provide details of APC system, including installation locations and number of buses to be equipped. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.4 Radio Handset and Control System TS 82.4.1 Drivers Speaker DEFAULT Each bus shall have a recessed speaker in the ceiling panel above the driver. This speaker shall be the same component used for the speakers in the passenger compartment. It shall have 8 Ohms of impedance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.4.2 Handset DEFAULT Contractor will install a handset for driver use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.4.3 Driver Display Unit (DDU) DEFAULT Contractor shall install a driver display unit as close to the driver’s instrument panel as possible. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.4.4 Emergency Alarm DEFAULT Contractor shall install an emergency alarm that is accessible to the driver but hidden from view. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 83. Event Data Recorders (EDR) DEFAULT No EDR shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: EXHIBIT C, WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS (On the following pages) WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS WR 1. B asic Provisions WR 1.1 Warranty Requirements WR 1.1.1 Contractor Warranty Warranties in this document are in addition to any statutory remedies or warranties imposed on the Contractor. Consistent with this requirement, the Contractor warrants and guarantees to the original Agency each complete bus and specific subsystems and components as follows. Performance requirements ba sed on design criteria shall not be deemed a warranty item. WR 1.1.2 Co mplete Bus The complete bus, propulsion system, components, major subsystems and body and chassis structure are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for one (1) year /unlimited miles, whichever comes first, beginning on the date of r evenue service.” The warranty is ba sed on regular operation of the bus under the operating conditions prevailing in the Agency’s locale. WR 1.1.3 Body and Chassis Structure Body, body structure, structural elements of the suspension and engine cradle are warranted to b e free fr om D efects and Related Defects for seven (7) ye ars /300,000 miles, whichever comes first. Primary load-carrying members of the bus structure, including structural elements of the suspension, are war ranted against corrosion failure a nd/or Fatigue Failure sufficient to cause a Class 1 or Class 2 Failure for a period of twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. WR 1.1.4 Propulsion Syste m Propulsion system c omponents, including the engine, t ransmission or dr ive motors, and generators (for hybrid technology) and drive and non-drive axles s hall be warranted t o b e free from Defects a nd Related Defects as s tated b elow: Engine (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles Transmission (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles Hybrid Drive System (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles Differential (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--2 Years/Unlimited Miles The p ropulsion system manufacturer’s standard warranty, delineating items excluded from the Extended Warranty, should be submitted in accordance with the Request for Pre-Offer Change or Approved Equal or with the Form for Proposal Deviation. WR 1.1.5 Emission Control System (ECS) The Contractor warrants the emission control system for five (5) years /unlimited miles, whichever comes first. The ECS shall include, but is not limited to, the following components: •complete exhaust system, including catalytic converter (if required) •after treatment device •components identified as emission control devices WR 1.1.5 Subsystems Other subsystems shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects. The Original Equipment Manufacturer warranty will take precedent when in the best interest of the agency. Other subsystems are listed below: HVAC: Roof and/or main unit only, includes compressor, condenser, evaporator, electric motors, etc.--3 Years/Unlimited Miles Wheelchair Ramp: Includes Parts & Labor--3 Years/Unlimited Miles Door Systems: Do or operating actuators and linkages —2 Years/Unlimited Miles Air Compressor: 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Exterior Paint (Base Coverage)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Starter—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Air Dryer—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Destination Signs: All destination sign equipment for the front, side and rear signs (front run dash sign if applicable) power modules and operator control—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Alternator: Alternator only. Does not include the drive system.—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Charge Air Cooler: Charge air cooler including core, tanks, and including related surrounding framework and fittings.—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Fire Suppression System: Fire suppression system including tank, sensors, detection devices, and extinguishing agent dispensing system.—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Hydraulic Systems: Including radiator fan drive and power steering as applicable.—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Engine Cooling Systems: Radiator including core, tanks, and related framework, including surge tank, transmission cooler, hydraulic cooler, if applicable.—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Passenger Seating: 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Fuel Storage and Delivery System: 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Surveillance System: Includes cameras, recording system, WLAN, and sensors.—2 Years/Unlimited Miles Brake System: Foundation brake components, including advancing mechanisms, as supplied with the axles, excluding friction material. 1 Year Unlimited Miles Electrical System (Base Coverage)--1 Year/Unlimited Miles Suspension System--2 Years/Unlimited Miles WR 1.1.6 Extended Warranty The Agency requires the following additional subsystems to be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects: Exterior Paint (Base Coverage)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Structure/Body Integrity Against Corrosion (Base Coverage)--12 Years/500,000 Miles Sub-Floor (Base Coverage)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles Flooring (Rubber) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles Flooring (Composite) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Body and Window Frames Against Leakage (Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Suspension System--2 Years/Unlimited Miles WR 1.1.7 Serial Numbers Upon delivery of each bus, the Contractor shall provide a complete electronic list of serialized units installed on each bus to facilitate warranty tracking. The list shall include, but is not limited to the following: • engine • transmission • alternator • starter • A/C compressor and condenser/evaporator unit • drive axle • power steering unit • fuel cylinders (if applicable) • air compressor • wheelchair ramp • surveillance s ystem The Contractor shall provide updated serial numbers resulting from warranty campaigns. The format of the list shall be approved by the Agency prior to delivery of the first production bus. The Serial Number List shall be provided to the lead agency, purchasing agency, or designated representative. WR 1.1.8 Extension of W arranty If, during the warranty period, repairs or modifications on any bus are made necessary by defective design, materials or workmanship but are not completed due to lack of material or inability to provide the proper repair for thirty (30) calendar days, then the applicable warranty period shall be extended by the number of days equal to the delay period. WR 1.2 Voiding of Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the failure of any part or component of the bus that directly results from misuse, negligence, accident or repairs not conducted in accordance with the Contractor -provided maintenance manuals and with workmanship performed by adequately trained personnel in accordance with recognized standards of the industry. The warranty also shall be void if the Agency fails to conduct normal inspections and scheduled preventive maintenance procedures as recommended in the Contractor’s maintenance manuals and if that omission caused the part or component failure. The Agency shall maintain documentation, auditable by the Contractor, verifying service activities in conformance with the Contractor’s maintenance manuals. WR 1.3 Exceptions and Additions to Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the following items: • scheduled maintenance items • normal wear-out items • items furnished by the Agency Should the Agency require the use of a specific product and has rejected the Contractor’s request for an alternate product, then the standard Supplier warranty for that product shall be the only warranty provided to the Agency. This product will not be eligible under “Fleet Defects,” below. The Contractor shall not be required to provide warranty information for any warranty that is less than or equal to the warranty periods listed. WR 1.3.1 Pass -Through Warranty Should the Contractor elect to not administer warranty claims on certain components and wish to transfer this responsibility to the sub-suppliers, or to others, the Contractor shall request this waiver.The Contractor shall state in writing that the Agency’s warranty reimbursements will not be impacted. The Contractor also shall state in writing any exceptions and reimbursement including all costs incurred in transport of vehicles and/or components. At any time during the warranty period, the Contractor may request approval from the Agency to assign its warranty obligations to others, but only on a case-by-case basis approved in writing by the Agency. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the administration of the warranty as specified. Warranty administration by others does not eliminate the warranty liability and responsibility of the Contractor. The contractor will be responsible for settling all disputes with sub suppliers. WR 1.3.2 Superior Warranty The Contractor shall pass on to the Agency any warranty offered by a component Supplier that is superior to that required herein. The Contractor shall provide a list to the Agency noting the conditions and limitations of the Superior Warranty not later than the start of production. The Superior Warranty shall not be administered by the Contractor. WR 1.4 Fleet Defects WR 1.4.1 Occurrence and Remedy A Fleet Defect is defined as cumulative failures of twenty-five (25) percent of the same components in the same or similar application in a minimum fleet size of twelve (12) or more buses where such items are covered by warranty. A Fleet Defect shall apply only to the base warranty period in sections entitled “Complete Bus,” “Propulsion System” and “Major Subsystems.” When a Fleet Defect is declared, the remaining warranty on that item/component stops. The warranty period does not restart until the Fleet Defect is corrected. The contractor will notify the lead agency, or it’s designee, of all warranty claims within the same production year for all buses purchased off this contract. The lead agency, or its designee, will determine when these warranty claim reports shall be furnished by the Contractor. For the purpose of Fleet Defects, each option order shall be treated as a separate bus fleet. In addition, should there be a change in a major component within either the base order or an option order, the buses containing the new major component shall become a separate bus fleet for the purposes of Fleet Defects. The Contractor shall correct a Fleet Defect under the warranty provisions defined in “Repair Procedures.” After correcting the Defect, the Agency and the Contractor shall mutually agree to and the Contractor shall promptly undertake and complete a work program reasonably designed to prevent the occurrence of the same Defect in all other buses and spare parts purchased under this Contract . Where the specific Defect can be solely attributed to particular identifiable part(s), the work program shall include redesign and/or replacement of only the defectively designed and/or manufactured part(s). In all other cases, the work program shall include inspection and/or correction of all the buses in the fleet via a mutually agreed- to arrangement. The Contractor shall update, as necessary, technical support information (parts, ser vice and operator’s manuals) due to changes resulting from warranty repairs. The Agency may immediately declare a Defect in design resulting in a safety hazard to be a Fleet Defect. The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, install and replace all defective units. That information will be shared with all contract participants. When it is determined that a field service representative is required onsite the contractor will have 36 hours to have the representative in place. The field service representat ive must be capable of performing technical repairs onsite. As a part of the corrective action pertaining to fleet defects the contractor will be required to send their field representative to each property with buses built in the production year that is experiencing the defect. WR 1.4.2 Exceptions to Fleet Defect Provisions The Fleet Defect component warranty provisions shall not apply to Agency-supplied items, such as radios, fare collection equipment, communication systems and tires. Repair Procedures WR 1.5 Repair Performance The Contractor is responsible for all warranty-covered repair Work. To the extent practicable, the Agency will allow the Contractor or its designated representative to perform such Work. At its discretion, the Agency may perform such Work if it determines it needs to do so based on transit service or other requirements. Such Work shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. WR 1.6 Repairs by the Contractor If the Agency detects a Defect within the warranty periods defined in this section, it shall, within thirty (30) days, notify the Contractor’s designated representative. The Contractor or its designated representative shall, if requested, begin Work on warranty-covered repairs within five calendar days after receiving notification of a Defect from the Agency. The Agency shall make the bus available to complete repairs timely with the Contractor’s repair schedule. The Contractor shall provide at its own expense all spare parts, tools and space required to complete repairs. At the Agency’s option, the Contractor may be required to remove the bus from the Agency’s property while repairs are being effected. If the bus is removed from the Agency’s property, then repair procedures must be diligently pursued by the Contractor’s representative. WR 1.7 Repairs by the Agency WR 1.7.1 Parts Used If the Agency performs the warranty-covered repairs, then it shall correct or repair the Defect and any Related Defects utilizing parts supplied by the Contractor specifically for this repair. At its discretion, the Agency may use Contractor-specified parts available from its own stock if deemed in its best interests. WR 1.7.2 Contractor-Supplied Parts The Agency may require that the Contractor supply parts for warranty-covered repairs being performed by the Agency. Those parts may be remanufactured but shall have the same form, fit and function, and warranty. The parts shall be shipped prepaid to the Agency from any source selected by the Contractor within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the request for said parts and shall not be subject to an Agency handling charge. WR 1.7.3 Defective Component Return The Contractor may request that parts covered by the warranty be returned to the manufacturing plant. The freight costs for this action shall be paid by the Contractor. Materials should be returned in accordance with the procedures outlined in “Warranty Processing Procedures.” WR 1.7.4 Failure Analysis The Contractor shall, upon specific request of the Agency, provide a failure analysis of Fleet Defect or safety -related parts, or major components, removed from buses under the terms of the warranty that could affect fleet operation. Such reports shall be delivered within 60 days of the receipt of failed parts. WR 1.7.5 Reimbursement for Labor and Other Related Costs The Agency shall be reimbursed by the Contractor for labor. The amou nt shall be determined by the Agency for a qualified mechanic at a straight time wage rate of $125.00 per hour, which includes fringe benefits and overhead adjusted for the Agency’s most recently published rate in effect at the time the Work is performed, plus the cost of towing the bus if such action was necessary and if the bus was in the normal service area. These wage and fringe benefit rates shall not exceed the rates in effect in the Agency’s service garage at the time the Defect correction is made. WR 1.7.6 Reimbursement for Parts The Agency shall be reimbursed by the Contractor for defective parts and for parts that must be replaced to correct the Defect. The reimbursement shall be at the current price at the time of repair and shall include taxes where applicable, plus 15 percent handling costs. Handling costs shall not be paid if parts are supplied by the Contractor and shipped to the Agency. WR 1.7.7 Reimbursement Requirements The Contractor shall respond to the warranty claim with an accept/reject decision including necessary failure analysis no later than thirty (30) days after the Agency submits the claim and defective part(s), when requested. Reimbursement for all accepted claims shall occur no later than thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of a valid claim. The Agency may dispute rejected claims or claims for which the Contractor did not reimburse the full amount. The parties agree to review disputed warranty claims during the following quarter to reach an equitable decision to permit the disputed claim to be resolved and closed. The parties also agree to review all claims at least once per quarter throughout the entire warranty period to ensure that open claims are being tracked and properly dispositioned. WR 1.8 Warranty after Replacement/Repairs If any component, unit or subsystem is repaired, rebuilt or replaced by the Contractor or by the Agency with the concurrence of the Contractor, then the component, unit or subsystem shall have the unexpired warranty period of the original. Repairs shall not be warranted if Contractor -provided or authorized parts are not used for the repair, unless the Contractor has failed to respond within five days, in accordance with “Repairs by the C ontractor.” If an item is declared to be a Fleet Defect, then the warranty stops with the declaration of the Fleet Defect. Once the Fleet Defect is corrected, the item(s) shall have three (3) months or remaining time and/or miles of the original warranty, whichever is greater. This remaining warranty period shall begin on the repair/replacement date for corrected items on each bus if the repairs are completed by the Contractor or on the date the Contractor provides all parts to the Agency. Warranty Processing Procedures The following list represents requirements by the Contractor to the Agency for processing warranty claims. One failure per bus per claim is allowed. • bus number and VIN • total vehicle life mileage at time of repair • date of failure/repair • acceptance/in-service date • Contractor part number and description • component serial number • description of failure • all costs associated with each failure/repair (invoices may be required for third-party costs): • towing • road calls • labor • materials • parts • handling • troubleshooting time WR 1.9 Forms The Agency’s forms will be accepted by the Contractor if all of the above information is included. Electronic submittal must be made available between the C ontractor and the Agency. WR 1.10 Return of Parts When returning defective parts to the Contractor , the Agency shall tag each part with the following: • bus number and VIN • claim number • part number • serial number (if available) WR 1.11 Timeframe Each claim must be submitted no more than forty five(45) days from the date of failure and/or repair , whichever is later . All defective parts must be returned to the Contractor , when requested, no more than forty-five (45) days from the date of repair . WR 1.12 Reimbursements Reimbursements are to be transmitted to the reporting Authority P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses WHEREAS, the Authority is the agent of the Purchasers and hence any reference to the Authority also includes by inference the Purchasers; WHEREAS, the Authority and the Contractor agree that the Purchasers shall be authorized to issue individual purchase orders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Authority and the Contractor do hereby agree as follows: I. Terms and Conditions 1. Performance of Services. All of the services shall be performed by the Contractor and its authorized subcontractors as identified by the Contractor. Notwithstanding the use of one or more subcontractors by the Contractor, the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that all of the services performed and to be performed hereunder shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, and Contractor hereby agrees that it warrants all such work as if such work had been performed directly by the Contractor. 2. Order of Precedence. All of the terms and conditions of the Solicitation are hereby incorporated herein in full. In the event of a conflict between the terms of any of the following, the more stringent requirement shall apply. If the conflict cannot be resolved by following the most stringent requirement, the following order of precedence shall govern: (1) Section VII of the Solicitation that contains the required clauses for federally-assisted contracts, when applicable; (2) properly authorized written Contract Amendments; (3) properly authorized Purchase Orders; (4) this Contract; (5) the Specifications; (6) Special Conditions; (7) the Solicitation Addenda, if any; and (8) the Solicitation. As between the drawings and other specifications, the drawings take precedence over other specifications as to quantity and location and the specifications take precedence over drawings as to quality of materials and workmanship. 3. Review of Work. Any review of the work by the Authority, its other Contractors, or its partner agencies, including the City of Jacksonville, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is for the sole benefit of the Authority. No such review, acceptance, or approval to proceed to the next level of service, nor the payment of any invoice (including the last invoice, release of retainage, or acceptance of final reports or plans and specifications) shall be deemed to constitute: (1) detailed review or checking of design, details, or accuracy of the Contractor's work; (2) a professional approval by the Authority; or (3) a release of the Contractor from any of its obligations and responsibilities for the accuracy of the plans and specifications. The Authority's review, approval, acceptance of, or payment for any of the services under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver of any of the Authority's rights under this Contract or any cause of action it may have arising out of this Contract. 4. Contract Amendment(s). If any modification to the Contract or a Purchase Order is required, the Parties shall execute an Amendment before the Contractor begins performing any additional or changed tasks associated therewith. Reference herein to the Contract includes all Amendments, if any. In such event, the Contractor will have 2 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses the right to submit the dispute to the SVP/Chief Administrative Officer for resolution in accordance with the Disputes Section 9 Paragraph 5 below; however, in no event will the resolution of the dispute through the courts or otherwise, relieve the Contractor from the obligation to timely perform the supplemental work. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Authority has the right to terminate the Contract if the Parties fail to reach an agreement on an Amendment. 5. Standard of Care and Quality of Goods. The Contractor shall perform (and cause all subcontractors to perform) all services in a manner that is consistent with the level of reasonable care, skill, judgment and ability provided by others providing a similar type of service in the same geographic area. The standard of care shall not be altered by the application, interpretation, or construction of any other provision of this Contract or any document incorporated or referenced herein, including the Solicitation. Unless otherwise expressly allowed by the specifications, all items furnished by the Contractor in connection with the work performed hereunder must be completely new and free from defects. 6. Guarantee/Warranty. Warranty provisions are further detailed in “Exhibit C”. 7. Personnel. All of the personnel assigned by the Contractor and all subcontractors shall be qualified and authorized under state and local laws to perform the applicable services, whether by appropriate license, registration, certification, or other authorization. Contractor agrees that it will remove from assignment under this Contract any employee or subcontractor, upon request by the Authority, which may be with or without cause. Any such removal shall not necessarily reflect on the capability or competence of the individual or entity so removed. Nothing herein shall affect the status or responsibilities of the Contractor as an independent contractor solely responsible for the method, manner, and means chosen by it to perform hereunder. 8. Schedule(s). The Contractor agrees that time is of the essence for the performance of each of the Contractor's obligations hereunder. The Contractor shall complete the work in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Solicitation and provide schedule progress reports, if applicable, in a format acceptable to the Authority and at intervals established by the Authority. The Authority will be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of work being performed by the Contractor and of the details thereof. Either Party may request and be granted a conference. If, at any time prior to completion of the work, the Contractor determines that the work is not progressing according to the schedule, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Authority in writing and shall provide a description of the cause of the delay, the effect on the schedule, and the recommended action to meet the schedule. An extension of time for performance shall be the Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for any delay of any kind or nature caused by the Authority. 9. Corrections and Clarifications. Upon request by the Authority, the Contractor shall promptly make any revisions or corrections that resulted from any error and/or omission by the Contractor or subcontractors, and shall clarify any ambiguities, without additional compensation. Acceptance of the work by the Authority shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for subsequent corrections and clarifications. At any time during any phase of work for which the Contractor or any 3 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for subsequent corrections and clarifications. At any time during any phase of work for which the Contractor or any of its subcontractors has performed services for the Authority, or during any phase of work performed by others, based on data furnished by the Contractor to the Authority, the Contractor shall confer with the Authority for the purpose of interpreting the information furnished and/or to correct any errors and/or omissions made by the Contractor or its subcontractors. The Contractor shall perform all services necessary to correct its or its subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions without additional compensation, even though final payment may have been received therefore. If any work or service contains an error, omission, deficiency, or mistake, the Authority may back-charge against the Contractor all reasonable costs incurred in identifying, documenting, and remedying any such error, omission, deficiency, or mistake. Such back-charge amounts may be deducted from any payment(s) due the Contractor. If the payment(s) due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount(s), the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Authority. The Contractor shall be liable, and shall reimburse the Authority, for any and all expenses incurred by the Authority, above those that would normally be experienced if the Contractor’s or its subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions had not occurred. II. Compensation, Invoices, and Terms of Payment 1. All invoices shall reflect the applicable Proposal prices and shall show details of the computation of the amount requested including detailed descriptions of all items included in each bus. 2. The Contractor agrees to comply with Pre-Award and Post-Delivery Audits 49 USC § 5323(l) and FTA’s implementing regulation at 49 CFR Part 663 and to submit the following certifications: 1.) Buy America requirements: The Contractor shall complete and submit a declaration certifying either compliance or noncompliance with Buy America. If the recommended Bidder/Proposer certifies compliance with Buy America, it shall submit documentation that lists (1) component and subcomponent parts of the rolling stock to be purchased identified by manufacturer of the parts, their country of origin and costs; and (2) the location of the final assembly point for the rolling stock, including a description of the activities that will take place at the final assembly point and the cost of final assembly. 2) Solicitation specification requirements: The Contractor shall submit evidence that it will be capable of meeting the bid specifications. 3) Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS): The Contractor shall submit (1) manufacturer’s FMVSS self-certification, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, that the vehicle complies with relevant FMVSS or (2) manufacturer’s certified statement that the contracted buses will not be subject to FMVSS regulations. 3. The general cost principles and procedures for the negotiation and administration, and the determination or allowance of costs under this Contract will be as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, Titles 23, 48, 49, Rule Chapter 14-75, Florida Administrative Code, and other pertinent federal and state regulations, as applicable, with the understanding that there is no conflict between state regulations and federal regulations in that the more restrictive of the applicable regulations will govern. 4 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 4. Records of costs incurred under the terms of this Contract shall be maintained by the Contractor and upon written request, made available to the Authority at all times during the period of this Contract and for five (5) years after final payment is made for the work pursuant to this Contract. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the Authority upon request. 5. Records of costs incurred will include: (1) the Contractor's general accounting records and Project records; (2) supporting documents and records of the Contractor and all subcontractors within the scope of this Contract; and (3) all other records related to the Contract that are considered necessary by the Authority for a proper audit of costs. 6. The Authority will have the right to retain, out of any payment due the Contractor under this Contract, an amount sufficient to satisfy any amount due and owing to the Authority by the Contractor on this Contract or any other agreement between the Contractor and the Authority. The Authority may withhold payment on any invoice in when the Contractor is in default under any provision of this Contract, or when the Authority determines that the schedule cannot be met and an extension of time is not warranted. The Authority may also withhold payment when payment from the Contractor is due in connection with indemnification or any other agreement between the Contractor and the Authority. This right to withhold payments will continue until such time as the Authority has been made whole. 6. All invoices requesting payment for subcontractor's services, Contractor's services, reimbursable items, or expense items, must have copies of actual invoices or receipts attached which support the amounts invoiced, in such form and with such supporting detail as the Authority may require. 7. The Authority shall have the right, but not the obligation, based upon sworn statements of accounts from the subcontractors, and in accordance with the Contractor's written request, to pay a specific amount directly to a subcontractor. In such event, the Contractor agrees that any such payments shall be treated as a direct payment to the Contractor’s account. 8. The Authority shall make payments to the Contractor based upon the approved invoices and supporting documentation and deliverables within thirty (30) days of the receipt by the Authority of a complete invoice and acceptance (final or provisional) of the bus(es). Within fifteen (15) days after arrival at the designated point of delivery, each Bus shall undergo testing by the Authority or the applicable Purchaser. If the bus passes these tests, acceptance of the bus by the Authority or the applicable Purchaser occurs on the fifteenth (15th) day after delivery. Acceptance may occur earlier if the Authority or applicable Purchaser notifies the Contractor of early acceptance or places the bus in revenue service. If the bus fails these tests, the Contractor requires written communication of discrepancies for resolution to be issued by the fifteenth (15th) calendar day after delivery. The Authority reserves the right to conditionally or provisionally accept one or more buses subject to the correction of minor deficiencies. 9. All invoices shall be sent to the attention of the Accounts Payable Office at accountspayable@jtafla.com or as directed by other Purchasers. The Authority may request additional documentation from the Contractor prior to payment of any invoice or bill from the Contractor. Invoice payment requirements do not start until a properly 5 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses completed invoice is provided to the Authority or the Purchaser. If an invoice is not approved, in whole or in part, the Authority will inform the Contractor of the issue and Contractor will not be paid until the issue has been resolved to the satisfaction of the. 10. Prompt Payment Discounts. Discounts for early payment may be offered either in the original Proposal or on individual invoices submitted under the Contract. Discounts that are included in the Proposal become a part of the Contract and are binding on the Contractor for all invoices submitted under the Contract. If the Contractor has offered a prompt payment discount, the Authority will only apply discounts that equal or exceed two percent (2%) of the invoice amount for payments that are made between ten (10) and twenty-nine (29) days after the Authority's receipt of a complete, acceptable invoice. For purposes of this Paragraph, time shall be computed from the date the invoice was received by the Authority and payment shall be considered to have been made on the date which appears on the payment check. 11. All compensation for services under a particular work or Purchase Order is subject to and contingent upon the availability of the federal, state, and/or local funding source that is applicable to the work or Purchase Order. 12. The acceptance of final payment by the Contractor shall be a full release of the Authority or the Purchaser and its members, officers, agents, and employees for any and all claims arising out of or relating to this Contract. The Contractor hereby waives all indirect, incidental, special, and consequential damages in any proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract. III. Ownership of Documents and Inspection of Work 1. The Authority will have the right to visit the Contractor's site for inspection of the Contractor's work at any time during reasonable work hours. In addition to the inspection and audit rights set forth herein, the Authority, its agents, and employees may perform inspections of the work at any reasonable time and at any stage of production. Such inspection or failure to inspect on any occasion shall not affect the Authority's rights, or the Contractor's obligations, under warranty or other provisions of this Contract, nor shall such inspection be deemed acceptance of services. IV. Term of Contract and Termination 1. This Contract shall commence upon execution by the Authority and shall be effective for two (2) years with three (3) one (1) year options to renew. 2. The Contractor shall hold all pricing referenced in “Exhibit B” through December 31, 2019. Thereafter, pricing adjustments will be based on the Producer Price Index (PPI) Series ID: WPU1413, Truck and Bus Bodies and will be capped at four and one-half percent (4.5%) per year. Price quotes will be valid for ninety (90) days. 3. The Authority may terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, by delivering to the Contractor a written Notice of Termination. The Authority may terminate the Contract for its convenience or for failure of the Contractor to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder, including without limitation, the Contractor’s failure to 6 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses complete work within the required time or the Contractor’s failure to diligently proceed with the work to the satisfaction of the Authority. The Contractor shall have the opportunity to affect a remedy within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Termination. Upon the Contractor’s receipt of a written Notice of Termination from the Authority, the Contractor shall: (1) immediately stop all further work unless otherwise directed in writing by the Authority as no compensation shall be paid for any work performed after receipt of such notice (provided however that expense of a nature which cannot be immediately terminated shall be reimbursed at the minimum amount which may reasonably be arranged for such termination, if the Authority concurs); and (2) deliver to the Authority's Project Manager copies of all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and other information and materials prepared while performing this Contract, whether completed or in process, in both paper and electronic formats acceptable to the Authority. In addition, if the Contractor has possession of Authority goods, it shall immediately provide the Authority with an accounting of same and protect and preserve those goods until surrendered to the Authority or its agent(s) or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Authority. 4. These termination provisions shall be made a part of all subcontracts under this Contract. 5. After the effective date of the Notice of Termination, the Authority will only pay for work/services already performed and goods already delivered and accepted in accordance with the terms of the Contract. At the discretion of the Authority, the Authority may make an equitable adjustment to the compensation due to the Contractor, but under no circumstances shall the Contractor be entitled to payment for any anticipatory profit, for work/services not yet performed, or for goods not accepted by the Authority. 6. The Contractor's obligations to the Authority that arise from the Contractor's improper acts or omissions shall survive the termination of this Contract. 7. In the event that termination is due to default or breach by the Contractor, the Authority may take over and complete the work. In such case, the Contractor shall be liable to the Authority for any additional cost occasioned thereby. 8. Should the Contractor: (1) fail to comply with any federal, state, or local law or regulation, including FTA circular 4220.1F as revised, and 49 CFR Part 18, if applicable; (2) fail to comply with any condition of this Contract; or (3) fail to complete the required work or furnish the required materials within the time required, the Authority reserves the right to purchase in the open market, or to take over and complete, the required item/work at the expense of the Contractor without waiving any right against the Contractor or its Surety, if any. 9. If the total value of the Contract exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), the Authority may terminate the Contract if the Authority determines that the Contractor: (1) submitted a false certification required by Florida Statutes § 287.135; (2) has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; or (3) has been engaged in business operations in Syria. 7 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 10. For the purposes of this Contract, an event of insolvency with respect to either Party hereto shall be deemed to be a default under this Contract by such Party. The term "event of insolvency" shall mean any of the following: A. The insolvency; B. The making of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, the appointment of a receiver for the business or assets of such entity, or the application for the appointment of a receiver therefore; C. The filing of a petition by or on behalf of, or against such person or business in any bankruptcy court or under any bankruptcy or insolvency law; or D. The dissolution, liquidation or winding up of business. V. Records and Audit 1. The Contractor agrees to maintain appropriate records with respect to work performed and other items reimbursable hereunder, and such records shall be supported by payrolls, invoices, vouchers, and other documents evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. All checks, payrolls, invoices, and other documents pertaining in whole or in part to the work shall be clearly identified, readily accessible, and to the extent feasible, kept separate and apart from all other such documents not related to the work. 2. The Contractor shall provide access to records and reports in accordance with the following which are incorporated herein by reference: 49 U.S.C. 5325, 49 CFR 18.36(i), and 49 CFR 633.17, as applicable. 3. The Contractor shall permit the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies to inspect and audit all technical and economic project applicable data and records of the Contractor relating to its performance and its subcontracts under this Contract from the date of Contract through and until the expiration of five (5) years after completion or termination of the Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from performance of this Contract, in which case the Contractor agrees to maintain same until all said and affected agencies and their authorized representatives have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, or exceptions related thereto. 4. The Contractor shall provide, upon receipt of reasonable notice, free access to its books and records by the proper officers and representatives of the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies during reasonable business hours. Further, the said agencies and their authorized representatives shall have the right, pursuant to an inspection, to review, audit, reproduce, or copy excerpts and transcriptions therefrom as necessary, and to inspect all work data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Contract. The Contractor shall include provisions similar to this Paragraph in all subcontracts which it awards, including, but not limited to, the additional provisions of allowing the Contractor, the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the 8 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses authorized representatives of these agencies equal access to subcontractors' books and records. VI. Conflict of Interest 1. The Contractor shall not promise any employee of the Authority, whose duties include matters relating to or affecting the subject matter of this Contract, compensation of any kind or nature from the Contractor, while such employee is employed by the Authority, or for one (1) year thereafter. 2. The Contractor affirms that it will not take part in any activities that will be a conflict of interest with the Authority or that would appear to compromise the integrity of the Authority. The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Authority immediately upon occurrence or first identification of any potential conflict-of-interest situation. 3. Upon request by the Authority, the Contractor shall execute any Conflict-of-Interest Certification that may be required. VII. Debarred Proposers The Contractor has a continuing obligation to inform the Authority whether it is or has been placed on any debarred, suspended, or excluded parties list maintained by the United States Government or the State of Florida. Should the Contractor, including any of its officers or holders of a controlling interest, be included on such a list during the performance of this Contract, the Contractor shall immediately inform the Authority. This obligation must be included in all subcontracts. VIII. Indemnification 1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authority and its Board of Directors, officers, and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Contractor and other persons or entities employed or utilized by Contractor in the performance of this Contract. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Contract. The indemnification obligation hereunder shall not be limited in any way by amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable under workers' compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefit acts. 2. In the event applicable law renders any provision of this Section unenforceable, then solely to the extent necessary to conform such provision to the requirements of law to remedy such unenforceable matter, such provision is deemed revised so as to be enforceable under law. 3. In addition to the Contractor's indemnification obligation, the Contractor shall be responsible for all liability for loss or damages, and it shall also be responsible for the payment of any fines imposed by any federal, state, or local agency as a result of the Contractor's actions or failure to act. 9 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses IX. Disputes, Defaults and Remedies 1. Upon a breach of any of the obligations of the Contractor or the Authority hereunder, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the rights and remedies provided under law, including, but not limited to the rights and remedies under the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Florida, if applicable, as well as those referenced in 49 CFR Part 18 and FTA Circular 4220.1F, as revised. In addition, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the other rights and remedies specified elsewhere in this Contract. 2. During any dispute, unless otherwise directed by the Authority, the Contractor shall continue to diligently perform the work while matters in dispute are outstanding, unless a Notice of Termination has been issued by the Authority. 3. Should the Contractor suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any act or omission of the Authority, or any of the Authority’s employees, agents, or others for whose acts the Authority is legally liable, a claim for damages therefore shall be made in writing to the Authority within thirty (30) days after the first observance of such injury or damage. The failure to timely submit a written claim shall result in a waiver the Contractor's claim. 4. Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be decided in writing by the Authority's SVP/Chief Administrative Officer, and the decision rendered shall be final and conclusive for the Authority. 5. Mandatory Mediation. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be subject to mandatory pre-suit mediation under the auspices of a mediator to be selected by the Parties. Mediation must occur before a lawsuit is filed. Discovery prior to the scheduled mediation shall be limited to one (1) request for production of documents and two (2) depositions per Party not exceeding eight (8) hours total time per deposition. Each Party shall equally bear the costs of mediation and shall be solely responsible for its own attorneys’ fees and other legal costs prior to and during the mediation process. In the event the case does not settle at mediation, the Parties may re-depose either or both witnesses on non-repetitive matters. The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority may not have present at any such mediation a person or persons authorized to bind the Authority. If the mediation fails to produce a settlement, and the amount in controversy is below seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), the Parties may agree to submit the dispute to fast-track arbitration with an AAA arbitration panel. X. Insurance 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance The Contractor shall purchase and maintain at the Contractor’s expense Commercial General Liability insurance coverage (ISO or comparable Occurrence Form) for the life of this Contract. Modified Occurrence or Claims Made forms are not acceptable. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 10 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fire Damage Limit (any one fire) $ 300,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $ 10,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit (other than Products & Completed Operations) Applies Per Project $2,000,000 General liability coverage shall continue to apply to “bodily injury” and to “property damage” occurring after all work on the Site of the covered operations to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insureds has been completed and shall continue after that portion of “your work” out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use. 2. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance The Contractor shall purchase and maintain at the Contractor’s expense Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Part One – Workers’ Compensation Insurance – Unlimited Statutory Benefits as provided in the Florida Statutes and Part Two – Employer’s Liability Insurance Bodily Injury By Accident $500,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Each Employee *If leased employees are used, policy must include an Alternate Employer’s Endorsement 3. Automobile Liability Insurance The Contractor shall purchase and maintain at the Contractor’s expense Automobile Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Combined Single Limit – Each Accident $1,000,000 Covered Automobiles shall include any auto owned or operated by the insured Contractor, insured Sub-Sub-Contractor including autos which are leased, hired, rented or borrowed, including autos owned by their employees which are used in connection with the business of the respective Contractor or Sub-Sub-Contractor. 4. Excess Liability Insurance The Contractor shall purchase and maintain at the Contractor’s expense Excess Liability (Umbrella Form) insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. 11 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $5,000,000 Aggregate Limit $5,000,000 Contractor shall require each of his Sub-Contractors to likewise purchase and maintain at their expense Commercial General Liability insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability coverage, Automobile Liability insurance and Excess Liability insurance coverage meeting the same limit and requirements as the Contractors insurance. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to Jacksonville Transportation Authority for the Contractor’s insurance must be received within five (5) days of Notification of Selection and at time of signing Agreement. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain an endorsement that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement will include a provision that policies, except Workers’ Compensation, are primary and noncontributory to any insurance maintained by the Contractor. Jacksonville Transportation Authority must be named as an Additional Insured and endorsed onto the Commercial General Liability (CGL), Auto Liability and Excess Liability policy (ies). A copy of the endorsement(s) must be supplied to Jacksonville Transportation Authority ten (10) days following the execution of the agreement or prior to the first date of services, whichever comes first. CGL policy Additional Insured Endorsement must include Ongoing and Completed Operations (Form CG2010 11 84 OR Form CG2010 04 13 and GC2037 04 13 edition or equivalent). Other Additional Insured forms might be acceptable but only if modified to delete the word “ongoing” and insert the sentence “Operations include ongoing and completed operations”. CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Work performed by Sub-Contractors on Your Behalf (CG2294 or CG2295) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Contractual Liability Limitation Endorsement (CG2139) or Amendment of Insured Contract Definition (CG 2426) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Premises Rented to you (CG 2145) CGL policy shall include broad form contractual liability coverage for the Contractors covenants to and indemnification of the Authority under this Contract Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain a provision under General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers’ Compensation to include a Waiver of Subrogation clause in favor of Jacksonville Transportation Authority. 12 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses All Certificates of Insurance shall be dated and shall show the name of the insured Contractor, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the policy number assigned its effective date and its termination date and a list of any exclusionary endorsements. All Insurers must be authorized to transact insurance business in the State of Florida as provided by Florida Statute 624.09(1) and the most recent Rating Classification/Financial Category of the insurer as published in the latest edition of “Best’s Key Rating Guide’ (Property-Casualty) must be at least A- or above. All of the above referenced Insurance coverage is required to remain in force for the duration of this Agreement and for the duration of the warranty period. Accordingly, at the time of submission of final application for payment, Contractor shall submit an additional Certificate of Insurance evidencing continuation of such coverage. If the Contractor fails to procure, maintain or pay for the required insurance, Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right (but not the obligation) to secure same in the name of and for the account of Contractor, in which event, Contractor shall pay the cost thereof and shall furnish upon demand, all information that may be required to procure such insurance. Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right to back-charge Contractor for the cost of procuring such insurance. The failure of Jacksonville Transportation Authority to demand certificates of insurance and endorsements evidencing the required insurance or to identify any deficiency in Contractors coverage based on the evidence of insurance provided by the Contractor shall not be construed as a waiver by Jacksonville Transportation Authority of Contractor’s obligation to procure, maintain and pay for required insurance. The insurance requirements set forth herein shall in no way limit Contractors liability arising out of the work performed under the Agreement or related activities. The inclusions, coverage and limits set forth herein are minimum inclusion, coverage and limits. The required minimum policy limits set forth shall not be construed as a limitation of Contractor’s right under any policy with higher limits, and no policy maintained by the Contractor shall be construed as limiting the type, quality or quantity of insurance coverage that Contractor should maintain. Contractor shall be responsible for determining appropriate inclusions, coverage and limits, which may be in excess of the minimum requirements set forth herein. If the insurance of any Contractor or any Sub-Contractor contains deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s), the Contractor or Sub-Contractor whose insurance contains such provision(s) shall be solely responsible for payment of such deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s). The failure of Contractor to fully and strictly comply at all times with the insurance requirements set forth herein shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement. XI. Public Entity Crimes The Authority reserves the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon written notice in the event that the Contractor or any of its affiliate(s) are placed on the State of Florida convicted vendor list pursuant to Section 287.133, Florida 13 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Statutes. For purposes hereof, "affiliate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The Contractor shall advise the Authority promptly after conviction of any "public entity crime" as defined in Section 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, applicable to the Contractor or any of its affiliate(s). XII. Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination 1. The Contractor will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof, and will not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class in the performance of work under this Contract. The Contractor assures that it and their subcontractors will comply with pertinent statutes, executive orders, and such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class be excluded from participating in any activity conducted under this Contract. This provision binds the Contractor from the Solicitation period through the completion of the Contract. 2. The Contractor shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities, as may be determined by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with this Section. XIII. Drug-Free Workplace The Contractor and its subcontractors shall maintain a drug-free workplace and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, 41 U.S.C. §§ 701-707. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, the Contractor and its subcontractors shall provide a drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement: (1) notifying employees that unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using a controlled substance in the Contractor's (subcontractors') workplace is prohibited; and (2) specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2. Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: A. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; B. The Contractor's (subcontractors') policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; C. Any drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs that are available; and D. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of this Contract be given a copy of the statement required by Paragraph (1); 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by Paragraph (1) that, as a condition of employment under this Contract, the employee will abide by the terms of the 14 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses statement and notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such a conviction; 5. Notifying the Authority within ten (10) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (4) from an employee, or within ten (10) days of otherwise receiving actual notice of an employee’s conviction; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within thirty (30) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (5), with respect to any employee so convicted: A. Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or B. Requiring such an employee to satisfactorily participate in and complete a drug- abuse assistance or rehabilitation program that is approved by a federal, state, or local health or law enforcement agency, or other appropriate agency as may be the case; and 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6). XIV. Subcontracts 1. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the performance of all services under this Contract, including when the services are performed by a subcontractor or Contractor. At all times, the Contractor shall be responsible for the effort, activity, and quality of services of its subcontractors and Contractors, and at no time shall the Authority have any responsibility for or contractual relationship with any such subcontractors or Contractors, whether by reason of the above-stated references, consent, approval, or otherwise. 2. The Contractor shall utilize those subcontractors who were identified in its proposal, except that the Contractor shall not subcontract with a proposed person or entity to whom the Authority has made reasonable and timely objection. 3. When the subcontract is to provide services, the subcontract shall include the specific key staff members, man-hours, rates, tasks assigned, and all other costs and compensation associated with carrying out the services. 4. The Contractor shall maintain records of payments to all subcontractors for five (5) years following the completion or termination of this Contract, and records of such shall be made available to the Authority immediately upon request. The Contractor shall report to the Authority the portion of each payment made by the Authority (directly or indirectly) which is owed by the Contractor to a subcontractor, and whether such subcontractor is or is not a DBE firm. 5. Prompt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). The Contractor is required to pay all subcontractors, to include DBE subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days from receipt of each payment from the Authority or Purchasers. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of the 15 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Contractor’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the Contractor ensures all subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 6. The Contractor shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section XIX of this contract. The Contractor shall also require all subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or any lower tier subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. XV. Non-exclusive Contract This Contract is not exclusive. The Authority expressly reserves the right to contract for performance of services such as those described herein, and in the Solicitation, with other Contractors. XVI. No Waiver Failure by either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the provisions herein; failure or delay by either Party in exercising any rights or remedies provided herein or by law; the Authority's payment in whole or in part for services hereunder; or any purported oral modification or rescission of this Contract by an employee or agent of either Party shall not: (1) release either Party of any of its obligations hereunder; (2) be deemed a waiver of the rights of either Party to insist upon strict performance hereof; (3) be deemed a waiver of any of either Party's rights or remedies under this Contract or by law; or (4) operate as a waiver of any of the provisions hereof or constitute acquiescence therein. No waiver of any default or breach hereunder shall extend to or affect any subsequent or existing default or breach. XVII. Public Records and Related Inquiries 1. The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority is subject to the Florida Public Records Law, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and possibly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and that in compliance therewith, at the sole discretion of the Authority, the Authority may disseminate or make available to any person, without the consent of the Contractor, information regarding this Contract, including but not limited to information in the: responses; requirements; specifications; drawings; sketches; schematics; models; samples; tools; computer or other apparatus programs; or technical information or data, whether electronic, written, or oral, furnished by the Contractor to the Authority under this Contract, and that copies of work products and related materials prepared or received by the Contractor under this Contract are public records. 2. The Contractor shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, made or received 16 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses by the Contractor in conjunction with this Contract. Specifically, if the Contractor is acting on behalf of the Authority, the Contractor shall: A. Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the Authority in order to perform the services being performed by the Contractor; B. Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the Authority would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; C. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and D. Meet all requirements for retaining public records; transfer, at no cost to the Authority, all public records in possession of the Contractor upon termination of this Contract; and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the Authority in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the Authority. 3. The Contractor shall immediately provide the Authority with a copy of any Request to Inspect or Copy Public Records in possession of the Contractor and the Contractor shall also promptly provide the Authority with a copy of the proposed response to each such request. No release of any such records by the Contractor shall be made without approval of the Authority. The Contractor's failure to grant approved public access will be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract by the Authority. 4. Media and Other Inquiries. All media and other inquiries concerning the services shall be directed to the Authority's SVP/Chief Administrative Officer. The Contractor shall not make any statements, press releases, or publicity releases concerning this Contract or its subject matter or otherwise disclose or permit to be disclosed any of the data or other information obtained or furnished in compliance with this Contract, or any particulars thereof, without the Authority's written consent. However, the Contractor may communicate directly with public agencies when required to do so as part of the services to be performed hereunder. XVIII. Contract Administration 1. Notices. Except as otherwise provided herein, any notices or demands that are required by law or under the terms of this Contract shall be given or made by the Contractor or the Authority in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, telegram, or similar communication, or by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), and addressed to the respective Parties set forth below. Such notices shall be deemed to have been given in the case of telegrams or similar communications when sent, and in the case of certified or registered mail, on the Third (3rd) day after such communication has been deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid. 17 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses To Authority: Jacksonville Transportation Authority Procurement Department 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 To Contractor: Gillig LLC 451 Discovery Drive Livermore, CA 94551 The above addresses may be changed at any time by giving thirty (30) days prior notice as provided above. 2. Entire Agreement. This Contract shall constitute the entire agreement between the Authority and the Contractor relating to the work. 3. Contractor is not Authority's Agent. The Contractor is not authorized to act as the Authority's agent and shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act for or bind the Authority, unless otherwise expressly set forth for a particular purpose in a separate writing by the Authority. 4. Compliance with Contractor Code of Business Conduct. The Contractor shall, at all times throughout the duration of this Contract, comply with the Authority’s Contractor Code of Business Conduct which is made a part hereof by reference. Failure of the Contractor to abide by the Contractor Code of Business Conduct may lead to disciplinary measures commensurate with the violation, including but not limited to termination of this Contract. 5. Compliance with Nondiscrimination and Other Laws. The Contractor shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the DOT Title 49, CFR, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Contractor shall also comply with the following civil rights regulations, as may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated herein by reference: 29 U.S.C. § 623, 42 U.S.C. § 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, 42 U.S.C. § 12132, 49 U.S.C. § 5332, 29 CFR Part 1630, and 41 CFR Part 60. The Contractor, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and rules of governmental agencies (including as applicable, the FHWA, FTA, OSHA, applicable State of Florida agencies, including the FDOT, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), the Authority, and the City of Jacksonville (CoJ)). Contractor shall secure all required licenses and permits necessary to the performance of the work at its sole cost and expense. 6. Compliance with Federal Regulations. The Contractor shall comply with all federal lobbying regulations as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 31 U.S.C. 1352, 49 CFR Part 19, and 49 CFR Part 20. The Contractor shall comply with all federal clean air regulations including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 40 CFR 15.61, and 49 CFR Part 18. The Contractor shall also comply with all energy conservation requirements including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 6321 and 49 CFR Part 18. In addition, the Contractor shall comply with all cargo preference requirements as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 46 U.S.C. 18 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 1241 and 46 CFR 381. The Contractor shall also comply with all clean water regulations issued pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1251. Lastly, the Contractor shall abide by all federal change requirements as explained in 49 CFR Part 18 which is incorporated herein by reference. 7. Governing Laws. This Contract and the rights of all Parties hereunder shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 8. Severability. If any provision of this Contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 9. Advertising. Contractor will not use the name of the Authority or quote the opinion of any employees of the Authority or refer to the Authority directly or indirectly in any promotional literature or correspondence, news release, advertisement, or release to any professional or trade publications without receiving specific written approval for such use or release from the Authority. However, this Paragraph will in no way limit the Contractor's ability to satisfy any governmental required disclosure of its relationship with the Authority. 10. Assignments. This Contract is binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The Contractor shall not assign, sell, or transfer its interest in this Contract without the Authority's express written consent. Any such assignment by the Contractor must contain a provision allowing the Authority to assert against any assignee, any and all defenses, setoffs, or counterclaims which the Authority would be entitled to assert against the Contractor. 11. Modifications. This Contract may be modified or amended only by a writing signed by each of the Parties hereto. Neither electronic mail nor instant messaging shall be considered a “writing” for purposes of amending, supplementing, or modifying this Contract. No additional services shall be performed until such additional services are provided for in an Amendment executed by both Parties. 12. Force Majeure. Neither the Authority nor the Contractor shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance solely caused by acts beyond such Party's control, including, without limitation, acts of God, war, vandalism, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, hurricanes, fires, floods, acts of governmental agencies, or unforeseen interruptions of utility services. 13. Consent to Jurisdiction. The Contractor and the Authority agree that any suit, action, or other legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be brought in the Circuit Court of Duval County, and each Party hereby consents to the jurisdiction of each such court over any such suit, action, or proceeding, and waives any objection which it or they may have to the laying of venue of any such suit, action, or proceeding, and any of such courts. This provision is a material inducement for the Authority and the Contractor entering into the transactions contemplated hereby. 14. Prevailing Party Attorneys’ Fees. In the event one Party shall prevail in any action (including appellate proceedings) at law or in equity arising hereunder, the losing Party will pay all costs, expenses, reasonable attorneys' fees, and all other actual and 19 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses reasonable expenses incurred in the defense and/or prosecution of any legal proceeding, including, but not limited to, those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and actual fees charged by expert witnesses for testimony and analysis incurred by the prevailing Party referable thereto. 15. Member Protection. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant, or agreement contained in this Contract or any other agreements or documents pertaining to the work, as such may from time to time be altered or amended in accordance with the provisions hereof, or under any judgment obtained against the Authority or by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equitable proceeding by virtue of any statute or otherwise, whether under or independent of this Contract, shall be had against any Board Member, officer, employee or agent, as such, past, present or future, of the Authority either directly or indirectly, for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for any sum that may be due and unpaid by the Authority. Any and all personal liability of every nature, whether at common law, in equity, by statute, by constitution or otherwise, of any Authority member, officer, employee, or agent as such, to respond by reason of any act or omission on his or her part or otherwise for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for the payment for or to the Authority, or any receiver therefore or otherwise, of any sum that may remain due and unpaid by the Authority, is hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Contract. 16. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The Parties hereby set forth their intention that there are not and never shall be any third-party beneficiaries of this Contract or of any work or Purchase Order authorized hereunder. The Parties expressly intend that the Authority has no obligation to or relationship with any subcontractor that may be utilized by Contractor. 17. The Contractor shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section XIX of this contract. The Contractor (referenced sometimes hereinafter as the “Contractor” or “prime contractor”) shall also require all subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or any lower tier subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. 18. Contract Assurance (49-CFR Part 26.13). The Contractor, sub recipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49-CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. 19. Prompt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime Contractors are required to pay all 20 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses subcontractors, to include DBE subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days from receipt of each payment from the JTA. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of prime Contractor’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the prime Contractor ensure all subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 20. Return of Retainage (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime Contractors are required to ensure prompt and full payment of retainage to all subcontractors within thirty (30 days) after the subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed. Prime Contractors are prohibited from holding retainage from subcontractors until the project is completed. A subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed when all the tasks called for in the subcontract have been accomplished and documented as required by the JTA. When JTA has made an incremental acceptance of a portion of a prime contract, the work of a subcontractor covered by that acceptance is deemed to be satisfactorily completed. 21. Monitoring the Performance of other Program Participants (49-CFR Part 26.37). The JTA will monitor each DOT funded contract with DBE participation to ensure that all work committed to DBEs at contract award or subsequently (as a result of contract modification) is actually performed by the DBEs to which the work was committed. Site visit will be conducted periodically by staff. Contractor’s Request for Payment forms will be monitored to ensure that DBEs are being paid in accordance to their signed agreements. If applicable, prime Contractors will be required to self-report all payments received from the JTA into the B2GNow (Contract Compliance Tracking System). This system tracks payments made to the prime Contractor and all payments made by the prime to any subcontractors, to include DBEs, and the timeliness of those payments in accordance to JTA’s Prompt Payment Clause. 22. Termination for Convenience (49-CFR Part 26.53). No prime Contractor will terminate for convenience a DBE subcontractor that was listed and agreed to perform a project task (or an approved substitute DBE firm) and then perform the work of the terminated subcontract with its own forces or those of an affiliate, without prior written consent from JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office. The prime Contractor shall utilize the specific DBEs listed to perform the work and supply the materials for which each is listed unless the prime Contractor obtains written consent form JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office; and unless the consent is provided the Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for work or material unless it is performed or supplied by the listed DBE. Appropriate administrative remedies will be invoked to any Prime Contractor that terminates and/or removes a DBE firm/s for convenience. Those remedies may include requirement to pay terminated DBE firm/s; withholding of future payments and/or retainage; and/or disbarment from future consideration of project awards with the JTA. 24. Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This Contract may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument, binding on all the parties hereto even 21 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses though all the parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. The counterparts of this this Contract and all Ancillary Documents may be executed by providing an electronic signature under the terms of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7001 et. seq., and Chapter 668, Florida Statutes and delivered by email or other electronic delivery method which will have the same force and effect as a written signature. 25. Exhibits. The following Exhibits are hereby incorporated into this Contract as part hereof as though fully set forth herein. Exhibit A, Scope of Services and Technical Specifications Exhibit B, Proposal Pricing Exhibit C, Warranty Exhibit D, Required Forms Exhibit E, Required Clauses for FTA-Assisted Contracts (Signature Page Follows) 22 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit ‘A’ – Scope of Services (On following pages) 24 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit A Scope of Services Contractor shall provide 30-foot, 35-foot and 40-foot low-floor heavy duty transit buses powered by diesel, diesel electric hybrid, or CNG power packages meeting the specifications in JTA RFP No. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses as amended and as further described in this Exhibit (herein referred to individually as a “Bus” and collectively as the “Buses”) on an as needed basis. The Contractor shall comply with the following required contract provisions and shall insert the substance of these provisions to all subcontractors when applicable and pursuant to this contract. Orders Purchase Orders will be issued directly to GILLIG. GILLIG will be responsible for providing the FTAFC a copy of the agencies purchase order upon receipt. GILLIG will also provide the FTAFC a quarterly statement of purchases made off the contract. . Delivery Time Delivery of orders of up to 25 buses will be delivered in 15 months ARO. Delivery of orders over 25 buses will be negotiated at time of order placement. Delivery shall be made on Monday through Friday; Federal and State holidays excluded, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. FOB Point The FOB point shall be the delivery address indicated on the individual purchase order. Acceptance The Authority or Purchaser will provide the Contractor written notice of acceptance or rejection of each bus upon completion of acceptance testing and within fifteen (15) days after delivery. If the equipment is rejected, the notice shall state the discrepancy noted. The Purchaser reserves the right to conditionally or provisionally accept one or more buses subject to correction of minor discrepancies. Assumption of Risk of Loss Contractor shall bear the risk of any loss or damage to the buses ordered until they are delivered in conformity with this Contract or at the specified F.O.B. point. Upon such delivery, Contractor’s responsibility for losses or damage shall cease, except for loss or damage occurring prior to or upon delivery, or loss or damage resulting from contractor’s negligence or intentional acts. Repairs by Contractor If Purchaser requires the Contractor to perform repairs after rejection or conditional acceptance of the equipment, the Contractor’s representative must begin work within five (5) working days after receiving notification from the Purchaser of failure of acceptance tests. Purchaser shall make the equipment available to complete repairs timely with the Contractor’s repair schedule. 25 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses License and Taxes The JTA and the Purchasers are exempt from Federal and State taxation and will provide tax exempt certificate as required. All applicable Federal taxes, State of Florida sales taxes, and any other taxes are the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall procure any and all licenses, permits, or certificates constituted authorities for the performance of the service. Title Adequate documents for securing the coach title in the county of the individual Purchaser shall be provided to the Purchaser within five (5) days of delivery. Following acceptance of each coach, the Contractor warrants that the title shall pass to the Purchaser free and clear of all liens, mortgages and encumbrances, financing statements, claims and demands of any character. The Contractor is responsible to provide the Purchaser with the necessary information to title the vehicles and shall provide a point to contact for the delivery of the titles. Technical Specifications See Attachment 1 to this Exhibit A: Technical Specifications 26 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications In submitting a proposal, please note where indicated, whether your proposal exceeds, meets, or does not meet the technical specification. Provide comments explaining your response. Each response should be in RED. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENBRAL TS 1. Scope Technical specifications define requirements for heavy-duty transit buses and commuter coaches, which, by the selection of specifically identified alternative configurations, may be used for both suburban express service and general service on urban arterial streets. Buses shall have a minimum expected life of twelve (I2) years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first, and are intended for the widest possible spectrum ofpassengers, including children, adults, the elderly and people with disabilities. TS 2. Defïnitions Alternative: An alternative specification condition to the default bus configuration. The Agency may define alternatives to the default conf,rguration to satisff local operating requirements. Alternatives for the default configuration will be clearly identified. Ambient Temperature: The temperature of the surrounding air. For testing purposes, ambient temperature must be between 16'C (50'F) and 38oC (100'F). Analog Signals: A continuously variable signal that is solely dependent upon magnitude to expres s information content. NOTE: Analog signals are used to represent the state of variable devices such as rheo stat s, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Audible Discrete Frequency: An audible discrete frequency is determined to exist if the sound power level in any ll3-octave band exceeds the average of the sound power levels of the two adjacent Il3-octave bands by 4 decibels (dB) or more. Battery Compartment: Low-voltage energy storage, i.e. 12124 VDC batteries. Battery Management System (BMS): Monitors energy, as well as temperature, cell or module voltages, and total pack voltage. The BMS adjusts the control strategy algorithms to maintain the batteries at uniform state of charge and optimal temperatures. Braking Resistor: Device that converts electrical energy into heat, tlpically used as a retarder to supplement or replace the regenerative braking. Burst Pressure: The highest pressure reached in a container during a burst test. Capacity (fuel container): The water volume of a container in gallons (liters). Cells: Individual components (i.e., battery or capacitor cells). Code: A legal requirement. Combination Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by a combination of high pressures or high temperatures, acting either independently or together. 27 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Composite Container for CNG: A container fabricated of two or more materials that interact to facilitate the container design criteria. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): Mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally of methane in gaseous form that has been compressed for use as a vehicular fuel. Container: A pressure vessel, cylinder or cylinders permanently manifolded together, used to store CNG. Container Appurtenances: Devices connected to container openings for safety, control or operating purposes. Container Valve: A valve connected directly to a container outlet. Curb Weight: Weight of vehicle, including maximum fuel, oil and coolant; and all equipment required for operation and required by this Specification, but without passengers or driver. dBA: Decibels with reference to 0.0002 microbar as measured on the "4" scale. DC to DC Converter: A module that converts a source of direct current from one voltage level to another. Default ConfÌguration Bus: The bus described if no alternatives are selected. Signing, colors, the destination sign reading list and other information must be provided by the Agency. Defueling: The process of removing fuel from a tank. Defueling Port. Device that allows for vehicle defueling, or the point at which this occurs. Destroyed : Physically made permanently unusable. Discrete Signal: A signal that can take only pre-defined values, usually of a binary 0 or 1 nature, where 0 is battery ground potential and 1 is a defined battery positive potential. DPF: Diesel particulate filter. Driver's Eye Range: The 95th-percentile ellipse defined in SAE Recommended Practice J941, except that the height of the ellipse shall be determined from the seat at its reference height. Energy Density: The relationship between the weight of an energy storage device and its power output in units of watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg). Energy Storage System (ESS): A component or system of components that stores energy and for which its supply of energy is rechargeable by the on-vehicle system (engine/regenerative braking/ generator) or an off-vehicle energy source. Fill Pressure for CNG: The pressure attained at the actual time of filling. Fill pressure varies according to the gas temperatures in the container, which are dependent on the charging parameters and the ambient conditions. The maximum dispensed pressure shall not exceed 125 percent ofservice pressure. Flow Capacity: For natural gas flow, this is the capacity in volume per unit time (normal cubic meters/minute or standard cubic feet per minute) discharged at the required flow rating pressure. 28 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Fuel Line: The pipe, tubing or hose on a vehicle, including all related fittings, through which natural gas passes. Fusible Material: A metal, alloy or other material capable of being melted by heat. Fire Resistant: Materials that have a flame spread index less than 150 as measured in a radiant panel flame test per ASTM-E 162-90. Fireproof: Materials that will not burn or melt at temperatures less than 2000'F. Free Floor Space: Floor area available to standees, excluding the area under seats, area occupied by feet of seated passengers, the vestibule aÍea forward of the standee line, and any floor space indicated by manufacturer as non-standee areas, such as the floor space "swept" by passenger doors during operation. Floor area of 1.5 sq. ft. shall be allocated for the feet of each seated passenger protruding into the standee area. Fuel Management System: Natural gas fuel system components that control or contribute to engine air fuel mixing and metering, and the ignition and combustion of a given air-fuel mixture. The fuel management system would include, but is not limited to, reducer/regulator valves, fuel metering equipment (e.g. carburetor, injectors), sensors (e.g., main throttle, waste gate). GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the axle manufacturer, at which the axle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended pu{pose. Gross Load: 1501bs for every designed passenger seating position, for the driver, and for each 1.5 sq. ft. of free floor space. GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight): Curb weight plus gross load. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the vehicle manufacturer, at which the vehicle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended puryose. High Pressure: Those portions of the CNG fuel system that see fulI container or cylinder pressure. High Voltage (HV): Greater than 50 V (AC and DC). Hose: Flexible line. Hybrid: A vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to propel the vehicle. Hybrid System Controller (HSC):Regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. Hybrid Drive System (HDS): The mechanical and/or electromechanical components, including the engine, traction motors and energy storage systerr¡ which comprise the traction drive portion of the hybrid propulsion system. Intermediate Pressure: The portion of a CNG system after the first pressure regulator, but before the engine pressure regulator. Intermediate pressure on a CNG vehicle is generally from 3.5 to 0.5 MPa (510 to 70 psi). 29 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Inverter: A module that converts DC to and from AC. Labeled: Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol or other identiffing mark of an organization, which is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, which maintains periodic inspection ofproduction labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Leakage: Release of contents through a Defect or a crack. See Rupture. Line: All tubes, flexible and hard, fhat carry fluids. Liner: Inner gas-tight container or gas container to which the overwrap is applied. Local Regulations: Regulations below the state level. Low-Floor Bus: A bus that, between at least the front (entrance) and rear (exit) doors, has a floor sufficiently low and level so as to remove the need for steps in the aisle between the doors and in the vicinity of these doors. Low Voltage (LV):50 V or less (AC and DC). Lower Explosive Limit: The lowest concentration of gas where, given an ignition source, combustion is possible. Maximum Service Temperature: The maximum temperature to which a container/cylinder will be subjected in normal service. Metallic Hose: A hose whose strength depends primarily on the strength of its metallic parts; it can have metallic liners or covers, or both. Metering Valve: A valve intended to control the rate of flow of natural gas. Module: An assembly of individual components Motor (Electric): A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Motor (Traction): An electric motor used to power the driving wheels of the bus. Operating Pressure: The varying pressure developed in a container during service. Physical Layer: The first layer of the seven-layer International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect (OSf reference model. This provides the mechanical, electrical, functional and procedural characteristics required to gain access to the transmission medium (e.g., cable) and is responsible for transporting binary information between computerized systems. Pipe: Nonflexible line. Pressure Relief Device (PRD):A pressure and/or temperature activated device used to vent the container/cylinder contents and thereby prevent rupture of an NGV fuel container/cylinder, when subjected to a standard fire test as required by fuel container/cylinder standards. NOTE: Since this is a pressure-activated device, it may not protect against rupture of the container when the application of heat weakens the container to the 30 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications point where its rupture pressure is less than the rated burst pressure of the relief device, particularly if the container is partially full. Power: Work or energy divided by time Power Density: Power divided by mass, volume or area. Propulsion System: System that provides propulsion for the vehicle proportional to operator commands. Includes, as applicable, engine, transmission, traction motors, the hybrid drive systerr¡ (HDS), energy storage system (ESS), and system controllers including all wiring and converter/inverter. Real-Time Clock (RTC): Computer clock that keeps track of the curent time. Regenerative Braking: Deceleration of the bus by switching motors to act as generators, which return vehicle kinetic energy to the energy storage system. Rejectable Damage: In terms ofNGV fuel containers/cylinders, this is damage as outlined in CGA C-6.4, 'oMethods for External Visual Inspection ofNatural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers and Their Installations," and in agreement with the manufacturer's recommendations. Retarder: Device used to augment or replace some of the functions of primary friction based braking systems of the bus. Rupture: Sudden and unstable damage propagation in the structural components of the container resulting in a loss of contents. See Leakøge. Seated Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position and for the driver. SLW (Seated Load Weight): Curb weight plus seated load. Serial Data Signals. A current loop based representation of ASCII or aþhanumeric data used for transferring information between devices by transmitting a sequence of individual bits in a prearranged order of significance. NOTE: An example is the communication that takes place between two or more electronic components with the ability to process and store information. Service Pressure: The settled pressure at a uniform gas temperature of 21oC (70'F) and full gas content. It is the pressure for which the equipment has been constructed, under normal conditions. Also referred to as the nominal service pressure or working pressure. Settled Pressure: The gas pressure when a given settled temperature, usually 21'C (70'F), is reached. Settled Temperature: The uniform gas temperature after any change in temperature caused by filling has dissipated. Solid State Alternator: A module that converts high-voltage DC to low-voltage DC (typically 12124 V systems). Sources of Ignition: Devices or equipment that because of their modes of use or operation, are capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite flammable compressed natural gas-air mixtures when introduced into such a mixture, or when such a mixture comes into contact with them. 31 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Special Tools: Tools not normally stocked by the Agency. Specifïcation: A particular or detailed statement, account or listing of the various elements, materials, dimensions, etc. involved in the manufacturing and construction of a product. Standard: A firm guideline from a consensus group. Standards referenced in "Section 6: Technical Specifications" are the latest revisions unless otherwise stated. Standee Line: A line marked across the bus aisle to designate the forward arcathat passengers may not occupy when the bus is moving. State of Charge (SOC): Quantity of electric energy remaining in the battery relative to the maximum rated amp-hour (Ah) capacity of the battery expressed in a percentage. This is a dynamic measurement used for the energy storage system. A full SOC indicates that the energy storage system cannot accept fuither charging from the engine-driven generator or the regenerative braking system. Stress Loops: The "pigtails" commonly used to absorb flexing in piping. Structure: The basic body, including floor deck material and installation, load-bearing external panels, structural components, axle mounting provisions and suspension beams and attachment points. Thermally Activated Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by high temperatures and generally contains a fusible material. NOTE: Since this is a thermally activated device, it does not protect against over- pressure from improper charging practices. Wheelchair: A mobility aid belonging to any class of three- or four-wheeled devices, usable indoors, designed for and used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered. A "common wheelchair" is such a device that does not exceed 30 in. in width and 48 in. in length measured 2 in. above the ground, and does not weigh more than 600lbs. whenoccupied. TS 3. Referenced Publications The documents or portions thereof referenced within this specification shall be considered part of the requirements of the specification. The edition indicated for each referenced document is the current edition, as of the date of the APTA issuance of this specification. TS 4. Legal Requirements The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. These shall include but not be limited to ADA, as well as state and local accessibility, safety and security requirements. Local regulations are defined as those below the state level. Buses shall meet all applicable FMVSS regulations and shall accommodate all applicable FMCSR regulations in effect at the location of the Agency and the date of manufacture. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of these specifications and any applicable legal requirement, the legal requirement shall prevail. Technical requirements that exceed the legal requirements are not considered to conflict. 32 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cat¡ons TS 5. Overall Requirements The Contractor shall ensure that the application and installation of major bus subcomponents and systems are compliant with all such subcomponent vendors' requirements and recommendations. Contractor and Agency shall identify subcomponent vendors that shall submit installation/application approval documents with the completion of a pilot or lead bus. Components used in the vehicle shall be of heavy-duty design and proven in transit service. TS 5.1 WeÍght DEFAULT It shall be a design goal to construct each bus as light in weight as possible without degradation of safety, appearance, comfort, traction or performance. Buses at a capacity load shall not exceed the tire factor limits, brake test criteria or structural design criteria. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 5.2 Capacity DEFAULT The vehicle shall be designed to carry the gross vehicle weight, which shall not exceed the bus GVWR. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 33 of 272 P- 1 8-005 Technical Specifìcati0ns TS 5.3 Service Life DEFAULT The minimum useful design life of the bus in transit service shall be at least twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles. It shall be capable of operating at least 40,000 miles per year, including the 12th year. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 5.4 Maintenance and Inspection DEFAULT Scheduled maintenance tasks shall be related and shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended preventative maintenance schedule (along with routine daily service performed during the fueling operations). Test ports, as required, shall be provided for commonly checked functions on the bus, such as air intake, exhaust, hydraulic, pneumatic, charge-air and engine cooling systems. The coach manufacturer shall give prime consideration to the routine problems of maintaining the vehicle. All coach components and systems, both mechanical and electrical, which will require periodic physical Work or inspection processes shall be installed so that a minimum of time is consumed in gaining access to the critical repair areas. It shall not be necessary to disassemble portions of the coach structure andlor equipment such as seats and flooring under seats in orderto gain access to these areas. Each coach shall be designed to facilitate the disassembly, reassembly, servicing or maintenance, using tools and equipment that are normally available as standard commercial items. Requirements for the use of unique specialized tools will be minimized. The body and structure of the coach shall be designed for ease of maintenance and repair. Individual panels or other equipment that may be damaged in normal service shall be repairable or replaceable. Ease of repair shall be related to the wlnerability of the item to damage in service. Contractor shall provide a list of all special tools and pricing required for maintaining this equipment. Said list shall be submitted as a supplement to the Pricing Schedule. NOTE: Tools such as compartment door keys, bellows gauges and other tools that are required for daily maintenance and inspections shall not be included in the special tool list and shall be furnished for each coach. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 34 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations TS 5.5 Interchangeability DEFAULT Unless otherwise agreed, all units and components procured under this Contract, whether provided by Suppliers or manufactured by the Contractor, shall be duplicates in design, manufacture and installation to ensure interchangeability among buses in each order group in this procurement. Components with non-identical functions shall not be, or appear to be, interchangeable. Any one component or unit used in the construction of these buses shall be an exact duplicate in design, manufacture and assembly for each bus in each order group in this Contract. Contractor shall identify and secure approval for any changes in components or unit construction provided within a Contract. In the event that the Contractor is unable to comply with the interchangeability requirement, the Contractor must notify the Agency and obtain the Agency's prior written approval, including any changes in pricing. Agency shall review proposed product changes on a case-by-case basis and shall have the right to require extended waranties to ensure that product changes perform at least as well as the originally supplied products. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 5.6 Training DEFAULT NOTE: The following is illustrative; the Agency should carefully specify its training requirements. The Contractor shall have at least one qualified instructor who shall be available at the Agency's property for calendar days between the hours of 7:00am-3:30pm and per month for 1 month prior to, and 6 months after, acceptance of the first bus. Instructor(s) shall conduct schools and advise the personnel of the Agency on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. The Contractor also shall provide visual and other teaching aids (such as manuals, slide presentations and literature) for use by the Agency's own training stafi which become the property of the Agency. NOTE: The Agency should insert languagethat specifies the hours when it wants the training to occur, the total number of hours of instruction it wants to be MEETS 35 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications provided, what items it expects the curriculum to cover and the format in which it expects the training and teaching aids to be provided (print, DVD, etc.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference Deviation TS 5.6.1 TechnicaVService Representatives DEFAULT The Contractor shall, at its own expense, have one or more competent technical service representatives available on request to assist the Agency in the solution of engineering or design problems within the scope of the specifications that may arise during the warranty period. This does not relieve the Contractor of responsibilities under the provisions of "Section 7: Warranty Requirements." Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET have represen available by phone from 8:004M to 2:00PM EST Monday-Friday TS 5.7 Operating Environment DEFAULT The bus shall achieve normal operation in ambient temperature ranges of 10 "F to 115 oF, at relative humidity between 5 percent and 100 percent, and at altitudes up to 3000 ft. above sea level. Degradation ofperformance due to atmospheric conditions shall be minimized at temperatures below 10 oF, above 115 'F or at altitudes above 3000 ft. Altitude requirements above 3000 ft. will need separate discussions with the engine manufacturer to ensure that performance requirements are not compromised. Speed, gradability and acceleration performance requirements shall be met at, or corrected to, 77 oF,29.3I n. Hg, dry air per SAEJl995. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 36 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 5.8 Noise TS 5.8.1 Interior Noise DEFAULT The combination of inner and outer panels and any material used between them shall provide sufficient sound insulation so that a sound source with a level of 80 dBA measured at the outside skin of the bus shall have a sound level of 65 dBA or less at any point inside the bus. These conditions shall prevail with all openings, including doors and windows, closed and with the engine and accessories switched ofn The bus-generated noise level experienced by a passenger at any seat location in the bus shall not exceed 80 dBA. The driver area shall not experience a noise level of more than 75 dBA. Measurements of interior noise levels shall be taken in accordance with SAEJ2805. An exception shall be made for the turntable area, which shall be considered a separate environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET TS 5.8.2 Exterior Noise DEFAULT Airborne noise generated by the bus and measured from either side shall not exceed 80dBA under full power acceleration when operated at 0 to 35 mph at curb weight. The maximum noise level generated by the bus pulling away from a stop at full powff shall not exceed 83 dBA. The bus-generated noise at curb idle shall not exceed 65dBA.If the noise contains an audible discrete frequency, a penalty of 5 dBA shall be added to the sound level measured. The Contractor shall comply with the exterior noise requirements defined in local laws and ordinances identified by the Agency andSAEJ366. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET TS 5.9 Fire Safety DEFAULT The bus shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with all applicable fire safety and smoke emission regulations. These provisions shall include the use of fire-retardant/low-smoke materials, fire detection systems, bulkheads and facilitation ofpassenger evacuation. c 37 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 5.9.1 Materials DEFAULT All materials used in the construction of the passenger compartment of the bus shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FMVSS 302. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 5.10 Fire Suppression DEFAULT Fogmaker- 35 DEG Fluid. 6 Engine compartmentnozzles Our specilication being proposed for the section above (eircle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 5.11 Respect for the Environment DEFAULT In the design and manufacture of the bus, the Contractor shall make every effort to reduce the amount of potentialLy hazardous waste. In accordance with Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Contractor shall use, whenever possible and allowed by the specifications, recycled materials in the manufacture of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 38 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications DII\{ENSIONS TS 6. Physical Size With exceptions such as exterior mirrors, marker and signal lights, bumpers, fender skifis, washers, wipers, ad frames, cameras, object detection systems, bicycle racks, feelers and rubrails, the bus shall have the following overall dimensions as shown in Figure lat static conditions and design height. FIGURE 1 Transit Bus Exterior Dimensions LENGTH OVER BUMPERS. '-"BODYLENGIH _ FEAR OVEBIIANê WHEÊL BASE OVEBHANG f€úldhÊ M¡6.1 WIDTH tl'ffirúHr@l TS 6.1 Bus Length For ease of use, the following tolerances will be allowable for each given bus length. Bus length is determined as the measurement from bumper to bumper. . 30ft bus: 29 ft., 11 in. to 34íÌ, 11 in.. 35ft bus: 35ft to 39ft, 11 in.. 40ft bus: 4Oftto 44ft,1I n Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: OVERA! FRONT WOTH MEETS DOES NOT MEET 39 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 6.2 Bus Width TS 6.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT 102 Ín. Width Bus Body width shall be 102 in. (+0, -l in.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 6.3 Bus Height DEFAULT Maximum Overall Height Maximum overall height shall be 140 in., including all rigid, rooËmounted items such as A"/C, exhaust, fuel system and cover, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 6.4 Step Height TS 6.4.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT The step height shall not exceed 16.5 in. at either doorway without kneeling and shall not exceed 15.5 in. at the step. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the sectÍon above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 40 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specificat¡ons TS 6.5 Underbody Clearance DEFAULT The bus shall maintain the minimum clearance dimensions as defined and shown in Figure 2of SAE StandardJ689, regardless of load up to the gross vehicle weight rating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 6.6 Ramp Clearances DEFAULT REFER TO TABLE 24. The approach angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the front tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference forward of the front tire to the ground. The departure angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the rear tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference rearward of the rear tire to the ground. The breakover angle is the angle measured between two lines tangent to the front and rear tire static loaded radius and intersecting at a point on the underside of the vehicle that defines the largest ramp over which the vehicle can roll. TÃBLE 2a Default Breakover Angle Angle 30 to 40ft Bus Approach 8.6 deg. (min.) Front breakover 8 deg. (min.) 8.6 deg. (min.)Departure Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 41 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications TS 6.7 Ground Clearance DEFAULT Ground clearance shall be no less than 9 in., (8 in. at jacking pad) except within the axle zone and wheel area. Axle zone clearance, which is the projected area between tires and wheels on the same axial centerline, shall be no less than 5.4 in. Wheel area clearance shall be no less than 8 in. for parts fixed to the bus body and ó in. for parts that move vertically with the axles. FIGURE 2 Transit Bus Minimum Road Clearance 18" WHEEL AREA WHEEL AREA 24" AXLE ZONE AXLE ZONE ¿s"45'¿5" 45' 24" % WHEEL BASE 18" REAR DEPARTURE ANGLE FRONT BREAKOVER ANGLE APPROACH ANGLE Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEETMEETS 42 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 6.8 Floor Height TS 6.8.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Height ofthe step above the street shall be no more than 16 in. measured at the centerline of the front and rear doorway. All floor measurements shall be with the bus at the design running height and on a level surface and with the standard installed tires. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 6.9 Interior Headroom DEFAULT Headroom above the aisle and at the centerline of the aisle seats shall be no less than 78 in. in the forward half of the bus tapering to no less than74 in. forward of the rear settee. At the centerline of the window seats, headroom shall be no lower than 65 in., except for parcel racks and reading lights, if specified. Headroom at the back of the rear bench seat may be reduced to a minimum of 56 in., but it shall increase to the ceiling height at the front of the seat cushion. In any area of the bus directly over the head of a seated passenger and positioned where a passenger entering or leaving the seat is prone to strike his or her head, padding shall be provided on the overhead paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET VEHICLB PERFORMANCE TS 7. Power Requirements The propulsion system shall be sized to provide sufficient power to enable the bus to meet the defined acceleration, top speed and gradability requirements, and operate all propulsion-driven accessories using actual road test results and computerued vehicle performance data. MEETS MEETS 43 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 7.1 Top Speed DEFAULT The bus shall be capable of achieving a top speed of 65 mph on a straight, level road at GW\¡R with all accessories operating. The bus shall be capable of safely maintaining the vehicle speed according to the recommendations by the tire manufacturer. Our specifÌcation beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 7.2 Gradability DEFAULT Gradability requirements shall be met on grades with a dry commercial asphalt or concrete pavement at GWIR with all accessories operating. The propulsion system shall enable the bus to achieve and maintain a speed of 40 mph on a2Yz percent ascending grade and 15 mph on a 10 percent ascending grade continuous. Our specÍfïcation being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 7.3 Acceleration TS 7.3.1 Non-Hybrid DEFAULT The acceleration shall meet the requirements in Table 3below and shall be sufficiently gradual and smooth to prevent throwing standing passengers ofÊbalance. Acceleration measurement shall commence when the accelerator is depressed. TABLE 3 Maximum Start Acceleration Times on a Level Surfacel Speed (mph)Maximum time (seconds) 10 5 20 10 30 18 MEETS MEETS 44 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications 40 30 50 60 Top speed 1. Vehicle weight : GVIIR Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 7.3.2 Acceleration Hybrid DEFAULT The propulsion and braking systems shall meet the performance requirements of the Duty Cycle. Braking application and performance shall remain consistent regardless of hybrid system state of charge (SOC) or other variances related to regenerative braking. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of acceleration and deceleration rate Performance may be affected when reprogramming. The manufacturer shall supply the new performance data. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 7.4 Operating Range The operating range of the coach shall be designed to meet the operating profile as stated in the 'oDesign Operating Profile" section. DEFAULT TS 7.4.1 Diesel The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD Cycle shall be at least 350 miles (560 km) or 20 hours with full fuel capacity. Our specificatÍon being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 45 of 272 P-1 8-005 Techn¡cal Specif¡cations Comment: TS 7.4.2 CNG DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD cycle shall be at least 350 miles or 20 hours with an initial gas-settled pressure of 3600 psi at 70oF. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET TS 7.4.3 Hybrid DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the design operating profile "Design Operating Profile" shall be at least 350 miles on a full tank of fuel. Our specifieation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comm TS 8. Fuel Economy (Design Operating ProfTle) DEFAULT Test results from the FTA ABD Cycle economy tests or other applicable test procedures shall be provided to the Agency. Results shall include vehicle configuration and test environment information. Fuel economy data shall be provided for each design operating profile. The design operating profile is assumed to be defined by the FTA ABD Cycle. Fuel economy tests shall be run on these four duty cycles:. Manhattan: 6.8 mph. Orange County: I2.7 mph. UDDS: 19 mph. Idle time 46 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifìcations The Agency will provide a percentage of each duty cycle that is representative of its service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET POWERPLANT TS 9. Engine DEFAULT The engine shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The engine shall have a design life of not less than 300,000 miles without replacement or major service. The lifetime estimate is based on the design operating profile. The engine shall be equipped with an electronically controlled management system, compatible with either 12 or 24 V power distribution. The engine control system shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. The engine's electronic management system shall monitor operating conditions and provide instantaneous adjustments to optimize both engine and bus performance. The system shall be pro grammable to allow optimizat ion o f pro grammable features. The engine starting system shall be protected by an interlock that prevents its engagement when the engine is running. Special equipment or procedures may be employed to start the bus when exposed to temperatures less than 30 oF for a minimum of four hours without the engine in operation. All cold weather starling aids, engine heating devices and procedures shall be of the type recommended by the engine manufacturer and approved by the Agency. The integration of all systems on the vehicle relative to engine idle speed shall be the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer to meet the requirements of the transit property. The engine control system shall protect the engine against progressive damage. The system shall monitor conditions critical for safe operation and automatically derate power and/or speed and initiate engine shutdown as needed. Automatic Engine Protection/Shutdown Override Feature A control shall be available to the operator/driver that when constantly depressed and released will delay the engine shutdown or allow the bus to be moved. Ovenide action shall be recorded. This data shall be retrievable by the Agency. EXCEEDS 47 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 9.1 Engine (CNG) The engine shall meet all regulatory requirements when operating on fuel equal to CARB Specifications for Compressed Natural Gas #2292.5.The four predominant characteristics that must be met are methane, ethane, butane and propane. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 9.2 Propulsion System (Hybrid) DEFAULT TS 9.2.1 Propulsion System Description The bus shall be powered by a hybrid propulsion system. Function and operation of the bus shall be transparent to the bus operator and passengers. The OEM shall ensure that the bus structure can successfully accept the installation of the propulsion system and be operated on the stated duty-cycle for a period of 12 years without a structural failure. At a minimum, the propulsion system shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The propulsion system shall comply with local, state and federal (maintenance) and other applicable sections. The hybrid drive system shall be rated for the GWIR or greater of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 9.2.2 Propulsion System Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged so that accessibility for all routine maintenance is ensured. No special tools, other than dollies and hoists, shall be required to remove the MEETS MEETS 48 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications propulsion system or any subsystems. However, the Agency shall recognize thaf properly rated test equipment and safe electrical work practices are essential when servicing high-voltage hybrid components. The exhaust systenl air cleaner, air compressor, starter (if used), alternator, radiator, all engine accessories, and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable. The Contractor shall provide all specialty tools and diagnostic equþment required for maintaining the propulsion system in accordance with the Special Tools List. Primary Propulsion Unit and Traction Motor The propulsion system may be configured in a variety of methods dependent upon type of drive, series and/or parallel. The definition of motor in the context of this specification assumes that the device can provide or consume energy as well as provide or retard mechanical motion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 9.2.3 Energy Storage and Controller DEFAULT Design and performance shall be provided to the Agency. Energy storage shall be of a commercial design capable of operating in the Agency transit environment. The primary charging of the energy storage system shall be accomplished by the on-board hybrid system controller and regenerative braking. Thermal management will be provided to ensure optimal life and performance of the ESS over the environmental operating range. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 9.2.4 Hybrid System Controller (HSC) DEFAULT The HSC regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (e.g., voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. The controller shall monitor and process inputs and execute outputs as appropriate to control the operation of all propulsion system components. MEETS MEETS 49 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Energy storage system SOC conection methods stated in SAE J27ll shall be utilized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 9.2.5 Engine The engine and related emission systems shall meet all applicable emissions and design/durability guidelines and standards. The Contractor shall provide the Agency with expected durability of the engine and related emission systems. NOTE: The Agency will provide desired fuel type DEFAULT Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Engine is Named "L9" Standard Requirements for a Fast ldle Device The engine shall be equipped with an operator-controlled fast idle device. The fast idle control shall be a two-way switch mounted on the dash or side console and shall activate only with the transmission in neutral and the parking brake applied. TS 10. Cooling Systems The cooling systems shall be of sufficient size to maintain all engine and transmission fluids and engine intake air at safe, continuous operating temperatures during the most severe operations possible and in accordance with engine and transmission manufacturers' cooling system requirements. The cooling system fan controls should sense the temperatures of the operating fluids and the intake an, artd if either is above safe operating conditions, the cooling fan should be engaged. The fan control system shall be designed with a fail-safe mode of "fan on." The cooling system shall meet the requirements stated in the operating environment. TS 10.1 Engine Cooling A means of determining satisfactory engine coolant level shall be provided. A spring-loaded, MEETS MEETS 50 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations push-button type valve or lever shall be provided to safely release pressure or vacuum in the cooling system with both it and the water filler no more than +60 in. above the ground. Both shall be accessible through the same access door. The cooling fan shall be temperature controlled, allowing the engine to reach operating temperature quickly. DEFAULT The radiator and charge air cooler shall be of durable, corrosion-resistant construction with non- removable tanks. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 10.1.1 Radiator Screen DEFAULT No screen in front ofradiator Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 10.1.2 Coolant DEFAULT Coolant Filtration without Supplemental Additives The engine cooling system shall be equipped with a properly sized water filter with a spin-on element. The filter shall not release or contain supplemental coolant additives. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 51 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 10.1.3 Drive Design DEFAULT Electric Fans The bus shall be equipped with an electric fan drive bus cooling system. A screen guard must be installed on electric motor fans per SAE Jl308. Base Bus - EMP Gen IV MH4 Fan System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment: Diesel and CNG will have EMP en MH4 and the Hybrid will have EMP Gen lV MH5 Reference Deviation TS 10.1.4 Mounting DEFAULT Standard Mounting Design Mounting location of radiator and charge air cooler shall be the Contractor's standard design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 10.2 Charge Air Cooling DEFAULT The charge air cooling systen¡ also referred to as after-coolers or inter-coolers, shall provide maximum air intake temperature reduction with minimal pressure loss. The charge air radiator shall be sized and positioned to meet engine manufacturer's requirements. The charge air radiator shall not be stacked ahead of or behind the engine radiator and shall be positioned as close to the engine as possible unless integrated with the radiator. Air ducting and fittings shall be protected against heat sources and shall be configured to minimize restrictions and maintain sealing integrity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DOES NOT MEET MEETS 52 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 10.3 Transmission Cooling DEFAULT The transmission shall be cooled by a dedicated heat exchanger sized to maintain operating fluid within the transmission manufacturer's recommended parameters of flow, pressure and temperature. The transmission cooling system shall be matched to the retarder and engine cooling systems to ensure that all operating fluids remain within recommended temperature limits established by each component manufacturer. The engine cooling system should provide coolant bypass flow to the transmission cooling system with the engine thermostats closed. Unless otherwise noted, the transmission cooler is to be the first component to see cold water from the radiator outlet. In addition, all return water piping, aside from the thermostat b¡1pass line, is to be plurnbed in after the transmission cooler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 10.4 Hybrid Drive System Cooling DEFAULT The thermal management system shall maintain hybrid system components within design operating temperature limits. Our specifïeation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 11. Transmission (Conventional Powertrain) The transmission shall be multiple speed, automatic shift with torque converter, retarder and electronic controls. Gross input power, gross input torque and rated input speed shall be compatible with the engine. The transmission shall be designed to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major service. The transmission should be easily removable without disturbing the engine and accessible for service. The electronic controls shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and of broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. Electronic controls shall be compatible with either 12 MEETS MEETS 53 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications or 24 V power distribution, provide consistent shift quality, and compensate for changing conditions, such as variations in vehicle weight and engine power. At a minimurr¡ drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR, and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the "on" position. DEFAULT Base Bus- Voith D864.5, or Latest Model Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET rrent model is D864.6 DEFAULT A nominal brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT A brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET EXCEEDS MEETS 54 of 272 P-1 8-005 Techn¡cal Specifications DEFAULT No Automatic Neutral Function The transmission shall not incorporate an automatic neutral shift function. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 12. Retarder DEFAULT The powertrain shall be equipped with a retarder designed to extend brake lining service life. The application of the retarder shall cause a smooth blending of both retarder and service brake function and shall not activate the brake lights Actuation of ABS and/or automatic traction control (ATC) shall override the operation of the brake retarder. The thermostatically controlled cooling fan shall be activated when the retarder is engaged and the coolant temperature reaches the maximum operating temperature established by the engine and transmis sion manufacturers. Our specification being proposed for the sectÍon above (circle one below): EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Requirement for Retarder Activation The retarder shall be adjustable within the limits of the powertrain and activated when the brake pedal is depressed. The Agency will work with the OEl\4/drive system manufacturer to determine retarder performance settings. MEETS 55 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Accessible Retarder Disable Switch The retarder disable switch shall be accessible to the seated driver Our specification being proposed for the seetion above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 13. Mounting DEFAULT All power plant mounting shall be mechanically isolated to minimize transfer of vibration to the body structure and provide a minimum clearance of 0.75 in. Mounts shall control the movement of the power plant so as not to affect performance of belt-driven accessories or cause strain in piping and wiring connections to the power plant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS l3.l Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged for ease of access and maintenance. The Contractor shall list all special tools, fixtures or facility requirements recommended for servicing. The muffler, exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter, alternator, radiator, all accessories and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable and independent of the engine and transmission removal. An engine oil pressure gauge and coolant temperature gauge shall be provided in the engine compartment. These gauges shall be easily MEETS MEETS 56 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications read during service and mounted in an area where they shall not be damaged during minor or major repairs. An air cleaner with a dry filter element and a graduated air filter restriction indicator shall be provided. The location ofthe air intake system shall be designed to minimize the entry of dust and debris and to maximlze the life of the air filter. The engine air duct shall be designed to minimize the entry of water into the air intake system. Drainage provisions shall be included to allow any water/moisture to drain prior to entry into the air filter. Engine oil and the radiator filler caps shall be hinged to the filler neck and closed with spring pressure or positive locks to prevent leakage. All fluid fill locations shall be properly labeled to help ensure that correct fluid is added. All fillers shall be easily accessible with standard f,rnnels, pour spouts and automatic dispensing equipment. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT No engine bypass oil filter Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT EngÍne Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature Display Engine oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges required in engine compartment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 57 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 14. Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic system service tasks shall be minimized and scheduled no more frequently than those of other major coach systems. All elements of the hydraulic system shall be easily accessible for service or unit replacement. Critical points in the hydraulic system shall be fitted with service ports so that portable diagnostic equipment may be connected or sensors for an ofÊboard diagnostic system permanently attached to monitor system operation when applicable. A tamper- proof priority system shall prevent the loss of power steering during operation of the bus if other devices are also powered by the hydraulic system. The hydraulic system shall operate within the allowable temperature range as specified by the lubricant manufacturer. DEFAULT No requirement for hydraulic system sensors. Our specÍfication being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS l4.l Fluid Lines DEFAULT All lines shall be rigidly supported to prevent chafing damage, Fatigue Failures, degradation and tension strain. Lines should be sufTiciently flexible to minimize mechanical loads on the components. Lines passing through apanel, frame or bulkhead shall be protected by grommets (or similar devices) that fit snugly to both the line and the perimeter of the hole that the line passes through to prevent chafìng and wear. Pipes and fluid hoses shall not be bundled with or used to support electrical wire harnesses. Lines shall be as short as practicable and shall be routed or shielded so that failure of a line shall not allow the contents to spray or drain onto any component operable above the auto-ignition temperature of the fluid. All hoses, prpes, lines and fittings shall be specified and installed per the manufacturer's recommendations. Our specific¿tion being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 58 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 14.2 Fittings and Clamps DEFAULT All clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the line in response to temperature changes and aging ofthe line material. The lines shall be designed for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high-temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface, and so on). Compression fittings shall be standardized to prevent the intermixing of components. Compression fitting components from more than one manufacturer shall not be mixed, even if the components are known to be interchangeable. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 14.3 Charge Air Piping DEFAULT Charge air piping and fittings shall be designed to minimize air restrictions and leaks. Piping shall be as short as possible, and the number of bends shall be minimized. Bend radii shall be maximized to meet the pressure drop and temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. The cross section of all charge air piping shall not be less than the cross section of the intake manifold inlet. Any changes in pipe diameter shall be gradual to ensure a smooth passage of air and to minimize restrictions. Piping shall be routed away from heat sources as practicable and shielded as required to meet the temperature rise requirements ofthe engine manufacturer. Charge air piping shall be constructed of stainless steel, aluminized steel, anodized aluminum or painted steel rated at minimum 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM BlI7, except between the air filter and turbocharger inlet, where piping may be constructed of flexible heat- resistant material. Connections between all charge air piping sections shall be sealed with a short section of reinforced hose and secured with stainless steel constant tension clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 59 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 15. Radiator DEFAULT Radiator piping shall be stainless steel, brass tubing or painted steel rated at 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM 8117 and where practicable, hoses shall be eliminated, including biodiesel. Necessary hoses shall be impervious to all bus fluids. All hoses shall be secured with stainless steel clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. The clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the hose in response to temperature changes and aging ofthe hose material. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 16. Oil and Hydraulic Lines DEFAULT Oil and hydraulic lines shall be compatible with the substances they carry. The lines shall be designed and intended for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high- temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface and so on). Lines within the engine compartment shall be composed of steel tubing where practicable, except in locations where flexible lines are required. Hydraulic lines of the same size and with the same fittings as those on other prping systems of the bus, but not interchangeable, shall be tagged or marked for use on the hydraulic system only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 17. Fuel Agency to specify fuel t1'pe. TS 17.1 FuelLines DEFAULT Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported as designed by the bus manufacturer to minimize vibration and chafing and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain or wear. MEETS MEETS 60 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Manifolds corulecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabricated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected locations to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose and hose connections, where permitted, shall be made from materials resistant to corrosion and fuel and protected from fretting and high heat. Fuel hoses shall be accessible for ease of serviceability. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 17.1.1 Fuel Lines, Diesel DEFAULT Agency to speciff fuel t1pe. Fuel lines shall be capable of carrying the type of fuel specified by the Agency (i.e., up to 820 tlpe tuel). Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 17.1.2 Fuel Lines, CNG DEFAULT Fuel lines shall comply withNFPA-s2.All tubing shall be a minimum of seamless Type 304 stainless steel (ASTM Ã269 or equivalent).Fuel lines and fittings shall not be fabricated from cast iron, galvanized pipe, aluminurr¡ plastic or copper alloy with content exceeding 70 percent copper. Pipe fittings and hoses shall be clear and free from cuttings, burrs or scale. Pþe thread joining material that is impervious to CNG shall be utilized as required. Fuel lines shall be identifiable as fuel lines only. High-pressure CNG lines shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 125 percent of system working pressr¡re prior to fueling. CNG, nitrogen or clean, dry air shall be used to pressure-test the lines/assembly. The bus manufacturer shall have a documented procedure for testing the high-pressure line assembly. MEETS MEETS 61 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported using "split-block" type or stainless steel P clamps; all mounting clamps shall be mounted to a rigid structure to minimize vibration and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain, rubbing or we¿ìr. "Floating clamps" (not mounted to a rigid structure) shall not be permitted. Fuel lines shall not be used to secure other components (wires, air lines, etc.). Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabricated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected location(s) to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose connections, where permitted, shall be less than 48 in. in length, made from materials resistant to corrosion and action of natural gas, and protected from fretting and high heat and shall be supported approximately every 12 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 17.2 Design and Construction TS 'l7.2.1Design and Construction, Diesel Fuel Tank(s) DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be made of corrosion-resistant steel Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Installation DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be securely mounted to the bus to prevent movement during bus maneuvers. The fuel tank(s) shall be equþped with an external, hex head, drain plug. It shall be at least a 3/ain. stze and shall be located at the lowest point of the tank(s).The fuel tank(s) shall have an inspection plate or easily removable filler neck to permit cleaning and inspection of the tank(s) without removal from the bus. The tank(s) shall be baffled internally to prevent fuel-sloshing MEETS MEETS 62 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications regardless of fill level. The baffles or fuel pickup location shall assure continuous full power operation on a 6 percent upgrade for 15 minutes starting with no more than 25 galof fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s).The bus shall operate at idle on a 6 percent downgrade for 30 minutes starting with no more than 10 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s). The materials used in mounting shall withstand the adverse effects of road salts, fuel oils and accumulation of ice and snow for the life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Labeling DEFAULT The capacity, date of manufacture, manufacturer name, location of manufacture, and certification of compliance to federal motor carrier safety regulations shall be permanently marked on the fuel tank(s).The markings shall be readily visible and shall not be covered with an undercoating material. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Fuel Filler DEFAULT The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 32ft behind the centerline of the front door on the curbside of the bus. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body so that spilled fuel will not run onto the outside surface of the bus. The fuel lines forward of the engine bulkhead shall be in conformance to SAE Standards. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 63 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications DEFAULT OEM to designate height of fuel filler Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Dry-Break Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall accommodate anozzle that forms a locked and sealed connection during the refueling process to eliminate spills. Fuel shall not be allowed to flow into the tank unless the nozzle has beenproperly coupled, locked and sealed to the filler. With thenozzle open, fuel shall enter the tank at a filIrate of not less than 40 galper minute of foam-free fuel without causing the nozzle to shut off before the tank is full. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. Once disconnected, fuel shall not be allowed to flow through thenozzle at any time. Any pressure over 3 psi shall be relieved from the fuel tank automatically. An audible signal shall indicate when the tank is essentially full. The dry break system shall be compatible with the Agency's system. The fuel filler cap shall behinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 17.2.2 Design and Construction, CNG Fuel Containers/Cylinders CNG fuel containers/cylinders must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with at least one of the following: ' NFPA 52-Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular FuelSystems. FMVSS 304 ' Any local standard(s) specifically intended for CNG fuelcontainers The design and construction of the fuel system supplied by the OEM shall comply with federal and local regulations. MEETS 64 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications Installation Fuel cylinders shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/IAS NGV2 - 1998, "Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Fuel Containers" and NFPA 52, "Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Codeo" 1998 edition, Section 303.In the case of a low-floor transit bus, the placement of tanks shall be limited to the roof of the vehicle or in the compartment above the engine of the vehicle. Fuel cylinders, attached valves, pressure relief devices, and mounting brackets should be installed and protected so that their operation is not affected by bus washers and environmental agents such as rain, snow, ice or mud. These components should be protected from significant damage caused by road debris or collision. The roof and area above the engine mounted tanks shall be contained within a skeletal structure resembling a roll cage and contained within an enclosure. The enclosure shall incorporate a hinged clamshell type access. The access panels shall be designed to offer protection from weather and to be sacrificial as a means of providing an escape path to atmosphere upon rapid enclosure pressure rise. The latching method shall utilize quick-release captive hardware thatcan be demonstrated to last the life of the bus. Additional shielding shall be provided surrounding end f,rttings and valves as needed. Shields shall be attached to the bus structure hinged in a manner that permits one mechanic to unlatch and swing the shield open for routine inspections. As practical, electrical components shall not be located within the roof enclosure, and if unavoidable, they shall be intrinsically safe. CNG fueled buses shall be equipped with an active automatic gas detection systen¡ which shall annunciate unsafe levels of methane. The automatic gas detection system shall be integrated with an onboard fire suppression system. DEFAULT The access panels shall not be interlocked. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Labeling DEFAULT CNG fuel systems shall be labeled in accordance with NFPA 52,"Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code," 1998 edition. MEETS 65 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs) DEF'AULT PRDs must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ANIS/IAS PRD1 - 1998, "Pressure Relief Devices for Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers" and ANSI/IAS NGV2-1998, "Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers." All natural gas fuel system piping, including the PRD vent line, shall be stainless steel. All PRDs must be vented to outside. Valves Valves must be installed in accordance with ANIS/IAS NGV2 - 1998, "Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers" and NFPA 52, "Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems." Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 38 ft. (on a30,35 and 40ft coach) behind the centerline of the front door on a side determined by the Agency. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body. The fill and vent receptacles shall be located within an enclosure on the right side of the bus. The access door shall be sized to allow full viewing of gauges, ease of hookups and maneuver of fuel nozzle. The fuel fill receptacle and vent receptacle attachment shall be robust and capable of routine fueling connects/disconnects without deflection or metal fatigue, and capable of withstanding mechanical loads induced by a fueling drive-away incident without attachment failure. No static ground plug shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Fueling System DEFAULT The CNG fueling port receptacle shall be an ANSI/AGA NGVI or NGV2 certified receptacle as designated by the Agency. The coach shall be capable of being fueled by anozzle determined by MEETS 66 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specificati0ns the Agency. The fueling port receptacle location shall be such that connection by fueling personnel can be performed without physical strain or interference. A dust cap shall be permanently ootethered" to the fueling port receptacle. The fueling port receptacle access door shall be equipped with an interlock sensor that disables the engine starting system when the access door is open, to prevent drive-aways. The interlock shall be of the type such that if the sensor fails, the coach will not start. Fueling site characteristics such as pressure, flow rate and temperature shall be provided by the Agency. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Defueling System The CNG defueling port shall be anNGV-3.1/CGA-12.3 certified receptacle. The CNG defueling port shall be located on the curbside of the coach, in a location that is compatible with the Agency's defueling station operation. The defueling system shall incorporate the following characteristics: . Dust cap permanently "tethered" to the defuelingport.. Device(s) to prevent inadvertent defueling. Specifications to be provided byAgency.. Components compatible with Agency's defueling operation.. The piping and fittings onboard the bus shall be sized to allow the fueling station to meet the following operating parameters: DEFAULT Fuel system shall be sized to allow a bus with 20,000 scf on board to defuel within 2.5 hours. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 18. Emissions and Exhaust TS 18.1 Exhaust Emissions The engine and related systems shall meet all applicable emission and engine design guidelines and standards. MEETS MEETS 67 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 18.2 Exhaust System The exhaust pipe shall be of sufficient height to prevent exhaust gases and waste heat from discoloring or causing heat deformation to the bus. The entire exhaust system shall be adequately shielded to prevent heat damage to any bus component, including the exhaust after treatment compartment area. The exhaust outlet shall be designed to minimize rain, snow or water generated from high-pressure washing systems from entering into the exhaust pipe and causing damage to the after treatment. DEFAULT Exhaust gases and waste heat shall be discharged from the roadside rear corner of the roof. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 18.3 Exhaust After treatment An exhaust after treatment system will be provided to ensure compliance to all applicable EPA regulations in effect. Diesel Exhaust Fluid Injection DEF'AULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet NOx level requirements specified by EPA, a DEF injection system will be provided. The DEF system will minimally include a tank, an injector, a pump, an ECM and a selective catalytic converter. The tanks shall be designed to store DEF in the operating environment described in the "Operating Environmento' section. The DEF filler shall accommodate a standard nozzle. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. The DEF filler cap shall be a screw-on cap and located curbside. The DEF fluid lines shall be designed to prevent the DEF from freezing. The DEF injection system shall not be damaged from a cold soak at 10 "F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 68 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 18.4 Particulate After treatment DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet particulate level requirements specified by EPA, a particulate trap will be provided. The particulate trap shall regenerate itself automatically if it senses clogging. Regeneration cycles and conditions will be defined by the enginemanufacturer Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET STRI]CTURB TS 19. General TS 19.1 Design DEFAULT The structure of the bus shall be designed to withstand the transit service conditions tlpical of an urban or intercity duty cycle throughout its service life. The vehicle structural frame shall be designed to operate with minimal maintenance throughout the l2-year design operating profile. The design operating profile specified by the Agency shall be considered for this purpose. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 20. Altoona Testing Prior to acceptance of first bus, the vehicle must have completed any FTA-required Altoona testing. Any items that required repeated repairs or replacement must undergo the corrective action with supporting test and analysis. A report clearly describing and explaining the failures and corrective actions taken to ensure that any and all such failures will not occur shall be submitted to the Agency. DEFAULT If available, the Altoona Test Report shall be provided to the Agency with the Proposal submittal. If not available, then the report shall be provided prior to first acceptance of bus. MEETS 69 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 20.1 Structural Validation DEFAULT Baseline Structural Analysis The structure of the bus shall have undergone appropriate structural testing andlor analysis. At minimun¡ appropriate structural testing and analysis shall include Altoona testing or finite element analysis (FEA). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Frame Material 3CR12 Stainless Steel Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Distortion DEFAULT The bus, loaded to GWVR and under static conditions, shall not exhibit deflection or deformation that impairs the operation of the steering mechanism, doors, windows, passenger escape mechanisms or service doors. Static conditions shall include the vehicle at rest with any one wheel or dual set ofwheels on a 6 in. curb or in a 6 in. deep hole. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 70 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specificat¡ons TS 21. Resonance and Vibration DEFAULT All structure, body and panel-bending mode frequencies, including vertical, lateral and torsional modes, shall be sufficiently removed from all primary excitation frequencies to minimize audible, visible or sensible resonant vibrations during normal service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 21.1 Engine Compartment Bulkheads DEFAULT The passenger and engine compartment shall be separated by fire-resistant bulkheads. The engine compartment shall include areas where the engine and exhaust system are housed. This bulkhead shall preclude or retard propagation of an engine compartment fne into the passenger compartment and shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 904, dated October 20,1993. Only necessary openings shall be allowed in the bulkhead, and these shall be fire-resistant. Any passageways for the climate control system air shall be separated from the engine compartment by fire-resistant material. Piping through the bulkhead shall have fire-resistant fittings sealed at the bulkhead. Wiring may pass through the bulkhead only if connectors or other means are provided to prevent or retard fire propagation through the bulkhead. Engine access panels in the bulkhead shall be fabricated of fire-resistant material and secured with fire-resistant fasteners. These panels, their fasteners and the bulkhead shall be constructed and reinforced to minimize warping of the panels during a fne that will compromise the integrity ofthe bulkhead. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS Reference Deviation TS 21 .2 Crashworthiness The bus body and roof structure shall withstand a static load equal to 150 percent of the curb weight evenly distributed on the roof with no more than a 6 in. reduction in any interior MEETS DOES NOT MEET 71 of 272 P-1 8-005 Techn¡cal Speciflcations dimension. Windows shall remain in place and shall not open under such a load. These requirements must be met without the rooÊmounted equipment installed. The bus shall withstand a25 mph impact by a 40001b automobile at any side, excluding doorways, along either side of the bus with no more than 3 in. of permanent structural deformation at seated passenger hip height. This impact shall not result in sharp edges or protrusions in the bus interior. Exterior panels below 35 in. from ground level shall withstand a static load of 2000 lbs. applied perpendicular to the bus by a pad no larger than 5 sq. in. This load shall not result in deformation that prevents installation of new exterior panels to restore the original appearance of the bus. DEFAULT Side Impact Barriers Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 22. Corrosion The bus flooring, sides, roof understructure and axle suspension components shall be designed to resist corrosion or deterioration from atmospheric conditions and de-icing materials for a period of 12 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. It shall maintain structural integrity and nearly maintain original appearance throughout its service life, with the Agency's use of proper cleaning and neutralizing agents. All materials that are not inherently corrosion resistant shall be protected with corosion-resistant coatings. All joints and connections of dissimilar metals shall be corrosion resistant and shall be protected from galvanic corrosion. Representative samples of all materials and connections shall withstand a two-week (336-hour) salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Procedure B-117 with no structural detrimental effects to normally visible surfaces and no weight loss of over 1 percent. DEFAULT Corrosion-Resistance Requirements All exposed surfaces and the interior surfaces oftubing and other enclosed members below the lower window line shall be corrosion resistant through application of a corrosion protection system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 72 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 23. Towing Each towing device shall withstand, without permanent deformation, tension loads up to 1.2 times the curb weight of the bus within 20 deg. of the longitudinal axis of the bus. If applicable, the rear towing device(s) shall not provide a toehold for unauthorized riders. The method of attaching the towing device shall not require the removal, or disconnection, of front suspension or steering components. Removal of the bike rack is permitted for attachment of towing devices. DEFAULT Shop air connectors shall be provided at the front and rear ofthe bus and shall be capable of supplying all pneumatic systems of the bus with externally sourced compressed air. The location of these shop air connectors shall facilitate towing operations. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT No ProvÍsion of Glad'Hand Type Connectors for Towing No glad-hand tlpe connector shall be provided. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Lifted (Supported) Front Axle and Flat Towing Capability The front towing devices shall allow attachment of adapters for a rþid tow bar and shall permit the lifting of the bus until the front wheels are clear off the ground in order to position the bus on the towing equipment by the front wheels. These devices shall also permit common flat towing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Reference Deviation MEETS NOT MEET Comment: MEETS 73 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 24. Jacking It shall be possible to safely jack up the bus, at curb weight, with a common 1O-ton floor jack with or without special adapter, when a tire or dual set is completely flat and the bus is on a level, hard surface, without crawling under any portion of the bus. Jacking from a single point shall permit raising the bus sufficiently high to remove and reinstall a wheel and tire assembly. Jacking pads located on the axle or suspension near the wheels shall permit easy and safe jacking with the flat tire or dual set on a 6 in. high run-up block not wider than a single tire. The bus shall withstand such jacking at any one or any combination of wheel locations without permanent deformation ordamage. DEFAULT Yellow Pads Jacking pads shall be painted safety yellow. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:ILLIG wi provide Jacking Points TS 25. Hoisting DEFAULT The bus axles or jacking plates shall accommodate the lifting pads of a two-post hoist system. Jacking plates, if used as hoisting pads, shall be designed to prevent the bus from falling offthe hoist. Other pads or the bus structure shall support the bus on jack stands independent of the hoist. The vehicle shall be capable of lifting by the wheels, and, as necessary to meet tire load requirements, the proper number for wheel lifts and/or adapters must be used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DOES NOT MEET 74 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 26. Floor TS 26.1 Design The floor shall be essentially a continuous plane, except at the wheel housings and platforms. Where the floor meets the walls of the bus, as well as other vertical surfaces such as platform risers, the surface edges shall be blended with a circular section of radius not less fhan% tn. or installed in a fully sealed butt joint. Similarly, a molding or cover shall prevent debris accumulation between the floor and wheel housings. The vehicle floor in the area of the entrance and exit doors shall have alateral slope not exceeding 2degto allow for drainage. DEFAULT Bi-Level Floor Design The floor design shall consist of two levels (bi-level construction). Aft of the rear door extending to the rear settee riser, the floor height may be raised to a height no more fhan2l in. above the lower level, with equally spaced steps. An increase slope shall be allowed on the upper level, not to exceed 3.5 deg. offthe horizontal. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 26.2 Strength DEFAULT The floor deck may be integral with the basic structure or mounted on the structure securely to prevent chafing or horizontal movement and designed to last the life of the bus. Sheet metal scre\rys shall not be used to retain the floor, and all floor fasteners shall be serviceable from one side only. Any adhesives, bolts or screws used to secure the floor to the structure shall last and remain effective throughout the life of the coach. Tapping plates, if used for the floor fasteners, shall be no less than the same thickness as a standard nut, and all floor fasteners shall be secured and protected from corrosion for the service life of the bus. The floor deck shall be reinforced as needed to support passenger loads. At GVVIR, the floor shall have an elastic deflection of no more than 0.60 in. from the normal plane. The floor shall withstand the application of 2.5 times gross load weight without permanent detrimental deformation. The floor, with coverings applied, shall withstand a static load of at least 150 lbs. applied through the flat end of a % tn diameter rod, wtthIl32 in. radius, without permanent visible deformation. Our specificatÍon being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 75 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Spec¡f¡cations TS 26.3 Construction The floor shall consist of the subfloor and the floor covering that will last the life of the bus. The floor as assembled, including the sealer, attachments and covering, shall be waterproof non- hygroscopic and resistant to mold growth. The subfloor shall be resistant to the effects of moisture, including decay (dry rot).It shall be impervious to wood-destroying insects such as termites. DEF'AULT Pressure-Preserved Plywood Panel Plywood shall be certified at the time of manufacturing by an industry-approved third-party inspection agency such as APA - The Engineered Wood Association (formerly the American Plywood Association).Plywood shall be of a thickness adequate to support design loads, manufactured with exterior glue, satisfy the requirements of a Group I Western panel as defined in PS 1-95 (Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-95, "Construction and Industrial Plywood") and be of a grade that is manufactured with a solid face and back. Plywood shall be installed with the highest-grade, veneer side up. Plywood shall be pressure-treated with a preservative chemical and process such as alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ that prevents decay and damage by insects. Preseruative treatments shall utilize no EPA-listedhazardous chemicals. The concentration of preservative chemicals shall be equal to or greater than required for an above ground level application. Treated plywood will be certified for preservative penetration and retention by a third-party inspection agency. Pressure-preservative treated plywood shall have a moisture content at or below 15 percent. Our specification being proposed for the section above (cirele one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 27. Platforms TS 27.1l)river's Area The covering ofplatform surfaces and risers, except where otherwise indicated, shall be the same material as specif,red for floor covering. Trim shall be provided along top edges ofplatforms unless integral nosing is provided. DEFAULT No specific trim material specified. MEETS 76 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifTcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 27.2 Driver's Platform DEFAULT The driver's platform shall be of a height such that, in a seated position, the driver can see an object located at an elevation of 42 in. above the road surface, 24 rn. fromthe leading edge of the bumper. Notwithstanding this requirement, the platform height shall not position the driver such that the driver's vertical upward view is less than l5 deg. A warning decal or sign shall be provided to alert the driver to the change in floor level. Figure 2illustrates a means by which the platform height can be determined, using the critical line of sight. FIGURE 2 Determining P latform Height 'tá-ú'e¡:P? Ðt-¿" \-'*gg:'ttÉ-'- .4: 7 MAX ACCELERATOR. STEERING,DIMENSIONS (PROPOSED)LAIO ¡N MEETS r-- 77 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 27.3 Farebox Farebox placement should minimize impact to passenger access and minimize interference with the driver's line of sight. DEFAULT Driver Interface Required; Platform Needed to Bring Height to Driver Access If the driver's platform is higher than 12 in., then the farebox is to be mounted on a platform of suitable height to provide accessibility for the driver without compromising passengers'access. Base Bus- Pre wire to agencyspecifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.4 Rear Step Area to Rear Area DEFAULT If the vehicle is of a bi-level floor design, then a rear step area shall be provided along the center aisle of the bus to facilitate passenger traffic between the upper and lower floor levels. This step area shall be cut into the rear platform and shall be approximately the aisle width, a minimum 12 in. deep and approximately half the height of the upper level relative to the lower level. The horizontal surface of this platform shall be covered with skid-resistant material with a visually contrasting nosing and shall be sloped slightly for drainage. A warning decal or sign shall be provided at the immediate platform area to alert passengers to the change in floor level. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET 78 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 28. Wheel Housing TS 28.1 Design and Construction DEFAULT Sufficient clearance and air circulation shall be provided around the tires, wheels and brakes to preclude overheating when the bus is operating on the design operating profile. Wheel housings shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant and fire-resistant material. Wheel housings, as installed and trimmed, shall withstand impacts of a2tn. steel ball with at least 200 ft-lbs of energy without penetration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 28.2 Design and Construction Interference between the tires and any portion of the bus shall not be possible in maneuvers up to the limit of tire adhesion with weights from curb weight to GW\/R. 'Wheel housings shall be adequately reinforced where seat pedestals are installed. Wheel housings shall have sufficient sound insulation to minimize tire and road noise and meet all noise requirements of this specification. Design and construction of front wheel housings shall allow for the installation of a radio or electronic equipment storage compartment on the interior top surface, or its use as aluggage rack. The finish ofthe front wheel housings shall be scratch-resistant and complement interior finishes of the bus to minimize the visual impact of the wheel housing. If fiberglass wheel housings are provided, then they shall be color-impregnated to match interior finishes. The lower portion extending to approximately 10 to 12 n. above the floor shall be equipped with scufÊresistant coating or stainless steel trim. Wheel housings not equipped with seats or equipment enclosure shall have ahoraontal assist mounted on the top portion of the housing no more thar4 in. higher than the wheel well housing. DEFAULT No provision shall be made to chain buses Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 79 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications CHASSIS TS 29. Suspension TS 29.1 General Requirements DEFAULT The front, rear and mid suspensions shall be pneumatic type. The basic suspension system shall last the service life ofthe bus without major overhaul or replacement. Adjustment points shall be minimized and shall not be subject to a loss of adjustment in service. Routine adjustments shall be easily accomplished by limiting the removal or disconnecting the components. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 29.2 Alignment DEFAULT Al1 axles should be properly aligned so the vehicle tracks accurately within the size and geometry of the vehicle. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 29.3 Springs and Shock Absorbers TS 29.3.1 Suspension Travel DEFAULT The suspension system shall permit a minimum wheel travel of 2.75 in. jounce-upward travel of a wheel when the bus hits a bump (higher than street surface), and2.75 in. rebound-downward travel when the bus comes off a bump and the wheels fall relative to the body. Elastomeric bumpers shall be provided at the limit ofjounce travel. Rebound travel may be limited by elastomeric bumpers or hydraulically within the shock absorbers. Suspensions shall incorporate appropriate devices for automatic height control so that regardless of load the bus height relative to the centerline of the wheels does not change more than Yz n. at any point from the height required. The safe operation of a bus cannot be impacted by ride height up to 1 in. from design normal ride height. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 80 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specificat¡ons TS 29.3.2 Damping DEFAULT Vertical damping of the suspension system shall be accomplished by hydraulic shock absorbers mounted to the suspension arms or axles and attached to an appropriate location on the chassis. Damping shall be sufficient to control coach motion to three cycles or less after hitting road perturbations. The shock absorber bushing shall be made of elastomeric material that will last the life of the shock absorber. The damper shall incorporate a secondary hydraulic rebound stop. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 29.3.3 Lubrication DEFAULT Standard Grease Fittings All elements of steering, suspension and drive systems requiring scheduled lubrication shall be provided with grease fittings conforming to SAE Standard J534.These fittings shall be located for ease of inspection and shall be accessible with a standard grease gun from a pit or with the bus on a hoist. Each element requiring lubrication shall have its own grease fitting with a relief path. The lubricant specified shall be standard for all elements on the bus serviced by standard fittings and shall be required no less than every 6000 miles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 81 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 29.3.4 Kneeling DEFAULT A kneeling system shall lower the entrance(s) of the bus a minimum of 2 in. during loading or unloading operations regardless of load up to GW[R" measured at the longitudinal centerline of the entrance door(s) by the driver. The kneeling control shall provide the following functions: . Downward control must be held to allow downward kneeling movement.. Release of the control during downward movement must completely stop thelowering motion and hold the height of the bus at thatposition.. Upward control actuation must allow the bus to return to normal floor heiglrt without the driver having to hold the control. The brake and throttle interlock shall prevent movement when the bus is kneeled. The kneeling control shall be disabled when the bus is in motion. The bus shall kneel at a maximum rate of I.25 n. per second at essentially a constant rate. After kneeling, the bus shall rise within 4 seconds to a height permitting the bus to resume service and shall rise to the correct operating height within 7 seconds regardless of load up to GW[R. During the lowering and raising operatiorl the maximum vertical acceleration shall not exceed 0.29, and the jerk shall not exceed 0.3glsecond. An indicator visible to the driver shall be illuminated until the bus is raised to a height adequate for safe street travel. An audible warning alarm will sound simultaneously with the operation of the kneeler to alert passengers and bystanders. A warning light mounted near the curbside of the front door, a minimum 2.5 n diameter amber lens, shall be provided that will blink when the kneel feature is activated. Kneeling shall not be operational while the wheelchair ramp is deployed or in operation. Our specification beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 30. Wheels and Tires TS 30.1 Wheels All wheels shall be interchangeable except for the middle axle of an artic where a super single tire size is used and shall be removable without a puller. Wheels shall be compatible with tires in size and load-carrying capacity. Front wheels and tires shall be balanced as an assembly per SAE J1986. DEFAULT Base Bus- Alcoa Dura Bright EVO Full Polished Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 82 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Spec¡fications DEFAULT No tire-pressure monitoring system. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Standard non-locking lug nut. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 30.2 Tires Tires shall be suitable for the conditions of transit selice and sustained operation at the maximum speed capability of the bus. Load on any tire at GWIR shall not exceed the tire supplier's rating. DEFAULT Agency specified standard size tires Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 83 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 31. Steering DEFAULT Hydraulically assisted steering shall be provided. The steering gear shall be an integral t¡1pe with the number and length of flexible lines minimized or eliminated. Engine-driven hydraulic pump shall be provided for power steering. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 31.1 Steering Axle DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Front Bearings and Seals The front axle shall be solid beam, non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GW\¡R and shall be equipped with grease type front wheel bearings and seals. Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Oiled-Type Front Bearings The front axle shall be non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GWIR and shall be equipped with sealed, oiled-t1,pe front wheel bearings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 84 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 31.2 Steering Wheel TS 31.2.1 Turning Effort DEFAULT Steering effort shall be measured with the bus at GVWR, stopped with the brakes released and the engine at normal idling speed on clean, dry, level, commercial asphalt pavement and the tires inflated to recommended pressure. Under these conditions, the torque required to turn the steering wheel 10 deg. shall be no less than 5 ft.-lbs. and no more than 10 ft.-lbs. Steering torque may increase to 70 ft.