CCLAAC Subcommittee Minutes 09/26/2019Conseryation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee LEMS Subcommittee Summary Minutes September 26,2019 1 p.m. Golden Gate Communitl'Park.3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. Naples.34l09. Subc{)nrnrittcc\lcmbers StrfI Bill Poteet (BP) Michael Seef (MS) Michele Lenhard (ML) Summer Araque (SA Christal Segura (CS) Melissa Hennig (MH) Michelle D'Andrea-Hall Mark Rosenbalm - CCPS Tammy Caraketa - CCPS Patrick Woods -CCPS Tom Eastman - CCPS Adrian Roman - CCPS 2) Approve Meeting Minutes from 8-9-19 ]II-EAtldto 4-Oplqi e ttiqminlltes. ]lS seconded, The motion passed b1 unanimous roice \ote 3) Old Business: a) High School,/Railhead Scrub collaboration Intro around the room. Summer reviewed the powerpoint presentation. She stated that Conservation Collier would like to collaborate with the school district on educational programs throughout the preserve. The southem areas could be for public use and the northem areas would have limited use for special permits and special field trips only. It was suggested thal the staffmeet with the school's science coordinator. There was discussion on how much the preserve would be used by the rack team, including how many: meets a )ear. teams. runners and practices. There was discussion on where the trail would be and the type oftenain available. Mulch is not an option because ofthe firebreaks. BP asked ifsand fill can be brought in. There was a consensus that fill could not be brought in because it is a naturally lower area. There was discussion on where the trail for cross country would be. They reviewed the firebreaks and location of the railroad tracks. MH stress her concem on the impact this will have overall. ML voiced her concems for the impact this will have on the scrub habitat. She said we have a responsibility ro protect this very delicate eco system. There wa! a question on speclators for cross country events how many and where they will wait. The majority will wait at the finish line. A few spectators may try different vantage points on the course to observe the race. There was discussion on implementing a restriction that only runners be allowed on the preserve. MS asked how wide the trail needs to be. The schoolboard replied approximately 6 feet. The school board stressed that the parking lot was contingent on the final site plan and water holding results. They said thal ifthe site plan allows, they will provide the parking, even without the use ofthe preserve. ML pointed out that we are supportive ofstudents using the preserve educationally. It is the cross country use that is ofconcem. CS stated that we would be glad to panner with the science department to provide educational programs on the preserve. There was a question of legality on crossing the railroad tracks. BP stated that we do not have authority to grant access to crossing the tracks. There was discussion on the safety ofthe railroad crossing. SA pointed out that besides lhe sensitiviq- ofthe scrub habitat there are the obstacles ofthe south portion being wet and cross country is during wet season, and the rail road tracks, She suggested the route use the FiL easement and then back track, Lut that will not be long enough. PuhliclOthrr.\gen(\ l) Approval of the Agenda lltL moved to accept the agenda. ItS seconded and the motion passed bv unanimous roice vote. BP suggested the athletic department make a field visit with staffand then come back with more information. He also suggested imposing limits on what can be done on the preserve. MS pointed out that this preserve also has gopher tortoises. ML suggested enforcing restrictions such as no district meets and prohibition ofspectators on trails. Summer will coordinate with the athletic department to set up a site visit. BP would like the transponation department to attend an upcoming CCLAAC meeting to give an update on the road. CS suggesred having an environmental assessment done. The school board left the meeting. SA suggested at rhe next LEMS meeting that we discuss the trail for the public. BP stated we would address that at the same time as the land management plan. 4) New Business a) Land Management Plans i) Nancy Peyton CS stated the plant list will be updated and a botanist will be hired. CS gave an update on the condition ofthe road. CS went through the plan using the computer and projector and identified all ofthe changes. Including but not limited to: updated management goals; updated language / amended verbiage; grammatical improvements; updated maps and aerials; Eagle Scout projects; animal species list, avian species list; wildlife species list; wild hog data; invasive plants lists; parking and easement updates; unauthorize vehicle use; photo points; exotic plant species table: buming schedule; gopher tortoise population and FWC funding; feral cat colonies; parking area: budget review and the addendums. There was discussion on the following topics: o Trespassingofunauthorizedvehicles. r Pine tree monalit-.- and the effects of bums and hurricanes . Different types of birds that have been observed on the site. o Number ofvisitors per year. . Invasive plants and using FWC grant money to treat. r Surrounding properties and future development. . Eagle scout projects. . Review ofthe trails. r Time table ofwhen management plan should be reviewed and updated. There nas a consensus to sho\r'a l0 vear $indow in the budset section. NIS moved to aDorove the Nancy Pevton malagement Dlan as amended. \lL seconded and the motion Dassed bv unanimous voice rote. ML asked that the minutes reflect the school boards willingness to implement conditions such as regulating spectators and number ofmeets Per year. CS gave an update on the Sunflower Evenl. MS invited BP and ML to the Outreach meeting on October 4s 5) Set next subcommittee meeting date and agenda December 5.2:30 pm. 6) Adjourn lPoteet.rlllan These minu pproved by rhe Board/Committe " on lL-? - /f as pres"nt.d Z^s amendcd