MPO Meeting Minutes 11/08/2019
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Board of County Commission Chambers
3299 Tamiami Trail, East, 3rd Floor, Naples, FL 34112
November 8, 2019
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order
Councilman Buxton called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m.
2. Roll Call
Ms. Brandy Otero called roll and confirmed a quorum was present.
Members Present
Councilman Reg Buxton, City of Naples, Chair
Commissioner Donna Fiala, Collier County BCC District 1
Commissioner Andy Solis, Collier County BCC District 2
Councilwoman Elaine Middelstaedt, City of Everglades City, Vice-Chair
Commissioner Burt Saunders, Collier County BCC District 3
Commissioner Penny Taylor, Collier County BCC District 4
Councilman Erik Brechnitz, City of Marco Island
Councilman Terry Hutchinson, City of Naples
Commissioner William L. McDaniel, Jr. District 5, BCC Chairman
MPO Staff
Anne McLaughlin, MPO Executive Director
Brandy Otero, MPO Principal Planner
Eric Ortman, MPO Senior Planner
Karen Intriago, MPO Administrative Assistant
Josephine Medina, Senior Planner
Wayne Gaither, FDOT
Victoria Peters, FDOT
L K Nandam, FDOT District 1 Secretary
Others Present
Scott Teach, Deput y County Attorney
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Trinity Scott, Collier County Transportation Planning (CCTP)
Lorraine Lantz, CCTP, Technical Advisory Committee Chair
Nick Casalanguida, Deputy County Manager
Michelle Arnold, Director, County Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement
Anthony (Tony) Khawaja, Chief Traffic Operations Engineer, County
Tony Branco, Lely MSTU Chair
Dr. Lisa McGarrity, President of Lely Golf Estate
Tom Roboselli, Treasurer of Lely County Club Property Owners Association
William Douglas, Citizen
Bill Gramer, Jacobs Engineering, Project Manager, 2045 LRTP
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Councilman Buxton led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Election of Chair (Not Required)
5. Approval of the Agenda, Previous Minutes and Consent Items
Ms. McLaughlin - Staff would like to request a change to agenda to move 11A up ahead of
MPO Action Items to allow the public an opportunity to speak without waiting until the end of
the meeting. Commissioners Taylor and Fiala - Have spoken with people in support of what
the neighborhood is doing and advised them the MPO would not get to this item on the agenda
before 10 am. Ms. McLaughlin withdrew her request.
Motion to approve the Agenda made by Councilman Hutchison. Commissioner Taylor
seconded. Carried unanimously.
A. October 11, 2019 Meeting Minutes
B. Recommendation to amend Agreement No. 16-6562 “MPO General Planning
Services” to extend the agreement with consultants under that contract for a period
of six months (180 days) to allow staff to complete a new solicitation of those services
and to prevent a lapse in those services.
C. Approval of Reappointment of Three Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory
Committee Members (BPAC)
D. Approval of Reappointment of Four Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
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Ms. McLaughlin asked to clarify if approval of agenda included previous minutes and
consent items. Councilman Buxton said it had not, and asked for a motion to approve
Minutes and Consent Items. Councilwoman Middelstaedt made the motion,
Commissioner Solis seconded. Carried unanimously.
6. Public comments for Items not on the Agenda
7. Agency Updates
Ms. Peters: FDOT held its Mobility Week and participated at the Ciclovía in
Immokalee. It was a huge success. Interacted with 170 citizens.
Library Day with Eric Ortman from MPO for E Public Hearing week. Went to Orange
Blossom Headquarters library on 10/21/19 and interacted with 11 citizens. Although
they did not have direct comments on the Draft Tentative Work Program FDOT was
there to discuss, they did have good comments for transportation.
On 11/4/19 construction started on State Rd (SR) 82 from SR 29 to Gator Slough.
Completion date, summer 2022. Projected cost is estimated at $29 million and that
includes the roundabout. Discussed other improvements as part of the project. Provided
update to Commissioner Fiala on striping on US 41 being very light. Restriping on 41
will be from Bonita Beach Road down to US 41 5th Avenue in November. Anticipate
work to be complete in December for area below 5th Avenue to 951. Councilman
Hutchinson – what is life expectancy of striping? Ms. Peters - will look into it get back
to him.
B. MPO Executive Director
Ms. McLaughlin had nothing to add.
