Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 12/03/20196..'Cr Yet;' 4, B410aw
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSPU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Agenda item 4.a— December 3, 2019 meeting minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory
Board was called to order by Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez at 6:05 p.m.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Dwight
Oakley, Steve Main, Al Schantzen, Steve Rigsbee, Larry Ingram, Karen Beatty
and Michael Sherman. Camille Kielty Excused Absence.
CRA Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Project
Manager, Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator.
II. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Gutierrez.
III. Adoption of Agenda: Steve Main made a motion to adopt the agenda as
amended adding VI e. Isles of Collier update as Maurice Gutierrez requested. Al
Schantzen seconded the motion, passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes: Steve Main made a motion to approve the minutes, Mike
Sherman, seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
V. Community / Business - Presentations
VI. Old Business:
a. South Bayshore Drive Cleanup- Ms. Forester mentioned the Community
Cleanup held on November 16 and noted it was very successful and the
option to do more clean ups in the neighborhoods including the gateway
triangle area. She thanked Al Schantzen for attending. Ms. Forester
expressed her gratitude to Solid Waste and Code Enforcement for assisting
with the dumpsters and volunteering their time. Al Schantzen and Karen
Beatty wanted to send out their thanks specially to Code Enforcement for
doing a great job.
b. Public Master Plan Update. Ms. Forester provided an update on the public
arts master plan and mentioned it would be presented to the Board at the
December 10th Board of County Commissioners agenda. She noted the
minor change to the Scope of Services which added another presentation to
the Board of County Commissioners which added $300 to the total. Ms.
Forester mentioned that if the Board approves the plan, the information
gathered from the Public Arts Plan will provide insight into the Branding
efforts discussed last month. She will meet with the Paradise Coast
marketing company in January to discuss the scope of work for branding the
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
two areas — Bayshore and Gateway Triangle. Maurice Gutierrez asked if the
County Master Plan would be ready in January but Ms. Forester thinks it will
be ready in February. Karen Beatty mentioned that Laura Burns would be a
good person to discuss the 17acre site, Ms. Forester mentioned that we could
put it on the Joint Meeting and maybe have Ms. Burns attend and discuss it
d. January 7, Joint Meeting — Ms. Forester reminded the Advisory Board that
the MSTU's will be attending the January 7" joint meeting but wanted to ask
if the meeting can start at 5pm per the request of the Haldeman Creek
Advisory Committee. All the Board members were good with starting at
e. Isles of Collier — Minto Update Ms. Scott wanted to update the board and
community that the project manager of Mintos would be attending the next
CRA meeting. She wanted to give everyone time to get all their questions
and concerns written down before the meeting, so they have the opportunity
to get some of the answers they needed. Maurice Gutierrez asked if part of
the development is in MSTU boundary and part of it is not, should the whole
development get included into the boundary since they will have the benefit
of egress into Bayshore. Mr. Gutierrez mentioned his concern on who will
pay for the road due to traffic impact because of the development. Ms. Scott
wanted to recommend that they keep an eye on their traffic impact statement
when they submit it and make sure that it reflects the true impacts that it will
have on the Street. Steve Main thinks they should have only emergency
vehicles enter in and out of the South Bayshore entrance not the entire
development. Ms. Forester wanted to mention they as an advisory board they
can recommend these changes to the planning commission and the Board of
County Commissioners who approve these projects.
VII. New Business:
a. CBIG Application- 6023 Bayshore Dr. - Ms. Forester provided the
application for the Commercial Improvement for 6023 Bayshore Dr, the
Popcorn Shop. The improvements would allow the Popcorn Shop to have
some security shutters since the business has been broken into 3 times. The
glass and doors have been broken and the improvement would allow some
extra security for the business. Ms. Forester went through the cost estimates.
