Minutes 09/26/2019 MINUTES OF MEETING
A continued meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community
Development District was held on Thursday September 26, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cedar
Hammock Clubhouse, 8660 Cedar Hammock Boulevard, Naples, Florida.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Norman Day Chairman
Quentin Greeley Vice-Chairman
Fred Bally Assistant Secretary
John Martino Assistant Secretary
Gene Bolton (by phone) Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Justin Faircloth District Manager
Jim Kurtezborn Cedar Hammock Golf and Country Club
Kipp Schulties Kipp Schulties Golf Design, Inc
Cedar Hammock Master Association Members (by phone)
Number of Residents
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the September 26, 2019
Cedar Hammock Board of Supervisors meeting.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order and Roll Call
o Mr. Faircloth called the meeting to order. He indicated Mr. Bolton was attending today's
meeting by phone.
On MOTION by Mr. Bally seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
to allow Mr. Bolton to attend by phone and vote during the
meeting was approved.
o Mr. Faircloth discussed a revised budget for the project. This budget takes into account the
changes that were requested by the Board at the continuation meeting. There is a
September 26,2019 Cedar Hammock CDD
$700,000 increase when they added the contingency that they requested a couple of
meetings ago. The 10% contingency the Board agreed to previously was added along with
the costs for bridges 9 and 18. The cost for 17 is not associated in there, but that is a
minimal cost, as it is the cost for putting wear decking on the bridge. Mr. Faircloth reviewed
the revised budget and he indicated Mr. Schulties incorporated all the changes requested
by the Board.
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments on Agenda Items
o No public comments were received.
A. Bulkhead and Bridge Repair
o Mr. Schulties was present to discuss the bulkhead/bridge project and the following items
were discussed:
o Hole#4—no changes to what was presented.
o Hole #5 — Mr. Schulties will update the design drawing to show the cap rock
walls around the island and both bridges. There were no additional changes.
o Hole#7—The Board requested to change the design to a land bridge with a small
equalizer pipe and not to have a cap rock bridge.
o Hole#10—No changes were made.
o Hole#16—the cap rock around the tees
o Mr. Schulties stated all the above changes have been added in. Discussion ensued
regarding 9 and 18.
o When Mr. Schulties was at the last meeting the scope of work was presented which met
the criteria of what the CDD needed and the time of closure to try to minimize it to 6-7
weeks for 9 holes, but adding all the changes in, he has no idea how long the course will
be closed for, as construction will be much longer than 6-7 weeks.
o Further discussion ensued regarding the closures, as well as the designs, and bridges.
o Mr. Faircloth stated they need to incorporate Mr. Schulties documents and cut out the
items they do not need and incorporate the things that they do. It will take some time
putting this all together as one cohesive document that can be utilized. Mr. Faircloth
September 26,2019 Cedar Hammock CDD
will send it out for comments from the Board and have in final form by the October 15,
2019 meeting and the plan is to put it out to bid on October 17, 2019.
o The Board, Kip Schulties and Mr. Faircloth reviewed all the changes.
o Hole#17-there were no changes.
o Mr. Day mentioned the issues with the irrigation intake from Lake 1. He feels they
should research this further by the Club to see if this issue is present and resolve it
during the construction while the equipment is on site.
o Discussion ensued regarding the irrigation line.
o In discussion regarding the project, Mr. Schulties stated he expects change orders and
that is not a bad thing, as some change orders are positive and some are negative. He is
expecting this project to come in lower than he has estimated.
o Mr. Faircloth reviewed the project. There are no changes on number four and Mr.
Schulties is going to update the job on number five, there is no change there. He will
update the drawing for number seven. There are no changes on number 10 and on
number 16 they are going to connect the rock wall and change the drawing. For
number 17 there is no change but they are going to look at the intake and review that
issue. It was noted that Mr. Schulties would like to obtain bathymetrics on the lakes for
holes 4,5, 10, 16 and 17.
On MOTION by Mr. Day seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
to perform bathymetrics on the lakes for holes 4, 5, 10, 16 and 17
in the amount not to exceed$5,000 was approved.
o Discussion ensued regarding the irrigation.
On MOTION by Mr. Day seconded by Mr. Bally with all in favor for
an irrigation consultant in the amount not to exceed $8,000, with
Mr. Schulties requesting a proposal from Dave Regan was
September 26,2019 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Mr. Schulties stated the bids will be sent out on October 17, 2019 and final bids are to be
received on November 19, 2019. He mentioned he normally goes through a second round
of bidding.
o Mr. Faircloth stated they would review them at the December 9, 2019 meeting and should
be able to go forward with contract negotiations based on the decision by the Board.
Should contract negotiations fail with one vendor they can move to the next one. Further
discussion ensued regarding this matter.
o Discussion ensued regarding the issue some Board members were having with their emails.
Mr. Faircloth provided an overview of the email process.
o Mr. Faircloth continued his discussion regarding Mr. Schulties' bid. Also discussed was the
process for the documents to be received.
o Mr. Faircloth mentioned the proposal from Bridging Solution which he indicated, they
would not have to go out to bid as the proposal is under$35,000. The number of phases of
this construction was discussed.
On MOTION by Mr. Martino seconded by Mr. Bally with all in
favor the proposal from Bridging Solutions with the condition that
the timeframe of this work matches and covers the construction
in the amount of$34,860 was approved.
o The bid process was discussed further.
o Mr. Faircloth noted he is still waiting to receive from the State an executed copy of the
Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement.
o Mr. Faircloth continued, they need to discuss what the Board plans on doing on the bridges
on 9, 17 and 18 and the Board has a full understanding of what the project encompasses.
o Discussion ensued regarding additional funding or increasing the assessment for next year
to cover the costs, but these funds would not be available until the Spring of the following
year. Once they know where the bids are at, they will know if they have enough money to
do the project.
o Discussion ensued regarding possibly getting a loan for the whole thing and spreading it out
over 10 years.
September 26,2019 Cedar hammock CDD
o Mr. Faircloth will be bringing a proposal for ADA website compliance for consideration at
the October meeting.
o Discussion ensued regarding a number of additional items. Mr. Faircloth asked that the
Board review all the documents sent to them so a consensus can be made.
Let the record reflect Mr. Greeley left the meeting.
o Mr. Faircloth went over the bidding schedule.
o None.
o None.
A. Cedar Hammock Bulkhead & Bridges Preliminary Schedule Chart
o Item was discussed at the July 15, 2019 meeting.
A. Approval of the Minutes of June 17, 2019 Meeting
B. Financial Report
C. Report on Registered Voters
D. Follow-Up Items
i. Fema Update
o All items were approved and discussed at the July 15, 2019 meeting.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests
o None.
o None.
On MOTION by Mr. Bally seconded by Mr. Martino with all in
favor the meeting was adjourned at 4:18 pm.
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