8. Committee Chair Reports
A. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
Mr. Ortman: Committee met on 10/28/19, quorum achieved. Endorsed
Amendment 5 to the UPWP and Existing plus Committed (E+C) Network for the 2045
Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Did not endorse 2020 Safety performance
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targets, recommended instead that FDOT identify actual achievable targets such as 15%
reduction in total number or rate of fatalities or serious injuries because that would more
likely focus the Department’s expenditures on projects that have measureable results.
Reported on presentations given, including discussion on spending down the $2 million
in Surface Transportation – Urban (SU) Funds. Committee will next meet 11/25/19.
Commissioner Taylor: Can we could specify goals we are reaching? Since when does
FDOT suggest safety measures that are not measurable? Secretary Nandam: Goal was
zero fatalities. Zero fatalities should always be our mission. Commissioner Fiala: We
use to have a member from each of the committees come in but now only staff. Ms.
McLaughlin: Chairs of committees always invited. Mr. Ortman explained that CAC
Chair, Pam Brown wasn’t able to make it today.
B. Technical Advisory Committee Chair Report
Ms. Lantz, Chair
Reported they met on 10/28/19 and attained a quorum. Had many of the same
presentations that Ms. Peters gave this morning. Reviewed and commented on FDOT
draft tentative work program. Lengthy discussion on some of the projects deferred
including the interchange improvement on I75 and SR 951 for $95 million. The
interchange improvement was deferred two years - puts it in the last year of the work
program. Another deferral – SR 82 from Hendry County to Gator Slough was deferred
for one year - $41 million. These projects were priorities for Board of County
Commissioners and MPO. Understand but want to voice opinion FDOT is moving
projects the BCC and MPO are committed to and want to see into fruition; moving into a
later stage in the work program which pushes them out of the E + C Network in the
MPO’s LRTP. This is cause for concern. Another project moved out of the work
program – SR 29 from SR 82 to Hendry County Line. Construction moved out of the 5
Committee endorsed the Vision Zero performance measure; endorsed Amendment 5 to
the UPWP; and endorsed the E+C with the caveat that County is concerned about
projects that moved out of the E+C in the Work Program. Received update on Fiscal
Year (FY) 2020 SU Box extra funding and list of projects that could be implemented or
advanced; asked that MPO staff coordinate with appropriate agencies to make sure that
those were viable to be advanced. Their next meeting will be November 25.
Councilman Hutchinson: Is the reason some of the projects that are being pushed off
because there is a decrease in revenues? Are you satisfied with any explanation you
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received as to the root cause in this decrease in revenues? Because if we don’t
understand the decrease in revenues we’re not assured there won’t be further decrease in
revenues in further years. Ms. Lantz: Committee was told revenues had to be cut and
these were projects that had to be deferred out of the program. Doesn’t affect MPO’s
Fair Share.
Secretary Nandam: Recent state Revenue Estimating Conference noted tax revenue, gas
tax revenue specifically, would decrease due to projected increase in electric vehicles and
the movement of autonomous electric vehicles coming into our systems and more fuel
efficient cars coming on-line - affects amount of gas pumped at the gas station which
results in the amount of revenue coming in lower. Cash flow and program impacts. We
have to take care of system preservation for safety and system preservation for bridges
and public transportation and all the statutory mandates and whatever money is left is
used for capacity. Biggest impacts this year and past year were on the project at I 75 and
SR 951, SR 82 Project and the SR 29 Project. Good thing they have not shifted out of 4
or 5 year program. Going to look at opportunities to see if projects can be advanced or
financed. Those conversations will happen next year. Councilman Hutchinson: the two
root causes are the gas tax and the improved efficiency of vehicles. Do you expect any of
these items to change? Is the gas tax pool still going to take a hit or are we going to see
the same things happen in next 4 years? Secretary Nandam: active national conversation
underway on federal and state gas tax – they are not going to be sustainable. Several
ideas being discussed at state level as to what those models should be. There is a need to
work to look at different ways of generating revenue. Councilman Hutchinson: doesn’t
feel things will be resolved in next year or so. How will the budget be impacted? Ms.
McLaughlin: suggested conversations and questions be held off as it will be in the next
few discussion points.
