Agenda 02/11/2020 Item #16C 1 (3rd Amendment to Lease Agreement w/LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC)02/11/2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Third Amendment to Lease Agreement with LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC, for the continued use of warehouse/office space used by the Sheriff’s Office. OBJECTIVE: The current Lease Agreement, through a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement, between Collier County and LB Mercantile Holdings, LLC, formerly Domenico and Maria LaGrasta, is scheduled to expire on February 14, 2020 and requires renewal. CONSIDERATIONS: Since February 2007, the Sheriff’s Office has leased property on Mercantile Avenue for its Facilities Management, Community Engagement, telephone, and records storage operations. The subject property is located at 4373 Mercantile Avenue and totals 7,000 square feet. The space includes 1,200 square feet of air-conditioned warehouse space, approximately 4,800 square feet of non-air-conditioned warehouse space, two (2) restrooms, and four (4) offices. The attached Third Amendment to Lease Agreement is extending the lease to February 14, 2025. The County maintains the right to terminate the lease, with or without cause, by providing sixty days prior written notice to the landlord. The landlord originally charged $84,000.00 per year for rent in 2007, which included Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charges, and agreed to reduce the rent in 2009 due to the economic climate and charged the County $54,384 for the past ten years, which included CAM. The Third Amendment increases the rent to $63,000 per year (paying $5,250 monthly) beginning February 15, 2020 after w hich it will be increased by 3 % annually throughout the life of the Lease. The County will be responsible for all monthly communications and electricity costs pertaining to its operation at this location. The landlord will be responsible for all costs re lated to water consumption, sewer fees, building maintenance, landscaping, irrigation, air-conditioning, and plumbing systems. FISCAL IMPACT: The first year’s total rent, which includes common area maintenance fees, of $63,000, to be paid in equal monthly installments of $5,250, as well as all subsequent annual rent, will be withdrawn from the General Fund (001), Board Paying for Sheriff (106010), Rent Building (644100). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATION: This item has been approved for form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board action. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approves and authorizes the Chairman to execute the attached Third Amendment to Lease Agreement. PREPARED BY: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Department ATTACHMENT(S) 1. LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment(PDF) 16.C.1 Packet Pg. 792 02/11/2020 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.1 Doc ID: 11224 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Third Amendment to Lease Agreement with LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC, for the continued use of warehouse/office space used by the Sheriff’s Office. Meeting Date: 02/11/2020 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 01/02/2020 12:45 PM Submitted by: Title: Director - Facilities Management – Facilities Management Name: Damon Grant 01/02/2020 12:45 PM Approved By: Review: Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 01/02/2020 2:17 PM Facilities Management Damon Grant Director - Facilities Completed 01/02/2020 4:00 PM Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 01/03/2020 12:26 PM Public Utilities Operations Support AmiaMarie Curry Additional Reviewer Completed 01/17/2020 3:51 PM Public Utilities Department Drew Cody Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 01/20/2020 9:46 AM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 01/21/2020 7:57 AM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 01/24/2020 4:49 PM Grants Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 01/27/2020 7:55 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 01/28/2020 8:54 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 01/29/2020 10:53 AM Office of Management and Budget Susan Usher Additional Reviewer Completed 01/31/2020 4:51 PM County Manager's Office Sean Callahan Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 02/03/2020 1:04 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 02/11/2020 9:00 AM 16.C.1 Packet Pg. 793 License #929 THIRD AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this dav of 2020, at Naples, Collier County, Florida, by and between Coilier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is, in care of Real Prope(y Management, 3335 East Tamiami Trail, Suite l0l, Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE," and LG Mercantile Holdings LLC, a Florida limited liability company, as of August 3,2009, formerly known as Domenico and Maria LaGrasta, whose mailing address is 11144 Palmetto Ridge Drive, Naples, Florida 34110, hereinafter refened to as "LESSOR." