Immokalee CRA Minutes 08/21/2019
Enclosure 2
Special Meeting of the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee on August 21,
CareerSource Southwest Florida
750 South 5th Street
Immokalee, FL 34142
A. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Estil Null, CRA Vice Chair at 9:00 A.M.
B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Estil Null led the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
C. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum.
Christie Betancourt opened roll call. A quorum was announced for the CRA board.
CRA Advisory Committee Members Present:
Estil Null, Yvar Pierre, Patricia “Anne” Goodnight, Andrea Halman, Francisco “Frank” Leon, Edward
“Ski” Olesky, Frank Nappo (by phone) and Michael “Mike” Facundo (9:09 a.m.)
CRA Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused:
Others Present:
Amed El, Dr. Arol Buntzman, Peggy Rodriguez, Michele Mosca, Alberto Hernandez, Austin Howell,
Silvia Puente, Andrew Bennett, Chris Ambach, Jessica Crane, Dottie Cook, Barbara Hawks, Tom
McCarthy, Dana Mount, Canon Sandora, Greg Betancourt, and William “Bill” McDaniel.
Staff: Debrah Forester, Julian Morgan, Christie Betancourt, and Monica Acosta.
D. Introductions.
All public present introduced themselves. All board members introduced themselves to the members of
the public.
Staff informed all present that Julian Morgan is the new Project Manager for the Immokalee CRA.
E. Approval of Agenda.
Staff presented agenda to the board for approval.
CRA Action:
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Andrea
Halman seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 8-0.
F. Announcements.
1. Communications Folder
Staff reviewed the communications folder with the board and members of the public. The folder
contained the public notice for this meeting and upcoming community event flyers. The folder
included a news article regarding the Immokalee Area Master Plan submittal to DEO.
2. Public Comment speaker slips
CRA staff reiterated the public 3-minute speaker slip policy. The board will give more time if
they feel it necessary.
3. Community Meeting (Enclosure 1)
Staff provided board and members of the public upcoming community event listing.
Enclosure 2
G. CRA New Business.
1. CDBG Disaster Recovery Application for funding – Stormwater (Enclosure 2)
Staff provided board and members of the public present maps identifying the two project locations
for the upcoming CDBG-DR application for funding. The two location areas are Eden Garden
and North 3rd Street. Michele Mosca with Collier County Stormwater Management gave board a
brief background on the project location and project cost which is estimated at 1.2 Million. She
also said that these locations were part of the Corrective Action Projects that the CRA and MSTU
partly funded the design for. After discussion board gave their support to apply for the grant.
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion to support staff to apply for Community Development
Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding. Mr. Frank Leon seconded the motion and it passed
by unanimous vote. 8-0.
2. Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance Inc. (IFHA) – Presentation by Chairman/CEO Dr. Arol
Buntzman (Enclosure 3)
Dr. Arol Buntzman presented on the Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance. The alliance was
organized by non-profit foundations, NGOs, faith-based organizations and individuals that believe
that everyone deserves a chance to live in decent affordable hurricane resistant housing. IFHA’s
plan is to develop 128 two and three bedroom decent, affordable, hurricane resistant, low energy,
low maintenance housing units that can be rented to low income and very-low income that reside
in Immokalee year round, at rents they can afford.
Mr. Canon Sandora, Boral Engineering & Design, Inc. Project Manager said that the proposed
affordable housing development location is a 9.52-acre property (Parcel ID: 00742800050) on the
corner of Lake Trafford Road and North 19th Street in Immokalee, FL. The subject property is
surrounded by several single-family residential properties and is adjacent to a multi-family
property, also on Lake Trafford Road. The proposed development will consist of 8-16-unit
buildings, a community center, and two laundry rooms along with parking, sidewalks, solid waste
enclosures, bicycle racks, recreational areas, detention areas, a preserve, landscaping, and utilities.
After discussion board agreed to send letter of support for the proposed housing development with
the understanding that IFHA comeback to the CRA with project updates.
*Presentation is attached to the minutes for the record.
Action: Ms. Anne Goodnight made a motion that the CRA board provide a Letter of Support to the
Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance (IFHA) for the proposed housing development. Ms. Andrea Halman
seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 8-0.
H. Citizens Comments.
Collier County Code Enforcement
Chris Ambach, Code Enforcement Supervisor provided board updates on code cases, palmetto berry
harvesting, and the upcoming community cleanup scheduled in October at Arrowhead.
Enclosure 2
Commissioner McDaniel informed board on the upcoming Town Hall Gathering to be held on Tuesday,
August 27, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
I. Next Meeting Date. CRA will next meet on September 18, 2019 at 9:00 A.M. at CareerSource
J. Adjournment. Meeting Adjourned @ 9:54 A.M.
Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance, Inc. (IFHA)
A Florida Not-For Profit 501c3 public benefit Corporation.
Decent, safe, affordable housing is more than a roof over our heads.
When homes are decent, safe and affordable, children are healthier and they do better in school,
workers are more productive, families have income for other basic need on a sustainable basis, while
boosting the local economy.
When rent consumes more than half of household income, there is not enough left over for healthy
food, healthcare, decent cloths, childcare, early childhood learning or after school programs.
In Immokalee, farmworker families, and other low-income families, that live year-round in Immokalee,
struggle to afford high rent for old, dilapidated, unsafe, over-crowded trailers, often forced to spending
more than half of their income on rent.
The Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance, Inc. was organized by an alliance of non-profit foundations, NGOs,
faith-based organizations and individuals that believe that everyone deserves a chance to live in decent
affordable hurricane resistant housing. IFHA’s plan is to develop 128 two and three bedroom decent,
affordable, hurricane resistant, low energy, low maintenance housing units that can be rented to low
income and very-low income that reside in Immokalee year round, at rents they can afford.
Please help make that happen.
Dr. Arol I. Buntzman
Chairman / CEO
Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance, Inc.
From Boral Engineering & Design, Inc.:
The proposed affordable housing development location is a 9.52 acre property (Parcel ID: 0074280005)
on the corner of Lake Trafford Road and North 19th Street in Immokalee, FL. The subject property is
surrounded by several single-family residential properties and is adjacent to a multi-family property,
also on Lake Trafford Road. The proposed development will consist of 8 – 16 unit buildings, a community
center, and two laundry rooms along with parking, sidewalks, solid waste enclosures, bicycle racks,
recreational areas, detention areas, a preserve, landscaping, and utilities (Master Site Plan will be
included in the presentation).
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Canon Sandora, E.I.
Project Manager
Boral Engineering & Design, Inc.
8/21/19 Agenda item G.2.Enclosure 2
Backup for meeting minutes
Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance, Inc.
Affordable Housing Development
Location: Property to the northwest of the intersection of
Lake Trafford Road and North 19th Street.
Parcel I.D. #: 00074280005
Property Size: 9.52 Acres
Project Details
Project Objective
•Improve the living conditions of farmworker families and other low‐income families that live in Immokalee year‐round
by providing housing they can afford, featuring:
1. Hurricane resistant construction
2. Low energy
3. Low maintenance
4. Safe environment
5. Community space (indoor and outdoor)
Project Specifications
•The project will contain:
1. 8 ‐ 16 unit buildings (2‐3 bedrooms per unit)
2. Community center and 2 community laundry rooms
3. Preserve and retention Areas
4. Parking, sidewalks, and bicycle racks
5. Half basketball court and recreational park areas
6. Landscaping
7. Utilities: Fire, water, and sewer
8. Solid waste enclosures
Affordable Housing