10. Regular Board Action (No Roll Call)
A. Review and Comment on FDOT Draft Tentative FY21-25 Work Program
Ms. Peters presented video for the new Draft District 1 FDOT Tentative 5 Year Work
Program for fiscal 2021 through 2025 for projects developed by District 1 and Florida’s
Turnpike Enterprise. Expressed gratitude for Ms. McLaughlin, MPO staff, County and
City of Naples staff for coordination to get a lot of the projects programmed. Able to
fund 9 new projects from MPO’s 2019 Congestion Management Project Priority List- the
entire list. Funded with MPO’s SU funds and some existing money. Also funded the
construction phase for both Corkscrew Road South and North Project. These were on the
Highway Safety Priority list; programmed construction phase for Transportation
Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) projects listed on 2019 Collier Lee Joint Priority
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Project List. Ms. McLaughlin: The MPO’s concern is with deferring projects out. We
have a number of speakers who would like to speak on that matter. Ms. Otero:
announced first public speaker.
Deputy County Manager Casalanguida: Regarding I 75 and SR 951 Interchange –
deferring these projects is a big deal because County and MPO Board committed
significant amount of money over past 5 -10 years in anticipation of all the growth that is
happening in the area as well as this interchange improvement. In past 15 years $175
million has been put aside. Last urban interchange leaving Collier County and first one
approaching from the east. County’s Activity Overlay includes potential for $29 million
golf course, housing and veterans’ nursing home. County accelerated public utilities -
$15 million water line relocation - because this project was coming, and other utility
projects were pushed out. A $10 million sewer line relocation is happening. Second time
this project has been deferred. Maybe look at a design-build finance down the road. We
need to make a really big deal out of this or it will be like any other project deferred and
be pushed out another year. Encourage MPO to draft a letter to voice your concerns.
Suggest you accept the report but do not endorse the deferrals of the two major projects
of the interchange improvements and SR 82. Total investments made in reliance upon
this coming is easily $250 million.
Commissioner Solis made a motion to “make a big deal out of it,” by voicing concerns
in a letter to FDOT. Commissioner Fiala seconded.
Councilman Buxton: asked Ms. McLaughlin to draft letter for MPO Chair to sign and
he will be happy to sign it. Make clear MPO does not endorse deferrals. In terms of
deferrals - are there other projects that can be deferred which would have less of an
impact? Creative way to fund deferred projects could be design-build finance.
Commissioner Taylor: addressed Mr. Gaither – Regarding FDOT’s budget issue, what
is opportunity here? Mr. Gaither: Any opportunity to have communications at this point
would be welcome. Secretary Nandam: Impact is reflected in multiple areas and asks
that Board send feedback. Councilman Brechnitz: Electric cars are way of the future.
State hasn’t gotten ahead of this issue and needs to come up with a change in the revenue
model. Unless changed we’ll be dealing with shortfalls in future. Secretary Nandam:
Gets the point but coming up with a model that will be acceptable by entire state of
Florida and entire nation is a complex thing. There is definitely a need now to look at
what that change should be.
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Councilman Hutchinson: To be clear model is not working but the charts that show the
trends in gas tax and fuel efficiency charts roll into how these funds are created. There
have been some changes that are impacting our work projects. What else is out there that
will be significant and will be impacting negatively in this decrease in revenue? Maybe
we should just cover it with our Executive Director at a later time.
Mr. Casalanguida: Our gas tax revenue has gone up slightly because of volume of new
cars coming on line. County Commission borrowed $220 million back in late 2000’s
against gas tax so out of the $21 million we collect, we pay $14 million in debt service.
Discussed reissuing that debt again. The model is broken. We don’t have the ability
locally to replace that tax. Probably will hear of a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) tax.
We are preparing to talk about a different revenue model. Councilman Hutchison:
Should we wait for appropriate authorities to project what revenue we are going have and
may be wrong or is there something more proactive we can do? Mr. Casalanguida:
Feels this is part of the process. There is a team, just like us that wants to do the right
thing. Perhaps next year legislative bodies will include a model to replace the gas tax.
Commissioner Fiala: County Commission has been willing to go with FDOT, be
supportive, spent lots of money to do that and is falling flat. Is there a way to appeal that
like going into Legislative people to speak for us and go to Governor?
