AHAC Minutes 09/09/2019MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 9, 2019 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WOR(ING 5E55rOrV In the Health Building 2"d Floor Conference Room In Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Christina Apostolidis Sheryl Soukup Mary Waller Denise Murphy John Cowan Litha Berger Justin Emens Steve Hruby Gary Haines Unexcused Excused: Joseph Schmitt ALSO PRESENT:Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & 6rant Development - CHS Kristi Sonntag, Director - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson - Operations Coordinator - CHS Jason Rummer, Operations Analyst Lisa Carr, Sr. Grants Coordinator OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Prioletti, Housing Finance Authority; Jen Mitchell, Collier Schools; Michael Puchalla, HELP; John Harney, Habitau Mike Smykowski, Clerk's office; Michael Rubenstein and chloe Bowman 1. CAI.T TO ORDER Steve Hruby called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m. Steve led in the Pledge of Allegiance and read the procedures to be followed. 2. Rorr CAr,t - CoMMlrrEE MEMBERS aNo STAFF There were 9 active members present, therefore a quorum was established' 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2019 (10647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 7, 2019) 3. APPRoVAT oF AGENDAAND MTNUTE A motion was made to approve the agenda by Mary Waller seconded by Litha Berger. The motion passed by a vote of 9-0. b. A motion was made by Denise Murphy to approve the minutes from the meeting of August 5, 2019 and seconded by Mary Waller. The motion was passed with a vote of 9-0. 4. INFoRMATtoNAt trEMs Update on Procurement Solicitations 1. BembridSe ITN - On July 9th, the BCC approved The McDowell group from Miami to build an 82 unit rental building for 60% or less of median income residents. The developer agreement will go to the BCC on October 22, 2019. 2. Housing/Marketing/Education/Outreach RFP - The contract is in development with Procurement. 3. Community Land Trust RFP - The contract with HELP of SWFL is being worked on and will be presented to the BCC in October. b. The Wells Fargo Housing Opportunity lndex was presented by Jason Rummer. Wages are at the highest point in many years (548,500). Housing prices over the past two years have 8rown. The SHIP annual closeout report is Boing to the BCC tomorrow, September 10, 2019. ln the past 3 years we have spent over S2Million, 117 units have been assisted (81 rental and 36 home-owner occupied). 78 of these rentals were in one complex pre-Hurricane lrma. 5. PuBuc CoMMENT There were no registered public speakers. 6. DtSCUSS|ON TTEMS Mary waller reported on the Housing Trust Fund Subcommittee. She said that the sub- committee worked on the oversight protocol for acquiring and evaluating applications made by very low and low income individuals. Their goal was to establish criteria and specific details on the application cycle. The applications will be made available the same time as the regular grant applications and will use the same ranking and review committee as SHIP. Their recommendations include to establish a point system with 100 points being the maximum and that the AHAC be involved in the development and spending options of the 1% sales surtax. John Cowan motioned to take the report to the BCC, Litha Berger seconded and the group voted 9{ in favor. This will be presented to the Bcc in october. a a c a 2 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2019 (10647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 7, 2019) b. Cormac reviewed attendance requirements with the Broup. The group asked lf Colleen Green could be invited back to present the Sunshine Law requirements to the new members. Cormac will invite her when the AHAC has a full membership. Review Candidates - Some of the applicants for the open positions were !n attendance and were invited to speak to the group. Those that spoke were Jen Mitchell, Charles Hartman, Michael Rubenstein, John Harney, Chloe Bowman, and Steve Hruby. Dale Dear was not in attendance. Although all the candidates had excellent qualifications, the group Mary Waller motioned to reinstate Steve Hruby, SherylSoukup seconded, and the group voted 9-0 to approve. Litha Berger has been reappointed to her position at the last meeting. Denise Murphy motioned that Jen Mitchell be recommended to the BCC for appointment in the "essential services" category. Mary Waller seconded, and the group voted 9-0 in approval. 7, UPCOMING MEETINGS a. The Housing Trust Fund Evaluation Criteria will go the BCC on October, 2019. b. Approval of Bembridge Developer Agreement with McDowell & Associates on October 22,20L9. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, Mary Waller motioned to adjourn the meeting, Denise Murphy seconded, and the group agreed with a vote of 9-0. adjourned at 9:59 a.m. NExr MEETTNG: THE NExr MEETTNG wru. BE HELD OcroBER 7, 2019 AT 8:!n A.M. Location: sth FloorTraining Room, Administration (Building F)3299 Tamiami Trail East. HoUSING ADusoRY CoMM rman c a tolt 2019, " asThe foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' I I OR "os omended' { l. 3 I 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2019 (10647 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - October 7, 2019)