Karen Beatty made the motion to approve the grant, Mike Sherman
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Staff Report:
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
a. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott highlighted a few projects on the
list, Saba] Shores Traffic Calming count was completed for the out of
season count, Thomasson Dr project is on track. Under Commercial
Activity there are new businesses that are coming, a design showroom that
does interior design is next to the American Legion on Tamiami Trail,
Bayshore Wine Venue, will be on the vacant lots next to the daycare on
Bayshore Dr. This development will be Rebecca Maddox new project. A
boutique gallery to be located on Bayshore has not submitted anything yet
but the owner did meet with staff about applying for the CBIG. Naples
Botanical Garden is building a horticultural recycling center, this is an
amendment to their existing plan they submitted. Naples Beach Brewery
rented a building in the Gateway Triangle on Linwood and will be
renovating the old building. MHK purchased the Coliseum and will be
putting his new architectural office in there. Woodspring Suites should be
open sometime in December, Racetrak has opened already, Food Truck
parking lot is close to completion, Steve Rigsbee requested an update on
the Hookah Lounge, stating there has been no activity and there is more
garbage in the lot and no one maintains the property so he has concerns for
the street. John Johnson, Code Enforcement, stated he would review. CRA
Parking lot, submitted the site plan and have received one set of comments
and resubmitted and still waiting for additional comments to come back,
Meridian Landings will not be able to attend the January 7th but will attend
the February CRA meeting. In December, the Transportation Department
will set up 2 speed stands for two weeks that will detect the speed for the
cars on the Bayshore Drive. Maurice Gutierrez asked again how to lower
the speed limit on Bayshore Dr, Ms. Scott will check and have the
information on the January meeting.
b. Financial Report: Ms. Forester provided the financial report and noted
some adjustments to the line -item budgets adjustments to cover other
contractual services and remove money from office rental since we no
longer pay rent for office space. There will be a budget amendment in the
future to cover the Crown Castle final payment and the parking lot
c. Maintenance Report: The maintenance report was provided for Nov -Dec,
Ms. Forester went over the report. Karen Beatty asked about the sign on
Coco and Basin and wants them to be replaced. Ms. Garcia will send a
request to transportation to replace the sign.
d. Transit Subcommittee October 31 Summary Minutes- Ms. Forester
provided the summary minutes from the transit meeting, the survey created
by the PTNE staff was reviewed and asked if there were any other
recommendations for the survey, hearing none the staff will continue to
work with the subcommittee to finalize.
IX. Other Agency's:
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA -Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
A. Collier County Code Enforcement: Al Schantzin asked about the
building at the corner Coco and Bayshore Drive. Ms. Garcia stated that Mr.
Bowein, the owner, contacted the CRA office and asked about incentives
to repair the building and the process to apply for a CBIG grant to renovate
the building and parking lot. John Johnson provided a report for the
community that identifies the code cases for the last 60 days. Closed case
list and open cases specifically for the Bayshore area. Karen Beatty asked
about a double lot on Coco Ave where someone is illegally dumping on
the lot and Code is working with the owner of the lot. There were a lot of
questions on some properties of concern, Mr. Johnson will drive by and
take a look at some of their concerns.
B. Collier County Sheriff's Office: no representative attended.
X. Communications and Correspondence:
a. Paradise Coast Blueway Paddling Festival — A flyer was provided for
anyone interested in attending the paddling festival held at Sugden Park on
December 81h.
b. Small Business Administration — Hurricane Dorian Disaster
Loan — Information on small business loans available for any
business who had to close during the Hurricane Dorian preparedness
was provided along with contact information.
XI. Public Comments: Alex McEwing wanted to find out if Isles of Collier is
asking for more exits and entrances off of Bayshore and Ms. Scott has not
seen the plans yet so she will look at the request when they submit. She stated
at this time what is approved is one off of Bayshore. Dr and one access point
off of Hamilton Ave.
XII. Staff Comments: none
XIII. Advisory Board General Communications: Karen Beatty mentioned the
events the Bayshore Arts and Business Association on promoting for the
holiday season and encouraged everyone to participate - Christmas Parade
on December 10th in downtown Naples and Christmas Caroling on Bayshore
Dr on December 14th, to meet at Sicilia at 5pm and bring a flameless candle.
Steve Main requested double sided packets in their advisory board books to
save costs on paper.
XIV. Next Meeting Date: January 7, 2020 - S:OOpm
XV. Adiourn ent — The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez