09/16/2019 Minutes QUARRY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 16,2019 A. CALL TO ORDER The September 16,2019,Regular Board Meeting of the Quarry Community Development District was called to order at 1:02 p.m. at the Quarry Beach Club located at 8975 Kayak Drive, Naples, Florida 34120. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Proof of publication was presented that notice of the Regular Board Meeting had been published in the Naples Daily News on April 26,2019,as legally required. D. ESTABLISH A QUORUM It was determined that the attendance of the following Supervisors constituted a quorum and it was in order to proceed with the meeting: Chair George Cingle Present Vice Chair Stanley T. (Inland Present Supervisor Timothy B. Cantwell Present Supervisor William G.Flister Present Supervisor Lloyd Schliep Absent Staff members in attendance were: District Manager Kathleen Dailey Special District Services,Inc. District Counsel Jere Earlywine(via phone) Hopping Green &Sams District Engineer Albert Lopez & Jeffrey CPH Satfield Also in attendance were: Cheryl 011ila — QCA President; Laura Severance — Umbrella Assoc.; Robert Koncar—Inframark; and the following District residents Bill Griffith,Thel Whitley,Steve Santoro,Brian Kearns,James Lecca, Doug Gober,Peter Reece and Tom Oakner. E. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA There were no additions or deletions to the agenda. F. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Gober indicated that he believed that that District had done a great job on the repairs on Slate Court and that the staff on the project was very professional. Page 1 of 6 Mr. Reece asked about the timing of the repairs in Phase 1. Mr. Cingle advised that the District was in negotiations with the current contractor and would be deciding whether to stay with that contractor or bid the project out. Mr. Lecca asked if the engineering records had been transferred. Mr. Omland responded that the records were voluminous,yet they have been transferred. G. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. August 19,2019,Regular Board Meeting The August 19, 2019,Regular Board Meeting minutes were presented for approval. Mr.Cingle stated that the minutes should reflect under Public Comment that there were additional comments from the audience on the assessments,marblestone work,weeding and a future reserve study. A motion was then made by Mr. Cantwell, seconded by Mr. Flister and passed unanimously approving the August 19,2019,Regular Board Meeting minutes, as amended. H. OLD BUSINESS 1. Status of Contractor Negotiations for Phase 1 Repairs Mr.Omland stated that a settlement had been reached with 3 of the 4 parties and that the first check had been received. He added that the Board would be initiating litigation against BG Mine, who was not part of the settlement. Mr.Earlywine stated that the Board may want to set a shade session for their next meeting to discuss that litigation and there was consensus to schedule such a session. Mr.Cingle stated that the total settlement was for$500,000 and gave special thanks to Mr.Omland, Special Council Michael Traficante and Mr.Earlywine who worked countless hours with excellent results. 2. Update on Shoreline Repair Project Phase II Mr.Cingle stated that an e-mail blast had gone out the day before,giving an update on the project. He stated that the repairs should be done by the end of October and most likely, will be ahead of schedule. 3. Update on Phase III and Pricing Mr. Omland stated that staff was working on the best design for the best price. He indicated that Phase II would be done as a unit price job,not a lump sum job,since there is not one solution for every area and will require careful oversight of each area. Ms. Olilla asked if the money from the settlement had to be used for Phase 1 repairs or could it be used for other purposes. Mr. Omland stated there were no restrictions on the monies.Mr.Cingle stated that staff was fighting"tooth and nail" for any savings in Phase 11I and may need to go to other contractors in order to get a quality project for a quality price. Mr. Earlywine went over the process for bidding the project and recommended the Board authorize the Chairman to direct a potential RFP process in the event negotiations on a change order with the current contractor fail. Page 2 of 6 A motion was made by Mr. Omland, seconded by Mr. Cantwell and passed unanimously authorizing the Chairman to direct a potential RFP process in the event negotiations on a change order with the current contractor fail. I. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Management Transition Issues—Robert Koncar a.Meeting Times and Dates Mr. Koncar requested that the Board decide on their upcoming fiscal year meeting dates and times, as they would need to be publicized before the next meeting. It was consensus of the Board to keep the meetings on the third Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. There was further discussion that the meetings in January and February of 2020 fall on holidays, so it was consensus to move those meetings to the Wednesdays of those weeks(i.e.,January 20,2020,is moved to January 22, 2020,and February 17,2020,is moved to February 19,2020). b.Agenda Package Mr. Koncar asked the Board if they preferred printed agendas or if they would like to receive them electronically. There was a consensus of the Board to distribute them electronically and bring extra copies of the agenda only to the meetings for audience members. Mr.Omland asked that the Board be notified if material that is published is changed before a meeting. c.Financial System Mr. Koncar indicated that their firm uses Avid Exchange as their financial system and asked the Board to designate who can approve checks. He noted that all Board Members could access the system and added that they can do training for Board members on how to use the system. Upon discussion,it was consensus of the Board for Mr.Cingle to be the primary signature and Mr.Flister to be the secondary signature on Avid Exchange for the District. Mr. Koncar noted that he could add a check register of vendor payments to the October agenda and the Board can decide if they want to continue to see that type of detail. d. Consider Resolution No.2019-14—Designating Signatories for Bank