Spec Master Minutes 08/04/2006 August 4, 2006 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MASTER Naples, Florida, August 4, 2006 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Special Master in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 8:45 AM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: SPECIAL MASTER: Honorable Brenda Garretson COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: Shirley Garcia - Code Enforcement Coordinator Jeff Wright - Assistant County Attorney Dennis Mitchell-Code Enforcement Supervisor 1. CALL TO ORDER HEARING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MASTER AGENDA Date: August 04, 2006 8:45 A.M. Location: 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida, Collier County Government Center Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor NOTE: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THE SPECIAL MASTER WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. NEITHER COLLIER COUNTY NOR THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THIS RECORD. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. HONORABLE SPECIAL MASTER BRENDA GARRETSON, PRESIDING B. HEARING RULES AND PROCEDURES 3. MOTIONS 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 21, 2006 A. STIPULATIONS: 1. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 3. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. HEARINGS 1. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2005020167 HOLISTIC HEALTH CARE, ROBERT CONTI REG. AGENT AZURE SORRELS ORD. SEe. 04-41 SEe. 5.06.03(CC) ILLUMINATING ACCENT LIGHTING AROUND SUPPORT COLUMNS AND DAMAGED "0" IN MOTEL SIGN 2006050099 ROBERT FLICK JEFF LETOURNEAU ORD. 04-58 SEe. 7 SUB SEe. 2 FAILURE TO REGISTER RENTAL PROPERTY IN COLLIER COUNTY 2006050114 ROBER T FLICK JEFF LETOURNEAU ORD. 04-58 SEe. 6 SUB SEC. 12B, C, I, L, M MINIMUM HOUSING VIOLATIONS DAS 11001 & 11002 GARY FITZGERALD BONNIE KUBIZSAK ORD. 14-36 SEe. A 2 ALLOW ANIMAL TO RUN AT LARGE 2. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 3. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 4. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 5. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 6. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 7. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 8. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 9. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 10. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: DAS 11152 LOUSENA GUSTAVE WILLIAM GEORGE ORD. 14-41 SEe. A 5 TORMENT OR DEPRIVE ANY ANIMAL OF WHOLESOME OR GOOD, SUFFICIENT QUANTITY, FOOD AND WATER SO 155573 MICHAEL HUBBS DON LOTHROP ORD. 130-66 PARKED IN PUBLIC ACCESS ROAD SO 111589 LINSEY ANNE SCHOLLAERT CHRISTOPHER ALLEN ORD. 130-67 HANDICAPPED SPACE PU 2314 RICHARD PLUMMER JIM FRENCH ORD. 05-44 SEe. 5, 6, 7 & 8 ACCUMULA TION OF LITTER ON ENTIRE PROPERTY CE 2321 CLIFFORD CHMIEL HEINZ BOX ORD. 130-66 I(F) ALONGSIDE ROAD IN RIGHT OF WAY 2006040775 RICARDO RAMIREZ & SONIA GARCIA HEINZ BOX ORD.04-41 ACCUMULATION OF LITTER ON PROPERTY 2006020911 JEREMIAH DORAN & HASAN KARAGOZ THOMAS KEEGAN ORD. 05-44 SEe. 6, 7 & 8 ACCUMULA TION OF LITTER ON PROPERTY 2006030101 JAMES & JUDY BLAKE EVERlLDO YBACET A ORD. 05-44 SEe. 7 LITTER-DEAD TREES AND DEBRIS 2006050391 CELESTE GARCIA CAROL SYKORA ORD. 05-44 SEe. 6, 7 & 8 ACCUMULATION OF LITTER ON PROPERTY 11. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 12. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 13. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 14. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 15. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 16. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 17. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 18. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 19. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2006050277 CELESTE GARCIA CAROL SYKORA ORD. 04-41 SEe. 2.01.00A UNLICENSED VEHICLE ON PROPERTY 2006050900 VOLTAIRE & GUERDA JEAN JOE MUCHA ORD. 04-41 SEe. 2.01.00A & 4.05.03A UNLICENSED & INOPERABLE VEHICLES ON PROPERTY 2006050399 JUAN & MARIA OCEGUERA JOE MUCHA ORD 04-41 SEe. 2.01.00A UNLICENSED & INOPERABLE VEHICLES ON PROPERTY 2006020265 DELIUS ADEKA JOE MUCHA ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED SEe. 5.03.02(A)(2)(3) & 5.03.02(A)(7) OBSERVED A FENCE STRUCTURE IN DETERIORATING CONDITIONS 2006050930 CHARLES & DONNA A YLSWOR TH IAN JACKSON ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED SEe. 2.01.00(B)(C) RECURRING VIOLATION-PROHIBITED STORAGE OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE AND/OR TRAILER ON RES. PROPERTY 2006040807 PAUL ZAINO IAN JACKSON 2004 FLORIDA BLDG CODE SEe. 105.1 CHAIN LINK & WOODEN PRIVACY FENCE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT A PERMIT 2006031019 PAUL ZAINO IAN JACKSON ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED SEe. 4.05.03(A) PROHIBITED PAVING IN EXCESS OF THE ALLOWED 40% IN A SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENCE 2006040707 LEOBARDO & JO ANNE FLORES JEFF LETOURNEAU ORD. 04-58 SEe. 1,5,12A,B,C,I,J,K,L,M,0,Q, 19A,C & D SEVEREL Y DAMAGED MOBILE HOME & MINIMUM HOUSING VIOLATIONS 2006031034 RICHARD JANDRO JEFF LETOURNEAU ORD. 04-58 SEe. 7(2) FAILURE TO REGISTER RENTAL PROPERTY IN COLLIER COUNTY 20. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 21. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 22. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 23. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 24. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 25. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 26. