Resolution 1998-068 8 [-1 RESOLUTION NO. 98- 68 A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION J-J9, COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 96-6, APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF WASTEWATER CERTIFICATE NO. 06S FROM ROOKERY BAY UTILITY COMPANY,INC. TO ROOKERY BAY SERVICES,INC.. ESTABLISHING A RECOMMENDED RATE BASE AS OF DECEMBER 31. 1991, WITH NO CHANGE IN SERVICE AREA OR SERVICE RATES. AS RECOMMENDED BY TilE COLI.IER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY. WHEREAS. Resolution No. 96-104 excluded Collier County from the provisions of Chapter 367. Florida Statules, thereby assuming certain subject matter jurisdiction over non-exempt water and wastewater utilities operating in unincorporated areas of Collier County; and WHEREAS. Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended, established the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority (AUTHORITY) and specific powers l:nd duties; and WHEREAS, on October IS, 1996. the Board of County Commissioners granted Rookery Bay Utility Company. Inc. Grandfather Certificate No. 06S for the continued provision of wastewater treatment service in specific unincorporated areas of Collier County; and WHEREAS. Ordinancc No. 96-6. as amended. provides a pro\.:css for utilities under local jurisdiction to file an application for transfer of water andlor wastewater certificate. facilities, or control; and WH EREAS. on February 10. 1998. a joint application for transfer of wastewater certificate was filed by Rookery Bay Utility Company. rnc. (TRANSFEROR) and Rookery Bay Services. Inc. (TRANSFEREE). more particularly described at Attachment "A," and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS. on Fehruary 23. 1998. the AUTHORITY held a dul~1 advertised hearing to consider said application. the rceord. stafT report. tcstimony of the TRANSFEROR and TRANSFEREE. and public comment; and WB EREAS. the AUTHORITY established findings of fact and conclusions of Jaw pursuant 10 Ordinance No. ')6.6. as amended. in formulating its recommendation to Ihe BOARD; and WHEREAS. the AUTHORITY issued its Preliminary Order No. 98-1. incorporaled herein as AUachment "A". recommending that the BOARD ap~'ro\"c the Imnsfcr of Wastewater Certilicate No. 065 from TRANSFEROR. Rookery Bay Utility Company, Inc. 10 TRANSFEREE, Rookery Bay Services. Inc.. establishing an estimated rate base of$224.500 as of Deccmber 31. 1997. with no change to the current wastewater service area or rale lari 0". NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Counly. Florida, thaI: 1. The AUTHORITY'S Preliminary Order No. 98-1. including the findings of fact and conclusions of law. is hereby approved and adopted by Illc Board of County Commissioners. R E-l 2. Pursuant to Scction 1.19. Ordinancc No. 96-6. as amended, Wastewater Ccrtificate No. 06S is hcreby transferred to Rookery Ba)' Services, rnc. for thc provision of wastewater service for the service arca at Attachment "A". 3. Wastewater Certificale No. 06S shall remain in cfTcct until suspended. canccled or rcvoked by Resolution of the BOARD. 4. This action authori7.cs no changc in the wastcwater rate tariff at Attachmcnt "At'. S. The acquisition rate basc for thc utility is $224,500 as of Deccmbcr 31. 1997, as citcd at Allachment"A". This Resolution adopted this ~ day of (, /.I/h~,,( . 1998 after motion. second and majority vote favoring same. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK .r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORJDA . l,Ii," , l / / , ~//.;' :.. r)"-Oo . ~ If hy:_ ~"~r4:"_" ."v;;~~ ~!' /, Dcpuly Clerk ; by:l-:?,~\m,~ R, f\~~\l\J BAR-ijARA B. BERRY, CH/\ RNfAN " ; Approved i1S 1l:>form ~"mci1;L -i- .,/B/'. \ Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney ..J