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, LESSEE and LESSOR have previously entered into a Lease Agreement dated February 13, 2007, a First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated February 10, 2009, and a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated February I I , 2014; and WHEREAS. the LESSOR and LESSEE are desirous of amending the Lease Agreemenl: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration ol the covenants and agreements provided within said Lease Agreement dated February 13.2007, the First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated February 10, 2009, and the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated February 11,2014, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, said Lease Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. The following provision shall be added to Article 2 ofthe Lease Agreement This Lease is hereby extended until February 15,2020, hereinafter referred to as the "Extended Lease Term," and LESSEE is granted the option, provided it is not then in default of any of the terms of this Lease, to renew same automatically for five (5) years, hereinafter referred to as the "Renewal Term," under the terms and conditions as provided herein. LESSEE, however, reserves the right to terminate this Lease, with or without cause, by providing LESSOR with at least sixty days prior written notice of such termination to LESSOR at the address set forth above. Said notice shall be effective upon the date ofLESSEE'S notice to LESSOR. 2. The following provision shall be added to A(icle 3 ofthe Lease Agreement: The base rent for the period of February 15,2020 to February 14,2021, shall be $5,250.00 per month for the first year of the Renewal Term, and shall be increased by three percent annually throughout the life of the Lease. 3. Except as expressly provided herein, the Lease Agreement between Collier County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and LG Mercantile Holdings LLC, for the utilization of the Demised Premises described in said Lease Agreement dated February 13,2007, as amended in the First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated February 10,2009, and as amended in the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated February 11,2014, remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein, and said terms and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein. (Signatures appear on the following page.)@ 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 794 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the LESSOR and LESSEE have hereto executed this Third Amendment to Lease Agreement the day and year first above written. DATED:LG MERCANTILE HOLDINGS LLC a Florida Limited Liability Company WITNESSES AS TO BOTH: BY: Witness (Signature)DOMENICO LAGRASTA, Manager (Print Name)BY MARIA LAGRASTA, Manager Witness (Signature) (Print Name) AS TO THE LESSEE: DATED: ATTEST: Crystal K. Kinzel, Clerk BOARD OF COLTNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:BY: Deputy Clerk Chairman Approved as to form and legality Jennifer A. Belpedio, Assistant CorntV atto-.;O[S 2 @ 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 795 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) 1 L-ease # 9a-Y THIS LEASE ACREEMENT en{cred inro rhis L t Aoy ot far^ary, 2007, berween Domenico 1Ld 'i'i" Lacrasra-whose m.i'ng addrcss '. soo roodflenu. lir.'rr, ntlp'*, I-rorid,, J4r(*t, herernafrerrctcred to a5 "LEssoR". ,nd coLI.rER couNTy, r poriticar subdivision'ot rhc starc ot Frorida, whosemailing addrcss is 3301 Easr Tamiami Trail, Naptes, Florid, fr rZ, f,"*irrfi", .eferred as .,t_ESSEE,,. LEASE AGR EE]VtENT WII'NI-SSETH In consideration of the mutuar covenunts contained herein, and othcr vrruobre co,,srderarron, thepanies agree as follows: ARTICLE l. Demised premises LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE znd LESSEE hereby leases from LESSOR approximurely 7,000squarc feel of warehouse und offices spacc ltralcd at 4373 Mercantile au",,,,., Nupf.., Floridi. l.or the solepury)ose of operating u governmcnl olficc. , ..l.ESSEE covenants and agrees not to use, occupy, suffer or pemrit said Detniscd [)re,Dises or anv panrhclcof to bc used or occupied for ally purpose contrary to law or the rules or rcgulations r)f any publicauthority. ARTICI-E 2. Te.m of Lcase LESSEE shall have and hold the Demiscd premises Ior a ternr of two (2) years commetcilg onFebruary-l-5, 20iD? and ending Fcbrulry 14, 2009. LESSEE is gra.,tea rhe.prion, provided ir is nor rhea indclault of any of rhe tcrms of this l-e:ue. ro rencw same rbr on. ir l aiJiJ.r"r rcrm or one (r ) year, under rhetcrms ^arll condirions as provided herein, rry giving wrinen norice or I_Eiiet,s inrcntion ro do so ro trreLESSoR not less rhan thiny (lOt ciays prjor to thJexpirarion or rtre reas;;ra esrale hcreby creared. sai(rno{icc shall hccomc eflecrrre upon acluai reccrf,r b] LESSOR LESSEE, however. rcservcs thc righl to tcrminotc this lrasc, wilh or wathout causc. Llpolr sixry daysprior wrirten notice of such termination ro LESSOR at $e addrcss set fonh in ARTICLE li of rhis Lcase.Said notice shall b€ effcctivc upon acrual rcceipt by LESSOR. LFJSEE shall nor bc reorrrreri ro.pro\,rdc t_LSSOR w)lh any advaDced rcrrt such as scc,rirl,dcposir or |;ltl* "r, LESSEE rs ,u. "*.n'p, and shall providc f_ESSOn *1irf, irs iri Ccnificatc showing ils cxempr AR]'IC[-E 3. Rcnl AR'f ICLE 4 Renewal Temr Rcr LLSSEE hereby covenanls a.d agrccs ro pay as base rent for thc Demised prcmises the sum ofEighty-fbur Thousand Do ars (g84,000.0d) ror rlefiisr it* izl y""..t ,iii. l-ease rerm ro be paid in equarmonrhly installrnents of SeveD Thousan.t Do ars (g7,000.00). 