PBSD MSTBU Minutes 07/10/2019PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION BOARD REGULAR SESSION JULY 10, 2019 The Pelican Bay Services Division Board met on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. at the Community Center at Pelican Bay, 8960 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples, Florida 34108. In attendance were: Pelican Bay Services Division Board Scott Streckenbein, Chairman Tom Cravens, Vice -Chairman Joe Chicurel (absent) Jacob Damouni Ken Dawson (absent) Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Neil Dorrill, Administrator (by phone) Lisa Jacob, Interim Operations Manager Nick Fabregas Michael Fogg Denise McLaughlin Susan O'Brien Rick Swider Michael Weir Mary McCaughtry, Operations Analyst (absent) Alex Mumm, Interim Sr. Field Supervisor Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Jim Hoppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation Mike Chaffee, Pelican Bay Foundation Trent Waterhouse, Pelican Bay Foundation APPROVED AGENDA (AS AMENDED) 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda approval 4. Approval of 06/12/19 Regular Session meeting minutes 5. Audience Comments 6. Administrator's report a. Sign contract notice/concerns b. US 41 berm landscaping c. Bay Colony Beach Dune Swale d. *Lake 2-9 lake bank restoration e. Timeline for sidewalk project Update on preliminary plans for new maintenance building g. June financial report h. Update on Operations Manager position (add-on) i. Update on BCC approval of"County contribution" agenda item (add-on) 7. Committee reports a. Budget b. Clam Bay c. Landscape & Safety d. Water Management Chairman's report Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session July 10, 2019 9. Old business 10. New business 11. Adjournment ROLL CALL Dr. Chicurel and Mr. Dawson were absent and a quorum was established MR. DORRILL PARTICIPATED BY TELEPHONE AGENDA APPROVAL Ms. O'Brien requested "administrative services" be added as an agenda item. Mr. Streckenbein chose not to add this item to the agenda, and stated that he would prefer that this discussion take place at a future meeting when Mr. Dorrill would be present. Mr. Dorrill explained that he had made his vacation plans long in advance, prior to the PBSD Board changing the monthly board meetings to the second Wednesday of the month, and therefore, he could not change his July vacation plans. Mr. Streckenbein ended the discussion on this topic as it was not an agenda item. Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Damouni seconded to approve the agenda as amended with the addition of items #6h and 6i. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Fabregas seconded to approve the 06/12/19 regular session meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Jim Hopppensteadt, Pelican Bay Foundation, commented on the recent increase in mortality of alligators in Pelican Bay. The PBF has typically paid for the removal of deceased alligators on Foundation property. Mr. Hoppensteadt suggested that the PBSD may want to consider budgeting for alligator removal in the future. He also commented that the PBF has hired a trapper to relocate a five-foot iguana which has been observed in the St. Maarten seawall area. Mr. Cravens suggested that the increased alligator mortality may be caused by the consumption of cane toads by the alligators. Mr. Peter Duggan commented on Mississippi beaches being closed due to algae/red tide. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Mr. Dorrill commented on a recent staff site visit with our sign project contractor, American Infrastructure Services. The project remains on schedule. US 41 BERM LANDSCAPING Mr. Doi -rill reported that all preliminary demolition, irrigation work, and invasive removal on the US 41 berm has been completed. Ms. Jacob reported that the contractor has begun the tree planting phase of the project. BAY COLONY BEACH DUNE SWALE Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session July 10, 2019 Mr. Dorrill reported on a second site visit with the South Florida Water Management District, our engineering and environmental consultants, and staff in relation to our application for a variance previously filed. Mr. Dorrill believes that our final alignment and width of the swale has been accepted and that we are now waiting for written verification that our variance request has been granted. LAKE 2-9 LAKE BANK RESTORATION Mr. Dorrill reported that we have received four bids for our Lake 2-9 restoration project, ranging from $750,000 to $1.1 million. These bids have not been evaluated by the County Procurement Dept. or ABB, our engineering consultants on this project. Mr. Streckenbein expressed disappointment in the large disparity between the engineer's estimate ($548,760 on 