Resolution 1999-056 , hD39/1 RESOLUTION NO. 1)')- 56 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlER COUNTY. FLORID,\. PROVIDING FOR TIlE ACCEPTANCE OF ALL CONVEY ANCES MADE TO COLLIER COUNTY. A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF TilE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND ALL CONVEY ANCES ~IADE TO TilE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT. WlllClI ARE HEREAFTER MADE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT CO~IMIT~IENT REQUIRE~lENTS OF ANY AND ,\LL ORDli\:\NCES Mm AGREE:-'lENTS OR AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF CAPITAL IMPROVE~'lENT PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is the governing body of Collier County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and in addition is ex-orticio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water.Sewer District (hereinaner collectively rcferred to as "Collier County"); and WIIEREAS. various interests in real property must be com'e}'cd to Collicr County for public use:ls :I requirement of cert<lin development commitments sLipulated by Collier County ordinances, in fulfillment of obligations which may now or in Lhe future he contained in agreements between Collicr County and <lny legal entity. and as an integral part of capital improvcmcnt projects; :lnd WHEREAS. the fonnal acceptance by Collier County of such requircd conveyances is important in that infmstructure maintenance responsibilities arc thereby established. ,1I1d the public right to utilize rights-of-wa}' becomes documented through SllCh acceptance; and WIIEREAS. the growth of the County neeessit:ltes an inerc,lsing numher of such conveyances year after year; amI WHEREAS. the numher of con\'eyances has caused County staff to bring an increasing numher of separate "acccptances" bcfore lhc Board of County Commissioners via Executive Summary ;lI1d Resolulion; ,lI1d WHEREAS. it is desirable and in the hest interest of Collier County to reduce the staff time and paperwork which is generated by the formalized <lcccptanee process. NOW. THEREFORE.IlE IT RESOLVED that 0111 interests in rcal property which may he conveycd either to Collier County, a political suhdivision of the Stale of Florida, or to the Board of County Commissioners as the goveming body of Collier County. r1orida. ,Ll1d as ex-officio the Go\'cming Iloard of lhe Collier COllllty Witler-Sewer District, <lnd which arc conveyed to eilher elltity as a development commitment requirement pursuanlto any County ordinance. or in fulCillment of any ohligation which may now or in the future he contained in any agreement between Collier County and OIny other legal entity, or which arc required as an imlispensablc funclion during the completion ofa capitill project which has been approveu hy lhe Board of County Commissioncrs, arc herehy accepted, 16D,--- AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that in ~S,d~r to documcntthc acceptance of any such con\'eyancc of an interest in real property to Collier County, the Clerk to the Doanl is hereby authorized to affix to any such conveyance in.~trument. prior to recording in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. a SlamI' or seal allesting to ncccplance on hehalf of Collier 'I,;:; County. The Real Property r-,'!anagel11ent Direclor, or her designee, shall provide written notification 10 the Clerk of Court that the conveyance was required hy the Board of County Commissioners in fulfillment of an ohligalion on behalf of the conveying entity or to complete project as approved. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED lhatthe calendar year 1999 C1wirnlan of the Bonn.! of County Comm issioners. or any subsequent Chainnan. is hereby aulhorized to execute all documents pertinent to the acceptance of any slleh conveyance or the clearing of the lien of any encumbrance from any such conveyance. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that stalTis authorized to follow proper renl estate closing procetlures and recortl all such documents in the Public Records of Collier Coullty, Florida, TIllS RESOLUTION ADOPTED on this/.:lGt dayor ~ ~- / . 19')1) aner motion. second and majority vote, ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CLERK Jt:Z;d,,~t _/ / 'J.:',. . eputyClerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA llY~~ a.-~~ ' '\, .,' ~n Attest as to Chairman's signature On11' Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency J ,11 ..; I ), {I . , : Heidi F. Ashton Assislant County Attorney