1;;-;;;"i;", lbr all renewals rherero shaltbc calcularcd as described iD Anicle 4 below. All renral payments shail be duc and payable in advance on the first day ofevery calendar mon*lduring the rcrm hereof lf rhe rerms of rhrs Lcasc .hu, .o,-;;; ;;'; irv otr,", rt on rhc firsr day of rhe ,?ilh"rt;:,ili:,Li',f.1:lli';"':il'"'ne t'rnierrr rvroirrioioi'""'r'ri;*''r murr,ptiec uv rhe numuei 'lllc annual rcnl lbt .he thrr. y€rr ui rhe [-a,rse and any rcncwals tllcrcro. Lhc rsnl scr l.onlr in rhrsARTICLE srra, bc incrcrscd armu*v-.*r" "i,.r-c ";," v";;ffi;, ;;;: rn rhe samc pri)porrion rh,r rhei"T:!::::,T1ir'#l_.r,.:i#il*"r: E**,",i,o'l,Lli""i'iil.iliili'i,,",r s,arcs ciry Averuge, ul Ilorvevcr. ,r ,. ",.", ,ii, *. ",i"r""i"]:L.::"* DcP.nmenr of Labor hacl rncrcrserl tu' tt't i,.."aini u.i, n.r .h,Jr .rny ,.;,; i,;.;.;;;:.;:::lJJli'il'fi:.lliil:..;,lr,"j,fliiliI:?T:,[,?:ilil:Jr,-,13^**] ccases to lncorporlte a significanr number of itcnrs, or if o rrulr-ii"r' "io"g" rs orade irr rhc merhod of i.. 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 796 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) csrablishing such Consunrer price Indcx, rhe lhe consume. pricc rndcx sha, be acijuslcd ro the fi*urc rhatw()uld havc rEsultcd had no chanqr occurred ,u,t," ,nrnr., lf _irpr,,r,.,,ai, a-.r.., pnce lndcx. lrr rhccvcnt tlal such consumer Pncc Indcx (or a succcss()r o*ul,*iitu,.- i,,.1"^ r rs nol avairahle, n rclrahl(,govcmmcnrar or orher nonpanisan ourrricario4 """r"rii"; ,;; ;;;;;;n ,"n""..,o ,o, u." in derermrning rhcConsurrcr l)rice Index. shall bc u\c{t in lieu of suci, ,,"r,i,.". pr"i'i#r.,,sul,J ir,"..r.. shall be pr()viricdby LESSoR in wririns ro LEsSEE no tarer rhan ,n,rirtrOi'a"r. i.i*,n"r.in.,,.n..,,o, ,.rn,. LESSEE shall pay all inrerior ianhorial, clccrricity and lclcphone charges penaining to rhe DemisedPrcmrscs. l-ESSEE shall maintarn rhc air-condirioning filters rvirhin rhc Denrised prcmises_ LESSOR sha' be resDonsibre ror a, crements of thc maintenance and repair of thc buirding and rcDcnrrsed Prcmiscs nor rtatcd aho"c, inc,uding,rr r., , r, r,Jl".' pir"ro,n'gi .r.",ri"u t rnd 3ir condrrronrD-s:ll:ft]::::,",:ii::.",H"jff:ff:y- 'ipro"".'i .'i'i"'""'*1.". ".''*.,, as,a'aste renrovar, rvarei ARTICI-E 5. Ortrer Ex and Charses ARTICLE 6. M ific llors iscd I\'cnr Prior lo nrakins anv chrnog5, alrerations, additions or rmDroverLESSEE win provrde ,,i leison uir p.os,*r. ,"j ,r", rl, ",,.r;;:#"".::..r" ro dre Demiscd pre ,n,se\. ro rhe Demiscd prcmises tbr LESSoR,S o.ri., *.ii"Lpp,*,i.,;ffi;#llfiiffiiil.Iil:;ili:l?,Iiffithc desrrrd .ultcration, rmproverncnt, changc. nr a{tdrtion, rlonq wr(hcomprerion rime ri,r such fffi "i esson ",,," ,r.,u"* *iil'ii,;1.: li:,,:il;;Tli:,T,,,]I.j;lJl:approve or deny in wriring said request for charrgcs, i_irr""..r,ir, "i,"r*rons or addrrrorls. LESSOR shallnot unrea\(,nahl) wrthhold ils consenr ro ,"",,;." ^.'-:^--..__._.. :'l-"''.- addirions propoJed ,t'i;sft1*i;:i:.1i,;:.il::,l,r*"i:: flii,'l[T.:.,1T:..;,..ff::;]r::*; l.l,t:fl:;:"Hii!#gardinssaid proposals or plans. rhcn 'ucr*ir.,.",r,,rr he deemed as an approvei ..,'.,*l['rf u,t";r"r:'#::t. "::oii.** tn connccrion wrrh anv maintcnalrce. rcpair work. erc(rron. i.p.o"",n"ni, iil; ffi ; ;il:l*lT-illi.ii"i,r;:..d, T,',Tl,r["J:*'H::J:,Ji:[,,.Ji::ordinances, rules. reqularion. and reouiremenLs. oI rhe Unircd dra,res ;i;;,",,"o. srare of Florida, Counry ofCollrcr, arrd any and ir govcmmentar agencres havirrglurisdicrion over rhe Demised premises. ,",,,,,.;1',11'ljlll}';l"lL';'"n'jx'il';.*9 adrlirions to suid Dcmiscd Prcmisqs shal ar once. when madc ol termination of rhis rrase .. -" ..r"t:-t,,t:1l"ld and" to ha'c become propeiy of LEssoR. p.io, in-tr," :::::t,+nd';;i"*-,i,;"iil'J,:"li,''.','ff',:il:il HI"ii?"1,:f $ffi::ll'',i-?l1^,il;rtl'talturrons which \rerc placcd rn, o. o,po, lhc O"r,r"a'pri_,,..,'i, u t r nn Uclalf of .F_SSI_:F., xrd u hrchare dcsrgnaled i, said nolice nnd renair any damagr ,r"^r,,"J 'a ,i,] iiilisc,r premiscs by such renrovarand in defaulr rhereof, I_FSSoR may compr!" .ria i.rr."rir'r"l*nri., ililaruu,a .*o"nr". ARTICLE 7. Access to Demised prcmises LESSOR. irs duly aurhorized ::xil:;:*rr*jin$#xii{"{;":i[ijft;:t,i#!.,."jt;"j1"],"ff;"JT,J,:T;,1i:; rrre p,rproses of ,nspc"iil;;#;*#;::f ;:jl..ljf,Ti[1,r,:::,i]JTf:,"r **r".ir,.,.i,il,j r., ARI'ICLE I Assi Su ett I-ESSEE covcnants ind apreeiD"r,,r"a pr.-;".