AHAC Minutes 04/01/2019MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMIfiEE April 1, 2019 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida LEI lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in aWORKING SESSTON in the Health Building 2nd Floor Conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Justin Emens Sheryl Soukup Gary Hains Mary Waller Denise Murphy Litha Berger John Cowan Unexcused:Christina Apostolidis Carlos Portu Excused:Steve Hruby Joseph Schmitt ALSO PRESENT:Kristi Sonntag; Director, Community and, Human Services Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & Grant Deve,opment - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson - Operations Coordinator - CHS Jason Rummer, Operations Analyst Lisa Ca.r, Sr, Grants Coordinator Don [uciano, Grants Coordinator Jeff Letourneau, Code Enforcement OTHERS PRESENT: George Danz, citizen; Mike Prioletti, Housing Finance Authority; Michael Puchalla, HELP; John Harney, Habitat for Humanity 1. CAITToORDER The group nominated MaryWallerto runthe meeting in the absence ofsteve Hruby, Marycalledthe meeting to order at 8:39 am and Litha Berger led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mary read the procedures to be followed, 2. RoL[ CAr-[-CoMMlrrEE MEMBERS aNo STAFF There were 7 active members present, therefore a quorum was established. 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 1, 2019 (Signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019) 3. APPRoVAL oF AGENDA AND MINUTES A motion was made to approve the agenda by Denise Murphy seconded by Litha Berger. The motion passed by a vote of7-0. b. Sheryl Soukup said that item 6a in the minutes of March 11, 2019 said the word "agency" instead ofthe word "agenda". With that correction noted, Litha Berger motioned to approve the minutes ofthe meeting held on March tl,2OL9. The vote was 6-0 with Sheryl Soukup abstaining. 4, INFoRMATIoNAL ITEMS Jeff Letourneau from Code Enforcement spoke to the group about Code compliance. He stated that the purpose of his division is to seek correction ofviolations. He said they are not looking to give someone a fine. lf there is a violation, the citizen is given many opportunities to correct the issue. Each case is handled on a case-by-case basis. lf a violator is not making efforts to comply, they are referred to the special magistrate which could end up causing fines to be levied. Fines can only be voided/ forgiven by the BCC or the special magistrate. Code staff are bound by health and safety issues such as burnt cart toilets and appliances in lawns and septic issues. He told the Committee that some time ago the BCC voted change procedure to eliminate anonymous complaints. Code now must Bet a complaint from a third party to proceed with an investigation. Denise Murphy asked if Code staff could specifically target a neiBhborhood. He said that there are over 16 neighborhood clean-ups per year throughout the county. After discussion, it was determined that the AHAC would send a list of problem areas to Code, along with cHs department brochures showing assistance opportunities for property owners. Michael Puchalla suggested that the fines be enforced and the proceeds go to the Community Land Trust in order to make more affordable housing in the county. John Harney said that Habitat could help by educating their new home owners and working with HOAs to give rules to their property management groups, After discussion, Sheryl Soukup made a motion to ask the BCC to look more closely at code violations before waving fines. Motion as follows: "lr order to enhance the image of housing that is affordable, assist in the elimination of health and safety violations, and improve slum and blight conditions, the AHAC recommends that the Board of County Commissioners look closely at Code Enforcement Violations prior to reducing or waiving accumulated fines, so that habitual offenders do not continue to quali[ for fine reductions or waivers. " b. Cormac recapped CHys current procurement solicitations to the group: a a 2 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 1, 2019 (Signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019) a. The deadline for Bembridge has been extended twice to 4/10/19. He held a pre-bid meeting and 8 developers came to that meeting. Presentations from the developers will be given to the AHAC in May. b. The housing,/marketing,/outreach RFP closes on 4/L5ll9. 580,000 is available to develop a marketing plan to create a positive public engagement in affordable housing. Five companies attended the pre-application meeting. c. The Land Trust RFP will be released in April. 5. PuBLtc CoMMENT The public speakers at this meeting spoke at the time of the discussed item. 6. DTSCUSSION ITEMS a. Review of Resolution 18-82 (Housing Trust Fund) and the formation of a subcommittee that would work with staff over the summer to develop criteria in the review and scoring of applications for funding from the trust fund. Sheryl Soukup, Mary Waller and Litha Berger volunteered to be on the subcommittee. b. Review of resolution 18-39 (Co-location of Housing on County Land) - We are going to remind the BCC of their approval to look at potential properties to co-locate affordable housing on public land. Sheryl Soukup motioned to remind the BCC of 18-39, Denise seconded and the group voted 7{ to approve. '"The AHAC would like to remind the Eoard of County Commissione6 of Resolution No' 2018-39, adopted by the BCC on February 27, 2018. This set as Board policy, "that public properties now owned by the County, or to be acquired by the County in the future, be considered for use as affordable housinS, or for the co-location of affordable housing and public facilities." 7. UPCOMING MEETINGS a. sHlP LHAP is goin8 to Naples City Council on 4/3/19 and to the BcC on 4/23119. b. 2019-2020 HUD Action Plan and project approvals are going to the BCC on 6/251L9. 8. ADJOURN a There being no further business for the Sood of the County, after a motion by Denise Murphy, a second by Litha Berger and a vote of 7{ in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 9:29 by Cormac Giblin. NExr MEETTNG: THE NExr MEmNG wrlt BC HEID oN MaY 6, 2019 AT 8:30 A'M' Location: 56 Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. 3 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 1, 2019 (Signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019) HousrNG ADvtsoRy n llql,q 20L9, "osThe foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' I IOR"osamended' I l. 4 srtllnea (.)ttl IMMI ti 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 1, 2019 (Signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019)