Ms. Scott: 75% of the revenues going to the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS)
roadways [designated by FDOT.] Collier County has just 3 SIS roadways – I 75, SR 82
and SR 29. They are the only 3 facilities within county that these funds can be directed
to. That’s why the deferrals are so important to us, because we have limited facilities
where we can recoup some of those [gas tax] funds back. Another project deferred - SR
82 from Hendry County line to Gators Slough Lane - in 2016 Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) passed resolution because we were consistently having severe
injury and fatal injury crashes on that roadway. FDOT has done a phenomenal job of
getting that construction started in Lee County and it’s slowly marching its way to us but
that’s another deferral. Ms. Scott read excerpts from a letter BCC sent to Secretary of
FDOT at that time. SR 82 is recognized as part of the SIS. We felt at that time, and I
don’t feel our opinion has changed, that SR 82 is important for the health and safety of
the citizens of Immokalee and also for our tourists and regional travelers. When we write
this letter, we need to reflect both of those projects. Commissioner Saunders: There are
alarming statistics on serious injury and deaths on SR 82 and deferring the project would
be a real safety hazard.
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Secretary Nandam: When we see projects need to be shifted, we look at it strategically.
Did not see SR 82 shifted by as fiscal year as a problem. Fiscal year is not a calendar
year. Sometimes a project is moved by a fiscal year just shifting it into July – only a 3 or
4 month delay, not an entire calendar year.
Ms. Scott: The $100 million deferral of I 75 and SR 951 interchange improvements is a
big chunk towards our equity analysis. Is it skewing our equity analysis?
Commissioner Taylor: asked that equity analysis be explained by Mr. Gaither. Mr.
Gaither: the Equity Analysis Report that gets pulled takes a look at specific funding
sources. It is not comprehensive for everything that happens within your county. We are
trying to do a shift in identifying how FDOT is doing in responding to your needs by
taking a look at responding to the projects you identify as your priorities. Victoria [Ms.
Peters] noted that FDOT has done a successful job in addressing your needs as projects
Secretary Nandam: I focus on how we are addressing MPO priorities. Are we
consistent with the meetings with City and County administrators and management
through the year? If you look at the list of all the projects added, we have a done a good
job of meeting the priorities of the MPO, but at the same time when one big project
moves, focus goes to that project. It has been a successful year; we are addressing
concerns and issues on 1 or 2 projects that draw attention.
Councilman Buxton: Three things we can do that we know we are going to do. We can
do the letter. The “Big Deal” deferral motion that was made, and I believe we will
approve this, and we are unhappy about the two projects. Feels FDOT will try to help us
fix this. Commissioner Solis suggested bringing this up at next meeting that we add
something to our Legislative delegation’s agenda. We need to hit this at all angles.
Requested a motion.
Commissioner Taylor motioned to accept. Commissioner Fiala seconded. Carried
B. Adopt Florida Department of Transportation Safety Performance Targets
Ms. McLaughlin: Presented Executive Summary. The Technical Advisory Committee
voted to endorse FDOT’s Safety performance target. It is a zero target; however FDOT
does provide us with language on tracking their five-year rolling averages. We do intend
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to come to you with the Annual Report in December with the rolling average for Collier
Commissioner Taylor motion to adopt. Councilman Buxton seconded. Carried
C. Approve Amendment 5 to FY 18/19-19/20 Unified Planning Work Program
Ms. Otero: At 9/13/19 MPO meeting, the Board approved the 2045 LRTP as a priority
planning project. This was done to allow us to allocate SU funding. We have been
notified that there is $2 million SU fund balance, which will be addressed in a later item.
We would like to use $200,000 of that to go towards the LRTP. In order to do that we
have to amend the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Commissioner Fiala motion to adopt. Councilwoman Middelstaedt seconded. Carried
D. Approve the 2023 Existing + Committed (E+C) Model Network for the 2045
Bill Gramer, Jacobs Engineering: presented and provided brief summary of 2045
existing plus committed network. Seeking Board approval of E+C Network. E+C is a
combination of what is constructed and what will be constructed up to 2023. Projects
completed between 2010-2015 will be incorporated in E+C network as Base Year.
Projects between 2015-1019 will show up as the existing network and projects funding
for construction that is to begin 2019-2023. TAC and CAC endorsed the E+C Network
at their October 28, 2019 meetings. Requesting MPO Board approve the E+C network so
we can move forward and submit to FDOT prior to the November 30th deadline.
Commissioner Taylor motioned to approve this submittal of E+C by FDOT schedule
but express our deep concerns that these two projects SR 82 and interchange
improvement at I 75 and SR 951 have been removed. Ms. Fiala seconded. Carried
E. Approval of a Work Order for Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. to prepare the
Park and Ride Study
Ms. Otero: provided brief overview.
