Resolution 1998-095 RESOI.IIT10N NO. 1)11_ 9.5__ 16A 'l.: RESOLUTION Of TIlE OCMRO OF ('OU:--;"I"'\' CO:\1MISSIONERS. nn.I.II:R COllNT'\'. H.ORIIM. AIJTIIORIZINCi WAIVER OF RHilONM, WAI"ER SYSTEM IMM(I FEES, RECilONAI. SEWI:I( SYSTEM IM"A(T FEES. LIBRARY SYSTEM IMI'A('T FEES. !'ARKS ANI> RECREATIONAl. FACII.ITIES IMPACT FEES. ROAI> IMPACT FEES. EMERciENn' MWIC',\I. SERVICES IMMCT FEES ANO Er>1JCATIONAI. "'A('II.IlIES S'\'STI:M IMMn' FEES FOR ONE 1I0llSE TO BE ('ONSTIWc"I'EO B'\' IIABITAT FOR IIUMANITY OF COl.LlER COIINTY. INC.. ON LOT 2J. 111.0('/\ D, NAI'I.I:S MA:o.:OR I.AKl:S. COttiER COUNTY. FLORIIM. WHEREAS. ('olher ('ounty ha~ rccngOlzed llnd allempted tll adure~s the lack III' adequate and aflilrdahh: housing for modcrate. low. ard \"t'ry-Iow Income h(lu~hulds in lhe Cuunly and thl;' n~'ed t.,r creative anllinnu\'all\'c pfllgrams to IISSlst In thc rrn\"1Slun of ~uch huusmg hy meludlTlg se\'eral PfCl\'ISlIms in thc C'lIthcr ("ounty Ciruwth Managcmcnt Plan. mcludlng: ohJeclln: 1.4, polte)' 1.4,1; ohJcc\I\'c 1.5. poln:y 1.5 ,2, Jl<lhey I.~,~. poltey 1.5,4. poliey I.S.~. policy 1.S.f.; uhJeell\'c 1.6. pullcy 1.6.3: ohJecli\'c 2.1. [lolicy 2,1.1. (lolu.:)' :!.I.2. pnlrey 2. U. rolley 2.1.5. and policy 2,1,(, nr lhl;' Ilou~ln!l [Iement: and WHERI:t\S, ('ollll:r ('ounty halO rccch'ed funding pursu;int to the Stllte "nuslng Inlllllll\'es ('artnership Program sct rorth m See1inn ~2I),l}()7 s:!Jl:.Q.. Florida Slatutes amI ('ha[ltcr 91-.'7, FlOrida Administratlw Code: and WIIEREAS, In aeeonJanee wllh Collier County Ordmancc No. 9~-19. the Count)' is authori,.~-d I" use funding from Ih,' Stale Jlouslng Inll1ah\'es Partnership ISJlII'll'rl'j!ram for wal\'crs of Collier ('ounl)' Impa\.:t fces: and WHEREAS. Ilahllat fll~ Ilumanil)' ofColhcr County. In\.:. IS seeking a W:II\'Cr of Impacl fees: amI WHEREAS. Ilabllat for Humanity or Collier Counl>', Inc. will con~truel line (lllhree-heynlUm unll (the "Dwelling Unit") 011 I.Ill :!3, Hinck 13 Napll:s Munur I.lIkes \\ hlch I~ I'rn[lllscd tll sell lilr Fnrly-Sl~ Th.,usanll Ft\'e Hundred Dollars (S46.S00.00l: and WJlElH:AS. the Dwelling Untt will bc [lurchased hy a \'C:ry low ,"com,. househ..ld which IS rl;"lu1r,'d tn in\'est a minimum or rl\C hUMllrcd (SOO) hours of"Swcat El/ully" tocfur,' I' nhlalns 111)., 10 the huuse; and WIIERb\S. ~Ir, Ch~rlcs C. Smith. Vice President nf lIahltat fi-r Jlumanlly nf ('oll,,'r ('uunl)'. Inc.. Submltled to Ihe Ollicc orllousmg and l!rhan Im[lro\'em~'nl an I\n,'rdahle IInuslnl! "\I"plie.lhnn dOlled Jamlllr)' 27. 