Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 02/05/2020
Agenda Item 4b-February 5, 2020 meeting minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Vice-Chair
Sandra Arafet at 5:00 p.m. at the Naples Botanical Garden, 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Vice Chair Sandra Arafet, George Douglas, Robert
Messmer and James Bixler. Maurice Gutierrez was late. Susan Crum had excused absence.
MSTU Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Project Manager; Shirley Garcia,
Operations Coordinator;
II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Vice-Chair Sandra Arafet.
III. Adoption of Agenda: CRA Debrah Forester added under Communications a handout from Dwight
Oakley he presented to the CRA Board at last night’s meeting, and under Thomasson Dr update discuss
the timing of the March 4, MSTU meeting. Bob Messmer made a motion to accept the Agenda as
amended. Second by George Douglas. Passed Unanimously.
IV. Adoption of Minutes: January 7, 2019 Joint Meeting Minutes was presented, Sandra Arafet made a
correction to add Susan Crum as attending the meeting, staff will correct the minutes. George Douglas
made a motion to pass the Minutes as amended. Second by Bob Messmer. Passed Unanimously.
V. Landscape Report:
A. Update on Landscaping—Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping— Aaron Gross gave his
landscaping report, repaired some lateral breaks over by the irrigation clock. There were around
42 sprinklers that needed to be replaced due to the sand sticking and clogging the sprinklers. the
plants were trimmed, the dead plants were removed. Completed all the mulch in the medians and
around a few of the trees. Mr. Gross finished all the banners from the holiday to our regular yearly
banners. Jim Bixler recommended that we take a walk and address the conditions of the street, he
really feels we could make this a more welcoming community by making some small changes.
Staff scheduled a walk through Bayshore Drive on the 20th and asked if it was good for the
Committee to join us, everyone was good with the 20th.
VI. Community / Business Presentations
VII. Old Business:
A. Thomasson Dr Update- Tami Scott provided the update and bringing the Contract for the
Contractor on Feb. 25th to the Board of County Commissioners and a kick-off meeting on March
Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-2-5-2020 (12131 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-March 4, 2020)
4, 2020 between 4-8pm for the Community. Ms. Scott will invite all the Stakeholders to meet the
contractor, CEI Services contractor if they have any questions or concerns, they can address it to
them. Ms. Forester asked if the Committee can start their MSTU meeting from 4pm-5pm on
March 4, 2020 and we can roll right into the Thomasson Drive kick-off meeting after.
B. IRMA Street Lighting update- Ms. Scott provided the update for the Street Lighting that was
replaced from IRMA damage, it is all completed and working. The salvage parts will be put in
storage somewhere staff will determine the best place.
C. North Bayshore Drive Renovation Update- Ms. Forester wanted to mention that staff is
working on it, something that was in the minutes and we can bring it back some options on the
March 4, meeting.
VIII. New Business:
a. Reappointment for Maurice Gutierrez – Sandra Arafet made a motion to appoint Maurice
Gutierrez as a Committee Member for 3yr term, second by George Douglas. Passed
b. Reappointment for Susan Crum – George Douglas made a motion to appoint Susan Crum as
a Committee Member for 4yr term, second by Maurice Gutierrez. Passed unanimously.
c. Reappointment for Sandra Arafet - Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to appoint Sandra Arafet
as a Committee Member for 4yr term, second by Jim Bixler. Passed unanimously.
d. Annual Paver Maintenance Contract – Ms. Forester wanted to bring up the paver maintenance
that is ongoing and staff typed up a scope for annual maintenance repair, so it is easier to get a
contractor out there to address any trip hazards on an annual basis. There were 3 bids submitted
and staff chose the lowest bidder. The contractor will walk the pavers on a quarterly basis and
report any issues, they will bring it back to staff.
IX. Staff Reports:
A. CRA Update – Transit Shuttle & Pubic Arts Master Plan – Ms. Forester provided the update
on the transit survey, the draft survey was completed and now the coasters will be made with the
survey link to drop off at all the businesses on Bayshore Drive to get feedback from the public.