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Commissioner Solis motioned to approve. Commissioner Taylor seconded. Carried
F. Approval of a Work Order for Tindale Oliver and Associates to prepare the
Transit Development Plan
Ms. Otero: provided brief overview.
Commissioner Taylor motion to approve. Commissioner Fiala seconded. Carried
G. Accept and Approve the Executive Director’s Written Request to Renew and
extend her Employment for Additional Two-Year Term as provided in Section B of
her Employment Agreement
Ms. McLaughlin: gave brief overview.
Councilman Buxton motion to approve. Commissioner Fiala seconded. Carried
H. Update and Direction on Advancing Projects to Spend Down FY 2020 SU Box
Ms. McLaughlin: These funds appeared in our work program box for 2020 as a bit of
surprise. Both Lee County MPO and Collier County MPO received a windfall as result of
reconciliation of federal funds. To find projects to spend that money quickly presents a
challenge. We’ve been told a $543,000 cap on the amount of project we thought we
understood transit project would have a cap of $1.6 million. Ms. Peters cleared that up
yesterday - a cap of $543,000 for new project applies to transit as well. Biggest
challenge is time. Anything we advance into fiscal year 2020 has to be ready to go
through procurement process quickly. Reviewed 2019 project priorities that MPO Board
adopted. One item was to purchase a new bus for Route 13 and construct new bus
shelters. Michelle Arnold has revised request to spend $500,000 on replacement bus
Another project to pull forward could be ADA improvements at bus stops. Originally on
list for $200,000, but County staff recommends increasing to $250,000. Money needs to
be spent quickly.
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Commissioner Saunders: how many buses we are asking to purchase? Ms. Arnold:
Confirmed one bus. This is replacement for a bus that has met its useful life. We have
an ADA Access Building Plan that identifies several stops that need to be improved for
ADA. Councilman Brechnitz: What is the useful life of bus? Ms. Arnold: It is 6-8
years or number of miles. Usually we exceed the miles before the years. Commissioner
Saunders: $500,000 seems a lot for the bus. What is the cost is to refurbish a bus? Ms.
Arnold: They have been refurbishing buses. She would need to confirm cost.
Commissioner Fiala: If we sell the old bus where do funds go? Ms. Arnold: Funds
are put back in transit system. Ms. McLaughlin: would like indication from the Board
what you would like us to pursue; we are going to continue working so we can report
back to you at the December meeting.
Commissioner Saunders made motion to approve but would like PTNE staff to come
back to County Commission with some information with what you do with old buses.
Commissioner Solis seconded, carried unanimously.
Ms. Scott: Encourages MPO Staff to coordinate with municipalities and County. At
least one of the projects on this list, we would not recommend advancement because the
timing is off if it’s advanced. Coordination must occur with local agency before
recommendation comes back to MPO Board.
Councilman Buxton: Do we need to amend motion? Ms. McLaughlin: No need to
amend the motion; it is clear [to MPO staff] to do exactly what Ms. Scott recommends.
11. Presentations
A. Roadway Concerns Raised by Lely Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) at
October Board Meeting
Ms. McLaughlin: Executive Summary gathers together a report on the status of the
issues that were raised at October 11, 2019 Board meeting. Tony Branco, Chairman of
MSTU for Lely spoke and presented some photos to Board. Board directed staff to bring
item back on an agenda in case Board needed to take action Understanding is that several
items were satisfactorily answered. Still waiting to hear from FDOT about determining
signage and location and Ms. Peters will present that. County staff is here for questions.
I believe these items are largely resolved but you may take action if you wish to.
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Item 1 - Request signage restricting trucks over 1-ton to be located on US 41 in the
north and south turn lanes into St. Andrews Blvd, which is the entrance to Lely Golf
Ms. Peters, FDOT: We agreed there would be a 1-ton [restriction] sign. Upon further
review, FDOT thinks it will be no-through trucks and not specify 1-ton limit, as many
cars and SUVs are about 1-ton and that would preclude a lot of people from getting to
their homes. FDOT is looking to produce that sign and will look at where to put the sign.
Mr. Branco: The concern is a little broader. The 1-ton limit usually relates to cargo
capacity as opposed to overall weight of vehicle. Either way he is okay with that.
Ms. Peters: main concern was through trucks coming through and using it as a cut-off.
Item 2 – Request eliminating U-turn at St. Andrews Blvd on US 41 through signage
Ms. Peters: Right now this is a permissive left, which is a solid green light. Looking to
change from permissive to a protected left only, which is a solid green arrow.
