CCLAAC Minutes 10/14/2019October I 4. 20 I 9 MINUTES OF THE CONSERVATION COLLIER LAND ACQUISITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, October 14,2019 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGIILAR SESSION at Administrative Building;rprr. 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE CHAIRMAN: ALSO PRESEN I': Summer Araque, Conservation Collier Program Coordinator Jennifer Belpedio. Assistant County Attomey Melissa Hennig, Sr. Environmental Specialist Jeremy Kurtz, Stormwater Planning Bill Poteet Pat Sherry Susan Calkins Michael Seef Gary Bromley (Excused) Brinany Patterson-Weber Michele Lenhard Thomas J. Iandimarino (Excused) (Vacancy) 25.A.8 Packet Pg. 553 Attachment: CCLAAC Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2019 (11369 : Land Acquisition Advisory Committee - January 13, 2020) I October 14.2019 Roll Call Chairman Poteet called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. Approval of Agenda Ms. Sherry moved to approve the Agenda subject to addition of ltem IV.C - CI-4AC Membership. Second hy Mr. Seef. Carried unanimously 6-0, Approval of September 9, 2019 Minutes Mr. Seef moved to appruve the Minutes of lhe September 9,2019 Meeting subject to the following change: o Page 3. paragraph 4. line 2 - l'rom ". ..horv to treat lands potentially acquired in the Rural [,ands Stewardship Area" to ". ..ho* to treat lands potentially acquired by Conservalion Collier in the Rural Lands Stervardship Area..." Second hy Ms. Putterson-Weber. Curried unanimousll' 6 - 0. Old Business A. Freedom Park Mr. Kurtz presented a Petition requesting an "Olher Use Dedication" through the Exceptional Benefits Section of Ordinance 2006-58 for 0.82 acres ofConservation Collier Lands within Freedom Park. He noted: o That the request involves expanding the existing by-pass ditch at the northwest end ofthe park, and construction of a spreader swale on the east side of the Park to help control stormwater before it enters the Gordon River. . The objective is to reduce the potential for flooding during storm events in residential neighborhoods north ofl the park. . The project is slated to be constructed in 2020 during the dry season. During Committee discussion the lollowing was noted: o That the program will be compensated lair market value for the lands and the appraisal will be conducted by the County. o The stormwater is controlled by a weir structure to prevent a wide open flow of waters and the downstream entering the area and a spreader swale will control flow into the wetland. . To help address flooding, the Freedom Park Pump Station will be upgraded so water only bypasses the control system during a peak storm event. . The Stormwater Department was a partner in the venture when the Park Lands were originally acquired. Ms. Lenhurtl movett to accepl Stoffs recommendutiqn to upprove the Petition as the proposal meels lhe requirements of Seclion 3.06 of Ordinonce No: 2006-58, which goterns the Conservation Collier program. Said recommendution subiect tu lhe Counl)' receiving greater thun.fair murket vulueforthe luntls. Second b1'Ms. Calkins. Carried unanimously 6-0' Il. Ill. IV l 25.A.8 Packet Pg. 554 Attachment: CCLAAC Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2019 (11369 : Land Acquisition Advisory Committee - January 13, 2020) October I 4. 2019 B. Rural Family Lands Protection Program supplemental information to the Future Acquisition Strategies Document Mr. Araque presented the "Supplemental Informotion to lhe Future Acquisition Sfrategies Document: Rural and Family Land.s Pnttection Program" for informational purposes. She noted that the BCC inquired ilthe County could have a similar program with the State, which acquires conservation easements lor certain lands. Staff hasn't gathered enough information to support such a program and will be seeking further direction from the BCC. During Committee discussion, the following was noted: . There was concem expressed that it would not meet the goals and policies ofthe current ordinance governing the program. o Ifthe BCC moves forward with investigating the option. an analysis ofStaffcosts should be included in the study. . The concept to acquire easements is favorable however; there may be another venue in which the county is more suitable for such a program. . One goal ofthe program is to allow public access to properties held; these lands would be restricted if an easement is acquired. o There is a public benefit to such a program, but Conservation Collier has a limited source offunds and these types ofacquisitions would have little opportunity fbr public use. . The Rural Lands Ste*'ardship Area holds approximately 2/3 ofthe Countl's agricultural lands, and these areas may not be eligible for such a program, Iimiting the opportunities to implement a program. Sneakers Gladys Delgadillo, Conservancy of Southwest Florida supports the State's program and further investigation is required to determine if it would be a suitable activity for Conservation Collier. A determination lvould need to be made on how it uould interact *ith the Rural Lands Ste*'ardship Area. and it ma1 be a more beneficial application to large acreage parcels (500 acres or more). Meredith Budd, Florida Wildlife Federation noted that % of the countv's agricultural lands lie within the Rural Land Stewardship Program. minimizing the opportunities for such a program. This program does not correlate with the fbcus ofthe program presented to the voters who approved l'unding for Conservation Collier. During Committee discussion it was noted that the concept of acquiring conservalion easements is favorable, but does not fit within the Conservation Collier program. Additionally, the referendum language would need to be amended to incorporate such a program. Ms. Sherry noted that she was in favor olobtaining more inlormation on the concept belore rendering a final decision as it could be an avenue for the County to protect open lands. Ms. Lenhartl moved for the concept of Conservation Coltier developing a conservation easement acquisition program nol be considered by lhe County. Second by Ms. Calkins. Molion canied 5 "yes" - I "no." Ms. Sherrr- ,rr"7 ,,rr." C. CLAAC Membership Ms. Araque reported that Hannah Rinaldi submitted a request to be seated on the Committee. .,) 25.A.8 Packet Pg. 555 Attachment: CCLAAC Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2019 (11369 : Land Acquisition Advisory Committee - January 13, 2020) v October 14. 