Resolution 1999-048 1 6 A 2 lie RESClI,UTION ~O. 99'_48-_ RESOl.liT[OS OF TilE BO/\R() OF COUNTY CO~I~lISSIl)NERS, ('Oll.1m C:OU;~TY. FLORIDA. AlJTIIORIZINCi W..\IVI:R OF REGJOS,\1. W..\TER SYSTEM livll'ACr FEES. RE(iION..\1. SEWER SYSTE~II~lI'ACT FI:[:S. LIBRARY SYSTEM 11\II'AC'T FEES. PARKS A:-:n RI=.t'REAr10:-:AI. FACILITIES 1i\IPACT FEES. RO..\\) 11\II':\CI' FEES. E~IER( iE;-\Cl" 7\IEI 111.''\1. SERVICES IMPACT FEES i\~O EOtlCATIONAL FACILITIES S\'STE\I 1\11':\("1' FEES FOR ONE 1I01lSE TO BE ('O;>;STIWCrI:D BY ,\;>;TO;>;IC) p, CAi\li\LLERY ON LOT 10. BLOCK 9. N,\I'U:S "1M-JaR. ('OLLlER ('O( i;>;TY FI.ORIDA. WIIEREAS. Collier ('ounty has recognized and atlempled 10 address the lack nr :Idequatc alld arfordable housing for modcralc. low. and very-lnw incomc houscholds in Ihe Coullty and Ihc I1ccd fllr l:rl':lti\'c :mtl il1ll11V;lli\'c programs to assist in Ihc provisinn nf such houslllg hy 1I1!:\uJing scvcral provisions 111 Ihc ('olhcr County (irowth 1\lanagcmcnt I'lal1. induding: objcctivc 1 A. poli!:)' 1 A,I: objcctivc 1.5. polic)' 1.5,2. pllh!:y 1.5.:1. polie)' 1.5.4. policy 1.5.5. policy 1.5.(,: ohjecli\'c 1.(,. pnli!:y l.Cd; objecti\'c 2.1. policy 2.1.1. pohc)' 2.1.2. poll!:)' 2.1..'. pollc)' 2.1.5. and pnlicy 2.1,6 of Ihc Iluusing Elemcl1t: aOlI WHEREAS. Collicr Counly has rccci\'cd funding pursuant to the SWtc IlouslI1!:! Il1ltiall\'CS Partncrship !'rogram sct forth in Section 420.?07 ~,. Florid:} Statules and Chopler ?1.J7. Florida ,\dl11inlslr:IlI\'e CoJe: ond WIIEREAS. in aCi:Onlancc \nlh ('oilier ('ounty Ordil1an!:c No. ')3-1'). thc County IS allthorlzt'll III use funding from the SIOle IInusing Iniliali\'cs PJrlncrship ISHI!'] Program fnr wal\'Crs of Colll\:r COUIlI)' impact rces; and \\'1 tEIlEAS. Antonio D. Camallery is sccklllg 0 woi\'Cr of Impacl fees: ;lt1d WIIEREAS. ,\ntonio D. ('umallcry wlil cOl1struct onc (I) Ihn:c-hedrooT1l Ullll (tll<: "] hn:1 I II1g Ul1It") on l.ol 10. mock ? Naples />"lannr which is proposed \0 sell for Sc\'cnty.Sevcn Thnusand J}ollurs ($77.lJOO,OOJ; and WHEREAS, Antonio D. ('amallcry. submittcd le) thc Onke of Housmg nnd lJrhan Improvcmcnt an Affordahle Ilousing Application reed\'cd nn Oetohcr 28. I ?'J8 for a waiver of impact fces for Ihc constru!:linn of a house on Lot In. Blnck 9. Naples Manor. a copy nf said application is on tile in thc I [ousing and lJrbJn lmprovcmenl Dcparlment: and WHEREAS. in accordance with Scetiol1 3.fJ4 of Ihe Reginnal Watcr :lI1u/or Sewcr Systems rmpacl Fcc Ordinance. Ordinol1ce Nn. 9R.(,?: Section 3.04 nfthe I.ihrary Systcm Impa<:1 Fcc Ordinanel'. Ordll1:lI1cc 1\0. SR.!)7. as amcndcd; Section 4.05 of Ihe Parks and Re!:rcalinnal \-':Jeililics Impact Fcc UrJll\al1ce. Ordinance No. liS.9". as amended: Secllon J.04 of Ihe Road Impacl Fcc Ordinance. Ordinancc No. 92-22. as amcnded: Scctiol1 3,05 of Ihe Emcrgcncy ;>'1.:dlcal Scr\'lees Sy.tcm Impact Fcc Ordinancc. Ord1l1al1!:c No. 1)1.71. :IS amcnded: and Sc!:llOn _~.f)5 or Ihe EJucationol Facilities System Impact Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No, 92-33. as amcl1dcd: :111 applicant ma}' oblain a waivcr of impact fees by qualifying fnr a waivcr: and \VlfEREAS. Antonio D. C'amallery has (~ualilied fur an impa!:t fce waivcr hased UPUI1 Ihe following representations made by i\ntonio D. Camallcry: A. The Dwelling Unit shall he ~old 10 a tirsHime home buyer. -"._..-..,-~--- .__...._"-"---~ 16A2 B. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a household with a very Iow income level as fi~at lcrm is dclined in thc Appendices lo Ibc respective Impacl Fcc {)rdinanccs and Iht monlhly unit must bc within thc al)brdable housing guidelines established in thc Appendices h~ respective Impact Fcc Ordinanccs. C. 'Ibc Dwelling Unit slmll be thc I lomcstcad of thc uwncr. D. 