Resolution 1999-060 16010-' RESOLUTION NO. C)?~ A RESOLUTION OF TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER (OlJ~TY, FLORIDA. AUTHORIZING TilE EXECUTION OF TIlE REAL ESTATE SALES AGREEMENTS AND STATUTORY DEEDS FOR TIlE G.A.C. I.AND TRUST PROPERTY BY 1'1 IE Cl IAIRMAN OF TilE BOARD fOR THE 1999 CALENDAR YEAR. WIIEREAS. Collicr County. Florida entercd into an agrecment with Avat;lr Properties Inc. on I\'ovcmhcr 15. )1)83 to ;Iccepl as Tnlslcc 1.061.5 acres ufreal propcrty in Golden Gale Estalcs for the purpose of sale to the public; and WI I EREAS. Collier (oullty. Florida accepted the acreagc in pha$cs: Phase I on Nuvcmher IS. )I)S3. Phase II and !lloll Fchruary 1(,. )I)l\S ;lIllll'h;lsc IV and \' on Junc 13. 1989; sllch conveY;Jnces have becn record cd in Ihe Puhlie Rccords of Collier County. Florida; ;Jnd WI 1 EREAS, on April 5. 1')88. and March 10, ] 1)')8. thc 13o.ml of CounlY Commissioners ;Ipproved Ihc markcting proccuurcs for the s;lle of the Golden Gate Est;lles property com'cyed hy A\'alar Propertics Inc. Therellponthe Real Property Management Departl1lent Iws heen actively marketing the property (Phases I through V) for sale to the general puhlic; and WI IEREAS. there is a benefit to Ihe County and 10 the puhlic iflhe administrali,'c proccdures concerning lhc Real Estate Sales Agreemcnl documenls ;lIld SIUIUlOry Deeds nre expcdiled. while mainlaining thc safeguards ofst;lffand legnl counsel review of such documents; and WHEREAS.lhe Board OrCounly Commissioners recognizes the benefit of reducing lime for Oo:ml appro\'als and che subsequenl closing process on reviewed :lI1d ;lpproved Re:lI Est.lte Sales Agreemenls und Statutory Deeds. NOW, THEREFORE OE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA,IIM I. The Ooard of County Commissioners uoes hereby uuthorize the Clwirm:lI1 oflhe lloard of County Commissioncrs 10 execule Real Eslate Sales Agrecments and Slatlllory Deeds resulling frollllhe Agreement dated Novcmher 15. 1983 alllllhe Counly's adl11inislr;ltion of such Agrecl1lenl. whereupon Ihc Real ES1;lte Sales Agreements and Statutory Deed$ have heen previously ;lppro\'l:d hy the Re:lIl'roperty M:lI1agel11ent Departmcnt. the I'in;lI1ce Dcpartlllcnl allcl the Counly Atlorney. 2. Thc aulhorization ofche Chainnan to exceute Renl Estate Sales AgrcemCllts and Stututory Deeds hercunder shall extend solely for the 1999 calend;lr ye;lr. .' This Rcsolution adoptcd this ~ day of r-r-. 1999. after motion, second and majorily \'ote. ATTEST: DWIGIIT E. BROCK, Clerk OY: y;~~ . Depuly Clerk Attest .s to Chafn.,n's sIgnature onl1_ Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: bit I rl ,1 7(/ l L A,___ Heidi f. Ashton ' Assistant County AlIorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :~~~~. U~:y.FLOr:]~U -L~ ._' _"g~~ I,",