20 | 9 Mr. Seef moved trt recommend the Bourd qf Count.y Commissioners appoint lo lhe "Consert'otion Collier Land Actluisition Advisory Committee." Second by Ms, Potterson-Weber. Carried unanimously 6 - 0. New Business A. Future Acquisitions Strategies Document - Review of revisions Ms. Araque presented the "Conservation Collier Future Acquisition Strategies " prepared by Conservation Collier Staff for consideration. She noted that the County Manager recommended changes to the strategies following approval by the CLAAC. The Committee reviewed the revised document to determine if any final changes are necessary with staff noting that thel'will correct any scrivener's errors as necessary. Speakers Gladys Delgadillo, Conservancy ofSouthwest Florida expressed concem on the prioritization ofpolicies in the document. Especially for lands in urban areas and recommended these be amended. - Sta.f and the Committee noled thal lhe stralegies are more of a guideline and inventom- ry'pe document, and the program is still subject to the governing ordinance, which o lines policies Jbr acquisition ofproperties including entities having the ability to nominate parc e I s.fttr co ns i de rat io n. Meredith Budd, Florida Wildlife Federation noted that a determination should be made on how the project correlates u'ith the RLSA program i.e. any credits obtained by the landowner being extinguished if the subject lands are purchased by Conservation Collier. Expressing concern on the prioritization of lands, and recommended eliminating the I versus 2 categories. If the priorities remain, consideration should be given to reviewing the priority 2 status ofthe North Belle Meade area and changing it to a priority l. Ms. Delgadillo also recommended that language be added to page 7, clarilying the goveming Ordinance is an important lactor in the acquisition of properties. Ms. Sherry moved lo forward the Conservation Collier Future Acquisition Strategies" to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration subject to the following changes: l. Page 8 - Figure 3: "Collier Coun ty Future Land Use Map" be moved to the Appendix Section 2. Pasre 9 - sentence I- 2 to read: "S1 aff's GIS analysis and evaluation hus yielded the following acreages thal have potential to be developed within the following areas ofthe County: " 3. Pase 7 - oarasraph 1. addition ol fbllou'rn bullet ooint: " Priorit ie.;for acquisilion shall be based on crileria as set forth in the Conservulion Collier Implemenlalion Ordinance. " Second by Mr, Seef. Carried unanimously 6 - 0. B. Ballot Language Ms. Araque presented lhe '' (.lonseryation Collier Bc lot Langruge Proposed versions .for November 2020 ballot. " She noted that the County Attorney's Office recommended a minor modification to the previously approved language as follows: l 25.A.8 Packet Pg. 556 Attachment: CCLAAC Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2019 (11369 : Land Acquisition Advisory Committee - January 13, 2020) October 1,1. 20 I 9 SHALL COLLIER COUNTY REESTABLISH THE LEVY OF A .25 MIL AD VAI,OREM TAX FOR IO YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO ISSUE BONDS I[- NEEDED, FOR THE PTlRPOSE OF CONTINUING TO ACQUlRE, PRESERVE AND MANAGE ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSIT]VE LANDS, AS WELL AS PROVIDE COMPATIBLE PUBLIC ACCT:SS WHEREVER APPLICABLE TO SUCH LANDS, FOR THE PROTECTION OF WATER RESOURCES, WILDLIFE HABITAT, AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACE IN PERPETUITY?'' Ms. Belpedio noted that the revision included changing the word reauthorize to "rcestablish" as it more adequately represents the proposal and referencing public access "wherever applicable." Ms. Calkins moved lo forward lhe above referenced halkl language to the Board oJ Countl' Commissioners for thcir consideration. Second by Ms, Lenhurd. Carried unanimousll' 6 - 0. vI.Coordinator Communications A. BCC Items Ms. Araque reported that the cattle lease for Pepper Ranch was renewed at the 9/ I 0/ I 9 meetin,q at a cost of $41 .000. B. NIisc. Ite ms Staff participated in the annual Sunflower Festival at Pepper Ranch held the weekend ofOctober l2th and the event continues to see increased attendance on a yearly basis. VII. SubcommitteeReports A. Lands Evaluation & Management- Chair Bill Poteet- last meeting September 26,2019 Mr. Poteet reported that the School District's proposed partnership with the Program tbr use of Railhead Scrub for Cross Countr_,'-' Trails and Nancl Payton Preserve Land Management Plan was discussed. B. Outreach - Chair, Michael Seef - last meeting October 4,2019 Mr. Seef reported that the f'uture acquisition policy was discussed. C. Ordinance Policy and Rules - Chair, Pat Sherry - No meeting None D. Referendum and Acquisition Plan Task Force - Chair, Bill Poteet Mr. Poteet reported that the Subcommittee * ill disband given that its tasks have been completed. E. Subcommittee membership Ms. Lenhard and Ms. Patterson-ll'eber wlunteered lo serve on the Ordinance, Policy and Rules Subcommittee. Chairman Poleel requested lhal stulf is tu) contoct lhe new member(s) lo determine which Subcommitlees the)t ore interested in serving on. 25.A.8 Packet Pg. 557 Attachment: CCLAAC Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2019 (11369 : Land Acquisition Advisory Committee - January 13, 2020) t VIII. IX. x. xI. October 14.2019 Chair Committee Member Comments None Public General Comments None Staff Comments None Next Meeting - January 13, 2019 There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting lvas adjourned by order of the Chair at I I :20 A.M. Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee Bill Poteet. Ch alrman These as pre minutes approye sented t / d by the Board/Committee on or as amended 6 Aa"wA'tH /3- aodo @ 25.A.8 Packet Pg. 558 Attachment: CCLAAC Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2019 (11369 : Land Acquisition Advisory Committee - January 13, 2020)