'l~c Dwelling Unit shall remain affi*rdable l~r fifteen (15) years I?mn Ibc date thc certificate occupancy is issued. NOW 'I'III~RI~Ft)RIL lIE IT Rl~SOI.Vl(I) BY TIIE Bt)ARI) ()F ('()lINTY ('{~MMISSI()NI(RS COLklER COUNTY. FI.()RIDA. that: 'Ibc Board of County Commissioners hereby aulhorizcs thc ('mmty Adn6inistrator h~ iSSuc an authorizalion l~r waiver of impact Ikcs to Antonio I). Camallcry fi~r one ( I ) Imusc wiuch shall bc constructed an I.ot I0, Bh~ck 9, Naples M:mor, ('~flhcr {'ounty. Fh~rlda. 2. Upon rcccipl by lhe liousing and Urban Imprm'cmcnt DJrcclor ~fi' ;m agrccmcnl impact l~cs signed by Antonio I). Cmnalle~'. and/or thc purchaser, or olhcr documentation acceptable to thc County Almmcy. Ibc Board ~ff County Commissi.ncrs i~crcby autharizcs payment by Collier County of ~hc fifilowing impact I~cs from thc Affimkihlc Ihmsmg '['rust Fund. Fund (191), in thc following amounts fi~r the one {1) house m be built on I.{~t 10. llh~ck 9. Naples Mant~r by Antonio I). CamallcD': A. l.ibrary Impact Fcc S 18(I.52 B. Road Impact Fcc 1,379,00 (', Parks and Recreational I:acilitics Impact Fcc: ( 1 ) Community Parks (2) Regional l'arks 179.00 I). I(MS Iml~aCt Fcc 1-1.0~ E. [~ducalional l:acihtics System Impact ]:ce 1.778.()1} F. Water Impacl Fcc G. Sewer Impact Fcc TOTAl, i.MPA('T FEES S6,779,52 3. 'lbc payment of.npact I'ecs hy ('~flher ('ounty Is subjccl Ill lilt cxCClltl~n and rcc~)ld~lllOll ol' all agreement fi)r waiver of ('ollicr ('otlllty JmpaCl J:CCS between Ibc pml~crly OWllCr :llld't*r ptlrchascr arid thc ('otlllly. 16A2 This l~,csolutmn adopted after n'mtion, seco, nd :md majorily vole I'a¥ormg same. A'I-I'EST: .' DWIGIIT E. BROCK, Clerk Approved as lo lorm and legal sufficiency: lt{.):\lJ, I) ()F COUNTY {'().XlNIlSSI( )NI'~RS ('OI.I.IEI~. C()UNTY. FI.()RII)A .( 'hairman llcidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney jd.'f, rcso/c:m~allcry 16A21{ E× I I 1 lilT I,E(;AI, I)ES('RIPTI()N I.~')T 10 ()I: lll,¢)('K 9. NAI'I.ES MAN()P,. A('('¢JRI)INf; TO TIlE Iq.AT BOOK TI ll.]~,l.~Ol:. AS l~,l'.'('()Rl)l']) IN I'I.AT ll~')()K 3, AT PAGES 67 ANI) ('()UNTY, FI.ORII)A. L LOT..'/_L_q_ B LO.CX..'__~__ LEGAL:Z_~2/~ SUBDIVISION: z_...._~¢/¢ /Donor- ./. 'cmt IN?BROFFICE 4TH FLOOR NXT 7240 2420751 OR: 2502 PG: 0290 RECORDED Jn the OFFICIAL RICORDS of COLLIER COUNTY, FL 01/14/99 at 09:07AM DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK AGREEMENT FOR WAIVER OF 100% OF COI,IAERCOUNTY IMPACT FEES REC FEE 37.50 COPIES 8.00 1 6 A 2 WITN ESS ET l!: \VIIEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 88-97. as :m~cndcd. iht Collier County [.ihrarv System lrnpact Fcc Ordinance; Collier CouFllv Ordin:mcc No. 88-9¢,. as HlllClldCtl. Ibc Collier County Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fcc Ordinance; CollicrCountyOrtlinancc No. 91-71, as amcndcd, thc Collier County Emcrgcncy Mcdical Scrviccs System Impact Fcc Ordinancc; Collicr County Ordinance No...-__,o* v~ as amended, thc Collier ('ounlv Road Impact Fcc Ordinance; Collier County Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended, thc Collier ('ounlv Educational Facilities System Impact Fcc Ordin:mcc; thc Collier County Regional \\:atcr Sewer Systems Impact Fcc Ordinance. Ordinancc No. 98-()9, they may bc Further amcmtcd 1'1'Olll limc to lime. hcrcinaflcr collectively rcl'crrcd to as "Impact Fcc Ordinancc". provide For waivers oF impact f'ccs For new owner-occupied dwelling units qualifying as aFFordal, lc housing, and \VIIEREAS, OWNER has applied Ibr a waiver of impact t'ccs :,s required by thc Impact Fee Ordinance, a copy of said application is on tile in the ol'{icc of I lousing and Urhan In~provcmcnt Dcpamncnt, and WIIEREAS, thc Cotlllly Administrator or his designee has reviewed the O\VNER'S application and has £ound that it complies with the requirements Fol' an affordable housing waiver oF impact Fccs as established in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance. and rcFcrrcd to its "COUNTY" ;uld Antonio D. ('amallcry. hereinafter rcl2'rrcd to :ts "O\VNI{IU'. This Agrccmcnt for thc \Vaivcr o1' Impact Fees entered into lhis _/,¢~ tiny o1'~,~,. 