Resolution 1998-070 16A RESOI.lITIO:'\l NO. IJ8_ ..l!L- ,\ RESOLUTION OF TilE HO,\RI) OF ('OllNTY (:OMI\IISSIONERS. C'ol.l.u:n (,OLINT\'. FI.OlmM AUTIIOIUZING TilE [)EFERI~AI. OF LlRRARY SYSTF.l\J II\II'A(,T Fn:S.I',\RKS ANI> RI-:CRE,\TlO~..\1. FAClUTIES II\II',H'T FEI-:S. ROAD 11\1I',\('"I" FEES. WAT":R IMIlACT .....:ES. SE\\'Jo:I~ IMI'A('T FEES. E1\IF.RGENCY !\IEDICAI. SERVICES 1l\II''\(T FEES. AND F.DUCATlONAI. FACILITIES SYSTEl\1 II\JI>ACT n:F.S FOlt SAXON MANOR ISI.ES ,\I'AIU:\IE:'\TS. A 124lJNIT ,\FFORDARU: RENTAl. II0LJSI:"iG PROJF.CT. ANI> SUBORI>INATION OF I.IE:'i, \VIIEI~E/'S. Collier ('ounly hus recognized and all em pled III address IhC' lack 01" ;ukqllall' and ilffonlahle housing for moderate. low. ami very low incol1le hOllsehllltl~ in Collier COllllly alld Ihe need for cre.lti\'e and inno\'Hli\'e rrogral1ls to assisl in the pmvision 01" slIch ,1l111sing hy including se\'eml provisions in Ihe Collier COllnty Growth l\'I;lIwgCIllC'1l1 I'I:In. includillg: ohjeeti....e 104. policy 1.4.1. ohjecli\'C' U, ro1icy 1.5.2. policy 1.5.3. policy 1.5A. pnlil'Y 1.5.5. policy 1.5.6: ohject 1.6. policy UI.3: ohjectin: 2.1. policy 2.1.1. pnlil'Y ~.I.~. pojic~' 2.1.... policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of the lIoLlsing I:lemenl: and WIIEREAS. Saxon Manor Isl"5 Apartments II Limited Partnership will IlIllk,rtake thC' de\'elopment of Saxon Munor Isles Apartmenls. iI one hundred mll( twC'nty-tiJIIr (I ~4) unit ..ffordahle rental housing communily on a sile locmed in Collier ('OUIlI)', Floridil, or \\hich Saxon M..nor Isles Apartments" l.imiled Purtnershir is owner: .lI1d WHEREAS. on Janu..ry 8. 1998,.111 uprlicalion wus liled wilh the (ounty AdministratM lor the dclcrrul of Collier County impact fees for th" Sa.'\on Milnor IslC's t\pilnl11C'nl wnsiSlellt with the requirements orthe COllllly imp.let fce ordinill1c~'s: ill1d WHEREAS. in :accordance with Section ,'\04 01' the I.ihrary Syslelll Il11p.,cl Fe~' Ordin.mce, Ordinance No. 88-97. as amended: SC'ction 4.05 or the P;lr!;s :Ind RC'crealional Filcililies Impacl Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 88-%. as ilmended; Section 3.0-1 01" Ihe Road Imp"cl Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-22, ilS mnended; Collier (Ollllty Ordin.IlII:'" 7'>io, ')().XC.. as amended. the Collier (ounty Water SYSICIll Impael pl.'e Ordinance: Collier ('llllnl~' Ordinance No. 90-87, as amended. the Collier C'OllIllY Se\\ er System Impact Fcc Onlimlll\:C'; Section ...():' of the Emer~ency Medicul ServicC's Syslelll Impacl Fcc Ordinancl.'. Ordiil.llll'l' :'ill. I) 1.'.71. ;IS amended: and Section Hl5 of the Educational Facilities System In~pact Fcc ()rdil1:1l1l'l" 'Z .~ ~ 'j 1 bA 1 J4 Ordinance No. 92-33. liS nmcndell. illl .ll'plic.mt may ohtain a deferral of one hlllldrcd perccnl (100%) of imp oct fees for a period of six (6) yenrs hy qualifying for said deferral; :Iml WHEREAS. Saxon Manor Isles AI1arlments has qualified for an il1lp:ll'l I,-'~' lkknal hased upon the following represent"tion:o; Illade by Smwn M"nor Isles "paI1m~'111~ II 1.1I1111~'d P.lrlnership: A, The Dwelling Unit shall he the penn"nent resilIence oflhe (leCllpanl!I~'llall1. B. The household renting the Dwelling Unilmusl have .1 vcry IllW or In\\' incnm.: 1e,'.:1. at the commencement of the leasehold allll duriltion thereol", i'S thai leml is delined in lhe Appendices to the respective Impilct Fee Ordinances .md the 11l0nthly rent nlll~1 h.: within the affordahle housing guidelines estahlished in the Append:':es 10 the respcctive Impact Fce Ordinances. C. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordahle for at least Ii neen ( IS) ycar~ rl'lll1l IhC' d,lle the certi licate of occupancy was issued. I. The BOllrd of County Commissioners hereby authorized the defem11 hy ColliC'r ClIlIl1iy l,r the following impact fees in the amOllnls listed helow for the one hundred amllwC'nty-I"llur (I ~~) affordilble housing units to he developed hy Silxon M,lI1or Islcs ^pilrtl1lClllS II I.imited Partnership as identified in Exhihit "A": Ench Unit ll::U.Lniu a) Lihrary System Impact Fees S 180.52 S 22.3S,: ~s h) Road Impact Fees 952.00 II S.II~S.()O c) Parks & Recrealion Impact Fees Community Parks )l)lJ.OO 41)A 7(,.00 Regiomll P,lrks l71).OO 22.1%.01l d) Emergency Services I 111 pm: I FC'es 2.0() 2~S.IHI c) Scwer Impilcl Fecs I,).JO.OO 1 (,('.1 (,1l.00 I) Water Impact Fces 1)00.00 111,C100.00 g) School Impact Fees 827.00 Jl!.2..5-1 S. no TOTAl. AMOUNT IMPACT FEF.S DF.FERRED S 592,Mtl.~8 2. A) In compliance with the provision of the Collier County impilcl t;:e l)rdinallcC's. Suxon Manor Isles Apartments II Limited Partnership has demonstrated 10 the ('Oll.,ly that a subordination or the County's rights. interests and lien is lleCcslklT)' 10 oblilj/l Jim.II":;/l!: ltlr Ih~' 2 16A ,.! Saxon Manor Isles Apartment:o;. an "ffordahle housing project consisling 01" 1\1lC' hundrl'd and twenty four multi-family dwelling units: nnd B) In coml'lianee with the pro\'isioll!l of the impacl fee ordinances. the OWllcr will d~'li\cr 10 the ('ounly suhstitute eollmcral in the Ibml of cash un~1 a cash l'lIui\':lkn\ linancial instrument p(lyahle to the ('ounty which logether will yield tll thC' CI1Ul1t)' the full ill111HIIlI of the dcferrell impact fees, Le.. the sum or Fivc HUllllred Ninety T\\'ll Thlllls,md Six lIundred and Sixty Dollar:o; and 48/100155')2,(1(,11.48) III the expiriltion "f thc pC'l'iod llf the deferral, AUl:,tusI IS. 2004, i.e.. a United Stales TreaslIr)' Zero ('ollpon Bond which will mature at the end of tile deren'al period, August 15.20114, am!. upon m;lllll'ilY. \\Ollld yield an umounl equal to lhe al1lOllllt 01" thC' deferred fees. County CQ\'Clwntlo and ugrces thai it will not negotiate the hond unless and until the deferred impact Ices hecome due and payahle pursuant to the tenns of the Agreement for I OO'~';, Deli..rral ol'Col!!\.'r ('OUl1ly Impact Fees and Ihal all moneys received hy negotiation "flhC' bUild sh.1I1 hc appliC'dlO the payment of said deferred impacl fee ohligillion owillg hy Saxon :\ lalDr (sks Apartments II Limitcd Partncrship. (') The ('ounty hereby covenanls ilnd conscnts ill1d llgrees tllnt its rights, int\.'rests and lien pursuanlto the Agreement shull he subordinatcU to the lien of the Mortgage alld Security Agreement ("Mortgage", ill1d other documents executed hy OWl1cr in consitkrillion thercwith from Saxon Manor Isles Apartments" Limited Pilrtnershir to Collier Counly Housing Finance Authorily or other primoI)' lendcrs in rhe