Immokalee CRA Minutes 10/23/2019
Enclosure 1
Joint Meeting of Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee and the Immokalee Lighting and
Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee on October 23, 2019.
CareerSource Southwest Florida
750 South 5th Street
Immokalee, FL 34142
A. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Bernardo Barnhart, MSTU Chair at 9:00 A.M.
B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Commissioner William “Bill” McDaniel led the Pledge of Allegiance and MSTU chair Bernardo
Barnhart led a moment of silence.
C. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Christie Betancourt opened roll call. A quorum was announced for the CRA board. A quorum was
announced for the MSTU board.
CRA Advisory Committee Members Present:
Frank Nappo, Estil Null, Edward “Ski” Olesky, Francisco Leon, Andrea Halman, Patricia “Anne”
Goodnight (arrived at 9:06), Michael “Mike” Facundo (arrived at 9:18), Yvar Pierre (arrived at 9:40).
CRA Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
All Present
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present:
Bernardo Barnhart, Andrea Halman, Peter Johnson, and Cherryle Thomas.
MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Norma Garcia
Others Present:
Armando Yzaguirre, Ahmed El, Lauren Evans, Mark Beland, Fred Drovdlic, Zachery Karts, Mark
Lemke, Silvia Puente, Connie Aguirre, Abel Jaimes, Annie Alvarez, Yakira Chu, Chris Ambach, Carrie
Williams, and William “Bill” McDaniel.
Staff: Debrah Forester, Christie Betancourt, Julian Morgan, and Monica Acosta.
D. Introductions.
All public present introduced themselves. All board members introduced themselves to the members of
the public.
E. Approval of Agenda.
Staff presented agenda to the board for approval. Staff announced an addition to the agenda. I. 9.
Enclosure 15 Holiday Decorations.
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve the agenda with one addition. Mr. Ski
Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 6-0.
MSTU Action:
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve the agenda with one addition. Ms. Cherryle
Thomas seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0.
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Enclosure 1
F. Approval of Consent Agenda.
1. Minutes
i. CRA Advisory Board Meeting for September 18, 2019 (Enclosure 1)
ii. MSTU Committee Meeting for September 25, 2019 (Enclosure 2)
2. Budget Reports
i. FY20 Budget (Enclosure 3)
ii. FY19 Final Budget (Enclosure 4)
3. Operations Manager Report (Enclosure 5)
4. Project Manager Report (Enclosure 6)
5. Community Meetings (Enclosure 7)
6. CRA & MSTU Advisory Board Meeting Calendar (Enclosure 8)
Staff presented the boards with the September 18, 2019 CRA Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, and
the September 25, 2019 MSTU Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, CRA Operations Manager Report,
CRA Project Manager Report, Budgets, and Community Meetings.
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Estil
Null seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 6-0.
MSTU Action:
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Peter
Johnson seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0.
G. Announcements.
1. Communications Folder
Staff reviewed the communications folder with the board and members of the public. The folder
contained the public notice for this meeting, the public notice for the MSTU site visit, the FRA
2019 presentation of filling vacant storefronts, and the upcoming community events.
2. Public Comment speaker slips
CRA staff reiterated the public 3-minute speaker slip policy. The board will give more time if they
feel it necessary.
3. 2019 FRA Conference highlights
Staff and board members that attended the 2019 FRA Conference shared their experience with the
board and members of the public. Frank Nappo, CRA Chair, recommended that other board
members try and attend. He feels that they could learn some vital information. He informed the
board of his attendance to the attorney’s part of the conference.
Ms. Andrea Halman, MSTU Vice-Chair/CRA board member, reiterated that the training that they
offer is excellent and she too agreed that other board members should try and attend.
Christie Betancourt, Operations Manager, informed the board that she and Julian were at the
Conference early to attend the FRA Academy, staff is encouraged to take professional designation
classes, and this is their opportunity to take a class. She also expressed her appreciation for being
able to take the mobile tour and see the results of the redevelopment in Ybor City.
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Enclosure 1
Julian Morgan, Project Manager, informed the board that he did the downtown mobile tour and he
was able to see the new parks and was able to see new things that could be incorporated here, for
instance, at one of the parks they had an area that had a small building, on one side was the restroom
area and on the backside was a concession stand, a possible idea to incorporate at the Zocalo.
H. New Business.
1. 7-Eleven Proposed Project (Enclosure 9)
Staff informed the board of the new 7-Eleven proposed project and advised them of their
previous meeting with the group. Staff would like recommendation for the group so that they
can properly prepare a presentation for the November 20, 2019 joint meeting. Some of the
recommendations that were made by staff was more of a pedestrian connection, sidewalks and
bike racks. The proposed project will have 19 total pump stations, 16 unleaded pumps, and 3
diesel pumps. Mr. Fred Drovdlic with Waldrop addressed the board, he explained that they
are still in the planning stage, this will still have to go through a conditional zone appeals and
the hearing commission. At this point things may not go through without the support of both
Mr. Mike Facundo, board member, asked what was needed from the boards at this time.
