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Resolution 1999-137
Rl'SllLl 'I 10:-; so. I}'J....!-~ 16A 15 RES01.l'11r>:\ ()I 1111. III l,\IW OF eOL'ST.... COMMISSIO:-.iI:RS. ('OI.I.IER nW'IY. II r>RIIl.\, ..\lIIlClRIZlsrj WAIVER OF RECiIOS:\1. WATER S'I'STL\1 I \11'.\(1 I US RI:( i(OSAI. SEWI~R SYSTE~l I~lI'A('I I'H.S. I.IBR,\RY S1'SII'.\1 l\II'..\('T H'.FS. PARKS- AND RI.CI{I::\l!o:-;,\1. FAU I. I( II.S 1\11'.\('1 IH,S, IWAI) IMPAct FlmSt'EMER(jJ',Sn' ~IEIlI('^1. SER\'I("1-S 1\11'\('1 I,I.IS ..\SIl EIHICA110l'lACF/\nll'lll',S S'I"SII'.:-'I I\IPM'T I.I'.LS Ir J1{ ()'I'. Ilot iSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY IIAIiII..\lI'()R IlL'~IA:\IlY (II ((lILlI.1{ ('(ll'S IY. 1'('"ON BLOCK (, un Ill. S:\I'I.I:S ~1:\SClR 1.\11 'sir )" ('( 1I1.lLR ('()\ 1ST..... FLORIDA, WIlI:RI::\S. ('olll,'r ( Il\lllt! ha- r\."\."o!=l11/o:J anJ allempkoJ ll) addn:$s Iho: la.:k 01 aJ.:qllah: ami alturJahk housm~ fur mOlkrall'. !"'.I. ""'! "':':. .!.I\I m.:"ml' hou<och,)IJs In the CoUnl)' and Ih.: l1\.".:J fur I:n:all\'C and mncl\'all\'C rrograms III a"I_IIr. :11,' 1"'"1.:":1 \l1'lI\."h h"U'In1! hy lncludi~J sc\'eral pru\'N"n'lIllho: ('olher ('lIunly liulI\lh \lanallemcnl Plan. 111. >"!',:~.~ ":"1":" I: 1..1, ll"ill'Y I A.I; ohjec\J\'c 1.5. ""h~y I.'..:!. 1"'hq' 15,,\. rolll:)' I.~..l, policy 1.5.5. poll\."! I;; I,. "IW. 'II,' I (t. poil.:y 1.1t-': ohJeeU\c 2,1. polley 21.1. poh.y .:!.1..:!, polll:Y 2.1..\. 1'011l':Y 2.1.5, and rllh.:y .:! 1.1. II: ::;,'II"~:':I1'.: Ikll1~n1: .md WIII:R!-..\S, ( ,,11:,'r ( "111111 11;1- r,'\.'el\.:1I lunJml.l pursuant 10 Ihc "lal,' lIou"ln!! lrulm'lw.. l'anncr"llIp Pro~rram set tilrth In Sl:d:lln .:~" ')I 1- ,\ ,.~\,\l ' I10rlll;, Stalule~ and CharIer C)I.~i. Homla :\lImml'lrall\'C ('lIdc: and \\..IIE1H....\S. In .",.,,:-1.1:1," '.\ IIh I oiher I'ounl)' Onhll<lncc So, ')~.I 'J, th,' ('1111111\' " alllhnrlled 10 us,' t'undln~ from !l1e ~Ia\,' 11'1l)'1:1'.: 111ll1allll:- l'ann...rslur\SIIIP) Pn~m lor \\al\er' of ('oll,er (OUllly Illlpacl k,'s: ....._'.....~'" .. and *~":~;~n WIIERL\S, Ilahllal 1'11[ Ilull1anlty ..I' ( 'olller ('ounly. fnc, IS seeking a \\'al\ er uf Imra!:1 leo:..; ;Jml WIIEREAS, Ilahl1at ti.r Ilul11anl1y ..r ('olller County.,Jn" "'111 conMruel nn.: II, Ihree.hedrcN,m unll (the ,;\ft; . "Dwclllng lJnll" I nn Illlld.. I,. 1111 I II, :"arlcs ~lanur b,len.l~ ....hleh ill proroscd III wll Itlr l;uny-SllI '1 hllusand ~r.' FI\'c lIundr~J I>olbr- ,ql,.<111l "''I. alld WIII:Rb\S, till' I h\ 1:; 11!1~ 1'1111 \I ill he f1ureha,cJ by a \'Crylo\\' In,om.: houwhold \\ 111.:11 \'i rl:\~ulred h. 1I1\'o:,t a minimum "' f, \,' Ilun.!:,'d 1'1" I' hour- (.1 "~\\...a! 1',qU'ly. bdon: II ..lllallh III Ie h, 1111: hUII"c; allll WIIERE..\S. \Ir [h.l~ Ie. ( Smull. \'1\.",' I'rcsluL:nt of lIahllal fllr Ilum;tnl1y ..I' ('(1111':1' ('ollnt)'. In\.'.. submmcd 10 tho: (JI'fI~1: "1 11"ll-ln;! ,Ill.! I 'rhan Irnl'tl,\'cmcnl an Afl(lrdahlc I lUll 'Ill !! ;\I'I'II,'all1ln ";lled I >Cl:cmher ;! I, 199K for a wal\'L:r of Imp;l\.'1 I,','. (III' tll,' ':1I11.lnl\'lI..11 Ill' a houS!: on Block (" 1.01 10 Saples \Ianllr 1;..,lel1slIIn, a ellpy ursald appllCallll1l1' "11 ::". 1:1 :h\." 11"""11;! ~I!\d l'rh:lI1lml'rmcmenl DCl"anment: :lnd WIlER!::\S, 111 .le',"I',::,:l" II 1:11 S,',\llIl1 .'O~ ..Ilhc RO:~!I1,"al Walcr alld or S"I\l'r Sysll:m' Il1ll'a~1 1'1:,' Ordinance, Ordlnanc,' ,... 'J"./,'J. ....,.,[:1111 .\11.1 I1"lh.: I.lhraf)' Sy~tem Imracl I'e~ (lnhnaIK", (Inhnam:\." :"... XX.cli, as amc:nded; Secll(ln .1.115 0:' the I'."b and Hl:aeallllnall'acilirin Imract I'ce ()nhnan~.... (lnhntmee No, KI\.'I(" u.. amended; Scetlon J.fJ-l of the RlIad Im!,al:! I'...c ()rdlnanl:c, Ordil\lllWe No, 1)~.22, a" aml:nJeJ; Scelllln 3.o~ III' Ihe Emeraenc:y Mc:Jleal Sl:r\ 1,','- s~ _t,'m Iml'al:l h:e (JrdlOanl:c"I. ...d'~...~~'NO' 91-71. a, amended: allll SCl:tlnn J,OS uf ,. . ,'''~~=,,:/....... Ihe F.ducallonall'actlltlc, S,_klll 1I11pa,. F.:,' (Jnl1nal1l:e, ()rdlnlDlbe'No. 92-33, a' amcmlnl: an armlsl:"nl ma\' ohtalO are: ,...' -....'... :;~;~ a waiver of Impacl kes hy quail I:, Ill;! lor a \\:lIh'r: and 'i""