6/7/2019) and the actual bids, and suggested that we look at other remediation options. Ms. O'Brien suggested that this project is not urgent and that we hire another engineer to obtain an alternate method of remediation. She commented that ABB has mentioned that the construction of a seawall is for aesthetic put -poses. Ms. Jacob commented that ABB developed this specific plan as a result of an actual survey. She suggested that the lake's limited access may be a contributing factor to the unexpected high bids. Mr. Chaffee confirmed that the PBF has reviewed and approved the design plan for this project. Mr. Dorrill suggested that we not move forward with these bids, and alternatively, obtain an analysis/opinion of bids from ABB. He stated that a second opinion from a civil engineer is not necessary. Mr. Streckenbein concluded that the PBSD Board is not ready to accept or vote on these bids. TIMELINE FOR SIDEWALK PROJECT Mr. Dorrill reported that on 7/9/2019, the Board of County Commissioners approved an executive summary and adopted a resolution for a $500,000 County contribution to the PBSD over ten years for sidewalk replacement and the maintenance of sidewalks and drainage outfalls in perpetuity. This agenda item was originally scheduled to be heard at the May 28 BCC meeting. Mr. Dorrill reported that the survey portion of the sidewalk project is complete, and Ms. Jacob and Dr. Chicurel will review identified tree conflicts in the next few weeks. He noted that an ITB (invitation to bid) for this project will take approximately six months to complete and that financing will need to be in place prior to the start of the construction phase. Mr. Swider commented that the PBSD did not have its own legal counsel to review our recent executive summary brought to the BCC for approval. Mr. Dorrill commented that the County Attorney reviewed this document, and noted that the PBSD is a division of the County. Mr. Swider suggested we develop a process for our documents to be reviewed legally. Mr. Cravens suggested that our documents could be reviewed by the PBF legal staff. Mr. Dorrill commented that he would not be successful in obtaining outside legal counsel. UPDATE ON PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR NEW MAINTENANCE BUILDING Mr. Dorrill reported on continued planning discussions with the County's Public Utilities Dept. (PUD) to replace our maintenance facility at 6200 Watergate Way. He will provide a proposed site plan and proposed cost sharing plan (with the PUD) to the PBSD Board at its September I 1 board meeting. He commented that the PUD needs to pay an appropriate share of the cost for sharing space. Mr. Dorrill commented that he would like a long-term lease from the PUD (property owner) or to somehow memorialize our right to occupy this facility into the future. He suggested that we invite 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session July 10, 2019 Mr. Nick Casalanguida, Deputy County Manager, and the Public Utilities Administrator to our September 11 board meeting to discuss the parameters for the replacement facility and property. Ms. O'Brien suggested that the PBSD Board needs to review preliminary plans in order to determine whether they meet our community's needs and then to make a decision to move forward. She expressed concern in learning that the PUD has already provided a project manager to take the lead on this project. Ms. McLaughlin suggested that the board needs to discuss our needs and alternatives for this replacement facility. She also expressed concern that the PUD master plan includes an additional IQ water tank. Mr. Streckenbein agreed with these comments and suggested that the board have a discussion on these issues before a discussion with County personnel. Mr. Cravens commented that the PBSD has no legal document saying that we have any legal rights to occupy any part of the 6200 Watergate Way parcel. Mr. Streckenbein agreed and stressed that we need to obtain a written binding agreement to ensure our right to continue to use the property. Mr. Trent Waterhouse commented that at a recent public meeting, the County PUD presented a master plan for the 6200 Watergate Way property, utilized in its entirety for PUD purposes. He commented that the real "eye-opener" was the resurrection of a sewage treatment plant on this property. Ms. Jacob commented that she will provide a copy of this master plan to board members. Mr. Jim IIoppensteadt commented that the PUD will need to submit preliminary concept, design review, and construction drawings to the PBF for approval; nothing has been received so far. JUNE FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Dorrill reviewed highlights of the June financial report provided in the agenda packet. Mr. Swider expressed disappointment