The Public Arts Master Plan will have a kick-off meeting on February 27th, then it will go out to
the Board of County Commissioners after for approval.
A. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott started with the CRA parking lot project is going out to
bid tomorrow and trying to get it up and running next year, the sign will be going up soon that
says CRA parking lot coming soon. The staff will be hosting the Thomasson Drive project
Community meeting on the 27th to introduce the CEI contractor. Ms. Scott attended 2 pre-apps
this past month, one of the projects will be behind the Wood springs Suites hotel on Pine Street
and it will be a doggy day care/Auto Man Cave total of 3 sites but there hasn’t been anything
submitted yet. The other pre-app she attended was on Bayview Drive for the Naples Marina which
will be a new structure for Boat Storage and the residential lot across the street will be for
accessory parking. Ms. Scott mentioned that the traffic count is going on and that will be coming
out soon on the speed count and traffic count for the Sabal Shores Neighborhood and Bayshore
Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-2-5-2020 (12131 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-March 4, 2020)
B. Financials: The financial report was presented with the capital projects in fund 160 was noted
on the budget for FY20.
C. Maintenance report: The maintenance report was provided for review; Ms. Forester noted the
issues with the holiday lighting and asked staff to update the Committee. There were a few
extension cords unplugged from the planters so staff will be meeting with Southern Signal and
Lighting to install locks and covers for the outlets to prevent anyone unplugging. The other
lights out will be addressed to ensure the GFI’s are operating correctly.
X. Correspondence and Communications:
A. Vacancy on Bayshore Beautification MSTU & Haldeman Creek MSTU Committee – Staff
provided the link for the County website to apply online for the vacancies and encourage
everyone to let folks know about the vacancies and encourage them to apply.
B. Approval for Improvements of the Pickle Ball Courts E. Naples Community Park –
attached the executive summary for construction award to begin at the E. Naples
Community Center for the Pickle Ball Courts expansion.
C. Third Annual Veteran and Dependent Expo - The flyer for veteran’s assistance
programs was provided in the packets.
D. Car seat check-up – Flyer provided from the department of health.
XI. Public Comments: Mike Howe from Moorehead Manor with a few residents came in and
reintroduced themselves and mentioned the landscape maintenance agreement they are excited to get
in place. Ms. Forester asked if they completed their landscape plan, but Mr. Howe stated that Mike
McGee is still working on it, staff said once they complete it come back and they will address the
agreement at that time. Mike Patch asked about the bike path and landscape renovation, how long
would they anticipate that taking? Is it included on both sides of the street? Ms. Scott said that was
part of the North Bayshore Renovation project, Ms. Forester said that would include both sides of
Bayshore Drive and they would have a workshop on those changes. Susan Davis from Danford Street
wanted to bring up the health, safety and the need for some traffic calming devices for their street and
if there is anything the MSTU can do to assist with all the traffic speeding on the street. Sandra Arafet
wanted to remind the residents on Danford that Parks and Recreation has plans to add sidewalks and
improve the street. Staff mentioned if there is vehicles speeding on the street to call the non-emergency
number at the Sheriff’s Office to have a patrol car to ensure they slow down.
XII. Staff Comments: Ms. Forester mentioned the handout that Dwight Oakley provided about the Isles
of Collier Preserve. Dwight Oakley wanted to go over the attachment that he provided to all of the
committee members. He mentioned that he pulled the information off of the website and wanted
everyone to read it and try to address the base issue on South Bayshore Drive. Mr. Dwight met with
County Staff to go over the traffic impact study that was done and feels the project does not need to
have entrance and exits on South Bayshore Drive and that should be addressed sooner than later.
Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-2-5-2020 (12131 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-March 4, 2020)
Packet Pg. 92 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-2-5-2020 (12131 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-March 4, 2020)
Packet Pg. 93 Attachment: Signed BBMSTU Meeting Minutes-2-5-2020 (12131 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee-March