Mr. Fred Drovdlic responded that what is needed is feedback from the boards on design and
any details they feel are necessary so that they can come back with a prepared presentation.
Ms. Lauren Evans with Creighton explained to the boards that this 7-Eleven is the first of its
kind and size not only in this area but in Florida. Their goal is to have a fully functioning
“named” restaurant inside. This would have to be added in for approval as well.
2. Collier Area Transit (CAT) Shelter improvements (Enclosure 10)
Staff informed the boards of the improvements that will be done by the Collier Area Transit in
Immokalee. Mr. Zachery Karts with Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement who
oversee CAT explained that the first phase will be getting the bus stops and shelters in ADA
compliance. Some area will be under new construction and or full replacement. There is not
a specific timeframe yet but the stops that need to be ADA compliant will be the priority. They
are currently trying to re-evaluate all the stops for safety and space but would like comments
from the public if they know of any stops that have any issues. Staff will follow up with CAT
on anything that is brought to their attention.
3. Main Street Grant Program
Staff informed boards of the short-term options that could be provided to Main Street
businesses to provide money of up to $2,000 dollars to help with the up keep of their business.
The money could be used to pressure wash or paint their business. By providing an incentive
to the businesses it could jump start their desire to keep their area cleaner.
Mr. Francisco Leon, board member, felt that they should be fined rather than being paid to
clean up. The issue is that Collier County does not have a minimum standard for businesses
like other counties do. There is nothing that states that the business must be clean.
Ms. Anne Goodnight, board member, reminded everyone that some of those businesses are
not the owners, they rent from someone.
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Enclosure 1
Staff also added that some business cannot afford to do what is needed financially, providing
this option would be beneficial to the owners who do want to clean their business up.
Commissioner William McDaniel thought it would be beneficial to offer the incentive because
that works better than fines but also helping the landowner with protection by adjusting the
wording to include relief in taxes.
I. CRA Old Business
1. Immokalee Fire Control District – Letter of Support (Enclosure 11)
Staff informed boards of the previous letters of support that were to be sent to Florida House
of Representative, Byron Donalds, and Senator Kathleen Passidomo were not sent under the
advisement of management. Instead a letter has been drafted to present to Board of County
Commissioner Chairman, William McDaniel. Commissioner McDaniel stated that he has
gotten a head nod to move forward.
By Consensus of the boards the letter will be signed.
2. CRA Advisory Board Vacancy
Staff reminded boards that there is still a CRA Advisory Board Vacancy. Bernardo Barnhart
would like to be on the CRA Advisory Board, currently Ms. Andrea Halman has a spot on
both boards so staff will be looking into the rules on whether two members being on the same
two boards is allowed. Staff will provide an update at the November 20, 2019 joint meeting.
3. Immokalee Area Master Plan updates
Staff announced the continuance of the Collier County Planning Commission is to be held on
October 31, 2019. Staff will provide an update on November 20, 2019.
4. Immokalee Area Master Plan Update
No update.
5. CDBG Sidewalk Project Update
Staff updated the boards on the CDBG Sidewalk Project. Staff received a response back from
Water & Sewer and the engineer. Items will be addressed so that 90% and 100% plans can
be reached. The bid came back under the estimated amount. The grant currently has $160,000
in match funds, $100,000 from last year and $60,000 from this year.
6. Main Street
i. FDOT Project #439002-1 Pedestrian Safety Improvements
Staff informed boards that Pedestrian Safety Improvements are out for bid on lighting.
Staff will give updates as to timeline and budget as it becomes available.
7. Monuments – Welcome Signs
Staff informed board that the Welcome Signs request for construction is underway. The work
had to be separated. The Triangle sign will be a repair, sign replacement, and will need
installation of sprinklers and lighting. The 1st and Eustis sign will be a total rebuild.
8. A & M Property Maintenance
i. A&M Monthly Reports (Enclosure 12)
Mr. Armando Yzaguirre informed the boards that trash pickup has been moved
from Friday to Monday. This helps with keeping the things clean throughout the
week. Over all the trash cans are much better. The street sweep is working but he
could use help with enforcing the “No Parking” when street sweeping is going on.
Mr. Yzaguirre is doing the landscaping once every two weeks but next month plants
will need to be replaced.
