GGELTC Minutes 06/24/2019MINUTES Golden Gate Estatcs Land Trust Committee Monday, June 2,1,2019 - 5130 p.m. (;reater Naples Fire Rescue District Station 71 - Community Room 100 l3th Street SW, Naples, Florida Commitlee Members Chairman: Jeff Curl Vice-Chairman: Vacanl Member: Pat Humphries Member: Annette Kniola Member: Carol Pratt Call to order: 6:20 - meeting started lale due to the Greater Naples Fire and Rescue District 'Push-ln' and 'First Bath' ceremony for the Brush Truck that was partially funded (50%) by the GAC Land Trust Committee. 2. Approval of current agenda: Jeffasked ifanyone had any changes or questions regarding the Agenda, no one did. Jeff asked for a motion to approve the Agenda as submitted, Pat made a motion to approve the Agenda as submitted. Carol seconded the motion, JefT called the vote. all were in tavor. 3. Approval of the Minutes for the March 25,2019, meeting: Jeff asked if anyone had any changes or questions regarding the Minutes, no one did. Jeff asked for a motion to approve the Minutes as submitted, Pat made a motion to approve the Minutes as submitted, Annette seconded the motion, Jeffcalled the vote, all were in favor. 4. Approval of Treasurer's Report: Michael provided the update of$791,363.95 for the ending "urh bulun." inctuding year-to-date interest, committed funds in the amount of S12,000 for the colden Gate Estates Area Civic Association's funding for the two welcome signs. resulting with an on-hand cash balance of $779,363.95. Jeff asked il anyone had any questions regarding the Treasurer's Report, no one did. Jeffasked for a motion to approvc the Treasurer's Report as submitted, Pat made a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as submitted. Annette seconded the motion, Jeffcalled the vote, all were in favor. 5. Update tbr Greater Naples Fire Rescue District Brush Truck Purchase: All funds have been disbursed. Countv Staff Michael Dowling: Collier County Real Property Management Invited to attended - applicants for Committee Vacancv Jessica Harrelson - Phase I Angela Birks - Phase II 6. Update fbr Executive Summary to release properties: On May 28,2019, the BCC approved the Committee's recommendation to release all parcels that appeared on the 'Future Sales' list to the 'Active Sales' list. Michael said the item was on the Consent Agenda and was not pulled by the BCC for discussion. Michael said he will explore ways that the County will promote the available parcels. Jeff asked when the Committee will see an Agreement terminating the 1983 Agreemenl. Michael said he provided the County Attomey's Office with a draft of the Agreement several months ago, and one of the atlomeys is in communication with the attomeys for Avatar's successor. Michael said he is waiting for the County Attomey's Office to provide him with the Agreement to process to the BCC. 7. Update for Colden Gate Estates Area Civic Association welcome signs: recently provided the invoice for the sign, and staff will process reimbursement. Michael Ramsey the invoice for 8. Other Business: Michael made note that the Fire Chief from Greater Naples Fire and Rescue District and the Cotlier County EMS Chief were present. EMS Chief Tabatha Butcher asked to address the Committee. Michael was not aware of the Chiels interest to petition the Board until just before the meeting. Chiel Butcher said that she has been researching areas east of Golden Gate Boulevard, more specifically Everglades and DeSoto Boulevards, for land to construction an EMS station. The need for an EMS station in this area is needed to satisfu EMS's twelve-minute emergency response time for calls. Chief Butcher stated that a 5.46-acre site has been located on DeSoto and Golden Gate Boulevards for a negotiated price of $105,000' Chief Butcher said she is tooking fbr a funding source for purchasing the land and site developmenl at an estimated cost of $100,000. Tara Bishop from Greater Naples Fire and Rescue District (Greater Naples) stated that Greater Naples would ask to remove the two properties Greater Naples had reserved so that EMS, Greater Naples, and the Sherifls Office, would all co-locate at the 5.46-acre site. Jeff asked if Greater Naples was agreeable to the co-locate and Fire Chief Kingman Schuldt stated that if he had known about the property, he would have purchased it and guaranteed there would have been a joint use with EMS. Michael stated that the reserved properties are direclly across the street lrom the 5.46-acres. Chief Butcher said that she discussed co-locating with North Collier Fire and Rescue District at a property north oi the 5.46 acres, but North Collier does not have an immediate plan for constructing that station at rhis time. and the station by the Fairgrounds already satisfies that area. EMS is also working with Rural Lands West for land to be dedicated to the County for a luture EMS station, and there is a station to be constructed by Immokalee Fire District on a property dedicated to Collier County located at Ave Maria. Jeff asked if the committee were to fund a portion of the $205,000 request iIEMS could fund the balance. chief Butcher said EMS could fund the site development work, but would look to the Committee for assistance to fund the purchase of the property. Michael asked Chief Butcher about Immokalee Fire District's plans to fund the