-lbs. when the wheels are approaching the steering stops, as the relief valve activates. Power steering failure shall not result in loss of steering control. With the bus in operation, the steering effort shall not exceed 55 lbs. at the steering wheel rin¡ and perceived free play in the steering system shall not materially increase as a result of power assist failure. Gearing shall require no more than seven turns of the steering wheel lock-to-1ock. Caster angle shall be selected to provide a tendency for the return of the front wheels to the straight position with minimal assistance from the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 31.2.2 SteerÍng Wheelo General DEFAULT The steering wheel diameter shall be approximately 18 to 20 in.; the rim diameter shall be % to I% n. and shaped for firm grip with comfort for long periods of time. Steering wheel spokes and wheel thickness shall ensure visibility of the dashboard so that vital instrumentation is clearly visible at center neutral position (within the range of a 95th-percentile male, as described in SAE 1050a, Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3).Placement of steering column must be as far forward as possible, but either inline with or behind the instrument cluster. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS 85 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 31.2.3 Steering Column Tilt DEFAULT The steering column shall have full tilt capability with an adjustment range of no less than 40 deg. from the vertical and easily adjustable by the driver and shall be accessible by a 5th percentile female and 95th percentile male. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 31.2.4 Steering Wheel Telescopic Adjustment DEFAULT The steering wheel shall have full telescoping capability and have a minimum telescopic range of 2 n. and a minimum low-end adjustment of 29 tn , measured from the top of the steering wheel rim in the horizontal position to the cab floor at the heel point. TABLE 4 Steering Wheel HeightrRelative to Angle of Slope At Minimum Telescopic Height Adjustment (29 in.) Angle of Slope Height At Maximum Telescopic Height Adjustment (5 in.) Angle of Slope Height 0 deg. l5 deg. 25 deg. 35 deg. 29 n. 26.2 n. 24.6 n. 22.5 n. 0 deg. 15 deg. 25 deg. 35 deg. 34 n. 3r.2 n. 29.6 n. 27.5 n. 1. Measured from bottom portion closest to driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 86 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 32. Drive AxIe The bus shall be driven by a heavy-duty axle with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GW\rR. The drive axle shall have a design life to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major repairs. The lubricant drain plug shall be magnetic type. If a planetary gear design is employed, the oil level in the planetary gears shall be easily checked through the plug or sight gauge. The axle and driveshaft components shall be rated for both propulsion and retardation modes with respect to duty cycle. NOTE: The retardation duty cycle can be more aggressive than propulsion. The drive shaft shall be guarded to prevent hitting any critical systems, including brake lines, coach floor or the ground, in the event of a tube or universal joint failure. DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Bearings and Seals Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 33. Turning Radius DEF'AULT TABLE 5 Maximum Turning Radius Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS Bus Length (approximate) Maximum Turning Radius (see Figure 3) Agency Requirement 30 ft.31 ft. (rRO) 3sft 3e ft. (rRO) 40ft 44 ft. (rRO) MEETS DOES NOT MEET 87 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications FIGURE 3 Turning Radius TRO TR1 TR3 TR4 TS 34. Brakes TS 34.1 Service Brake DEFAULT Brakes shall be selÊadjusting. Brake wear indicators visible on linings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 34.2 Actuation DEFAULT Service brakes shall be controlled and actuated by a compressed air system. Force to activate the brake pedal control shall be an essentially linear function of the bus deceleration rate and shall not exceed 75 lbs. at a point 7 in. above the heel point of the pedal to achieve maximum braking. The heel point is the location of the driver's heel when his or her foot is rested flat on the pedal and the heel is touching the floor or heel pad of the pedal. The ECU for the ABS system shall be protected, yet in an accessible location to allow for ease of service. The total braking effort shall be distributed among all wheels in such a ratio as to ensure equal friction material wear rate at all wheel locations. Manufacturer shall demonstrate compliance by providing a copy of a thermodynamic brake balance test upon request. MEETS 88 of 272 MEETS P-'l 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT No automatic traction control. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 34.3 Friction Material The brake linings shall be made of non-asbestos material. In order to aid maintenance personnel in determining extent of wear, a provision such as a scribe line or a chamfer indicating the thickness at which replacement becomes necessary shall be provided on each brake lining. The complete brake lining wear indicator shall be clearly visible from the hoist or pit without removing backing plates. DEFAULT No remote brake wear indicator shall be required. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 34.4 Hubs and Drums/Discs Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration ofthe initial manufacturer' s warranty. DEFAULT Drum Brakes The bus shall be equipped with brake drums. Brake drums shall allow machining for oversized linings per manufacturer's specifications. Base Bus 16.5" x 8 5" riveted lining cast plus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS MEETS MEETSEXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET 89 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Comment: TS 34.5 Hubs and Drums DEFAULT Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer' s warranty. The bus shall be equipped with disc brakes on all axles, and the brake discs shall allow machining of each side of the disc to obtain smooth surfaces per manufacturer's specifications. Our specificafion being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 34.6 ParkingÆmergency Brake DEFAULT Air Brakes The parking brake shall be a spring-operated systen¡ actuated by a valve that exhausts compressed air to apply the brakes. The parking brake may be manually enabled when the air pressure is at the operating level per FMVSS 121. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 35.Interlocks TS 35.1 PassengerDoor Interlocks To prevent opening mid and rear passenger doors while the bus is in motion, a speed sensor shall be integrated with the door controls to prevent the mid/rear doors from being enabled or opened unless the bus speed is less than 2 mph. To preclude movement of the bus, an accelerator interlock shall lock the accelerator in the closed position, and a brake interlock shall engage the service brake system to stop movement of the bus when the driver's door control is moved to a mid/rear door enable or open position, or a mid MEETS 90 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications or rear door panel is opened more than 3 in. from the fully closed position (as measured at the leading edge of the door panel).The interlock engagement shall bring the bus to a smooth stop and shall be capable of holding a fully loaded bus on a 6 percent grade, with the engine at idle and the transmission in gear, until the interlocks are released. These interlock functions shall be active whenever the vehicle master run switch is in any run position. All door systems employing brake and accelerator interlocks shall be supplied with supporting failure mode effects analysis (FEMA) documentatior¡ which demonstrates that failure modes are of a failsafe t1'pe, thereby never allowing the possibility of release of interlock while an interlocked door is in an unsecured condition, unless the door master switch has been actuated to intentionally release the interlocks. DEFAULT Non-adjustable brake interlock regulator Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT No requirements for accelerator and brake interlocks whenever front doors are open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 36. Pneumatic System TS 36.1 General DEFAULT The bus air system shall operate the air-powered accessories and the braking system with reserve capacity. New buses shall not leak down more than 5psi over a 15-minute period of time as indicated on the dash gauge. Provision shall be made to apply shop air to the bus air systems. A quick disconnect fitting shall be easily accessible and located in the engine compartment and near the front bumper area for towing. Retained caps shall be installed to protect fitting against dirt and moisture when not in use. Air for the compressor shall be filtered. The air system shall be protected per FMVSS 121. MEETS 91 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Our specification being proposed for the sect¡on above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 36.2 Air Compressor DEFAULT The engine-driven air compressor shall be sized to charge the air system from 40psi to the governor cut-off pressure in less than 4 minutes while not exceeding the fast idle speed setting of the engine. Base Bus - Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 36.3 Air Lines and Fittings Air lines, except necessary flexible lines, shall conform to the installation and material requirements of SAE Standard JlI49 for copper tubing with standard, brass, flared or ball sleeve fittings, or SAE Standard J844 for nylon tubing if not subject to temperatures over 200 "F. The air on the delivery side of the compressor where it enters nylon housing shall not be above the maximum limits as stated in SAE J844. Nylon tubing shall be installed in accordance with the following co lor-coding standards : DEFAULT . Green: Indicates primary brakes and supply.. Red: Indicates secondarybrakes.. Brown: Indicates parking brake.. Yellow: Indicates compressor governor signal.. Black: Indicates accessories. Our specificatÍon being proposed for the sectÍon above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 92 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Spec¡fications TS 36.4 Air Reservoirs DEFAULT All air reservoirs shall meet the requirements of FMVSS Standard 72I and SAE Standard Jl0 and shall be equipped with drain plugs and guarded or flush type drain valves. Major structural members shall protect these valves and any automatic moisture ejector valves from road hazards Reservoirs shall be sloped toward the drain valve. All air reservoirs shall have drain valves that discharge below floor level with lines routed to eliminate the possibility of water traps and/or freeztng in the drain line. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 36.5 Air System Dryer An air dryer shall prevent accumulation of moisture and oil in the air system. The air dryer system shall include one or more replaceable desiccant cartridges. DEFAULT No requirements for additional oil separator provision. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET ELECTRICAL, ELBCTRONIC AND DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEN{S TS 37. Overview The electrical system will consist of vehicle battery systems and components that generate, distribute and store power throughout the vehicle. (e.g., generator, voltage regulator, wiring, relays and connectors). Electronic devices are individual systems and components that process and store data, integrate electronic information or perform other specific functions. The data communication system consists of the bi-directional communications networks that electronic device s use to share data with other electronic devices and systems. Communication networks are essential to integrating electronic functions, both onboard the vehicle and off. MEETS MEETS 93 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Information level systems that require vehicle information for their operations or provide information shall adhere to Jl939 data standard. Data communications systems are divided into three level store the use of multiple data networks: Powertrain level: Components related to the powertrain, including the propulsion system components (engine, transmission and hybrid units) and anti-lock braking system (ABS), which may include traction control. At a minimurq powertrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication between components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the "on" position. Information level: Components whose primary function is the collection, control or display of data that is not necessary to the safe drivability of the vehicle (i.e., the vehicle will continue to operate when those functions are inoperable). These components typically consist of those required for automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems, destination signs, fareboxes, passenger counters, radio systems, automated voice and signage systems, video surveillance and similar components. Multiplex level: Electrical or electronic devices controlled through input/output signals such as discrete, analog and serial data information (i.e., or/offswitch inputs, relay or relay control outputs). Multiplexing is used to control components not tlpically found on the drivetrain or information levels, such as lights; wheelchair lifts; doors; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (if applicable); and gatewaydevices. a a FIGURE 4 Data Communications Systems Levels Information level Multiplex level Drivetrain level TS 37.1 Modular Design DEFAULT Design of the electrical, electronic and data communication systems shall be modular so that each electronic device, apparatus panel, or wiring bundle is easily separable from its interconnect by means of connectors. 94 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Power plant wiring shall be an independent wiring harness. Replacement of the engine compartment wiring harness (es) shall not require pulling wires through any bulkhead or removing any terminals from the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 38. Environmental and Mounting Requirements DEFAULT The electrical system and its electronic components shall be capable of operating in the area of the vehicle in which they will be installed, asrecoÍìmendedinSAEJl4ss. Electrical and electronic equipment shall not be located in an environment that will reduce the performance or shorten the life of the component or electrical system when operating within the design operating profile. As a recommendation, no vehicle component shall generate, or be affected b¡ electromagnetic interference or radio-frequency interference (EMVRFÐ that can disturb the performance of electricaVelectronic equipment as defined in SAEJl113and TINECE Council Directive 95/54(R1 0). The Agency shall follow recommendations from bus manufacturers and subsystem suppliers regarding methods to prevent damage from voltage spikes generated from welding, jumpstarts, shorts, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 38.1 Hardware Mounting DEFAULT The mounting of the hardware shall not be used to provide the sole source ground, and all hardware shall be isolated from potential EMI/RFI, as referenced in SAE Jl113. All electricaVelectronic hardware mounted in the interior of the vehicle shall be in accessible to passengers and hidden from view unless intended to be viewed. The hardware shall be mounted in such a manner as to protect it from splash or spray. All electricaVelectronic hardware mounted on the exterior of the vehicle that is not designed to be installed in an exposed environment shall be mounted in a sealed enclosure. MEETS 95 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications All electricaVelectronic hardware and its mounting shall comply with the shock and vibration requirements of SAEJI 45 5. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39. General Electrical Requirements TS 39.1 Batteries TS 39.1.1 Low-Voltage Batteries (24V) DEFAULT Two 8D Maintenance-Free Batteries Each battery shall have a purchase date no more than 120 days from date of release, and shall be fully maintained prior to shipment to the Agency. Battery compartment must be well ventilated to prevent hydrogen build up while protecting the compartment from road spray, water intrusion and de-icing chemicals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Same Size Terminal Ends Positive and negative terminal ends shall be the same size. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.1 .2Battery Cables The battery terminal ends and cable ends shall be color-coded with red for the primary positive, black for negative and another color for any intermediate voltage cables. Positive and negative battery cables shall not cross each other if at all possible, shall be flexible and shall be MEETS MEETS MEETS 96 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications sufficiently long to reach the batteries with the tray in the extended position without stretching or pulling on any connection and shall not lie directly onto pof the batteries. Except as intemrpted by the master battery switct¡ battery and starter wiring shall be continuous cables with connections secured by bolted terminals and shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Standard Jll27{ype SGR" SGT, SGX or GXL and SAE Recommended Practice J541,with 2100 strand 410 cable or greater recommended. DEFAULT Color code each voltage. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.1.3 JumpStart DEFAULT Jump-Start Connector A jump-start connector, red for 24Y and blue for 12V, shall be provided in the engine compartment, equipped with dust cap and adequately protected from moisture, dirt and debris. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.1.4 Battery Compartment DEFAULT The battery compartment shall prevent accumulation of snow, ice and debris on top of the batteries and shall be vented and self-draining. It shall be accessible only from the outside of the vehicle. All components within the battery compartment, and the compartment itself, shall be protected from damage or corrosion from the electrolyte. The inside surface of the battery compartment's access doors hall be electrically insulated, as required, to prevent the battery terminals from shorting on the door if the door is damaged in an accident or if a battery comes loose. The battery compartment temperature should not exceed manufacturers' specification. The vehicle shall be equipped with al2VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). The battery compartment door shall conveniently accommodate operation of thel2VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). MEETS 97 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications The battery quick disconnect access door shall be identified with a decal. The decal size shall not be less than3.5 x 5in. (8.89 x I2.7cm). The battery hold-down bracket shall be constructed of a nonconductive and corrosion-resistant material (plastic or fiberglass). This access door shall not require any special locking devices to gain access to the switch, and it shall be accessible without removing or lifting the panel. The door shall be flush-fitting and incorporate a spring tensioner or equal to retain the door in a closed position when not in use. The batteries shall be securely mounted on a stainless steel or equivalent tray that can accommodate the size and weight of the batteries. The battery tray, if applicable, shall pull out easily and properly support the batteries while they are being serviced. The tray shall allow each battery cell to be easily serviced. A locking device shall retain the battery tray to the stowed position. If not located in the engine compartment, the same fire-resistant properties must apply to the battery compartment. No sparking devices should be located within the battery box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.1.5 Auxiliary Electronic Power Supply DEFAULT If required, gel-pack, or any form of sealed (non-venting) batteries used for auxiliary power are allowed to be mounted on the interior of the vehicle if they are contained in an enclosed, non-air tight compartment and accessible only to maintenance personnel. This compartment shall contain a warning label prohibiting the use of lead-acid batteries. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.1.6 Master Battery Switch DEFAULT The location of the master battery switch shall be clearly identified on the exterior access panel, be accessible in less thanl0 seconds for deactivation and prevent corrosion from fumes and battery acid when the batteries are washed of for are in normal service. MEETS MEETS 98 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Turning the master switch off with the power plant operating, during an emergency, shall shut off the engine and shall not damage any component ofthe electrical system. The master switch shall be capable of carrying and intemrpting the total circuit load. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Single Switch The batteries shall be equipped with a single switch for disconnecting bothl2Y and 24Vpower. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.1.7 Low-Voltage Generation and Distribution DEFAULT The low-voltage generating systems shall maintain the charge on fully charged batteries, except when the vehicle is at standard idle to allow-voltage generator load exceeding 70 percent of the low-voltage generator name plate rating. Voltage monitoring and over-voltage output protection (recommended at 32V) shall be provided. Dedicated power and ground shall be provided as specified by the component or system manufacturer. Cabling to the equipment must be sized to supply the current requirements with no greater than a 5 percent volt drop across the length ofthe cable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 99 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations TS 39.1.8 Circuit Protection DEFAULT All branch circuits, except battery-to-starting motor and battery-to-generator/alternator circuits, shall be protected by current-limiting devices such as circuit breakers, fuses or solid-state devices sized to the requirements of the circuit. Electronic circuit protection for the cranking motor shall be provided to prevent engaging of the motor for more than 30 seconds at a time to prevent overheating. The circuit breaker fuses shall be easily accessible for authorized personnel. Fuses shall be used only where it can be demonstrated that circuit breakers are not practicable. This requirement applies to in-line fuses supplied by either the Contractor or a supplier. Fuse holders shall be constructed to be rugged and waterproof. All manual reset circuit breakers critical to the operation of the bus shall be mounted in a location convenient to the Agency mechanic with visible indication of open circuits. The Agency shall consider the application of automatic reset circuit breakers on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor shall show all in-line fuses in the final harness drawings. Any manually resettable circuit breakers shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Any manually resettable circuit breaker s shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Circuit breakers or fuses shall be sized to a minimum of 15 percent larger than the total circuit load. The current ratrng for the wire used for each circuit must exceed the size of the circuit protection being used. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.2 Grounds DEFAULT The battery shall be grounded to the vehicle chassis/frame at one location only, as close to the batteries as possible. When using a chassis ground systen¡ the chassis hall be grounded to the frame in multiple locations, evenly distributed throughout the vehicle to eliminate ground loops. No more than /spade terminal connections shall be made per ground stud with spacing between studs ensuring conductivity and serviceability. Electronic equipment requiring an isolated ground of the battery (i.e., electronic ground) shall not be grounded through the chassis. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS 100 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 39.3 Low Voltage/Low Current Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT All power and ground wiring shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Recommended Practice Jll27, Jl128 and Jl292.Double insulations hall be maintained as close to the junction box, electrical compartment or terminals as possible. The requirement for double insulations hall be met by wrapping the harness with plastic electrical tape or by sheathing all wires and harnesses with non-conductive, rigid or flexible conduit. Wiring shall be grouped, numbered and,/or color-coded. Wiring harnesses shall not contain wires of different voltage classes unless all wires within the harness are insulated for the highest voltage presenting the harness. Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching, and exceeding minimum bend radius shall be prevented. Strain-relief fittings shall be provided at all points where wiring enters electrical compartments. Grommets or other protective material shall be installed at points where wiring penetrates metal structures outside of electrical enclosures. Wiring supports shall be protective and non- conductive at areas of wire contact and shall not be damaged by heat, water, solvents or chafing. To the extent practicable, wiring shall not be located in environmentally exposed locations under the vehicle. Wiring and electrical equipment necessarily located under the vehicle shall be insulated fromwater,heat, corrosion and mechanicaldamage. Where feasible, front-to-rear electrical harnesses should be installed above the window line ofthe vehicle. All wiring harnesses over 5 ft. long and containing at least five wires shall include 10 percent (minimum one wire) excess wires for spares. This requirement for spare wires does not apply to datalinks and communication cables. Wiring harness length shall allow end terminals to be replaced twice without pulling, stretching or replacing the wire. Terminals shall be crimped to the wiring according to the connector manufacturer's recommendations for techniques and tools. All cable connectors shall be locking type, keyed and sealed, unless enclosed in water tight cabinets or vehicle interior. Pins shall be removable, crimp contact type, of the correct size and rating for the wire being terminated. Unused pin positions shall be sealed with sealing plugs. Adjacent connectors shall use either different inserts or different inseft orientations to prevent incomect connections. Terminals shall be crimped, corrosion-resistant and full ring type or interlocking lugs with insulating femrles. When using pressure type screw terminal strips, only stranded wire shall be used. Insulation clearance shall ensure that wires have a minimum of "visible clearance" and a maximum of two times the conductor diameter oú116 in., whichever is less. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon strþping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands that can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. Ultra-sonic and T-splices may be used with SAWG or smaller wire. When a T-splice is used, it shall meet these additional requirements: . It shall include a mechanical clamp in addition to solder on thesplice ' The wire shall support no mechanical load in the area of the splice.. The wire shall be supported to prevent flexing. 101 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications All splicing shall be staggered in the harness so that no two splices are positioned in the same location within the hamess. Wiring located in the engine compartment shall be routed away from high- heatsourcesorshieldedand/orinsulatedfromtemperaturesexceedingthewiringandconnector operating requirements. The instrument panel and wiring shall be easily accessible for service from the driver's seat or top of the panel. The instrument panel shall be separately removable and replaceable without damaging the instrument panel or gauges. Wiring shall have sufficient length and be routed to permit service without stretching or chafing the wires. Our specification beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.4 Electrical Components DEFAULT All electrical components, including switches, relays, flashers and circuit breakers, shall be heavy-duty designs with either a successful history of application in heavy-duty vehicles or design specifications for an equivalent environment. All electric motors shall be heavy-duty brushless type where practical, and have a continuous duty rating of no less than40,000hours (except cranking motors, washer pumps, auxiliary heater pumps, defroster and wiper motors). All electi"ic motors shall be easily accessible for servicing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 39.5 Electrical Compartments DEFAULT All relays, controllers, flashers, circuit breakers and other electrical components shall be mounted in easily accessible electrical compartments. All compartments exposed to the outside environment shall be corrosion-resistant and sealed. The components and their functions in each electrical compartment shall be identified and their location permanently recorded on a drawing attached to the inside of the access panel or door. The drawing shall be protected from oil, grease, fuel and abrasion. MEETS 102 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications The front compartment shall be completely service able from the driver's seat, vestibule or from the outside. "Rear start and run" controls shall be mounted in an accessible location in the engine compartment and shall be protected from the environment. Our specifTcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 40. General Electronic Requirements DEFAULT If an electronic component has an internal real-time clock, it shall provide its own battery backup to monitor time when battery power is disconnected, and/or it may be updated by a network component. If an electronic component has an hour meter, it shall record accumulated service time without relying on battery backup. All electronic component suppliers shall ensure that their equipment is selÊprotecting in the event of shorts in the cabling, and also in over-voltage (over 32V DC ona24Y DC nominal voltage rating with a maximum of 50V DC) and reverse polarity conditions. If an electronic component is required to interface with other components, it shall not require external pull-up and/or pull-down resistors. Where this is not possible, the use of a pull-up or pull-down resistor shall be limited as much as possible and easily accessible and labeled. Our specification being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 40.1 Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching and reducing the bend radius below the manufacturer's recommended minimum shall not be permitted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 103 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 40.1.1 Discrete l/O(Inputs/Outputs) DEFAULT All wiring to I/O devices, either at the harness level or individual wires, shall be labeled, stamped or color-coded in a fashion that allows unique identification at a spacing not exceeding4 in. Wiring for each IiO device shall be bundled together. If the IiO terminals are the same voltages, then jumpers may be used to connect the common nodes of each l/Oterminal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 40.1.2 Shielding DEFAULT All wiring that requires shielding shall meet the following minimum requirements. A shield shall be generated by connecting to a ground, which is sourced from a power distribution bus bar or chassis. A shield shall be connected at one location only, typically a tone end of the cable. However, certain standards or special requirements, such as SAE JI939 or RF applications, have separate shielding techniques that also shall be used as applicable. NOTE: A shield grounded at both end forms a ground loop, which can cause intermittent control or faults. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands, which can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. To prevent the introduction of noise, the shield shall not be connected to the conìmon side of a logic circuit. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 40.1.3 Communications DEFAULT The data network cabling shall be selected and installed according to the selected protocol requirements. The physical layer of all network communication systems shall not be used for any purpose other than communication between the system components, unless provided for in the network specifications. MEETS MEETS 104 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifi cations Communications networks that use power line carriers (e.g., data modulated ona24V power line) shall meet the most stringent applicable wiring and terminal specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 40.1.4 Radio Frequency (RF) DEFAULT RF components, such as radios, video devices, cameras, global positioning systems (GPS), etc., shall use coaxial cable to carry the signal. All RF systems require special design consideration for losses along the cable. Connectors shall be minimized, since each connector and crimp has a loss that will at tribute to attenuation ofthe signal. Cabling should allow for the removal of antennas or attached electronics without removing the installed cable between them. If this cannot be done, then a conduit of sufficient size shall be provided for ease of attachment of antenna and cable assembly. The corresponding component vendors shall be consulted for proper application o f equipment, including installation o f cable s. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 40.1.5 Audio DEFAULT Cabling used for microphone level and line level signals shall be 22AWG minimum with shielded twisted pair. Cabling used for amplifier level signals shall belSAWG minimum. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 105 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations TS 41. Multiplexing TS 41.1 General The primary pu{pose of the multiplexing system is control of components necessary to operate the vehicle. This is accomplished by processing information from input devices and controlling output devices through the use of an internal logic program. Versatility and future expansion shall be provided for by expandable system architecture. The multiplex system shall be capable of accepting new inputs and outputs thought head edition of new modules and/or the utilization no existing spare inputs and outputs. All like components in the multiplex system shall be modular and interchangeable with self-diagnostic capabilities. The modules shall be easily accessible for troubleshooting electrical failures and performing system maintenance. Multiplex input/output modules shall use solid-state devices to provide extended service life and individual circuit protection. DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, oÍ at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24Y) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Base Bus-I/O controls G4 System Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference Deviation DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, l2V, 24Y) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference Deviation TS 41.2 System Configuration DEFAULT Multiplexing may either be distributed or centralaed. A distributed system shall process information on multiple control modules within the network. A centralized system shall process the information on a single control module. Either system shall consist of several modules connected to form a control network. NOT MEET NOT 106 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 41 .2.1 AO Signals DEFAULT The input/output for the multiplex system may contain four types of electrical signals: discrete, modulating, analogue, serial data. Discrete signals shall reflect the on/off status of switches, levers, limit switches, lights, etc. Analog signals shall reflect numerical data as represented by a voltage signal (0-I2V,I0-24V, etc.)Or current signal (4-20 mA). Both types of analog signals shall represent the status of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Serial data signals shall reflect ASCII or alphanumeric data used in the communication between other on-board components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 42. Data Communications TS 42.1General DEFAULT All data communication networks shall be either in accordance with a nationally recognized interface standard, such as those published by SAE, IEEE or ISO, or shall be published to the Agency with the following minimum information: . Protocol requirements for all timing issues (bit, byte, packet, inter-packet timing, idle line timing, etc.) packet sizes, error checking and transport (bulk transfer of data to/ûom the device)., Data definition requirements that ensure access to diagnostic informationand performance characteristics.. The capability and procedures for uploading new application or configurationdata.. Access to revision level of data, application software andfirmware.. The capability and procedures for uploading new firmware or applicationsoftware.. Evidence that applicable data shall be broadcast to the network in an efflrcient manner such that the overall network integrity is not compromised. MEETS 107 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Any electronic vehicle components used on a network shall be conformance tested to the corresponding network standard. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 42.2 Drivetrain Level DEFAULT Drivetrain components, consisting of the engine, transmissior¡ retarder, anti-lock braking system and all other related components, shall be integrated and communicate fully with respect to vehicle operation with data using SAE Recommended Communications Protocols such as J1939 and/or Jl708/J1587 with forward and backward compatibilities or other open protocols. At a minimurn, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder ASR, and anti- lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the "on" position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 42.2.1Diagnostics, Fault Detection and Data Access DEFAULT Drive train performance, maintenance and diagnostic data, and other electronic messages shall be formatted and transmitted on the communications networks. The drivetrain level shall have the ability to record abnormal events in memory and provide diagnostic codes and other information to service personnel. At a minimunr, this network level shall provide live/fail status, current hardware serial number, software/data revisions and unintemrpted timing fu nctions. Our specifÏcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 108 of 272 P-'l 8-005 Technical Specifications T S 42.2.2 Programmåbility (Soffware) DEFAULT The drivetrain level components shall be programmable by the Agency with limitations as specified by the subsystem Supplier. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 42.3 Multiplex Level TS 42.3.1 Data Access DEFAULT At a minimun¡ information shall be made available via a communication port on the multiplex system. The location of the communication port shall be easily accessible. A hardware gateway and/or wireless communications system are options if requested by the Agency. The communication port(s) shall be located as specified by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 42.3.2 Diagnostics and Fault Detection The multiplex system shall have a proven method of determining its status (system health and input/output status) and detecting either active (online) or inactive (ofÏline) faults through the use of on-board visuaVaudible indicators. In addition to the indicators, the system shall employ an advanced diagnostic and fault detection systen¡ which shall be accessible via either a personal computer or a hand held unit. Either unit shall have the ability to check logic function. The diagnostic data canbe incorporated into the information level network or the central data access system. DEFAULT No requirement for mock-up board. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 109 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 42.3.3 Programmability (Software) The multiplex system shall have security provisions to protect its software from unwanted changes. This shall be achieved through any or all of the following procedures: . Password protection. Limited distribution ofthe configurationsoftware. Limited access to the programming tools required to change thesoftware. Hardware protection that prevents undesired changes to the software Provisions for programming the multiplex system shall be possible through a PC or laptop. The multiplex system shall have proper revision control to ensure that the hardware and software are identical on each vehicle equipped with the system. Revision control shall be provided by all of the following: Hardware component identif,rcation where labels are included on all multiplex hardware to identify components Hardware series identification where all multiplex hardware displays thecurrent hardware serial number and firmware revision employed by themodule Software revision identification where all copies of the software in service display the version number. A method of determining which version of software is currently in use in the multiplex system DEFAULT Revision control labels shall be electronic. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 42.4 Electronic Noise Control DEFAULT Electrical and electronic subsystems and components on all buses shall.not emit electromagnetic radiation that will interfere with on-board systems, components or equipment, telephone service, radio or TV reception, or violate regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Electrical and electronic subsystems on the coaches shall not be affected by external sources of RFI/EML This includes, but is not limited to, radio and TV transmission, portable electronic t MEETS 110 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications devices including computers in the vicinity of or onboard the buses, AC or DC power lines and RFI/EMI emissions from other vehicles. Our specÍfication being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DRIVER PROVISIONS, CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION TS 43. Driver's Area Controls TS 43.1 General DEFAULT In general when designing the driver's area, it is recommended that SAE J833, ooHuman Physical Dimensions," be used. Switches and controls shall be divided into basic groups and assigned to specific areas, in conformance with SAE Recommended Practice J680, Revised 1988, "Location and Operation of Instruments and Controls in Motor Truck Cabs," and be essentially within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, "Driver Hand ControlReach." Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 43.2 Glare DEFAULT The driver's work area shall be designed to minimize glare to the extent possible. Objects within and adjacent to this area shall be matte black or dark gray in color wherever possible to reduce the reflection of light onto the windshield. The use ofpolished metal and lighrcolored surfaces within and adjacent to the driver's area shall be avoided. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 111 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 43.3 Visors/Sun Shades DEFAULT Front and Side Sun Shade/Visor Adjustable sun visor(s) shall be provided for the driver's windshield and the driver's side window. Visors shall be shaped to minimize light leakage between the visor and windshield pillars. Visors shall store out of the way and shall not obstruct airflow from the climate control system or interfere with other equipment, such as the radio handset or the destination control. Deployment ofthe visors shall not restrict vision of the rearview mirrors. Visor adjustments shall be made easily by hand with positive locking and releasing devices and shall not be subject to damage by over-tightening. Sun visor construction and materials shall be strong enough to resist breakage during adjustments. Visors may be transparent but shall not allow a visible light transmittance in excess of l0 percent. Visors, when deployed, shall be effective in the driver's field of view at angles more than 5 deg. above the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 43.4 Driver's Controls Frequently used controls must be in easily accessible locations. These include the door control, kneel control, windshield wiper/washer controls, ramp, and lift and run switch. Any switches and controls necessary for the safe operation of the bus shall be conveniently located and shall provide for ease of operation. They shall be identifiable by shape, touch and permanent markings. Controls also shall be located so that passengers may not easily tamper with control settings. All panel-mounted switches and controls shall be marked with easily read identifiers. Graphic symbols shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J2402, "Road Vehicles - Symbols for Controls, Indicators, and Tell Tales," where available and applicable. Color of switches and controls shall be dark with contrasting tlpography or syrnbols. Mechanical switches and controls shall be replaceable, and the wiring at these controls shall be serviceable fiom a convenient location. Switches, controls and instruments shall be dust- and water-resistant. DEFAULT All switches/controls in the driver's controls area shall be mounted in an angled panel steep enough to discourage drivers from using it as a personal storage area for items like food, drinks, cell phones, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 112 of 272 P-1 8-005 Techn¡cal Specifications TS 43.5 Normal Bus Operation Instrumentation and Controls The following list identif,res bus controls used to operate the bus. These controls are either frequently used or critical to the operation of the bus. They shall be located within easy reach of the operator. The operator shall not be required to stand or turn to view or actuate these controls unless specified otherwise. Systems or components monitored by onboard diagnostics system shall be displayed in clear view of the operator and provide visual and/or audible indicators. The intensity of indicators shall permit easy determination of on/off status inbright sunlight but shall not cause a distraction or visibility problem at night. All indicators shall be illuminated usingbacklighting. The indicator panel shall be located in Area 1 or Area 5, within easy view of the operator instrument panel. All indicators shall have a method of momentarily testing their operation. The audible alarm shall be tamper-resistant and shall have an outlet level between 80 and 83 dBA when measured at the location of the operator's ear. On-board displays visible to the operator shall be limited to indicating the status of those functions described herein that are necessary for the operation of the bus. All other indicators needed for diagnostics and their related interface hardware shall be concealed and protected from unauthorized access. Table 6represents instruments and alarms. The intent of the overall physical layout of the indicators shall be in a logical grouping of systems and severity nature of the fault. Consideration shall be provided for future additions of spare indicators as the capability of onboard diagnostic systems improves. Blank spaces shall contain LEDs. TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms VisuaV AudibleDeviceDescriptionLocationFunction Master run switch Rotary, four- position detent Side console Master control for bus, off day run, night run and clearance ID lights Side console Activates engine starter motor Engine start, front Approved momentary switch Engine start, rear Approved momentary switch Engine compartment Activates engine starter motor 113 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function VisuaV Audible Engine run, rear Three-position toggle switch Engine compartment Permits running engine from rear start, normal front run position and off Amber light Drive selector Touch panel switch Side console Provides selection of propulsion: forward, reverse and neutral Gear selection HVAC Switch or switches to control HVAC Side console Permits selection of passenger ventilation: ofl cool, heat, low fan, high fan or full auto with Driver's ventilation Rotary three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits supplemental ventilation: fan off, low or high Defroster fan Rotary three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits defroster: fan offi low, medium or high Defroster temperatur e Variable position Side console or dash left wing Adjusts defroster water flow and temperature Windshield wiper One-variable rotary position operating both wipers Dash left wing Variable speed control of left and right windshield Windshield washer Push button Dash left wing Activates windshield Dash panel lights Rotary rheostat or stepping switch Side console or dash left wing Provides adjustment for light intensity in night run -^ ^.i+l^- Interior lights Three-position switch Side console Selects mode of passenger compartment lighting: off on, normal Fast idle Two-position switch Side console Selects high idle speed of engine WC ramp/ kneel enable Two-position switchl Side console or dash right wing Permits operation of ramp and kneel operations at each door remote panel Amber light Front door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switchl Front door remote or dash right wing Permits ramp and kneel activation from front door area, key requiredl Amber light 114 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function VÍsuaV Audible Front door ramp Permits deploy and stow of front ramp Red lightThree-position momentary switch Right side of steering wheel Front kneel Three-position momentary switch Front door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at front door remote location Amber or red dash indicator; exterior alarm and amber light Red light Rear door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switchl Rear door remote Permits ramp and kneel activation from rear door area; key requiredl Rear door ramp Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits deploy and stow of rear ramp Rear kneel Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at rear door remote location Silent alarm Recessed push button, NO and NC contacts momentary Side console Activates emergency radio alarm at dispatch and permits covert microphone and/or enables destination sign emergency message Video system event switch Momentary on/off momentary switch with plastic guard Side console Triggers event equipment, triggers event light on dash Amber light Left remote muïor Four-position toggle type Side console Permits two-axis adjustment of left exterior mirror Right remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Permits two-axis adjustment of right exterior mirror Mirror heater Switch or temperature activated Side console Permits heating of outside mirrors when required Passenger door control Five-position handle type detent or two momentary push buttons Side console, forward Permits open/close control of front and rear passenger doors Red light Rear door override Two-position switch in approved location Side console, forward Allows driver to override activation ofrear door passenger tape switches 115 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specificat¡ons TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function VisuaV Audible Engine shutdown override Momentary switch with operation protection Side console Permits driver to override auto engine shutdown Hazard flashers Two-position switch Side console or dash right wing Activates emergency flashers Two green lights Fire suppression Red push button with protective cover Dash left wing or dash center Permits driver to override and manually discharge fire suppression system Red light Mobile data terrninal Mobile data terminal coach operator interface panel Above right dash wing Facilitates driver interaction with communication system and master log-on LCD display with visual status and text messages Farebox interface Farebox coach operator interface panel Near farebox Facilitates driver interaction with farebox system LCD display Destination sign interface Destination sign interface panel In approved location Facilitates driver interaction with destination sign system, manual entry LCD display Turn signals Momentarypush button (two required) raised from other switches Left foot panel Activates left and right turn signals Two green lights and optional audible indicator PA manual Momentary push button In approved location Permits driver to manually activate public address microphone Low- profile microphon e Low-profile discrete mounting Steering column Permits driver to make announcements with both hands on the wheel and focusing on road conditions High beam Detented push button In approved location Permits driver to toggle between low and high beam Blue light Parking brake Pneumatic PPV Side console or dash left wing Permits driver to apply and release parking brake Red light Park brake release Pneumatic PPV Vertical side of the side consoler dash center Permits driver to push and hold to release brakes 116 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Function VisuaV AudibleDeviceDescription Location Applies brakes to prevent bus from rollingHill holder Two-position momentary switch Side console Remote engine speed Rotary rheostat Engine compaftmen t Permits technician to rarse and lower engine RPM from engine compartment Red light Master door/ interlock Multi-pole toggle, detented Out of operator's reach Permits driver override to disable door and brake/throttle interlo ck Red indicator light Dash panel center Illuminates to warn driver that interlocks have been deactivated Red light Warning interlocks deactivated Within reach of operator or approved location Permits driver override to disable brake ret ardat ion/reg eneration Red lightRetarder disable Multi-pole switch detented Alarm acknowled ge Push button momentary Approved location Permits driver to acknowledge alarm condition In sign compartmen t or driver's barrier compartmen t Permits driver to overide rear door passengq sensing system Rear door passenger sensor disable Multi-pole toggle, detented Indicator/ alarm test button Momentary switch or programmingl Dash center panel Permits driver to activate test of sentry indicators and audible alarms All visuals and audibles Auxiliary power 110 V power receptacle Approved location Property to speciff what function to supply VisualSpeedomet er Speedometer, odometer, and diagnostic capability, 5-mile increments Dash center panel Visual indication of speed and distance traveled, accumulated vehicle mileage, fault condition display Dash center panel Visual indication of primary and secondary atr systems Red light and btzzer Air pressure gauge Primary and secondary, 5 psi increments 117 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function VisuaV Audible Fire detection Coach operator display Property specific or dash center Indication of fire detection activation by zonellocation Buzzer and red light Dash center Indication of rear door sensitive edge activation Red light and buzzet Door obstruction Sensing of door obstruction Property specific or dash center Indication ofrear door not properly closed Buzzer or alarm and red lightDoor ajar Door not properly closed Sensing low primary and secondary air tank pressure Dash center Indication of low air system pressure Buzzer and red light Low system air pressure No start condition, arnber light Methane detection function Detection of system integrity Propefiy specific or dash center Detects system failure Methane detection Indication of 20% LED emergency light (LEL) Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Flashing red at 20%LEL Methane detection Indication of 50Yo LEL Propefty specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Solid red at 50% LEL Engine coolant indicator Low coolant indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver's sight Detects low coolant condition Amber light Detects hot engine condition and initiates time delay shutdown Red lightHot engine indicator Coolant temperature indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual andlor text message Within driver's sight Within driver's sight Detects low engine oil pressure condition and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light Low engine oil pressure indicator Engine oil pressure indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and./or text message ABS indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber light 118 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms 1. Indicate area by drawing. Break up switch control from indicator lights. TABLE 6 (ALTERNATryE,) Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms TS 43.6 Driver Foot Controls DEFAULT Accelerator and brake pedals shall be designed for ankle motion. Foot surfaces of the pedals shall be faced with wear-resistant, nonskid, replaceable material. VisuaV AudibleDeviceDescriptionLocationFunction Amber or red light HVAC indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Detects no charge condition and optionally detects battery high, low, imbalance, no charge condition, and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light flashing or solid based on condition Charging system indicator (12/24V) Detect charging system status Dash center Dash center Indication of bike rack not being in fully stowed position Amber or red light Bike rack deployed indicator Detects bike rack position Fuel tank level Analog gauge, graduated based on fuel type Dash center Indication of fuel tank leveVpressure Red lightDEF gauge Level Indicator Center dash Displays level of DEFtank and indicates with warning light when low Amber or red light Active regeneratio n Detects status Dash center Indication of electric regeneration Function VisuaV AudibleDeviceDescriptionLocation [Contractor to provide] 119 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 43.6.1 Pedal Angle DEFAULT The vertical angle ofthe accelerator and brake pedals shall be determined from a horizontal plane regardless ofthe slope ofthe cab floor. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned at an angle of 37 to 50deg at the point of initiation of contact and extend downwardto an angle of 10 to 18deg at full throttle. The location of the brake and accelerator pedals shall be determined by the manufacturer, based on space needs, visibility, lower edge of windshield and vertical H-point. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 43.6.2 Pedal DimensÍons and Position DEFAULT The floor-mounted accelerator pedal shall be 10 to 12 in. long and 3 to 4 in. wide. Clearance around the pedal must allow for no interference precluding operation. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned such that the spacing between them, measured at the heel of the pedals, is between I and2 in. Both pedals should be located approximately on the same plane coincident to the surface of the pedals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 120 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 43.7 Brake and Accelerator Pedals DEFAULT Brake Pedal Non-adjustable brake pedal. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 43.8 Driver Foot SwÍtches Floor-Mounted Foot Control Platform The angle of the turn signal platform shall be determined from a horizontal plane, regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The tum signal platform shall be angled at a minimum of 10 deg. and a maximum of 37 deg. It shall be located no closer to the seat front than the heel point of the accelerator pedal. DEFAULT Turn Signal Controls Turn signal controls shall be floor-mounted, foot-controlled, water-resistant, heavy-duty, momentary contact switches. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Foot Switch Control The control switches for the turn signals shall be mounted on an inclined, floor-mounted stainless steel enclosure or metal plate mounted to an incline integrated into the driver's platform, located to the left of the steering column. The location and design of this enclosure shall be such that foot room for the operator is not impeded. The inclined mounting surface shall be skid-resistant. All other signals, including high beam and public address systenr, shall be in approved locations. The foot switches shall be Ul-listed, heavy-duty type, of a rugged, corrosion-resistant metal construction. The foot switches for the directionals shall be momentary type, while those for the MEETS MEETS 121 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations PA system and the high beam shall be latching type. The spacing of the switches shall be such that inadvertent simultaneous deflection of switches is prevented. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 44. I)river's Amenities TS 44.1 Coat Hanger DEFAULT Coat Hanger A suitable hanger shall be installed in a convenient, approved location for the driver's coat. Our specification being proposed for the section ¿bove (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 4.2 Drink Holder DEFAULT No drink holder. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 44.3 Storage Box DEFAULT Storage Box An enclosed driver storage area shall be provided with a positive latching door andlor lock. 44"H x 22.5"W x 20"D, 2 Doors MEETS MEETS 122 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 45. Windshield Wipers and Washers TS 45.1 \ilindshield Wipers The bus shall be equipped with a windshield wiper for each half of the windshield. At 60 mph, no more than 10 percent of the wiped area shall be lost due to windshield wiper lift. For two- piece windshields, both wipers shall park along the center edges of the windshield glass. For single-piece windshields, wipers shall park along the bottom edge of the windshield. Windshield wiper motors and mechanisms shall be easily accessible for repairs or service. The fastener that secures the wiper arm to the drive mechanism shall be corrosion-resistant. DEFAULT S ingle-contro l, electric two- speed intermittent wip er Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference Deviation DEFAULT Single control for air-operated system. Our specification beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 45.2 \ilindshield Washers DEFAULT The windshield washer systen! when used with the wipers, shall deposit washing fluid evenly and completely wet the entire wiped area. The windshield washer system shall have a minimum 3-gallon reservoir, located for easy refilling from outside the bus. Reservoir pumps, lines and fittings shall be corrosion-resistant and must include a means to determine fluid level. DOES NOT MEET MEETS 123 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46. Driveros Seat FIGURE 5 Driver's Seat Head rest Seat back Seat back lumbar support Arm rest Seat belt Seat pan cushion Sæt base DEFAULT USSC G2A Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1 Dimensions DEFAULT The driver's seat shall be comfortable and adjustable so that people ranging in size from a 95th- percentile male to a 5th-percentile female may operate the bus. 124 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Length DEFAULT Measurement shall be from the front edge of the seat pan to the rear at its intersection with the seat back. The adjustment of the seat pan length shall be no less than 16.5 in.at its minimum length and no more than 20.5 nat its maximum length. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET SP 1.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Height DEFAULT Dimensions Measurement shall be from the cab floor to the top of the level seat at its center midpoint. The seat shall adjust in height from a minimum ofl4 in., with a minimum 6 in. vertical range of adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.2 Seat Pan Cushion Slope DEFAULT Measurement is the slope of the plane created by connecting the two high points of the seat, one at the rear of the seat at its intersection with the seat back and the other at the front of the seat just before it waterfalls downward at the edge. The slope can be measured using an inclinometer and shall be stated in degrees of incline relative to the horizontal plane (0 deg). The seat pan shall adjust in its slope from no less than plus l2 deg (rearward "bucket seat" incline) to no less than minus 5 deg (forward slope). MEETS MEETS 125 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.3 Seat Base Fore/Aft Adjustment DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance from the heel point to the front edge of the seat. The minimum and maximum distances shall be measured from the front edge of the seat when it is adjusted to its minimum seat pan depth (approximately 15 in.). On all low-floor buses, the seat base shall travel horizontally a minimum of 9 in. It shall adjust no closer to the heel point than6 in. On all high-floor buses, the seat base shall travel a minimum of9 in. and adjust no closer to the heel point than 6 in. Our specifÏcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.4 Seat Pan Cushion Width DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance across the seat cushion. The seat pan cushion shall be 17 to 2l n. across at the front edge of the seat cushion and 20 to 23 n. across at the side bolsters. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.5 Seat Suspension DEFAULT The driver's seat shall be appropriately dampened to support a minimum weight of 380 lbs. The suspension shall be capable of dampening adjustment in both directions Rubber bumpers shall be provided to prevent metal-to-metal contact. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 126 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 46.1.6 SeatBack DEFAULT width Measurement is the distance between the outermost points of the front of the seat back, at or near its midpoint in height. The seat back width shall be no less than 19 in. Seat back will include dual recliner gears on both sides of the seat. Height Standard height seat back. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.7 Headrests DEFAULT Adjustable headrest. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.8 Seat Back Lumbar Support DEFAULT Measurement is from the bottom of the seat back at its intersection with the seat pan to the top of the lurnbar cushioning. The seat back shall provide adjustable-depth lumbar back support with three individual operating lumbar cells within a minimum range of 7 to 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.1.9 Seat Back Angle Adjustment DEFAULT The seat back angle shall be measured relative to a level seat pan, where 90 deg is the upright MEETS MEETS 127 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications position and 90 deg-plus represents the amount of recline. The seat back shall adjust in angle from a minimum of no more than 90 deg (upright) to at least 105 deg (reclined), with infinite adjustment in between. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.2 Seat Belt The belt assembly should be an auto-locking retractor (ALR).AX seat belts should be stored in automatic retractors. The belts shall be mounted to the seat frame so that the driver may adjust the seat without resetting the seat belt. The seat and seatbelt assemblies as installed in the bus shall withstand static horizontal forces as required in FMVSS 207 and2l0. DEFAULT Orange three-point seatbelt webbing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Lap Belt Length DEFAULT 72 in. The lap belt assembly shall be a minimumof 72 in. in length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.3 Adjustable Armrest DEFAULT No armrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): MEETS EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET 128 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Comment: TS 46.4 Seat Control Locations DEFAULT While seated, the driver shall be able to make seat adjustments by hand without complexity, excessive effort or being pinched. Adjustment mechanisms shall hold the adjustments and shall not be subject to inadvertent changes. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.5 Seat Structure and Materials Cushions Cushions shall be fully padded with at least 3 in. of materials in the seating areas at the bottom and back. Cushion Materials DEF'AULT Open-cell polyurethane (FMVSS 3 02) Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.6 Pedestal DEFAULT Powder-coated steel. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.7 Mirrors TS 46.7.1 Exterior Mirrors The bus shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant, outside rearview mirrors mounted with stable MEETS MEETS 129 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications supports to minimize vibration. Mirrors shall be firmly attached to the bus to minimize vibration and to prevent loss of adjustment with a breakaway mounting system. Mirrors shall permit the driver to view the roadway along the sides ofthe bus, including the rear wheels. Mirrors should be positioned to prevent blind spots. Mirrors shall retract or fold sufficiently to allow bus washing operations but avoid contact with windshield. DEFAULT Exterior mirrors shall be installed without a breakaway mounting system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Flat Mirrors on Both Sides The bus shall be equipped with two flat outside mirrors, each with not less than 50 sq. in. of reflective surface. The mirrors shall be located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the bus and shall be adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene. The roadside rearview mirror shall be positioned so that the driver's line of sight is not obstructed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Curbside Mirrors The curbside rearview mirror shall be mounted so that its lower edge is no less than 80 in. above the street surface. A lower mount may be required due to mirror configuration requests. DEFAULT Remote Adjustment of Curbside Mirror The driver shall be able to adjust the curbside mirror remotely while seated in the driving position. The control for remote positioning of the mirror shall be a single switch or device Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 130 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations Street-Side Mirrors DEFAULT Standard mirror, not heated, no remote adjustment Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 46.7 .2 Interior Mirrors DEFAULT Mirrors shall be provided for the driver to observe passengers throughout the bus without leaving the seat and without shoulder movement. The driver shall be able to observe passengers in the front/entrance and rearlexit areas (if applicable), anywhere in the aisle, and in the rear seats. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET WINDOWS TS 47. General Use with 30ft length: A minimum of 6000 sq. in. ofwindow area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 35ft length: A minimum of 8000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 40ft length: A minimum of 10,000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. TS 48. Windshield DEFAULT The windshield shall permit an operator's field of view as referenced in SAE Recommended Practice J1050.The vertically upward view shall be a minimum of 14deg, measured above the horizontal and excluding aîy shaded band. The vertically downward view shall permit detection of an object 3yrft high no more than 2 ft. n front of the bus. The horizontal view shall be a minimum of 90 deg above the line of sight. Any binocular obscuration due to a center divider may be ignored when determining the 90deg requirement, provided that the divider does not exceed a 3deg angle in the operator's field of view. 'Windshield pillars shall not exceed l0 deg of binocular obscuration. The windshield shall be designed and installed to minimize exteraal glarc as well as reflections from inside the bus. The windshield shall be easily replaceable by removing zip-locks from the windshield retaining moldings. Bonded-in-place windshields shall not be used. Winglets may be bonded. MEETS MEETS 131 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 48.1 Glazing The windshield glazng material shall have ay4 n. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI 226.1Test Grouping AS-1 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Shaded Band The upper portion of the windshield above the driver's field of view shall have a dark, shaded band and marked AS-3, with a minimum luminous transmittance of 5 percent when tested in accordance to ASTM D-1003. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Two-piece windshield. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 49. Driver's Side Window The driver's side window shall be the sliding type, requiring only the rear half of the sash to latch upon closing, and shall open sufficiently to permit the seated operator to easily adjust the street-side outside rearview mirror. When in an open position, the window shall not rattle or close during braking. This window section shall slide in tracks or channels designed to last the service life of the bus. The operator's side window shall not be bonded in place and shall be easily replaceable. The glazng material shall have a single-density tint. The driver's view, perpendicular through operator's side window glazing, should extend a minimum of 33 in. (SaO mm) to the rear of the heel point on the accelerator, and in any case must accommodate a 95th percentile male operator. The view throughthe glazng at the front of the assembly should begin not more than 26 in. (560 mm) above the operator's floor to ensure MEETS 132 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications visibility of an under-mounted convex mirror. Driver's window construction shall maximize ability for full opening of the window. DEFAULT The driver's side window glazing material shall have aYo in. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements ofANSI 226.1-1996 Test Grouping AS-2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): DOES NOT MEET The Driver's Side Window glazing would be ll4" Tempered Safety Glass when Hidden Frame Passenger Windows are chosen. Otherwise with standard frame, it would be the laminated Safety Glass as noted DEFAULT Standard I)river's Side Window, Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options:. Full slider. Egress. Non-egress. Top fixed over bottomslider. Egress. Non-egress Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET Comment:Standard window offering will be Full Slider / Non-egress TS 50. Side Windows TS 50.1 Configuration DEFAULT Side windows shall not be bonded in place, but shall be easily replaceable without disturbing adjacent windows and shall be mounted so that flexing or vibration from engine operation or normal road excitation is not apparent. All aluminum and steel material will be treated to prevent corrosion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 133 of 272 P-1 8-005 Techn¡cal Specifications TS 50.2 Emergency Exit (Egress) Configuration DEFAULT Minimum Egress All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET Default Standard Passenger Side Window Configurations . Hidden frame (flush "Euro-look"). Full fixed Our specification being proposed for the sectÍon above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options:. Full fixed. Openable windows with inward-opening transompanels. Openable windows with sliding transompanels. Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lowerpanels. Openable windows with full-height slidingpanels Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET Comment: All available as alternative options. MEETS 134 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 50.3 Configuration DEFAULT Fixed Side Windows All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 50.4 Materials Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3116 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI 226.I-1996 Test Grouping 2 andthe recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Windows on the bus sides and in the rear door shall be tinted a neutral color, complementary to the bus exterior. The maximum solar energy transmittance shall not exceed 37 percent, as measured by ASTM E-424. Luminous transmittance shall be measured by ASTM D-1003. Windows over the destination signs shall not be tinted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT (LIGHT) 1 3 percent luminous transmittance. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 135 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications DEFAULT (DARK) I 3 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3116 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI 226.1Test Grouptng2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET NOTE: All glass treatments must be permanent, within the glass andlor in the center membrane. Surface films are not permitted. SHGC and light transmission performance shall be defined by the National Fenestration Rating Council. TS 50.5 Rear Window DEFAULT No requirement for rear window Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS MEETS 136 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations HBATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TS 51. Capacity and Performance The HVAC climate control system shall be capable of controlling the temperature and maintaining the humidity levels of the interior of the bus as defined in the following paragraphs. DEFAULT Rear Mounted Thermo-King X430 407C Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Allow Either Roof- or Rear-Mounted HVAC Unit The HVAC unit may either be roof or rear-mounted. Note that arear-mounted unit will preclude a rear window and that the term "roof-mounted unit" includes units mounted on top of or beneath the roof surface. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Capacity and Performance Requirements The air-conditioning portion of the HVAC system shall be capable of reducing the passenger compartment temperature from 115 to 95 'F in less than 20 minutes after engine start-up. Engine temperature shall be within the normal operating runge at the time of start-up of the cool-down test, and the engine speed shall be limited to fast idle, which may be activated by a driver- controlled device. During the cool-down period, the refrigerant pressure shall not exceed safe high-side pressures, and the condenser discharge air temperature, measured 6 in. from the surface of the coil, shall be less than 45 oF above the condenser inlet air temperature. The appropriate solar load as recommended in the APTA "Recommended Instrumentation and Performance Testing for Transit Bus Air Conditioning System," representing 4 p.m.on August 21, shall be used. There shall be no passengers on board, and the doors and windows shall be closed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 137 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 52. Controls and Temperature Uniformity The HVAC system excluding the driver's heater/defroster shall be centrally controlled with an advanced electronic/diagnostic control system with provisions for extractrnglreading data. The system shall be compliant with Jl939 Communication Protocol for receiving and broadcasting of data. Hot engine coolant water shall be delivered to the HVAC system driver's defroster/heater and other heater cores by means of an auxiliary coolant pump, sized for the required flow, which is brushless and sealless having a minimum maintenance-free service life for both the brushless motor and the pump of at least 40,000 hours at fullpower. DEFAULT Manual Mode Selection of Climate Control System After manual selection andlor activation of climate control system operation mode, all interior climate control system requirements for the selected mode shall be attained automatically to within +2 oF of specified temperature control set point. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Single Control Set point at 70 oF The temperature control set point for the system shall be 70 oF. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 52.1 Auxiliary Heater DEFAULT No auxiliary heater. MEETS MEETS 138 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 53. Air Flow TS 53.1 Passenger Area The cooling mode of the interior climate control system shall introduce air into the bus at or near the ceiling height at a minimum rate of 25 cubic ft. per minute (cfm) per passenger based on the standard configuration bus carrying a number ofpassengers equal to 150 percent ofthe seated load. Airflow shall be evenly distributed throughout the bus, with air velocity not exceeding 100 ft. per minute on any passenger. The ventilating mode shall provide atr at a minimum flow rate of20 cfin per passenger. Airflow may be reduced to l5 cfin per passenger (150 percent of seated load) when operating in the heating mode. The fans shall not activafe until the heating element has warmed sufïiciently to ensure at least 70 oF air outlet temperature. The heating air outlet temperature shall not exceed 120 'F under any normal operating conditions. The climate control blower motors and fan shall be designed such that their operation complies with the interior noise level requirements. DEFAULT No "Fresh Air" Requirements To be used by agencies that have an operating profile where the door opening cycle results in effectively providing an adequate 'ofresh air" mixture. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 53.2 Driver's Area DEFAULT The bus interior climate control system shall deliver at least 100 cfm of air to the driver's area when operating in the ventilating and cooling modes. Adjustable nozzles shall permit variable distribution or shutdown of the airflow. Airflow in the heating mode shall be reduced proportionally to the reduction of airflow into the passenger area. The windshield defroster unit shall meet the requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J382, "Windshield Defrosting Systems Performance Requirements," and shall have the capability of diverting heated air to the driver's feet and legs. The defroster or interior climate control system shall maintain visibility through the driver's side window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 139 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 53.3 Controls for the Climate Control System (CCS) DEFAULT The controls for the driver's compaftment for heating, ventilation and cooling systems shall be integrated and shall meet the following requirements: . The heat/defrost system fan shall be controlled by a separate switch that has an "off' position and at least two positions for speed control. All switches and controls shall preclude the possibility of clothing becoming entangled, and shields shall be provided, if required. If the fans are approved by the Agency, an "orVoff' switch shall be located to the right of or near the main defroster switch.. A manually operated control valve shall control the coolant flow through the heatercore.. If a cable-operated manual control valve is used, then the cable length shall be kept to a minimum to reduce cable seizing. Heater water control valves shall be'þositive" type, closed or open. The method of operating remote valves shall require the concurrence of the Agency project manager. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 53.4 Driver's Compartment Requirements DEFAULT A separate heating, ventilation and defroster system for the driver's area shall be provided and shall be controlled by the driver. The system shall meet the following requirements: The heater and defroster system shall provide heating for the driver and heated air to completely defrost and defog the windshield, driver's side windowo and the front door glasses in all operating conditions. Fan(s) shall be able to draw air from the bus body interior and/or exterior through a control device and pass it through the heater core to the defroster system and over the driver's feet. A minimum capacity of 100 cfm shall be provided. The driver shall have complete control of the heat and fresh airflow for the driver's area. The defroster supply outlets shall be located at the lower edge of the windshield. These outlets shall be durable and shall be free of sharp edges that can catch clothes during normal daily cleaning. The system shall be such that foreign objects such as coinsor tickets cannot fall into the defroster air outlets. Adjustable ball vents or louvers shall be provided at the left of the driver's position to allow direction of air onto the side windows. a A ventilation system shall be provided to ensure driver comfort and shall be capable of providing fresh air in both the foot and head areas. Vents shall be controllable by the driver from the normal driving position. Decals shall be provided, indicating "operating instructions" and "open" MEETS 140 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications and "closed" positions. When closed, vents shall be sealed to prevent the migration ofwater or air into the bus. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 53.5 Driveros Cooling DEFAULT No dedicated evaporator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 54. Air Filtration Air shall be filtered before entering the AC system and being discharged into the passenger compartment. The filter shall meet the ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 requirement for 5 percent or better atmospheric dust spot efficiency, 50 percent weight resistant, and a minimum dust holding capacity of 120 g per I 000 cfm cell. Air filters shall be easily removable for service. DEFAULT Cleanable Filters Air filters shall be cleanable Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 55. Roof Ventilators Each ventilator shall be easily opened and closed manually. 'When open with the bus in motion, this ventilator shall provide fresh air inside the bus. The ventilator shall cover an opening area no less than 425 sq. in. and shall be capable of being positioned as a scoop with either the leading or trailing edge open no less than 4 in., or with all four edges raised simultaneously to a height of MEETS MEETS MEETS 141 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifi cations no less than3/z in. An escape hatch shall be incorporated into the roof ventilator. Roof ventilator(s) shall be sealed to prevent entry of water when closed. DEFAULT One Roof Ventilator One ventilator shall be provided in the roof of the bus. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 56. MaintainabilÍty Manually controlled shut-off valves in the refrigerant lines shall allow isolation of the compressor and dehydrator filter for service. To the extent practicable, selÊsealing couplings utiliztng O-ring seals shall be used to break and sealthe refrigerant lines during removal of major components, such as the refrigerant compressor. Shut-off valves may be provided in lieu of selÊ sealing couplings. The condenser shall be located to efficiently transfer heat to the atmosphere and shall not ingest air warmed above the ambient temperature by the bus mechanical equipment, or to discharge air into any other system of the bus. The location of the condenser shall preclude its obstruction by wheel splash, road dirt or debris. HVAC components located within 6 in. of floor level shall be constructed to resist damage and corrosion. DEFAULT High and low refrigerant pressure electronic gauges to be located in the return atr area. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below) MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: MEETS The vendor offers a Refrigerant Pressure Display Module in place of gauges. TS 57. Entrance/Exit Area Heating DEFAULT No requirements for entrance/exit area heating. Our specification beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 142 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 58. Floor-Level Heating TS 58.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT No requirements for floor-level heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET EXTERIOR PANELS, FINISHES AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING TS 59. Design DEFAULT The bus shall have a clean, smooth, simple design, primarily derived from bus performance requirements and passenger service criteria. The exterior and body features, including grilles and louvers, shall be shaped to facilitate cleaning by automatic bus washers without snagging washer brushes. Water and dirt shall not be retained in or on anybody feature to freeze or bleed out onto the bus after leaving the washer. The body and windows shall be sealed to prevent leaking of air, dust or water under normal operating conditions and during cleaning in automatic bus washers for the service life of the bus. Exterior panels shall be sufficiently stiffto minimize vibration, drumming or flexing while the bus is in service. When panels are lapped, the upper and forward panels shall act as a watershed. However, if entry of moisture into the interior of the vehicle is prevented by other means, then rear cap panels may be lapped otherwise. The windows, hatches and doors shall be able to be sealed. Accumulation of spray and splash generated by the bus's wheels shall be minimized on windows and mirrors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 59.1 Materials Body materials shall be selected and the body fabricated to reduce maintenance, extend durability and provide consistency of appearance throughout the service life of the bus. Detailing MEETS 143 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications shall be kept simple, and add-on devices and trim shall be minimized and integrated into the basic design. DEFAULT No requirement for protection against graffiti/vandalism for body material surfaces. Our specifÏcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 59.2 Roof-Mounted Equipment DEFAULT A non-skid, clearly marked walkway or steps shall be incorporated on the roof to provide access to equipment without damaging any system or bus paneling. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 60. Pedestrian Safety DEFAULT Exterior protrusions along the side and front of the bus greater than/z in. and within 80 in. of the ground shall have a radius no less than the amount of the protrusion. The exterior rearview mirrors, cameras and required lights and reflectors are exempt from the protrusion requirement. Advertising frames shall protrude no more than7Á in. from the body surface. Grilles, doors, bumpers and other features on the sides and rear of the bus shall be designed to minimize toeholds or handholds. Exterior protrusions shall not cause a line-oÊsight blockage for the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 144 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 61. Repair and Replacement TS 61.1 Side Body Panels Structural elements supporting exterior body panels shall allow side body panels below the windows to be repaired in lengths not greater than 12.5 ft. DEFAULT Standard attachment of side body panels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 62. Rain Gutters DEFAULT Rain gutters shall be provided to prevent water flowing from the roof onto the passenger doors and driver's side window. When the bus is decelerated, the gutters shall not drain onto the windshield, driver's side window or door boarding area. Cross sections of the gutters shall be adequate for proper operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 63. License Plate Provisions DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to mount standard-size U.S./Canada license plates per SAE J686 on the front and rear of the bus. These provisions shall direct-mount or recess the license plates so that they can be cleaned by automatic bus-washing equipment without being caught by the brushes. The rear license plate provision shall be illuminated per SAE J587. DEFAULT No plate or holder provision is required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 145 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 63.1 Rub rails DEFAULT No requirement for rub rails. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 64. Fender Skirts DEFAULT Features to minimize water spray from the bus in wet conditions shall be included in wheel housing design. Any fender skirts shall be easily replaceable. They shall be flexible if they extend beyond the allowable body width. Wheels and tires shall be removable with the fender skirts in place. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 65. Wheel Covers DEFAULT Wheel covers not required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 65.1 Splash Aprons DEFAULT Standard Splash Aprons Splash aprons, composed of % n. minimum composition or rubberized fabríc, shall be installed behind and/or in front of wheels as needed to reduce road splash and to protect underfloor components. The splash aprons shall extend downward to within 6 in. off the road surface at static conditions. Apron widths shall be no less than tire widths. Splash aprons shall be bolted to the bus understructure. Splash aprons and their attachments shall be inherently weaker than the structure to which they are attached. The flexible portions of the splash aprons shall not be included in the road clearance measurements. Splash apron shall be installed as necessary to MEETS MEETS MEETS 146 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications protect the wheelchair loading device from road splash. Other splash aprons shall be installed where necessary to protect bus equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 66. Service Compartments and Access Doors TS 66.1 Access Doors DEFAULT Conventional or pantograph hinged doors shall be used for the engine compartment and for all auxiliary equipment compartments, including doors for checking the quantity and adding to the engine coolant, engine lubricant and transmission fluid. Access openings shall be sized for easy performance of tasks within the compartment, including tool operating space. Access doors shall be of rugged construction and shall maintain mechanical integrity and function under normal operations throughout the service life of the bus. They shall close flush with the body surface. All doors shall be hinged at the top or on the forward edge and shall be prevented from coming loose or opening during transit service or in bus washing operations. All access doors shall be retained in the open position by props or counterbalancing with over-center or gas-filled springs with safety props and shall be easily operable by one person. Springs and hinges shall be corrosion resistant. Latch handles shall be flush with, or recessed behind, the body contour and shall be sized to provide an adequate grip for opening. Access doors, when opened, shall not restrict access for servicing other components or systems. Ifprecluded by design, the manufacturer shall provide door design information specifying how the requirements are met. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 66.2 Access Door Latch/Locks DEFAULT Requirement for Latches on Access Doors Access doors larger than 100 sq. in. in area shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant flush- mounted latches or locks except for coolant and fuel fill access doors. All such access doors that require a tool to open shall be standardized throughout the vehicle and will require a nominal 5/16 n. square male tool to open or lock. MEETS 147 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 67. Bumpers TS 67.1 Location DEFAULT Bumpers shall provide impact protection for the front and rear of the bus with the top of the bumper beng27 ln,+2 in., above the ground. Bumper height shall be such that when one bus is parked behind another, a portion of the bumper faces will contact each other. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 67.2 Front Bumper No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 5mph impact of the bus at curb weight with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the bus's longitudinal centerline. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within l0 minutes of the impact. The bumper shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 6.5 mph impacts at any point by the common caniage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000lbs parallel to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. It shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 5.5mph impacts into the corners at a 30deg angle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The energy absorption system of the bumper shall be independent of every power system of the bus and shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life ofthe bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. DEFAULT Standard bumper Our specifTcation beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 67.3 Rear Bumper DEFAULT No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 2mph impact with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. When using a yard tug with a smooth, MEETS 148 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications flat plate bumper 2 ft. wide contacting the horizontal centerline of the rear bumper, the bumper shall provide protection at speeds up to 5 mph, over pavement discontinuities up to 1 in. high, and at accelerations up to 2 mph/sec. The rear bumper shall protect the bus when impacted anywhere along its width by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000 lbs., at 4 mph parallel to or up to a 3Odegangle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The rear bumper shall be shaped to preclude unauthorized riders standing on the bumper. The bumper shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 67.4 Bumper Material DEFAULT Bumper material shall be corrosion-resistant and withstand repeated impacts of the specified loads without sustaining damage. These bumper qualities shall be sustained throughout the service life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 68. Finish and Color TS 68.1 Appearance All exterior surfaces shall be smooth and free of wrinkles and dents. Exterior surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared as required by the paint system Supplier prior to application of paint to ensure a proper bond between the basic surface and successive coats of original paint for the service life of the bus. Drilled holes and cutouts in exterior surfaces shall be made prior to cleaning, priming and painting, where possible, to prevent corrosion. The bus shall be painted prior to installation of exterior lights, windows, mirors and other items that are applied to the exterior of the bus. Body filler materials may be used for surface dressing, but not for repair of damaged or improperly fitted panels. Paint shall be applied smoothly and evenly with the finished surface free of visible dirt and the following other imperfections: . blisters or bubbles appearing in the topcoat film. chips, scratches or gouges ofthe surfacefinish. cracks in the paint film. craters where paint failed to cover due to surface contamination. overspray. peeling MEETS MEETS 149 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications . runs or sags from excessive flow and failure to adhere uniformly to the surface. chemical stains and water spots. dry patches due to incorrect mixing of paint activators. buffing swirls All exterior finished surfaces shall be impervious to diesel fuel, gasoline and commercial cleaning agents. Finished surfaces shall resist damage by controlled applications of commonly used graffiti-removing chemicals. Proper adhesion between the basic surface and successive coats of the original paint shall be measured using an Elcometer adhesion tester as outlined in ASTM D4541-85. Adhesion shall be a minimum 300 ft.-lbs. The bus manufacturer shall supply test samples ofthe exterior surface for each step of the painting process that may be subject to adhesion testing per ASTM G454I-87 and ASTM D4I45-85. ASTM D4541-93 may be used for inspection testing during assembly of the vehicle. DEFAULT Standard Contractor exterior paint finish quality. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Base coatlclear coat paint system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment: Reference Deviation TS 69. Decals, Numbering and Signing DEFAULT Monograms, numbers and other special signing shall be applied to the inside and outside of the bus as required. Signs shall be durable and fade-, chip- and peel-resistant. They may be painted signs, decals or pressure-sensitive appliqués. All decals shall be installed per the decal Supplier recommendations. Signs shall be provided in compliance with the ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart 8,38.27. NOTE: The Agency should supply a list of interior and exterior decals including size and location. DOES NOT MEET 150 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference Deviation TS 69.1 Passenger Information DEFAULT ADA priority seating signs as required and defined by 49 CFR shall be provided to identify the seats designated for passengers with disabilities. Requirements for a public information system in accordance with 49 CFR shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70. Exterior Lighting All exterior lights shall be designed to prevent entry and accumulation of moisture or dust. Lamps, lenses and fixtures shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. Two hazard lamps at the rear of the bus shall be visible from behind when the engine service doors are opened. Light lenses shall be designed and located to prevent damage when running the vehicle through an automatic bus washer. DEFAULT Commercially available LED-type lamps shall be utilized at all exterior lamp locations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Standard Lamps All LED lamps shall be standard installation of the OEM. The entire assembly shall be specifically coated to protect the light from chemical and abrasion degradation. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: NOT MEETS DOES NOT MEET 151 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications DEFAULT Standard Size Size of LED lamps used for tail, brake and turn signal lamps shall be standard installation of OEM. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70.1 Backup Light/Atarm DEFAULT Visible and audible warnings shall inform following vehicles or pedestrians of reverse operation. Visible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Standard J593. Audible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J994Type C or D. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70.2 Doorway Lighting DEFAULT Lamps at the front andrcar passenger doorways (if applicable) shall comply with ADA requirements and shall activate only when the doors open. These lamps shall illuminate the street surface to a level of no less than I foot-candle for a distance of 3 ft. outward from the outboard edge of the door threshold. The lights may be positioned above or below the lower daylight opening of the windows and shall be shielded to protect passengers' eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70.3 Turn Signals DEFAULT Standard Turn Signals Turn-signal lights shall be provided on the front, rear, curb and street sides of the bus in accordance with federal regulations. 152 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifìcations Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70.4 Headlights Headlamps shall be designed for ease of replacement. DEFAULT Standard Installation Standard OEM headlight installation shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70.5 Brake Lights TS 70.5.1 Transit Coach Brake lights shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. DEFAULT No High/Center Mount Brake Lamp or Deceleration Warning Lamps Bus shall not include a high/center mount brake lamp andlor deceleration waming indicator lamps. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 70.6 Service Area Lighting (Interior and Exterior) DEFAULT LED lamps shall be provided in the engine and all other compartments where service may be required to generally illuminate the area for night emergency repairs or adjustments. These service areas shall include, but not be limited to, the engine compartment, the communication box, junction/apparatus panels and passenger door operator compartments. Lighting shall be adequate to ligtrt the space of the service areas to levels needed to complete typical emergency repairs and adjustments. The service area lamps shall be suitable for the environment in which they are mounted. 153 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations Engine compartment lamps shall be controlled by a switch mounted near the rear start controls. All other service area lamps shall be controlled by switches mounted on or convenient to the lamp assemblies. Power to the service area lighting shall be programmable. Power shall latch on with activation of the switch and shall be automatically discontinued (timed out) after 30 minutes to prevent damage caused by inadvertently leaving the service area lighting switch in the "on" position after repairs are made. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET INTERIOR PANELS AND FINISHBS TS 71. General Requirements Materials shall be selected on the basis of maintenance, durability, appearance, safety, flammability and tactile qualities. Materials shall be strong enough to resist everyday abuse and be vandalism and corrosion resistant. Trim and attachment details shall be kept simple and unobtrusive. Interior trim shall be secured to avoid resonant vibrations under normal operational conditions. Interior surfaces more than 10 in. below the lower edge of the side windows or windshield shall be shaped so that objects placed on them fall to the floor when the coach is parked on a level surface. Any components and other electrical components within close proximity to these surfaces shall also be resistant to this cleaning method. DEFAULT No requirement for anti- gr affrtrl vanda lism sur fac e treatment s. Our specification being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS T2.Interior Panels Panels shall be easily replaceable and tamper resistant. They shall be reinforced, as necessary, to resist vandalism and other rigors of transit bus service. Individual trim panels and parts shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Interior panel required to meet FMVSS 302. MEETS 154 of 272 MEETS P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72,l Driver Area Barrier TS 72.'1.1 Transit Coach A barrier or bulkhead between the driver and the street-side front passenger seat shall be provided. The barrier shall minimize glare and reflections in the windshield directly in front of the barrier from interior lighting during night operation. Location and shape must permit full seat travel and reclining possibilities that can accoûìmodate the shoulders of a 95th-percentile male. The partition shall have a side return and stanchion to prevent passengers from reaching the driver by standing behind the driver's seat. The lower area between the seat and panel must be accessible to the driver. The parfition must be strong enough in conjunction with the entire partition assembly for mounting of such equipment as flare kits, fire extinguishers (1.2kg), microcomputer, public address amplifier, etc. The panel should be properly attached to minimize noise and rattles. DEFAULT No Driver Barrier Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): MEETS DOES NOT MEET TS 72.2 Modesty Panels Sturdy divider panels constructed of durable, unpainted, corrosion-resistant material complementing the interior shall be provided to act as both a physical and visual barrier for seated passengers. Design and installation of modesty panels located in front of forward-facing seats shall include a handhold or grab handle along its top edge. These dividers shall be mounted on the sidewall and shall project toward the aisle no farther than passenger knee projection in longitudinal seats or the aisle side of the transverse seats. Modesty panels shall extend from at least the window opening of the side windows, and those forward oftransverse seats shall extend downward to I and I% in. above the floor. Panels forward of longitudinal seats shall extend to below the level of the seat cushion. Dividers positioned at the doorways, where applicable, shall provide no less than a 21/, n clearance between the modesty panel and a fully open, inward opening door, or the path of a deploying flip-out ramp to protect passengers from being pinched. Modesty panels installed at doorways shall be equipped with grab rails if passenger assists are not provided by other means. C 155 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications The modesty panel and its mounting shall withstand a static force of 250 lbs. applied to a 4 x 4 in. area in the center of the panel without permanent visible deformation. DEFAULT Modesty panels shall be installed as stated. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.3 Front End DEFAULT The entire front end of the bus shall be sealed to prevent debris accumulation behind the dash and to prevent the driver's feet from kicking or fouling wiring and other equipment. The front end shall be free ofprotrusions that archazardous to passengers standing at the front of the standee line area of the bus during rapid decelerations. Paneling across the front of the bus and any trim around the driver's compartment shall be formed metal or composite material. Composite dash panels shall be reinforced as necessary, vandal-resistant and replaceable. All colored, painted and plated parts forward ofthe driver's barrier shall be finished with a surface that reduces glare. Any mounted equipment must have provision to support the weight of equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.4 Rear Bulkhead DEFAULT The rear bulkhead and rear interior surfaces shall be material suitable for exterior skin; painted and finished to exterior quality; or paneled with melamine-t1'pe material, composite, scratch- resistant plastic or carpeting and trimmed with stainless steel, aluminum or composite. The rear bulkhead paneling shall be contoured to fit the ceiling, side walls and seat backs so that any litter or trash will tend to fall to the floor or seating surface when the bus is on a level surface. Any air vents in this area shall be louvered to reduce airflow noise and to reduce the probability of trash or liter being thrown or drawn through the grille. If it is necessary to remove the panel to service components located on the rear bulkhead, then the panel shall be hinged or shall be able to be easily removed and replaced. Grilles where access to or adjustment of MEETS MEETS 156 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Spec¡f¡cations equipment is required shall be heavy duty and designed to minimize damage and limit unauthorized access. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.5 Headlining DEFAULT Ceiling panels shall be made of durable, corrosion resistant, easily cleanable material. Headlining shall be supported to prevent buckling, drumming or flexing and shall be secured without loose edges. Headlining materials shall be treated or insulated to prevent marks due to condensation where panels are in contact with metal members. Moldings and trim strips, as required to make the edges tamperproot shall be stainless steel, aluminum or plastic, colored to complement the ceiling material. Headlining panels covering operational equipment that is mounted above the ceiling shall be on hinges for ease of service but retained to prevent inadvertent opening. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.6 Fastening DEFAULT Interior panels shall be attached so that there are no exposed unfinished or rough edges or rough surfaces. Fasteners should be corrosion resistant. Panels and fasteners shall not be easily removable by passengers. Exposed interior fasteners should be minimized, and where required shall be tamper resistant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.7 Insulation DEFAULT Any insulation material used between the inner and outer panels shall minimtze the entry andlor retention of moisture. Insulation properties shall be unimpaired during the service life of the bus MEETS MEETS 157 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Any insulation material used inside the engine compartment shall not absorb or retain oils or water and shall be designed to prevent casual damage that may occur during maintenance operations. The combination of inner and outer panels on the sides, roof, wheel wells and ends of the bus, and any material used between these panels, shall provide a thermal insulation sufficient to meet the interior temperature requirements. The bus body shall be thoroughly sealed so that the driver or passengers cannot feel drafts during normal operations with the passenger doors closed. FTA Docket 90-A All insulation materials shall comply with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90-4, dated October 20, t993. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference Deviation TS 72,8 Floor Covering DEFAULT The floor covering shall have a non-skid walking surface that remains effective in all weather conditions. The floor covering, as well as transitions of flooring material to the main floor and to the entrance and exit area, shall be smooth and present no tripping hazards. Seams shall be sealed/welded per manufacturer's specifications. The standee line shall be approximately 2 in. wide and shall extend across the bus aisle. The color and pattern shall be consisterf throughout the floor covering. Any areas on the floor that are not intended for standees, such as areas "swept" during passenger door operation, shall be clearly and permanently marked. The floor shall be easily cleaned and shall be arranged to minimize debris accumulation. A one-piece center strip shall extend from the vertical wall of the rear settee between the aisle sides of transverse seats to the standee line. If the floor is of a bi-level construction, then the center strip shall be one piece at each level. The covering between the center strip and the wheel housings may be separate pieces. At the rear door, however, a separate strip as wide as the door shall extend from the center strip to the outboard edge of the rcarlexít area. The floor under the seats shall be covered with smooth surface flooring material. The floor covering shall closely fit the sidewall in a fully sealed butt joint or extend to the top of the cove. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: NOT MEET DOES NOT MEET 158 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Speciflcations TS 72.9 Interior Lighting DEFAULT The light sol¡rce shall be located to minimize windshield glare, with distribution of the light focused primarily on the passengers' reading plane while casting sufficient light onto the advertising display. The lighting system may be designed to form part of or the entire air distribution duct. The lens material shall be translucent poþarbonate. Lenses shall be designed to effectively "mask" the light source. Lenses shall be sealed to inhibit incursion of dust and insects yet be easily removable for service. Access panels shall be provided to allow servicing of components located behind light panels. If necessary, the entire light fixture shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): DOES NOT MEETEXCEEDS Comment: TS 72.10 Passenger First Row Lights The first light on each side (behind the driver and the front door) is normally turned on only when the front door is opened, in "night run" and "night park." As soon as the door closes, these lights shall go out. These lights shall be turned on at any time if the switch is in the "on" position. DEFAULT LED lights. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT First Light Modules DimÆxtinguish When Front Door is Closed When the master switch is in the 'orurì" or "night/run" mode, the first light module on each side of the coach shall automatically extinguish or dim when the front door is in the closed position and illuminate when the door is opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 159 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 72.11 Driver's Area DEFAULT The driver's area shall have a light to provide general illumination, and it shall illuminate the half of the steering wheel nearest the driver to a level of 5 to 10 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.12 Seating Areas DEFAULT The interior lighting system shall provide a minimum 15 foot-candle illumination on a I sq. ft. plane at an angle of 45 degrees from horizontal, centered 33 in. above the floor and 24 n. n front of the seat back at each seat position. Allowable average light level for the rear bench seats shall be 7 foot-candles. Our specilication being proposed for the section above (cÍrcle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 7 2.13 Vestibules/Doors DEFAULT Floor surface in the aisles shall be a minimum of 10 foot-candles, and the vestibule area a minimum of 4 foot-candles with the front doors open and a minimumof 2 foot-candles with the front doors closed. The front entrance area and curb lights shall illuminate when the front door is open and master run switch is in the "lights" positions. Rear exit area and curb lights shall illuminate when the rear door is unlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET T572.14 Step Lighting DEFAULT Step lighting for the intermediate steps between lower and upper floor levels shall be a minimum of 4 foot-candles and shall illuminate tn all engine run positions. The step lighting shall be low MEETS 160 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations profile to minimize tripping and snagging hazards for passengers and shall be shielded as necessary to protect passengers' eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72,15 Ramp Lighting DEFAULT Exterior and interior ramp lighting shall comply with federal regulations Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 72.16 Farebox Lighting DEFAULT None required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 73. Fare Collection Space and structural provisions shall be made for installation of currently available fare collection devices, which shall be as far forward as practicable. Location of the fare collection device shall not restrict traffic in the vestibule, including wheelchairs if a front door loading device is used, and shall allow the driver to easily reach the farebox controls and to view the fare register. The farebox shall not restrict access to the driver area, shall not restrict operation of driver controls and shall not-either by itself or in combination with stanchions, transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment, or route destination signs-restrict the driver's field of view per SAE Recommended Practice J1050. The location and mounting of the farecollection device shall allow use, without restriction, by passengers. The farebox location shall permit accessibility to the vault for easy manual removal or attachment of suction devices. Meters and counters on the farebox shall be readable on a daily basis. The floor under the farebox shall be reinforced as necessary to provide a sturdy mounting platform and to prevent shaking of the farebox. MEETS MEETS MEETS Contractor shall provide fare collection installation layout to the Agency for approval. 161 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment shall be located in a position convenient to the driver. DEFAULT Agency will install its own fare box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 74. Interior Access Panels and Doors Access for maintenance and replacement of equipment shall be provided by panels and doors that appear to be an integral part of the interior. Access doors shall be hinged with gas props or over-center springs, where practical, to hold the doors out of the mechanic's way. Panels shall prevent entry of mechanism lubricant into the bus interior. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. DEFAULT Access Doors that Do Not Require Tools or Keys to Open Access doors shall be secured with hand screws or latches. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 74.1 Floor Panels DEFAULT Access openings in the floor shall be sealed to prevent entry of fumes and water into the bus interior. Flooring material at or around access openings shall be flush with the floor and shall be edge-bound with stainless steel or ariother material that is acceptable to the Agency to prevent the edges from coming loose. Access openings shall be asymmetrical so that reinstalled flooring shall be properly aligned. Fasteners shall tighten flush with the floor. The number of special fastener tools required for panel and access door fasteners shall be minimized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 162 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications PASSENGER ACCON{MODATIONS TS 75. Passenger Seating TS 75.1 Arrangements and Seat Style The passenger seating arrangement in the bus shall be such that seating capacity is maximized and in compliance to the following requirements. NOTE: The Agency recognizes that ramp location, foot room, hip-to-knee room, doorway t1'pe, width, seat construction, floor level t1pe, seat spacing requirements, ramp or lift, number of wheelchair positions, etc. ultimately affect seating capacity and layout. DEFAULT Forward-Facing Seat Configuration Passenger seats shall be arranged in a transverse, forward-facing configuration, except at the wheel housings and turntable, if applicable, where aisle-facing seats may be arranged as appropriate with due regard for passenger access and comfort. Other areas where aisle-facing seats may be provided are at wheelchair securement areas and platforms (such as for fuel tank storage space). Base Bus-USSC Gemini Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.2 Rearward Facing Seats DEFAULT Rearward facing seats not allowed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.3 Padded Inserts/Cushioned Seats DEFAULT Non-Padded Inserts - UN upholstered The passenger seats shall be equipped with un upholstered inserts throughout the bus. MEETS MEETS Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): 163 of 272 MEETSEXCEEDS Comment: P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications DOES NOT MEET TS 75.4 Seat back fitness DEFAULT Back insert Seat Configuration The seat back insert thickness shall not exceed lin. in the knee room area. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.5 Drain Hole in Seats DEF'AULT No requirements for drain hole provision in seat inserts. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.6 Hip-to-Knee Room DEFAULT Hþ{o-knee room measured from the center of the seating position, from the front of one seat back horizontally across the highest parf of the seat to a vertical surface immediately in front, shall be a minimum of 26 n At all seating positions in paired transverse seats immediately behind other seating positions, hip-to-knee room shall be no less lhan27 tn. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.7 Foot Room DEFAULT Foot roorr¡ measured at the floor forward from a point vertically below the front of the seat cushion, shall be no less than 14 in. Seats immediately behind the wheel housings and modesty MEETS MEETS 164 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications panels may have foot room reduced. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.8 Aisles DEFAULT The aisle between the seats shall be no less than2D in. wide at seated passenger hip height. Seat backs shall be shaped to increase this dimension to no less than24 n. at 32 in. above the floor (standing passenger hip height). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.9 Dimensions FIGURE 6 S eating D imensions and Standard Conf,rguration t-I lII !t-',',' ¡.1 DEFAULT Seat dimensions for the various seating arangements shall have the dimensions as follows (refer to Figure 6):. The width, W, of the two-passenger transverse seat shall be a minimum 35 in.. The length, L, shall be 17 in., +1 in.. The seat back height, B, shall be a minimum of 15 in.. The seat height, H, shall be 17 in., + I in. For the rear lounge (or settee) and longitudinal seats, and seats located above raised areas for storage ofunder-floor components, acushion MEETS 165 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specifications height ofup to 18 in., +2 in., will be allowed. This shall also be allowed for limited transverse seats, but only with the expressed approval of the Agency.. Footroom:F. ' The seat cushion slope, S, shall be between 5 and 1 I deg.. The seat back slope, C, shall be between 8 and 17 deg.. Hip to knee room: K.. The pitch, P, is shown as reference only. Our speeifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.10 Structure and Design DEFAULT The passenger seat frame and its supporting structure shall be constructed and mounted so that space under the seat is maximized and is completely free of obstructions to facilitate cleaning. Seats, structures and restraints around the securement area should not infringe into the mobility device envelope or maneuverability. The transverse seat structure shall be fully cantilevered from the sidewall with sufficient strength for the intended service. The lowest part of the seat assembly that is within 12 in. of the aisle shall be at least l0 in. above the floor. In locations at which cantilevered installation is precluded by design andlor structure, other seat mounting may be allowed. All transverse objects-including seat backs, modesty panels, and longitudinal seats-in front of forward-facing seats shall not impart a compressive load in excess of 1000lbs onto the femur of passengers ranging in size from a Sth-percentile female to a 9Sth-percentile male during a 10g deceleration of the bus. This deceleration shall peak at 0.05 to0.015 seconds from initiation. Permanent deformation of the seat resulting from two 95th-percentile males striking the seat back during this 10g deceleration shall not exceed 2 in., measured at the aisle side of the seat frame at height H. The seat back should not deflect more than 141n., measured at the top of the seat back, in a controlled manner to minimize passenger injury. Structural failure of anyparl of the seat or sidewall shall not introduce a laceration hazard. The seat assembly shall withstand static vertical forces of 500 lbs. applied to the top of the seat cushion in each seating position with less than%n. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat assembly shall withstand static horizontal forces of 500 lbs. evenly distributed along the top of the seat back with less thaîyll.r:r. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat backs at the aisle position and at the window position shall withstand repeated impacts of two 40-lb sandbags without visible deterioration. One sandbag shall strike 166 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications the front 40,000 times and the other sandbag shall strike the rear 40,000 times. Each sandbag shall be suspended on a 36in. pendulum and shall strike the seat back 10,000 times each from distances of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seats at both seating positions shall withstand 4000 vertical drops of a 40-lb sandbag without visible deterioration. The sandbag shall be dropped 1000 times each from heights of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seat cushions shall withstand 100,000 randomly positioned 3% n drops of a squirming, 150-lb, smooth-surfaced, buttocks-shaped striker with only minimal wear on the seat covering and no failures to seat structure or cushion suspensioncomponents. The back of each transverse seat shall incorporate a handhold no less than7Á in. in diameter for standees and seat access/egress. The handhold shall not be a safetyhazard during severe decelerations. The handhold shall extend above the seat back near the aisle so that standees shall have a convenient vertical assist, no less than4 in. long that may be grasped with the full hand. This handhold shall not cause a standee using this assist to interfere with a seated 5Oth-percentile male passenger. The handhold shall also be usable by a Sth-percentile female, as well as by larger passengers, to assist with seat access/egress for either transverse seating position. The upper rear portion of the seat back and the seat back handhold immediately forward oftransverse seats shall be padded andlor constructed of energy-absorbing materials. During a 10g deceleration of the bus, the HIC number (as defined by SAE Standard J2Ila) shall not exceed 400 for passengers ranging in size from a 5th percentile female through a 91thpercentilemale. The seat back handhold may be deleted from seats that do not have another transverse seat directly behind and where a vertical assist is provided. Longitudinal seats shall be the same general design as transverse seats but without seat back handholds. Longitudinal seats may be mounted on the wheelhouses. Armrests shall be included on the ends of each set of longitudinal seats except on the forward end of a seat set that is immediately to the rear of a transverse seat, the driver's barrier, or a modesty panel, when these fixtures perform the function of restraining passengers from sliding forward off the seat. Armrests are not required on longitudinal seats located in the wheelchair parking area that fold up when the armrest on the adjacent fixed longitudinal seat is within 3y' n. of the end of the seat cushion. Armrests shall be located from 7 to 9 in. above the seat cushion surface. The area between the armrest and the seat cushion shall be closed by a barrier or panel. The top and sides of the armrests shall have a minimum width of I in. and shall be free from sharp protrusions that form a safety Inzard. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand static horizontal and vertical forces of 250 lbs. applied anywhere along their length with less tlnn% in. permanent deformation. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand 25,000 impacts in each direction of a horizontal force of 125 lbs. with less than%n. permanent deformation and without visible deterioration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 75.11 Construction and Materials Selected materials shall minimize damage from vandalism and shall reduce cleaning time. The MEETS 167 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations seats shall be attached to the frame with tamper-resistant fasteners. Coloring shall be consistent throughout the seat material, with no visually exposed portion painted. Any exposed metal touching the sides or the floor of the bus shall be stainless steel. The seat, pads and cushions shall be contoured for individuality, lateral support and maximum comfort and shall fit the framework to reduce exposed edges. The minimum radius of any part of the seat back, handhold or modesty panel in the head or chest impact zone shall be a nominal%n.The seat back and seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be constructed of energy-absorbing materials to provide passenger protection and, in a severe crash, to allow the passenger to deform the seating materials in the impact areas. Complete seat assemblies shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Agency to select seat fabric. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 76. Passenger Assists DEFAULT Passenger assists in the form of full grip, vertical stanchions or handholds shall be provided for the safety of standees and for ingress/egress. Passenger assists shall be convenient in locatior¡ shape and size for both the 95th-percentile male and the 5th-percentile female standee. Starting from the entrance door and moving anywhere in the bus and out the exit door, a vertical assist shall be provided either as the vertical portion of the seat back assist or as a separate item so that a 5th-percentile female passenger may easily move from one assist to another using one hand and the other without losing support. All handholds and stanchions at the front doorway, around the farebox, and at interior steps for bi-level designs shall be powder-coated in a high-contrast yellow color. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 76.1 Assists DEFAULT Excluding those mounted on the seats and doors, the assists shall have a cross-sectional diameter between lYo and Iy, n. or shall provide an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than % in. All passenger assists shall permit a full hand grip with no less than 1% in. of knuckle clearance around the assist. Passenger assists shall be designed to minimize catching or snagging of clothes or personal items and shall be capable of passing the NHTSA Drawstring Test. MEETS 168 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Any joints in the assist structure shall be underneath supporting brackets and securely clamped to prevent passengers from moving or twisting the assists. Seat handholds may be of the same construction and finish as the seat frame. Door-mounted passenger assists shall be of anodized aluminum, stainless steel or powder-coated metal. Connecting tees and angles may be powder- coated metal castings. Assists shall withstand a force of 300 lbs. applied over a 12in. lineal dimension in any direction normal to the assist without permanent visible deformation. All passenger assist components, including brackets, clamps, screw heads and other fasteners used on the passenger assists shall be designed to eliminate pinching, snagging and cutting hazards and shall be free from burrs or rough edges. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 76.2 Front Doorway DEFAULT Front doors, or the entry area, shall be fitted with ADA-compliant assists. Assists shall be as far outward as practicable, but shall be located no farther inboard than6 in. from the outside edge of the entrance step and shall be easily grasped by a 5th-percentile female boarding from street level. Door assists shall be functionally continuous with the horizontal front passenger assist and the vertical assist and the assists on the wheel housing or on the front modesty panel. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 76.3 Vestibute DEFAULT The aisle side of the driver's barier, the wheel housings and when applicable the modesty panels shall be fitted with vertical passenger assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist and that extend to within 36 in. ofthe floor. These assists shall have sufficient clearance from the barrier to prevent inadvertent wedging of a passenger's arm. A horizontal passenger assist shall be located across the front ofthe bus and shall prevent passengers from sustaining injuries on the fare collection device or windshield in the event of a sudden deceleration. Without restricting the vestibule space, the assist shall provide support for a boarding passenger from the front door through the fare collection procedure. The assist shall be no less than36 in. above the floor. The assists at the front of the bus shall be arranged to permit a 5th-percentile female passenger to easily reach from the door assist, to the front assist, to vertical assists on the driver's barrier, wheel housings or front modesty panel. MEETS MEETS 169 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 76.4 Rear Doorway DEFAULT Vertical assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist shall be provided at the aisle side of the transverse seat immediately forward of the rear door and on the aisle side of the rear door modesty pane(s).Passenger assists shall be provided on modesty panels that are functionally continuous with the rear door assists. Rear doors, or the exit area, shall be fitted with assists having a cross-sectional diameter between lYo and ly, n. or providing an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less thaîl/q in., and shall provide at least Iy, n. of knuckle clearance between the assists and their mounting. The assists shall be designed to permit a 5th- percentile female to easily move from one assist to another during the entire exiting process. The assists shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the rear doorway step. NOTE: For an articulated bus, passenger assists will be provided to aid in the transition between the front and rear sections of the bus. TS 76.5 Overhead Except forward of the standee line and at the rear door, a continuous, full-grip, overhead assist shall be provided. This assist shall be located over the center of the aisle seating position of the transverse seats. The assist shall be no less than7} in. above the floor. DEFAULT No requirements for overhead grab straps/extensions Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT Grip rails shall be stainless steel. Our specífication beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 170 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 76.6 Longitudinal Seat Assists DEFAULT Longitudinal seats shall have vertical assists located between every other designated seating position, except for seats that fold/flip up to accommodate wheelchair securement. Assists shall extend from near the leading edge of the seat and shall be functionally continuous with the overhead assist. Assists shall be staggered across the aisle from each other where practicable and shall be no more than 52 in. apart or functionally continuous for a 5th percentile female passenger. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 76.7 Wheel Housing Barriers/Assists DEFAULT Unless passenger seating is provided on top of wheel housings, passenger assists shall be mounted around the exposed sides of the wheel housings (and propulsion compartments if applicable), which shall also be designed to prevent passengers from sitting on wheel housings. Such passenger assists shall also effectively retain items, such as bags and luggage, placed on top of wheel housings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77. Passenger Doors TS 77.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Doorways will be provided in the locations and styles as follows. Passenger doors and doorways shall comply with ADA requirements. TS 77.1.1 Front door Door shall be forward of the front wheels and under direct observation of the driver TS 77.1.2 Rear Door Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 171 of 272 P-1 8-005 Techn¡cal Specifications Front Street-Side Rear Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open DEFAULT If air-powered, the door system shall operate per specification at air pressures between 90 and 130 psi. Our specification beÍng proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.2 Materials and Construction Structure of the doors, their attachments, inside and outside trim panels and any mechanism exposed to the elements shall be corrosion resistant. Door panel construction shall be of corrosion-resistant metal or reinforced non-metallic composite materials. 'When fully opened, the doors shall provide a firm support and shall not be damaged if used as an assist by passengers during ingress or egress. Door edges shall be sealed to prevent infiltration of exterior moisture, noise, dirt and air elements from entering the passenger compartment, to the maximum extent possible based on door t)apes. The closing edge of each door panel shall have no less than 2 in. of soft weather stripping. The doors, when closed, shall be effectively sealed, and the hard surfaces of the doors shall be at least 4 rn. apart (not applicable to single doors).The combined weather seal and window glazng elements ofthe front door shall not exceed l0 deg ofbinocular obstruction ofthe driver's view through the closed door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS DOES NOT MEET 172 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 77.3 Dimensions TS 77.3.1 Transit Coach FIGURE 7 Transit Bus Minimum Door Opening @ DOOR HEIGHT When open, the doors shall leave an opening no less than75 in. in height. DEFAULT 3l%in.Minimum Doorway Clear Width Front door clear width shall be a minimum of 3l% in. with the doors fully opened. Rear door opening clear width shall be a minimum of 24 n. with the doors fully opened. If arear door ramp or lift is provided, then the clear door opening width shall be a minimum oßl% in. with door fully opened. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.4 Door Glazing The upper section of both front and rear doors shall be glazed for no less than 45 percent of the respective door opening area of each section. The lower section of the front door shall be glazed for no less than 25 percent of the door opening area of the section. t VI'IDTH FLOOR CLEAR wlDTH MEETS 173 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Spec¡fications Door glazing shall be easily replaceable. DEFAULT Zip type glazngrubber. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below) EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DEFAULT The front door panel glazrng material shall have a nominal y" n. thick laminated safety glass conforming with the requirements of ANSI 226.I Test Grouprng2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.5 Door Projection TS 77.5.1 Exterior DEFÁ.ULT The exterior projection of the front doors beyond the side of the bus shall be minimized and shall not block the line of sight of the rear exit door via the curb side mirror when the doors are fully open. The exterior projection of both doors shall be minimized and shall not exceed 14 in. during the opening or closing cycles or when doors are fully opened Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.5.2Interior DEFAULT Projection inside the bus shall not cause an obstruction of the rear door mirror or cause ahazard for standees. MEETS MEETS MEETS 174 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.6 Door Height Above Pavement DEFAULT It shall be possible to open and close either passenger door when the bus loaded to gross vehicle weight rating is not knelt and parked with the tires touching an 8in. high curb on a street sloping toward the curb so that the street-side wheels are 5 in. higher than the righrside wheels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.7 Closing Force DEFAULT Closing door edge speed shall not exceed 12 in. per second, and opening door speed shall not exceed 19 in. per second. Power doors shall not slam closed under any circumstance, even if the door is obstructed during the closing cycle. If a door is obstructed during the closing cycle, the pressure exerted on the obstruction shall not increase once initial contact has been made. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight-type device shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing device that, at a minimum, alerts the driver if an obstruction is detected between the closing doors. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight type device, when unlocked, shall be capable of being pushed to the point where the door starts to open with a force not to exceed 25 lbs. applied to the center edge of the forward door panel. Whether or not the obstruction-sensing system is present or functional, it shall be possible to withdraw a lYz n. diameter cylinder from between the center edges of a closed and locked door with an outward force not greater than 35 lbs. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS 175 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 77.7.1 Rear Door Closing Force DEFAULT Power-close rear doors shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing system such that if an obstruction is within the path of the closing doors, the doors will stop and./or reverse direction prior to imparting a 10-lb force on 1 sq. in. of that obstruction. If a contactless obstruction sensing system is employed, it shall be capable of discriminating between the normal doorway environment and passengers or other obstructions within the doorway, and of altering the zones of detection based upon the operating state of the door system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.8 Actuators Doors shall open or close completely in not more than 3.5 seconds from the time of control actuation and shall be subject to the closing force requirements. Door actuators shall be adjustable so that the door opening and closing speeds can be independently adjustable to satisfy the above requirements. Actuators and the complex door mechanism shall be concealed from passengers but shall be easily accessible for servicing. The door actuators shall be rebuildable. If powered by compressed air, exhaust from the door system shall be routed below the floor of the bus to prevent accumulation of any oil that may be present in the air system and to muffle sound. Door actuators and associated linkages shall maximize door holding forces in the fully open and fully closed positions to provide firnr, non-rattling, non-fluttering door panels while minimizing the force exerted by the doors on an obstruction midway between the fully open and closed positions. DEFAULT The rear door actuator(s) shall be under the complete control of the vehicle operator and shall open and close in response to the position ofthe driver's door control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 176 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 77.8.1 Rear Door Interlocks See "Hardware Mounting" for door system interlock requirements TS 77.9 Emergency Operation DEFAULT In the event of an emergency, it shall be possible to manually open doors designated as emergency exits from inside the bus using a force of no more than 25 lbs. after actuating an unlocking device. The unlocking device shall be clearly marked as an emergency-only device and shall require two distinct actions toactuate. The respective door emergency unlocking device shall be accessible from the doorway area. The unlocking device shall be easily reset by the operator without special tools or opening the door mechanism enclosure. Doors that are required to be classified as "emergency exitsoo shall meet the requirements of FMVSS 217. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.10 Door Control The door control shall be located in the operator's area within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, "Diiver Hand Control Reach." The driver's door control shall provide tactile feedback to indicate commanded door position and resist inadvertent door actuation. DEFAULT Door control located on street side. The front door shall remain in commanded state position even if power is removed or lost. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 177 of 272 P-'1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 77.11 Door Controller TS 77.11.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Five-Position Driver's Door Controller The control device shall be protected from moisture. Mounting and location of the door control device handle shall be designed so that it is within comfortable, easy armos reach of the seated driver. The door control device handle shall be free from interference by other equipment and have adequate clearance so as not to create apinching hazard. Base Bus-Vapor Door Controller Position of the door control handle shall result in the following operation of the front and rear doors: ' Center position: Front door closed, rear door closed or set to lock. ' First position forward: Front door open, rear door closed or set to lock. ' Second position forward: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. ' First position back: Front door closed, rear door open or set to open. ' Second position back: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 77.12 Door Open/Close DEFAULT A control or valve in the operator's compartment shall shut off the power to, andlor dump the power frorr¡ the front door mechanism to permit manual operation of the front door with the bus shut down. A master door switch, which is not within reach of the seated operator, when set in the "off'position shall close the rear door, deactivate the door control system, release the interlocks and permit only manual operation of the rear door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEETMEETS 178 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 78. Accessibility Provisions DEFAULT Space and body structural provisions shall be provided at the front or rear door of the bus to accommodate a wheelchair loading system. our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 78.1 Loading Systems There are three options: . high-floor lift. low-floor ramp. platform (boarding bridge plate) levelboarding our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS DOES NOT MEET Comment:Low-Floor Ramp is only option TS 78.2 Lifr The wheelchair lift control system must be capable of receiving multiplex commands from vehicle interlocks. An automatically controlled, power-operated wheelchair lift system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR 571.403(FMVSS 403) shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Wheelchair Ramp mounted in front step well. Base Bus-Lift U LU 18 our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 179 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specificalions TS 78.3 Loading System for 30 to 40 ft. Low-Floor Bus An automatically controlled, power-operated ramp system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, $38.23c shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Front Door Location of Loading System, Flip-Out Design Ramp with 6:1 Slope The wheelchair loading system shall be located at the front door, with the ramp being of a simple hinged, flip-out type design being capable of deploying to the ground at a maximum 6:1 slope. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 78.4 Wheelchair Accommodations NOTE: Agency will approve acceptable securement system. DEFAULT Two Forward-Facing Wheelchair Securement Locations Two forward-facing locations, as close to the wheelchair loading system as practical, shall provide parking space and securement system compliant with ADA requirements for a passenger in a wheelchair. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 78.5 Interior Circulation DEFAULT Maneuvering room inside the bus shall accommodate easy travel for a passenger in a wheelchair from the loading device and from the designated securement area.It shall be designed so that no portion of the wheelchair protrudes into the aisle of the bus when parked in the designated parking space(s). When the positions are fully utilized, an aisle space of no less than 20 in. shall be maintained. As a guide, no width dimension should be less than34 in. Areas requiring 90deg MEETS MEETS 180 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specif¡cations turns of wheelchairs should have a clearance arc dimension no less than 45 in., and in the parking area where 180deg turns are expected, space should be clear in a full60in.diameter circle. A vertical clearance of 12in. above the floor surface should be provided on the outside of turning areas for wheelchair footrests. our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 78.6 Lift Door DEFAULT The lift door shall be a single leaf design that operates in a sliding track mounted both above and below the door leaf. The door shall open by sliding to the rear of the coach and shall remain on a horizontal plane throughout the opening and closing process. No pin-hinged doors shall be provided. The transmission must be in neutral and the parking brake activated for the lift to operate. The accelerator shall be automatically disabled and the fast idle system activated when either the lift master switch is turned on or the lift door is open in order to provide maximum safety and security. These features shall be wired to the lift master switch to allow activation only when the transmission is in neutral. The coach directional (hazard) lights will also flash on/off After the lift operation is completed, the lift shall be properly stored and secured, with the access door closed and the lift master switch at the dash in the "off' position in order to move the coach. The lift door shall have a window in line with the other passenger windows and shall not detract from the appearance of the coach. The door latch mechanism shall be located in the lower section of the door so that operators in the 5th percentile female range can operate the lift door. The lift storage door shall not block the visual observation to the lift assembly while utilizing the manual override mode of the lift. A lift door design consisting of a horizontally hinged lift platform egress door mounted within a vertical motion pantograph luggage door is a preferred design. our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment: NOT MEET manually deployed. The Hazard lights wíll not turn on automatically as this would FMVSS regulations that the Hazard lights must always be turned on by a ere are no " on the low floor bus ll have a ramp that can also ual dedicated switch 181 of 272 P-1 B-005 Technical Specif¡cations TS 78.7 Lift widrh DEFAULT The installation of the lift to the coach structure as well as the installation of the lift door into the sidewall of the coach shall not affect the structural integrity of the coach. The parcel rack module above the wheelchair lift platfoûn area shall be permanently removed to provide additional headroom. The modified rack shall be professionally finished at all ends. A threshold warning module with a red warning light and an acoustic sensor shall be mounted in the ceiling structure above the wheelchair lift entrance doorway. The heating and air ducts shall be rerouted around the lift area to ensure proper interior ar conditionin glheatng airflow and distribution. A passenger chime tape switch shall be mounted on the sidewall at the two wheelchair securement positions. Each coach shall have adequate information decals installed that detail the proper lift operation in both the normal and manual modes of operation. Our specÍfìcatÍon being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment:Reference above. Only Ramp is available. No Lift. TS 78.8 Lighting Requirements DEFAULT Lighting for the lift areas shall be designed to meet Title 13 and ADA and FMVSS 404 standards. Lighting shall be provided to effectively illuminate the lift area.Light shall be wired through the lift master toggle switch on the driver's dash and shall automatically illuminate when this switch is inthe "on" position. The lighting design shall minimtzethe effect of glare on passengers entering the bus through the wheelchair lift door. During lift operation, the street surface shall be illuminated to a minimum of 6 candlepower a distance of 3 ft. beyond the external dimensions of the lift platform once deployed and lowered. Additional lighting shall be provided to ensure illumination of the instruction placard and the manual override pump when it is in use. Our specifìcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET DOES NOT MEET 182 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 78.9 Securement System DEFAULT The vehicle interior shall permit the securement of two forward-facing wheelchair passengers in which the primary position shall be on the street side of the coach directly across from the lift. Securement areas shall be a minimum 30 x 48 in. as required by the ADA. A separate three-point belt securement shall be provided to effectively secure wheelchair passengers. To fuither secure the passenger during the lift operation, a retractable seat belt strap shall be provided at the ingress/egress area of the lift platform. A minimum 10.5 in. high barrier shall also be provided at the rear of the lift area for additional passenger protection. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 78.10 Roof VentÍlationÆscape Hatches DEFAULT Two roofventilators shall be provided and designed to perform as escape hatches. One ventilator/escape hatch shall be located in the roof at the front of the coach, another in the roof at the rear ofthe coach. Our specifïcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET SIGNAGE AND CON{N{UNICATION TS 79. Destination Signs DEFAULT A destination sign system shall be furnished on the front, on the right side near the front door. The driver shall be able to access the sign while seated. The destination sign compafiments shall meet the following minimum requirements:o Compartments shall be designed to prevent condensation and entry of moisture anddirt.o Compartments shall be designed to prevent fogging of both compartment windowand glaztng on the unit itself. o Access shall be provided to allow cleaning of inside compartment window and unit glazrng. . The front window shall have an exterior display area of no less than 8.5 in. high by 56 in. wide. MEETS MEETS 183 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Base Bus-Hanover White Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 80. Passenger Information and Advertising TS 80.1 Interior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made on the rear of the driver's barrier or equþment box located on the wheel well for a frame to retain information such as routes and schedules. Advertising media I I in. high and 0.09 in. thick shall be retained near the juncture of the bus ceiling and sidewall. The retainers may be concave and shall support the media without adhesives. The media shall be illuminated by the interior light system. Our specifÌcation being proposed for the sectÍon above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 80.2 Exterior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to integrate advertising into the exterior design of the bus. Advertising media, frames or supporting structures shall not detract from the readability of destination signs and signal lights, and shall not compromise passenger visibility. Advertising provisions shall not cause pedestrianhazards or foul automatic bus washing equipment, and shall not cover or interfere with doors, air passages, and vehicle fittings or in any other manner restrict the operation or serviceability of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 81. Passenger Stop RequeslExit Signal TS 81.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Pull Cord A passenger'ostop requested'o signal system that complies with applicable ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR, Part 38.37, shall be provided. The system shall consist of a touch tape, chime MEETS 184 of 272 P-l 8-005 Technical Specifications and interior sign message. The touch tape shall be accessible to all seated passengers, with provisions for standees .It shall be easily accessible to all passengers, seated or standing. Vertical touch tape shall be provided at each window mullion and adjacent to each wheelchair parking position and priority seating positions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS Comment: TS 81.2 SÍgnal Chime TS 81.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT A single "stop requested" chime shall sound when the system is first activated. A double chime shall sound anytime the system is activated from wheelchair passenger areas. Exit signals located in the wheelchair passenger area shall be no higher than 4 ft. above the floor. Instructions shall be provided to clearly indicate function and operation of these signals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 82. Communications TS 82.1 Camera Surveillance System DEFAULT Base Bus- Apollo 8 camera 6TB HD Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 82.2 Public Address System DEFAULT A public address system shall be provided on each bus for facilitating radio system and driver- originated announcements to passengers. NOT MEET s. The description notes touch tape. The bus will come with Pull Cords accessible to all passengers Clarification: The h er notes Pull MEETS 185 of 272 MEETS P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 82.2.1 Speakers DEFAULT Interior loudspeakers shall be provided, semi-flush mounted, on alternate sides of the bus passenger compartment, installed with proper phasing. Total impedance seen at the input connecting end shall be 8 Ohms. Mounting shall be accomplished with riv-nuts and machine screws. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 82.3 Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) DEFAULT Base Bus -UTA An infrared APC system shall be installed. Agency to provide details of APC systerr¡ including installation locations and number of buses to be equipped. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 82.4 Radio Handset and Control System TS 82.4.1 Drivers Speaker DEFAULT Each bus shall have a recessed speaker in the ceiling panel above the driver. This speaker shall be the same component used for the speakers in the passenger compartment. It shall have 8 Ohms of impedance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: MEETS MEETS DOES NOT MEET 186 of 272 P-1 8-005 Technical Specifications TS 82.4.2 Handset DEFAULT Contractor will install a handset for driver use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 82.4.3 Emergency Alarm DEFAULT Contractor shall install an emergency alarm that is accessible to the driver but hidden from view Our specifTcation being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET TS 83. Event Data Recorders (EDR) DEFAULT No EDR shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS Comment: DOES NOT MEET MEETS MEETS 187 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit ‘B’ – Proposal Pricing (On following pages) 188 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus $429,600.00 $435,525.00 $439,725.00 ADVERTISING FRAMES None INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR Donaldson (RBX00-2277) Air Restriction Indicator INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR SYSTEM Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR SYSTEM SKF HCT - 2000 AIR DRYER INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton S790)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR SYSTEM Kingston Auto Drain Valve at Ping Tanks INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ALTERNATOR EMP (400 Amp for EMP Electric Cooling System with EMP Radiator and Charge Air Cooler)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA APC Sensors, Cabling, CPU Only (Integrated w/ ITS)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Oil Seals INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AXLES & SEALS Synthetic 75W90 Gear Oil INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BATTERIES (2) DEKA 8D Side or Top Post Connections INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BATTERIES Vanner 60Amp Battery Voltage Equalizer INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BATTERIES Anderson 300 Jump Start Connector (Rear Only)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Powder Coated INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BIKE RACKS Bike Rack Deployed Indicator Lamp on Driver's Dash INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BRAKES S-Cam Drum Brakes with Wabco ABS INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM DC Power Filter for Radio Wiring INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Power Circuit (Route to RH Dash & Electrical Equipment Box)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED COOLING SYSTEM EMP Electric Cooling Fan System with EMP Radiator MH- 4 INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% White LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DOOR SYSTEM- FRONT OEM Standard Air Open/Air Close Front Door with Full Driver Control 31.75" Minimum Doorway Clear Width INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DOOR SYSTEM- REAR OEM Standard Air Open/Spring Close Rear Door with Full Driver Control 24.8" Minimum Doorway Clear Width INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DOOR SYSTEM- REAR Add Touch Bars (Air Open / Spring Close) at Rear Door with Driver Override INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVER BARRIER None STANDARD WRAP AROUND (35'/40') / FLAT MELAMINE (29') BARRIER INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVER CONTROLS Williams Controls 41 Degree Throttle and Brake Pedal (Non-Adjustable)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVER HEATERS MCC Drivers Heater-Brushless Motors, Electric Control, Removable Filter INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED Base Bus Pricing Base Bus Price P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 189 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus Base Bus Price DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 44"H x 22.5"W x 20"D, 1-Door INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ENGINE Cummins L9 280 H.P. Diesel INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Magnetic Drain Plug (Internal Hex Head)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED EXHAUST SYSTEM Cummins Compucheck Fitting at Turbo Outlet Pipe INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4" Diameter LED Tail Lights Turn, Tail, Stop, Reverse INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4 LED Headlights (Low & High Beam) Peterson INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x11", 2-Piece, no heat or remote adjustment (Street Side)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x11", 2-Piece, with remote adjustment (Curbside Mirror) No Heat INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FARE COLLECTION No Farebox , Provide Power Circuit and Groundstrap Only INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression System INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FLOORING Greenwood ACQ Plywood in low floor section, composite in rear deck INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FLOORING Transitflor Flooring INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FRAME 3CR12 Stainless Steel INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FUEL SYSTEM Spin On Primary and Secondary Fuel Filters INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Speedometer, Air Pressure Gauge, 12/24 volt Gauges, DEF Gauge, Engine Oil Pressure Gauge, Engine Coolant Temp Gauge INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with X430 Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING R407C Refrigerent INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED HUBOMETER Veeder Root Mechanical without Tenths, without Guard INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INTERIOR LIGHTS Pretoria LED Interior Lights INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INTERIOR MIRRORS 8.25" x 16" Interior Rear View Mirror, Flat Faced INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices IVN 4 (AVL/GPS/CAD/Automatic Stop Annunciation) Controller, TCH, Antenna, Wiring, AVC Mic, Cellular (excludes services), WLAN and GPS INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED MISCELLANOUS Scissor Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED MODESTY PANELS Standard Melamine Panels on Lower Section INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED PAINT One Color w/ Black Mask at Windows Single Stage Paint w/Bus numbers only INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Curbisde Aft of ADA Area NOT AVAILABLE INCLUDED INCLUDED PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Streetside Aft of ADA Area NOT AVAILABLE INCLUDED INCLUDED PASSENGER SEATING USSC 4ONE Gemini (30' - SL - 66631 - xxxxx, 35' - SL - 71211 - 007, 40' - SL - 71211 - 006)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED 190 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus Base Bus Price PASSENGER SIGNALS Pull Cords (Neutral) with Touch Pad at Wheelchair Location INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM PA with Handheld Mic w / (8) Flush Mount Speakers 35' (6) w / 30'INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED REAR RUN CONTROLS Engine Run Control and Start Switch, Compartment Light Switch INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ROOF HATCHES Manual Hatch at Front and Rear Positions INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5LBS ABC Fire Extinguisher (Mounted Behind Driver Seat)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED SAFETY EQUIPMENT 95-03-010 Safety Triangles INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED SCHEDULE RACK NONE NOT INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED NOT INCLUDED STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Stainless Steel Vertical Stanchions, Grabrails, and Modesty Panel Tubes INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Vinyl Coated Nylon Grab Straps--Each $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 STARTER Delco 42MT Electric INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STEERING SYSTEM Douglas, Single Tilt, Without Column Turn Signal, Without High-Low Beam Switch INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STEERING SYSTEM Steering Wheel--Standard 20" Non-Padded 3 Spoke Wheel with Center Horn Button INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STEERING SYSTEM TRW TAS6505 INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STYLING PACKAGES Standard Styling Package INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STYLING PACKAGES Windshield 2-Piece INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 6TB HDD, GPS, Wireless, Impact Sensor ROAD RUNNER 8 INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED TIRES Agency Supplied Tires INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED TOWING None INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED TRANSMISSION Voith D864.6, or Latest Model INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED WHEELCHAIR RAMP Lift U--Ramp (LU-18 Dual Mode Front Door Ramp Only)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC--V-PRO-Reliant INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED WHEELS/RIMS 6 (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with Durabrite INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DECALS & SIGNAGE ADA Priority Seat Decals--"PLEASE OFFER THESE SEATS TO THE ELDERLY AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES", Black on Clear INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DECALS & SIGNAGE Drivers Instructions & Warning--English, Black on White INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DECALS & SIGNAGE Interior Symbol Decals (3)--ISO Symbols, No Smoking/Eating/Drinking/Radio. Blue on White INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DECALS & SIGNAGE Vehicle Height Decal--English "Caution Clearance Height XX FT XX IN, Black on Yellow INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED 191 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus Base Bus Price DECALS & SIGNAGE Drivers /Passengers Standee Warning Decal for Florida-- "It Is A Violation For This Bus To Be In Operation With Passengers Occupying The Area Forward Of Yellow Line. Therefore Passengers May Not Stand Forward Of The Yellow Line While Bus Is In Motion." White on Black INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED MANUALS Drivers, Service, Parts, Electrical, Vendor (Hardcopy) & Compact Disc (CD)--1 Set Hardcopy & 1 CD (Up to 3 buses ordered)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED 192 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ADVERTISING FRAMES (1) Information Board (#15-55401-000)$181.00 $181.00 $181.00 ADVERTISING FRAMES Advertising Frame - Interior 22" X 21",RH Load, Open Back, Clear Aluminum Finish $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 AIR SYSTEM Bendix ADIP , Heated, Air Dryer (DUAL AIR DRYERS WITH HALDEX DUAL CONCEP AIR FILTER/OIL SEPARATOR) $719.00 $719.00 $719.00 AIR SYSTEM Bendix Puraguard Air / Oil Separator INCLUDED W/DUAL ADIP DRYER INCLUDED W/DUAL ADIP DRYER INCLUDED W/DUAL ADIP DRYER AIR SYSTEM Chicago Rawhide Dual Turbo 2000 Air Dryer NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE AIR SYSTEM Electric Driven 12.5 CFM--BAE Hybrid Package INCLUDES POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT NOT AVAILABLE $13,669.00 $13,669.00 AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA15 Air Dryer QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA60 Air Dryer NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE AIR SYSTEM Haldex Consep Moisture Ejector, Heated, at Air Dryer $556.00 $556.00 $556.00 AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton 770)NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection (Milton 727)NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT 2000 Duraguard, 24V Heated, Filtration Plus Air Dryer INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT_2000 Duraguard Air Dryer INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AIR SYSTEM Wabco SS 1800, Heated, Air Dryer NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ALTERNATOR BAE APS2 Beltless Alternator DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Sub-Systems NOT AVAILABLE SEE HYBRID & ACCESSORY OPTIONS SEE HYBRID & ACCESSORY OPTIONS ALTERNATOR ALTERNATOR MOUNTED Neihoff 803D (525 AMP) with Regulator $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 ALTERNATOR Neihoff C703 (330 AMP )NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ALTERNATOR ALTERNATOR MOUNTED Neihoff C803 Alternator with Regulator $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 ALTERNATOR Vanner 300 AMP DC-DC Converter SEE ALLISON HYBRID OPTION SEE ALLISON HYBRID OPTION SEE ALLISON HYBRID OPTION AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER Clever Devices CleverCount System $4,149.00 $4,149.00 $4,149.00 AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities (DOES NOT INCLUDE LANDSIDE EQUIPMENT OR SOFTWARE) $2,666.00 $2,666.00 $2,666.00 Options Pricing List P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 193 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities (without APC software & Wi-Fi data transfer) (DOES NOT INCLUDE LANDSIDE EQUIPMENT OR SOFTWARE) $2,666.00 $2,666.00 $2,666.00 AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals PER AXLE ($35.00)($35.00)($35.00) AXLES & SEALS STUD Piloted Wheels, Axles with Oil Seals QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE AXLES & SEALS Rear Axle Oil Drain Plug--Magnetic Internal Hex Head Plug INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED AXLES & SEALS Stud Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE BATTERIES 24 Volt to 13.6 Volt DC-DC Converter - VANNER 60 AMP EQUALIZER INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Connector (Each)$178.00 $178.00 $178.00 BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Delete ($178.00)($178.00)($178.00) BATTERIES Group 31 Batteries - DEKA $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 BATTERIES Marine Cabling for Charging System QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA APC SOFTWARE, TRAINING, DOCUMENTATION, WLAN BASE STATION $63,500.00 $63,500.00 $63,500.00 BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors –Vanner Start Sentry QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors--HBI KA Power WITH (2) DEKA GROUP 31 BATTERIES $3,818.00 $3,818.00 $3,818.00 BATTERIES Vanner 85 series Smart Battery Equalizer w/CAN $515.00 $515.00 $515.00 BATTERIES Voltage spike arrestor, S.K.I. Products SKI241- 101445, or approved equal NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak Pivot Plate Only ($600.00)($600.00)($600.00) BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Stainless Steel $220.00 $220.00 $220.00 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Powder Coated NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Stainless Steel NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak-Mounting Brackets Only ($650.00)($650.00)($650.00) BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Powder Coated $236.00 $236.00 $236.00 BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Stainless Steel $206.00 $206.00 $206.00 BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 3, 3-Position, Powder Coated NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX3, 3-Position, Stainless Steel NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2, 2-Position, Powder Coated QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2,2-Position, Stainless Steel $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 BIKE RACKS Sportworks Mounting Brackets Only ($700.00)($700.00)($700.00) BIKE RACKS Sportworks Pivot Plate Only ($550.00)($550.00)($550.00) BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Powder Coated NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Stainless Steel NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE BRAKES Automatic Traction Control-(ATC)$121.00 $121.00 $121.00 194 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus BRAKES Four Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS $3,915.00 $3,915.00 $3,915.00 BRAKES MGM E-Stroke Brake Wear Monitoring System QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 120" III Fuel Tanks NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 85" & (4) 120" Type III Fuel Tanks NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (8) 85" III Fuel Tanks NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE CNG 20XX Cummins L9N 280 HP, with Minimum 17,500 SCF $49,371.00 $49,371.00 $49,371.00 CNG Add Second Fast Fill to Low Mount Position $820.00 $820.00 $820.00 CNG Electric Solenoid Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE CNG Manual Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves INCLUDED W/CNG INCLUDED W/CNG INCLUDED W/CNG CNG Smart Gauge fuel System Monitoring Gauge (includes tank upgrade to electric solenoids)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 572 Antenna $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 930T Antenna with RG58 coax cable and TNC connector QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 931 Antenna $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM GPS Antenna (Trimble 502 Model 18334)$500.00 $500.00 $500.00 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Harris XG-25M QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Motorola APX 4500 $4,983.00 $4,983.00 $4,983.00 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Motorola APX 6500 $6,979.00 $6,979.00 $6,979.00 COOLING SYSTEM Auxilary Coolant Heater QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE COOLING SYSTEM Breeze Constant Tension Clamps $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 COOLING SYSTEM E - Coat Radiator, Charge Air Cooler, & Hydraulic Cooler $1,054.00 $1,054.00 $1,054.00 COOLING SYSTEM Masabi Radiator NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE COOLING SYSTEM Modine Electric Cooling System without E-Coat - Panel Mount ($900.00)($900.00)($900.00) COOLING SYSTEM Modine Hydraulic Cooling Fan System NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE COOLING SYSTEM Modine Side by Side Plate Fin Radiator NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE COOLING SYSTEM Oetiker Constant Torque Clamps INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard $363.00 $363.00 $363.00 COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard with Splash Shield $439.00 $439.00 $439.