CAC Minutes 09/26/2019 September 26, 2019 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, September 26, 2019 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this �` :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floo 'er County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the followin. ., --rs present: CHAIRMANOA d Trecker (Excused) VICE CHAI •RIg*, seph Burke (Excused) Steve Koziar (Excused) AS)\ Thomas McCann (via telephone) Jim Burke (Excused) Robert Raymond 4 Debbie Roddy Sam Young (Excused) Terry Hutchison A S)/N Cu mill 7r‘ -Sr ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Manager, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Stephanie Molloy, City of Naples 1 September 26, 2019 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum could not be established. Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney reported no action may be take• b •- embers present however Staff may provide an update on activities without Commi ee 1.1. .ssion. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda O None V. Public Comments None ,,AS''4S' VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. July 11, 2019 None VII. Staff Reports 'S 4 5 Y 'S) 1. Expanded Revenue Report Mr. McAlpin provided the "F Revenue Report" dated August 31, 2019. VIII. New Business _ 1. 19C01 Change Order No. 1 * Backup Material Mr. McAlpin pr- id n overview of the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve and authorize the a*" to execute Change Order No. 1 to Florida Department of Environmental Protection •lit_ ' Agreement No. 19C01 Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Plan and make a finding CIL. tem promotes tourism. " He reported the change order increases the amount for reimburse `IF t by the FDEP from $557,189 to $1,368,750 (an increase of$811,561) and adds the monitoring task to the activity. The Change Order was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on September 11, 2019. 2. 20001; 200O2; 20003 Agreements * 20001 Agreement * 200O2 Agreement * 20003 Agreement Mr. McAlpin provided an overview of the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Agreements No. 20001; 200O2; 200O3 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Beach Management Funding 2 September 26, 2019 Assistance Program for funding reimbursement and support of Collier County Coastal Management Programs" for informational purposes. He noted the cost share is for expenditures related to the work required (design, construction and monitoring) for the renourishment of Collier County, South Marco Island beaches and the monitoring of the Wiggins Pass Inlet. The funds allocation are $2,652,250 for Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples Beaches; $48,948 for South Marco Island Beach and $76,500 for Wiggins Pass Management. 3. Long Range Planning Resolution * Resolution Mr. McAlpin provided an overview of the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a Resolution supporting the County's applications to Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Long Range Budget Plan Requests for Beach Renourishment Projects for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. This action maintains the County's eligibility for State Cost Share Funding for future renourishment projects" for informational purposes. He noted the Resolution supports the County's applications for FDEP funding requests for 2020/2021. 4. Dredging Water Turkey Bay; Wigging Pass; Marco South Pro'ec * Bid 19-7655 Waterfront Property Services * Bid 19-7655 Florida Dredge & Dock LLC -SAS* * Bid 19-7655 Bid Tabulation Mr. McAlpin reported: • The County solicited bids for the above r ere e dredging projects with 5 firms providing price quotes. The low bidd r aterfront Property Services, LLC at $1,987,650 however they have bee non-responsible due to the following factors: • They recently worked on o ier Creek dredging project and violated the approved FDEP temp - led the County having to remediate the issue with the Agency. • When fusing pi.-.,'q' - ' = lowed waste from the operation to enter the water. • The dredged . improperly placed on Hideaway Beach and had to be regraded 2 ti 1' . • At lease in' idual listed as a reference by the firm recommended they not be eng. : to dertake the project. • T - c• ,- of the project is larger in size to other work previously performed by the e �o . • At . 1 _ ' ulf Dredging& Marine, LLC was the second low bidder but has been deemed li •i nsive as they did provide the appropriate information for the grant application. • Flo ,.a Dredge and Dock, LLC was the third lowest bidder at$2,351,000 and is recommended to complete the work as they are deemed qualified and within the budgeted amount of$2.7M. • Waterfront Property Services has 3 days to file a protest which would allow them to provide argument to the BCC on why they should be awarded the work. • If the bid award is protested, it may delay start of the work which is anticipated to begin in November. • The timeline for the work includes Water Turkey Bay first, followed by Wiggins Pass and then Caxambas Pass, however it is subject to change given there is a May 1, 2020 deadline to complete the dredging at Caxambas. 3 September 26, 2019 5. Sub-Committee Report- Water Quality None IX. Old Business Beach Renourishment Project Mr. McAlpin provided an update on beach renourishment projects noting: • The BCC approved the County's upcoming projects for the amount of$5.2M. • The work will be completed via truck hauls with delivery of sand at 2 locations—Horizon Way and the Seagate access point. • The activity will require 7,500 truck loads of sand to be delivered to the beaches. • The public will be notified so they may plan accordingly with the project lated to begin on October 7th with the hauling of sand initiating a week later. • The timeline for project completion is January 1, 2020, however th el ance it may be completed before the Thanksgiving holiday. • There is an approved route for truck hauling with the vehicles n 'tor d via the GPS. Any driver violating protocols will be terminated from the proj • The County is coordinating the work with the City of ice Department and Collier County Sheriffs Office. Marco Island Drainage Issue ,s,,"S' Mr. McAlpin reported: • Staff continues to review drainage compl ' b some condominium owners on Marco Island and any whether there is any relation cent beach re-grading project completed by the County. • Water is ponding on sidewalks 9 41144 rain events and Staff has investigated the issue and determined the re-grading pr•'• • of cause the problem. • Indications are drainage s to, ' the areas in question have been altered over time (filling of swales, altering pipes, • The City of Marco I n o indicated the issue has occurred in the past and Staff continues to monitor the sit ti including coordinating with the City as necessary. X. Announcements None XI. Committee er Discussion None XII. Next Meeting Date/Location October 10, 2019—Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor 4 September 26, 2019 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 2:37 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advis Committee David Trecker, ChZn S,'SlAw +C)AC 5 v &'S.< ' These minutes approved b the . d/Committee on as presented or as amended 10 ''S) 5