CCLAAC Subcommittee Minutes 10/14/2019Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee Outreach Subcommittee Draft Minutes October 4,2019 1 :30 P.M. Golden Gate Community Park, 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. .4uditt File Avoilable Upon Request Subcom mittee Mem bers Staff l>u bliclOthe r Agcnc\ Michael Seef (MS) - Chair Pat Sherry (PS) -Absent Susan Calkins (SC) Gary Bromley (GB) Summer Araque (SA) Conservation Collier Melissa Hennig (MH) Michelle D' Andrea Conservation Collier Bill Poteet (BP) Acceptance of Agenda PS moved lo ooprove lhe ogendo. SC seconded snd the motion pussed by unonimous voice vote. 2. Review of Minutes from: March 20, 2019 PS moved lo oDDrove the minutes ftom lorch 20,2019. SC seconded and the minutes were aDDroved by unanimous voice vole. 3. New Business a) Future Acquisitions Strategies Review & Prioritization MS reviewed bullet points on page 3, the table on page 4 and acreage percents. PS asked how this was related to outreach, BP reviewed the history and MH explained the Outreach objective. GB asked why this issue was not going to CCLAAC. SA and BP explained why Outreach was needed. SA stated that the purpose oftoday's meeting was to rank the properties. MS reviewed page 9 and compared and reviewed percentages. There was discussion on RSLAs and SSAS and what is actually available. SA and BP explained that we must deal in facts. If something is not officially approved then it must be considered as available. SA reviewed the ponion ofthe Plan that explains how these areas are addressed. SA stated that the existing RSLA has an existing conservation strategy that is no cost to the public. MS continued percentage compadsons and reviewed agricultural and rural areas on the map. There was discussion on where the next development will be. MS reviewed the TPAs and all ofthe Cycles on pages l8-25. BP explained that TPAS were identified in order to show the BCC there was a strategy on previous cycles. He suggested reviewing the mark up version. There was discussion on Cycle 9 and the status ofthose properties. BP said that Cycle 9 properties have already been ranked and will come back to the CCLACC in those order. PS asked if there have been any other requests for purchase. SA responded affirmatively. SA explained the purpose oftoday's meeting. She stressed that if the referendum passes there could potentially be 10 more cycles. This plan shows the BCC what lands are high priorify for future cycles. She said the main goals for today were: L Does the committee agree with the areas that are circled.2. Circles need to be colorized into priorities. 3. What is the criteria for prioritizing the properties. MS stated the maps were difficult to read. He suggested making existing Conservation Collier propertiā‚¬s easier to read. MH explained the process she used to create the circles and coloring. BP explained that this was to identi[, potential areas for future, not specific properties. He emphasized that rhis map and plan do not lock us into any properties. They arejust suggestions. MH stated that they were directed to include the Golden Gate watershed. There was discussion on what colors to use on the maps. MH informed the committee that the count-v manager wants it narrowed down. As a land manager it's very ditlcult to manage small properties that are scattered. SC asked about the process to proceed. SA explained: l. Should the circle be kept 2. Should it be a priority area 3. lfyes, should it be red or yellow 4. Does the circle need to be changed BP asked ifwe had this map broke down by commissioner district. MH responded negatiyely SC suggested that the first priority be the expansion ofexisting preserves. There was discussion on the available areas in Immokalee. Tlrere t'qs a consensus lo letve lmmokqlee circles qs is. MH stated that the county manager recommended NOT to target receiving or neutral lands. But there are a lot ofgood properties around Rivers Road. Therc b'qs a consensus to separdte Red MaDle fiom the circle and iusl circle lh! odi@ent l!!tds, MS asked hou'many total circles there were. MIJ replied approxirnately 30. MH continued to revieu the maps. SA and BP asked for any lurther comments on the narrative SC moved to acceDt the ruvised Acquisitiot, Pltn. PS secondel. The molion edb a imous voice vole. PS recommended that all circles that touched existing Conservation Collier preserves be ranked #l and all urban be #2 There was discussion on which properties should be a #l priority and which should be a #2 prioriry. There was a consensus thal all urban properties and all propertietlhsllouelLedli$tLc Conservation Collier lantls be ranked #I ond ALL other properties be ronked #2. There rvas discussion on whether Cycle 9 properties that are not adjacent to existing preser\e should be circled. f![ fuiled to ohtoin o cor$ensus. There wos a consensus to add Holf Circle Ranch and make it q #2 p orit. BP suggested reevaluating the TPAs every 3 years There was discussion on what to call these areas. There wqs a consensus use hetprnt 'nriorin, npnr There was a consensus to cut down lhe area sround Gore lo sl the a oce ttli funds There was discussion on Golden Gate Estates, flow-ways, water districts and storm water areas. BP suggested to add to the narrative that flow-ways will be considered but not shown on the map There wus a consensus to ts*e out llte oreos sruund Red lll Ie arul n Gote Estates wilh llte condilion lhal llow-wol's be addressed snd added to the ndrrulive. Mtt will pick the colors for #l and #2s Presen'e signag e: Tthled to the ne];t Oubeach meelinpb) c)Guided walks at Creenway & Freedom Park Tahled lo tlre nett Outrcucl, meeling. 4. Old Business a) Distribute CC Brochures & Rack cards:Tobled k, tlrc ,te-rt Oufieoch meelins. b) Write letters to media re CC program. accomplishments Tabled to the ne{Outteuch nEelifls. c) Speakers (need to get on calendars ior early next year)Tuhled b lhe ne.tl Oubedch meelins. 5. Coordinator updates a) Upcoming evenls', Ttbled lo the ne-\t O,.lrcaclt meetinp. 6. Subcommittee member items for discussion. 7. Set next subcommittee meeting date and agenda. Next meeting set for November 6 at 2:30 Adjournment .t('r . I'S scconded a s wice vole. ael Seef.alrman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on o as presented or as amended