1998 for a waJ\'er ormlpact fces rur the c(\n~lrucllon ora house un 1.01 23,/tl..ek D 'I:.Ipk- \1;mnr I.akl;'s, a eupy nf said application IS on lile In Ihe Ilousing and Urhan Im[lr()\'cm~'nll kpartment; and WIIEREAS. In accordance \\'Ith S~'clll," .l.lJ4 of the Iklllunal WOller System Imraet Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No, 90-R6, as amende.!: ScctlOn 3.0-1 of the RelllUnal ~.~'wer Syslcm Impac1 Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 90-87, as amended: Section ~.O~ or thc I..hrary System Impact Fcc ()rdln;lncc. ()rdlnall\.:e Nu, KI<-1)7, as amended; Section 4,05 of the I'arks and Rcereallonal FaCilities Impac1 Fcc Ordinance. Ordlnam:e Nu. IIK.cH,. as amended: Section 3J'~ of thc Road Impact Fee Ordlllallcc. Ordmallce Nu. 1)2.22. as am,'nded: S,'ctlon .l,US of ,nc Emergency Medical Ser\'lces System ImJ1llCl Fcc Ordinancc. Ordlllilllce Nu. 'J I- 71. as Olmcmle<l: and S.:ellun .\.115 'If lhe Educational Facilities System Impact Fcc Ordmancc. OrdlllOlllce '1:11.92-33. liS aml;'nd.:d: ;'''Iajlpheant ma)' uhlalll a waiver of impact fees by quahfYlllg for a wai\'cr: and - 1 - 2 16A 2 WIIEREAS. lIahllllt lilr lIumllnlly of Callier County. In\:, halO qualilietlli.lr an Impact fce wai\'Cr hll~ed uJl<m lhe following rcprcsentation~ made by Habitat for lIumanity ofC-ollier County. Inc.: A. The Dwcllin~ Unit shall be sold to a IirlOt-time home buyer. B. The Owel1;n~ Unit ~hall he !\Old 10 a hnuschold WIth :l \'Cry low mCllmc lc\'ClalO th:lt term is dclin~-d in the A[lpcndicelO to the rcspecti\'e Im[lllct Fcc Ordlnanccs and lhe mllnlhly payment 10 purcha~e the: unit mUM he wtlhin thc affordahlc hou~Ing 1lurdelinelO establllOhed In the Appendices to the respcell\'e Im[lllct Fce Ordinances, C, The flwelling l'nit ~hall he the Illlme~lead nf the nwner, D, The Dwelhn~ t.:nlt shall remain afrordable for "flcc" (IS) )'ear~ rrom thc date the ecrtllicute or occupancy.s Issued, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE HOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. that: I. The Board Hf County Commlssloncrs hereby authorizes the Counl)' Manager to issue an Authorizallon for wal\'cr or Impact recs to lIahllat for IIumanlty of Collier ('ounly. Inc, for one (I) house which ~hall he cOMtrueled on I.nt 23, Bluck 1 J :o.:a[lles ~1anor I.ake~. ('oilier ("ounty. Flomlll, 2. Upon recci[lt by lhc lIou~ln~ and Urban Im[lro\'ement Oirector of an agreemcnt for wal\'cr of impact rces SIgned br Jlabital lor IIumantlr of Collier ('ount)'. I"e.. and/or the purchaser. or othcr documcntahon acccptablc to Ihe ('ounty Attorney. the Board uf County ('nmmissioners herl:hy authOrizes the [larmcnt by Collier County of the fclllowinil im[lact fces from the Affnrdllble Ih~u51n1l Trust Fund. Fund (191 ). in thc follOWing amounls filT the onc (I) house to he hUIIl on 1.ot 23. Hlock 13 Naples Manor Lakes by Ilahitalli,r lIumanity ofColhcr County. Inc,: ^. Library Impact Fcc ~ IRlJ,S2 B, Road Impact Fcc U79.