BCC Minutes 11/28/1978 R Naples, Florida, November 28, 1978 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commi.sioners in and for the County of Collier, and also aoting a8 the Governing BoardCs) of 8uch special districts as have been created according to law and having oonduoted busine.s herein, met on this date at 9100 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthou8e Complex with the following members present. CHAIRMAN. David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN. Clifford Wenzel C9.12 A.M.) John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Aroher ALSO PRESENT. William J. Reagan, Clerk, Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County Manager, Donald A. Piokworth, County AttorneYI Irving Berzon, Utility Direotor, Neno Spagna, Community Development Admini.trator, Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer, Riohard Woodruff, Assistant County Manager, Raymond DUlaney, Building Direotorl Carl Clemmer, Zoning Direotor, Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Doard, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff'. Department. AGENDA BOARD OF COUN~Y COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA November 28, 1978 1. INVOCATION . 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Regular Meeting of Novemb.r 14, 1978. 5. PROCL~TIONS AND PRESENTATION OF AWARDS 6. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS 1\. Petition R-78-3-I, Clarence Week8 requesting rezon!ng of property in Seotion 3, T47S, R29B, Immokalee, from "IC-3ft and "Indu8trial" to "HHSD", to develop a mobile home 8ubdivision. (Zoning). &OOK 044 rACE 532 - &COK 044 PA~ 585 November 28, 1978 AGENDA - APPROVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the agenda be approved as prepared. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14', 1978 - APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Aroher and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1978 be approved as submitted. . . . . * Chairman Brown suggested that, it there were no objeotions, the publio hearings be delayed until the arrival of Commissioner Wenzel who was unavoidably detained enroute. There were no objections. . . * * . PROPOSED AMENDMENT ~~ CABLE TV FRANCHISE OF GULF COAST TV (A DIVISION OF PALMER BROADCASTING COMPANY) TO PROVIDE FOR DEREGULATION OF RATES _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 9, 1978 Commissioner Aroher noted that it has been requested by Mr. Henry Friedheim that, in order to provide him with additional time to compile information, the publio hearing be delayed beyond the suggostod date regarding the proposed amendment to the cable tele- vision franchise of the Gulf Coast Television Co., a division of the Palmer Broadcasting Company, to provide for deregulation ot rates. Following brief disoussion, Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Aroher and oarried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the above-reterenced matter be advertised tor publio hearing on January 9, 1979. GIFT DEED TO LAND IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES DONATED BY SALLY JANE LA PRADE, ACCEPTED - ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED TO DISCUSS POLICY RE POSSIBLE FUTURE DONATIONS OF LAND WITH GGESC County Manager Norman explained that a gift deed for a parcel of property in Golden Gate Estates, described as being the east 150 feet III November 28, 1978 of Tract lt3, Unit 142, has been forwarded to the County by Sally Jane LaPrade. He said that the donee has offered to give the 8ubject lot to the County in lieu ot continuing to pay taxes on it. Mr. Norman said that it is the 8taff recommendation that, 8ince the property produces only about $10.00 annually in property taxes for all government agenoie8 and that there is a reasonable likelihood that this and other similar properties would have to be aoquired as part of the future redevelopment plan for the area, it i. appropriate to accept the gift. He pointed out that if it is the Board's deoision to approve the acceptanoe, a new deed would have to be obtained since the one which has been received is not in proper form. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel not present, that the staff recommendation be approved, i.e. to aocept the above-described parcel, approve the deed for recordation, and authorize the payment of the tax cortifioate and the 1978 taxes. As requested by County Attorney Piokworth, Chairman Brown directed Mr. Pickworth to disouss with Mr. William Vines and the Golden Gate Study Committee a policy with regard to future donations of land in the Gol.den Gate Estate. Area. . * * * . * * . Note: Commissioner Wenzel arrived at 9112 A.M. at whioh time the agenda 8chedule was resumed. * * * . * * * . PETITION R-78-3-I BY CLARENCE WEEKS, IMMOKALEE, REQUESTING REZONING OF PROPERTY IN SECTION 3, T47S, R2~E, FROM "IC-3" AND "I" TO "MaSD" _ DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Immokalee Bulletin on October 26, 1978 as evidenoed by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, publio hearing was held to consider Petition R-78-3-I by Clarence Weeks, Immokalee, requesting rezoning of property located in