*. .,; ;;';;;;,i11:t nor r(r issr8n thrr l-crsc or Io \uhlcr rhe ,ttotc or .,ny pan n[ lhcwrrho.r rhc p, ,".'", pr"r*,i'jr-*i'.]".1"t' o"t:Yl]: o(hcr rhrn nrtorher co( ii1,;;].,','ffi lii,;1:]'_fi"ffi hffi i]),#nx***i,li$rt ,r,,, r_",,t * u, u.,l;;#;,#:::1ff".,l:l.T fifJ::lliJll,t:,1;:;::lg-"":*,#ii,iil'j; 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 797 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) ,,,n. .r1i.,1i,i1,,il,JlTl,,r.ffi:'sb,; "" parties wilr conrin!,c rhc insurance arrangemcnrs.in cffecl a! rhc legll position vis-i-v,r. nt"' adjusted only so far as neccssary to accounl for their change in 4.RTICLEl0. Mrrnrenance LESSEE shall' al its sole cosl-and expense, keep thc Demised premiscs crean at all rinres. lfsaidDe'nised prc'nises are oor kcpr crean in rhe opinion or ieiii,{ iiisii'*1,i, bc so advised in wriring. rfcorreclrve action is ror raken wirhin rhiny (ib) a"y. .r,r,. ,.*ipii,i".r"i no,,"", LEssoR wilt crusc rhcsarne to be cleaned and cone.ed and relser,,,r,ori ,rr;",; ;;; "li;iccssrry cteaning cosrs and such:Til",*1,:::l}li.:#*"#i;Hg"l 'r''rr r'' p,,'a i" iil'#i;J;il rninv r3o) di,s "r""*ii'.i AR'IICLE I t. Defaulr bv LESSEE Failure of LESSEE [o comorv with any provision or coveoaor of this Lease sha, co,stirurc a defaurrand LESSOR may. at LESS.R.i '.ntion. t"_tnur"-ir,; ;;;;; iii", rrnl days wrirren norice ro lliiirtl,iil'.XJii"fl'j"J;:ff cued within rr'o, nuri"l p"'ioJio]'.1,"i'"n,r,,'o"u, timc as is rcasonabry ARTICI-E 9. Indemnily and Insura cc Alt'llct-I112. Defautr by I-ESSOR A y notice which LESSOR or LFJSEE ma y bc required ro givc to rhe other psrly shall be in wfllingto thc other pany al lhe following addresses LESSEE: Board of County Commissioners c/o Real Estatc Serviccs 3301 Tamiami T.ail Easr Adrninisrrarion Iluilding Naples, Florida 34ll? LESSOR shall in no cvent be chargerl wrlh defrulr rn rhc performrnce of ony of its obligations ffiT.fii:"T,il.'fl',H;:$"'::111'-1;.1"r1"J'" nii-l#,.*:;;;;i;"^. wirhin nine,v (eo) davs (or Lxsonp,.,.,i,',pJ,;;;il:,:H[tji'-TJ.T:::::]hTl,:,,i'fffiiL[::c rro,n ressLe ri, ARTICLE I3. Nolices I-ESSOR: Ddmg6 jq6,a,; Mani [_r(;rastx -506 106'r' Avelluc North Naples. Florid! 14108 LESSI:E fLrlly undcrslands fir, 1lJ_nr,a. ,and raw cnft,rcenrc.r Jccrrrry proteuro, ilro'rJcd hy ra\^enforccmcnt flgencres Io rlrr Demrsed [,remrscs rs limllcd lo th l ptovtded r(, Jrn,.(i)[rcr (.ounrv, r,,,.i r_Essoi ,itno"r"ae* ,],"i- ,,r"rr::;;' r""".J:,,1,,, r,rher husines, or ngcrru; srrr.urrcJ addilional prorccrion o, llre Demised p*-r*,:;";';:^:1:' rrErrur sccuflty measurcs deenlcd necessary for ir rvrrlve no cost or cxpense to LEss EE. rnists shali l)c lhe 5olc rcslr,rrr,l,,lity and cosl of I-EssEE and shall l cc: Office ol the Counly Atomey ARTICLE 15. Surrender ofpremises LESSEE covcnants and agrees to delivd irp and sunendcr to LEssoR possession of the Dcmiscd premisesu['orr crpirsrion of rhis kasc. or ib earrrer **rri.;.';;;n, ;r";;';n'". good condirion and rcpsir ,. rhc;ffi,'l;:' *l::I.".'11,H:?::,T::j ." '"; "J ;l'-;; ffi;;;,r bein pur bv ,-r.son "ii-ersiicontrol exccpred. lrv wear and tear aod damage by fire or tle elcmenrs beyond LESJ#; AR rICLE 16. ceneral provisions 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 798 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) . LESSEE exprcssly agrces for itselt, iK-successor and ass,gns, ro rcfiain from any use of lhe Denrised premiscswlrich would inrerfere wirh or advcrsely affecr the opera,i.n ,i..ri,ri"rrn"" "i LESSoR,S stanrrard operations. AR'nCLE I7. Radorr Gas In complia.cc wirh secrion 404.o56' Frorida srarnrcs, a, pa,.ies are hereby made awarc of rhc lbllowing: Radon is a naturally occurrinq radioactive gas rhat, when it has accumulared in a building in sufficicnlquantities, m.y prcsent heahh risks to- persons who arc cxposed ro lr ou". time. 6vcls of radon that exceedfcderal and stalc guidclines havc been founa in uu aings * tr"",a"l "aiii"rar informurion rcgordint .adon andradon tesling may be obtained ftom your Courty f"Ufl"-H"oltf, O"pon..rt. ARTICLE 18. Effccrive Dsre This IJasc AEfeemen[ shall become effccrive upon cxecurion by both LESSOR and LESSEE. ARTICLII 19. Co Srglrtl.r oal, AS 1O THE LES.SOR A1-IEST: DWIQHT E. BROCK, Cterk BY liriilr JAMES l-li'l'l A, ( hairmar MENICO b0<;ntr lvl.AR tA RASl'A lnt 'l'his Lease Agrccment shall bc Sovernecl and conslnred in accor(laDce with the laws ol. thc starc of Florida lN wITNEss WHEREoF, the panies hcreto have hercuncrcr scl lonh rheir hands aod serrs AS TO THE LESSEE DAI'ED , /3 J447 rlaa t BY BY: BY ( DATED: /-ao a1Jo WTTNESSES AS TO BOl] I WITNESS slgnal pnnt name I C a-d2 WITNESS (signature) Prlnl nnrne APproved as lo form a d I al sufficienc v il mas C. Pal , Assis County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COtvIMISSiONERS. COI-I-IER COUNTY. FLORIDA 4 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 799 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) ()L ) - , 's License /i ""' i THIS FIRST sLrbdivision o1'latc of F FIRST AMENDMENT I'O LEASE AGREEMENT I)OMENICO I,ACIIAS-I-A AMENDMENT TO LEASE ACRIIEMENT cnrcrcd inro tfris /D 'D?ar of . 