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Resolution 1999-140
L 6 t\ I,) Rl',SOl.lnlON NO, 99.140 , -~,~ ~;" 'f": . RI',SOIl'IIO" (II, 1111: BOARD oFitOUNTY ("OM1\.flSSI():'\I~RS. ('OI.l II,R (01':\'1 y, 1'1.< HUIl,\, :\('IIlORIZI~G WAIVER OF REG/OSA!. \\',\IIR SYS 11:\1 1\11',\(1 II'IS RH ilCl,,"\1 SEWER SYSTEM 1~1rA('T FEES. IlIm!\I~Y sYSII.\1 I\II'.\C'I 1 U,S, I',\RKS :\:'\1 l RH 'REATIONAL FACILITIES 1\11':\( I I 1-1 s. I~( ):\1) 1\11':\CT I'IIS l\ll~R(jIS("Y MEDICAL SERVICES /\lI'..\n I'I',IS :\:\1) 1"i)l'(:\IICl:\\1. 1:\CII.IIII'.S SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR 0:\\', 1101'SI'. I(l III' (()\'STR1'C"ITtl IIY Ij,\!ln ,,\T mR HUMANITY OF C'OJ.l.Il',R CO( XI y, 1"( '.. (J" IlL()('f..:. I~, It J! ~,\',-\I'I.ES \IA:"OR LAKES, COLI.!I:R COI :\'1 y, 1,1 ()I{II l:\, """'.' ,1',/,. \\'IIFRE:\S, C,dil.:r (ll~::1I:" ha' n:cog01zcd and'~ltempted to adJrc~~ lh,' lad; Ili' ;Hkqual" alld arli,nl:ihlc hllu",n!; t"nr I11nc!crJlc, In'.', ::nd \\:ry-\ol\ Incomc h()usc:~~lds In Ihe ("ounty and thc 'In'" \"1" ll"";III\" :111.1 11111"";llIq: program' Il' a,,:-t In Ih,' prll\ h!lJ~l "t" :,uch hou\lng hy Includlnl,! ~l'H'ral prl1\ I"llll' 111 lh,' ( ,,111"1 ( II11111y (,rllll'th \\anai,!L'l11cnt 1'1;Jl1 11~(llldlll',! ,,1'ic,ll'C 1..1, poliCY 1.4,1; ohjecl1\l' 1.5. pohc~' 15,.:!, :111i1,~ I:' ,\, l'oill'~ I .; .1, p"J"y 1,5,5. p,)I,,~ 1,:;(,: IIhi"l'I:IL' Il"1'"1", I I, ,1, ohl~'Cll\'C 2,1. rolle) 2,1,1. p"lIc~ .:! I 2, pldl\Y 2 I I, I',dll,\ .~ I '"lIld policy 2,1 J) "I' the: Ilou'lll:,.! 1',iL'ml'nl. ;:nJ \\'IlLRI-_:\S, CIIIIIl'f (c,unty ha~ rL'cL'I\'cd funding pursuant to the State lI11u'lllg IlIrllal1\\" ";lIlm'"hlJ'I'rol!rillll ~,,::~:+~ : set forth In Sce:llon -l.:!(),')()" ~~\.l" I'h,nJa Slalulc:s and Chapter 91.31. Florida Adl1lllll~lral",' ( olk: ;l1ld '.', \\'1 [rr~ F,\ S, m ;1l;CllfdancL' \\'1Ih ('oilier ('ountyonsi~nce No, 93.11). thc ('IIl1nly " al1lhorl/l'd tll lI'C Illndlll~ :,,;'(:" I'wm thL' Sial,' 111I1l"ng InllI;Jl1\ <."' Partncrshlp ISIIIPI fJrolP'3m for wain:rs uf C 'nlhL'r ('Olllll~ Inll'a.1 Ii.'",: ;1I1l1 \\'11 FH I',:\S, I bhl1at rllr Ilumaol1y