Resolution 1999-138 RI..SOU '111l:" :"0. 'lI)_ ~3~.. . 16/\ 15 RI:SOl.l'IJO\ 01. "II: BO:\lUl 01; ( '01 ''.'1)" (H\J.\I/SS/f I'.'I'.RS. ('()J l.1/:/{ ('0( XIY. I.J.()IW 1.\, .\1' r I/OIH/':"(j WAI\'ER OJ. J(I:( iIO\'.\1 \~':\lII{ SYSIT\I '\11'..\11 "I'I'S. J{J.{iIOSt\l SI\\'J-I( S)"SII'\I 1\1/':\1" I'J-/S. 1I/lIC\HY 'iY'II.\I 1\11'\(" 1.1I..s. MR,",S :\:'\/1 1<'.( 10.\1/11'.'\1 1'.\111.1111'> 1\11'\11 I liS. ImAI> 1\11',\('1 IU'S. J'\I/')(I,J '.'1 Y \111111.\1 SI'.R\'lIh I\I/'V f H'I:S :\\Jl H)I'(\JIO'.':\I 1.\1111111" SY'>II'\I 1\11'..\11 HI'> /(1)( II'L 1I11l'S!. [0 Ill. (()SSml'( II'IIIIY 11.\1111,\1 JIll< III'.\I:\\!IY Ill. ((JlI.I/-.I( ('IlI''''Y, 1"1,0:" BI.OCI-: .; I (II I'). '..\1'11.'> \l:\\OR I :\I-:'.S. (OIIlFR ('01 ''.'1 Y,Fl.ORIDA. \VIIEREAS, ColIl\:r ( oun'> ha, reclI~nllcd and allcmplcd It! ~ddrc" Ih,' lack II. ""I.''IlIal... i111l1 "Ifllnlahlc housang fur mnckrah:. JIII\. and \cr>-Ifl\\ ancllme hnu~hoJds In the ('uunty ~nd Ih,' nCI.'J f.,r n...;III\,. ;/lJ,11l1l1Il\all\" programs III a"", In tl1... pro\ l'lon 01 ,u.:h huusrng hy In.:ludm~ sc\crall'ro\ 1'1011' III Ih,' ! '0111,'1' I "llIHy I iTll\\ Ih Managl:'ment l'lan, rnduJrn;:. oh)c.:II\1.' lA, pollc)' IA.I: uhJcl.'uw 1.5, polll.'> I'.:!. 1'011"> 15.1. p,,f,,> l.~..l, polley' 1.5.5. poll.:> I '.r.. IIhlc,tn.: I.r.. [lulrq 1.('.': Uh'.....II\1.' 2.1. pulll.'> ~ II. polr....\":! 1:!.I',,fln :!.I \, polrcy 2.1.5, and pollc> 1.1 (, IIllh,' 11011'111;: l:1cmcnl: and \\'III:RI:t\S. c'Il!II,'r ( "unty ha, rc,'cl\'I:',1 hlndln!! pur\uanl III th,' 'i1;,I,' 1III'''"1~ IIlnlillll'" 1""I''''I',I1IP I'roj,!ram 51:1 fnnn In Sl:clllln 4';11'111- \'1~\'Il.. Iloflda StatUI..., and ('hart,'r 'Jl..~-. l'lorrd~ :\dlllll"'lrall\1: ( 0'1.'; ;lIhl WIII:RJ:..\S, In '1I:..."r,!;,",'" \\ Ilh ( ,,1I1\'r C'lIunly (Inlrnanec :-';0. '1.'.1'). II", ('011111\ I' ;lIllhlllll\'d I" ""' fundln!! frnm lhe Slalc fl"U'lfl'.: 1:1111;111\1." l'ann...r,'upISIIII'll'rogram I.,r \\;11\,.1" "I ('IlJII"! ( "11111\' 1I11I""'1 f,'",; anJ \\'lfI:RI'.:\S. Ilanllallor Illlmanll> "f('IIlh,'r ('ounly,lnc, I' \......klnj!;1 "all ,'I "I "1l11;1l'1 I,',"; "".I \\'lfI,HI::\S. Ilanllal :~'r JlllmanllY of ('"III,'r ('IIunly. '11':. 1\ ill .:on,trll,1 ,,",' r II 111In'.h,'d""'"1 111111 (1111.' "Dwelling I:nu") nn Bil,,'k 1.1111 I'). \;tp1c, \Ianllr l:~kL', \\hll.'h 1\ prn[lll,cd I" ,,'11 illr I'"I.I'S" 11101"'111111'1\" "undred Dollars (S~(..s(j1J I)ft); ;Illd \....IIERI:AS. Ihc 11I1 c1111l)! I 'nil \1.11 he pun:hascd hy 1I \'\'1}' 1m, ""'"1",' hO\II,,'hold II Jill'll " 1"<1"11"'" '0 rn\'~1 a mimmum of tj\C hlllldr\'J (~I)rll hllur, of "S"...a! I:CjUII>. hc:lilrl:' U ohl.,,", I,ll,' 10 tli,' 11< 'II"'. alld WflERI;:\S. :\Ir. Chark, ( . Smllh, Vll.'e l're'ld':nl or IIanilal I"l' lIunl"nlly oj l'III1,,'r ('IIll1ll.\'. Ill".. suhmllled 10 Ihl:' (JUke IIf IIIIll',n;: an" I 'rhall Imprn\.:mcnl an ..\ fI.,rdahk IIIII"'Il~ .\ppll.:.'I'I>1I dal\',1 Ikn'IIII"" 21. II)C)S '.lr a W31\'cr of Imp;,_1 f,'". I", till' ,I>Il'lnl,'llon of a hilI,,'" IIn Blllck 2, I "' 1'1. \;'pk, \1.111"1' I "k,'" a "IIp~ of said appllcallon IS nn tile 10 till' Illlu'lI1!! ~nJ I 'rnan ImJlrm...m.:ntlll:parrmcnI: ~Ild \VIII:Rh\S. 111 a_cord"lk" '\1Ih Sc.:lllIn .1.tI4 or Inc Rc~","~1 Willcr ;1I1e1 tll' '>""'1 '>\'1,'11" 11111';"'1 """ Ordinance, (JrJlnan.:c \tI. '),'.!"); '>,'.:III>n .1.f)~ "r Ih,' 1.lhral)' Sysll:'m Impal.'l h',' ( IldlOal1.,.. (Irdlllalll',' :-;". l\s.')7. a~ amended: Sectl"n 4.05 III' 11ll' J':lrk- and R""'rcall,,nall'acIIIIICS ImJla1.'1 J....., ()rdlll'II1""', I )rdllHlIl'.... \'0. Sl\.I)(,. 'IS amended; Se,ll.>n .1.H4 of thc RlIad Impac! Fc" (lnhnane.... (Jrdlnanc\' ~ll. ')~.1~. ", :111"'11.1.-"; '>""1""1 .\.115 "I' Ih,' Em.:r~...nc)' ,\kull'al S"r\ '''', ': ,1\'111 11111'.11.'1 ,."" ()ld'l1ancc. (lrdrnan,',' ~" ,) I. -I. ,I' "IlK'111I.-d. alld 'i,','I""1 .1.115 ,'I Ihe Educaltnnall':!,'lhll'" '>\ ''''111 11111'".1 1.,'1.' (Irdln'II1l"', (11'11111:111':1:' "0. C)~..11. a, '"11"11.1".1: "11 ;If'plll';'"1 Ill;oy Ohl;1\1I a wal\'cr of Impacl fcc, hy '111:0111\ 111~ fill''' '\aln'r, and