2009 at Naplcs, Collier Count!,, F'lorida by and bet*,een Collier Counry. a polirical lorida, rvhose mailing zrddress is 3301 East l-amiami Trail, Naples, Florida l.1ll2, hereinafier relbned to as "LESSEE," and Domenico and Maria l-aGrasta whose mailing address is 506 1061h Avenue Nonh, Naples, Ilorida 34108. hereinafter referred to as "LESSOR." \['ITNESSITII WtlliRLAS, Collier Count-v and Domenico and Maria l,aGrasta have previously entered into a Lcase Agrcqmcnt datcd February 15, 2007; WIIERLi\S. thc LIjSSOR and LESSEh, are dcsirous c)l amending the Lease Agreementi NOW 1l ILRl:I:OR-lr, in consideidtion of lhe covenants &rd ag.ccmcnts providcd within said I-ease Agrecmcnt datcd Fcbruary 15, 2007, and Tcn Dollars ($10.00) and otlrer valuablc consideration, said Lease' Agrccmcnt is hereby iuncndcd as follows: 1. I he lbllou'ing provision shall be addcd to Aniclc ? ofthc I-casc Agrecment: This Leasc is hereby cxtended unlil Febnrary 14, 2012, hercinaffer referred to as the "Elxlended Lease Term." and LESSEE is granted the option, provided it is not thcn in default ofany ofthc terms ofthis Lcase. to rene\r'same lor two (2) additional one (l) year lerms, under thc terms and conditions as provided herein. b1 gi'!'ing writtcn notice of LESSEE S intention to do so to the LESSOR not less than thin-v (30) days prior ro lhe cxpirarion of rhe leasehold esBre hereby creared. Said notic€ shall become effective upon actual receipl b) LESSOR. I-I]SSEE, howcver, reserves the right to reminatc this l,e.rse, with or without cause, upon sixty days prior writtcn noticc of such tcrmination to LESSOR at thc addrcss sct lbrth in ARTICLE 13 olthc l-cirsc Agrccmcnt. Said notice shall be effective upon actual rcceipl by l.F,SSOR. 'lhe basc rcnt lor the peliod ofFcbruary 15, 2009 to Fcbruary 1.1,2012, shall be $,1.400.00 per month. ll LFlSStjti clccts 1() rencw this Leasc as provided lbr hercin. the annual rent shall be increascd by-' mutual agrcemenl by bolh partics for each rcnewal term fbllowing thc Exlgndcd L-case lerm, in which no single increase shall exceed five (5) percent. 3. Excepl os expressly provided herein, the Lease Agrccment between Collicr Countl, a political suMivision of the Statc of Florida, and Domenico and Maria Lacrasta lbr the utilizatioB ol the Dcmiscd Premises describcd in said Lease AgreemeDt dated February 15,2007, remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions conlained thcrcin, and said terms aod conditions arc applicablc hercto cxccpt as exprcssll" providcd otherwisc hereir. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the LESSOR and LESSEE have herelo executed this First Amendment to l-ease Agreement the day and year first above utitten. AS TO TI IF] LDSSOR DAI-liD: JAJ to Aoo9 (Print Nan,':) u) MARIA CRASTA 2. -l'hc following provision shall bc addcJ to Articlc -j oftlie l,oasc,,\grccncni: BY t: Wihess (Signarure) I' /-tLs-tz< /^*.1"(o(PrfraNrrn6- ,1 -fr4r.,^-'-e ZilJ- Wjlncss tSignature, S'reteN N. Ste oc r k fuEY 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 800 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) AS TO THE LESSEE: DATED: J ./O O 9 A'fIES:l :, , .. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clcrk BYr I)epuly Clcrk'rtt i, rr to {ta tlgratra rcarr. 1 Approvcd as to form and legal sutliciency Jenniler Belpedio.CountY ltomc\ BOARD OF COLI{IY COMMISSIONERS. COLLIER COLNTY, FLORIDA ,:!,.-.,*BY --r' "n e,//t-A,!2, DONNA FIALA, Chairman 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 801 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) x ol TIIIS SECOND AMENDMENT vJ.-./. ,., i .- - \. .2014, at License #928 SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT entered into this / / T4ay Naples, Collier County, Florida, by and bet*,een Collier C'ounty. a political su6livision ol'the State of Florida. *hose mailing address is 3335 Easr-frrritmi Trail. Suite l0l. Naples, Florida 34112, hereinafter ret'erred to as "LESSEE." and l.(i Mcrcantilc lkrldings. LLC. a Florida limited liability compan) establishcd on August 3. 2009. tbrnrerlv known as Donrenico and Maria Lacrasla, u'hose mailing address is.1J.1 Conncrs Ar enLrc. \aples. I lorida 34108, hereinafter referrcd to as "LESSOR." WITNESSETII U/HIIREAS. LESSEE and LESSOR have previously entered inlo a Lease Agrccment dalcd l;cbruary l]. 2007 and a First Amendmcnl to l-ease Agreemcnl dated Fcbruary 10.2009. attached hcrcto as i:xhibit A, and hcrcinafter collectively referred to as the "Lease Agreement;" and WHI]-REAS. pursuant to Article 2 of thc Lcasc Agreement, the lease lerm expires on l-ehruary l.l. 20l4; and \L'HEREAS, the LESSOR and LESSEE are desirous of amending the Lease Agreement in ordcr to extend thc lcase term as set lbrth below. NOW THIIREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agrccments providcd u'rthin said l-casc Agrcemcnt and Tcn Dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, said l-ease Agreenrent is hereby amended as tbllolvsr 1. Thc lbllorving provision shall bc added to Articlc 2 ofthe Lease Agreement 'l his l.ease is herebl'extended until Fcbruary 14,2015. hereinafter referred to as the "Extcnded Lease Term," and I-llSS[ili is granted the option, provided it is not thcn in dclault ol any ot'thc tcrms of this Lease, to rene\y same automatically fbr livc (5) additional one ( l) 1"ear terms. hereinafter refened to as the "Renewal Terms." under lhe tcrms and conditions as provided herein. t-LSSEE. horvever, resen'es the right to terminate this Lease. rvith or rvithout cause. by providing t-ESSOI{ with at Ieast sixtv days prior uritten notice of such terminatiou to LESSOR at thc addrcss sct lorth in ARTICLE l3 of the Lease Agreement. Said notice shall be ellcctive upon the date o1'LESSEE'S notice to LESSOR. l. Thc lollorving prol'ision shall be added ro Article 3 ofthe Lease Agreement -fhc base rent tbr the pcriod of February 15, 2014 to February 14. 