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLA TIONS: 5. OLD BUSINESS - 2006040196 RICHARD JANDRO JEFF LETOURNEAU ORD. 04-58 SEC. 6 SUB SEe.9,11,12C,E,N,P, 19A,C, & 20 UNLICENSED VEHICLES/TRAILERS ON PROPERTY/LITTER ON PROPERTY 2006040685 MARIA ALFARO CRISTINA PEREZ ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED SEe. 2.01.00(A)(C) UNLICENSED VEHICLE AND STORAGE OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ON PROPERTY 2006020770 MANUELA & ELIAS HERRERA CRISTINA PEREZ ORD. 04-41 AS AMENDED SEe. 2.01.00(A) UNLICENSED/INOPERABLE VEHICLES PARKED ON PROPERTY 2005110533 ORALIA HINOJOSA CRISTINA PEREZ SEe. OF ORD 91-102 AS AMENDED TO ORD. SEe. 2.01.00(C) ORD. 04-41 UNLICENSED VEHICLE PARKED ON DRIVEWAY 2006050760 ESTEBAN & RITA MARTINEZ CRISTINA PEREZ ORD. 05-44 SEe. 6 & 7 ACCUMULATION OF LITTER 2006040689 RICARDO & IRMA MONTES CRISTINA PEREZ ORD. 05-44 SEe. 6 & 7 ACCUMULATION OF LITTER 2006010158 JESUS & LAURA PEREZ CRISTINA PEREZ ORD. 04-41 SEe. 2.01.00(A) & 4.05.03(A) UNLICENSED/INOPERABLE VEHICLES IN REAR OF PROPERTY A. Request for Imposition of Fines/Liens: 1. CASE NO: OWNER: OFFICER: VIOLATIONS: 2005080392 ROSEMONDE GERMILUS JOHN OLNEY ORD. 04-58 SEe. 6 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE VIOLATIONS 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. REPORTS- 8. COMMENTS 9. NEXT MEETING DATE - August 22, 2006 10. ADJOURN August 4, 2006 A. The Meeting was called to order by Honorable Special Master Brenda Garretson at 8:50 AM. All those testifying at these proceedings today did so under oath. B. Hearing Rules and Regulations were given by Special Master Garretson. Special Master Garretson gave the Respondents an opportunity to speak with their Investigating Officer before conducting the Hearing for a Resolution by stipulation; looking for Compliance without being punitive. RECESS FOR STIPULATIONS: 9:02 A.M. RECONVENED: 9:20 A.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 21, 2006 The Minutes of the Special Master Hearing for July 21, 2006 were approved by Special Master Garretson. 3. MOTIONS - None A. STIPULATIONS 1. Case #2005020167 - BCC vs. Holistic Health Care, Robert Conti, Reeistered Aeent This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Azure Sorrels, who was present. The Respondent, Robert Conti, was also present. Violation(s): 04-41 Section 5.06.03 (CC) Illuminating accent lighting strung around support columns and damaged "0" in motel sign A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Respondent also submitted a statement which was entered into evidence. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served and finding the violation(s) did exist, but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violations. On August 1, 2006, the Respondent paid the Operational Costs of $172.34 which were incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case. Respondent sought further clarification concerning the length of time allowed for holiday celebrations and acceptable holiday lighting. Time frames are apparently not specified in the Code. After a lengthy discussion, the Special Master ruled that Mr. Conti is allowed to display holiday lighting at the same time that Coastland Mall begins its holiday lighting which is usually a week before Thanksgiving. He is allowed to keep the lighting in place until one week after Easter. Per the Special Master, this specific ruling applies only to Mr. Conti and his business located at 11238 Tamiami Trail East. 2. Case #2006050099 - BCC vs. Robert Flick This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Supervisor Jeff Letourneau who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 04-58, Section 7, Sub. Sec. 2 Failure to register rental property in Collier County 2 August 4, 2006 A stipulation was agreed upon by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent is found GUlL TY of the alleged violation(s} and is ordered to obtain a Collier County Rental Registration or to remove all tenants from the premises on or before August 18, 2006, or a fine of $250 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter. On August 2, 2006, Respondent paid the Operational Costs in the amount of $162.92 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 3. Case #2006050114 - BCC vs. Robert Flick This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Supervisor Jeff Letourneau who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 04-58, Section 6, Sub. Sec. 12B, C, I, L, M Minimum housing violations A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Fillding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent is found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to abate the violation by repairing all minimum housing violations on or before September 5,2006, or afine of$100 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter. On August 2, 2006, Respolldent paid the Operational Costs in the amount of $171.16 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecutioll of this case. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 20. Case #200604196 - BCC vs. Richard Jandro This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Supervisor Jeff Letourneau who was present. The Respondent was present, but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 04-58, Section 6, Sub. Sec. 12B, C, I, L, M Minimum housing violations A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent is found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to abate the violation by repairing all minimum housillg violatiolls on or before January 4, 2007, or a fine of $1 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter. Respondent is ordered to pay Operational Costs in the amount of $220.60 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. The Respondent is to notifY the investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur that violatioll has been abated. 