EAC Minutes 09/06/2006 R
September 6, 2006
Naples, Florida, September 6, 2006
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Environmental
Advisory Council in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 9:00 a.m. in REGULAR SESSION in
Building "F" of the Government Complex, Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: William Hughes
Terrence Dolan
J ames Harcourt
William Hill
Lee Horn - Absent
Judith Hushon
Irv Kraut
Nick Penniman- Absent
Michael Sorrell- Absent
ALSO PRESENT: Stan Chrzanowski, Planning Review
Marjorie Student-Stirling, Assistant County Attorney
Susan Mason, Senior Environmental Specialist
Bill Lorenz, Director of Environmental Services
Barbara Burgeson, Sf. Environmental Specialist
September 6, 2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Hughes at 9:05 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum established.
III. Approval of Agenda
Dr. Hushon moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Hill. Carries
unanimously 6-0.
IV. Approval of June 14, 2006 & July 5, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Changes to the June 14,2006 Minutes:
- Last word on the last page should have read "Commissioners" not
"Commission" .
Mr. Dolan moved to approve the minutes. Second by Mr. Kraut. Carries
unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Harcourt moved to approve the July 5t\ 2006 minutes. Second by Mr.
Kraut. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Ms. Mason requested item "VII. Old Business, B. Stormwater in preserves LDC
amendment-latest version" be re-titled to "E. Changes to the LDC amendments".
Dr. Hushon moved to include all the modified LDC amendments as
Mr. Hughes would like to hear from the sub-committee any information pertinent
to cats.
Ms. Mason agreed to have that on the next month's agenda.
Mr. Dolan seconded. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
V. Upcoming Environmental Advisory Council Absences
VI. Land Use Petitions
September 6, 2006
VII. Old Business
A. Update members on projects
Dr. Hushon would like verification that the letter on Mirasol went to the
Board of County Commissioners requesting to deny the extension and have it
again come before the Environmental Advisory Council. Ms. Student-
Sterling added that if the direction from the Board is to amend the PUD then
it would again come before the Environmental Advisory Council.
Dr. Hushon announced that she went before the Planning Commission on the
Keewaydin issue.
B. Stormwater in preserves LDC amendment-latest version
LDC Sections: 1.08.02. 2.01.03 A.9. 201.03 B.1.e. and 2.01.03 G.1.f.-
Bill Lorenz noted that the limitation of this amendment is to ensure that
motorized vehicles are not the primary purpose of recreation; there use will be
for management purposes only.
Mr. Hughes moved to accept the amendments as written. Second by Mr.
Hill. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
LDC Sections: 3.05.07. H.1.d.-
Dr. Hushon commented that she attended the Planning Commission meeting
that addressed the issue dealing mostly with small projects.
Open discussion ensued. It was noted that the runoff water will have full
treatment before going into the preserves, though there will be no water
quality testing to monitor.
Mr. Dolan suggested a language change to h.ii.b )- as "shown to be occupied
by listed species", or "utilized by listed species".
Mr. Hughes expressed concerns with not having a data base for water quality
monitoring, plants, and development rates.
Public Comment-
Andy Woodruff, Passarella & Associates, addressed possible buffer issues
and that supplying water to wetlands can be beneficial. He added that there
needs to be clarification on the "listed species" language. Ms. Burgeson
replied that language could be added for an exception to the 25 foot buffers.
September 6, 2006
Discussion endued on the ability to allow storm water into wetlands and
uplands, including wetlands that connect with uplands.
Bruce Layman, Wilson Miller, reviewed the proceedings of the language
being reviewed. He addressed wetlands, upland buffers and soils, with the
possible need for the stormwater to flow into certain area.
Mr. Dolan suggested a language change of "(pub. USDA, 198), or other
uplands that demonstrate evidence of seasonal surface hydrology or a
combination thereof."
Ms. Burgeson addressed Mr. Layman's comments reviewing the Land
Development Code as it currently stands.
Nichole Ryan, Conservancy, noted that storm water is not permitted in
preserves. This new language is not more restrictive, it opens things up. The
word "benefit" was originally in the language but has since been removed.
She feels that the language as it is now can be supported by the staff and
Mr. Hughes suggested elevating buildings on pylons and reevaluating the
type of construction going on.
Margaret Emblidge, Collier Enterprises, requested that the language be
clear enough to properly evaluate each situation on a case by case basis. She
feels that the Rural Land Stewardship program would be negatively impacted
by the current language changes.
Ms. Burgeson replied that she does not believe this will impact he Rural Land
Stewardship areas.
Mr. Lorenz would like to make sure there is no conflict with the Rural Land
Stewardship areas and have an analysis for the Planning Commission's
meeting tomorrow.
Doug Lewis distributed written comments made by Gulf Shore Engineering
(see attachment). He mentioned that unintended consequences could occur on
the flood plan or impact plant and animal species. He feels that the language
used with hydric soils may be too ridged.
Ms. Burgeson addressed Mr. Lewis's specific clarifying questions.
Dr. Hushon suggested the language "upland preserves utilized by listed
September 6, 2006
Mr. Hill moved to approve Dr. Hushon's suggested language. Second by
Mr. Harcourt. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Harcourt moved to approve the language suggested by Mr. Dolan
"(pub. USDA, 198), or other uplands that demonstrate evidence of
seasonal surface hydrology or a combination thereof." Second by Mr.
