AHAC Minutes 11/04/2019November 4, 2019 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida l-ET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WOR(,/VG SESSTON in the Health Building 2nd Floor Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Christina Apostolidis Mary waller John Cowan Litha Berger Justin Emens Steve H ru by Gary Hains Unexcused: Excused:Joseph Schmitt Denise Murphy Sheryl Soukup ATSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & Grant Development - CHS Kristi Sonntag, Director - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS Lisa Carr, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Lin, Clerk's Office Jen Mitchell, Collier Schools; Michael Puchalla, HELP; John Harney, Habitat; Katrina 1. CAr[ To ORDER Steve Hruby called the meetlng to order at 8:32 a.m. Steve led in Inthe Pledge ofAllegiance, and read the procedures to be followed. 2. RoLr CAIL - CoMMrrrEE MEMBERS aND STAFF There were 7 active members present, therefore a quorum was established. 3. APPROVAT OF AGENDAAND MINUTE MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: AHAC Signed Meeting Minutes - November 4, 2019 (11105 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 2, 2019) A motion was made to approve the agenda by Mary Waller and seconded by Mary Waller. The motion passed by a vote of 7{. b. A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting of October 7, 2019 and seconded by Mary Waller. The motion was passed with a vote of 7-0. 4. INFoRMATIoNAL ITEMS Quarterly Apartment List Update - Cormac reviewed the quarterly apartment list with the group. CHS has been keeping this list for a little over 3 years now. New communities are being phased in with more new market rate units available. Mary Waller asked that the list be compared to the previous year. Cormac agreed and said that the next report will show the comparison. The Wells Fargo Opportunity lndex put out by the National Home Builders was not done due to changes in the Fanny Mae numbers, may also have had some effect on the n umbers. b. Update on Procurement Solicitations 1. Bembridge ITN - The developer agreement went to the BCC on Octobet 22,2079 and was approved. This included 82 units with housing for 60% of median income, seniors and veterans. 2. Housing/Marketin&/Education/Outreach RFP -The contract went to the BCC and was approved. Quest Marketing will be working with us for a year and will attend the AHAC meetings. They will be working on promoting "Yes, in my backyard" (Y|MBY) and holding round table meetings with builders, contractors and members of the community. Steve Hruby asked for a regular update to be put on the AHAC agenda. 3. Community Land Trust RFP - The contract with HELP of SWFL was approved by the BCC on October 22,2Ot9. HELP partners with Legal Aid and the Florida Housing Coalition. 5. PUBUC CoMMENT John Harney addressed the group and asked if the AHAC had an official position on increasing impact fees. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS The county's grant application will be released on January 4, 2020 and will be open for 5 weeks. The ranking and review committee should include a member ofthe AHAC. Justin Emens volunteered to serve on the committee. Steve Hruby motioned that Mr. Emens be appointed to the committee, Gary Hains seconded, and the group unanimously voted 7-0 in agreement. b. Cormac reviewed Ordinance 19-22 fot the Allura RPUD. He said that Allura will give essential personnel preference to 54 units for 15 years and 31 units will be held for those with 80% of median income restricted for 30 years. This is the first development to meet the housing affordability goals of the Community Housing plan. AHAC members discussed a a a 2 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: AHAC Signed Meeting Minutes - November 4, 2019 (11105 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 2, 2019) attending upcoming meetings for new projects to voice their position on the need for affordable housing. 7. UPCOMING MEETINGS Rivergrass Village willgo to the CCPC on November 7s and Courthouse Shadows will have the BCC on Nov 126. Rivergrass is a development of2,500 housesand has not committed for any affordable housing yet. Courthouse Shadows is slated for 3OO luxury apartments with no consideration for affordable housing. AHAC Members said they would like to be at these meetings to encourage them to include affordable houses. Mary Waller and Litha Berger committed to attend both meetings in support of affordable housing. c. Cormac was asked to invite the County Manager to the next meeting of the AHAC to discuss an overview of the items he talked about regarding the golf course property and other projects. He will also ask him to provide the PowerPoint about the sports park. Nick CasalanBuida will attend the meeting in either December or January. 8. ADJOURN NExr MEEnNG: THE NEfi MEETTNG wtu BE HEI"D DEGEMBER 2,2019 AT8:!!0a.M. Location: 5s Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. Housr G ADvrsoRy CoMM The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' l) OR "as amended' I l. la 20L9, " os a 3 b. The group talked about the revision of the AHAC ordinance to include more "at large" members from each district and possibly a delegation from the Sheriff and the School Board. a. There being no further business for the good of the County, Gary Hains motioned to ad.journ the meeting, Justin Emens seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of7-0. adjourned at 9:21 a.m. 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: AHAC Signed Meeting Minutes - November 4, 2019 (11105 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - December 2, 2019)