DSAC-LDR Subcommittee Minutes 09/17/2019September 17 ,2019
Naples, Florida, September 17, 2Ol9
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Development Services Advisory
Committee - Land Development Review Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier,
having conducted business herein, met on this date at 2:00 PM in a REGULAR
SESSION at the Growth Management Deparfrnent Building, Room 609/610
2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL with the following persons present:
Chairman: Clay Brooker
Blair Foley
Robert Mulhere
Jeremy Frantz, LDC Manager
Ellen Summers, Senior Planner
Nchard Henderlong, Principal Planner
Eric Johnson, Principal Planner
SePtember 17 ,2019
Any penons in need of the verhatim rccord of lhe meeting may request a copy of the audio recording
from the Collicr County Growth Management Division - Planning and Regulation building at 2j9-
1. Call to order
Mr. Brooker called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
2. Approve Agenda
The Agenda was approved subject to hearing ltem l.hivfirst under Item 1.b.
3. Old Business
4. New Business
a. Expediting minor zoning applications
Mr. Mulhere reported the Development Services Advisory Committee remanded the item to the
Subcommittee and the goal would be to institute a zoning change process similar to the
requirements for an Insubstantial Change to a Site Plan
Mn Mulhere moved for the full DSAC to recomtmend thal Statf develop a policy for a
streamlined process for minor xoning changes inclading reducing the allotted commcnt period
for Staff reviewers and determining applicable County review disciplines which would be
determined at the pre-application meeting, Second by Mn Foley. Carricd unanimowly 1 - 0.
b. LDC Amendments
i. Clarification of minimum floor area in Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment
4.02.16 Design Standards for Development in the Bayshore Gateway Triangle
Redevelopment Area
The amendment clarifies the minimum floor area for commercial in the Bayshore Gateway
Triangle Redevelopment Area does not apply to the size ofa hotel room.
Mr. Mulhere reported the issue arose at a recent BCC meeting where there was confusion if
the 700 square foot per unit requirement applied to hotel rooms. The Subcommittee noted
consideration may want to be given to requiring a minimum size for hotel rooms.
Staff noted they could review the issue however the County's parking requirement would
indirectly regulate the size and number ofrooms allowed on a particular site.
Laura Spurgeon-DeJohn, Johnson Engineering requested clarification on the 700 square
foot minimum area requirements and how they apply to commercial and mixed use spaces.
The Committee noted the requirement should be clarified to indicate if it is a leased space,
commercial establishment, etc.
September 17,2019
Mn Mulhere movedtor the Developmenl Semices Advisory Committee to recomruend the
Board of Counly Connissionen adopt the anendment proposed by Staff, subject to
adding the Footnote #8, unol applicable to guest rooms in hotels" lo the "Mixed Use"
column on the applicable tabks. Second by Mr. Foley. Carried unanimously 1 - 0.
Mn Mulhere moved for Staff lo provide clariftcation on the standards for the square
footage of unir lor Commercial and Mixzd Uses and provide the information to the
Development Services Advisory Conmitlee when the proposed amendment is presented
Carried unanimously 1 - 0.
Mr. Mulhere moved lo request the Board of County Commissianen direct Staf lo provide
clarifrcation on the deJinition of "Mixed Use' in lhe CRA.
Mr. F rantz reported it would be more beneficial to allow Staff to review the definition and
provide the results of their findings to the Subcommittee at their next meeting, so a
determination may be made on how to proceed.
Mr. Mulherc wilhdrew the motion.
Extend allowance for use of RV's during build-beck
62-79 Temporary Emergency Housing
38-07 Determination of Damage, Buildback Policy, Moratori4 Emergency Repairs, and
Emergency Permitting System
The amendmenl seeks to assist and streamline post-disaster recovery efforts for permanent
home owners requiring an extension for an onsite temporary emergency housing permit after
the Board's declaration of emergency. It allows an administrative approval by the County
Manager or designee, to extend a temporary use permit for six-month periods, under certain
conditions and until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued.
Staff shall review the title to determine if it should read "Code of Laws and Ordinances. "
Mr. Foley moved lor the Development Semices Advisory Commitlee to recommend the
Board of County Commissianen adopt the amendnunt as proposed by StalJ, Second Mr.