2015. shall be 5.1.532.00 per month for the Extended Lease Term and throughout the Renewal Terms. 3. lixcept as expressly provided herein. the Lease Agreement bctween Collier Countl', a political subdivision o1'the State olFlorida, and LG Mercintile Holdings, LLC, for thc utilizrition ,) /r-, t -/ 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 802 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) r [.icense #928 of the Demised Premises describcd in said Lease Agreement datcd February 13, 2007, and as anrended in rhe l"irst Amendment Io l,case Agreement dated February 10,2009. remains in lull force arrd etl'ect according to the Ierms and conditions conlained therein, and said tenns and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided other**ise herein. IN WI]NESS WHLRDOF. thc LESSOR and LESSEE have hereto executed this Sccond Amcndment to Lease Agreement thc day and ycar first above writtcn. AS I'O ]'H T.] I,ESSOR:LG MERCANTILE HOt,DINGS, LLC a Florida Limited Liability Company WITNI:SSES AS TO BOTH: BY: \\ itness (Signat I)OMENICO LACRAST ) ( l'rinl Nalrte Witness (Si ature) int Namc) DA't'Er): Z /l // ,\ l'l l,S'l-: BY: ALA GRASTA, Manager BOARD OF COI.JNl'Y COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUN'IY ORIDA TOM HENNING. C]MAN r r)\\,'l(;lll' l-).. tlRQQK. CIerk I] \' sign ,,\S TO THI.- LESSEE: .\pPro .le ll-r'ey County tzk ou' litv: l )' @ 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 803 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) I EXHIBIT A LEASE AGREEMENT . .1'JTHIS LEASE AGREEMENT cnrered inro rhis / '.t day of Fcbruary, 2007, berween Domcnico and Maria Lacrasta whose mailing addrcss ts 506 1066 Avenuc Nonh, Naples, Florids 34108, hereinafler referred to as "LESSOR", aod COLLIER COUNTY. a political subdivision of rhe Srare of Florida, whose mailing address is 3301 East Tamiami T(ail, Naples, Florida 34 I t 2, hereinafrer .eferred as ,,[_ESSEE,,. [-ease .'zY- WITNIlSSETH In oonsiderarion of the mulual covenanls contained hercin. and othcr valuable considerarion, thc panies agrec ds follows: LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE and LESSEE hereby leases from LESSOR approximalely 7,0(X) square feet of warehouse and offices space loctled ai 4373 Mcrcsntile Avenue, Naples, Florida, lor thc sole plrrpose of operatilg u govemment ofTice. I.ESSEE covenants and agrees not to use, occupv. s[ffer or permit said Dcmiscd Irremises or eny pan thcreof ro bc used or occupied for any purpose conlrary lo law or thc rules or regulations of any public authority. ARTICLF.2. '[ erm of l-ease LESSEE shall have and hold the Demised Premiscs for a tcrm of two (2) years commencing on February 15,2()o7 and ending Fcbruary 14,2009. LESSEE is grunted the oprion, provided it is no[ rhen in delault of any of the terms of this Lease. to rencw same for one (l ) additional term of one ( I ) year, under the lclms and conditions as provided hcrein, by giving writtcn notice of I-ESSEE'S iotention to do so to the I-ESSOR not less lhan tliny (30) days prior to the expiralion of the leasehold estare hcreby creared. Said noticc shall becomc ellcclivc upon actual receipr by LESSOR. LESSEE, howevcr, reserves thc riglrt to tcrminotc this lJcosc, wirh or withoul causc. upur sixty days prior written noticc of such termination to l-ljSSOR at thc address ser fonh in ARTICLE ll ol this l-ease. Said uoticc shall bc cffcctivc upon actuul rcceipt by LESSOR. t-ESSEE shall not be rcquired to provrde LEssoR with any advanced rent such as sccuril),dcposlt or holding rent. LESSEE is tax cxempt and shall providc LESSOR rvith irs Tax Cenificarc showirlg irs cxempt slalus. ARTICLE 3. Rcnr Att l'lt-LE 4 RonewalTerm R el LESSEE hercby cove,.anrs and sgrccs ro pay as t]ase rcnl for thc Demised premises the sum.[Eighly,lbur Thousand Dollars (984,000.00) Ior rhe first rwo (2) ycirs of rhc Lease rerm ro tle paid irr equal monlhly installments of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,t)()0.00). 'I]c annual rcnr Ior all renewals therero shall be calculalcd as describcd in Anicle 4 below. All rentul payments shall be due and payable in advance on the firsl day of every calendar monthduring the term hereof. If &e term$ of this Lcasc shal commcnce on a day othit than rhe rlrst day of thenronrh, LESSEE shsl pay ren.ur equal to one rhinierh (l/30th) of rhe monrhry renrar murtiplied by rhe numberof rcntal days oI such fractional month. 