Resolution 1999-114
10 b
HESOI.UTIO;\, ;\'0.91)-114
,\ HESOI.UT/O."Ii ,\I'I'OI:\'TI.'\;(; c'\IHH, II0I.U:
I'AI/1. TO TI/E CO;\,TIUCTOHS' I.ICE:\SI:\(; 1l0.\HU
\Vll EREAS. ("ollicr ('OIlIlLy Ordinilllce "11, ')().IOS. as alllended. I:reated the ('ontral:tors'
I.icensing BO:lnl and provides that the Board shall be composcd of nine (')) II1cll1hers appointed
h)' the Board of County Commissioners Wilh a minimllll1 of two (21 JlH.:mhers residing wilhill the
corporale city limits of 'aples or rccoml11elHled Llllhe Board by Ihc :-\:Ipks ('ilY ('olllll:il: :11111
WllEREAS. o:fli:cli\'c Octoher 1. I 'i'I;>;. Se~'IIOlI 41\'J,I;t lr 1(1). FIrm"" SIIIIIII,'S, requires Ihal
e\'ery contractors' hccnsing hoard COllsislins of Sl'H'n or l110re ml'mbl',s II1USt ha\'c at least J of
those lllell1hcrs quali fy as COnS\llI1er rcpresellliltiH:S,
WIIERE/\S. Ihere is currelllly a \';1C;1I1CY on Ihis BOilrd lilr the category of ('onsulller
Represcnl:lli\'e: ilnd
\\'IIEREAS. the Board <1f ('ollnty Commissioners prcviously pro\'idcd pllhlic nllli1:c
soliciting applicllions frolll \'ariolls inlen.:sll'd panics,
:-\0\\', TIlEREFORE. BE IT RESOI.VED II)' 'IIIE IIO,\JW OF (,011;--';'1'1'
CO;\I;\IISSIO'ERS OF (,OI.I.II:R t'OlJ:-\T)" FI.OfU DA. that (';1101 J lolle 1':1111 Il1eels Ihe
prerel/"isilCS for appointmenl and is hereby appointed as ('onSlllm:r Represelllalil'e III Ihe
Contractors' Liccnsing Board for a three year lerrn. saidlemllo cxpire fln June Jll, 211{)2,
Thi~ Resolulion adopted ,.ner 1l100iofl. :<;ccond and majority \'Ole.
DATED: Fchruary 'J. I ')l)'J
D\VI(jllT E. BROCK. Clerk
('OI.l.IER ('ot;;--';TY, FI.ORIDA
(1r\~IEI.r\ S. :>'lA<"KIE, Chair\\'oll1ati
-ly~~~~.:.,.-.>.?!# ~ ~ a. (l.
Att~st a~ to Chalrmdn ~
SIC}llature onlJ.
Appro\'ed a~ to fonn and
legal surficicncy:
II ' /Z..;/ .
_})'.Ah.YJ...,_(,rl_{) l~_
David C. Weigel t:..J
County Allorne>'