Mr. Branco: That is different than what was requested. Expressed concerned of build-up
of traffic waiting to turn and then when light turns it will up to a dozen cars turning. The
noise associated with that may not be better for the community but understands the safety
which is primarily why it was brought up. If we eliminate the U-turns there it will then
make left turn into St. Andrews a lot safer. Staggering traffic on road would be benefit.
He stated he does understand safety concerns and requests it be reevaluated. Ms. Peters
will bring concerns up for discussion. Secretary Nandam: requests often generate an in-
depth review. If end goal is safety and that is the recommendation. Safety is the number
1 priority. But they will go back and look at it.
Item 3 - Status of future possible addition of a southwest connection to US 41
across from St. Andrews Blvd
Ms. McLaughlin: This is best presented by the County.
Ms. Scott: During recent Hearing Examiner meeting, Sable Bay PUD came in for
deviation not related to the access point. The exhibit they provided for their Master Plan
during those proceedings did not show potential access point there. Mr. Strain just
wanted to make sure everyone concurred no further modifications to Master Plan and his
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final ruling noted that, so nothing changes this part of the access point with regard to that
Hearing Examiner meeting. Language remains that the owners, their successors or
assigns agree that the southwest connection to US 41 across St. Andrews Blvd will be at
the sole discretion of FDOT and shall align with the existing St. Andrews Blvd.
Commissioner Fiala: In other words, we don’t know what is going to happen? Can we
put together a meeting with people from Mento as well as people from Lely and our
[County] Transportation Department? Ms. Scott: Can check and that would be the time
to coordinate - at the infancy of their platting of that. Will coordinate a meeting with
Mento and have FDOT and traffic operations and leaders in the community involved at
the meeting. Will work with Commissioner Fiala’s office to coordinate meeting.
Item 4 - Status of County transportation engineering division traffic calming project
-crosswalk remodel at the intersection of St. Andrews Blvd & Orange Street:
Ms. McLaughlin: The County reports it is under construction now.
William Douglas: Lives at 600 St. Andrews Blvd. At the beginning he was President of
Lely County Club Property Owners Association but has since resigned. We were
working with County staff. They have redesigned Orange St. and St. Andrews Blvd. to
what we agreed upon to calm the traffic down and put some crosswalks in. Project was
85-90% done and we noticed some issues that were not done with what our residents
asked for. Again met with County staff, they have been great to work with. They are
going to redesign Orange St and St Andrews Blvd at this time. Design was not appealing
to area and will eliminate a channel for the water and basically redesign it to be sidewalk,
grass, curb and to the street. Lely County Club satisfied at this time. St Andrews and
Wildflower - we met with that group to make sure that wasn’t going to happen at the
intersection. They assured us that will be a continuing v curve all the way around
basically sidewalk, grass and to the street. Basically satisfied with Warren Street and St.
Mr. Khawaja: County is working with the community to make sure our projects meet
their needs. Drain gutter did not look appealing to community, so we are going to remove
it and put in a grass swale instead. At Wildflower into High Point, we won’t have that
issue at all.
Dr. McGarrity: Spoke about main road to the Lely Golf Estates development - St.
Andrews Blvd - was to be local residential road just through subdivisions. Stock
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[Development co.] decided to develop property between Rattlesnake Hammock and
Wildflower. She attended two public hearings at which they described a road that would
come straight out of Lely High School out to Rattlesnake Hammock and not through the
subdivision. Between public hearings and the development of the project, that road
disappeared; so Lely High School traffic is funneled through the subdivision. Gave
example of large truck traveling down subdivision. When Santa Barbara was extended,
that also made St. Andrews a thoroughfare. Concerned that in the near future Sabal Bay
may want to put an entrance at intersection of St. Andrews and 41, which will funnel
more traffic. Community is struggling now because it is no longer a residential road, but
a thoroughfare. This is a dangerous road. Requests any consideration you can give us in
that regard. Commissioner Fiala: Nothing we can do change St. Andrews Blvd, but we
can try and limit the speed and limit the big trucks there. Discussion of speed bumps
EMS people have said it is very dangerous for them and with their trucks they have a
difficult time getting over them.
Tom Roboselli: Lely Country Club Property Owners Association manages the medians
from Rattlesnake going down to Forest Hills Blvd, the other half of St. Andrews.