{)(J c:. Park~ and Recreational racllllies Impacl Fee: (I) (2) Community Parks 399,00 RegIonal Parks 179,00 D, EMS Impact Fcc 14.00 E, Educational Facilities System Impact fee 1.77!l,On F. G. Water Impact Fcc 900.00 Sewer Impact Fcc S 1.l40 00 56. J 69.52 TOTAI.I:\IPACT FEF.S 3, The payment of impact fees by Collicr County is subjcc:t to the cxcculinn and rccordalllm Ill' an agrcemcnt for waivcr of Collicr County Impact Fces tA;twecn lhl: property owner and/or purchalOer and the County, ., .. This ResolutIon adopted aRer motion. llCCond and majority \'ote fa\'orlng ~mc, DATED: .y~.-f f AlTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK., Clerk , 'f: f ' ,., ; ~' ",.~.,. ?,,-,..lj;1. : Atte t 4S to Ch5f~an's '..Signature on1" '. Approved as to form and Icpliufficiency: 1/,;(& J Uti '_ '--- ~e~di F. Ashton Assistant County Allomcy jd/clnaplcs INnrlr lakc,lrcso nO^RI> OF COUN....,. COMMISSIONERS COI.I.II:R ('O(J~IY. FI.ORIf)A ny:~~:~ ~ Ilarba . A, UClT)'.'Chai an - 3 - 16A 2 F.XIUBIT """ I.F.GAI. DF.SCRIPTIO:'ll . LOT 23 OF BLOCK 13. NAPLES MANOR LAKES. ACCORDING TO 11m PI.AT BOOK T1IER~OF. AS R~CORnno IN I'I.AT nOOK 3. AT PAGE 87, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA, 'J - 4 - 16A 2 1 '.... ~MS7 ~EV1SIO~: :;. . . . - 11 I 'eGG> . ~~l'I,1 .. ~ .". t. 1 i III ' , ii' I-d I II "':: ; I ~ ,. 't . -I' ~ ~: ~ ..~-:.-;-,.'i ~ i; i :1 ,/1 :/. i , : . '~.~'tl ; :::~":'~'(~~~~'to: ".0' ~ ~~~'.~,~tH:':.~~.:.!~! : t. ..u '.'12.1 ''''M' . ~ JC":'::'I~' :::::-::.~:I"" . r ! f i j ; ~ ! 'f r ')~ ~I.~J :/~ i; ,,~~~..;~;J ~"A' , .,:. .'L.~'." ',.; f} ,'" ~~ J d ! .: 1 . I~ ~ .' , :.s.!b.."" ti~ -s ~t" ~:~Hi i ~ j;1 I ~ . ) I i I r lr I ;I .0 il i 81: ! i I ~~~I'-II.1 !,:.~/~ g'~:il' !~~12l"lI.~~f aU I"',~, 8 i~!~l. · ~1Q:al~ ill!l\ C,~,.I1 > ., I; ..'" '.'" t II! ~ '<?II\;\;\;:- d!~ I ~~:~:;I~II;:I~ ' _I ~ ~ 1-;::... r: I( 1-1 / 1"1 ,., ,. PI ., I..L 7 /_1 a fl' ( t<.. 16A Cl ZONING -----____OTHER_~:ll~<L7_ 2 "'" H1IICl"lc/~'c~.eCll~<ct ,. III t_l, I""U 41111""11_, ~I:ler::r.l, u... 1" 1"1 .' .. erCll.....tIC ..~, C'3' ':' 'i ~ "---:------1 ! :'1 I - 0 (' ~ t=d ~. I ~:: ! . ;:- '----~ '- -_:...j,- , I_ I , OJ . 1 - . I . ----..... . _.---:---~- ~ --..:._-- ._~-~ . _o.!,____ ..---:-~~ .-"':- , ;::, ~ . I n- ~~g ~ 1 &u,., ':'1 . ~