1999. bv and between thc Board of County Commissioners of Collier ('Otlllty. Florida, hcrcin'dl'tcr OR: 2502 PG: 0291 \VIIEREAS. tl~¢ imp:mt fcc waiver shall bcprcscntcd in licuofpaymcnt of thc rcqt, isilc impact l~es subject to satisthction or' all criteria in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance tlualil~fng project as eligible for an impact fcc waiver, and WHEREAS, the COUNTY approved a waiver of impact t~cs IbrOWNER embodied Resolution No. 99-~at its regular meeting of~. 1999. and WtiEREAS, thc Impact Fcc Ordinance requires that thc OWNER enter into :m ,,kgrccmcnt with thc COUNTY. NOW, TtlEREFORE, in consideration of thc Ibregoing recitals, thc parties covenant and agree as Follows: I. RECFI'AI.S INCORPORATEI). Thc foregoing rccitals arc Il'tlC al~d col'l'cc[ ;lllcl shall be incorporated by reference herein. 2. I.EGAI~DESCR1PTION. Thc legal description of thc dwclling unit(lhc"Dwelling Unit") is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by rcl~rcncc herein. 3. TERM. OWNER agrees that thc Dwelling Unit shall remain asaflbrdablc housing and shall be offered for sale in accordance with lhc standards set lbrlh in thc appendices to thc Impac~ Fee Ordinance For a periocl of fifteen (15) years commencing fi'om the datc thc certificate of occupancy is issued lbr thc Dwelling Unit. 4. REPRESEN'FATIONS ANI) WARRANTIES. OWNER represents and xVaFFall[S Following: a. OWNER maintains a household with a very low income as defined appendices to the Impact Fee Ordinance and thc monthly payments lo purchase lhe Dwelling Unit must be within thc affordable housing guidelines established in thc appendices to thc Impact Fcc Ordinance; OR: 2502 PG: 0292 b. OWNER is a first time home buyer; c. 'File Dwelling Unit shall be tile homestead ol'tl~c OWNER: d. Thc Dwdling Unit shall remain as aFlbrdablc housing tbr fifteen (15) years Ii'om thc date thc certificate oFoccupancy is issued lbrthc Dwelling Unit, ami c. OWNER is thc owner off record of thc Dwelling Unit aml oxvcs impact l~cs i~ thc total amount ofS6.770.52 purstmnt lo thc Impact Fcc Ordimmc¢. In return waiver of thc impact Fees owed by OXVNER, OXVNER covenants and agrees to comply with thc affordable housing impact fcc waiver qualitication criteria detailed in thc Impact Fee Ordinance. 5. SUBSEQUENT TRANSFER. If OWNER sells ll~c Dwelling Unit subject impact fee waiver lo a sut)sequent purchaser or rcntcr, lhc l)wclling Unit shall be sold only to households meeting thc criteria set t~rlh in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance. 6. AFFORI)ABI,E REQUIREglENT. The Dwelling Unit must b¢ utilized affordable housing for a fifteen (15) year period after thc date thc certilhcate of occt~pancy is issued, and if thc Dwelling Unit ceases to b¢ ulilizcd lbr that during such period, the impact l~es shall be immediately rqxdd h) thc ('OUNTY. 7. l,lEN. The waived impact fees shall be a lien upon lhc property which lien may Foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the rectuircments of this Agreement. 8. REI,EASE OF I,IEN. Upon satisffacto~ complotion of thc Agreement roquircmcnts and fi fleen (15) years after the date of issuance of the certificate off occupancy, or upon payment of thc waived impact fees, the COUNTY shall, at thc expense of thc o 10. 11. 