Section 3, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, from "I-C-3" and "I" to "MaSO". ~COK 044 PA~ 5a6 - 1 ......;,... .. &COK 044 PA~r 537 Novembor 28, 1978 Zoning Director Carl Clemmer stated that it is the intent of the petitioner to subdivide the subjeot property into 60' x 135' mobile home lots to be sold to individuals. He stated that the petition was considered by the IAPC on three separate occasions, noting that there was not a full planning commission in attendance until the last hearing on September 27, 1978, at whiCh time the petition was recommended for approval by a vote of 3/2. Mr. Clemmer stated that it is the staff opinion that it would be unwise to rezone the property for a number of reasons, among them the fact that Industrial-zoned property is necessary for the future growth of the Immokalee area, therefore, the recommendation is tor denial of the petition. There beinq no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carriod unanimously 5/0, that the pub1io hearing be olosed. Following additional brief disoussion, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and oarried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-78-3-1 by Clarenoe Weeks requesting rezoning of property in Seotion 3, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, Immoka1ee, from "IC-3" and "I" to "MHSD" be denied. PROPOSED TRANSFER OF YAHL BROTHERS DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. OP FLORIDA - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS TO PERMIT DRAFTING OF AGREEMENT ACCEPTABLE TO ALL PARTIES, AGREEMENT TO BE WORKSHOPPED PRIOR TO BOARD ACTION, EXPENDITURE OF UP TO $2,500 AUTHORIZED TO OBTAIN OUTSIDE EXPERTISE RE RATE STRUCTURE Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 8, and November 26, 197r as evidenoed by Affidavit of Pub- lication filed with the Clerk, publio hearing was opened to consider the proposed transfer of the Franchise Agreement held by Yahl Brothers Disposal Service, Inc. to Waste Management, Inc. ot Florida. County Manager Norman reviewed brietly the steps which have been taken by staff regarding the proposed transfer of franchise. He said that a new agreement 1s involved, however, other alternatives were - November 28, 1978 considered briefly including the County entering into a solid waste collection business itself, or contracting with another party to provide service on a County-operated basis. Mr. Norman said that in reviewing the existing franchise with Yahl Brothers a number of areas were found where improvements could be made in the agreement. Con- tinUing, Mr. Norman said that a meeting was held with representatives of the proposed franohisee and staff personnel regarding points which needed clarification and it is the opinion of Attorney George Vega, representing WMI of Florida, that there were no major obstaoles in- volved in negotiating those issues. He reoalled that the Board authorized the staff to seek consultants with experienoe in rate- making, determining rates of return, and the like, whioh has been done. The best estimate of the costs inVOlved, said Mr. Norman, is between $l,500 and $2,500 and will consist of approximately one woek'o work. In response to Commissioner Piator's inquiry oonoerning the consultant's providing data on the County's entering into the rubbish pickup business, Mr. Norman stated that the disou8sions with them were not centered on that proposition, however, it is possible to expand the services by the firm to include that, noting that this would involve muoh research into equipment costs, and the like. Commissioner Pistor observed that from unofticial informal talks with members of the City Counoil the City will oooperate with the County on getting started in the busine88 if it should be the Board's desire. Commissioner Wenzel recalled that approximately seven or eight years ago a study was made and it was determined at that time that the cost to the County would be about one-half million dollars for the County to enter into the business. Mr. Vega addressed the Board stating that the first matter to be determined is whether or not the WMI would be approved for the transfer of the franohise, following which the details could be negotiated. )GIlK 044 fA~~5S8 &COK 044 PA~~539 November 28, 1978 Mr. Merlyn A1mack, speaking for many handicapped and senior citizens, urged the Board to seriously consider taking over the business and, in response to Commissioner Wenzel, stated that he would be in favor of compulsory piok-up if suoh provision was in- cluded in the County's takeover. Ms. Mary Lou Rabe, Naples Manor Property Owners' Association, expressed her concern over the trash dumpsters 100ated in her vicinity and stated that she would favor compulsory trash pick-up and removal of the dumpsters. ~1r. Robert Himsohooh, President and General Manager of Gulf Disposal in Fort Mye.s, Florida, stated that in 1974 his company was sold to t~~I, adding that it has operated with the same management since 1964 including the present-day managership. He said that the trnnoition period would be approximately six months - depending on the requests by the staff and by the Commission regarding the level of types of