Packet Pg. 592 Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - October 23, 2019 (11170 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - December 18, 2019)
Enclosure 1
ii. Field Observation Report (Enclosure 13)
Staff and MSTU board members did a site visit on October 9, 2019. Mr. Bernardo
Barnhart, MSTU Chair, informed everyone that he would like to do a walking site
visit every month but also do a walk at Ave Maria to get some ideas of possible
things that can be done here. One picture in the report shows black dots everywhere
and he explained that those black dots are dried up gum. He feels that business
owners have lost pride in the appearance of their business. Some business owners
do keep up with their business area, but others don’t. Staff and board agreed to do
quarterly walks with board members and members of the public.
iii. A&M Quotes (Enclosure 14)
Staff informed board that the quotes #1087 and #1088 from A & M are for the work
that needs to be done. Estimate #1089 will be submitted through county quick
quote process for Welcome sign at Triangle.
MSTU Actions:
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve estimate #1087 in the amount of $400 for
replanting in median on 1st Street. Ms. Cherryle Thomas seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous
vote. 4-0.
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve estimate #1088 in the amount of $825 for
plantings at the Triangle area. Ms. Cherryle Thomas seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous
vote. 4-0.
9. Holiday Decorations
Staff went over Enclosure 15 that was added. This allowed MSTU board members to see
exactly what the budgeted amount of $19,500 was going to be used for. Items include the
repairing and replacing of LED bulbs for the Christmas Angel fixtures not to exceed $1,500,
the installation and removal of the 20 ft artificial Christmas tree not to exceed $4,000, the
installation, removal, and storage of the lighted garland on the existing blue light poles not to
exceed $8,000, and holiday decorations for the Zocalo Plaza not to exceed $6,000. Board
members expressed their concern for the amount of money that is to be spent on the items.
Staff explained that without the items there cannot be a Christmas tree lighting or decorations
throughout Immokalee like in years past. The money has already been budgeted to cover the
expenses. Board members agreed to allow staff to purchase the items but would like to revisit
the expense for next year’s budget.
MSTU Actions:
Action: Ms. Cherryle Thomas made a motion to approve the expenses provided in Enclosure 15 to
buy the necessary Holiday decorations. Mr. Peter Johnson seconded the motion and it passed by
unanimous vote. 4-0.
10. TIGER Grant – Immokalee Complete Streets
Staff provided board updates per CRA Operations Manager report (Enclosure5).
11. Code Enforcement
Mr. Chris Ambach with Code Enforcement announced the upcoming Cleanup on the South
Side Blocks has been scheduled for December 7th, 2019. He is working with the sheriff’s
department to address the homeless camps. He encouraged the boards to attend the Task
Force meetings. The boards commended Mr. Ambach for his work in the community,
specifically with the demos of the dilapidated homes.
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12. FDOT updates
Staff informed the board of the recent visit with FDOT at Farm Workers Village and the
Panther Crossing. Staff is asking for a letter of support from each board to make sure that
when FDOT starts to widen SR 29 in that area that the bridge is replaced and not go away
with ground level crossing. The proposed widening will not happen until possibly 2027/2028
but getting the letter of support now will ensure the boards are in support of the bridge being
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to send letter of support for the replacement of the
bridge at the Farm Workers Village/Village Oaks Elementary entrance when the widening of SR 29
begins. Mr. Ski Olesky seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 7-0.
MSTU Action:
Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to send letter of support for the replacement of the
bridge at the Farm Workers Village/Village Oaks Elementary entrance when the widening of SR 29
begins. Mr. Peter Johnson seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0.
13. Office of Business & Economic Development (OBED)
No update.
14. Immokalee Culinary Accelerator
Mr. Ahmed El with the Immokalee Culinary Accelerator announced that they had the French
Consulate visit their facility. French food companies are interested in working with their
location. He also informed the boards of the different outreach programs they have been
doing. They visited the Business classes at Lorenzo Walker and Florida Gulf Coast
University. They are trying to raise awareness with students about t heir endless possibilities
in the Culinary field.
15. Other Agencies
Immokalee Library
Ms. Sylvia Puente announced that the Branch Manager, Ms. Mia Reyes, is leaving. Mia’s last
day is October 29, 2019. Ms. Puente asked that we be patient in the next few wee ks as they
will have limited staff at the library.
Mr. William “Bill” McDaniel announced that he was in Washington DC last week and met
with the Colonel, they have put the Immokalee Airport in the number one spot to be funded.
He is very excited that they want to have their presence here in Immokalee.
J. Citizens Comments.
No Citizens comments.
K. Next Meeting Date. Joint CRA & MSTU will meet on November 20, 2019 at 9:00 A.M. at
CareerSource SWFL located at 750 South 5th Street Immokalee FL.
L. Adjournment. Meeting Adjourned @ 11:36 A.M.
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23.A.3Packet Pg. 595Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - October 23, 2019 (11170 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - December 18, 2019)