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE Wheechair Securement Decals--"WHEELCHAIR SEATING AREA SECUREMENTS ARE LOCATED BELOW THESE SEATS", Black on Optically Clear $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE Trilingual Decals $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 195 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DECALS & SIGNAGE Yield Sign Decal INCLUDED WITH YIELD SIGN INCLUDED WITH YIELD SIGN INCLUDED WITH YIELD SIGN DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Hanover Wireless Programming $769.00 $769.00 $769.00 DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Destination Sign Wireless Programming $1,063.00 $1,063.00 $1,063.00 DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Program Software NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE TwinVision Program Software NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DESTINATION SIGNS 200 x 24 Front Sign Amber Color - Hanover $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 DESTINATION SIGNS 200 x 24 Front Sign White Color - Hanover $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Full Color Sign System - Hanover $2,445.00 $2,445.00 $2,445.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Amber LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear ($370.00)($370.00)($370.00) DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Full Color LED Sign (17 x 160)-- Front ,Side, Rear $2,445.00 $2,445.00 $2,445.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover Program Software NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--Amber LED $738.00 $738.00 $738.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--Color LED $956.00 $956.00 $956.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--White LED $906.00 $906.00 $906.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Delete Rear Sign ($800.00)($800.00)($800.00) DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Amber LED Sign (16x 160)--Front, Side , and Rear NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Silver LED Sign (16 x 160)--Front, Side , and Rear NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator InfoLite 24" monitor $4,597.00 $4,597.00 $4,597.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator InfoTransit 24" monitors - Full System w/2 Monitors $16,204.00 $16,204.00 $16,204.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator RearView Camera Integraded into Rear LED Sign - Amber or White $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Rearview Camera without Rear LED Sign (Not Available with Camera #12)$500.00 $500.00 $500.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Spectrum 100% Full Color LED GEN IV Front Sign (24 x 200)$2,175.00 $2,175.00 $2,175.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Amber Series Sign (24 x 200)-- Front, Side, and Rear $425.00 $425.00 $425.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Silver Series LED Sign (24 X 200)-- Front, Side, and Rear $425.00 $425.00 $425.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Amber LED $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Color LED $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Silver LED $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator--Delete Rear Sign ($700.00)($700.00)($700.00) 196 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Amber LED Sign (16 x 160)--Front, Side, and Rear NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Silver LED Sign (16 X 160)-- Front, Side, and Rear NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DOOR SYSTEM Add Exterior Air Release (Front Door Control Valve)$44.00 $44.00 $44.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add Push Button Door Controls $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add Vapor 5 Position Analog Controller INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Activair Differential Engine for Slide- Glide Doors $295.00 $295.00 $295.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor CLASS Acoustic (Photo Sensor)$2,708.00 $2,708.00 $2,708.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Digital Door Control - DDC $521.00 $521.00 $521.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Electric Transit Operator - ETO Front and Rear Doors $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Light Touch Bars $435.00 $435.00 $435.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Optical Pressure Switch - OPS $595.00 $595.00 $595.00 DOOR SYSTEM-- REAR Add Touch Tape at Rear Doors NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DRIVER BARRIER Drivers Barrier Storage Box Mounted to Driver's Barriers (Standard)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVER BARRIER Driver's Security Enclosure Arow MV3080018 $4,890.00 $4,890.00 $4,890.00 DRIVER BARRIER Flat Melamine, Two Piece INCLUDED NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE DRIVER BARRIER Plexiglass Drivers Security Enclosure Door $835.00 $835.00 $835.00 DRIVER BARRIER Wrap Around Drivers Barrier NOT AVAILABLE INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVER BARRIER Wraparound, without schedule holders, with drivers barrier grap handle NOT AVAILABLE INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVER CONTROLS 12 V Cigarette Light Adaptor for PC auxilary power- Drivers area $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 DRIVER CONTROLS Kongsberg Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal $925.00 $925.00 $925.00 DRIVER CONTROLS Teleflex Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE DRIVER HEATERS Dash Fan $89.00 $89.00 $89.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Adjustable D-Ring to Recaro Ergo Metro $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Adustable D-Ring to USSC Seat $85.00 $85.00 $85.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro $120.00 $120.00 $120.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to USSC Seat $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to Recaro Ergo Metro NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to USSC Seat $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to Recaro Ergo Metro $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to USSC Seat $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to USSC Seat $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to Recaro Ergo Metro NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE 197 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to USSC Seat NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE DRIVERS SEAT Recaro Ergo Metro, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belts (Lap & Shoulder)($325.00)($325.00)($325.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($375.00)($375.00)($375.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder)($125.00)($125.00)($125.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($200.00)($200.00)($200.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($200.00)($200.00)($200.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap) - Q900 ($200.00)($200.00)($200.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) - Q900 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door, Louvered Back Panel NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 2-Doors NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 8.25"H x 20"W x 19"D, 1-Door, Curbside Wheelhousing Storage Box $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add 5/16" Square Key Lock - Each $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Exhaust Ventilation Fan - Each (2 Fans Included)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Standard Key Lock--Each $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Femco Auto Drain $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - engine oil (Checkfluid KP18NV)$44.00 $44.00 $44.00 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Sample Test Port--Titan Probalizer OD-1014 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Spinner II Bypass Filter System $1,156.00 $1,156.00 $1,156.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (High Beam)NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (Low Beam Only) - Peterson ($250.00)($250.00)($250.00) EXTERIOR LIGHTS 7" Diameter LED Tail Lights-Turn, Tail, Stop, Reverse - Reverse Lamp is 4"$235.00 $235.00 $235.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Amber LED Strip Brake Light--Each $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Red LED Strip Brake Light--Each $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 4" Diameter LED Brake Light--Each $65.00 $65.00 $65.00 198 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 7" Diameter LED Brake Light--Each $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Amber Triangle Style LED "Yield" Sign $640.00 $640.00 $640.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Red LED "STOP" Sign $470.00 $470.00 $470.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Dual Halogen Headlights (Low & High Beam Only)($500.00)($500.00)($500.00) EXTERIOR LIGHTS Fog Lights QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE EXTERIOR MIRRORS 5" Mirror Front Bike Rack Mirror $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 EXTERIOR MIRRORS Add Turn Signal Indicator on Exterior Mirror Head per Side $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x13", 1-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides)($35.00)($35.00)($35.00) EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x10", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides)NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x15", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides)NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x8", 1-Piece, Remote Control Both Sides, Stainless Steel Arms ($100.00)($100.00)($100.00) EXTERIOR MIRRORS Delete Remote Control (Per Side)($45.00)($45.00)($45.00) FARE COLLECTION Add Farebox Lamp, Ceiling mounted - Peterson $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 FARE COLLECTION GFI 41" Tall Odyssey - Without Trim, Standard Saturn 6000 Card Reader $14,361.00 $14,361.00 $14,361.00 FARE COLLECTION Install Customer Provided Farebox Base Plate NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Armored LTD $415.00 $415.00 $415.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Optical Sensor (each)$750.00 $750.00 $750.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde TLSE QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex Safety-Net Fire Suppression & 4 Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only)$2,261.00 $2,261.00 $2,261.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex V-25 Fire Suppression System ($369.00)($369.00)($369.00) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression & (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only)$2,155.00 $2,155.00 $2,155.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum LTD Fire Detection and Suppression System $228.00 $228.00 $228.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum with LTD and (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only)$2,174.00 $2,174.00 $2,174.00 FLOORING Altro Transflor $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 FLOORING Composite Sub Floor - Rear Deck and Low Floor Section $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 FLOORING Stainless Steel Trim on Risers and Wheelhousings $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 FLOORING Transitflor Rubber Flooring INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FRAME Engine Skid Protection W/ Extended Tow Eyes & 2" Thick x 2" Wide Wear Plate $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 FRAME Engine Skid Protection with Extended Tow Eyes $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 FRAME Frame Undercoating INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED FRAME Reinforced A-Post Skid Plates (Per Side)$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 199 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Heated $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Non-Heated $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 FUEL SYSTEM Emco Wheaton Posi Lock 105 (Flip Cap or Twist Cap) - Diesel Fuel INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Auxiliary Stop Request Light $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Engine Hour Meter $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--CNG $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--Diesel $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--Diesel Hybrid $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Alarm NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Warning Indicator NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Mutil Function Display (MFD)$2,706.00 $2,706.00 $2,706.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC Electric System with Alternator $7,091.00 $7,091.00 $7,091.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC with brushless condensor and evaporator motors and 05G Compressor, Eco Temp Controls ($4,342.00)($4,342.00)($4,342.00) HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SanUVAire- Safe Breathe Air Purification System NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Sutrak All-Electric HVAC SYSTEM--(Roof Mounted/Rear Mounted HVAC system) NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King Pressure and Return Display Mounted to Unit INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 All-Electric HVAC System -BAE Hybrid NOT AVAILABLE $2,395.00 $2,395.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with S391 Screw Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors $1,275.00 $1,275.00 $1,275.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with S616 Screw Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors $3,399.00 $3,399.00 $3,399.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo-King All-Electric HVAC System w/ HVDM-- Allison Hybrid QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE HUBOMETER Add Hubodometer Guard $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 HUBOMETER E J Ward Data System (Includes CANceiver, Display Unit, and Antenna)$525.00 $525.00 $525.00 HUBOMETER Engler (Stemco) Mechanical without Tenths, without Guard NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE HUBOMETER S/A Fleetwatch Data Logger JX 55 QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins B6.7 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA SUBJECT TO BUY AMERICA AVAILABILITY $211,806.00 $211,806.00 $211,806.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins B6.7 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 with 32K Batteries NOT AVAILABLE $220,531.00 $220,531.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE 200 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add BAE Electric Accessories R.E.A.L. System-- (Diesel or CNG Engines Only) NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Extended Range Batteries--BAE NOT AVAILABLE QUOTE QUOTE HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Air Compressor Package--BAE (Includes Power Distribution Unit) NOT AVAILABLE $13,669.00 $13,669.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Steering Package--BAE (Requires Full Electric Air Compressor) NOT AVAILABLE $3,490.00 $3,490.00 INTERIOR MIRRORS 12" Convex at Rear Door Stanchion INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INTERIOR MIRRORS 4.75" x 15" Interior Mirror, Flat Faced NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE INTERIOR MIRRORS 6" Flat Faced Spot Mirror at Bottom of Front Destination Sign Compartment INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED ITS SYSTEM Avail IVU with MDC, GPS, APC, and WLAN QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE ITS SYSTEM Avail System Pre-Wire (IVU, MDT, APC, Fare Box)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System - AVM Software Incremental Services and Data Dictionary $5,511.00 $5,511.00 $5,511.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices BusTime System - Bus Time Software & Incremental Services $3,187.00 $3,187.00 $3,187.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverCAD System - Clever CAD Software, Modem and Incremental Services $5,040.00 $5,040.00 $5,040.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverVision (2 Signs)$20,804.00 $20,804.00 $20,804.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Secure Bus Access System NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Turn Warning System $4,029.00 $4,029.00 $4,029.00 ITS SYSTEM Intelligent Vehicle System Prewire Only (Pending System Specification)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys Module $6,597.00 $6,597.00 $6,597.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--Upgrade to 29" Monitors FROM 18.5", per Monitor $1,715.00 $1,715.00 $1,715.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--Upgrade to 37"Monitors FROM 18.5", per Monitor $2,575.00 $2,575.00 $2,575.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys Module $13,061.00 $13,061.00 $13,061.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--Upgrade to 29" Monitors from 18.5", per Monitor $2,430.00 $2,430.00 $2,430.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--Upgrade to 37" Monitors from 18.5", per Monitor $2,860.00 $2,860.00 $2,860.00 ITS SYSTEM MobileEye Collision Avoidance System QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE ITS SYSTEM None - Delete Clever Devices IVN4 & Integrated UTA APC ($17,169.00)($17,169.00)($17,169.00) ITS SYSTEM Opticom Traffic Signal Priority QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE ITS SYSTEM Transloc Transit Visualization System AVL NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE MISCELLANOUS Drivers Coat Hook INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED MISCELLANOUS Euramatic Cup Holder $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 MISCELLANOUS Registration Card holder $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 201 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus MISCELLANOUS Roller Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows ($50.00)($50.00)($50.00) MISCELLANOUS Stainless Steel Waste Basket and Bracket $290.00 $290.00 $290.00 MODESTY PANELS Front Door Modesty Panel INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED MODESTY PANELS Lower Modesty Panel Forward of Rear Door $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 MODESTY PANELS Melamine Panel Lower Section (Aft Rear Door)INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED MODESTY PANELS Quick Changing Glazing Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panels Both Sides of Rear Exit Door $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 MODESTY PANELS Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panel Forward Rear Door $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 PAINT Add Roof Numbers Decals $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 PAINT Add--Additional Color--Per Pass $2,150.00 $2,150.00 $2,150.00 PAINT Add--Clear Coat - per Paint Pass $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 PAINT Custom Paint / Decal Design (Per Spec)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER SEATING Add--3rd Step To Perimeter Seating (Except Settee)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER SEATING Add--Hinged Rear SeHee QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER SEATING Add--USB Charging Ports at Passenger Locations QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER SEATING AMESCO Insight Prime Plus $749.00 $3,008.00 $4,490.00 PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Insight $1,183.00 $3,645.00 $6,301.00 PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Vision $2,521.00 $5,118.00 $6,809.00 PASSENGER SEATING Kiel Citos QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER SEATING Kiel North America Intra QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER SEATING Prices Valid Only for Seat Layouts SL-66631 SL-71211-007 SL-71211-006 PASSENGER SIGNALS Stop Request Button At Rear Door Stanchion $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 PASSENGER SIGNALS Touch Tape (At Window Mullions) $750.00 $930.00 $1,080.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Standard Frame NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Standard Frame NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Window Guards (Acrylic or Film) 6 MIL Film $874.00 $1,095.00 $1,313.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed $2,150.00 $2,450.00 $2,410.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Fixed ($685.00)($950.00)($1,000.00) PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Sliders $524.00 $674.00 $1,035.00 202 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with full-height sliding panels QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels - Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded - Transom $4,133.00 $5,256.00 $6,066.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with sliding transom panels QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Fixed ($1,309.00)($1,764.00)($1,986.00) PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Sliders ($701.00)($946.00)($908.00) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM (1) Interior/Both/Exterior Speaker Selct Toggle Switch without Guard & (1) Rheostat Volume Control with XLR Mic Jack INCLUDED WITH DELETE ITS INCLUDED WITH DELETE ITS INCLUDED WITH DELETE ITS PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Boom Microphone--Soundview SVA50SF (24") without ON/OFF Switch on Microphone, Momentary Button toe Switch, Floor Bracket Mounted $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devices Automated Voice Announcement System - LED Sign, AVA Software, Incremental Services $3,721.00 $3,721.00 $3,721.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devises - Speakeasy II $1,950.00 $1,950.00 $1,950.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Hanover AVA System (Voice)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Luminator VAS System $7,821.00 $7,821.00 $7,821.00 REAR RUN CONTROLS Radiator Electric Fan Controls--Fan Reverse Flow Momentary Toggle Switch & Indicator Lamp INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED REAR RUN CONTROLS Rear Hand Thottle Control--Rheostat Variable Speed Control with Toggle Witch & Guard $156.00 $156.00 $156.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add A/C Hour Meter - Programmable Gauge $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Coolant Temperature - Electrical - Programmable Gauge $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Coolant Temperature--Mechanial $155.00 $155.00 $155.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Engine Hour Meter - Programmable Gauge $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Oil Pressure--Electrical INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED REAR RUN GAUGES Add Oil Pressure--Mechanical $155.00 $155.00 $155.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Transmission Temperature - Electrical - Programmable Gauge $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Transmission Temperature--Mechanical $155.00 $155.00 $155.00 REAR RUN GAUGES Add Voltmeter (12V or 24V) - Programmable Gauge $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 ROOF HATCHES Delete (1) Roof hatch ($240.00)($240.00)($240.00) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Bio- Hazard Disposal Kit $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Blood Born Pathogens Kit $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 203 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus SAFETY EQUIPMENT 24 Unit First Aid Kit $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Wheel Chocks ( Per Set )$35.00 $35.00 $35.00 SCHEDULE RACK (1) Schedule Holder OBIC 20/9 4PW-49/923BO- 4 Slots,Gray Color $335.00 $335.00 $335.00 SCHEDULE RACK 22" x 21" Black, RH Load Open Back $175.00 $175.00 $175.00 SCHEDULE RACK Innocom Schedule Racks 3.75" x 7" x 1.5"$25.00 $25.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE RACK Innocom Schedule Racks 8.62" x 1 1" x 1"$25.00 $25.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE RACK OBIC To (4) Quad Pamphlet & (1) Single Pamphlet Holders QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE SCHEDULE RACK Transit Info Products OBICT10P2LTRMC $465.00 $465.00 $465.00 SCHEDULE RACK Transit Information Products -19"x 21" OBIC 19/214P1LTRMC $245.00 $245.00 $245.00 STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Add Farebox Grabrail INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Horizontal Grabrail on Curbside & Streetside Wheelhousing INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS SSTL Spring Loaded Grab Handle--Each $130.00 $130.00 $130.00 STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Vehicle Stanchion at Front Wheel Wells--Each $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions Only $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions, Grab Rails, and Modesty Panel Tubes $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 STARTER Delco 39MT Electric NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE STEEERING SYSTEM VIP Textured Steering Wheel NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE STEERING SYSTEM Steering Box--TRW TAS6505 INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED STEERING SYSTEM TRW Electric Assisted Steering $2,650.00 $2,650.00 $2,650.00 STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap Styling Only QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap, Rear Cap and Engine Door Styling QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE STYLING PACKAGES Low Floor Plus Enhanced Styling Package $12,750.00 $12,750.00 $12,750.00 STYLING PACKAGES BRT Plus Enhanced Styling Package QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE STYLING PACKAGES BRT Roof Fairings, Front or Rear (each)QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Cow Catcher on Front Bumper $3,786.00 $3,786.00 $3,786.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Exterior Roof Mounted Sign Boards $4,431.00 $4,431.00 $4,431.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Exterior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Cupola, Front & Rear Overhand Eves, Arches, Window Mullions, Window Sills, Rub Rails, Skirt Panels, Front & Rear Door, Front & Rear Bumper. $75,994.00 $85,494.00 $99,344.00 204 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Front Center Trolley Light $824.00 $824.00 $824.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Front Roof Hatch Accomodations $1,019.00 $1,019.00 $1,019.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Hybrid Bus Compatible Cupola Package $11,355.00 $11,355.00 $11,355.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Interior Vinyl Seat Cushions $4,211.00 $4,824.00 $5,449.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Interior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Ceiling Panel Strips, Window Tops & Sills, Overhead Passenger Lights, Driver's Dash Area. INCLUDED W/EXTERIOR INCLUDED W/EXTERIOR INCLUDED W/EXTERIOR STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Roof Accent LED Rope Lighting $3,786.00 $3,911.00 $4,074.00 STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Vintage Style Trolley Seating, Solid Wood Slats, Bull Nose Top, and Bottom Roundover Edges QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE STYLING PACKAGES- TROLLEY Vintage Style Vinyl Graphics: Cupola Window & Exterior Window Graphic Motifs, Standard Gold Vinyl Pinstripping, Exterior Graphics Banner Package, Interior Graphics Banner at Rear I/O Enclosure, Exterior Bus Numbers, Gold Battery Disconnect INCLUDED W/EXTERIOR INCLUDED W/EXTERIOR INCLUDED W/EXTERIOR SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax (7) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 1TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor Vulcan Series 12 Channel HD/IP Mobile Digital Video Recorder w/ Seven Analog Cameras $2,639.00 $2,639.00 $2,639.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax--Add (1) High Definition Color Camera (IP CAMERA)$326.00 $326.00 $326.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax--Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera (ANALOG CAMERA)$241.00 $241.00 $241.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax--Add 1TB HDD (Double stacked 500GB HDD)$326.00 $326.00 $326.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo -- Add (1) 4K Color Camera & Upgrad to HD System $2,781.00 $2,781.00 $2,781.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo -- Add (1) High Definition 360° Camera & Upgrade to HD System $2,551.00 $2,551.00 $2,551.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo -- WC340 LTE Advanced Mobile Cellular Router $1,349.00 $1,349.00 $1,349.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo Back Up Camera with LCD Screen to SD System - Uses Camera #12 from System $264.00 $264.00 $264.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Add (1) High Definition Color Camera & Upgrad to HD System $2,181.00 $2,181.00 $2,181.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Add (1) Standard Definition Coler Camera $356.00 $356.00 $356.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Add 6TB HDD $1,073.00 $1,073.00 $1,073.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo--Delete (1) Standard Definition Color Camera ($356.00)($356.00)($356.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Camera Pre Wire Package ($4,957.00)($4,957.00)($4,957.00) 205 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Network 5412 (10) Camera--Kalatel Mobileview NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - 4TB HDD (Caddy GTxx G1 HDD 2x2TB) - Includes Delete Base System ($3,217.00)($3,217.00)($3,217.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - 4TB SSD (Caddy GTxx G1 SSD 2x1.92TB) - Includes Delete Base System ($622.00)($622.00)($622.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition 360 Interior Camera $514.00 $514.00 $514.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Exterior Camera $557.00 $557.00 $557.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Interior Camera with Microphone $376.00 $376.00 $376.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Windshield Mounted Interior Camera $666.00 $666.00 $666.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) Standard [Analog] Definition Exterior Camera $406.00 $406.00 $406.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) Standard [Analog] Definition Interior Camera $467.00 $467.00 $467.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT08: 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 1TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($2,646.00)($2,646.00)($2,646.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT12: 4 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($979.00)($979.00)($979.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT16: 8 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($429.00)($429.00)($429.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT20: 12 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe MT04: 4 High [IP] Definition Color Camera System, 1TB SDD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($4,029.00)($4,029.00)($4,029.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe MT06: 6 High [IP] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SDD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($3,121.00)($3,121.00)($3,121.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview NVR7000 (10) Camera System, High Definition, 4TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor ($1,695.00)($1,695.00)($1,695.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview--Add (1) High Definition Camera $413.00 $413.00 $413.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview--Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD) - 2TB $2,139.00 $2,139.00 $2,139.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS REI Bus Watch Digital - HD5-1200 DVR (8) Camera, 2 TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add (1) High Definition Color Camera $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera $269.00 $269.00 $269.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS HDD SEON Add 2TB Harddrive $421.00 $421.00 $421.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SSD SEON NX-16 (7) Camera System, 2TB Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor $1,093.00 $1,093.00 $1,093.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS TSI Nexus - HVR (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 4TB HDD, Remote LED Status Indicator, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE 206 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus TIRES OEM Supplied Tires QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE TIRES Tire Pressure Monitoring System QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE TOWING Cole Hersee 12063 Electrical Tow Connector $235.00 $235.00 $235.00 TOWING Delete Cole Hersee Tow Connector INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED TRANSMISSION Allison B-400R, GEN IV or Latest GEN $5,459.00 $5,459.00 $5,459.00 TRANSMISSION Davco Electronic Fluid Level Gauge NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE TRANSMISSION KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - Transmission Fluid CheckFluid KP18NV $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 TRANSMISSION Titan Probalizer OD-1014 $44.00 $44.00 $44.00 TRANSMISSION ZF 6AP1400B ($1,446.00)($1,446.00)($1,446.00) WARRANTY Extended Warranty QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon – 4:1 Ratio, FR2E - Front Door Only NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon--6:1 Ratio, Single Slope Ramp – SSR - Front Door Only $862.00 $862.00 $862.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) with Remote Belt Release INCLUDED WITH AMERICAN SEATING INCLUDED WITH AMERICAN SEATING INCLUDED WITH AMERICAN SEATING WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Dual Auto Lok with Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) NOT AVAILABLE WITH LAYOUT $1,170.00 $1,170.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Q'Straint Q'Pod - to American Seating Models (2 locations) NOT AVAILABLE WITH LAYOUT $5,225.00 $5,225.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Belt Guard and Wheelchair Ramp Pan Identification Numbers QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Kiel North America K-Pod with Secubar QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Q'Straint Quantum QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC--Q'Straint Q' POD - to Base Layout - Each Q'Pod $2,870.00 $2,870.00 $2,870.00 WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish ($445.00)($445.00)($445.00) WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish with Durabrite NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish NO CHARGE NO CHARGE NO CHARGE WHEELS/RIMS (7) Steel Powder Coated Finish, White or Black ($1,488.00)($1,488.00)($1,488.00) WHEELS/RIMS Alcoa Wheels--Add Duraflange QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Aluminum Wheel ($300.00)($300.00)($300.00) WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Steel Wheel ($96.00)($96.00)($96.00) Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Complete Bus--1 Year/50,000 Miles Included Included Included 207 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Body Structure 3 Years/150,000 Miles, Body and Chassis Structure Structural Integrity/Corrosion 7 Years/350,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Engine (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY L9 Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/300,000 Miles $5,202.00 $5,202.00 $5,202.00 WARRANTY L9N Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/300,000 Miles $5,840.00 $5,840.00 $5,840.00 WARRANTY B6.7 Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/300,000 Miles $4,794.00 $4,794.00 $4,794.00 WARRANTY Emission Control Systems--5 Years/100,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Transmission 5 Years/300,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Hybrid Drive System 5 Years/300,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY 5 Year/300,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Differential (Extended Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available Not Available WARRANTY HVAC (Base Coverage) 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY HVAC (Extended Coverage) 3Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor) 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Extended Coverage Includes Parts & Labor) 3Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Exterior Paint (Base Coverage) 4 Years/Unlimited Miles Prorated - See Terms Included Included Included WARRANTY Structure/Body Integrity Against Corrosion (Base Coverage)--12 Years/500,000 Miles $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 WARRANTY Sub-Floor (Base Coverage)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Flooring (Rubber) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Flooring (Composite) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor) 12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Body and Window Frames Against Leakage (Includes Parts & Labor) 1 Year/ 50,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Brake Systems 2 Year/100,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Electrical System (Base Coverage) - 1 Year/ 50,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Electrical System (Extended Coverage) - 3 Years/ Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Suspension System--2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included 208 of 272 Category Item Description Price per Item MANUALS Additional Driver's Handbook--Each $20.00 MANUALS Additional Service Manual (Hardcopy) - Each $125.00 MANUALS Additional Parts Manual (Hardcopy) - Each $200.00 MANUALS Additional Electrical Schematics (Hardcopy) -Each $100.00 MANUALS Additional Drivers, Service, Parts, or Electrical Schematics (CD) -Each $25.00 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy) -Each QUOTE MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (CD) - Each QUOTE TRAINING Operator Orientation Training -By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier atAgency Property (Per Driver/Per Class) Included with PDI TRAINING Maintenance Orientation Training - By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier atAgency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Included with PDI TRAINING Steering System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Hydraulics - Steering Up to 12 students, 8 hrs $1,650.00 TRAINING Chassis & Body--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Up to 12 students, 8 hrs $1,650.00 TRAINING Door Systems--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Included with Air & Brake Class TRAINING Suspension--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Up to 12 students, 8 hrs $1,650.00 TRAINING Electrical & Electronics - By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Up to 12 students, 24 hrs class $5,000.00 TRAINING Air & Brake Systems--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Up to 12 students, 24 hrs class $5,000.00 TRAINING HVAC & Climate Controls--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Day $350.00 TRAINING Engine----By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per )Day $500.00 TRAINING Transmission--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Day)$500.00 TRAINING Lift-U Wheelchair Ramp--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Ricon No Charge No Charge Options Pricing List P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 209 of 272 Category Item Description Price per Item TRAINING Luminator/Twin Vision Destination Sign--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Hanover No Charge No Charge TRAINING Kidde Fire Suppression--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Amerex - FogMaker 1 Day Free for every 10 buses No Charge Quote TRAINING Hybrid Propulsion System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Day $500.00 TRAINING Camera System Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Apollo $2,000.00 TRAINING Automatic Passenger Counting System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) UTA $5,500.00 TRAINING Fare Collection Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class Quote TRAINING ITS Technical Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Clever Devices $7,178.00 TRAINING MODULES Thermo-King Intelligaire Training Module TK T14, Brushless Motors, X430 $42,350.00 TRAINING MODULES I/O Controls Multiplex Board $25,500.00 TRAINING MODULES Air Brake Training Board $34,600.00 TRAINING MODULES BAE Hybrid Drive Module $240,000.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins Engine Module - L9 $71,675.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins L9/Allison B400R Power Plant $169,500.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins L9/Voith D864.5 (or latest model) $169,000.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins L9/ZF 6AP1400B $169,000.00 TRAINING MODULES Vapor Door Training Module $40,000.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Cummins Tune Up Kit (pressure gauge, torque wrench, oil filter wrench, engine coolant & fuel wrench, belt tension gauge, charge A/C CAC pressure kit, engine barring gear, roller follower removal & installation tool, compucheck fitting) $4,850.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Nexiq USB Link 2 Wi-Fi Edition with 9-Pin Deutsch Adapter Kit, Insite (X) Software $975.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Set of Multiplexing Diagnostics (circuit tester, program loader, program, ID writer/verification, RS232/RS485 Converter, read time ladder logic, hand held computer, all required RTM software $8,900.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe AMB-45 Insulation Resistance Tester $700.00 210 of 272 Category Item Description Price per Item DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter $1,215.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Hybrid Battery Removal Tool Kit $3,400.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Electric Drive Removal Tool Kit (Jack & Dolley) $2,000.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Kvaser Leaf Light HS v2 J1939-13 Type II $1,150.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS TK60 - 60pcs. 1000v Insulated Tool Kit $3,655.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Thermo King Intelligaire III Diagnostic Kit with Flash Load Programming Cable PCAN Adapter Diagnostic Cable Your PC PCAN Software USB to Serial Port Adapter CAN DIAG Program $1,615.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Meritor Software (Tool Box), Serial Link/Interface Kit $432.00 TOOLS Engine Dolley $5,550.00 TOOLS Transmission Jack $2,625.00 211 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus Options Pricing List P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses WARRANTY Complete Bus--1 Year/50,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Body Structure 3 Years/150,000 Miles, Body and Chassis Structure Structural Integrity/Corrosion 7 Years/350,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Engine (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY L9 Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/300,000 Miles $5,202.00 $5,202.00 $5,202.00 WARRANTY L9N Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/300,000 Miles $5,840.00 $5,840.00 $5,840.00 WARRANTY B6.7 Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/300,000 Miles $4,794.00 $4,794.00 $4,794.00 WARRANTY Emission Control Systems--5 Years/100,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Transmission 5 Years/300,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Hybrid Drive System 5 Years/300,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY 5 Year/300,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Differential (Extended Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available Not Available WARRANTY HVAC (Base Coverage) 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY HVAC (Extended Coverage) 3Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor) 2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Extended Coverage Includes Parts & Labor) 3Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Exterior Paint (Base Coverage) 4 Years/Unlimited Miles Prorated - See Terms Included Included Included WARRANTY Structure/Body Integrity Against Corrosion (Base Coverage)--12 Years/500,000 Miles $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 WARRANTY Sub-Floor (Base Coverage)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Flooring (Rubber) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Flooring (Composite) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor) 12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Body and Window Frames Against Leakage (Includes Parts & Labor) 1 Year/ 50,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Brake Systems 2 Year/100,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Electrical System (Base Coverage) - 1 Year/ 50,000 Miles Included Included Included WARRANTY Electrical System (Extended Coverage) - 3 Years/ Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Suspension System--2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included Included Included 212 of 272 Category Item Description 30 Foot Bus 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus COMPLETE BUS 1 YEAR/UNLIMITED MILES $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 BODY/CHASSIS STRUCTURE TOTAL OF 12 YEARS/500,000 MILES $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 DINEX I/O MODULES 3 YEARS/UNLIMITED MILES $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 Options Pricing List P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses OPTIONAL EXTENDED WARRANTIES 213 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit ‘C’ - Warranty (On following pages) 214 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Warranty Contractor Warranty Warranties in this document are in addition to any statutory remedies or warranties imposed on the Contractor. Consistent with this requirement, the Contractor warrants and guarantees to the Authority each complete bus and specific subsystems and components as follows. Performance requirements based on design criteria shall not be deemed a warranty item. Complete Bus The complete bus, propulsion system, components, major subsystems and body and chassis structure are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for one year or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, beginning on the date of revenue service.” The warranty is based on regular operation of the bus under the operating conditions prevailing in the Agency’s locale. Body and Chassis Structure Body, body structure, structural elements of the suspension and engine cradle are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for three years or 150,000 miles, whichever comes first. Primary load-carrying members of the bus structure, including structural elements of the suspension, are warranted against corrosion failure and/or Fatigue Failure sufficient to cause a Class 1 or Class 2 Failure for a period of 7 years or 350,000 miles, whichever comes first. Propulsion System Propulsion system components, including the engine, transmission or drive motors, and generators (for hybrid technology) and drive and non-drive axles shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for the standard one years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first. An Extended Warranty to a maximum of five years or 300,000 miles, whichever comes first, may be purchased at an additional cost. Contractor Warranty documentation will be provided with each bus order. Emission Control System (ECS) The Contractor warrants the emission control system for five years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first. The ECS shall include, but is not limited to, the following components: Complete exhaust system, including catalytic converter (if required) After treatment device Components identified as emission control devices Subsystems Other subsystems shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for one years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first. The Original Equipment Manufacturer warranty will take precedent when in the best interest of the agency. Other subsystems are listed below: Brake system: Foundation brake components, including advancing mechanisms, as supplied with the axles, excluding friction surfaces. 215 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Destination signs: All destination sign equipment for the front, side and rear signs, power modules and operator control. Heating, ventilating: Roof and/or rear main unit only, excluding floor heaters and front defroster. AC unit and compressor: Roof and/or rear main unit only, excluding floor heaters and front defroster. Door systems: Door operating actuators and linkages. Air compressor Air dryer Wheelchair lift and ramp system: Lift and/or ramp parts and mechanical only. Starter Alternator: Alternator only. Does not include the drive system. Charge air cooler: Charge air cooler including core, tanks and including related surrounding framework and fittings. Fire suppression: Fire suppression system including tank and extinguishing agent dispensing system. Hydraulic systems: Including radiator fan drive and power steering as applicable. Engine cooling systems: Radiator including core, tanks and related framework, including surge tank. Transmission cooler Passenger seating excluding upholstery Fuel storage and delivery system Surveillance system including cameras and video recorders Serial Numbers Upon delivery of each bus, the Contractor shall provide a complete electronic list of serialized units installed on each bus to facilitate warranty tracking. The list shall include, but is not limited to the following: Engine Transmission Alternator Starter A/C compressor and condenser/evaporator unit Drive axle Power steering unit Fuel cylinders (if applicable) Air compressor Wheelchair ramp (if applicable) Surveillance system The Contractor shall provide updated serial numbers resulting from warranty campaigns. The format of the list shall be approved by the Agency prior to delivery of the first production bus. Extension of Warranty If, during the warranty period, repairs or modifications on any bus are made necessary by defective design, materials or workmanship but are not completed due to lack of material or inability to provide the proper repair for thirty (30) calendar days, then the applicable warranty period shall be extended by the number of days equal to the delay period. 216 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Voiding of Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the failure of any part or component of the bus that directly results from misuse, negligence, accident or repairs not conducted in accordance with the Contractor-provided maintenance manuals and with workmanship performed by adequately trained personnel in accordance with recognized standards of the industry. The warranty also shall be void if the Purchaser fails to conduct normal inspections and scheduled preventive maintenance procedures as recommended in the Contractor’s maintenance manuals and if that omission caused the part or component failure. The Purchaser shall maintain documentation, auditable by the Contractor, verifying service activities in conformance with the Contractor’s maintenance manuals. Exceptions and Additions to Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the following items: Scheduled maintenance items Normal wear-out items Items furnished by the Purchaser Should the Purchaser require the use of a specific product and has rejected the Contractor’s request for an alternate product, then the standard Contractor warranty for that product shall be the only warranty provided to the Purchaser. This product will not be eligible under “Fleet Defects,” below. The Contractor shall not be required to provide warranty information for any warranty that is less than or equal to the warranty periods listed. Pass-Through Warranty Should the Contractor elect to not administer warranty claims on certain components and wish to transfer this responsibility to the subcontractors, or to others, the Contractor shall request this waiver. Contractor shall state in writing that the Purchaser’s warranty reimbursements will not be impacted. The Contractor also shall state in writing any exceptions and reimbursement including all costs incurred in transport of vehicles and/or components. At any time during the warranty period, the Contractor may request approval from the Purchaser to assign its warranty obligations to others, but only on a case-by-case basis approved in writing by the Purchaser. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the administration of the warranty as specified. Warranty administration by others does not eliminate the warranty liability and responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for settling all disputes with subcontractors. Superior Warranty The Contractor shall pass on to the Purchaser any warranty offered by a component Contractor that is superior to that required herein. The Contractor shall provide a list to the Purchaser noting the conditions and limitations of the Superior Warranty not later than the start of production. The Superior Warranty shall not be administered by the Contractor. 217 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Fleet Defects Occurrence and Remedy A Fleet Defect is defined as cumulative failures of twenty-five (25) percent of the same components in the same or similar application in a minimum fleet size of twelve (12 ) or more buses where such items are covered by warranty. Fleet defect coverage is for a maximum of 12 months or 50,000 miles and includes all warrantable components and assemblies on the vehicle. When a Fleet defect is declared, the remaining warranty on that item/component stops. The warranty period does not restart until the Fleet Defect is corrected. The Contractor will notify the lead agency, or its designee, of all warranty claims within the same production year for all buses purchased off this contract. For the purpose of Fleet Defects, each option order shall be treated as a separate bus fleet. In addition, should there be a change in a major component within either the base order or an option order, the buses containing the new major component shall become a separate bus fleet for the purposes of Fleet Defects. The Contractor shall correct a Fleet Defect under the warranty provisions defined in “Repair Procedures.” After correcting the Defect, the Purchaser and the Contractor shall mutually agree to and the Contractor shall promptly undertake and complete a work program reasonably designed to prevent the occurrence of the same Defect in all other buses and spare parts purchased under this Contract. Where the specific Defect can be solely attributed to particular identifiable part(s), the work program shall include redesign and/or replacement of only the defectively designed and/or manufactured part(s). In all other cases, the work program shall include inspection and/or correction of all the buses in the fleet via a mutually agreed-to arrangement. The Contractor shall update, as necessary, technical support information (parts, service and operator’s manuals) due to changes resulting from warranty repairs. The Purchaser may immediately declare a Defect in design resulting in a safety hazard to be a Fleet Defect. The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, install and replace all defective units. That information will be shared with all contract participants. When it is determined that a field service representative is required onsite the expectation is that the Contractor will have 48 hours to have the representative in place. The field service representative must be capable of performing technical repairs onsite. As a part of the corrective action pertaining to fleet defects the Contractor will be required to assist and/or send their field representative to each property with buses built in the production year that is experiencing the defect. Exceptions to Fleet Defect Provisions The Fleet Defect component warranty provisions shall not apply to Purchaser-supplied items, such as radios, fare collection equipment, communication systems and tires. In addition, Fleet Defects shall not apply to interior and exterior finishes, hoses, fittings and fabric. Repair Procedures Repair Performance The Contractor is responsible for all warranty-covered repair Work. To the extent practicable, the Purchaser will allow the Contractor or its designated representative to perform such Work. At its discretion, the Purchaser may perform such Work if it determines it needs to do 218 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses so based on transit service or other requirements. Such Work shall be reimbursed by the Contractor. Repairs by the Contractor If the Purchaser detects a Defect within the warranty periods defined in this section, it shall, within thirty (30) days, notify the Contractor’s designated representative. The Contractor or its designated representative shall, if requested, begin Work on warranty-covered repairs within five calendar days after receiving notification of a Defect from the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall make the bus available to complete repairs timely with the Contractor’s repair schedule. The Contractor shall provide at its own expense all spare parts, tools and space required to complete repairs. At the Purchaser’s option, the Contractor may be required to remove the bus from the Purchaser’s property while repairs are being effected. If the bus is removed from the Purchaser’s property, then repair procedures must be diligently pursued by the Contractor’s representative. Repairs by the Purchaser Parts Used If the Purchaser performs the warranty-covered repairs, then it shall correct or repair the Defect and any Related Defects utilizing parts supplied by the Contractor specifically for this repair. At its discretion, the Purchaser may use Contractor-specified parts available from its own stock if deemed in its best interests. Contractor-Supplied Parts The Purchaser may require that the Contractor supply parts for warranty-covered repairs being performed by the Purchaser. Those parts may be remanufactured but shall have the same form, fit and function, and warranty. The parts shall be shipped prepaid to the Purchaser from any source selected by the Contractor within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the request for said parts and shall not be subject to a Purchaser handling charge. Defective Component Return The Contractor may request that parts covered by the warranty be returned to the manufacturing plant. The freight costs for this action shall be paid by the Contractor. Materials should be returned in accordance with the procedures outlined in “Warranty Processing Procedures.” Failure Analysis The Contractor shall, upon specific request of the Purchaser, provide a failure analysis of Fleet Defect or safety-related parts, or major components, removed from buses under the terms of the warranty that could affect fleet operation. Such reports shall be delivered within 60 days of the receipt of failed parts. Reimbursement for Labor and Other Related Costs Reimbursement for Labor of an approved warranty related claim shall be determined by each agency for a qualified mechanic at a loaded straight time wage rate not to exceed $95 per hour. Reimbursement for towing is covered under the applicable extended warranty provisions for the selected components and only if towing is a provision of the components extended warranty program and purchased by the agency. 219 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Reimbursement for Parts The Purchaser shall be reimbursed by the Contractor for defective parts and for parts that must be replaced to correct the Defect. The reimbursement shall be at the current price at the time of repair and shall include taxes where applicable, plus 15 percent handling costs. Handling costs shall not be paid if parts are supplied by the Contractor and shipped to the Purchaser. Reimbursement Requirements The Contractor shall respond to the warranty claim with an accept/reject decision including necessary failure analysis no later than thirty (30) days after the Purchaser submits the claim and defective part(s), when requested. Reimbursement for all accepted claims shall occur no later than thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of a valid claim. The Purchaser may dispute rejected claims or claims for which the Contractor did not reimburse the full amount. The parties agree to review disputed warranty claims during the following quarter to reach an equitable decision to permit the disputed claim to be resolved and closed. The parties also agree to review all claims at least once per quarter throughout the entire warranty period to ensure that open claims are being tracked and properly dispositioned. Warranty after Replacement/Repairs If any component, unit or subsystem is repaired, rebuilt or replaced by the Contractor or by the Purchaser with the concurrence of the Contractor, then the component, unit or subsystem shall have the unexpired warranty period of the original. Repairs shall not be warranted if Contractor-provided or authorized parts are not used for the repair, unless the Contractor has failed to respond within five days, in accordance with “Repairs by the Contractor.” Once the Fleet Defect is corrected, the remaining warranty period shall begin on the repair/replacement date for corrected items on each bus if the repairs are completed by the Contractor or on the date the Contractor provides all parts to the Purchaser. Warranty Processing Procedures The following list represents requirements by the Contractor to the Purchaser for processing warranty claims. One failure per bus per claim is allowed. Bus number and VIN Total vehicle life mileage at time of repair Date of failure/repair Acceptance/in-service date Contractor part number and description Component serial number Description of failure All costs associated with each failure/repair (invoices may be required for third-party costs): • Towing • Road calls • Labor • Materials • Parts • Handling • Troubleshooting time 220 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Forms The Purchaser’s forms will be accepted by the Contractor if all of the above information is included. Electronic submittal must be made available between the Contractor and the Purchaser. Return of Parts When returning defective parts to the Contractor, the Purchaser shall tag each part with the following: Bus number and VIN Claim number Part number Serial number (if available) Mileage Timeframe Each claim must be submitted no more than thirty to forty-five (30-45) days from the date of failure and/or repair, whichever is later. All defective parts must be returned to the Contractor, when requested, no more than forty-five (45) days from the date of repair. Reimbursements Reimbursements are to be transmitted to the reporting Purchaser. 221 of 272 Standard & Extended Warranty Revised: 08/17/15 Page 1 of 5 GILLIG LLC LOW FLOOR TRANSIT COACH STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY & EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA – JACKSONVILLE, FL RFP P-18-05 – MARCH 2019 GILLIG LLC warrants to the original purchaser, that its transit coaches, save and except for those major component assemblies and other parts described below which are separately warranted by their respective manufacturer’s (OEM’s), will be FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE AND SERVICE, for the distance or time periods specified in the attached, and agrees to REPAIR or REPLACE the defective parts AT NO COST TO THE PURCHASER. This is a limited warranty subject to the provisions stated below and is referred to as GILLIG’s Standard Limited Warranty. This warranty DOES NOT COVER malfunction or failure resulting from the purchaser’s or its agents or employees alteration, misuse, abuse, accident, neglect or failure to perform normal preventive maintenance as outlined in GILLIG’s Service Manual, nor does it cover components or assemblies not originally provided by GILLIG. Further, this warranty DOES NOT APPLY to normal replacement items such as light bulbs, seals, filters or bushings, nor to consumable items such as belts, tires, brake linings or drums. PURCHASER’S SOLE REMEDIES FOR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS FURNISHED UNDER THIS WARRANTY AND ANY OTHER PERFORMANCE BY GILLIG UNDER OR PURSUANT TO THIS WARRANTY, OR WITH RESPECT TO PURCHASER’S USE THEREOF, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE REMEDIES PROVIDED IN THIS WARRANTY AND SHALL IN NO EVENT INCLUDE ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF USE, REVENUE OR PROFIT. IN NO EVENT SHALL GILLIG’S LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY OF THE PRODUCTS COVERED UNDER THIS WARRANTY EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE PURCHASER TO GILLIG FOR SUCH PRODUCTS. GILLIG DOES NOT WARRANT some major component assemblies (such as the engines, transmissions and air conditioning systems) which are warranted by their respective manufacturers (OEM’s) and identified as Category 3 items on page three (3) of this Warranty. Warranty coverage for these items is as defined in those manufacturer’s own warranty documents and per their terms and conditions, and as administered by their own support networks. GILLIG makes NO OTHER WARRANTIES, except as stated herein, and GILLIG’s obligation under this warranty is LIMITED AND FULLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. Determination of warrantable defects is at GILLIG’s (or the OEM’s) discretion and will require inspection of failed components. Correction or compensation under this warranty for Category 1 and Category 2 items cannot be made unless requested on a GILLIG Application for Warranty Claim form and in accordance with the claim procedure established by GILLIG. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, but if such has legal status, it CANNOT EXCEED THE DURATIONS STATED HEREIN. This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights and some state statutes may include other rights. This is GILLIG’s sole warranty with respect to its transit coaches. GILLIG MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED; AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH EXCEED THE AFORESAID OBLIGATION ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED BY GILLIG AND EXCLUDED FROM THIS AGREEMENT. 222 of 272 Standard & Extended Warranty Revised: 08/17/15 Page 2 of 5 GILLIG LLC LOW FLOOR TRANSIT COACH STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY & EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA – JACKSONVILLE, FL RFP P-18-05 – MARCH 2019 GILLIG’s Standard Limited Warranty which covers Category 1 and Category 2 parts, components and assemblies, covers the following systems, components or assemblies for the period specified, and includes 100% PARTS AND LABOR to repair or replace the defective components as determined by GILLIG. (See Page 3 for explanation of notes (1)-(7).) CATEGORY 1 Includes GILLIG manufactured or assembled components and systems as well as some purchased assemblies. Warranty and warranty claims administration provided by GILLIG. Coverage Period (1) Months Miles FULL COACH WARRANTY (2) (3) (7) 12 50,000 BODY STRUCTURE WARRANTY (4) 36 150,000 CORROSION & STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY WARRANTY (5) 84 350,000 WATER LEAKS 24 Unlimited CATEGORY 2 Includes major components purchased and installed by GILLIG. Warranty provided by component OEM’s. Warranty claims administration provided by GILLIG. AXLE Meritor Front Steering 60 300,000 Meritor Rear Driving 60 300,000 BRAKE SYSTEM (Excludes Friction Material) Bendix Valves 24 100,000 Meritor Brakes 24 100,000 RADIATOR & CHARGE AIR COOLER EMP Gen IV MH4 Fan System 36 Unlimited 223 of 272 Standard & Extended Warranty Revised: 08/17/15 Page 3 of 5 GILLIG LLC LOW FLOOR TRANSIT COACH STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY & EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA – JACKSONVILLE, FL RFP P-18-05 – MARCH 2019 Major components listed below under “Category 3” are covered by warranties or extended coverages(6), for the miles and/or months indicated, provided by the manufacturer (OEM’s) of those components. Purchasers should refer to specific OEM warranty documents for details. Warranty claims are and will be administered by the respective manufacturers (OEM’s) and all warranty claims must be made directly to said manufacturers. GILLIG will assist purchasers in dealing with these OEM’s and warranty issues that may arise from time to time. CATEGORY 3 Coverage Period (1) Months Miles ENGINE (7) Cummins L9 24 Unlimited Emissions 60 100,000 ENGINE ACCESSORIES Delco Starter 36 350,000 EMP P450 Alternator 24 Unlimited Air Compressor 24 Unlimited TRANSMISSION Voith D864.6 60 300,000 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Thermo King 36 Unlimited WHEELCHAIR RAMP Lift-U LU18 36 Unlimited DOOR SYSTEM Vapor 12 Unlimited GEMINI PASSENGER SEATS Metal Components 60 Unlimited Plastic Components & Moving Parts 36 Unlimited Wheelchair Restraints, Polyurethane Foam & Woven Upholstery 24 Unlimited ADA Call Devices, Docket 90 Foam & Vinyl Upholstery 12 Unlimited DRIVER’S SEAT United States Seating G2A 12 Unlimited 224 of 272 Standard & Extended Warranty Revised: 08/17/15 Page 4 of 5 GILLIG LLC LOW FLOOR TRANSIT COACH STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY & EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA – JACKSONVILLE, FL RFP P-18-05 – MARCH 2019 CATEGORY 3…CONTINUED Coverage Period (1) Months Miles SUBFLOOR GW Industries Transit Deck XP Plus 144 500,000 RUBBER FLOOR TransitFlor 144 Unlimited EXTERIOR MIRROR SafeFleet 12 Unlimited MULTIPLEXING I/O Controls G4 12 Unlimited FIRE SUPPRESSION Fogmaker 24 Unlimited SURVEILLANGE SYSTEM Apollo 24 Unlimited Low Floor Transit Coach Emission Warranty GILLIG warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the new vehicle isdesigned, built and equipped so it conforms at the time of sale to the ultimate purchaser with all U.S. federal emissions regulations applicable at the time of manufacture and that it is free from defects in materials or workmanship which would cause the vehicle to fail to not meet these regulations within five years or 100,000 miles of operation, whichever occurs first, as measured from the date the vehicle is placed into service. In no case may this period be less than the Standard Limited Warranty where applicable to emission warrantable parts. If the ultimate purchaser registers the vehicle in the state of California (or any other state following the applicable California Air Resources Board regulations) a separate California Emissions Warranty applies. 225 of 272 Standard & Extended Warranty Revised: 08/17/15 Page 5 of 5 GILLIG LLC LOW FLOOR TRANSIT COACH STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY & EXTENDED COVERAGE FOR STATE OF FLORIDA – JACKSONVILLE, FL RFP P-18-05 – MARCH 2019 GILLIG warrants to the ultimate purchaser that registers the vehicle in the state of California (or any other state following the applicable California Air Resources Board regulations), and each subsequent purchaser, that the new vehicle is designed, built and equipped so it conforms at the time of sale to the ultimate purchaser with all applicable regulations adopted by the California Air Resources Board at the time of manufacture and that it is free from defects in materials or workmanship which would cause the vehicle to fail to not meet these regulations within five years, 100,000 miles or 3000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first, as measured from the date the vehicle is placed into service. In no case may this period be less than the basic mechanical warranty provided to the purchaser of the engine. GILLIG warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the tires on this vehicle conform at the time of sale to the ultimate purchaser with all U.S federal emissions regulations and all applicable regulations adopted by the California Air Resources Board at the time of manufacture and are free from defects in materials or workmanship which would cause the vehicle to fail to not meet these regulations for a period of 2 years or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. This list of emission control parts may be covered by the Emission Warranty under certain failure modes. Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Charge Air Cooler and associated plumbing Wire harness circuits connected at both ends to emissions warrantable components Exhaust gas pipes from turbocharger out to the last after treatment device Urea quality sensor Urea tank, heating element, level sensor, temperature sensor, coolant control valve Urea lines and line heater controls On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Lamp OBD Connector NOTES 1) Coverage ceases at the first expiration of the time or distance noted. 2) Full coach warranty includes and applies to electrical, doors, seats, flooring, roof hatches, destination signs, wheelchair ramp, handrails, radio, P.A., etc., but not to IVS systems or special options. 3) Fleet defect coverage is for a maximum of 12 months or 50,000 miles and includes all warrantable components and assemblies on the vehicle. 4) Basic body structure warranty includes and applies to structural members in the body and undercarriage including the structural members in the suspensions. 5) The corrosion and structural integrity guarantee covers against a significant loss of structural integrity of the assembly or its functional performance, resulting from a pertinent loss of cross-section due to corrosion caused by normal environmental elements but excludes corrosion caused by aggressive road de-icers such as Magnesium Chloride or equivalents, unless Gillig approved preventative measures are taken (see Service Manual). 6) Extended coverage may not duplicate Standard Limited warranty coverage. Note: Please refer to OEM warranty documents for details. 7) Use of non-ASTM biodiesel blends from non-BQ9000 suppliers in excess of B20 may void the engine manufacturer’s warranty on fuel related components, and also may void warranties of hoses, seals and fittings in contact with the fuel. 226 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit ‘D’ - Required Forms (On following pages) 227 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda I hereby certify that I have read and understand and certifu the truthfulness of the required statements of the Solicitation and acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda issued during the advertisement period for this Solicitation. 81812018 JOSEPH POLICARPIO VICE PRESIDENT1 812712018 813112018 915t2018 5 9t10t2018 6 9t12t2018 S ignature of Proposer's Authorized Representative : JOSEPH POLICARPIO 2 3 4 No. No. No. No. No. JOSEPH POLICARPIO VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH POLICARPIO VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH POLTCARPTO VICE PRESIDENT , VICE PRESIDENT . .JOSEPH POLICARPIO VICE PRESIDENT Typed/Printed Name: VICE PRESIDENTTitle:SEPTEMBER 12,2018 Date: Page 88 of 301 228 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement Bus Testing Certification CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH FTA'S BUS TESTING REQUIREMENTS The undersigned fContractor/Manufacturer] certifies that the vehicle offered in this procurement complies with 49 U.S.C. A 5323 and FTA's implementing regulation at 49 CFR Part 665. The undersigned understands that misrepresenting the testing status of a vehicle acquired with Federal financial assistance may subject the undersigned to civil penalties as outlined in the Department of Transportation's regulation on Program Fraud Civil Remedies, 49 CFR Part 31. In addition, the undersigned understands that FTA may suspend or debar a manufacturer under the procedures in 49 CFR Part 29. SEPTEMBER 12,2018Date: t Signature: GILLIG LLC CompanyName: JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENTTitle: REFERENCE OUR ATTACHED CERTI FICATION. PLEASE REFERENCE FOLLOWING SECTION TAB B APPENDICES, TAB #1 FOR THE FOLLOWING ALTOONA BUS TESTS. PT|-BT-R0410 - 35'/40',LOW FLOOR DIESEL (DEC'04) PTBt-BT-R9922-06-00 - 29', LOW FLOOR DIESEL (JUNE'00) PffiBåSetl$br 229 of 272 trILL¡tr ALTOONA BUS TEST CERTIFICATION ALTOONA BUS TEST CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the bus model proposed for your procurement complies with the bus testing regulations required by the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of L987 as defined in the lnterim Final Rulemaking (lFR) by the FTA in the Federal Register 49 CFR Part 665, dated July 28,1992 and the Final Rule in the Federal Register 49 CFR part 665, dated August L,20L6. This statement means that the proposed vehicle complies with one or more of the clauses below, as required by the above IFR: was in mass transportation service prior to September 30, 1988, or is the same vehicle model that has been previously tested in PTI (Altoona), and that any new component(s) has (have) been tested at PTI (Altoona), or the installation of any new component(s) did not result in significant structural modification to the vehicle; or the installation of the component(s) did not result in a significant change in the data obtained from previous testing of the vehicle model. GILLIG LLC a o a a a By: JOSEPH POLICARPIO Title: VICE PRESIDENT Date: SEPTEMBER L2,20L8 230 of 272 GILLIG tLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P- 18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement Buy America Certification (Rolling Stock) for Procurement of Buses, other Rolling Stock and Associated Equipment Certificate of Compliance with 49 U.S.C. fin$Q)@) The Bidder or offeror hereby certifies that it will comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5323OQ)(c) and the regulations at 49 CFR Paft 661. Dut., SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 Signature: GILLIG LLCCompanyName Titl", JOSEPH POL|CARPIO, VICE PRESTDENT Certificate of Non-Compliance with 49 U.S.C. 5323OQ)@) The Bidder or offeror hereby certifies that it cannot comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 53230 Q) @), but may qualify for an exception pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 53230) (2) (B) or O (2) (D) and the regulations in 49 CFR 661.7. Date Signature: CompanyName Title: Page 90 of 301 231 of 272 STATE OF FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE, FL PRE.AWARD BUY AMERICA CERTIFICATE FORry FOOT LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES (RFP# P 18-OO5 ) 24-Sep-1 8 cILLIc IS ONE OF THE MOST "AMERICAN" BUS MANUFACTURERS IN TI{E WORLD. Gillig is 100% U.S. owned and operated. ALL OF OUR FACILITmS are located in the U.S.A. ALL OF OUR MANUFACTURING is done in the U.S.A. and we have a policy that stresses the use of products produced in the U.S.A. We certif full compliance with the FTA's "Buy Atn"¡.u" ."gulations (Section 49 CFR Part 663) and submit the following abbreviated listing as evidence of this compliance. COMPONENT MANUFACTURER COUNTRY OF ORIGIN PERCENT OFTOTAL COST A/C TRANSITION DUCTS AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AIR DRYER ASSEMBLY BIKE RACK BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY CEILING PANELS COMPOSITE FI,OORING COOLANTPUMP DESTINATION SIGNS DOORCONTROLS & PANELS. FRONT DOOR CONTROLS & PANELS . REAR DRTVER'S BARRIER DRIVER'S SEAT ELECTRICAL HARNESSES & CABLES ELECTRICAL HARNESSES, CABLES & PANELS ENGINE & AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM EXTERIOR MIRRORS EXTRUSIONS FABRICATIONS-BATTAS METALS FABRICATIONS-COMMERCIAL PATTERN FABRICATIONS-DIAMOND MANUFACTURING FABRICATIONS.DETENTION DEVICES FABRICATIONS-DIE & TOOL PRODUCTS FABRICATIONS-GCM FABRICATIONS-GOLDEN PLASTCS FABRICATIONS-HOGAN MANUFACTURING FABRICATIONS-IMPERIAL FABRICATORS FABRICATIONS-RON NUNES FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FRONT AND REAR AXLE ASSEMBLIES FRONT AND REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLIES FRONTCAP ITS SYSTEM INTERIOR LIGHTING KIT MISCELLANEOUS-KD SPECIALTIES PASSENGER SEAT ASSEMBLMS PIPING & TUBING RADIATOR AND CHARGE AIR COOLER REAR CAP ASSEMBLY REAR SUSPENSION ROOF HATCH ROOF SKIN VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM VOLTAGE REGULATOR WHEErcHA]RRAMP WHEELWELLCOVERS WINDOW ASSEMBLIES r SpSCFIcALLY IDENTIFIED U.S. COMPONENTS AS A % OFTOTALMATERIALS THERMAL STRUCTURES, INC TT{ERMO KING SKF USA, INC BYK-RAK ALVAGWYN WILSONART INTERNATIONAL MILWAUKEE COMPOSITES ENGINEERED MACHINED PRODUCTS, INC HANOVER DISPLAYS VAPOR BUS INTERNATIONAL VAPOR BUS INTERNATIONAL McCLARIN PLASTICS DBA AMTECH UNITED STATES SEATING LACO INCORPORATED COMPASS COMPONENTS CUMMINS, INC SAFE FLEET BUS & RAIL SAPA BAYFAB METALS INC COMMERCIAL PATTERN DIAMOND MANUFACTURING DETENTION DEVICE SYSTEMS DIE & TOOL PRODUCTS, INC GCM GOLDEN PLASTICS CORP HOGAN MFG. INC. IMPERIAL FABRICATORS RONNUNES ENTERPRISES FOGMAKER MERITOR AUTOMOTIVE DYNATECH RO-LAB INC. McCLARIN PLASTICS DBA AMTECH CLEVER DEVICES LTD SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING INC KD SPECIALTIES 4ONE SF TUBE ENGINEERED MACHINED PRODUCTS, INC COMMERCIAL PATTERN SAF HOLLAND USA SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING INC CRANE COMPOSITES APOLIO VANNER, INC. LIFT-U MoCLARIN PLASTICS DBA AMTECH zuCONCORPORATION U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S,A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 0.10o/o 6.54% 0.16% 0.33% 0.16% 0.38% 0.41% 0.12o/o l.l4o/o 0.7 5o/o 0.600/o 0.11% 0.700/o 1.12o/o 4.61o/o 14.02o/o 0.29% 0.94% 0.18% 0.28% 036% 0.41% 1.22% 1.01% 0.17o/o 4.89o/o 0.860/o 0.45o/o 0.91o/o 4.31% 0.630/o 0.55% 552% 1.24% 0.48% 4.68% 1.n% 2.24% 022% 0.99% 0.r3% 0.19% 1A9% 0.13% 2.07% 0.35% 3.01o/o FINAL ASSEMBLY - ALL VEHICLE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS, STARTING WITH THE TJNDERSTRUCTURE THROUGH TO FINAL ROAD TEST ARE DONE IN LIVERMORE, CA 72.74o/o * GILLIG u.s.A. 100.00% 232 of 272 T fI GILLIG LLC LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION AND COST OF'FINAL ASSEMBLY FOR 35' & 40' LO\ry FLOOR BUSES FY 20t8 Gillig LLC cerffies thatfinal assembly of its buses occurs at its manufacturingplant in Livermore, California. Thefinal assembly process consists of the assembly of the chassis; the installation and interconnection of the engine, transmission, qxles, including the cooling and braking systems; the installatíon and interconnection of the heating and air conditioning equipment; the installation of pneumatic qnd electricøl systems; mounting of the body structure to the chassis; instøllation of door systems; painting of the vehicle; installation of destinøtion signs, windows, passenger seats, passenger grab rails, and wheelchaír lifts; wheel alignment, dynamometer and road testing; final inspection, repairs ønd preparation of the vehicles for delivery. The cost of the above mentioned øctivitiesþr this order has been estimated to be 817,878.08 per bus. 233 of 272 STATE OF FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE, FL PRE-AWARD BUY AMERICA CERTIFICATE THIRTY-FWE FOOT LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES (RFP# P 18-OO5 ) 24-Sep- I 8 GILLIG IS ONE OF THE MOST 'AMERICAN'BUS MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Gillig is 100% U.S. owned and operated. ALL OF OUR FACILITIES are located in the U.S.A. ALL OF OUR MANUFACTURING is done in the U.S.A. and we have a policy that stresses the use of products produced in the U.S.A. We certify full compliance with the FTA's "Buy America" regulations (Section 49 CFR Part 663) and subrnit the following abbreviated listing as evidence of this compliance. COMPONENT MANUFACTURER COT]NTRY OFORIGIN PERCENT OFTOTAL COST A/C TRANSITION DUCTS AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AIR DRYER ASSEMBLY BIKE RACK BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY CEILING PANELS COMPOSITE FLOORING COOLANTPUMP DESTINATION SIGNS DOOR CONTROLS & PANELS - FRONT DOORCONTROLS & PANELS. REAR DRIVER'S BARRIER DRWER'S SEAT ELECTRICAL HARNESSES & CABLES ELECTRICAL HARNESSES, CABLES & PANELS ENGINE & AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM EXTERIORMIRRORS EXTRUSIONS FABRICATIONS-BAY¡ES METALS FABRICATIONS-COMMERCIAL PATTERN FABRICATIONS-DIAMOND MANUFACTURING FABRICATIONS-DETENTION DEVICES FABRICATIONS.DIE & TOOL PRODUCTS FABRICATIONS-GCM FABRICATIONS-GOLDEN PLASTICS FABRICATIONS.HOGAN MANUFACTURING FABRICATIONS-IMPERIAL FABRICATORS FABRICATIONS-RON NUNES FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FRONT AND REAR AXLE ASSEMBLIES FRONT AND REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLIES ITS SYSTEM INTERIOR LIGHTING KIT MISCELLANEOUS.KD SPECIALTIES PASSENGER SEAT ASSEMBLIES PIPING & TUBING RADIATOR AND CHARGE AIR COOLER REAR CAP ASSEMBLY REAR SUSPENSION ROOF HATCH ROOF SKIN VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM VOLTAGE REGULATOR WHEELCHAIRRAMP WHEELWELL COVERS WINDOW ASSEMBLIES THERMAL STRUCTURES, INC THERMO KING SKF USA, INC B\'K-RAK ALVAGWYN WILSONART INTERNATIONAL MILWAUKEE COMPOSITES ENGINEERED MACHINED PRODUCTS, INC HANOVERDISPLAYS VAPOR BUS INTERNATIONAL VAPOR BUS INTERNATIONAL McCLARIN PLASTICS DBA AMTECH UNITED STATES SEATING LACO INCORPORATED COMPASS COMPONENTS CUMMINS, INC SAFE FLEET BUS & RAIL SAPA BAYFAB METALS INC COMMERCIAL PATTERN DIAMOND MANUFACTURING DETENTION DEVICE SYSTEMS DIE & TOOL PRODUCTS, INC GCM GOLDEN PLASTICS CORP HOGAN MFG. INC. IMPERIAL FABRICATORS RON NUNES ENTERPRISES FOGMAKER MERITOR AUTOMOTWE DYNATECH RO.LAB INC. CLEVERDEVICES LTD SPECLA,LTY MANUFACTURING INC KD SPECTALTIES 4ONE SF TUBE ENGINEERED MACHINED PRODUCTS, INC COMMERCIAL PATTERN SAF HOLLAND USA SPECL{LTY MANUFACTURING INC CRANE COMPOSITES APOLLO VANNER, INC. LIFT.U McCLARIN PLASTICS DBA AMTECH RICON CORPORATION U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S,A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U,S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S,A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S,A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 0.11o/o 6.600/o 0.160/o 033% 0.160/o 0.33% 0.41o/o 0.12% 1.15% 0.76% 0.61% 0.11% 0.71% 1.09% 4.73o/o 14.150/o 0.29o/o 0.86% 0.17o/o 0.28% 0s9% 0.st% 1.23% 0.91% 0.18% 0.38o/o s.08% 0.460/o 0.91o/o 435% 0.63% 5s7% 1.08% 059% 4.10% 1.36% 2.260/o 022% 1.00% 0.13% 0.17% 1.50% 0.13% 2.09% 0.36% 2.70% r SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED U.S. COMPONENTS AS A % OF TOTAL MATERIALS FINAL ASSEMBLY - ALL VEHICLE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS, STARTING WITH THE TJNDERSTRUCTURE THROUGH TO FINAL ROAD TEST ARE DONE IN LIVERMORE, CA 7l.6l%0 * GILLIG U.S.A.I 00.00% 234 of 272 trlLLltr GILLIG LLC LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION AND COST OF FINAL ASSEMBLY FOR 35' & 40' LOW FLOOR BUSES FY 2018 Gillig LLC certifies thatfinal assembly of its buses occurs at its manuføcturing plant in Livermore, California. Thefinal assembþ process consists of the assembly of the chassis; the installation ønd interconnection of the engine, transmission, axles, including the cooling and braking systems; the installation and interconnection of the heating and air conditioníng equipment; the installation of pneumatic and electricøl systems; mounting of the body structure to the chassis; installation of door systems; painting of the vehicle; installation of destination signs, windows, passenger seøts, passenger grab rails, and wheelchaír lifts; wheel alignment, dynømometer ønd road testing; final inspection, repairs and preparation of the vehicles for delivery. The cost of the above mentioned activitiesfor this order has been estimated to be 817,878.08 per bus. 235 of 272 STATE OF FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE, FL PRE-AWARD BI.IY AMERICA CERTIFICATE TWENTY.NINE FOOT LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES (RFP# P I8.OO5 ) 24-Sep-1 8 GILLIG IS ONE OF THE MOST .AMERICAN" BUS MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Gillig is 1007o U.S. owned and operated. ALL OF OUR FACILITIES are located in the U.S.A. ALL OF OUR MANUFACTIJRING is done in the U.S.A. and we have a policy that stresses the use of products produced in the U.S.A. We certify fuIl compliance with the FTA's "Buy fu¡s¡sa" regulations (Section 49 CFR Part 663) and submit the following abbreviated listing as evidence of this compliance. COMPONENT MANUFACTTiRER COUNTRY OF ORIGIN PERCENT OFTOTAL COST A/C TRANSITION DUCTS AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AIR DRYER ASSEMBLY BIKERACK BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY CEILING PANELS COMPOSITE FLOORING COOLANT PUMP DESTINATION SIGNS DOOR CONTROLS & PANELS - FRONT DOOR CONTROLS & PANELS - REAR DRIVER'S SEAT ELECTRICAL HARNESSES & CABLES ELECTRICAL HARNESSES, CABLES & PANELS ENGINE & AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM EXTERIOR MIRRORS EXTRUSIONS FABRICATIONS.BAYFAB METALS FABRICATIONS-COMMERCIAL PATTERN FABRICATIONS.DIAMOND MANUFACTT]RING FABRICATIONS.DETENTION DEVICES FABRICATIONS-DIE & TOOL PRODUCTS FABRICATIONS-GCM FABRICATIONS-GOLDEN PLASTICS FABRICATIONS.HOGAN MANI]FACTURING FABRICATIONS-MPERIAL FABRICATORS FABRICATIONS-RON NUNES FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FRONT AND REAR AXLE ASSEMBLIES FRONT AND REAR BUMPER ASSEMBLIES ITS SYSTEM INTERIOR LIGHTING KIT MISCELLANEOUS-KD SPECTALTIES PASSENGER SEAT ASSEMBLIES PIPING & TI.]BING RADIATOR AND CHARGE AIR COOLER REAR CAP ASSEMBLY REAR SUSPENSION ROOF HATCH ROOF SKIN VIDEO STJRVEILLANCE SYSTEM VOLTAGE REGULATOR WHEELCHAIR RAMP WINDOW ASSEMBLIES THERMAL STRUCTURES, INC THERMO KING SKF USA, INC BYK-RAK ALVAGWYN WILSONART INTERNATIONAL MILWAUKEE COMPOSITES ENGINEERED MACHINED PRODUCTS, INC HANOVER DISPLAYS VAPOR BUS INTERNATIONAL VAPOR BUS INTERNATIONAL UNITED STATES SEATING LACO INCORPORATED COMPASS COMPONENTS CUMMINS, INC SAFE FLEET BUS & RA-IL SAPA BAYFAB METALS INC COMMERCIAL PATTERN DIAMOND MANI]FACTIJRING DETENTION DEVICE SYSTEMS DIE & TOOL PRODUCTS, INC GCM GOLDEN PLASTICS CORP HOGAN MFG. INC. IMPERIAL FABRICATORS RON NUNES ENTERPRISES FOGMAKER MERITOR AUTOMOTTVE DYNATECH RO-LAB INC. CLEVER DEVICES LTD SPECIALTY MANUFACTI]RING INC KD SPECIALTIES 4ONE SFTUBE ENGINEERED MACHINED PRODUCTS, INC COMMERCIAL PATTERN SAF HOLLAND USA SPECIALTY MANUFACTTJRING INC CRANE COMPOSITES APOLLO VANNER, INC. LIFT-U RICON COR?ORATION U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S,A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. u.s.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S,A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 0.tr% 6.75o/o 0.160/o 0.34o/o 0.170/o 0.32o/o 0.67o/o 0.12o/o l.l7o/o 0.78o/o 0.620/o 0.720/o 1.26% 4.74% 14.4'7o/o 0.29o/o 0.85% 0.650/o 0.29o/o 0.73o/o 0.70% 1.33o/o 1.12o/o 0.21o/o 0.23o/o 5.680/o 0.45% 0.94o/o 3.84o/o 0.650/o 5.70o/o 0.97% 0.35o/o 3.40o/o l.l8o/o 2.31o/o 0.23% 0;7 60/o 0.13o/o 0.15o/o 1.53o/o 0.14% 2.08o/o 2.22o/o : SPECIFICALLY IDENTTFIED U.S. COMPONENTS AS A % OF TOTAL MATERIALS FINAL ASSEMBLY - ALL VEHICLE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS, STARTING WITH THE LTNDERSTRUCTURE THROUGH TO FINAL ROAD TEST ARE DONE IN LIVERMORE, CA 71.50o/o * GILLIG u.s.A, 100.00% 236 of 272 GILLIG LLC LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA DESCRIPTION AND COST OF FINAL ASSEMBLY FOR 29' LO\ü FLOOR BUSES FY 2018 GiUig LLC certffies thatfinal assembly of its buses occurs at its manufacturing plant in Livermore, Cølifornia. Thefinal assembly process consists of the øssembly of the chassis; the installqtion and interconnection of the engine, transmission, axles, including the cooling and braking systems; the installation ønd interconnection of the heøting and air conditioning equipment; the installation of pneumatic and electrical systems; mounting of the body structure to the chassis; installation of door systems; painting of the vehicle; instøllation of destination signs, windows, passenger seats, psssenger grab rails, and wheelchair lifts; wheel ølignment, dynamometer and road testing; fi.nal inspection, repairs ønd preparation of the vehicles for delivery. The cost of the above mentioned activitiesfor this order has been estimated to be 816,698.83 per bus. 237 of 272 trtLLltr FMVSS CERTIF¡CATION FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFEW STANDARDS CERT¡FICATION This is to certify that the GILLIG transit bus model(s) proposed, complies (comply) w¡th all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard as required by the F.T.A. and the D.O.T., and described in Title 49 CFR Chapter V, part 571-FMVSS, last revised on October L, 1998. GILLIG LLC By: JOSEPH POLICARPIO Title: VICE PRESIDENT Date: SEPTEMBER L2,2Ot8 238 of 272 REViSII]NS DESCRIPÌIÛ{IEL DAIEsYl,l DV¡¡t0M RELEASED FOR PRtrDUCT¡trN It5,t60 ,0lu/t6A 1?é.9 / -tJLMAKE FREM¡ 5: olYITEM NE DESCRIPTION IIARI( PARI V/PN PER GIL D8 $37û@¿ LH AS SHOVN, Ri{ IPPUStTÊlÛfFI-ÉE'ÍEì ffh',,t^.h.?^A i lllt Ìc Drm cofir¡Ð îElDl $tom.LYMFEPEÉNÍY'GUGUxnE{, n D¡sELog¡f r rE cÐmF Ú rr¡sN M ] T FT N PI¡'OSE ßT X LIVTRMIRI LICAGILLIG LLC PLATT uw R êì \^/L0/04/ffi u t¡is, nil $rF tEs UilKJ ¡ì¡ II STD Nt] 302APPR'S INIT. oR¡G REL r' 115460 luNrc Æ ER N¡ I¡ffiIg trInÐlEgaraËsÆnm, tr45.Ec¡|f,s-aßXxr æstt û0 IHIR¡¡s¡zE A ffiE 59-35132-007;A! SC&'SS' MANUFACTURED BY GILLIG LLC LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA DATE: GIIWR: kg -lb GAWR: FRONT kg - lb y1¡¡TH TIRES, RIMS AT - kPa - psi GOLÐ SINGLE GAWR: REAR kg - lb wTH T|RES, RIMS AT - kPa - Psi COLD DUAL THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO ALL APPLICABLE U.S. FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF MANUFACTURE SHOWN ABOVE. VEHICLE I.D. NO.: TYPE OFVEHICLE: BUS ENGINE NUMBER: UN¡.ADEN WEIGHTi Ib MODEL:ooI(\l(Ð lo CС ct)lf, NlTfSr 1, ALL TEXT HEIGHT MUST BE GREATER THAN 7SE, TALL'?, PRINT USING ZEBRA 7141,0 LABEL PR]NTER, 3, M]NIMUM OUALITY SETT]NG !F 6OODPI,4, MEDIA TYPE IS THTRMAL TRANSFTR,5, DARKNESS SETT]NG IS ?8,6, SPETD IS ? INCHES PER SECIND.7, DITHIRING ]S SM[!TH, SHEET T OF 3239 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement Certification Regarding Lobbying Pursuant to 49 CFR Part 20 for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements The undersigned Bidder certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that it complies with 31 USC $1352, as amended, 49 CFR Part 20, to the extent consistent with as necessary by 3 1 USC $ 1352, as amended and all other applicable federal and state lobbying restrictions and specifically that: (1) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a state legislature, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding ofany federal contract, the making ofany federal grant, the making ofany federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) Ifany funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for making lobbying contacts to an offîcer or employee of any agency, a state legislature, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form--LLL, "Disclosure Fom to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language ofthis certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certifu and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was madc or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31 U.S.C. g 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the required certifrcation shall be subject to a civil penalty ofnot less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. fNote: Pursuant to 3l U.S.C. g 1352(cXl)-(2XA), any person who makes a prohibited expenditure or fails to file or amend a required certification or disclosure form shall be subject to a civil penalty ofnot less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such expenditure or failure.] The Bidder certifies or affîrms the truthfulness and açcuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any. In addition, the Bidder understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C. A 3801, et seq., apply to this certifi cation and disclosure, if any Signature of Bidder's/Subcontractor's Authorized Official : Printed Name of Bidder/Subcontractor: Gl LLIG LLC Printed Name: JOSEPH POLICARPIO Title: VICE PRESIDENT Date: SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 Page 91 of 301 240 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE TERMS 1. Definition of Confidential Information. For purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" shall include all information or material that has or could have commercial value or other utility in the business in which Disclosing Party is engaged. Additionally, "Confidential Information" shall also include any and all personal, protected or otherwise sensitive information which the Receiving Party might be exposed to during the day to day operations of the Disclosing Party. 2. Exclusions from Confidential Information. Receiving Party's obligations under this Agreement do not extend to information that is: (a) publicly known at the time of disclosure or subsequently becomes publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party; (b) discovered or created by the Receiving Party before disclosure by Disclosing Party; (c) learned by the Receiving Party through legitimate means other than from the Disclosing Party or Disclosing Party's representatives; or (d) is disclosed by Receiving Party with Disclosing Party's prior written approval. 3. Obligations of Receiving Part)¡. Receiving Party shall hold and maintain the Confidential Information in strictest confidence for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Disclosing Party. Receiving Party shall carefully restrict access to Confidential Úrformation to employees, contractors and third parties as is reasonably required and shall require those persons to sign nondisclosure restrictions at least as protective as those in this Agreement. Receiving Party shall no! without prior written approval of Disclosing Party, use for Receiving Party's own benefit, publish, copy, or otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for their benefit or to the detriment of Disclosing Par1y, any Confidential lnformation. Receiving Party shall return to Disclosing Party any and all records, notes, and other written, printed, or tangible materials in its possession pertaining to Confidential úrformation immediately if Disclosing Party requests it in writing. 4. Time Periods. The nondisclosure provisions of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement and Receiving Party's duty to hold Confidential Information in confidence shall remain in effect until the Confidential Information no longer qualifies as confidential or until Disclosing Party sends Receiving Party wriffen notice releasing Receiving Party from this Agreement, whichever occurs first. 5. Relationships. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute either party apartner,joint venturer or employee of the other party for any purpose. 6. Severabilit)r. If a court finds any provision of this Agreement invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be interpreted so as best to effect the intent of the parties. 7 . Intesration. This Agreement expresses the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior proposals, agreements, representations and understandings. This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing signed by both parties. 8. Waiver. The failure to exercise any right provided in this Agreement shall not be a waiver of prior or subsequent rights. (signature page follows) Page 92 of 301 241 of 272 SEPTEMBEILI!Î#: JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement This Agreement and each party's obligations shall be binding on the representatives, assigns, and successors of such party. Each party has signed this Agreement through its authorized representative. (Firm Name): GILLIG LLC By: Printed Name:JOSEPH POLICARPIO Title:VrcE PRESTDENT JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY: By Printed Name:Nathaniel P. Ford Sr Title: Chief Executive Officer Page 93 of 301 242 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement Conflict of Interest Certification Bidders must execute either Section I or 2 to certi$r compliance with Florida Statutes ç112.313,49 CFR 18.36(bX3) and the FTA Master Agreement Section 3 (Ethics) ("Ethics Regulations"). No Authority Board Member, employee, officer, agent or any immediate family member or partner of any of the above, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the above, that has a financial or other interest in the Bidder may participate in the selection for award or award funding or administer the Contract involving the Bidder. None of the above has received any gift from the Bidder. The Contractor shall obtain this certification from all subcontractors and forward it to the Authority if Section 2 has been completed by the subcontractor. SECTION 1 The undersigned understands the requirements of the Ethics Regulations and certifies that 4 real, apparent or potential conflict ofinterest exists. Signature of Bidder's/Subcontractor's Authorized Official Printed Name of Bidder/Subcontractor: GILLIG LLC Printed Name: JOSEPH POLICARPIO Title: VICE PRESIDENT Date: 9112118 FEVEIN #: 26-3085365 Dun's #:06-655-71 82 SECTION 2 The undersigned understands the requirements of the Ethics Regulations and certifies that the only real, apparent or potential conflicts of interest are not substantial and are hereby disclosed in full. Names of individuals and nature of their interest in Bidder/Subcontractor: S i gnature o f B idder's/Subcontractor's Authorized Official Printed Name ofBidder/Subcontractor: - - - - - - Printed Name:Title: Date: - FEVEIN#: ------Dun's#: ------ Page 94 of 301 243 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement CERT¡FICATION OF PROPOSER REGARDING DEBARMENT The Proposer must complete the following certification statement. The Proposer must indicate its response by inserting a checkmark (ll) in the space following the applicable response. Gertification: The Proposer certifies that it, its principals, and any key team members: ! are fiare not presently suspended, debarred, excluded, or otherwise disqualified from participation in this federally assisted project by any federal department or agency. lf a Proposer responds in the affirmative to the above certification, and the contract exceeds or is expected to exceed $25,000, the Proposer is ineligible to receive an award. Lower Tier Gontractors: The successful Proposer, by administering each lower tier subcontract for this project that exceeds $25,000, must verify that each lower tier subcontractor, at any tier, is not presently suspended, debarred, excluded, or otherwise disqualified from participation in this federally assisted project. The successful Proposer certifies that it will accomplish this by: 1. Checking the System for Award Management at website: http://www.sam.gov; 2. Collecting a certification statement similar to the Certification of Proposer Regarding Debarment, above; and,3. lnserting a clause or condition in the covered transaction with the lower tier contract. On-Goinq Obliqation of Successful Proposer: The successful Proposer must provide immediate written notice to the Authority if it learns either that: a) it failed to disclose information earlier, as required by 2 C.F.R. S 180.355; or, b) (b)due to changed circumstances, it or any of the principals or any of its key team members for this project now meet any of the criteria in 2 C.F.R. S 180.355. Termination for Failure to Disclose: lf the Authority later determines that the successful Proposer failed to disclose to the Authority that either it, its principals, or its key team members were suspended, debarred, excluded, or otherwise disqualified at the time it made this certification or entered the contract for this project, the Authority will terminate the contract. The foregoing is hereby certified and acknowledged by the undersigned Proposer's Legal Name GILLIG LLC, JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENT Proposer's Signature: Business Structure of Proposer (corp, jv, llc, etc.):LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Primary Address:451 DISCOVERY DRIVE, LIVERMORE, CA 94551 Name and Telephone Number of Contact Person 800-735-1 500 JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENT Page 95 of 301 244 of 272 GITLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REPORT STATEMENT AS REQUIRED AT 41-CFR-60-1.7(b) (for construction contracts and subcontracts of all tiers exceeding $501000) The Proposer shall complete the following statement by checking the appropriate blanks. Failure to complete these blanks may be grounds for rejection ofbid: l. The Proposer huS--J- has not developed and has on file at each establishment a affirmative action program pursuant to 41-CFR-60-1.40 and 41-CFR-60-2. 2. The Proposer has L has not participated in any previous contract or subcontract subject to the equal opportunity clause prescribed by Executive Order 11246, as amended. 3. The Proposer h4S .rl has no¡l filed with the Joint Reporting Committee the annual compliance report on Standard Form 100 (EEO-I Report). (Ref. Page GP-80) 4. The Proposer does { does not - employ fifty (50) or more employees. If the Proposer has participated in previous contracts subject to the equal opportunity clause and has not submitted compliance repofts due under applicable filing requirements, the Proposer shall submit a compliance repofi on Standard Form 100 "Employee Information Report EEO-I' prior to the award of Contract. The Proposer shall obtain an Equal Opporlunity Report Statement from each subcontractor when the value of the subcontract exceeds $50,000. GILLIG LLC For: (Proposer's Name) JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENT Printed Name & Title of Signing Official Page 96 of 301 245 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 J AC KSO N V I L L E T RA NsÞðffi fÁTfüÎöñf fÄUtfiml flfv rra nsit Bus Procurement TNTENT TO CONTRACT AS A DBE SUBCONTRACTOR/SUBCONSULTANT PROPOSAT/SOLICITATION N U MBER: -'-.'--------------------...-- Pursuant to DBE policy, businesses participating in the JTA's DBE Program must be certified by the Florida Uniform Certification program (UCP) at the t¡me of submittal of bid. The firm must be l¡sted in the Florida UCP/DBE directory as a certified DBE firm. lhttp://www3b.dot.state.fl.us/EqualOpportunitvOfficeBusinessDirectorv/CustomSearch.aspx) L. Name of Prime Contractor/Consultant GILLIG LLC 2. Address, C¡ty, State and Zip 451 DISCOVERY DRIVE Jr[-llt 3. FEIN Number of DBE Firm 4. The DBE subcontractor/subconsultant l¡sted below is cert¡f¡ed by which member agency within the Florida UCP? NOT APPLICABLE o JTA n FDOT s GOAA (Orlando Airportl u Volusia County o Miami/Dade County o Broward County s HCAA (Hillsborough County) o City of Tallahassee a Lee County Port o Key West Airport s. The undersigned DBE firm is prepared to perform the follow¡ng described work and/or supply the material l¡sted ¡n connection with the above project (where applicable specify "supply or "install" or both): NOT APPLICABLE - GILLIG DOES NOT SUB-CONTRACT THE MANUFATURE OF OUR VEHICLES. and at the following price W¡th respect to the proposed subcontract described above, - - - - -% of the dollar value of such subcontract will be sublet and/or awarded to the following DBE firm Name of DBE Firm Address, C¡ty, State and Zip Telephone Printed Name of Signer -' l-' l-' DateSignature of Owner, President or Authorized Agent of DBE Firm DECTARATION OF PRIME CONTRACTOR/CONSUTTANT VICE PRESIDENT 1 HERBY DECALRE AND AFFIRM that I am thc (T¡tle Declarent) and duly authorized representative of GILLIG LLC (Name of Prime Contractor/Consultant) to make this declaration and that I have personally reviewed the mater¡als and facts set forth in this lntent to Perform form. To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the facts and representat¡ons contained in this form are true, the owner or authorized agent of the DBE business signed this form in the place indicated, and no material facts have been omitted. Except as authorized by the JTA Diversity & Equity Manager or his/her designee, the undersigned will enter into a formal agreement with the l¡sted DBE business for work ¡ndicated by this form prior to the effect¡ve stert date of the contract. The undersigned will, if requested, provide the JTA Diversity & Equity Manager or his/her designee a copy of that agreement. The Prime Contractor/Consultant designated the follow¡ng person as ¡ts DBE Liaison Officer: MARLA LOAR, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES 800-735-1500 Please Print Name Phone Pursuant to State Law, any person (entity) who makes a false of fraudulent statement in connection with the participation of a DBE in any locally funded project or otherwise violates applicable program requirements may be referred for prosecution. JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENT Name of Declarant 09 Signature a Date 12 2018 246 of 272 Proposerts Standard Assurances Name of Proposer: At this time, we understand all requirements and state that as a serious proposff we will comply with all the stipulations included in the proposal package. The above-named proposer affirms and declares: 1. That the Proposer is of lawful age and that no other person, firm, or corporation has any interest in this Proposal. 2. That this Proposal is made without any understanding, agreement, or connection with any other person, firm, or corporation making a Proposal for the same project, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 3. That the Proposer has carefully examined the site of the work and that from his/her investigations has been satisfied as to the nature and location of the work, the kind and extent of the equipment and other facilities needed for the performance of the work, the general and local conditions, all difficulties to be encountered, and all other items which in any way affect the work or its performance. 4. Thafthe Proposer is in full compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations and intends to fully comply with same during the entire term of the contract. In witness thereof, this Proposal is hereby signed by the duly authorized representative of the Proposer and sealed as of the date indicated. PROPOSER:ATTEST: 7 Signature JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENT Type Name and Title GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Trans¡t Bus Procurement Witness Signature SEPTEMBER 12,2018 Date 44e; Page 1 00 of 301 247 of 272 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement JACKSONVI LLË TRANS PO RTAT I O N AUTI{ O RITY PAST EXPERIENCEIPERFORMANCE REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM 1. Complete name of Government agency, commercial l¡rm, or ot¡ìer organizat¡on ATHENS TRANSIT 7. Estinrated contract Dnce APPROXIMATËLY $6BMM AT A MINIMUM 9. Technical point of oontact (name, t¡tle, acldress, telephone no. and email address) BUTCH MCDUFFIE, GENERAL MANAGER BUTCH.MCDU FFI E@ATHENSCLARKECOU NTY.COM 706-61 3-391 3 775 EAST BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA 30601 1 1. Ðescription of contraçt work (Describe the nature ãnci scope of the experience and provicle an explanalion of how the work is the same or similar to the work required by JTA). Attach an explanation of any performance problems or olher conflicts with the customer. Use a continr¡ation sheet, if necessary.) MANUFACTURE OF HEAVY DUTY 29" 35'& 40' LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES IN DIESEL, HYBRID OR CNG CONFIGURATIONS. PLEASE SEE OUR CUSTOMER REFERENCE LIST, TESTIMONIAL LETTERS AND LOW FLOOR CUSTOMER LIST IN TAB B APPENDICES, TAB #2 FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER REFERENCES 12.t statu$contracl: CURRENT 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXPIRES OCTOBER 28,2019 '13. S¡gnature of Bidder Date 14. Print Nsme of Bidder GILLIG LLC lnstructions: Provide information requested in sections 1 through 14, Fortn must be filled out co¡nplelely and sígned by the 8ìclder Please print and fill out three fo¡ms for three different projects. Page 98 of 301 2. Complete address 775 EAST BROAD STREET ATHENS, GA 30601 ontract number or other reference RFP# 00680 HEAVY DUTY TRANSIT BUS CONSORÏIUM 5. Date work was bequn ocroBER 29,2014 6. Oate work rvas corrrpleted ocToBER 28,2019 L Final amount invoiced or amount invoiced to date INVOICED TO DATE $73MM 4.o contract ER 29,2014 GILLIG 451 DISCOVERY DRIVE LIVERMORE, CA 94551 e, county, c v)10. Location vrork (country, state or 248 of 272 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement JACKSONVI LL E TRANS PO RTATI CI N AUTH O RITY PAST EXPERIENCE/PERFORMANCE REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM APP MM AT A MINIMUM point of contact (name, t¡tle, acldress, telephone no and ema¡l address) CURTIS KOLEBER, CEO & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR cu RTr s. KoLEBER@CATCHACAT.ORG 91 2-629-3936 9OO EAST GWINNETT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA31412 11. Ðescription of contract work (Describe nature a scope lhe êxpe an eãn how the work is the same or s¡milar to the work required by JTA). Attach an explanation of any performance problems or other conflicts with the customer. Use a continuation sheet, if necsssãry-) MANUFACTURE OF HEAVY DUTY 29" 35'& 40'LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES IN DIESEL, HYBRID OR CNG CONFIGURATIONS. PLEASE SEE OUR CUSTOMER REFERENCE LIST, TESTIMONIAL LETTERS AND LOW FLOOR CUSTOMER LIST IN TAB B APPENDICES, TAB #2 FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER REFERENCES 1 2. Current status of contract: CURRENT 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXPIRES OCTOBER 28,2019 13. Signature of Bidder ate nt åme GILLIG LLC lnstructions: Provide inlorrnation requested in sections 1 through 14, Form must be filled out conrpletely ancJ signed by the Biclder Please print and fill oLrl three forms for three different projects. Page 98 of 301 s) 4 1. Complete name of Government agency, commercial f¡rrn, or other organization CHATHAM AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY ?, Complete address 9OO EAST GWINNETT STREET SAVANNAH, GA31412 3. Contracl numbeÍ or other referenceCONSORTlUM MEMBER ON RFP# OO6BO HEAVY DUTY TRANSIT BUS CONSORTIUM- 5. Date work was begun ocToBER 29,2014 4. Date of contlact ocToBER 29,2014 6. Dale \¡/ork was c OCTOBER 28, ompleted 2019 8. Final amount invoiced or amount invoiced to date INVOICED TO DATE $73MM ($l OMM SAVANNAH PURCHAS '10. Location óf v/ork (country, state or province, county, city) GILLIG 451 DISCOVERY DRIVE LIVERMORE, CA 94551 249 of 272 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement JACKSONVI LLE ÏRÂNSPORTÅTICIN AUTH ORITY PAST EXPERIENCE/PERFORMANCE REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM agency. conlmerc¡al , or other organ METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY (MARTA) contracl 1. Ço name APPROXIMA LY $172MM 9. Technical point email address) tact (name, t le, acldress, telephone n0. and ERIC JOHNSON, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT EJOH NSON4@TTSMARTA.COM 404-848-6884 2424 PIEDMONT ROAD, NE ATLANTA, GA 30324-3330 of contract ylork (Describe lhe nature ancl scope of lhe experience and provìde an explanaìion of how lhe r¡¡ork is the sâme or similar to the work required by JTA). Attach an explanation of any performance problems or other conflicts rvith tlre customer. Use a continuation sheet, if necessäry.) MANUFACTURE OF HEAVY DUTY 40'CNG LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES. PLEASE SEE OUR CUSTOMER REFERENCE LIST, TESTIMONIAL LETTERS AND LOW FLOOR CUSTOMER LIST IN TAB 8 APPENDICES, TAB #2 FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER REFERENCES 1 2. Curr€nt status of contracl: CURRENT 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXPIRES NOVEMBER 28,2021 ature Date 14. P¡i¡rt a¡ne of Eidder GILLIG LLC lnstructions: Provide information requested in sections 1 through 14. Form must be filled out cornpletely and signed by the Bidder Please print and fill or¡l three forms for three dìfferent projects. Page 98 of 301 2, Complete address 2424 PIEDMONT ROAD, NE ATLANTA, GA 30324-3330 3. Contracl nunìber or other reference CONTRACT # P35484 PROCUREMENT OF 40' CNG BUSES 5. Date work was beoun NOVEMBER 21ì,2016 7 trclinr:Ìo¡l B, Final anrount invoiced or amorint invoicecl to ciate INVOICED TO DATE $31MM 4. Date ol contracl NOVEMBER 29,2016 6. Date u¡ork \,/as completed NOVEMBER 28,2021 10. Location of vrork (country, state or province, county, c¡ty) GILLIG 45,I DISCOVERY DRIVE LIVERMORE, CA 9455,I 250 of 272 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement JACKSONVI LL E TRANsPORTATITN AUTH O RITY PAST EXPERIENCË/PERFORMANCE REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM 1. Complete name of Government agency,rm, or organ n CHARLOTTE AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM 1 1. Description of contract work (Descr¡be nature a scope of the experience and provìde an explanation of how the work is the same or similar to the work required by JTA). Attach an explanation of any perlormance problems or olher conflicts with the customer. Use a continuation sheet, if necessåry-) MANUFACTURE OF HEAVY DUTY 29" & 40'LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES IN DIESEL OR HYBRID CONFIGURATIONS, PLEASE SEE OUR CUSTOMER REFERENCE LIST, TESTIMONIAL LETTERS AND LOW FLOOR CUSTOMER LIST IN TAB 8 APPENDICES, TAB #2 FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER REFERENCES 12, Curren statu$contract: CURRENT 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXPIRES JANUARY 19,2020 1.1 Bidcf ere GILLIG LLC lnstructions: Provide information requested in sections I through '14. Fonn must be filled out conrpletely anrl signed by the Biclder Please print and Rll out three forms for three different projects. Page 98 of 301 2. Complete address 3145 S. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 ontract number or other reference r(FrF rov-zu rJuluouu l Þu.Þ rKul.,uF(tr¡vrtr.r\ | r , 5- Date work was begun JANUARY 19,2015 4. Dale of contract JANUARY 19,2015 6. Dale u¡ork was comDleted JANUARY 19,2020 7. Estinrateci contract nrrce APPROXIMATELY $131MM 8. Final amount invoiced or amount invo¡ceci to ciate INVOICED TO DATE $51MM L Technical po¡nt of contact (nâme, t¡tle, ac,dress, telephone no and enail address) REGGIE ARRINGTON, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER RARRTNGTON@Ct.CHARLOTE.NC.US 704-432-3618 3145 S. TRYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, NC 282,17 10. Locat¡on of vrork (country, state or province, county, city) GILLIG 45,1 DISCOVERY DRIVE LIVERMORE, CA 94551 1 3, Sìgnature of Brdder ate 251 of 272 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Flor¡da Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procuremenl JACKSONVI LLË TRÅ N5 PO RTATI O N AUTI-{ OR ITY PAST EXPERIENCE/PERFORMANCE REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM name agency, commerc¡al f¡rm, or other ofganization CHAPEL HILL TRANSIT 9. Technical point contact (name,address, telephone no and email address) PETER AUBE, MAINTENANCE MANAGER PAUBE@TOWNOFCHAPELHT LL.ORG 802-557-2492 6900 MILL HOUSE ROAD, CHAPEL HILL, NC 27516 1. Desoript¡on of contract y/ork (Describe lhe nature ancl scope of the experiênce and provìde an explanalion of hor¡; lhe v¡ork is the same or simílar to the work requìred by JTA). Attach an explanation of any perlormance problems or olher conflicts wilh the customer. Use a continuation sheet, if necessary ) MANUFACTURE OF HEAVY DUTY 40'DIESEL LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES, PLEASE SEE OUR CUSTOMER REFERENCE LIST, TËSTIMONIAL LETTERS AND LOW FLOOR CUSTOMER LIST IN TAB 8 APPENDICES, TAB #2 FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER REFERENCES 1 2. Current status ol contracl: CURRENT 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXPIRES JULY 19,2021 13. Signature l4 Print Name of Bidcler GILLIG LLC lnstructions: Provide information requested in sections 1 through 14. Fonn must be filled out conrpletely and signed by the Bidder Please prínt and fill ot¡t three forms for three differeni projects. Page 98 of 301 ES) Date 2,address 6900 MILL HOUSE ROAD CHAPEL HILL, NC 27516 3. Contract number or other relerence F TRANSIT BUSES40' 5. Date work was begun JULY 20,20'16 6. Dale worh \vas conrÞleted JULY 19,2021 7. EstimatecJ contract price APPROXIMATELY $68 MM 8. Final amount invoiced or amount invo¡cec, to clate NVOICED TO DATÊ $22MM ($1OMM CHAPEL HILL PURCHA 10. Location of \"/ork (country, state or province, county, city) GILLIG 451 DISCOVERY DRIVE LIVERMORE, CA 94551 252 of 272 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement JÀCKSONVI LLE TRANsPORTATI ON AUTH Û RITY PAST EXPERIENCE/PERFORMANCE REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM name of Governnlent agency, conrmercial firm, or other organization TRIANGLE TRANSIT 9. Tech contact (näme, t address, lelephone no. and email address) PAT STEPHENS, DIRECTOR OF TRANSIT OPERATIONS PSTEPHENS@GOTRTANGLE,ORG 91 9-485-7456 5201 NELSON ROAD, MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 1 1 . Description of contract work (Describe the nature scope a ncl an an the work sãme or sim¡lar to the work required by JTA). Attach an explanation of any periormance problems or olher conflicls witlr the customer. Use a continuation sheet, if necessary.) MANUFACTURE OF HEAVY DUTY 40' DIESEL LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSES. PLEASE SEE OUR CUSTOMER REFERENCE LIST, TESTIMONIAL LETTERS AND LOW FLOOR CUSTOMER LIST IN TAB B APPENDICES, TAB #2 FOR ADDITIONAL CUSTOMER REFERENCES. 1 2. Current slatus 0f contract: CURRENT 5 YEAR CONTRACT EXPIRES JULY 19,2021 ture Bidder Date 14. Print Na¡ne of Bidcler GILLIG LLC lnstructions: Provide information requested in sections 1 through 14. Form must be filled out completely anrJ signed by the Eiclder Please print and fill oul three fonns for three different projects. Page 98 of 301 2. Complete address 5201 NELSON ROAD MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 3. Contract number or other referenceL;ONSORT IUM MEMBL.R ON IFB# 16-0009 JOINT PROCUREMENT 40' LF TRANSIT BUSES 5. Date work was bequn JULY 20, 2016- 6. Dale work l'¡as corrpleted JULY 19,2021 4. Dale of contract JULY 20,2016 IN 7. Estimatecl contract price APPROXIMATELY $68 MM 8. Final amount invoiced or anìoun1 invo¡cecl to clate /OICED TO DATE $22MM ($sMM TRIANGLE TRANSIT PURC '10. Location of work (country, stête or province, county, cily) GILLIG 451 DISCOVERY DRIVE LIVERMORE, CA 94551 253 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement PROPOSER'S LIST FORNAME OF pRrME CONTRACTR OR/CONTRACTOR: GILLIG LLC The Contractor shall provide information on ALL prospective subcontractor(s)/supplier(s) who were contacted or submitted bids/quotations in support ofthis solicitation. . NAME OF NOT APPLICABLE - GILLIG SCOPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED }OES NOT SUB-CONTRACT CERTIFIED DBE FIRM? (Check all that apply) THE MANUFATURE I PERVIOUSYEAR'S ANNUAL GROSS RECEIPTS )F OUR VEHICLES UTILIZING ON THIS CONTRACT? (Please circle answer) NAME: ADDRESS:Less than $i50UKYES: $500K-li2 mil PHONE: SCOPE OF WORK: $2 mll - $5 mrl FAX: N(J: more than üi5 mll. CONIACTPERSON:AGEOFFIRM: YES or NO NAME: ADDRESS:Less than Sj500KYBS $500K-$2 rml SUOPE OT,'WORK: $i2 mil - $i5 milNO more than $5 mil. UUNIA'L]I T'ERSON AGE OI FIRM: YES orNO NAME: ADDRESS Less than $50UKYES: $500K-$2 mil PHONE: SUUPTI Uf. WUKK: SZ 1¡ll - $5 m1l FAX: NU: more than üi5 mil. CON]ACTPERSON AGE OF FIRM YES or NO NAME: ADDRESS:Less than $500KYES: S5UOK-$2 mrl PHONE: SCOPE OF'WORK: $2 rnil - $5 mil tAx: NO: more than $5 mil. CON'I AC'I'PBRSON AGE OF FIRM: YES or NO JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENTName/Title of person completing this form: SEPTEMBER 12,2018 Page 101 of301 254 of 272 SEPTT .JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus procuremenrGILLIG LLCìR 12,2018ì,ACKSONVILLEÏRANSPORTATIONAUTHORITYSCHEDULE OF SUBCONSULTANTS/SUBCONTRACTORScontractor: GILLIG LLCE nnnE NoN-nnrDescription of Project:MANUFACTURE AND DELIVERY OF LOW FLOOR TRANSIT BUSESSoticitationNo.. P-18-005 ContracrDate. PROPOSAL DUE DATE; SEPTEMBER14,2O1gAs part of the procedures for the submission of proposals/Bids, all contractorsare required to identifu ALL participating SUBCONSULTANTS/SIIBCONTRACTORS. please identifyAnticipatedDBEPercentageBased onSupplyProviderCheckedDollarAmountOfSpend(if known)$$$$$$ ------$ ------$ ------Broker100% Fees &Commissions:HICLES60% ofSpendRegularDealer:E OF OUR VITo be completed for DBE Supply Providersonly, check applicable boxesManufacturer100% ofSpendMANUFATUTDescriptíon of Commodity, Material, orService- GILLIG DOES NOT SUB-CONTRACT THENON-DBEICABLICertificationStatus(check one box)DBE)T APPIName of Business Performing WorkNDollar Amount or Anticipated Percentage of work to be completed by Non-DBESUBCONSULTANTS/SIJBCONTRACTORSDollar Amount or Anticipated Percentage of Work to be Completed by DBESUBCONSULTANTS/SIJBCONTRACTORSTotalsuch areas for aboveifUse additional sheets ifstatus reports and audit of submitted DBE information as deemed necessarv.CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATIONDiversity & Equity Program Office reserves the right to recommend an audit on the submitted DBE information as deemed nEcessm.Nameandritle: JOSEPHSignature:IO, VICE PRESIDENT(Please print or type)Dut". SEPTEMBER 12, 2O1gAs defined in 49 CFR Part-26 &¡b602Aof6ßfl 1 , 2017255 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 JTA RFP P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Transit Bus Procurement TRANSIT VEHICLE MANUFATURER CERTIFICAITON (Bus or Rail Car Purchases OnÐ CERTIFICATION OF DI SADVANTAGED BUS INE S S ENTERPRI S E S (DBE) COMPLIANCE The responder, a Primary Transit Vehicle Manufacturer, hereby certifies that it has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR Section26.49, as amended, by submitting an annual DBE goal, as amended, to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The goal has either been approved or not disapproved by the FTA. SIGNATURE: JOSEPH POLICARPIO PRINT NAME VICE PRESIDENT TITLE GILLIG LLC COMPANY SEPTEMBER 12,2018 DATE: REFERENCE OUR ATTACHED FTA TVM/DBE GOAL CONCURRENCE/CERTIFICATION LETTER AND OUR DBE CERTIFICATION. Page 103 of301 256 of 272 @ U.S. Department of Transportation FederalTransit Administration Headquarters September 1,2017 Chris Turner Gillig, LLC P.O. Box 3008 Hayward, CA 94545-3008 Re: TVM DBE Goal Concurrence/Certification Letter - Fiscal Year 2018 Dear Mr. Turner: This letter is to inform you that the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Office of Civil Rights has received Gillig, LLC's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal and methodology for FY 201 8 for the period of October 1 , 20 I 7-September 30 , 2018. This goal submission is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation's DBE regulations at 49 CFR Part26 and must be implemented in good faith. We have reviewed your FY 2018 DBE goal and determined thatit is compliant with DOT's DBE regulations. You are eligible to bid on FTA-funded transit contracts. This letter or a copy of the TVM listing on FTA's website may be used to demonstrate your compliance with DBE requirements when bidding on federally funded vehicle procurements. FTA reserves the right to remove/suspend this concurrence if your DBE program or FY 2018 DBE goal is not implemented in good faith. In accordance with this good faith requirement, you rnust submit your DBE Uniform Report to FTA by December 1,2077. This report should reflect all FTA- funded contracting activity for the second period of FY 2017 (i.e., from April 1 to September 30). Please also be mindful that your FY 2019 DBE goal methodology must be submitted to FfA by August 1, 2018. Any updates to the program plan must be submitted to FTA as they occur. Thank you for your cooperation. Ifyou have any questions regarding this approval, please contact the FTA DBE Team via e-mail at FTATVMSubmissions@dot.gov. Manager for Policy and Technical Assistance East Building, Srh Floor - TCR 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 Office of Civil Rights 257 of 272 trrLLltr DBE/MBE CERTtFtCAT|ON DISADVANTAG ED/M r NORTTY BUSr N ESS ENTERPRTSE ( DBE/M BEI CERTT FtCAT|ON GILLIG LLC, 45L Discovery Drive, Livermore California 94551, hereby certifies that GILLIG LLC has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 of the Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, and submitted the required documents to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The FTA advised that GILLIG has obtained 49 C.F.R. Part26.49 certification and we are eligible to bid on federally funded contracts in FY2018. Transit customers may call the FTA for verification. BRITNEY BERRY FEDERAL TRANSIT ADM IN ISTRATION Office of Civil Rights 1200 New jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20590 Phone: 202-366-7065 E-mai I : britney. berry@dot.gov GILLIG LLC By: JOSEPH POLICARPIO Title VICE PRESIDENT Date: SEPTEMBER L2,2OT8 ( 7-77 258 of 272 GILLIG LLC SEPTEMBER 12,2018 CER 8.8 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards The Proposer and (if selected) Contractor shall submit (1) manufacturer's FMVSS self-certification sticker information that the vehicle complies with relevant FMVSS or (2) manufacturer's certified statement that the contracted buses will not be subject to FMVSS regulations. Company name: Name of signer: Title: SEPTEMBER 12,2018 Authorized signature JOSEPH POLICARPIO, VICE PRESIDENT Date REFERENCE OUR ATTACHED FMVSS SELF-CERTIFICATION STICKER 254 259 of 272 REVISÏONS sYt{0vt¡¿oNt DESCR¡P'fttt¡IEL DATE A RAV RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION It5.l60 0/u/t6 MAKF FRF]M¡ 5ç ?€\97 -nrl ITEM NI DESCRIPTION OTY I{ARX PARÍ V/PN PER 6IL DB I37û()l}2E[LLIE GILLIG LLC HAYVARD, CA -H AS SHOVN, RH IPPf}S¡'EIIN ms nw m D€ Dfß$nDt cDara¡ìc¡ rÉËDt gr¡flrÐMEMLYÆEMffiRTYTruGE usa, ËFnaLEÌ¡Dr, n D¡sclog.n€ 0r rE ctMEF r mRW n ffi PfiI¡il l1ær m ffi PtrGf, XJS' r DICAL-DATA PLATi GILLIG LLC, LIVTRi',IIRT LUCAÏIIN llrLE' ¡EEVENtff,n*WM ow Rê\^/t0/04/t6 IHXR'S ¡N¡II qPTTJ ¡NI II sTD N0 30e russ nEusa ru1!.rms -tıIxt ßnxi û0 TH¡RI)JXru RLL tr 115460 sl sl A ffiE 59-3513e-007 MANUFACTURED BY GILLIG LLC LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA DATE: GIIWR: kg _ l¡ GAWR: FRONT kg _ lb WITH TIRES, RIMS AT _ kPa _ psi COLD SINGLE GAWR: REAR kg -lb WTTH TtRES, RIMS AT _ kPa _ psi COLD DUAL THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO ALLAPPLICABLE U.S. FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF MANUFACTURE SHOWN ABOVE. VEHICLE I.D. NO.:MODEL:ooIôlt, ro(? I(tro TYPE OFVEHICLE: BUS ENGINE NUMBER: UNLADEN WEIGHIi Ib NITES, 1, ALL TIXT HIIGHT MUST BE GREATTR THAN 3/s¿' TALL,?, PR]NT USING ZEBRA ZI41.O LABEL PRINTTR, 3, MINIMUM OUAL]TY SETTING !F 6OODPI,4, MED]A TYPT IS THERMAL TRANSFfR. 5, DARKNESS SETTING IS ?8,6, SPEED IS ? INCHES PTR SECIND.7, D]THER]NG ]S SMIITH, SHEET 1 OF 3260 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit ‘E’ - Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts (On following pages) 261 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Exhibit ‘E’ REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONTRACTS REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FTA-ASSISTED CONTRACTS The following terms apply when the Authority determines that the Contract involves or may involve the expenditure of federal funds. Unless otherwise set forth below, the Contractor must include every clause of this Section VI in all subcontracts under this Contract. 1. Non-Discrimination. The Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., 29 U.S.C. § 794, 49 CFR Part 21, and federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332. The Contractor agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status. Discrimination includes exclusion from participation, denial of program benefits and discrimination in employment or business opportunity. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, including those of any agency of the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), including FTA Advisory Circular 4702.1. 2. Equal Employment Opportunity. (a) Race, Creed, Color, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, National Origin, Religion, or Family Status – The Contractor shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note, and as supplemented by 41 CFR 60), and with any applicable federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and federal policies that may in the future affect activities undertaken in the course of the Contract. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or family status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. (b) Age - In accordance with section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 621-634, 29 CFR Part 1625, 45 CFR Part 90, 42 U.S.C. §§6101 et seq. and federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees to refrain from discrimination for reason of age. In addition, the 262 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements the Department of Health and Human Services, the EEOC, FTA or FHWA may issue. (c) Disabilities - The Contractor agrees that it will comply with the requirements of Titles I, II, III, IV and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with 29 U.S.C. § 794, 42 U.S.C. §4151, federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, and any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 3. Compliance with Nondiscrimination Regulations. The Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally- assisted programs of the U.S. DOT, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of the Contract. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. Section 5332, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and prohibits discrimination in employment or business opportunity. 4. Nondiscrimination. The Contractor and all subcontractors, with regard to the work performed during the Contract, will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of material and leases of equipment. The Contractor and all subcontractors will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the Contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 5. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations made by the Contractor and all subcontractors, either by competitive bidding or negotiation for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or Contractor shall be notified in writing by the Contractor of the Contractor's obligations under this Contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and that these same obligations extend to any subcontractor, Contractor or lessor. 6. Information and Reports. The Contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Authority, the FDOT, the U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, 263 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses orders and instructions. Where any information required of the Contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the Contractor shall so certify to the Authority, FDOT, U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 7. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this Contract, the Authority shall impose such contract sanctions as it, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to (a) withholding of payments to the Contractor under the Contract until the Contractor complies and/or (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the Contract, in whole or in part. 8. Incorporation of Provisions. The Contractor shall include the provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 8, in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Authority, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. In the event a Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or Contractor as a result of such direction, the Contractor may request the Authority and the FDOT to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the Authority and the FDOT, and, in addition, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 9. Participation by Disadvantage Business Enterprises. The Contractor shall abide by the following statement from 49 CFR 26.13(b). This statement shall be included in all subsequent agreements between the Contractor and any subcontractor or Contractor. The Contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in termination of this Contract or other such remedy as the Authority deems appropriate. 10. Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion. If the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction that the Contractor provided as part of its Proposal was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances, the Contractor shall provide immediate written notice to the Authority. 264 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 11. Sensitive Security Information. The Contractor shall protect, and take measures to ensure that its subcontractors at each tier protect, “sensitive security information” made available during the administration of a third party contract or subcontract to ensure compliance with 49 U.S.C. Section 40119(b) and implementing DOT regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 15, and with 49 U.S.C. Section 114(r) and implementing Department of Homeland Security regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 1520. 12. Changes to Federal Requirements. The Contractor shall at all times comply with all applicable US DOT, FHWA and FTA regulations, policies, procedures, directives and federal guidance, including without limitation those listed directly or by reference in the Master Agreement (Form FTA MA (19) dated October 2012) between the Authority and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of a Contract resulting from this Solicitation. The Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act or refuse to comply with any request of the Authority which would cause the Authority to be in violation of any of the FTA or FHWA terms and conditions. The Contractor’s failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 13. Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration Terms. All contractual provisions required by the US DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1F, revised March 18, 2013, whether or not set forth in this Contract are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, all FTA and FHWA mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Contract. The Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any Authority request which would cause the Authority to be in violation of FTA and FHWA terms and conditions. 14. Fly America. The Contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 40118 (the “Fly America” Act) in accordance with the General Services Administration’s regulations at 41 CFR Part 301-10, which provide that recipients and subrecipients of federal funds and their Contractors are required to use U.S. Flag air carriers for U.S Government-financed international air travel and transportation of their personal effects or property, to the extent such service is available, unless travel by foreign air carrier is a matter of necessity, as defined by the Fly America Act. The Contractor shall submit, if a foreign air carrier was used, an appropriate certification or memorandum adequately explaining why service by a U.S. flag air carrier was not available or why it was necessary to use a foreign air carrier and shall, in any event, provide a certificate of compliance with the Fly America requirements. 15. No Federal Government Obligation to Third Parties. Notwithstanding any concurrence by the federal government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the Contract, absent the express written consent by the federal government, the federal government is not a party to this Contract and shall not be subject to any 265 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses obligations or liabilities to the Authority, Contractor, or any other party (whether or not a party to the Contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from this Contract. 16. False or Fraudulent Statements or Claims and Related Acts – Civil and Criminal Fraud. The Contractor acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq. and U.S. DOT regulations, “Program Fraud Civil Remedies,” 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to this Contract. Upon execution of the Contract, the Contractor certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation it has made, it makes, it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying Contract or the FTA or FHWA assisted project for which this Contract work is being performed. In addition to other penalties that may be applicable, the Contractor further acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation, the federal government may impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Contractor to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. The Contractor also acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation in connection with this Contract, under the authority of 49 U.S.C. § 5307 and 49 U.S.C. §5323, the federal government may impose the penalties on the Contractor authorized by 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 49 U.S.C. § 5307(n)(1), to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. It is further understood and agreed that the willful falsification, distortion or misrepresentation with respect to any facts related to the project(s) described in this Contract is a violation of the federal law. Accordingly, United States Code, Title 18, Section 1020, is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Contract. 17. Environmental Protection. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Section 29 of the FTA Master Agreement (2012), including the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq. (as limited by 42 USC §5159), Executive Order No. 11514 Executive Order No. 11514, as amended, “Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality,” 42 U.S.C. § 4321 note; FTA statutory requirements on environmental matters at 49 U.S.C. § 5324(b); Council on Environmental Quality regulations on compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 40 C.F.R. Parts 1500 et seq.; and joint FHWA/FTA regulations, “Environmental Impact and Related Procedures,” 23 C.F.R. Part 771 and 49 C.F.R. Part 622. Contractor shall also comply with federal transit laws, including 49 U.S.C. §5323(c)(2) as amended by MAP-21. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 18. Clean Air. The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et 266 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses seq. The Contractor agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Contractor understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 19. Clean Water. The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq. The Contractor agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Contractor understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 20. Recycled Products. When relevant to the Work Order, the Contractor shall assist the Authority with compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6962, which requires the Authority to provide a competitive preference to products and services that conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and are energy efficient. EPA guidelines, “Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials,” 40 CFR Part 247, direct the Authority to specify a competitive preference for products containing recycled materials identified in those EPA guidelines for contracts valued at $10,000 or more. For information about EPA’s recovered materials advisory notices, see EPA’s Web site: http://www.epa.gov/cpg/backgrnd.htm. 21. Buy America. The Contractor shall comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, where applicable, which provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by the FTA, or the product is subject to a general waiver. Work orders and small purchases of less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) made with capital, operating, or planning funds are waived from Buy America requirements. The JTA requires each Contractor to submit a completed Buy America certificate with its Bid or Proposal in accordance with §§ 661.6 or 661.12, as appropriate. The JTA presumes that any Contractor who submitted such certificate is complying with the Buy America provisions. A false certification is a criminal act in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001. A Contractor who certifies that it will comply with the applicable Buy America requirement is bound by its original certification (in the case of a sealed bidding procurement) or the certification it submitted with its final offer (in the case of a negotiated procurement) and is not permitted to change its certification after bid opening or submission of its final offer. Where a Contractor certifies that it will comply with Buy America requirements, the Contractor is not eligible for a waiver of those requirements. The JTA reserves the right to request additional information, 267 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses and/or to conduct both pre-award and post-award audits to ensure that the Contractor is in compliance with Buy America requirements. 22. Seismic Safety. The Contractor agrees that any new building or addition to an existing building will be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards for Seismic Safety required in Department of Transportation Seismic Safety Regulations 49 CFR Part 41 and will certify to compliance to the extent required by the regulation. The Contractor also agrees to ensure that all work performed under this Contract, including work performed by a subcontractor, is in compliance with the standards required by the Seismic Safety Regulations and the certification of compliance issued on the Project. 23. Conformance with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) National Architecture. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) property and services, recommended and included in designs provided by the Contractor under this Contract, must comply with the National ITS Architecture and Standards to the extent required by 23 U.S.C.§517(d) as amended by MAP-21, Section 5307(c) of SAFETEA-LU, FTA Notice, “FTA National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects,” 66 FR 1455 et seq., January 8, 2001, 23 CFR Parts 655 and 940, and later published FTA and FHWA regulations, rules, policies, implementing guidance and directives. Additionally, such ITS equipment and designs shall comply with the latest ITS architecture and standards adopted by the FHWA, FDOT, CoJ and First Coast ITS Coalition. 24. Metric Measurements. To the extent practicable and feasible, the Contractor shall express all dimensions in metric measurements, in compliance with the Metric Conversion Act, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act, 15 U.S.C. Sections 205a et seq.; Executive Order No. 12770, “Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs,” July 25, 1991, 15 U.S.C. Section 205a note; and applicable federal regulations. 25. Electronic Reports and Information. Reports and other information prepared in electronic format developed under this Contract, whether as a contract end item or in compliance with contract administration provisions, must comply with the accessibility standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Section 794d, and ATBCB regulations, “Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards,” 36 CFR Part 1194. 26. Access to Records and Sites of Project Performance and Record Retention. A. The Contractor shall maintain all Contract records (including paper and electronic records) in a manner so that they are readily accessible for review, audit and inspection and shall provide to the Authority, the USDOT, the FHWA Administrator, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, the FDOT, or any of their authorized representatives or employees, access to any data, accounts, payrolls, project work, project materials, documents, reports, records, statistics, 268 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses subagreements, leases, third party contracts, arrangements, books, papers and records of the Contractor (and all supporting material related thereto) which are related to this Contract for the purposes of making audits, inspections, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions. Contractor also agrees, pursuant to 49 C. F. R. 633.15 to provide the agencies, or their authorized representatives including any PMO Contractor, access to Contractor’s records and work sites pertaining to a major capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311. In accordance with 49 CFR 18.40, federal agencies may make site visits as warranted by program needs. B. The Contractor agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce any record by any means whatsoever. C. The Contractor agrees to maintain all books, records, accounts and reports required under this Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after the date of termination, expiration or final payment of this Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from the performance of this Contract or other pending matters, in which case Contractor agrees to maintain same until the Authority, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General, the FDOT, and any of their duly authorized representatives, have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, exceptions and other matters related thereto. Reference 49 CFR 18.36(i)(11). D. Any of the agencies listed above may, at any time during normal business hours, with or without prior notice and by or through its employees or its Contractors, inspect, copy and audit all of the books and records of the Contractor (and its subcontractors, if any) including all work papers and correspondence and financial records related to such services. 27. Access Requirements for Persons With Disabilities (ADA). The Contractor agrees to comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 5301(d) which expresses the federal policy that the elderly and persons with disabilities have the same right as other persons to use mass transportation service and facilities, and that special efforts shall be made in planning and designing those services and facilities to implement those policies. The Contractor also agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., which requires the provision of accessible facilities and services, and with the following federal regulations, including any amendments thereto: (1) U.S. DOT regulations, “Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (ADA),” 49 C.F.R. Part 37; (2) U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance,” 49 C.F.R. Part 27; (3) Joint U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board/U.S. DOT regulations, “Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles,” 36 C.F.R. Part 1192 and 49 C.F.R. Part 38; (4) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services,” 28 C.F.R. Part 35; (5) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities,” 28 C.F.R. Part 36; (6) U.S. GSA regulations, “Accommodations for the Physically Handicapped,” 41 C.F.R. Subpart 101-19; (7) U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Regulations to Implement the 269 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” 29 C.F.R. Part 1630; (8) U.S. Federal Communications Commission regulations, “Telecommunications Relay Services and Related Customer Premises Equipment for the Hearing and Speech Disabled,” 47 C.F.R. Part 64, Subpart F; and (9) FTA regulations, “Transportation for Elderly and Handicapped Persons,” 49 C.F.R. Part 609; and (10) Any implementing requirements FTA may issue. This section applies to subcontractors at all levels and must be added to all subcontracts, regardless of tier. 28. Energy Conservation. The Contractor shall comply with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction and all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, when applicable. 29. Rights in Data. (1) The term "subject data" used in this clause means recorded information, whether or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered under the Contract. The term includes graphic or pictorial delineation in media such as drawings or photographs; text in specifications or related performance or design-type documents; machine forms such as punched cards, magnetic tape, or computer memory printouts; and information retained in computer memory. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer software, engineering drawings and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information. The term "subject data" does not include financial reports, cost analyses, and similar information incidental to contract administration. (2) The following restrictions apply to all subject data first produced in the performance of this Contract: (a) Except for its own internal use, the Authority or Contractor may not publish or reproduce subject data in whole or in part, or in any manner or form, nor may the Authority or Contractor authorize others to do so, without the written consent of the federal government, until such time as the federal government may have either released or approved the release of such data to the public; this restriction on publication, however, does not apply to any contract with an academic institution. (b) In accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.34 and 49 C.F.R. § 19.36, the federal government reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for "federal government purposes," any subject data or copyright described in subsections (2)(b)1 and (2)(b)2 of this clause below. As used in the previous sentence, "for federal government purposes," means use only for the direct purposes of the federal government. Without the copyright owner's consent, the federal government may not extend its federal license to any other party. 1. Any subject data developed under that contract, whether or not a copyright has been obtained; and 270 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 2. Any rights of copyright purchased by the Authority or Contractor using federal assistance in whole or in part provided by FTA. (c) When FTA awards federal assistance for experimental, developmental, or research work, it is FTA's general intention to increase transportation knowledge available to the public, rather than to restrict the benefits resulting from the work to participants in that work. Therefore, unless FTA determines otherwise, the Authority and the Contractor performing experimental, developmental, or research work required by this Contract agrees to permit FTA to make available to the public, either the license in the copyright to any subject data developed in the course of this Contract, or a copy of the subject data first produced under the Contract for which a copyright has not been obtained. If the experimental, developmental, or research work, which is the subject of the underlying Contract, is not completed for any reason whatsoever, all data developed under that Contract shall become subject data as defined in subsection (a) of this clause and shall be delivered as the federal government may direct. This subsection (c), however, does not apply to adaptations of automatic data processing equipment or programs for the Authority or Contractor's use whose costs are financed in whole or in part with federal assistance provided by FTA for transportation capital projects. (d) Unless prohibited by state law, upon request by the federal government, the Authority and the Contractor agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the federal government, its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties against any liability, including costs and expenses, resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Authority or Contractor of proprietary rights, copyrights, or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, use, or disposition of any data furnished under that contract. Neither the Authority nor the Contractor shall be required to indemnify the federal government for any such liability arising out of the wrongful act of any employee, official, or agents of the federal government. (e) Nothing contained in this clause on rights in data shall imply a license to the federal government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the federal government under any patent. (f) Data developed by the Authority or Contractor and financed entirely without using federal assistance provided by the federal government that has been incorporated into work required by the Contract is exempt from the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this clause, provided that the Authority or Contractor identifies that data in writing at the time of delivery of the Contract work. (g) Unless the federal government determines otherwise, the Contractor agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract for experimental, developmental, or research work financed in whole or in part with federal assistance. 271 of 272 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses 30. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards. a. Overtime requirements - No Contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the Contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. b. Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages - In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section the Contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section. c. Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages - The Authority shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime Contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section. d. Subcontracts - The Contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section. 272 of 272 WHEREAS, the Authority is the agent of the Purchasers and hence any reference to the Authority also includes by inference the Purchasers; WHEREAS, the Authority and the Supplier agree that the Purchasers shall be authorized to issue individual purchase orders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Authority and the Supplier do hereby agree as follows: I. Terms and Conditions 1. Performance of Services. All of the services shall be performed by the Supplier and its authorized Subcontractors as identified by the Supplier. Notwithstanding the use of one or more Subcontractors by the Supplier, the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that all of the services performed and to be performed hereunder shall be the sole responsibility of the Supplier, and Supplier hereby agrees that it warrants all such work as if such work had been performed directly by the Supplier. 2. Order of Precedence. All of the terms and conditions of the Solicitation are hereby incorporated herein in full. In the event of a conflict between the terms of any of the following, the more stringent requirement shall apply. If the conflict cannot be resolved by following the most stringent requirement, the following order of precedence shall govern: (1) Section VII of the Solicitation that contains the required clauses for federally-assisted contracts, when applicable; (2) properly authorized written Contract Amendments; (3) properly authorized Purchase Orders; (4) this Contract; (5) the Specifications; (6) Special Conditions; (7) the Solicitation Addenda, if any; and (8) the Solicitation. As between the drawings and other specifications, the drawings take precedence over other specifications as to quantity and location and the specifications take precedence over drawings as to quality of materials and workmanship. 3. Review of Work. Any review of the work by the Authority, its other suppliers, or its partner agencies, including the City of Jacksonville, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is for the sole benefit of the Authority. No such review, acceptance, or approval to proceed to the next level of service, nor the payment of any invo ice (including the last invoice, release of retainage, or acceptance of final reports or plans and specifications) shall be deemed to constitute: (1) detailed review or checking of design, details, or accuracy of the Supplier's work; (2) a professional approval by the Authority; or (3) a release of the Supplier from any of its obligations and responsibilities for the accuracy of the plans and specifications. The Authority's review, approval, acceptance of, or payment for any of the services under this Cont ract shall not constitute a waiver of any of the Authority's rights under this Contract or any cause of action it may have arising out of this Contract. 4. Contract Amendment(s). If any modification to the Contract or a Purchase Order is required, the Parties shall execute an Amendment before the Supplier begins performing any additional or changed tasks associated therewith. Reference herein to the Contract includes all Amendments, if any. In such event, the Supplier will have P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 2 of 257 the right to submit the dispute to the SVP/Chief Administrative Officer for resolution in accordance with the Disputes Section 9 Paragraph 5 below; however, in no event will the resolution of the dispute through the courts or otherwise, relieve the Supplier from the obligation to time ly perform the supplemental work. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Authority has the right to terminate the Contract if the Parties fail to reach an agreement on an Amendment. 5. Standard of Care and Quality of Goods. The Supplier shall perform (and cause all Subcontractors to perform) all services in a manner that is consistent with the level of reasonable care, skill, judgment and ability provided by others providing a similar type of service in the same geographic area. The standard of care shall not be altered by the application, interpretation, or construction of any other provision of this Contract or any document incorporated or referenced herein, including the Solicitation. Unless otherwise expressly allowed by the specifications, all items furnished by the Supplier in connection with the work performed hereunder must be completely new and free from defects. 6. Guarantee/Warranty. Warranty provisions are further detailed in “Exhibit C”. 7. Personnel. All of the personnel assigned by the Supplier and all Subcontractors shall be qualified and authorized under state and local laws to perform the applicable services, whether by appropriate license, registration, certification, or other authorization. The Supplier shall not change its assigned project management staff, delete any of the identified Subcontractors, or engage additional companies as Subcontractors hereunder, without prior written approval of the Authority. Supplier agrees that it will remove from assignment under this Contract any employe e or Subcontractor, upon request by the Authority, which may be with or without cause. Any such removal shall not necessarily reflect on the capability or competence of the individual or entity so removed. Nothing herein shall affect the status or responsibilities of the Supplier as an independent contractor solely responsible for the method, manner, and means chosen by it to perform hereunder. 8. Schedule(s). The Supplier agrees that time is of the essence for the performance of each of the Supplier's obligations hereunder. The Supplier shall complete the work in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Solicitation and provide schedule progress reports, if applicable, in a format acceptable to the Authority and at intervals established by the Authority. The Authority will be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of work being performed by the Supplier and of the details thereof. Either Party may request and be granted a conference. If, at any time prior to completion of the work, the Supplier determines that the work is not progressing according to the schedule, the Supplier shall immediately notify the Authority in writing and shall provide a description of the cause of the delay, the effect on the schedule, and the recommended action to meet the schedule. An extension of time for performance shall be the Supplier's sole and exclusive remedy for any delay of any kind or nature caused by the Authority. 9. Corrections and Clarifications. Upon request by the Authority, the Supplier shall promptly make any revisions or corrections that resulted from any error and/or omission by the Supplier or Subcontractors, and shall clarify any ambiguities, without additional compensation. Acceptance of the work by the Authority shall not relieve P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 3 of 257 the Supplier of the responsibility for subsequent corrections and clarifications. At any time during any phase of work for which the Supplier or any of its Subcontractors has performed services for the Authority, or during any phase of work performed by others, based on data furnished by the Supplier to the Authority, the Supplier shall confer with the Authority for the purpose of interpreting the information furnished and/or to correct any errors and/or omissions made by the Supplier or its Subcontractors. The Supplier shall perform all services necessary to correct its or its Subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions without additional compensation, even though final payment may have been received therefore. If any work or service contains an erro r, omission, deficiency, or mistake, the Authority may back- charge against the Supplier all reasonable costs incurred in identifying, documenting, and remedying any such error, omission, deficiency, or mistake. Such back-charge amounts may be deducted from any payment(s) due the Supplier. If the payment(s) due the Supplier are not sufficient to cover such amount(s), the Supplier shall pay the difference to the Authority. The Supplier shall be liable, and shall reimburse the Authority, for any and all expe nses incurred by the Authority, above those that would normally be experienced if the Supplier’s or its Subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions had not occurred. II. Compensation, Invoices, and Terms of Payment 1. All invoices shall reflect the applicable Proposal prices and shall show details of the computation of the amount requested including detailed descriptions of all items included in each bus. 2. The Supplier shall provide the Authority with Certificates of Origin for any and all steel, iron, and/or manu factured goods delivered or utilized by the Supplier in any work or Project contemplated herein, regardless of the individual value of such steel, iron, and/or manufactured goods, when the overall Contract value meets or exceeds One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). The Supplier shall also provide separate Certificates of Origin for each component part contained in any and all manufactured goods delivered or utilized by the Supplier in any work or Project under this Contract. Certificates of Origin must accompany all related invoices that the Supplier submits to the Authority for payment. If the Supplier fails to submit required Certificates of Origin with its invoices, the Purchaser may withhold payments due the Supplier until the Supplier has comp lied therewith. 3. The general cost principles and procedures for the negotiation and administration, and the determination or allowance of costs under this Contract will be as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, Titles 23, 48, 49, Rule Chapter 14-75, Florida Administrative Code, and other pertinent federal and state regulations, as applicable, with the understanding that there is no conflict between state regulations and federal regulations in that the more restrictive of the applicable regulations will govern. 4. Records of costs incurred under the terms of this Contract shall be maintained by the Supplier and upon written request, made available to the Authority at all times during the period of this Contract and for five (5) years after final payme nt is made for the work pursuant to this Contract. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the Authority upon request. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 4 of 257 5. Records of costs incurred will include: (1) the Supplier's general accounting records and Project records; (2) supporting documents and records of the Supplier and all Subcontractors within the scope of this Contract; and (3) all other records related to the Contract that are considered necessary by the Authority for a proper audit of costs. 6. The Authority will have the right to retain, out of any payment due the Supplier under this Contract, of an amount of 5% owing to the Authority by the Supplier on this Contract or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Authority. The Authority may withhold payment on any invoice in when the Supplier is in default under any provision of this Contract, or when the Authority determines that the schedule cannot be met and an extension of time is not warranted. The Authority may also withhold payment when payment from the Supplier is due in connection with indemnification or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Authority. This right to withhold payments will continue until such time as the Authority has been made whole. 6. All invoices requesting payment for Subcontractor's services, supplier's services, reimbursable items, or expense items, must have copies of actual invoices or receipts attached which support the amounts invoiced, in such form and with such supporting detail as the Authority may require. 7. The Authority shall have the right, but not the obligation, based upon sworn statements of accounts from the Subcontractors, and in accordance with the Supplier's written request, to pay a specific amount directly to a Subcontractor. In such event, the Supplier agrees that any such payments shall be treated as a direct payment to the Supplier’s account. 8. The Authority shall make payments to the Supplier based upon the approved invoices and supporting documentation and deliverables within thirty (30) days of the receipt by the Authority of a complete invoice and acceptance (final or provisional) of the bus(es). Within fifteen (15) days after arrival at the designated point of delivery, each Bus shall undergo testing by the Authority or the applicable Purchaser. If the bus passes these test s, acceptance of the bus by the Authority or the applicable Purchaser occurs on the fifteenth (15th) day after delivery. Acceptance may occur earlier if the Authority or applicable Purchaser notifies the Supplier of early acceptance or places the bus in revenue service. If the bus fails these tests, the Supplier requests a letter of discrepancies for resolution to be issued by the fifteenth (15 th) day after delivery. The Authority reserves the right to conditionally or provisionally accept one or more buses subject to the correction of minor deficiencies. 9. All invoices shall be sent to the attention of the Accounts Payable Office at accountspayable@jtafla.com or as directed by other Purchasers. The Authority may request additional documentation from the Supplier prior to payment of any invoice or bill from the Supplier. Invoice payment requirements do not start until a properly completed invoice is provided to the Authority or the Purchaser. If an invoice is not approved, in whole or in part, the Authority will inform the Supplier of the issue and Supplier will not be paid until the issue has been resolved to the satisfaction of the. 10. Prompt Payment Discounts. Discounts for early payment may be offered either in the original Proposal or on individual invoices submitted under the Contract. Discounts P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 5 of 257 that are included in the Proposal become a part of the Contract and are binding on the Supplier for all invoices submitted under the Contract. If the Supplier has offered a prompt payment discount, the Authority will only apply discounts that equal or exceed two percent (2%) of the invoice amount for payments that are made between ten (10) and twenty-nine (29) days after the Authority's rece ipt of a complete, acceptable invoice. For purposes of this Paragraph, time shall be computed from the date the invoice was received by the Authority and payment shall be considered to have been made on the date which appears on the payment check. 11. All compensation for services under a particular work or Purchase Order is subject to and contingent upon the availability of the federal, state, and/or local funding source that is applicable to the work or Purchase Order. 12. The acceptance of final payment by the Supplier shall be a full release of the Authority or the Purchaser and its members, officers, agents, and employees for any and all claims arising out of or relating to this Contract. The Supplier hereby waives all indirect, incidental, special, and consequential damages in any proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract. III. Ownership of Documents and Inspection of Work 1. The Authority will have the right to visit the Supplier's site for inspection of the Supplier's work at any time during reasonable work hours. In addition to the inspection and audit rights set forth herein, the Authority, its agents, and employees may perform inspections of the work at any reasonable time and at any stage of production. Such inspection or failure to inspect on a ny occasion shall not affect the Authority's rights, or the Supplier's obligations, under warranty or other provisions of this Contract, nor shall such inspection be deemed acceptance of services. IV. Term of Contract and Termination 1. This Contract shall commence upon execution by the Authority and shall be effective for two (2) years with three (3) one (1) year options to renew. 