CCLAAC Subcommittee Minutes 08/09/2019Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee
LEMS Subcommittee
Summary Minutes
August 9,2019 1 p.m.
Colden Gate Community Park. 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. Naples. 3'1109.
Subcom m ittcc Members Sta ff Public/Othcr Ascncy
Bill Poteet (BP)
Pat Sherry (PS)
Michele Lenhard (ML)
Gladys Delgadillo -conservancy of SW Florida
2) Old Business:
a) Pepper Ranch RV pad
CS explained that they are still laiting on permitting.
SA will email the project manager.
b) Pepper Ranch Cottage Demolition
CS gave an update on e\otic treatments and the status ofthe cattle lease
3) New Business
a) Land Management Plans
Staffsent the follorving management plans to the members electronically before the meeting as the
documents are very large. Statf presented the text on the computer, so changes could be made directly'
as members discussed.
i) Rivers Road Preserve
CS went through the plan using the computer and projector and identified all ofthe changes. lncluding
but not limited to: updated maps and aerials. formaning. Eagle Scout projects. updated language,/
amended verbiage. granrmatical improvements, exotic treatment updates. lists ofanimal species, lists
of both native and exotic plants. neighborhood assistance, landscaping. trail and trail map updates,
management goals and objectives. sheritl's property owners agreements. status update on grants.
volunteer hours and assistance, map key colors, and the budget.
There was discussion on the tbllowing topi.cs:
o The use of horses on the preserve and contacting an equestrian club to -adopt a trail"
. Adjacent properi)- o\rner's interest in selling.
. PossibiliB ofadding bear proofgarbage cans.
o ADA requirements on parking. SA will check with Risk Management.
PS mov€d to aDDrove the Rivers Road management plan as ameflded. ML seconded and the
motion rlassed b\ ulranimous \oicc \otc
ii) Otter Mound Preserve
There was a consensus to only review significant changes to the plan.
MD went through the plan using the computer and projector and identified the significant changes to
the plan. lncluding but not limited to: status ofgopher tortoises surveys, update ofbird lists, butterfly
list and possible survey, reporting of snails, tree surveys, mulching schedule. trail aesthetics and
signage, implantation of reusable brochures. and the budget
Therc was discussion on the lollowing topics:
. Status of iguana problcrn and possible solutions
. Possibility ofusing QR code.
. Possible tagle Scout projects
Summer Araque (SA
Christal Segura (CS)
Molly DuVall (MD)
Michelle D'Andrea-Hall
l) Approve Meeting Minutes fiom 9-5-18
PS moved to aDDrove the minutes. ML seconded and the motion Dassed bl'urapimous roice vote.
PS rnoved to aDDrore the Otter Mound management Dlan ils arnendrd. M[, seconded and the
motion passed bv unanimous voicc r ote
iii) Dr. Robert H. Gore Ill
BP stated that the important part ofthis plan is the relationship with Cypress Cove Preserve.
MD stated that she has been rvorking rvith the COA and Cypress Cove to drafi a MOU. and it is going
well. She went through the plan using the computer and projector and reviewed the following:
o Using the map she identified Cypress Cover propeny lines, proposed trails, and areas
designated for exotic treatments.
o Intention to have more stakeholdel input lor the linal plan.
. Eristing and proposed signs.
. Listed plant species, rvith intention ofa more lbrrnalize list lbr the final plan.
. Listed species and proposed surveys.
. Proposed spending lbr exotic trealnrcnts
. Parking. ADA requirements and possible boardwalk.
There was discussion on the following lopics:
o Timeline fbr agreement rvith Clpress Cove. There rvas a consensus to complete the agreement
within one lear ofthe adoption ofthe management plan.
o Concems with offroad vehicle trespassing and dumping.
o Native American Pointer Trees.
\lL mo\ed to aDDro\e the (;ore manage ent lan as am lll (l cd. PS seconded and the motion
Dassed b\ unanimous roice \ote
b) Veterans Memorial Blvd Extension - Railhead Scrub Preserve
SA revien'ed the plans liom the transponation depannrent. and their intention to put two retention ponds on
the Railhead Scrub Preserve. The school district \rill come before the CCt-AAC in September to present
their plans tbr the nerv high school and hou it impacts the preserve.
PS mored to reaffirm staffs recommendation to (l Ibr$ard to the (( L.\AC. IIL seconded and the
motion rrasscd b\ unanimous loice rote
4) Set next subcommittee meeting date and agenda
r-ert meeting set fbr September f6't'at I pm.,"^z
Bill Potcet. Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on 1f"'l'1 Yas presented or as amended