3 August 4, 2006 9. Case #2006030101 - BCC vs. James and Judv Blake This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Everildo Ybaceta who was present. The Respondents were not present. Violation(s): 05-44, Sections 6 and 7 Litter - dead trees and debris A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondents are found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and are ordered to remove the litter, dead trees and debris on or before October 4, 2006, or a fine of $1 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter. Respondents were ordered to pay Operational Costs in the amount of $140.28 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. The Respondents are to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 10. Case # 2006050391- BCC vs. Celeste Garcia This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator/Acting Supervisor Carol Sykora who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 05-44, Sections 6, 7 and 8 Accumulation of litter on property A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Investigator Sykora stated that the litter consisted of, but was not limited to, wood, tires, metal, rusted trailer, inoperable motorcycle, and landscape debris. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to remove the litter, wood, tires and debris on or before August 11, 2006, or a fine of $1 00 per day will be imposed for each day the violation remains thereafter. Respondent is ordered to pay Operational Costs in the amount of $137.30 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. The Respondent is to notifY the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 11. Case # 2006050277 - BCC vs. Celeste Garcia This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator/Acting Supervisor Carol Sykora who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 04-41, Section 2.0 1.00(A) Unlicensed vehicle on the property 4 August 4, 2006 A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to pay Operational Costs in the amount of $143.68 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. 23. Case # 2005110533 - BCC vs. Oralia Hinojosa This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 91-102, Sections, amended to 2.01.00(C) Unlicensed vehicle parked on driveway A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondent is found GUILTY of the alleged violation (s). On August 3, 2006, Respondent paid the Operational Costs in the amount of $195.91 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case. 26. Case #2006010158 - BCC vs. Jesus and Laura Perez This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondent, Jesus Perez, was present earlier but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 04-41, Section 2.01.00(A) Unlicensedlinoperable vehicles in rear of property A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondents arefound GUILTY of the alleged violation (s). Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $141. 09 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. 21. Case #2006040685 - BCC vs. Maria M. Alfaro This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 04-41, Section 2.01.00(A) and (C) Unlicensed vehicle and storage of commercial vehicle on property A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. 5 August 4, 2006 Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violation (s). Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $135.60 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4, 2006. 25. Case #2006040689 - BCC vs. Ricardo and Irma Montes This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondents were present earlier and agreed to the Stipulation but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 05-44, Section 6 and 7 Accumulation of litter A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondents. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondents arefound GUILTY of the alleged violation (s). Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of$141.09 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. 22. Case #2006020770 - BCC vs, Manuela and Elias Herrera This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondents were present earlier but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 04-41, as amended, Section 2.0 1.00(A) Unlicensed/inoperable vehicles parked on property A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondents. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED IJrior to today's hearing, Respondents arefound GUILTY of the alleged violation (s). On August 4,2006, the Respondents paid the Operational Costs in the amount of $130.12 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case. 12. Case #2006050900 - BCC vs. Voltaire and Guerda Jean This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Joe Mucha who was present. The Respondent, Voltaire Jean, was present earlier and agreed to the Stipulation but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 04-41, Section 2.01.00(1) and 4.05.03(A) and Unlicensedlinoperable vehicles on property A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. 6 August 4, 2006 Fillding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondents arefound GUILTY of the alleged violation (s.) The Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $135.43 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. 13. Case #2006050399 - BCC vs. Juan and Maria Oceeuera This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Joe Mucha who was present. The Respondent, Juan Oceguera, was present earlier but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 04-44, Section 2.01.00(A) Unlicensed/inoperable vehicles property A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondents are found G UIL TY of the alleged violatioll(s) and are ordered to obtain a current, valid license plate and affIX it to the vehicle, or to store the vehicle within a completely enclosed structure, or to remove the vehicle from the premises on or before August 9, 2006, or a fille of $50 will be assessed for each day the violatioll remains thereafter. The Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of$129.25 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. Respondents are to 1I0tifY the Illvestigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 2. Case # DAS 11152 - BCC vs. Lousena Gustave This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator William George who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 14-41, Section A5 Torment or deprive any animal of wholesome or good, sufficient quantity, food and water Domestic Animal Services Field Investigator William George stated that he spoke with Mrs. Gustave after he wrote the citation and turned it in. They agreed that ifthe Respondent surrendered the animal to Domestic Animal Services, the Investigator would ask that citation be dismissed. It was ordered that since the animal had been surrendered to Domestic Animal Services as agreed, the citation was DISMISSED. 19. Case No. 2006031034 - BCC vs. Richard Jandro This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Supervisor Jeff Letourneau who was present. Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 04-58, Section 7(2) Failure to register rental property in Collier County 7 August 4, 2006 Supervisor Jeff Letourneau stated that there is a backlog at the County concerning the entering of new Rental Property registrations. Apparently Mr. Jandro had registered his property on time, but the form was not entered into the County's computer. This is the County's error. The request to withdraw the violation was granted. 18. Case #2006040707 - BCC vs. Leobardo and Joanne Flores This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Supervisor Jeff Letourneau who was present. The Respondent, Joanne Flores, appeared by telephone. (She lives in Chicago.) Violation(s): 04-58, Section 1, 5, 12A, B, C, I, J, K, L, M, 0, Q, 19A, C & D Severely damaged mobile home and minimum housing violations On April 19, 2006, Supervisor Letourneau assessed the property that had sustained severe damage by Hurricane Wilma. He took photographs of the premises and sent them to the Respondent with the notice via certified mail giving her the option to either repair the damage or to have the mobile home removed from the premises. The County introduced into evidence copies ofthe various photographs ofthe mobile home to be marked as Exhibit "A". During a follow-up conversation, Supervisor Letourneau gave the Respondent the names and phone numbers of contractors for her to contact. As oftoday's hearing, nothing has been done on the mobile home to repair it. There are safety concerns for the remaining neighborhood because, should another hurricane come through the area, the debris from this property would be strewn throughout the area with the potential to cause harm to persons and property. (A telephone call was placed to the Respondent. Due to mechanical failure with the speaker phone, the Respondent's testimony was relayed to the Court by Shirley Garcia.) The Respondent stated that she has been unable to contact the former husband who now resides in Mexico. The Respondent did not qualify for FEMA assistance since neither she nor her former husband were residing in the mobile home at the time of Hurricane Wilma. She understands the seriousness of the matter and stated that she has limited financial resources. The Respondent has been unable to contact her former spouse. The mobile home had been occupied by relatives of her former husband who indicated that the damage was minor, and that they would repair the damage. The Respondent has not been in Florida in approximately four years. It was explained to the Respondent that Collier County would have the option to remove or demolish the property as a public nuisance if abatement was not completed by the end of the two month period, but that the costs for such removal would be accessed to the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent is found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to repair all minimum housing violations, or to remove the mobile home from the site or to demolish it on or before October 4, 2006, or a fine of $250 will be assessed for each day the violation remains thereafter. Collier County shall have the option to remove or demolish the property as a public nuisance and the costs for such removal will be assessed to the Respondent in addition to any other imposed fines. The Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of$187.64 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case 011 or before September 4,2005. 