2. The Supplier shall hold all pricing referenced in “Exhibit B” for two years after execution date of this contract . Thereafter, pricing adjustments will be based on the Producer Price Index (PPI) Series ID: WPU1413, Truck and Bus Bodies and will be capped at three percent (3%) per year. Price quotes will be valid for ninety (90) days. 3. The Authority may terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, by delivering to the Supplier a written Notice of Termination. The Authority may terminate the Contract for its convenience or for failure of the Supplier to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder, including without limitation, the Supplier’s failure to complete work within the required time or the Supplier’s failure to diligently proceed with the work to the satisfaction of the Authority. The Supplier shall have the opportunity to affect a remedy within fifteen (15) days of the Notice o f Termination. Upon the Supplier’s receipt of a written Notice of Termination from the Authority, the Supplier shall: (1) immediately stop all further work unless otherwise directed in writing by the Authority as no compensation shall be paid for any work performed after receipt of such notice (provided however that expense of a nature which cannot be immediately P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 6 of 257 terminated shall be reimbursed at the minimum amount which may reasonably be arranged for such termination, if the Authority concurs); and (2) de liver to the Authority's Project Manager copies of all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and other information and materials prepared while performing this Contract, whether completed or in process, in both paper and electronic formats acceptable to the Authority. In addition, if the Supplier has possession of Authority goods, it shall immediately provide the Authority with an accounting of same and protect and preserve those goods until surrendered to the Authority or its agent (s) or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Authority. 4. These termination provisions shall be made a part of all subcontracts under this Contract. 5. After the effective date of the Notice of Termination, the Authority will only pay for work/services already performed and goods already delivered and accepted in accordance with the terms of the Contract. At the discretion of the Authority, the Authority may make an equitable adjustment to the compensation due to the Supplier, but under no circumstances shall the Supplier be entitled to payment for any anticipatory profit, for work/services not yet performed, or for goods not accepted by the Authority. 6. The Supplier's obligations to the Authority that arise from the Supplier's improper acts or omissions shall survive the termination of this Contract. 7. In the event that termination is due to default or breach by the Supplier, the Authority may take over and complete the work. In such case, the Supplier shall be liable to the Authority for any additional cost occasioned thereby. 8. Should the Supplier: (1) fail to comply with any federal, state, or local law or regulation, including FTA circular 4220.1F as revised, and 49 CFR Part 18, if applicable; (2) fail to comply with any condition of this Contract; or (3) fail to complete the required work or furnish the required materials within the time required, the Authority reserves the right to purchase in the open market, or to take over and complete, the required item/work at the expense of the Supplier witho ut waiving any right against the Supplier or its Surety, if any. 9. If the total value of the Contract exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), the Authority may terminate the Contract if the Authority determines that the Supplier: (1) submitted a false certification required by Florida Statutes § 287.135; (2) has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; or (3) has been engaged in business operations in Syria. 10. For the purposes of this Contract, an event of insolvency with respect to either Party hereto shall be deemed to be a default under this Contract by such Party. The term "event of insolvency" shall mean any of the following: A. The insolvency; B. The making of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, the appointment of a receiver for the business or assets of such entity, or the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 7 of 257 application for the appointment of a receiver therefore; C. The filing of a petition by or on behalf of, or against such person or business in any bankruptcy court or under any bankruptcy or insolvency law; or D. The dissolution, liquidation or winding up of business. V. Records and Audit 1. The Supplier agrees to maintain appropriate records with respect to work pe rformed and other items reimbursable hereunder, and such records shall be supported by payrolls, invoices, vouchers, and other documents evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. All checks, payrolls, invoices, and other documents pertaining in whole or in part to the work shall be clearly identified, readily accessible, and to the extent feasible, kept separate and apart from all other such documents not related to the work. 2. The Supplier shall provide access to records and reports in accordance with the following which are incorporated herein by reference: 49 U.S.C. 5325, 49 CFR 18.36(i), and 49 CFR 633.17, as applicable. 3. The Supplier shall permit the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies to inspect and audit all technical and economic project data and records of the Supplier relating to its performance and its subcontracts under this Contract from the date of Contract through and until the expiration of five (5) years after completion or termination of the Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from performance of this Contract, in which case the Supplier agrees to maintain same until all said and affected agencies and their authorized representatives have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, or exceptions related thereto. 4. The Supplier shall provide, upon receipt of reasonable notice, free access to its books and records by the proper officers and representatives of the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies during reasonable business hours. Further, the said agencies and their authorized representatives shall have the right, pursuant to an inspection, to review, audit, reproduce, or copy excerpts and transcriptions therefrom as necessary, and to inspect all work data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Contract. The Supplier shall include provisions similar to this Paragraph in all subcontracts which it awards, including, but not limited to, the additional provisions of allowing the Supplier, the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies equal access to Subcontractors' books and records. VI. Conflict of Interest 1. The Supplier shall not promise any employee of the Authority, whose duties include matters relating to or affecting the subject matter of this Contract, compensation of any kind or nature from the Supplier, while such employee is employed by the Authority, or for one (1) year thereafter. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 8 of 257 2. The Supplier affirms that it will not take part in any activities that will be a conflict of interest with the Authority or that would appear to compromise the integrity of the Authority. The Supplier shall provide written notice to the Authority immediately upon occurrence or first identification of any potential conflict -of-interest situation. 3. Upon request by the Authority, the Supplier shall execute any Conflict -of-Interest Certification that may be required. VII. Debarred Proposers The Supplier has a continuing obligation to inform the Authority whether it is or has been placed on any debarred, suspended, or excluded parties list maintained by the United States Government or the State of Florida. Should the Supplier, including any of its officers or holders of a controlling interest, be included on such a list during the performance of this Contract, the Supplier shall immediately inform the Authority. This obligation must be included in all subcontracts. VIII. Indemnification 1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authority and its Board of Directors, officers, and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Supplier and other perso ns or entities employed or utilized by Supplier in the performance of this Contract. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Contract. The indemnification obligation hereunder shall not be limited in any way by amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable under workers' compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefit acts. 2. In the event applicable law renders any provision of this Section unenforceable, then solely to the extent necessary to conform such provision to the requirements of law to remedy such unenforceable matter, such provision is deemed revised so as to be enforceable under law. 3. In addition to the Supplier's indemnification obligation, the Supplier shall be responsible for all liability for loss or damages, and it shall also be responsible for the payment of any fines imposed by any federal, state, or local agency as a result of the Supplier's actions or failure to act. IX. Disputes, Defaults and Remedies 1. Upon a breach of any of the obligations of the Supplier or the Authority hereunder, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the rights and remedies provided under law, including, but not limited to the rights and remedies under the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Florida, if applicable, as well as those referenced in 49 CFR Part 18 and FTA Circular 4220.1F, as revised. In addition, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the other rights and remedies specified elsewhere in this Contract. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 9 of 257 2. During any dispute, unless otherwise directed by the Authority, the Supplier shall continue to diligently perform the work while matters in dispute are outstanding, unless a Notice of Termination has been issued by the Authority. 3. Should the Supplier suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any act or omission of the Authority, or any of the Authority’s employees, agents, or others for whose acts the Authority is legally liable, a claim for damages therefore shall be made in writing to the Authority wit hin fourteen (14) days after the first observance of such injury or damage. The failure to timely submit a written claim shall result in a waiver the Supplier's claim. 4. Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be decided in writing by the Authority's SVP/Chief Administrative Officer, and the decision rendered shall be final and conclusive for the Authority. 5. Mandatory Mediation. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be subject to mandatory pre-suit mediation under the auspices of a mediator to be selected by the Parties. Mediation must occur before a lawsuit is filed. Discovery prior to the scheduled mediation shall be limited to one (1) request for production of documents and two (2) depositions per Party not exceeding eight (8) hours total time per deposition. Each Party shall equally bear the costs of mediation and shall be solely responsible for its own attorneys’ fees and other legal costs prior to and during the mediation process. In the event the case does not settle at mediation, the Parties may re-depose either or both witnesses on non-repetitive matters. The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority may not have present at any such mediation a person or persons authorized to bind the Authority. If the mediation fails to produce a settlement, and the amount in controversy is below seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), the Parties may agree to submit the dispute to fast -track arbitration with an AAA arbitration panel. X. Insurance 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Commercial General Liability insurance coverage (ISO or comparable Occurrence Form) for the life of this Contract. Modified Occurrence or Claims Made forms are not acceptable. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fire Damage Limit (any one fire) $ 300,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $ 10,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit (other than Products & Completed Operations) Applies Per Project $2,000,000 General liability coverage shall continue to apply to “bod ily injury” and to “property damage” occurring after all work on the Site of the covered operations to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insureds has been completed and shall P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 10 of 257 continue after that portion of “your work” out of which the injury o r damage arises has been put to its intended use. 2. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Part One – Workers’ Compensation Insurance – Unlimited Statutory Benefits as provided in the Florida Statutes and Part Two – Employer’s Liability Insurance Bodily Injury By Accident $500,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Each Employee *If leased employees are used, policy must include an Alternate Employer’s Endorsement 3. Automobile Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Automobile Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Combined Single Limit – Each Accident $1,000,000 Covered Automobiles shall include any auto owned or operated by the insured Supplier, insured Sub-Sub-Supplier including autos which are leased, hired, rented or borrowed, including autos owned by their employees which are used in connection with the business of the respective Supplier or Sub-Sub-Supplier. 4. Excess Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Excess Liability (Umbrella Form) insurance coverage for the life o f this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $5,000,000 Aggregate Limit $5,000,000 Supplier shall require each of his Sub-Suppliers to likewise purchase and maintain at their expense Commercial General Liability insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability coverage, Automobile Liability insurance and Excess Liability insurance coverage meeting the same limit and requirements as the Suppliers insurance. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to Jacksonville Transportation Authority for the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 11 of 257 Supplier’s insurance must be received within five (5) days of Notification of Selection and at time of signing Agreement. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies requir ed for this Agreement shall contain an endorsement that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement will include a provision that policies, except Workers’ Compensation, are primary and noncontributory to any insurance maintained by the Supplier. Jacksonville Transportation Autho rity must be named as an Additional Insured and endorsed onto the Commercial General Liability (CGL), Auto Liability and Excess Liability policy (ies). A copy of the endorsement(s) must be supplied to Jacksonville Transportation Authority ten (10) days fo llowing the execution of the agreement or prior to the first date of services, whichever comes first. CGL policy Additional Insured Endorsement must include Ongoing and Completed Operations (Form CG2010 11 84 OR Form CG2010 04 13 and GC2037 04 13 edition or equivalent). Other Additional Insured forms might be acceptable but only if modified to delete the word “ongoing” and insert the sentence “Operations include ongoing and completed operations”. CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Work performed by Sub-Suppliers on Your Behalf (CG2294 or CG2295) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Contractual Liability Limitation Endorsement (CG2139) or Amendment of Insured Contract Definition (CG 2426) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Premises Rented to you (CG 2145) CGL policy shall include broad form contractual liability coverage for the Suppliers covenants to and indemnification of the Authority under this Contract Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain a provision under General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers’ Compensation to include a Waiver of Subrogation clause in favor of Jacksonville Transportation Authority. All Certificates of Insurance shall be dated and shall show the name of the insured Supplier, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the policy number assigned its effective date and its termination date and a list of any exclusionary endorsements. All Insurers must be authorized to transact insurance business in the State of Florida as provided by Florida Statute 624.09(1) and the most recent Rating Classification/Financial Category of the insurer as published in the latest edition of “Best’s Key Rating Guide’ (Property-Casualty) must be at least A- or above. All of the above referenced Insurance coverage is required to remain in force for the duration of this Agreement and for the duration of the warranty period. Accordingly, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 12 of 257 at the time of submission of final application for payment, Supplier shall submit an additional Certificate of Insurance evidencing continuation of such coverage. If the Supplier fails to procure, maintain or pay for the required insurance, Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right (but not the obligation) to secure same in the name of and for the account of Supplier, in which event, Supplier shall pay the cost thereof and shall furnish upon demand, all information that may be required to procure such insurance. Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right to back-charge Supplier for the cost of procuring such insurance. The failure of Jacksonville Transportation Authority to demand certificates of insurance and endorsements evidencing the required insurance o r to identify any deficiency in Suppliers coverage based on the evidence of insurance provided by the Supplier shall not be construed as a waiver by Jacksonville Transportation Authority of Supplier’s obligation to procure, maintain and pay for required insurance. The insurance requirements set forth herein shall in no way limit Suppliers liability arising out of the work performed under the Agreement or related activities. The inclusions, coverage and limits set forth herein are minimum inclusion, cover age and limits. The required minimum policy limits set forth shall not be construed as a limitation of Supplier’s right under any policy with higher limits, and no policy maintained by the Supplier shall be construed as limiting the type, quality or quant ity of insurance coverage that Supplier should maintain. Supplier shall be responsible for determining appropriate inclusions, coverage and limits, which may be in excess of the minimum requirements set forth herein. If the insurance of any Supplier or any Sub-Supplier contains deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s), the Supplier or Sub-Supplier whose insurance contains such provision(s) shall be solely responsible for payment of such deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s). The failure of Supplier to fully and strictly comply at all times with the insurance requirements set forth herein shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement. XI. Public Entity Crimes The Authority reserves the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon written notice in the event that the Supplier or any of its affiliate(s) are placed on the State of Florida convicted vendor list pursuant to Section 287.133, Florida Statutes. For purposes hereof, "affiliate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The Supplier shall advise the Authority promptly after conviction of any "public entity crime" as defined in Section 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, applicable to the Supplier or any of its affiliat e(s). XII. Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination 1. The Supplier will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof, and will not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class in the performance of work under this Contract. The Supplier assures that it and their Subcontractors will comply with pertinent statutes, executive orders, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 13 of 257 and such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class be excluded from participating in any activity conducted under this Contract. This provision binds the Supplier from the Solicitation period through the completion of the Contract. 2. The Supplier shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities, as may be determined by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with this Section. XIII. Drug-Free Workplace The Supplier and its Subcontractors shall maintain a drug-free workplace and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, 41 U.S.C. §§ 701-707. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, the Supplier and its Subcontractors shall provide a drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement: (1) notifying employees that unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using a controlled substance in the Supplier's (Subcontractors') workplace is prohibited; and (2) specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2. Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: A. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; B. The Supplier's (Subcontractors') policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; C. Any drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs that are available; and D. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of this Contract be given a copy of the statement required by Paragraph (1); 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by Paragraph (1) that, as a condition of employment under this Contract, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such a conviction; 5. Notifying the Authority within ten (10) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (4) from an employee, or within ten (10) days of otherwise receiving actual notice of an employee’s conviction; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within thirty (30) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (5), with respect to any employee so convicted: A. Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 14 of 257 B. Requiring such an employee to satisfactorily participate in and complete a drug- abuse assistance or rehabilitation program that is approved by a federal, sta te, or local health or law enforcement agency, or other appropriate agency as may be the case; and 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6). XIV. Subcontracts 1. The Supplier shall be fully responsible for the performance of all services under this Contract, including when the services are performed by a Subcontractor or supplier. At all times, the Supplier shall be responsible for the effort, activity, and quality of services of its Subcontractors and suppliers, and at no time shall the Authority have any responsibility for or contractual relationship with any such Subcontractors or suppliers, whether by reason of the above-stated references, consent, approval, or otherwise. 2. The Supplier shall utilize those Subcontractors who were identified in its proposal, except that the Supplier shall not subcontract with a proposed person or entity to whom the Authority has made reasonable and timely objection. 3. When the subcontract is to provide services, the subcontract shall include the specific key staff members, man-hours, rates, tasks assigned, and all other costs and compensation associated with carrying out the services. 4. The Supplier shall maintain records of payment s to all Subcontractors for five (5) years following the completion or termination of this Contract, and records of such shall be made available to the Authority immediately upon request. The Supplier shall report to the Authority the portion of each payment made by the Authority (directly or indirectly) which is owed by the Supplier to a Subcontractor, and whether such Subcontractor is or is not a DBE firm. 5. Prompt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). The Supplier is required to pay all Subcontractors, to include DBE Subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days from receipt of each payment from the Authority or Purchasers. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of the Supplier’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the Supplier ensures all Subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 6. The Supplier shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including a ll clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section XIX of this contract. The Supplier shall also require all Subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The Supplier shall be responsible for compliance by any Subcontractor or any lower tier Subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 15 of 257 XV. Non-exclusive Contract This Contract is not exclusive. The Authority expressly reserves the right to contract for performance of services such as those described herein, and in the Solicitation, with other Suppliers. XVI. No Waiver Failure by either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the provisions herein; failure or delay by either Party in exercising any rights or remedies prov ided herein or by law; the Authority's payment in whole or in part for services hereunder; or any purported oral modification or rescission of this Contract by an employee or agent of either Party shall not: (1) release either Party of any of its obligatio ns hereunder; (2) be deemed a waiver of the rights of either Party to insist upon strict performance hereof; (3) be deemed a waiver of any of either Party's rights or remedies under this Contract or by law; or (4) operate as a waiver of any of the provisio ns hereof or constitute acquiescence therein. No waiver of any default or breach hereunder shall extend to or affect any subsequent or existing default or breach. XVII. Public Records and Related Inquiries 1. The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority is subject to the Florida Public Records Law, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and possibly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and that in compliance therewith, at the sole discretion of the Authority, the Authority may disseminate or make available to any person, without the consent of the Supplier, information regarding this Contract, including but not limited to information in the: responses; requirements; specifications; drawings; sketches; schematics; models; samples; tools; computer or other apparatus programs; or technical information or data, whether electronic, written, or oral, furnished by the Supplier to the Authority under this Contract, and that copies of work products and related materials prepared or received by the Supplier under this Contra ct are public records. 2. The Supplier shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, made or received by the Supplier in conjunction with this Contract. Specifical ly, if the Supplier is acting on behalf of the Authority, the Supplier shall: A. Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the Authority in order to perform the services being performed by the Supplier; B. Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the Authority would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; C. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and D. Meet all requirements for retaining public records; transfer, at no cost to the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 16 of 257 Authority, all public records in possession of the Supplier upon termination of this Contract; and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the Autho rity in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the Authority. 3. The Supplier shall immediately provide the Authority with a copy of any Request to Inspect or Copy Public Records in possession of the Supplier and the Supplier shall also promptly provide the Authority with a copy of the proposed response to each such request. No release of any such records by the Supplier shall be made without approval of the Authority. The Supplier's failure to grant approved public access wi ll be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract by the Authority. 4. Media and Other Inquiries. All media and other inquiries concerning the services shall be directed to the Authority's SVP/Chief Administrative Officer. The Supplier shall not make any statements, press releases, or publicity releases concerning this Contract or its subject matter or otherwise disclose or permit to be disclosed any of the data or other information obtained or furnished in compliance with this Contract, or any particulars thereof, without the Authority's written consent. However, the Supplier may communicate directly with public agencies when required to do so as part of the services to be performed hereunder. XVIII. Contract Administration 1. Notices. Except as otherwise provided herein, any notices or demands that are required by law or under the terms of this Contract shall be given or made by the Supplier or the Authority in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, telegram, or similar communication, or by certified o r registered mail (return receipt requested), and addressed to the respective Parties set forth below. Such notices shall be deemed to have been given in the case of telegrams or similar communications when sent, and in the case of certified or registered mail, on the Third (3rd) day after such communication has been deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid. To Authority: Jacksonville Transportation Authority Procurement Department 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 To Supplier: New Flyer of America Inc. 6200 Glenn Carlson Drive St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 The above addresses may be changed at any time by giving thirty (30) days prior notice as provided above. 2. Entire Agreement. This Contract shall constitute the entire agreement between the Authority and the Supplier relating to the work. 3. Supplier is not Authority's Agent. The Supplier is not authorized to act as the Authority's agent and shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act for or bind P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 17 of 257 the Authority, unless otherwise expressly set forth for a particular purpose in a separate writing by the Authority. 4. Compliance with Supplier Code of Business Conduct. The Supplier shall, at all times throughout the duration of this Contract, comply with the Authority’s Supplier Code of Business Conduct which is made a part hereof by reference. Failure of the Supplier to abide by the Supplier Code of Business Conduct may lead to disciplinary measures commensurate with the violation, including but not limited to termination of this Contract. 5. Compliance with Nondiscrimination and Other Laws. The Supplier shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted p rograms of the DOT Title 49, CFR, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Supplier shall also comply with the following civil rights regulations, as may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated herein by reference: 29 U.S.C. § 623, 42 U.S.C. § 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, 42 U.S.C. § 12132, 49 U.S.C. § 5332, 29 CFR Part 1630, and 41 CFR Part 60. The Supplier, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and rules of governmental agencies (including as applicable, the FHWA, FTA, OSHA, applicable State of Florida agencies, including the FDOT, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), the Authority, and the City of Jacksonville (CoJ)). Supplier shall secure all required licenses and permits necessary to the performance of the work at its sole cost and expense. 6. Compliance with Federal Regulations. The Supplier shall comply with all federal lobbying regulations as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 31 U.S.C. 1352, 49 CFR Part 19, and 49 CFR Part 20. The Supplier shall comply with all federal clean air regulations including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 40 CFR 15.61, and 49 CFR Part 18. The Supplier shall also comply with all energy conservation requirements including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 6321 and 49 CFR Part 18. In addition, the Supplier shall comply with all cargo preference requirements as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 46 U.S.C. 1241 and 46 CFR 381. The Supplier shall also comply with all clean water regulations issued pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1251. Lastly, the Supplier shall abide by all federal change requirements as explained in 49 CFR Part 18 which is incorporated herein by reference. 7. Governing Laws. This Contract and the rights of all Parties hereunder shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 8. Severability. If any provision of this Contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 9. Advertising. Supplier will not use the name of the Authority or quote the opinion of any employees of the Authority or refer to the Authority directly or indirectly in any promotional literature or correspondence, news release, advertisement, or release to any professional or trade publications without receiving specific written approval for such use or release from the Authority. However, this Paragraph will in no way limit P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 18 of 257 the Supplier's ability to satisfy any governmental required disclosure of its relationship with the Authority. 10. Assignments. This Contract is binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The Supplier shall not assign, sell, or transfer its interest in this Contract without the Authority's express written consent. Any such assignment by the Supplier must contain a provision allowing the Authority to assert against any assignee, any and all defenses, setoffs, or counterclaims which the Authority would be entitled to assert against the Supplier. 11. Modifications. This Contract may be modified or amended only by a writing sig ned by each of the Parties hereto. Neither electronic mail nor instant messaging shall be considered a “writing” for purposes of amending, supplementing, or modifying this Contract. No additional services shall be performed until such additional services are provided for in an Amendment executed by both Parties. 12. Force Majeure. Neither the Authority nor the Supplier shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance solely caused by acts beyond such Party's control, including, without limitation, acts of God, war, vandalism, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, hurricanes, fires, floods, acts of governmental agencies, or unforeseen interruptions of utility services. 13. Consent to Jurisdiction. The Supplier and the Authority agree that any suit, action, or other legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be brought in the Circuit Court of Duval County, and each Party hereby consents to the jurisdiction of each such court over any such suit, action, or proceeding, and waives any object ion which it or they may have to the laying of venue of any such suit, action, or proceeding, and any of such courts. This provision is a material inducement for the Authority and the Supplier entering into the transactions contemplated hereby. 14. Prevailing Party Attorneys’ Fees. In the event one Party shall prevail in any action (including appellate proceedings) at law or in equity arising hereunder, the losing Party will pay all costs, expenses, reasonable attorneys' fees, and all other actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the defense and/or prosecution of any legal proceeding, including, but not limited to, those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and actual fees charged by expert witnesses for testimony and analysis incurred by the prevailing Party referable thereto. 15. Member Protection. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant, or agreement contained in this Contract or any other agreements or documents pertaining to the work, as such may from time to time be altered or amended in accordance with the provisions hereof, or under any judgment obtained against the Authority or by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equitable proceeding by virtue of any statute or otherwise, whether under or independent of this Contract, shall be had against any Board Member, officer, employee or agent, as such, past, present or future, of the Authority either directly or indirectly, for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for any sum that may be due and unpaid by the Authority. Any and all personal liability of every nature, whether at common law, in equity, by statute, by constitution or otherwise, of any Authority member, officer, employee, or agent as such, to respond by reason of any act or omission on his or her part or otherwise for P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 19 of 257 any claim arising out of this Contract, or for the payment for or to the Authority, or any receiver therefore or otherwise, of any sum that may remain due and unpaid by the Authority, is hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Contract. 16. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The Parties hereby set forth their intention that there are not and never shall be any third-party beneficiaries of this Contract or of any work or Purchase Order authorized hereunder. The Parties expressly intend that the Authority has no obligation to or relationship with any Subcontractor that may be utilized by Supplier. 17. The Supplier shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section X IX of this contract. The Supplier (referenced sometimes hereinafter as the “prime Supplier”, “Contractor” or “prime Contractor”) shall also require all Subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The prime Supplier or Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any Subcontractor or any lower tier Subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. 18. Contract Assurance (49-CFR Part 26.13). The Supplier, sub recipient or Subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Supplier shall carry out applicable requirements of 49-CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. Failure by the Supplier to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. 19. Prompt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime Suppliers are required to pay all Subcontractors, to include DBE Subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) busines s days from receipt of each payment from the JTA. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of prime Supplier’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the prime Supplier ensure all Subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 20. Return of Retainage (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime Suppliers are required to ensure prompt and full payment of retainage to all Subcontractors within thirty (30 days) after the Subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed. Prime Suppliers are prohibited from holding retainage from Subcontractors until the project is completed. A Subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed when all the tasks called for in the subcontract have been accomplished and documented as required by the JTA. When JTA has made an incremental acceptance of a portion of a prime contract, the work of a Subcontractor covered by that acceptance is deemed to be satisfactorily completed. 21. Monitoring the Performance of other Program Participants (49 -CFR Part 26.37). The JTA will monitor each DOT funded contract with DBE participation to ensure that all work committed to DBEs at contract award or subsequently (as a result of contract P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 20 of 257 modification) is actually performed by the DBEs to which the work was committed. Site visit will be conducted periodically by staff. Supplier’s Request for Payment forms will be monitored to ensure that DBEs are being paid in accordance to their signed agreements. All Prime Suppliers will be required to self-report all payments received from the JTA into the B2GNow (Contract Compliance Tracking System). This system tracks payments made to the prime Supplier and all payments made by the prime to any Subcontractors, to include DBEs, and the timeliness of those payments in accordance to JTA’s Prompt Payme nt Clause. 22. Termination for Convenience (49-CFR Part 26.53). No prime Supplier will terminate for convenience a DBE Subcontractor that was listed and agreed to perform a project task (or an approved substitute DBE firm) and then perform the work of the terminated subcontract with its own forces or those of an affiliate, without prior written consent from JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office. The prime Supplier shall utilize the specific DBEs listed to perform the work and supply the materials for which each is listed unless the prime Supplier obtains written consent form JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office; and unless the consent is provided the Supplier shall not be entitled to any payment for work or material unless it is performed or supplied by t he listed DBE. Appropriate administrative remedies will be invoked to any Prime Supplier that terminates and/or removes a DBE firm/s for convenience. Those remedies may include requirement to pay terminated DBE firm/s; withholding of future payments and/or retainage; and/or disbarment from future consideration of project awards with the JTA. 23. Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This Contract may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all such counterpart s will together constitute one and the same instrument, binding on all the parties hereto even though all the parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. The counterparts of this this Contract and all Ancillary Documents may be exe cuted by providing an electronic signature under the terms of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7001 et. seq., and Chapter 668, Florida Statutes and delivered by email or other electronic delivery method which will have the same force and effect as a written signature. 24. Changes of Law. Changes of Law that become effective after the Proposal Due Date may result in price changes. If a price adjustment is indicated, either upward or downward, it shall be negotiated bet ween the Agency and the Contractor, and the final Contract price will be adjusted upward or downward to reflect such changes in Law. Such price adjustment may be audited, where required. 25. Exhibits. The following Exhibits are hereby incorporated into this Contract as part hereof as though fully set forth herein. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 21 of 257 Exhibit A, Technical Specifications Exhibit B, Proposal Pricing Exhibit C, Warranty Exhibit D, Required Forms Exhibit E, Required Clauses for FTA-Assisted Contracts (Signature Page Follows) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 22 of 257 Exhibit ‘A’ – Technical Specifications (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 24 of 257 Exhibit A Scope of Services Supplier shall provide 30-foot, 35-foot and 40-foot low-floor heavy duty transit buses powered by diesel, diesel electric hybrid, or CNG power packages meeting the specifications in of JTA RFP No. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses as amended and as further described in this Exhibit (herein referred to individually as a “Bus” and collectively as the “Buses”) on an as needed basis. The Supplier shall comply with the following required contract provisions and shall insert the substance of these provisions to all Subcontractors when applicable and pursuant to this contract. Orders Purchase Orders will be issued directly to the Supplier. The Supplier will be responsible for providing the Florida Transit Association Finance Committee (FTAFC) a copy of the agency’s purchase order upon receipt. The Supplier will also provide the Florida Public Transportation Association a quarterly statement of purchases made off the contract. Delivery Time Delivery of buses shall be no later than 365 calendar days after the close of the calendar qu arter (i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 in which the purchase order is delivered to the Supplier. Delivery shall be made on Monday through Friday; Federal and State holidays excluded, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Contracto r agrees to a delivery within 365 days based on the terms stated within this contract so as the order requirements are within the contract terms and conditions. Should a Purchasing Agency request any requirement outside of the contract, the Contractor and Purchasing Agency shall negotiate a delivery time that best suites the individual needs. FOB Point The FOB point shall be the delivery address indicated on the individual purchase order. Acceptance The Authority or Purchaser will provide the Supplier written notice of acceptance or rejection of each bus upon completion of acceptance testing and within fifteen (15) days after delivery. If the equipment is rejected, the notice shall state the discrepancy noted. The Purchaser reserves the right to conditiona lly or provisionally accept one or more buses subject to correction of minor discrepancies. Assumption of Risk of Loss Supplier shall bear the risk of any loss or damage to the buses ordered until they are delivered in conformity with this Contract or at t he specified F.O.B. point. Upon such delivery, Supplier’s responsibility for losses or damage shall cease, except for loss or damage occurring prior to or upon delivery, or loss or damage resulting from contractor’s negligence or intentional acts. Repairs by Supplier If Purchaser requires the Supplier to perform repairs after rejection or conditional acceptance of the equipment, the Supplier’s representative must begin work within five (5) working days P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 25 of 257 after receiving notification from the Purchaser of failure of acceptance tests. Purchaser shall make the equipment available to complete repairs timely with the Supplier’s repair schedule. License and Taxes The JTA and the Purchasers are exempt from Federal and State taxation and will provide tax exempt certificate as required. All applicable Federal taxes, State of Florida sales taxes, and any other taxes are the responsibility of the Supplier. The Supplier shall procure any and all licenses, permits, or certificates constituted authorities for the performance of the service. Title Adequate documents for securing the coach title in the county of the individual Purchaser shall be provided to the Purchaser at least thirty (3) working days before each bus is released to the common carrier driveway. Following acceptance of each coach, the Supplier warrants that the title shall pass to the Purchaser free and clear of all liens, mortgages and encumbrances, financing statements, claims and demands of any character. The Purchaser is responsible to provide the Supplier w ith the necessary information to title the vehicles and shall provide a point to contact for the delivery of the titles. Technical Specifications See Attachment 1 to this Exhibit A: Technical Specifications. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 26 of 257 ATTACHMENT 1 (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 27 of 257 In submitting a proposal, please note where indicated, whether your proposal exceeds, meets, or does not meet the technical specification. Provide comments explaining your response. Each response should be in RED. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL TS 1. Scope Technical specifications define requirements for heavy-duty transit buses and commuter coaches, which, by the selection of specifically identified alternative configurations, may be used for both suburban express service and general service on urban arterial streets. Buses shall have a minimum expected life of twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first, and are intended for the widest possible spectrum of passengers, includ ing children, adults, the elderly and people with disabilities. TS 2. Definitions Alternative: An alternative specification condition to the default bus configuration. The Agency may define alternatives to the default configuration to satisfy local operating requirements. Alternatives for the default configuration will be clearly identified. Ambient Temperature: The temperature of the surrounding air. For testing purposes, ambient temperature must be between 16°C (50°F) and 38°C (100°F). Analog Signals: A continuously variable signal that is solely dependent upon magnitude to express information content. NOTE: Analog signals are used to represent the state of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Audible Discrete Frequency: An audible discrete frequency is determined to exist if the sound power level in any 1/3-octave band exceeds the average of the sound power levels of the two adjacent 1/3-octave bands by 4 decibels (dB) or more. Battery Compartment: Low-voltage energy storage, i.e. 12/24 VDC batteries. Battery Management System (BMS): Monitors energy, as well as temperature, cell or module voltages, and total pack voltage. The BMS adjusts the control strategy algorithms to maintain the batteries at uniform state of charge and optimal temperatures. Braking Resistor: Device that converts electrical energy into heat, typically used as a retarder to supplement or replace the regenerative braking. Burst Pressure: The highest pressure reached in a container during a burst test. Capacity (fuel container): The water volume of a container in gallons (liters). Cells: Individual components (i.e., battery or capacitor cells). Code: A legal requirement. Combination Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by a combination of high pressures or high temperatures, acting either independently or together. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 28 of 257 Composite Container for CNG: A container fabricated of two or more materials that interact to facilitate the container design criteria. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): Mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally of methane in gaseous form that has been compressed for use as a vehicular fuel. Container: A pressure vessel, cylinder or cylinders permanently manifolded together, used to store CNG. Container Appurtenances: Devices connected to container openings for safety, control or operating purposes. Container Valve: A valve connected directly to a container outlet. Curb Weight: We ight of vehicle, including maximum fuel, oil and coolant; and all equipment required for operation and required by this Specification, but without passengers or driver. dBA: Decibels with reference to 0.0002 microbar as measured on the “A” scale. DC to DC Converter: A module that converts a source of direct current from one volt age level to another. Default Configuration Bus: The bus described if no alternatives are selected. Signing, colors, the destination sign reading list and other information must be provided by the Agency. Defueling: The process of removing fuel from a tank. Defueling Port. Device that allows for vehicle defueling, or the point at which this occurs. Destroyed: Physically made permanently unusable. Discrete Signal: A signal that can take only pre-defined values, usually of a binary 0 or 1 nature, where 0 is battery ground potential and 1 is a defined battery positive potential. DPF: Diesel particulate filter. Driver’s Eye Range: The 95th-percentile ellipse defined in SAE Recommended Practice J941, except that the height of the ellipse shall be determined from the seat at its reference height. Energy Density: The relationship between the weight of an energy storage device and its power output in units of watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg). Energy Storage System (ESS): A component or system of components that stores energy and for which its supply of energy is rechargeable by the on-vehicle system (engine/regenerative braking/ generator) or an off-vehicle energy source. Fill Pressure for CNG: The pressure attained at the actual time of filling. Fill pressure varies according to the gas temperatures in the container, which are dependent on the charging parameters and the ambient conditions. The maximum dispensed pressure shall not exceed 125 percent of service pressure. Flow Capacity: For natural gas flow, this is the capacity in volume per unit time (normal cubic meters/minute or standard cubic feet per minute) discharged at the required flow rating pressure. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 29 of 257 Fuel Line: The pipe, tubing or hose on a vehicle, including all related fittings, through which natural gas passes. Fusible Material: A metal, alloy or other material capable of being melted by heat. Fire Resistant: Materials that have a flame spread index less than 150 as measured in a radiant panel flame test per ASTM-E 162-90. Fireproof: Materials that will not burn or melt at temperatures less than 2000°F. Free Floor Space: Floor area available to standees, excluding the area under seats, area occupied by feet of seated passengers, the vestibule area forward of the standee line, and any floor space indicated by manufacturer as non-standee areas, such as the floor space “swept” by passenger doors during operation. Floor area of 1.5 sq. ft. shall be allocated for the feet of each seated passenger protruding into the standee area. Fuel Management System: Natural gas fuel system components that control or contribute to engine air fuel mixing and metering, and the ignition and combustion of a given air-fuel mixture. The fuel management system would include, but is not limited to, reducer/regulator valves, fuel metering equipment (e.g. carburetor, injectors), sensors (e.g., main throttle, waste gate). GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the axle manufacturer, at which the axle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended purpose. Gross Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position, for the driver, and for each 1.5 sq. ft. of free floor space. GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight): Curb weight plus gross load. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the vehicle manufacturer, at which the vehicle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended purpose. High Pressure: Tho se portions of the CNG fuel system that see full container or cylinder pressure. High Voltage (HV): Greater than 50 V (AC and DC). Hose: Flexible line. Hybrid: A vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to propel the vehicle. Hybrid System Controller (HSC):Regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. Hybrid Drive System (HDS): The mechanical and/or electromechanical components, including the engine, traction motors and energy storage system, which comprise the traction drive portion of the hybrid propulsion system. Intermediate Pressure: The portion of a CNG system after the first pressure regulator, but before the engine pressure regulator. Intermediate pressure on a CNG vehicle is generally from 3.5 to 0.5 MPa (510 to 70 psi). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 30 of 257 Inverter: A module that converts DC to and from AC. Labeled: Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbo l or other identifying mark of an organization, which is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, which maintains periodic inspection of production labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Leakage: Release of contents through a Defect or a crack. See Rupture. Line: All tubes, flexible and hard, that carry fluids. Liner: Inner gas-tight container or gas container to which the overwrap is applied. Local Regulations: Regulations below the state level. Low-Floor Bus: A bus that, between at least the front (entrance) and rear (exit) doors, has a floor sufficiently low and level so as to remove the need for steps in the aisle between the doors and in the vicinity of these doors. Low Voltage (LV):50 V or less (AC and DC). Lower Explosive Limit: The lowest concentration of gas where, given an ignition source, combustion is possible. Maximum Service Temperature: The maximum temperature to which a container/cylinder will be subjected in normal service. Metallic Hose: A hose whose strength depends primarily on the strength of its metallic parts; it can have metallic liners or covers, or both. Metering Valve: A valve intended to control the rate of flow of natural gas. Module: An assembly of individual components Motor (Electric): A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Motor (Traction): An electric motor used to power the driving wheels of the bus. Operating Pressure: The varying pressure developed in a container during service. Physical Layer: The first layer of the seven-layer International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model. This provides the mechanical, electrical, functional and procedural characteristics required to gain access to the transmission medium (e.g., cable) and is responsible for transporting binary information between computerized systems. Pipe: Nonflexible line. Pressure Relief Device (PRD):A pressure and/or temperature activated device used to vent the container/cylinder contents and thereby prevent rupture of an NGV fuel container/cylinder, when subjected to a standard fire test as required by fuel container/cylinder standards. NOTE: Since this is a pressure-activated device, it may not protect against rupture of the container when the application of heat weakens the container to the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 31 of 257 point where its rupture pressure is less than the rated burst pressure of the relief device, particularly if the container is partially full. Power: Work or energy divided by time Power Density: Power divided by mass, volume or area. Propulsion System: System that provides propulsion for the vehicle proportional to operator commands. Includes, as applicable, engine, transmission, traction motors, the hybrid drive system, (HDS), energy storage system (ESS), and system controllers including all wiring and converter/inverter. Real-Time Clock (RTC): Computer clock that keeps track of the current time. Regenerative Braking: Deceleration of the bus by switching motors to act as generators, which return vehicle kinetic energy to the energy storage system. Rejectable Damage: In terms of NGV fuel containers/cylinders, this is damage as outlined in CGA C-6.4, “Methods for External Visual Inspection of Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers and Their Installations,” and in agreement with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Retarder: Device used to augment or replace some of the functions of primary friction based braking systems of the bus. Rupture: Sudden and unstable damage propagation in the structural components of the container resulting in a loss of contents. See Leakage. Seated Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position and for the driver. SLW (Seated Load Weight): Curb weight plus seated load. Serial Data Signals. A current loop-based representation of ASCII or alphanumeric data used for transferring information between devices by transmitting a sequence of individual bits in a prearranged order of significance. NOTE: An example is the communication that takes place between two or more electronic components with the ability to process and store information. Service Pressure: The settled pressure at a uniform gas temperature of 21°C (70°F) and full gas content. It is the pressure for which the equipment has been constructed, under normal conditions. Also referred to as the nominal service pressure or working pressure. Settled Pressure: The gas pressure when a given settled temperature, usually 21°C (70°F), is reached. Settled Temperature: The uniform gas temperature after any change in temperature caused by filling has dissipated. Solid State Alternator: A module that converts high-voltage DC to low-voltage DC (typically 12/24 V systems). Sources of Ignition: Devices or equipment that because of their modes of use or operation, are capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite flammable compressed natural gas-air mixtures when introduced into such a mixture, or when such a mixture comes into contact with them. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 32 of 257 Special Tools: Tools not normally stocked by the Agency. Specification: A particular or detailed statement, account or listing of the various elements, materials, dimensions, etc. involved in the manufacturing and construction of a product. Standard: A firm guideline from a consensus group. Standards referenced in “Section 6: Technical Specifications” are the latest revisions unless otherwise stated. Standee Line: A line marked across the bus aisle to designate the forward area that passengers may not occupy when the bus is moving. State of Charge (SOC): Quantity of electric energy remaining in the battery relative to the maximum rated amp-hour (Ah) capacity of the battery expressed in a percentage. This is a dynamic measurement used for the energy storage system. A full SOC indicates that the energy storage system cannot accept further charging from the engine-driven generator or the regenerative braking system. Stress Loops: The “pigtails” commonly used to absorb flexing in piping. Structure: The basic body, including floor deck material and installation, load-bearing external panels, structural components, axle mounting provisions and suspension beams and attachment points. Thermally Activated Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by high temperatures and generally contains a fusible material. NOTE: Since this is a thermally activated device, it does not protect against over- pressure from improper charging practices. Wheelchair: A mobility aid belonging to any class of three- or four-wheeled devices, usable indoors, designed for and used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered. A “common wheelchair” is such a device that does not exceed 30 in. in width and 48 in. in length measured 2 in. above the ground, and does not weigh more than 600 lbs. when occupied. TS 3. Referenced Publications The documents or portions thereof referenced within this specification shall be considered part of the requirements of the specification. The edition indicated fo r each referenced document is the current edition, as of the date of the APTA issuance of this specification. TS 4. Legal Requirements The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. These shall include but not be limited to ADA, as well as state and local accessibility, safety and security requirements. Local regulations are defined as those below the state level. Buses shall meet all applicable FMVSS regulations and shall accommodate all applicable FMCSR regulations in effect at the location of the Agency and the date of manufacture. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of these specifications and any applicable legal requirement, the legal requirement shall prevail. Technical requirements that exceed the legal requirements are not considered to conflict. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 33 of 257 TS 5. Overall Requirements The Contractor shall ensure that the application and installation of major bus subcomponents and systems are compliant with all such subcomponent vendors’ requirements and recommendations. Contractor and Agency shall identify subcomponent vendors that shall submit installation/application approval documents with the completion of a pilot or lead bus. Components used in the vehicle shall be of heavy-duty design and proven in transit service. TS 5.1 Weight DEFAULT It shall be a design goal to construct each bus as light in weight as possible without degradation of safety, appearance, comfort, traction or performance. Buses at a capacity load shall not exceed the tire factor limits, brake test criteria or structural design criteria. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: The New Flyer Xcelsior® platform has been specifically engineered to reduce weight and increase efficiency without sacrificing structural rigidity or safety. These achievements have been accomplished by leveraging decades of engineering experience and a deep heritage in bus manufacturing that goes back over 80 years. New Flyer has applied extensive real-world testing and FEA (finite element analysis) to optimize Xcelsior® for the maximum degree of configuration flexibility and support for more propulsion options than any other transit bus manufacturer. Additionally, Xcelsior® incorporates lighter-weight non-structural elements, such as MAN single reduction axles and extensive use of inherently corrosion resistant composite materials. Despite all the weight savings advantages of Xcelsior®, New Flyer continues to engage with suppliers and sub-component manufacturers to assure future weight savings and efficiency improvements. TS 5.2 Capacity DEFAULT The vehicle shall be designed to carry the gross vehicle weight, which shall not exceed the bus GVWR. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 34 of 257 TS 5.3 Service Life DEFAULT The minimum useful design life of the bus in transit service shall be at least twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles. It shall be capable of operating at least 40,000 miles per year, including the 12th year. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.4 Maintenance and Inspection DEFAULT Scheduled maintenance tasks shall be related and shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended preventative maintenance schedule (along with routine daily service performed during the fueling operations). Test ports, as required, shall be provided for commonly checked functions on the bus, such as air intake, exhaust, hydraulic, pneumatic, charge-air and engine cooling systems. The coach manufacturer shall give prime consideration to the routine problems of maintaining the vehicle. All coach components and systems, both mechanical and electrical, which will require periodic physical Work or inspection processes shall be installed so that a minimum of time is consumed in gaining access to the critical repair areas. It shall not be necessary to disassemble portions of the coach structure and/or equipment such as seats and flooring under seats in order to gain access to these areas. Each coach shall be designed to facilitate the disassembly, reassembly, servicing or maintenance, using tools and equipment that are normally available as standard commercial items. Requirements for the use of unique specialized tools will be minimized. The body and structure of the coach shall be designed for ease of maintenance and repa ir. Individual panels or other equipment that may be damaged in normal service shall be repairable or replaceable. Ease of repair shall be related to the vulnerability of the item to damage in service. Contractor shall provide a list of all special tools and pricing required for maintaining this equipment. Said list shall be submitted as a supplement to the Pricing Schedule. NOTE: Tools such as compartment door keys, bellows gauges and other tools that are required for daily maintenance and inspections shall not be included in the special tool list and shall be furnished for each coach. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 35 of 257 TS 5.5 Interchangeability DEFAULT Unless otherwise agreed, all units and components procured under this Contract, whether provided by Suppliers or manufactured by the Contractor, shall be duplicates in design, manufacture and installation to ensure interchangeability among buses in each order group in this procurement. Components with non-identical functions shall not be, or appear to be, interchangeable. Any one component or unit used in the construction of these buses shall be an exact duplicate in design, manufacture and assembly for each bus in each order group in this Contract. Contractor shall identify and secure approval for any changes in components or unit construction provided within a Contract. In the event that the Contractor is unable to comply with the interchangeability requirement, the Contractor must notify the Agency and obtain the Agency’s prior written approval, including any changes in pricing. Agency shall review proposed product changes on a case-by-case basis and shall have the right to require extended warranties to ensure that product changes perform at least as well as the originally supplied products. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.6 Training DEFAULT NOTE: The following is illustrative; the Agency should carefully specify its training requirements. The Contractor shall have at least one qualified instructor who shall be available at the Agency’s property for calendar days between the hours of 7:00am-3:30pm and per month for 1 month prior to, and 6 months after, acceptance of the first bus. Instructor(s) shall conduct schools and advise the personnel of the Agency on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. The Contractor also shall provide visual and other teaching aids (such as manuals, slide presentations and literature) for use by the Agency’s own training staff, which become the property of the Agency. NOTE: The Agency should insert language that specifies the hours when it wants the training to occur, the total number of hours of instruction it wants to be P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 36 of 257 provided, what items it expects the curriculum to cover and the format in which it expects the training and teaching aids to be provided (print, DVD, etc.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.6.1 Technical/Service Representatives DEFAULT The Contractor shall, at its own expense, have one or more competent technical service representatives available on request to assist the Agency in the solution of engineering or design problems within the scope of the specifications that may arise during the warranty period. This does not relieve the Contractor of responsibilities under the provisions of “Section 7: Warranty Requirements.” Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer employs regional product support managers (RPSMs) who will respond to bus operation and maintenance inquiries, warranty-related issues and will support the effort to get your buses into revenue service. The RPSM is available via phone or e-mail and normally responds within 24 hours. TS 5.7 Operating Environment DEFAULT The bus shall achieve normal operation in ambient temperature ranges of 10 ºF to 115 ºF, at relative humidity between 5 percent and 100 percent, and at alt itudes up to 3000 ft. above sea level. Degradation of performance due to atmospheric conditions shall be minimized at temperatures below 10 °F, above 115 °F or at altitudes above 3000 ft. Altitude requirements above 3000 ft. will need separate discussions with the engine manufacturer to ensure that performance requirements are not compromised. Speed, gradability and acceleration performance requirements shall be met at, or corrected to, 77 °F, 29.31 in. Hg, dry air per SAEJ1995. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior is capable of operating in an ambient temperature range -30 F to 126 F at 5000 ft. ASL (for EMP MH4). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 37 of 257 TS 5.8 Noise TS 5.8.1 Interior Noise DEFAULT The combination of inner and outer panels and any material used between them shall provide sufficient sound insulation so that a sound source with a level of 80 dBA measured at the outside skin of the bus shall have a sound level of 65 dBA or less at any point inside the bus. These conditions shall prevail with all openings, including doors and windows, closed and with the engine and accessories switched off. The bus-generated noise level experienced by a passenger at any seat location in the bus shall not exceed 80 dBA. The driver area shall not experience a noise level of more than 75 dBA. Measurements of interior noise levels shall be taken in accordance with SAEJ2805. An exception shall be made for the turntable area, which shall be considered a separate environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer far exceeds interior noise requirements, achieving a measured sound level of 54.9 dBA at the driver’s seating position and between 48 dBA and 49 dBA at passenger seating positions. All tests were conducted in accordance with SAEJ2805 with the vehicle exposed to a sound generating system producing 80dBA of white noise. During vehicle generated noise level testing, Xcelsior® achieves a maximum of 69.3 dBA at the driver’s seating position and between 72.2 dBA and 74.5 dBA at passenger seating positions. Please see Altoona STURRA Test report number PTI-BT-R1211 pages 42 to 52, included herein as appendix 8B. TS 5.8.2 Exterior Noise DEFAULT Airborne noise generated by the bus and measured from either side shall not exceed 80dBA under full power acceleration when operated at 0 to 35 mph at curb weight. The maximum noise level generated by the bus pulling away from a stop at full power shall not exceed 83 dBA. The bus-generated noise at curb idle shall not exceed 65dBA.If the noise contains an audible discrete frequency, a penalty of 5 dBA shall be added to the sound level measured. The Contractor shall comply with the exterior noise requirements defined in local laws and ordinances identified by the Agency andSAEJ366. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Reference Partial STURAA Test, Model XD40, pages 42 thru 52, appendix B. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 38 of 257 TS 5.9 Fire Safety DEFAULT The bus shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with all applicable fire safety and smoke emission regulations. These provisions shall include the use of fire-retardant/low-smoke materials, fire detection systems, bulkheads and facilitation of passenger evacuation. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 39 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.9.1 Materials DEFAULT All materials used in the construction of the passenger compartment of the bus shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FMVSS 302. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior uses modesty panels in the passenger compartment that are docket 90 compliant. TS 5.10 Fire Suppression DEFAULT Fogmaker- 35 DEG Fluid. 6 Engine compartment nozzles Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets this requirement as we are proposing a Fog maker system with 6 Nozzles in the engine compartment and 2 nozzles in the muffler compartment. TS 5.11 Respect for the Environment DEFAULT In the design and manufacture of the bus, the Contractor shall make every effort to reduce the amount of potentially hazardous waste. In accordance with Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Contractor shall use, whenever possible and allowed by the specifications, recycled materials in the manufacture of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer has programs for disposing solid waste and recycling material. New Flyer is frequently audited by US and Canadian regulatory agencies to meet EPA standards. New Flyer is also ISO14001 registered which ensures compliance with US and Canadian regulatory agencies as well as corporate policies and procedures. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 40 of 257 DIMENSIONS TS 6. Physical Size Wit h exceptions such as exterior mirrors, marker and signal lights, bumpers, fender skirts, washers, wipers, ad frames, cameras, object detection systems, bicycle racks, feelers and rubrails, the bus shall have the following overall dimensions as shown in Figure 1at static conditions and design height. FIGURE 1 Transit Bus Exterior Dimensions TS 6.1 Bus Length For ease of use, the following tolerances will be allowable for each given bus length. Bus length is determined as the measurement from bumper to bumper. •30ft bus: 29 ft., 11 in. to 34ft, 11 in. •35ft bus: 35ft to 39ft, 11 in. •40ft bus: 40ftto 44ft, 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets this requirement as our proposed bus lengths are listed below. 35ft bus: 36’ 3” Over bumpers 40ft bus: 41’ 0” Over bumpers P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 41 of 257 TS 6.2 Bus Width TS 6.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT 102 in. Width Bus Body width shall be 102 in. (+0, -1 in.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.3 Bus Height DEFAULT Maximum Overall Height Maximum overall height shall be 140 in., including all rigid, roof-mounted items such as A/C, exhaust, fuel system and cover, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer exceeds this Height requirement as all our proposed Diesel bus heights are 126” over the roof top A/C and our Optional CNG bus heights are 132” over the roof enclosure. TS 6.4 Step Height TS 6.4.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT The step height shall not exceed 16.5 in. at either doorway without kneeling and shall not exceed 15.5 in. at the step. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Xcelsior achieves a maximum step-height of 14” at either doorway without the kneeling. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 42 of 257 TS 6.5 Underbody Clearance DEFAULT The bus shall maintain the minimum clearance dimensions as defined and shown in Figure 2of SAE Standard J689, regardless of load up to the gross vehicle weight rating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Underbody clearance for the Xcelsior bus is 10” on all proposed buses. TS 6.6 Ramp Clearances DEFAULT REFER TO TABLE 2A. The approach angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the front tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference forward of the front tire to the ground. The departure angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the rear tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference rearward of the rear tire to the ground. The breakover angle is the angle measured between two lines tangent to the front and rear tire static loaded radius and intersecting at a point on the underside of the vehicle that defines the largest ramp over which the vehicle can roll. TABLE 2a Default Breakover Angle Angle 30 to 40ft Bus Approach 8.6 deg. (min.) Front breakover 8 deg. (min.) Departure 8.6 deg. (min.) Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Xcelsior was specifically designed to achieve a 9-degree approach and 9-degree departure angle, mitigating the potential for ground-contact and reducing the likelihood of costly repairs. Breakover angles of 12 degrees in the 35’ variant and 9 degrees in the 40’ variant were similarly achieved. For additional information, please see the Xcelsior brochure included in section 2B. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 43 of 257 o o TS 6.7 Ground Clearance DEFAULT Ground clearance shall be no less than 9 in., (8 in. at jacking pad) except within the axle zone and wheel area. Axle zone clearance, which is the projected area between tires and wheels on the same axial centerline, shall be no less than 5.4 in. Wheel area clearance shall be no less than 8 in. for parts fixed to the bus body and 6 in. for parts that move vertically with the axles. –FIGURE 2 Transit Bus Minimum Road Clearance 18” 24” WH EEL WH EEL AR E A AR E A AXLE AXLE ZONE ZONE o 45 45 45 45o 18” 24” REAR FRONT ½ WHEEL BASE DEPARTURE BREAKOVER APPROACH ANGLE ANGLE ANGLE Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Ground clearance is 10” Jack pad clearance is 8” Axle zone clearance 5.6” Wheel area clearance 10” for Fixed parts and 6.5” for moving parts with the axle. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 44 of 257 TS 6.8 Floor Height TS 6.8.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Height of the step above the street shall be no more than 16 in. measured at the centerline of the front and rear doorway. All floor measurements shall be with the bus at the design running height and on a level surface and with the standard installed tires. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: The step height is 14" at either doorway without kneeling. TS 6.9 Interior Headroom DEFAULT Headroom above the aisle and at the centerline of the aisle seats shall be no less than 78 in. in the forward half of the bus tapering to no less than 74 in. forward of the rear settee. At the centerline of the window seats, headroom shall be no lower than 65 in., except for parcel racks and reading lights, if specified. Headroom at the back of the rear bench seat may be reduced to a minimum of 56 in., but it shall increase to the ceiling height at the front of the seat cushion. In any area of the bus directly over the head of a seated passenger and positioned where a passenger entering or leaving the seat is prone to strike his or her head, padding shall be provided on the overhead paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: The Xcelsior platform provides a welcoming, spacious interior below the mezzanine, with a floor to ceiling height of 96” above the aisle and ~79” from the floor to the speaker panel above seating positions. These design advantages improve passenger comfort and encouraging ridership. VEHICLE PERFORMANCE TS 7. Power Requirements The propulsion system shall be sized to provide sufficient power to enable the bus to meet the defined acceleration, top speed and gradability requirements, and operate all propulsion-driven accessories using actual road test results and computerized vehicle performance data. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 45 of 257 TS 7.1 Top Speed DEFAULT The bus shall be capable of achieving a top speed of 65 mph on a straight, level road at GVWR with all accessories operating. The bus shall be capable of safely maintaining the vehicle speed according to the recommendations by the tire manufacturer. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.2 Gradability DEFAULT Gradability requirements shall be met on grades with a dry commercial asphalt or concrete pavement at GVWR with all accessories operating. The propulsion system shall enable the bus to achieve and maintain a speed of 40 mph on a 2½ percent ascending grade and 15 mph on a 10 percent ascending grade continuous. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.3 Acceleration TS 7.3.1 Non-Hybrid DEFAULT The acceleration shall meet the requirements in Table 3 below and shall be sufficiently gradual and smooth to prevent throwing standing passengers off-balance. Acceleration measurement shall commence when the accelerator is depressed. TABLE 3 Maximum Start Acceleration Times on a Level Surface1 Speed (mph) Maximum time (seconds) 10 5 20 10 30 18 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 46 of 257 40 30 50 60 Top speed 1. Vehicle weight = GVWR Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: The Xcelsior XD40 far exceeds the acceleration times noted in this requirement, with 0-50 mph time approximately 15 seconds faster than required. Acceleration in the 0-30 mph range also exceeded the specification, achieving the desired speed 2.3 seconds faster than required. Acceleration performance data for all conventional diesel or CNG configurations are equally impressive. All data are estimates based upon a simulation conducted by Voith. TS 7.3.2 Acceleration Hybrid DEFAULT The propulsion and braking systems shall meet the performance requirements of the Duty Cycle. Braking application and performance shall remain consistent regar dless of hybrid system state of charge (SOC) or other variances related to regenerative braking. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of accelerat ion and deceleration rate. Performance may be affected when reprogramming. The manufacturer shall supply the new performance data. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer exceeds the performance requirements for conventional propulsion buses (see 7.3.1) with both Allison and BAE system hybrids.  TS 7.4 Operating Range The operating range of the coach shall be designed to meet the operating profile as stated in the “Design Operating Profile” section. DEFAULT TS 7.4.1 Diesel The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD Cycle shall be at least 350 miles (560 km) or 20 hours with full fuel capacity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 47 of 257 Comment: As an example: Based on the duty cycle Jacksonville specified, New Flyer achieved 4.82 mpg using the New York ultra-fuel economy package. Since our diesel tank is 125 US gallons usable, 4.82 x 125 = 602.5 miles and easily meets spec. The more normal power-train calibrations will not be this efficient, however, will still exceed 350 miles. TS 7.4.2 CNG DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD cycle shall be at least 350 miles or 20 hours with an initial gas-settled pressure of 3600 psi at 70°F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: As an example: DART's actual measured CNG range is 375 or 383.6 miles; using DART’s specified duty cycle. Using the duty cycle Jacksonville specified New Flyer achieved 0.71 miles/lb. for CNG. Typical 40’ CNGs have 6 tanks, at 133 lb. of usable fuel per tank, or 0.71(6 x 133) = 566 miles. TS 7.4.3 Hybrid DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the design operating profile “Design Operating Profile” shall be at least 350 miles on a full tank of fuel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: As an example: Using the FTA ABD duty cycle we get 5.84 mpg X same diesel tank of 125 gallons = 730 miles. TS 8. Fuel Economy (Design Operating Profile) DEFAULT Test results from the FTA ABD Cycle economy tests or other applicable test procedures shall be provided to the Agency. Results shall include vehicle configuration and test environment information. Fuel economy data shall be provided for each design operating profile. The design operating profile is assumed to be defined by the FTA ABD Cycle. Fuel economy tests shall be run on these four duty cycles: • Manhattan: 6.8 mph • Orange County: 12.7 mph • UDDS: 19 mph • Idle time P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 48 of 257 The Agency will provide a percentage of each duty cycle that is representative of its service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Reference Appendix B, Partial STURRA Test for duty cycle comparison. POWERPLANT TS 9. Engine DEFAULT The engine shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The engine shall have a design life of not less than 300,000 miles without replacement or major service. The lifetime estimate is based on the design operating profile. The engine shall be equipped with an electronically controlled management system, compatible with either 12 or 24 V power distribution. The engine control system shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the co mmunications networks. The engine’s electronic management system shall monitor operating conditions and provide instantaneous adjustments to optimize both engine and bus perfo rmance. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of programmable features. The engine starting system shall be protected by an interlock that prevents its engagement when the engine is running. Special equipment or procedures may be employed to start the bus when exposed to temperatures less than 30 °F for a minimum of four hours without the engine in operation. All cold weather starting aids, engine heating devices and procedures shall be of the type recommended by the engine manufacturer and approved by the Agency. The integration of all systems on the vehicle relative to engine idle speed shall be the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer to meet the requirements of the transit property. The engine control system shall protect the engine against progressive damage. The system shall monitor conditions critical for safe operation and automatically derate power and/or speed and initiate engine shutdown as needed. Automatic Engine Protection/Shutdown Override Feature A control shall be available to the operator/driver that when constantly depressed and released will delay the engine shutdown or allow the bus to be moved. Override action shall be recorded. This data shall be retrievable by the Agency. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 49 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: For more information on fuel Economy please refer to the Altoona test in Tab 8A of the proposal. TS 9.1 Engine (CNG) The engine shall meet all regulatory requirements when operating on fuel equal to CARB Specifications for Compressed Natural Gas #2292.5.The four predominant characteristics that must be met are methane, ethane, butane and propane. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Option for CNG propulsion system is powered by a Cummins L9N 280 Horse power engine which meets the requirements of this specification.  TS 9.2 Propulsion System (Hybrid) DEFAULT TS 9.2.1 Propulsion System Description The bus shall be powered by a hybrid propulsion system. Function and operation of the bus shall be transparent to the bus operator and passengers. The OEM shall ensure that the bus structure can successfully accept the installation of the propulsion system and be operated on the stated duty-cycle for a period of 12 years without a structural failure. At a minimum, the propulsion system shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The propulsion system shall comply with local, state and federal (maintenance) and other applicable sections. The hybrid drive system shall be rated for the GVWR or greater of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.2 Propulsion System Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged so that accessibility for all routine maintenance is ensured. No special tools, other than dollies and hoists, shall be required to remove the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 50 of 257 propulsion system or any subsystems. However, the Agency shall recognize that properly rated test equipment and safe electrical work practices are essential when servicing high-voltage hybrid components. The exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter (if used), alternator, radiator, all engine accessories, and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable. The Contractor shall provide all specialty tools and diagnostic equipment required for maintaining the propulsion system in accordance with the Special Tools List. Primary Propulsion Unit and Traction Motor The propulsion system may be configured in a variety of methods dependent upon type of drive, series and/or parallel. The definition of motor in the context of this specification assumes that the device can provide or consume energy as well as provide or retard mechanical motion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.3 Energy Storage and Controller DEFAULT Design and performance shall be provided to the Agency. Energy storage shall be of a commercial design capable of operating in the Agency transit environment. The primary charging of the energy storage system shall be accomplished by the on-board hybrid system controller and regenerative braking. Thermal management will be provided to ensure optimal life and performance of the ESS over the environmental operating range. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Design and preference data shall be provided by proposer to agency upon request.  TS 9.2.4 Hybrid System Controller (HSC) DEFAULT The HSC regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (e.g., voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. The controller shall monitor and process inputs and execute outputs as appropriate to control the operation of all propulsion system components. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 51 of 257 Energy storage system SOC correction methods stated in SAE J2711 shall be utilized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.5 Engine The engine and related emission systems shall meet all applicable emissions and design/durability guidelines and standards. The Contractor shall provide the Agency with expected durability of the engine and related emission systems. NOTE: The Agency will provide desired fuel type. DEFAULT Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Standard Requirements for a Fast Idle Device The engine shall be equipped with an operator-controlled fast idle device. The fast idle control shall be a two-way switch mounted on the dash or side console and shall activate only with the transmission in neutral and the parking brake applied. TS 10. Cooling Systems The cooling systems shall be of sufficient size to maintain all engine and transmission fluids and engine intake air at safe, continuous operating temperatures during the most severe operations possible and in accordance with engine and transmission manufacturers’ cooling system requirements. The cooling system fan controls should sense the temperatures of the operating fluids and the intake air, and if either is above safe operating conditions, the cooling fan should be engaged. The fan control system shall be designed with a fail-safe mode of “fan on.” The cooling system shall meet the requirements stated in the operating environment. TS 10.1 Engine Cooling A means of determining satisfactory engine coolant level shall be provided. A spring-loaded, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 52 of 257 push-button type valve or lever shall be provided to safely release pressure or vacuum in the cooling system with both it and the water filler no more than ±60 in. above the ground. Both shall be accessible through the same access door. The cooling fan shall be temperature controlled, allowing the engine to reach operating temperature quickly. DEFAULT The radiator and charge air cooler shall be of durable, corrosion-resistant construction with non- removable tanks. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer believes we meet the intent of the spec including good access and efficient cooling. The water filler on the coolant recovery tank is accessible from the rear engine door and can be used to monitor engine coolant level. The lever valve from the surge tank door is located on the rear street-side of the bus. Reference Engine Coolant Fill instructions, Drawing 606483, in appendix D. TS 10.1.1 Radiator Screen DEFAULT No screen in front of radiator Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.2 Coolant DEFAULT Coolant Filtration without Supplemental Additives The engine cooling system shall be equipped with a properly sized water filter with a spin-on element. The filter shall not release or contain supplemental coolant additives. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer has included this in the proposal however Cummins has told us it is no longer required since the current coolant technology has corrosion resistant properties which make the water filter redundant. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 53 of 257 TS 10.1.3 Drive Design DEFAULT Electric Fans The bus shall be equipped with an electric fan drive bus cooling system. A screen guard must be installed on electric motor fans per SAE J1308. Base Bus - EMP Gen IV MH4 Fan System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s proposal is based on the EMP Gen IV MH4 as requested. The both the radiator door and the electric motors have screens installed. TS 10.1.4 Mounting DEFAULT Standard Mounting Design Mounting location of radiator and charge air cooler shall be the Contractor’s standard design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s standard design places the radiator mount on the street side at the rear of the bus. TS 10.2 Charge Air Cooling DEFAULT The charge air cooling system, also referred to as after-coolers or inter-coolers, shall provide maximum air intake temperature reduction with minimal pressure loss. The charge air radiator shall be sized and positioned to meet engine manufacturer’s requirements. The charge air radiator shall not be stacked ahead of or behind the engine radiator and shall be positioned as close to the engine as possible unless integrated with the radiator. Air ducting and fittings shall be protected against heat sources and shall be configured to minimize restrictions and maintain sealing integrity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 54 of 257 TS 10.3 Transmission Cooling DEFAULT The transmission shall be cooled by a dedicated heat exchanger sized to maintain operating fluid within the transmission manufacturer’s recommended parameters of flow, pressure and temperature. The transmission cooling system shall be matched to the retarder and engine cooling systems to ensure that all operating fluids remain within recommended temperature limits established by each component manufacturer. The engine cooling system should provide coolant bypass flow to the transmission cooling system with the engine thermostats closed. Unless otherwise noted, the transmission cooler is to be the first component to see cold water from the radiator outlet. In addition, all return water piping, aside from the thermostat bypass line, is to be plumbed in after the transmission cooler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.4 Hybrid Drive System Cooling DEFAULT The thermal management system shall maintain hybrid system components within design operating temperature limits. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 11. Transmission (Conventional Powertrain) The transmission shall be multiple speed, automatic shift with torque converter, retarder and electronic controls. Gross input power, gross input torque and rated input speed shall be compatible with the engine. The transmission shall be designed to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major service. The transmission should be easily removable without disturbing the engine and accessible for service. The electronic controls shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and of broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. Electronic controls shall be compatible with either 12 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 55 of 257 or 24 V power distribution, provide consistent shift quality, and compensate for changing conditions, such as variations in vehicle weight and engine power. At a minimum, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR, and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply vo ltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. DEFAULT Base Bus- Voith D864.5, or Latest Model Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer is proposing Voith D864.6 4 speeds, with TOR2 retarder and integrated oil cooler.  DEFAULT A nominal brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT A brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 56 of 257 DEFAULT No Automatic Neutral Function The transmission shall not incorporate an automatic neutral shift function. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 12. Retarder DEFAULT The powertrain shall be equipped with a retarder designed to extend brake lining service life. The application of the retarder shall cause a smooth blending of both retarder and service brake function and shall not activate the brake lights Actuation of ABS and/or automatic traction control (ATC) shall override the operation of the brake retarder. The thermostatically controlled cooling fan shall be activated whe n the retarder is engaged and the coolant temperature reaches the maximum operating temperature established by the engine and transmission manufacturers. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Requirement for Retarder Activation The retarder shall be adjustable within the limits of the powertrain and activated when the brake pedal is depressed. The Agency will work with the OEM/drive system manufacturer to determine retarder performance settings. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 57 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Accessible Retarder Disable Switch The retarder disable switch shall be accessible to the seated driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 13. Mounting DEFAULT All power plant mounting shall be mechanically isolated to minimize transfer of vibration to the body structure and provide a minimum clearance of 0.75 in. Mounts shall control the movement of the power plant so as not to affect performance of belt-driven accessories or cause strain in piping and wiring connections to the power plant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer Xcelsior model bus has .875" of clearance. TS 13.1 Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged for ease of access and maintenance. The Contractor shall list all special tools, fixtures or facility requirements recommended for servicing. The muffler, exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter, alternator, radiator, all accessories and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable and independent of the engine and transmission removal. An engine oil pressure gauge and coolant temperature gauge shall be provided in the engine compartment. These gauges shall be easily P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 58 of 257 read during service and mounted in an area where they shall not be damaged during minor or major repairs. An air cleaner with a dry filter element and a graduated air filter restriction indicator shall be provided. The location of the air intake system shall be designed to minimize the entry of dust and debris and to maximize the life of the air filter. The engine air duct shall be designed to minimize the entry of water into the air intake system. Drainage provisions shall be included to allow any water/moisture to drain prior to entry into the air filter. Engine oil and the radiator filler caps shall be hinged to the filler neck and closed with spring pressure or positive locks to prevent leakage. All fluid fill locations shall be properly labeled to help ensure that correct fluid is added. All fillers shall be easily accessible with standard funnels, pour spouts and automatic dispensing equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No engine bypass oil filter. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Engine Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature Display Engine oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges required in engine compartment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer provides engine compartment switch box (729453) with Controller Area Network (CAN) gauge (661873) that displays engine oil pressure, engine water temp, tachometer, 12/24v battery voltages and active faults. Reference appendix D for drawings. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 59 of 257 TS 14. Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic system service tasks shall be minimized and scheduled no more frequently than those of other major coach systems. All elements of the hydraulic system shall be easily accessible for service or unit replacement. Critical points in the hydraulic s ystem shall be fitted with service ports so that portable diagnostic equipment may be connected or sensors for an off-board diagnostic system permanently attached to monitor system operation when applicable. A tamper- proof priority system shall prevent the loss of power steering during operation of the bus if other devices are also powered by the hydraulic system. The hydraulic system shall operate within the allowable temperature range as specified by the lubricant manufacturer. DEFAULT No requirement for hydraulic system sensors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.1 Fluid Lines DEFAULT All lines shall be rigidly supported to prevent chafing damage, Fatigue Failures, degradation and tension strain. Lines should be sufficiently flexible to minimize mechanical loads on the components. Lines passing through a panel, frame or bulkhead shall be protected by grommets (or similar devices) that fit snugly to both the line and the perimeter of the hole that the line passes through to prevent chafing and wear. Pipes and fluid hoses shall not be bundled with or used to support electrical wire harnesses. Lines shall be as short as practicable and shall be routed or shielded so that failure of a line shall not allow the contents to spray or drain onto any component operable above the auto-ignition temperature of the fluid. All hoses, pipes, lines and fittings shall be specified and installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 60 of 257 TS 14.2 Fittings and Clamps DEFAULT All clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the line in response to temperature changes and aging of the line material. The lines shall be designed for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high-temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface, and so on). Compression fittings shall be standardized to prevent the intermixing of components. Compression fitting components from more than one manufacturer shall not be mixed, even if the components are known to be interchangeable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.3 Charge Air Piping DEFAULT Charge air piping and fittings shall be designed to minimize air restrictions and leaks. Piping shall be as short as possible, and the number of bends shall be minimized. Bend radii shall be maximized to meet the pressure drop and temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. The cross section of all charge air piping shall not be less than the cross section of the intake manifold inlet. Any changes in pipe diameter shall be gradual to ensure a smooth passage of air and to minimize restrictions. Piping shall be routed away from heat sources as practicable and shielded as required to meet the temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. Charge air piping shall be constructed of stainless steel, aluminized steel, anodized aluminum or painted steel rated at minimum 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM B117, except between the air filter and turbocharger inlet, where piping may be constructed of flexible heat- resistant material. Connections between all charge air piping sections shall be sealed with a short section of reinforced hose and secured with stainless steel constant tension clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 61 of 257 TS 15. Radiator DEFAULT Radiator piping shall be stainless steel, brass tubing or painted steel rated at 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM B117 and where practicable, hoses shall be eliminated, including biodiesel. Necessary hoses shall be impervious to all bus fluids. All hoses shall be secured with stainless steel clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. The clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the hose in response to temperature changes and aging of the hose material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 16. Oil and Hydraulic Lines DEFAULT Oil and hydraulic lines shall be compatible with the substances they carry. The lines shall be designed and intended for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high- temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface and so on). Lines within the engine compartment shall be composed o f steel tubing where practicable, except in locations where flexible lines are required. Hydraulic lines of the same size and with the same fittings as those on other piping systems of the bus, but not interchangeable, shall be tagged or marked for use on the hydraulic system only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17. Fuel Agency to specify fuel type. TS 17.1 Fuel Lines DEFAULT Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported as designed by the bus manufacturer to minimize vibration and chafing and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain or wear. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 62 of 257 Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabr icated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected locations to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose and hose connections, where permitted, shall be made from materials resistant to corrosion and fuel and protected from fretting and high heat. Fuel hoses shall be accessible for ease of serviceability. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.1.1 Fuel Lines, Diesel DEFAULT Agency to specify fuel type. Fuel lines shall be capable of carrying the type of fuel specified by the Agency (i.e., up to B20 type fuel). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.1.2 Fuel Lines, CNG DEFAULT Fuel lines shall comply with NFPA-52.All tubing shall be a minimum of seamless Type 304 stainless steel (ASTM A269 or equivalent).Fuel lines and fittings shall not be fabricated from cast iron, galvanized pipe, aluminum, plastic or copper alloy with content exceeding 70 percent copper. Pipe fittings and hoses shall be clear and free from cuttings, burrs or scale. Pipe thread joining material that is impervious to CNG shall be utilized as required. Fuel lines shall be identifiable as fuel lines only. High-pressure CNG lines shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 125 percent of system working pressure prior to fueling. CNG, nitrogen or clean, dry air shall be used to pressure-test the lines/assembly. The bus manufacturer shall have a documented procedure for testing the high-pressure line assembly. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 63 of 257 Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported using “split-block” type or stainless steel P clamps; all mounting clamps shall be mounted to a rigid structure to minimize vibration and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain, rubbing or wear. “Floating clamps” (not mounted to a rigid structure) shall not be permitted. Fuel lines shall not be used to secure other components (wires, air lines, etc.). Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabr icated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected location(s) to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose connections, where permitted, shall be less than 48 in. in length, made from materials resistant to corrosion and action of natural gas, and protected from fretting and high heat and shall be supported approximately every 12 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.2 Design and Construction TS 17.2.1 Design and Construction, Diesel Fuel Tank(s) DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be made of corrosion-resistant steel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s diesel tank is made from 304 stainless-steel. Installation DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be securely mounted to the bus to prevent movement during bus maneuvers. The fuel tank(s) shall be equipped with an external, hex head, drain plug. It shall be at least a ⅜in. size and shall be located at the lowest point of the tank(s).The fuel tank(s) shall have an inspection plate or easily removable filler neck to permit cleaning and inspection of the tank(s) without removal from the bus. The tank(s) shall be baffled internally to prevent fuel-sloshing P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 64 of 257 regardless of fill level. The baffles or fuel pickup location shall assure continuous full power operation on a 6 percent upgrade for 15 minutes starting with no more than 25 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s).The bus shall operate at idle on a 6 percent downgrade for 30 minutes starting with no more than 10 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s). The materials used in mounting shall withstand the adverse effects of road salts, fuel oils and accumulation of ice and snow for the life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Labeling DEFAULT The capacity, date of manufacture, manufacturer name, location of manufacture, and certification of compliance to federal motor carrier safety regulations shall be permanently marked on the fuel tank(s).The markings shall be readily visible and shall not be covered with an undercoating material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Fuel Filler DEFAULT The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 32ft behind the centerline of the front door on the curbside of the bus. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body so that spilled fuel will not run onto the outside surface of the bus. The fuel lines forward of the engine bulkhead shall be in conformance to SAE Standards. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 65 of 257 DEFAULT OEM to designate height of fuel filler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: 36.35" is the approximate height of the fuel filler. DEFAULT Dry-Break Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall accommodate a nozzle that forms a locked and sealed connection during the refueling process to eliminate spills. Fuel shall not be allowed to flow into the tank unless the nozzle has been properly coupled, locked and sealed to the filler. With the nozzle open, fuel shall enter the tank at a fill rate of not less than 40 gal per minute of foam-free fuel without causing the nozzle to shut off before the tank is full. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. Once disconnected, fuel shall not be allowed to flow through the nozzle at any time. Any pressure over 3 psi shall be relieved from the fuel tank automatically. An audible signal shall indicate when the tank is essentially full. The dr y break system shall be compatible with the Agency’s system. The fuel filler cap shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the 40 GPM fill rate for diesel buses. This is the most optimal fill rate for best fill results. Based on supplier testing when the fill rate is higher it will result in under-filing. TS 17.2.2 Design and Construction, CNG Fuel Containers/Cylinders CNG fuel containers/cylinders must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with at least one of the following: • NFPA 52-Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems • FMVSS 304 • Any local standard(s) specifically intended for CNG fuel containers The design and construction of the fuel system supplied by the OEM shall comply with federal and local regulations. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 66 of 257 Installation Fuel cylinders shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/IAS NGV2 - 1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Fuel Containers” and NFPA 52, “Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code,” 1998 edition, Section 303.In the case of a low-floor transit bus, the placement of tanks shall be limited to the roof of the vehicle or in the compartment above the engine of the vehicle. Fuel cylinders, attached valves, pressure relief devices, and mounting brackets should be installed and protected so that their operation is not affected by bus washers and environmental agents such as rain, snow, ice or mud. These components should be protected from significant damage caused by road debris or collision. The roof and area above the engine mounted tanks shall be contained within a skeletal structure resembling a roll cage and contained within an enclosure. The enclosure shall incorporate a hinged clamshell type access. The access panels shall be designed to offer protection from weather and to be sacrificial as a means of providing an escape path to atmosphere upon rapid enclosure pressure rise. The latching method shall utilize quick-release captive hardware that can be demonstrated to last the life of the bus. Additional shielding shall be provided surrounding end fittings and valves as needed. Shields shall be attached to the bus structure hinged in a manner that permits one mechanic to unlatch and swing the shield open for routine inspections. As practical, electrical components shall not be located within the roof enclosure, and if unavoidable, they shall be intrinsically safe. CNG fueled buses shall be equipped with an active automatic gas detection system, which shall annunciate unsafe levels of methane. The automatic gas detectio n system shall be integrated with an onboard fire suppression system. DEFAULT The access panels shall not be interlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Labeling DEFAULT CNG fuel systems shall be labeled in accordance with NFPA 52, “Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code,” 1998 edition. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 67 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs) DEFAULT PRDs must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ANIS/IAS PRD1 - 1998, “Pressure Relief Devices for Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers” and ANSI/IAS NGV2-1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers.” All natural gas fuel system piping, including the PRD vent line, shall be stainless steel. All PRDs must be vented to outside. Valves Valves must be installed in accordance with ANIS/IAS NGV2 - 1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers” and NFPA 52, “Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems.” Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 38 ft. (on a 30, 35 and 40ft coach) behind the centerline of the front door on a side determined by the Agency. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body. The fill and vent receptacles shall be located within an enclosure on the right side of the bus. The access door shall be sized to allow full viewing of gauges, ease of hookups and maneuver of fuel nozzle. The fuel fill receptacle and vent receptacle attachment shall be robust and capable of routine fueling connects/disconnects without deflection or metal fatigue, and capable of withstanding mechanical loads induced by a fueling drive-away incident without attachment failure. No static ground plug shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the intent of all Fuel Filler requirements. There must be a static ground plug for defuel purposes of all CNG buses per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 52; Vehicle Natural Gas Fuel Systems Code. Fueling System DEFAULT The CNG fueling port receptacle shall be an ANSI/AGA NGV1 or NGV2 certified receptacle as designated by the Agency. The coach shall be capable of being fueled by a nozzle determined by P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 68 of 257 the Agency. The fueling port receptacle location shall be such that connection by fueling personnel can be performed without physical strain or interference. A dust cap shall be permanently “tethered” to the fueling port receptacle. The fueling port receptacle access door shall be equipped with an interlock sensor that disables the engine starting system when the access door is open, to prevent drive-aways. The interlock shall be of the type such that if the sensor fails, the coach will not start. Fueling site characteristics such as pressure, flow rate and temperature shall be provided by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Defueling System The CNG defueling port shall be an NGV-3.1/CGA-12.3 certified receptacle. The CNG defueling port shall be located on the curbside of the coach, in a location that is compatible with the Agency’s defueling station operation. The defueling system shall incorporate the following characteristics: • Dust cap permanently “tethered” to the defueling port. • Device(s) to prevent inadvertent defueling. Specifications to be provided by Agency. • Components compatible with Agency’s defueling operation. • The piping and fittings onboard the bus shall be sized to allow the fueling station to meet the following operating parameters: DEFAULT Fuel system shall be sized to allow a bus with 20,000 scf on board to defuel within 2.5 hours. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s proposal is based on using Swagelok defuel (purge) port since NGV-3.1/CGA-12.3 is not the appropriate standard for fueling or defueling receptacles. Also, based on field data and testing, we estimate that it will take approximately 5.5 hours to defuel a bus with 20,000 scf on board. Another concern is rapid defueling creates rapid decrease in pressure and temperature which creates strain in hardware such as valves and fuel lines. TS 18. Emissions and Exhaust TS 18.1 Exhaust Emissions The engine and related systems shall meet all applicable emission and engine design guidelines and standards. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 69 of 257 TS 18.2 Exhaust System The exhaust pipe shall be of sufficient height to prevent exhaust gases and waste heat from discoloring or causing heat deformation to the bus. The entire exhaust system shall be adequately shielded to prevent heat damage to any bus component, including the exhaust after treatment compartment area. The exhaust outlet shall be designed to minimize rain, snow or water generated from high-pressure washing systems from entering into the exhaust pipe and causing damage to the after treatment. DEFAULT Exhaust gases and waste heat shall be discharged from the roadside rear corner of the roof. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 18.3 Exhaust After treatment An exhaust after treatment system will be provided to ensure compliance to all applicable EPA regulations in effect. Diesel Exhaust Fluid Injection DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet NOx level requirements specified by EPA, a DEF injection system will be provided. The DEF system will minimally include a tank, an injector, a pump, an ECM and a selective catalytic converter. The tanks shall be designed to store DEF in the operating environment described in the “Operating Environment” section. The DEF filler shall accommodate a standard nozzle. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. The DEF filler cap shall be a screw-on cap and located curbside. The DEF fluid lines shall be designed to prevent the DEF from freezing. The DEF injection system shall not be damaged from a cold soak at 10 °F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 70 of 257 TS 18.4 Particulate After treatment DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet particulate level requirements specified by EPA, a particulate trap will be provided. The particulate trap shall regenerate itself automatically if it senses clogging. Regeneration cycles and conditions will be defined by the engine manufacturer. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: STRUCTURE TS 19. General TS 19.1 Design DEFAULT The structure of the bus shall be designed to withstand the transit service conditions typical of an urban or intercity duty cycle throughout its service life. The vehicle structural frame shall be designed to operate with minimal maintenance throughout the 12-year design operating profile. The design operating profile specified by the Agency shall be considered for this purpose. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 20. Altoona Testing Prior to acceptance of first bus, the vehicle must have completed any FTA-required Altoona testing. Any items that required repeated repairs or replacement must undergo the corrective action with supporting test and analysis. A report clearly describing and explaining the failures and corrective actions taken to ensure that any and all such failures will not occur shall be submitted to the Agency. DEFAULT If available, the Altoona Test Report shall be provided to the Agency with the Proposal submittal. If not available, then the report shall be provided prior to first acceptance of bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 71 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 20.1 Structural Validation DEFAULT Baseline Structural Analysis The structure of the bus shall have undergone appropriate structural testing and/or analysis. At minimum, appropriate structural testing and analysis shall include Altoona testing or finite element analysis (FEA). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Frame Material 3CR12 Stainless Steel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's proposal is based on using 41003 ferritic stainless-steel material in the frame. Reference SIB 241-003 for additional information. Distortion DEFAULT The bus, loaded to GVWR and under static conditions, shall not exhibit deflection or deformation that impairs the operation of the steering mechanism, doors, windows, passenger escape mechanisms or service doors. Static conditions shall include the vehicle at rest with any one wheel or dual set of wheels on a 6 in. curb or in a 6 in. deep hole. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 72 of 257 TS 21. Resonance and Vibration DEFAULT All structure, body and panel-bending mode frequencies, including vertical, lateral and torsional modes, shall be sufficiently removed from all primary excitation frequencies to minimize audible, visible or sensible resonant vibrations during normal service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21.1 Engine Compartment Bulkheads DEFAULT The passenger and engine compartment shall be separated by fire-resistant bulkheads. The engine compartment shall include areas where the engine and exhaust system are housed. This bulkhead shall preclude or retard propagation of an engine compartment fire into the passenger compartment and shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90A, dated October 20, 1993. Only necessary openings shall be allowed in the bulkhead, and these shall be fire-resistant. Any passageways for the climate control system air shall be separated from the engine compartment by fire-resistant material. Piping through the bulkhead shall have fire-resistant fittings sealed at the bulkhead. Wiring may pass through the bulkhead only if connectors or other means are provided to prevent or retard fire propagation through the bulkhead. Engine access panels in the bulkhead shall be fabricated of fire-resistant material and secured with fire-resistant fasteners. These panels, their fasteners and the bulkhead shall be constructed and reinforced to minimize warping of the panels during a fire that will compromise the integrity of the bulkhead. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21.2 Crashworthiness The bus body and roof structure shall withstand a static load equal to 150 percent of the curb weight evenly distributed on the roof with no more than a 6 in. reduction in any interior P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 73 of 257 dimension. Windows shall remain in place and shall not open under such a load. These requirements must be met without the roof-mounted equipment installed. The bus shall withstand a 25 mph impact by a 4000lb automobile at any side, excluding doorways, along either side of the bus with no more than 3 in. of permanent structural deformation at seated passenger hip height. This impact shall not result in sharp edges or protrusions in the bus interior. Exterior panels below 35 in. from ground level shall withstand a static load of 2000 lbs. applied perpendicular to the bus by a pad no larger than 5 sq. in. This load shall not result in deformation that prevents installation of new exterior panels to restore the original appearance of the bus. DEFAULT Side Impact Barriers Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Side impact test show little deformation since we use a welded steel monocoque structure that is inherently crashworthy and exceeds the specifications without the need to add side impact barriers. Reference TR09-31 Xcelsior Side Impact Test Report, Appendix C. TS 22. Corrosion The bus flooring, sides, roof, understructure and axle suspension components shall be designed to resist corrosion or deterioration from atmospheric conditions and de-icing materials for a period of 12 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. It shall maintain structural integrity and nearly maintain original appearance throughout its service life, with the Agency’s use of proper cleaning and neutralizing agents. All materials that are not inherently corrosion resistant shall be protected with corrosion-resistant coatings. All joints and connections of dissimilar metals shall be corrosion resistant and shall be protected from galvanic corrosion. Representative samples of all materials and connections shall withstand a two-week (336-hour) salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Procedure B-117 with no structural detrimental effects to normally visible surfaces and no weight loss of over 1 percent. DEFAULT Corrosion-Resistance Requirements All exposed surfaces and the interior surfaces of tubing and other enclosed members below the lower window line shall be corrosion resistant through applicat ion of a corrosion protection system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 74 of 257 New Flyer's base offer includes 12year/500,000-mile corrosion protection plan and can offer a longer term 18 years/750,000-mile corrosion protection plan. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 75 of 257 TS 23. Towing Each towing device shall withstand, without permanent deformation, tension loads up to 1.2 times the curb weight of the bus within 20 deg. of the longitudinal axis of the bus. If applicable, the rear towing device(s) shall not provide a toehold for unauthorized riders. The method of attaching the towing device shall not require the removal, or disconnection, of front suspension or steering components. Removal of the bike rack is permitted for attachment of towing devices. DEFAULT Shop air connectors shall be provided at the front and rear of the bus and shall be capable of supplying all pneumatic systems of the bus with externally sourced compressed air. The location of these shop air connectors shall facilitate towing operations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No Provision of Glad-Hand Type Connectors for Towing No glad-hand type connector shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Lifted (Supported) Front Axle and Flat Towing Capability The front towing devices shall allow attachment of adapters for a rigid tow bar and shall permit the lifting of the bus until the front wheels are clear off the ground in order to position the bus on the towing equipment by the front wheels. These devices shall also permit common flat towing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 76 of 257 TS 24. Jacking It shall be possible to safely jack up the bus, at curb weight, with a common 10-ton floor jack with or without special adapter, when a tire or dual set is completely flat and the bus is on a level, hard surface, without crawling under any portion of the bus. Jacking from a single point shall permit raising the bus sufficiently high to remove and reinstall a wheel and tire assembly. Jacking pads located on the axle or suspension near the wheels shall permit easy and safe jacking with the flat tire or dual set on a 6 in. high run-up block not wider than a single tire. The bus shall withstand such jacking at any one or any combination of wheel locations without permanent deformation or damage. DEFAULT Yellow Pads Jacking pads shall be painted safety yellow. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 25. Hoisting DEFAULT The bus axles or jacking plates shall accommodate the lifting pads of a two-post hoist system. Jacking plates, if used as hoisting pads, shall be designed to prevent the bus from falling off the hoist. Other pads or the bus structure shall support the bus on jack stands independent of the hoist. The vehicle shall be capable of lifting by the wheels, and, as necessary to meet tire load requirements, the proper number for wheel lifts and/or adapters must be used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 77 of 257 TS 26. Floor TS 26.1 Design The floor shall be essentially a continuous plane, except at the wheel housings and platforms. Where the floor meets the walls of the bus, as well as other vertical surfaces such as platform risers, the surface edges shall be blended with a circular sect ion of radius not less than ¼ in. or installed in a fully sealed butt joint. Similarly, a molding or cover shall prevent debris accumulation between the floor and wheel housings. The vehicle floor in the area of the entrance and exit doors shall have a lateral slope not exceeding 2degto allow for drainage. DEFAULT Bi-Level Floor Design The floor design shall consist of two levels (bi-level construction). Aft of the rear door extending to the rear settee riser, the floor height may be raised to a height no more than 21 in. above the lower level, with equally spaced steps. An increase slope shall be allowed on the upper level, not to exceed 3.5 deg. off the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior has a rear height of 19.24". TS 26.2 Strength DEFAULT The floor deck may be integral with the basic structure or mounted on the structure securely to prevent chafing or horizontal movement and designed to last the life of the bus. Sheet metal screws shall not be used to retain the floor, and all floor fasteners shall be serviceable from one side only. Any adhesives, bolts or screws used to secure the floor to the structure shall last and remain effective throughout the life of the coach. Tapping plates, if used for the floor fasteners, shall be no less than the same thickness as a standard nut, and all floor fasteners shall be secured and protected from corrosion for the service life of the bus. The floor deck shall be reinforced as needed to support passenger loads. At GVWR, the floor shall have an elastic deflection of no more than 0.60 in. from the normal plane. The floor shall withstand the application of 2.5 times gross load weight without permanent detrimental deformation. The floor, with coverings applied, shall withstand a static load of at least 150 lbs. applied through the flat end of a ½ in. diameter rod, with 1/32 in. radius, without permanent visible deformation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 78 of 257 TS 26.3 Construction The floor shall consist of the subfloor and the floor covering that will last the life of the bus. The floor as assembled, including the sealer, attachments and covering, shall be waterproof, non- hygroscopic and resistant to mold growth. The subfloor shall be resistant to the effects of moisture, including decay (dry rot).It shall be impervious to wood-destroying insects such as termites. DEFAULT Pressure-Preserved Plywood Panel Plywood shall be certified at the time of manufacturing by an industry-approved third-party inspection agency such as APA – The Engineered Wood Association (formerly the American Plywood Association).Plywood shall be of a thickness adequate to support design loads, manufactured with exterior glue, satisfy the requirements of a Group I Western panel as defined in PS 1-95 (Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-95, “Construction and Industrial Plywood”) and be of a grade that is manufactured with a solid face and back. Plywood shall be installed with the highest-grade, veneer side up. Plywood shall be pressure-treated with a preservative chemical and process such as alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) that prevents decay and damage by insects. Preservative treatments shall utilize no EPA-listed hazardous chemicals. The concentration of preservative chemicals shall be equal to or greater than required for an above ground level application. Treated plywood will be certified for preservative penetration and retention by a third-party inspection agency. Pressure-preservative treated plywood shall have a moisture content at or below 15 percent. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27. Platforms TS 27.1 Driver’s Area The covering of platform surfaces and risers, except where otherwise indicated, shall be the same material as specified for floor covering. Trim shall be provided along top edges of platforms unless integral nosing is provided. DEFAULT No specific trim material specified. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 79 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.2 Driver’s Platform DEFAULT The driver’s platform shall be of a height such that, in a seated position, the driver can see an object located at an elevation of 42 in. above the road surface, 24 in. from the leading edge of the bumper. Notwithstanding this requirement, the platform height shall not position the driver such that the driver’s vertical upward view is less than 15 deg. A warning decal or sign shall be provided to alert the driver to the change in floor level. Figure 2 illustrates a means by which the platform height can be determined, using the critical line of sight. FIGURE 2 Determining Platform Height P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 80 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s testing shows a 42” object can be seen by 95% of drivers and the driver’s vertical upward view is 17.6 degrees. TS 27.3 Farebox Farebox placement should minimize impact to passenger access and minimize interference with the driver’s line of sight. DEFAULT Driver Interface Required; Platform Needed to Bring Height to Driver Access If the driver’s platform is higher than 12 in., then the farebox is to be mounted on a platform of suitable height to provide accessibility for the driver without compromising passengers’ access. Base Bus- Pre wire to agency specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.4 Rear Step Area to Rear Area DEFAULT If the vehicle is of a bi-level floor design, then a rear step area shall be provided along the center aisle of the bus to facilitate passenger traffic between the upper and lower floor levels. This step area shall be cut into the rear platform and shall be approximately the aisle width, a minimum 12 in. deep and approximately half the height of the upper level relative to the lower level. The horizontal surface of this platform shall be covered with skid-resistant material with a visually contrasting nosing and shall be sloped slightly for drainage. A warning decal or sign shall be provided at the immediate platform area to alert passengers to the change in floor level. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 81 of 257 TS 28. Wheel Housing TS 28.1 Design and Construction DEFAULT Sufficient clearance and air circulation shall be provided around the tires, wheels and brakes to preclude overheating when the bus is operating on the design operating profile. Wheel housings shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant and fire-resistant material. Wheel housings, as installed and trimmed, shall withstand impacts of a 2in. steel ball with at least 200 ft-lbs of energy without penetration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 28.2 Design and Construction Interference between the tires and any portion of the bus shall not be possible in maneuvers up to the limit of tire adhesion with weights from curb weight to GVWR. Wheel housings shall be adequately reinforced where seat pedestals are installed. Wheel housings shall have sufficient sound insulation to minimize tire and road noise and meet all noise requirements of this specification. Design and construction of front wheel housings shall allow for the installation of a radio or electronic equipment storage compartment on the interior top surface, or its use as a luggage rack. The finish of the front wheel housings shall be scratch-resistant and complement interior finishes of the bus to minimize the visual impact of the wheel housing. If fiberglass wheel housings are provided, then they shall be color-impregnated to match interior finishes. The lower portion extending to approximately 10 to 12 in. above the floor shall be equipped with scuff-resistant coating or stainless steel trim. Wheel housings not equipped with seats or equipment enclosure shall have a horizontal assist mounted on the top portion of the housing no more than 4 in. higher than the wheel well housing. DEFAULT No provision shall be made to chain buses. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior meets all requirement of TS 28.2 except our horizontal stanchion on wheel housing is 6.1” high measured from the bottom of the stanchion. This design is to keep taller objects placed on top from tipping over and is actually an improvement over the 4.0”. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 82 of 257 CHASSIS TS 29. Suspension TS 29.1 General Requirements DEFAULT The front, rear and mid suspensions shall be pneumatic type. The basic suspension system shall last the service life of the bus without major overhaul or replacement. Adjustment points shall be minimized and shall not be subject to a loss of adjustment in service. Routine adjustments shall be easily accomplished by limiting the removal or disconnecting the components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.2 Alignment DEFAULT All axles should be properly aligned so the vehicle tracks accurately within the size and geometry of the vehicle. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3 Springs and Shock Absorbers TS 29.3.1 Suspension Travel DEFAULT The suspension system shall permit a minimum wheel travel of 2.75 in. jounce-upward travel of a wheel when the bus hits a bump (higher than street surface), and 2.75 in. rebound-downward travel when the bus comes off a bump and the wheels fall relative to the body. Elastomeric bumpers shall be provided at the limit of jounce travel. Rebound travel may be limited by elastomeric bumpers or hydraulically within the shock absorbers. Suspensions shall incorporate appropriate devices for automatic height control so that regardless of load the bus height relative to the centerline of the wheels does not change more than ½ in. at any point from the height required. The safe operation of a bus cannot be impacted by ride height up to 1 in. from design normal ride height. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior bus has a 4" jounce and 4" rebound. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 83 of 257 TS 29.3.2 Damping DEFAULT Vertical damping of the suspension system shall be accomplished by hydraulic shock absorbers mounted to the suspension arms or axles and attached to an appropriate location on the chassis. Damping shall be sufficient to control coach motion to three cycles or less after hitting road perturbations. The shock absorber bushing shall be made of elastomeric material that will last the life of the shock absorber. The damper shall incorporate a secondary hydraulic rebound stop. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3.3 Lubrication DEFAULT Standard Grease Fittings All elements of steering, suspension and drive systems requiring scheduled lubrication shall be provided with grease fittings conforming to SAE Standard J534.These fittings shall be located for ease of inspection and shall be accessible with a standard grease gun from a pit or with the bus on a hoist. Each element requiring lubrication shall have its own grease fitting with a relief path. The lubricant specified shall be standard for all elements on the bus serviced by standard fittings and shall be required no less than every 6000 miles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 84 of 257 TS 29.3.4 Kneeling DEFAULT A kneeling system shall lower the entrance(s) of the bus a minimum of 2 in. during loading or unloading operations regardless of load up to GVWR, measured at the longitudinal centerline of the entrance door(s) by the driver. The kneeling control shall provide the following functions: • Downward control must be held to allow downward kneeling movement . • Release of the control during downward movement must completely stop the lowering motion and hold the height of the bus at that position. • Upward control actuation must allow the bus to return to normal floor height without the driver having to hold the control. The brake and throttle interlock shall prevent movement when the bus is kneeled. The kneeling control shall be disabled when the bus is in motion. The bus shall kneel at a maximum rate of 1.25 in. per second at essentially a constant rate. After kneeling, the bus shall rise within 4 seconds to a height permitting the bus to resume service and shall rise to the correct operating height within 7 seconds regardless of load up to GVWR. During the lowering and raising operation, the maximum vertical acceleration shall not exceed 0.2g, and the jerk shall not exceed 0.3g/second. An indicator visible to the driver shall be illuminated until the bus is raised to a height adequate for safe street travel. An audible warning alarm will sound simultaneously with the operation of the kneeler to alert passengers and bystanders. A warning light mounted near the curbside of the front door, a minimum 2.5 in. diameter amber lens, shall be provided that will blink when the kneel feature is activated. Kneeling shall not be operational while the wheelchair ramp is deployed or in operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior bus kneels 4" at the front door, and returns to ride height in much less than the 7 second requirement when the bus is empty. When at GVWR load the Xcelsior does meet the 7 second requirement. The Xcelsior also lowers faster than 1.25"/second to minimize time per stop, and it is a smooth and controlled lowering that is not unpleasant or unsettling to the passengers. TS 30. Wheels and Tires TS 30.1 Wheels All wheels shall be interchangeable except for the middle axle of an artic where a super single tire size is used and shall be removable without a puller. Wheels shall be compatible with tires in size and load-carrying capacity. Front wheels and tires shall be balanced as an assembly per SAE J1986. DEFAULT Base Bus- Alcoa Dura Bright EVO Full Polished Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 85 of 257 DEFAULT No tire-pressure monitoring system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard non-locking lug nut. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 30.2 Tires Tires shall be suitable for the conditions of transit service and sustained operation at the maximum speed capability of the bus. Load on any tire at GVWR shall not exceed the tire supplier’s rating. DEFAULT Agency specified standard size tires Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 86 of 257 TS 31. Steering DEFAULT Hydraulically assisted steering shall be provided. The steering gear shall be an integral type with the number and length of flexible lines minimized or eliminated. Engine-driven hydraulic pump shall be provided for power steering. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.1 Steering Axle DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Front Bearings and Seals The front axle shall be solid beam, non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR and shall be equipped with grease type front wheel bearings and seals. Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer uses MAN axles which are inherent to the Xcelsior design. MAN axles utilize non-serviceable maintenance-free wheel bearings lubed for life with grease. Other benefits include: drop axle allows for lower kneeling and better ramp slope, larger suspension travel and smoother ride, cost savings of $1,225 over 12 years for all disc brakes compared to drum brakes, less brake noise, and brakes run cooler. Please see SIB 203-002 for more information. all disc brakes compared to drum brakes, less brake noise, and brakes run cooler. Please see  DEFAULT Oiled-Type Front Bearings   . The front axle shall be non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR and shall be equipped with sealed, oiled-type front wheel bearings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer uses MAN axles with non-serviceable maintenance-free wheel bearings. New Flyer does believe we meet the intent of the spec with maintenance-free wheel bearings lubed for life with grease. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 87 of 257 TS 31.2 Steering Wheel TS 31.2.1 Turning Effort DEFAULT Steering effort shall be measured with the bus at GVWR, stopped with the brakes released and the engine at normal idling speed on clean, dry, level, commercial asphalt pavement and the tires inflated to recommended pressure. Under these conditions, the torque required to turn the steering wheel 10 deg. shall be no less than 5 ft.-lbs. and no more than 10 ft.-lbs. Steering torque may increase to 70 ft.-lbs. when the wheels are approaching the steering stops, as the relief valve activates. Power steering failure shall not result in loss of steering control. With the bus in operation, the steering effort shall not exceed 55 lbs. at the steering wheel rim, and perceived free play in the steering system shall not materially increase as a result of power assist failure. Gearing shall require no more than seven turns of the steering wheel lock-to-lock. Caster angle shall be selected to provide a tendency for the return of the front wheels to the straight position with minimal assistance from the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.2 Steering Wheel, General DEFAULT The steering wheel diameter shall be approximately 18 to 20 in.; the rim diameter shall be ⅞ to 1¼ in. and shaped for firm grip with comfort for long periods of time. Steering wheel spokes and wheel thickness shall ensure visibility of the dashboard so that vital instrumentation is clearly visible at center neutral position (within the range of a 95th-percentile male, as described in SAE 1050a, Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3).Placement of steering column must be as far forward as possible, but either inline with or behind the instrument cluster. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 88 of 257 TS 31.2.3 Steering Column Tilt DEFAULT The steering column shall have full tilt capability with an adjustment range of no less than 40 deg. from the vertical and easily adjustable by the driver and shall be accessible by a 5th percentile female and 95th percentile male. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.4 Steering Wheel Telescopic Adjustment DEFAULT The steering wheel shall have full telescoping capability and have a minimum telescopic range of 2 in. and a minimum low-end adjustment of 29 in., measured from the top of the steering wheel rim in the horizontal position to the cab floor at the heel point. TABLE 4 Steering Wheel Height1 Relative to Angle of Slope At Minimum Telescopic Height Adjustment (29 in.) –At Maximum Telescopic Height Adjustment (5 in.) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 89 of 257 Angle of Slope –Height –Angle of Slope Height 0 deg. 29 in. 0 deg. 34 in. 15 deg. 26.2 in. 15 deg. 31.2 in. 25 deg. 24.6 in. 25 deg. 29.6 in. 35 deg. 22.5 in. 35 deg. 27.5 in. – 1. Measured from bottom portion closest to driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 32. Drive Axle The bus shall be driven by a heavy-duty axle with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR. The drive axle shall have a design life to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major repairs. The lubricant drain plug shall be magnetic type. If a planetary gear design is employed, the oil level in the planetary gears shall be easily checked through the plug or sight gauge. The axle and driveshaft components shall be rated for both propulsion and retardation modes with respect to duty cycle. NOTE: The retardation duty cycle can be more aggressive than propulsion. The drive shaft shall be guarded to prevent hitting any critical systems, including brake lines, coach floor or the ground, in the event of a tube or universal joint failure. DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Bearings and Seals Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer uses MAN axles which are inherent to the Xcelsior design. Please see SIB 204-002 for more information. TS 33. Turning Radius DEFAULT TABLE 5 Maximum Turning Radius P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 90 of 257 Bus Length (approximate) Maximum Turning Radius (see Figure 3) Agency Requirement 30 ft. 31 ft. (TR0) 35 ft. 39 ft. (TR0) 40 ft. 44 ft. (TR0) Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's 40' Xcelsior maximum TRO with Aluminum rims is 43 to 43.5 ft. depending on tire manufacturer. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 91 of 257 FIGURE 3 Turning Radius TS 34. Brakes TS 34.1 Service Brake DEFAULT Brakes shall be self-adjusting. Brake wear indicators visible on linings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.2 Actuation DEFAULT Service brakes shall be controlled and actuated by a compressed air system. Force to activate the brake pedal control shall be an essentially linear function of the bus deceleration rate and shall not exceed 75 lbs. at a point 7 in. above the heel point of the pedal to achieve maximum braking. The heel point is the location of the driver’s heel when his or her foot is rested flat on the pedal and the heel is touching the floor or heel pad of the pedal. The ECU for the ABS system shall be protected, yet in an accessible location to allow for ease of service. The total braking effort shall be distributed among all wheels in such a ratio as to ensure equal friction material wear rate at all wheel locations. Manufacturer shall demonstrate compliance by providing a copy of a thermodynamic brake balance test upon request. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 92 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior bus has a brake pedal control force of 68 lbs. DEFAULT No automatic traction control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.3 Friction Material The brake linings shall be made of non-asbestos material. In order to aid maintenance personnel in determining extent of wear, a provision such as a scribe line or a chamfer indicating the thickness at which replacement becomes necessary shall be provided on each brake lining. The complete brake lining wear indicator shall be clearly visible from the hoist or pit without removing backing plates. DEFAULT No remote brake wear indicator shall be required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer uses disc brakes with a rubber bushing wrapped on the lower caliper guide pin instead of scribe line or chamfer. A retracted and bulged bushing indicates a worn brake pad condition. New Flyer believes they meet the intent of the spec. Refer to SIB 203/204-001 for more information. TS 34.4 Hubs and Drums/Discs Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer’s warranty. DEFAULT Drum Brakes The bus shall be equipped with brake drums. Brake drums shall allow machining for oversized linings per manufacturer’s specifications. Base Bus 16.5” x 8 5” riveted lining cast plus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 93 of 257 Comment: New Flyer uses disc brakes in place of drum brakes. Refer to SIB 203/204-001 for more information. Per TS 34.5 buses shall be equipped with disc brakes and New Flyer believes we meet the intent of the spec. TS 34.5 Hubs and Drums DEFAULT Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer’s warranty. The bus shall be equipped with disc brakes on all axles, and the brake discs shall allow machining of each side of the disc to obtain smooth surfaces per manufacturer’s specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.6 Parking/Emergency Brake DEFAULT Air Brakes The parking brake shall be a spring-operated system, actuated by a valve that exhausts compressed air to apply the brakes. The parking brake may be manually enabled when the air pressure is at the operating level per FMVSS 121. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 35. Interlocks TS 35.1 Passenger Door Interlocks To prevent opening mid and rear passenger doors while the bus is in motion, a speed sensor shall be integrated with the door controls to prevent the mid/rear doors from being enabled or opened unless the bus speed is less than 2 mph. To preclude movement of the bus, an accelerator interlock shall lock the accelerator in the closed position, and a brake interlock shall engage the service brake system to stop movement of the bus when the driver’s door control is moved to a mid/rear door enable or open position, or a mid P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 94 of 257 or rear door panel is opened more than 3 in. from the fully closed position (as measured at the leading edge of the door panel).The interlock engagement shall bring the bus to a smooth stop and shall be capable of holding a fully loaded bus on a 6 percent grade, with the engine at idle and the transmission in gear, until the interlocks are released. These interlock functions shall be active whenever the vehicle master run switch is in any run position. All door systems employing brake and accelerator interlocks shall be supplied with supporting failure mode effects analysis (FEMA) documentation, which demonstrates that failure modes are of a failsafe type, thereby never allowing the possibility of release of interlock while an interlocked door is in an unsecured condition, unless the door master switch has been actuated to intentionally release the interlocks. DEFAULT Non-adjustable brake interlock regulator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No requirements for accelerator and brake interlocks whenever front doors are open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36. Pneumatic System TS 36.1 General DEFAULT The bus air system shall operate the air-powered accessories and the braking system with reserve capacity. New buses shall not leak down more than 5psi over a 15-minute period of time as indicated on the dash gauge. Provision shall be made to apply shop air to the bus air systems. A quick disconnect fitting shall be easily accessible and located in the engine compartment and near the front bumper area for towing. Retained caps shall be installed to protect fitting against dirt and moisture when not in use. Air for the compressor shall be filtered. The air system shall be protected per FMVSS 121. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 95 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer' s standard test procedure specifies a drop of over 1 psi in 15 minutes is a failure. TS 36.2 Air Compressor DEFAULT The engine-driven air compressor shall be sized to charge the air system from 40psi to the governor cut-off pressure in less than 4 minutes while not exceeding the fast idle speed setting of the engine. Base Bus – Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Cummins engine-driven air compressor is a Wabco 30.4 CFM air compressor. TS 36.3 Air Lines and Fittings Air lines, except necessary flexible lines, shall conform to the installation and material requirements of SAE Standard J1149 for copper tubing with standard, brass, flared or ball sleeve fittings, or SAE Standard J844 for nylon tubing if not subject to temperatures over 200 °F. The air on the delivery side of the compressor where it enters nylon housing shall not be above the maximum limits as stated in SAE J844. Nylon tubing shall be installed in accordance with the following color-coding standards: DEFAULT • Green: Indicates primary brakes and supply. • Red: Indicates secondary brakes. • Brown: Indicates parking brake. • Yellow: Indicates compressor governor signal. • Black: Indicates accessories. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: In addition to the default colors, New Flyer's Xcelsior uses blue for suspension. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 96 of 257 TS 36.4 Air Reservoirs DEFAULT All air reservoirs shall meet the requirements of FMVSS Standar d 121 and SAE Standard J10 and shall be equipped with drain plugs and guarded or flush type drain valves. Major structural members shall protect these valves and any automatic moisture ejector valves from road hazards. Reservoirs shall be sloped toward the drain valve. All air reservoirs shall have drain valves that discharge below floor level with lines routed to eliminate the possibility of water traps and/or freezing in the drain line. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.5 Air System Dryer An air dryer shall prevent accumulation of moisture and oil in the air system. The air dryer system shall include one or more replaceable desiccant cartridges. DEFAULT No requirements for additional oil separator provision. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS TS 37. Overview The electrical system will consist of vehicle battery systems and components that generate, distribute and store power throughout the vehicle. (e.g., generator, voltage regulator, wiring, relays and connectors). Electronic devices are individual systems and components that process and store data, integrate electronic information or perform other specific functions. The data communication system consists of the bi-directional co mmunications networks that electronic device s use to share data with other electronic devices and systems. Communication networks are essential to integrating electronic functions, both onboard the vehicle and off. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 97 of 257 Information level systems that require vehicle information for their operations or provide information shall adhere to J1939 data standard. Data communications systems are divided into three level store the use of multiple data networks: •Powertrain level: Components related to the powertrain, including the propulsion system components (engine, transmission and hybrid units) and anti-lock braking system (ABS), which may include traction control. At a minimum, powertrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication between components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. •Information level: Components whose primary function is the collection, control or display of data that is not necessary to the safe drivability o f the vehicle (i.e., the vehicle will continue to operate when those functions are inoperable). These components typically consist of those required for automatic vehicle locat ion (AVL) systems, destination signs, fareboxes, passenger counters, radio systems, automated voice and signage systems, video surveillance and similar components. •Multiplex level: Electrical or electronic devices controlled through input/output signals such as discrete, analog and serial data information (i.e., on/off switch inputs, relay or relay control outputs). Multiplexing is used to control components not typically found on the drivetrain or information levels, such as lights; wheelchair lifts; doors; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (if applicable); and gatewaydevices. FIGURE 4 Data Communications Systems Levels Information level Multiplex level Drivetrain level TS 37.1 Modular Design DEFAULT Design of the electrical, electronic and data communication systems shall be modular so that each electronic device, apparatus panel, or wiring bundle is easily separable from its interconnect by means of connectors. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 98 of 257 Power plant wiring shall be an independent wiring harness. Replacement of the engine compartment wiring harness (es) shall not require pulling wires through any bulkhead or removing any terminals from the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 38. Environmental and Mounting Requirements DEFAULT The electrical system and its electronic components shall be capable of operating in the area of the vehicle in which they will be installed, asrecommendedinSAEJ1455. Electrical and electronic equipment shall not be located in an environment that will reduce the performance or shorten the life of the component or electrical system when operating within the design operating profile. As a recommendation, no vehicle component shall generate, or be affected by, electromagnetic interference or radio-frequency interference (EMI/RFI) that can disturb the performance of electrical/electronic equipment as defined in SAEJ1113and UNECE Council Directive 95/54(R10). The Agency shall follow recommendations from bus manufacturers and subsystem suppliers regarding methods to prevent damage from voltage spikes generated from welding, jumpstarts, shorts, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 38.1 Hardware Mounting DEFAULT The mounting of the hardware shall not be used to provide the sole source ground, and all hardware shall be isolated from potential EMI/RFI, as referenced in SAE J1113. All electrical/electronic hardware mounted in the interior of the vehicle shall be in accessible to passengers and hidden from view unless intended to be viewed. The hardware shall be mounted in such a manner as to protect it from splash or spray. All electrical/electronic hardware mounted on the exterior of the vehicle that is not designed to be installed in an exposed environment shall be mounted in a sealed enclosure. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 99 of 257 All electrical/electronic hardware and its mounting shall comply with the shock and vibration requirements of SAEJ1455. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39. General Electrical Requirements TS 39.1 Batteries TS 39.1.1 Low-Voltage Batteries (24V) DEFAULT Two 8D Maintenance-Free Batteries Each battery shall have a purchase date no more than 120 days from date of release, and shall be fully maintained prior to shipment to the Agency. Battery compartment must be well ventilated to prevent hydrogen build up while protecting the compartment from road spray, water intrusion and de-icing chemicals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Same Size Terminal Ends Positive and negative terminal ends shall be the same size. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.2 Battery Cables The battery terminal ends and cable ends shall be color-coded with red for the primary positive, black for negative and another color for any intermediate voltage cables. Positive and negative battery cables shall not cross each other if at all possible, shall be flexible and shall be P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 100 of 257 sufficiently long to reach the batteries with the tray in the extended position without stretching or pulling on any connection and shall not lie directly onto pof the batteries. Except as interrupted by the master battery switch, battery and starter wiring shall be continuous cables with connections secured by bolted terminals and shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Standard J1127–Type SGR, SGT, SGX or GXL and SAE Recommended Practice J541,with 2100 strand 4/0 cable or greater recommended. DEFAULT Color code each voltage. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer believes we meet the intent of all requirements, but we provide a jumper power cable in the fuse box which links the disconnect switch to the main 24V busbar. A power cable feeds the starter from main 24V busbar. To ensure a more robust connection, New Flyer provides this configuration to minimize the amount of electrical connections that would be stacked on the 24V load side of the disconnect switch. TS 39.1.3 JumpStart DEFAULT Jump-Start Connector A jump-start connector, red for 24V and blue for 12V, shall be provided in the engine compartment, equipped with dust cap and adequately protected from moisture, dirt and debris. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer believes we meet the intent of the requirement. The starter on a New Flyer coach is 24V so the 24V jumpstart connector is the correct potential to start the coach in a dead bus scenario. We also use a Vanner Battery equalizer to ensure that the batteries remain at the same potential during various load/charging conditions. TS 39.1.4 Battery Compartment DEFAULT The battery compartment shall prevent accumulation of snow, ice and debris on top of the batteries and shall be vented and self-draining. It shall be accessible only from the outside of the vehicle. All components within the battery compartment, and the compartment itself, shall be protected from damage or corrosion from the electrolyte. The inside surface of the battery compartment’s access doors hall be electrically insulated, as required, to prevent the battery terminals from shorting on the door if the door is damaged in an accident or if a battery comes loose. The battery compartment temperature should not exceed manufacturers’ specification. The vehicle shall be equipped with a12VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). The P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 101 of 257 battery compartment door shall conveniently accommodate operation of the12VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). The battery quick disconnect access door shall be identified with a decal. The decal size shall not be less than3.5 × 5in. (8.89 × 12.7cm). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 102 of 257 The battery hold-down bracket shall be constructed of a nonconductive and corrosion-resistant material (plastic or fiberglass). This access door shall not require any special locking devices to gain access to the switch, and it shall be accessible without removing or lifting the panel. The door shall be flush-fitting and incorporate a spring tensioner or equal to retain the door in a closed position when not in use. The batteries shall be securely mounted on a stainless steel or equivalent tray that can accommodate the size and weight of the batteries. The battery tray, if applicable, shall pull out easily and properly support the batteries while they are being serviced. The tray shall allow each battery cell to be easily serviced. A locking device shall retain the battery tray to the stowed position. If not located in the engine compartment, the same fire-resistant properties must apply to the battery compartment. No sparking devices should be located within the battery box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s proposal a polyethylene battery tray supported by a stainless steel sub-frame. This design is corrosion resistant, light weight and has proven to be extremely robust. Please note that the batteries are supported by structural stainless-steel U-channels. Sized to provide the correct support for two (2) 8D batteries. Please refer to Battery System SIB 260-001-X for additional information. TS 39.1.5 Auxiliary Electronic Power Supply DEFAULT If required, gel-pack, or any form of sealed (non-venting) batteries used for auxiliary power are allowed to be mounted on the interior of the vehicle if they are contained in an enclosed, non-air tight compartment and accessible only to maintenance personnel. This compartment shall contain a warning label prohibiting the use of lead-acid batteries. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.6 Master Battery Switch DEFAULT The location of the master battery switch shall be clearly identified on the exterior access panel, be accessible in less than10 seconds for deactivation and prevent corrosion from fumes and battery acid when the batteries are washed of for are in normal service. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 103 of 257 Turning the master switch off with the power plant operating, during an emergency, shall shut off the engine and shall not damage any component of the electrical system. The master switch shall be capable of carrying and interrupting the total circuit load. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single Switch The batteries shall be equipped with a single switch for disconnecting both12V and 24Vpower. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.7 Low-Voltage Generation and Distribution DEFAULT The low-voltage generating systems shall maintain the charge on fully charged batteries, except when the vehicle is at standard idle to allow-voltage generator load exceeding 70 percent of the low-voltage generator name plate rating. Voltage monitoring and over-voltage output protection (recommended at 32V) shall be provided. Dedicated power and ground shall be provided as specified by the component or system manufacturer. Cabling to the equipment must be sized to supply the current requirements with no greater than a 5 percent volt drop across the length of the cable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 104 of 257 TS 39.1.8 Circuit Protection DEFAULT All branch circuits, except battery-to-starting motor and battery-to-generator/alternator circuits, shall be protected by current-limiting devices such as circuit breakers, fuses or solid-state devices sized to the requirements of the circuit. Electronic circuit protection for the cranking motor shall be provided to prevent engaging of the motor for more than 30 seconds at a time to prevent overheating. The circuit breaker fuses shall be easily accessible for authorized personnel. Fuses shall be used only where it can be demonstrated that circuit breakers are not practicable. This requirement applies to in-line fuses supplied by either the Contractor or a supplier. Fuse holders shall be constructed to be rugged and waterproof. All manual reset circuit breakers critical to the operation of the bus shall be mounted in a location convenient to the Agency mechanic with visible indication of open circuits. The Agency shall consider the application of automatic reset circuit breakers on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor shall show all in-line fuses in the final harness drawings. Any manually resettable circuit breakers shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Any manually resettable circuit breaker s shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Circuit breakers or fuses shall be sized to a minimum of 15 percent larger than the total circuit load. The current rating for the wire used for each circuit must exceed the size of the circuit protection being used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer typically size our breakers at an average of 25% (larger than the total circuit load). TS 39.2 Grounds DEFAULT The battery shall be grounded to the vehicle chassis/frame at one location only, as close to the batteries as possible. When using a chassis ground system, the chassis hall be grounded to the frame in multiple locations, evenly distributed throughout the vehicle to eliminate ground loops. No more than /spade terminal connections shall be made per ground stud with spacing between studs ensuring conductivity and serviceability. Electronic equipment requiring an isolated ground of the battery (i.e., electronic ground) shall not be grounded through the chassis. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 105 of 257 TS 39.3 Low Voltage/Low Current Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT All power and ground wiring shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J1127, J1128 and J1292.Double insulations hall be maintained as close to the junction box, electrical compartment or terminals as possible. The requirement for double insulations hall be met by wrapping the harness with plastic electrical tape or by sheathing all wires and harnesses with non-conductive, rigid or flexible conduit. Wiring shall be grouped, numbered and/or color-coded. Wiring harnesses shall not contain wires of different voltage classes unless all wires within the harness are insulated for the highest voltage presenting the harness. Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching, and exceeding minimum bend radius shall be prevented. Strain-relief fittings shall be provided at all points where wiring enters electrical compartments. Grommets or other protective material shall be installed at points where wiring penetrates metal structures outside of electrical enclosures. Wiring supports shall be protective and non- conductive at areas of wire contact and shall not be damaged by heat, water, solvents or chafing. To the extent practicable, wiring shall not be located in environmentally exposed locations under the vehicle. Wiring and electrical equipment necessarily located under the vehicle shall be insulated from water, heat, corrosion and mechanical damage. Where feasible, front-to-rear electrical harnesses should be installed above the window line of the vehicle. All wiring harnesses over 5 ft. long and containing at least five wires shall include 10 percent (minimum one wire) excess wires for spares. This requirement for spare wires does not apply to datalinks and communication cables. Wiring harness length shall allow end terminals to be replaced twice without pulling, stretching or replacing the wire. Terminals shall be crimped to the wiring according to the connector manufacturer’s recommendations for techniques and tools. All cable connectors shall be locking type, keyed and sealed, unless enclosed in water tight cabinets or vehicle interior. Pins shall be removable, crimp contact type, of the correct size and rating for the wire being terminated. Unused pin positions shall be sealed with sealing plugs. Adjacent connectors shall use either different inserts or different insert orientations to prevent incorrect connections. Terminals shall be crimped, corrosion-resistant and full ring type or interlocking lugs with insulating ferrules. When using pressure type screw terminal strips, only stranded wire shall be used. Insulation clearance shall ensure that wires have a minimum of “visible clearance” and a maximum of two times the conductor diameter or1/16 in., whichever is less. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands that can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. Ultra-sonic and T-splices may be used with 8AWG or smaller wire. When a T-splice is used, it shall meet these additional requirements: • It shall include a mechanical clamp in addition to solder on the splice. • The wire shall support no mechanical load in the area of the splice. • The wire shall be supported to prevent flexing. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 106 of 257 All splicing shall be staggered in the harness so that no two splices are positioned in the same location within the harness. Wiring located in the engine compartment shall be routed away from high- heatsourcesorshieldedand/orinsulatedfromtemperaturesexceedingthewiringandconnector operating requirements. The instrument panel and wiring shall be easily accessible for service from the driver’s seat or top of the panel. The instrument panel shall be separately remo vable and replaceable without damaging the instrument panel or gauges. Wiring shall have sufficient length and be routed to permit service without stretching or chafing the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.4 Electrical Components DEFAULT All electrical components, including switches, relays, flashers and circuit breakers, shall be heavy-duty designs with either a successful history of applicat ion in heavy-duty vehicles or design specifications for an equivalent environment. All electric motors shall be heavy-duty brushless type where practical, and have a continuous duty rating of no less than40,000hours (except cranking motors, washer pumps, auxiliary heater pumps, defroster and wiper motors). All electric motors shall be easily accessible for servicing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.5 Electrical Compartments DEFAULT All relays, controllers, flashers, circuit breakers and other electrical components shall be mounted in easily accessible electrical compartments. All compartments exposed to the outside environment shall be corrosion-resistant and sealed. The components and their functions in each electrical compartment shall be identified and their location permanently recorded on a drawing attached to the inside of the access panel or door. The drawing shall be protected from oil, grease, fuel and abrasion. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 107 of 257 The front compartment shall be completely service able from the driver’s seat, vestibule or from the outside. “Rear start and run” controls shall be mounted in an accessible location in the engine compartment and shall be protected from the environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40. General Electronic Requirements DEFAULT If an electronic component has an internal real-time clock, it shall provide its own battery backup to monitor time when battery power is disconnected, and/or it may be updated by a network component. If an electronic component has an hour meter, it shall record accumulated service time without relying on battery backup. All electronic component suppliers shall ensure that their equipment is self-protecting in the event of shorts in the cabling, and also in over-voltage (over 32V DC on a 24V DC nominal voltage rating with a maximum of 50V DC) and reverse polarity conditions. If an electronic component is required to interface with other components, it shall not require external pull-up and/or pull-down resistors. Where this is not possible, the use of a pull-up or pull-down resistor shall be limited as much as possible and easily accessible and labeled. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1 Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching and reducing the bend radius below the manufacturer’s recommended minimum shall not be permitted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 108 of 257 TS 40.1.1 Discrete I/O(Inputs/Outputs) DEFAULT All wiring to I/O devices, either at the harness level or individual wires, shall be labeled, stamped or color-coded in a fashion that allows unique identification at a spacing not exceeding4 in. Wiring for each I/O device shall be bundled together. If the I/O terminals are the same voltages, then jumpers may be used to connect the common nodes of each I/O terminal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer exceeds this requirement by looming our wires together. TS 40.1.2 Shielding DEFAULT All wiring that requires shielding shall meet the following minimum requirements. A shield shall be generated by connecting to a ground, which is sourced from a power distribution bus bar or chassis. A shield shall be connected at one location only, typically a tone end of the cable. However, certain standards or special requirements, such as SAE J1939 or RF applications, have separate shielding techniques that also shall be used as applicable. NOTE: A shield grounded at both end forms a ground loop, which can cause intermittent control or faults. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands, which can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. To prevent the introduction of noise, the shield shall not be connected to the common side of a logic circuit. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.3 Communications DEFAULT The data network cabling shall be selected and installed according to the selected protocol requirements. The physical layer of all network communication systems shall not be used for any purpose other than communication between the system components, unless provided for in the network specifications. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 109 of 257 Communications networks that use power line carriers (e.g., data modulated on a 24V power line) shall meet the most stringent applicable wiring and terminal specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.4 Radio Frequency (RF) DEFAULT RF components, such as radios, video devices, cameras, global positioning systems (GPS), etc., shall use coaxial cable to carry the signal. All RF systems require special design consideration for losses along the cable. Connectors shall be minimized, since each connector and crimp has a loss that will at tribute to attenuation of the signal. Cabling should allow for the removal of antennas or attached electronics without removing the installed cable between them. If this cannot be done, then a conduit of sufficient size shall be provided for ease of attachment of antenna and cable assembly. The corresponding component vendors shall be consulted for proper application of equipment, including installation of cables. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.5 Audio DEFAULT Cabling used for microphone level and line level signals shall be 22AWG minimum with shielded twisted pair. Cabling used for amplifier level signals shall be18AWG minimum. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 110 of 257 TS 41. Multiplexing TS 41.1 General The primary purpose of the multiplexing system is control of components necessary to operate the vehicle. This is accomplished by processing information fro m input devices and controlling output devices through the use of an internal logic program. Versatility and future expansion shall be provided for by expandable system architecture. The multiplex system shall be capable of accepting new inputs and outputs thought head edition of new modules and/or the utilization no existing spare inputs and outputs. All like components in the multiplex system shall be modular and interchangeable with self-diagnostic capabilities. The modules shall be easily accessible for troubleshooting electrical failures and performing system maintenance. Multiplex input/output modules shall use solid-state devices to provide extended service life and individual circuit protection. DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24V) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Base Bus-I/O controls G4 System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: During design review if New Flyer’s Engineering finds out that we will not meet the required 10% spare requirement, Engineering will add additional Vansco modules to accommodate the relocation of the various discrete signals. DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24V) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: During design review if New Flyer’s Engineering finds out that we will not meet the required 10% spare requirement, Engineering will add additional Vansco modules to accommodate the relocation of the various discrete signals. TS 41.2 System Configuration DEFAULT Multiplexing may either be distributed or centralized. A distributed system shall process information on multiple control modules within the network. A centralized system shall process the information on a single control module. Either system shall consist of several modules connected to form a control network. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 111 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 41.2.1 I/O Signals DEFAULT The input/output for the multiplex system may contain four types of electrical signals: discrete, modulating, analogue, serial data. Discrete signals shall reflect the on/off status of switches, levers, limit switches, lights, etc. Analog signals shall reflect numerical data as represented by a voltage signal (0–12V, 10–24V, etc.)Or current signal (4–20 mA). Both types of analog signals shall represent the status of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Serial data signals shall reflect ASCII or alphanumeric data used in the communicat ion between other on-board components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42. Data Communications TS 42.1 General DEFAULT All data communication networks shall be either in accordance with a nationally recognized interface standard, such as those published by SAE, IEEE or ISO, or shall be published to the Agency with the following minimum information: • Protocol requirements for all timing issues (bit, byte, packet, inter-packet timing, idle line timing, etc.) packet sizes, error checking and transport (bulk transfer of data to/from the device). • Data definition requirements that ensure access to diagnostic informationand performance characteristics. • The capability and procedures for uploading new application or configuration data. • Access to revision level of data, application software and firmware. • The capability and procedures for uploading new firmware or application software. • Evidence that applicable data shall be broadcast to the network in an efficient manner such that the overall network integrity is not compromised. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 112 of 257 Any electronic vehicle components used on a network shall be conformance tested to the corresponding network standard. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2 Drivetrain Level DEFAULT Drivetrain components, consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, anti-lock braking system and all other related components, shall be integrated and communicate fully with respect to vehicle operation with data using SAE Recommended Communications Protocols such as J1939 and/or J1708/J1587 with forward and backward compatibilities or other open protocols. At a minimum, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder ASR, and anti- lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2.1 Diagnostics, Fault Detection and Data Access DEFAULT Drive train performance, maintenance and diagnostic data, and other electronic messages shall be formatted and transmitted on the communications networks. The drivetrain level shall have the ability to record abnormal events in memory and provide diagnostic codes and other information to service personnel. At a minimum, this network level shall provide live/fail status, current hardware serial number, software/data revisions and uninterrupted timing functions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 113 of 257 TS 42.2.2 Programmability (Software) DEFAULT The drivetrain level components shall be programmable by the Agency with limitations as specified by the subsystem Supplier. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.3 Multiplex Level TS 42.3.1 Data Access DEFAULT At a minimum, information shall be made available via a communication port on the multiplex system. The location of the communication port shall be easily accessible. A hardware gateway and/or wireless communications system are options if requested by the Agency. The communication port(s) shall be located as specified by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer exceeds this requirement by having diagnostic ports available on the forward face of the SDS enclosure and the underside of the instrument panel, as well as on the engine switch box assembly. A diagnostic port behind the front door is also an option. TS 42.3.2 Diagnostics and Fault Detection The multiplex system shall have a proven method of determining its status (system health and input/output status) and detecting either active (online) or inactive (offline) faults through the use of on-board visual/audible indicators. In addition to the indicators, the system shall employ an advanced diagnostic and fault detection system, which shall be accessible via either a personal computer or a hand held unit. Either unit shall have the ability to check logic function. The diagnostic data can be incorporated into the information level network or the central data access system. DEFAULT No requirement for mock-up board. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 114 of 257 Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 115 of 257 TS 42.3.3 Programmability (Software) The multiplex system shall have security provisions to protect its software from unwanted changes. This shall be achieved through any or all of the following procedures: • Password protection • Limited distribution of the configuration software • Limited access to the programming tools required to change the software • Hardware protection that prevents undesired changes to the software Provisions for programming the multiplex system shall be possible through a PC or laptop. The multiplex system shall have proper revision control to ensure that the hardware and software are identical on each vehicle equipped with the system. Revision control shall be provided by all of the following: • Hardware component identification where labels are included o n all multiplex hardware to identify components • Hardware series identification where all multiplex hardware displays the current hardware serial number and firmware revision employed by the module • Software revision identification where all copies of the soft ware in service display the version number. • A method of determining which version of software is currently in use in the multiplex system DEFAULT Revision control labels shall be electronic. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.4 Electronic Noise Control DEFAULT Electrical and electronic subsystems and components on all buses shall not emit electromagnetic radiation that will interfere with on-board systems, components or equipment, telephone service, radio or TV reception, or violate regulations of the Federal Co mmunications Commission. Electrical and electronic subsystems on the coaches shall not be affected by external sources of RFI/EMI. This includes, but is not limited to, radio and TV transmission, portable electronic P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 116 of 257 devices including computers in the vicinity of or onboard the buses, AC or DC power lines and RFI/EMI emissions from other vehicles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DRIVER PROVISIONS, CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION TS 43. Driver’s Area Controls TS 43.1 General DEFAULT In general when designing the driver’s area, it is recommended that SAE J833, “Human Physical Dimensions,” be used. Switches and controls shall be divided into basic groups and assigned to specific areas, in conformance with SAE Recommended Practice J680, Revised 1988, “Location and Operation of Instruments and Controls in Motor Truck Cabs,” and be essentially within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, “Driver Hand Control Reach.” Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.2 Glare DEFAULT The driver’s work area shall be designed to minimize glare to the extent possible. Objects within and adjacent to this area shall be matte black or dark gray in color wherever possible to reduce the reflection of light onto the windshield. The use of polished metal and light-colored surfaces within and adjacent to the driver’s area shall be avoided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 117 of 257 TS 43.3 Visors/Sun Shades DEFAULT Front and Side Sun Shade/Visor Adjustable sun visor(s) shall be provided for the driver’s windshield and the driver’s side window. Visors shall be shaped to minimize light leakage between the visor and windshield pillars. Visors shall store out of the way and shall not obstruct airflow from the climate control system or interfere with other equipment, such as the radio handset or the destination control. Deployment of the visors shall not restrict vision of the rearview mirrors. Visor adjustments shall be made easily by hand with positive locking and releasing devices and shall not be subject to damage by over-tightening. Sun visor construction and materials shall be strong enough to resist breakage during adjustments. Visors may be transparent but shall not allow a visible light transmittance in excess of 10 percent. Visors, when deployed, shall be effective in the driver’s field of view at angles more than 5 deg. above the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.4 Driver’s Controls Frequently used controls must be in easily accessible locations. These include the door control, kneel control, windshield wiper/washer controls, ramp, and lift and run switch. Any switches and controls necessary for the safe operation of the bus shall be conveniently located and shall provide for ease of operation. They shall be identifiable by shape, touch and permanent markings. Controls also shall be located so that passengers may not easily tamper with control settings. All panel-mounted switches and controls shall be marked with easily read identifiers. Graphic symbols shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J2402, “Road Vehicles – Symbols for Controls, Indicators, and Tell Tales,” where available and applicable. Color of switches and controls shall be dark with contrasting typography or symbols. Mechanical switches and controls shall be replaceable, and the wiring at these controls shall be serviceable from a convenient location. Switches, controls and instruments shall be dust- and water-resistant. DEFAULT All switches/controls in the driver’s controls area shall be mounted in an angled panel steep enough to discourage drivers from using it as a personal storage area for items like food, drinks, cell phones, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 118 of 257 TS 43.5 Normal Bus Operation Instrumentation and Controls The following list identifies bus controls used to operate the bus. These controls are either frequently used or critical to the operation of the bus. They shall be located within easy reach of the operator. The operator shall not be required to stand or turn to view or actuate these controls unless specified otherwise. Systems or components monitored by onboard diagnostics system shall be displayed in clear view of the operator and provide visual and/or audible indicators. The intensity of indicators shall permit easy determination of on/off status in bright sunlight but shall not cause a distraction or visibility problem at night. All indicators shall be illuminated using backlighting. The indicator panel shall be located in Area 1 or Area 5, within easy view of the operator instrument panel. All indicators shall have a method of momentarily testing their operation. The audible alarm shall be tamper-resistant and shall have an outlet level between 80 and 83 dBA when measured at the location of the operator’s ear. On-board displays visible to the operator shall be limited to indicating the status of those functions described herein that are necessary for the operation of the bus. All other indicators needed for diagnostics and their related interface hardware shall be concealed and protected from unauthorized access. Table 6represents instruments and alarms. The intent of the overall physical layout of the indicators shall be in a logical grouping of systems and severity nature of the fault. Consideration shall be provided for future additions of spare indicators as the capability of onboard diagnostic systems improves. Blank spaces shall contain LEDs. TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Master run switch Rotary, four- position detent Side console Master control for bus, off, day run, night run and clearance ID lights Engine start, front Approved momentary switch Side console Activates engine starter motor Engine start, rear Approved mo mentary switch Engine compartment Activates engine starter motor P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 119 of 257 Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Engine run, rear Three-position toggle switch Engine compartment Permits running engine from rear start, normal front run position and off Amber light Drive selector Touch panel switch Side console Provides selection of propulsion: forward, reverse and neutral Gear selection HVAC Switch or switches to control HVAC Side console Pe rmits selection of passenger ventilation: off, cool, heat, low fan, high fan or full auto with Driver’s ventilation Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits supplemental ventilation: fan off, low or high Defroster fan Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits defroster: fan off, low, medium or high Defroster temperatur e Variable position Side console or dash left wing Adjusts defroster water flow and temperature Windshield wiper One-variable rotary position operating both wipers Dash left wing Variable speed control of left and right windshield wipersWindshield washer Push button Dash left wing Activates windshield Dash panel lights Rotary rheostat or stepping switch Side console or dash left wing Provides adjustment for light intensity in night run posit ion Interior lights Three-position switch Side console Selects mode of passenger compartment lighting: off, on, normal Fast idle Two-position switch Side console Selects high idle speed of engine WC ramp/ kneel enable Two-position switch1 Side console or dash right wing Permits operation of ramp and kneel operations at each door remote panel Amber light Front door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Front door remote or dash right wing Permits ramp and kneel activation from front door area, key required1 Amber light TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms washers P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 120 of 257 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Front door ramp Three-position mo mentary switch Right side of steering wheel Permits deploy and stow of front ramp Red light Front kneel Three-position mo mentary switch Front door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at front door remote location Amber or red dash indicator; exterior alarm and amber light Rear door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Rear door remote Permits ramp and kneel activation from rear door area; key required1 Red light Rear door ramp Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits deploy and stow of rear ramp Rear kneel Three-position mo mentary switch Rear door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at rear door remote location Silent alarm Recessed push button, NO and NC contacts momentary Side console Activates emergency radio alarm at dispatch and permits covert microphone and/or enables destination sign emergency message Video system event switch Momentary on/off mo mentary switch with plastic guard Side console Triggers event equipment, triggers event light on dash Amber light Left remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Pe rmits two-axis adjustment of left exterior mirror Right remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Pe rmits two-axis adjustment of right exterior mirror Mirror heater Switch or temperature activated Side console Permits heating of outside mirrors when required Passenger door control Five-position handle type detent or two momentary push buttons Side console, forward Permits open/close control of front and rear passenger doors Red light Rear door override Two-position switch in approved location Side console, forward Allows driver to override activation of rear door passenger tape switches P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 121 of 257 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Engine shutdown override Momentary switch with operation protection Side console Permits driver to override auto engine shutdown Hazard flashers Two-position switch Side console or dash right wing Activates emergency flashers Two green lights Fire suppression Red push button with protective cover Dash left wing or dash center Permits driver to override and manually discharge fire suppression system Red light Mobile data terminal Mobile data terminal coach operator interface panel Above right dash wing Facilitates driver interaction with communication system and master log-on LCD display with visual status and text messages Farebox interface Farebox coach operator interface panel Near far ebox Facilitates driver interaction with farebox system LCD display Destination sign interface Destination sign int erface panel In approved loc ation Facilitates driver interaction with destination sign system, manual entry LCD display Turn signals Momentary push button (two required) raised from other switches Left foot panel Activates left and right turn signals Two green lights and optional audible indicator PA manual Momentary push but ton In approved loc ation Permits driver to manually activate public address microphone Low- profile microphon e Low-profile discrete mounting Steering column Permits driver to make announcements with both hands on the wheel and focusing on road conditions High beam Detented push button In approved location Permits driver to toggle between low and high beam Blue light Parking brake Pneumatic PPV Side console or dash left wing Permits driver to apply and release parking brake Red light Park brake release Pneumatic PPV Vertical side of the side consoler dash center Permits driver to push and hold to release brakes P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 122 of 257 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Hill holder Two-position momentary switch Side console Applies brakes to prevent bus from rolling Remote engine speed Rotary rheostat Engine compartmen t Permits technician to raise and lower engine RPM from engine compartment Master door/ interlock Multi-pole toggle, detented Out of operator’s reach Permits driver override to disable door and brake/throttle interlock Red light Warning interlocks deactivated Red indicator light Dash panel cent er Illuminates to warn driver that interlocks have been deactivated Red light Retarder disable Multi-pole switch detented Within reach of operator or approved location Permits driver override to disable brake retardation/regeneration Red light Alarm acknowled ge Push button momentary Approved loc ation Permits driver to acknowledge alarm condition Rear door passenger sensor disable Multi-pole toggle, detented In sign compartmen t or driver’s barrier compartmen t Permits driver to override rear door passenger sensing system Indicator/ alarm test button Momentary switch or programming1 Dash center panel Permits driver to activate test of sentry, indicators and audible alarms All visuals and audibles Auxiliary power 110 V power receptacle Approved location Property to specify what function to supply Speedomet er Speedometer, odometer, and diagnostic capability, 5-mile increments Dash center panel Visual indication of speed and distance traveled, accumulated vehicle mileage, fault condition display   Visual Air pressure gauge Primary and secondary, 5 psi increments Dash center panel Visual indication of primary and secondary air systems Red light and buzzer P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 123 of 257 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Fire detection Coach operator display Property specific or dash center Indication of fire detection activation by zone/location Buzzer and red light Door obstruction Sensing of door obstruction Dash center Indication of rear door sensitive edge activation Red light and buzzer Door ajar Door not properly closed Property specific or dash center Indication of rear door not properly closed Buzzer or alarm and red light Low system air pressure Sensing low primary and secondary air tank pressure Dash center Indication of low air system pressure Buzzer and red light Methane detection function Detection of system integrity Property specific or dash center Detects system failure No start condition, amber light Methane detection Indication of 20% LED emergency light (LEL) Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Flashing red at 20% LEL Methane detection Indication of 50% LEL Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Solid red at 50% LEL Engine coolant indicator Low coolant indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low coolant co ndition Amber light Hot engine indicator Coolant temperature indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects hot engine condition and initiates time delay shutdown Red light Low engine oil pressure indicator Engine oil pressure indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low engine oil pressure condition and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light ABS indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber light P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 124 of 257 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible HVAC indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber or red light Charging system indicator (12/24 V) Detect charging system status Dash center Detects no charge condition and optionally detects battery high, low, imbalance, no charge condition, and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light flashing or solid based on condition Bike rack deployed indicator Detects bike rack position Dash center Indication of bike rack not being in fully stowed position Amber or red light Fuel tank level Analog gauge, graduated based on fuel type Dash center Indication of fuel tank level/pressure DEF gauge Level Indicator Center dash Displays level of DEF tank and indicates with warning light when low Red light Active regeneratio n Detects status Dash center Indication of electric regeneration Amber or red light 1. Indicate area by drawing. Break up switch control from indicator lights. TABLE 6 (ALTERNATIVE,) Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible [Contractor to provide] To be discussed at PPM TS 43.6 Driver Foot Controls DEFAULT Accelerator and brake pedals shall be designed for ankle motion. Foot surfaces of the pedals shall be faced with wear-resistant, nonskid, replaceable material. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 125 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.6.1 Pedal Angle DEFAULT The vertical angle of the accelerator and brake pedals shall be determined from a horizontal plane regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned at an angle of 37 to 50deg at the point of initiation of contact and extend downward to an angle of 10 to 18deg at full throttle. The location of the brake and accelerator pedals shall be determined by the manufacturer, based on space needs, visibility, lower edge of windshield and vertical H-point. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.6.2 Pedal Dimensions and Position DEFAULT The floor-mounted accelerator pedal shall be 10 to 12 in. long and 3 to 4 in. wide. Clearance around the pedal must allow for no interference precluding operation. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned such that the spacing between them, measured at the heel of the pedals, is between 1 and 2 in. Both pedals should be located approximately on the same plane coincident to the surface of the pedals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 126 of 257 TS 43.7 Brake and Accelerator Pedals DEFAULT Brake Pedal Non-adjustable brake pedal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.8 Driver Foot Switches Floor-Mounted Foot Control Platform The angle of the turn signal platform shall be determined from a horizontal plane, regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The turn signal platform shall be angled at a minimum of 10 deg. and a maximum of 37 deg. It shall be located no closer to the seat front than the heel point of the accelerator pedal. DEFAULT Turn Signal Controls Turn signal controls shall be floor-mounted, foot-controlled, water-resistant, heavy-duty, momentary contact switches. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Foot Switch Control The control switches for the turn signals shall be mounted on an inclined, floor-mounted stainless steel enclosure or metal plate mounted to an incline integrated into the driver’s platform, located to the left of the steering column. The location and design of this enclosure shall be such that foot room for the operator is not impeded. The inclined mounting surface shall be skid-resistant. All other signals, including high beam and public address system, shall be in approved locations. The foot switches shall be UL-listed, heavy-duty type, of a rugged, corrosion-resistant metal construction. The foot switches for the directionals shall be momentary type, while those for the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 127 of 257 PA system and the high beam shall be latching type. The spacing of the switches shall be such that inadvertent simultaneous deflection of switches is prevented. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44. Driver’s Amenities TS 44.1 Coat Hanger DEFAULT Coat Hanger A suitable hanger shall be installed in a convenient, approved location for the driver’s coat. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44.2 Drink Holder DEFAULT No drink holder. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44.3 Storage Box DEFAULT Storage Box An enclosed driver storage area shall be provided with a positive latching door and/or lock. 44”H x 22.5”W x 20”D, 2 Doors P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 128 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior driver’s storage box proposed measures 12.44"H x 19.00"W x 9.36"D. New Flyer does offer a curb side equipment box with two doors measuring 11.11”H x 29.6” X 19.21” D. An equipment box 44” high will obstruct the drivers view from the spot Mirror located at the curbside front. TS 45. Windshield Wipers and Washers TS 45.1 Windshield Wipers The bus shall be equipped with a windshield wiper for each half of the windshield. At 60 mph, no more than 10 percent of the wiped area shall be lost due to windshield wiper lift. For two- piece windshields, both wipers shall park along the center edges of the windshield glass. For single-piece windshields, wipers shall park along the bottom edge of the windshield. Windshield wiper motors and mechanisms shall be easily accessible for repairs or service. The fastener that secures the wiper arm to the drive mechanism shall be corrosion-resistant. DEFAULT Single-control, electric two-speed intermittent wiper. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single control for air-operated system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's proposal is based on using electric powered windshield washers per the previous default requirement. Some benefits of electric powered windshield washers include: no air leakage problems, less load on the air compressor, and less maintenance. TS 45.2 Windshield Washers DEFAULT The windshield washer system, when used with the wipers, shall deposit washing fluid evenly and completely wet the entire wiped area. The windshield washer system shall have a minimum 3-gallon reservoir, located for easy refilling from outside the bus. Reservoir pumps, lines and fitt ings shall be corrosion-resistant and must include a means to determine fluid level. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 129 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer has included a 5-gallon windshield washer reservoir in this proposal. TS 46. Driver’s Seat FIGURE 5 Driver’s Seat Head rest Seat back Seat back lumbar support Arm rest Seat belt Seat pan cushion Seat base DEFAULT USSC G2A Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1 Dimensions DEFAULT The driver’s seat shall be comfortable and adjustable so that people ranging in size from a 95th- percentile male to a 5th-percentile female may operate the bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 130 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Length DEFAULT Measurement shall be from the front edge of the seat pan to the rear at its intersection with the seat back. The adjustment of the seat pan length shall be no less than 16.5 in.at its minimum length and no more than 20.5 in.at its maximum length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: SP 1.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Height DEFAULT Dimensions Measurement shall be from the cab floor to the top of the level seat at its center midpoint. The seat shall adjust in height from a minimum of14 in., with a minimum 6 in. vertical range of adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.2 Seat Pan Cushion Slope DEFAULT Measurement is the slope of the plane created by connecting the two high points of the seat, one at the rear of the seat at its intersection with the seat back and the other at the front of the seat just before it waterfalls downward at the edge. The slope can be measured using an inclinometer and shall be stated in degrees of incline relative to the horizontal plane (0 deg). The seat pan shall adjust in its slope from no less than plus 12 deg (rearward “bucket seat” incline) to no less than minus 5 deg (forward slope). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 131 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.3 Seat Base Fore/Aft Adjustment DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance from the heel point to the front edge of the seat. The minimum and maximum distances shall be measured from the front edge of the seat when it is adjusted to its minimum seat pan depth (approximately 15 in.). On all low-floor buses, the seat base shall travel horizontally a minimum of 9 in. It shall adjust no closer to the heel point than6 in. On all high-floor buses, the seat base shall travel a minimum of9 in. and adjust no closer to the heel point than 6 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.4 Seat Pan Cushion Width DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance across the seat cushion. The seat pan cushion shall be 17 to 21 in. across at the front edge of the seat cushion and 20 to 23 in. across at the side bolsters. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.5 Seat Suspension DEFAULT The driver’s seat shall be appropriately dampened to support a minimum weight of 380 lbs. The suspension shall be capable of dampening adjustment in both directions. Rubber bumpers shall be provided to prevent metal-to-metal contact. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment:    New Flyer’s Xcelsior will support 650 lbs. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 132 of 257 TS 46.1.6 Seat Back DEFAULT Width Measurement is the distance between the outermost points of the front of the seat back, at or near its midpoint in height. The seat back width shall be no less than 19 in. Seat back will include dual recliner gears on both sides of the seat. Height Standard height seat back. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.7 Headrests DEFAULT Adjustable headrest. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.8 Seat Back Lumbar Support DEFAULT Measurement is from the bottom of the seat back at its intersection with the seat pan to the top of the lumbar cushioning. The seat back shall provide adjustable-depth lumbar back support with three individual operating lumbar cells within a minimum range of 7 to 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.9 Seat Back Angle Adjustment DEFAULT The seat back angle shall be measured relative to a level seat pan, where 90 deg is the upright P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 133 of 257 position and 90 deg-plus represents the amount of recline. The seat back shall adjust in angle from a minimum of no more than 90 deg (upright) to at least 105 deg (reclined), with infinite adjustment in between. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.2 Seat Belt The belt assembly should be an auto-locking retractor (ALR).All seat belts should be stored in automatic retractors. The belts shall be mounted to the seat frame so that the driver may adjust the seat without resetting the seat belt. The seat and seatbelt assemblies as installed in the bus shall withstand static horizontal forces as required in FMVSS 207 and 210. DEFAULT Orange three-point seatbelt webbing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Lap Belt Length DEFAULT 72 in. The lap belt assembly shall be a minimum of 72 in. in length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.3 Adjustable Armrest DEFAULT No armrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 134 of 257 Comment: TS 46.4 Seat Control Locations DEFAULT While seated, the driver shall be able to make seat adjustments by hand without complexity, excessive effort or being pinched. Adjustment mechanisms shall hold the adjustments and shall not be subject to inadvertent changes. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.5 Seat Structure and Materials Cushions Cushions shall be fully padded with at least 3 in. of materials in the seating areas at the bottom and back. Cushion Materials DEFAULT Open-cell polyurethane (FMVSS 302). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.6 Pedestal DEFAULT Powder-coated steel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.7 Mirrors TS 46.7.1 Exterior Mirrors The bus shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant, outside rearview mirrors mounted with stable P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 135 of 257 supports to minimize vibrat ion. Mirrors shall befirmlyattached to the bus to minimize vibr ation and to prevent loss of adjustment with a breakaway mounting system. Mirrors shall permit the driver to view the roadway along the sides of the bus, including the rear wheels. Mirrors should be positioned to prevent blind spots. Mirrors shall retract or fold sufficiently to allow bus washing operations but avoid contact with windshield. DEFAULT Exterior mirrors shall be installed without a breakaway mounting system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Flat Mirrors on Both Sides The bus shall be equipped with two flat outside mirrors, each with not less than 50 sq. in. of reflective surface. The mirrors shall be located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the bus and shall be adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene. The roadside rearview mirror shall be posit ioned so that the driver’s line of sight is not obstructed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer Xcelsior mirrors measure 10" x 11" or 110 sq. in. Curbside Mirrors The curbside rearview mirror shall be mounted so that its lower edge is no less than 80 in. above the street surface. A lower mount may be required due to mirror configuration requests. DEFAULT Remote Adjustment of Curbside Mirror The driver shall be able to adjust the curbside mirror remotely while seated in the driving position. The control for remote positioning of the mirror shall be a single switch or device. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 136 of 257 Street-Side Mirrors DEFAULT Standard mirror, not heated, no remote adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.7.2 Interior Mirrors DEFAULT Mirrors shall be provided for the driver to observe passengers throughout the bus without leaving the seat and without shoulder movement. The driver shall be able to observe passengers in the front/entrance and rear/exit areas (if applicable), anywhere in the aisle, and in the rear seats. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: WINDOWS TS 47. General Use with 30ft length: A minimum of 6000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 35ft length: A minimum of 8000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 40ft length: A minimum of 10,000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. TS 48. Windshield DEFAULT The windshield shall permit an operator’s field of view as referenced in SAE Recommended Practice J1050.The vertically upward view shall be a minimum of 14deg, measured above the horizontal and excluding any shaded band. The vertically downward view shall permit detection of an object 3½ft high no more than 2 ft. in front of the bus. The horizontal view shall be a minimum of 90 deg above the line of sight. Any binocular obscuration due to a center divider may be ignored when determining the 90deg requirement, provided that the divider does not exceed a 3deg angle in the operator’s field of view. Windshield pillars shall not exceed 10 deg of binocular obscuration. The windshield shall be designed and installed to minimize external glare as well as reflections from inside the bus. The windshield shall be easily replaceable by removing zip-locks from the windshield retaining moldings. Bonded-in-place windshields shall not be used. Winglets may be bonded. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 137 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior shows a 42” object, 24” from the front of the bus, can be seen by 95% of drivers. Driver’s vertical upward view is 17.6 degrees (spec calls for 14) and horizontal view is 95.1 degrees (spec calls for 90). TS 48.1 Glazing The windshield glazing material shall have a ¼ in. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping AS-1 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Shaded Band The upper portion of the windshield above the driver’s field of view shall have a dark, shaded band and marked AS-3, with a minimum luminous transmittance of 5 percent when tested in accordance to ASTM D-1003. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Two-piece windshield. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 49. Driver’s Side Window The driver’s side window shall be the sliding type, requiring only the rear half of the sash to latch upon closing, and shall open sufficiently to permit the seated operator to easily adjust the street-side outside rearview mirror. When in an open position, the window shall not rattle or close during braking. This window section shall slide in tracks or channels designed to last the service life of the bus. The operator’s side window shall not be bonded in place and shall be easily replaceable. The glazing material shall have a single-density tint. The driver’s view, perpendicular through operator’s side window glazing, should extend a minimum of 33 in. (840 mm) to the rear of the heel point on the accelerator, and in any case must accommodate a 95th percentile male operator. The view through the glazing at the front of the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 138 of 257 assembly should begin not more than 26 in. (560 mm) above the operator’s floor to ensure P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 139 of 257 visibility of an under-mounted convex mirror. Driver’s window construction shall maximize ability for full opening of the window. DEFAULT The driver’s side window glazing material shall have a ¼ in. no minal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1-1996 Test Grouping AS-2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Driver’s Side Window, Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options: • Full slider • Egress • Non-egress • Top fixed over bottom slider • Egress • Non-egress Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50. Side Windows TS 50.1 Configuration DEFAULT Side windows shall not be bonded in place, but shall be easily replaceable without disturbing adjacent windows and shall be mounted so that flexing or vibrat ion from engine operation or normal road excitation is not apparent. All aluminum and steel material will be treated to prevent corrosion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 140 of 257 TS 50.2 Emergency Exit (Egress) Configuration DEFAULT Minimum Egress All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Default Standard Passenger Side Window Configurations • Hidden frame (flush “Euro-look”) • Full fixed Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options: • Full fixed • Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels • Openable windows with sliding transom panels • Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels • Openable windows with full-height sliding panels Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 141 of 257 TS 50.3 Configuration DEFAULT Fixed Side Windows All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50.4 Materials Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3/16 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1-1996 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Windows on the bus sides and in the rear door shall be tinted a neutral color, complementary to the bus exterior. The maximum solar energy transmittance shall not exceed 37 percent, as measured by ASTM E-424. Luminous transmittance shall be measured by ASTM D-1003. Windows over the destination signs shall not be tinted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Ricon’s tempered glass is available with 13% visible light transmittance per the default requirement. Corresponding solar energy transmittance is 12%. DEFAULT (LIGHT) 13 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 142 of 257 DEFAULT (DARK) 13 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3/16 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: NOTE: All glass treatments must be permanent, within the glass and/or in the center membrane. Surface films are not permitted. SHGC and light transmission performance shall be defined by the National Fenestration Rating Council. TS 50.5 Rear Window DEFAULT No requirement for rear window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 143 of 257 HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TS 51. Capacity and Performance The HVAC climate control system shall be capable of controlling the temperature and maintaining the humidity levels of the interior of the bus as defined in the following paragraphs. DEFAULT Rear Mounted Thermo-King X430 407C Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Just to clarify, diesel buses have roof mounted Thermo-King RLF AC units with a rear mounted X430 compressor. DEFAULT Allow Either Roof- or Rear-Mounted HVAC Unit The HVAC unit may either be roof or rear-mounted. Note that a rear-mounted unit will preclude a rear window and that the term “roof-mounted unit” includes units mounted on top of or beneath the roof surface. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Capacity and Performance Requirements The air-conditioning portion of the HVAC system shall be capable of reducing the passenger compartment temperature from 115 to 95 °F in less than 20 minutes after engine start-up. Engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range at the time of start-up of the cool-down test, and the engine speed shall be limited to fast idle, which may be activated by a driver- controlled device. During the cool-down period, the refrigerant pressure shall not exceed safe high-side pressures, and the condenser discharge air temperature, measured 6 in. from the surface of the coil, shall be less than 45 °F above the condenser inlet air temperature. The appropriate solar load as recommended in the APTA “Recommended Instrumentation and Performance Testing for Transit Bus Air Conditioning System,” representing 4 p.m. on August 21, shall be used. There shall be no passengers on board, and the doors and windows shall be closed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior air-conditioning portion of the HVAC system can reduce the passenger compartment temperature from 115 to 95 F in 17 minutes after engine start-up. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 144 of 257 TS 52. Controls and Temperature Uniformity The HVAC system excluding the driver’s heater/defroster shall be centrally controlled with an advanced electronic/diagnostic control system with provisions for extracting/reading data. The system shall be compliant with J1939 Communication Protocol for receiving and broadcasting of data. Hot engine coolant water shall be delivered to the HVAC system driver’s defroster/heater and other heater cores by means of an auxiliary coolant pump, sized for the required flow, which is brushless and sealless having a minimum maintenance-free service life for both the brushless motor and the pump of at least 40,000 hours at full power. DEFAULT Manual Mode Selection of Climate Control System After manual selection and/or activation of climate control system operation mode, all interior climate control system requirements for the selected mode shall be attained automatically to within ±2 °F of specified temperature control set point. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single Control Set point at 70 °F The temperature control set point for the system shall be 70 °F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 52.1 Auxiliary Heater DEFAULT No auxiliary heater. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 145 of 257 TS 53. Air Flow TS 53.1 Passenger Area The cooling mode of the interior climate control system shall introduce air into the bus at or near the ceiling height at a minimum rate of 25 cubic ft. per minute (cfm) per passenger based on the standard configuration bus carrying a number of passengers equal to 150 percent of the seated load. Airflow shall be evenly distributed throughout the bus, with air velocity not exceeding 100 ft. per minute on any passenger. The ventilating mode shall provide air at a minimum flow rate of 20 cfm per passenger. Airflow may be reduced to 15 cfm per passenger (150 percent of seated load) when operating in the heating mode. The fans shall not activate until the heating element has warmed sufficiently to ensure at least 70 °F air outlet temperature. The heating air outlet temperature shall not exceed 120 °F under any normal operating conditions. The climate control blower motors and fan shall be designed such that their operation complies with the interior noise level requirements. DEFAULT No “Fresh Air” Requirements To be used by agencies that have an operating profile where the door opening cycle results in effectively providing an adequate “fresh air” mixture. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior go as high as 35.7 CFM. TS 53.2 Driver’s Area DEFAULT The bus interior climate control system shall deliver at least 100 cfm of air to the driver’s area when operating in the ventilating and cooling modes. Adjustable nozzles shall permit variable distribution or shutdown of the airflow. Airflow in the heating mode shall be reduced proportionally to the reduction of airflow into the passenger area. The windshield defroster unit shall meet the requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J382, “Windshield Defrosting Systems Performance Requirements,” and shall have the capability of diverting heated air to the driver’s feet and legs. The defroster or interior climate control system shall maintain visibility through the driver’s side window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: The defroster alone is capable of 462 CFM in New Flyer's Xcelsior. In addition, there are two other nozzles above the driver. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 146 of 257 TS 53.3 Controls for the Climate Control System (CCS) DEFAULT The controls for the driver’s compartment for heating, ventilat ion and cooling systems shall be integrated and shall meet the following requirements: • The heat/defrost system fan shall be controlled by a separate switch that has an “off” position and at least two positions for speed control. All switches and controls shall preclude the possibility of clothing becoming entangled, and shields shall be provided, if required. If the fans are approved by the Agency, an “on/off” switch shall be located to the right of or near the main defroster switch. • A manually operated control valve shall control the coolant flow through the heater core. • If a cable-operated manual control valve is used, then the cable length shall be kept to a minimum to reduce cable seizing. Heater water control valves shall be “positive” type, closed or open. The method of operating remote valves shall require the concurrence of the Agency project manager. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment:    New Flyer’s proposal is based on a 4-position switch (off, low, med, and high). TS 53.4 Driver’s Compartment Requirements DEFAULT A separate heating, ventilation and defroster system for the driver’s area shall be provided and shall be controlled by the driver. The system shall meet the fo llowing requirements: • The heater and defroster system shall provide heating for the driver and heated air to completely defrost and defog the windshield, driver’s side window, and the front door glasses in all operating conditions. Fan(s) shall be able to draw air from the bus body interior and/or exterior through a control device and pass it through the heater core to the defroster system and over the driver’s feet. A minimum capacity of 100 cfm shall be provided. The driver shall have complete control of the heat and fresh airflow for the driver’s area. • The defroster supply outlets shall be located at the lower edge of the windshield. These outlets shall be durable and shall be free of sharp edges that can catch clothes during normal daily cleaning. The system shall be such that foreign objects such as coins or tickets cannot fall into the defroster air outlets. Adjustable ball vents or louvers shall be provided at the left of the driver’s position to allow direction of air onto the side windows. A ventilation system shall be provided to ensure driver comfort and shall be capable of providing fresh air in both the foot and head areas. Vents shall be controllable by the driver from the normal driving position. Decals shall be provided, indicating “operating instructions” and “open” P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 147 of 257 and “closed” positions. When closed, vents shall be sealed to prevent the migration of water or air into the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.5 Driver’s Cooling DEFAULT No dedicated evaporator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 54. Air Filtration Air shall be filtered before entering the AC system and being d ischarged into the passenger compartment. The filter shall meet the ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 requirement for 5 percent or better atmospheric dust spot efficiency, 50 percent weight resistant, and a minimum dust holding capacity of 120 g per 1000 cfm cell. Air filters shall be easily removable for service. DEFAULT Cleanable Filters Air filters shall be cleanable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior proposal includes a polyester disposable filter with 440 grams of dust holding capacity. TS 55. Roof Ventilators Each ventilator shall be easily opened and closed manually. When open with the bus in motion, this ventilator shall provide fresh air inside the bus. The ventilator shall cover an opening area no less than 425 sq. in. and shall be capable of being positioned as a scoop with either the leading or trailing edge open no less than 4 in., or with all four edges raised simultaneously to a height of P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 148 of 257 no less than 3½ in. An escape hatch shall be incorporated into the roof ventilator. Roof ventilator(s) shall be sealed to prevent entry of water when closed. DEFAULT One Roof Ventilator One ventilator shall be provided in the roof of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: The ventilator opening is 576 sq in. TS 56. Maintainability Manually controlled shut-off valves in the refrigerant lines shall allow isolation of the compressor and dehydrator filter for service. To the extent practicable, self-sealing couplings utilizing O-ring seals shall be used to break and sealthe refrigerant lines during removal of major components, such as the refrigerant compressor. Shut-off valves may be provided in lieu of self- sealing couplings. The condenser shall be located to efficiently transfer heat to the atmosphere and shall not ingest air warmed above the ambient temperature by the bus mechanical equipment, or to discharge air into any other system of the bus. The location of the condenser shall preclude its obstruction by wheel splash, road dirt or debris. HVAC components located within 6 in. of floor level shall be constructed to resist damage and corrosion. DEFAULT High and low refrigerant pressure electronic gauges to be located in the return air area. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 57. Entrance/Exit Area Heating DEFAULT No requirements for entrance/exit area heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 149 of 257 TS 58. Floor-Level Heating TS 58.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT No requirements for floor-level heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: EXTERIOR PANELS, FINISHES AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING TS 59. Design DEFAULT The bus shall have a clean, smooth, simple design, primarily derived from bus performance requirements and passenger service criteria. The exterior and body features, including grilles and louvers, shall be shaped to facilitate cleaning by automatic bus washers without snagging washer brushes. Water and dirt shall not be retained in or on anybody feature to freeze or bleed out onto the bus after leaving the washer. The body and windows shall be sealed to prevent leaking of air, dust or water under normal operating conditions and during cleaning in automatic bus washers for the service life of the bus. Exterior panels shall be sufficiently stiff to minimize vibration, drumming or flexing while the bus is in service. When panels are lapped, the upper and forward panels shall act as a watershed. However, if entry of moisture into the interior of the vehicle is prevented by other means, then rear cap panels may be lapped otherwise. The windows, hatches and doors shall be able to be sealed. Accumulation of spray and splash generated by the bus’s wheels shall be minimized on windows and mirrors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 59.1 Materials Body materials shall be selected and the body fabricated to reduce maintenance, extend durability and provide consistency of appearance throughout the service life of the bus. Detailing P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 150 of 257 shall be kept simple, and add-on devices and trim shall be minimized and integrated into the basic design. DEFAULT No requirement for protection against graffiti/vandalism for body material surfaces. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 59.2 Roof-Mounted Equipment DEFAULT A non-skid, clearly marked walkway or steps shall be incorporated on the roof to provide access to equipment without damaging any system or bus paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 60. Pedestrian Safety DEFAULT Exterior protrusions along the side and front of the bus greater than ½ in. and within 80 in. of the ground shall have a radius no less than the amount of the protrusion. The exterior rearview mirrors, cameras and required lights and reflectors are exempt from the protrusion requirement. Advertising frames shall protrude no more than ⅞ in. from the body surface. Grilles, doors, bumpers and other features on the sides and rear of the bus shall be designed to minimize toeholds or handholds. Exterior protrusions shall not cause a line-of-sight blockage for the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 151 of 257 TS 61. Repair and Replacement TS 61.1 Side Body Panels Structural elements supporting exterior body panels shall allow side body panels below the windows to be repaired in lengths not greater than 12.5 ft. DEFAULT Standard attachment of side body panels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer fiberglass panels are greater than 12.5 ft but can be spot repaired. They have been selected to reduce maintenance, extend durability and provide consistency of appearance throughout the life of the coach. Refer to SIB-420-003 for additional information. TS 62. Rain Gutters DEFAULT Rain gutters shall be provided to prevent water flowing from the roof onto the passenger doors and driver’s side window. When the bus is decelerated, the gutters shall not drain onto the windshield, driver’s side window or door boarding area. Cross sections of the gutters shall be adequate for proper operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 63. License Plate Provisions DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to mount standard-size U.S./Canada license plates per SAE J686 on the front and rear of the bus. These provisions shall direct-mount or recess the license plates so that they can be cleaned by automatic bus-washing equipment without being caught by the brushes. The rear license plate provision shall be illuminated per SAE J587. DEFAULT No plate or holder provision is required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 152 of 257 TS 63.1 Rub rails DEFAULT No requirement for rub rails. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 64. Fender Skirts DEFAULT Features to minimize water spray from the bus in wet conditions shall be included in wheel housing design. Any fender skirts shall be easily replaceable. They shall be flexible if they extend beyond the allowable body width. Wheels and tires shall be removable with the fender skirts in place. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 65. Wheel Covers DEFAULT Wheel covers not required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 65.1 Splash Aprons DEFAULT Standard Splash Aprons Splash aprons, composed of ¼ in. minimum composition or rubberized fabric, shall be installed behind and/or in front of wheels as needed to reduce road splash and to protect underfloor components. The splash aprons shall extend downward to within 6 in. off the road surface at static conditions. Apron widths shall be no less than tire widths. Splash aprons shall be bolted to the bus understructure. Splash aprons and their attachments shall be inherently weaker than the structure to which they are attached. The flexible portions of the splash aprons shall not be included in the road clearance measurements. Splash apron shall be installed as necessary to P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 153 of 257 protect the wheelchair loading device from road splash. Other splash aprons shall be installed where necessary to protect bus equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 66. Service Compartments and Access Doors TS 66.1 Access Doors DEFAULT Conventional or pantograph hinged doors shall be used for the engine compartment and for all auxiliary equipment compartments, including doors for checking the quantity and adding to the engine coolant, engine lubricant and transmission fluid. Access openings shall be sized for easy performance of tasks within the compartment, including tool operating space. Access doors shall be of rugged construction and shall maintain mechanical integrity and function under normal operations throughout the service life of the bus. They shall c lose flush with the body surface. All doors shall be hinged at the top or on the forward edge and shall be prevented from coming loose or opening during transit service or in bus washing operations. All access doors shall be retained in the open position by props or counterbalancing with over-center or gas-filled springs with safety props and shall be easily operable by one person. Springs and hinges shall be corrosion resistant. Latch handles shall be flush with, or recessed behind, the body contour and shall be sized to provide an adequate grip for opening. Access doors, when opened, shall not restrict access for servicing other components or systems. If precluded by design, the manufacturer shall provide door design information specifying how the requirements are met. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 66.2 Access Door Latch/Locks DEFAULT Requirement for Latches on Access Doors Access doors larger than 100 sq. in. in area shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant flush- mounted latches or locks except for coolant and fuel fill access doors. All such access doors that require a tool to open shall be standardized throughout the vehicle and will require a nominal 5/16 in. square male tool to open or lock. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 154 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67. Bumpers TS 67.1 Location DEFAULT Bumpers shall provide impact protection for the front and rear of the bus with the top of the bumper being 27 in., ±2 in., above the ground. Bumper height shall be such that when one bus is parked behind another, a portion of the bumper faces will contact each other. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.2 Front Bumper No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 5mph impact of the bus at curb weight with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the bus’s longitudinal centerline. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. The bumper shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 6.5 mph impacts at any point by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000lbs parallel to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. It shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 5.5mph impacts into the corners at a 30deg angle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The energy absorption system of the bumper shall be independent of every power system of the bus and shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. DEFAULT Standard bumper. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.3 Rear Bumper DEFAULT No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 2mph impact with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. When using a yard tug with a smooth, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 155 of 257 flat plate bumper 2 ft. wide contacting the horizontal centerline of the rear bumper, the bumper shall provide protection at speeds up to 5 mph, over pavement discontinuities up to 1 in. high, and at accelerations up to 2 mph/sec. The rear bumper shall protect the bus when impacted anywhere along its width by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000 lbs., at 4 mph parallel to or up to a 30degangle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The rear bumper shall be shaped to preclude unauthorized riders standing on the bumper. The bumper shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.4 Bumper Material DEFAULT Bumper material shall be corrosion-resistant and withstand repeated impacts of the specified loads without sustaining damage. These bumper qualities shall be sustained throughout the service life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 68. Finish and Color TS 68.1 Appearance All exterior surfaces shall be smooth and free of wrinkles and dents. Exterior surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared as required by the paint system Supplier prior to application of paint to ensure a proper bond between the basic surface and successive coats of original paint for the service life of the bus. Drilled holes and cutouts in exterior surfaces shall be made prior to cleaning, priming and painting, where possible, to prevent corrosion. The bus shall be painted prior to installation of exterior lights, windows, mirrors and other items that are applied to the exterior of the bus. Body filler materials may be used for surface dressing, but not for repair of damaged or improperly fitted panels. Paint shall be applied smoothly and evenly with the finished surface free of visible dirt and the following other imperfections: • blisters or bubbles appearing in the topcoat film • chips, scratches or gouges of the surface finish • cracks in the paint film • craters where paint failed to cover due to surface contaminat ion • overspray • peeling P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 156 of 257 • runs or sags from excessive flow and failure to adhere uniformly to the surface • chemical stains and water spots • dry patches due to incorrect mixing of paint activators • buffing swirls All exterior finished surfaces shall be impervious to diesel fuel, gasoline and commercial cleaning agents. Finished surfaces shall resist damage by controlled applications of commonly used graffiti-removing chemicals. Proper adhesion between the basic surface and successive coats of the original paint shall be measured using an Elcometer adhesion tester as outlined in ASTM D4541-85. Adhesion shall be a minimum 300 ft.-lbs. The bus manufacturer shall supply test samples of the exterior surface for each step of the painting process that may be subject to adhesion testing per ASTM G4541-87 and ASTM D4145-85. ASTM D4541-93 may be used for inspection testing during assembly of the vehicle. DEFAULT Standard Contractor exterior paint finish quality. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Base coat/clear coat paint system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 69. Decals, Numbering and Signing DEFAULT Monograms, numbers and other special signing shall be applied to the inside and outside of the bus as required. Signs shall be durable and fade-, chip- and peel-resistant. They may be painted signs, decals or pressure-sensitive appliqués. All decals shall be installed per the decal Supplier recommendations. Signs shall be provided in compliance with the ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, 38.27. NOTE: The Agency should supply a list of interior and exterior decals including size and location. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 157 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 69.1 Passenger Information DEFAULT ADA priority seating signs as required and defined by 49 CFR shall be provided to identify the seats designated for passengers with disabilities. Requirements for a public information system in accordance with 49 CFR shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70. Exterior Lighting All exterior lights shall be designed to prevent entry and accumulation of moisture or dust. Lamps, lenses and fixtures shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. Two hazard lamps at the rear of the bus shall be visible from behind when the engine service doors are opened. Light lenses shall be designed and located to prevent damage when running the vehicle through an automatic bus washer. DEFAULT Commercially available LED-type lamps shall be utilized at all exterior lamp locations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Lamps All LED lamps shall be standard installation of the OEM. The entire assembly shall be specifically coated to protect the light from chemical and abrasion degradation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 158 of 257 DEFAULT Standard Size Size of LED lamps used for tail, brake and turn signal lamps shall be standard installation of OEM. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.1 Backup Light/Alarm DEFAULT Visible and audible warnings shall inform following vehicles or pedestrians of reverse operation. Visible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Standard J593. Audible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J994 Type C or D. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.2 Doorway Lighting DEFAULT Lamps at the front and rear passenger doorways (if applicable) shall comply with ADA requirements and shall activate only when the doors open. These lamps shall illuminate the street surface to a level of no less than 1 foot-candle for a distance of 3 ft. outward from the outboard edge of the door threshold. The lights may be positioned above or below the lower daylight opening of the windows and shall be shielded to protect passengers’ eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: With just the interior door header lights we reach 1.5 avg foot-candle at 3 ft from the ramp. TS 70.3 Turn Signals DEFAULT Standard Turn Signals Turn-signal lights shall be provided on the front, rear, curb and street sides of the bus in accordance with federal regulations. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 159 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.4 Headlights Headlamps shall be designed for ease of replacement. DEFAULT Standard Installation Standard OEM headlight installation shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Reference SIB 273-001, LED Headlights. TS 70.5 Brake Lights TS 70.5.1 Transit Coach Brake lights shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. DEFAULT No High/Center Mount Brake Lamp or Deceleration Warning Lamps Bus shall not include a high/center mount brake lamp and/or deceleration warning indicator lamps. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.6 Service Area Lighting (Interior and Exterior) DEFAULT LED lamps shall be provided in the engine and all other compartments where service may be required to generally illuminate the area for night emergency repairs or adjustments. These service areas shall include, but not be limited to, the engine compartment, the communication box, junction/apparatus panels and passenger door operator compartments. Lighting shall be adequate to light the space of the service areas to levels needed to complete typical emergency repairs and adjustments. The service area lamps shall be suitable for the environment in which they are mounted. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 160 of 257 Engine compartment lamps shall be controlled by a switch mounted near the rear start controls. All other service area lamps shall be controlled by switches mo unted on or convenient to the lamp assemblies. Power to the service area lighting shall be programmable. Power shall latch on with activation of the switch and shall be automatically discontinued (timed out) after 30 minutes to prevent damage caused by inadvertently leaving the service area lighting switch in the “on” position after repairs are made. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: INTERIOR PANELS AND FINISHES TS 71. General Requirements Materials shall be selected on the basis of maintenance, durability, appearance, safety, flammability and tactile qualities. Materials shall be strong enough to resist everyday abuse and be vandalism and corrosion resistant. Trim and attachment details shall be kept simple and unobtrusive. Interior trim shall be secured to avoid resonant vibrations under normal operational conditions. Interior surfaces more than 10 in. below the lower edge of the side windows or windshield shall be shaped so that objects placed on them fall to the floor when the coach is parked on a level surface. Any components and other electrical components within close proximity to these surfaces shall also be resistant to this cleaning method. DEFAULT No requirement for anti-graffiti/vandalism surface treatments. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72. Interior Panels Panels shall be easily replaceable and tamper resistant. They shall be reinforced, as necessary, to resist vandalism and other rigors of transit bus service. Individual trim panels and parts shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Interior panel required to meet FMVSS 302. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 161 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.1 Driver Area Barrier TS 72.1.1 Transit Coach A barrier or bulkhead between the driver and the street-side front passenger seat shall be provided. The barrier shall minimize glare and reflections in the windshield directly in front of the barrier from interior lighting during night operation. Location and shape must permit full seat travel and reclining possibilities that can accommodate the shoulders of a 95th-percentile male. The partition shall have a side return and stanchion to prevent passengers from reaching the driver by standing behind the driver’s seat. The lower area between the seat and panel must be accessible to the driver. The partition must be strong enough in conjunction with the entire partition assembly for mounting of such equipment as flare kits, fire extinguishers (1.2kg), microcomputer, public address amplifier, etc. The panel should be properly attached to minimize noise and rattles. DEFAULT No Driver Barrier Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.2 Modesty Panels Sturdy divider panels constructed of durable, unpainted, corrosion-resistant material complementing the interior shall be provided to act as both a physical and visual barrier for seated passengers. Design and installation of modesty panels located in front of forward-facing seats shall include a handhold or grab handle along its top edge. These dividers shall be mounted on the sidewall and shall project toward the aisle no farther than passenger knee projection in longitudinal seats or the aisle side of the transverse seats. Modesty panels shall extend from at least the window opening of the side windows, and those forward of transverse seats shall extend downward to 1 and 1½ in. above the floor. Panels forward of longitudinal seats shall extend to below the level of the seat cushion. Dividers positioned at the doorways, where applicable, shall provide no less than a 2½ in. clearance between the modesty panel and a fully open, inward opening door, or the path of a deploying flip-out ramp to protect passengers from being pinched. Modesty panels installed at doorways shall be equipped with grab rails if passenger assists are not provided by other means. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 162 of 257 The modesty panel and its mounting shall withstand a static force of 250 lbs. applied to a 4 × 4 in. area in the center of the panel without permanent visible deformation. DEFAULT Modesty panels shall be installed as stated. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’ s modesty panels were tested using a static force of 268 lbs. TS 72.3 Front End DEFAULT The entire front end of the bus shall be sealed to prevent debr is accumulation behind the dash and to prevent the driver’s feet from kicking or fouling wiring and other equipment. The front end shall be free of protrusions that are hazardous to passengers standing at the front of the standee line area of the bus during rapid decelerations. Paneling across the front of the bus and any trim around the driver’s compartment shall be formed metal or composite material. Composite dash panels shall be reinforced as necessary, vandal-resistant and replaceable. All colored, painted and plated parts forward of the driver’s barrier shall be finished with a surface that reduces glare. Any mounted equipment must have provision to support the weight of equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.4 Rear Bulkhead DEFAULT The rear bulkhead and rear interior surfaces shall be material suitable for exterior skin; painted and finished to exterior quality; or paneled with melamine-type material, composite, scratch- resistant plastic or carpeting and trimmed with stainless steel, aluminum or composite. The rear bulkhead paneling shall be contoured to fit the ceiling, side walls and seat backs so that any litter or trash will tend to fall to the floor or seating surface when the bus is on a level surface. Any air vents in this area shall be louvered to reduce airflow noise and to reduce the probability of trash or liter being thrown or drawn through the grille. If it is necessary to remove the panel to service components located on the rear bulkhead, then the panel shall be hinged or shall be able to be easily removed and replaced. Grilles where access to or adjustment of P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 163 of 257 equipment is required shall be heavy duty and designed to minimize damage and limit unauthorized access. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.5 Headlining DEFAULT Ceiling panels shall be made of durable, corrosion resistant, easily cleanable material. Headlining shall be supported to prevent buckling, drumming or flexing and shall be secured without loose edges. Headlining materials shall be treated or insulated to prevent marks due to condensation where panels are in contact with metal members. Moldings and trim strips, as required to make the edges tamperproof, shall be stainless steel, aluminum or plastic, colored to complement the ceiling material. Headlining panels covering operational equipment that is mounted above the ceiling shall be on hinges for ease of service but retained to prevent inadvertent opening. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.6 Fastening DEFAULT Interior panels shall be attached so that there are no exposed unfinished or rough edges or rough surfaces. Fasteners should be corrosion resistant. Panels and fasteners shall not be easily removable by passengers. Exposed interior fasteners should be minimized, and where required shall be tamper resistant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.7 Insulation DEFAULT Any insulation material used between the inner and outer panels shall minimize the entry and/or retention of moisture. Insulation properties shall be unimpaired during the service life of the bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 164 of 257 Any insulation material used inside the engine compartment shall not absorb or retain oils or water and shall be designed to prevent casual damage that may occur during maintenance operations. The combination of inner and outer panels on the sides, roof, wheel wells and ends of the bus, and any material used between these panels, shall provide a thermal insulation sufficient to meet the interior temperature requirements. The bus body shall be thoroughly sealed so that the driver or passengers cannot feel drafts during normal operations with the passenger doors closed. FTA Docket 90-A All insulation materials shall comply with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90-A, dated October 20, 1993. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer uses insulation pre-cut to the correct size to fill the entire space and we also seal any edges with sika and high temp foil tape. The insulation material is Docket 90 and has passed flammability test for motor vehicle interiors, it has an R value of 6 and 1” thick for the roof and sidewalls. Thermal conductivity of 1200 F degrees for muffler compartment area. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 165 of 257 TS 72.8 Floor Covering DEFAULT The floor covering shall have a non-skid walking surface that remains effective in all weather conditions. The floor covering, as well as transitions of flooring material to the main floor and to the entrance and exit area, shall be smooth and present no tripping hazards. Seams shall be sealed/welded per manufacturer’s specifications. The standee line shall be approximately 2 in. wide and shall extend across the bus aisle. The color and pattern shall be consistent throughout the floor covering. Any areas on the floor that are not intended for standees, such as areas “swept” during passenger door operation, shall be clearly and permanently marked. The floor shall be easily cleaned and shall be arranged to minimize debris accumulation. A one-piece center strip shall extend from the vertical wall of the rear settee between the aisle sides of transverse seats to the standee line. If the floor is of a bi-level construction, then the center strip shall be one piece at each level. The covering between the center strip and the wheel housings may be separate pieces. At the rear door, however, a separate strip as wide as the door shall extend from the center strip to the outboard edge of the rear/exit area. The floor under the seats shall be covered with smooth surface flooring material. The floor covering shall closely fit the sidewall in a fully sealed butt joint or extend to the top of the cove. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 166 of 257 TS 72.9 Interior Lighting DEFAULT The light source shall be located to minimize windshield glare, with distribution of the light focused primarily on the passengers’ reading plane while casting sufficient light onto the advertising display. The lighting system may be designed to form part of or the entire air distribution duct. The lens material shall be translucent polycarbonate. Lenses shall be designed to effectively “mask” the light source. Lenses shall be sealed to inhibit incursion of dust and insects yet be easily removable for service. Access panels shall be provided to allow servicing of components located behind light panels. If necessary, the entire light fixture shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.10 Passenger First Row Lights The first light on each side (behind the driver and the front door) is normally turned on only when the front door is opened, in “night run” and “night park.” As soon as the door closes, these lights shall go out. These lights shall be turned on at any time if the switch is in the “on” position. DEFAULT LED lights. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT First Light Modules Dim/Extinguish When Front Door is Closed When the master switch is in the “run” or “night/run” mode, the first light module on each side of the coach shall automatically extinguish or dim when the fro nt door is in the closed position and illuminate when the door is opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 167 of 257 TS 72.11 Driver’s Area DEFAULT The driver’s area shall have a light to provide general illumination, and it shall illuminate the half of the steering wheel nearest the driver to a level of 5 to 10 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.12 Seating Areas DEFAULT The interior lighting system shall provide a minimum 15 foot-candle illumination on a 1 sq. ft. plane at an angle of 45 degrees from horizontal, centered 33 in. above the floor and 24 in. in front of the seat back at each seat position. Allowable average light level for the rear bench seats shall be 7 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior uses adjustable TCB LED lighting. In a recent test the allowable average light levels for the rear bench seats reached a maximum of 12.28 foot-candles. TS 72.13 Vestibules/Doors DEFAULT Floor surface in the aisles shall be a minimum of 10 foot-candles, and the vestibule area a minimum of 4 foot-candles with the front doors open and a minimum of 2 foot-candles with the front doors closed. The front entrance area and curb lights shall illuminate when the front door is open and master run switch is in the “lights” positions. Rear exit area and curb lights shall illuminate when the rear door is unlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior measures 11-15 foot-candles in the main aisle, 6.4-7.4-foot candles in the front vestibule area with doors open, and 0-9.38-foot candles with the door closed (with additional front door vestibule light). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 168 of 257 TS 72.14 Step Lighting DEFAULT Step lighting for the intermediate steps between lower and upper floor levels shall be a minimum of 4 foot-candles and shall illuminate in all engine run positions. The step lighting shall be low P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 169 of 257 profile to minimize tripping and snagging hazards for passengers and shall be shielded as necessary to protect passengers’ eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing a LED rear deck step light. TS 72.15 Ramp Lighting DEFAULT Exterior and interior ramp lighting shall comply with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.16 Farebox Lighting DEFAULT None required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 73. Fare Collection Space and structural provisions shall be made for installation of currently available fare collection devices, which shall be as far forward as practicable. Location of the fare collection device shall not restrict traffic in the vestibule, including wheelchairs if a front door loading device is used, and shall allow the driver to easily reach the farebox controls and to view the fare register. The farebox shall not restrict access to the driver area, shall not restrict operation of driver controls and shall not—either by itself or in combination with stanchions, transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment, or route destination signs—restrict the driver’s field of view per SAE Recommended Practice J1050. The location and mounting of the fare collection device shall allow use, without restriction, by passengers. The farebox location shall permit accessibility to the vault for easy manual removal or attachment of suction devices. Meters and counters on the farebox shall be readable on a daily basis. The floor under the farebox shall be reinforced as necessary to provide a sturdy mounting platform and to prevent shaking of the farebox. Contractor shall provide fare collection installation layout to the Agency for approval. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 170 of 257 Transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment shall be located in a position convenient to the driver. DEFAULT Agency will install its own fare box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 74. Interior Access Panels and Doors Access for maintenance and replacement of equipment shall be provided by panels and doors that appear to be an integral part of the interior. Access doors shall be hinged with gas props or over-center springs, where practical, to hold the doors out of the mechanic’s way. Panels shall prevent entry of mechanism lubricant into the bus interior. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. DEFAULT Access Doors that Do Not Require Tools or Keys to Open Access doors shall be secured with hand screws or latches. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 74.1 Floor Panels DEFAULT Access openings in the floor shall be sealed to prevent entry of fumes and water into the bus interior. Flooring material at or around access openings shall be flush with the floor and shall be edge-bound with stainless steel or another material that is acceptable to the Agency to prevent the edges from coming loose. Access openings shall be asymmetrical so that reinstalled flooring shall be properly aligned. Fasteners shall tighten flush with the floor. The number of special fastener tools required for panel and access door fasteners shall be minimized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 171 of 257 PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS TS 75. Passenger Seating TS 75.1 Arrangements and Seat Style The passenger seating arrangement in the bus shall be such that seating capacity is maximized and in compliance to the following requirements. NOTE: The Agency recognizes that ramp location, foot room, hip-to-knee room, doorway type, width, seat construction, floor level type, seat spacing requirements, ramp or lift, number of wheelchair positions, etc. ultimately affect seating capacity and layout. DEFAULT Forward-Facing Seat Configuration Passenger seats shall be arranged in a transverse, forward-facing configuration, except at the wheel housings and turntable, if applicable, where aisle-facing seats may be arranged as appropriate with due regard for passenger access and comfort. Other areas where aisle-facing seats may be provided are at wheelchair securement areas and platforms (such as for fuel tank storage space). Base Bus-USSC Gemini Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.2 Rearward Facing Seats DEFAULT Rearward facing seats not allowed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.3 Padded Inserts/Cushioned Seats DEFAULT Non-Padded Inserts – UN upholstered The passenger seats shall be equipped with un upholstered inserts throughout the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 172 of 257 EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.4 Seat back fitness DEFAULT Back insert Seat Configuration The seat back insert thickness shall not exceed 1in. in the knee room area. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.5 Drain Hole in Seats DEFAULT No requirements for drain hole provision in seat inserts. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.6 Hip-to-Knee Room DEFAULT Hip-to-knee room measured from the center of the seating position, from the front of one seat back horizontally across the highest part of the seat to a vertical surface immediately in front, shall be a minimum of 26 in. At all seating positions in paired transverse seats immediately behind other seating positions, hip-to-knee room shall be no less than 27 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.7 Foot Room DEFAULT Foot room, measured at the floor forward from a point vertically below the front of the seat cushion, shall be no less than 14 in. Seats immediately behind the wheel housings and modesty P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 173 of 257 panels may have foot room reduced. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.8 Aisles DEFAULT The aisle between the seats shall be no less than 20 in. wide at seated passenger hip height. Seat backs shall be shaped to increase this dimension to no less than 24 in. at 32 in. above the floor (standing passenger hip height). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior aisle width is 24.33". TS 75.9 Dimensions FIGURE 6 Seating Dimensions and Standard Configuration DEFAULT Seat dimensions for the various seating arrangements shall have the dimensions as follows (refer to Figure 6): • The width, W, of the two-passenger transverse seat shall be a minimum 35 in. • The length, L, shall be 17 in., ±1 in. • The seat back height, B, shall be a minimum of 15 in. • The seat height, H, shall be 17 in., ± 1 in. For the rear lounge (or settee) and longitudinal seats, and seats located above raised areas for storage of under-floor components, a cushion P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 174 of 257 height of up to 18 in., ±2 in., will be allowed. This shall also be allowed for limited transverse seats, but only with the expressed approval of the Agency. • Foot room = F. • The seat cushion slope, S, shall be between 5 and 11 deg. • The seat back slope, C, shall be between 8 and 17 deg. • Hip to knee room = K. • The pitch, P, is shown as reference only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.10 Structure and Design DEFAULT The passenger seat frame and its supporting structure shall be constructed and mounted so that space under the seat is maximized and is completely free of obstructions to facilitate cleaning. Seats, structures and restraints around the securement area should not infringe into the mobility device envelope or maneuverability. The transverse seat structure shall be fully cantilevered from the sidewall with sufficient strength for the intended service. The lowest part of the seat assembly that is within 12 in. of the aisle shall be at least 10 in. above the floor. In locations at which cantilevered installation is precluded by design and/or structure, other seat mounting may be allowed. All transverse objects—including seat backs, modesty panels, and longitudinal seats—in front of forward-facing seats shall not impart a compressive load in excess of 1000lbs onto the femur of passengers ranging in size from a 5th-percentile female to a 95th-percentile male during a 10g deceleration of the bus. This deceleration shall peak at 0.05 to0.015 seconds from initiation. Permanent deformation of the seat resulting from two 95th-percentile males striking the seat back during this 10g deceleration shall not exceed 2 in., measured at the aisle side of the seat frame at height H. The seat back should not deflect more than 14 in., measured at the top of the seat back, in a controlled manner to minimize passenger injury. Structural failure of any part of the seat or sidewall shall not introduce a laceration hazard. The seat assembly shall withstand static vertical forces of 500 lbs. applied to the top of the seat cushion in each seating position with less than ¼in. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat assembly shall withstand static horizontal forces of 500 lbs. evenly distributed along the top of the seat back with less than ¼in. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat backs at the aisle position and at the window position shall withstand repeated impacts of two 40-lb sandbags without visible deterioration. One sandbag shall strike P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 175 of 257 the front 40,000 times and the other sandbag shall strike the rear 40,000 times. Each sandbag shall be suspended on a 36in. pendulum and shall strike the seat back 10,000 times each from distances of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seats at both seating positions shall withstand 4000 vertical drops of a 40-lb sandbag without visible deterioration. The sandbag shall be dropped 1000 times each from heights of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seat cushions shall withstand 100,000 randomly positioned 3½ in. drops of a squirming, 150-lb, smooth-surfaced, buttocks-shaped striker with only minimal wear on the seat covering and no failures to seat structure or cushion suspension components. The back of each transverse seat shall incorporate a handhold no less than ⅞ in. in diameter for standees and seat access/egress. The handhold shall not be a safety hazard during severe decelerations. The handhold shall extend above the seat back near the aisle so that standees shall have a convenient vertical assist, no less than 4 in. long that may be grasped with the full hand. This handhold shall not cause a standee using this assist to interfere with a seated 50th-percentile male passenger. The handhold shall also be usable by a 5th-percentile female, as well as by larger passengers, to assist with seat access/egress for either transverse seating position. The upper rear portion of the seat back and the seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be padded and/or constructed of energy-absorbing materials. During a 10g deceleration of the bus, the HIC number (as defined by SAE Standard J211a) shall not exceed 400 for passengers ranging in size from a 5th percentile female through a 95th percentile male. The seat back handhold may be deleted from seats that do not have another transverse seat directly behind and where a vertical assist is provided. Longitudinal seats shall be the same general design as transverse seats but without seat back handholds. Longitudinal seats may be mounted on the wheelhouses. Armrests shall be included on the ends of each set of longitudinal seats except on the forward end of a seat set that is immediately to the rear of a transverse seat, the driver’s barr ier, or a modesty panel, when these fixtures perform the function of restraining passengers from sliding forward off the seat. Armrests are not required on longitudinal seats located in the wheelchair parking area that fold up when the armrest on the adjacent fixed longitudinal seat is within 3½ in. of the end of the seat cushion. Armrests shall be located from 7 to 9 in. above the seat cushion surface. The area between the armrest and the seat cushion shall be closed by a barrier or panel. The top and sides of the armrests shall have a minimum width of 1 in. and shall be free from sharp protrusions that form a safety hazard. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand static horizontal and vertical forces of 250 lbs. applied anywhere along their length with less than ¼ in. permanent deformation. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand 25,000 impacts in each direction of a horizontal force of 125 lbs. with less than ¼in. permanent deformation and without visible deterioration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.11 Construction and Materials Selected materials shall minimize damage from vandalism and shall reduce cleaning time. The P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 176 of 257 seats shall be attached to the frame with tamper-resistant fasteners. Coloring shall be consistent throughout the seat material, with no visually exposed portion painted. Any exposed metal touching the sides or the floor of the bus shall be stainless steel. The seat, pads and cushions shall be contoured for individuality, lateral support and maximum comfort and shall fit the framework to reduce exposed edges. The minimum radius of any part of the seat back, handhold or modesty panel in the head or chest impact zone shall be a nominal ¼in.The seat back and seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be constructed of energy-absorbing materials to provide passenger protection and, in a severe crash, to allow the passenger to deform the seating materials in the impact areas. Complete seat assemblies shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Agency to select seat fabric. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76. Passenger Assists DEFAULT Passenger assists in the form of full grip, vertical stanchions or handholds shall be provided for the safety of standees and for ingress/egress. Passenger assists shall be convenient in location, shape and size for both the 95th-percentile male and the 5th-percentile female standee. Starting from the entrance door and moving anywhere in the bus and out the exit door, a vertical assist shall be provided either as the vertical portion of the seat back assist or as a separate item so that a 5th-percentile female passenger may easily move from one assist to another using one hand and the other without losing support. All handholds and stanchions at the front doorway, around the farebox, and at interior steps for bi-level designs shall be powder-coated in a high-contrast yellow color. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.1 Assists DEFAULT Excluding those mounted on the seats and doors, the assists shall have a cross-sectional diameter between 1¼ and 1½ in. or shall provide an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than ¼ in. All passenger assists shall permit a full hand grip with no less than 1½ in. of knuckle clearance around the assist. Passenger assists shall be designed to minimize catching or snagging of clothes or personal items and shall be capable of passing the NHTSA Drawstring Test. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 177 of 257 Any joints in the assist structure shall be underneath supporting brackets and securely clamped to prevent passengers from moving or twisting the assists. Seat handholds may be of the same construction and finish as the seat frame. Door-mounted passenger assists shall be of anodized aluminum, stainless steel or powder-coated metal. Connecting tees and angles may be powder- coated metal castings. Assists shall withstand a force of 300 lbs. applied over a 12in. lineal dimension in any direction normal to the assist without permanent visible deformation. All passenger assist components, including brackets, clamps, screw heads and other fasteners used on the passenger assists shall be designed to eliminate pinching, snagging and cutting hazards and shall be free from burrs or rough edges. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements for the passenger assists. Please see the attached test report with conclusion from NF’s TR06-75 testing: “All passenger assists meet the loading requirements of the MBTA technical specification in supporting loads up to 300 lb without permanent visible deformation.” TS 76.2 Front Doorway DEFAULT Front doors, or the entry area, shall be fitted with ADA-compliant assists. Assists shall be as far outward as practicable, but shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the entrance step and shall be easily grasped by a 5th-percentile female boarding from street level. Door assists shall be functionally continuous with the horizontal front passenger assist and the vertical assist and the assists on the wheel housing or on the front modesty panel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.3 Vestibule DEFAULT The aisle side of the driver’s barrier, the wheel housings and when applicable the modesty panels shall be fitted with vertical passenger assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist and that extend to within 36 in. of the floor. These assists shall have sufficient clearance from the barrier to prevent inadvertent wedging of a passenger’s arm. A horizontal passenger assist shall be located across the front of the bus and shall prevent passengers from sustaining injuries on the fare collection device or windshield in the event of a sudden deceleration. Without restricting the vestibule space, the assist shall provide support for a boarding passenger from the front door through the fare collect ion procedure. The assist shall be no less than 36 in. above the floor. The assists at the front of the bus shall be arranged to permit a 5th-percentile female passenger to easily reach from the door assist, to the front assist, to vertical assists on the driver’s barrier, wheel housings or front modesty panel. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 178 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.4 Rear Doorway DEFAULT Vertical assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist shall be provided at the aisle side of the transverse seat immediately forward of the rear door and on the aisle side of the rear door modesty panel(s).Passenger assists shall be provided on modesty panels that are functionally continuous with the rear door assists. Rear doors, or the exit area, shall be fitted with assists having a cross-sectional diameter between 1¼ and 1½ in. or providing an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than ¼ in., and shall provide at least 1½ in. of knuckle clearance between the assists and their mounting. The assists shall be designed to permit a 5th- percentile female to easily move from one assist to another during the entire exiting process. The assists shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the rear doorway step. NOTE: For an articulated bus, passenger assists will be provided to aid in the transition between the front and rear sections of the bus. TS 76.5 Overhead Except forward of the standee line and at the rear door, a continuous, full-grip, overhead assist shall be provided. This assist shall be located over the center of the aisle seating position of the transverse seats. The assist shall be no less than 70 in. above the floor. DEFAULT No requirements for overhead grab straps/extensions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's Xcelsior assist measures 74.77" above the floor. DEFAULT Grip rails shall be stainless steel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 179 of 257 TS 76.6 Longitudinal Seat Assists DEFAULT Longitudinal seats shall have vertical assists located between every other designated seating position, except for seats that fold/flip up to accommodate wheelchair securement. Assists shall extend from near the leading edge of the seat and shall be functionally continuous with the overhead assist. Assists shall be staggered across the aisle from each other where practicable and shall be no more than 52 in. apart or functionally continuous for a 5th percentile female passenger. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the requirements of providing vertical longitudinal assists throughout the bus based on the seating style. TS 76.7 Wheel Housing Barriers/Assists DEFAULT Unless passenger seating is provided on top of wheel housings, passenger assists shall be mounted around the exposed sides of the wheel housings (and propulsion compartments if applicable), which shall also be designed to prevent passengers from sitting on wheel housings. Such passenger assists shall also effectively retain items, such as bags and luggage, placed on top of wheel housings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing the front curbside luggage rack - horizontal SST tube wraps around aft, aisle and fore sides. TS 77. Passenger Doors TS 77.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Doorways will be provided in the locations and styles as follows. Passenger doors and doorways shall comply with ADA requirements. TS 77.1.1 Front door Door shall be forward of the front wheels and under direct observation of the driver. TS 77.1.2 Rear Door Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 180 of 257 Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 181 of 257 Front Street-Side Rear Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open DEFAULT If air-powered, the door system shall operate per specification at air pressures between 90 and 130 psi. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing Pneumatic Vapor Slide Glide entrance and Pneumatic air open spring closed exit door that meets all the specified functions. TS 77.2 Materials and Construction Structure of the doors, their attachments, inside and outside trim panels and any mechanism exposed to the elements shall be corrosion resistant. Door panel construction shall be of corrosion-resistant metal or reinforced non-metallic composite materials. When fully opened, the doors shall provide a firm support and shall not be damaged if used as an assist by passengers during ingress or egress. Door edges shall be sealed to prevent infiltration of exterior moisture, noise, dirt and air elements from entering the passenger compartment, to the maximum extent possible based on door types. The closing edge of each door panel shall have no less than 2 in. of soft weather stripping. The doors, when closed, shall be effectively sealed, and the hard surfaces of the doors shall be at least 4 in. apart (not applicable to single doors).The combined weather seal and window glazing elements of the front door shall not exceed 10 deg of binocular obstruction of the driver’s view through the closed door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: On New Flyer's Xcelsior bus the soft points or weather stripping are 2.75” wide and provides greater than 4.0” separation between panels. This provides better protection from weather conditions. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 182 of 257 TS 77.3 Dimensions TS 77.3.1 Transit Coach FIGURE 7 Transit Bus Minimum Door Opening When open, the doors shall leave an opening no less than 75 in. in height. DEFAULT 31¾in.Minimum Doorway Clear Width Front door clear width shall be a minimum of 31¾ in. with the doors fully opened. Rear door opening clear width shall be a minimum of 24 in. with the doors fully opened. If arear door ramp or lift is provided, then the clear door opening width shall be a minimum of31¾ in. with door fully opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: On New Flyer's Xcelsior model the front door clearance width is 33.8" and rear OASC door clear width is 27.4". TS 77.4 Door Glazing The upper section of both front and rear doors shall be glazed for no less than 45 percent of the respective door opening area of each section. The lower section of the front door shall be glazed for no less than 25 percent of the door opening area of the section. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 183 of 257 Door glazing shall be easily replaceable. DEFAULT Zip type glazing rubber. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment:     New Flyer’s proposal is based on a glazing area of over 50% of open area on both front and rear doors. DEFAULT The front door panel glazing material shall have a nominal ¼ in. thick laminated safety glass conforming with the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.5 Door Projection TS 77.5.1 Exterior DEFAULT The exterior projection of the front doors beyond the side of the bus shall be minimized and shall not block the line of sight of the rear exit door via the curb side mirror when the doors are fully open. The exterior projection of both doors shall be minimized and shall not exceed 14 in. during the opening or closing cycles or when doors are fully opened Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: With New Flyer's Xcelsior the front door projection is 6.3” with the curbside mirror slightly swung outward, there will be very little or no obstruction at all to the curbside mirror from the front door during opening/closing or when fully opened. TS 77.5.2 Interior DEFAULT Projection inside the bus shall not cause an obstruction of the rear door mirror or cause a hazard for standees. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 184 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.6 Door Height Above Pavement DEFAULT It shall be possible to open and close either passenger door when the bus loaded to gross vehicle weight rating is not knelt and parked with the tires touching an 8in. high curb on a street sloping toward the curb so that the street-side wheels are 5 in. higher than the right-side wheels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements for the specified Door Height Above Pavement as we would still have clearance of 4.6” between doors soft point and curb’s floor level. TS 77.7 Closing Force DEFAULT Closing door edge speed shall not exceed 12 in. per second, and opening door speed shall not exceed 19 in. per second. Power doors shall not slam closed under any circumstance, even if the door is obstructed during the closing cycle. If a door is obstructed during the closing cycle, the pressure exerted on the obstruction shall not increase once initial contact has been made. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight-type device shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing device that, at a minimum, alerts the driver if an obstruction is detected between the closing doors. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight type device, when unlocked, shall be capable of being pushed to the point where the door starts to open with a force not to exceed 25 lbs. applied to the center edge of the forward door panel. Whether or not the obstruction-sensing system is present or functional, it shall be possible to withdraw a 1½ in. diameter cylinder from between the center edges of a closed and locked door with an outward force not greater than 35 lbs. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 185 of 257 TS 77.7.1 Rear Door Closing Force DEFAULT Power-close rear doors shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing system such that if an obstruction is within the path of the closing doors, the doors will stop and/or reverse direction prior to imparting a 10-lb force on 1 sq. in. of that obstruction. If a contactless obstruction sensing system is employed, it shall be capable of discriminating between the normal doorway environment and passengers or other obstructions within the doorway, and of altering the zones of detection based upon the operating state of the door system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.8 Actuators Doors shall open or close completely in not more than 3.5 seconds from the time of control actuation and shall be subject to the closing force requirements. Door actuators shall be adjustable so that the door opening and closing speeds can be independently adjustable to satisfy the above requirements. Actuators and the complex door mechanism shall be concealed from passengers but shall be easily accessible for servicing. The door actuators shall be rebuildable. If powered by compressed air, exhaust from the door system shall be routed below the floor of the bus to prevent accumulat ion of any oil that may be present in the air system and to muffle sound. Door actuators and associated linkages shall maximize door holding forces in the fully open and fully closed positions to provide firm, non-rattling, non-fluttering door panels while minimizing the force exerted by the doors on an obstruction midway between the fully open and closed positions. DEFAULT The rear door actuator(s) shall be under the complete control of the vehicle operator and shall open and close in response to the position of the driver’s door control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements for the rear door actuator to be under the complete control of the vehicle operator and shall open and close in response to the position of the driver’s door control. It takes 2.5 to 3.2 seconds to open and 3.0 to 3.5 seconds to close. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 186 of 257 TS 77.8.1 Rear Door Interlocks See “Hardware Mounting” for door system interlock requirements. TS 77.9 Emergency Operation DEFAULT In the event of an emergency, it shall be possible to manually open doors designated as emergency exits from inside the bus using a force of no more than 25 lbs. after actuating an unlocking device. The unlocking device shall be clearly marked as an emergency-only device and shall require two distinct actions to actuate. The respective door emergency unlocking device shall be accessible from the doorway area. The unlocking device shall be easily reset by the operator without special tools or opening the door mechanism enclosure. Doors that are required to be classified as “emergency exits” shall meet the requirements of FMVSS 217. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer buses meets the emergency control requirements and are compliant with FMVSS requirements. TS 77.10 Door Control The door control shall be located in the operator’s area within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, “Driver Hand Control Reach.” The driver’s door control shall provide tactile feedback to indicate commanded door posit ion and resist inadvertent door actuation. DEFAULT Door control located on street side. The front door shall remain in commanded state position even if power is removed or lost. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements for the specified door controls in case of power loss. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 187 of 257 TS 77.11 Door Controller TS 77.11.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Five-Position Driver’s Door Controller The control device shall be protected from moisture. Mounting and location of the door control device handle shall be designed so that it is within comfortable, easy arm’s reach of the seated driver. The door control device handle shall be free from interference by other equipment and have adequate clearance so as not to create a pinching hazard. Base Bus-Vapor Door Controller Position of the door control handle shall result in the following operation of the front and rear doors: •Center position: Front door closed, rear door closed or set to lock. •First position forward: Front door open, rear door closed or set to lock. •Second position forward: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. •First position back: Front door closed, rear door open or set to open. •Second position back: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing Pneumatic Vapor Slide Glide entrance and Pneumatic air open spring closed exit door that meets all the specified functions. TS 77.12 Door Open/Close DEFAULT A control or valve in the operator’s compartment shall shut off the power to, and/or dump the power from, the front door mechanism to permit manual operation of the front door with the bus shut down. A master door switch, which is not within reach of the seated operator, when set in the “off” position shall close the rear door, deactivate the door control system, release the interlocks and permit only manual operation of the rear door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing Pneumatic Vapor Slide Glide entrance and Pneumatic air open spring closed exit door that meets all the specified functions. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 188 of 257 TS 78. Accessibility Provisions DEFAULT Space and body structural provisions shall be provided at the front or rear door of the bus to accommodate a wheelchair loading system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.1 Loading Systems There are three options: • high-floor lift • low-floor ramp • platform (boarding bridge plate) level boarding Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer' s proposal is based on a low-floor ramp. TS 78.2 Lift The wheelchair lift control system must be capable of receiving multiplex commands from vehicle interlocks. An automatically controlled, power-operated wheelchair lift system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR 571.403(FMVSS 403) shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Wheelchair Ramp mounted in front step well. Base Bus-Lift U LU 18 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's proposal is based on using the Bus-Lift U LU11. See SIB 580-001 for additional information. The Bus-Lift U LU18 is under review and may be available in the future. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 189 of 257 TS 78.3 Loading System for 30 to 40 ft. Low-Floor Bus An automatically controlled, power-operated ramp system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, §38.23c shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Front Door Location of Loading System, Flip-Out Design Ramp with 6:1 Slope The wheelchair loading system shall be located at the front door, with the ramp being of a simple hinged, flip-out type design being capable of deploying to the ground at a maximum 6:1 slope. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing Lift U LU11 ramp. See SIB 580-001 for additional information. TS 78.4 Wheelchair Accommodations NOTE: Agency will approve acceptable securement system. DEFAULT Two Forward-Facing Wheelchair Securement Locations Two forward-facing locations, as close to the wheelchair loading system as practical, shall provide parking space and securement system compliant with ADA requirements for a passenger in a wheelchair. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing two Wheelchair positions - at standard locations, one aft of the curbside and one aft of the street side front wheelhouses. TS 78.5 Interior Circulation DEFAULT Maneuvering room inside the bus shall accommodate easy travel for a passenger in a wheelchair from the loading device and from the designated securement area. It shall be designed so that no portion of the wheelchair protrudes into the aisle of the bus when parked in the designated parking space(s). When the positions are fully utilized, an aisle space of no less than 20 in. shall be maintained. As a guide, no width dimension should be less than 34 in. Areas requiring 90deg P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 190 of 257 turns of wheelchairs should have a clearance arc dimension no less than 45 in., and in the parking area where 180deg turns are expected, space should be clear in a full 60in.diameter circle. A vertical clearance of 12in. above the floor surface should be provided on the outside of turning areas for wheelchair footrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements regarding the interior circulation and maneuvering to accommodate easy travel for a passenger in a wheelchair. TS 78.6 Lift Door DEFAULT The lift door shall be a single leaf design that operates in a sliding track mounted both above and below the door leaf. The door shall open by sliding to the rear of the coach and shall remain on a horizontal plane throughout the opening and closing process. No pin-hinged doors shall be provided. The transmission must be in neutral and the parking brake activated for the lift to operate. The accelerator shall be automatically disabled and the fast idle system activated when either the lift master switch is turned on or the lift door is open in order to provide maximum safety and security. These features shall be wired to the lift master switch to allow activation only when the transmission is in neutral. The coach directional (hazard) lights will also flash on/off. After the lift operation is completed, the lift shall be properly stored and secured, with the access door closed and the lift master switch at the dash in the “off” position in order to move the coach. The lift door shall have a window in line with the other passenger windows and shall not detract from the appearance of the coach. The door latch mechanism shall be located in the lower section of the door so that operators in the 5th percentile female range can operate the lift door. The lift storage door shall not block the visual observation to the lift assembly while utilizing the manual override mode of the lift. A lift door design consisting of a horizontally hinged lift platform egress door mounted within a vertical motion pantograph luggage door is a preferred design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior platform is a low-floor bus design that obviates the need for a wheelchair lift. This design has numerous benefits including simplicity of design, reduced dwell time and an improved ADA passenger experience. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 191 of 257 TS 78.7 Lift Width DEFAULT The installation of the lift to the coach structure as well as the installation of the lift door into the sidewall of the coach shall not affect the structural integrity of the coach. The parcel rack module above the wheelchair lift platform area shall be permanently removed to provide additional headroom. The modified rack shall be professionally finished at all ends. A threshold warning module with a red warning light and an acoustic sensor shall be mounted in the ceiling structure above the wheelchair lift entrance doorway. The heating and air ducts shall be rerouted around the lift area to ensure proper interior air conditioning/heating airflow and distribution. A passenger chime tape switch shall be mounted on the sidewall at the two wheelchair securement positions. Each coach shall have adequate information decals installed that detail the proper lift operation in both the normal and manual modes of operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior platform is a low-floor bus design that obviates the need for a wheelchair lift. This design has numerous benefits including simplicity of design, reduced dwell time and an improved ADA passenger experience. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 192 of 257 TS 78.8 Lighting Requirements DEFAULT Lighting for the lift areas shall be designed to meet Title 13 and ADA and FMVSS 404 standards. Lighting shall be provided to effectively illuminate the lift area. Light shall be wired through the lift master toggle switch on the driver’s dash and shall automatically illuminate when this switch is in the “on” position. The lighting design shall minimize the effect of glare on passengers entering the bus through the wheelchair lift door. During lift operation, the street surface shall be illuminated to a minimum of 6 candlepower a distance of 3 ft. beyond the external dimensions of the lift platform once deployed and lowered. Additional lighting shall be provided to ensure illumination of the instruction placard and the manual override pump when it is in use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior platform is a low-floor bus design that obviates the need for a wheelchair lift. This design has numerous benefits including simplicity of design, reduced dwell time and an improved ADA passenger experience. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 193 of 257 TS 78.9 Securement System DEFAULT The vehicle interior shall permit the securement of two forward-facing wheelchair passengers in which the primary position shall be on the street side of the coach directly across from the lift. Securement areas shall be a minimum 30 × 48 in. as required by the ADA. A separate three-point belt securement shall be provided to effectively secure wheelchair passengers. To further secure the passenger during the lift operation, a retractable seat belt strap shall be provided at the ingress/egress area of the lift platform. A minimum 10.5 in. high barrier shall also be provided at the rear of the lift area for additional passenger protection. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer’s Xcelsior platform is a low-floor bus design that obviates the need for a wheelchair lift. This design has numerous benefits including simplicity of design, reduced dwell time and an improved ADA passenger experience. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 194 of 257 TS 78.10 Roof Ventilation/Escape Hatches DEFAULT Two roof ventilators shall be provided and designed to perform as escape hatches. One ventilator/escape hatch shall be located in the roof at the front of the coach, another in the roof at the rear of the coach. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing two 24" X 24" TranSpec basic hatches. SIGNAGE AND COMMUNICATION TS 79. Destination Signs DEFAULT A destination sign system shall be furnished on the front, on the right side near the front door. The driver shall be able to access the sign while seated. The destination sign compartments shall meet the following minimum requirements: •Compartments shall be designed to prevent condensation and entry of moisture and dirt. •Compartments shall be designed to prevent fogging of both compart ment window and glazing on the unit itself. •Access shall be provided to allow cleaning of inside compartment window and unit glazing. •The front window shall have an exterior display area of no less than 8.5 in. high by 56 in. wide. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 195 of 257 Base Bus-Hanover White Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer can offer signs up to 11.4” x 66.2” if requested by the property. TS 80. Passenger Information and Advertising TS 80.1 Interior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made on the rear of the driver’s barrier or equipment box located on the wheel well for a frame to retain information such as routes and schedules. Advertising media 11 in. high and 0.09 in. thick shall be retained near the juncture of the bus ceiling and sidewall. The retainers may be concave and shall support the media without adhesives. The media shall be illuminated by the interior light system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing rear facing, Ad frame SDS enclosure - 21" x 22" clear anodized aluminum. TS 80.2 Exterior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to integrate advertising into the exterior design of the bus. Advertising media, frames or supporting structures shall not detract from the readability of destination signs and signal lights, and shall not compromise passenger visibilit y. Advertising provisions shall not cause pedestrian hazards or foul automatic bus washing equipment, and shall not cover or interfere with doors, air passages, and vehicle fittings or in any other manner restrict the operation or serviceability of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 81. Passenger Stop Request/Exit Signal TS 81.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Pull Cord A passenger “stop requested” signal system that complies with applicable ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR, Part 38.37, shall be provided. The system shall consist of a touch tape, chime P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 196 of 257 and interior sign message. The touch tape shall be accessible to all seated passengers, with provisions for standees .It shall be easily accessible to all passengers, seated or standing. Vertical touch tape shall be provided at each window mullion and adjacent to each wheelchair parking position and priority seating positions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements for providing the touch tape passenger signals - yellow with Phillips hardware. Installed on all pier panels aft of front wheelhouses, applied on all the harness covers, at wheel chair positions along with the push button mounted facing aisle on stanchion fore of exit. TS 81.2 Signal Chime TS 81.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT A single “stop requested” chime shall sound when the system is first activated. A double chime shall sound anytime the system is activated from wheelchair passenger areas. Exit signals located in the wheelchair passenger area shall be no higher than 4 ft. above the floor. Instructions shall be provided to clearly indicate function and operation of these signals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the requirements by providing one basic passenger signal electronic chime above driver. Chime has single tone which sounds once for regular activation, twice for wheelchair positions. TS 82. Communications TS 82.1 Camera Surveillance System DEFAULT Base Bus- Apollo 8 camera 6TB HD Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by provided the Apollo Camera system. TS 82.2 Public Address System DEFAULT P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 197 of 257 A public-address system shall be provided on each bus for facilitating radio system and driver- originated announcements to passengers. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 198 of 257 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing 6 interior TCB speakers, four located at light panels, two above the rear bench. TS 82.2.1 Speakers DEFAULT Interior loudspeakers shall be provided, semi-flush mounted, on alternate sides of the bus passenger compartment, installed with proper phasing. Total impedance seen at the input connecting end shall be 8 Ohms. Mounting shall be accomplished with riv-nuts and machine screws. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing 6 interior TCB speakers,four located at light panels, two above rear bench. TS 82.3 Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) DEFAULT Base Bus -UTA An infrared APC system shall be installed. Agency to provide details of APC system, including installation locations and number of buses to be equipped. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's proposal is based on providing Hella Automatic passenger counter system. TS 82.4 Radio Handset and Control System TS 82.4.1 Drivers Speaker DEFAULT Each bus shall have a recessed speaker in the ceiling panel above the driver. This speaker shall be the same component used for the speakers in the passenger compartment. It shall have 8 Ohms of impedance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 199 of 257 New Flyer meets the specification requirements by providing a 8-ohm impedance TCB speakers located on the street side edge of driver’s ceiling panel. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 200 of 257 TS 82.4.2 Handset DEFAULT Contractor will install a handset for driver use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer meets the specification requirement by providing Harris Corporation handset for driver. TS 82.4.3 Emergency Alarm DEFAULT Contractor shall install an emergency alarm that is accessible to the driver but hidden from view. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: New Flyer's proposal is based on providing a Silent alarm switch located on vertical face of the side console. TS 83. Event Data Recorders (EDR) DEFAULT No EDR shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 201 of 257 Exhibit ‘B’ – Proposal Pricing (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 202 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus $444,899.00 $449,899.00 ADVERTISING FRAMES None None None AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR Donaldson (RBX00-2277) Air Restriction Indicator $18.88 $18.88 AIR SYSTEM Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor $3,235.71 $3,235.71 AIR SYSTEM Bendix AD9 Air Dryer $847.22 $847.22 AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton S790)$10.33 $10.33 AIR SYSTEM Kingston Auto Drain Valve at Ping Tanks $79.65 $79.65 ALTERNATOR EMP (400 Amp for EMP Electric Cooling System with EMP Radiator and Charge Air Cooler)$2,474.62 $2,474.62 AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA APC Sensors, Cabling, CPU Only (Integrated w/ ITS)$4,013.50 $4,013.50 AXLES & SEALS Stud Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Oil Seals Not Applicable Not Applicable AXLES & SEALS Synthetic 75W90 Gear Oil $8.17 $8.17 BATTERIES (2) DEKA 8D Side or Top Post Connections $215.33 $215.33 BATTERIES Vanner 60Amp Battery Voltage Equalizer Not Applicable Not Applicable BATTERIES Anderson 300 Jump Start Connector (Rear Only)$90.26 $90.26 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Powder Coated $471.50 $471.50 BIKE RACKS Bike Rack Deployed Indicator Lamp on Driver's Dash Part of dash install. No cost to add. Part of dash install. No cost to add. BRAKES S-Cam Drum Brakes with Wabco ABS Not Applicable to proposed disc brake system. Not Applicable to proposed disc brake system. COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM DC Power Filter for Radio Wiring $356.50 $356.50 COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Power Circuit (Route to RH Dash & Electrical Equipment Box) Roof Mount RF/GPS information require to quote information require to quote COOLING SYSTEM EMP Electric Cooling Fan System with EMP Radiator MH-4 $6,088.55 $6,088.55 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% White LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear $4,669.00 $4,669.00 DOOR SYSTEM-- FRONT Full Driver Control--31.75" Minimum Doorway Clear Width Not Available Not Available DOOR SYSTEM-- REAR OEM Standard Air Open/Spring Close Rear Door with Full Driver Control--31.75" Minimum Doorway Clear Width $5,051.21 $5,051.21 DOOR SYSTEM-- REAR Add Touch Bars (Air Open / Spring Close) at Rear Door with Driver Override Included in above price Included in above price DRIVER BARRIER None None None DRIVER CONTROLS Williams Controls 41 Degree Throttle and Brake Pedal (Non-Adjustable) $515.47 $515.47 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Base Bus Price Base Bus Price P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 203 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DRIVER HEATERS MCC Drivers Heater-Brushless Motors, Electric Control, Removable Filter $875.67 $875.67 DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) $2,190.75 $2,190.75 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 44"H x 22.5"W x 20"D, 1-Door $2,054.43 $2,054.43 ENGINE Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel $35,561.45 $35,561.45 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Magnetic Drain Plug $1.23 $1.23 EXHAUST SYSTEM Cummins Computest Fitting at Turbo Outlet Pipe Cummins engine price above Cummins engine price above EXTERIOR LIGHTS Reverse $128.04 $128.04 EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4 LED Headlights (Low & High Beam)$1,016.60 $1,016.60 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x11", 2-Piece, no heat or remote adjustment (Street Side)$249.63 $249.63 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x11", 2-Piece, with remote adjustment (Curbside Mirror)$249.63 $249.63 FARE COLLECTION No Farebox , Provide Power Circuit and Groundstrap Only $31.35 $31.35 SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression System $3,020.36 $3,020.36 FLOORING Greenwood ACQ Plywood $1,321.33 $1,321.33 FLOORING Gerflor Tarabus Helios Flooring $1,495.00 $1,495.00 FRAME 3CR12 Stainless Steel $26,454.29 $26,454.29 FUEL SYSTEM Spin On Primary and Secondary Fuel Filters $505.92 $505.92 GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Speedometer, Air Pressure Gauge, 12/24 volt Gauges, DEF Gauge, Engine Oil Pressure Gauge, Engine Coolant Temp Gauge $1,070.24 $1,070.24 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with X430 Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors $20,050.25 $20,050.25 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING R407C Refrigerent Included in price above Included in price above HUBOMETER Guard $37.92 $37.92 INTERIOR LIGHTS LED Interior Lights $206.90 $206.90 MIRRORS 8.25" x 16" Interior Rear View Mirror, Flat Faced $16.89 $16.89 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices IVN 4 (AVL/GPS/CAD/Automatic Stop Annunciation) $20,440.10 $20,440.10 MISCELLANOUS Scissor Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows $136.01 $136.01 MODESTY PANELS Standard Melamine Panels on Lower Section $1,117.46 $1,117.46 PAINT One Color w/ Black Mask at Windows Not Available Not Available PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Curbisde Aft of ADA Area Included with USSC 4One Gemini seating price below Included with USSC 4One Gemini seating price below P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 204 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Streetside Aft of ADA Area Included with USSC 4One Gemini seating price below Included with USSC 4One Gemini seating price below PASSENGER SEATING USSC 4ONE Gemini $15,267.40 $15,267.40 PASSENGER SIGNALS Pull Cords (Neutral) with Touch Pad at Wheelchair Location $194.34 $194.34 PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed $8,414.91 $8,414.91 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM PA with Handheld Mic w / (8) Flush Mount Speakers 35' (6) w / 30' $268.72 $268.72 REAR RUN CONTROLS Engine Run Control and Start Switch, Compartment Light Switch $815.24 $815.24 ROOF HATCHES Manual Hatch at Front and Rear Positions $381.06 $381.06 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5LBS ABC Fire Extinguisher (Mounted Behind Driver Seat) $84.95 $84.95 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Safety Triangles (K-D 610-4640) $22.43 $22.43 SCHEDULE RACK NONE None None STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Stainless Steel Vertical Stanchions, Grabrails, and Modesty Panel Tubes $2,704.26 $2,704.26 STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Vinyl Coated Nylon Grab Straps--Each $39.46 $39.46 STARTER Delco 42MT Electric $339.54 $339.54 STEERING SYSTEM Douglas, Single Tilt, Without Column Turn Signal, Without High-Low Beam Switch $752.81 $752.81 STEERING SYSTEM Steering Wheel--Standard 20" Non-Padded 3 Spoke Wheel with Center Horn Button $166.73 $166.73 SYSTEM Ross Model TS 65 $787.67 $787.67 STYLING PACKAGES Standard BRT Styling Package BRT styling included in base bus price BRT styling included in base bus price STYLING PACKAGES Windshield 2-Piece $638.98 $638.98 CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 6TB HDD, GPS, Wireless, Impact Sensor $7,087.45 $7,087.45 TIRES Agency Supplied Tires No Cost To New Flyer No Cost To New Flyer TOWING None None None TRANSMISSION Voith D864.6, or Latest Model $13,662.00 $13,662.00 WHEELCHAIR RAMP Lift U--Ramp (LU-18 Dual Mode Front Door Ramp Only) $6,576.50 $6,576.50 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC--V-PRO-Reliant Included with USSC 4One Gemini seating price above Included with USSC 4One Gemini seating price above P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 205 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with Durabrite $395.96 $395.96 DECALS & SIGNAGE THESE SEATS TO THE ELDERLY AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES", White on Clear $1.54 $1.54 SIGNAGE White $1.13 $1.13 DECALS & SIGNAGE Interior Symbol Decals (3)--ISO Symbols, No Smoking/Eating/Drinking/Radio. White on Black $1.44 $1.44 DECALS & SIGNAGE Vehicle Height Decal--English "Caution Clearance Height XX FT XX IN, Black on Yellow $1.13 $1.13 DECALS & SIGNAGE Drivers /Passengers Standee Warning Decal for Florida--"It Is A Violation For This Bus To Be In Operation With Passengers Occupying The Area Forward Of Yellow Line. Therefore Passengers May Not Stand Forward Of The Yellow Line While Bus Is $1.85 $1.85 MANUALS Drivers, Service, Parts, Electrical, Vendor (Hardcopy) & Compact Disc (CD)--1 Set Hardcopy & 1 CD (Up to 3 buses ordered) $2,035.00 $2,035.00 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 206 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus ADVERTISING FRAMES(1) Information Board (#15-55401-000)Included in base bus price Included in base bus price ADVERTISING FRAMES Advertising Frame - Interior122" X 21",RH Load, Open Back, Clear Aluminum Finish Not Available Not Available AIR SYSTEM Bendix ADIP , Heated, Air Dryer Included in base bus price Included in base bus price AIR SYSTEM Bendix Puraguard Air / Oil Separator $21.99 $21.99 AIR SYSTEM Chicago Rawhide Dual Turbo 2000 Air Dryer Not Available Not Available AIR SYSTEM Electric Driven 12.5 CFM-BAE Hybrid Package $10,313.37 $10,313.37 AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA15 Air Dryer $566.47 $566.47 AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA60 Air Dryer $1,141.61 $1,141.61 AIR SYSTEM Haldex Consep Moisture Ejector, Heated, at Air Dryer ($8.86)($8.86) AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton 770)($59.60)($59.60) AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection (Milton 727)($41.14)($41.14) AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT 2000 Duraguard, 24V Heated, Filtration Plus Air Dryer Not Available Not Available AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT_2000 Duraguard Air Dryer Not Available Not Available AIR SYSTEM Wabco SS 1800, Heated, Air Dryer Not Available Not Available ALTERNATOR BAE APS2 Beltless Alternator DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Sub-Systems $215,615.00 $220,615.00 ALTERNATOR Neihoff 803D (525 AMP) with Remote Regulator $610.07 $610.07 ALTERNATOR Neihoff C703 (330 AMP )Not Available Not Available ALTERNATOR Neihoff C803 Alternator with Remote Regulator $610.07 $610.07 ALTERNATOR Vanner 300 AMP DC-DC Converter $5,539.88 $5,539.88 AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER Clever Devices CleverCount System Not quoted Not quoted AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities, price includes a change from the base camera system to specified system ($941.33) ($941.33) AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities (without APC software & Wi-Fi data transfer, price includes a change from the base system to specified system ($1,543.00) ($1,543.00) AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals Included in base bus price Included in base bus price AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels, Axles with Oil Seals Not Available Not Available AXLES & SEALS Rear Axle Oil Drain Plug-Magnetic Internal Hex Head Plug Included in base bus price Included in base bus price AXLES & SEALS Stud Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals Not Available Not Available BATTERIES 24 Volt to 13.6 Volt DC-DC Converter $1,050.47 $1,050.47 BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Connector (Each) Included in base bus price Included in base bus price BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Delete ($90.26) ($90.26) BATTERIES Group 31 Batteries $1,013.27 $1,013.27 BATTERIES Marine Cabling for Charging System Not Available Not Available BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors - Vanner Start Sentry $3,919.00 $3,919.00 BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors-HBI KA Power $3,421.67 $3,421.67 BATTERIES Vanner 80-series Smart Battery Equalizer w/CAN Included in base bus price Included in base bus price BATTERIES Voltage spike arrestor, S.K.I. Products SKI241-101445, or approved equal Not Available Not Available BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak Pivot Plate Only ($543.00) ($543.00) BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Stainless Steel $363.23 $363.23 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Powder Coated $1,398.29 $1,398.29 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Stainless Steel $1,380.62 $1,380.62 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak-Mounting Brackets Only ($543.00) ($543.00) BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Powder Coated $207.55 $207.55 BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Stainless Steel $700.26 $700.26 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Options List P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 207 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 3, 3-Position, Powder Coated $389.90 $389.90 BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX3, 3-Position, Stainless Steel $839.85 $839.85 BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2, 2-Position, Powder Coated $614.03 $614.03 BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2,2-Position, Stainless Steel $340.53 $340.53 BIKE RACKS Sportworks Mounting Brackets Only ($368.23) ($368.23) BIKE RACKS Sportworks Pivot Plate Only ($505.15) ($505.15) BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Powder Coated $1,249.72 $1,249.72 BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Stainless Steel $1,526.15 $1,526.15 BRAKES Automatic Traction Control-(ATC)$335.24 $335.24 BRAKES Four Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS Included in base bus price Included in base bus price BRAKES MGM E-Stroke Brake Wear Monitoring System $1,600.00 $1,600.00 CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 120" III Fuel Tanks Not Available Not Available CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 85 & (4) 120 Type III Fuel Tanks Not Available Not Available CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (8) 85" III Fuel Tanks Not Available Not Available CNG 20XX Cummins L9N 280 HP, with Minimum 17,500 SCF,price includes engine $45,929.00 $50,929.00 CNG Add Second Fast Fill to Low Mount Position Not Available Not Available CNG Electric Solenoid Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves $197.33 $197.33 CNG Manual Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves Not Available Not Available CNG Smart Gauge fuel System Monitoring Gauge (includes tank upgrade to electric solenoids)Not Available Not Available COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 572 Antenna $116.88 $116.88 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 930T Antenna with RG58 coax cable and TNC connector Discontinued Discontinued COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 931 Antenna $103.13 $103.13 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM GPS Antenna (Trimble 502 Model 18334) $391.88 $391.88 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Harris XG-25M Not Available Not Available COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Motorola APX 4500 $2,066.63 $2,066.63 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Motorola APX 6500 $2,703.25 $2,703.25 COOLING SYSTEM Auxilary Coolant Heater $2,219.07 $2,219.07 COOLING SYSTEM Breeze Constant Tension Clamps Not Available Not Available COOLING SYSTEM E - Coat Radiator, Charge Air Cooler, & Hydraulic Cooler $687.30 $687.30 COOLING SYSTEM Masabi Radiator Not Available Not Available COOLING SYSTEM Modine Electric Cooling System without E-Coat ($350.00) ($350.00) COOLING SYSTEM Modine Hydraulic Cooling Fan System Included in base bus price Included in base bus price COOLING SYSTEM Modine Side by Side Plate Fin Radiator Included in base bus pric Included in e base bus pric COOLING SYSTEM Oetiker Constant Torque Clamps Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard Included in base bus price Included in base bus price COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard with Splash Shield Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Hanover Wireless Programming Not Available Not Available DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Destination Sign Wireless Programming Not Available Not Available DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Program Software $366.78 $366.78 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 208 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE TwinVision Program Software Provided at no cost from OEM Provided at no cost from OEM DESTINATION SIGNS 200 x 24 Front Sign Amber Color $1,268.18 $1,268.18 DESTINATION SIGNS 200 x 24 Front Sign White Color $1,932.96 $1,932.96 DESTINATION SIGNS Full Color Sign System $5,896.43 $5,896.43 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Amber LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear ($280.00) ($280.00) DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Full Color LED Sign (17 x 160)-Front ,Side, Rear $2,660.63 $2,660.63 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover Program Software Provided at no cost from OEM Provided at no cost from OEM DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover-Add Front Run Sign-Amber LED $728.75 $728.75 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover-Add Front Run Sign-Color LED $696.78 $696.78 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover-Add Front Run Sign-White LED $962.50 $962.50 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover-Delete Rear Sign ($735.00) ($735.00) DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Amber LED Sign (16x 160)-Front, Side , and Rear ($20.00)($20.00) DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Silver LED Sign (16 x 160)-Front, Side , and Rear ($20.00)($20.00) DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator InfoLite 24" monitor $6,331.02 $6,331.02 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator InfoTransit 24" monitor $5,643.58 $5,643.58 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator RearView Camera Integraded into Rear LED Sign $570.63 $570.63 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Rearview Camera without Rear LED Sign $962.50 $962.50 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Spectrum 100% Full Color LED GEN IV Front Sign (16 x 112)$2,447.50 $2,447.50 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Amber Series Sign (24 x 200)-Front, Side, and Rear $522.50 $522.50 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Silver Series LED Sign (24 X 200)-Front, Side, and Rear $522.50 $522.50 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision-Add Front Run Sign-Amber LED $550.00 $550.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision-Add Front Run Sign-Color LED $1,375.00 $1,375.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision-Add Front Run Sign-Silver LED $550.00 $550.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator-Delete Rear Sign ($700.00) ($700.00) DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Amber LED Sign (16 x 160)-Front, Side, and Rear ($60.00)($60.00) DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Silver LED Sign (16 X 160)-Front, Side, and Rear ($60.00)($60.00) DOOR SYSTEM Add Exterior Air Release (Front Door Control Valve) Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DOOR SYSTEM Add Push Button Door Controls Not Available Not Available DOOR SYSTEM Add Vapor Class 5 Position Analog Controller $2,365.00 $2,365.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add-Vapor Activair Differential Engine for Slide-Glide Doors Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DOOR SYSTEM Add-Vapor CLASS Acoustic (Photo Sensor) $1,247.45 $1,247.45 DOOR SYSTEM Add-Vapor Digital Door Control - DDC Not Available Not Available DOOR SYSTEM Add-Vapor Electric Transit Operator - ETO $6,871.53 $6,871.53 DOOR SYSTEM Add-Vapor Light Touch Bars $1,123.22 $1,123.22 DOOR SYSTEM Add-Vapor Optical Pressure Switch - OPS $164.84 $164.84 DOOR SYSTEM--REAR Add Touch Tape at Rear Doors $345.72 $345.72 DRIVER BARRIER Drivers Barrier Storage Box Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric DRIVER BARRIER Driver's Security Enclosure $3,435.77 $3,435.77 DRIVER BARRIER Flat Melamine, Two Piece Not Available Not Available DRIVER BARRIER Plexiglass Drivers Security Enclosure Door $3,594.35 $3,594.35 DRIVER BARRIER Wrap Around Fiberglass Drivers Barrier Not Available Not Available DRIVER BARRIER Wraparound fiberglass, without schedule holders, with drivers barrier grap handle Not Available Not Available DRIVER CONTROLS 12 V Cigarette Light Adaptor for PC auxilary power-Drivers area $11.77 $11.77 DRIVER CONTROLS Kongsberg Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal $971.76 $971.76 DRIVER CONTROLS Teleflex Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal $971.76 $971.76 DRIVER HEATERS Dash Fan $184.31 $184.31 DRIVERS SEAT Add Adjustable D-Ring to Recaro Ergo Metro $275.00 $275.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Adustable D-Ring to USSC Seat $82.50 $82.50 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 209 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro $130.63 $130.63 DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to USSC Seat Not Available Not Available DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to Recaro Ergo Metro No additional cost No additional cost DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to USSC Seat $48.13 $48.13 DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to Recaro Ergo Metro Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to USSC Seat No additional cost No additional cost DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro $34.38 $34.38 DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to USSC Seat $48.13 $48.13 DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to Recaro Ergo Metro Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to USSC Seat No additional cost No addition cost DRIVERS SEAT Recaro Ergo Metro, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belts (Lap & Shoulder)($295.00) ($295.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($555.00) ($555.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder)($404.00) ($404.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($191.00) ($191.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($191.00) ($191.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap)($265.00) ($265.00) DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder)($140.00) ($140.00) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door Not Available Not Available ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door, Louvered Back Panel Not Available Not Available ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 2-Doors Not Available Not Available ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 8.25"H x 20"W x 13"D, 1-Door, Curbside Wheelhousing Storage Box $249.52 $249.52 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add 5/16" Square Key Lock-Each Included in base bus price Included in base bus price ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Exhaust Ventilation Fan-Each $248.69 $248.69 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Standard Key Lock-Each Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Femco Auto Drain $40.28 $40.28 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve-engine oil $22.34 $22.34 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Sample Test Port-Titan Probalizer OD-1014 $60.38 $60.38 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Spinner II Bypass Filter System $1,269.52 $1,269.52 EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (High Beam Only)Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (Low Beam Only)Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS 7" Diameter LED Tail Lights-Turn, Tail, Stop, Reverse $205.38 $205.38 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Amber LED Strip Brake Light-Each Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Red LED Strip Brake Light-Each $55.29 $55.29 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 4" Diameter LED Brake Light-Each Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 7" Diameter LED Brake Light-Each Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Amber Triangle Style LED "Yield" Sign $133.88 $133.88 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Red LED "STOP" Sign Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS Dual Halogen Headlights (Low & High Beam Only)Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR LIGHTS Fog Lights Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR MIRRORS 5" Mirror Front Bike Rack Mirror $67.66 $67.66 EXTERIOR MIRRORS Add Turn Signal Indicator on Exterior Mirror Head $248.06 $248.06 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x13", 1-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides)Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x10", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides)Not Available Not Available EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x15", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides)($21.94)($21.94) EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x8", 1-Piece, Remote Control Both Sides, Stainless Steel Arms $80.86 $80.86 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 210 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus EXTERIOR MIRRORS Delete Remote Control (Per Side)($228.25) ($228.25) FARE COLLECTION Add Farebox Lamp, Ceiling mounted $41.18 $41.18 FARE COLLECTION GFI 41" Tall Odyssey $14,903.63 $14,903.63 FARE COLLECTION Install Customer Provided Farebox Base Plate To be discussed during pre production To be discussed during pre productionFIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Armored LTD ($271.08) ($271.08) FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Optical Sensor (each) $295.65 $295.65 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde TLSE $1,755.89 $1,755.89 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex Safety-Net Fire Suppression & 4 Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only)$2,323.46 $2,323.46 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex V-25 Fire Suppression System $1,492.41 $1,492.41 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression & (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only)Not Available Not Available FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum LTD Fire Detection and Suppression System $6,737.75 $6,737.75 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum with LTD and (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only)$5,608.73 $5,608.73 FLOORING Altro Transflor $688.34 $688.34 FLOORING Composite Sub Floor $561.60 $561.60 FLOORING Stainless Steel Trim on Risers and Wheelhousings Not Available Not Available FLOORING Transitflor Rubber Flooring $228.69 $228.69 FRAME Engine Skid Protection W/ Extended Tow Eyes & 2" Thick x 2" Wide Wear Plate Not Available Not Available FRAME Engine Skid Protection with Extended Tow Eyes Not Available Not Available FRAME Frame Undercoating Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric FRAME Reinforced A-Post Skid Plates (Per Side) Not Available Not Available FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Heated Not Available Not Available FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Non-Heated Not Available Not Available FUEL SYSTEM EMCO-WHEATON Posi Lock 105 (Flip Cap or Twist Cap) Included in base bus price Included in base bus price GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Auxiliary Stop Request Light No additional cost to add No additional cost to add GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Engine Hour Meter No additional cost to add No additional cost to add GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge-CNG Included in base bus price Included in base bus price GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge-Diesel $79.51 $79.51 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge-Diesel Hybrid $79.51 $79.51 GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Alarm No additional cost to add No additional cost to add GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Warning Indicator No additional cost to add No additional cost to add GAUGES--DRIVERS DASH Add Mutil Function Display (MFD)No additional cost to add No additional cost to add HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC Electric System with Alternator $4,931.85 $4,931.85 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC with brushless condensor and evaporator motors and 05G Compressor, Eco Temp Controls ($2,276.00) ($2,276.00) HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SanUVAire-Safe Breathe Air Purification System Not Available Not Available HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Sutrak All-Electric HVAC SYSTEM-(Roof Mounted/Rear Mounted HVAC system)Not Available Not Available P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 211 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King Pressure and Return Display Mounted to Unit Not Available Not Available HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King TE15 electric HVAC system $3,172.58 $3,172.58 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King RLF with S391 compressor.$1,335.15 $1,335.15 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with S616 Screw Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors Not Available Not Available HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo-King All-Electric HVAC System w/ HVDM-Allison Hybrid $23,050.00 $23,050.00 HUBOMETER Add Hubodometer Guard Not Available Not Available HUBOMETER E J Ward Data System (Includes CANceiver, Display Unit, and Antenna) Not Available Not Available HUBOMETER Engler (Stemco) Mechanical without Tenths, without Guard No additiona cost No addition cost HUBOMETER S/A Fleetwatch Data Logger JX 55 $514.76 $514.76 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins B6.7 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA $222,026.00 $222,026.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins B6.7 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 with 32K Batteries $220,615.00 $220,615.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA Not Available Not Available HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 Not Available Not Available HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add BAE Electric Accessories R.E.A.L. System-(Diesel or CNG Engines Only) Not Available Not Available HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Extended Range Batteries-BAE $20,625.00 $20,625.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Air Compressor Package-BAE $6,447.89 $6,447.89 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Steering Package-BAE $7,782.20 $7,782.20 INTERIOR MIRRORS 12" Convex at Rear Door Stanchion Included in base bus price Included in base bus price INTERIOR MIRRORS 4.75" x 15" Interior Mirror, Flat Faced Not Available Not Available INTERIOR MIRRORS 6 Flat Faced Spot Mirror at Bottom of Front Destination Sign Compartment Not Available Not Available ITS SYSTEM Avail IVU with MDC, GPS, APC, and WLAN ($2,936.00) ($2,936.00) ITS SYSTEM Avail System Pre-Wire (IVU, MDT, APC, Fare Box) ($17,998.10) ($17,998.10) ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System $5,467.00 $5,467.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices BusTime System $3,198.25 $3,198.25 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverCAD System $5,099.88 $5,099.88 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverVision $13,021.25 $13,021.25 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Secure Bus Access System $2,732.13 $2,732.13 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Turn Warning System $3,284.88 $3,284.88 ITS SYSTEM Intelligent Vehicle System Prewire Only (Pending System Specification) ($3,603.00) ($3,603.00) ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite-2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys Module $11,721,88 $11,721,88 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite-Upgrade to 29" Monitors $4,400.00 $4,400.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite-Upgrade to 37"Monitors $5,225.00 $5,225.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit-2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys Module $11,721.88 $11,721.88 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit-Upgrade to 29" Monitors $4,400.00 $4,400.00 ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit-Upgrade to 37" Monitors $5,225.00 $5,225.00 ITS SYSTEM MobileEye Collision Avoidance System Not Available Not Available ITS SYSTEM None None None ITS SYSTEM Opticom Traffic Signal Priority $7,624.38 $7,624.38 ITS SYSTEM Transloc Transit Visualization System AVL Not Available Not Available MISCELLANOUS Drivers Coat Hook Included in base bus price Included in base bus price MISCELLANOUS Euramatic Cup Holder $41.05 $41.05 MISCELLANOUS Registration Card holder $10.00 $10.00 MISCELLANOUS Roller Style Sunshades-Drivers Windows ($94.00) ($94.00) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 212 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus MISCELLANOUS Stainless Steel Waste Basket and Bracket $73.00 $73.00 MODESTY PANELS Front Door Modesty Panel Not Available Not Available MODESTY PANELS Lower Modesty Panel Forward of Rear Door Included in base bus price Included in base bus price MODESTY PANELS Melamine Panel Lower Section (Aft Rear Door) Not Available Not Available MODESTY PANELS Quick Changing Glazing Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panels Both Sides of Rear Exit Door Not Available Not Available MODESTY PANELS Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panel Forward Rear Door Included in base bus price Included in base bus price PAINT Add Roof Numbers $67.50 $67.50 PAINT Add-Additional Color--Per Pass $478.97 $478.97 PAINT Add-Clear Coat $1,755.02 $1,755.02 PAINT Custom Paint / Decal Design (Per Spec) Included in base bus price Included in base bus price PASSENGER SEATING Add-3rd Step To Perimeter Seating (Except Settee)Not Available Not Available PASSENGER SEATING Add-Hinged Rear SeHee Included in base bus price Included in base bus price PASSENGER SEATING Add-USB Charging Ports at Passenger Locations $1,650.00 $1,650.00 PASSENGER SEATING AMESCO Insight Prime Plus $6,845.97 $7,345.97 PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Insight $7,805.72 $8,305.72 PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Vision $9,685.34 $10,185.34 PASSENGER SEATING Kiel Citos Not Available Not Available PASSENGER SEATING Kiel North America Intra $5,106.75 $5,506.75 PASSENGER SIGNALS Stop Request Button At Rear Door Stanchion Included in base bus price Included in base bus price PASSENGER SIGNALS Touch Tape (At Window Mullions) $1,422.10 $1,422.10 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded $19,455.36 $20,455.36 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Standard Frame $8,421.53 $9,421.53 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded $16,960.41 $17,960.41 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Standard Frame $5,630.93 $6,630.93 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Window Guards (Acrylic or Film) Included in base window pricing Included in base window pricing PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded-Full Fixed $5,648.36 $6,648.36 PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass-Full Fixed $227.34 $227.34 PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass-Full Sliders $239.42 $739.42 PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels Not Available Not Available PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with full-height sliding panels Not Available Not Available PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels Not Available Not Available PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with sliding transom panels Not Available Not Available PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass-Full Fixed ($1,021.83) ($1,521.83) PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass-Full Sliders $470.75 $1,470.75 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM (1) Interior/Both/Exterior Speaker Selct Toggle Switch without Guard & (1) Rheostat Volume Control with XLR Mic Jack Not Available Not Available PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Boom Microphone-Soundview SVA50SF (24") without ON/OFF Switch on Microphone, Momentary Button toe Switch, Floor Bracket Mounted Not Available Not Available PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devices Automated Voice Announcement System Included in base bus price Included in base bus price PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devises - Speakeasy II $2,239.88 $2,239.88 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Hanover AVA System (Voice) $6,920.83 $6,920.83 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 213 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Luminator VAS System $7,528.13 $7,528.13 REAR RUN CONTROLS Radiator Electric Fan Controls-Fan Reverse Flow Momentary Toggle Switch & Indicator Lamp Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric REAR RUN CONTROLS Rear Hand Thottle Control-Rheostat Variable Speed Control with Toggle Witch & Guard ($78.56) ($78.56) REAR RUN GAUGES Add A/C Hour Meter Included in base bus price Included in base bus price REAR RUN GAUGES Add Coolant Temperature-Electrical Not Available Not Available REAR RUN GAUGES Add Coolant Temperature-Mechanial Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric REAR RUN GAUGES Add Engine Hour Meter Included in base bus price Included in base bus price REAR RUN GAUGES Add Oil Pressure-Electrical Not Available Not Available REAR RUN GAUGES Add Oil Pressure-Mechanical Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric REAR RUN GAUGES Add Transmission Temperature-Electrical Not Available Not Available REAR RUN GAUGES Add Transmission Temperature-Mechanical Included in base bus price Included in base bus price REAR RUN GAUGES Add Voltmeter (12V or 24V) $84.83 $84.83 ROOF HATCHES Delete (1) Roof hatch ($189.46) ($189.46) SAFETY EQUIPMENT Bio- Hazard Disposal Kit Not Available Not Available SAFETY EQUIPMENT Blood Born Pathogens Kit $35.36 $35.36 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Ten Unit First Aid Kit $72.84 $72.84 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Wheel Chocks ( Per Set ) $120.26 $120.26 SCHEDULE RACK (1) Schedule Holder OBIC 20/9 4PW-49/923BO- 4 Slots,Gray Color $652.73 $652.73 SCHEDULE RACK 22" x 21" Black, RH Load Open Back Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric SCHEDULE RACK Innocom Schedule Racks 3.75" x 7" x 1.5" Not Available Not Available SCHEDULE RACK Innocom Schedule Racks 8.62" x 1 1" x 1" $10.98 $10.98 SCHEDULE RACK OBIC To (4) Quad Pamphlet & (1) Single Pamphlet Holders Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric SCHEDULE RACK Transit Info Products OBICT10P2LTRMC Not Available Not Available SCHEDULE RACK Transit Information Products -19"x 21" OBIC 19/214P1LTRMC Not Available Not Available STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Add Farebox Grabrail Included in base bus price Included in base bus price STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Horizontal Grabrail on Curbside & Streetside Wheelhousing Included in base bus price Included in base bus price STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS SSTL Spring Loaded Grab Handle-Each $141.65 $141.65 STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Vehicle Stanchion at Front Wheel Wells-Each Included in base bus price Included in base bus price STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions Only No Price Change No Price Change STANCHIONS/GRAB RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions, Grab Rails, and Modesty Panel Tubes Included in base bus price Included in base bus price STARTER Delco 39MT Electric Not Available Not Available STEEERING SYSTEM VIP Textured Steering Wheel Not Available Not Available STEERING SYSTEM Steering Box-TRW TAS6505 Not Available Not Available STEERING SYSTEM TRW Electric Assisted Steering Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap Styling Only Included in base bus price Included in base bus price STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap, Rear Cap and Engine Door Styling Included in base bus price Included in base bus price STYLING PACKAGES BRT PLUS Front Cap, Rear Cap, Roof Line and Engine Door Styling Included in base bus price Included in base bus price P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 214 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus STYLING PACKAGES BRT Roof Fairings, Front or Rear (each), note that CNG and Hybrid base bus price includes roof fairings a standard. Price is to add fairings to the diesel configuration only. $2,219.40 $2,219.40 STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Cow Catcher on Front Bumper Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Exterior Roof Mounted Sign Boards Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Exterior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Cupola, Front & Rear Overhand Eves, Arches, Window Mullions, Window Sills, Rub Rails, Skirt Panels, Front & Rear Door, Front & Rear Bumper. Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Front Center Trolley Light Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Front Roof Hatch Accomodations Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Hybrid Bus Compatible Cupola Package Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Interior Vinyl Seat Cushions Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Interior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Ceiling Panel Strips, Window Tops & Sills, Overhead Passenger Lights, Driver's Dash Area.Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Roof Accent LED Rope Lighting Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Vintage Style Trolley Seating, Solid Wood Slats, Bull Nose Top, and Bottom Roundover Edges Not Available Not Available STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Vintage Style Vinyl Graphics: Cupola Window & Exterior Window Graphic Motifs, Standard Gold Vinyl Pinstripping, Exterior Graphics Banner Package, Interior Graphics Banner at Rear I/O Enclosure, Exterior Bus Numbers, Gold Battery Disconnect Not Available Not Available SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax (7) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 1TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor ($218.07) ($218.07) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax-Add (1) High Definition Color Camera $355.50 $355.50 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax-Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera $355.50 $355.50 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS AngelTrax-Add 1TB HDD (Double stacked 500GB HDD)$242.00 $242.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-Add (1) 4K Color Camera $1,028.50 $1,028.50 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-Add (1) High Definition 360° Camera $807.13 $807.13 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-WC340 LTE Advanced Mobile Cellular Router $1,298.00 $1,298.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo Back Up Camera with LCD Screen $632.50 $632.50 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-Add (1) High Definition Color Camera $402.88 $402.88 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-Add (1) Standard Definition Coler Camera $296.00 $296.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-Add 8TB HDD Included in base is a 6TB HDD (only available) Included in base is a 6TB HDD (only available)SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Apollo-Delete (1) Standard Definition Color Camera ($296.00) ($296.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Camera Pre Wire Package $454.95 $454.95 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Network 5412 (10) Camera-Kalatel Mobileview Not Available Not Available SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - 4TB HDD (Caddy GTxx G1 HDD 2x2TB) $2,392.50 $2,392.50 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 215 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - 4TB SSD (Caddy GTxx G1 SSD 2x1.92TB) $6,084.38 $6,084.38 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition 360 Interior Camera $495.00 $495.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Exterior Camera $526.25 $526.25 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Interior Camera with Microphone $360.25 $360.25 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Windshield Mounted Interior Camera $639.38 $639.38 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) Standard [Analog] Definition Exterior Camera $389.13 $389.13 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - Add (1) Standard [Analog] Definition Interior Camera $449.63 $449.63 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT08: 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 1TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($2,762.00) ($2,762.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT12: 4 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($1,096.00) ($1,096.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT16: 8 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($546.00) ($546.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT20: 12 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor $6.19 $6.19 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe MT04: 4 High [IP] Definition Color Camera System, 1TB SDD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($1,096.00) ($1,096.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe MT06: 6 High [IP] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SDD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor ($546.00) ($546.00) SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview NVR7000 (10) Camera System, High Definition, 4TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor $3,493.19 $3,493.19 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview-Add (1) High Definition Camera $536.25 $536.25 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS Mobileview-Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD) $2,057.34 $2,057.34 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS REI Bus Watch Digital Not Available Not Available SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add (1) High Definition Color Camera $446.88 $446.88 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera $378.13 $378.13 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD) $5,775.00 $5,775.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS SEON NX-16 (7) Camera System, 2TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor $1,348.27 $1,348.27 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS TSI Nexus - HVR (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 4TB HDD, Remote LED Status Indicator, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor ($1,153.00) ($1,153.00) TIRES OEM Supplied Tires $3,029.40 $3,029.40 TIRES Tire Pressure Monitoring System Not Available Not Available TOWING Cole Hersee 12063 Electrical Tow Connector $3,029.40 $3,029.40 TOWING Delete Cole Hersee Tow Connector Not Available Not Available TRANSMISSION Allison B-400R, GEN IV or Latest GEN $2,785.41 $2,785.41 TRANSMISSION Davco Electronic Fluid Level Gauge Not Available Not Available TRANSMISSION KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - Transmission Fluid $22.34 $22.34 TRANSMISSION Titan Probalizer OD-1014 $60.38 $60.38 TRANSMISSION ZF 6AP1400B ($1,636.95) ($1,636.95) WARRANTY Extended Warranty - Voith $2,150.00 $2,150.00 WARRANTY Extended Warranty - Allison $2,815.00 $2,815.00 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 216 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Extended Warranty - ZF $2,565.00 $2,565.00 WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon - 4:1 Ratio, FR2E - Front Door Only Not Available Not Available WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon-6:1 Ratio, Single Slope Ramp – SSR - Front Door Only Not Available Not Available WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating-Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) with Remote Belt Release Included in base bus price Included in base bus pric WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating-Dual Auto Lok with Advanced Restraint Module (ARM)$1,212.75 $1,212.75 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating-Q'Straint Q'Pod $5,468.38 $5,468.38 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Belt Guard and Wheelchair Ramp Pan Identification Numbers Not Available Not Available WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Kiel North America K-Pod with Secubar Not Available Not Available WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Q'Straint Quantum, price is for both curb and street side locations $21,984.22 $21,984.22 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC-Q'Straint Q' POD $6,011.50 $6,011.50 WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish ($112.00) ($112.00) WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish with Durabrite ($37.00)($37.00) WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish ($55.00)($55.00) WHEELS/RIMS (7) Steel Powder Coated Finish, White or Black ($239.36) ($239.36) WHEELS/RIMS Alcoa Wheels-Add Duraflange $637.31 $637.31 WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Aluminum Wheel ($289.00) ($289.00) WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Steel Wheel ($104.00) ($104.00) DECALS & SIGNAGE Wheechair Securement Decals-WHEELCHAIR SEATING AREA SECUREMENTS ARE LOCATED BELOW THESE SEATS", Black on Optically Clear Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DECALS & SIGNAGE Trilingual Decals Included in base bus price Included in base bus price DECALS & SIGNAGE Yield Sign Decal Included in base bus price Included in base bus price WARRANTY Complete Bus-1 Year/Unlimited Miles- Diesel Only $6,786 $6,786 WARRANTY Body and Chassis Structure-7 Years/300,000 miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Engine (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)-5 Years/Unlimited Miles - Diesel $5,100.00 $5,100.00 WARRANTY Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)-5 Years/Unlimited Miles - CNG $5,725.00 $5,725.00 WARRANTY Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)-5 Years/Unlimited Miles - Hubrid $5,100.00 $5,100.00 WARRANTY Emission Control Systems-5 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Transmission (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-5 Years/Unlimited Miles - Voith $2,150.00 $2,150.00 WARRANTY Hybrid Drive System (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-5 Years/Unlimited Miles - BAE $15,000.00 $15,000.00 WARRANTY Hybrid Drive System (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-5 Years/Unlimited Miles - Allison $18,937.00 $18,937.00 WARRANTY Differential (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Differential (Extended Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY HVAC (Base Coverage)-3 Years/Unlimited Miles - Diesel $1,400.00 $1,400.00 WARRANTY HVAC (Base Coverage)-3 Years/Unlimited Miles - Hybrid $2,400.00 $2,400.00 WARRANTY HVAC (Extended Coverage)-7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)-3 Years/Unlimited Miles Included at no a dditional cost P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 217 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Extended Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)-7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Exterior Paint (Base Coverage)-7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Structure/Body Integrity Against Corrosion (Base Coverage)-12 Years/500,000 Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Sub-Floor (Base Coverage)-12 Years/Unlimited Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Flooring (Rubber) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)-12 Years/Unlimited Miles $2,000.00 $2,000.00 WARRANTY Flooring (Composite) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)-7 Years/Unlimited Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Body and Window Frames Against Leakage (Includes Parts & Labor)-7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Available Not Available WARRANTY Brake Systems-1 Year/100,000 Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Electrical System (Base Coverage)-1 Year/Unlimited Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Electrical System (Extended Coverage)-3 Years/Unlimited Miles Included at no additional cost Included at no additional cost WARRANTY Suspension System-2 Years/Unlimited Miles $300.00 $300.00 Category Item Description Price MANUALS Additional Driver's Handbook--Each $122.85 MANUALS Additional Service Manual (Hardcopy)-Each $228.15 MANUALS Additional Parts Manual (Hardcopy)-Each $272.03 MANUALS Additional Electrical Schematics (Hardcopy)-Each $175.50 MANUALS Additional Drivers, Service, Parts, or Electrical Schematics (CD)-Each $122.85 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy) - Diesel $3,062.48 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy) - CNG $3,097.58 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy) - Hybrid (BAE)$2,737.80 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy) - Allison $3,667.90 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (CD)-Each Not all OEM vendors provide CD's quoted upon request TRAINING Operator Orientation Training-By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier atAgency Property (Per Driver/Per Class)$986.85 TRAINING Maintenance Orientation Training-By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier atAgency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$986.85 TRAINING Steering System-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$986.85 TRAINING Chassis & Body-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$986.85 TRAINING Door Systems-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$986.85 TRAINING Suspension-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Pe Class)$986.85 TRAINING Electrical & Electronics-By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$5,921.10 TRAINING Air & Brake Systems-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$1,973.70 TRAINING HVAC & Climate Controls-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$2,700.00 TRAINING Engine-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) $8,640.00 TRAINING Transmission-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) - Diesel $8,100.00 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 218 of 257 Category Item Description 35 Foot Bus TRAINING Transmission-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) - CNG $8,100.00 TRAINING Transmission-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) - Hybrid $9,720.00 TRAINING Wheelchair Ramp-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$986.85 TRAINING Destination Sign-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) OEM will provide the first training session at no charge TRAINING Fire Suppression-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) OEM will provide the first training session at no charge TRAINING Hybrid Propulsion System-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$9,720.00 TRAINING Camera System Training-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$6,156.00 TRAINING Automatic Passenger Counting System-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$9,720.00 TRAINING Fare Collection Training-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$10,152.00 TRAINING ITS Technical Training-By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)$9,720.00 TRAINING MODULES Thermo-King Intelligaire Training Module $48,330.00 TRAINING MODULES I/O Controls Multiplex Board $61,290.00 TRAINING MODULES Air Brake Training Board $38,880.00 TRAINING MODULES BAE Hybrid Drive Module $429,750.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins Engine Module $53,190.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/Allison B400R Power Plant $195,210.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/Voith D864.5 (or latest model) $195,210.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/ZF 6AP1400B $195,210.00 TRAINING MODULES Vapor Door Training Module $46,575.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Cummins Tune Up Kit (pressure gauge, torque wrench, oil filter wrench, engine coolant & fuel wrench, belt tension gauge, charge A/C CAC pressure kit, engine barring gear, roller follower removal & installation tool, compucheck fitting) $24,081.02 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Nexiq USB Link 2 Wi-Fi Edition with 9-Pin Deutsch Adapter Kit, Insite (X) Software $1,042.35 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Set of Multiplexing Diagnostics (circuit tester, program loader, program, ID writer/verification, RS232/RS485 Converter, read time ladder logic, hand held computer, all required RTM software $508.60 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe AMB-45 Insulation Resistance Tester $813.09 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter $1,375.70 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Hybrid Battery Removal Tool Kit - Allison $3,490.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Hybrid Battery Removal Tool Kit - BAE $3,493.13 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Electric Drive Removal Tool Kit (Jack & Dolley)$2,227.76 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Kvaser Leaf Light HS v2 J1939-13 Type II $590.34 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS TK60 - 60pcs. 1000v Insulated Tool Kit $3,141.02 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Thermo King Intelligaire III Diagnostic Kit with Flash Load Programming Cable PCAN Adapter Diagnostic Cable Your PC PCAN Software USB to Serial Port Adapter CAN DIAG Program $1,688.59 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Meritor Software (Tool Box), Serial Link/Interface Kit $417.78 TOOLS Engine Dolley $2,227.76 TOOLS Transmission Jack $3,740.18 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 219 of 257 Exhibit ‘C’ - Warranty (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 220 of 257 Exhibit C Warranty Supplier Warranty Warranties in this document are in addition to any statutory remedies or warranties imposed on the Supplier. Consistent with t his requirement, the Supplier warrants and guarantees to the Authority each complete bus and specific subsystems and components as follows. Performance requirements based on design criteria shall not be deemed a warranty item. Complete Bus The complete bus, propulsion system, components, major subsystems and body and chassis structure are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for one year unlimited miles, beginning on the date of revenue service.” The warranty is based on regular operatio n of the bus under the operating conditions prevailing in the Agency’s locale. Body and Chassis Structure Body, body structure, structural elements of the suspension and engine cradle are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for three year s or 150,000 miles, whichever comes first. Primary load-carrying members of the bus structure, including structural elements of the suspension, are warranted against corrosion failure and/or Fatigue Failure sufficient to cause a Class 1 or Class 2 Failure for a period of 12 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. Propulsion System Propulsion system components, including the engine, transmission or drive motors, and generators (for hybrid technology) and drive and non-drive axles shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for the standard two years/unlimited miles. An Extended Warranty to a maximum of five years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first, may be purchased at an additional cost. The propulsion system manufacturer’s standard warranty, delineating items excluded from the Extended Warranty, should be submitted in accordance with the Request for Pre-Offer Change or Approved Equal or with the Form for Proposal Deviation. Emission Control System (ECS) The Supplier warrants the emission control system for five years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first. The ECS shall include, but is not limited to, the following components: Complete exhaust system, including catalytic converter (if required) After treatment device Components identified as emission control devices Subsystems Other subsystems shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for two years or 200,000 miles, whichever comes first. The Original Equipment Manufacturer P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 221 of 257 warranty w ill take precedent when in the best interest of the agency. Other subsystems are listed below: Brake system: Foundation brake components, including advancing mechanisms, as supplied with the axles, excluding friction surfaces. Destination signs: All destination sign equipment for the front, side and rear signs, power modules and operator control. Heating, ventilating: Roof and/or rear main unit only, excluding floor heaters and front defroster. AC unit and compressor: Roof and/or rear main unit only, excluding floor heaters and front defroster. Door systems: Door operating actuators and linkages. Air compressor Air dryer Wheelchair lift and ramp system: Lift and/or ramp parts and mechanical only. Starter Alternator: Alternator only. Does not include the drive system. Charge air cooler: Charge air cooler including core, tanks and including related surrounding framework and fittings. Fire suppression: Fire suppression system including tank and extinguishing agent dispensing system. Hydraulic systems: Including radiator fan drive and power steering as applicable. Engine cooling systems: Radiator including core, tanks and related framework, including surge tank. Transmission cooler Passenger seating excluding upholstery Fuel storage and delivery system Surveillance system including cameras and video recorders Serial Numbers Upon delivery of each bus, the Supplier shall provide a complete electronic list of serialized units installed on each bus to facilitate warranty tracking. The list shall include, but is not limited to the following: Engine Transmission Alternator Starter A/C compressor and condenser/evaporator unit Drive axle Power steering unit Fuel cylinders (if applicable) Air compressor Wheelchair ramp (if applicable) Surveillance system The Supplier shall provide updated serial numbers resulting from warranty campaigns. The format of the list shall be approved by the Agency prior to delivery of the first production bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 222 of 257 Extension of Warranty If, during the warranty period, repairs or modifications on any bus are made necessary by defective design, materials or workmanship but are not completed due to lack of material or inability to provide the proper repair for thirty (30) calendar days, then the applicable warranty period shall be extended by the nu mber of days equal to the delay period. Voiding of Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the failure of any part or component of the bus that directly results from misuse, negligence, accident or repairs not conducted in accordance with the Supplier-provided maintenance manuals and with workmanship performed by adequately trained personnel in accordance with recognized standards of the industry. The warranty also shall be void if the Agency fails to conduct normal inspections and scheduled preventive maintenance procedures as recommended in the Supplier’s maintenance manuals and if that omission caused the part or component failure. The Agency shall maintain documentation, auditable by the Supplier, verifying service activities in conformance with the Supplier’s maintenance manuals. Exceptions and Additions to Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the following items: Scheduled maintenance items Normal wear-out items Items furnished by the Agency Should the Agency require the use of a specific product and has rejected the Supplier’s request for an alternate product, then the standard Supplier warranty for that product shall be the only warranty provided to the Agency. This product will not be eligible under “Fleet Defects,” below. The Supplier shall not be required to provide warranty information for any warranty that is less than or equal to the warranty periods listed. Pass-Through Warranty Should the Supplier elect to not administer warranty claims on certain components and wish to transfer this responsibility to the sub-suppliers, or to others, the Supplier shall request this waiver. Supplier shall state in writing that the Agency’s warranty reimbursements will not be impacted. The Supplier also shall state in writing any exceptions and reimbursement including all costs incurred in transport of vehicles and/or components. At any time during the warranty period, the Supplier may request approval from the Agency to assign its warranty obligations to others, but only on a case-by-case basis approved in writing by the Agency. Otherwise, the Supplier shall be solely responsible for the administration of the warranty as specified. Warranty administration by others does not eliminate the warranty liability and responsibility of the Supplier. The Supplier will be responsible for settling all disputes with sub suppliers. Superior Warranty The Supplier shall pass on to the Agency any warranty offered by a component Supplier that is superior to that required herein. The Supplier shall provide a list to the Agency noting the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 223 of 257 conditions and limitations of the Superior Warranty not later than the start of production. The Superior Warranty shall not be administered by the Supplier. Fleet Defects Occurrence and Remedy A Fleet Defect is defined as cumulative failures of twenty-five (25) percent of the same components in the same or similar application in a minimum fleet size of twelve (12) or more buses where such items are covered by warranty. A Fleet Defect shall apply only to the base warranty period in sections entitled “Complete Bus,” “Propulsion System” and “Major Subsystems”. New Flyer does not warrant some major component assemblies (such as the engines, transmissions and air conditioning systems) which are warranted by their respective manufacturers (OEM’s). Warranty coverage for these items is as defined in those manufacturer’s own warranty documents and per their terms and conditions, and as administered by their own support networks. When a Fleet Defect is declared, the remaining warranty on that item/component stops. The warranty period does not restart until the Fleet Defect is corrected. The Supplier will notify the lead agency, or its designee, of all warranty claims within the same production year for all buses purchased off this contract. For the purpose of Fleet Defects, each option order shall be treated as a separate bus fleet. In addition, should there be a change in a major component within either the base order or an option order, the buses containing the new major component shall become a separ ate bus fleet for the purposes of Fleet Defects. The Supplier shall correct a Fleet Defect under the warranty provisions defined in “Repair Procedures.” After correcting the Defect, the Agency and the Supplier shall mutually agree to and the Supplier shall promptly undertake and complete a work program reasonably designed to prevent the occurrence of the same Defect in all other buses and spare parts purchased under this Contract. Where the specific Defect can be solely attributed to particular identifiable part(s), the work program shall include redesign and/or replacement of only the defectively designed and/or manufactured part(s). In all other cases, the work program shall include inspection and/or correction of all the buses in the fleet via a mutually agreed-to arrangement. The Supplier shall update, as necessary, technical support information (parts, service and operator’s manuals) due to changes resulting from warranty repairs. The Agency may immediately declare a Defect in design resulting in a safet y hazard to be a Fleet Defect. The Supplier shall be responsible to furnish, install and replace all defective units. That information will be shared with all contract participants. When it is determined that a field service representative is required onsite the Supplier will have 36 hours to have the representative in place. The field service representative must be capable of performing technical repairs onsite. As a part of the corrective action pertaining to fleet defects the Supplier will be required to send their field representative to each property with buses built in the production year that is experiencing the defect. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 224 of 257 Exceptions to Fleet Defect Provisions The Fleet Defect component warranty provisions shall not apply to Agency-supplied items, such as radios, fare collection equipment, communication systems and tires. In addition, Fleet Defects shall not apply to interior and exterior finishes, hoses, fittings and fabric. Repair Procedures Repair Performance The Supplier is responsible for all warranty-covered repair Work. To the extent practicable, the Agency will allow the Supplier or its designated representative to perform such Work. At its discretion, the Agency may perform such Work if it determines it needs to do so based on transit service or other requirements. Such Work shall be reimbursed by the Supplier. Repairs by the Supplier If the Agency detects a Defect within the warranty periods defined in this section, it shall, within thirty (30) days, notify the Supplier’s designated representative. The Supplier or its designated representative shall, if requested, begin Work on warranty-covered repairs within five calendar days after receiving notification of a Defect from the Agency. The Agency shall make the bus available to complete repairs timely with the Supplier’s repair schedule. The Supplier shall provide at its own expense all spare parts, tools and space required to complete repairs. At the Agency’s option, the Supplier may be required to remove the bus from the Agency’s property while r epairs are being effected. If the bus is removed from the Agency’s property, then repair procedures must be diligently pursued by the Supplier’s representative. Repairs by the Agency Parts Used If the Agency performs the warranty-covered repairs, then it shall correct or repair the Defect and any Related Defects utilizing parts supplied by the Supplier specifically for this repair. At its discretion, the Agency may use Supplier-specified parts available from its own stock if deemed in its best interests. Supplier-Supplied Parts The Agency may require that the Supplier supply parts for warranty-covered repairs being performed by the Agency. Those parts may be remanufactured but shall have the same form, fit and function, and warranty. The parts shall be sh ipped prepaid to the Agency from any source selected by the Supplier within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the request for said parts and shall not be subject to an Agency handling charge. Defective Component Return The Supplier may request that parts covered by the warranty be returned to the manufacturing plant. The freight costs for this action shall be paid by the Supplier. Materials should be returned in accordance with the procedures outlined in “Warranty Processing Procedures.” Failure Analysis The Supplier shall, upon specific request of the Agency, provide a failure analysis of Fleet Defect or safety-related parts, or major components, removed from buses under the terms of P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 225 of 257 the warranty that could affect fleet operation. Such reports shall be delivered within 60 days of the receipt of failed parts. Reimbursement for Labor and Other Related Costs The Agency shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for labor. The amount shall be determined by the Agency for a qualified mechanic at a straight time wage rat e of [$125.00] per hour, which includes fringe benefits and overhead adjusted for the Agency’s most recently published rate in effect at the time the Work is performed, plus the cost of towing the bus if such action was necessary and if the bus was in the normal service area. These wage and fringe benefit rates shall not exceed the rates in effect in the Agency’s service garage at the time the Defect correction is made. Repair time hours are based on the Supplier’s Standard Repair Time Manual. Reimbursement for Parts The Agency shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for defective parts and for parts that must be replaced to correct the Defect. The reimbursement shall be at the current price at the time of repair and shall include taxes where applicable, plus 15 percent handling costs. Handling costs shall not be paid if parts are supplied by the Supplier and shipped to the Agency. Reimbursement Requirements The Supplier shall respond to the warranty claim with an accept/reject decision including necessary failure analysis no later than thirty (30) days after the Agency submits the claim and defective part(s), when requested. Reimbursement for all accepted claims shall occur no later than thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of a valid claim. The Agency may dispute rejected claims or claims for which the Supplier did not reimburse the full amount. The parties agree to review disputed warranty claims during the following quarter to reach an equitable decision to permit the disputed claim to be resolved and closed. The parties also agree to review all claims at least once per quarter throughout the entire warranty period to ensure that open claims are being tracked and properly dispositioned. Warranty after Replacement/Repairs If any component, unit or subsystem is repaired, rebuilt or replaced by the Supplier or by the Agency with the concurrence of the Supplier, then the component, unit or subsystem shall have the unexpired warranty period of the original. Repairs shall not be warranted if Supplier-provided or authorized parts are not used for the repair, unless the Supplier has failed to respond within five days, in accordance with “Repairs by the Supplier.” If an item is declared to be a Fleet Defect, then the warranty stops with the declaration of the Fleet Defect. Once the Fleet Defect is corrected, the item(s) shall have three (3) months or remaining time and/or miles of the original warranty, whichever is greater. This remaining warranty period shall begin on the repair/replacement date for corrected it ems on each bus if the repairs are completed by the Supplier or on the date the Supplier provides all parts to the Agency. Warranty Processing Procedures The following list represents requirements by the Supplier to the Agency for processing warranty claims. One failure per bus per claim is allowed. Bus number and VIN Total vehicle life mileage at time of repair P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 226 of 257 Date of failure/repair Acceptance/in-service date Supplier part number and description Component serial number Description of failure All costs associated with each failure/repair (invoices may be required for third-party costs): • Towing • Road calls • Labor • Materials • Parts • Handling • Troubleshooting time Forms The Agency’s forms will be accepted by the Supplier if all of the above information is included. Electronic submittal must be made available between the Supplier and the Agency. Return of Parts When returning defective parts to the Supplier, the Agency shall tag each part with the following: Bus number and VIN Claim number Part number Serial number (if available) Timeframe Each claim must be submitted no more than forty five (45) days from the date of failure and/or repair, whichever is later. All defective parts must be returned to the Supplier, when requested, no more than forty-five (45) days from the date of repair. Reimbursements Reimbursements are to be transmitted to the reporting Authority P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 227 of 257 Exhibit ‘D’ - Required Forms (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 228 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 230 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 231 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 232 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 233 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 235 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 236 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 237 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 238 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 239 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 240 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 241 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 242 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 243 of 257 U.S. Department Of Transportation Federal Transit Administration September 1, 2017 Darrin Smith, DBELO New Flyer of America 711 Kernaghan Avenue Manitoba R2C 3T4 Re: TVM DBE Goal Concurrence/Certification Letter – Fiscal Year 2018 Dear Mr. Smith: This letter is to inform you that the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Office of Civil Rights has received New Flyer’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal and methodology for FY 2018 for the period of October 1, 2017–September 30, 2018. This goal submission is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s DBE regulations at 49 CFR Part 26 and must be implemented in good faith. We have reviewed your FY 2018 DBE goal and determined that it is compliant with DOT’s DBE regulations. You are eligible to bid on FTA-funded transit contracts. This letter or a copy of the TVM listing on FTA’s website may be used to demonstrate your compliance with DBE requirements when bidding on federally funded vehicle procurements. FTA reserves the right to remove/suspend this concurrence if your DBE program or FY 2018 DBE goal is not implemented in good faith. In accordance with this good faith requirement, you must submit your DBE Uniform Report to FTA by December 1, 2017. This report should reflect all FTA- funded contracting activity for the second period of FY 2017 (i.e., from April 1 to September 30). Please also be mindful that your FY 2019 DBE goal methodology must be submitted to FTA by August 1, 2018. Any updates to the program plan must be submitted to FTA as they occur. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this approval, please contact the FTA DBE Team via e-mail at FTATVMSubmissions@dot.gov. Sincerely, John Day Program Manager for Policy and Technical Assistance Office of Civil Rights Headquarters East Building, 5th Floor – TCR 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 244 of 257 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 245 of 257 Exhibit ‘E’ - Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 246 of 257 Exhibit ‘E’ REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONTRACTS REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FTA-ASSISTED CONTRACTS The following terms apply when the Authority determines that the Contract involves or may involve the expenditure of federal funds. Unless otherwise set forth below, the Supplier must include every clause of this Section VI in all subcontracts under this Contract. 1. Non-Discrimination. The Supplier shall comply with the applicable requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., 29 U.S.C. § 794, 49 CFR Part 21, and federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332. The Supplier agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status. Discrimination includes exclusion from participation, denial of program benefits and discrimination in employment or business opportunity. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, including those of any agency of the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), including FTA Advisory Circular 4702.1. 2. Equal Employment Opportunity. (a) Race, Creed, Color, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, National Origin, Religion, or Family Status – The Supplier shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note, and as supplemented by 41 CFR 60), and with any applicable federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and federal policies that may in the future affect activities undertaken in the course of the Contract. The Supplier agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or family status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. (b) Age - In accordance with section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 621-634, 29 CFR Part 1625, 45 CFR Part 90, 42 U.S.C. §§6101 et seq. and federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 247 of 257 Supplier agrees to refrain from discrimination for reason of age. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with any implementing requirements the Department of Health and Human Services, the EEOC, FTA or FHWA may issue. (c) Disabilities - The Supplier agrees that it will comply with the requirements of Titles I, II, III, IV and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with 29 U.S.C. § 794, 42 U.S.C. §4151, federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, and any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 3. Compliance with Nondiscrimination Regulations. The Supplier and all Subcontractors shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally- assisted programs of the U.S. DOT, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of the Contract. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. Section 5332, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and prohibits discrimination in employment or business opportunity. 4. Nondiscrimination. The Supplier and all Subcontractors, with regard to the work performed during the Contract, will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the selection and retention of Subcontractors, including procurements of material and leases of equipment. The Supplier and all Subcontractors will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the Contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 5. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations made by the Supplier and all Subcontractors, either by competitive bidding or negotiation for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, each potential Subcontractor or supplier shall be notified in writing by the Supplier of the Supplier's obligations under this Contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and that these same obligations extend to any Subcontractor, supplier or lessor. 6. Information and Reports. The Supplier will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Authority, the FDOT, the U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 248 of 257 orders and instructions. Where any information required of the Supplier is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the Supplier shall so certify to the Authority, FDOT, U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 7. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of the Supplier's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this Contract, the Authority shall impose such contract sanctions as it, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to (a) withholding of payments to the Supplier under the Contract until the Supplier complies and/or (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the Contract, in whole or in part. 8. Incorporation of Provisions. The Supplier shall include the provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 8, in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The Supplier will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Authority, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. In the event a Supplier becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a Subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direct ion, the Supplier may request the Authority and the FDOT to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the Authority and the FDOT, and, in addition, the Supplier may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 9. Participation by Disadvantage Business Enterprises. The Supplier shall abide by the following statement from 49 CFR 26.13(b). This statement shall be included in all subsequent agreements between the Supplier and any Subcontractor or Supplier. The Supplier, subrecipient or Subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the performance of this Contract. The Supplier shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the Supplier to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in termination of this Contract or other such remedy as the Authority deems appropriate. 10. Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion . If the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction that the Supplier provided as part of its Proposal was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances, the Supplier shall provide immediate written notice to the Authority. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 249 of 257 11. Sensitive Security Information. The Supplier shall protect, and take measures to ensure that its Subcontractors at each tier protect, “sensitive security information” made available during the administration of a third party contract or subcontract to ensure compliance with 49 U.S.C. Section 40119(b) and implementing DOT regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 15, and with 49 U.S.C. Section 114(r) and implementing Department of Homeland Security regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 1520. 12. Changes to Federal Requirements. The Supplier shall at all times comply with all applicable US DOT, FHWA and FTA regulations, policies, procedures, directives and federal guidance, including without limitation those listed directly or by refere nce in the Master Agreement (Form FTA MA (19) dated October 2012) between the Authority and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of a Contract resulting from this Solicitation. The Supplier shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act or refuse to comply with any request of the Authority which would cause the Authority to be in violation of any of the FTA or FHWA terms and conditions. The Supplier’s failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 13. Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration Terms. All contractual provisions required by the US DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1F, revised March 18, 2013, whether or not set forth in this Contract are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, all FTA and FHWA mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Contract. The Supplier shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any Authority request which would cause the Authority to be in violation of FTA and FHWA terms and conditions. 14. Fly America. The Supplier agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 40118 (the “Fly America” Act) in accordance with the General Services Administration’s regulations at 41 CFR Part 301-10, which provide that recipients and subrecipients of federal funds and their Suppliers are required to use U.S. Flag air carriers for U.S Government -financed international air travel and transportation of their personal effects or property, to the extent such service is available, unless travel by foreign air carrier is a matter of necessity, as defined by the Fly America Act. The Supplier shall submit, if a foreign air carrier was used, an appropriate certification or memorandum adequately explaining why service by a U.S. flag air carrier was not available or why it was necessary to use a foreign air carrier and shall, in any event, provide a certificate of compliance with the Fly America requirements. 15. No Federal Government Obligation to Third Parties. Notwithstanding any concurrence by the federal government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the Contract, absent the express written consent by the feder al government, the federal government is not a party to this Contract and shall not be subject to any P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 250 of 257 obligations or liabilities to the Authority, Supplier, or any other party (whether or not a party to the Contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from this Contract. 16. False or Fraudulent Statements or Claims and Related Acts – Civil and Criminal Fraud. The Supplier acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq. and U.S. DOT regulat ions, “Program Fraud Civil Remedies,” 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to this Contract. Upon execution of the Contract, the Supplier certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation it has made, it makes, it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying Contract or the FTA or FHWA assisted project for which this Contract work is being performed. In addition to other penalties that may be applicable, the Supplier further acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation, the federal government may impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civ il Remedies Act of 1986 on the Supplier to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. The Supplier also acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation in connection with this Contract, under the authority of 49 U.S.C. § 5307 and 49 U.S.C. §5323, the federal government may impose the penalties on the Supplier authorized by 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 49 U.S.C. § 5307(n)(1), to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. It is further understood and agreed that the willful falsification, distortion or misrepresentation with respect to any facts related to the project(s) described in this Contract is a violation of the federal law. Accordingly, United States Code, Title 18, Section 1020, is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Contract. 17. Environmental Protection. The Supplier shall comply with all applicable requirements of Section 29 of the FTA Mast er Agreement (2012), including the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq. (as limited by 42 USC §5159), Executive Order No. 11514 Executive Order No. 11514, as amended, “Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality,” 42 U.S.C. § 4321 note; FTA statutory requirements on environmental matters at 49 U.S.C. § 5324(b); Council on Environmental Quality regulations on compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 40 C.F.R. Parts 1500 et seq.; and joint FHWA/FTA regulations, “Environmental Impact and Related Procedures,” 23 C.F.R. Part 771 and 49 C.F.R. Part 622. Supplier shall also comply with federal transit laws, including 49 U.S.C. §5323(c)(2) as amended by MAP -21. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 18. Clean Air. The Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 251 of 257 seq. The Supplier agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Supplier understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 19. Clean Water. The Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq. The Supplier agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain fr om using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Supplier understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 20. Recycled Products. When relevant to the Work Order, the Supplier shall assist the Authority with compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6962, which requires the Authority to provide a competitive preference to products and services that conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and are energy efficient. EPA guidelines, “Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials,” 40 CFR Part 247, direct the Authority to specify a competitive preference for products containing recycled materials identified in those EPA guidelines for contracts valued at $10,000 or more. For information about EPA’s recovered materials advisory notices, see EPA’s Web site: http://www.epa.gov/cpg/backgrnd.htm. 21. Buy America. The Supplier shall comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, where applicable, which provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by the FTA, or the product is subject to a general waiver. Work orders and small purchases of less t han one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) made with capital, operating, or planning funds are waived from Buy America requirements. The JTA requires each Supplier to submit a completed Buy America certificate with its Bid or Proposal in accordance wit h §§ 661.6 or 661.12, as appropriate. The JTA presumes that any Supplier who submitted such certificate is complying with the Buy America provisions. A false certification is a criminal act in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001. A Supplier who certifies that it will comply with the applicable Buy America requirement is bound by its original certification (in the case of a sealed bidding procurement) or the certification it submitted with its final offer (in the case of a negotiated procurement) and is not permitted to change its certification after bid opening or submission of its final offer. Where a Supplier certifies that it will comply with Buy America requirements, the Supplier is not eligible for a waiver of those requirements. The JTA reserves the rig ht to request additional information, and/or to P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 252 of 257 conduct both pre-award and post -award audits to ensure that the Supplier is in compliance with Buy America requirements. 22. Seismic Safety. The Supplier agrees that any new building or addition to an existing building will be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards for Seismic Safety required in Department of Transportation Seismic Safety Regulations 49 CFR Part 41 and will certify to compliance to the extent required by the regulation. The Supplier also agrees to ensure that all work performed under this Contract, including work performed by a Subcontractor, is in compliance with the standards required by the Seismic Safety Regulations and the certification of compliance issued on the Project. 23. Conformance with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) National Architecture. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) property and services, recommended and included in designs provided by the Supplier under this Contract, must comply with the National ITS Architecture and Standards to the extent required by 23 U.S.C.§517(d) as amended by MAP-21, Section 5307(c) of SAFETEA-LU, FTA Notice, “FTA National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects,” 66 FR 1455 et seq., January 8, 2001, 23 CFR Parts 655 and 940, and later published FTA and FHWA regulations, rules, policies, implementing guidance and directives. Additionally, such ITS equipment and designs shall comply with the latest ITS architecture and standards adopted by the FHWA, FDOT, CoJ and First Coast ITS Coalition. 24. Metric Measurements. To the extent practicable and feasible, the Supplier shall express all dimensions in metric measurements, in compliance with the Metric Conversion Act, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act , 15 U.S.C. Sections 205a et seq.; Executive Order No. 12770, “Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs,” July 25, 1991, 15 U.S.C. Section 205a note; and applicable federal regulations. 25. Electronic Reports and Information. Reports and other information prepared in electronic format developed under this Contract, whether as a contract end item or in compliance with contract administration provisions, must comply with the accessibility standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Section 794d, and ATBCB regulations, “Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards,” 36 CFR Part 1194. 26. Access to Records and Sites of Project Performance and Record Retention . A. The Supplier shall maintain all Contract records (including paper and electronic records) in a manner so that they are readily accessible for review, audit and inspection and shall provide to the Authority, the USDOT, the FHWA Administrator, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, the FDOT, or any of their authorized representatives or employees, access to any data, accounts, payrolls, project work, project materials, documents, reports, records, statistics, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 253 of 257 subagreements, leases, third party contracts, arrangements, books, papers and records of the Supplier (and all supporting material related thereto) which are related to this Contract for the purposes of making audits, inspections, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions. Supplier also agrees, pursuant to 49 C. F. R. 633.15 to provide the agencies, or their authorized representatives including any PMO Supplier, access to Supplier’s records and work sites pertaining to a major capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311. In accordance with 49 CFR 18.40, federal agencies may make site visits as warranted by program needs. B. The Supplier agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce any record by any means whatsoever. C. The Supplier agrees to maintain all books, records, accounts and reports required under this Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after the date of termination, expiration or final payment of this Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from the performance of this Contract or other pending matters, in which case Supplier agrees to maintain same until the Authority, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General, the FDOT, and any of their duly authorized representatives, have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, exceptions and other matters related thereto. Reference 49 CFR 18.36(i)(11). D. Any of the agencies listed above may, at any time during normal business hours, with or without prior notice and by or through its employees or its Suppliers, inspect, copy and audit all of the boo ks and records of the Supplier (and its Subcontractors, if any) including all work papers and correspondence and financial records related to such services. 27. Access Requirements for Persons With Disabilities (ADA). The Supplier agrees to comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 5301(d) which expresses the federal policy that the elderly and persons with disabilities have the same right as other persons to use mass transportation service and facilities, and that special efforts shall be made in planning and designing those services and facilities to implement those policies. The Supplier also agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., which requires the provision of accessible facilities and services, and with the following federal regulations, including any amendments thereto: (1) U.S. DOT regulations, “Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (ADA),” 49 C.F.R. Part 37; (2) U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance,” 49 C.F.R. Part 27; (3) Joint U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board/U.S. DOT regulations, “Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles,” 36 C.F.R. Part 1192 and 49 C.F.R. Part 38; (4) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services,” 28 C.F.R. Part 35; (5) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities,” 28 C.F.R. Part 36; (6) U.S. GSA regulations, “Accommodations for the Physically Handicapped,” 41 C.F.R. Subpart 101 -19; (7) U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Regulations to Implement the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 254 of 257 Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” 29 C.F.R. Part 1630; (8) U.S. Federal Communications Commission regulations, “Telecommunications Relay Services and Related Customer Premises Equipment for the Hearing and Speech Disabled,” 47 C.F.R. Part 64, Subpart F; and (9) FTA regulations, “Transportation for Elderly and Handicapped Persons,” 49 C.F.R. Part 609; and (10) Any implementing requirements FTA may issue. This section applies to Subcontractors at all levels and must be added to all subcontracts, regardless of tier. 28. Energy Conservation. The Supplier shall comply with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction and all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, when applicable. 29. Rights in Data. (1) The term "subject data" used in this clause means recorded information, whether or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered under the Contract. The term includes graphic or pictorial delineation in media such as drawings or photographs; text in specifications or related performance or design-type documents; machine forms such as punched cards, magnetic tape, or computer memory printouts; and information retained in computer memory. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer software, engineering drawings and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information. The term "subject data" does not include financial reports, cost analyses, and similar information incidental to contract administration. (2) The following restrictions apply to all subject data first produced in the performance of this Contract: (a) Except for its own internal use, the Authority or Supplier may not publish or reproduce subject data in whole or in part, or in any manner or form, nor may the Authority or Supplier authorize others to do so, without the written consent of the federal government, until such time as the federal government may have either released or approved the release of such data to the public; this restriction on publication, however, does not apply to any contract with an academic institution. (b) In accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.34 and 49 C.F.R. § 19.36, the federal government reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, for "federal government purposes," any subject data or copyright described in subsections (2)(b)1 and (2)(b)2 of this clause below. As used in the previous sentence, "for federal government purposes," means use only for the direct purposes of the federal government. Without the copyright owner's consent, the federal government may not extend its federal license to any other party. 1. Any subject data developed under that contract, whether or not a copyright has been obtained; and P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 255 of 257 2. Any rights of copyright purchased by the Authority or Supplier using federal assistance in whole or in part provided by FTA. (c) When FTA awards federal assistance for experimental, developmental, or research work, it is FTA's general intention to increase transportation knowledge available to the public, rather than to restrict the benefits resulting from the work to participants in that work. Therefore, unless FT A determines otherwise, the Authority and the Supplier performing experimental, developmental, or research work required by this Contract agrees to permit FTA to make available to the public, either the license in the copyright to any subject data developed in the course of this Contract, or a copy of the subject data first produced under the Contract for which a copyright has not been obtained. If the experimental, developmental, or research work, which is the subject of the underlying Contract, is not completed for any reason whatsoever, all data developed under that Contract shall become subject data as defined in subsection (a) of this clause and shall be delivered as the federal government may direct. This subsection (c), however, does not apply to adaptations of automatic data processing equipment or programs for the Authority or Supplier's use whose costs are financed in whole or in part with federal assistance provided by FTA for transportation capital projects. (d) Unless prohibited by state law, upo n request by the federal government, the Authority and the Supplier agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the federal government, its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties against any liability, including co sts and expenses, resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Authority or Supplier of proprietary rights, copyrights, or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, use, or disposition of any data furnished under that contract. Neither the Authority nor the Supplier shall be required to indemnify the federal government for any such liability arising out of the wrongful act of any employee, official, or agents of the federal government. (e) Nothing contained in this clause on rights in data shall imply a license to the federal government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the federal government under any patent. (f) Data developed by the Authority or Supplier and financed entirely without using federal assistance provided by the federal government that has been incorporated into work required by the Contract is exempt from the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this clause, provided that the Authority or Supplier identifies that data in writing at the time of delivery of the Contract work. (g) Unless the federal government determines otherwise, the Supplier agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract for experimental, developmental, or research work financed in whole or in part with federal assistance. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 256 of 257 30. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards. a. Overtime requirements - No Supplier or Subcontractor contracting for any part of the Contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mecha nic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. b. Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages - In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section the Supplier and any Subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such Supplier and Subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which suc h individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section. c. Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages - The Authority shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Supplier or Subcontractor under any such contract or any other federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime Supplier, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Supplier or Subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section. d. Subcontracts - The Supplier or Subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section and also a clause requiring the Subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime Supplier shall be responsible for compliance by any Subcontractor or lower tier Subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 257 of 257 CONTRACT BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY AND NOVA BUS, A DIVISION OF PREVOST CAR (US) INC. THIS CONTRACT is made this ________ day of _________________, 2019 (the effective date), by and between the JACKSONVILLE TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (the “Authority” or the “JTA”), a public body corporate and politic whose principal business address is 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200, Jacksonville, Florida 32202, and NOVA BUS, A DIVISION OF PREVOST CAR (US) INC. (the “Supplier”), a Delaware corporation whose principal business address is 7900 National Service Road, Mail Stop DR2-63, Greensboro, NC 27409. The JTA and the Supplier may hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the Authority has publicly advertised the Request for Proposals, RFP P- 18-005 STATE OF FLORIDA HEAVY DUTY BUSES (as amended, the "RFP" or the "Solicitation") and the entire Solicitation package is incorporated herein; WHEREAS, the Supplier has prepared and su bmitted its Proposal, dated September 11, 2018 (the "Proposal"), which is incorporated herein; WHEREAS, the Authority has selected the Supplier, in accordance with all applicable laws, to provide the specific scope of work, services, and goods (and all ot her items necessary, proper for or incidental thereto) that are described in the Technical Specifications (“Exhibit A”) and made a part hereof, on the terms herein contained; WHEREAS, the Supplier hereby represents and warrants to the Authority that the Supplier is a legal entity formed under the laws of the State of Delaware, is authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida, has taken all entity action necessary with respect to the execution and delivery of its obligations under this Contract and the officer of the Supplier who has executed and delivered this Contract is duly authorized with respect thereto; WHEREAS, the Supplier hereby represents and warrants to the Authority that the Supplier is qualified and responsible regarding the goods and /or services to be provided hereunder, that all Supplier’s licenses required and regulated by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation are active and current, that each of the officers, employees, and agents of the Supplier who will perform services in connection with this Contract on behalf of the Supplier meet the conditions of this clause, and that all individuals performing services are properly licensed when required by law; WHEREAS, the Authority is the agent for other governmental entities within the State of Florida (each a “Purchaser” and collectively, the “Purchasers”), which may also desire to procure under this Contract according to the requirements in the Solicitation and as further described herein and hence any reference to the Authority also includes by inference the Purchaser(s); P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 1 of 277 18th December WHEREAS, the Authority and the Supplier agree that the Purchaser(s) shall be authorized to issue individual purchase orders in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Authority and the Supplier do hereby agree as follows: I. Terms and Conditions 1. Performance of Services. All of the services shall be performed by the Supplier and its authorized Subcontractors as identified by the Supplier. Notwithstanding the use of one or more Subcontractors by the Supplier, the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that all of the services performed and to be performed hereunder sha ll be the sole responsibility of the Supplier, and Supplier hereby agrees that it warrants all such work as if such work had been performed directly by the Supplier. 2. Order of Precedence. All of the terms and conditions of the Solicitation are hereby incorporated herein in full. In the event of a conflict between the terms of any of the following, the more stringent requirement shall apply. If the conflict cannot be resolved by following the most stringent requirement, the following order of precedence shall govern: (1) Section VII of the Solicitation that contains the required clauses for federally-assisted contracts, when applicable; (2) properly authorized written Contract Amendments; (3) properly authorized Purchase Orders; (4) this Contract; (5) the Specifications; (6) Special Conditions; (7) the Solicitation Addenda, if any; and (8) the Solicitation. As between the drawings and other specifications, the drawings take precedence over other specifications as to quantity and location and the specifications take precedence over drawings as to quality of materials and workmanship. 3. Review of Work. Any review of the work by the Authority, its other suppliers, or its partner agencies, including the City of Jacksonville, Florida Department of Transportatio n (FDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is for the sole benefit of the Authority. No such review, acceptance, or approval to proceed to the next level of service, nor the payment of any invoice (including the last invoice, release of retainage, or acceptance of final reports or plans and specifications) shall be deemed to constitute: (1) detailed review or checking of design, details, or accuracy of the Supplier's work; (2) a professional approval by the Authority; or (3) a release of the Supplier from any of its obligations and responsibilities for the accuracy of the plans and specifications. The Authority's review, approval, acceptance of, or payment for any of the services under this Contract shall not constitute a waiver of any of the Authority's rights under this Contract or any cause of action it may have arising out of this Contract. 4. Contract Amendment(s). If any modification to the Contract or a Purchase Order is required, the Parties shall execute an Amendment before the Supplier begins performing any additional or changed tasks associated therewith. Reference herein to the Contract includes all Amendments, if any. In such event, the Supplier will have the right to submit the dispute to the SVP/Chief Administrative Officer for resolution in accordance with the Disputes Section 9 Paragraph 5 below; however, in no event will the resolution of the dispute through the courts or otherwise, relieve the Supplier P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 2 of 277 from the obligation to timely perform the supplemental work. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Authority has the right to terminate the Contract if the Parties fail to reach an agreement on an Amendment. 5. Standard of Care and Quality of Goods. The Supplier shall perform (and cause all Subcontractors to perform) all services in a manner that is consistent with the level of reasonable care, skill, judgment and ability provided by others providing a similar type of service in the same geographic area. The standard of care shall not be altered by the application, interpretation, or construction of any other provision of this Contract or any document incorporated or referenced herein, including the Solicitation. Unless otherwise expressly allowed by the specifications, all items furnished by the Supplier in connection with the work performed hereunder must be completely new and free from defects. 6. Guarantee/Warranty. Warranty provisions are further detailed in “Exhibit C”. 7. Personnel. All of the personnel assigned by the Supplier and all Subcontractors shall be qualified and authorized under state and local laws to perform the applicable services, whether by appropriate license, registration, certification, or other authorization. The Supplier shall not change its assigned project management staff, delete any of the identified Subcontractors, or engage additional companies as Subcontractors hereunder, without prior written approval of the Authority. Supplier agrees that it will remove from assignment under this Contract any employee or Subcontractor, upon request by the Authority, which may be with or without cause. Any such removal shall not necessarily reflect on the capability or competence of the individual or entity so removed. Nothing herein shall affect the status or responsibilities of t he Supplier as an independent contractor solely responsible for the method, manner, and means chosen by it to perform hereunder. 8. Schedule(s). The Supplier agrees that time is of the essence for the performance of each of the Supplier's obligations hereunder. The Supplier shall complete the work in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Solicitation and provide schedule progress reports, if applicable, in a format acceptable to the Authority and at intervals established by the Authority. The Autho rity will be entitled at all times to be advised, at its request, as to the status of work being performed by the Supplier and of the details thereof. Either Party may request and be granted a conference. If, at any time prior to completion of the work, t he Supplier determines that the work is not progressing according to the schedule, the Supplier shall immediately notify the Authority in writing and shall provide a description of the cause of the delay, the effect on the schedule, and the recommended act ion to meet the schedule. An extension of time for performance shall be the Supplier's sole and exclusive remedy for any delay of any kind or nature caused by the Authority. 9. Corrections and Clarifications. Upon request by the Authority, the Supplier sha ll promptly make any revisions or corrections that resulted from any error and/or omission by the Supplier or Subcontractors, and shall clarify any ambiguities, without additional compensation. Acceptance of the work by the Authority shall not relieve the Supplier of the responsibility for subsequent corrections and clarifications. At any time during any phase of work for which the Supplier or any of its Subcontractors has performed services for the Authority, or during any phase of work performed by P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 3 of 277 others, based on data furnished by the Supplier to the Authority, the Supplier shall confer with the Authority for the purpose of interpreting the information furnished and/or to correct any errors and/or omissions made by the Supplier or its Subcontractors. The Supplier shall perform all services necessary to correct its or its Subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions without additional compensation, even though final payment may have been received therefore. If any work or service contains an error, omission, deficiency, or mistake, the Authority may back- charge against the Supplier all reasonable costs incurred in identifying, documenting, and remedying any such error, omission, deficiency, or mistake. Such back-charge amounts may be deducted from any payment(s) due the Supplier. If the payment(s) due the Supplier are not sufficient to cover such amount(s), the Supplier shall pay the difference to the Authority. The Supplier shall be liable, and shall reimburse the Authority, for any and all expenses incurred by the Authority, above those that would normally be experienced if the Supplier’s or its Subcontractors’ errors and/or omissions had not occurred. II. Compensation, Invoices, and Terms of Payment 1. All invoices shall reflect the applicable Proposal prices and shall show details of the computation of the amount requested including detailed descriptions of all items included in each bus. The Authority or the Purchaser agrees to pay the Suppliers for the Product and Services the amount provided in the Price Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The Supplier shall provide the Authority with Certificates of Origin for any and all steel, iron, and/or manufactured goods delivered or utilized by the Supplier in any work or Project contemplated herein, regardless of the individual value of such steel, iron, and/or manufactured goods, when the overall Contract value meets or exceeds One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). The Supplier shall also provide separate Certificates of Origin for each component part contained in any and all manufactured goods delivered or utilized by the Supplier in any work or Project under this Contract. Certificates of Origin must accompany all related invoices that the Supplier submits to the Authority for payment. If the Supplier fails to submit required Certificates of Origin with its invoices, the Purchaser may withhold payments due the Supplier until the Supplier has complied therewith. 3. The general cost principles and procedures for the negotiation and administration, and the determination or allowance of costs under this Contract will be as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, Titles 23, 48, 49, Rule Chapter 14-75, Florida Administrative Code, and other pertinent federal and st ate regulations, as applicable, with the understanding that there is no conflict between state regulations and federal regulations in that the more restrictive of the applicable regulations will govern. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 4 of 277 4. Records of costs incurred under the terms of this C ontract shall be maintained by the Supplier and upon written request, made available to the Authority at all times during the period of this Contract and for five (5) years after final payment is made for the work pursuant to this Contract. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the Authority upon request. 5. Records of costs incurred will include: (1) the Supplier's general accounting records and Project records; (2) supporting documents and records of the Supplier and all Subcontractors within the scope of this Contract; and (3) all other records related to the Contract that are considered necessary by the Authority for a proper audit of costs. 6. The Authority will have the right to retain, out of any payment due the Supplier under this Contract, an amount sufficient to satisfy any amount due and owing to the Authority by the Supplier on this Contract or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Authority. The Authority may withhold payment on any invoice in when the Supplier is in default under any provision of this Contract, or when the Authority determines that the schedule cannot be met and an extension of time is not warranted. The Authority may also withhold payment when payment from the Supplier is due in connection with indemnification or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Authority. This right to withhold payments will continue until such time as the Authority has been made whole. 6. All invoices requesting payment for Subcontractor's services, supplier's services, reimbursable items, or expense items, must have copies of actual invoices or receipts attached which support the amounts invoiced, in such form and with such supporting detail as the Authority may require. 7. The Authority shall have the right, but not the obligation, based upon sworn statements of accounts from the Subcontractors, and in accordance with the Supplier's written request, to pay a specific amount directly to a Subcontractor. In such event, the Supplier agrees that any such payments shall be treated as a direct payment to the Supplier’s account. 8. The Authority shall make payments to the Supplier based upon the approved invoices (one invoice per delivered bus) and supporting documentation and deliverables within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt by the Authority of a complete invoice and acceptance (final or provisional) of the bu s(es). Within fifteen (15) days after arrival at the designated point of delivery, each Bus shall undergo testing by the Authority or the applicable Purchaser. If the bus passes these tests, acceptance of the bus by the Authority or the applicable Purchaser occurs on the fifteenth (15th) day after delivery. Acceptance may occur earlier if the Authority or applicable Purchaser notifies the Supplier of early acceptance or places the bus in revenue service. If the bus fails these tests, the Supplier requests a letter of discrepancies for resolution to be issued by the fifteenth (15th) day after delivery. The Authority reserve s the right to conditionally or provisionally accept one or more buses subject to the correction of minor deficiencies. 9. Either the Authority or a Purchaser can place orders directly to the Supplier. For orders placed by JTA, invoices shall be sent to the attention of the Accounts Payable Office at accountspayable@jtafla.com. Orders placed by other Purchaser will be invoiced in accordance with Purchaser’s Order. The Authority or the Purchaser may P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 5 of 277 request additional documentation from the Supplier prior to payment of any invoice or bill from the Supplier. Invoice payment requirements do not start until a properly completed invoice is provided to the Authority or the Purchaser. If an invoice is not approved, in whole or in part, the Authority or the Purchaser will inform the Supplier of the issue and Supplier will not be paid until the issue has been resolved to the satisfaction of the. 10. Prompt Payment Discounts. Discounts for early payment may be offered either in the original Proposal or on ind ividual invoices submitted under the Contract. Discounts that are included in the Proposal become a part of the Contract and are binding on the Supplier for all invoices submitted under the Contract. If the Supplier has offered a prompt payment discount, t he Authority will only apply discounts that equal or exceed two percent (2%) of the invoice amount for payments that are made between ten (10) and twenty-nine (29) days after the Authority's receipt of a complete, acceptable invoice. For purposes of this Paragraph, time shall be computed from the date the invoice was received by the Authority and payment shall be considered to have been made on the date which appears on the payment check. 11. The delivery of a Purchase Order indicates the availability of the federal, state, and/or local funding source that is applicable to the work or Purchase Order . 12. The acceptance of final payment by the Supplier shall be a full release of the Authority or the Purchaser and its members, officers, agents, and employees for any and all claims arising out of or relating to this Contract. The Supplier hereby waives all indirect, incidental, special, and consequential damages in any proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract. III. Ownership of Documents and Inspection of Work 1. The Authority will have the right to visit the Supplier's site for inspection of the Supplier's work at any time during reasonable work hours. In addition to the inspection and audit rights set forth herein, the Authority, its agents, and employees may perform inspections of the work at any reasonable time and at any stage of production. Such inspection or failure to inspect on any occasion shall not affect the Authority's rights, or the Supplier's obligations, under warranty or other provisions of this Contract, nor shall such inspection be deemed acceptance of services. IV. Term of Contract and Termination 1. This Contract shall commence upon execution by the Authority and shall be effective for two (2) years with three (3) one (1) year options to renew. 2. The Supplier shall hold all pricing referenced in “Exhibit B” for two (2) years after execution date of this contract . Thereafter, pricing adjustments will be based on the Producer Price Index (PPI) Series ID: WPU1413, Truck and Bus Bodies and will be capped at three percent (3%) per year. Price quotes will be valid for ninety (90) days. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 6 of 277 3. The Authority may terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, by delivering to the Supplier a written Notice of Termination. The Authority may terminate the Contract for its convenience or for failure of the Supplier to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder, including without limitation, the Supplier’s failure to complete work within the required time or the Supplier’s failure to diligently proceed with the work to the satisfaction of the Authority. The Supplier shall have the opportunity to affect a remedy within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Termination. Upon the Supplier’s receipt of a written Notice of Termination from the Authority, the Supplier shall: (1 ) immediately stop all further work unless otherwise directed in writing by the Authority as no compensation shall be paid for any work performed after receipt of such notice (provided however that expense of a nature which cannot be immediately terminated shall be reimbursed at the minimum amount which may reasonably be arranged for such termination, if the Authority concurs); and (2) deliver to the Authority's Project Manager copies of all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and other information and materials prepared while performing this Contract, whether completed or in process, in both paper and electronic formats acceptable to the Authority. In addition, if the Supplier has possession of Authority goods, it shall immediately provide the Authority with an accounting of same and protect and preserve those goods until surrendered to the Authority or its agent(s) or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Authority. 4. These termination provisions shall be made a part of all su bcontracts under this Contract. 5. After the effective date of the Notice of Termination, the Authority will only pay for work/services already performed and goods already delivered and accepted in accordance with the terms of the Contract. At the discret ion of the Authority, the Authority may make an equitable adjustment to the compensation due to the Supplier, but under no circumstances shall the Supplier be entitled to payment for any anticipatory profit, for work/services not yet performed, or for good s not accepted by the Authority. 6. The Supplier's obligations to the Authority that arise from the Supplier's improper acts or omissions shall survive the termination of this Contract. 7. In the event that termination is due to default or breach by the Sup plier, the Authority may take over and complete the work. In such case, the Supplier shall be liable to the Authority for any additional cost for similar supplies or services occasioned thereby. 8. Should the Supplier: (1) fail to comply with any federal, state, or local law or regulation, including FTA circular 4220.1F as revised, and 49 CFR Part 18, if applicable; (2) fail to comply with any condition of this Contract; or (3) fail to complete the required work or furnish the required materials within the time required, the Authority reserves the right to purchase in the open market, or to take over and complete, the required item/work at the expense of the Supplier without waiving any right against the Supplier or its Surety, if any. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 7 of 277 9. If the total value of the Contract exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), the Authority may terminate the Contract if the Authority determines that the Supplier: (1) submitted a false certification required by Florida Statutes § 287.135; (2) has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; or (3) has been engaged in business operations in Syria. 10. For the purposes of this Contract, an event of insolvency with respect to either Party hereto shall be deemed to be a default under this Contract by such Party. The term "event of insolvency" shall mean any of the following: A. The insolvency; B. The making of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, the appoint ment of a receiver for the business or assets of such entity, or the application for the appointment of a receiver therefore; C. The filing of a petition by or on behalf of, or against such person or business in any bankruptcy court or under any bankruptcy or insolvency law; or D. The dissolution, liquidation or winding up of business. V. Records and Audit 1. The Supplier agrees to maintain appropriate records with respect to work performed and other items reimbursable hereunder, and such records shall be supported b y payrolls, invoices, vouchers, and other documents evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. All checks, payrolls, invoices, and other documents pertaining in whole or in part to the work shall be clearly identified, readily accessible, and to the extent feasible, kept separate and apart from all other such documents not related to the work. 2. The Supplier shall provide access to records and reports in accordance with the following which are incorporated herein by reference: 49 U.S.C. 5325, 49 CFR 18.36(i), and 49 CFR 633.17, as applicable. 3. The Supplier shall permit the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies to inspect and audit all technical and economic project data and records of the Supplier relating to its performance and its subcontracts under this Contract from the date of Contract through and until the expiration of five (5) years after completion or termination of the Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from performance of this Contract, in which case the Supplier agrees to maintain same until all said and affected agencies and their authorized representatives have disposed of all such lit igation, appeals, claims, or exceptions related thereto. 4. The Supplier shall provide, upon receipt of reasonable notice, free access to its books and records by the proper officers and representatives of the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the Stat e of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies during reasonable business hours. Further, the said agencies and their authorized representatives shall have the right, pursuant to an inspection, to review, audit, reproduce, or copy excerpts and transcriptions therefrom as necessary, and to inspect all work data, documents, proceedings, and activities P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 8 of 277 related to this Contract. The Supplier shall include provisions similar to this Paragraph in all subcontracts which it awards, including, but not limited to, the additional provisions of allowing the Supplier, the Authority, the FDOT, the FHWA, the FTA, the State of Florida, the U.S. Government, and the authorized representatives of these agencies equal access to Subcontractors' books and records. VI. Conflict of Interest 1. The Supplier shall not promise any employee of the Authority, whose duties include matters relating to or affecting the subject matter of this Contract, compensation of any kind or nature from the Supplier, while such employee is employed by the Authority, or for one (1) year thereafter. 2. The Supplier affirms that it will not take part in any activities that will be a conflict of interest with the Authority or that would appear to compromise the integrity of the Authority. The Supplier shall provide written notice to the Authority immediately upon occurrence or first identification of any potential conflict -of-interest situation. 3. Upon request by the Authority, the Supplier shall execute any Conflict -of-Interest Certification that may be required. VII. Debarred Proposers The Supplier has a continuing obligation to inform the Authority whether it is or has been placed on any debarred, suspended, or excluded parties list maintained by the United States Government o r the State of Florida. Should the Supplier, including any of its officers or holders of a controlling interest, be included on such a list during the performance of this Contract, the Supplier shall immediately inform the Authority. This obligation must be included in all subcontracts. VIII. Indemnification 1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authority and its Board of Directors, officers, and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Supplier and other persons or entities employed or utilized by Supplier in the performance of this Contract. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Contract. The indemnification obligation hereunder shall not be limited in any way by amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable under workers' compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefit acts. 2. In the event applicable law renders any provision of this Section unenforceable, then solely to the extent necessary to conform such provision to the requirements of law to P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 9 of 277 remedy such unenforceable matter, such provision is deemed revised so as to be enforceable under law. 3. In addition to the Supplier's indemnification obligation, the Supplier shall be responsible for all liability for loss or damages, and it shall also be responsible for the payment of any fines imposed by any federal, state, or local agency as a result of the Supplier's actions or failure to act. IX. Disputes, Defaults and Remedies 1. Upon a breach of any of the obligations of the Supplier or the Authority hereunder, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the rights and remedies provided under law, including, but not limited to the rights and remedies under the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of Florida, if applicable, as well as those referenced in 49 CFR Part 18 and FTA Circular 4220.1F, as revised. In addition, the non-breaching Party shall have all of the other rights and remedies specified elsewhere in this Contract. 2. During any dispute, unless otherwise directed by the Authority, the Supplier shall continue to diligently perform the work while matters in dispute are outstanding, unless a Notice of Termination has been issued by the Authority. 3. Should the Supplier suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any act or omission of the Authority, or any of the Authority’s employees, agents, or others for whose acts the Authority is legally liable, a claim for damages therefore shall be made in writing to the Authority within fourteen (14) days after the first observance of such injury or damage. The failure to timely submit a written claim shall result in a waiver the Supplier's claim. 4. Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be decided in writing by the Authority's SVP/Chief Administrative Officer, and the decision rendered shall be final and conclusive for the Authority. 5. Mandatory Mediation. All disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be subject to mandatory pre-suit mediation under the auspices of a mediator to be selected by the Parties. Mediation must occur before a lawsuit is filed. Discovery prior to the scheduled mediation shall be limited to one (1) request for production of documents and two (2) depositions per Party not exceeding eight (8) hours total time per deposition. Each Party shall equally bear the costs of mediation and shall be solely responsible for its own attorneys’ fees and other legal costs prior to and during the mediation process. In the event the case does not settle at mediation, the Parties may re-depose either or both witnesses on non-repetitive matters. The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority may not have present at any such mediation a person or persons authorized to bind the Authority. If the mediation fails to produce a settlement, and the amount in controversy is below seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), the Parties may agree to submit the dispute to fast -track arbitration with an AAA arbitration panel. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 10 of 277 X. Insurance 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Commercial General Liability insurance coverage (ISO or comparable Occurrence Form) for the life of this Contract. Modified Occurrence or Claims Made forms are not acceptable. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fire Damage Limit (any one fire) $ 300,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $ 10,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit (other than Products & Completed Operations) Applies Per Project $2,000,000 General liability coverage shall continue to apply to “bodily injury” and to “property damage” occurring after all work on the Site of the co vered operations to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insureds has been completed and shall continue after that portion of “your work” out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use. 2. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Part One – Workers’ Compensation Insurance – Unlimited Statutory Benefits as provided in the Florida Statutes and Part Two – Employer’s Liability Insurance Bodily Injury By Accident $500,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury By Disease $500,000 Each Employee *If leased employees are used, policy must include an Alternate Employer’s Endorsement 3. Automobile Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Automobile Liability insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Combined Single Limit – Each Accident $1,000,000 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 11 of 277 Covered Automobiles shall include any auto owned or operated by the insured Supplier, including autos which are leased, hired, rented or borrowed, including autos owned by their employees which are used in connection with the business of the respective Supplier. 4. Excess Liability Insurance The Supplier shall purchase and maintain at the Supplier’s expense Excess Liability (Umbrella Form) insurance coverage for the life of this Contract. The Limits of this insurance shall not be less than the following limits: Each Occurrence Limit $5,000,000 Aggregate Limit $5,000,000 Supplier shall require each of his Sub-Suppliers to likewise purchase and maintain at their expense Commercial General Liability insurance, Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability coverage, Automobile Liability insurance and Excess Liability insurance coverage meeting the same limit and requirements as the Suppliers insurance. Certificates of Insurance acceptable to Jacksonville Transportation Authority for the Supplier’s insurance must be received within five (5) days of Notification of Selection and at time of signing Agreement. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain an endorsement that coverage afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement will include a provision that policies, except Workers’ Compensation, are primary and noncontributory to any insurance maintained by the Supplier. Jacksonville Transportation Authority must be named as an Additional Insured and endorsed onto the Commercial General Liability (CGL), Auto Liability and Excess Liability policy (ies). A copy of the endorsement(s) must be supplied to Jacksonville Transportation Authority ten (10) days following the execution of the agreement or prior to the first date of services, whichever comes first. CGL policy Additional I nsured Endorsement must include Ongoing and Completed Operations (Form CG2010 11 84 OR Form CG2010 04 13 and GC2037 04 13 edition or equivalent). Other Additional Insured forms might be acceptable but only if modified to delete the word “ongoing” and insert the sentence “Operations include ongoing and completed operations”. CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Work performed by Sub-Suppliers on Your Behalf (CG2294 or CG2295) CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Contractual Liabil ity Limitation Endorsement (CG2139) or Amendment of Insured Contract Definition (CG 2426) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 12 of 277 CGL policy shall not be endorsed with Exclusion - Damage to Premises Rented to you (CG 2145) CGL policy shall include broad form contractual liability coverage for the Suppliers covenants to and indemnification of the Authority under this Contract Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required for this Agreement shall contain a provision under General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers’ Compensation to include a Waiver of Subrogation clause in favor of Jacksonville Transportation Authority. All Certificates of Insurance shall be dated and shall show the name of the insured Supplier, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the policy number assigned its effective date and its termination date and a list of any exclusionary endorsements. All Insurers must be authorized to transact insurance business in the State of Florida as provided by Florida Statute 624.09(1) and the most recent Rating Classification/Financial Category of the insurer as published in the latest edition of “Best’s Key Rating Guide’ (Property-Casualty) must be at least A- or above. All of the above referenced Insurance coverage is required to remain in force for the duration of this Agreement and for the duration of the warranty period. Accordingly, at the time of submission of final application for payment, Supplier shall submit an additional Certificate of Insurance evidencing continuation of such coverage. If the Supplier fails to procure, maintain or pay for the required insurance, Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right (but not the obligation) to secure same in the name of and for the account of Supplier, in which event, Supplier shall pay the cost thereof and shall furnish upon demand, all information that may be required to procure such insurance. Jacksonville Transportation Authority shall have the right to back-charge Supplier for the cost of procuring such insurance. The failure of Jacksonville Transportation Authority to demand certificates of insurance and endorsements evidencing the required insurance or to identify any deficiency in Suppliers coverage based on the evidence of insurance provided by the Supplier shall not be construed as a waiver by Jacksonville Transportation Authority of Supplier’s obligation to procure, maintain and pay for required insurance. The insurance requirements set forth herein shall in no way limit Suppliers liability arising out of the work perfo rmed under the Agreement or related activities. The inclusions, coverage and limits set forth herein are minimum inclusion, coverage and limits. The required minimum policy limits set forth shall not be construed as a limitation of Supplier’s right under any policy with higher limits, and no policy maintained by the Supplier shall be construed as limiting the type, quality or quantity of insurance coverage that Supplier should maintain. Supplier shall be responsible for determining appropriate inclusions, coverage and limits, which may be in excess of the minimum requirements set forth herein. If the insurance of any Supplier or any Sub-Supplier contains deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s), the Supplier or Sub-Supplier whose insurance contains such provision(s) shall be solely responsible for payment of such deductible(s), penalty(ies) or self-insured retention(s). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 13 of 277 The failure of Supplier to fully and strictly comply at all times with the insurance requirements set forth herein shall be deemed a material breach of the Agreement. XI. Public Entity Crimes The Authority reserves the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon written notice in the event that the Supplier or any of its affiliate(s) are placed on the State of Florida convicted vendor list pursuant to Section 287.133, Florida Statutes. For purposes hereof, "affiliate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The Supplier shall advise the Authority promptly after conviction of any "public entity crime" as defined in Section 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes, applicable to the Supplier or any of its affiliate(s). XII. Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination 1. The Supplier will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work or payment for work thereof, and will not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family st atus or other protected class in the performance of work under this Contract. The Supplier assures that it and their Subcontractors will comply with pertinent statutes, executive orders, and such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, religion, family status or other protected class be excluded from participating in any activity conducted under t his Contract. This provision binds the Supplier from the Solicitation period through the completion of the Contract. 2. The Supplier shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities, as may be determined by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with this Section. XIII. Drug-Free Workplace The Supplier and its Subcontractors shall maintain a drug-free workplace and otherwise comply with the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, 41 U.S.C. §§ 701-707. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, the Supplier and its Subcontractors shall provide a drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement: (1) notifying employees that unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using a controlled substance in the Supplier's (Subcontractors') workplace is prohibited; and (2) specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 14 of 277 2. Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees abo ut: A. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; B. The Supplier's (Subcontractors') policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; C. Any drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs that are available; and D. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of this Contract be given a copy of the statement required by Paragraph (1); 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by Paragraph (1) that, as a condition of employment under this Contract, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no lat er than five (5) days after such a conviction; 5. Notifying the Authority within ten (10) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (4) from an employee, or within ten (10) days of otherwise receiving actual notice of an employee’s conviction; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within thirty (30) days of receiving notice under Paragraph (5), with respect to any employee so convicted: A. Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or B. Requiring such an employe e to satisfactorily participate in and complete a drug- abuse assistance or rehabilitation program that is approved by a federal, state, or local health or law enforcement agency, or other appropriate agency as may be the case; and 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6). XIV. Subcontracts 1. The Supplier shall be fully responsible for the performance of all services under this Contract, including when the services are performed by a Subcontractor or supplier. At all times, the Supplier shall be responsible for the effort, activity, and quality of services of its Subcontractors and suppliers, and at no time shall the Authority have any responsibility for or contractual relationship with any such Subcontractors or suppliers, whether by reason of the above-stated references, consent, approval, or otherwise. 2. The Supplier shall utilize those Subcontractors who were identified in its proposal, except that the Supplier shall not subcontract with a proposed person or entity to whom the Authority has made reasonable and timely objection. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 15 of 277 3. When the subcontract is to provide services, the subcontract shall include the specific key staff members, man-hours, rates, tasks assigned, and all other costs and compensation associated with carrying out the services. 4. The Supplier shall maintain records of payments to all Subcontractors for five (5) years following the completion or termination of this Contract, and records of such shall be made available to the Authority immediately upon request. The Supplier shall report to the Authority the portion of each payment made by the Authority (directly or indirectly) which is owed by the Supplier to a Subcontractor, and whether such Subcontractor is or is not a DBE firm. 5. Prompt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). The Supplier is required to pay all Subcontractors, to include DBE Subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days from receipt of each pa yment from the Authority or Purchasers. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of the Supplier’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the Supplier ensures all Subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 6. The Supplier shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set fo rth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section XIX of this contract. The Supplier shall also require all Subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The Supplier shall be responsible for compliance by any Subcontractor or any lower tier Subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. XV. Non-exclusive Contract This Contract is not exclusive. The Authority expressly reserves the right to contract for performance of services such as those described herein, and in the Solicitation, with other Suppliers. XVI. No Waiver Failure by either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the provisions herein; failure or delay by either Party in exercising any rights or remedies provided herein or by law; the Authority's payment in whole or in part for services hereunder; or any purported oral modification or rescission of this Contract by an employee or agent of either Party shall not: (1) release either Party of any of its obligations hereunder; (2) be deemed a waiver of the rights of either Party to insist upon strict performance hereof; (3) be deemed a waiver of any of either Party's rights or remedies under this Contract or by law; or (4) operate as a waiver of any of the provisions hereof or constitute acquiescence therein. No waiver of any default or breach hereunder shall extend to or affect any su bsequent or existing default or breach. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 16 of 277 XVII. Public Records and Related Inquiries 1. The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority is subject to the Florida Public Records Law, the Government in the Sunshine Act, and possibly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Trade secret information is exempt from public disclosure under sections 815.045 and 812.081, Florida Statutes. The Authority will therefore exempt from disclosure proprietary information, trade secrets and confidential commercial and financial information submitted or disclosed by the Proposer provided it meets the statutory definition of a trade secret and further provided that such information is marked as a trade secret when delivered to the Authority. Upon a request for records from a third party regarding the Contract, the Authority will notify the Supplier in writing. The Supplier must respond within ten (10) days with the identification of any and all “proprietary, trade secret or confidential commercial or financial” information. If Proposer chooses to declare the information proprietary/confidential and withhold it from release, then it shall defend and hold harmless the Agency from any legal action arising from such a declaration. 2. The Supplier shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, made or received by the Supplier in conjunction with this Contract. Specifically, if the Supplier is acting on behalf of the Authority, the Supplier shall: A. Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the Authority in order to perform the services being performed by the Supplier; B. Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the Authorit y would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; C. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure require ments are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and D. Meet all requirements for retaining public records; transfer, at no cost to the Authority, all public records in possession of the Supplier upon termination of this Contract; and destroy any duplicat e public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the Authority in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the Autho rity. 3. The Supplier shall immediately provide the Authority with a copy of any Request to Inspect or Copy Public Records in possession of the Supplier and the Supplier shall also promptly provide the Authority with a copy of the proposed response to each such request. No release of any such records by the Supplier shall be made without approval of the Authority. The Supplier's failure to grant approved public access will be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract by the Authority. 4. Media and Other Inquiries. All media and other inquiries concerning the services P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 17 of 277 shall be directed to the Authority's SVP/Chief Administrative Officer. The Supplier shall not make any statements, press releases, or publicity releases concerning this Contract or its subject matter or otherwise disclose or permit to be disclosed any of the data or other information obtained or furnished in compliance with this Contract, or any particulars thereof, without the Authority's written consent. However, the Supplier may commu nicate directly with public agencies when required to do so as part of the services to be performed hereunder. XVIII. Contract Administration 1. Notices. Except as otherwise provided herein, any notices or demands that are required by law or under the terms of this Contract shall be given or made by the Supplier or the Authority in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, telegram, or similar communication, or by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), and addressed to the respective Parties set forth below. Such notices shall be deemed to have been given in the case of telegrams or similar communications when sent, and in the case of certified or registered mail, on the Third (3rd) day after such communication has been deposited in the United States mail with postage prepaid. To Authority: Jacksonville Transportation Authority Procurement Department 121 West Forsyth Street, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 To Supplier: Nova Bus, a division of Prevost Car (US) Inc. 260 Banker Road Plattsburgh, NY 12901 The above addresses may be changed at any time by giving thirty (30) days prior notice as provided above. 2. Entire Agreement. This Contract shall constitute the entire agreement between the Authority and the Supplier relating to the work. 3. Supplier is not Authority's Agent. The Supplier is not authorized to act as the Authority's agent and shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act for or bind the Authority, unless otherwise expressly set forth for a particular purpose in a separate writing by the Authority. 4. Compliance with Supplier Code of Business Conduct. The Supplier shall, at all times throughout the duration of this Contract, comply with the Authority’s Supplier Code of Business Conduct which is made a part hereof by reference. Failure of the Supplier to abide by the Supplier Code of Business Conduct may lead to disciplinary measures commensurate with the violation, including but not limited to terminat ion of this Contract. 5. Compliance with Nondiscrimination and Other Laws. The Supplier shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the DOT Title 49, CFR, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time , which are hereby incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 18 of 277 Supplier shall also comply with the following civil rights regulations, as may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated herein by reference: 29 U.S.C. § 623, 42 U.S.C. § 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, 42 U.S.C. § 12132, 49 U.S.C. § 5332, 29 CFR Part 1630, and 41 CFR Part 60. The Supplier, at its sole cost and expense, shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and rules of governmental agencies (including as applicable, the FHWA, FTA, OSHA, applicable State of Florida agencies, including the FDOT, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), the Authority, and the City of Jacksonville (CoJ)). Supplier shall secure a ll required licenses and permits necessary to the performance of the work at its sole cost and expense. 6. Compliance with Federal Regulations. The Supplier shall comply with all federal lobbying regulations as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 31 U.S.C. 1352, 49 CFR Part 19, and 49 CFR Part 20. The Supplier shall comply with all federal clean air regulations including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 40 CFR 15.61, and 49 CFR Part 18. The Supplier shall also comply with all e nergy conservation requirements including but not limited to: 42 U.S.C. 6321 and 49 CFR Part 18. In addition, the Supplier shall comply with all cargo preference requirements as referenced in the Solicitation, including but not limited to: 46 U.S.C. 1241 and 46 CFR 381. The Supplier shall also comply with all clean water regulations issued pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1251. Lastly, the Supplier shall abide by all federal change requirements as explained in 49 CFR Part 18 which is incorporated herein by reference. 7. Governing Laws. This Contract and the rights of all Parties hereunder shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 8. Severability. If any provision of this Contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 9. Advertising. Supplier will not use the name of the Authority or quote the opinion of any employees of the Authority or refer to the Authority directly or indirectly in any promotional literature or correspondence, news release, advertisement, or release to any professional or trade publications without receiving specific written approval for such use or release from the Authority. However, this Paragraph will in no way limit the Supplier's ability to satisfy any governmental required disclosure of its relationship with the Authority. 10. Assignments. This Contract is binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The Supplier shall not assign, sell, or transfer its interest in this Contract without the Authority's express written consent. Any such assignment by the Supplier must contain a provision allowing the Authority to assert against any assignee, any and all defenses, setoffs, or counterclaims which the Authority would be entitled to assert against the Supplier. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 19 of 277 11. Modifications. This Contract may be modified or amended only by a writing signed by each of the Parties hereto. Neither electronic mail nor instant messaging s hall be considered a “writing” for purposes of amending, supplementing, or modifying this Contract. No additional services shall be performed until such additional services are provided for in an Amendment executed by both Parties. 12. Force Majeure. Neither the Authority nor the Supplier shall be liable for any delay or failure in performance solely caused by acts beyond such Party's control, including, without limitation, acts of God, war, vandalism, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, hurricanes, fires, flo ods, acts of governmental agencies, or unforeseen interruptions of utility services. 13. Consent to Jurisdiction. The Supplier and the Authority agree that any suit, action, or other legal proceeding arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be brought in the Circuit Court of Duval County, and each Party hereby consents to the jurisdiction of each such court over any such suit, action, or proceeding, and waives any objection which it or they may have to the laying of venue of any such suit, action, or proceeding, and any of such courts. This provision is a material inducement for the Authority and the Supplier entering into the transactions contemplated hereby. 14. Prevailing Party Attorneys’ Fees. In the event one Party shall prevail in any action (including appellate proceedings) at law or in equity arising hereunder, the losing Party will pay all costs, expenses, reasonable attorneys' fees, and all other actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the defense and/or prosecution of any legal proceeding, including, but not limited to, those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and actual fees charged by expert witnesses for testimony and analysis incurred by the prevailing Party referable thereto. 15. Member Protection. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant, or agreement contained in this Contract or any other agreements or documents pertaining to the work, as such may from time to time be altered or amended in accordance with the provisions hereof, or under any judgment obtained against the Authority or by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equitable proceeding by virtue of any statute or otherwise, whether under or independent of this Contract, shall be had against any Board Member, officer, employee or agent, as such, past, present or future, of the Authority either directly or indirectly, for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for any sum that may be due and unpaid by the Authority. Any and all personal liability of every nature, whether at common law, in equity, by statute, by constitution or otherwise, of any Authority member, officer, employee, or agent as such, to respond by reason of any act or omission on his or her part or otherwise for any claim arising out of this Contract, or for the payme nt for or to the Authority, or any receiver therefore or otherwise, of any sum that may remain due and unpaid by the Authority, is hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Contract. 16. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The Parties expressly intend that the Authority has no obligation to or relationship with any Subcontractor that may be utilized by Supplier. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 20 of 277 17. The Supplier shall insert the appropriate provisions from the Solicitation and this Contract in all subcontracts under this Contract. Including all clauses found in Section VI of this solicitation, the Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts and the clauses set forth in paragraphs (18) through (22) of Section X IX of this contract. The Supplier (referenced sometimes hereinafter as the “prime Supplier”, “Contractor” or “prime Contractor”) shall also require all Subcontractors of any tier to insert these clauses into all lower tier subcontracts, without modification. The prime Supplier or Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any Subcontractor or any lower tier Subcontractor with the clauses and shall ensure that this contract and all subcontracts of any tier are performed in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26, as may be amended from time to time. 18. Contract Assurance (49-CFR Part 26.13). The Supplier, sub recipient or Subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Supplier shall carry out applicable requirements of 49-CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. Failure by the Supplier to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. 19. Prompt Payment (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime Suppliers are required to pay all Subcontractors, to include DBE Subcontractors, for satisfactory performance of their contracts within seven (7) business days fro m receipt of each payment from the JTA. Failure to comply may result in future withholdings of prime Supplier’s reimbursements and/or other sanctions until the prime Supplier ensure all Subcontractors are being promptly paid for all work performed. 20. Return of Retainage (49-CFR Part 26.29). Prime Suppliers are required to ensure prompt and full payment of retainage to all Subcontractors within thirty (30 days) after the Subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed. Prime Suppliers are prohibited from holding retainage from Subcontractors until the project is completed. A Subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed when all the tasks called for in the subcontract have been accomplished and documented as required by the JTA. When JTA has made an incremental acceptance of a portion of a prime contract, the work of a Subcontractor covered by that acceptance is deemed to be satisfactorily completed. 21. Monitoring the Performance of other Program Participants (49 -CFR Part 26.37). The JTA will monitor each DOT funded contract with DBE participation to ensure that all work committed to DBEs at contract award or subsequently (as a result of contract modification) is actually performed by the DBEs to which the work was committed. Site visit will be conducted periodically by staff. Supplier’s Request for Payment forms will be monitored to ensure that DBEs are being paid in accordance to their signed agreements. All Prime Suppliers will be required to self-report all payments received from the JTA into the B2GNow (Contract Compliance Tracking System). This system tracks payments made to the prime Supplier and all payments made by the prime to any P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 21 of 277 Subcontractors, to include DBEs, and the timeliness of those payments in accordance to JTA’s Prompt Payment Clause. 22. Termination for Convenience (49-CFR Part 26.53). No prime Supplier will terminate for convenience a DBE Subcontractor that was listed and agreed to perform a project task (or an approved substitute DBE firm) and then perform the work of the terminated subcontract with its own forces or those of an affiliate, without prior written consent from JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office. The prime Supplier shall utilize the specific DBEs listed to perform the work and supply the materials for which each is listed unless the prime Supplier obtains written consent form JTA’s Diversity & Equity Program Office; and unless the consent is provided the Supplier shall not be entitled to any payment for work or material unless it is performed or supplied by the listed DBE. Appropriate administrative remedies will be invoked to any Prime Supplier that terminates and/or removes a DBE firm/s for convenience. Those remedies may include requirement to pay terminated DBE firm/s; withholding of future payments and/or retainage; and/or disbarment from future consideration of project awards with the JTA. 23. Counterparts and Electronic Signatures. This Contract may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument, binding on all the parties hereto even though all the parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. The counterparts of this this Contract and all Ancillary Documents may be executed by providing an electronic signature under the terms of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 7001 et. seq., and Chapter 668, Florida Statutes and delivered by email or other electronic delivery method which will have the same force and effect as a written signature. 24. Exhibits. The following Exhibits are hereby incorporated into this Contract as part hereof as though fully set forth herein. Exhibit A, Scope of Work and Technical Specifications Exhibit B, Proposal Pricing Exhibit C, Warranty Exhibit D, Required Forms Exhibit E, Required Clauses for FTA-Assisted Contracts (Signature Page Follows) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 22 of 277 Exhibit ‘A’ – Technical Specifications (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 24 of 277 Exhibit A Scope of Services Supplier shall provide 40-foot low-floor heavy duty transit buses powered by diesel, diesel electric hybrid, or CNG power packages meeting the specifications in Exhibit A of JTA RFP No. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses as amended and as further described in this Exhibit (herein referred to individually as a “Bus” and collectively as the “Buses”) on an as needed basis. The Supplier shall comply with the following required contract provisions and shall insert the substance of these provisions to all Subcontractors when applicable and pursuant to this contract. Orders Purchase Orders will be issued directly to the Supplier by the Purchaser. The Supplier will be responsible for providing the Florida Transit Association Finance Corporation (FTAFC) a copy of the agency’s purchase order upon receipt. The Supplier will also provide the FTAFC a quarterly statement of purchases made off the contract. Delivery Time Delivery of buses shall be no later than 365 calendar days after the close of the calendar quarter (i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31) in which the purchase order is delivered to the Supplier. Delivery shall be made on Monday through Friday; Federal a nd State holidays excluded, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary in this Contract, delivery will be negotiated with each Purchaser at time of receipt of a firm purchase order or notice to proceed. Liquidated Damages for Late Delivery The parties recognize that it is of utmost importance for the Proposer to complete the Contract within the time specified therein. The Proposer understands and agrees that its failure to complete the Contract within the required time will significantly impact the Procuring Agency, and that the impacts, costs, and other damages resulting from that failure are impossible to reasonably quantify in advance. The Proposer therefore agrees as follows: if the Proposer fails to deliver the supplies or perform the services within the time specified in the Contract, the Proposer shall pay Liquidated Damages to the Procuring Agency of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per calendar day of delay per bus. All Liquidated Damages are capped on a per bus basis at 2% of the value of the bus price, and are the sole remedy that the Contractor will be liable for. FOB Point The FOB point shall be the delivery address indicated on the individual purchase order. Acceptance Within fifteen (15) calendar days after arrival at the designated point of delivery, the Bus shall undergo Purchaser test ing. If the Authority or Purchaser does not provide the Supplier written notice of rejection of each bus upon completion of acceptance testing , the acceptance of the Bus by the Purchaser occurs on the 15th day after delivery. Acceptance occurs earlier if the Purchaser notifies the Contractor of early acceptance or places the bus in revenue service. If the equipment is rejected, the notice shall state the discrepancy noted. The Purchaser reserves P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 25 of 277 the right to conditionally or provisionally accept one or more buses subject to correction of minor discrepancies. Assumption of Risk of Loss Supplier shall bear the risk of any loss or damage to the buses ordered until they are de livered in conformity with this Contract or at the specified F.O.B. point. Upon such delivery, Supplier’s responsibility for losses or damage shall cease, except for loss or damage occurring prior to or upon delivery, or loss or damage resulting from contr actor’s negligence or intentional acts. Repairs by Supplier If Purchaser requires the Supplier to perform repairs after rejection or conditional acceptance of the equipment, the Supplier’s representative must begin work within five (5) working days after receiving notification from the Purchaser of failure of acceptance tests. Purchaser shall make the equipment available to complete repairs timely with the Supplier’s repair schedule. License and Taxes The JTA and the Purchasers are exempt from Federal and S tate taxation and will provide tax exempt certificate as required. All applicable Federal taxes, State of Florida sales taxes, and any other taxes are the responsibility of the Supplier. The Supplier shall procure any and all licenses, permits, or certificates constituted authorities for the performance of the service. Title Adequate documents for securing the coach title in the county of the individual Purchaser shall be provided to the Purchaser at least thirty (3) working days before each bus is released to the common carrier driveway. Following acceptance of each bus, the Supplier warrants that the title shall pass to the Purchaser free and clear of all liens, mortgages and encumbrances, financing statements, claims and demands of any character. The Purchaser is responsible to provide the Supplier with the necessary information to title the vehicles and shall provide a point to contact for the delivery of the titles. Technical Specifications See Attachment 1 to this Exhibit A: Technical Specifications P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 26 of 277 In submitting a proposal, please note where indicated, whether your proposal exceeds, meets, or does not meet the technical specification. Provide comments explaining your response. Each response should be in RED. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL TS 1. Scope Technical specifications define requirements for heavy-duty transit buses and commuter coaches, which, by the selection of specifically identified alternative configurations, may be used for both suburban express service and general service on urban arterial streets. Buses shall have a minimum expected life of twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first, and are intended for the widest possible spectrum of passengers, including children, adults, the elderly and people with disabilities. TS 2. Definitions Alternative: An alternative specification condition to the default bus configuration. The Agency may define alternatives to the default configuration to satisfy local operating requirements. Alternatives for the default configuration will be clearly identified. Ambient Temperature: The temperature of the surrounding air. For testing purposes, ambient temperature must be between 16°C (50°F) and 38°C (100°F). Analog Signals: A continuously variable signal that is solely dependent upon magnitude to express information content. NOTE: Analog signals are used to represent the state of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Audible Discrete Frequency: An audible discrete frequency is determined to exist if the sound power level in any 1/3-octave band exceeds the average of the sound power levels of the two adjacent 1/3-octave bands by 4 decibels (dB) or more. Battery Compartment: Low-voltage energy storage, i.e. 12/24 VDC batteries. Battery Management System (BMS): Monitors energy, as well as temperature, cell or module voltages, and total pack voltage. The BMS adjusts the control strategy algorithms to maintain the batteries at uniform state of charge and optimal temperatures. Brakin g Resistor: Device that converts electrical energy into heat, typically used as a retarder to supplement or replace the regenerative braking. Burst Pressure: The highest pressure reached in a container during a burst test. Capacity (fuel container): The water volume of a container in gallons (liters). Cells: Individual components (i.e., battery or capacitor cells). Code: A legal requirement. Combination Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by a combination of high pressures or high temperatures, acting either independently or together. TAB 2 - REVISED EXHIBIT B AS PER ADDENDUM 5 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 27 of 277 Composite Container for CNG: A container fabricated of two or more materials that interact to facilitate the container design criteria. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): Mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally of methane in gaseous form that has been compressed for use as a vehicular fuel. Container: A pressure vessel, cylinder or cylinders permanently manifolded together, used to store CNG. Container Appurtenances: Devices connected to container openings for safety, control or operating purposes. Container Valve: A valve connected directly to a container outlet. Curb Weight: Weight of vehicle, including maximum fuel, oil and coolant; and all equipment required for operation and required by this Specification, but without passengers or driver. dBA: Decibels with reference to 0.0002 microbar as measured on the “A” scale. DC to DC Converter: A module that converts a source of direct current from one voltage level to anot her. Default Configuration Bus: The bus described if no alternatives are selected. Signing, colors, the destination sign reading list and other information must be provided by the Agency. Defueling: The process of removing fuel from a tank. Defueling Port. Device that allows for vehicle defueling, or the point at which this occurs. Destroyed: Physically made permanently unusable. Discrete Signal: A signal that can take only pre-defined values, usually of a binary 0 or 1 nature, where 0 is bat tery ground potential and 1 is a defined battery positive potential. DPF: Diesel particulate filter. Driver’s Eye Range: The 95th-percentile ellipse defined in SAE Recommended Practice J941, except that the height of the ellipse shall be determined from the seat at its reference height. Energy Density: The relationship between the weight of an energy storage device and its power output in units of watt -hours per kilogram (Wh/kg). Energy Storage System (ESS): A component or system of components that stores energy and for which its supply of energy is rechargeable by the on-vehicle system (engine/regenerative braking/ generator) or an off-vehicle energy source. Fill Pressure for CNG: The pressure attained at the actual time of filling. Fill pressure varies according to the gas temperatures in the container, which are dependent on the charging parameters and the ambient conditions. The maximum dispensed pressure shall not exceed 125 percent of service pressure. Flow Capacity: For natural gas flow, this is the capacity in volume per unit time (normal cubic meters/minute or standard cubic feet per minute) discharged at the required flow rating pressure. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 28 of 277 Fuel Line: The pipe, tubing or hose on a vehicle, including all related fittings, through which natural gas passes. Fusible Material: A metal, alloy or other material capable of being melted by heat. Fire Resistant: Materials that have a flame spread index less than 150 as measured in a radiant panel flame test per ASTM-E 162-90. Fireproof: Materials that will not burn or melt at temperatures less than 2000°F. Free Floor Space: Floor area available to standees, excluding the area under seats, area occupied by feet of seated passengers, the vestibule area forward of the standee line, and any floo r space indicated by manufacturer as non-standee areas, such as the floor space “swept” by passenger doors during operation. Floor area of 1.5 sq. ft. shall be allocated for the feet of each seated passenger protruding into the standee area. Fuel Management System: Natural gas fuel system components that control or contribute to engine air fuel mixing and metering, and the ignition and combustion of a given air-fuel mixture. The fuel management system would include, but is not limited to, reducer/regulator valves, fuel metering equipment (e.g. carburetor, injectors), sensors (e.g., main throttle, waste gate). GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rated): The maximum total weight as determined by the axle manufacturer, at which the axle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended purpose. Gross Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position, for the driver, and for each 1.5 sq. ft. of free floor space. GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight): Curb weight plus gross load. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rated): The maximu m total weight as determined by the vehicle manufacturer, at which the vehicle can be safely and reliably operated for its intended purpose. High Pressure: Those portions of the CNG fuel system that see full container or cylinder pressure. High Voltage (HV): Greater than 50 V (AC and DC). Hose: Flexible line. Hybrid: A vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to propel the vehicle. Hybrid System Controller (HSC):Regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. Hybrid Drive System (HDS): The mechanical and/or electromechanical components, including the engine, traction motors and energy storage system, which comprise the traction drive portion of the hybrid propulsion system. Intermediate Pressure: The portion of a CNG system after the first pressure regulator, but before the engine pressure regulator. Intermediate pressure on a CNG vehicle is generally from 3.5 to 0.5 MPa (510 to 70 psi). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 29 of 277 Inverter: A module that converts DC to and from AC. Labeled: Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol or other identifying mark of an organization, which is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, which maintains periodic inspection of production labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner. Leakage: Release of contents through a Defect or a crack. See Rupture. Line: All tubes, flexible and hard, that carry fluids. Liner: Inner gas-tight container or gas container to which the overwrap is applied. Local Regulations: Regulations below the state level. Low-Floor Bus: A bus that, between at least the front (entrance) and rear (exit) doors, has a floor sufficiently low and level so as to remove the need for steps in the aisle between the doors and in the vicinity of these doors. Low Voltage (LV):50 V or less (AC and DC). Lower Explosive Limit: The lowest concentration of gas where, given an ignition source, combustion is possible. Maximum Service Temperature: The maximum temperature to which a container/cylinder will be subjected in normal service. Metallic Hose: A hose whose strength depends primarily on the strength of its metallic parts; it can have metallic liners or covers, or both. Metering Valve: A valve intended to control the rate of flow of natural gas. Module: An assembly of individual components Motor (Electric): A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Motor (Traction): An electric motor used to power the driving wheels of the bus. Operating Pressure: The varying pressure developed in a container during service. Physical Layer: The first layer of the seven-layer International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model. This provides the mechanical, electrical, functional and procedural characteristics required to gain access to the transmission medium (e.g., cable) and is responsible for transporting binary information between computerized systems. Pipe: Nonflexible line. Pressure Relief Device (PRD):A pressure and/or temperature activated device used to vent the container/cylinder contents and thereby prevent rupture of an NGV fuel container/cylinder, when subjected to a standard fire test as required by fuel container/cylinder standards. NOTE: Since this is a pressure-activated device, it may not protect against rupture of the container when the application of heat weakens the container to the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 30 of 277 point where its rupture pressure is less than the rated burst pressure of the relief device, particularly if the container is partially full. Power: Work or energy divided by time Power Density: Power divided by mass, volume or area. Propulsion System: System t hat provides propulsion for the vehicle proportional to operator commands. Includes, as applicable, engine, transmission, traction motors, the hybrid drive system, (HDS), energy storage system (ESS), and system controllers including all wiring and converter/inverter. Real-Time Clock (RTC): Computer clock that keeps track of the current time. Regenerative Braking: Deceleration of the bus by switching motors to act as generators, which return vehicle kinetic energy to the energy storage system. Rejectable Damage: In terms of NGV fuel containers/cylinders, this is damage as outlined in CGA C-6.4, “Methods for External Visual Inspection of Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel Containers and Their Installations,” and in agreement with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Retarder: Device used to augment or replace some of the functions of primary friction based braking systems of the bus. Rupture: Sudden and unstable damage propagation in the structural components of the container resulting in a loss of contents. See Leakage. Seated Load: 150lbs for every designed passenger seating position and for the driver. SLW (Seated Load Weight): Curb weight plus seated load. Serial Data Signals. A current loop based representation of ASCII or alphanumeric data used for transferring information between devices by transmitting a sequence of individual bits in a prearranged order of significance. NOTE: An example is the communication that takes place between two or more electronic components with the ability to process and store information. Service Pressure: The settled pressure at a uniform gas temperature of 21°C (70°F) and full gas content. It is the pressure for which the equipment has been constructed, under normal conditions. Also referred to as the nominal service pressure or working pressure. Settled Pressure: The gas pressure when a given settled temperature, usually 21°C (70°F), is reached. Settled Temperature: The uniform gas temperature after any change in temperature caused by filling has dissipated. Solid State Alternator: A module that converts high-voltage DC to low -voltage DC (typically 12/24 V systems). Sources of Ignition: Devices or equipment that because of their modes of use or operation, are capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite flammable compressed natural gas-air mixtures when introduced into such a mixture, or when such a mixture comes into contact with them. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 31 of 277 Special Tools: Tools not normally stocked by the Agency. Specification: A particular or detailed statement, account or listing of the various elements, materials, dimensions, etc. involved in the manufacturing and construction of a product. Standard: A firm guideline from a consensus group. Standards referenced in “Section 6: Technical Specifications” are the latest revisions unless otherwise stated. Standee Line: A line marked across the bus aisle to designate the forward area that passengers may not occupy when the bus is moving. State of Charge (SOC): Quantity of electric energy remaining in the battery relative to the maximum rated amp-hour (Ah) capacity of the battery expressed in a percentage. This is a dynamic measurement used for the energy storage system. A full SOC indicates that the energy storage system cannot accept further charging from the engine-driven generator or the regenerative braking system. Stress Loops: The “pigtails” commonly used to absorb flexing in piping. Structure: The basic body, including floor deck material and installation, load-bearing external panels, structural components, axle mounting provisions and suspension beams and attachment points. Thermally Activated Gas Relief Device: A relief device that is activated by high temperatures and generally contains a fusible material. NOTE: Since this is a thermally activated device, it does not protect against over- pressure from improper charging practices. Wheelchair: A mobility aid belonging to any class of three- or four-wheeled devices, usable indoors, designed for and used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered. A “common wheelchair” is such a device that does not exceed 30 in. in width and 48 in. in length measured 2 in. above the ground, and does not weigh more than 600 lbs. when occupied. TS 3. Referenced Publications The documents or portions thereof referenced within this specification shall be considered part of the requirements of the specification. The edition indicated for each referenced document is the current edition, as of the date of the APTA issuance of this specification. TS 4. Legal Requirements The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. These shall include but not be limited to ADA, as well as state and local accessibility, safety and security requirements. Local regulations are defined as those below the state level. Buses shall meet all applicable FMVSS regulations and shall accommodate all applicable FMCSR regulations in effect at the location of the Agency and the date of manufacture. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of these specifications and any applicable legal requirement, the legal requirement shall prevail. Technical requirements that exceed the legal requirements are not considered to conflict. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 32 of 277 TS 5. Overall Requirements The Contractor shall ensure that the application and installation of major bus subcomponents and systems are compliant with all such subcomponent vendors’ requirements and recommendations. Contractor and Agency shall identify subcomponent vendors that shall submit installation/application approval documents with the completion of a pilot or lead bus. Components used in the vehicle shall be of heavy-duty design and proven in transit service. TS 5.1 Weight DEFAULT It shall be a design goal to construct each bus as light in weight as possible without degradation of safety, appearance, comfort, traction or performance. Buses at a capacity load shall not exceed the tire factor limits, brake test criteria or structural design criteria. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.2 Capacity DEFAULT The vehicle shall be designed to carry the gross vehicle weight, which shall not exceed the bus GVWR. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 33 of 277 TS 5.3 Service Life DEFAULT The minimum useful design life of the bus in transit service shall be at least twelve (12) years or 500,000 miles. It shall be capable of operating at least 40,000 miles per year, including the 12th year. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.4 Maintenance and Inspection DEFAULT Scheduled maintenance tasks shall be related and shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended preventative maintenance schedule (along with routine daily service performed during the fueling operations). Test ports, as required, shall be provided for commonly checked functions on the bus, such as air intake, exhaust, hydraulic, pneumatic, charge-air and engine cooling systems. The coach manufacturer shall give prime consideration to the routine problems of maintaining the vehicle. All coach components and systems, both mechanical and electrical, which will require periodic physical Work or inspection processes shall be installed so that a minimum of time is consumed in gaining access to the critical repair areas. It shall not be necessary to disassemble portions of the coach structure and/or equipment such as seats and flooring under seats in order to gain access to these areas. Each coach shall be designed to facilitate the disassembly, reassembly, servicing or maintenance, using tools and equipment that are normally available as standard commercial items. Requirements for the use of unique specialized tools will be minimized. The body and structure of the coach shall be designed for ease of maintenance and repair. Individual panels or other equipment that may be damaged in normal service shall be repairable or replaceable. Ease of repair shall be related to the vulnerability of the item to damage in service. Contractor shall provide a list of all special tools and pricing required for maintaining this equipment. Said list shall be submitted as a supplement to the Pricing Schedule. NOTE: Tools such as compartment door keys, bellows gauges and other tools that are required for daily maintenance and inspections shall not be included in the special tool list and shall be furnished for each coach. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Note: We provided optional tool's prices required on Exhibit A. Our base offer excludes tools and equipment. Other optional tools (TS 13.1) for dashboard, HVAC piping & Hepex, axles, auxiliary heater, Voith transmission, towing adapters and ISL Engine rear support special wrench can be provided upon request at additional price. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 34 of 277 TS 5.5 Interchangeability DEFAULT Unless otherwise agreed, all units and components procured under this Contract, whether provided by Suppliers or manufactured by the Contractor, shall be duplicates in design, manufacture and installation to ensure interchangeability among buses in each order group in this procurement. Components with non-identical functions shall not be, or appear to be, interchangeable. Any one component or unit used in the construction of these buses shall be an exact duplicate in design, manufacture and assembly for each bus in each order group in this Contract. Contractor shall identify and secure approval for any changes in components or unit construction provided within a Contract. In the event that the Contractor is unable to comply with the interchangeability requirement, the Contractor must notify the Agency and obtain the Agency’s prior written approval, including any changes in pricing. Agency shall review proposed product changes on a case-by-case basis and shall have the right to require extended warranties to ensure that product changes perform at least as well as the originally supplied products. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.6 Training DEFAULT NOTE: The following is illustrative; the Agency should carefully specify its training requirements. The Contractor shall have at least one qualified instructor who shall be available at the Agency’s property for calendar days between the hours of 7:00am-3:30pm and per month for 1 month prior to, and 6 months after, acceptance of the first bus. Instructor(s) shall conduct schools and advise the personnel of the Agency on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. The Contractor also shall provide visual and other teaching aids (such as manuals, slide presentations and literature) for use by the Agency’s own training staff, which become the property of the Agency. NOTE: The Agency should insert language that specifies the hours when it wants the training to occur, the total number of hours of instruction it wants to be P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 35 of 277 provided, what items it expects the curriculum to cover and the format in which it expects the training and teaching aids to be provided (print, DVD, etc.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.6.1 Technical/Service Representatives DEFAULT The Contractor shall, at its own expense, have one or more competent technical service representatives available on request to assist the Agency in the solution of engineering or design problems within the scope of the specifications that may arise during the warranty period. This does not relieve the Contractor of responsibilities under the provisions of “Section 7: Warranty Requirements.” Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.7 Operating Environment DEFAULT The bus shall achieve normal operation in ambient temperature ranges of 10 ºF to 115 ºF, at relative humidity between 5 percent and 100 percent, and at altitudes up to 3000 ft. above sea level. Degradation of performance due to atmospheric conditions shall be minimized at temperatures below 10 °F, above 115 °F or at altitudes above 3000 ft. Altitude requirements above 3000 ft. will need separate discussions with the engine manufacturer to ensure that performance requirements are not compromised. Speed, gradability and acceleration performance requirements shall be met at, or corrected to, 77 °F, 29.31 in. Hg, dry air per SAEJ1995. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 36 of 277 TS 5.8 Noise TS 5.8.1 Interior Noise DEFAULT The combination of inner and outer panels and any material used between them shall provide sufficient sound insulation so that a sound source with a level of 80 dBA measured at the outside skin of the bus shall have a sound level of 65 dBA or less at any point inside the bus. These conditions shall prevail with all openings, including doors and windows, closed and with the engine and accessories switched off. The bus-generated noise level experienced by a passenger at any seat location in the bus shall not exceed 80 dBA. The driver area shall not experience a noise level of more than 75 dBA. Measurements of interior noise levels shall be taken in accordance with SAEJ2805. An exception shall be made for the turntable area, which shall be considered a separate environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.8.2 Exterior Noise DEFAULT Airborne noise generated by the bus and measured from either side shall not exceed 80dBA under full power acceleration when operated at 0 to 35 mph at curb weight. The maximum noise level generated by the bus pulling away from a stop at full power shall not exceed 83 dBA. The bus-generated noise at curb idle shall not exceed 65dBA.If the noise contains an audible discrete frequency, a penalty of 5 dBA shall be added to the sound level measured. The Contractor shall comply with the exterior noise requirements defined in local laws and ordinances identified by the Agency andSAEJ366. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.9 Fire Safety DEFAULT The bus shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with all applicable fire safety and smoke emission regulations. These provisions shall include the use of fire-retardant/low-smoke materials, fire detection systems, bulkheads and facilitation of passenger evacuation. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 37 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.9.1 Materials DEFAULT All materials used in the construction of the passenger compartment of the bus shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FMVSS 302. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.10 Fire Suppression DEFAULT Fogmaker- 35 DEG Fluid. 6 Engine compartment nozzles Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 5.11 Respect for the Environment DEFAULT In the design and manufacture of the bus, the Contractor shall make every effort to reduce the amount of potentially hazardous waste. In accordance with Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Contractor shall use, whenever possible and allowed by the specifications, recycled materials in the manufacture of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 38 of 277 DIMENSIONS TS 6. Physical Size With exceptions such as exterior mirrors, marker and signal lights, bumpers, fender skirts, washers, wipers, ad frames, cameras, object detection systems, bicycle racks, feelers and rubrails, the bus shall have the following overall dimensions as shown in Figure 1at static conditions and design height. FIGURE 1 Transit Bus Exterior Dimensions TS 6.1 Bus Length For ease of use, the following tolerances will be allowable for each given bus length. Bus length is determined as the measurement from bumper to bumper. •30ft bus: 29 ft., 11 in. to 34ft, 11 in. •35ft bus: 35ft to 39ft, 11 in. •40ft bus: 40ftto 44ft, 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 39 of 277 TS 6.2 Bus Width TS 6.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT 102 in. Width Bus Body width shall be 102 in. (+0, -1 in.). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.3 Bus Height DEFAULT Maximum Overall Height Maximum overall height shall be 140 in., including all rigid, roof-mounted items such as A/C, exhaust, fuel system and cover, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.4 Step Height TS 6.4.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT The step height shall not exceed 16.5 in. at either doorway without kneeling and shall not exceed 15.5 in. at the step. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 40 of 277 TS 6.5 Underbody Clearance DEFAULT The bus shall maintain the minimum clearance dimensions as defined and shown in Figure 2of SAE Standard J689, regardless of load up to the gross vehicle weight rating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.6 Ramp Clearances DEFAULT REFER TO TABLE 2A. The approach angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the front tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference forward of the front tire to the ground. The departure angle is the angle measured between a line tangent to the rear tire static loaded radius arc and the initial point of structural interference rearward of the rear tire to the ground. The breakover angle is the angle measured between two lines tangent to the front and rear tire static loaded radius and intersecting at a point on the underside of the vehicle that defines the largest ramp over which the vehicle can roll. TABLE 2a Default Breakover Angle Angle 30 to 40ft Bus Approach 8.6 deg. (min.) Front breakover 8 deg. (min.) Departure 8.6 deg. (min.) Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 41 of 277 TS 6.7 Ground Clearance DEFAULT Ground clearance shall be no less than 9 in., (8 in. at jacking pad) except within the axle zone and wheel area. Axle zone clearance, which is the projected area between tires and wheels on the same axial centerline, shall be no less than 5.4 in. Wheel area clearance shall be no less than 8 in. for parts fixed to the bus body and 6 in. for parts that move vertically with the axles. –FIGURE 2 Transit Bus Minimum Road Clearance 18” 24” WHEEL WHEEL AREA AREA AXLE AXLE ZONE ZONE 45o 45o 45 o 45o 18” 24” REAR FRONT ½ WHEEL BASE DEPARTURE BREAKOVER APPROACH ANGLE ANGLE ANGLE Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 42 of 277 TS 6.8 Floor Height TS 6.8.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Height of the step above the street shall be no more than 16 in. measured at the centerline of the front and rear doorway. All floor measurements shall be with the bus at the design running height and on a level surface and with the standard installed tires. A maximum of two steps are allowed to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 6.9 Interior Headroom DEFAULT Headroom above the aisle and at the centerline of the aisle seats shall be no less than 78 in. in the forward half of the bus tapering to no less than 74 in. forward of the rear settee. At the centerline of the window seats, headroom shall be no lower than 65 in., except for parcel racks and reading lights, if specified. Headroom at the back of the rear bench seat may be reduced to a minimum of 56 in., but it shall increase to the ceiling height at the front of the seat cushion. In any area of the bus directly over the head of a seated passenger and positioned where a passenger entering or leaving the seat is prone to strike his or her head, padding shall be provided on the overhead paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: VEHICLE PERFORMANCE TS 7. Power Requirements The propulsion system shall be sized to provide sufficient power to enable the bus to meet the defined acceleration, top speed and gradability requirements, and operate all propulsion-driven accessories using actual road test results and computerized vehicle performance data. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 43 of 277 TS 7.1 Top Speed DEFAULT The bus shall be capable of achieving a top speed of 65 mph on a straight, level road at GVWR with all accessories operating. The bus shall be capable of safely maintaining the vehicle speed according to the recommendations by the tire manufacturer. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.2 Gradability DEFAULT Gradability requirements shall be met on grades with a dry commercial asphalt or concrete pavement at GVWR with all accessories operating. The propulsion system shall enable the bus to achieve and maintain a speed of 40 mph on a 2½ percent ascending grade and 15 mph on a 10 percent ascending grade continuous. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.3 Acceleration TS 7.3.1 Non-Hybrid DEFAULT The acceleration shall meet the requirements in Table 3below and shall be sufficiently gradual and smooth to prevent throwing standing passengers off-balance. Acceleration measurement shall commence when the accelerator is depressed. TABLE 3 Maximum Start Acceleration Times on a Level Surface1 Speed (mph) Maximum time (seconds) 10 5 20 10 30 18 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 44 of 277 40 30 50 60 Top speed 1.Vehicle weight = GVWR Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.3.2 Acceleration Hybrid DEFAULT The propulsion and braking systems shall meet the performance requirements of the Duty Cycle. Braking application and performance shall remain consistent regardless of hybrid system state of charge (SOC) or other variances related to regenerative braking. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of acceleration and deceleration rate. Performance may be affected when reprogramming. The manufacturer shall supply the new performance data. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.4 Operating Range The operating range of the coach shall be designed to meet the operating profile as stated in the “Design Operating Profile” section. DEFAULT TS 7.4.1 Diesel The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD Cycle shall be at least 350 miles (560 km) or 20 hours with full fuel capacity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 45 of 277 Comment: TS 7.4.2 CNG DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the FTA ABD cycle shall be at least 350 miles or 20 hours with an initial gas-settled pressure of 3600 psi at 70°F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 7.4.3 Hybrid DEFAULT The operating range of the coach when run on the design operating profile “Design Operating Profile” shall be at least 350 miles on a full tank of fuel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 8. Fuel Economy (Design Operating Profile) DEFAULT Test results from the FTA ABD Cycle economy tests or other applicable test procedures shall be provided to the Agency. Results shall include vehicle configuration and test environment information. Fuel economy data shall be provided for each design operating profile. The design operating profile is assumed to be defined by the FTA ABD Cycle. Fuel economy tests shall be run on these four duty cycles: •Manhattan: 6.8 mph •Orange County: 12.7 mph •UDDS: 19 mph •Idle time P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 46 of 277 The Agency will provide a percentage of each duty cycle that is representative of its service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: POWERPLANT TS 9. Engine DEFAULT The engine shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The engine shall have a design life of not less than 300,000 miles without replacement or major service. The lifetime estimate is based on the design operating profile. The engine shall be equipped with an electronically controlled management system, compatible with either 12 or 24 V power distribution. The engine control system shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data from other drivetrain components and broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. The engine’s electronic management system shall monitor operating conditions and provide instantaneous adjustments to optimize both engine and bus performance. The system shall be programmable to allow optimization of programmable features. The engine starting system shall be protected by an interlock that prevents its engagement when the engine is running. Special equipment or procedures may be employed to start the bus when exposed to temperatures less than 30 °F for a minimum of four hours without the engine in operation. All cold weather starting aids, engine heating devices and procedures shall be of the type recommended by the engine manufacturer and approved by the Agency. The integration of all systems on the vehicle relative to engine idle speed shall be the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer to meet the requirements of the transit property. The engine control system shall protect the engine against progressive damage. The system shall monitor conditions critical for safe operation and automatically derate power and/or speed and initiate engine shutdown as needed. Automatic Engine Protection/Shutdown Override Feature A control shall be available to the operator/driver that when constantly depressed and released will delay the engine shutdown or allow the bus to be moved. Override action shall be recorded. This data shall be retrievable by the Agency. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 47 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.1 Engine (CNG) The engine shall meet all regulatory requirements when operating on fuel equal to CARB Specifications for Compressed Natural Gas #2292.5.The four predominant characteristics that must be met are methane, ethane, butane and propane. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2 Propulsion System (Hybrid) DEFAULT TS 9.2.1 Propulsion System Description The bus shall be powered by a hybrid propulsion system. Function and operation of the bus shall be transparent to the bus operator and passengers. The OEM shall ensure that the bus structure can successfully accept the installation of the propulsion system and be operated on the stated duty-cycle for a period of 12 years without a structural failure. At a minimum, the propulsion system shall comply with applicable local, state and/or federal emissions and useful life requirements. The propulsion system shall comply with local, state and federal (maintenance) and o ther applicable sections. The hybrid drive system shall be rated for the GVWR or greater of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.2 Propulsion System Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged so that accessibility for all routine maintenance is ensured. No special tools, other than dollies and hoists, shall be required to remove the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 48 of 277 propulsion system or any subsystems. However, the Agency shall recognize that properly rated test equipment and safe electrical work practices are essential when servicing high-voltage hybrid components. The exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter (if used), alternator, radiator, all engine accessories, and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable. The Contractor shall provide all specialty tools and diagnostic equipment required for maintaining the propulsion system in accordance with the Special Tools List. Primary Propulsion Unit and Traction Motor The propulsion system may be configured in a variety of methods dependent upon type of drive, series and/or parallel. The definition of motor in the context of this specification assumes that the device can provide or consume energy as well as provide or retard mechanical motion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.3 Energy Storage and Controller DEFAULT Design and performance shall be provided to the Agency. Energy storage shall be of a commercial design capable of operating in the Agency transit environment. The primary charging of the energy storage system shall be accomplished by the on-board hybrid system controller and regenerative braking. Thermal management will be provided to ensure optimal life and performance of the ESS over the environmental operating range. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.4 Hybrid System Controller (HSC) DEFAULT The HSC regulates energy flow throughout hybrid system components in order to provide motive performance and accessory loads, as applicable, while maintaining critical system parameters (e.g., voltages, currents, temperatures, etc.) within specified operating ranges. The controller shall monitor and process inputs and execute outputs as appropriate to control the operation of all propulsion system components. Note: We provided optional tool's prices required on Exhibit A. Our base offer excludes tools and equipment. Other optional tools (TS 13.1) for dashboard, HVAC piping & Hepex, axles, auxiliary heater, Voith transmission, towing adapters and ISL Engine rear support special wrench can be provided upon request at additional price. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 49 of 277 Energy storage system SOC correction methods stated in SAE J2711 shall be utilized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 9.2.5 Engine The engine and related emission systems shall meet all applicable emissions and design/durability guidelines and standards. The Contractor shall provide the Agency with expected durability of the engine and related emission systems. NOTE: The Agency will provide desired fuel type. DEFAULT Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Standard Requirements for a Fast Idle Device The engine shall be equipped with an operator-controlled fast idle device. The fast idle control shall be a two-way switch mounted on the dash or side console and shall activate only with the transmission in neutral and the parking brake applied. TS 10. Cooling Systems The cooling systems shall be of sufficient size to maintain all engine and transmission fluids and engine intake air at safe, continuous operating temperatures during the most severe operations possible and in accordance with engine and transmission manufacturers’ cooling system requirements. The cooling system fan controls should sense the temperatures of the operating fluids and the intake air, and if either is above safe operating conditions, the cooling fan should be engaged. The fan control system shall be designed with a fail-safe mode of “fan on.” The cooling system shall meet the requirements stated in the operating environment. TS 10.1 Engine Cooling A means of determining satisfactory engine coolant level shall be provided. A spring-loaded, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 50 of 277 push-button type valve or lever shall be provided to safely release pressure or vacuum in the cooling system with both it and the water filler no more than ±60 in. above the ground. Both shall be accessible through the same access door. The cooling fan shall be temperature controlled, allowing the engine to reach operating temperature quickly. DEFAULT The radiator and charge air cooler shall be of durable, corrosion-resistant construction with non- removable tanks. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.1 Radiator Screen DEFAULT No screen in front of radiator Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.2 Coolant DEFAULT Coolant Filtration without Supplemental Additives The engine cooling system shall be equipped with a properly sized water filter with a spin-on element. The filter shall not release or contain supplemental coolant additives. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 51 of 277 TS 10.1.3 Drive Design DEFAULT Electric Fans The bus shall be equipped with an electric fan drive bus cooling system. A screen guard must be installed on electric motor fans per SAE J1308. Base Bus - EMP Gen IV MH4 Fan System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.1.4 Mounting DEFAULT Standard Mounting Design Mounting location of radiator and charge air cooler shall be the Contractor’s standard design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.2 Charge Air Cooling DEFAULT The charge air cooling system, also referred to as after-coolers or inter-coolers, shall provide maximum air intake temperature reduction with minimal pressure loss. The charge air radiator shall be sized and positioned to meet engine manufacturer’s requirements. The charge air radiator shall not be stacked ahead of or behind the engine radiator and shall be positioned as close to the engine as possible unless integrated with the radiator. Air ducting and fittings shall be protected against heat sources and shall be configured to minimize restrictions and maintain sealing integrity. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 52 of 277 TS 10.3 Transmission Cooling DEFAULT The transmission shall be cooled by a dedicated heat exchanger sized to maintain operating fluid within the transmission manufacturer’s recommended parameters of flow, pressure and temperature. The transmission cooling system shall be matched to the retarder and engine cooling systems to ensure that all operating fluids remain within recommended temperature limits established by each component manufacturer. The engine cooling system should provide coolant bypass flow to the transmission cooling system with the engine thermostats closed. Unless otherwise noted, the transmission cooler is to be the first component to see cold water from the radiator outlet. In addition, all return water piping, aside from the thermostat bypass line, is to be plumbed in after the transmission cooler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 10.4 Hybrid Drive System Cooling DEFAULT The thermal management system shall maintain hybrid system components within design operating temperature limits. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 11. Transmission (Conventional Powertrain) The transmission shall be multiple speed, automatic shift with torque converter, retarder and electronic controls. Gross input power, gross input torque and rated input speed shall be compatible with the engine. The transmission shall be designed to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major service. The transmission should be easily removable without disturbing the engine and accessible for service. The electronic controls shall be capable of transmitting and receiving electronic inputs and data fro m other drivetrain components and of broadcasting that data to other vehicle systems. Communication between electronic drivetrain components and other vehicle systems shall be made using the communications networks. Electronic controls shall be compatible with either 12 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 53 of 277 or 24 V power distribution, provide consistent shift quality, and compensate for changing conditions, such as variations in vehicle weight and engine power. At a minimum, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR, and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. DEFAULT Base Bus- Voith D864.5, or Latest Model Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT A nominal brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT A brake pedal application of 6 to 10 psi shall be required by the driver to engage forward or reverse range from the neutral position to prevent sudden acceleration of the bus from a parked position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 54 of 277 DEFAULT No Automatic Neutral Function The transmission shall not incorporate an automatic neutral shift function. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 12. Retarder DEFAULT The powertrain shall be equipped with a retarder designed to extend brake lining service life. The application of the retarder shall cause a smooth blending of both retarder and service brake function and shall not activate the brake lights Actuation of ABS and/or automatic traction control (ATC) shall override the operation of the brake retarder. The thermostatically controlled cooling fan shall be activated when the retarder is engaged and the coolant temperature reaches the maximum operating temperature established by the engine and transmission manufacturers. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Requirement for Retarder Activation The retarder shall be adjustable within the limits of the powertrain and activated when the brake pedal is depressed. The Agency will work with the OEM/drive system manufacturer to determine retarder performance settings. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 55 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Accessible Retarder Disable Switch The retarder disable switch shall be accessible to the seated driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 13. Mounting DEFAULT All power plant mounting shall be mechanically isolated to minimize transfer of vibration to the body structure and provide a minimum clearance of 0.75 in. Mounts shall control the movement of the power plant so as not to affect performance of belt-driven accessories or cause strain in piping and wiring connections to the power plant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 13.1 Service DEFAULT The propulsion system shall be arranged for ease of access and maintenance. The Contractor shall list all special tools, fixtures or facility requirements recommended for servicing. The muffler, exhaust system, air cleaner, air compressor, starter, alternator, radiator, all accessories and any other component requiring service or replacement shall be easily removable and independent of the engine and transmission removal. An engine oil pressure gauge and coolant temperature gauge shall be provided in the engine compartment. These gauges shall be easily P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 56 of 277 read during service and mounted in an area where they shall not be damaged during minor or major repairs. An air cleaner with a dry filter element and a graduated air filter restriction indicator shall be provided. The location of the air intake system shall be designed to minimize the entry of dust and debris and to maximize the life of the air filter. The engine air duct shall be designed to minimize the entry of water into the air intake system. Drainage provisions shall be included to allow any water/moisture to drain prior to entry into the air filter. Engine oil and the radiator filler caps shall be hinged to the filler neck and closed with spring pressure or positive locks to prevent leakage. All fluid fill locations shall be properly labeled to help ensure that correct fluid is added. All fillers shall be easily accessible with standard funnels, pour spouts and automatic dispensing equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No engine bypass oil filter. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Engine Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature Display Engine oil pressure and coolant temperature gauges required in engine compartment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 57 of 277 TS 14. Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic system service tasks shall be minimized and scheduled no more frequently than those of other major coach systems. All elements of the hydraulic system shall be easily accessible for service or unit replacement. Critical points in the hydraulic system shall be fitted with service ports so that portable diagnostic equipment may be connected or sensors for an off-board diagnostic system permanently attached to monitor system operation when applicable. A tamper- proof priority system shall prevent the loss of power steering during operation of the bus if other devices are also powered by the hydraulic system. The hydraulic system shall operate within the allowable temperature range as specified by the lubricant manufacturer. DEFAULT No requirement for hydraulic system sensors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.1 Fluid Lines DEFAULT All lines shall be rigidly supported to prevent chafing damage, Fatigue Failures, degradation and tension strain. Lines should be sufficiently flexible to minimize mechanical loads on the components. Lines passing through a panel, frame or bulkhead shall be protected by grommets (or similar devices) that fit snugly to both the line and the perimeter of the hole that the line passes through to prevent chafing and wear. Pipes and fluid hoses shall not be bundled with or used to support electrical wire harnesses. Lines shall be as short as practicable and shall be routed or shielded so that failure of a line shall not allow the contents to spray or drain onto any component operable above the auto-ignition temperature of the fluid. All hoses, pipes, lines and fittings shall be specified and installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 58 of 277 TS 14.2 Fittings and Clamps DEFAULT All clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the line in response to temperature changes and aging of the line material. The lines shall be designed for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high-temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface, and so on). Compression fittings shall be standardized to prevent the intermixing of components. Compression fitting components from more than one manufacturer shall not be mixed, even if the components are known to be interchangeable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 14.3 Charge Air Piping DEFAULT Charge air piping and fittings shall be designed to minimize air restrictions and leaks. Piping shall be as short as possible, and the number of bends shall be minimized. Bend radii shall be maximized to meet the pressure drop and temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. The cross section of all charge air piping shall not be less than the cross section of the intake manifold inlet. Any changes in pipe diameter shall be gradual to ensure a smooth passage of air and to minimize restrictions. Piping shall be routed away from heat sources as practicable and shielded as required to meet the temperature rise requirements of the engine manufacturer. Charge air piping shall be constructed of stainless steel, aluminized steel, anodized aluminum or painted steel rated at minimum 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM B117, except between the air filter and turbocharger inlet, where piping may be constructed of flexible heat- resistant material. Connections between all charge air piping sections shall be sealed with a short section of reinforced hose and secured with stainless steel constant tension clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 59 of 277 TS 15. Radiator DEFAULT Radiator piping shall be stainless steel, brass tubing or painted steel rated at 1000 hours of salt spray according to ASTM B117 and where practicable, hoses shall be eliminated, including biodiesel. Necessary hoses shall be impervious to all bus fluids. All hoses shall be secured with stainless steel clamps that provide a complete 360deg seal. The clamps shall maintain a constant tension at all times, expanding and contracting with the hose in response to temperature changes and aging of the hose material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 16. Oil and Hydraulic Lines DEFAULT Oil and hydraulic lines shall be compatible with the substances they carry. The lines shall be designed and intended for use in the environment where they are installed (for example, high- temperature resistant in the engine compartment, resistant to road salts near the road surface and so on). Lines within the engine compartment shall be composed of steel tubing where practicable, except in locations where flexible lines are required. Hydraulic lines of the same size and with the same fittings as those on other piping systems of the bus, but not interchangeable, shall be tagged or marked for use on the hydraulic system only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17. Fuel Agency to specify fuel type. TS 17.1 Fuel Lines DEFAULT Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported as designed by the bus manufacturer to minimize vibration and chafing and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain or wear. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 60 of 277 Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabricated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected locations to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose and hose connections, where permitted, shall be made from materials resistant to corrosion and fuel and protected from fretting and high heat. Fuel hoses shall be accessible for ease of serviceability. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.1.1 Fuel Lines, Diesel DEFAULT Agency to specify fuel type. Fuel lines shall be capable of carrying the type of fuel specified by the Agency (i.e., up to B20 type fuel). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.1.2 Fuel Lines, CNG DEFAULT Fuel lines shall comply with NFPA-52.All tubing shall be a minimum of seamless Type 304 stainless steel (ASTM A269 or equivalent).Fuel lines and fittings shall not be fabricated from cast iron, galvanized pipe, aluminum, plastic or copper alloy with content exceeding 70 percent copper. Pipe fittings and hoses shall be clear and free from cuttings, burrs or scale. Pipe thread joining material that is impervious to CNG shall be utilized as required. Fuel lines shall be identifiable as fuel lines only. High-pressure CNG lines shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 125 percent of system working pressure prior to fueling. CNG, nitrogen or clean, dry air shall be used to pressure-test the lines/assembly. The bus manufacturer shall have a documented procedure for testing the high-pressure line assembly. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 61 of 277 Fuel lines shall be securely mounted, braced and supported using “split-block” type or stainless steel P clamps; all mounting clamps shall be mounted to a rigid structure to minimize vibration and shall be protected against damage, corrosion or breakage due to strain, rubbing or wear. “Floating clamps” (not mounted to a rigid structure) shall not be permitted. Fuel lines shall not be used to secure other components (wires, air lines, etc.). Manifolds connecting fuel containers shall be designed and fabricated to minimize vibration and shall be installed in protected location(s) to prevent line or manifold damage from unsecured objects or road debris. Fuel hose connections, where permitted, shall be less than 48 in. in length, made from materials resistant to corrosion and action of natural gas, and protected from fretting and high heat and shall be supported approximately every 12 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.2 Design and Construction TS 17.2.1 Design and Construction, Diesel Fuel Tank(s) DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be made of corrosion-resistant steel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Installation DEFAULT The fuel tank(s) shall be securely mounted to the bus to prevent movement during bus maneuvers. The fuel tank(s) shall be equipped with an external, hex head, drain plug. It shall be at least a ⅜in. size and shall be located at the lowest point of the tank(s).The fuel tank(s) shall have an inspection plate or easily removable filler neck to permit cleaning and inspection of the tank(s) without removal from the bus. The tank(s) shall be baffled internally to prevent fuel-sloshing P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 62 of 277 regardless of fill level. The baffles or fuel pickup location shall assure continuous full power operation on a 6 percent upgrade for 15 minutes starting with no more than 25 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s).The bus shall operate at idle on a 6 percent downgrade for 30 minutes starting with no more than 10 gal of fuel over the unusable amount in the tank(s). The materials used in mounting shall withstand the adverse effects of road salts, fuel oils and accumulation of ice and snow for the life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Labeling DEFAULT The capacity, date of manufacture, manufacturer name, location of manufacture, and certification of compliance to federal motor carrier safety regulations shall be permanently marked on the fuel tank(s).The markings shall be readily visible and shall not be covered with an undercoating material. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Fuel Filler DEFAULT The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 32ft behind the centerline of the front door on the curbside of the bus. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body so that spilled fuel will not run onto the outside surface of the bus. The fuel lines forward of the engine bulkhead shall be in conformance to SAE Standards. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 63 of 277 DEFAULT OEM to designate height of fuel filler. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Dry-Break Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall accommodate a nozzle that forms a locked and sealed connection during the refueling process to eliminate spills. Fuel shall not be allowed to flow into the tank unless the nozzle has been properly coupled, locked and sealed to the filler. With the nozzle open, fuel shall enter the tank at a fill rate of not less than 40 gal per minute of foam-free fuel without causing the nozzle to shut off before the tank is full. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. Once disconnected, fuel shall not be allowed to flow through the nozzle at any time. Any pressure over 3 psi shall be relieved from the fuel tank automatically. An audible signal shall indicate when the tank is essentially full. The dry break system shall be compatible with the Agency’s system. The fuel filler cap shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 17.2.2 Design and Construction, CNG Fuel Containers/Cylinders CNG fuel containers/cylinders must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with at least one of the following: •NFPA 52-Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems •FMVSS 304 •Any local standard(s) specifically intended for CNG fuel containers The design and construction of the fuel system supplied by the OEM shall comply with federal and local regulations. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 64 of 277 Installation Fuel cylinders shall be installed in accordance with ANSI/IAS NGV2 - 1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Fuel Containers” and NFPA 52, “Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code,” 1998 edition, Section 303.In the case of a low-floor transit bus, the placement of tanks shall be limited to the roof of the vehicle or in the compartment above the engine of the vehicle. Fuel cylinders, attached valves, pressure relief devices, and mounting brackets should be installed and protected so that their operation is not affected by bus washers and environmental agents such as rain, snow, ice or mud. These components should be protected from significant damage caused by road debris or collision. The roof and area above the engine mounted tanks shall be contained within a skeletal structure resembling a roll cage and contained within an enclosure. The enclosure shall incorporate a hinged clamshell type access. The access panels shall be designed to offer protection from weather and to be sacrificial as a means of providing an escape path to atmosphere upon rapid enclosure pressure rise. The latching method shall utilize quick-release captive hardware that can be demonstrated to last the life of the bus. Additional shielding shall be provided surrounding end fittings and valves as needed. Shields shall be attached to the bus structure hinged in a manner that permits one mechanic to unlatch and swing the shield open for routine inspections. As practical, electrical components shall not be located within the roof enclosure, and if unavoidable, they shall be intrinsically safe. CNG fueled buses shall be equipped with an active automatic gas detection system, which shall annunciate unsafe levels of methane. The automatic gas detection system shall be integrated with an onboard fire suppression system. DEFAULT The access panels shall not be interlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Labeling DEFAULT CNG fuel systems shall be labeled in accordance with NFPA 52, “Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code,” 1998 edition. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 65 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Pressure Relief Devices (PRDs) DEFAULT PRDs must be designed, constructed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ANIS/IAS PRD1 - 1998, “Pressure Relief Devices for Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers” and ANSI/IAS NGV2-1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers.” All natural gas fuel system piping, including the PRD vent line, shall be stainless steel. All PRDs must be vented to outside. Valves Valves must be installed in accordance with ANIS/IAS NGV2 - 1998, “Basic Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers” and NFPA 52, “Standard for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems.” Fuel Filler The fuel filler shall be located 7 to 38 ft. (on a 30, 35 and 40ft coach) behind the centerline of the front door on a side determined by the Agency. The filler cap shall be retained to prevent loss and shall be recessed into the body. The fill and vent receptacles shall be located within an enclosure on the right side of the bus. The access door shall be sized to allow full viewing of gauges, ease of hookups and maneuver of fuel nozzle. The fuel fill receptacle and vent receptacle attachment shall be robust and capable of routine fueling connects/disconnects without deflection or metal fatigue, and capable of withstanding mechanical loads induced by a fueling drive-away incident without attachment failure. No static ground plug shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Fueling System DEFAULT The CNG fueling port receptacle shall be an ANSI/AGA NGV1 or NGV2 certified receptacle as designated by the Agency. The coach shall be capable of being fueled by a nozzle determined by P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 66 of 277 the Agency. The fueling port receptacle location shall be such that connection by fueling personnel can be performed without physical strain or interference. A dust cap shall be permanently “tethered” to the fueling port receptacle. The fueling port receptacle access door shall be equipped with an interlock sensor that disables the engine starting system when the access door is open, to prevent drive-aways. The interlock shall be of the type such that if the sensor fails, the coach will not start. Fueling site characteristics such as pressure, flow rate and temperature shall be provided by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Defueling System The CNG defueling port shall be an NGV-3.1/CGA-12.3 certified receptacle. The CNG defueling port shall be located on the curbside of the coach, in a location that is compatible with the Agency’s defueling station operation. The defueling system shall incorporate the following characteristics: • Dust cap permanently “tethered” to the defueling port. • Device(s) to prevent inadvertent defueling. Specifications to be provided by Agency. • Components compatible with Agency’s defueling operation. • The piping and fittings onboard the bus shall be sized to allow the fueling station to meet the following operating parameters: DEFAULT Fuel system shall be sized to allow a bus with 20,000 scf on board to defuel within 2.5 hours. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 18. Emissions and Exhaust TS 18.1 Exhaust Emissions The engine and related systems shall meet all applicable emission and engine design guidelines and standards. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 67 of 277 TS 18.2 Exhaust System The exhaust pipe shall be of sufficient height to prevent exhaust gases and waste heat from discoloring or causing heat deformation to the bus. The entire exhaust system shall be adequately shielded to prevent heat damage to any bus component, including the exhaust after treatment compartment area. The exhaust outlet shall be designed to minimize rain, snow or water generated from high-pressure washing systems from entering into the exhaust pipe and causing damage to the after treatment. DEFAULT Exhaust gases and waste heat shall be discharged from the roadside rear corner of the roof. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 18.3 Exhaust After treatment An exhaust after treatment system will be provided to ensure compliance to all applicable EPA regulations in effect. Diesel Exhaust Fluid Injection DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet NOx level requirements specified by EPA, a DEF injection system will be provided. The DEF system will minimally include a tank, an injector, a pump, an ECM and a selective catalytic converter. The tanks shall be designed to store DEF in the operating environment described in the “Operating Environment” section. The DEF filler shall accommodate a standard nozzle. The nozzle shall automatically shut off when the tank is essentially full. The DEF filler cap shall be a screw-on cap and located curbside. The DEF fluid lines shall be designed to prevent the DEF from freezing. The DEF injection system shall not be damaged from a cold soak at 10 °F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 68 of 277 TS 18.4 Particulate After treatment DEFAULT If required by the engine manufacturer to meet particulate level requirements specified by EPA, a particulate trap will be provided. The particulate trap shall regenerate itself automatically if it senses clogging. Regeneration cycles and conditions will be defined by the engine manufacturer. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: STRUCTURE TS 19. General TS 19.1 Design DEFAULT The structure of the bus shall be designed to withstand the transit service conditions typical of an urban or intercity duty cycle throughout its service life. The vehicle structural frame shall be designed to operate with minimal maintenance throughout the 12-year design operating profile. The design operating profile specified by the Agency shall be considered for this purpose. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 20. Altoona Testing Prior to acceptance of first bus, the vehicle must have completed any FTA-required Altoona testing. Any items that required repeated repairs or replacement must undergo the corrective action with supporting test and analysis. A report clearly describing and explaining the failures and corrective actions taken to ensure that any and all such failures will not occur shall be submitted to the Agency. DEFAULT If available, the Altoona Test Report shall be provided to the Agency with the Proposal submittal. If not available, then the report shall be provided prior to first acceptance of bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 69 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 20.1 Structural Validation DEFAULT Baseline Structural Analysis The structure of the bus shall have undergone appropriate structural testing and/or analysis. At minimum, appropriate structural testing and analysis shall include Altoona testing or finite element analysis (FEA). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Frame Material 3CR12 Stainless Steel Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Distortion DEFAULT The bus, loaded to GVWR and under static conditions, shall not exhibit deflection or deformation that impairs the operation of the steering mechanism, doors, windows, passenger escape mechanisms or service doors. Static conditions shall include the vehicle at rest with any one wheel or dual set of wheels on a 6 in. curb or in a 6 in. deep hole. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 70 of 277 TS 21. Resonance and Vibration DEFAULT All structure, body and panel-bending mode frequencies, including vertical, lateral and torsional modes, shall be sufficiently removed from all primary excitation frequencies to minimize audible, visible or sensible resonant vibrations during normal service. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21.1 Engine Compartment Bulkheads DEFAULT The passenger and engine compartment shall be separated by fire-resistant bulkheads. The engine compartment shall include areas where the engine and exhaust system are housed. This bulkhead shall preclude or retard propagation of an engine compartment fire into the passenger compartment and shall be in accordance with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90A, dated October 20, 1993. Only necessary openings shall be allowed in the bulkhead, and these shall be fire-resistant. Any passageways for the climate control system air shall be separated from the engine compartment by fire-resistant material. Piping through the bulkhead shall have fire-resistant fittings sealed at the bulkhead. Wiring may pass through the bulkhead only if connectors or other means are provided to prevent or retard fire propagation through the bulkhead. Engine access panels in the bulkhead shall be fabricated of fire-resistant material and secured with fire-resistant fasteners. These panels, their fasteners and the bulkhead shall be constructed and reinforced to minimize warping of the panels during a fire that will compromise the integrity of the bulkhead. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 21.2 Crashworthiness The bus body and roof structure shall withstand a static load equal to 150 percent of the curb weight evenly distributed on the roof with no more than a 6 in. reduction in any interior P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 71 of 277 dimension. Windows shall remain in place and shall not open under such a load. These requirements must be met without the roof-mounted equipment installed. The bu s shall withstand a 25 mph impact by a 4000lb automobile at any side, excluding doorways, along either side of the bus with no more than 3 in. of permanent structural deformation at seated passenger hip height. This impact shall not result in sharp edges or protrusions in the bus interior. Exterior panels below 35 in. from ground level shall withstand a static load of 2000 lbs. applied perpendicular to the bus by a pad no larger than 5 sq. in. This load shall not result in deformation that prevents installation of new exterior panels to restore the original appearance of the bus. DEFAULT Side Impact Barriers Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 22. Corrosion The bus flooring, sides, roof, understructure and axle suspension components shall be designed to resist corrosion or deterioration from atmospheric conditions and de-icing materials for a period of 12 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. It shall maintain structural integrity and nearly maintain original appearance throughout its service life, with the Agency’s use of proper cleaning and neutralizing agents. All materials that are not inherently corrosion resistant shall be protected with corrosion-resistant coatings. All joints and connections of dissimilar metals shall be corrosion resistant and shall be protected from galvanic corrosion. Representative samples of all materials and connections shall withstand a two-week (336-hour) salt spray test in accordance with ASTM Procedure B-117 with no structural detrimental effects to normally visible surfaces and no weight loss of over 1 percent. DEFAULT Corrosion-Resistance Requirements All exposed surfaces and the interior surfaces of tubing and other enclosed members below the lower window line shall be corrosion resistant through application of a corrosion protection system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 72 of 277 TS 23. Towing Each towing device shall withstand, without permanent deformation, tension loads up to 1.2 times the curb weight of the bus within 20 deg. of the longitudinal axis of the bus. If applicable, the rear towing device(s) shall not provide a toehold for unauthorized riders. The method of attaching the towing device shall not require the removal, or disconnection, of front suspension or steering components. Removal of the bike rack is permitted for attachment of towing devices. DEFAULT Shop air connectors shall be provided at the front and rear of the bus and shall be capable of supplying all pneumatic systems of the bus with externally sourced compressed air. The location of these shop air connectors shall facilitate towing operations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No Provision of Glad-Hand Type Connectors for Towing No glad-hand type connector shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Lifted (Supported) Front Axle and Flat Towing Capability The front towing devices shall allow attachment of adapters for a rigid tow bar and shall permit the lifting of the bus until the front wheels are clear off the ground in order to position the bus on the towing equipment by the front wheels. These devices shall also permit common flat towing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 73 of 277 TS 24. Jacking It shall be possible to safely jack up the bus, at curb weight, with a common 10-ton floor jack with or without special adapter, when a tire or dual set is completely flat and the bus is on a level, hard surface, without crawling under any portion of the bus. Jacking from a single point shall permit raising the bus sufficiently high to remove and reinstall a wheel and tire assembly. Jacking pads located on the axle or suspension near the wheels shall permit easy and safe jacking with the flat tire or dual set on a 6 in. high run-up block not wider than a single tire. The bus shall withstand such jacking at any one or any combination of wheel locations without permanent deformation or damage. DEFAULT Yellow Pads Jacking pads shall be painted safety yellow. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 25. Hoisting DEFAULT The bus axles or jacking plates shall accommodate the lifting pads of a two-post hoist system. Jacking plates, if used as hoisting pads, shall be designed to prevent the bus from falling off the hoist. Other pads or the bus structure shall support the bus on jack stands independent of the hoist. The vehicle shall be capable of lifting by the wheels, and, as necessary to meet tire load requirements, the proper number for wheel lifts and/or adapters must be used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 74 of 277 TS 26. Floor TS 26.1 Design The floor shall be essentially a continuous plane, except at the wheel housings and platforms. Where the floor meets the walls of the bus, as well as other vertical surfaces such as platform risers, the surface edges shall be blended with a circular section of radius not less than ¼ in. or installed in a fully sealed butt joint. Similarly, a molding or cover shall prevent debris accumulation between the floor and wheel housings. The vehicle floor in the area of the entrance and exit doors shall have a lateral slope not exceeding 2degto allow for drainage. DEFAULT Bi-Level Floor Design The floor design shall consist of two levels (bi-level construction). Aft of the rear door extending to the rear settee riser, the floor height may be raised to a height no more than 21 in. above the lower level, with equally spaced steps. An increase slope shall be allowed on the upper level, not to exceed 3.5 deg. off the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 26.2 Strength DEFAULT The floor deck may be integral with the basic structure or mounted on the structure securely to prevent chafing or horizontal movement and designed to last the life of the bus. Sheet metal screws shall not be used to retain the floor, and all floor fasteners shall be serviceable from one side only. Any adhesives, bolts or screws used to secure the floor to the structure shall last and remain effective throughout the life of the coach. Tapping plates, if used for the floor fasteners, shall be no less than the same thickness as a standard nut, and all floor fasteners shall be secured and protected from corrosion for the service life of the bus. The floor deck shall be reinforced as needed to support passenger loads. At GVWR, the floor shall have an elastic deflection of no more than 0.60 in. from the normal plane. The floor shall withstand the application of 2.5 times gross load weight without permanent detrimental deformation. The floor, with coverings applied, shall withstand a static load of at least 150 lbs. applied through the flat end of a ½ in. diameter rod, with 1/32 in. radius, without permanent visible deformation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 75 of 277 TS 26.3 Construction The floor shall consist of the subfloor and the floor covering that will last the life of the bus. The floor as assembled, including the sealer, attachments and covering, shall be waterproof, non- hygroscopic and resistant to mold growth. The subfloor shall be resistant to the effects of moisture, including decay (dry rot).It shall be impervious to wood-destroying insects such as termites. DEFAULT Pressure-Preserved Plywood Panel Plywood shall be certified at the time of manufacturing by an industry-approved third-party inspection agency such as APA – The Engineered Wood Association (formerly the American Plywood Association).Plywood shall be of a thickness adequate to support design loads, manufactured with exterior glue, satisfy the requirements of a Group I Western panel as defined in PS 1-95 (Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-95, “Construction and Industrial Plywood”) and be of a grade that is manufactured with a solid face and back. Plywood shall be installed with the highest -grade, veneer side up. Plywood shall be pressure-treated with a preservative chemical and process such as alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) that prevents decay and damage by insects. Preservative treatments shall utilize no EPA-listed hazardous chemicals. The concentration of preservative chemicals shall be equal to or greater than required for an above ground level application. Treated plywood will be certified for preservative penetration and retention by a third-party inspection agency. Pressure-preservative treated plywood shall have a moisture content at or below 15 percent. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27. Platforms TS 27.1 Driver’s Area The covering of platform surfaces and risers, except where otherwise indicated, shall be the same material as specified for floor covering. Trim shall be provided along top edges of platforms unless integral nosing is provided. DEFAULT No specific trim material specified. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 76 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.2 Driver’s Platform DEFAULT The driver’s platform shall be of a height such that, in a seated position, the driver can see an object located at an elevation of 42 in. above the road surface, 24 in. from the leading edge of the bumper. Notwithstanding this requirement, the platform height shall not position the driver such that the driver’s vertical upward view is less than 15 deg. A warning decal or sign shall be provided to alert the driver to the change in floor level. Figure 2 illustrates a means by which the platform height can be determined, using the critical line of sight. FIGURE 2 Determining Platform Height P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 77 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.3 Farebox Farebox placement should minimize impact to passenger access and minimize interference with the driver’s line of sight. DEFAULT Driver Interface Required; Platform Needed to Bring Height to Driver Access If the driver’s platform is higher than 12 in., then the farebox is to be mounted on a platform of suitable height to provide accessibility for the driver without compromising passengers’ access. Base Bus- Pre wire to agency specifications Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 27.4 Rear Step Area to Rear Area DEFAULT If the vehicle is of a bi-level floor design, then a rear step area shall be provided along the center aisle of the bus to facilitate passenger traffic between the upper and lower floor levels. This step area shall be cut into the rear platform and shall be approximately the aisle width, a minimum 12 in. deep and approximately half the height of the upper level relative to the lower level. The horizontal surface of this platform shall be covered with skid-resistant material with a visually contrasting nosing and shall be sloped slightly for drainage. A warning decal or sign shall be provided at the immediate platform area to alert passengers to the change in floor level. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 78 of 277 TS 28. Wheel Housing TS 28.1 Design and Construction DEFAULT Sufficient clearance and air circulation shall be provided around the tires, wheels and brakes to preclude overheating when the bus is operating on the design operating profile. Wheel housings shall be constructed of corrosion-resistant and fire-resistant material. Wheel housings, as installed and trimmed, shall withstand impacts of a 2in. steel ball with at least 200 ft-lbs of energy without penetration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 28.2 Design and Construction Interference between the tires and any portion of the bus shall not be possible in maneuvers up to the limit of tire adhesion with weights from curb weight to GVWR. Wheel housings shall be adequately reinforced where seat pedestals are installed. Wheel housings shall have sufficient sound insulation to minimize tire and road noise and meet all noise requirements of this specification. Design and construction of front wheel housings shall allow for the installation of a radio or electronic equipment storage compartment on the interior top surface, or its use as a luggage rack. The finish of the front wheel housings shall be scratch-resistant and complement interior finishes of the bus to minimize the visual impact of the wheel housing. If fiberglass wheel housings are provided, then they shall be color-impregnated to match interior finishes. The lower portion extending to approximately 10 to 12 in. above the floor shall be equipped with scuff-resistant coating or stainless steel trim. Wheel housings not equipped with seats or equipment enclosure shall have a horizontal assist mounted on the top portion of the housing no more than 4 in. higher than the wheel well housing. DEFAULT No provision shall be made to chain buses. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 79 of 277 CHASSIS TS 29. Suspension TS 29.1 General Requirements DEFAULT The front, rear and mid suspensions shall be pneumatic type. The basic suspension system shall last the service life of the bus without major overhaul or replacement. Adjustment points shall be minimized and shall not be subject to a loss of adjustment in service. Routine adjustments shall be easily accomplished by limiting the removal or disconnecting the components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.2 Alignment DEFAULT All axles should be properly aligned so the vehicle tracks accurately within the size and geometry of the vehicle. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3 Springs and Shock Absorbers TS 29.3.1 Suspension Travel DEFAULT The suspension system shall permit a minimum wheel travel of 2.75 in. jounce-upward travel of a wheel when the bus hits a bump (higher than street surface), and 2.75 in. rebound-downward travel when the bus comes off a bump and the wheels fall relative to the body. Elastomeric bumpers shall be provided at the limit of jounce travel. Rebound travel may be limited by elastomeric bumpers or hydraulically within the shock absorbers. Suspensions shall incorporate appropriate devices for automatic height control so that regardless of load the bus height relative to the centerline of the wheels does not change more than ½ in. at any point from the height required. The safe operation of a bus cannot be impacted by ride height up to 1 in. from design normal ride height. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 80 of 277 TS 29.3.2 Damping DEFAULT Vertical damping of the suspension system shall be accomplished by hydraulic shock absorbers mounted to the suspension arms or axles and attached to an appropriate location on the chassis. Damping shall be sufficient to control coach motion to three cycles or less after hitting road perturbations. The shock absorber bushing shall be made of elastomeric material that will last the life of the shock absorber. The damper shall incorporate a secondary hydraulic rebound stop. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 29.3.3 Lubrication DEFAULT Standard Grease Fittings All elements of steering, suspension and drive systems requiring scheduled lubrication shall be provided with grease fittings conforming to SAE Standard J534.These fittings shall be located for ease of inspection and shall be accessible with a standard grease gun from a pit or with the bus on a hoist. Each element requiring lubrication shall have its own grease fitting with a relief path. The lubricant specified shall be standard for all elements on the bus serviced by standard fittings and shall be required no less than every 6000 miles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 81 of 277 TS 29.3.4 Kneeling DEFAULT A kneeling system shall lower the entrance(s) of the bus a minimum of 2 in. during loading or unloading operations regardless of load up to GVWR, measured at the longitudinal centerline of the entrance door(s) by the driver. The kneeling control shall provide the following functions: • Downward control must be held to allow downward kneeling movement. • Release of the control during downward movement must completely stop the lowering motion and hold the height of the bus at that position. • Upward control actuation must allow the bus to return to normal floor height without the driver having to hold the control. The brake and throttle interlock shall prevent movement when the bus is kneeled. The kneeling control shall be disabled when the bus is in motion. The bus shall kneel at a maximum rate of 1.25 in. per second at essentially a constant rate. After kneeling, the bus shall rise within 4 seconds to a height permitting the bus to resume service and shall rise to the correct operating height within 7 seconds regardless of load up to GVWR. During the lowering and raising operation, the maximum vertical acceleration shall not exceed 0.2g, and the jerk shall not exceed 0.3g/second. An indicator visible to the driver shall be illuminated until the bus is raised to a height adequate for safe street travel. An audible warning alarm will sound simultaneously with the operation of the kneeler to alert passengers and bystanders. A warning light mounted near the curbside of the front door, a minimum 2.5 in. diameter amber lens, shall be provided that will blink when the kneel feature is activated. Kneeling shall not be operational while the wheelchair ramp is deployed or in operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 30. Wheels and Tires TS 30.1 Wheels All wheels shall be interchangeable except for the middle axle of an artic where a super single tire size is used and shall be removable without a puller. Wheels shall be compatible with tires in size and load-carrying capacity. Front wheels and tires shall be balanced as an assembly per SAE J1986. DEFAULT Base Bus- Alcoa Dura Bright EVO Full Polished Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 82 of 277 DEFAULT No tire-pressure monitoring system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard non-locking lug nut. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 30.2 Tires Tires shall be suitable for the conditions of transit service and sustained operation at the maximum speed capability of the bus. Load on any tire at GVWR shall not exceed the tire supplier’s rating. DEFAULT Agency specified standard size tires Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 83 of 277 TS 31. Steering DEFAULT Hydraulically assisted steering shall be provided. The steering gear shall be an integral type with the number and length of flexible lines minimized or eliminated. Engine-driven hydraulic pump shall be provided for power steering. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.1 Steering Axle DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Front Bearings and Seals The front axle shall be solid beam, non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR and shall be equipped with grease type front wheel bearings and seals. Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Oiled-Type Front Bearings The front axle shall be non-driving with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR and shall be equipped with sealed, oiled-type front wheel bearings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 84 of 277 TS 31.2 Steering Wheel TS 31.2.1 Turning Effort DEFAULT Steering effort shall be measured with the bus at GVWR, stopped with the brakes released and the engine at normal idling speed on clean, dry, level, commercial asphalt pavement and the tires inflated to recommended pressure. Under these conditions, the torque required to turn the steering wheel 10 deg. shall be no less than 5 ft.-lbs. and no more than 10 ft.-lbs. Steering torque may increase to 70 ft.-lbs. when the wheels are approaching the steering stops, as the relief valve activates. Power steering failure shall not result in loss of steering control. With the bus in operation, the steering effort shall not exceed 55 lbs. at the steering wheel rim, and perceived free play in the steering system shall not materially increase as a result of power assist failure. Gearing shall require no more than seven turns of the steering wheel lock-to-lock. Caster angle shall be selected to provide a tendency for the return of the front wheels to the straight position with minimal assistance from the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.2 Steering Wheel, General DEFAULT The steering wheel diameter shall be approximately 18 to 20 in.; the rim diameter shall be ⅞ to 1¼ in. and shaped for firm grip with comfort for long periods of time. Steering wheel spokes and wheel thickness shall ensure visibility of the dashboard so that vital instrumentation is clearly visible at center neutral position (within the range of a 95th-percentile male, as described in SAE 1050a, Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3).Placement of steering column must be as far forward as possible, but either inline with or behind the instrument cluster. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 85 of 277 TS 31.2.3 Steering Column Tilt DEFAULT The steering column shall have full tilt capability with an adjustment range of no less than 40 deg. from the vertical and easily adjustable by the driver and shall be accessible by a 5th percentile female and 95th percentile male. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 31.2.4 Steering Wheel Telescopic Adjustment DEFAULT The steering wheel shall have full telescoping capability and have a minimum telescopic range of 2 in. and a minimum low-end adjustment of 29 in., measured from the top of the steering wheel rim in the horizontal position to the cab floor at the heel point. TABLE 4 Steering Wheel Height 1 Relative to Angle of Slope At Minimum Telescopic Height Adjustment (29 in.) – At Maximum Telescopic Height Adjustment (5 in.) Angle of Slope – Height – Angle of Slope Height 0 deg. 29 in. 0 deg. 34 in. 15 deg. 26.2 in. 15 deg. 31.2 in. 25 deg. 24.6 in. 25 deg. 29.6 in. 35 deg. 22.5 in. 35 deg. 27.5 in. – 1. Measured from bottom portion closest to driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 86 of 277 TS 32. Drive Axle The bus shall be driven by a heavy-duty axle with a load rating sufficient for the bus loaded to GVWR. The drive axle shall have a design life to operate for not less than 300,000 miles on the design operating profile without replacement or major repairs. The lubricant drain plug shall be magnetic type. If a planetary gear design is employed, the oil level in the planetary gears shall be easily checked through the plug or sight gauge. The axle and driveshaft components shall be rated for both propulsion and retardation modes with respect to duty cycle. NOTE: The retardation duty cycle can be more aggressive than propulsion. The drive shaft shall be guarded to prevent hitting any critical systems, including brake lines, coach floor or the ground, in the event of a tube or universal joint failure. DEFAULT Solid Beam Axle and Grease-Type Bearings and Seals Base Bus- Arvin Meritor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 33. Turning Radius DEFAULT TABLE 5 Maximum Turning Radius Bus Length (approximate) Maximum Turning Radius (see Figure 3) Agency Requirement 30 ft. 31 ft. (TR0) 35 ft. 39 ft. (TR0) 40 ft. 44 ft. (TR0) Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 87 of 277 FIGURE 3 Turning Radius TS 34. Brakes TS 34.1 Service Brake DEFAULT Brakes shall be self-adjusting. Brake wear indicators visible on linings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.2 Actuation DEFAULT Service brakes shall be controlled and actuated by a compressed air system. Force to activate the brake pedal control shall be an essentially linear function of the bus deceleration rate and shall not exceed 75 lbs. at a point 7 in. above the heel point of the pedal to achieve maximum braking. The heel point is the location of the driver’s heel when his or her foot is rested flat on the pedal and the heel is touching the floor or heel pad of the pedal. The ECU for the ABS system shall be protected, yet in an accessible location to allow for ease of service. The total braking effort shall be distributed among all wheels in such a ratio as to ensure equal friction material wear rate at all wheel locations. Manufacturer shall demonstrate compliance by providing a copy of a thermodynamic brake balance test upon request. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 88 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No automatic traction control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.3 Friction Material The brake linings shall be made of non-asbestos material. In order to aid maintenance personnel in determining extent of wear, a provision such as a scribe line or a chamfer indicating the thickness at which replacement becomes necessary shall be provided on each brake lining. The complete brake lining wear indicator shall be clearly visible from the hoist or pit without removing backing plates. DEFAULT No remote brake wear indicator shall be required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.4 Hubs and Drums/Discs Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer’s warranty. DEFAULT Drum Brakes The bus shall be equipped with brake drums. Brake drums shall allow machining for oversized linings per manufacturer’s specifications. Base Bus 16.5” x 8 5” riveted lining cast plus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 89 of 277 Comment: TS 34.5 Hubs and Drums DEFAULT Replaceable wheel bearing seals shall run on replaceable wear surfaces or be of an integral wear surface sealed design. Wheel bearing and hub seals and unitized hub assemblies shall not leak or weep lubricant when operating on the design operating profile for the duration of the initial manufacturer’s warranty. The bus shall be equipped with disc brakes on all axles, and the brake discs shall allow machining of each side of the disc to obtain smooth surfaces per manufacturer’s specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 34.6 Parking/Emergency Brake DEFAULT Air Brakes The parking brake shall be a spring-operated system, actuated by a valve that exhausts compressed air to apply the brakes. The parking brake may be manually enabled when the air pressure is at the operating level per FMVSS 121. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 35. Interlocks TS 35.1 Passenger Door Interlocks To prevent opening mid and rear passenger doors while the bus is in motion, a speed sensor shall be integrated with the door controls to prevent the mid/rear doors from being enabled or opened unless the bus speed is less than 2 mph. To preclude movement of the bus, an accelerator interlock shall lock the accelerator in the closed position, and a brake interlock shall engage the service brake system to stop movement of the bus when the driver’s door control is moved to a mid/rear door enable or open position, or a mid P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 90 of 277 or rear door panel is opened more than 3 in. from the fully closed position (as measured at the leading edge of the door panel).The interlock engagement shall bring the bus to a smooth stop and shall be capable of holding a fully loaded bus on a 6 percent grade, with the engine at idle and the transmission in gear, until the interlocks are released. These interlock functions shall be active whenever the vehicle master run switch is in any run position. All door systems employing brake and accelerator interlocks shall be supplied with supporting failure mode effects analysis (FEMA) documentation, which demonstrates that failure modes are of a failsafe type, thereby never allowing the possibility of release of interlock while an interlocked door is in an unsecured condition, unless the door master switch has been actuated to intentionally release the interlocks. DEFAULT Non-adjustable brake interlock regulator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT No requirements for accelerator and brake interlocks whenever front doors are open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36. Pneumatic System TS 36.1 General DEFAULT The bus air system shall operate the air-powered accessories and the braking system with reserve capacity. New buses shall not leak down more than 5psi over a 15-minute period of time as indicated on the dash gauge. Provision shall be made to apply shop air to the bus air systems. A quick disconnect fitting shall be easily accessible and located in the engine compartment and near the front bumper area for towing. Retained caps shall be installed to protect fitting against dirt and moisture when not in use. Air for the compressor shall be filtered. The air system shall be protected per FMVSS 121. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 91 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.2 Air Compressor DEFAULT The engine-driven air compressor shall be sized to charge the air system from 40psi to the governor cut -off pressure in less than 4 minutes while not exceeding the fast idle speed setting of the engine. Base Bus – Cummins 30.4 CFM Air Compressor Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.3 Air Lines and Fittings Air lines, except necessary flexible lines, shall conform to the installation and material requirements of SAE Standard J1149 for copper tubing with standard, brass, flared or ball sleeve fittings, or SAE Standard J844 for nylon tubing if not subject to temperatures over 200 °F. The air on the delivery side of the compressor where it enters nylon housing shall not be above the maximum limits as stated in SAE J844. Nylon tubing shall be installed in accordance with the following color-coding standards: DEFAULT • Green: Indicates primary brakes and supply. • Red: Indicates secondary brakes. • Brown: Indicates parking brake. • Yellow: Indicates compressor governor signal. • Black: Indicates accessories. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 92 of 277 TS 36.4 Air Reservoirs DEFAULT All air reservoirs shall meet the requirements of FMVSS Standard 121 and SAE Standard J10 and shall be equipped with drain plugs and guarded or flush type drain valves. Major structural members shall protect these valves and any automatic moisture ejector valves from road hazards. Reservoirs shall be sloped toward the drain valve. All air reservoirs shall have drain valves that discharge below floor level with lines routed to eliminate the possibility of water traps and/or freezing in the drain line. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 36.5 Air System Dryer An air dryer shall prevent accumulation of moisture and oil in the air system. The air dryer system shall include one or more replaceable desiccant cartridges. DEFAULT No requirements for additional oil separator provision. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS TS 37. Overview The electrical system will consist of vehicle battery systems and components that generate, distribute and store power throughout the vehicle. (e.g., generator, voltage regulator, wiring, relays and connectors). Electronic devices are individual systems and components that process and store data, integrate electronic information or perform other specific functions. The data communication system consists of the bi-directional communications networks that electronic device s use to share data with other electronic devices and systems. Communication networks are essential to integrating electronic functions, both onboard the vehicle and off. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 93 of 277 Information level systems that require vehicle information for their operations or provide information shall adhere to J1939 data standard. Data communications systems are divided into three level store the use of multiple data networks: • Powertrain level: Components related to the powertrain, including the propulsion system components (engine, transmission and hybrid units) and anti-lock braking system (ABS), which may include traction control. At a minimum, powertrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, ASR and anti-lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication between components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. • Information level: Components whose primary function is the collection, control or display of data that is not necessary to the safe drivability of the vehicle (i.e., the vehicle will continue to operate when those functions are inoperable). These components typically consist of those required for automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems, destination signs, fareboxes, passenger counters, radio systems, automated voice and signage systems, video surveillance and similar components. • Multiplex level: Electrical or electronic devices controlled through input/output signals such as discrete, analog and serial data information (i.e., on/off switch inputs, relay or relay control outputs). Multiplexing is used to control components not typically found on the drivetrain or information levels, such as lights; wheelchair lifts; doors; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (if applicable); and gateway devices. FIGURE 4 Data Communications Systems Levels Information level Multiplex level Drivetrain level TS 37.1 Modular Design DEFAULT Design of the electrical, electronic and data communication systems shall be modular so that each electronic device, apparatus panel, or wiring bundle is easily separable from its interconnect by means of connectors. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 94 of 277 Power plant wiring shall be an independent wiring harness. Replacement of the engine compartment wiring harness (es) shall not require pulling wires through any bulkhead or removing any terminals from the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 38. Environmental and Mounting Requirements DEFAULT The electrical system and its electronic components shall be capable of operating in the area of the vehicle in which they will be installed, asrecommendedinSAEJ1455. Electrical and electronic equipment shall not be located in an environment that will reduce the performance or shorten the life of the component or electrical system when operating within the design operating profile. As a recommendation, no vehicle component shall generate, or be affected by, electromagnetic interference or radio-frequency interference (EMI/RFI) that can disturb the performance of electrical/electronic equipment as defined in SAEJ1113and UNECE Council Directive 95/54(R10). The Agency shall follow recommendations from bus manufacturers and subsystem suppliers regarding methods to prevent damage from voltage spikes generated from welding, jumpstarts, shorts, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 38.1 Hardware Mounting DEFAULT The mounting of the hardware shall not be used to provide the sole source ground, and all hardware shall be isolated from potential EMI/RFI, as referenced in SAE J1113. All electrical/electronic hardware mounted in the interior of the vehicle shall be in accessible to passengers and hidden from view unless intended to be viewed. The hardware shall be mounted in such a manner as to protect it from splash or spray. All electrical/electronic hardware mounted on the exterior of the vehicle that is not designed to be installed in an exposed environment shall be mounted in a sealed enclosure. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 95 of 277 All electrical/electronic hardware and its mounting shall comply with the shock and vibration requirements of SAEJ1455. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39. General Electrical Requirements TS 39.1 Batteries TS 39.1.1 Low-Voltage Batteries (24V) DEFAULT Two 8D Maintenance-Free Batteries Each battery shall have a purchase date no more than 120 days from date of release, and shall be fully maintained prior to shipment to the Agency. Battery compartment must be well ventilated to prevent hydrogen build up while protecting the compartment from road spray, water intrusion and de-icing chemicals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Same Size Terminal Ends Positive and negative terminal ends shall be the same size. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.2 Battery Cables The battery terminal ends and cable ends shall be color-coded with red for the primary positive, black for negative and another color for any intermediate voltage cables. Positive and negative battery cables shall not cross each other if at all possible, shall be flexible and shall be P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 96 of 277 sufficiently long to reach the batteries with the tray in the extended position without stretching or pulling on any connection and shall not lie directly onto pof the batteries. Except as interrupted by the master battery switch, battery and starter wiring shall be continuous cables with connections secured by bolted terminals and shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Standard J1127–Type SGR, SGT, SGX or GXL and SAE Recommended Practice J541,with 2100 strand 4/0 cable or greater recommended. DEFAULT Color code each voltage. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.3 JumpStart DEFAULT Jump-Start Connector A jump-start connector, red for 24V and blue for 12V, shall be provided in the engine compartment, equipped with dust cap and adequately protected from moisture, dirt and debris. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.4 Battery Compartment DEFAULT The battery compartment shall prevent accumulation of snow, ice and debris on top of the batteries and shall be vented and self-draining. It shall be accessible only from the outside of the vehicle. All components within the battery compartment, and the compartment itself, shall be protected from damage or corrosion from the electrolyte. The inside surface of the battery compartment’s access doors hall be electrically insulated, as required, to prevent the battery terminals from shorting on the door if the door is damaged in an accident or if a battery comes loose. The battery compartment temperature should not exceed manufacturers’ specification. The vehicle shall be equipped with a12VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). The battery compartment door shall conveniently accommodate operation of the12VDC and 24VDC quick disconnect switch (es). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 97 of 277 The battery quick disconnect access door shall be identified with a decal. The decal size shall not be less than3.5 × 5in. (8.89 × 12.7cm). The battery hold-down bracket shall be constructed of a nonconductive and corrosion-resistant material (plastic or fiberglass). This access door shall not require any special locking devices to gain access to the switch, and it shall be accessible without removing or lifting the panel. The door shall be flush-fitting and incorporate a spring tensioner or equal to retain the door in a closed position when not in use. The batteries shall be securely mounted on a stainless steel or equivalent tray that can accommodate the size and weight of the batteries. The battery tray, if applicable, shall pull out easily and properly support the batteries while they are being serviced. The tray shall allow each battery cell to be easily serviced. A locking device shall retain the battery tray to the stowed position. If not located in the engine compartment, the same fire-resistant properties must apply to the battery compartment. No sparking devices should be located within the battery box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.5 Auxiliary Electronic Power Supply DEFAULT If required, gel-pack, or any form of sealed (non-venting) batteries used for auxiliary power are allowed to be mounted on the interior of the vehicle if they are contained in an enclosed, non-air tight compartment and accessible only to maintenance personnel. This compartment shall contain a warning label prohibiting the use of lead-acid batteries. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.6 Master Battery Switch DEFAULT The location of the master battery switch shall be clearly identified on the exterior access panel, be accessible in less than10 seconds for deactivation and prevent corrosion from fumes and battery acid when the batteries are washed of for are in normal service. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 98 of 277 Turning the master switch off with the power plant operating, during an emergency, shall shut off the engine and shall not damage any component of the electrical system. The master switch shall be capable of carrying and interrupting the total circuit load. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single Switch The batteries shall be equipped with a single switch for disconnecting both12V and 24Vpower. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.1.7 Low-Voltage Generation and Distribution DEFAULT The low-voltage generating systems shall maintain the charge on fully charged batteries, except when the vehicle is at standard idle to allow-voltage generator load exceeding 70 percent of the low-voltage generator name plate rating. Voltage monitoring and over-voltage output protection (recommended at 32V) shall be provided. Dedicated power and ground shall be provided as specified by the component or system manufacturer. Cabling to the equipment must be sized to supply the current requirements with no greater than a 5 percent volt drop across the length of the cable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 99 of 277 TS 39.1.8 Circuit Protection DEFAULT All branch circuits, except battery-to-starting motor and battery-to-generator/alternator circuits, shall be protected by current-limiting devices such as circuit breakers, fuses or solid-state devices sized to the requirements of the circuit. Electronic circuit protection for the cranking motor shall be provided to prevent engaging of the motor for more than 30 seconds at a time to prevent overheating. The circuit breaker fuses shall be easily accessible for authorized personnel. Fuses shall be used only where it can be demonstrated that circuit breakers are not practicable. This requirement applies to in-line fu ses supplied by either the Contractor or a supplier. Fuse holders shall be constructed to be rugged and waterproof. All manual reset circuit breakers critical to the operation of the bus shall be mounted in a location convenient to the Agency mechanic with visible indication of open circuits. The Agency shall consider the application of automatic reset circuit breakers on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor shall show all in-line fuses in the final harness drawings. Any manually resettable circuit breakers shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Any manually resettable circuit breaker s shall provide a visible indication of open circuits. Circuit breakers or fuses shall be sized to a minimum of 15 percent larger than the total circuit load. The current rating for the wire used for each circuit must exceed the size of the circuit protection being used. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.2 Grounds DEFAULT The battery shall be grounded to the vehicle chassis/frame at one location only, as close to the batteries as possible. When using a chassis ground system, the chassis hall be grounded to the frame in multiple locations, evenly distributed throughout the vehicle to eliminate ground loops. No more than /spade terminal connections shall be made per ground stud with spacing between studs ensuring conductivity and serviceability. Electronic equipment requiring an isolated ground of the battery (i.e., electronic ground) shall not be grounded through the chassis. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 100 of 277 TS 39.3 Low Voltage/Low Current Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT All power and ground wiring shall conform to specification requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J1127, J1128 and J1292.Double insulations hall be maintained as close to the junction box, electrical compartment or terminals as possible. The requirement for double insulations hall be met by wrapping the harness with plastic electrical tape or by sheathing all wires and harnesses with non-conductive, rigid or flexible conduit. Wiring shall be grouped, numbered and/or color-coded. Wiring harnesses shall not contain wires of different voltage classes unless all wires within the harness are insulated for the highest voltage presenting the harness. Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching, and exceeding minimum bend radius shall be prevented. Strain-relief fittings shall be provided at all points where wiring enters electrical compartments. Grommets or other protective material shall be installed at points where wiring penetrates metal structures outside of electrical enclosures. Wiring supports shall be protective and non- conductive at areas of wire contact and shall not be damaged by heat, water, solvents or chafing. To the extent practicable, wiring shall not be located in environmentally exposed locations under the vehicle. Wiring and electrical equipment necessarily located under the vehicle shall be insulated from water, heat, corrosion and mechanical damage. Where feasible, front-to-rear electrical harnesses should be installed above the window line of the vehicle. All wiring harnesses over 5 ft. long and containing at least five wires shall include 10 percent (minimum one wire) excess wires for spares. This requirement for spare wires does not apply to datalinks and communication cables. Wiring harness length shall allow end terminals to be replaced twice without pulling, stretching or replacing the wire. Terminals shall be crimped to the wiring according to the connector manufacturer’s recommendations for techniques and tools. All cable connectors shall be locking type, keyed and sealed, unless enclosed in water tight cabinets or vehicle interior. Pins shall be removable, crimp contact type, of the correct size and rating for the wire being terminated. Unused pin positions shall be sealed with sealing plugs. Adjacent connectors shall use either different inserts or different insert orientations to prevent incorrect connections. Terminals shall be crimped, corrosion-resistant and full ring type or interlocking lugs with insulating ferrules. When using pressure type screw terminal strips, only stranded wire shall be used. Insulation clearance shall ensure that wires have a minimum of “visible clearance” and a maximum of two times the conductor diameter or1/16 in., whichever is less. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands that can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. Ultra-sonic and T-splices may be used with 8AWG or smaller wire. When a T-splice is used, it shall meet these additional requirements: •It shall include a mechanical clamp in addition to solder on the splice. •The wire shall support no mechanical load in the area of the splice. •The wire shall be supported to prevent flexing. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 101 of 277 All splicing shall be staggered in the harness so that no two splices are positioned in the same location within the harness. Wiring located in the engine compartment shall be routed away from high- heatsourcesorshieldedand/orinsulatedfromtemperaturesexceedingthewiringandconnector operating requirements. The instrument panel and wiring shall be easily accessible for service from the driver’s seat or top of the panel. The instrument panel shall be separately removable and replaceable without damaging the instrument panel or gauges. Wiring shall have sufficient length and be routed to permit service without stretching or chafing the wires. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.4 Electrical Components DEFAULT All electrical components, including switches, relays, flashers and circuit breakers, shall be heavy-duty designs with either a successful history of application in heavy-duty vehicles or design specifications for an equivalent environment. All electric motors shall be heavy-duty brushless type where practical, and have a continuous duty rating of no less than40,000hours (except cranking motors, washer pumps, auxiliary heater pumps, defroster and wiper motors). All electric motors shall be easily accessible for servicing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 39.5 Electrical Compartments DEFAULT All relays, controllers, flashers, circuit breakers and other electrical components shall be mounted in easily accessible electrical compartments. All compartments exposed to the outside environment shall be corrosion-resistant and sealed. The components and their functions in each electrical compartment shall be identified and their location permanently recorded on a drawing attached to the inside of the access panel or door. The drawing shall be protected from oil, grease, fuel and abrasion. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 102 of 277 The front compartment shall be completely service able from the driver’s seat, vestibule or from the outside. “Rear start and run” controls shall be mounted in an accessible location in the engine compartment and shall be protected from the environment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40. General Electronic Requirements DEFAULT If an electronic component has an internal real-time clock, it shall provide its own battery backup to monitor time when battery power is disconnected, and/or it may be updated by a network component. If an electronic component has an hour meter, it shall record accumulated service time without relying on battery backup. All electronic component suppliers shall ensure that their equipment is self-protecting in the event of shorts in the cabling, and also in over-voltage (over 32V DC on a 24V DC nominal voltage rating with a maximum of 50V DC) and reverse polarity conditions. If an electronic component is required to interface with other components, it shall not require external pull-up and/or pull-down resistors. Where this is not possible, the use of a pull-up or pull-down resistor shall be limited as much as possible and easily accessible and labeled. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1 Wiring and Terminals DEFAULT Kinking, grounding at multiple points, stretching and reducing the bend radius below the manufacturer’s recommended minimum shall not be permitted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 103 of 277 TS 40.1.1 Discrete I/O(Inputs/Outputs) DEFAULT All wiring to I/O devices, either at the harness level or individual wires, shall be labeled, stamped or color-coded in a fashion that allows unique identification at a spacing not exceeding4 in. Wiring for each I/O device shall be bundled together. If the I/O terminals are the same voltages, then jumpers may be used to connect the common nodes of each I/O terminal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.2 Shielding DEFAULT All wiring that requires shielding shall meet the following minimum requirements. A shield shall be generated by connecting to a ground, which is sourced from a power distribution bus bar or chassis. A shield shall be connected at one location only, typically a tone end of the cable. However, certain standards or special requirements, such as SAE J1939 or RF applications, have separate shielding techniques that also shall be used as applicable. NOTE: A shield grounded at both end forms a ground loop, which can cause intermittent control or faults. When using shielded or coaxial cable, upon stripping of the insulation, the metallic braid shall be free from frayed strands, which can penetrate the insulation of the inner wires. To prevent the introduction of noise, the shield shall not be connected to the common side of a logic circuit. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.3 Communications DEFAULT The data network cabling shall be selected and installed according to the selected protocol requirements. The physical layer of all network communication systems shall not be used for any purpose other than communication between the system components, unless provided for in the network specifications. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 104 of 277 Communications networks that use power line carriers (e.g., data modulated on a 24V power line) shall meet the most stringent applicable wiring and terminal specifications. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.4 Radio Frequency (RF) DEFAULT RF components, such as radios, video devices, cameras, global positioning systems (GPS), etc., shall use coaxial cable to carry the signal. All RF systems require special design consideration for losses along the cable. Connectors shall be minimized, since each connector and crimp has a loss that will at tribute to attenuation of the signal. Cabling should allow for the removal of antennas or attached electronics without removing the installed cable between them. If this cannot be done, then a conduit of sufficient size shall be provided for ease of attachment of antenna and cable assembly. The corresponding component vendors shall be consulted for proper application of equipment, including installation of cables. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 40.1.5 Audio DEFAULT Cabling used for microphone level and line level signals shall be 22AWG minimum with shielded twisted pair. Cabling used for amplifier level signals shall be18AWG minimum. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 105 of 277 TS 41. Multiplexing TS 41.1 General The primary purpose of the multiplexing system is control of components necessary to operate the vehicle. This is accomplished by processing information from input devices and controlling output devices through the use of an internal logic program. Versatility and future expansion shall be provided for by expandable system architecture. The multiplex system shall be capable of accepting new inputs and outputs thought head edition of new modules and/or the utilization no existing spare inputs and outputs. All like components in the multiplex system shall be modular and interchangeable with self-diagnostic capabilities. The modules shall be easily accessible for troubleshooting electrical failures and performing system maintenance. Multiplex input/output modules shall use solid-state devices to provide extended service life and individual circuit protection. DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24V) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Base Bus-I/O controls G4 System Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Ten percent of the total number of inputs and outputs, or at least one each for each voltage type utilized (0V, 12V, 24V) at each module location shall be designated as spares. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 41.2 System Configuration DEFAULT Multiplexing may either be distributed or centralized. A distributed system shall process information on multiple control modules within the network. A centralized system shall process the information on a single control module. Either system shall consist of several modules connected to form a control network. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 106 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 41.2.1 I/O Signals DEFAULT The input/output for the multiplex system may contain four types of electrical signals: discrete, modulating, analogue, serial data. Discrete signals shall reflect the on/off status of switches, levers, limit switches, lights, etc. Analog signals shall reflect numerical data as represented by a voltage signal (0–12V, 10–24V, etc.)Or current signal (4–20 mA). Both types of analog signals shall represent the status of variable devices such as rheostats, potentiometers, temperature probes, etc. Serial data signals shall reflect ASCII or alphanumeric data used in the communication between other on-board components. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42. Data Communications TS 42.1 General DEFAULT All data communication networks shall be either in accordance with a nationally recognized interface standard, such as those published by SAE, IEEE or ISO, or shall be published to the Agency with the following minimum information: • Protocol requirements for all timing issues (bit, byte, packet, inter-packet timing, idle line timing, etc.) packet sizes, error checking and transport (bulk transfer of data to/from the device). • Data definition requirements that ensure access to diagnostic information and performance characteristics. • The capability and procedures for uploading new application or configuration data. • Access to revision level of data, application software and firmware. • The capability and procedures for uploading new firmware or application software. • Evidence that applicable data shall be broadcast to the network in an efficient manner such that the overall network integrity is not compromised. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 107 of 277 Any electronic vehicle components used on a network shall be conformance tested to the corresponding network standard. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2 Drivetrain Level DEFAULT Drivetrain components, consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder, anti-lock braking system and all other related components, shall be integrated and communicate fully with respect to vehicle operation with data using SAE Recommended Communications Protocols such as J1939 and/or J1708/J1587 with forward and backward compatibilities or other open protocols. At a minimum, drivetrain components consisting of the engine, transmission, retarder ASR, and anti- lock braking systems shall be powered by a dedicated and isolated ignition supply voltage to ensure data communication among components exists when the vehicle ignition is switched to the “on” position. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.2.1 Diagnostics, Fault Detection and Data Access DEFAULT Drive train performance, maintenance and diagnostic data, and other electronic messages shall be formatted and transmitted on the communications networks. The drivetrain level shall have the ability to record abnormal events in memory and provide diagnostic codes and other information to service personnel. At a minimum, this network level shall provide live/fail status, current hardware serial number, software/data revisions and uninterrupted timing functions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 108 of 277 TS 42.2.2 Programmability (Software) DEFAULT The drivetrain level components shall be programmable by the Agency with limitations as specified by the subsystem Supplier. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.3 Multiplex Level TS 42.3.1 Data Access DEFAULT At a minimum, information shall be made available via a communication port on the multiplex system. The location of the communication port shall be easily accessible. A hardware gateway and/or wireless communications system are options if requested by the Agency. The communication port(s) shall be located as specified by the Agency. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.3.2 Diagnostics and Fault Detection The multiplex system shall have a proven method of determining its status (system health and input/output status) and detecting either active (online) or inactive (offline) faults through the use of on-board visual/audible indicators. In addition to the indicators, the system shall employ an advanced diagnostic and fault detection system, which shall be accessible via either a personal computer or a hand held unit. Either unit shall have the ability to check logic function. The diagnostic data can be incorporated into the information level network or the central data access system. DEFAULT No requirement for mock-up board. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 109 of 277 TS 42.3.3 Programmability (Software) The multiplex system shall have security provisions to protect its software from unwanted changes. This shall be achieved through any or all of the following procedures: •Password protection •Limited distribution of the configuration software •Limited access to the programming tools required to change the software •Hardware protection that prevents undesired changes to the software Provisions for programming the multiplex system shall be possible through a PC or laptop. The multiplex system shall have proper revision control to ensure that the hardware and software are identical on each vehicle equipped with the system. Revision control shall be provided by all of the following: •Hardware component identification where labels are included on all multiplex hardware to identify components •Hardware series identification where all multiplex hardware displays the current hardware serial number and firmware revision employed by the module •Software revision identification where all copies of the software in service display the version number. •A method of determining which version of software is currently in use in the multiplex system DEFAULT Revision control labels shall be electronic. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 42.4 Electronic Noise Control DEFAULT Electrical and electronic subsystems and components on all buses shall not emit electromagnetic radiation that will interfere with on-board systems, components or equipment, telephone service, radio or TV reception, or violate regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Electrical and electronic subsystems on the coaches shall not be affected by external sources of RFI/EMI. This includes, but is not limited to, radio and TV transmission, portable electronic P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 110 of 277 devices including computers in the vicinity of or onboard the buses, AC or DC power lines and RFI/EMI emissions from other vehicles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DRIVER PROVISIONS, CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION TS 43. Driver’s Area Controls TS 43.1 General DEFAULT In general when designing the driver’s area, it is recommended that SAE J833, “Human Physical Dimensions,” be used. Switches and controls shall be divided into basic groups and assigned to specific areas, in conformance with SAE Recommended Practice J680, Revised 1988, “Location and Operation of Instruments and Controls in Motor Truck Cabs,” and be essentially within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, “Driver Hand Control Reach.” Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.2 Glare DEFAULT The driver’s work area shall be designed to minimize glare to the extent possible. Objects within and adjacent to this area shall be matte black or dark gray in color wherever possible to reduce the reflection of light onto the windshield. The use of polished metal and light -co lored surfaces within and adjacent to the driver’s area shall be avoided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 111 of 277 TS 43.3 Visors/Sun Shades DEFAULT Front and Side Sun Shade/Visor Adjustable sun visor(s) shall be provided for the driver’s windshield and the driver’s side window. Visors shall be shaped to minimize light leakage between the visor and windshield pillars. Visors shall store out of the way and shall not obstruct airflow from the climate control system or interfere with other equipment, such as the radio handset or the destination control. Deployment of the visors shall not restrict vision of the rearview mirrors. Visor adjustments shall be made easily by hand with positive locking and releasing devices and shall not be subject to damage by over-tightening. Sun visor construction and materials shall be strong enough to resist breakage during adjustments. Visors may be transparent but shall not allow a visible light transmittance in excess of 10 percent. Visors, when deployed, shall be effective in the driver’s field of view at angles more than 5 deg. above the horizontal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.4 Driver’s Controls Frequently used controls must be in easily accessible locations. These include the door control, kneel control, windshield wiper/washer controls, ramp, and lift and run switch. Any switches and controls necessary for the safe operation of the bus shall be conveniently located and shall provide for ease of operation. They shall be identifiable by shape, touch and permanent markings. Controls also shall be located so that passengers may not easily tamper with control settings. All panel-mounted switches and controls shall be marked with easily read identifiers. Graphic symbols shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J2402, “Road Vehicles – Symbols for Controls, Indicators, and Tell Tales,” where available and applicable. Color of switches and controls shall be dark with contrasting typography or symbols. Mechanical switches and controls shall be replaceable, and the wiring at these controls shall be serviceable from a convenient location. Switches, controls and instruments shall be dust- and water-resistant. DEFAULT All switches/controls in the driver’s controls area shall be mounted in an angled panel steep enough to discourage drivers from using it as a personal storage area for items like food, drinks, cell phones, etc. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 112 of 277 TS 43.5 Normal Bus Operation Instrumentation and Controls The following list identifies bus controls used to operate the bus. These controls are either frequently used or critical to the operation of the bus. They shall be located within easy reach of the operator. The operator shall not be required to stand or turn to view or actuate these controls unless specified otherwise. Systems or components monitored by onboard diagnostics system shall be displayed in clear view of the operator and provide visual and/or audible indicators. The intensity of indicators shall permit easy determination of on/off status in bright sunlight but shall not cause a distraction or visibility problem at night. All indicators shall be illuminated using backlighting. The indicator panel shall be located in Area 1 or Area 5, within easy view of the operator instrument panel. All indicators shall have a method of momentarily testing their operation. The audible alarm shall be tamper-resistant and shall have an outlet level between 80 and 83 dBA when measured at the location of the operator’s ear. On-board displays visible to the operator shall be limited to indicating the status of those functions described herein that are necessary for the operation of the bus. All other indicators needed for diagnostics and their related interface hardware shall be concealed and protected from unauthorized access. Table 6represents instruments and alarms. The intent of the overall physical layout of the indicators shall be in a logical grouping of systems and severity nature of the fault. Consideration shall be provided for future additions of spare indicators as the capability of onboard diagnostic systems improves. Blank spaces shall contain LEDs. TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Master run switch Rotary, four- position detent Side console Master control for bus, off, day run, night run and clearance ID lights Engine start, front Approved momentary switch Side console Activates engine starter motor Engine start, rear Approved momentary switch Engine compartment Activates engine starter motor P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 113 of 277 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Engine run, rear Three-position toggle switch Engine compartment Permits running engine from rear start, normal front run position and off Amber light Drive selector Touch panel switch Side console Provides selection of propulsion: forward, reverse and neutral Gear selection HVAC Switch or switches to control HVAC Side console Permits selection of passenger ventilation: off, cool, heat, low fan, high fan or full auto with Driver’s ventilation Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits supplemental ventilation: fan off, low or high Defroster fan Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits defroster: fan off, low, medium or high Defroster temperatur e Variable position Side console or dash left wing Adjusts defroster water flow and temperature Windshield wiper One-variable rotary position operating both wipers Dash left wing Variable speed control of left and right windshield wipers Windshield washer Push button Dash left wing Activates windshield washers Dash panel lights Rotary rheostat or stepping switch Side console or dash left wing Provides adjustment for light intensity in night run position Interior lights Three-position switch Side console Selects mode of passenger compartment lighting: off, on, normal Fast idle Two-position switch Side console Selects high idle speed of engine WC ramp/ kneel enable Two-position switch1 Side console or dash right wing Permits operation of ramp and kneel operations at each door remote panel Amber light Front door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Front door remote or dash right wing Permits ramp and kneel activation from front door area, key required1 Amber light P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 114 of 277 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Front door ramp Three-position momentary switch Right side of steering wheel Permits deploy and stow of front ramp Red light Front kneel Three-position momentary switch Front door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at front door remote location Amber or red dash indicator; exterior alarm and amber light Rear door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Rear door remote Permits ramp and kneel activation from rear door area; key required1 Red light Rear door ramp Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits deploy and stow of rear ramp Rear kneel Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at rear door remote location Silent alarm Recessed push button, NO and NC contacts momentary Side console Activates emergency radio alarm at dispatch and permits covert microphone and/or enables destination sign emergency message Video system event switch Momentary on/off momentary switch with plastic guard Side console Triggers event equipment, triggers event light on dash Amber light Left remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Permits two-axis adjustment of left exterior mirror Right remote mirror Four-position toggle type Side console Permits two-axis adjustment of right exterior mirror Mirror heater Switch or temperature activated Side console Permits heating of outside mirrors when required Passenger door control Five-position handle type detent or two momentary push buttons Side console, forward Permits open/close control of front and rear passenger doors Red light Rear door override Two-position switch in approved location Side console, forward Allows driver to override activation of rear door passenger tape switches P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 115 of 277 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Engine shutdown override Momentary switch with operation protection Side console Permits driver to override auto engine shutdown Hazard flashers Two-position switch Side console or dash right wing Activates emergency flashers Two green lights Fire suppression Red push button with protective cover Dash left wing or dash center Permits driver to override and manually discharge fire suppression system Red light Mobile data terminal Mobile data terminal coach operator interface panel Above right dash wing Facilitates driver interaction with communication system and master log-on LCD display with visual status and text messages Farebox interface Farebox coach operator interface panel Near farebox Facilitates driver interaction with farebox system LCD display Destination sign interface Destination sign interface panel In approved location Facilitates driver interaction with destination sign system, manual entry LCD display Turn signals Momentary push button (two required) raised from other switches Left foot panel Activates left and right turn signals Two green lights and optional audible indicator PA manual Momentary push button In approved location Permits driver to manually activate public address microphone Low- profile microphon e Low-profile discrete mounting Steering column Permits driver to make announcements with both hands on the wheel and focusing on road conditions High beam Detented push button In approved location Permits driver to toggle between low and high beam Blue light Parking brake Pneumatic PPV Side console or dash left wing Permits driver to apply and release parking brake Red light Park brake release Pneumatic PPV Vertical side of the side consoler dash center Permits driver to push and hold to release brakes P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 116 of 277 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Hill holder Two-position momentary switch Side console Applies brakes to prevent bus from rolling Remote engine speed Rotary rheostat Engine compartmen t Permits technician to raise and lower engine RPM from engine compartment Master door/ interlock Multi-pole toggle, detented Out of operator’s reach Permits driver override to disable door and brake/throttle interlock Red light Warning interlocks deactivated Red indicator light Dash panel center Illuminates to warn driver that interlocks have been deactivated Red light Retarder disable Multi-pole switch detented Within reach of operator or approved location Permits driver override to disable brake retardation/regeneration Red light Alarm acknowled ge Push button momentary Approved location Permits driver to acknowledge alarm condition Rear door passenger sensor disable Multi-pole toggle, detented In sign compartmen t or driver’s barrier compartmen t Permits driver to override rear door passenger sensing system Indicator/ alarm test button Momentary switch or programming1 Dash center panel Permits driver to activate test of sentry, indicators and audible alarms All visuals and audibles Auxiliary power 110 V power receptacle Approved location Property to specify what function to supply Speedomet er Speedometer, odometer, and diagnostic capability, 5-mile increments Dash center panel Visual indication of speed and distance traveled, accumulated vehicle mileage, fault condition display Visual Air pressure gauge Primary and secondary, 5 psi increments Dash center panel Visual indication of primary and secondary air systems Red light and buzzer P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 117 of 277 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible Fire detection Coach operator display Property specific or dash center Indication of fire detection activation by zone/location Buzzer and red light Door obstruction Sensing of door obstruction Dash center Indication of rear door sensitive edge activation Red light and buzzer Door ajar Door not properly closed Property specific or dash center Indication of rear door not properly closed Buzzer or alarm and red light Low system air pressure Sensing low primary and secondary air tank pressure Dash center Indication of low air system pressure Buzzer and red light Methane detection function Detection of system integrity Property specific or dash center Detects system failure No start condition, amber light Methane detection Indication of 20% LED emergency light (LEL) Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Flashing red at 20% LEL Methane detection Indication of 50% LEL Property specific or dash center Detects levels of methane Solid red at 50% LEL Engine coolant indicator Low coolant indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low coolant condition Amber light Hot engine indicator Coolant temperature indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects hot engine condition and initiates time delay shutdown Red light Low engine oil pressure indicator Engine oil pressure indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low engine oil pressure condition and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light ABS indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber light P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 118 of 277 TABLE 6 Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible HVAC indicator Detects system status Dash center Displays system failure Amber or red light Charging system indicator (12/24 V) Detect charging system status Dash center Detects no charge condition and optionally detects battery high, low, imbalance, no charge condition, and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light flashing or solid based on condition Bike rack deployed indicator Detects bike rack position Dash center Indication of bike rack not being in fully stowed position Amber or red light Fuel tank level Analog gauge, graduated based on fuel type Dash center Indication of fuel tank level/pressure DEF gauge Level Indicator Center dash Displays level of DEF tank and indicates with warning light when low Red light Active regeneratio n Detects status Dash center Indication of electric regeneration Amber or red light 1. Indicate area by drawing. Break up switch control from indicator lights. TABLE 6 (ALTERNATIVE,) Transit Bus Instruments and Alarms Device Description Location Function Visual/ Audible [Contractor to provide] TS 43.6 Driver Foot Controls DEFAULT Accelerator and brake pedals shall be designed for ankle motion. Foot surfaces of the pedals shall be faced with wear-resistant, nonskid, replaceable material. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 119 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.6.1 Pedal Angle DEFAULT The vertical angle of the accelerator and brake pedals shall be determined from a horizontal plane regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned at an angle of 37 to 50deg at the point of initiation of contact and extend downward to an angle of 10 to 18deg at full throttle. The location of the brake and accelerator pedals shall be determined by the manufacturer, based on space needs, visibility, lower edge of windshield and vertical H-point. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.6.2 Pedal Dimensions and Position DEFAULT The floor-mounted accelerator pedal shall be 10 to 12 in. long and 3 to 4 in. wide. Clearance around the pedal must allow for no interference precluding operation. The accelerator and brake pedals shall be positioned such that the spacing between them, measured at the heel of the pedals, is between 1 and 2 in. Both pedals should be located approximately on the same plane coincident to the surface of the pedals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 120 of 277 TS 43.7 Brake and Accelerator Pedals DEFAULT Brake Pedal Non-adjustable brake pedal. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 43.8 Driver Foot Switches Floor-Mounted Foot Control Platform The angle of the turn signal platform shall be determined from a horizontal plane, regardless of the slope of the cab floor. The turn signal platform shall be angled at a minimum of 10 deg. and a maximum of 37 deg. It shall be located no closer to the seat front than the heel point of the accelerator pedal. DEFAULT Turn Signal Controls Turn signal controls shall be floor-mounted, foot-controlled, water-resistant, heavy-duty, momentary contact switches. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Foot Switch Control The control switches for the turn signals shall be mounted on an inclined, floor-mounted stainless steel enclosure or metal plate mounted to an incline integrated into the driver’s platform, located to the left of the steering column. The location and design of this enclosure shall be such that foot room for the operator is not impeded. The inclined mounting surface shall be skid-resistant. All other signals, including high beam and public address system, shall be in approved locations. The foot switches shall be UL-listed, heavy-duty type, of a rugged, corrosion-resistant metal construction. The foot switches for the directionals shall be momentary type, while those for the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 121 of 277 PA system and the high beam shall be latching type. The spacing of the switches shall be such that inadvertent simultaneous deflection of switches is prevented. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44. Driver’s Amenities TS 44.1 Coat Hanger DEFAULT Coat Hanger A suitable hanger shall be installed in a convenient, approved location for the driver’s coat. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44.2 Drink Holder DEFAULT No drink holder. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 44.3 Storage Box DEFAULT Storage Box An enclosed driver storage area shall be provided with a positive latching door and/or lock. 44”H x 22.5”W x 20”D, 2 Doors P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 122 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 45. Windshield Wipers and Washers TS 45.1 Windshield Wipers The bus shall be equipped with a windshield wiper for each half of the windshield. At 60 mph, no more than 10 percent of the wiped area shall be lost due to windshield wiper lift. For two- piece windshields, both wipers shall park along the center edges of the windshield glass. For single-piece windshields, wipers shall park along the bottom edge of the windshield. Windshield wiper motors and mechanisms shall be easily accessible for repairs or service. The fastener that secures the wiper arm to the drive mechanism shall be corrosion-resistant. DEFAULT Single-control, electric two-speed intermittent wiper. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single control for air-operated system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 45.2 Windshield Washers DEFAULT The windshield washer system, when used with the wipers, shall deposit washing fluid evenly and completely wet the entire wiped area. The windshield washer system shall have a minimum 3-gallon reservoir, located for easy refilling from outside the bus. Reservoir pumps, lines and fittings shall be corrosion-resistant and must include a means to determine fluid level. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 123 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46. Driver’s Seat FIGURE 5 Driver’s Seat Head rest Seat back Seat back lumbar support Arm rest Seat belt Seat pan cushion Seat base DEFAULT USSC G2A Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1 Dimensions DEFAULT The driver’s seat shall be comfortable and adjustable so that people ranging in size from a 95th- percentile male to a 5th-percentile female may operate the bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 124 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Length DEFAULT Measurement shall be from the front edge of the seat pan to the rear at its intersection with the seat back. The adjustment of the seat pan length shall be no less than 16.5 in.at its minimum length and no more than 20.5 in.at its maximum length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: SP 1.1.1 Seat Pan Cushion Height DEFAULT Dimensions Measurement shall be from the cab floor to the top of the level seat at its center midpoint. The seat shall adjust in height from a minimum of14 in., with a minimum 6 in. vertical range of adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.2 Seat Pan Cushion Slope DEFAULT Measurement is the slope of the plane created by connecting the two high points of the seat, one at the rear of the seat at its intersection with the seat back and the other at the front of the seat just before it waterfalls downward at the edge. The slope can be measured using an inclinometer and shall be stated in degrees of incline relative to the horizontal plane (0 deg). The seat pan shall adjust in its slope from no less than plus 12 deg (rearward “bucket seat” incline) to no less than minus 5 deg (forward slope). P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 125 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.3 Seat Base Fore/Aft Adjustment DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance from the heel point to the front edge of the seat. The minimum and maximum distances shall be measured from the front edge of the seat when it is adjusted to its minimum seat pan depth (approximately 15 in.). On all low-floor buses, the seat base shall travel horizontally a minimum of 9 in. It shall adjust no closer to the heel point than6 in. On all high-floor buses, the seat base shall travel a minimum of9 in. and adjust no closer to the heel point than 6 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.4 Seat Pan Cushion Width DEFAULT Measurement is the horizontal distance across the seat cushion. The seat pan cushion shall be 17 to 21 in. across at the front edge of the seat cushion and 20 to 23 in. across at the side bolsters. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.5 Seat Suspension DEFAULT The driver’s seat shall be appropriately dampened to support a minimum weight of 380 lbs. The suspension shall be capable of dampening adjustment in both directions. Rubber bumpers shall be provided to prevent metal-to-metal contact. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 126 of 277 TS 46.1.6 Seat Back DEFAULT Width Measurement is the distance between the outermost points of the front of the seat back, at or near its midpoint in height. The seat back width shall be no less than 19 in. Seat back will include dual recliner gears on both sides of the seat. Height Standard height seat back. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.7 Headrests DEFAULT Adjustable headrest. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.8 Seat Back Lumbar Support DEFAULT Measurement is from the bottom of the seat back at its intersection with the seat pan to the top of the lumbar cushioning. The seat back shall provide adjustable-depth lumbar back support with three individual operating lumbar cells within a minimum range of 7 to 11 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.1.9 Seat Back Angle Adjustment DEFAULT The seat back angle shall be measured relative to a level seat pan, where 90 deg is the upright P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 127 of 277 position and 90 deg-plus represents the amount of recline. The seat back shall adjust in angle from a minimum of no more than 90 deg (upright) to at least 105 deg (reclined), with infinite adjustment in between. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.2 Seat Belt The belt assembly should be an auto -locking retractor (ALR).All seat belts should be stored in automatic retractors. The belts shall be mounted to the seat frame so that the driver may adjust the seat without resetting the seat belt. The seat and seatbelt assemblies as installed in the bus shall withstand static horizontal forces as required in FMVSS 207 and 210. DEFAULT Orange three-point seatbelt webbing. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Lap Belt Length DEFAULT 72 in. The lap belt assembly shall be a minimum of 72 in. in length. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.3 Adjustable Armrest DEFAULT No armrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 128 of 277 Comment: TS 46.4 Seat Control Locations DEFAULT While seated, the driver shall be able to make seat adjustments by hand without complexity, excessive effort or being pinched. Adjustment mechanisms shall hold the adjustments and shall not be subject to inadvertent changes. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.5 Seat Structure and Materials Cushions Cushions shall be fully padded with at least 3 in. of materials in the seating areas at the bottom and back. Cushion Materials DEFAULT Open-cell polyurethane (FMVSS 302). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.6 Pedestal DEFAULT Powder-coated steel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.7 Mirrors TS 46.7.1 Exterior Mirrors The bus shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant, outside rearview mirrors mounted with stable P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 129 of 277 supports to minimize vibration. Mirrors shall be firmly attached to the bus to minimize vibration and to prevent loss of adjustment with a breakaway mounting system. Mirrors shall permit the driver to view the roadway along the sides of the bus, including the rear wheels. Mirrors should be positioned to prevent blind spots. Mirrors shall retract or fold sufficiently to allow bus washing operations but avoid contact with windshield. DEFAULT Exterior mirrors shall be installed without a breakaway mounting system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Flat Mirrors on Both Sides The bus shall be equipped with two flat outside mirrors, each with not less than 50 sq. in. of reflective surface. The mirrors shall be located so as to provide the driver a view to the rear along both sides of the bus and shall be adjustable both in the horizontal and vertical directions to view the rearward scene. The roadside rearview mirror shall be positioned so that the driver’s line of sight is not obstructed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Curbside Mirrors The curbside rearview mirror shall be mounted so that its lower edge is no less than 80 in. above the street surface. A lower mount may be required due to mirror configuration requests. DEFAULT Remote Adjustment of Curbside Mirror The driver shall be able to adjust the curbside mirror remotely while seated in the driving position. The control for remote positioning of the mirror shall be a single switch or device. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 130 of 277 Street-Side Mirrors DEFAULT Standard mirror, not heated, no remote adjustment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 46.7.2 Interior Mirrors DEFAULT Mirrors shall be provided for the driver to observe passengers throughout the bus without leaving the seat and without shoulder movement. The driver shall be able to observe passengers in the front/entrance and rear/exit areas (if applicable), anywhere in the aisle, and in the rear seats. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: WINDOWS TS 47. General Use with 30ft length: A minimum of 6000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 35ft length: A minimum of 8000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. Use with 40ft length: A minimum of 10,000 sq. in. of window area, including operator and door windows, shall be required on each side of the standard configuration bus. TS 48. Windshield DEFAULT The windshield shall permit an operator’s field of view as referenced in SAE Recommended Practice J1050.The vertically upward view shall be a minimum of 14deg, measured above the horizontal and excluding any shaded band. The vertically downward view shall permit detection of an object 3½ft high no more than 2 ft. in front of the bus. The horizontal view shall be a minimum of 90 deg above the line of sight. Any binocular obscuration due to a center divider may be ignored when determining the 90deg requirement, provided that the divider does not exceed a 3deg angle in the operator’s field of view. Windshield pillars shall not exceed 10 deg of binocular obscuration. The windshield shall be designed and installed to minimize external glare as well as reflections from inside the bus. The windshield shall be easily replaceable by removing zip-locks from the windshield retaining moldings. Bonded-in-place windshields shall not be used. Winglets may be bonded. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 131 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 48.1 Glazing The windshield glazing material shall have a ¼ in. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping AS-1 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Shaded Band The upper portion of the windshield above the driver’s field of view shall have a dark, shaded band and marked AS-3, with a minimum luminous transmittance of 5 percent when tested in accordance to ASTM D-1003. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Two-piece windshield. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 49. Driver’s Side Window The driver’s side window shall be the sliding type, requiring only the rear half of the sash to latch upon closing, and shall open sufficiently to permit the seated operator to easily adjust the street -side outside rearview mirror. When in an open position, the window shall not rattle or close during braking. This window section shall slide in tracks or channels designed to last the service life of the bus. The operator’s side window shall not be bonded in place and shall be easily replaceable. The glazing material shall have a single-density tint. The driver’s view, perpendicular through operator’s side window glazing, should extend a minimum of 33 in. (840 mm) to the rear of the heel point on the accelerator, and in any case must accommodate a 95th percentile male operator. The view through the glazing at the front of the assembly should begin not more than 26 in. (560 mm) above the operator’s floor to ensure P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 132 of 277 visibility of an under-mounted convex mirror. Driver’s window construction shall maximize ability for full opening of the window. DEFAULT The driver’s side window glazing material shall have a ¼ in. nominal thickness laminated safety glass conforming to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1-1996 Test Grouping AS-2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Driver’s Side Window, Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options: • Full slider • Egress • Non-egress • Top fixed over bottom slider • Egress • Non-egress Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50. Side Windows TS 50.1 Configuration DEFAULT Side windows shall not be bonded in place, but shall be easily replaceable without disturbing adjacent windows and shall be mounted so that flexing or vibration from engine operation or normal road excitation is not apparent. All aluminum and steel material will be treated to prevent corrosion. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 133 of 277 TS 50.2 Emergency Exit (Egress) Configuration DEFAULT Minimum Egress All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: Default Standard Passenger Side Window Configurations • Hidden frame (flush “Euro-look”) • Full fixed Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Traditional Frame Agency to choose from the following options: • Full fixed • Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels • Openable windows with sliding transom panels • Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels • Openable windows with full-height sliding panels Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 134 of 277 TS 50.3 Configuration DEFAULT Fixed Side Windows All side windows shall be fixed in position, except as necessary to meet the emergency escape requirements. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 50.4 Materials Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3/16 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1-1996 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. DEFAULT Windows on the bus sides and in the rear door shall be tinted a neutral color, complementary to the bus exterior. The maximum solar energy transmittance shall not exceed 37 percent, as measured by ASTM E-424. Luminous transmittance shall be measured by ASTM D-1003. Windows over the destination signs shall not be tinted. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT (LIGHT) 13 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 135 of 277 DEFAULT (DARK) 13 percent luminous transmittance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Safety Glass Glazing Panels Side windows glazing material shall have a minimum of 3/16 in. nominal thickness tempered safety glass. The material shall conform to the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: NOTE: All glass treatments must be permanent, within the glass and/or in the center membrane. Surface films are not permitted. SHGC and light transmission performance shall be defined by the National Fenestration Rating Council. TS 50.5 Rear Window DEFAULT No requirement for rear window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 136 of 277 HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING TS 51. Capacity and Performance The HVAC climate control system shall be capable of controlling the temperature and maintaining the humidity levels of the interior of the bus as defined in the following paragraphs. DEFAULT Rear Mounted Thermo-King X430 407C Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Allow Either Roof- or Rear-Mounted HVAC Unit The HVAC unit may either be roof or rear-mounted. Note that a rear-mounted unit will preclude a rear window and that the term “roof-mounted unit” includes units mounted on top of or beneath the roof surface. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Capacity and Performance Requirements The air -conditioning portion of the HVAC system shall be capable of reducing the passenger compartment temperature from 115 to 95 °F in less than 20 minutes after engine start-up. Engine temperature shall be within the normal operating range at the time of start-up of the cool-down test, and the engine speed shall be limited to fast idle, which may be activated by a driver- controlled device. During the cool-down period, the refrigerant pressure shall not exceed safe high-side pressures, and the condenser discharge air temperature, measured 6 in. from the surface of the coil, shall be less than 45 °F above the condenser inlet air temperature. The appropriate solar load as recommended in the APTA “Recommended Instrumentation and Performance Test ing for Transit Bus Air Conditioning System,” representing 4 p.m. on August 21, shall be used. There shall be no passengers on board, and the doors and windows shall be closed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 137 of 277 TS 52. Controls and Temperature Uniformity The HVAC system excluding the driver’s heater/defroster shall be centrally controlled with an advanced electronic/diagnostic control system with provisions for extracting/reading data. The system shall be compliant with J1939 Communication Protocol for receiving and broadcasting of data. Hot engine coolant water shall be delivered to the HVAC system driver’s defroster/heater and other heater cores by means of an auxiliary coolant pump, sized for the required flow, which is brushless and sealless having a minimum maintenance-free service life for both the brushless motor and the pump of at least 40,000 hours at full power. DEFAULT Manual Mode Selection of Climate Control System After manual selection and/or activation of climate control system operation mode, all interior climate control system requirements for the selected mode shall be attained automatically to within ±2 °F of specified temperature control set point. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Single Control Set point at 70 °F The temperature control set point for the system shall be 70 °F. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 52.1 Auxiliary Heater DEFAULT No auxiliary heater. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 138 of 277 TS 53. Air Flow TS 53.1 Passenger Area The cooling mode of the interior climate control system shall introduce air into the bus at or near the ceiling height at a minimum rate of 25 cubic ft. per minute (cfm) per passenger based on the standard configuration bus carrying a number of passengers equal to 150 percent of the seated load. Airflow shall be evenly distributed throughout the bus, with air velocity not exceeding 100 ft. per minute on any passenger. The ventilating mode shall provide air at a minimum flow rate of 20 cfm per passenger. Airflow may be reduced to 15 cfm per passenger (150 percent of seated load) when operating in the heating mode. The fans shall not activate until the heating element has warmed sufficiently to ensure at least 70 °F air outlet temperature. The heating air outlet temperature shall not exceed 120 °F under any normal operating conditions. The climate control blower motors and fan shall be designed such that their operation complies with the interior noise level requirements. DEFAULT No “Fresh Air” Requirements To be used by agencies that have an operating profile where the door opening cycle results in effectively providing an adequate “fresh air” mixture. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.2 Driver’s Area DEFAULT The bus interior climate control system shall deliver at least 100 cfm of air to the driver’s area when operating in the ventilating and cooling modes. Adjustable nozzles shall permit variable distribution or shutdown of the airflow. Airflow in the heating mode shall be reduced proportionally to the reduction of airflow into the passenger area. The windshield defroster unit shall meet the requirements of SAE Recommended Practice J382, “Windshield Defrosting Systems Performance Requirements,” and shall have the capability of diverting heated air to the driver’s feet and legs. The defroster or interior climate control system shall maintain visibility through the driver’s side window. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 139 of 277 TS 53.3 Controls for the Climate Control System (CCS) DEFAULT The controls for the driver’s compartment for heating, ventilation and cooling systems shall be integrated and shall meet the following requirements: • The heat/defrost system fan shall be controlled by a separate switch that has an “off” position and at least two positions for speed control. All switches and controls shall preclude the possibility of clothing becoming entangled, and shields shall be provided, if required. If the fans are approved by the Agency, an “on/off” switch shall be located to the right of or near the main defroster switch. • A manually operated control valve shall control the coolant flow through the heater core. • If a cable-operated manual control valve is used, then the cable length shall be kept to a minimum to reduce cable seizing. Heater water control valves shall be “positive” type, closed or open. The method of operating remote valves shall require the concurrence of the Agency project manager. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.4 Driver’s Compartment Requirements DEFAULT A separate heating, ventilation and defroster system for the driver’s area shall be provided and shall be controlled by the driver. The system shall meet the following requirements: • The heater and defroster system shall provide heating for the driver and heated air to completely defrost and defog the windshield, driver’s side window, and the front door glasses in all operating conditions. Fan(s) shall be able to draw air from the bus body interior and/or exterior through a control device and pass it through the heater core to the defroster system and over the driver’s feet. A minimum capacity of 100 cfm shall be provided. The driver shall have complete control of the heat and fresh airflow for the driver’s area. • The defroster supply outlets shall be located at the lower edge of the windshield. These outlets shall be durable and shall be free of sharp edges that can catch clothes during normal daily cleaning. The system shall be such that foreign objects such as coins or tickets cannot fall into the defroster air outlet s. Adjustable ball vents or louvers shall be provided at the left of the driver’s position to allow direction of air onto the side windows. A ventilation system shall be provided to ensure driver comfort and shall be capable of providing fresh air in both the foot and head areas. Vents shall be controllable by the driver from the normal driving position. Decals shall be provided, indicating “operating instructions” and “open” P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 140 of 277 and “closed” positions. When closed, vents shall be sealed to prevent the migration of water or air into the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 53.5 Driver’s Cooling DEFAULT No dedicated evaporator. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 54. Air Filtration Air shall be filtered before entering the AC system and being discharged into the passenger compartment. The filter shall meet the ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 requirement for 5 percent or better atmospheric dust spot efficiency, 50 percent weight resistant, and a minimum dust holding capacity of 120 g per 1000 cfm cell. Air filters shall be easily removable for service. DEFAULT Cleanable Filters Air filters shall be cleanable. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 55. Roof Ventilators Each ventilator shall be easily opened and closed manually. When open with the bus in motion, this ventilator shall provide fresh air inside the bus. The ventilator shall cover an opening area no less than 425 sq. in. and shall be capable of being positioned as a scoop with either the leading or trailing edge open no less than 4 in., or with all four edges raised simultaneously to a height of P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 141 of 277 no less than 3½ in. An escape hatch shall be incorporated into the roof ventilator. Roof ventilator(s) shall be sealed to prevent entry of water when closed. DEFAULT One Roof Ventilator One ventilator shall be provided in the roof of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 56. Maintainability Manually controlled shut -off valves in the refrigerant lines shall allow isolation of the compressor and dehydrator filter for service. To the extent practicable, self-sealing couplings utilizing O-ring seals shall be used to break and seal the refrigerant lines during removal of major components, such as the refrigerant compressor. Shut-off valves may be provided in lieu of self- sealing couplings. The condenser shall be located to efficiently transfer heat to the atmosphere and shall not ingest air warmed above the ambient temperature by the bus mechanical equipment, or to discharge air into any other system of the bus. The location of the condenser shall preclude its obstruction by wheel splash, road dirt or debris. HVAC components located within 6 in. of floor level shall be constructed to resist damage and corrosion. DEFAULT High and low refrigerant pressure electronic gauges to be located in the return air area. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 57. Entrance/Exit Area Heating DEFAULT No requirements for entrance/exit area heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 142 of 277 TS 58. Floor-Level Heating TS 58.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT No requirements for floor-level heating. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: EXTERIOR PANELS, FINISHES AND EXTERIOR LIGHTING TS 59. Design DEFAULT The bus shall have a clean, smooth, simple design, primarily derived from bus performance requirements and passenger service criteria. The exterior and body features, including grilles and louvers, shall be shaped to facilitate cleaning by automatic bus washers without snagging washer brushes. Water and dirt shall not be retained in or on anybody feature to freeze or bleed out onto the bus after leaving the washer. The body and windows shall be sealed to prevent leaking of air, dust or water under normal operating conditions and during cleaning in automatic bus washers for the service life of the bus. Exterior panels shall be sufficiently stiff to minimize vibration, drumming or flexing while the bus is in service. When panels are lapped, the upper and forward panels shall act as a watershed. However, if entry of moisture into the interior of the vehicle is prevented by other means, then rear cap panels may be lapped otherwise. The windows, hatches and doors shall be able to be sealed. Accumulation of spray and splash generated by the bus’s wheels shall be minimized on windows and mirrors. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 59.1 Materials Body materials shall be selected and the body fabricated to reduce maintenance, extend durability and provide consistency of appearance throughout the service life of the bus. Detailing P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 143 of 277 shall be kept simple, and add-on devices and trim shall be minimized and integrated into the basic design. DEFAULT No requirement for protection against graffiti/vandalism for body material surfaces. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 59.2 Roof-Mounted Equipment DEFAULT A non-skid, clearly marked walkway or steps shall be incorporated on the roof to provide access to equipment without damaging any system or bus paneling. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 60. Pedestrian Safety DEFAULT Exterior protrusions along the side and front of the bus greater than ½ in. and within 80 in. of the ground shall have a radius no less than the amount of the protrusion. The exterior rearview mirrors, cameras and required lights and reflectors are exempt from the protrusion requirement. Advertising frames shall protrude no more than ⅞ in. from the body surface. Grilles, doors, bumpers and other features on the sides and rear of the bus shall be designed to minimize toeholds or handholds. Exterior protrusions shall not cause a line-of-sight blockage for the driver. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 144 of 277 TS 61. Repair and Replacement TS 61.1 Side Body Panels Structural elements supporting exterior body panels shall allow side body panels below the windows to be repaired in lengths not greater than 12.5 ft. DEFAULT Standard attachment of side body panels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 62. Rain Gutters DEFAULT Rain gutters shall be provided to prevent water flowing from the roof onto the passenger doors and driver’s side window. When the bus is decelerated, the gutters shall not drain onto the windshield, driver’s side window or door boarding area. Cross sections of the gutters shall be adequate for proper operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 63. License Plate Provisions DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to mount standard-size U.S./Canada license plates per SAE J686 on the front and rear of the bus. These provisions shall direct -mount or recess the license plates so that they can be cleaned by automatic bus-washing equipment without being caught by the brushes. The rear license plate provision shall be illuminated per SAE J587. DEFAULT No plate or holder provision is required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 145 of 277 TS 63.1 Rub rails DEFAULT No requirement for rub rails. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 64. Fender Skirts DEFAULT Features to minimize water spray from the bus in wet conditions shall be included in wheel housing design. Any fender skirts shall be easily replaceable. They shall be flexible if they extend beyond the allowable body width. Wheels and tires shall be removable with the fender skirts in place. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 65. Wheel Covers DEFAULT Wheel covers not required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 65.1 Splash Aprons DEFAULT Standard Splash Aprons Splash aprons, composed of ¼ in. minimum composition or rubberized fabric, shall be installed behind and/or in front of wheels as needed to reduce road splash and to protect underfloor components. The splash aprons shall extend downward to within 6 in. off the road surface at static conditions. Apron widths shall be no less than tire widths. Splash aprons shall be bolted to the bus understructure. Splash aprons and their attachments shall be inherently weaker than the structure to which they are attached. The flexible portions of the splash aprons shall not be included in the road clearance measurements. Splash apron shall be installed as necessary to P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 146 of 277 protect the wheelchair loading device from road splash. Other splash aprons shall be installed where necessary to protect bus equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 66. Service Compartments and Access Doors TS 66.1 Access Doors DEFAULT Conventional or pantograph hinged doors shall be used for the engine compartment and for all auxiliary equipment compartments, including doors for checking the quantity and adding to the engine coolant, engine lubricant and transmissio n fluid. Access openings shall be sized for easy performance of tasks within the compartment, including tool operating space. Access doors shall be of rugged construction and shall maintain mechanical integrity and function under normal operations throughout the service life of the bus. They shall close flush with the body surface. All doors shall be hinged at the top or on the forward edge and shall be prevented from coming loose or opening during transit service or in bus washing operations. All access doors shall be retained in the open position by props or counterbalancing with over-center or gas-filled springs with safety props and shall be easily operable by one person. Springs and hinges shall be corrosion resistant. Latch handles shall be flush with, or recessed behind, the body contour and shall be sized to provide an adequate grip for opening. Access doors, when opened, shall not restrict access for servicing other components or systems. If precluded by design, the manufacturer shall provide door design information specifying how the requirements are met. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 66.2 Access Door Latch/Locks DEFAULT Requirement for Latches on Access Doors Access doors larger than 100 sq. in. in area shall be equipped with corrosion-resistant flush- mounted latches or locks except for coolant and fuel fill access doors. All such access doors that require a tool to open shall be standardized throughout the vehicle and will require a nominal 5/16 in. square male tool to open or lock. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 147 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67. Bumpers TS 67.1 Location DEFAULT Bumpers shall provide impact protection for the front and rear of the bus with the top of the bumper being 27 in., ±2 in., above the ground. Bumper height shall be such that when one bus is parked behind another, a portion of the bumper faces will contact each other. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.2 Front Bumper No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 5mph impact of the bus at curb weight with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the bus’s longitudinal centerline. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. The bumper shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 6.5 mph impacts at any point by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000lbs parallel to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. It shall protect the bus from damage as a result of 5.5mph impacts into the corners at a 30deg angle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The energy absorption system of the bumper shall be independent of every power system of the bus and shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. DEFAULT Standard bumper. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.3 Rear Bumper DEFAULT No part of the bus, including the bumper, shall be damaged as a result of a 2mph impact with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The bumper shall return to its pre-impact shape within 10 minutes of the impact. When using a yard tug with a smooth, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 148 of 277 flat plate bumper 2 ft. wide contacting the horizontal centerline of the rear bumper, the bumper shall provide protection at speeds up to 5 mph, over pavement discontinuities up to 1 in. high, and at accelerations up to 2 mph/sec. The rear bumper shall protect the bus when impacted anywhere along its width by the common carriage with contoured impact surface defined in Figure 2 of FMVSS 301 loaded to 4000 lbs., at 4 mph parallel to or up to a 30degangle to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. The rear bumper shall be shaped to preclude unauthorized riders standing on the bumper. The bumper shall not require service or maintenance in normal operation during the service life of the bus. The bumper may increase the overall bus length specified by no more than 7 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 67.4 Bumper Material DEFAULT Bumper material shall be corrosion-resistant and withstand repeated impacts of the specified loads without sustaining damage. These bumper qualities shall be sustained throughout the service life of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 68. Finish and Color TS 68.1 Appearance All exterior surfaces shall be smooth and free of wrinkles and dents. Exterior surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared as required by the paint system Supplier prior to application of paint to ensure a proper bond between the basic surface and successive coats of original paint for the service life of the bus. Drilled holes and cutouts in exterior surfaces shall be made prior to cleaning, priming and painting, where possible, to prevent corrosion. The bus shall be painted prior to installation of exterior lights, windows, mirrors and other items that are applied to the exterior of the bus. Body filler materials may be used for surface dressing, but not for repair of damaged or improperly fitted panels. Paint shall be applied smoothly and evenly with the finished surface free of visible dirt and the following other imperfections: • blisters or bubbles appearing in the topcoat film • chips, scratches or gouges of the surface finish • cracks in the paint film • craters where paint failed to cover due to surface contamination • overspray • peeling P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 149 of 277 • runs or sags from excessive flow and failure to adhere uniformly to the surface • chemical stains and water spots • dry patches due to incorrect mixing of paint activators • buffing swirls All exterior finished surfaces shall be impervious to diesel fuel, gasoline and commercial cleaning agents. Finished surfaces shall resist damage by controlled applications of commonly used graffiti-removing chemicals. Proper adhesion between the basic surface and successive coats of the original paint shall be measured using an Elcometer adhesion tester as outlined in ASTM D4541-85. Adhesion shall be a minimum 300 ft.-lbs. The bus manufacturer shall supply test samples of the exterior surface for each step of the painting process that may be subject to adhesion testing per ASTM G4541-87 and ASTM D4145-85. ASTM D4541-93 may be used for inspection testing during assembly of the vehicle. DEFAULT Standard Contractor exterior paint finish quality. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Base coat/clear coat paint system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 69. Decals, Numbering and Signing DEFAULT Monograms, numbers and other special signing shall be applied to the inside and outside of the bus as required. Signs shall be durable and fade-, chip- and peel-resistant. They may be painted signs, decals or pressure-sensitive appliqués. All decals shall be installed per the decal Supplier recommendations. Signs shall be provided in compliance with the ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, 38.27. NOTE: The Agency should supply a list of interior and exterior decals including size and location. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 150 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 69.1 Passenger Information DEFAULT ADA priority seating signs as required and defined by 49 CFR shall be provided to identify the seats designated for passengers with disabilities. Requirements for a public information system in accordance with 49 CFR shall be provided. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70. Exterior Lighting All exterior lights shall be designed to prevent entry and accumulation of moisture or dust. Lamps, lenses and fixtures shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. Two hazard lamps at the rear of the bus shall be visible from behind when the engine service doors are opened. Light lenses shall be designed and located to prevent damage when running the vehicle through an automatic bus washer. DEFAULT Commercially available LED-type lamps shall be utilized at all exterior lamp locations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Standard Lamps All LED lamps shall be standard installation of the OEM. The entire assembly shall be specifically coated to protect the light from chemical and abrasion degradation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 151 of 277 DEFAULT Standard Size Size of LED lamps used for tail, brake and turn signal lamps shall be standard installation of OEM. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.1 Backup Light/Alarm DEFAULT Visible and audible warnings shall inform following vehicles or pedestrians of reverse operation. Visible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Standard J593. Audible reverse operation warning shall conform to SAE Recommended Practice J994 Type C or D. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.2 Doorway Lighting DEFAULT Lamps at the front and rear passenger doorways (if applicable) shall comply with ADA requirements and shall activate only when the doors open. These lamps shall illuminate the street surface to a level of no less than 1 foot -candle for a distance of 3 ft. outward from the outboard edge of the door threshold. The lights may be positioned above or below the lower daylight opening of the windows and shall be shielded to protect passengers’ eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.3 Turn Signals DEFAULT Standard Turn Signals Turn-signal lights shall be provided on the front, rear, curb and street sides of the bus in accordance with federal regulations. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 152 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.4 Headlights Headlamps shall be designed for ease of replacement. DEFAULT Standard Installation Standard OEM headlight installation shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.5 Brake Lights TS 70.5.1 Transit Coach Brake lights shall be provided in accordance with federal regulations. DEFAULT No High/Center Mount Brake Lamp or Deceleration Warning Lamps Bus shall not include a high/center mount brake lamp and/or deceleration warning indicator lamps. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 70.6 Service Area Lighting (Interior and Exterior) DEFAULT LED lamps shall be provided in the engine and all other compartments where service may be required to generally illuminate the area for night emergency repairs or adjustments. These service areas shall include, but not be limited to, the engine compartment, the communication box, junction/apparatus panels and passenger door operator compartments. Lighting shall be adequate to light the space of the service areas to levels needed to complete typical emergency repairs and adjustments. The service area lamps shall be suitable for the environment in which they are mounted. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 153 of 277 Engine compartment lamps shall be controlled by a switch mounted near the rear start controls. All other service area lamps shall be controlled by switches mounted on or convenient to the lamp assemblies. Power to the service area lighting shall be programmable. Power shall latch on with activation of the switch and shall be automatically discontinued (timed out) after 30 minutes to prevent damage caused by inadvertently leaving the service area lighting switch in the “on” position after repairs are made. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: INTERIOR PANELS AND FINISHES TS 71. General Requirements Materials shall be selected on the basis of maintenance, durability, appearance, safety, flammability and tactile qualities. Materials shall be strong enough to resist everyday abuse and be vandalism and corrosion resistant. Trim and attachment details shall be kept simple and unobtrusive. Interior trim shall be secured to avoid resonant vibrations under normal operational conditions. Interior surfaces more than 10 in. below the lower edge of the side windows or windshield shall be shaped so that objects placed on them fall to the floor when the coach is parked on a level surface. Any components and other electrical components within close proximity to these surfaces shall also be resistant to this cleaning method. DEFAULT No requirement for anti-graffiti/vandalism surface treatments. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72. Interior Panels Panels shall be easily replaceable and tamper resistant. They shall be reinforced, as necessary, to resist vandalism and other rigors of transit bus service. Individual trim panels and parts shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Interior panel required to meet FMVSS 302. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 154 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.1 Driver Area Barrier TS 72.1.1 Transit Coach A barrier or bulkhead between the driver and the street-side front passenger seat shall be provided. The barrier shall minimize glare and reflections in the windshield directly in front of the barrier from interior lighting during night operation. Location and shape must permit full seat travel and reclining possibilities that can accommodate the shoulders of a 95th-percentile male. The partition shall have a side return and stanchion to prevent passengers from reaching the driver by standing behind the driver’s seat. The lower area between the seat and panel must be accessible to the driver. The partition must be strong enough in conjunction with the entire partition assembly for mounting of such equipment as flare kits, fire extinguishers (1.2kg), microcomputer, public address amplifier, etc. The panel should be properly attached to minimize noise and rattles. DEFAULT No Driver Barrier Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.2 Modesty Panels Sturdy divider panels constructed of durable, unpainted, corrosion-resistant material complementing the interior shall be provided to act as both a physical and visual barrier for seated passengers. Design and installation of modesty panels located in front of forward-facing seats shall include a handhold or grab handle along its top edge. These dividers shall be mounted on the sidewall and shall project toward the aisle no farther than passenger knee projection in longitudinal seats or the aisle side of the transverse seats. Modesty panels shall extend from at least the window opening of the side windows, and those forward of transverse seats shall extend downward to 1 and 1½ in. above the floor. Panels forward of longitudinal seats shall extend to below the level of the seat cushion. Dividers positioned at the doorways, where applicable, shall provide no less than a 2½ in. clearance between the modesty panel and a fully open, inward opening door, or the path of a deploying flip-out ramp to protect passengers from being pinched. Modesty panels installed at doorways shall be equipped with grab rails if passenger assists are not provided by other means. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 155 of 277 The modesty panel and its mounting shall withstand a static force of 250 lbs. applied to a 4 × 4 in. area in the center of the panel without permanent visible deformation. DEFAULT Modesty panels shall be installed as stated. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.3 Front End DEFAULT The entire front end of the bus shall be sealed to prevent debris accumulation behind the dash and to prevent the driver’s feet from kicking or fouling wiring and other equipment. The front end shall be free of protrusions that are hazardous to passengers standing at the front of the standee line area of the bus during rapid decelerations. Paneling across the front of the bus and any trim around the driver’s compartment shall be formed metal or composite material. Compo site dash panels shall be reinforced as necessary, vandal-resistant and replaceable. All colored, painted and plated parts forward of the driver’s barrier shall be finished with a surface that reduces glare. Any mounted equipment must have provision to support the weight of equipment. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.4 Rear Bulkhead DEFAULT The rear bulkhead and rear interior surfaces shall be material suitable for exterior skin; painted and finished to exterior quality; or paneled with melamine-type material, composite, scratch- resistant plastic or carpeting and trimmed with stainless steel, aluminum or composite. The rear bulkhead paneling shall be contoured to fit the ceiling, side walls and seat backs so that any litter or trash will tend to fall to the floor or seating surface when the bus is on a level surface. Any air vents in this area shall be louvered to reduce airflow noise and to reduce the probability of trash or liter being thrown or drawn through the grille. If it is necessary to remove the panel to service components located on the rear bulkhead, then the panel shall be hinged or shall be able to be easily removed and replaced. Grilles where access to or adjustment of P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 156 of 277 equipment is required shall be heavy duty and designed to minimize damage and limit unauthorized access. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.5 Headlining DEFAULT Ceiling panels shall be made of durable, corrosion resistant, easily cleanable material. Headlining shall be supported to prevent buckling, drumming or flexing and shall be secured without loose edges. Headlining materials shall be treated or insulated to prevent marks due to condensation where panels are in contact with metal members. Moldings and trim strips, as required to make the edges tamperproof, shall be stainless steel, aluminum or plastic, colored to complement the ceiling material. Headlining panels covering operational equipment that is mounted above the ceiling shall be on hinges for ease of service but retained to prevent inadvertent opening. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.6 Fastening DEFAULT Interior panels shall be attached so that there are no exposed unfinished or rough edges or rough surfaces. Fasteners should be corrosion resistant. Panels and fasteners shall not be easily removable by passengers. Exposed interior fasteners should be minimized, and where required shall be tamper resistant. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.7 Insulation DEFAULT Any insulation material used between the inner and outer panels shall minimize the entry and/or retention of moisture. Insulation properties shall be unimpaired during the service life of the bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 157 of 277 Any insulation material used inside the engine compartment shall not absorb or retain oils or water and shall be designed to prevent casual damage that may occur during maintenance operations. The combination of inner and outer panels on the sides, roof, wheel wells and ends of the bus, and any material used between these panels, shall provide a thermal insulation sufficient to meet the interior temperature requirements. The bus body shall be thoroughly sealed so that the driver or passengers cannot feel drafts during normal operations with the passenger doors closed. FTA Docket 90-A All insulation materials shall comply with the Recommended Fire Safety Practices defined in FTA Docket 90-A, dated October 20, 1993. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.8 Floor Covering DEFAULT The floor covering shall have a non-skid walking surface that remains effective in all weather conditions. The floor covering, as well as transitions of flooring material to the main floor and to the entrance and exit area, shall be smooth and present no tripping hazards. Seams shall be sealed/welded per manufacturer’s specifications. The standee line shall be approximately 2 in. wide and shall extend across the bus aisle. The color and pattern shall be consistent throughout the floor covering. Any areas on the floor that are not intended for standees, such as areas “swept” during passenger door operation, shall be clearly and permanently marked. The floor shall be easily cleaned and shall be arranged to minimize debris accumulation. A one-piece center strip shall extend from the vertical wall of the rear settee between the aisle sides of transverse seats to the standee line. If the floor is of a bi-level construction, then the center strip shall be one piece at each level. The covering between the center strip and the wheel housings may be separate pieces. At the rear door, however, a separate strip as wide as the door shall extend from the center strip to the outboard edge of the rear/exit area. The floor under the seats shall be covered with smooth surface flooring material. The floor covering shall closely fit the sidewall in a fully sealed butt joint or extend to the top of the cove. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 158 of 277 TS 72.9 Interior Lighting DEFAULT The light source shall be located to minimize windshield glare, with distribution of the light focused primarily on the passengers’ reading plane while casting sufficient light onto the advertising display. The lighting system may be designed to form part of or the entire air distribution duct. The lens material shall be translucent polycarbonate. Lenses shall be designed to effectively “mask” the light source. Lenses shall be sealed to inhibit incursion of dust and insects yet be easily removable for service. Access panels shall be provided to allow servicing of components located behind light panels. If necessary, the entire light fixture shall be hinged. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.10 Passenger First Row Lights The first light on each side (behind the driver and the front door) is normally turned on only when the front door is opened, in “night run” and “night park.” As soon as the door closes, these lights shall go out. These lights shall be turned on at any time if the switch is in the “on” position. DEFAULT LED lights. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT First Light Modules Dim/Extinguish When Front Door is Closed When the master switch is in the “run” or “night/run” mode, the first light module on each side of the coach shall automatically extinguish or dim when the front door is in the closed position and illuminate when the door is opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 159 of 277 TS 72.11 Driver’s Area DEFAULT The driver’s area shall have a light to provide general illumination, and it shall illuminate the half of the steering wheel nearest the driver to a level of 5 to 10 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.12 Seating Areas DEFAULT The interior lighting system shall provide a minimum 15 foot-candle illumination on a 1 sq. ft. plane at an angle of 45 degrees from horizontal, centered 33 in. above the floor and 24 in. in front of the seat back at each seat position. Allowable average light level for the rear bench seats shall be 7 foot-candles. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.13 Vestibules/Doors DEFAULT Floor surface in the aisles shall be a minimum of 10 foot-candles, and the vestibule area a minimum of 4 foot-candles with the front doors open and a minimum of 2 foot -candles with the front doors closed. The front entrance area and curb lights shall illuminate when the front door is open and master run switch is in the “lights” positions. Rear exit area and curb lights shall illuminate when the rear door is unlocked. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.14 Step Lighting DEFAULT Step lighting for the intermediate steps between lower and upper floor levels shall be a minimum of 4 foot -candles and shall illuminate in all engine run positions. The step lighting shall be low P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 160 of 277 profile to minimize tripping and snagging hazards for passengers and shall be shielded as necessary to protect passengers’ eyes from glare. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.15 Ramp Lighting DEFAULT Exterior and interior ramp lighting shall comply with federal regulations. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 72.16 Farebox Lighting DEFAULT None required. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 73. Fare Collection Space and structural provisions shall be made for installation of currently available fare collection devices, which shall be as far forward as practicable. Location of the fare collection device shall not restrict traffic in the vestibule, including wheelchairs if a front door loading device is used, and shall allow the driver to easily reach the farebox controls and to view the fare register. The farebox shall not restrict access to the driver area, shall not restrict operation of driver controls and shall not —either by itself or in combination with stanchions, transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment, or route destinat ion signs—restrict the driver’s field of view per SAE Recommended Practice J1050. The location and mounting of the fare collection device shall allow use, without restriction, by passengers. The farebox location shall permit accessibility to the vault for easy manual removal or attachment of suction devices. Meters and counters on the farebox shall be readable on a daily basis. The floor under the farebox shall be reinforced as necessary to provide a sturdy mounting platform and to prevent shaking of the farebox. Contractor shall provide fare collection installation layout to the Agency for approval. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 161 of 277 Transfer mounting, cutting and punching equipment shall be located in a position convenient to the driver. DEFAULT Agency will install its own fare box. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 74. Interior Access Panels and Doors Access for maintenance and replacement of equipment shall be provided by panels and doors that appear to be an integral part of the interior. Access doors shall be hinged with gas props or over-center springs, where practical, to hold the doors out of the mechanic’s way. Panels shall prevent entry of mechanism lubricant into the bus interior. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. DEFAULT Access Doors that Do Not Require Tools or Keys to Open Access doors shall be secured with hand screws or latches. All fasteners that retain access panels shall be captive in the cover. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 74.1 Floor Panels DEFAULT Access openings in the floor shall be sealed to prevent entry of fumes and water into the bus interior. Flooring material at or around access openings shall be flush with the floor and shall be edge-bound with stainless steel or another material that is acceptable to the Agency to prevent the edges from coming loose. Access openings shall be asymmetrical so that reinstalled flooring shall be properly aligned. Fasteners shall tighten flush with the floor. The number of special fastener tools required for panel and access door fasteners shall be minimized. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 162 of 277 PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS TS 75. Passenger Seating TS 75.1 Arrangements and Seat Style The passenger seating arrangement in the bus shall be such that seating capacity is maximized and in compliance to the following requirements. NOTE: The Agency recognizes that ramp location, foot room, hip-to-knee room, doorway type, width, seat construction, floor level type, seat spacing requirements, ramp or lift, number of wheelchair positions, etc. ultimately affect seating capacity and layout. DEFAULT Forward-Facing Seat Configuration Passenger seats shall be arranged in a transverse, forward-facing configuration, except at the wheel housings and turntable, if applicable, where aisle-facing seats may be arranged as appropriate with due regard for passenger access and comfort. Other areas where aisle-facing seats may be provided are at wheelchair securement areas and platforms (such as for fuel tank storage space). Base Bus-USSC Gemini Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.2 Rearward Facing Seats DEFAULT Rearward facing seats not allowed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.3 Padded Inserts/Cushioned Seats DEFAULT Non-Padded Inserts – UN upholstered The passenger seats shall be equipped with un upholstered inserts throughout the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 163 of 277 EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.4 Seat back fitness DEFAULT Back insert Seat Configuration The seat back insert thickness shall not exceed 1in. in the knee room area. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.5 Drain Hole in Seats DEFAULT No requirements for drain hole provision in seat inserts. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.6 Hip-to-Knee Room DEFAULT Hip-to-knee room measured from the center of the seating position, from the front of one seat back horizontally across the highest part of the seat to a vertical surface immediately in front, shall be a minimum of 26 in. At all seating positions in paired transverse seats immediately behind other seating positions, hip-to-knee room shall be no less than 27 in. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.7 Foot Room DEFAULT Foot room, measured at the floor forward from a point vertically below the front of the seat cushion, shall be no less than 14 in. Seats immediately behind the wheel housings and modesty P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 164 of 277 panels may have foot room reduced. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.8 Aisles DEFAULT The aisle between the seats shall be no less than 20 in. wide at seated passenger hip height. Seat backs shall be shaped to increase this dimension to no less than 24 in. at 32 in. above the floor (standing passenger hip height). Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.9 Dimensions FIGURE 6 Seating Dimensions and Standard Configuration DEFAULT Seat dimensions for the various seating arrangements shall have the dimensions as follows (refer to Figure 6): • The width, W, of the two-passenger transverse seat shall be a minimum 35 in. • The length, L, shall be 17 in., ±1 in. • The seat back height, B, shall be a minimum of 15 in. • The seat height, H, shall be 17 in., ± 1 in. For the rear lounge (or settee) and longitudinal seats, and seats located above raised areas for storage of under-floor components, a cushion P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 165 of 277 height of up to 18 in., ±2 in., will be allowed. This shall also be allowed for limited transverse seats, but only with the expressed approval of the Agency. • Foot room = F. • The seat cushion slope, S, shall be between 5 and 11 deg. • The seat back slope, C, shall be between 8 and 17 deg. • Hip to knee room = K. • The pitch, P, is shown as reference only. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.10 Structure and Design DEFAULT The passenger seat frame and its supporting structure shall be constructed and mounted so that space under the seat is maximized and is completely free of obstructions to facilitate cleaning. Seats, structures and restraints around the securement area should not infringe into the mobility device envelope or maneuverability. The transverse seat structure shall be fully cantilevered from the sidewall with sufficient strength for the intended service. The lowest part of the seat assembly that is within 12 in. of the aisle shall be at least 10 in. above the floor. In locations at which cantilevered installation is precluded by design and/or structure, other seat mounting may be allowed. All transverse objects—including seat backs, modesty panels, and longitudinal seats—in front of forward-facing seats shall not impart a compressive load in excess of 1000lbs onto the femur of passengers ranging in size from a 5th-percentile female to a 95th-percentile male during a 10g deceleration of the bus. This deceleration shall peak at 0.05 to0.015 seconds from initiation. Permanent deformation of the seat resulting from two 95th-percentile males striking the seat back during this 10g deceleration shall not exceed 2 in., measured at the aisle side of the seat frame at height H. The seat back should not deflect more than 14 in., measured at the top of the seat back, in a controlled manner to minimize passenger injury. Structural failure of any part of the seat or sidewall shall not introduce a laceration hazard. The seat assembly shall withstand static vertical forces of 500 lbs. applied to the top of the seat cushion in each seating position with less than ¼in. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat assembly shall withstand static horizontal forces of 500 lbs. evenly distributed along the top of the seat back with less than ¼in. permanent deformation in the seat or its mountings. The seat backs at the aisle position and at the window position shall withstand repeated impacts of two 40-lb sandbags without visible deterioration. One sandbag shall strike P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 166 of 277 the front 40,000 times and the other sandbag shall strike the rear 40,000 times. Each sandbag shall be suspended on a 36in. pendulum and shall strike the seat back 10,000 times each from distances of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seats at both seating positions shall withstand 4000 vertical drops of a 40-lb sandbag without visible deterioration. The sandbag shall be dropped 1000 times each from heights of 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. Seat cushions shall withstand 100,000 randomly positioned 3½ in. drops of a squirming, 150-lb, smooth-surfaced, buttocks-shaped striker with only minimal wear on the seat covering and no failures to seat structure or cushion suspension components. The back of each transverse seat shall incorporate a handhold no less than ⅞ in. in diameter for standees and seat access/egress. The handhold shall not be a safety hazard during severe decelerations. The handhold shall extend above the seat back near the aisle so that standees shall have a convenient vertical assist, no less than 4 in. long that may be grasped with the full hand. This handhold shall not cause a standee using this assist to interfere with a seated 50th-percentile male passenger. The handhold shall also be usable by a 5th-percentile female, as well as by larger passengers, to assist with seat access/egress for either transverse seating position. The upper rear portion of the seat back and the seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be padded and/or constructed of energy-absorbing materials. During a 10g deceleration of the bus, the HIC number (as defined by SAE Standard J211a) shall not exceed 400 for passengers ranging in size from a 5th percentile female through a 95th percentile ma le. The seat back handhold may be deleted from seats that do not have another transverse seat directly behind and where a vertical assist is provided. Longitudinal seats shall be the same general design as transverse seats but without seat back handholds. Longitudinal seats may be mounted on the wheelhouses. Armrests shall be included on the ends of each set of longitudinal seats except on the forward end of a seat set that is immediately to the rear of a transverse seat, the driver’s barrier, or a modesty panel, when these fixtures perform the function of restraining passengers from sliding forward off the seat. Armrests are not required on longitudinal seats located in the wheelchair parking area that fold up when the armrest on the adjacent fixed longitudinal seat is within 3½ in. of the end of the seat cushion. Armrests shall be located from 7 to 9 in. above the seat cushion surface. The area between the armrest and the seat cushion shall be closed by a barrier or panel. The top and sides of the armrests shall have a minimum width of 1 in. and shall be free from sharp protrusions that form a safety hazard. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand static horizontal and vertical forces of 250 lbs. applied anywhere along their length with less than ¼ in. permanent deformation. Seat back handhold and armrests shall withstand 25,000 impacts in each direction of a horizontal force of 125 lbs. with less than ¼in. permanent deformation and without visible deterioration. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 75.11 Construction and Materials Selected materials shall minimize damage from vandalism and shall reduce cleaning time. The P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 167 of 277 seats shall be attached to the frame with tamper -resistant fasteners. Coloring shall be consistent throughout the seat material, with no visually exposed portion painted. Any exposed metal touching the sides or the floor of the bus shall be stainless steel. The seat, pads and cushions shall be contoured for individuality, lateral support and maximum comfort and shall fit the framework to reduce exposed edges. The minimum radius of any part of the seat back, handhold or modesty panel in the head or chest impact zone shall be a nominal ¼in.The seat back and seat back handhold immediately forward of transverse seats shall be constructed of energy-absorbing materials to provide passenger protection and, in a severe crash, to allow the passenger to deform the seating materials in the impact areas. Complete seat assemblies shall be interchangeable to the extent practicable. DEFAULT Agency to select seat fabric. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76. Passenger Assists DEFAULT Passenger assists in the form of full grip, vertical stanchions or handholds shall be provided for the safety of standees and for ingress/egress. Passenger assists shall be convenient in location, shape and size for both the 95th-percentile male and the 5th-percentile female standee. Starting from the entrance door and moving anywhere in the bus and out the exit door, a vertical assist shall be provided either as the vertical portion of the seat back assist or as a separate item so that a 5th-percentile female passenger may easily move from one assist to another using one hand and the other without losing support. All handholds and stanchions at the front doorway, around the farebox, and at interior steps for bi-level designs shall be powder-coated in a high-contrast yellow color. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.1 Assists DEFAULT Excluding those mounted on the seats and doors, the assists shall have a cross-sectional diameter between 1¼ and 1½ in. or shall provide an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than ¼ in. All passenger assists shall permit a full hand grip with no less than 1½ in. of knuckle clearance around the assist. Passenger assists shall be designed to minimize catching or snagging of clothes or personal items and shall be capable of passing the NHTSA Drawstring Test. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 168 of 277 Any joints in the assist structure shall be underneath supporting brackets and securely clamped to prevent passengers from moving or twisting the assists. Seat handholds may be of the same construction and finish as the seat frame. Door-mounted passenger assists shall be of anodized aluminum, stainless steel or powder-coated metal. Connecting tees and angles may be powder- coated metal castings. Assists shall withstand a force of 300 lbs. applied over a 12in. lineal dimension in any direction normal to the assist without permanent visible deformation. All passenger assist components, including brackets, clamps, screw heads and other fasteners used on the passenger assists shall be designed to eliminate pinching, snagging and cutting hazards and shall be free from burrs or rough edges. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.2 Front Doorway DEFAULT Front doors, or the entry area, shall be fitted with ADA-compliant assists. Assists shall be as far outward as practicable, but shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the entrance step and shall be easily grasped by a 5th-percentile female boarding from street level. Door assists shall be functionally continuous with the horizontal front passenger assist and the vertical assist and the assists on the wheel housing or on the front modesty panel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.3 Vestibule DEFAULT The aisle side of the driver’s barrier, the wheel housings and when applicable the modesty panels shall be fitted with vertical passenger assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist and that extend to within 36 in. of the floor. These assists shall have sufficient clearance from the barrier to prevent inadvertent wedging of a passenger’s arm. A horizontal passenger assist shall be located across the front of the bus and shall prevent passengers from sustaining injuries on the fare collection device or windshield in the event of a sudden deceleration. Without restricting the vestibule space, the assist shall provide support for a boarding passenger from the front door through the fare collection procedure. The assist shall be no less than 36 in. above the floor. The assists at the front of the bus shall be arranged to permit a 5th-percentile female passenger to easily reach from the door assist, to the front assist, to vertical assists on the driver’s barrier, wheel housings or front modesty panel. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 169 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.4 Rear Doorway DEFAULT Vertical assists that are functionally continuous with the overhead assist shall be provided at the aisle side of the transverse seat immediately forward of the rear door and on the aisle side of the rear door modesty panel(s).Passenger assists shall be provided on modesty panels that are functionally continuous with the rear door assists. Rear doors, or the exit area, shall be fitted with assists having a cross-sectional diameter between 1¼ and 1½ in. or providing an equivalent gripping surface with no corner radii less than ¼ in., and shall provide at least 1½ in. of knuckle clearance between the assists and their mounting. The assists shall be designed to permit a 5th- percentile female to easily move from one assist to another during the entire exiting process. The assists shall be located no farther inboard than 6 in. from the outside edge of the rear doorway step. NOTE: For an articulated bus, passenger assists will be provided to aid in the transition between the front and rear sections of the bus. TS 76.5 Overhead Except forward of the standee line and at the rear door, a continuous, full-grip, overhead assist shall be provided. This assist shall be located over the center of the aisle seating position of the transverse seats. The assist shall be no less than 70 in. above the floor. DEFAULT No requirements for overhead grab straps/extensions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT Grip rails shall be stainless steel. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 170 of 277 TS 76.6 Longitudinal Seat Assists DEFAULT Longitudinal seats shall have vertical assists located between every other designated seating position, except for seats that fold/flip up to accommodate wheelchair securement. Assists shall extend from near the leading edge of the seat and shall be functionally continuous with the overhead assist. Assists shall be staggered across the aisle from each other where practicable and shall be no more than 52 in. apart or functionally continuous for a 5th percentile female passenger. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 76.7 Wheel Housing Barriers/Assists DEFAULT Unless passenger seating is provided on top of wheel housings, passenger assists shall be mounted around the exposed sides of the wheel housings (and propulsion compartments if applicable), which shall also be designed to prevent passengers from sitting on wheel housings. Such passenger assists shall also effectively retain items, such as bags and luggage, placed on top of wheel housings. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77. Passenger Doors TS 77.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Doorways will be provided in the locations and styles as follows. Passenger doors and doorways shall comply with ADA requirements. TS 77.1.1 Front door Door shall be forward of the front wheels and under direct observation of the driver. TS 77.1.2 Rear Door Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 171 of 277 Front Street-Side Rear Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open DEFAULT If air -powered, the door system shall operate per specification at air pressures between 90 and 130 psi. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.2 Materials and Construction Structure of the doors, their attachments, inside and outside trim panels and any mechanism exposed to the elements shall be corrosion resistant. Door panel construction shall be of corrosion-resistant metal or reinforced non-metallic composite materials. When fully opened, the doors shall provide a firm support and shall not be damaged if used as an assist by passengers during ingress or egress. Door edges shall be sealed to prevent infiltration of exterior moisture, noise, dirt and air elements from entering the passenger compartment, to the maximum extent possible based on door types. The closing edge of each door panel shall have no less than 2 in. of soft weather stripping. The doors, when closed, shall be effectively sealed, and the hard surfaces of the doors shall be at least 4 in. apart (not applicable to single doors).The combined weather seal and window glazing elements of the front door shall not exceed 10 deg of binocular obstruction of the driver’s view through the closed door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 172 of 277 TS 77.3 Dimensions TS 77.3.1 Transit Coach FIGURE 7 Transit Bus Minimum Door Opening When open, the doors shall leave an opening no less than 75 in. in height. DEFAULT 31¾in.Minimum Doorway Clear Width Front door clear width shall be a minimum of 31¾ in. with the doors fully opened. Rear door opening clear width shall be a minimum of 24 in. with the doors fully opened. If arear door ramp or lift is provided, then the clear door opening width shall be a minimum of31¾ in. with door fully opened. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.4 Door Glazing The upper section of both front and rear doors shall be glazed for no less than 45 percent of the respective door opening area of each section. The lower section of the front door shall be glazed for no less than 25 percent of the door opening area of the section. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 173 of 277 Door glazing shall be easily replaceable. DEFAULT Zip type glazing rubber. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: DEFAULT The front door panel glazing material shall have a nominal ¼ in. thick laminated safety glass conforming with the requirements of ANSI Z26.1 Test Grouping 2 and the recommended practices defined in SAE J673. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.5 Door Projection TS 77.5.1 Exterior DEFAULT The exterior projection of the front doors beyond the side of the bus shall be minimized and shall not block the line of sight of the rear exit door via the curb side mirror when the doors are fully open. The exterior projection of both doors shall be minimized and shall not exceed 14 in. during the opening or closing cycles or when doors are fully opened Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.5.2 Interior DEFAULT Projection inside the bus shall not cause an obstruction of the rear door mirror or cause a hazard for standees. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 174 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.6 Door Height Above Pavement DEFAULT It shall be possible to open and close either passenger door when the bus loaded to gross vehicle weight rating is not knelt and parked with the tires touching an 8in. high curb on a street sloping toward the curb so that the street -side wheels are 5 in. higher than the right -side wheels. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.7 Closing Force DEFAULT Closing door edge speed shall not exceed 12 in. per second, and opening door speed shall not exceed 19 in. per second. Power doors shall not slam closed under any circumstance, even if the door is obstructed during the closing cycle. If a door is obstructed during the closing cycle, the pressure exerted on the obstruction shall not increase once initial contact has been made. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight-type device shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing device that, at a minimum, alerts the driver if an obstruction is detected between the closing doors. Doors closed by a return spring or counterweight type device, when unlocked, shall be capable of being pushed to the point where the door starts to open with a force not to exceed 25 lbs. applied to the center edge of the forward door panel. Whether or not the obstruction-sensing system is present or functional, it shall be possible to withdraw a 1½ in. diameter cylinder from between the center edges of a closed and locked door with an outward force not greater than 35 lbs. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 175 of 277 TS 77.7.1 Rear Door Closing Force DEFAULT Power-close rear doors shall be equipped with an obstruction-sensing system such that if an obstruction is within the path of the closing doors, the doors will stop and/or reverse direction prior to imparting a 10-lb force on 1 sq. in. of that obstruction. If a contactless obstruction sensing system is employed, it shall be capable of discriminating between the normal doorway environment and passengers or other obstructions within the doorway, and of altering the zones of detection based upon the operating state of the door system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.8 Actuators Doors shall open or close completely in not more than 3.5 seconds from the time of control actuation and shall be subject to the closing force requirements. Door actuators shall be adjustable so that the door opening and closing speeds can be independently adjustable to satisfy the above requirements. Actuators and the complex door mechanism shall be concealed from passengers but shall be easily accessible for servicing. The door actuators shall be rebuildable. If powered by compressed air, exhaust from the door system shall be routed below the floor of the bus to prevent accumulation of any oil that may be present in the air system and to muffle sound. Door actuators and associated linkages shall maximize door holding forces in the fully open and fully closed positions to provide firm, non-rattling, non-fluttering door panels while minimizing the force exerted by the doors on an obstruction midway between the fully open and closed positions. DEFAULT The rear door actuator(s) shall be under the complete control of the vehicle operator and shall open and close in response to the position of the driver’s door control. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 176 of 277 TS 77.8.1 Rear Door Interlocks See “Hardware Mounting” for door system interlock requirements. TS 77.9 Emergency Operation DEFAULT In the event of an emergency, it shall be possible to manually open doors designated as emergency exits from inside the bus using a force of no more than 25 lbs. after actuating an unlocking device. The unlocking device shall be clearly marked as an emergency-only device and shall require two distinct actions to actuate. The respective door emergency unlocking device shall be accessible from the doorway area. The unlocking device shall be easily reset by the operator without special tools or opening the door mechanism enclosure. Doors that are required to be classified as “emergency exits” shall meet the requirements of FMVSS 217. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.10 Door Control The door control shall be located in the operator’s area within the hand reach envelope described in SAE Recommended Practice J287, “Driver Hand Control Reach.” The driver’s door control shall provide tactile feedback to indicate commanded door position and resist inadvertent door actuation. DEFAULT Door control located on street side. The front door shall remain in commanded state position even if power is removed or lost. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 177 of 277 TS 77.11 Door Controller TS 77.11.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Five-Position Driver’s Door Controller The control device shall be protected from moisture. Mounting and location of the door control device handle shall be designed so that it is within comfortable, easy arm’s reach of the seated driver. The door control device handle shall be free from interference by other equipment and have adequate clearance so as not to create a pinching hazard. Base Bus-Vapor Door Controller Position of the door control handle shall result in the following operation of the front and rear doors: • Center position: Front door closed, rear door closed or set to lock. • First position forward: Front door open, rear door closed or set to lock. • Second position forward: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. • First position back: Front door closed, rear door open or set to open. • Second position back: Front door open, rear door open or set to open. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 77.12 Door Open/Close DEFAULT A control or valve in the operator’s compartment shall shut off the power to, and/or dump the power from, the front door mechanism to permit manual operation of the front door with the bus shut down. A master door switch, which is not within reach of the seated operator, when set in the “off” position shall close the rear door, deactivate the door control system, release the interlocks and permit only manual operation of the rear door. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 178 of 277 TS 78. Accessibility Provisions DEFAULT Space and body structural provisions shall be provided at the front or rear door of the bus to accommodate a wheelchair loading system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.1 Loading Systems There are three options: • high-floor lift • low-floor ramp • platform (boarding bridge plate) level boarding Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.2 Lift The wheelchair lift control system must be capable of receiving multiplex commands from vehicle interlocks. An automatically controlled, power-operated wheelchair lift system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR 571.403(FMVSS 403) shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Wheelchair Ramp mounted in front step well. Base Bus-Lift U LU 18 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 179 of 277 TS 78.3 Loading System for 30 to 40 ft. Low-Floor Bus An automatically controlled, power-operated ramp system compliant to requirements defined in 49 CFR Part 38, Subpart B, §38.23c shall provide ingress and egress quickly, safely and comfortably, both in forward and rearward directions, for a passenger in a wheelchair from a level street or curb. DEFAULT Front Door Location of Loading System, Flip-Out Design Ramp with 6:1 Slope The wheelchair loading system shall be located at the front door, with the ramp being of a simple hinged, flip-out type design being capable of deploying to the ground at a maximum 6:1 slope. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.4 Wheelchair Accommodations NOTE: Agency will approve acceptable securement system. DEFAULT Two Forward-Facing Wheelchair Securement Locations Two forward-facing locations, as close to the wheelchair loading system as practical, shall provide parking space and securement system compliant with ADA requirements for a passenger in a wheelchair. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.5 Interior Circulation DEFAULT Maneuvering room inside the bus shall accommodate easy travel for a passenger in a wheelchair from the loading device and from the designated securement area. It shall be designed so that no portion of the wheelchair protrudes into the aisle of the bus when parked in the designated parking space(s). When the positions are fully utilized, an aisle space of no less than 20 in. shall be maintained. As a guide, no width dimension should be less than 34 in. Areas requiring 90deg P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 180 of 277 turns of wheelchairs should have a clearance arc dimension no less than 45 in., and in the parking area where 180deg turns are expected, space should be clear in a full 60in.diameter circle. A vertical clearance of 12in. above the floor surface should be provided on the outside of turning areas for wheelchair footrests. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.6 Lift Door DEFAULT The lift door shall be a single leaf design that operates in a sliding track mounted both above and below the door leaf. The door shall open by sliding to the rear of the coach and shall remain on a horizontal plane throughout the opening and closing process. No pin-hinged doors shall be provided. The transmission must be in neutral and the parking brake activated for the lift to operate. The accelerator shall be automatically disabled and the fast idle system activated when either the lift master switch is turned on or the lift door is open in order to provide maximum safety and security. These features shall be wired to the lift master switch to allow activation only when the transmission is in neutral. The coach directional (hazard) lights will also flash on/off. After the lift operation is completed, the lift shall be properly stored and secured, with the access door closed and the lift master switch at the dash in the “off” position in order to move the coach. The lift door shall have a window in line with the other passenger windows and shall not detract from the appearance of the coach. The door latch mechanism shall be located in the lower section of the door so that operators in the 5th percentile female range can operate the lift door. The lift storage door shall not block the visual observation to the lift assembly while utilizing the manual override mode of the lift. A lift door design consisting of a horizontally hinged lift platform egress door mounted within a vertical motion pantograph luggage door is a preferred design. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 181 of 277 TS 78.7 Lift Width DEFAULT The installation of the lift to the coach structure as well as the installation of the lift door into the sidewall of the coach shall not affect the structural integrity of the coach. The parcel rack module above the wheelchair lift platform area shall be permanently removed to provide additional headroom. The modified rack shall be professionally finished at all ends. A threshold warning module with a red warning light and an acoustic sensor shall be mounted in the ceiling structure above the wheelchair lift entrance doorway. The heating and air ducts shall be rerouted around the lift area to ensure proper interior air conditioning/heating airflow and distribution. A passenger chime tape switch shall be mounted on the sidewall at the two wheelchair securement positions. Each coach shall have adequate information decals installed that detail the proper lift operation in both the normal and manual modes of operation. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.8 Lighting Requirements DEFAULT Lighting for the lift areas shall be designed to meet Title 13 and ADA and FMVSS 404 standards. Lighting shall be provided to effectively illuminate the lift area. Light shall be wired through the lift master toggle switch on the driver’s dash and shall automatically illuminate when this switch is in the “on” position. The lighting design shall minimize the effect of glare on passengers entering the bus through the wheelchair lift door. During lift operation, the street surface shall be illuminated to a minimum of 6 candlepower a distance of 3 ft. beyond the external dimensions of the lift platform once deployed and lowered. Additional lighting shall be provided to ensure illumination of the instruction placard and the manual override pump when it is in use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 182 of 277 TS 78.9 Securement System DEFAULT The vehicle interior shall permit the securement of two forward-facing wheelchair passengers in which the primary position shall be on the street side of the coach directly across from the lift. Securement areas shall be a minimum 30 × 48 in. as required by the ADA. A separate three-point belt securement shall be provided to effectively secure wheelchair passengers. To further secure the passenger during the lift operation, a retractable seat belt strap shall be provided at the ingress/egress area of the lift platform. A minimum 10.5 in. high barrier shall also be provided at the rear of the lift area for additional passenger protection. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 78.10 Roof Ventilation/Escape Hatches DEFAULT Two roof ventilators shall be provided and designed to perform as escape hatches. One ventilator/escape hatch shall be located in the roof at the front of the coach, another in the roof at the rear of the coach. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: SIGNAGE AND COMMUNICATION TS 79. Destination Signs DEFAULT A destination sign system shall be furnished on the front, on the right side near the front door. The driver shall be able to access the sign while seated. The destination sign compartments shall meet the following minimum requirements: • Compartments shall be designed to prevent condensation and entry of moisture and dirt. • Compartments shall be designed to prevent fogging of both compartment window and glazing on the unit itself. • Access shall be provided to allow cleaning of inside compartment window and unit glazing. • The front window shall have an exterior display area of no less than 8.5 in. high by 56 in. wide. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 183 of 277 Base Bus-Hanover White Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 80. Passenger Information and Advertising TS 80.1 Interior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made on the rear of the driver’s barrier or equipment box located on the wheel well for a frame to retain information such as routes and schedules. Advertising media 11 in. high and 0.09 in. thick shall be retained near the juncture of the bus ceiling and sidewall. The retainers may be concave and shall support the media without adhesives. The media shall be illuminated by the interior light system. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 80.2 Exterior Displays DEFAULT Provisions shall be made to integrate advertising into the exterior design of the bus. Advertising media, frames or supporting structures shall not detract from the readability of destination signs and signal lights, and shall not compromise passenger visibility. Advertising provisions shall not cause pedestrian hazards or foul automatic bus washing equipment, and shall not cover or interfere with doors, air passages, and vehicle fittings or in any other manner restrict the operation or serviceability of the bus. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 81. Passenger Stop Request/Exit Signal TS 81.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT Pull Cord A passenger “stop requested” signal system that complies with applicable ADA requirements defined in 49 CFR, Part 38.37, shall be provided. The system shall consist of a touch tape, chime P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 184 of 277 and interior sign message. The touch tape shall be accessible to all seated passengers, with provisions for standees .It shall be easily accessible to all passengers, seated or standing. Vertical touch tape shall be provided at each window mullion and adjacent to each wheelchair parking position and priority seating positions. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 81.2 Signal Chime TS 81.2.1 Transit Coach DEFAULT A single “stop requested” chime shall sound when the system is first activated. A double chime shall sound anytime the system is activated from wheelchair passenger areas. Exit signals located in the wheelchair passenger area shall be no higher than 4 ft. above the floor. Instructions shall be provided to clearly indicate function and operation of these signals. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82. Communications TS 82.1 Camera Surveillance System DEFAULT Base Bus- Apollo 8 camera 6TB HD Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.2 Public Address System DEFAULT A public address system shall be provided on each bus for facilitating radio system and driver- originated announcements to passengers. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 185 of 277 Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.2.1 Speakers DEFAULT Interior loudspeakers shall be provided, semi-flush mounted, on alternate sides of the bus passenger compartment, installed with proper phasing. Total impedance seen at the input connecting end shall be 8 Ohms. Mounting shall be accomplished with riv-nuts and machine screws. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.3 Automatic Passenger Counter (APC) DEFAULT Base Bus -UTA An infrared APC system shall be installed. Agency to provide details of APC system, including installation locations and number of buses to be equipped. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.4 Radio Handset and Control System TS 82.4.1 Drivers Speaker DEFAULT Each bus shall have a recessed speaker in the ceiling panel above the driver. This speaker shall be the same component used for the speakers in the passenger compartment. It shall have 8 Ohms of impedance. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 186 of 277 TS 82.4.2 Handset DEFAULT Contractor will install a handset for driver use. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 82.4.3 Emergency Alarm DEFAULT Contractor shall install an emergency alarm that is accessible to the driver but hidden from view. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: TS 83. Event Data Recorders (EDR) DEFAULT No EDR shall be installed. Our specification being proposed for the section above (circle one below): EXCEEDS MEETS DOES NOT MEET Comment: P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 187 of 277 Device Description Location Function Visual/Audible The Proposer's Request for Approved Equal Engine run, rear Three-position toggle switch Engine compartment Permits running engine from rear start, normal front run position and off Amber light The Proposer wishes to clarify that there is no light for this feature. We request approval. Drive selector Touch panel switch Side console Provides selection of propulsion: forward, reverse, and neutral Gear selection The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the dash left wing area. We request approval. HVAC Switch or switches to control HVAC Side console Permits selection of passenger ventilation: off, cool, heat, low fan, high fan or full auto with on/off only The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the overhead switch panel. We request approval. Driver’s ventilation Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits supplemental ventilation: fan off, low, or high The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the overhead switch panel. We request approval. Defroster fan Rotary, three- position detent Side console or dash left wing Permits defroster: fan off, low, medium, or high The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the dash right wing area. We request approval. Defroster temperature Variable position Side console or dash left wing Adjusts defroster water flow and temperature control with main HVAC (TK or MCC) unit The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the dash right wing area. We request approval. Windshield wiper One-variable rotary position operating both wipers Dash left wing Variable speed control of left and right windshield wipers The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the side console. We request approval. Windshield washer Push button Dash left wing Activates windshield washers The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the side console. We request approval. Interior lights Three-position switch Side console Selects mode of passenger compartment lighting: off, on, or normal The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the overhead switch panel. We request approval. WC ramp/ kneel enable Two-position switch1 Side console or dash right wing Permits operation of ramp and kneel operations at each door remote panel Amber light This option is not offered. The Proposer has an independant switch for the Wheel Chair ramp and for the kneeling. We request approval. Front door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Front door remote or dash right wing Permits ramp and kneel activation from front door area, key required1 Amber light This option is not offered. The Proposer has an independant switch for the front door ramp and for the kneeling. We request approval. Front door ramp Three-position momentary switch Right side of steering wheel Permits deploy and stow of front ramp Red light The Proposer offers an amber light indicator. We request approval. Front kneel Three-position momentary switch Front door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at front door remote location Amber or red dash indicator; exterior alarm and amber light The Proposer offers an amber light indicator with an exterior alarm. The location of this device is on the dash right wing area. We request approval. Rear door ramp/kneel enable Two-position keyed switch1 Rear door remote Permits ramp and kneel activation from rear door area; key required1 Red light The Proposer does not offer this option (No rear ramp or rear kneel is offered). We request approval. Rear door ramp Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits deploy and stow of rear ramp The Proposer does not offer a ramp in the rear door. We request approval. Rear kneel Three-position momentary switch Rear door remote Permits kneeling activation and raise and normal at rear door remote location The Proposer does not offer the rear kneel option. We request approval. Video system event switch Momentary on/off momentary switch with plastic guard Side console Triggers event equipment, triggers event light on dash Amber light The specified supplier's base visual light is red or green, not amber. We request approval to provide red or green light. ATTACHMENT 1 TS 43.5 NORMAL BUS OPERATION INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 188 of 277 Device Description Location Function Visual/Audible The Proposer's Request for Approved Equal Destination sign interface Destination sign interface panel in approved location Facilitates driver interaction with destination sign system, manual entry LCD display The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is in the upper console. We request approval. High beam Detented push button In approved location Permits driver to toggle between low and high beam Blue light The Proposer wishes to clarify that the location of this device is on the steering column. We request approval. Remote engine speed Rotary rheostat Engine compartment Permits technician to raise and lower engine RPM from engine compartment The Proposer offers a three- position momentary switch. We request approval. Rear door passenger sensor disable Multi-pole toggle, detented In sign compartment or driver’s barrier compartment Permits driver to override rear door passenger sensing system The Proposer does not offer this option. We request approval. Auxiliary power 110V power receptacle Approved location Property to specify what function to supply The Proposer does not offer this option. We request approval. Air pressure gauge Primary and secondary,5-psi increments Dash centre panel Visual indication of primary and secondary air systems Red light and buzzer The Proposer offers acontinuous buzzer with red light indicator only when the air pressure is low. The air pressure increment is 10 psi. We request approval. Hot engine indicator Coolant temperature indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects hot engine condition and initiates time delay shutdown Red light The Proposer offers an amber light indicator with master gauge message. We request approval. Low engine oil pressure indicator Engine oil pressure indicator may be supplied as audible alert and visual and/or text message Within driver’s sight Detects low engine oil pressure condition and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light The Proposer offers a red light indicator with master gauge message and continuous buzzer. We request approval. ABS indicator Detects system status Dash centre Displays system failure Amber light The Proposer offers an amber light indicator with 3 seconds buzzer. We request approval. HVAC indicator Detects system status Dash centre Displays system failure Amber or red light The Proposer offers an amber light indicator with 3 seconds buzzer. We rrequest approval. Charging system indicator (12/24 V) Detect charging system status Dash centre Detects no charge condition and optionally detects battery high, low, imbalance, no charge condition, and initiates time-delayed shutdown Red light flashing or solid based on condition The Proposer offers a red light indicator with 3 seconds buzzer. We request approval. Bike rack deployed indicator rack deployed indicator Detects bike rack position Dash center Indication of bike rack not being in fully stowed position Amber or red light The Proposer wishes to clarify that this option is not offered. We request approval. DEF gauge Level Indicator Dash centre Displays level of DEF tank and indicates with warning light when low Red light The Proposer offers an amber light. We request approval. Active regeneration Detects status Dash centre Indication of electric regeneration Amber or red light The Proposer offers an amber light indicator. We request approval. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 189 of 277 TECHNICAL NARRATIVE – BODY MATERIAL TYPE General Description & Design The stainless steel structure is the foundation of all Nova LFS vehicles. Welded at the St- François-du-Lac plant, our structure is designed to guarantee our buses’ durability and reliability, eliminating the need for a structural midlife overhaul. Key Benefits • The LFS does not require any structural overhaul or regular and costly anti- corrosion treatments, which impacts warranty coverage and provides maintenance cost savings • Side-impact plates offer superior resistance in the event of collision, protecting passengers from injuries. Test results show that the LFS surpasses the requirements of the “Baseline Advanced Design Transit Coach Specifications” – White Book. Corrosion resistant, particularly in highly corrosive environments, high in road deicing salts, humidity or bus wash detergents • The high frame stiffness and structural integrity of our single platform increases passenger comfort and provides a sense of safety Technical Specifications • Successfully passed the Bodycote/Exova NY fatigue test • Altoona-tested • Surpasses APTA White Book crashworthiness requirements • ORTECH fatigue-tested; vehicle compliant to 500,000 miles in a NYC environment • Tectyl 3344 and Sicopoxy undercoating for maximum resistance • Composite flooring bonded to the structure after its pre-treatment P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 190 of 277 Structural Frame Material Three types of stainless steels are used on the structure. 1. ASTM A240 UNS S41003 Nova Bus generally uses stainless steel similar to ASTM 410 for sheet metal parts as well as for 12ga and 14ga tubing. Composition: 10 to 13% chrome 0.03% carbon max. 0.4 to 1.6 % nickel 0.5 to 1.5 % manganese + other materials 2. ASTM A240 UNS S30403 Common stainless steel offers better resistance to corrosion. It is used in 18 ga sheets, in plates 1/2" thick or thicker, and in tubing with 3/16" thick walls. Composition: 0.03% carbon max. 8 to 11% nickel 18 to 20% chrome 2 % manganese + other materials 3. ASTM A240 UNS S20400 This stainless steel, also known as Nitronic 30, is used in plates 3/16", ¼" and 3/8" thick. Composition : 0.03% carbon max. 15 to 17% chrome 1.5 to 3% nickel 7 to 9% manganese + other materials The LFS stainless steel structure is service proven. Confidential and Nova Bus/Volvo Group Proprietary P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 191 of 277 Structure Frame Mild Steel Parts Reasons 1. Threaded tow eye mounts The part that is exposed to the elements is protected by anti-seize compound (“Never-Seez”) 2. Engine cradle and supports, fuel filter support bracket Painted parts 3. Auxiliary heating unit (Webasto) support Painted part 4. Air conditioning compressor cradle (option) Painted part 5. Air filter mounting bracket Painted part 6. Muffler support brackets Painted parts with little exposure to the elements 7. Radiator cradle Painted part with little exposure to the elements 8. Threaded mounting plates of upper radius rods Very thick part, makes maintenance easier (stainless steel difficult to unscrew) 9. Air reservoir and valve supports Painted parts with little exposure to the elements 10. Lower radius rod supports, rear axle Very thick part (1.5" thick) Confidential and Nova Bus/Volvo Group Proprietary P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 192 of 277 Structural Frame Material Nova Bus uses three types of stainless steel in the structure: S30403, S41003 & S20400. Each material is specifically selected in order to optimize the strength, vehicle weight and cost. Nova Bus not only provides stainless steel structures, we also provide a long history of manufacturing transit bus stainless steel structures with a proven track record for durability and corrosion resistance. Thousands of LFS stainless structures are currently in service throughout North America. References: Certified welders: American Welding Society AWS D8.8M :2007 Altoona Tested - No class 1 or class 2 failures. Please refer to attached Altoona Test Report. Exova Design Validation test: Accelerated fatigue test performed on a production vehicle on a vehicle road simulator calibrated to reproduce efforts during a 500 000 miles in a NYC operating environment. The structure has therefore been thoroughly fatigue and strength tested. The structure withstands high corrosive environments as observed in Canada and the U.S. east coast. Wheel Housing - Design and Construction Material The front wheelhouses are made of stainless steel covered with either flat or textured reinforced fiberglass material which is grey-color-impregnated to match the interior finish. The rear wheelhouses are made of reinforced fiberglass material. The reinforced fiberglass gives the benefit of obtaining more space in the passenger compartment because of the possibility of making a tighter wheel house radius. This design does not compromise the structural integrity or strength. Wheelhouses have passed the APTA Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines fire resistance and steel ball tests successfully. Front wheelhouse Rear wheelhouse Confidential and Nova Bus/Volvo Group Proprietary P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 193 of 277 TECHNICAL NARRATIVE – BODY DESIGN Design & Materials Upper Body Panels All exterior panels are made of composite materials bonded in place with structural adhesive. This process eliminates the need for mechanical fasteners, and prevents corrosion and the forming of stress risers. The roof, side panels, rear and front face are fiberglass. Side panels above the rub rail are 0.157" thick, as are the roof panels. The front face assembly is 0.236" thick and the rear face assembly is 0.157” thick. The fiberglass panels have a gel coat finish in a Lily white color, with a high gloss finish. This design minimizes maintenance and eliminates the need to paint the bus. Thermoplastic Panels The lilly-white coloured skirt panels are made of high impact thermoplastic (Polycarbonate and ABS) which is very flexible, and resist minor damage. There are no openings in the skirt panels with the exception of the battery door, the windshield washer access door and the accessory access door. To improve maintenance, most of the skirt panels are fastened to the structure with automotive fasteners. Majority of panels can be replaced in less than 5 minutes without need for bodywork, special training or tooling. The lily- white rear removable corners are made of thermoplastic PolyOlefin material providing an exceptional combination of stiffness, impact resistance and dimensional stability. All exterior access doors (including the engine access door) are made of painted aluminum panels, except for the radiator access door which is made of fiberglass. The radiator top grille is made of painted steel and the fairings are painted aluminum. (Actual appearance may be different depending on skirt color selected) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 194 of 277 Joint Sealing Compounds Joints are made with three sealants (Sika 221 and 552 Aero grey). Sikaflex 221 – a polyurethane-based sealant that cures with humidity and does not shrink. Used to seal glued joints as it is perfectly compatible with Sika 252 glue. In addition, it is very flexible, making it an excellent sealant for moving joints (thermal dilationg). It is used on lateral fiberglass panels. Sikaflex 552 – Low VOC, high performance, elastic, gap-filling, one-part, silane-terminated polymer structural adhesive that cures on exposure to atmospheric moisture to form a durable elastomer. Undercoating Tectyl 3344 and Sicopoxy undercoating is applied during manufacturing and will need to be reapplied after the 8th and 16th year to maximize corrosion protection of the underframe. Fasteners Panels are bonded to the structure using Sikaflex Sika 252 glue. Side skirts are attached using automotive type fir tree panel clips (plastic clips). Safety Walk Tape 3M Safety Walk Tape (200 Series, White 280 Color) is installed in bolded black outlined roof area indicated below. Rain Gutters Rain gutters are included to prevent water flowing from the roof onto the passenger doors, operator’s side window, and exterior mirrors. When the bus decelerates, the gutters do not drain onto the windshield, or operator’s side window, or into the door boarding area. Cross sections of the gutters are installed for proper operation. Rain gutters are not offered above the passenger side windows. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 195 of 277 License Plate Provisions Provisions are available to mount standard-size U.S./Canada license plates per SAE J686 on the rear and the front of the bus. The rear provision is recess and integrated into the engine door. The license plate can be cleaned by automatic bus-washing equipment without being caught by the brushes. The rear license plate provision is illuminated per SAE J587. Nova Bus' rear license plate is located at the center of the bus, 3 feet from the ground. It is fixed with stainless steel screws and bolts. Also, if required, Nova Bus can offer one of two locations for the front license plate (can be discussed at Pre-Production Meeting). Fender Skirts Flexible Fender Skirts minimize water spray from the bus in wet conditions at each corner. The fender skirts are easily replaceable and do not interfere with wheel/tire assembly replacement. Splash Aprons Splash aprons, composed of 1/4-inch-minimum composition or rubberized fabric, are installed on rear-side of all wheels as needed to reduce road splash and protect underfloor components. Apron widths extend across the width of the bus. Splash aprons are bolted to the bus understructure. Exterior Service Compartments and Access Doors P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 196 of 277 # Description Hinged Assistance Closing Mechanism Color Floor Dimensions Location 1 Air dryer access door Yes cylinder White 1020 X 570 Located on the curb side at the rear of the bus 2 Engine rear access door Yes Cylinder White 1880 X 850 Located at the rear of the bus 3 Engine lateral access door Yes Cylinder White 1020 X 570 Located on the street side at the rear of the bus 4 Battery access door Yes Cylinder White 960 X 430 Located on the street side at the rear of the bus 5 Windshield washer reservoir access door Yes Spring White 240 X 250 Located on the street side at the front of the bus 6 Radiator access door Yes Cylinder White 1810 X 410 Located on the roof at the rear of the bus 7 Fuel access door Yes Spring White 340 X 230 Located on the curb side at the rear of the bus #1 Air Dryer Access Door #2 Engine Rear Access Door Panel raised & lowered #3 Engine Lateral Access & #4 Battery Access Doors P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 197 of 277 #5 Windshield Washer Fluid Access Door #6 Radiator Access Door #7 Diesel Fuel Access Door Batteries Engine lateral P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 198 of 277 Bumpers As per APTA White Book, the rear bumper and its mounting shall provide impact protection to the bus at curb weight from a 3.2 kph or 2mph impact with a fixed, flat barrier perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline of the bus. Bumpers increase the overall bus length by 11 inches. Nova Bus provides bumpers at 29 inches from the top of the bumper to the ground. This height meets the Standard Bus Procurement Guide requirement 27 +/- 2 inches. Front Bumper Nova Bus is proposing a 3-piece front bumper from Romeo Rim. Rear Bumper Nova Bus is proposing a 3-piece rear bumper from Romeo Rim. The rear design of the bumpers does not allow any unauthorized riders to climb. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 199 of 277 TECHNICAL NARRATIVE – SUB-FLOOR DESIGN Floor Construction The floor deck is integrated with the basic structure to prevent chafing or horizontal movement and designed to last the life of the bus. Sheet metal screws are not used to retain the floor. The floor is secured to the structure with adhesives and its effectiveness lasts throughout the life of the bus. The floor deck supports passenger loads. At GVWR, the floor has an elastic deflection of no more than 0.60 inches from the normal plane. The floor withstands the application of 2.5 time gross load weight without permanent detrimental deformation. Floor, with coverings applied, can withstand a static load of at least 150 pounds applied through the flat end of a ½ inch-diameter rod, with 1/32-inch radius, without permanent visible deformation. The use of composite floor and Gerflor Tarabus floor covering are service proven. They are offered as a standard design in our vehicles since 2008. Nova Bus is using molded floor assemblies consisting of a foam-filled, honeycomb core, encapsulated in glass reinforced, unsaturated polyester resin, manufactured by a vacuum- assisted, resin infusion process (VARTM). Properties • Top / Bottom skin: 0.04” thick infused polyester or epoxy resin reinforced with bi-axial stitch mat • Core materials: phenolic impregnated, craft paper honeycomb, filled with closed-cell polyurethane foam. Solid, glass reinforced cores for areas of reduced thickness • Finish: Road-side rippled, interior surface smooth. • Edges: reinforced, factory sealed P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 200 of 277 • Standard nominal thickness: 0.75” ± 0.020” • Weight: Approximately 1.5 lbs / square foot • Standard fire resistance: FMVSS / CMVSS 302 Benefits • Will not rot, mildew, soften, warp, split or delaminate from exposure to water, cleaning solvents, snow, or ice. • 31% lighter than an equivalent thickness of ACQ plywood which reduces fuel consumption. • Stiffer than ACQ plywood, allowing greater un-reinforced spans. • Self-insulating with 60% reduction in thermal energy transmission • Impervious to insects and termites • Greatly reduce the need for floor joints Floor Joint Locations & Floor to Wall Transition Joint Construction P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 201 of 277 Floor Covering Nova Bus floor system composed of the composite floor and the PVC floor covering is designed for the life of the bus. Both provide the best durable and weight saving solution. Nova Bus is using Gerflor Tarabus PVC floor covering installed into the controlled environment that provides the manufacturing process of the composite floor and minimizing joints. This provides a constant performance free of defect floor system eliminating any possibility of water infiltration or separation at the edges and avoiding contamination that could lead in the floor covering delamination from the composite floor. This manufacturing process provides a perfect match and mating surface between the composite floor and the floor covering and allows for integral nozing at the same time. Gerflor Tarabus PVC, fiber-glass, silicon carbide and non-woven textile has been developed, tested and has shown durability to survive heavy traffic. Easy to maintain, it provides passengers with a safe, non-slip surface, even when wet. In addition, it has an excellent static coefficient of friction of 0.60 ASTM D 2047, in either dry or wet conditions. These are the main factors for a low life cycle cost of the Nova Bus floor system. 1. Durable ( waterproof and resistant to rot, mildew and water damage ) 2. Rigid surface 3. Minimizing joints ( Pre-welded to virtually eliminate seams and joints ) 4. Controlled environment P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 202 of 277 Floor Height and Slope The floor is a continuous flat plane, except at the wheel housing and platform areas. The floor height above the street is 15.3 inches, which is measured at the centerline of the front and rear doorway. The floor design consists of two levels. After the rear door extending to the rear seat riser, the floor height is raised to a height of 16 inches above the lower level. The floor is inclined along the longitudinal axis of the bus, and the incline is 1.7 degrees off the horizontal except locally at the doors where 1.5 degrees slope toward the door is allowed for drainage. All floor measurements are done with the bus at the design running height and on a level surface and with the use of standard 305 tires Operator Platform The operator platform is at a height that, in a seated position, the operator can see an object located at an elevation of 42” above the road surface, 24” from the leading edge of the bumper. Platform height is 13 inches. Integral nosing is provided. Floor covering of the platform surface is the same material throughout the vehicle with Gerflor Tarabus Borneo yellow edge. Rear Step Area to Rear Area (Transit Bus) Bi-level Floor Design The rear stepwell is part of the Nova Bus structure. The frame is made from stainless steel and is welded as part of the structure (see figure 1 below). The floor is made from composite flooring as the rest of the bus floor. The step tread is 15.5 inches deep. Each riser is 8 inches high (see figure 2 below). It is a two steps design to accommodate a raised aisle floor in the rear of the bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 203 of 277 Control units in the VBEA system TECHNICAL NARRATIVE - ELECTRICAL SYSTEM/COMPONENTS Overview The VBEA, or Volvo Bus Electronic Architecture, is our factory-installed multiplex system. It is a networked, modular input-output infrastructure used for all control needs inside the vehicle. Each VBEA component is interchangeable and self-reprogrammed. Designed to optimize performance, the VBEA system provides easy real-time onboard diagnostics and communication between the bus’ electronically-controlled units. Key Benefits • Easily programmable I/O infrastructure. Configurable parameters can be changed by clients without having to reprogram the bus • Interchangeable and self- reprogramming modules • Easy diagnostic via a laptop VBEA diagnostic technology • No diagnostics software or license required for the life of the vehicle, translating into significant cost savings • Resilient CAN-based inter-module communication • Spare I/O capacity in the vehicle for expansion • Proven technology, developed and used by Volvo Buses and Trucks since 1996 • Maximum integration of electrical and ITS components through the vehicle’s electrical structure design Technical Specifications • 3 module types deployed throughout the vehicle • I/O-A: 15 analog/digital I/O (1 amp output) • I/O-B: 10 analog outputs (10-20 amp), 4 digital inputs, short protection • MCM: VBEA Interface Controller • Extended temperature support: -40 °F to 158 °F (-40 °C to 70 °C) • High resilience automotive packaging • Communication with J1939 • Based on 24V components • HTML-based diagnostics • Short circuit protection and auto reset on power cycling P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 204 of 277 Modular Design The Volvo group has developed the VBEA multiplex system to satisfy those needs. The system is made up of four types of modules which perform generic functions over the multiplex system. The specific behavior or application of each module is software-activated. An advanced development environment facilitates the design and implementation of electrical systems. These modules have been approved and are being used in, among others, Volvo and Prevost Car buses. These modules have satisfied Volvo’s rigorous demands and tests, and worldwide availability of all parts is guaranteed through Prevost Parts. CAN and Volcano The multiplex system interconnects the modules over the Controller Area Network (CAN). Volvo’s V-BEA multiplex system uses the Volcano protocol which ensures all signals arrive at their intended destinations within the proper time-frame. Multiplex modules location’s: LFS40 I/O A: 8 I/O B: 10 The VBEA multiplex system is service proven. It is also widely used within the Volvo Group. . MCM P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 205 of 277 General Battery Arrangement Description The Battery Tray is offered with ventilation holes. The batteries are placed on a pivoting frame in the battery compartment. Some vehicles are equipped with a monitoring system for battery imbalance (optional). This system emits an audible and visual signal when the batteries detect a difference of 1 V and more. Technical Specifications Brand ...........................................................................East Penn Model.......................................................................... 8A8D Quantity .........................................................................Two Voltage ....................................................................... 12 V Cold Cranking Amps @ 0°F (-18°C) …………………..1425 amps Voltage Converter in lieu of Battery Equalizer In order to maintain the batteries in optimal condition, Nova Bus does not use a battery equalizer. All power is equally drawn from both batteries and a DC/DC converter supplies 12v as required. The main advantage of the converter is to provide a clean 12V source to sensitive electronic equipment. The DC/DC converter does not communicate on J1939, however one of the standard features of the VBEA multiplex system is battery monitoring. We also display the battery voltage in the maintenance menu of the ACTIA instrument panel. Nova Bus offers the SUREPOWER 60A, 80A and 100A DC/DC converter. The output power will be adapted according to the onboard ITS equipment. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 206 of 277 Jump Start An electrical type receptacle is installed in the engine compartment. An additional receptacle can be placed in the battery compartment. This connector is sized to carry the necessary electric current to charge the bus batteries and configured to maintain proper polarity. A retained cap is installed to protect against dirt and moisture when not in use. Depending of options selected by customer, Nova Bus will propose the ideal position for the jump start connector. This will be discussed at pre-production meeting P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 207 of 277 Battery Compartment and Swing-Out Tray The vented, self-draining battery compartment or enclosure is constructed of corrosion-resistant materials and is accessible only from the outside of the bus. All components in the battery compartment, and the compartment itself, are protected from damage or corrosion from electrolyte and gases emitted by the battery, as well as from snow, slush, salt spray, mud, etc. generated from external environmental conditions. The inside surface of the battery compartment access door is electrically insulated to prevent battery terminals from shorting on the door in the event the door is damaged in an accident or a battery comes loose. The battery compartment is located at the rear of the street side of the vehicle. Access to the compartment requires unlocking the door latch and swinging the door upwards and out. The swing-out battery tray is easier to manipulate, and, in our opinion, is less likely to bind. The tray is secured in both the stored and deployed positions. Master Battery Switch The batteries are equipped with a switch for disconnecting both 24V power. 12Vdc being provided by conversion of the 24 Vdc by DC –Dc converters, it does disconnect the 12 Vdc at the same time. Turning the master switch “OFF” with the power plant operating will not damage any component of the electrical system. The master switch is capable of carrying and interrupting the total circuit load. Battery tray lock P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 208 of 277 Starter cable to the low voltage batteries is connected to a junction block since the low voltage batteries are mounted in a separate compartment Low-Voltage Generation and Distribution Alternator The Power 535 EMP 28V Alternator system is composed of a belt-driven, air-cooled, brushless alternator and an electronic voltage regulator. These components are controlled by the vehicle’s multiplexing system. The alternator produces 535A @ 6000 RPM, stabilized at 20°C per SAE J56. The voltage regulator limits the maximum voltage produced at the alternator’s output terminal by controlling the rotor’s magnetic field by excitation. The alternator provides electrical power and charges de batteries. Voltage regulator The voltage regulator is located in the battery compartment. The Voltage Regulator is a maintenance-free, electronic component sealed in an aluminum case. It is designed to protect against over-voltage and short circuits. The function of the regulator is to maintain the same voltage, although there are wide fluctuations in alternator speed and load, thus preventing battery undercharge or overcharge. Converter 24/12 DC-DC Converters continue to provide regulated power directly to accessory or main loads. Depending of the needs, we provide DC-DC Converters producing up to 60 amps at 12V from 24V source. Battery disconnect switch access door located in the battery access door P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 209 of 277 TECHNICAL NARRATIVE – HVAC SYSTEMS/COMPONENTS HVAC Capacity and Performance Nova Bus offers roof-mounted HVAC systems to reduce weight on the rear axle, optimize weight distribution and ensure passenger comfort Technical Specifications of the HVAC offered in base offer Thermo King roof-mounted Athenia AM-II 1000 HVAC system including the following: • Single-piece R407c unit • TK 24V DC Brushless motors • Thermo King IntelligAire III 27VDC controller • High and low side pressure transducers • Thermo King X430 Reciprocating Compressor, set up for R407c refrigerant • Installation kit The Thermo-King HVAC is service proven and provided to current customers. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 210 of 277 Capacity and Performance Requirements Thermo King Athenia AM-II 1000 Technical Data Controls and Temperature Uniformity Because of the HVAC central location, air flow is improved throughout the vehicle, essential for temperature uniformity. Ventilation and Air Conditioning The ventilation and air conditioning system is controlled by the OEM supplying the control unit. The temperature set point for the optimum comfort of the passengers is recorded in the control unit and can be changed easily if necessary. The system controls the ventilation and air conditioning to ensure the temperature is maintained in the vehicle. The ventilation and air conditioning system is designed to provide excellent air distribution throughout the bus. The HVAC unit is roof mounted and circulates the air from the ceiling above center aisle to the ducting above the windows, on each side of the bus. Consequently, any seated or standee place is ventilated and the temperature variation is maintained within acceptable limits. Operator A/C - Ventilation Controls Thermo King: - IntelligAire III ThermoKing Controls – passenger area and driver P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 211 of 277 Front Ventilation A 3-speed ventilation/blower unit utilizing a brushless motor will be provided that moves the conditioned air from the Bus HVAC system to the operator’s area. The outlets are adjustable, located in front of the operator and face rearward. Note that the actual heater architecture may change slightly per detailed engineering development. Booster Fan The booster fan is located above the driver's head and is integrated into the driver’s compartment. It has independent controls in the driver's area and is fully adjustable. The overhead booster fan generates 244 CFM. The booster fan switch is located in the overhead panel. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 212 of 277 This switch has three positions: LOW, HIGH, and OFF, and controls ventilation in the driver’s compartment. • A fan in the console over the window on the operator’s left moves the air. • Two adjustable air vents can be used to direct air towards the operator. • The operator’s window is defrosted and defogged by means of vertical slots under the window. Operator’s Foot Fan Switch For the driver to get air from the HVAC system directed at the foot level, a switch is installed on the overhead panel. This switch has two positions: ON and OFF. This switch activates the blower fan directed toward the feet of the Operator. Electronically-Operated Foot Vent The electronically-operated foot vent is shown on the photo below. The trap is on the driver’s platform of the vehicle; it provides fresh air to the driver’s feet area. The operator’s foot vent switch is located on the driver’s overhead console. Operator’s Booster Fan Switch Operator’s Foot Fan Switch P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 213 of 277 Air Filtration Air is filtered before discharge into the passenger compartment. The filter meets the ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 requirement for 5 percent or better atmospheric dust spot efficiency, 50 percent weight arrestance, and a minimum dust holding capacity of 120 gram per 1,000 cfm cell. The filters are cleanable and reusable. Entrance Area Heating The heating system at the front door is mainly composed of the defroster heating unit. A duct draws air from the defroster unit, a dedicated fan then blows the heated air to the front door area. Defroster Unit: Mfg: MCC P/N: 12-7580 Capacity: 66000 BTU/hr, 500cfm P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 214 of 277 Exhibit ‘B’ – Proposal Pricing (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 215 of 277 Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus $446,500.00 $510,525.00 ADVERTISING FRAMES None $0.00 AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR Engineer Products Inc. Filter minder $8.00 AIR SYSTEM Wabco 30.4 $1,699.00 AIR SYSTEM Bendix AD-IP Air Dryer $250.00 AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton S790)$22.00 AIR SYSTEM Expello Auto Drain $158.00 ALTERNATOR EMP Alternator only $3,180.00 AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA APC Sensors, Cabling, CPU Only (Integrated w/ ITS) $4,765.00 AXLES & SEALS Axles w/ grease seals only $12,120.00 AXLES & SEALS ZF Ecofluid 80W90 Oil $34.00 BATTERIES (2) DEKA 8D Side or Top Post Connections (Nova Bus offers Eastpenn 8A8D) $745.00 BATTERIES Surepower 21060C00 Voltage Converter $339.00 BATTERIES Anderson 300 Jump Start Connector - Street Side Battery Compartment and Engine Compartment $296.00 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Powder Coated $1,278.00 BIKE RACKS Bike Rack Deployed Indicator Lamp on Driver's Dash (Included with bike rack) $56.00 BRAKES Bendix ABS and Knor Disc Brakes $3,206.00 COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM DC Power Filter for Radio Wiring (Please see Note 1) $0.00 COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Power Circuit (Route to RH Dash & Electrical Equipment Box) Roof Mount RF/GPS $1,506.00 COOLING SYSTEM Novabus Modine E-Cooling radiator and fans $4,119.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% White LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear $4,514.00 DOOR SYSTEM-- FRONT Nova Bus offers Vapor Ameriview Air Operated Slide Glide Doors, 43" Clear Width $3,422.00 DOOR SYSTEM-- REAR OEM Standard Air Open/Spring Close Rear Door with Full Driver Control--31.75" Minimum Doorway Clear Width $3,910.00 DOOR SYSTEM-- REAR Add Touch Bars (Air Open / Spring Close) at Rear Door with Driver Override $669.00 DRIVER BARRIER None N/A DRIVER CONTROLS Williams Controls 41 Degree Throttle and Brake Pedal (Non-Adjustable) $100.00 DRIVER HEATERS MCC Drivers Heater-Brushless Motors, Electric Control, Removable Filter $976.00 DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) $2,072.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 50"H X 23"W x 24"D, 1-door $4,126.00 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Base Bus Price Total Base Bus Price 40Ft Diesel Total Base Bus Price 40Ft CNG Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus ENGINE Cummins ISL 280 H.P. Diesel $33,689.00 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Magnetic Drain Plug (Not included by Cummins) not offered EXHAUST SYSTEM Cummins Computest Fitting at Turbo Outlet Pipe not offered EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4" Diameter LED Tail Lights--Turn, Tail, Stop, $295.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS 4 LED Headlights (Low & High Beam) $621.00 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 7"X5", 2-piece, heated, remote control, both sides $660.00 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x11", 2-Piece, with remote adjustment (Curbside Mirror) By Quote FARE COLLECTION No Farebox , Provide Power Circuit and Groundstrap Only $0.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression System $4,947.00 FLOORING Composite Flooring Included in bus frame FLOORING Gerflor Tarabus Helios Flooring Included in bus frame FRAME 3CR12 Stainless Steel (Nova Bus note: ASTM A240 Stainless Steel Frame (UNS S41003, S30403, and S20400) $48,910.00 FUEL SYSTEM Spin On Primary and Secondary Fuel Filters $180.00 GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Speedometer, Air Pressure Gauge, 12/24 volt Gauges, DEF Gauge, Engine Oil Pressure, Engine Coolant Temp Gauge included in ACTIA Master $587.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King AMII 1000 w/ X430 (Athenia) $19,424.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING R407C Refrigerent $622.00 HUBOMETER Veeder Root Mechanical without Tenths, without $33.00 INTERIOR LIGHTS LED Interior Lights $2,697.00 INTERIOR 8" X 16" Rear view mirror, flat face $25.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices IVN 4 (AVL/GPS/CAD/Automatic Stop Annunciation) $18,824.00 MISCELLANOUS Scissor Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows $169.00 MODESTY PANELS Standard Melamine Panels on Lower Section $337.00 PAINT One Color w/ Black Power-coated mullions aluminum /black power-coated frames $24.00 PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Curbisde Aft of ADA Area Included in seating price PASSENGER BARRIERS Wheelchair Barrier--Streetside Aft of ADA Area Included in seating price PASSENGER SEATING USSC 4ONE Gemini $13,956.00 PASSENGER SIGNALS Pull Cords (Neutral) with Touch Pad at Wheelchair Location $160.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed $9,484.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM PA with Handheld Mic w / (8) Flush Mount Speakers 35' (6) w / 30' $223.00 REAR RUN CONTROLS Engine Run Control and Start Switch, Compartment Light Switch $958.00 Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus ROOF HATCHES Manual Hatch at Front and Rear Positions (Diesel bus only) $400.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 5LBS ABC Fire Extinguisher (Mounted Behind Driver Seat) $82.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Safety Triangles (Truck Lite Model TBD) $14.00 SCHEDULE RACK NONE N/A STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Stainless Steel Vertical Stanchions, Grabrails, and Modesty Panel Tubes $475.00 STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Vinyl Coated Flexible, extruded PVC $64.00 STARTER Delco 42MT Electric $386.00 STEERING SYSTEM Douglas, Single Tilt, Without Column Turn Signal, Without High-Low Beam Switch $435.00 STEERING SYSTEM Steering Wheel--Standard 20" Non-Padded 3 Spoke Wheel with Center Horn Button $51.00 STEERING Bosch Model 8090-956-372 Recirculating Balls Type $502.00 STYLING PACKAGES Standard Styling Package no styling feature STYLING PACKAGES Windshield 1-Piece $218.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 6TB HDD, GPS, Wireless, Impact Sensor $11,181.00 TIRES Agency Supplied Tires N/A TOWING None N/A TRANSMISSION Allison B400R $19,411.00 WHEELCHAIR RAMP Lift U--Ramp (LU-18 Dual Mode Front Door Ramp Only) $6,855.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC ( V-Pro) $874.00 WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with Durabrite $2,095.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE ADA Priority Seat Decals--"PLEASE OFFER THESE SEATS TO THE ELDERLY AND PERSONS $6.00 DECALS & Drivers Instructions & Warning--English, Black on $5.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE Interior Symbol Decals (3)--ISO Symbols, No Smoking/Eating/Drinking/Radio. White on Black $84.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE Vehicle Height Decal--English "Caution Clearance Height XX FT XX IN, Black on Yellow $28.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE Drivers /Passengers Standee Warning Decal for Florida--"It Is A Violation For This Bus To Be In Operation With Passengers Occupying The Area Forward Of Yellow Line. Therefore Passengers May Not Stand Forward Of The Yellow Line While Bus Is $6.00 MANUALS Drivers, Service, Parts, Electrical, Vendor (Hardcopy) & Compact Disc (CD)--1 Set Hardcopy & 1 CD (Up to 3 buses ordered) $112.00 Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus ADVERTISING FRAMES (1) Information Board (#15-55401-000)By Quote ADVERTISING FRAMES Advertising Frame - Interiorl22" X 21",RH Load, Open Back, Clear Aluminum Finish $243.00 AIR SYSTEM Bendix ADIP , Heated, Air Dryer included in AIR SYSTEM Bendix Puraguard Air / Oil Separator Not Offered AIR SYSTEM Chicago Rawhide Dual Turbo 2000 Air Dryer Not Offered AIR SYSTEM Electric Driven 12.5 CFM--BAE Hybrid Package Not Offered AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA15 Air Dryer Not Offered AIR SYSTEM Graham White Sludge Braker QBA60 Air Dryer Not Offered AIR SYSTEM Haldex Consep Moisture Ejector, Heated, at Air included in AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection ( Milton 770)$0.00 AIR SYSTEM Shop Air Connection (Milton 727)$0.00 AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT 2000 Duraguard, 24V Heated, Filtration Plus Air Dryer Not Offered AIR SYSTEM SKF, HCT_2000 Duraguard Air Dryer $93.00 AIR SYSTEM Wabco SS 1800, Heated, Air Dryer Not Offered ALTERNATOR BAE APS2 Beltless Alternator DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Sub-Systems Not Offered ALTERNATOR Neihoff 803D (525 AMP) with Remote Regulator Not Offered ALTERNATOR Neihoff C840 (500 AMP ) Offered on Diesel buses only for Nova Bus $465.00 ALTERNATOR Neihoff C803 Alternator with Remote Regulator Not Offered ALTERNATOR Vanner 300 AMP DC-DC Converter Not Offered AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER Clever Devices CleverCount System $2,949.00 AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities (Nova Bus note: Back-end software and infrastructure not included) $2,377.00 AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER UTA Automatic Passenger Counter System with GPS, WLAN Capabilities (without APC software & Wi-Fi data transfer $2,187.00 AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals included in AXLES & SEALS Hub Piloted Wheels, Axles with Oil Seals Not Offered AXLES & SEALS Rear Axle Oil Drain Plug--Magnetic Internal Hex Head Plug included in base AXLES & SEALS Stud Piloted Wheels and Axles w/ Grease Seals Not Offered BATTERIES 24 Volt to 13.6 Volt DC-DC Converter included in BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Connector (Each)included in BATTERIES Anderson 350 Jump Start Delete -$150.00 BATTERIES Group 31 Batteries (Note for Nova Bus:Qty: 4 Odyssey AGM PC2150) $652.00 BATTERIES Marine Cabling for Charging System Not Offered BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors –Vanner Start Sentry Not Offered BATTERIES Ultra Capacitors--HBI KA Power $3,551.00 BATTERIES Vanner 80-series Smart Battery Equalizer w/CAN Not Offered BATTERIES Voltage spike arrestor, S.K.I. Products SKI241- 101445, or approved equal Not Offered P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Options List Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak Pivot Plate Only -$614.00 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 2-Position, Stainless Steel $0.00 BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Powder Coated Not Offered BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak, 3-Position, Stainless Steel Not Offered BIKE RACKS Byk-Rak-Mounting Brackets Only Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Powder Coated Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 2, 2-Position, Stainless Steel Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX 3, 3-Position, Powder Coated Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks APEX3, 3-Position, Stainless Steel Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2, 2-Position, Powder Coated -$242.00 BIKE RACKS Sportworks DL2,2-Position, Stainless Steel $82.00 BIKE RACKS Sportworks Mounting Brackets Only Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks Pivot Plate Only -$555.00 BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Powder Not Offered BIKE RACKS Sportworks Trilogy (DL3), 3-Position, Stainless Steel Not Offered BRAKES Automatic Traction Control-(ATC)included in BRAKES Four Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS included in BRAKES MGM E-Stroke Brake Wear Monitoring System $2,757.00 CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 120" III Fuel Tanks Not Offered CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (4) 85" & (4) 120" Type III Fuel Tanks Not Offered CNG 201X Cummins ISL-G 280 HP, with (8) 85" III Fuel Tanks Not Offered CNG 20XX Cummins L9N 280 HP, with Minimum 17,500 included in CNG Add Second Fast Fill to Low Mount Position Not Offered CNG Electric Solenoid Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves Not Offered CNG Manual Fuel Tank Shut-Off Valves Not Offered CNG Smart Gauge fuel System Monitoring Gauge (includes tank upgrade to electric solenoids) Not Offered COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 572 Antenna By Quote COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 930T Antenna with RG58 coax cable and TNC connector By Quote COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Antenna Specialist ASP 931 Antenna By Quote COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM GPS Antenna (Trimble 502 Model 18334)By Quote COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Harris XG-25M By Quote COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Motorola APX 4500 By Quote COMMUNICATION S SYSTEM Motorola APX 6500 By Quote COOLING SYSTEM Auxilary Coolant Heater - Valeo Thermo Plus 30kW for Diesel bus $1,771.00 COOLING SYSTEM Breeze Constant Tension Clamps included in COOLING SYSTEM E - Coat Radiator, Charge Air Cooler, & Hydraulic $752.00 COOLING SYSTEM Masabi Radiator Not Offered COOLING SYSTEM Modine Electric Cooling System without E-Coat included in COOLING SYSTEM Modine Hydraulic Cooling Fan System Not Offered COOLING SYSTEM Modine Side by Side Plate Fin Radiator Not Offered COOLING SYSTEM Oetiker Constant Torque Clamps Not Offered Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard Not Offered COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Tank Guard with Splash Shield Not Offered DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Hanover Wireless Programming By Quote DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Destination Sign Wireless Programming By Quote DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE Luminator Program Software By Quote DESTINATION SIGN SOFTWARE TwinVision Program Software By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS 200 x 24 Front Sign Amber Color By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS 200 x 24 Front Sign White Color By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Full Color Sign System By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Amber LED Sign (17 x 160)--Front ,Side, Rear -$56.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover 100% Full Color LED Sign (17 x 160)-- Front ,Side, Rear $2,778.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover Program Software $0.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--Amber LED $623.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--Color LED $872.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Add Front Run Sign--White LED $661.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Hanover--Delete Rear Sign -$836.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Amber LED Sign (16x 160)--Front, Side , and Rear $1,656.00 DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator GEN 4 Horizon 100% Silver LED Sign (16 x 160)--Front, Side , and Rear By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator InfoLite 24" monitor Not Offered DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator InfoTransit 24" monitor Not Offered DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator RearView Camera Integraded into Rear LED Sign By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Rearview Camera without Rear LED Sign By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Spectrum 100% Full Color LED GEN IV Front Sign (16 x 112) By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Amber Series Sign (24 x 200)-- Front, Side, and Rear By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator Titan Silver Series LED Sign (24 X 200)-- Front, Side, and Rear By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Amber LED By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Color LED By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator/Twinvision--Add Front Run Sign--Silver LED By Quote Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus DESTINATION SIGNS Luminator--Delete Rear Sign By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Amber LED Sign (16 x 160)--Front, Side, and Rear By Quote DESTINATION SIGNS TwinVision Smart Series 3 100% Silver LED Sign (16 X 160)-- Front, Side, and Rear By Quote DOOR SYSTEM Add Exterior Air Release (Front Door Control Valve) $412.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add Push Button Door Controls Not Offered DOOR SYSTEM Add Vapor Class 5 Position Analog Controller included in DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Activair Differential Engine for Slide- Glide Doors included in base DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor CLASS Acoustic (Photo Sensor)$1,756.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Digital Door Control - DDC Not Offered DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Electric Transit Operator - ETO $4,336.00 DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Light Touch Bars Not Offered DOOR SYSTEM Add--Vapor Optical Pressure Switch - OPS Not Offered DOOR SYSTEM-- REAR Add Touch Tape at Rear Doors Not Offered DRIVER BARRIER Drivers Barrier Storage Box Not Offered DRIVER BARRIER Driver's Security Enclosure $2,038.00 DRIVER BARRIER Flat Melamine, Two Piece Not Offered DRIVER BARRIER Plexiglass Drivers Security Enclosure Door Not Offered DRIVER BARRIER Wrap Around Fiberglass Drivers Barrier Not Offered DRIVER BARRIER Wraparound fiberglass, without schedule holders, with drivers barrier grap handle Not Offered DRIVER CONTROLS 12 V Cigarette Light Adaptor for PC auxilary power- Drivers area included in base DRIVER Kongsberg Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal Not Offered DRIVER Teleflex Adjustable Throttle and Brake Pedal $1,070.00 DRIVER HEATERS Dash Fan $74.00 DRIVERS SEAT Add Adjustable D-Ring to Recaro Ergo Metro By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Adustable D-Ring to USSC Seat By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to Recaro Ergo By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Drivers Seat Vacancy Alarm to USSC Seat By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to Recaro Ergo Metro By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Headrest to USSC Seat By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to Recaro Ergo Metro By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Orange Shoulder Belt to USSC Seat By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to Recaro Ergo Metro By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Seat Belt Alarm to USSC Seat By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to Recaro Ergo Metro vinyl covering included with recaro seat DRIVERS SEAT Add Vinyl Upholstery to USSC Seat By Quote DRIVERS SEAT Recaro Ergo Metro, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belts (Lap & Shoulder) -$10.00 DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt By Quote DRIVERS SEAT USSC 9100 ALX, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) $86.00 DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt By Quote DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2 Evolution, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) By Quote DRIVERS SEAT USSC G2A Evolution, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt By Quote Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 2-Point Belt (Lap) By Quote DRIVERS SEAT USSC Q Series, with Fabric, with 3-Point Belt (Lap & Shoulder) By Quote ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 68 in x W 10 in x H x 18.4 in D Baselight Equipment Cabinet : -$2,318.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 33"H x 20"D x 22.5"W, 1-Door, Louvered Back Panel Not Offered ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 24in D x 42 in Wx 50in H - Doors Enlarged Equipment Cabinet : $1,523.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET 8.25"H x 20"W x 13"D, 1-Door, Curbside Wheelhousing Storage Box -$3,855.00 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add 5/16" Square Key Lock--Each included in base ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Exhaust Ventilation Fan--Each included in base ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CABINET Add Standard Key Lock--Each included in base ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Femco Auto Drain Not Offered ENGINE OIL SYSTEM KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - engine oil Not Offered ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Sample Test Port--Titan Probalizer OD-1014 $92.00 ENGINE OIL SYSTEM Spinner II Bypass Filter System $1,231.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (High Beam Only)Not Offered EXTERIOR LIGHTS 2 LED Headlights (Low Beam Only)Not Offered EXTERIOR LIGHTS 7" Diameter LED Tail Lights--Turn, Tail, Stop $149.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Amber LED Strip Brake Light--Each $102.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 18" Red LED Strip Brake Light--Each included in EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 4" Diameter LED Brake Light--Each By Quote EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add 7" Diameter LED Brake Light--Each By Quote EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Amber Triangle Style LED "Yield" Sign Not Offered EXTERIOR LIGHTS Add Red LED "STOP" Sign $318.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Dual Halogen Headlights (Low & High Beam Only) -$101.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTS Fog Lights Not Offered EXTERIOR MIRRORS 5" Mirror Front Bike Rack Mirror $49.00 EXTERIOR MIRRORS Add Turn Signal Indicator on Exterior Mirror Head $240.00 EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 10"x13", 1-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) Not Offered EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x10", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) By Quote EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x15", 2-Piece, Heated, Remote Control (Both Sides) included in base Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus EXTERIOR MIRRORS B&R 8"x8", 1-Piece, Remote Control Both Sides, Stainless Steel Arms Not Offered EXTERIOR MIRRORS Delete Remote Control (Per Side)Not Offered FARE Add Farebox Lamp, Ceiling mounted included in FARE GFI 41" Tall Odyssey By Quote FARE Install Customer Provided Farebox Base Plate Not Offered FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Armored LTD Not Offered FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde Optical Sensor (each) (Nova Bus note: Qty 3 included in Kidde Fire Supression System) $754.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Add Kidde TLSE Not Offered FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex Safety-Net Fire Suppression & 4 Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only) included in base FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Amerex V-25 Fire Suppression System - Diesel Only -$1,531.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fogmaker Water Mist Fire Suppression & (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only) Not Offered FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum LTD Fire Detection and Suppression System - For Diesel Bus -$12.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Kidde Dual Spectrum with LTD and (4) Sensor Methane Detection (CNG only) Not Offered FLOORING Altro Transflor Not Offered FLOORING Composite Sub Floor included in FLOORING Stainless Steel Trim on Risers and Wheelhousings Not Offered FLOORING Transitflor Rubber Flooring Not Offered FRAME Engine Skid Protection W/ Extended Tow Eyes & 2" Thick x 2" Wide Wear Plate included in base FRAME Engine Skid Protection with Extended Tow Eyes included in FRAME Frame Undercoating included in FRAME Reinforced A-Post Skid Plates (Per Side)included in FUEL SYSTEM Davco 384 Fuel Filter, Heated Not Offered FUEL SYSTEM DAVCO 382 Fuel Filter, Non-Heated $337.00 FUEL SYSTEM EMCO-WHEATON Posi Lock 105 (Flip Cap or Twist Cap) - Diesel Only included in base GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Auxiliary Stop Request Light included in base GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Engine Hour Meter included in base GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--CNG Not Offered GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--Diesel $443.00 GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Fuel Gauge--Diesel Hybrid Not Offered GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Alarm included in base GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Low Fuel Warning Indicator included in base GAUGES-- DRIVERS DASH Add Mutil Function Display (AIC)$3,146.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC Electric System with Alternator (MCC Eco 136e (Diesel Only) Not Offered Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING HVAC MCC with brushless condensor and evaporator motors and 05G Compressor, Eco Temp Controls (AC353 brushless o5G for Diesel Only) Not Offered HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SanUVAire- Safe Breathe Air Purification System Not Offered HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Sutrak All-Electric HVAC SYSTEM--(Roof Mounted/Rear Mounted HVAC system) Not Offered HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King Pressure and Return Display Mounted to Unit Not Offered HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 All-Electric HVAC SYSTEM-- BAE Hybrid Not Offered HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King Athenia AMII 1000 with S391 Screw compressor $2,889.00 HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo King T-14 with S616 Screw Compressor, Brushless Evaporator & Condensor Motors Not Offered HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING Thermo-King All-Electric HVAC System w/ HVDM-- Allison Hybrid Not Offered HUBOMETER Add Hubodometer Guard (Veeder Root in Base) included in HUBOMETER E J Ward Data System (Includes CANceiver, Display Unit, and Antenna) Not Offered HUBOMETER Engler (Stemco) Mechanical without Tenths, without included in HUBOMETER S/A Fleetwatch Data Logger JX 55 $727.00 HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins B6.7 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins B6.7 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 with 32K Batteries Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/Allison H40EP Parallel Electric Drive System with Vanner HBA Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM 201X Cummins ISB 280HP W/BAE Series HybriDrive System APS2 Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add BAE Electric Accessories R.E.A.L. System-- (Diesel or CNG Engines Only) Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Extended Range Batteries--BAE Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Air Compressor Package--BAE Not Offered HYBRID ELECTRIC SYSTEM Add Full Electric Steering Package--BAE Not Offered INTERIOR 12" Convex at Rear Door Stanchion included in INTERIOR 4.75" x 15" Interior Mirror, Flat Faced $22.00 INTERIOR MIRRORS 6" Flat Faced Spot Mirror at Bottom of Front Destination Sign Compartment included in base ITS SYSTEM Avail IVU with MDC, GPS, APC, and WLAN $10,084.00 ITS SYSTEM Avail System Pre-Wire (IVU, MDT, APC, Fare Box) -$1,924.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Automatic Vehicle Monitoring $5,177.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices BusTime System $3,150.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverCAD System $4,766.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices CleverVision $16,234.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Secure Bus Access System $2,813.00 ITS SYSTEM Clever Devices Turn Warning System $3,195.00 ITS SYSTEM Intelligent Vehicle System Prewire Only (Pending System Specification) By Quote ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys By Quote ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--Upgrade to 29" Monitors By Quote Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoLite--Upgrade to 37"Monitors By Quote ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--2 Monitors (18.5") Proxys By Quote ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--Upgrade to 29" Monitors By Quote ITS SYSTEM Luminator InfoTransit--Upgrade to 37" Monitors By Quote ITS SYSTEM MobileEye Collision Avoidance System By Quote ITS SYSTEM None -$16,105.00 ITS SYSTEM Opticom Traffic Signal Priority (2100 Series)$5,155.00 ITS SYSTEM Transloc Transit Visualization System AVL Not Offered MISCELLANOUS Drivers Coat Hook included in MISCELLANOUS Cup Holder $25.00 MISCELLANOUS Registration Card holder $0.00 MISCELLANOUS Roller Style Sunshades--Drivers Windows $21.00 MISCELLANOUS Stainless Steel Waste Basket and Bracket $80.00 MODESTY PANELS Front Door Modesty Panel $224.00 MODESTY PANELS Lower Modesty Panel Forward of Rear Door included in MODESTY PANELS Melamine Panel Lower Section (Aft Rear Door) included in MODESTY PANELS Quick Changing Glazing Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panels Both Sides of Rear Exit Door $264.00 MODESTY PANELS Upper Clear Plexiglas Modesty Panel Forward Rear $134.00 PAINT Add Roof Numbers By Quote PAINT Add--Additional Color--Per Pass By Quote PAINT Add--Clear Coat By Quote PAINT Custom Paint / Decal Design (Per Spec)By Quote PASSENGER SEATING Add--3rd Step To Perimeter Seating (Except Settee) Not Offered PASSENGER SEATING Add--Hinged Rear SeHee Not Offered PASSENGER SEATING Add--USB Charging Ports at Passenger Locations (per USB Port) $260.00 PASSENGER SEATING AMESCO Insight Prime Plus $896.00 PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Insight $1,085.00 PASSENGER SEATING AMSECO Vision $4,511.00 PASSENGER SEATING Kiel Citos Not Offered PASSENGER SEATING Kiel North America Intra Not Offered PASSENGER SIGNALS Stop Request Button At Rear Door Stanchion $13.00 PASSENGER SIGNALS Touch Tape (At Window Mullions)$0.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded Not Offered PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Arow Standard Frame By Quote PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Hidden Frame/Bonded Not Offered PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Thermo Guard to Ricon Standard Frame Not Offered PASSENGER WINDOWS Add Window Guards (Acrylic or Film) (Arow only; Ricon has Acrylic in base) By Quote Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Hidden Frame/Bonded--Full Fixed Not Offered PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Fixed -$4,029.00 PASSENGER WINDOWS Arow Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Top Fixed, Bottom Sliders By Quote PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with a fixed transom panel and sliding lower panels By Quote PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with full-height sliding panels Not Offered PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with inward-opening transom panels By Quote PASSENGER WINDOWS Openable windows with sliding transom panels By Quote PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Fixed Not Offered PASSENGER WINDOWS Ricon Standard Frame, Safety Glass--Full Sliders Not Offered PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM (1) Interior/Both/Exterior Speaker Selct Toggle Switch without Guard & (1) Rheostat Volume Control with XLR Mic Jack $0.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Boom Microphone--Soundview SVA50SF (24") without ON/OFF Switch on Microphone, Momentary Button toe Switch, Floor Bracket Mounted $178.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devices Automated Voice Announcement System $3,616.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Clever Devises - Speakeasy II $2,181.00 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Hanover AVA System (Voice)By Quote PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM Luminator VAS System By Quote REAR RUN CONTROLS Radiator Electric Fan Controls--Fan Reverse Flow performed by activation of sequence of switches included in base REAR RUN CONTROLS Variable Speed Control with Toggle switch included in base REAR RUN Add A/C Hour Meter Not Offered REAR RUN Add Coolant Temperature--Electrical included in REAR RUN Add Coolant Temperature--Mechanial Not Offered REAR RUN Add Engine Hour Meter included in REAR RUN Add Oil Pressure--Electrical included in REAR RUN Add Oil Pressure--Mechanical Not Offered REAR RUN Add Transmission Temperature--Electrical Not Offered REAR RUN Add Transmission Temperature--Mechanical Not Offered REAR RUN Add Voltmeter (12V or 24V)Not Offered ROOF HATCHES Delete (1) Roof hatch (Diesel only)-$218.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Bio- Hazard Disposal Kit Not Offered SAFETY EQUIPMENT Blood Born Pathogens Kit Not Offered Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus SAFETY EQUIPMENT Ten Unit First Aid Kit $92.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Wheel Chocks ( Per Set )$141.00 SCHEDULE RACK (1) Schedule Holder OBIC 20/9 4PW-49/923BO- 4 Slots,Gray Color Not Offered SCHEDULE RACK POLYMERSHAPES Pamphlet Holders $55.00 SCHEDULE RACK Schedule Racks 8.5" x 11"$49.00 SCHEDULE RACK Schedule Racks 8.5" x 11"$49.00 SCHEDULE RACK OBIC To (4) Quad Pamphlet & (1) Single Pamphlet Holders Not Offered SCHEDULE RACK Transit Info Products OBICT10P2LTRMC Not Offered SCHEDULE RACK Transit Information Products -19"x 21" OBIC 19/214P1LTRMC Not Offered STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Add Farebox Grabrail included in base STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Horizontal Grabrail on Curbside & Streetside Wheelhousing included in base STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS SSTL Spring Loaded Grab Handle--Each By Quote STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Vehicle Stanchion at Front Wheel Wells--Each included in base STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions Only -$335.00 STANCHIONS/GRA B RAILS Yellow Powder Coated Vertical Stanchions, Grab Rails, and Modesty Panel Tubes -$558.00 STARTER Delco 39MT Electric -$91.00 STEEERING VIP Textured Steering Wheel Not Offered STEERING Steering Box--TRW TAS6505 Not Offered STEERING TRW Electric Assisted Steering Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES BRT Front Cap Styling Only $1,244.00 STYLING PACKAGES BRT PLUS Front Cap, Rear Cap, Roof Line $3,109.00 STYLING PACKAGES BRT PLUS Front Cap, Rear Cap, Roof Line $3,109.00 STYLING PACKAGES BRT Roof Fairings, Front or Rear (each)Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Cow Catcher on Front Bumper Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Exterior Roof Mounted Sign Boards Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Exterior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Cupola, Front & Rear Overhand Eves, Arches, Window Mullions, Window Sills, Rub Rails, Skirt Panels, Front & Rear Door, Front & Rear Bumper. Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Front Center Trolley Light Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Front Roof Hatch Accomodations Not Offered Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Hybrid Bus Compatible Cupola Package Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Interior Vinyl Seat Cushions Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Interior Wood Like Trim Installed On: Ceiling Panel Strips, Window Tops & Sills, Overhead Passenger Lights, Driver's Dash Area. Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Roof Accent LED Rope Lighting Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Vintage Style Trolley Seating, Solid Wood Slats, Bull Nose Top, and Bottom Roundover Edges Not Offered STYLING PACKAGES-- TROLLEY Vintage Style Vinyl Graphics: Cupola Window & Exterior Window Graphic Motifs, Standard Gold Vinyl Pinstripping, Exterior Graphics Banner Package, Interior Graphics Banner at Rear I/O Enclosure, Exterior Bus Numbers, Gold Battery Not Offered SURVEILLANCE CAMERA AngelTrax (7) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 1TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor Not Offered SURVEILLANCE CAMERA AngelTrax--Add (1) High Definition Color Camera Not Offered SURVEILLANCE CAMERA AngelTrax--Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera Not Offered SURVEILLANCE CAMERA AngelTrax--Add 1TB HDD (Double stacked 500GB HDD) Not Offered SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo -- Add (1) 4K Color Camera by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo -- Add (1) High Definition 360° Camera by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo -- WC340 LTE Advanced Mobile Cellular Router by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo Back Up Camera with LCD Screen $761.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo--Add (1) High Definition Color Camera $813.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo--Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera $292.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo Add 6TB HDD $936.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Apollo--Delete (1) Standard Definition Color Camera -$266.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Camera Pre Wire Package By Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Network 5412 (10) Camera--Kalatel Mobileview By Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - 4TB HDD (Caddy GTxx G1 HDD 2x2TB) by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - 4TB SSD (Caddy GTxx G1 SSD 2x1.92TB) by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition 360 Interior Camera by Quote Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Exterior Camera by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Interior Camera with Microphone by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - Add (1) High [IP] Definition Windshield Mounted Interior Camera by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - Add (1) Standard [Analog] Definition Exterior Camera by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA March Networks - Add (1) Standard [Analog] Definition Interior Camera by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT08: 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 1TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT12: 4 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT16: 8 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe GT20: 12 High [IP] & 8 Standard [Analog] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SSD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe MT04: 4 High [IP] Definition Color Camera System, 1TB SDD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS March Networks - RideSafe MT06: 6 High [IP] Definition Color Camera System, 2TB SDD, Wireless, Accelerometer/Impact Sensor by Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Mobileview NVR7000 (10) Camera System, High Definition, 4TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor $2,038.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Mobileview--Add (1) High Definition Camera $582.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA Mobileview--Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD)By Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA REI Bus Watch Digital Not Offered SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SEON Add (1) High Definition Color Camera By Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SEON Add (1) Standard Definition Color Camera $428.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SEON Add Solid State Harddrive (SSD)By Quote SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SEON NX-16 (7) Camera System, 2TB HDD, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor $1,788.00 SURVEILLANCE CAMERA SYSTEMS TSI Nexus - HVR (8) Standard Definition Color Camera System, 4TB HDD, Remote LED Status Indicator, Wireless, GPS, Impact Sensor by Quote TIRES OEM Supplied Tires $3,070.00 TIRES Tire Pressure Monitoring System $714.00 TOWING Cole Hersee 12063 Electrical Tow Connector $233.00 TOWING Delete Cole Hersee Tow Connector included in TRANSMISSION Allison B-400R, GEN IV or Latest GEN included in TRANSMISSION Davco Electronic Fluid Level Gauge Not Offered Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus TRANSMISSION KP Series Pushbutton Sampling Valve - Transmission Fluid Not Offered TRANSMISSION Titan Probalizer OD-1014 $35.00 TRANSMISSION ZF 6AP1400B -$2,982.00 WARRANTY Extended Warranty Please refer to form F items WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon – 4:1 Ratio, FR2E - Front Door Only Not Offered WHEELCHAIR RAMP Ricon--6:1 Ratio, Single Slope Ramp – SSR - Front Door Only Not Offered WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) with Remote Belt Release $1,011.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Dual Auto Lok with Advanced Restraint Module (ARM) $2,098.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT American Seating--Q'Straint Q'Pod (2 QPODs)$5,697.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Belt Guard and Wheelchair Ramp Pan Identification Numbers Not Offered WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Kiel North America K-Pod with Secubar Not Offered WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT Q'Straint Quantum (Our offer includes 1 Quantum) $9,372.00 WHEELCHAIR SECUREMENT USSC--Q'Straint Q' POD By Quote WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish ((7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with Durabrite) included in base WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Clean & Buff Finish with Durabrite ((7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with included in base WHEELS/RIMS (7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish ((7) Alcoa Aluminum Polished Finish with Durabrite) included in base WHEELS/RIMS (7) Steel Powder Coated Finish, White)-$838.00 WHEELS/RIMS Alcoa Wheels--Add Duraflange $699.00 WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Aluminum Wheel -$291.00 WHEELS/RIMS Delete Spare Steel Wheel -$94.00 DECALS & SIGNAGE Wheechair Securement Decals--"WHEELCHAIR SEATING AREA SECUREMENTS ARE LOCATED BELOW THESE SEATS", Black on Optically Clear included in base DECALS & Trilingual Decals included in DECALS & Yield Sign Decal included in WARRANTY Complete Bus--1 Year/100,000 miles $438.00 WARRANTY Body and Chassis Structure--7 Years/300,000 miles $690.00 WARRANTY Engine (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-2 Years/Unlimited Miles included in base WARRANTY Engine (Extended Coverage Included Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles $6,241.00 WARRANTY Emission Control Systems--5 Years/500,000 Miles $3,018.00 WARRANTY Transmission (Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)-- 5 Years/Unlimited Miles $3,053.00 WARRANTY Hybrid Drive System (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--5 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Offered WARRANTY Differential (Base Coverage Includes Towing & Travel)--2 Years/Unlimited Miles included in base Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus WARRANTY Differential (Extended Coverage Includes Towing & Travel) 5 Years/500,000 Miles $1,805.00 WARRANTY HVAC (Base Coverage)--3 Years/Unlimited Miles $1,844.00 WARRANTY HVAC (Extended Coverage) 5 Years/Unlimited $6,180.00 WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--3 Years/Unlimited Miles $326.00 WARRANTY Wheelchair Ramp (Extended Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles Not Offered WARRANTY Exterior Paint (Base Coverage)--7 Years/Unlimited $651.00 WARRANTY Structure/Body Integrity Against Corrosion (Base Coverage)--12 Years/500,000 Miles $1,509.00 WARRANTY Sub-Floor (Base Coverage)--12 Years/Unlimited Miles (includes RMC composite sub-floor warranty) $0.00 WARRANTY Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor 12 Years/Unlimited Miles (Our warranty base offer includes Gerflor flooring) $1,251.00 WARRANTY Flooring (Composite) (Base Coverage Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles (Our warranty base offer includes Gerflor flooring) Not Offered WARRANTY Body and Window Frames Against Leakage (Includes Parts & Labor)--7 Years/Unlimited Miles $272.00 WARRANTY Brake Systems--1 Year/100,000 Miles included in WARRANTY Electrical System (Base Coverage)--1 Year/Unlimited Miles included in base WARRANTY Electrical System (Extended Coverage)--3 Years/Unlimited Miles $155.00 WARRANTY Suspension System--2 Years/Unlimited Miles included in DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Cummins Tune Up Kit (pressure gauge, torque wrench, oil filter wrench, engine coolant & fuel wrench, belt tension gauge, charge A/C CAC pressure kit, engine barring gear, roller follower removal & installation tool, compucheck fitting) $5,137.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Nexiq USB Link 2 Wi-Fi Edition with 9-Pin Deutsch Adapter Kit, Insite (X) Software $1,718.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Set of Multiplexing Diagnostics (circuit tester, program loader, program, ID writer/verification, RS232/RS485 Converter, read time ladder logic, hand held computer, all required RTM software $155.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe AMB-45 Insulation Resistance Tester Not Offered DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Amprobe MO-100 Milliohm Meter Not Offered DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Hybrid Battery Removal Tool Kit Not Offered DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Electric Drive Removal Tool Kit (Jack & Dolley) Not Offered DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Kvaser Leaf Light HS v2 J1939-13 Type II Not Offered DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS TK60 - 60pcs. 1000v Insulated Tool Kit Not Offered Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Thermo King Intelligaire III Diagnostic Kit with Flash Load Programming Cable PCAN Adapter Diagnostic Cable Your PC PCAN Software USB to Serial Port Adapter CAN DIAG Program $1,414.00 DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS Software (Tool Box), Serial Link/Interface Kit $1,005.00 TOOLS Engine Dolley $1,072.00 TOOLS Transmission Jack $2,834.00 MANUALS Additional Driver's Handbook--Each $21.00 MANUALS Additional Service Manual (Hardcopy)--Each $53.00 MANUALS Additional Parts Manual (Hardcopy)--Each $80.00 MANUALS Additional Electrical Schematics (Hardcopy)--Each $0.00 MANUALS Additional Drivers, Service, Parts, or Electrical Schematics (CD)--Each $30.00 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (Hardcopy)--Each $1,262.00 MANUALS Additional Vendor Manuals (CD)--Each $0.00 TRAINING Operator Orientation Training--By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier atAgency Property (Per Driver/Per Class) $302.00 TRAINING Maintenance Orientation Training--By Bus Manufacturer and/or OEM Supplier atAgency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) $151.00 TRAINING Steering System By Bus Manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) ( includes the suspension system's training) $603.00 TRAINING Chassis & Body By Bus Manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)( includes the floor and glasses' training) $603.00 TRAINING Door Systems By Bus manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)(includes the wheelchair ramp's training) $603.00 TRAINING Suspension by Bus Manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (Included in steering system's training) included in Steering System's TRAINING Electrical & Electronics By Bus Manufacturer at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (includes VBEA Multiplex training) $1,807.00 TRAINING Air & Brake Systems at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) $603.00 TRAINING HVAC & Climate Controls at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) $603.00 TRAINING Engine at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per $302.00 TRAINING Transmission--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)( includes the training provided by Allison) $379.00 TRAINING Wheelchair Ramp at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (Included in door system's included in Door System's TRAINING Destination Sign--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (includes the training provided by Hanover) $0.00 TRAINING Fire Suppression--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class)(training provided by Fogmaker for diesel buses and Amerex for CNG $0.00 Category Item Description 40 Foot Bus TRAINING Hybrid Propulsion System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) Not Offered TRAINING Camera System Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (includes the training provided by Apollo) $682.00 TRAINING Automatic Passenger Counting System--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (includes the training provided by UTA) $0.00 TRAINING Fare Collection Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) $200.00 TRAINING ITS Technical Training--By OEM Supplier at Agency Property (Per Technician/Per Class) (includes the training provided by Clever Devices) $1,088.00 TRAINING MODULES Thermo-King Intelligaire Training Module $63,466.00 TRAINING MODULES I/O Controls Multiplex Board (includes the VBEA Multiplex's simulator or Multiplex electrical training $38,069.00 TRAINING MODULES Air Brake Training Board $55,664.00 TRAINING MODULES BAE Hybrid Drive Module Not Offered TRAINING MODULES Cummins Engine Module (includes the operational engine assembly simulator) $79,314.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/Allison B400R Power Plant $144,630.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/Voith D864.5 (or latest model) $148,316.00 TRAINING MODULES Cummins ISL/ZF 6AP1400B $144,054.00 TRAINING MODULES Vapor Door Training Module $16,712.00 Exhibit ‘C’ - Warranty (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 235 of 277 Warranty Supplier Warranty Warranties in this document are in addition to any statutory remedies or warranties imposed on the Supplier. Consistent with this requirement, the Supplier warrants and guarantees to the Authority each complete bus and specific subsystems and components as follows. Performance requirements based on design criteria shall not be deemed a warranty item. Complete Bus The complete bus, propulsion system, components, major subsystems and body and chassis structure are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for one year or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first, beginning on the date of revenue service.” The warranty is based on regular operation of the bus under the operating conditions prevailing in the Agency’s locale. Body and Chassis Structure Body, body structure, structural elements of the suspension and engine cradle are warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for seven years or 300 000 miles, whichever comes first. Primary load-carrying members of the bus structure, including structural elements of the suspension, are warranted against corrosion failure and/or Fatigue Failure sufficient to cause a Class 1 or Class 2 Failure for a period of 12 years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. Propulsion System Propulsion system components, including the engine, transmission or drive motors, and generators (for hybrid technology) and drive and non-drive axles shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for the standard two years unlimited, whichever comes first. An Extended Warranty to a maximum of five years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first, may be purchased at an additional cost. The propulsion system manufacturer’s standard warranty, delineating items excluded from the Extended Warranty, should be submitted in accordance with the Request for Pre-Offer Change or Approved Equal or with the Form for Proposal Deviation. Emission Control System (ECS) The Supplier warrants the emission control system for five years or 500,000 miles, whichever comes first. The ECS shall include, but is not limited to, the following components: Complete exhaust system, including catalytic converter (if required) After treatment device Components identified as emission control devices Subsystems Other subsystems shall be warranted to be free from Defects and Related Defects for two years or 200,000 miles, whichever comes first. The Original Equipment Manufact urer P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 236 of 277 warranty will take precedent when in the best interest of the agency. Other subsystems are listed below: Brake system: Foundation brake components, including advancing mechanisms, as supplied with the axles, excluding friction surfaces. Destination signs: All destination sign equipment for the front, side and rear signs, power modules and operator control. Heating, ventilating: Roof and/or rear main unit only, excluding floor heaters and front defroster. 3 years/unlimited AC unit and compressor: Roof and/or rear main unit only, excluding floor heaters and front defroster. 3 years/unlimited Door systems: Door operating actuators and linkages. Air compressor Air dryer Wheelchair lift and ramp system: Lift and/or ramp parts and mechanical only. : 3 years/unlimited Starter Alternator: Alternator only. Does not include the drive system. Charge air cooler: Charge air cooler including core, tanks and including related surrounding framework and fittings. Fire suppression: Fire suppression system including tank and extinguishing agent dispensing system. Hydraulic systems: Including radiator fan drive and power steering as applicable. Engine cooling systems: Radiator including core, tanks and related framework, including surge tank. Transmission cooler Passenger seating excluding upholstery Fuel storage and delivery system Surveillance system including cameras and video recorders Serial Numbers Upon delivery of each bus, the Supplier shall provide a complete electronic list of serialized units installed on each bus to facilitate warranty tracking. The list shall include, but is not limited to the following: Engine Transmission Alternator Starter A/C compressor and condenser/evaporator unit Drive axle Power steering unit Fuel cylinders (if applicable) Air compressor Wheelchair ramp (if applicable) Surveillance system The Supplier shall provide updated serial numbers resulting from warranty campaigns. The format of the list shall be approved by the Agency prior to delivery of the first production bus. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 237 of 277 Extension of Warranty If, during the warranty period, repairs or modifications on any bus are made necessary by defective design, materials or workmanship but are not completed due to lack of material or inability to provide the proper repair for thirty (30) calendar days, then the applicable warranty period shall be extended by the number of days equal to the delay period. Voiding of Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the failure of any part or component of the bus that directly results from misuse, negligence, accident or repairs not conducted in accordance with the Supplier-provided maintenance manuals and with workmanship performed by adequately trained personnel in accordance with recognized standards of the industry. The warranty also shall be void if the Agency fails to conduct normal inspections and scheduled preventive maintenance procedures as recommended in the Supplier’s maintenance manuals and if that omission caused the part or component failure. The Agency shall maintain documentation, auditable by t he Supplier, verifying service activities in conformance with the Supplier’s maintenance manuals. Exceptions and Additions to Warranty The warranty shall not apply to the following items: Scheduled maintenance items Normal wear-out items Items furnished by the Agency Should the Agency require the use of a specific product and has rejected the Supplier’s request for an alternate product, then the standard Supplier warranty for that product shall be the only warranty provided to the Agency. This product will not be eligible under “Fleet Defects,” below. The Supplier shall not be required to provide warranty information for any warranty that is less than or equal to the warranty periods listed. Pass-Through Warranty Should the Supplier elect to not administer warranty claims on certain components and wish to transfer this responsibility to the sub-suppliers, or to others, the Supplier shall request this waiver. Supplier shall state in writing that the Agency’s warranty reimbursements will not be impacted. The Supplier also shall state in writing any exceptions and reimbursement including all costs incurred in transport of vehicles and/or components. At any time during the warranty period, the Supplier may request approval from the Agency to assign its warranty obligations to others, but only on a case-by-case basis approved in writing by the Agency. Otherwise, the Supplier shall be solely responsible for the administration of the warranty as specified. Warranty administration by others does not eliminate the warranty liability and responsibility of the Supplier. The Supplier will be responsible for settling all disputes with sub suppliers. Superior Warranty The Supplier shall pass on to the Agency any warranty offered by a component Supplier that is superior to that required herein. The Supplier shall provide a list to the Agency noting the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 238 of 277 conditions and limitations of the Superior Warranty not later than the start of production. The Superior Warranty shall not be administered by the Supplier. Fleet Defects Occurrence and Remedy A Fleet Defect is defined as cumulative failures of twenty-five (25) percent of the same components in the same or similar application in a minimum fleet size of twelve (12) or more buses where such items are covered by warranty. A Fleet Defect shall apply only to the base warranty period in sections entitled “Complete Bus,” “Propulsion System” and “Major Subsystems.” When a Fleet Defect is declared, the remaining warranty on that item/component stops. The warranty period does not restart until the Fleet Defect is corrected. The Supplier will notify the lead agency, or its designee, of all warranty claims within the same production year for all buses purchased off this contract. For the purpose of Fleet Defects, each option order shal l be treated as a separate bus fleet. In addition, should there be a change in a major component within either the base order or an option order, the buses containing the new major component shall become a separate bus fleet for the purposes of Fleet Defects. The Supplier shall correct a Fleet Defect under the warranty provisions defined in “Repair Procedures.” After correcting the Defect, the Agency and the Supplier shall mutually agree to and the Supplier shall promptly undertake and complete a work progr am reasonably designed to prevent the occurrence of the same Defect in all other buses and spare parts purchased under this Contract. Where the specific Defect can be solely attributed to particular identifiable part(s), the work program shall include redesign and/or replacement of only the defectively designed and/or manufactured part(s). In all other cases, the work program shall include inspection and/or correction of all the buses in the fleet via a mutually agreed -to arrangement. The Supplier shall update, as necessary, technical support information (parts, service and operator’s manuals) due to changes resulting from warranty repairs. The Agency may immediately declare a Defect in design resulting in a safety hazard to be a Fleet Defect. The Supplier shall be responsible to furnish, install and replace all defective units. That information will be shared with all contract participants. When it is determined that a field service representative is required onsite the Supplier will have 36 hours to have the representative in place. The field service representative must be capable of performing technical repairs onsite. As a part of the corrective action pertaining to fleet defects the Supplier will be required to send their field representative to each property with buses built in the production year that is experiencing the defect. Exceptions to Fleet Defect Provisions The Fleet Defect component warranty provisions shall not apply to Agency-supplied items, such as radios, fare collection equipment, communication systems and tires. In addition, Fleet Defects shall not apply to interior and exterior finishes, hoses, fittings and fabric. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 239 of 277 Repair Procedures Repair Performance The Supplier is responsible for all warranty-covered repair Work. To the extent practicable, the Agency will allow the Supplier or its designated representative to perform such Work. At its discretion, the Agency may perform such Work if it determines it needs to do so based on transit service or other requirements. Such Work shall be reimb ursed by the Supplier. Repairs by the Supplier If the Agency detects a Defect within the warranty periods defined in this section, it shall, within thirty (30) days, notify the Supplier’s designated representative. The Supplier or its designated representative shall, if requested, begin Work on warranty-covered repairs within five calendar days after receiving notification of a Defect from the Agency. The Agency shall make the bus available to complete repairs timely with the Supplier’s repair schedule. The Supplier shall provide at its own expense all spare parts, tools and space required to complete repairs. At the Agency’s option, the Supplier may be required to remove the bus from the Agency’s property while repairs are being effected. If the bus is remo ved from the Agency’s property, then repair procedures must be diligently pursued by the Supplier’s representative. Repairs by the Agency Parts Used If the Agency performs the warranty-covered repairs, then it shall correct or repair the Defect and any Related Defects utilizing parts supplied by the Supplier specifically for this repair. At its discretion, the Agency may use Supplier-specified parts available from its own stock if deemed in its best interests. Supplier-Supplied Parts The Agency may require that the Supplier supply parts for warranty-covered repairs being performed by the Agency. Those parts may be remanufactured but shall have the same form, fit and function, and warranty. The parts shall be shipped prepaid to the Agency from any source selected by the Supplier within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the request for said parts and shall not be subject to an Agency handling charge. Defective Component Return The Supplier may request that parts covered by the warranty be returned to the manufacturing plant. The freight costs for this action shall be paid by the Supplier. Materials should be returned in accordance with the procedures outlined in “Warranty Processing Procedures.” Failure Analysis The Supplier shall, upon specific request of the Agency, provide a failure analysis of Fleet Defect or safety-related parts, or major components, removed from buses under the terms of the warranty that could affect fleet operation. Such reports shall be delivered within 60 days of the receipt of failed parts. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 240 of 277 Reimbursement for Labor and Other Related Costs The Agency shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for labor. The amount shall be determined by the Agency for a qualified mechanic at a straight time wage rate of [$125.00] per hour, which includes fringe benefits and overhead adjusted for the Agency’s most recently published rate in effect at the time the Work is performed, plus the cost of towing the bus if such action was necessary and if the bus was in the normal service area. These wage and fringe benefit rates shall not exceed the rates in effect in the Agency’s service garage at the time the Defect correction is made. Reimbursement for Parts The Agency shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for defective parts and for parts that must be replaced to correct the Defect. The reimbursement shall be at the current price at the time of repair and shall include taxes where applicable, plus 15 percent handling costs. Handling costs shall not be paid if parts are supplied by the Supplier and shipped to the Agency. Reimbursement Requirements The Supplier shall respond to the warranty claim with an accept/reject decision including necessary failure analysis no later than thirty (30) days after the Agency submits the claim and defective part(s), when requested. Reimbursement for all accepted claims shall occur no later than thirty (30) days from the date of acceptance of a valid claim. The Agency may dispute rejected claims or claims for which the Supplier did not reimburse the full amount. The parties agree to review disputed warranty claims during the following quarter to reach an equitable decision to permit the disputed claim to be resolved and closed. The parties also agree to review all claims at least once per quarter throughout the entire warranty period to ensure that open claims are being tracked and properly dispositioned. Warranty after Replacement/Repairs If any component, unit or subsystem is repaired, rebuilt or replaced by the Supplier or by the Agency with the concurrence of the Supplier, then the component, unit or subsystem shall have the unexpired warranty period of the original. Repairs shall not be warranted if Supplier-provided or authorized parts are not used for the repair, unless the Supplier has failed to respond within five days, in accordance with “Repairs by the Supplier.” If an item is declared to be a Fleet Defect, then the warranty stops with the declaration of the Fleet Defect. Once the Fleet Defect is corrected, the item(s) shall have three (3) months or remaining time and/or miles of the original warranty, whichever is greater. This remaining warranty period shall begin on the repair/replacement date for corrected items on each bus if the repairs are completed by the Supplier or on the date the Supplier provides all parts to the Agency. Warranty Processing Procedures The following list represents requirements by the Supplier to the Agency for processing warranty claims. One failure per bus per claim is allowed. Bus number and VIN Total vehicle life mileage at time of repair Date of failure/repair Acceptance/in-service date Supplier part number and description Component serial number P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 241 of 277 Description of failure All costs associated with each failure/repair (invoices may be required for third-party costs): • Towing • Road calls • Labor • Materials • Parts • Handling • Troubleshooting time Forms The Agency’s forms will be accepted by the Supplier if all of the above information is included. Electronic submittal must be made available between the Supplier and the Agency. Return of Parts When returning defective parts to the Supplier, the Agency shall tag each part with the following: Bus number and VIN Claim number Part number Serial number (if available) Timeframe Each claim must be submitted no more than forty five (45) days from the date of failure and/o r repair, whichever is later. All defective parts must be returned to the Supplier, when requested, no more than forty-five (45) days from the date of repair. Reimbursements Reimbursements are to be transmitted to the reporting Authority P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 242 of 277 NOVA BUS LFS LIMITED WARRANTY Warranty Requirements Nova Bus, a division of Prevost Car (US) Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Nova Bus”), warrants to the original purchaser (hereinafter called the “Operator”) that within the following guidelines, Nova Bus will reimburse or credit the Operator for any necessary repairs to any new Nova Bus Low Floor Transit Bus (hereinafter called the “Nova LFS”), which malfunctions as a result of a defect in materials or workmanship. Complete Bus This limited warranty applies to the original purchaser only. All components, except those having their own separate warranty and/or those components listed under the section detailing Limitations and Exclusions are covered for 1 year or 50 000 miles, whichever occurs first. Structure ITEM DETAILS TIME MILES WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST Structural integrity load-carrying members* 100% parts 100% labor 7 years* 300 000 Structural integrity class 1 or class 2 failure** 100% parts 100% labor 12 years** 500 000 Corrosion*** 100% parts 100% labor 12 years*** 500 000 * Nova Bus will offer a 7-year warranty for the structural integrity of the Bus including the chassis frame structural components that are load-carrying members of the Bus. ** Nova Bus will also offer a 12-year warranty of these primary load bearing members of the structure which have failed/or have the demonstrated potential to fail causing a Class 1 or class 2 failure. The decision to apply a remedy as to the potential of a Class 1 or Class 2 failure is the sole jurisdiction of Nova Bus. This warranty is not transferable. This warranty shall be void if maintenance procedures prescribed by Nova Bus for the structure are not followed. Class 1 Failure (physical safety): A failure that could lead directly to passenger or operator injury and represents a severe crash situation. Class 2 Failure (road call): A failure resulting in an en route interruption of revenue service. Service is discontinued until the bus is replaced or repaired at the point of failure. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 243 of 277 *** Nova Bus will offer a 12 year warranty against corrosion affecting structural integrity. i.e. excluding surface corrosion. The decision as to the presence of corrosion affecting the structural integrity is the sole jurisdiction of Nova Bus. This warranty applies to the structural integrity of the Bus including the chassis frame structural components that are load- carrying members of the Bus. This warranty is not transferable. This warranty shall be void if maintenance procedures prescribed by Nova Bus for the structure are not followed. Subsystems and Components The components and subassemblies listed below are covered by the respective manufacturers’ warranties. This could take precedence over the guarantee offered by Nova Bus and an optional extended warranty may be offered by the manufacturer. Nova Bus does honor the manufacturer warranty and cannot take more responsibilities. Please validate warranty limitation with the respective manufacturer. Some major warranty policies are attached. Nova Bus meets the requirements or exceeds the requirements on OEM Chassis, Air Conditioning System (Thermoking) and alternator (EMP). See Exhibit A Price Proposal (Form F) for warranty options offered to JTA. Specific subsystems and components are warranted and guaranteed to be free from defects in materials or workmanship as follows:  indicates that this item provides JTA with a superior warranty than requested. ITEM DETAILS TIME MILES WHICHEVER COMES FIRST Cummins engine 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited Engine emission system∞ 100% parts 100% labor 5 years 500 000 Wabco air compressor 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited  Delco Remy 39 MT starter 100% parts 100% labor 2 year 200 000 Allison transmission 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited Disc brakes (excluding wear & friction material) 100% parts 100% labor 2 years 125 000  Bendix brake system components 100% parts 100% labor 1st year 100 000 ZF axles (front & rear) 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited Passenger windows 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited  Lift-U flip-up ramp 1:6 100% parts 3 years Unlimited P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 244 of 277 100% labor Vapor doors 100% parts 100% labor 2 years 200 000 Modine radiator 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited  Modine charge air cooler 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited  RMC Composite sub-flooring 100% parts 100% labor 12 years Unlimited Gerfloor Tarabus floor covering 100% parts 100% labor 12 years Unlimited Hanover destination signs 100% parts 100% labor 2 years 200 000 Bosch Steering 100% parts 100% labor 2 year 200 000 Bendix air dryer 100% parts 100% labor 2 year 200 000 USSC driver seat As per supplier’s warranty document ** As per supplier’s warranty document ** Unlimited  USSC passenger seats As per supplier’s warranty document ** As per supplier’s warranty document ** Unlimited  Dialight LED exterior lights 100% parts 12 years Unlimited  SMI LED interior lighting system 100% parts 12 years Unlimited  Thermo King Athenia AMll HVAC - X430 compressor 100% parts 100% labor 3 years Unlimited Thermo King Athenia AMll HVAC – Cond, Evap & Heater Coils 100% parts 100% labor 3 years Unlimited Exterior paint 100% parts 7 years Unlimited Fogmaker fire suppression system (Diesel Bus) 100% parts 100% labor 2 years Unlimited Amerex fire suppression system (CNG Bus) 100% parts 100% labor 3 years Unlimited  Amerex fire suppression sensors (CNG Bus) 100% parts 100% labor 2 year 200 000 Apollo Camera As per supplier’s warranty document ** As per supplier’s warranty document ** As per supplier’s warranty document ** Options Cummins engine∞ (Extended) Offer as an option 100% parts 100% labor 5 years Unlimited Allison transmission Extended Offer as an option 100% parts 100% labor 5 years Unlimited P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 245 of 277 ZF drive axle Extended∞ (5 years only) 100% parts 100% labor 5 years 500 000 Thermo King HVAC Athenia AMll Extended 100% parts 100% labor 5 years Unlimited ∞ Please note for certain components Nova Bus offers a warranty period that will be in effect beyond the standard or extended warranty periods offered by our suppliers (``Further Extended Warranty``), and, such Further Extended Warranty will be provided with similar terms, conditions and limitations, other than the period of time, as those delineated by our suppliers in their standard or extended warranty policies. ** We did not include supplier’s warranty brochures in our technical proposal due to required & limited number of pages. However, supplier’s warranty brochures are available upon request. LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS Defective Components Return Nova Bus may request that parts covered by the warranty be returned at the Nova Bus Warranty TMAC, located 800 South Cartwright St, Goodlettsville, TN, 37072 USA, or at any other location designated by Nova Bus. Nova Bus shall pay all reasonable transportation expenses. Parts must be returned in accordance with Nova Bus instructions. Reimbursement for Labor Nova Bus shall reimburse the Operator for labor as per the hourly rate defined by contractual agreement, to a maximum of $125/h as stipulated in Exhibit C. We included our clarifications on warranties in the Proposed Contract Modification Form which is included in TAB 1 of our technical proposal. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 246 of 277 Exhibit ‘D’ - Required Forms (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 247 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 248 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 249 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 250 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 251 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 252 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 253 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 254 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 255 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 256 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 257 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 258 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 259 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 260 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 261 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 262 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 263 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 264 of 277 P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty BusesPage 265 of 277 Exhibit ‘E’ - Required Clauses For FTA-Assisted Contracts (On following pages) P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 266 of 277 Exhibit ‘E’ REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONTRACTS REQUIRED CLAUSES FOR FTA-ASSISTED CONTRACTS The following terms apply when the Authority determines that the Contract involves or may involve the expenditure of federal funds. Unless otherwise set forth below, the Supplier must include every clause of this Section VI in all subcontracts under this Cont ract. 1. Non-Discrimination. The Supplier shall comply with the applicable requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, section 20 2 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., 29 U.S.C. § 794, 49 CFR Part 21, and federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332. The Supplier agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status. Discrimination includes exclusion from participation, denial of program benefits and discrimination in employment or business opportunity. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state regulations, including those of any agency of the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), including FTA Advisory Circular 4702.1. 2. Equal Employment Opportunity. (a) Race, Creed, Color, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, National Origin, Religion, or Family Status – The Supplier shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note, and as supplemented by 41 CFR 60), and with any applicable federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and federal policies that may in the future affect activities undertaken in the course of the Contract. The Supplier agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or family status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. (b) Age - In accordance with section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 621-634, 29 CFR Part 1625, 45 CFR Part 90, 42 U.S.C. §§6101 et seq. and federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 267 of 277 Supplier agrees to refrain from discrimination for reason of age. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with any implementing requirements the Department of Health and Human Services, the EEOC, FTA or FHWA may issue. (c) Disabilities - The Supplier agrees that it will comply with the requirements of Titles I, II, III, IV and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq., and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with 29 U.S.C. § 794, 42 U.S.C. §4151, federal transit law including 49 U.S.C. § 5332, and any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 3. Compliance with Nondiscrimination Regulations. The Supplier and all Subcontractors shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally- assisted programs of the U.S. DOT, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of the Contract. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. Section 5332, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and prohibits discrimination in employment or business opportunity. 4. Nondiscrimination. The Supplier and all Subcontractors, with regard to the work performed during the Contract, will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the selection and retention of Subcontractors, including procurements of material and leases of equipment. The Supplier and all Subcontractors will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the Contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 5. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment. In all solicitations made by the Supplier and all Subcontractors, either by competitive bidding or negotiation for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, each potential Subcontractor or supplier shall be notified in writing by the Supplier of the Supplier's obligations under this Contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status and that these same obligations extend to any Subcontractor, supplier or lessor. 6. Information and Reports. The Supplier will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Authority, the FDOT, the U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 268 of 277 orders and instructions. Where any information required of the Supplier is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the Supplier shall so certify to the Authority, FDOT, U.S. DOT or any other governmental agency designated by the Authority, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 7. Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of the Supplier's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this Contract, the Authority shall impose su ch contract sanctions as it, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to (a) withholding of payments to the Supplier under the Contract until the Supplier complies and/or (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the Contract, in whole or in part. 8. Incorporation of Provisions. The Supplier shall include the provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 8, in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The Supplier will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Authority, the FDOT or the U.S. DOT may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. I n the event a Supplier becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a Subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the Supplier may request the Authority and the FDOT to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the Authority and the FDOT, and, in addition, the Supplier may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 9. Participation by Disadvantage Business Enterprises. The Supplier shall abide by the following statement from 49 CFR 26.13(b). This statement shall be included in all subsequent agreements between the Supplier and any Subcontractor or Supplier. The Supplier, subrecipient or Subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, age, disability, or family status in the performance of this Contract. The Supplier shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the Supplier to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in termination of this Contract or other such remedy as the Authority deems appropriate. 10. Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion. If the Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transaction that the Supplier provided as part of its Proposal was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances, the Supplier shall provide immediate written notice to the Authority. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 269 of 277 11. Sensitive Security Information. The Supplier shall protect, and take measures to ensure that its Subcontractors at each tier protect, “sensitive security info rmation” made available during the administration of a third party contract or subcontract to ensure compliance with 49 U.S.C. Section 40119(b) and implementing DOT regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 15, and with 49 U.S.C. Section 114(r) and implementing Department of Homeland Security regulations, “Protection of Sensitive Security Information,” 49 CFR Part 1520. 12. Changes to Federal Requirements. The Supplier shall at all times comply with all applicable US DOT, FHWA and FTA regulations, policies, procedures, directives and federal guidance, including without limitation those listed directly or by reference in the Master Agreement (Form FTA MA (19) dated October 2012) between the Authority and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of a Contract resulting from this Solicitation. The Supplier shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act or refuse to comply with any request of the Authority which would cause the Authority to be in violation of any of the FTA or FHWA terms and conditions. The Supplier’s failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 13. Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration Terms. All contractual provisions required by the US DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1F, revised March 18, 2013, whether or not set forth in this Contract are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, all FTA and FHWA mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Contract. The Supplier shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any Authority request which would cause the Authority to be in violation of FTA and FHWA terms and conditions. 14. Fly America. The Supplier agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 40118 (the “Fly America” Act) in accordance with the General Services Administration’s regulations at 41 CFR Part 301-10, which provide that recip ients and subrecipients of federal funds and their Suppliers are required to use U.S. Flag air carriers for U.S Government -financed international air travel and transportation of their personal effects or property, to the extent such service is available, unless travel by foreign air carrier is a matter of necessity, as defined by the Fly America Act. The Supplier shall submit, if a foreign air carrier was used, an appropriate certification or memorandum adequately explaining why service by a U.S. flag air carrier was not available or why it was necessary to use a foreign air carrier and shall, in any event, provide a certificate of compliance with the Fly America requirements. 15. No Federal Government Obligation to Third Parties. Notwithstanding any concurrence by the federal government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the Contract, absent the express written consent by the federal government, the federal government is not a party to this Contract and shall not be subject to any P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 270 of 277 obligations or liabilities to the Authority, Supplier, or any other party (whether or not a party to the Contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from this Contract. 16. False or Fraudulent Statements or Claims and Related Acts – Civil and Criminal Fraud. The Supplier acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq. and U.S. DOT regulations, “Program Fraud Civil Remedies,” 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to this Contract. Upon execution of the Contract, the Supplier certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation it has made, it makes, it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying Contract or the FTA or FHWA ass isted project for which this Contract work is being performed. In addition to other penalties that may be applicable, the Supplier further acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, st atement, submission, certification, assurance or representation, the federal government may impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Supplier to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. The Supplier also acknowledges that if it presents, submits, makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance or representation in connection with this Contract, under the authority of 49 U.S.C. § 5307 and 49 U.S.C. §5323, the federal government may impose the penalties on the Supplier authorized by 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 49 U.S.C. § 5307(n)(1), to the extent the federal government deems appropriate. It is further understood and agreed that the willful falsificat ion, distortion or misrepresentation with respect to any facts related to the project(s) described in this Contract is a violation of the federal law. Accordingly, United States Code, Title 18, Section 1020, is hereby incorporated by reference and made a p art of this Contract. 17. Environmental Protection. The Supplier shall comply with all applicable requirements of Section 29 of the FTA Master Agreement (2012), including the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq. (as limited by 42 USC §5159), Executive Order No. 11514 Executive Order No. 11514, as amended, “Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality,” 42 U.S.C. § 4321 note; FTA statutory requirements on environmental matters at 49 U.S.C. § 5324(b); Council o n Environmental Quality regulations on compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 40 C.F.R. Parts 1500 et seq.; and joint FHWA/FTA regulations, “Environmental Impact and Related Procedures,” 23 C.F.R. Part 771 and 49 C.F.R. Part 622. Supplier shall also comply with federal transit laws, including 49 U.S.C. §5323(c)(2) as amended by MAP -21. In addition, the Supplier agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA or FHWA may issue. 18. Clean Air. The Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 271 of 277 seq. The Supplier agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Supplier understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notificatio n to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 19. Clean Water. The Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq. The Supplier agrees to report the use of facilities on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities," refrain from using any violating facilities, comply with inspection requirements and report each violation to the Authority. The Supplier understands and agrees that the Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to the FTA or FHWA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office. 20. Recycled Products. When relevant to the Work Order, the Supplier shall assist the Authority with compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6962, which requires the Authority to provide a competitive preference to products and services that conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and are energy efficient. EPA guidelines, “Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for Products Containing Recovered Materials,” 40 CFR Part 247, direct the Authority to specify a competitive preference for products containing recycled materials identified in those EPA guidelines for contracts valued at $10,000 or more. For information about EPA’s recovered materials advisory notices, see EPA’s Web site: http://www.epa.gov/cpg/backgrnd.htm. 21. Buy America. The Supplier shall comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, where applicable, which provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by the FTA, or the product is subject to a general waiver. Work orders and small purchases of less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) made with capital, operating, or planning funds are waived from Buy Amer ica requirements. The JTA requires each Supplier to submit a completed Buy America certificate with its Bid or Proposal in accordance with §§ 661.6 or 661.12, as appropriate. The JTA presumes that any Supplier who submitted such certificate is complying w ith the Buy America provisions. A false certification is a criminal act in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001. A Supplier who certifies that it will comply with the applicable Buy America requirement is bound by its original certification (in the case of a se aled bidding procurement) or the certification it submitted with its final offer (in the case of a negotiated procurement) and is not permitted to change its certification after bid opening or submission of its final offer. Where a Supplier certifies that it will comply with Buy America requirements, the Supplier is not eligible for a waiver of those requirements. The JTA reserves the right to request additional information, and/or to P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 272 of 277 conduct both pre-award and post -award audits to ensure that the Supplier is in compliance with Buy America requirements. 22. Seismic Safety. The Supplier agrees that any new building or addition to an existing building will be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards for Seismic Safety required in Department of Transportation Seismic Safety Regulations 49 CFR Part 41 and will certify to compliance to the extent required by the regulation. The Supplier also agrees to ensure that all work performed under this Contract, including work performed by a Subcontractor, is in compliance with the standards required by the Seismic Safety Regulations and the certification of compliance issued on the Project. 23. Conformance with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) National Architecture. Intelligent Transportation System (IT S) property and services, recommended and included in designs provided by the Supplier under this Contract, must comply with the National ITS Architecture and Standards to the extent required by 23 U.S.C.§517(d) as amended by MAP-21, Section 5307(c) of SAFETEA-LU, FTA Notice, “FTA National ITS Architecture Consistency Policy for Transit Projects,” 66 FR 1455 et seq., January 8, 2001, 23 CFR Parts 655 and 940, and later published FTA and FHWA regulations, rules, policies, implementing guidance and directives. Additionally, such ITS equipment and designs shall comply with the latest ITS architecture and standards adopted by the FHWA, FDOT, CoJ and First Coast ITS Coalition. 24. Metric Measurements. To the extent practicable and feasible, the Supplier shall express all dimensions in metric measurements, in compliance with the Metric Conversion Act, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act , 15 U.S.C. Sections 205a et seq.; Executive Order No. 12770, “Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs,” July 25, 1991, 15 U.S.C. Section 205a note; and applicable federal regulations. 25. Electronic Reports and Information. Reports and other information prepared in electronic format developed under this Contract , whether as a contract end item or in compliance with contract administration provis ions, must comply with the accessibility standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Section 794d, and ATBCB regulations, “Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards,” 36 CFR Part 1194. 26. Access to Records and Sites of Project Performance and Record Retention . A. The Supplier shall maintain all Contract records (including paper and electronic records) in a manner so that they are readily accessible for review, audit and inspection and shall provide to the Authority, the USDOT, the FHWA Administrator, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States, the FDOT, or any of their authorized representatives or employees, access to any data, accounts, payrolls, project work, project materials, documents, reports, records, statistics, P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 273 of 277 subagreements, leases, third party contracts, arr angements, books, papers and records of the Supplier (and all supporting material related thereto) which are related to this Contract for the purposes of making audits, inspections, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions. Supplier also agrees, pursuant to 49 C. F. R. 633.15 to provide the agencies, or their authorized representatives including any PMO Supplier, access to Supplier’s records and work sites pertaining to a major capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311. In accordance with 49 CFR 18.40, federal agencies may make site visits as warranted by program needs. B. The Supplier agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce any record by any means whatsoever. C. The Supplier agrees to maintain all books, records, accounts and reports required under this Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after the date of termination, expiration or final payment of this Contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from the performance of this Contract or other pending matters, in which case Supplier agrees to maintain same until the Authority, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General, the FDOT, and any of their duly authorized representatives, have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims, exceptions and other matters related thereto. Reference 49 CFR 18.36(i)(11). D. Any of the agencies listed above may, at any time during nor mal business hours, with or without prior notice and by or through its employees or its Suppliers, inspect, copy and audit all of the books and records of the Supplier (and its Subcontractors, if any) including all work papers and correspondence and financ ial records related to such services. 27. Access Requirements for Persons With Disabilities (ADA). The Supplier agrees to comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. § 5301(d) which expresses the federal policy that the elderly and persons with disabilities have the same right as other persons to use mass transportation service and facilities, and that special efforts shall be made in planning and designing those services and facilities to implement those policies. The Supplier also agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq., which requires the provision of accessible facilities and services, and with the following federal regulations, including any amendments thereto: (1) U.S. DOT regulations, “Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities (ADA),” 49 C.F.R. Part 37; (2) U.S. DOT regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance,” 49 C.F.R. Part 27; (3) Joint U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board/U.S. DOT regulations, “Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles,” 36 C.F.R. Part 1192 and 49 C.F.R. Part 38; (4) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services,” 28 C.F.R. Part 35; (5) U.S. DOJ regulations, “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities,” 28 C.F.R. Part 36; (6) U.S. GSA regulations, “Accommodations for the Physically Ha ndicapped,” 41 C.F.R. Subpart 101-19; (7) U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Regulations to Implement the P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 274 of 277 Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,” 29 C.F.R. Part 1630; (8) U.S. Federal Communications Commission regulations, “Telecommunications Relay Services and Related Customer Premises Equipment for the Hearing and Speech Disabled,” 47 C.F.R. Part 64, Subpart F; and (9) FTA regulations, “Transportation for Elderly and Handicapped Persons,” 49 C.F.R. Part 609; and (10) Any implementing requirements FTA may issue. This section applies to Subcontractors at all levels and must be added to all subcontracts, regardless of tier. 28. Energy Conservation. The Supplier shall comply with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction and all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, when applicable. 29. Rights in Data. (1) The term "subject data" used in this clause means recorded information, whether or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered under the Contract. The term includes graphic or pictorial delineation in media such as drawings or photographs; text in specifications or related performance or design-type documents; machine forms such as punched cards, magnetic tape, or computer memory printouts; and information retained in computer memory. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer software, engineering drawings and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical repo rts, catalog item identifications, and related information. The term "subject data" does not include financial reports, cost analyses, and similar information incidental to contract administration. (2) The following restrictions apply to all subject data first produced in the performance of this Contract: (a) Except for its own internal use, the Authority or Supplier may not publish or reproduce subject data in whole or in part, or in any manner or form, nor may the Authority or Supplier authorize others to do so, without the written consent of the federal government, until such time as the federal government may have either released or approved the release of such data to the public; this restriction on publication, however, does not apply to any contract w ith an academic institution. (b) In accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.34 and 49 C.F.R. § 19.36, the federal government reserves a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use, fo r "federal government purposes," any subject data or copyright described in subsections (2)(b)1 and (2)(b)2 of this clause below. As used in the previous sentence, "for federal government purposes," means use only for the direct purposes of the federal government. Without the copyright owner's consent, the federal government may not extend its federal license to any other party. 1. Any subject data developed under that contract, whether or not a copyright has been obtained; and P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 275 of 277 2. Any rights of copyright purchased by the Authority or Supplier using federal assistance in whole or in part provided by FTA. (c) When FTA awards federal assistance for experimental, developmental, or research work, it is FTA's general intention to increase transportation knowledge available to the public, rather than to restrict the benefits resulting from the work to participants in that work. Therefore, unless FTA determines otherwise, the Authority and the Supplier performing experimental, developmental, or research work required by this Contract agrees to permit FTA to make available to the public, either the license in the copyright to any subject data developed in the course of this Contract, or a copy of the subject data first produced under the Contract for which a copyright has not been obtained. If the experimental, developmental, or research work, which is the subject of the underlying Contract, is not completed for any reason whatsoever, all data developed under that Contract shall become subject data as defined in subsection (a) of this clause and shall be delivered as the federal government may direct. This subsection (c), however, does not apply to adaptations of automatic data processing equipment or programs for the Authority or Supplier's use whose costs are financed in whole or in part with federal assistance provided by FTA for transportation capital projects. (d) Unless prohibited by state law, upon request by the federal government, the Authority and the Supplier agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the federal government, its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties against any liability, including costs and expenses, resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Authority or Supplier of proprietary right s, copyrights, or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, use, or disposition of any data furnished under that contract. Neither the Authority nor the Supplier shall be required to indemnify the federal government for any such liability arising out of the wrongful act of any employee, official, or agents of the federal government. (e) Nothing contained in this clause on rights in data shall imply a license to the federal government under any patent or be const rued as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the federal government under any patent. (f) Data developed by the Authority or Supplier and financed entirely without using federal assistance provided by the federal government that has been incorporated into work required by the Contract is exempt from the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this clause, provided that the Authority or Supplier identifies that data in writing at the time of delivery of the Contract work. (g) Unless the federal government determines otherwise, the Supplier agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract for experimental, developmental, or research work financed in whole or in part with federal assistance. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 276 of 277 30. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards. a. Overtime requirements - No Supplier or Subcontractor contracting for any part of the Contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. b. Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages - In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section the Supplier and any Subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such Supplier and Subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section. c. Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages - The Authority shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Supplier or Subcontractor under any such contract or any other federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime Supplier, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Supplier or Subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as pro vided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section. d. Subcontracts - The Supplier or Subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section and also a clause requiring the Subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime Supplier shall be responsible for compliance by any Subcontractor or lower tier Subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section. P-18-005 State of Florida Heavy Duty Buses Page 277 of 277