Resolution 1998-005 RESOLUTION NO. 98-5 1 OA 1111 RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE OCIIOPEE FIRE CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD. WIIEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 75.(, ere.-ted the Ochopee rire Distl;,.t and provides for the establishment of 1In advisory hoard; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 89.')8 confirmed the creation of the Ochopee Fire District Advisory Board and provides that the advisory oroad shall be composed of five (5) memhers and such meT11bership shall consist of one (I) member from each of the designated areas; alld WHEREAS, the temlS of I\\'O (2) members expired creating vacancies on this board; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners previously provided public notice solici ling appJical ions from interested par1ies; NO\I/, THEREFORE. AE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, rLORIDA, that: I. T. Anthony Brock meets the prerequisites for appointment and is hereby reappointed to the Ochopee Fire Control Advisory Aoard for a two year tenn, said term 10 expire on December 31,1999. 2. Michael Har1 meets the prerequisites for appointment and is hereby reapilointed 10 the Ochopce Fire Control Advisory Board for a two year term, said term to expire on December 31. 1999. J. Charles R. Reynolds is hcren:.' confimled for reappointment 10 the Oehopee Fire Control Advisory Board fllr a 1\\'0 year term, said lenll 10 expire on December 3), 1999. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ihat the provisions of Section Seven (o){I) ofOrdinanee No. 86-41, as amended. TcnllS of Office. are herehy waived to allow reappoil1lments of T. Anlhony Brock. Michael Har1. and Charles R. Reynolds to the Ochopce Fire Control Advisory Board. This !{csofution adopted aCler motion. second and unanimous vote. DA TED: January (>. 1 Y98 ATTEST: D\VIGIlT E. BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA / ) '// (~_/ "..--- // 4 ."'~~~ -.-A-:::.n~":/.../,"_ ,."...' . ./ ~ r, / ~~/ ".... .. , BY'~, 8- @~~ BA ARA B. BER~ai a \ Approved as to loml and legal suflicicncy: -d~" d J/& t:? David C. Weigel '-:5- County Allomcy DC\Vikn