Discussed several incidents that occurred - pedestrian killed in 2017, concrete monument
pole punched through accident and other incidents. Nothing new there are traffic issues
on St. Andrews. It’s a quality of life issue. They have community volunteers willing to
work with County traffic engineers and they would like a voice. The Lely Country Club
Property Owners Association is perfectly willing to work with Lely Golf Estates as well
to try and come up with a workable solution to this problem.
Councilman Buxton: What is within our power to fix this? Ms. McLaughlin: There is
very limited involvement on the part of the MPO. Her impression it is largely a County
Mr. Khawaja: Has worked with community a long time. When St. Andrews Blvd. was
first built, created bike path with speed bumps, multiple stop at Warren and also at
Wildflower so we are working closely with community and HOA. Would like to
continue to work with community and County Commission on these issues. This is a big
community with a lot of [vehicle] trips a day. Prohibit through trucks 1-ton limit sign on
the roadway Rattlesnake Hammock. We can’t prevent people from doing the wrong
thing. Any roadway you look at, there are crashes on it. We can’t fix the driver. We will
continue to work with the community.
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Commissioner Fiala: People have said so many kind things about Tony [Khawaja] and
that he is great to work with.
Councilman Buxton: Concluded that we care. This is a County issue and we have
people talking.
12. Distribution Items
A. Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Legislative
B. Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) 2020
Legislative Priorities and Policy Positions
Ms. McLaughlin: If the Board would like to have a presentation by MPOAC Executive
Director, let me know and I will schedule him as his calendar allows.
13. Member Comments.
Commissioner Taylor: None
Commissioner Solis: It relates to reappointments to the committees on the consent
agenda. Always concerned with the process. The way we do it now with a reappointment
without having it advertised or opened up to people that may be interested specifically for
me as it’s something I’m trying to get them involved in, is younger folks. We are not
going to get any other people involved in these committees without opening them up.
Not saying appointments would change in any way, but thinks it behooves us to open that
up whenever there are terms that expire or availability for someone to apply to be on a
committee so that other residents can submit their applications. I would like to make a
motion to reconsider those appointments and make sure they are advertised. Past history
has been that it may not make a difference. I think it’s something we always have to
open up to others and secondly to provide the Executive Director with some direction that
in the future that if there are terms that expire let’s go through the process of advertising
openings and then we consider whomever applies and if its same people who want
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Commissioner Fiala agrees. She seconds it. Subsequent motion that all of those be
advertised through the normal process so that then we can consider those at the next
Motion by Councilman Buxton that appointments and re-appointments be advertised
through the normal process and considered at next Board meeting; Seconded by Ms.
Commissioner Saunders: Question on positions that expire and is there a timing
problem? Ms. McLaughlin: Thought that Board’s preference was to reappoint people.
It could take a couple of months to find somebody. Several positions have expired. Need
to fill them. Commissioner Saunders: Suggests we don’t reconsider this. Go forward
with appointments we made and expiration so that we don’t have a lapse. If there is a
timing issue I would amend the motion to reconsider items 5B and 5C with a subsequent
motion to extend the terms that would be beneficial through the March meeting for both
committees and have those positions advertised in the regular process.
Commissioner Fiala seconded. Carried unanimously.
Councilwoman Middelstaedt - no comments
Commissioner Fiala: Met with people at Marco Island yesterday and they are bringing
in Vietnam Wall from 2/18 -2/23/20. It will be at Veterans Park and it is the only
appearance in the State of Florida. This is going to be a big deal. They may have some
transportation issues. Councilman Brechnitz: The exhibit is 80% scale replica of real
Commissioner Saunders: no comment
Councilman Hutchinson: During this meeting we learned something about how the
MPO is funded for projects and the opportunities within that. I would like the Board or
appropriate agencies to consider a presentation on the contributing sources of revenue
that fund the MPO project. If we have had it recently, perhaps we need to have it again
learning what we learned today. Focus on historical and current trends. W e can’t afford
to be victims of poor financial planning. I believe there is an opportunity to be more
conservative in our project planning. Also, how will health of economy impact this
financial planning as well. Councilman Buxton: Does this burden the staff, do we need
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FDOT and a consultant - what do we need to get this done? Ms. McLaughlin: Will
speak with FDOT. It will take some time and some thought to put presentation together.
14. Next Meeting Date
14. A. Next Meeting Date: December 13, 2019 – 9:00 am Board of County
Commissioners Chambers, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112
15. Adjourn
Councilman Buxton adjourned the meeting at 11:15 a.m.