'l'he annual rcnr lbr rhe thircr year of the l,case and ony rcrrcwars thercro, the ,ent set tbrth i[ thisARTICLE shull bc incrcased aonualy ror rhe cnsuing one y"". ;".";;t;;;r;; in rhe sarne proporrion rhat rlteConsunrer Price lndex for Urban Wage Earners alrj Cierjcal Workers-United Srares'City Avcrage, allllc,-serics A (1982 - 84 = loo), unired stares Dcpa(mcnr of Labor had rflcrcased tor the prcceding vearIlowcvcr' in no evenr sha, the annuar mioimum reni be ress rhan Iiighry-four Tlrousand Dorais ($8l.rixi.o01tior shall any yearly increasc be greater than five (5) perccnt. t, ir"ir"it that lhc Consunler pricc lndexccases to lncorporate a significant number of items, or if a substuntial changc is made ill lhc melhod of ARTICT-E l. Demised Premises 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 804 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) cslablishing such consunrcr Price l,dex, dren the consumer p ce Index shalr be a.rjusred ro thc figurc tha(would have rcsultcd had Do chaogc occurred in lhc manner oi computing such consumer pdce rndcx. I, thccvcnl that such Consurner price Indcx (or a succcssor or subsiltutc indcx) is not availablc. il rcliablcgovcmmcntal or othcr nonpartisan publication, e!'aluating the infomration thereto for usc in determrning theConsumcr l,rice lndex, shall be uscd it lieu of such Corr'sumcr price tndex. Salrt increasc shall be p.crrid"Jby LESSOR in wriring to l-ESSEE no larcr lhrn rhirty (JOi aays foltowing ;e ,",,e*ol r..m. ^ LFSSEE shal pay aI interior janiroriar, crectricity aod telephone charges penaining ro the DemisedPrcmiscs. LESSEE shall mainrain rhc air_condirioning 0ltirs wirhin'the Demised premises. ^ !1ssol shall be rcsponsibre for a, clemenrs of rhc maintenance and repair of the buirdinS and thcDemised Prcmises nor statcd abovc, incruding bul nor rimired ro. ptuIrluing, eretrricar and air-conirrioningsyslems, landscaping enhancemcnts and/or rcplacemenl ond rrrigation, as wcll as wastc rcmoval. water,scwer, pest control and lawn maintenancc. ARTICLE 6. Modificarions ro Demised premises . _^^_Irigl_,, nraling any chlnges, altcralions, arlclirions or improvements to the f)emised premises, LESSEE will providc ro LEssoR ar proposars and prans fo, arrernrronr. imp..rr.-cnr.,.hangcs,r addjrionsto the Demiscd Premiscs tbr LEssoR 5 pror wa.en approvrr, speclfyug rn wnring the nature and exlenl or.the d€sired altcration, improvcmcnl_ chang", n, ojjiti.rn, oiong'*i-rt the co'nternplared .rrning unacompletion time for such projccr. LEssoR or irs desiSnee wirr rhln have sixry (60) days wirrrin which toapP'ove or deny in wrlting said requesl for changes, improvcrnenrs, ahclations or addirrorN. LLSSoR shallnot uueasonably withhold its conselt to rcquircd or appropriale altcratiofls, improvcmcnts, chaDgcs oraddilions proposed by LESSEE. If afrcr sixry (60) days ihe;e has beerr no wri(en rejection delivercd b!l-EsSoR to LESSEE regardingsaid proposols or plans, ihen such silence shall he dccmed as an AI,t,Rov/\1,to such requcsr of [-ESSEE. LESSEItr covenunts and agrees in conneclion with any maintenance, repair work, erection.coltstruction. ilnprovement' addition or alteration of any aurhorizetl modifications, additrons orimprovcnrents to t}e Demiseir premis€s, to observc and comiry with a, then and future appric&ble raws, :::,iT:::ll:*s.-Tqil1,l"..i,:,:1 ,:l,o.renrs or rtrc uoirea irates orarn".ico, stare or Rroita", a;"r,y;iLollret'r anq any and a govcmmentul agcncies having jurisdiction over thc Demiscd premises. AIr artcrario's, improvcments, a,,,d addirions ro said Demiscd prcmises shar at once. when madc orirstalled' bc dccmcd as attached ro rhe rreehord 3nd to ho'e u""om" pr'op"ny oi LEssoR. prior ro thetcrminrrion of rhi\ Leose or any renew l rerm rh(rrol.. or wirtrrn rhiny iiol .ioys rter"rtier, if t.ESSOR sodirccts. LEssEt shar promptry renrove ol such additions, ir.,pioi"ri.n,., arrcrarions, fir(tures nndinstallirtions whrch were praccd in, on or upon thc Dcmiscd premises ty or on behart ol. LEssFru, and whrchnre.designared in srrd noticc, antl rcpair any clamage <rccasioned ,o,r,J o"-r*"a premiscs by such rcmovarand in defautt thcreof, I_FssOR may conrplire saidiemorut, und.";;i.r; i;ssEE,S expcnse. ARTICLE 5. Orher Expenses and ARTICLE 7. Ac to De rsed Pre ARTICLE 8. Assisnme It and S ublct {r,rq LESSOR. its duly authorized agcnrs, represcntatives and employees, shall have the right aftcrreasonabre orar norrce rr-r LESSEE, to enrer inro an,, upon the oa,n,rain'.n,o"" or any pan rrrercof ar r,rearonable hours rbr rhc purposc of examinrng sarrc a; ,.k.n;;;;;;r-;, irnrrorial seruice drercrn, and forthe purposes o[ inspcction for corn,liance w,,f,'prori'onr'oiii,Il;;';;.:r.r,. LESSEE covcnanrs and asrces nol lo assign this Lelse or to sublct lhe wholc or any pan of lheDcrniscd prcmiscs. or ro permir -unv orh", p..ro,r-s. ortr.. rtrun ;;;;;;;r,y agency, k) occ.py sarrewirhour lhc pr ir.rr exprcssed w.ren ;onscnr^;f LEssoR. Ary ;;;;;#enr or subterrrng. even wirh rheconscnr of LESS.R, sha' nor relieve LEssEE from iruilllv i"r ffiil ., rcnr o, olher sums hercin +';:'lt"'.:r::i::T,'i.T?1"'#:Ti':,}ffi -' be bound bv 'r'" ';',"'' J;;;iil;;. imd covenan,s or rhis rrasc,r'''r,...'I.,''r,1,.