Mulhere. Carried ananimously 1- A
Miscellaneous corrections and scrivener's errors
2.03.05 Civic and tnstitutional Zoning Districts
2.03.07 Overlay Zoning Districts
2.03.08 Rural Fringe Zoning Districts
4.06.02 BuflerRequirements
5.03.06 DockFacilities
9.04.04 Specific Requirements for Minor After-the-Fact Encroachment, APPENDIX C
Final Subdivision Plat, Required Certifications and Suggested Text and Formats
for other Required Information
SePtember 17 ,2019
The amendment corrects scrivener's errors, cross references from previously approved LDC
amendments and updates the current Clerk of Court's signatory block for plats and required
The Committee noted some areas of the Land Development Code referenced other Codes and
Statutes that may not exist, and recommended Staff review the document to ensure the
references are correct.
Mn Foley moved for lhe Development Services Advisory Commiltee to recommend the
Board of County Conmissionen approve the amendment as proposed by Statf. Second by
Mn CurL Carried ananimously 1- 0.
Following the motion, the Committee noticed the Statute cited (400.402 F.S.) cited in Section
2.03.05 B.1.a.5 to the proposed amendment does not exist and recommended Staff review the
document to confirm any other outside Statutes, Ordinances, etc. cited are correct.
Mr. Brooker moved tolor the Developmenl Semices Advisory Commiltee @SAC)
rccommend the Board of County Commissionen approve lhe amendment as proposed
subject to Staff conJirming the Statutory ot other code rderences in the proposed
amendment belore presenting it to ,he DSAC. Second by Mn Foley. Canied unanimously
Mr. Mulhere lefi the meeting at 2:30 p.m.
iv. Golden Gate Parkway Overlay District (Presentation only, no vote requested)
Mr. Johnson presented the PowerPoint "Golden Gate Parlway Overlay District"
highlighting the following :
o The Golden Gate Area Master Plan is in the process of being amended with adoption
by the BCC anticipated in September of2019.
. The vision for the Golden Gate City area is "Go lden Gate City is a safe diverse
family-oriented community thqt offers easy dccess to education, parla, shopping and
services withllt a vibrant, wallable cotnmunity. "
o The Land Development Code will be amended to aid in achieving the vision with the
goals of:
o Incentivizes development and redevelopment in Golden Gate community
o Match overlay standards to the Golden Gate City Vision.
o Increase residential variety & address compatibility.
o Control auto oriented uses & promote the pedestrian.
o Focus development standards on urban form.
o Spur economic development & business creation.
o Incentivizes remodeling and renovation.
o Establishment of Subdistricts, new development standards, avenues for
deviations, etc.
o The overlay district is in addition to the underlying zoning district and owners may
choose to utilize the standards in the overlay District which allows additional uses,
smaller buffers setbacks and different design requirements to encourage new
development and improvements.
September 17,2019
o The overlay also promotes economic development and job creation including
provision of clean, low impact manufacturing uses.
. Target industries would be eligible for TIF (Tax Incremental Funding) to be utilized
for infrastructure and street improvements.
The following was noted during Committee discussions:
o Stakeholders have been contacted and will be instrumental to the success ofthe plan.
o The area is primarily developed although there is some vacant in the overlay area.
o Focusing on pedestrian movement is a good concept given the existing characteristics
of the area.
o Concem manufacturing uses may create potential tra.ffic issues.
r Redevelopment road pattems may want to incorporate assigned lanes for certain uses
(i.e. bus lane multi modal, bike, etc.).
r Presentations should utilize photographic examples depicting 6 lane roadways , not a 2
way strcet downtown area.
o On street parking, especially on primary or secondary roads will be incorporated into
tle plan.
o The TIF monies may need to be made available up front to install improvements to
incentivize new development or redevelopment.
. It may be beneficial to establish some type of Advisory Board to review proposed
deviations or provide other input as necessary.
o An analysis ofthe successes and pitfalls of other similar initiatives in the County
(Immokalee and Bayshore) should occur to determine any measures which may need
to be employed to ensure the best chance for success.
Laura Spurgeon-DeJohn, Johnson Engrneering mentioned they are working with
Transportation Division Staff on traffic related issues and there may be firnds available for
improvements that are captured in advance from TIF dollars.
c. 2020 DSAC-LDR Subcommittee schedule
Mr. Frantz provided the Memorandurt " 2020 DSAC-LDR Subcommittee Schedule" for
information purposes noting he will email the schedule to the Members.
d. Website Update - Archived Ordinances (Presentation only)
Mr. Henderlong reported Staff has updated the website portal to allow the public and
professional users to search the history ofLDC requirements and amendments through the
various ordinances adopted from 1982 and up to 2000.
5. Public comments
6. Adjourn
September 17,2019
There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by the
order of the Chair at 3:35 P.M.
These Minutes were approved by the Committee st o<J.,8€ L Z, ,as presented X ,oras
amended 2q1