Accounts Resolution No. 2019-14 was presented,entitled: RESOLUTION 2019-14 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SIGNATORIES FOR BANK ACCOUNTS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF DISTRICT FUNDS FOR THE QUARRY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Mr. Koncar stated that the signatories were for the same bank,just different signatures. A motion was made by Mr. Omland, seconded by Mr. Flister designating Stephen Bloom and Alan Baldwin,both of Inframark,as District signatories. Page 3 of 6 e. Consider Resolution No. 2019-15 — Designating Assistant Treasurer and Secretary Resolution No. 2019-15 was presented,entitled: RESOLUTION 2019-15 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING STEPHEN BLOOM AS TREASURER, ALAN BALDWIN AS ASSISTANT TREASURER AND JUSTIN FAIRCLOTH AS SECRETARY OF THE QUARRY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT A motion was made by Mr. Cantwell, seconded by Mr. Flister and passed unanimously designating Stephen Bloom as Treasurer,Alan Baldwin as Assistant Treasurer and Justin Faircloth as Secretary of the District,effective October 1, 2019. 2. Consider Approval of Services Agreement with Special District Services,Inc. Ms. Dailey explained this was for any services needed from Special District Services, Inc. after October 1,2019. Discussion ensued and there was a consensus of the Board authorizing Services Agreement with Special District Services, Inc. with the not-to-exceed amount of$3,000 without further approval. J. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 1. Engineer's Report Mr. Satfield advised that all was going well with the project and he would have revised design documents for Phase III in the next ten days. Mr. Lopez advised that he had inspected the areas with the manhole covers on Stone. He added that some repairs would be needed as part of the Phase III project. Mr. Cingle stated that he was receiving phone calls regarding similar issues on Fieldstone. He felt that if the repairs are installed on the west end the District we will be able to see if it works in order to do similar to the east end. Mr. Omland went over the reports that the engineer was working on. 2. Legal Report a.Update on Seawall Maintenance Issues Mr.Earlywine gave the background on the subject and has determined that the seawalls are located in the lake maintenance easements,which points to the CDD being responsible. He recommended the Board prepare a resolution in the future, reiterating such responsibility and there was a consensus of the Board to do so. Mr. Oakner asked about the berm and the beach and Mr. Cantwell stated that it was an issue that needed to be addressed. Mr.Cingle asked the homeowner to request an official review,since there is no clear indication on responsibility for this area. Page 4 of 6 Mr.Flister asked about a breakdown of what is in the audit in the form of an asset summary. Mr. Earlywine advised this should be in the insurance paperwork and would be recorded with the final comprehensive documents that are being worked on. Mr.Omland asked about the status of the CDD 101 Manual and when it would be completed. Mr. Earlywine stated that some of the documents were budget related and would be completed during the next fiscal year. Mr.Earlywine suggested a conference call with staff and Mr.Omland in order to discuss what is being included and what else should be included. There was a consensus of the Board to do so and Mr. Earlywine indicated he would set up the phone call. Mr. Omland noted that he felt it was a good target to have the manual completed for the January 2020 meeting. 3. Manager's Report a.Financials Ms. Dailey went over the financials. The Board had no questions. b.FEMA Update Mr. Cantwell advised that the firm of DLC with Tony Ettorc had been hired. He further advised that the firm had completed their first step of reviewing everything that had been filed and the pending claim. He added that Ettore stated that everything had been done properly and completely. Mr. Cantwell also noted that Ettore found that FEMA's records show that they are planning to reinitiate an adverse determination process for the Quarry's claim and he expects the claim will be denied. There was general discussion regarding teaming up with Heritage Bay on the issue,but Mr.Cinglc stated that the FEMA reimbursement amount is small in Heritage Bay compared to the Quarry,so they may not be able justify hiring an attorney. Ms. Dailey reminded the Board that they had already authorized$10,000 for Ettore to file an appeal, if a denial letter is received. Mr. Omland stated he would like to speak with the FEMA attorney regarding the claim and it was the consensus of the Board that he do so. K. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Cingle indicated he had authorized an emergency purchase in the amount of$3,480 to Florida Evergreen for sprinkler repairs at Flint and Graphite in order to protect the sod that had been put in place during the IRMA project. He asked the Board to ratify his decision. A motion was made by Mr. Omland, seconded by Mr. Flister and passed unanimously ratifying Mr.Cingle's authorization of an emergency purchase in the amount of$3,480 to Florida Evergreen for sprinkler repairs at Flint and Graphite in order to protect the sod that had been put in place during the IRMA project,as presented. Mr. Cingle thanked Special District Services for their management services over the years and recognized Jeff Walker,Sylvia Bethel and Tricia LasCasas for their help. He specifically thanked Kathleen Dailey for her work as manager shepherding the Board during its transition with all the difficult work involved. Mr. Earlywine reminded the Board that they needed to schedule a shade session before they adjourned. Upon discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Omland, seconded by Mr. Flister and Page 5 of 6 passed unanimously to schedule a shade session for October 21,2019, at 12:00 p.m. in the Board Room and announcing that Messrs.Earlywine,Traficante and Koncar,a court reporter and Board Members would be present. L. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Mr. Omland, seconded by Mr.Flister and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 3:08 p.m. 67 retary/Assistant Secretary hair/V. e-Cha' Page 6 of 6