service required. County Attorney Pickworth stated that the proposed franchise has been reviewed with the County staff and that there are not too many areas of differenoes. H~ said thftt copies will be made available to the Board for input and also to the public. Regarding the servioes of a consultant previOUSly mentioned, Mr. Pickworth stated that with a consultant working with both parties on rate structure, the tranchise can provide one which will be fair for both. Commissioner Wenzel suggested that the publio hearing be con- tinued for two weeks to give suffioient time to work out an agreement to be presented to the Board for approval or rejeotion. Mr. Vega requested tentative approval be given tor the transfer ot the franchise with Commissioner Wenzel stating that his suggestion could be so interpreted. Commissioner Pis tor urged further consideration of the proposal for the County to take over the oollection of rubbish as a County operation, and that the records be searched for previous information - November 28, 1978 in this regard. County Engineer Barksdale stated that whatever research necessary oould be done and updated to arrive at a reasonable estimate of the costs involved. Attorney Dan Conley, representing Yahl Brothers, brought to the Board's attention the faot that the ~xisting contract with the County has approximately six years to run and, therefore, the County would not be going into the businesa tor at leaat that period of time. Commissioner Wimer ooncurred with Kr. Conley stating that if the franchise is not transferred to 'iMI, Yahl Brothers will oontinue to operate. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the public hearing be continued for two weeks and that the staff be authorized to sit down with Mr. Vega and "hammer" out an agreement to be brought baok within two weeks for either acceptanoe or rejeotion. He noted that, as Mr. Pickworth has stated, that WMI is, more or less, being approved for the transfer. He further requested that an agreement be worked out whioh will protect the County, adding the comment that the County is obligated to live up to the existing oontraot for a six-year periOd. Mr. Pick- worth stated that the Board ia in faot by the motion on the floor approving the transfer of the franohise subjeot to working out an accoptable agreement with both parties. Commissioner Wenzel suggested that a further extension be requested if the agreement is not rendy within the two week's continuation. Commilsioner Aroher seoonded the motion. Clerk William Reagan requelted that the motion be restated and acourately refleoted in the minutes that the Board is staling that it il transferring Yahl Brothers servioes to Waste Management, Incorporated subject to an agreement by both parties. Commissioner Wenzel concurred that that il his motion, and Commissioner Archer agreed in his seoonding of same. Mr. Piokworth laid that when the agreement comes back to the Board the only issue will be whether or not the proposed tranchise agreement, as it is written, is acceptable to the Board. In other ~ccr 044' PA~.:540 - . '.. ',:,. ~..: \.);', ", .... I" '. "-"f '"" '. ~ .', , ... .....;,~ '( ~_- '4'0'_' ,.....~,. ':',:'i""" "'''~i "'!~f"''':', ~.~.liJ.: I; --. ~ - ~ ------------- ..~ 8GOK 044 PA~641 November 28, 1978 words, said Hr. Pickworth, the Board is foreolosing the question of making the transter at this time. Commissioner Wenzel proposed that the matter be workshopped before it comes before the Board in Regular Session so that agreement can be reached regarding the terminology, and the like, before the publio hearing is oontinued in approximately two weeks. Upon oall for the question the motion oarried unanimously 5/0. It was Mr. Pickworth's suggestion that the Board authorize the expenditure of funds for the employment ot a consultant, as previously disoussed. Commissioner Wimer moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Pistor and unanimously oarried 5/0, that the Board authorize an expenditure of up to $2,500 for the employment of a consultant to work with staff in the matter of a rate struoture for inolusion in the proposed franchise agreement. Chairman Brown, referring to an editorial appearing recently in the Naples Daily News speaking against "bigness" with regard to WMI commented that to his knowledge, the Collier Corporation own~r is probably the lar~'est landowner east of the ~Iississippi River, and that they have a strong voice in free enterprise. He questioned why they would want to speak against "bigness" in anything, noting that he likes "bigness" as long as it is carried out properly. * * * * ,* RECESS. 