Resolution 1998-090 IH'SOI.\ITION NO. ')1'- .~Q_._ 1 6 A :. ~ RESOLllTION OF TIlE IHMlm OF COllNTY l'OMMISSIONERS. ('OI.I.IER COUNTY. H ORUM. Al:lIIORIZIN(j WAIVI:R OF RI:<iI0:-':AI. WATliR SYSTEM IMPACT FEES. RJ:CilONAI. SEWER SYSTEM IMI'.<\n' FEES. UHRARY SYSTEM '~fI'A(,T Ff:ES. PARKS ANI> RE< REATIONAI. rAClI.ITII':S 1\-f)'M-1 I'U~S. 1((1Af) fMI'M"1 I'I'.I:S. 1::o.Il:llciI::--;('r MI'.I)I(''''. SI-.RVI<'ES IMI'M-' FEES ASf) !'.I>IW,\'lION"1. FM'If.l'flI'S S"SH.M 1\11',\(.' HI..' 101< 0\:1: IIOI'SI 10 UJ: ('o"'~II(l'('II:U It,. U\JUJ..\l '.OK IfI:MA:'oIrTV Of ("01./ ,1I:R ('OI;N fV. m('.. ON I.Uf fl. IJI()( K ~. N1\I'I.I-,S MANOR L,\KES. (,O!.l.IER COt ;STY. FI.ORII>A, WHEREAS. ColIlI:r ('nunly has reclIgnll.ed and al1empted lei address the lack III' adel/llate and allhnlahlc housing for moderatc. low. and very-low rncomc h()usehoJds rn the ('ounty and the need li,r creative and innovative programs to assist rn the prnHW," nf \u<;h hlJu\mg hy mcluding several provlsluns m the ('lIlher ('nunly Growth Man.lement Plan. mcludrnll: IIbJccll\'e 1.4. policy 1.4.1; IIhJeCII\'e !.S. fMlllcy 1.5.2. fM,hcy I.S.). polley I.S.4, policy U.5, policy 1.5.(,: nhJc<;llve I A policy 1.fJ.); objectIve 2.1. Jlllhcy 2.1.1. fMlhcy 2.1.2. policy 2.1.3. policy 2. I .5, and policy 2.1 .(, of the I/ouslnl:ll.:.lemenl; and WHEREAS. CollIer ("ounty ha~ rccelvcd funding pursullnt tn the Slate lIousinJ.t Inlliatives I'artnership Program set forth in Secllon 420.907 ~.. F10nda Statutes and Chapter 91-37. FlOrida Adminisll1Itive Code: ilnd WHEREAS. In accordance with ('oilier ('ounty Ordinance No. 93-19. the ('ounty is aUlhori7ed 10 U5C: funding from the State !lousing Initiatives Partnership (SIIIJ'II'rollram lor waivers of {'olher ('nunty impacl fees; and WHEREAS. IIabitat for lIumanity of Collier County. Inc. is seeking a Wal\'er of impact fees; and WHEREAS. Habilal fllr Humanity of Collier Counly. Inc. will construcl one (J) Ihree.bedroom umt (the "Dwelling Unit"1 on 1.01 6. Block 4 Naples Manor Lakes which i~ proposed to sell for FIIr1y-Six Thousand Fi\'c Hundred Dollars ($46.500.00); and WHEREAS. Ihe Dwelling Unit will be purchased by a very low lOcome hnusehnld which is required to inveSI a minimum offi\'e hundred (500) hours of "Sweal Equity" heforc It ohtains tllle 10 the housc: and WHEREAS. Mr. Charles C. Smith. Vice I'resident of "ahital lilr "umanlty of Colher ('ounty. Inc.. submitted 10 the Office of lIou~lnl:l and Urban Improvement an Affurdable "()U~lnl:! Applicallon dated January 27. 1998 for a waiver of impact fecs for the construcllon of a house on 1.01 (I. Rlock -I :"aplcs :\Iannr I.akes. II ellpy of said application is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Derar1ment: and WHEREAS. in accorcance witb Seelion 3.04 of the Regllmal Water Syslem Impact Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 90-116. as amended; Section 3.04 of lhe Regional Scwer Syslem Impact Fe:e Ordinance. Ordinance No. 90-87, as amended: Seclion 3.04 of the Llhrary System Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. IlII.I)7. as amended; Section 4.05 of the Parks and Recrealional Facilities Impact Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 1l8-96. as amended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 92-22. as amended: Secllon 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Services System Impacl Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 91.71. as amended: and Seclion 3.05 of the Educational Facilities Syslcm Impact Fcc Ordinance. Ordinancl' :"0. 92':U. as amcnded; an ul"plu:unt may nhlain a wal~'er of impact fees hy quali fying for a wai vcr; and - 1 - . .' 