12. OR: 2502 PG: 0293 6i- , 2 COUNTY, record any necessary documcnlation evidencing thc termination of thc lien. including, but not limited to, a release of lien. BINI)ING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding UpOl1 thc parties m this ,Agreement and their respective heirs, l~CrSonal ,'ClWCScntatix'cs. StlCCCSSOl's Hlld assigns. In thc case of sale or transfer by git) oF lt~c F)xvclling [hilt. thc ori~imd OWNER shall remain liable tBr thc impact tkcs waived until said impact l~cs arc paid in full or until tl~c conditions set [~rth in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance arc satisfied. In addition, this ,,Xgrccmcnt shall run with thc land and shall remain a lien against thc Dwelling Unit until thc provisions oFScction 8 arc satisfied. RECORDING. This Agreement shall bc recorded by OWNER at tl~c expense of OWNER in thc OFficial Records of Collier County, Ftorida within sixty (60) days after execution of this Agreement bv thc Chairman of the Board o l'Countv Commissioners. DEFAUI,T. OWNER shallbcindefimltofthisAgrccmcnt: (1) whcrcOWNER fitils to sell thc Dwelling Unit in accordance with thc afTordablc housing standards and qualification criteria established in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance alld thereafter lhils to pay thc impact Fees duc within thirty (30) days of said non-compliance, or (2) where OWNER violates one of thc al'ibrdablc housing qualification criteria in thc Impact Fcc Ordinance For a period oFfiftccn (15) days at~cr notice of thc violation. REMEDIES. Should thc OWNER of thc property l)fil to comply with thc said qualification criteria at ally time during thc fifteen (15) year period or should OWNER violate any provisions oflhis Agrccmcnt, thc impact Fccs waived shall bc paid in fi~ll by OWNER within 30 days of said non-compliance. OWNER agrees that thc impact l~cs waived shall constitute a lien on thc Dwelling Unit commencing on thc cfl~ctix'c date of 4 OR: 2502 PG: 0294 this Agrccmcnt and continuing lbr fiftccn (15) },cars t?om thc dale of isst,ancc of ~hc certificate of occupancy or until repaid. Except as provided in l'aragruph 7 such lien shall bc superior and paranmunt to thc intcrcst in thc Dwelling Unil of any owner. lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person except thc lien tbr County taxes and shall be on parity with thc licn ofany such Courtly taxes. Should thc OWNER be in dclhult of this Agrccmcnt, and thc default is not cured within thirty (30) days at~cr wriucn notice to OWNER, the Board may bring civil action to cnforcc this Agreement. In addition. thc lien may be foreclosed or othc~visc enforced by thc COUNTY by action or sui~ in equity as for thc forcclosurc of a mortgage on real property. This remedy is cumulativc with any other right or remedy available to thc COUNTY. Thc Board shall bc cnlitlcd to rccovcr all attorney's fees incurred by thc Board in cntbrcing this agreement, plus interest at thc stamto~, rate tbrjudgmcnts calculated on a calcmlar day basis until paid. IN WITNESS WI{EREOF, thc parties have cxccutcd this Agrccmcnt lbr Waiver of Impact Vccs on thc datc and year first above writtcn. OWNER: S,gna,urc ol Owner OR: 2502 PG: 0295 / COUNTY OF 6_/~' ~ .,/;- .. , ,' , The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mc this 1998, by/./~/,5,~-. ,~.~ ,~;_ d"~;.. .... .../~ ,...~. , wh'o is personally known to mc. (or prodt,ccd O~,"* C:-. 3C/~. -,: ?-.-/' -----/ -~ . --':.. , as identification). NOTARY SEAL )~',~, I'Y2['~ JOANNE DAI.BEY . ' '' ..... ~.. m. co.,.,~,ss,os,c~?~,z ~ ,~S'ignaturc of Notary Ih,bile / ATTEST: "' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Attest slgnature oniZ. Approvcd as to form and legal sufficiency t lcidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney jd/~,'agreement/camallcry 6 EXillBIT OR: 2502 PG: 0296 I,EGAL DESCRIPTION LOT I0, BLOCK 9 OF NAPLES MANOR UNIT I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 3. PAGE 67 AND 68 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. D~¢-11-1998 01:24 OR: 2502 PG: 02~7 · .2 1 O.NNER: I_CLT.._ / q , L E G A L : L ,d/a /; /~ SUBDiViSiON-- ·