AHAC Minutes 10/07/2019MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 7, 2019 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida LET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a IvORKNG SESSTO/V in the Health Building 2'd Floor Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Sheryl Soukup Mary Waller Denise Murphy John Cowan Litha Berger Justin Emens Steve Hruby (arrived 8:41 a.m.) Gary Hains Unexcused: ChristinaApostolidis Excused: Jos€ph Schmitt ALSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & Grant Development - CHS Kristi Sonntag, Director - CHS Tami Bailey, Manager of Federal & State Grants - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson, Operations Coordinator - CHS Lisa Carr, Sr. Grants Coordinator- CHS Don Luciano, Grants Coordinator - CHS Maria Aldana, Grants Support Specialist - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: Commissioner Penny Taylor; Jen Mitchell, Collier Schools; Michael Puchalla, HELP; John Harney, Habitau Mike Smykowski, Clerk's Office; Katrina Lin, Clerk's Office 2. Rorr CALI - CoMMrTEE MEMBERS AND STAfF There were 7 active members pres€nt, therefore a quorum was established. Steve Hruby arrived at 8:41a.m., making 8 active members. 1. CAr[ To ORDER Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m. MaryWallerled in inthe Pledge of Allegiance, and read the procedures to be followed due to the chairman reporting that he was going to be late. 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - October 07, 2019 (signed) (11007 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - November 4, 2019) 3. APPROVAT OF AGENDAAND MINUTE a. A motion was made to approve the agenda by Litha Berger seconded by Mary waller. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. b. A motion was made by Litha Berger to approve the minutes from the meeting of September 5, 2019 and seconded by Mary Waller. The motion was passed with a vote of 9-0. 4. INFoRMA.NONAI. ITEMS SHIP Award of Excellence. At the 2019 Florida Housing conference the Collier County SHIP program received the award of excellence from the Florida Housing Coalition. A short video of a Collier County success story was played. Commissioner Taylor read the award and presented plaques to Lisa Carr, Maria Aldana, Hilary Halford and Don Luciano for their excellent work in the SHIP rehabilitation program. b. Update on Procurement Solicitations 1. Bembridge ITN - On July 9tr, the BCC approved The McDowell group from Miami to build an 82 unit rental building for 60% or less of median income residents. The developer agreement will go to the BCC on October 22, 2019. 2. Housing,/Marketin8/Education/outreach RFP -The contract will be going to the Bcc on October 8, 2019. This will include creating public service announcements and organizing community round table forums. 3. Community Land Trust RFP - The contract with HEIP of SWFI has been selected as the vendor and the contract willgo to the BCC on October 22, 2019. HELP partners with LegalAid and the Florida Housing Coalition. 5. PUBLIC CoMMEi,T There were no registered public speakers 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS At the last meeting the group discussed and reviewed the applicants for the open position on the committee in the cateBory of "essential personnel". Since the vacancy was now properly advertised, Mary waller nominated Jen Mitchell for the open position and Denise Murphy seconded. The group voted unanimously to approve the nomination and send a recommendation to the BCC. b. Cormac addressed the AHAC ordinance and membership rules. Currently out of the 11 seats of the Committee, only 1 is "at large". Denise Murphy suggested increasing the membership by four, which would make one "at large" member from each District. Cormac said he would look into making changes to the ordinance with the County Attorney. a a 2 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - October 07, 2019 (signed) (11007 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - November 4, 2019) 7. UPCOMING MEETINGS Cormac said there are at least 4 more Rural villages being developed, none of which currently include affordable housing. The first is Rivegrass Village, developed by Collier Enterprises and will go to the BCC by the end of the year. This will be like Ave Maria - compact and sustainable. The current plan includes 2,500 homes. Other villages proposed are Long water village (2,900 homesl, Belmar village (2,750 homes) and Hyde Park by Neal Communities (1,800 homes). Litha asked Cormac to send out a synopsis and map of the proposed properties and the dates and times of the planning commission meetings. Commissioner Taylor told the group to focus on Rivergrass Village to voice opinions about addressing housing affordability. She feels that now is the time for us to take a stand against the developers and demand that they listen to the needs of the community and include affordable housing in their plans. c. Cormac was asked to invite the Deputy County Manager to an upcoming of the AHAC to discuss an overview of the items he talked about regarding the Solf course property, the sports complex and other projects. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the county, John cowan motioned to adjourn the meeting, Mary waller seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 8-0. adjourned at 9:37 a'm. NExr MEEflNG: THE NExr MEETTNG wllL BE HELD NoVEMBER 4, 2019 ar 8:!x) A.M. Location: 5h Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East' ATf oRDABI.E HousING ADUSORY trman a The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' lvl OR " os omende{ I 1. ITY 3 ll 2019, "os a. Allura Apartments PUD approval. Stock Development is building 304 units off Bonita Beach Road. Cormac explained that this is a luxury apartment complex like lnspira. Commissioner Taylor said this community should be a model for the new normal They will be building 10% of their units for those at 80% median income or less. GroMh Management will provide annual monitoring to include income verification. These units must be kept affordable for 30 years. b. The Trust Fund and Bembridge will be on the BCC meeting being held on October 22. LOIUt 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - October 07, 2019 (signed) (11007 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - November 4, 2019)