16A 2 WHEREAS,lIabitallor lIumanity ofColhcr County, Inc. h:lll qualified for:ln imp:lcllce Wlll\'er hallCd upon the following rcprellenlatronll made by IIahilat for lIumanl\Y of('lIllrer ('ounly.lnc.; A. The Dwelling Unitl!hall be sold 10 a tirsHime home buyer. O. The Owellinll t !nit shall he snl!! In a hUlIsehnltl wl\h a \'ery low InCOllle le\'el :IS thatlerm ill d\.fined in the Appcndu:es to the resJlCctive Impact Fee Ordinances nntllhe monlhly pllymenllo purchasc the unit must be within the affordahle housing guidelines eSlahlished in the Appendices to the respective Impacl Fcc Ordinances. C. The Dwelling Unit shall bc Ihc 1I0meslcad of the owner. D. The Dwelling Unil sball remain affordable for fincen (IS) years from Ihe dale the certificatc of occupancy is issued. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOI.Vm flY TilE nOAR!) OF ("OIINTY C'O:\tMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIJ>A, that: I. The Board of County CommissIoners herehy aUlhori7.cs the County Manallcr 10 issuc an AUlhori".atlOn for waiver of Impact feel! to IInhitat for Humanity of Colhcr ('lJlInty. Inc. 14lHmc (I) house which shall be constructed on 1.01 6. Block 4 Naples Manor Lake's. Culher ('nunIY. Floridn. 2. Upon receipt hy the HOUSing and Urhan I mpro\'ement Dircclor of an agreement fnr \\'alwr of Impacl fces sij;ned by lIabitat for I!um<lnily of Collier County. Inc.. and/or the purchaser. or other document<lllOn acceptable to the County A"omey. the BO<lrd of County ("nmmlssioner.; hen:-by authori7.es thc paymcnl by Collier Counly of the following impacl fces Irom Ihe Am,rtlahle 1I0uslng Trust Fund. Fund (19\). in Ihe follllwing amounts for the one ( I ) house to be huill nn I.ot (t. B1oc:k 4 Naples Manor Lakes by Habitat for IIumanlty ofColli,,'l' C'ounly.lne.: A. I.JbraT) Impacl Fee 1110.52 s B. Road Impaet Fee U79.00 C'. Parks and Recreational Facihties Impact Fcc; (I) Communily Parks )99.00 (2) RegIOnal Parks 179.00 D. EMS Impact Fee 14.00 E. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee 1.77!l.OO F. G. Water Impact Fee 1)1I0.IJO Sewer Impact Fee 5134000 S(,.169.52 TOTAl. I)IPACT FEES 3. The p:1}'ment of Impact fees hy Cullier Cuunly IS suhjcclto ''Ie e.~ecutilln and recordation of an agreement lor wai\'er of Collier County Impael Fees between lhe prupcrty owner and/or purchaser and the ('ounty. - 2 - This Re~lutJon adopted after motion. Iccond and majorily \'ntc fa\'Oring ~amc. , , . /.'. ~,' DATED: /'. ;,'/,' ATIEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clcrk ./ -j)/'. .'~ e~t I'~ t; eh 1naa~'$ . ~ic;n !t!jj'l' 0:\ 11. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: RO^R!) OF COt INTY COMMISSIONERS COI.t.rEll COIJNTY. FI.ORII>^ ~!tl ,{ ./ .Ii: I ( Heidi F. Alhton Assistant County Altorney jd/e/naples manDr lakevrCSD - 3 - 16A (. r.XIIIRlT"'\ M 1.F.(;^'.Or.SCRIPTIC):"\ I.OT (, OF BLOCK 4. NAI'I.ES M^NOR I.^KES. ^C('OR()fNG TO TIlE PI.^ T nOOK TJ IEREOF. AS RECORDED IN I'IXI' ROOK 3. ^ T PAGE 86. OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COl.l.JER COI lNTY FI.ORIDA. - 4 - 16A 2 LAST REvISlml: \1' ttt'~ I :! ; I i I ! i 'i ~ - I ; i ; ill! I I II II ..11 : I' I ! 'Zl:t t I !~, .,j; "--,,>,, .: :I .1 . . .. . III I i=: ,j I; '--- nr~ l! J ~ I . iil(")I.i~1 ! Q ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~II I H ~ ~ ~ I ~ ; ~ '3 j & i ~ I $I (") 1.1". S I ~: ~I~ il~'i { , "I~ ~ ;< I I i \ l;i~!.~ti~ ;~ li~ 9 ~ . ~! ' IVI",~ ! ~ , r-!" r\, /, / I:. I' , ~ 1:/ I_i' r ~. /1 L.,/.'r k.. 16A OTHER ;0. -IS -_<t.7_ ZONING_________ _:11__ _ 2 " Hobllty U... or. tIl. 0",: 1111 HI.t.,le/~'ctla~a't~9.. "~t"'IC at "CI'.llII. '"~u" e_\1 ,,,,,u dn",... t~!? , , . , , , I , I I , ~ .' j:' 'A rrJ OJ I I . !. I L---..:... '_-.:l:l . II '~I'~-1 -. , I L .-.-J . 0,--1 · --l.i --: I ~---1 -~ ~Ejr~ ' ----:l'1 -~. -. c.. . - :. : I -, i ::0 . 'TI CII a ~ ..:. '~I I; I;! ~ ~ \, 1 ~ \::. "2!1S ":J . ~