8 August 4, 2006 Respondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 16. Case #2006040807 - BCC vs. Paul Zaino This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Ian Jackson who was present. The Respondent was present earlier and agreed to the Stipulation but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 2004 Florida Building Code, Section 105.1 Chain link and wooden privacy fence constructed without a permit A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to obtain a permit on or before August 18, 2006, and is further ordered to obtain a certificate of completion by on or before October 4, 2006, or a fine of $50 will be assessed for each day the violation remains thereafter. Respondent may remove the unpermitted fencing in order to abate the violation. The Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $116.29 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. Re~pondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 17. Case #2006040807 - BCC vs. Paul Zaino This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Ian Jackson who was present. The Respondent was present earlier but left before the Hearing was heard. Violation(s): 04-41, as amended, Section 4.05.03(A) Prohibited paving in excess of the allowed 40% in a single-family residence A Stipulation was agreed to by the Respondent. Finding the notice ofhearing was properly served, the Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to remove the excess pavement from the front yard area on or before August 11, 2006, or a fine of $25 will be assessed for each day the violation remains thereafter. The Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $130.32 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. Respondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. RECESS: 11 :20AM RECONVENED: 11 :30AM 18. Case #2006040707 - BCC vs. Flores The Special Master entered into the record the photograph that was displayed on the screen in reference to the previous case, BCC vs. Flores, be presented to the Court and labeled as County's Exhibit "A". 9 August 4, 2006 6. Case # CE 2321- BCC vs. Clifford Chmiel This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Heinz Box who was present. The Respondent was present as was his son, Clifford, who appeared as a witness. Violation(s): 130-66 l(F) Alongside road in right-of-way The Respondent testified that he is not disputing the $30.00 parking fine, but is seeking information in order to obtain a permanent solution for the lack of parking in his area. The Brookside community consists of small, single-family homes each having a single driveway. Off-street parking is not available. The street is wide and parking in the right-of-way does not obstruct traffic. The Respondent's son testified that no one was aware that an ordinance concerning the parking existed. They are not aware of any publicity concerning the ordinance. The properties were built in the 1950s on small lots. The only available parking is on the street in the right-of-way. There are a number of retired individuals living in Brookside on fixed incomes who can not afford to expand their driveways. This is an on-going problem for the Brookside residents and their visitors. The Special Master directed the Respondent to contact County Commissioner Diana Fiala concerning the zoning problem. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served; the Respondent isfound GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to pay a fine of $30.00. Operational Costs were not assessed. 15. Case #2006050930 - BCC vs. Charles and Donna Avlsworth This Hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Ian Jackson who was present. The Respondents were present. Violation(s): 04-41, as amended, Section 2.01.00(B) (C) Recurring violation - prohibited storage of commercial vehicle and/or trailer on residential property Finding the notice ofhearing was properly served, the Respondents are found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and are ordered to relocate the commercial vehicles/trailers to the rear yard and conceal same from view of the neighboring properties and from view from the street, or to relocate the vehicle/trailer to a completely enclosed structure, or remove the vehicle/trailer from the premises on or before August 8,2006, or afille of$lS0 will be imposedfor each day the violation remains thereafter. The Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of$127.97 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution oftltis case on or before September 4,2006. The Respondents are to notify the Illvestigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 3. Case # SO 155573 - BCC vs. Michael Hubbs This hearing was requested by Collier County Sheriffs Deputy Don Lothrop who was present. 10 August 4, 2006 The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 130-66 Parked in public access road Deputy Lothrop stated while on routine patrol on April 12, 2006, he entered the parking lot for the Home Depot facility, located at Airport and Davis in Naples, and observed a vehicle parked in the public access road - not in a clearly designed parking spot or under the portico in the specified loading zone. The vehicle was cited for violation of the Ordinance. The Deputy was unable to contact the owner of the vehicle although he waited for ten minutes Finding the citation properly served, the Respondent was found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered pay a fine of $30.00 on or before September 4, 2006. The Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $50 incurred during the prosecution of this case. 4. Case #SO 111589 - BCC vs. Linsev Anne Schollaert The Respondent's husband was present on her behalf. Deputy Christopher Allen was not present. Therefore, the case was DISMISSED. 