Resolution 1999-133 -, 16A 1'-' '" ,..I KI:SOU:TJO:-: :-:0, 99.~ RESOLt;TIO~ or TIlE BOARD 01' ('OUNTY l'OMI\IISSIO~I:RS, (,()IJII:I~ ('Ol'~n', I'IORlIM, AIJTI/ORIZI~(j WAIVER OF REOIO:-':,\I. \~'''ITIt SYSI 1-.:\1 [:\.11'''\( T FH.S. RHjfO;";I\L SE\H,R SYSTEM IMIIAc-r H.ES. I.lIlR,\I{ Y SYSII':\I 1:\11'1\('1 HTS, PARKS ,,~/) RI:('REATIO~:\L FAnl.llll',S 1\11':\( "1 ,.J.I.s, I~l ).\1) I:\.II'ACT FH.S, E\IER(jE~('Y \II'.DlCAI. SERVICES 1\11':\('1 I.I-.I..S :\"1> EDl:(',.\ I 10;";"\1. FAClI,lTII"S SYS 1'1:\1 1\II'At'T I'EES roll. 0:'\1. 1101 'SI'. IlJ Ill. CONSTRITTED flY IIABITAT FOR III iJ\lM../lTY OF ('(ll I 11'1{ (,()1'~ I Y. "'( . , ()~ BLOcK U, UlI I~. ~:\PLI:S \IA~OR i\(>fllTlo:,\. (( lllll',R (( /1:'" y, I.LOR If)", WIII:REAS. ('ollll:r ('manty has r!:eognl/!:d and all!:mph:d to IIddn:~s Ihe lad: Ill' ,ldl''1l1all' ;lIld afli,rdahle housmg for moderat!:. Inw. and \cry.low Income hnusc:holds in the: ('ounty and lhl' nccd !ilr l'rl'atin: :lnd Innr)\'nlJ\'c program~ tn a~'lst In Ihe prCl\ 1,lnn nf sueh houslnll by includinll se\'eral prnq~IOIl~ III the ('olllcr ('llllIlIY (inl\\ Ih Managemcnt Plan. including: uhJcclI\'e IA. pulley IA.I: oh)ecll\'e: J.S. rClllcy' 1.5,1. policy 1.5..1, 111111l'y 1.5A, pllllcy 1.5,5. polJcy U.ll; oh)eell\c I"" p..llcy Ud; ohle.:\I\'!: 2.1. polley 1.1.1. pl)lJ.:y 2.1.2'l1nJI~Y 2.1..\, pllli~y 2U. and pollc)' 2, t .() of Ihe Ilou~lnt! Hcment: anJ \\'I\J:RE,\S. ('n"1\~r ('ounl~ has r~','cl\l:d funding rur,wantto Ihe Slat!: lIou'lnl! IOJlliltlH'S P,lrln~'r~hlrl'rngram .1:1 forth In Se.:tICm ..2lJ,l)lli ~.. l-Iurl\la St<llulcs and ("hapll'T 9/.37. Florida ,\dmlnlslratl\ " ('m1c: and \\'/1 UU-.A S. In a.:corJann" \\llh ('ullll:r ("lIunlY Ordlllance: ~n. I)~.I'), Ih.. ('oUllly " alllhorlled tll lISl' flllldln~ from lhc State /I11U'IIl!; 11111Iall\,'. (':lnner,hlp ISlIlI'll'rugram lilr \\al\!:rs nre 'olller<< 1I11nty 111I1la,1 ll'Cs: ,lnd WIfERI:AS. Ilahltatli,T Ilumanlly of ('ulli~"r ("nunt>. In~'. is seekml! a \\ al\\'T III 1Il1P;1\'1 fee,; ;ll1d \\'JlF.R1:,\S. /llIhllat fur lIumanny lIf ('oilier ('(lllnlY', Ine, "III cnnslnl,'l 011\' III thr,'\'.h,'drolll11 111111 {Ih\' "Dwelling {;ml"lon Block I,'. Lilt I ~ :"ap1cs "anor ,\JdlllOlI whIch IS prnpused III '\'11 till' 'orry.s" I h1l\lS,1I1l1 hw Ilundred Dollars (s..r,.5U1l.OUI: anu \~'''':RI:AS, Ihl.' J)\\ellln!l I:nll \\lll he purchllscd by a \'Cry low incomc hlluwhllld" IlIdl Is r\'qllITI'd '" IIl1'cst a minimum of fi\'e hundrl.'J (SOf}) hours llf"S\\eall'l)lIflY" h\.'lilrc' n nbtainSlIIlc IlIlhe hllu\\': alld WIIERb\S, ~r. ('harks C. Smith. Vice Prl.'sldl.'nl of /IahU:i1 fur /IumanllY IIITollil'r ('ounIY, In.:.. slIhnllllcd to the Office: of IInuslng anrl 1 'rhan ImprU\.l.'m~'nt an Af/ilTlJahle I lOUSing ,\pplieal",n d<lll'd I )ecell1'wr 21. I .}.,x lilr:, waln:r or Imp;lL'1 Ice.. lilr the cnn,lructulO of a hllusc on /Uock 13. 1.01 13 !';ar1es :\l<lllor "ddlll<II1, a '"PY of said aprllcallOo i!'i on file 1ft the Ilnuslng and I 'rhan Imprn\,cmcntIX-partment: and \VIlEREAS. In accordance \\1111 Sl'L'llOn ,\.f)~ of Ih~' Rcgl'lOal Water ,Jnd ur S,'\\\'r Sy'slI'll1s fll1p:l':' h'c" (lrrlmance. Ordmance "0. ')S.(,'): """lion 3,04 "I' thl.' I.lhr:tI'Y Sy..lem Impilcl h'c' ()nllllan':l'. ()nllll;mn' "0. J\l>;.'I7, :Is amended; SccllOn ...lJS of Ih,' Parks and Ikc'reall"nal hlcllltlcs Impact Fee ()nhn;II1~", (Inlll1all.:e :..:". XX."6, a~ :Imendcd: Seel!"n ~.f}.J or Ihe Road fmpa~t I',e (lrJlnallee, ()rdman.:c ~o. ');2-22. :I' ;o111"nd...1. "l'.:Urlll .\1)5 "I' Ih,' Emerllency Medical Ser\'1.:e, SY,lc'l11 Imra.:cl;ee ('rumanee, (Irull1an\:e :"'u, 'JI.71.;o, ;Jll1elllk'd: and S,','l!1I1l3.115 "fIliI.' Educalional Facilitic~ System Impa.:t "ec Ordmanec, Ordinance No. 92..l3, a, :1l11en(k'd: an applle:1Il1 may ohl:lln a ",al\'cr oflmrae11i:es l1y 4ual1fym~ lilT a w:tl\er: <llld