#;i.tl'J:::lffi';Xi,'*",ll,i[::j;:111j;,3;;;$*l#;i;;;;t;;;;; l1 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 805 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) ARTICLE 9. lndemnirv and Insurance Jo the extem lcgally possible, rie panies will conliruc thc insurance arrangcmenrs in elltct at rhctifire o[ the commcncemcnt oi this taase, adjustcd only so far as neccssary to accounr for their change inleSal position vis-i-vis. ARTICLEI0. Mainrenance LESSEE shall, al its sole cost aod cxpense, keep the Demised premiscs clean at all rimes. If saidDemised Prerniscs arc nor kcpr crean in rhe opinion or aEssoR, LEssEE wil bc so advised in wriring. Ifcorrccrivc acrion is not take[ wirhin rhiny (30) days of the rcceipr of such notice, LEssoR wi cau$c rhesame to be cleaned and correcred and LESSEE shall assume and pay all necessury cleaning costs and suchcosts shall consrrrurc additionar renr wlrich shalr be paid by LESSEE wirhin rhiny (30) diys ot receipr orwrilen noticc of cosrs incurred by LESSOR ARTICLE I l. Default bv LESSEE - Failure of LESSEE to comPly with any provisiolt or covenant of this Lease shall coilstitutc a default ly^ !*E_SSOI may, at LESSOR'S oprion. rcrminate rhis Lease after lhirry (j0) days wriften norice roLEssEE, unlcss the defaull be cure/ within rhol noticc period (or such adrlitional tirnc as is reasonablyrequired to concct such defauh). LEssoR shall in no evenr he chalged wirh defaulr in rhe perfomunce of sny of irs obligations hereunder unless and until LESSoR shail havc failcd ro pcrform such obligarions within ninety (90) d-ays (or such addilional timc as is reasooatrly requircd to conec! such default; after writreD notice fmm LEssLE to LESSOR propcrly spccifying whercin LESSOR has failed to pcrform ony such obligations. ARTICLE ll. Nolrces Any noticc which LESSOR or LESSEE nlay be required to give lo rhc otbcr pany shall be in writing to the other psrty at the following addresses: AR'r|CLE 12. Dcfautr bv I-ESSOR LESSEE: Board of County Commissioners c/o Real Estate Serviccs 3301 Tllmiami Trail East Adrninistration Iluilding Naples, Florida 3{ I l2 cc Office of rhe Counry Atromey ARTICLE 15. Sunender of Prcmises I-ESSOR: l)onrcnico and Maria LuGrastn 506 l06rr' Avenue Norrh Naples, Florida 3.1108 I-EssEE covcnants aDd 88rees to delivcr up and suncnder to LEssoR posscssion of the Dcmised premises upon expiration of this Lease' or its earlier temrination, broom clean and in as good condition and rcprir as t1csame shall be at rhe cornmencement of the tcrm of this Leasc or rnay rravc been put by LBssoR o; LEssBEduring the conrinuance thereof, ordinary wear aod tear and damagc by fire or the'ereminrs beyond LEssEE,scontrol exceptod. ARI'ICLE 16. Cencral provisions LESSEE fully undcrstands thar rhe porice and law cnforcemcnt sccuriry protectioo provided by ra!-\,enforcement agencics to the Demised Premlscs is Iirnited to thar pr<rrlded ru 0ny orhcr business or agclcy si(uatedin collier county, and LEssoR acknowledgcs that.rny specrar ,".ur,,y *"u"ur", deonrcd neccssary ri)raddiliooitl prorcction o[ the Demised prcmis(i shirlr bc rhe solc r.rrroN,r,,lii,v and cost of I-Essr]E and shalittvolvc no cost or cxpense to LESSEE. J 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 806 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement) LESSEE expressly agrces for iBeli its successor and assigns, to refrain from any use of the Denrised premises which would interfere with or adversely afltct the operation or maintenance of LESSoR'S stan(lar(l operati6ns. AR1]CLE 17. Radon cas In compliance with Secrion 404.056, Florida slarures, all panies dre hereby made aware of the lbllowing: Radon is a nalurally occu[ing radioactivc gas lhat, whe[ it has accumulated in a building in sufficienl quandties, may prescnt health risks lo persoDs who arc exposed to it over limc. Irvels of radon rhat exceed federal and state guidelines have been found io buildings in Florida. Additional information regording radon and radon tcstiug may be obtsined from your County public Health Depanmeot. ARTICLE 18. Effecri vc Datc This kase AgrEement shall become effective upon execulion by borh LESSOR and LESSEE. ARTICLE 19. Coveming law 'fhis Lease Agrccment shall be Soverned and construcd in accordance with lhe laws of lhc Statc of Florida IN WITNESS WHIIREOF, rhe panics hcrero havc hereundcr scl fonh rheir lrands aud seals BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FI-oRIDA BY C aaI t I g,tatra oll I r AS 1'O I'HE LESSOR JAMES I-El-l A, Chaimrarr ENICO b&JRAS (BY DA'I'ED:l-3n-aool IVITNESSES AS TO BOT}I wITNES.S (srgnahl 6 BY IiY I o Dnnl Damc \ax,-*-4"4",r- tvlARn ogcRASt'A WITNIiSS (siBnxturc) L pnnt name ,A.pproved as to form and utficiency 1) LZ as C. Pal r, Assist t Couoty Attomcy AS TO THE LE,SSEE D^'rED!zLL-E-*t-7 A'I-I'EST: DwlqHT Ej BROCK, Clcrk DruutrItt6t ,] 16.C.1.a Packet Pg. 807 Attachment: LG Mercantile Holdings LLC Third Amendment (11224 : LG Mercantile Holdings, LLC Third Amendment to Lease Agreement)