Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 12/04/2019to Bayshorc Gateway[-iangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification h4STU Haldeman Creek MSTU Agenda Item 4b -December 4, 2019 meeting minutes BAYSHORE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 4, 2019 MEETING The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00 p.m. at the Naples Botanical Garden, 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112. I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Chairman Maurice Gutierrez, Susan Crum, George Douglas, Sandra Arafet, Sheila Dimarco, Robert Messmer and James Bixler. MSTU Staff Present: Debrah Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Project Manager; Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator; IL Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez. III. Adoption of Agenda: Bob Messmer made a motion to accept the Agenda. Second by Sandra Arafet. Passed Unanimously. IV. Adoption of Minutes: November 7, 2019 Minutes was presented, Sandra Arafet made a motion to pass the Minutes as amended. Second by George Douglas. Passed Unanimously. V. Landscape Report: A. Update on Landscaping—Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping— Aaron Gross gave his landscaping report, the plants were fertilized, the irrigation had a main break and the north side of the celebration food park. Mr. Gross will lay down the mulch as soon as staff can send him the PO to purchase. The Bougainvillea's on the bridge are doing well and has some color, the other plantings also have some new color corning in. The banners are up. VI. Community /Business Presentations VII. Old Business: A. Thomasson Dr Update- Tami Scott provided the update and the legal ad was provided to the Committee that it went out to bid and due back on December 17, 4 contractors bid on the job. B. North Bayshore Renovation project update- Mike McGee attended to provide a base plan and now it is in the design phase. Mr. McGee provided 3 alternatives for the Committee to look at, no decisions need to be made tonight but looking for a general idea on what the Committee likes. Mr. McGee shows the existing conditions with some updated sections some of the changes could be new pavers or colored concrete instead, west side of the road there are existing trees on the back of the curb and on the backside of the sidewalk, the existing trees are causing damage, lifting up the sidewalk. The Option A is taking the whole area from the back of the curb and going to the right of way, there is 11.68 -foot -wide area that could have a widened sidewalk. That would t4fC2� +�3eo�nt Bayshore Gateway triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU mean taking out the trees that are causing damage. There would be a need to do a landscape agreement with the property owners along the way. The lighting fixtures would not be contiguous, and he shows how they would look on the design. Option B, replacing all the utility covers with clay type material and removing all the hedges and shrubs, some of the discussions were asking what would be planted or replaced with the old trees that were removed. Ms. Forester asked if he put in a 10 ft. wide sidewalk would he be able to use the 1 %2 foot wide to straighten out the path and not zig zag. Maurice asked if they put lights in the medians would the MSTU be able to get rid of the Cobra Lights that are on the street and Mr. McGee said yes. Ms. Scott asked about the sidewalk and what material would they like to have, painted concrete, regular concrete or the decorative pavers. Option A provides a way for bikers to ride on the sidewalk and the street, option B provides a wider sidewalk but no bike lanes on the road. The committee was not interested in option C. C. Holiday Lights Update- Two Quotes were received; Option I Holiday Decorations plus leaving the white lights on the Palm trees for 12 months: First quote: $11,900 and Second Quote: $224, 837. Option 2: Holiday decorations and white lights on Palm Trees through season First Quote: $8.900 and Second Quote: $104,887.28. After discussion, Motion to approve Option I for $11,900 made by Sandra Arafet , seconded by Sheila Dimarco. Passed unanimously. D. January 711 Joint Meeting -time confirmation- Debrah Forester wanted to confirm the joint meeting and ask if 5pm starting time would work for everyone since CRA and Haldeman Creek already agreed to the time. There was a unanimous consensus. VIII. New Business: IX. Staff Reports: A. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott highlighted a few projects on the list, starting with the Thomasson Drive project. Ms. Scott had a pre-bid meeting with the contractors and the deadline for the bid is on December 17th. The Cell Tower slab has been laid on the Kirkwood site and the old Cell Tower should be coming down sometime in April. Mintos will be coming in the January 7th joint meeting to present and Ms. Scott recommends everyone get their questions ready for that. a design showroom that does interior design is next to the American Legion on Tamiami Trail, Bayshore Wine Venue, will be on the vacant lots next to the daycare on Bayshore Dr. This development will be Rebecca Maddox new project. A boutique gallery to be located on Bayshore has not submitted anything yet but the owner did meet with staff about applying for the CBIG. Naples Botanical Garden is building a horticultural recycling center, this is an amendment to their existing plan they submitted. Naples Beach Brewery rented a building in the Gateway Triangle on Linwood and will be renovating the old building. MHK purchased the Coliseum and will be putting his new architectural office in there. Woodspring Suites should be open sometime in December, Racetrak has opened already, Food Truck parking lot is close to completion. B. Financials: The financial report was presented with the capital projects in fund 160 was noted on the budget for FY20. Bayshore Gato«ay nian&CRA .Bayshore BCautifiCation MSTU tfaldeman CSeek MSTU C. Maintenance report: The maintenance report was provided for review, Ms. Forester noted the few stop signs that needed to be replaced and trip hazards that are still being monitored. X. Correspondence and Communications: A. Paradise Coast Blueway Paddling Festival — A flyer was provided for anyone interested in attending the paddling festival held at Sudgen Park on December 81h B. Small Business Administration — Hurricane Dorian Disaster Loan — An application for any business who had to close during the Hurricane Dorian preparedness was provided to anyone needing a small business interest loan if they had to close and lose any business during the week of the storm. XI. Public Comments: XII. Staff Comments: Ms. Forester mentioned the events the Bayshore Arts and Business Association on promoting for the holiday season and encouraged everyone to participate - Christmas Parade on December 10th in downtown Naples and Christmas Caroling on Bayshore Dr on December 15th, to meet at Sicilia at Spm and bring a flameless candle. XII. Advisory Committee Comments: XIV. Next Meeting Date: A. January 7, 2020- FGCU Buehler Auditorium @ 5pm XV. Adiournment: 6:59 pm 1�"- Chairman Maurice Gutierrez