5. Case #PU 2314 - BCC vs. Richard Plummer The Respondent was present. Public Utilities Officer Jim French was not present. Therefore, the case was DISMISSED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Case # DAS 11901 and 11902 - BCC vs. Garv Fitzl!erald This Hearing was requested by Animal Control Officer Bonnie Kubicsek who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violation(s): 14-36, Section A2 Allowing animal to run at large The citations reference the two dogs, i.e., the husky and the chow mix. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent is found GUlL TY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to pay fines of $500.00 for each citation for a total of $1,000 on or before September 4, 2006. The Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $1 00. 00 incurred during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. 11 August 4, 2006 7. Case #2006040775 - BCC vs. Ricardo Ramirez and Sonia Garcia The hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Heinz Box who was present. The Respondents were not present. Violations(s): 04-41, Sec. 2.01.00(A) Unlicensed and inoperable vehicles on property The violation address is 4106 Mohawk Place, Collier County. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondents are found GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and are ordered to obtain a current, valid license plate and affIX it to the vehicle, or to store the vehicle within a completely enclosed structure, or to remove the vehicle from the premises on or before August 9, 2006, or a fine of $50 will be assessed for each day the violation remains thereafter. The Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $148.73 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. Respondents are to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 8. Case #2006020911 - BCC vs. Jeremiah Doran and Hasan Karaeoz The hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Thomas Keegan who was present. The Respondents were not present. Violations(s): 05-44, Sec. 6, 7 and 8 Accumulation of litter on the property consisting of tires, rims, and cardboard The violation address is 806 Charlotte Street, Immokalee, FL Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondents are found GUlL TY of the alleged violation(s) and are ordered to remove the litter on or before August 11, 2006, or a fine of $1 00 will be assessed for each day the violation remains thereafter. The Respondents are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $151.54 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4,2006. Respondents are to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 14. Case #2006020265 - BCC vs. Delius Adeka The hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Joe Mucha who was present. The Respondent was not present. Violations(s): 04-41, as amended, Sec. 5.03.02(A) (2) (3) and 5.03.02(A) (7) Observed a fence structure in deteriorating conditions The violation address is 5314 McCarthy Street, Collier County. Finding the notice of hearing was properly served, the Respondent is found GUlL TY of the alleged violation(s) and is ordered to obtain proper permits from Collier County, repair the fence structure or to demolish it and to remove the debris from the premises by August 24, 200, or a fine of $50 will be assessed for each day the violation remains thereafter. 12 August 4, 2006 The Respondent is ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $164.28 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case Oil or before September 4,2006. Respondent is to notify the Investigator within 24 hours of a workday to concur the violation has been abated. 24. Case #2006050760 - BCC vs. Esteban and Rita Martinez The hearing was requested by Code Enforcement Investigator Cristina Perez who was present. The Respondents were not present. Violations(s): 05-44, Sec. 6 and 7 Accumulation of litter Fillding the notice of hearing was properly served, and finding the violation(s) did exist but was CORRECTED prior to today's hearing, Respondent arefound GUILTY of the alleged violation(s) and are ordered to pay the Operational Costs in the amount of $130.12 incurred by Code Enforcement during the prosecution of this case on or before September 4, 2006. 5. OLD BUSINESS A. Request for Imposition of Fines/Liens 1. Case #2005080392 - BCC vs. Rosemonde Germilus The hearing was initially requested by Code Enforcement Investigator John Olney who is no longer with the County. Dennis Mitchell appeared in his place. The Respondent was present, and Daniel Morisma was present as a witness. Violations(s): 04-58, Sec. 6 Property maintenance violations. Mr. Mitchell stated that the fines of $8,774.82 represented 86 days of non-compliance together with Operational Costs. Mr. Mitchell was not opposed to a reduction ofthe fine, as requested by the Respondents. The fine was set at $5,000. The lien against the property will be satisfied with the payment of$5,000.00 which sum includes all Operational Costs. The County will issue a satisfaction of lien to be recorded upon receipt of the payment. Re: Case #2006050760 - BCC vs. Esteban and Rita Martinez Shirley Garcia brought to the attention of the Special Master that there may be some confusion concerning the service of the Notice of Violations and the Notice of Hearing in the above- referenced case. She was sworn in by the Special Master and testified that there is an Affidavit of Posting which is to be made part of the record. Sufficient notice was given. 6. NEW BUSINESS - none 7. REPORTS - none 13 August 4, 2006 8. COMMENTS - none 9. NEXT HEARING DATE August 22, 2006. There being no further business for the good of the County, the Hearing was adjourned by order of the Special Master at 12:35 PM. OR THE COLLIER COUNTY SPECIAL MASTER Special Master, Brenda Garretson 14