DSAC-LDR Subcommittee Minutes 12/17/2019December 17 .2019 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE Naples, Florida, December 17,2019 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Development Services Advisory Committee - Land Development Review Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00 PM in a REGULAR SESSION at the Growth Management Department Building, Room 609/610 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL with the following persons present: Chairman: Clay Brooker Blair Foley (Excused) Robert Mulhere Jeff Curl ALSO PRESENT: Jeremy Frantz, LDC Manager Ellen Summers, Senior Planner Richard Henderlong, Principal Planner Eric Johnson, Principal Planner Anita Jenkins, Community Planning Manager Danette Kinaszczuk, Pollution Control December 17 ,2)lg Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may rcquest a copy of the audio recording from the Collier County Growth Management Division - Planning and Regulation building - Contact 239-252-2400. l. Call to order Mr. Brooker called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. Approve agenda Mr. Curl moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Mr. Mulhere, Carried unanimously 3 - 0. 3. Old Business a. Discussion Regarding'Mixed-Use" Definition Mr. Frantz reported: o Staff continues to review potential standards for the definition of "mixed use." o Determining the appropriate mix ofuses is currently done on a case-by-case basis, as projects are reviewed. o There are numerous methods for creating a definition of "mixed-use" and the method used should be based on the development goals ofthe area. . The Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA is updating their Master Plan and may be addressing the definition. It may be beneficial for the Subcommittee to provide input on the issue to any interested party. o The definition is applicable in all sections of the code, including areas outside ofthe Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA, and at this point will continue to be implemented on a case-by-case basis. . Staff will continue to review the definition as needed and provide updates as necessary. Mr. Mulhere added that determining whether a project is considered mixed-used is important in the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA because mixed-use projects are allowed additional height. Additionally, RLSA Towns and Village Centers require mixed-use development. Mr. Frantz noted that different areas would require different definitions of mixed-use. More research, and more specific goals, would be needed before staff would consider an LDC amendment. Mr. Brooker suggested that staff should look at the issue further. b. 2020 DSAC-LDR Schedule Reminder i. March 17,2020 ii. June 16,2020 iii. September 15,2020 iv. December 15,2020 4. New Business a. LDC Amendments i. Special Events in ROW LDC Sections to be Amended: 5.04.05 Temporary Events 5.04.06 Temporary Signs ll. December 17 ,2019 10.03.06 Public Notice and Required Hearings for Land Use Petitions The amendment establishes new development standards for special events conducted within public rights-of-way. It addresses the process, permit requirements, and signage requirements for special events held within public rights-of-way when the temporary or partial roadway closure is deemed necessary. Mr. Henderlong presented the proposed amendment and the following was noted during discussions: o Tourist Development funding is not required for an event to qualifu; however a determination needs to be made if the activity promotes tourism.o There is a certification process for the "crowd manager" referenced in the amendment. o FDOT requirements are required to be met if the event impacts a State roadway. The Subcommittee reviewed the proposed amendments and provided the following comments: Section 5.04.05.A.S.vii - Clarifu the Tourism Development Council would not review all events in rights-of-way. Section 5.04.05 A.5.d - Eliminate the first two sentences which state "Any event which necessitates the use ofthe public rights-of-way ofan arterial or collector roadway, or reword since any event could use the righl-of-v,ay. " Section 5.04.06 B. 1.e. - Ctarifr what is the dilference for an event versus directional sign. Section 5.04.06 B. ii. - Delete, since it is duplicative and covered by 5.04.5,{.1 .g. Section 5.04.06 B.l.e.viii - Amend the word "maybe" to "may be. " Section 5.04.06 B.1.e.vii - Staff reviews the distinctions between directional signage and promotional signage. Clari$ the sections as necessary for event, directional and entrance signs. Section 5.04.06 B.1.e.vii - Consider allowing directional signage permission as an administrative process as opposed to an approval by the BCC. Section 10.03.06. 2.2 - Staff should review the definition ior the notification area as the term "neighborhood," etc. may be overreaching and create an unnecessary expense given it could encompass a large geographic area (i.e. the Pelican Bay neighborhood). Staff reported the proposed amendmenl will be returned to the Subcommitlee for furlher review and to address aforementioned considerations. Staff Review Timeframes LDC Section to be Amended: 4.08.07 SRA Designation The amendment, in accordance with F.S. Chapter 125.022, modifies the timeframes and procedural review requirements for processing an application lor the approval ofa development permit or development order for the Stewardship Receiving Areas (SRA) Designations. Mr. Henderlong presented the proposed amendment. Mr. Brooker moved for the Developmenl Services Advisory Commillee to recommend lhe Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed amendmenl as presented by Stalf. Second by Mr. Curl. Carried unanimously 3 - 0. 