that the PBSD budget is provided in a different format than the monthly financials. He commented that the year-to-date variances in the monthly report are almost meaningless as the source of the year-to-date budget column of data is not clear. Mr. Swider commented that a discussion with Clerk of Courts' personnel on financial reporting will take place at the Budget Committee meeting on July 12, and he is hopeful that the Clerk will be able to provide financial reporting services to us in the future. UPDATE ON OPERATIONS MANAGER POSITION (ADD-ON) Mr. Dorrill reported that he has completed first-round interviews for the Operations Manager position and second -round interviews of the three finalists (two external applicants and Ms. Jacob) will be scheduled for the end of July. Mr. Sean Callahan, County Manager's Office, will participate in the July interviews. Applications and resumes will be shared with the PBSD Board. Mr. Dorrill commented that Mr. Callahan has informed him that it would not be appropriate for a PBSD Board member to participate on the interview panel, as it is the County Manager's Office which is ultimately responsible to hire and manage employees. UPDATE ON BCC APPROVAL OF "COUNTY CONTRIBUTION AGENDA" ITEM (ADD-ON) No further discussion on this item MR. DORRILL ENDED HIS PARTICIPATION IN THE MEETING AFTER HIS ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT WAS COMPLETED 4 Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session July 10, 2019 Mr. Cravens motioned, Mr. Fabregas seconded to approve the Administrator's Report. The motion carried unanimously. BUDGET REPORT Mr. Swider reported that the Budget Committee will meet on Friday, July 12 at 9:00 a.m. to discuss (1) reformatting our financial statements and (2) PBSD assessment methodology. CLAM BAY REPORT Ms. O'Brien commented that the Clam Bay Committee will meet on Thursday, July 11 at 1:30 p.m. She provided her July 2019 Clam Bay update in the agenda packet. She highlighted, (1) Clam Pass metrics continue to look very good, (2) water quality has shown little change, (3) copper levels in Clam Bay continue to be outstanding, and (4) total phosphorus readings continue to exceed the allowable upper limits, and this issue will be discussed further at the July 11 Clam Bay Committee meeting. Ms. O'Brien commented that the focus of the July 11 committee meeting will be to review and discuss the historical data on Clam Pass dredging events which has recently been compiled by our Humiston & Moore environmental consultant. LANDSCAPE & SAFETY REPORT No report WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE No report CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Streckenbein appointed Ms. McLaughlin as the new chair of the Water Management Committee. Mr. Cravens will continue on as a member of this committee. Mr. Streckenbein reminded the board that the next PBSD Board meeting will be on Sept. 11. Mr. Cravens reported that former PBSD Chairman Keith Dallas passed away on July 5 and that a remembrance service will be held on July 15 at Moorings Park He also reported that former PBSD Board member Gerry Moffatt recently passed away. OLD BUSINESS PIPE EVALUATIONS Ms. O'Brien asked for an update on the status of storm drain pipe evaluations and suggested that this topic be included on a future board agenda. Ms. Jacob commented that she recently received a quote from a County contractor to clean and video pipes in the area of the "Easter force main break." She also commented that Thomas Jefferson Ct. pipes in Georgetown were recently videoed and are in need of repair; a quote for repairs has not yet been received. Mr. Fogg suggested that we evaluate our pipes in the community in a documented systematic way. PBSD BOARD APPROVAL FOR EXPENDITURES POLICY Mr. Fogg asked for clarification on the policy for requiring PBSD Board approval for expenditures. Mr. Streckenbein suggested that Ms. Jacob research this issue. Ms. O'Brien suggested E Pelican Bay Services Division Board Regular Session July 10, 2019 that the Budget Committee consider this issue. Mr. Streckenbein agreed and asked the Budget Committee to look at this issue. TEN HOUR/WEEK ADMINISTRATOR MODEL Mr. Swider commented that communicating and prioritizing our work is an overriding problem of the PBSD, and that ten hours of contracted work by our Administrator is not enough. Mr. Streckenbein commented that PBSD work has quadrupled in recent years, and that we have no time or staff to be proactive in areas of concern. Ms. O'Brien commented that the ten hour/week Administrator model does not work, and suggested that we need a full time Administrator. 11 The meeting was adiourned at 3:01 D.M. 11 Scott Streckenbein, Chairman p Q Minutes approved " as presented OR Lr/] as amended ON / —I — I / 1 date