Hill. Motion carries 5-1 with Dr. Hushon opposed.
Mr. Hughes called to reconsider the vote again to negate the original vote.
Second by Mr. Harcourt. Motion carries 5-1 with Mr. Dolan opposed.
Dr. Hushon suggested the language "or other uplands that demonstrate
evidence of benefit due to presence of historical biological indicators of
seasonal hydration."
Chairman Hughes left the meeting at 10:52 a.m., open discussion continued,
he returned at 10:54 a.m.
Dr. Hushon suggested the language "including upland buffers in accordance
with South Florida Water Management District permits".
Mr. Hill moved to approve Dr. Hushon's suggested language "including
upland buffers in accordance with Southwest Florida". Second by Mr.
Hughes. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Dr. Hushon suggested providing a variance procedure to include staff
consultation for those sites where it will still remain as a benefit to the
wetlands not a detriment to the uplands.
Mr. Lorenz suggested it be a deviation instead of variance that would go
through a public hearing process.
Dr. Hushon suggested a motion on providing a variance procedure for staffto
review alternative plans to ensure that they would benefit wetlands and not
adversely impact uplands.
Mr. Hill so moved. Mr. Hughes seconded. Motion carries unanimously
Dr. Hushon asked for a motion to change the word "variance" to "deviation".
Mr. Hughes so moved. Second by Mr. Hill. Motion carries unanimously
The meeting recessed at 11 :09 a.m. reconvening at 11 :22 a.m.
September 6, 2006
Dr. Hushon asked for a motion to leave the paragraph of section
3.05.07.H.1.d.ii.a) as is.
Mr. Hughes so moved. Second by Mr. Hill. Motion carries unanimously
Mr. Hughes moved to reconsider the previous vote. Second by Mr. Hill.
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Dr. Hushon suggested getting rid of prior language and just make one change
to section ii.a) "Treated stormwater shall be allowed only in preserves that are
comprised of jurisdictional wetlands, uplands comprised solely of hydric soils
as mapped in the Soil Survey of Collier County Area, Florida, (pub. USDA,
1998), or a combination thereof including upland buffers in accordance with
the South Florida Water Management District permit process."
Mr. Hill moved to accept the language. Second by Mr. Hughes. Motion
carries unanimously 6-0.
For the record Ms. Burgeson clarified that the appeals process is to the
Environmental Advisory Council; in reference to the motion providing a
deviation procedure for the staff.
LDC Sections: 8.06.03. 8.06.04. and 8.06.10-
Mr. Hughes moved to accept the language. Second by Mr. Harcourt.
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
LDC Sections: 10.02.02.A2. 1O.02.02.A.4.h. 10.02.02.A.7-
Ms. Student-Stirling brought out that the County has the authority to do a
County wide rezone, but she can not imagine the County doing an EIS.
Mr. Woodruff received clarification on the language.
Dr. Hushon asked to have a motion to accept this segment.
Mr. Hill so moved. Second by Mr. Hughes. Motion carries unanimously
Dr. Hushon added that the preserve shape suggested language previously
brought before the Council was with drawn from the Land Development Code
Ms. Burgeson addressed Rich Yvonavich's questions regarding this section.
She took his suggestion to add "required amount".
September 6, 2006
Rich Y ovanovich then requested that it be on the record that "minimum" can
be interpreted differently by different people.
VIII. New Business
A. Presentation of DCA's Objections, Recommendations and Comments
Report on the EAR Amendments
Mr. Lorenz reviewed "Objections recommendations and Comments Report
for Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment: 06-1ER" (see attachment).
The intent of this line item was to notify the Council what the process will be
and suggest creating a sub-committee to assist in language development.
It was suggested for the Council Members to send suggestions on the
document to Bill Lorenz.
Dr. Hushon offered her assistance.
Public Speakers-
Nicole Ryan, Conservancy, does not believe that an interim plan as ordered
by DCA can be crafted in a week. She suggested looking at flow way maps
for assistance. Restoration plans and sending lands need to be taken into
account. She would like to work with staff on the creation of the language.
She then distributed a document from the South Florida Water Management
District (see attachment).
Mr. Harcourt offered his assistance.
It was agreed for the sub-committee consisting of Council Members Dr.
Hushon and Mr. Harcourt to meet on Monday the 11 th at 8:30 a.m.
IX. Subcommittee Reports
Irv Kraut left the meeting at 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Hushon mentioned that the Habitat Conservation Plan Advisory Committee
has finished a draft of a feasibility study for a Habitat Conservation Plan for Red
Cockaded Woodpeckers that will be presented to the Board of County
Commissioners. She reviewed the proceedings of the Habitat Conservation Plan
Advisory Committee.
X. Council Member Comments
Mr. Dolan gave kudos to various persons on their accomplishments.
September 6, 2006
XI. Public Comments
Nicole Ryan mentioned that the Board of County Commissioners will be having a
meeting where they will be considering funding of the watershed management
plans; she suggested the Council make a motion to support the funding. Dr.
Hushon suggested that someone go to the meeting.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by the order of the Chair at 12:40 p.m.
Chairman William Hughes