3 lll. December 17 ,2019 RMF-6 Density Clarifi cations LDC Section to be Amended: 9.03.03 Types of Non-conformities The amendment clarifies the calculation of density for single-family, two family or duplex dwelling units and multi-family units, on legal nonconforming lots of record in the RMF-6 District. Mr. Henderlong presented the proposed amendment. Section 9.03.03 A.6 - The Subcommittee noted investigation should occur to ensure the wording "Agreement for Deed Executed" is appropriate for the section. Mr. Mulhere movedfor the Development Semices Advisory Committee to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed amendment subject to the County Attorney's Ofjice reviewing the language "Agreement for Deed Executed,, to ensure it is the appropriate termfor use in the proposed amendment. Second by Mr. Curl. Carried unanimously 3 - 0. Golden Gate Parkway Overlay District LDC Sections to be Amended: 1.08.01 Abbreviations DSAC-LDR 12-17-2019 2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districrs 2.05.01 Density Standards and Housing Types 4.02.26 Golden Gate Parkway Activity Center Overlay (GGPACO) Building, Development, and Site Design Standards 4.02.37 Design Standards for Development in the Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Overlay District (GGDCCO) 5.05.01 Businesses Serving Alcoholic Beverages 5.06.02 Development Standards for Signs within Residential Districts 10.03.06 Public Notice and Required Hearings for Land Use Petitions The LDC amendment (LDCA) serves to implement several policies of the recently adopted Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP) by creating the Golden Gate parkway overlay District (GGPOD). The GGPOD will be comprised of two new subdistricts - the Activity center subdistrict (GGPODAC) and the Downtown subdistricr (GGpoD-DT). The GGpoD will supersede the provisions of the Golden Gate Downtown Center overlay District and the Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial Overlay. Mr. Johnson presented the proposed amendment and " DSAC-LDR I 2- I 7-l 9 powerpoint Presentation" and provided a briefoverview on the history ofthe proposed overlay district. During the meeting, Mr. Johnson distributed an updated version of thi GGpoD toihe DSAC-LDR, containing changes proposed to the following sections: Section 2.03.07 F.4. Definitions. Section 2.03.07 F.6. Table 1. Table of Uses. Section 4.02.26 B.3. Landscape. Section 4.02.26 B.1 1 . Design of Primary Streets and Secondary Streets (alleys). lv. 5. 6. December 17,2019 The Subcommittee reviewed the proposed amendment by section with the following comments: Section 2.03.07 F.1.a - Consider including the term "surrounding'-' or "economic development zone" when describing or the referring to the "community" given this area could serye as a focal point. Section 2.03.07 F.l.e - Include the terms "structures and sites". Section 2.03.07 F.2.4 - Consensus on staff s recommendation to eliminate"Additive Manufacturing" and"Advanced Manufacturing" from the definitions as the intent will be to utilize performance standards where applicable. Section 2.03.07 F.2.c - Discuss with the County Attorney on how to handle any PUD's which may straddle the boundaries of the impacted areas. Section 2.03.07 F.2.b - Consider removing the "and/or " wording and simply reference the "underlying zoning district." Section 2.03.07 F.2.4 - Determine how to address statutory changes in the Targeted Industries. Section 2.03.07 F.6 - Table - Eliminate the headers in the table, such as "R," "M," and "C" as they may be unnecessary and lead to confusion with the references to "P" Permitted Uses and "C" Conditional Uses in other sections of the table. Also, staff should look into numbering for each use (row) in the table. Section 2.03.07 F.6 - Table Re-review the language "Any other residential use which is compatible in nature with the foregoing uses, consistent with the list of permitted uses ond the purpose and intent of the GGPOD" - define compatible or identifr standards; remove "C" as the section only references permitted uses (or reword). Section 2.03.07 F.6 - Table - Display headers on each page for ease of the user. Section 2.03.07 F.6 - Table - Consider allowing "Drinking places" as a permitted use. Section 2.03.07 F.6 - Table - Review the rationale for categorizing " Health services " as a conditional use. Section 2.03.07 F.6 - Table - Review the rationale for categorizing"Hotels " a conditional use. Public comments None Adjourn There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting h,as adjourned by the order of the Choir at 4:02 P.M. COLLIER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE - LAND DEVELOPMENT These Minutes were approved by the Committee on amended fr<< REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE 2ozo , as presented X , or as 5