principal mllollnt 01" up to Six Million Four Hundred Thollsand Dollars (S(I,400,OOO), plus ilccruC'd illlerC'st and all advances authorized under the pro\'isions 01" such mortgages. Thc ('ounty \\"ill C'xcCllle such subordination agreements (IS moy he re(lsonahly required hy s:lid ll1orlgagcc.," 3. Defcrral of said impact fees is suhjC'cl to and contingent upon execution ;1Ilt! r\.'cord:llion of an Agrccment for Dcfcrral ofC'ollier ('ounty Impact Fees which shnll he erl1cred Into hctween thc applicant and Counly. 3 1 6 A l~ This Rcsolution adoptcd ancr motion. sccond and majorily vote favoring same. OATED:71~)'? J"P- A TIEST: Dwight E. Broek. cierk 4: "JC~~;f.~ Attest as to Chaf~n' S'gnature on!]. S Approvcd as 10 fonn and legal sufficiency: . Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney jdlf/lllXonmunor/rcso BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO:--JERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLOR IDA BY:~~~~ Bar ra B. Berry. HII ,r- 4 EXHIBIT "AIt SAXON HANOR ISLES APARTHENTS II pI{Of"ErHY DES CRt? llm~ A PORTION or T'HE EAST 1{7. or ~c EAST '/2 Of' mE (....S I , /2 O. r...c NORltiEA$T ,/" or SECTlON 6. TOVlUSHIP 50 sou rn. RANG~ 26 'AST, COu-IER COu",iY, rLORtClA, BnNG lJonj PARllCULARL Y oeSCRIBED AS F"Oll OWS c.:UMMENCE AT lHE: NORTIIEAS r COHN~ ~ or SECTION 6. TOWNS/W'" 50 SOiJTIi. R"'~GE. 26 EAST, COLLIER COUN1"l', f\..:lRIOA.; 't\IENCE RUH S. OO'07'!)",. w., ALONG 'tHE EAST UNE Of' TIiE NORTHeAST au"RTE:,1 OF SAID SCCllON 6, FOR A DISTANCE OF 59."" FEET TO A POINT (IN nu: SOUTHERLY RIGHT-or-WAY liNE' CF RADIO ROA' (C.R. 856); llieNee CON1\NUE S, OO'07'~4" W., ALONG THe I:AST Lit;[: or WE NORTHEAST CUARltR OF SAID SECTION G, rOI~ A DISTANCE or jJGJ,79 rEn TC ~E POINT or ~.c.G!.I:frill~ Of THE. PARCI:L Of' L,.,NO HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTltW( 5.00'07'54- W., ALONG rHt' EAST liNE or !'HI: NOR1i1E:AST OVAR T!k Of SAID SECT101~ G, F'OR A DISTANCE 01=' '~95.06 FEET TO TtW EAST QUARltR CORNER O~ SAtO SEC110'~ 6: n~ENCE RUN S 89'29'\:J- W., ALOtJG 'Ttl( so~m~ U~t. Of ll-i( NOR~E:AST a\JAR~R or 5AI:1 Sr.CTlON 6, f'OR A DISTANce 37992 Fff'T TO 'Tl/C scun'....rsl CQRNEF< or TnE EA~T HALF or T"'E. EASl HALF or THE (AST ~A~ r or ~E NORTi1EAsr CUARTCR OF SAIU SECTION 6; n/l::p.cc I~U" t... 00'01'22- E., ALONC THE "''CST I..INf o~ n.c EAST 1-i.A.1.F' or 1H!:: ~f.sr HA!J Of' nil. r.AST HALF or lliE NOHniEAST QUARTEH Of SAID ~e:C1l0N 6. FOR A OISTANC:: or 125..00 FEET; Tl1ENC( nUN S. 1i9'S2'OS" E. FOR A DISTANCE OF 69.74 FUT; ~ENCE RUN S. oo'on:<4- W. FOR A LlISTANCE OF' IO.CO F"EET; 'n;(NCC RUN S, 59'52'06- E. .OR .... D1S'TANCC OF' 203.00 (,(El; Tl-iENC~ nUN N. 00'07'54" (, fOR A DISTANCE OF 5S.(JO rCEl; THENCE: RUN S. 89'5i"CO- E. ran A DISTANCE OF .~~..J!j rn T: lH~ Ncr I?\J~I N ()o.o.,.!,)~" L rr;'~ A DIST/.NCE ur Ai' 78 Ffl';: IHCNCF. RUN r~. tl9'S7'Oti- Yo. r-H A DISH,IICE or 234,'3; .(IT. "H'IJ;r IJlI'J tI (lC'C~'2i- r. !:~il A DISTMJCr or lG ')4 ~l! T. "":"<.T f<.J'.. ~. lj9'~,;n;G' ~ r';ri A (';I',;i!t.'ICr Of '!!() ',} rrc I ';.[ W r 1~',I" '.;. 00'::' '-,4" to !',. l. f,:'~ r ,',~'ICr. '")1 i'~'i : III rr.c:~ -"!"r.cr P~)'. ') u'r':,:i' (~.. i "'~...: I. ~)l';! ~t.\.:. ()~ 7~ }~ f~r' ": IHf ::(_;lj;_o)':_;;::';':I:!:;!':';';~. 5 l&A 3