ofCnlller ('ounty, Inc. is $cckrng a \\'lll\'l:r Ill' 11111':1L'I fel'", and .1a:-; \\'IIERL:\S, I l:d'ltal fllr /Iumanlly IIf Collier County. Inc, will Clln~lnlCl 00,' r I, Ihn:c-hcJI'"lrll 1I1111 (thL' "[)\\'Clllll!; \'111''', 1111 1l1<Il:k I~, 1,111 '1';' , :'\:Ipks MlInor ~1(es which is propcl\ed Itl "'II 1'111 1'llIly-SIX ') hll",,,nd Fl\c Hundrcd [Joll;,rs i~-lCI,~Ci(I,CiI)); ;lIld ~~:.., .. \\'llf',RIc:\S, Ihl" Ih\clllllg I'nlt \\,t11 he purcha~cd hy a \cry 1m, IOCllm~' hlllhChtlld "llI,'h Is Il"lJlIIrcd 1" 11l'L'sl a 1111 11 I lllll 111 01' (1\ c 11III1drl'l! i "'II,) h"lII" n,""I', ,'al hllllly" hcforc II nnlatns lItlc In 111l' hllll"', ;1I~d ''.'111-.1< I-.,\S, \11' ( 11;!Ik- ( , S:l1l1h. \'I~" I'rc\Hknl of II;,hllal I()r Ilull1alll1~ "I' (,,11"'1 ('''III1:Y. 11ll'. 'lIh'l1l11nl III 1111' (llfl':L' n:' J IIlll'lI1~ ,111.1 I '1''';11' Illlpnl\L'11\1"111 an AITonJahlc IIllu~lO!! :\pplt':Hlloll lIalL'd I 1","'1I111\' I" ~ I. i '1')S !ill a I\'al\'l'r Ill' 11111':1,'1 rc", 1'''1" Ih,' ."Il,trUL'llllll Ill' a hClU\C on Blllck I~. I.or ~. '\al'll's \lal1ol" I.;d,cs, a ,"p~ ",' ,aid ;lppl1CJIIOIl " 1111 t'l1c III th,' 111I1I'11l~ and l'rh;1O Imprun:mc:nl r>~partml'nl: and \"III',R!-..,\S. 111 ""',,r,bl1l'l' \lllh S,'Clllln ~,()4 of the RCa,llonal \\";II~'r and or S"\I,'r Sysll'nh Irllpal.'l I;ce ()rdl11al1l'l', (}rd11',i1l,'L' :\11 II~-"IJ, SCl"llOn ,',/J-lllf Ihe Library S)'stcm Impact I'l'~' (Ird1l1alll'l". (InhllallCI" :-;11 ;';S,<J7, as all1cndcd: S,'CII(lll -I,I)~ Ill' IhL' 1'.lrb ;Jlld IkerC;JllunaIFaclhlll:S Impact "CC' ()rdl11anl", (1l"dlllanCL' :-;0, ~S_IJ(" a' JIl1l'lldl"d: SL'I.'t11l11 ,',0-1 or lh,' RIIJd I mp;J1" I h:c ()rd,"z~~()rd~nam::c: :'\0, "1':!..:!2, as ;lI11\'I1<kd: S,'cllllll ,'II~ "t" thc r:n'l'r~l~ncy \lL'dh.:al SCf\ I~L':" Sy"'ll'1l1 1"1pa..:t FC'c ('n.hnan7e. Ordinance ~n. 91- ~ I. :'1' alll\."lllkd: .111d Sl"l'lll\ll .,ll) pi the .."".. hllllOllll1l,al 1';11'11111'" S"ll'lll Impa,'1 Fc\' C JrdlOanC'c:. ordinance I'll, ')':!.~J, ;IS ,11l1l"II,k.l, :111 :ll'pll,-alll 111:\\' 01>1;1111 a . ~. \\JI\'l'r "t'llllpa,': ("c" h:- qu;dli':1I1~ rllr a \\al\L'r: and