construction of the Ave Maria station. Chief Butcher said that Immokalee Fire District can fund the station with impact fees, but they are unable to pay for the operating expenses (staft) due to the outcome in the last election's referendum. Chief Butcher said Ave Maria has agree to fund the Fire District's operations to staff the station lor live years. Annette questi,oned the $100,000 estimate for site development and Chief Butcher said that Facilities Management provided the estimate and may be on the high side to take unexpected issues into consideration. Jeff asked Chief Butcher if all three agencies could fit on the subject site. Chief Butcher provided examples of two-acre parcels that accommodate the three agencies and said with the 5.46-acre site, there would be ample space to accommodate all three agencies and to include the required well and septic system since those services are nol available in that area. Jelf questioned il the Committee was allowed to f-und the site development plan. Michael said he would look into that and in the meantime, the committee could approve the purchase so that the land purchase is not delayed. and the Committee could revisit the site plan funding at a later date. Michael reminded the Committee by Greater Naples retuming the two reserved properties located across the street, those properties would go back into the Land Trust inventory and will generate additional funds once sold. Michael asked Chief Butcher il the sales surtax is benefiting EMS. Tara Bishop said the Fire District will not be given any money liom the surtax, and Chief Butcher said the surtax will fund the construction of the subject station, which is estimated at $2.4 million. Annette made a motion to fund one hundred percent of the cost of the land purchase and to remove the two reserved prope(ies for Greater Naples lrom the reserved list, Pat seconded the motion, Jeffcalled for the vote, all were in favor. 9. Update on 8rh Street NE Bridge Temporary Construction Easement: Michael provided update that the improvements were constructed within the right-of-way. 10. Interviews for Mark Fillmore's vacancv: Angela Birks Phase II Jessica Harrelson Phase I JetTasked each candidate to speak Jessica Harrelson said she is a tifelong resident of the Estates and leamed about Committee thru GGEACA, though she is not a member, but is considering joining' Jessica stated that she has been in the field ofland use planning for fifteen years. Michael wanted to state for the record that there was another applicate, Devon Stephenson, who is overseas on military duty, and after discussions with the county Attomey's ottlce and the Committee's Chairman, and because the applicant would not be retuming to the States in the near future, the applicant would not be considered or interviewed tbr the vacancy. Jeff asked lbr input on the candidates. Annette said she was in favor of Angie (Angela), JefT was in favor or Jessica because ofher experience in the field of land use, Carol was in l'avor ol Jessica because ofher land use experience, and Pat was in favor of Angie (Angela)' A member of the public, Rae Ann Burton, said that she applied online the night before. Michael said he did not receive the application which would have been forwarded to him by the olfice of the county Attomey. Michael said that with the late entry, he would surmise that the County's Attomey's Office needed additional time to review and process the application. Angela Birks manages her family-owned landfill and has lived in Collier County her entire lifb, and that she volunteers throughout in the County. Carol asked why she wanted to be on the Commitlee. Angela said she has a passion lor the community and would like to raise awareness in the community. Pat asked if she's a member of the GG Estates Area Civic Association (GGEACA), Angela said she is not a member but does attend the meetings. With a tie in votes, Jeff suggested using the phase qualifier that is outlined in the Ordinance governing the Committee and moved to recommend to the BCC that Angela be appointed to the Committee, Annette seconded the motion, Jeff called for the vote, all were in lavor. I L Other Business: Michael Ramsey said that South Florida Water Management District expressed an interest in some of the available properties in the Land Trust lbr storm water management. Jelf said the Committee spoke to Jerry Kurtz with the County's Stormwater Management Division over a year ago about that use and that SFWMD should work alongside the County or petition the Committee. Jeff suggested the Committee should discuss the Randall Curve property which the BCC will hear at tomorrow's BCC meeting. Jeff said ilhe is able to attend the BCC meeting, he'd like to provide the BCC with the Committee's recommendation. Jeff asked if the Committee would like to follow the lead of the GGEACA and share the recommendation to consider the proposal made by Crown. There was general discussion about the Randall Curve proposals by the Committee, Mike Ramsey, Rae Ann Burton, Dawn, and Angela. Jeff asked if the Committee is in favor of Crown's proposal and the Committee agreed to support the Crown proposal and all were in favor; no formal vote was taken or necessary. 12. Public Comment: None. I 3. Next meeting - August 26,2019 Ad joum: 7:50 p.m September 23, 2019 Je