Resolution 1999-069 1. C) G -Ii RESOLUTION NO. 99-69 RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD WHEREAS. Collicr County Ordinancc No. 75.6 crcatcd the Ochopec Firc District and provides for the establishment of an advisory board; and WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 89.98 conlinned the crcation of the Ochopec Firc District Advisory Board and providcs that the advisory broad shall be composed of live (5) members and such mcmbership shall consist of one (I) mcmber from each of the designated areas; and WHEREAS. the tcnns of two (2) members expired creating vaeancies on this board; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioncrs previously providcd publie notice soliciting applications from intercsted panics. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: f. Roben G. Genung mcets the prerequisilcS for appointment and is hereby appointcd to the Ochopee Fire Control Advisory Board for a two year term, said tcrm to cxpire on December 31. 2000. 2. Kent L. Orner, Sr., meets thc prcrcquisites for appointmcnt and is hereby reappointed to the Ochopec Firc Control Advisory Board for a two year tenn, said tenn to expirc on Deccmbcr 31, 2000. This Resolution adopted af1er motion, sccond and unanimous vote. DATED; January 12, 1999 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk , ' ,,\ h~~';'-;,~,) r '\tt<!.~t t,; t~, ('hir1/..:;lI'c; :"J"~~~:I."..~~lJ' . -, Approved as to fonn and , '.cgaI sufficiency: ~~~ David C Weigel County Allorney DCWikn ~-~---,-~._._...._~....". ,.-........., .' .,.. -~ ... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA i )) -')'--)') I 1(;" P By: / /" .. /'. I L /~.[/ PAMELA S. MAC'KIE. Chairwoman