10zOO A.M. until 10.10 P.M. * . * * * ORDINANCE 78-66 Af.IENDING ORDINANCB 78-02 BY PROVIDING FOR ~!OBILE HOME INSTALLATION CONTRACTORS - ADOPTED, APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF COHPETENCY TO QUALIFY UNDCR "GRANDFATHER PROVISION" MUST BB MADB BETWEEN DECE~mER 1, 1978 AND APRIL 1, 197' Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Ootober 25, 1978 as evidenced by Aftidavit of Publication previOUSly filed with the Clerk, publio hearing was continued from November 14, 1978 with regard to a proposed ordinance amending Ordinanoe 78-02 by providing for Mobile Home Installation Speoialty Contractors. w- November 28, 1978 County Manager Norman explained the reasons for the proposed ordinance, noting that the amendments to Ordinance 78-02 have been previously discussed during the meeting of November 14, 1978. Mr. Ted Brousseau, Attorney, representing mobile home parks operators, expressed his approval of the ordinance as prepared by tho County Legal Department. Mr. Paul Jackson, Jaokson Eleotric, urged the Board to consider the opposition against the proposed amendment. whioh have been voiced by the Contractors' Licensing Board, the Health Department, and by letter from the Plumbing Contraotors. Mr. Raymond Dulaney, Building Inspector, noted that the ~otion taken on the matter by the ContractoJ Licensing Board died for a lack of a second. Mr. John Kumicich, representing Blue Skies Mobile Home Park, stated that it is his policy to hire lioensed eleotricians and plumbers 1 however, it has been diffioult obtaining them. He pointed out that the plumbing for the mobile homes is done by the factory which requires only a simple connection to put them together. He noted that he would still rather have a licensed person do the work. In responDe to Commissioner Wimer, he said that the County staff makeE an inspection and that the work must pass th. inspections. Mr. Lloyd Sohrader, Naples Estates, stated that he has never had an inspection rejeoted by Mr. Dulaney's staff and, therefore, must be qualified to perform the work. He said that since the Collier County Code states that the owners are responsible for any eleotrioal work done in their parks by anyone, it would seem that they are qualified to do the work. He stated that the Board would be doing the owners a great favor and servioe by approving the amendments to the ordinance Mr. Jim Walsh, El Rancho Mobile Village, referred to the pertinen section of Ordinanoe 77-54 which establishes the fact that the owners or operators of mobile home parks are responsible for the proper wirin and the like, even if performed by a licensed contractor, and urged adoption of the ordinance. MDK 044 PA~542 - IlL-...". '&COK O~4 'A~~54.3 November 28, 1978 Mr. LaMar Guess, Collier County Cooling & Heating, stated that he makes his living working on mobile homes and, if a man is qualified and has been doing this for many years, in his opinion, these rights should not be taken away from him. Mr. Edward McCarthey, Electrioal Contractors of Naples, stated that it is his association's opinion that the ordinance should not be amended because of the faot that there are guidelines already on the books which would enable competent operators to qualify as electrical contractors, and the like. He said that for the benefit and safety of those persons who live in mobile home parks the standards should not be lowered in the County. Brief discussion followed ooncerning the matter of the electrioal connections whioh are neoessary when theso homes are delivered, with Mr. Dulaney reiterating the statement that his staff inspects everything and the work must be approved. Mr. B. M. Kirk, Enohanting Acres, Inc., further explained the electrical wiring which is necessary and also the water conneotions which have to be made and approved and urged that the operator/owners be permitted to continue to do what they have been doing in the past. Attorney n~ousseau stated that, because of past approvals, the persons involved have shown they are capable of doing the work in question and urged the Board to recreate a new Speoialty category allowing them to be qualified in the various aspeots of the areas under discussion, which was permitted prior to the passage of Ordinance 78-2. He referred to so-called opposition from the Health Department mentioned by a previous speaker, which he said addresses the permitting facets. He said that the people he represents have "pulled permits" and apparently completed work to the Department's satisfaotion and urged that they be permitted to continue. Commissioner pistor read letters of opposition trom "Service Repair People" dated November 15, 1978, and from K. Gallagher dated November 17, 1978. Commissioner Wenzel also noted the receipt of a letter to the Contractors' Licensing Board from Wm. E. DuBrul, ~ - ~ - November 28, 1978 Executive Director, Tri-County Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association, also in opposition to adopting the proposed ordinance in its present form. There being no further persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the publio hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved that Ordinance 78-66, as titled below, be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book. No.8. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and oarried unanimously 5/0. The question of oompleting the effeotive dates for obtaining certificates without taking a competency test was discussed following which Commissioner Archer moved that the applioant must make applicatio: for Cortificate of Competenoy between December 1, 1978 and April 1, 1979, to qualify under the "grandfather" provision of the subject ordinance. The motion was carried unanimously 5/0. ORDINANCE NO. 78- 66 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 78-02 BY PROVIDING FOR MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION CONTRACTORS, PROVIDING FOR GRANDFATHER PROVISION; PROVIDING FOR CON- rLICT, SEVf;RABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCll: 78-67 CREATING TilE PELICAN BAY LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notioe having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 25, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the C.'\.erk, publio hearing was oontinued from November 14, 1978 on a proposed ordinance oreating ~he Pelican Bay Lighting Municipa: Service Taxing District. County Attorney Piokworth explained that representatives from Pelican Bay requested the proposed ordinance and it was felt that it would be more feasible administratively to establish a separate district rather than to add to an existing distriot. He said that the petitioner wants to seleot a oertain type of light, pOlea, and the like, and the ones which they want to use are not .compatible with the street lighting cirouits. p,..... 044 w' 514' - -:-- , . ,. ,..'" BeCK 044 PA~ 545 November 28, 1978 There being no persons registered to address the Board on the matter, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Ordinanoe 78-67 creating the Pelican Bay Lighting Municipal Servioe Taxing Distriot, as titled below, be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No.8. ORDINANCE no. 78- 67 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE PELICAN BAY LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT: PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OFnlE DISTRICT: DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE DISTRICT: AUTHORIZING ntE LEVY OF TAXES AS PROVIDED BY LAWj PROVI- DING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION 78-177 RESCINDING RESOLUTION R78-l5l, KSTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE FOR WORK WITHIN THB PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND '~AIVING PERMIT FEE UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS - ADOPTED County Engineer Barksdale explained that by resolution dated September 26, 1978, the Board approved a permit tea for work within the publio rights-ot-way to defray the County'. oOlt tor the issuanoe of the permits and related processing and inspeotion costs. After the implementation of the permit fee on Ootober 1, 1978, said Mr. Barksdale, it was pointed out by the utility companies that there are several conditions under which they felt a permitting fee was not a fair levy for the services being received since these certain conditions did not require inspections by the Engineering Department. He said that the oondition. are set torth in the proposed resolution and it is being recommended by staff that the proposed resolution be adopted. ~ .......;t.. Mr. Barksdale pointed out that a permit e.. will still be required 1~'y{71 in order to provide a record in the event a question should be raised in the areas where the work took place. -,- -- - .- .November 28, 1978 Hr. R. L. Fraser, Florida Power' Light Company, and Mr. Ed Hall, United Telephone Company, both addressed the Board expressing their appreciation to the County Manager and to Mr. Barksdale for their cooperation in working with them on the matter under discussion. Mr. Barksdale noted that he has spoken with representatives of Lee County Electrio Cooperative and said that they fully support the resolution. Commissioner Pistor moved, leoonded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimOUSly 5/0, that Resolution 78-177 resoinding and superseding Resolution R-78-l5l, establishing a permit fee tor work within the publio rights-Of-way, and providing tor waiver of the per- mitting fee under certain conditions, be adopted. * * . * * . * * * * * * * * * * . * * &~OK 044 PA~546 .8COK 044 PA~549 November 28, 1978 BOARD APPROVES FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF SAMOA AVENUE, UNIT '1, AND CERTAIN NAMED STREETS IN UNIT '7, MARCO ISLAND, ONE-YEAR }~INTENANCE REQUIRE- MENTS WAIVED County Engineer Barksdale explained that, as part ot the continuing program established tor acceptance ot the streets on Marco Island, the Board is being requested to approve the final acceptance of the following named streets in Marco Island. Unit fl Un it . 7 Samoa Avenue Hickory Court Primrose Court Dill Court Driftwood Court Bond Court Breakwater Court Coronado Court Battersea Court Gara Court Lamplighter Court Adirondack Court Azteo Court Dana Court Spanish Court Light House Court Lamplighter Drive Mr. Barksdale said that the defioienoies noted on the previous in- opcotions have been corrected and that the streets now meet the standards under which the platting was approved. Due to the long poriod of time during whioh the streets were constructed, 1968 through 1973, it is felt that the one-year maintenance requirement could be waived and the streets approved tor final acoeptanoe by the County. In response to Commissioner Pistor's concern over proper drainage SWAles in a~e.. of empty lots, Mr. Barksdale stated that practically every swale in the group of streets has been regraded which should eliminate drainage problems. ~~. Leo B. Tinkham, Marco Island Taxpayers Assooiation, expressed concern over the base materials used on the streets stating that it is cracking and that some of the streets with large oracks in them have been improperly repaired. Also, said Mr. Tinkham, there are very few of the streots that drain the swales properly and that inspections should be made after a rainfall. He said that the Board should be absolutely sure that the standards set in 1969 for pavements have been met prior to aooeptance. A further suggestion by the speaker 11II November 28, 1978 was that it is important that the rules ooncerning construction of driveways across the swales be strictly enforced. Discussion followed during which Mr. Barksdale stated that it is his opinion that the roads in question were built according to the platting and bonding agreements and are commensurate with the condition and level of the roads aocepted in the past from Marco Island. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pis tor and unanimously carried 5/0, that the above-referenced streets in Unit '1 and Unit '7, Marco Island, be approved for final acceptance as recommended. REQUEST BY TECH FOR APPROPRIATION OF $5,000 FOR OPERATION OF "DEVELOP- MENT TRAINING" PROGRAM - DENIED, FUND TO CONTINUE TO BE HELD IN CONTINGENCY UNTIL TWO MATTERS IN LITIGATION ARB RESOLVED County Manager Norman reviewed briefly the Board direotive to staff following the appearance on November 7, 1978 by Mr. Merlyn Almack requesting further consideration of the $5,000 appropriation for the operation of a "Development Training" Program, whioh was discussed, but not granted, during consideration of the County budget for the current fiscal year. Mr. Norman said that he has reviewed the material furnished by the TECH Director, Richard Fuquay, as requestod, and it is his opinion the basio issues of con\rn are provided for. Mr. Fuquay addressed the matter of the budget ooncerns, noting that a proposed budget was presented previously and that a "contracted" budget is being presented. Regarding the appropriateness of the salary schedule, Mr. Fuquay stated that this has been developed with the teohnical assistanoe of HRS ~nd approved by them. Lengthy discussion followed concerning, among other subjects, the various program desoriptions furnished by Mr. Fuquay, particularly the Community Residential Placement Program whioh Mr. Fuquay states is a program completely tunded by State Funds and whioh has no rolationship to the funds being sought by TECH for the period Ootober 8COK 044 rA~550 . ............_....-r.....__ ~~___-..-..----..~..~".----.-.._~ __~ BGOK 044 'A~~551 November 28, 1978 through December, 1978 at which time the United Fund will provide funds. Commissioner Pistor commented that a part of the Director's salary is included in that fund and also an item in the budget for $4,000 for legal tees with regard to the litigation surrounding the program which has been instituted. Since it has been stated that the program is supported by per diem allowance for room and board of the patients in the institution whioh has been formed, said Commissioner Pistor, he is ourious about where the professional fee funds of $4,000 will be coming from. Mr. Puquay said that these will be paid from the Community Residential Placement Program. With further regard to litigation, Commissioner pistor commented that this has been unfortunately brought about because ot a violation of County laws, noting that the County is now served with another lawsuit by the same group which oitizen's money will have to be sp..nt to defend. He said that the Board has said many times that the $5,000 has been put in the Contingency Fund to be appropriated when the litigation WAS resolved, which he said might not be sutficient in the event the litigation is decided against the County and to cover the cost of the new8ut lawsuit. Commissioner Pi.tor moved that the Board oontinue its decision made several months ago to hold the money under disoussion in the Contingency Fund until the litigation of both items are taken care of. Commissioner Wenzel seoonded the motion. Concerning an estimate of the costs involved to date on the legal matter, Count1 Attorney Pickworth stated such an estimate has not been made, however, he would suggest that the Legal Department has spent twenty hours on the matter, probably, plus the time spent by the Zoning Department, the County Hanager, and the like. Mr. Marshall Webb, Naples Manor Property Assooiation, expressed concern over the many plans presented to the Board for the expenditure of the funds being requested, the tailure of the organization to abide -- ,November 28, 1978 by the rules of the County, and the amount of time whioh is being spent on the matter. He also noted that to his knowledge no one living in Naples Manor has expressed preju~ice against the handi- capped. Mrs. Chesney Combs, Naples Manor resident, expressed the opinion that the people being served in that area deserve consider- ation and are not opposed to taxpayer's money being spent for this purpose, but that the people should be provided for in a difterent way. She urged the Board to withhold the funds. Ms. Mary Lou Rabe, Naples Manor resident, also urged the Board to withhold the appropriation of the funds in question, adding the comment that taxpayers are having to spend thousands of dollars that should not have had to be spent had there been cooperation by the organization, regarding adherence to the laws. Mr. Almack urged the Board to consider the appropriation of the funds and the legal matters separately stating that the programs to be benefitted from the $5,000 are unrelated to the Naples Manor situation, and should not be penalized. Commissioner Wimer noted from reviewing the budget figures that the salaries and positions have been reduoed by an amount oxceeding $12,000 and questioned the need for the appropriation. Mr. Fuquay explained that the Department of HRS requires that he submit a budget whioh takes into account every possibility for getting funds, noting that it is a bookkeeping matter - that he saves no money, nor does he gain any money. Following additional disoussion, Chairman Brown oalled tor the vote on the motion by Commissioner Pistor that the funds continue to be withheld until litigation is resolved. The motion oarried 4/l with Chairman Brown voting in opposition stating that he oannot voto against the people being served under the programs. BGOK 044 'A~ 552 - - ---~ BGOK 04.4 rA~t55g November 28, 1978 REPORT ON CAPC REVIEW OF REAR SETBACK REQUIRE~mNTS FOR UNENCLOSED SWI~IING POOLS - BOARD UPHOLDS RECO~tENDATION THAT PRESENT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS REMAIN AT 15' Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Administrator, said that following up on the directive of the Board that the requirements for rear setbacks for unenclosed swimming pools be reevaluated, the matter was discussed by the Coastal Area Planning Commission on November 2, 1978, and it is the recommendation that the present setback requirements for swimming pools remain at lS' and that they should not be reduced. He said that it was felt that anyone buying property on Q canal, waterway or golf oourse purchases the property for tho amenities afforded which includes unobstruoted views, and a uniform setback of l5t is desirable. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carriod unanimously 5/0, that the recommendation of the CAPC be accepted in that the present setbaok requir.ments in the zoning ordinanance for swimming pOOls romain at 1St and should not be reduced. ncc APPROVES FINAL PLAT FOR TRACTS A , L, UNIT 6 REPLAT, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION, AGREEMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS, AND PERFORMANCE BONDS RB SNtE - ACCEPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Administrator, advised the Board that the Deltona Corporation has submitted tinal oonstruction drawings for Final Plat of Tracts A , L, Unit 6 Replat, Maroo Beach Subdivision for Board approval, noting that the Subdivision Master Plans were approved by the Board on February 21 and April 4, 1978. Tho plans have been reviewed by the Zoning and Engineering Departments, said Dr. Spa~, and have found them to be in compliance with the approved Master Plan. He located both traots on the blueprint provided and stated that it is the staff recommendation that the plats be approved. Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Wenzel and :arried unanimously 5/0, ttat the Final Plat for Tracts A , L Unit 6 ~oplat, Marco Beach Subdivision be approved, that the Agreements (2) .. - -. .... .-. November 28, 1978 for Construction and Maintenance of Subdivision Improvements be accepted! and that St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company Performance Bonds No. 400FH1830 in the amount of $154,457 re Tract A, and No. 400FH1829 in the amount of $l69,454 re Traot L, be acce"eed. * * * * . .. .. * , * . * * * .. * * * * . * BGCK 044 I'A~554 I _ ~ .. _.._.. ~ _~._.- _______ ___. BGOK Q44 rA:~ 565 November 28, 1978 BCC AUTHORIZES PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) PHYSIC-CONTROL LIFE PACK 5 DEFIBRILLATORS AT A COST OF $23,800 FROM MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA County Manager Norman stated that the County is in the process of accepting bids on all of the equipment required for the Emergency Medical Services Advanoed Life Support System except for the de- fibrillators whioh are a sole-source item, as explained in the executive summary prepared by Purohasing Direotor Frank Wilcox. He said that the particular model is recommended by the local hospital m~dioal staff and that the State aooepts the medical prOfession's opinion regarding these matters. Commissioner Archer moved to approve the purchase of four (4) Physio-Control Life Paok 5 Defibrillators, at a total cost ot $23,800, as contained in the recommendation by staft dated November 14, 1978. The motion was 8ec~nded by Commissioner Pistor and oarried unanimously 5/0. BID '332 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARXS AND RECREATION WAREHOUSE - AWARDED TO FUSSELL STEEL BUILDING, LA DEItLE, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OJ!' $36,756 . Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 17 and 19, lY78 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, bids were received until November 8, 1978 for the construction of a steel building warehouse for the Parks and Reoreation Department. Commissioner Pistor moved, seoonded by Commissioner Aroher and carried unanimOUSly 5/0, that Bid '332 for the construction of a steel building warehouse for the Parks and Reoreation Department be awarded to Fussell Steel Building, LaBelle, Florida, in the amount of $36,756, as contained in the reoommendation of the Did Review Committee letter dated November 15, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BOARD AUTHORIZES TE~IINATION OF ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASING OF PASSENGER VEHICLE TIRES WITH HUTCHISON TIRE AND BATTERY, AND AWARDS CONTRACT TO TRAIL TIRE AND BATTERY Purchasing Direotor Frank Wilcox stated that the Board is being requested to transfer the passenger vehicle tire contract to the next - rr November 28, 1978 lowest bidder for the reason that at the time the bid was awarded the County did not have its own tire-balanoing machines, however, since that time, a balancing machine has been purchased and staff porsonnel performs this work whioh saves the County approximately $2,000 annually. Unfortunately, said Mr. Wilcox, the awardee of the contract was not aware of this, nor was the purchase planned at that time, and he has stated verbally that the profit to be made would be on the balanoing of tires. 'ir. Wiloox noted that the contract let could be interpreted as either requiring the County to use the contraotor's balanoing servioe or not requiring it. By mutual agreement, said Mr. Wilcox, the awardee has asked to be relieved of the contraot and the deoision has been made to award the bid to the next lowest bidder. He said this will oost the County $450 more for the year but by motor pool balancing the tires, there will be a savings of about $1,600. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request to alluw the termination of the annual contract for the pur7hasing of passenger vehicle tires with Hutchison TIre and Battery, Naples, Florida, and to award the contract to Trail Tire and Service Center, Naples, Florida, as recommended by staff be approved. PROPOSED 1979 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES - APPROVED AS PRESENTED County Manager Norman recalled that the Board has approved a policy regarding paid holidays ~hich establishes lO~ paid holidays 7 of which will be "regular" and 3~ days will be "dosignated" annually. Assistant County Manager Woodrutf explained, by use of a chartboard, the holiday 80hedule for 1979 which the Board is being requested to approve. He said the proposed sohedule will provide good benetit to the employees and good service to the publio. Commissioner Aroher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimoUSly 5/0, that the following Schedule of HOlidays for 1979 be approved. ~cnK 044' fA::: 566 .h..... --( November 28, 1978 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Following Clerk William Rea9an's advice that the bills being presented have been processed tollowing established prooedures and that funds are available, Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Pistor and oarried unanimously 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from November 22 through November 28, 1978. ~ BCC Payroll County Warrants Genoral Fund Sewer Dist. "A" Construotion WARRANT NOS. 53198 1620 - 1715 2 316 DUDGET AMEND~mNT 79-l4 TO PLACE IN CORRECT OBJECT CODE FUNDS EXPENDED FOR RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT RE LIBRARY - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $600 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Aroher and unanimously carried 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-14 to place in the correct object code funds expended for the rental of Gaylord Meohanical Book Chargers, re Library, be adopted in the amount of $600. * * . * . * . * . * * * * . . eGOK OU rA~588 * * * - November 28, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-lS TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO COVER COST OF ADDITIONAL CLERK TYPIST II RE PAROLE , PROBATION DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN THE ~T OF $8,105 Commi8sioner Aroher moved, seoonded by Commis.ioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 79-15 to COver the cost of the addition ot a clerk typist in the Probation Department to replaoe the CETA position whioh i. being phased out, be adopted, in the amount of $8,105. . . * . . . . * . * . . . . * . . . . * . BeOK ~~~ - November 28, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE $30,000 LEAA GRANT APPLICATION RE CRIMINAL DIVERSION PROJECT As requested by Fisoal Officer Harold Hall by memorandum to County Manager Norman, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously oarried 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to execute Subgrant Application tor LEAA Funds*, in the amount of $30,000, re Criminal Diversion Projeot. *Notel Complete application appears on file in the office ot the Clerk of the Board. * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * . * * &GO~ 044: PAr:.:.572 - November 28, 1978 REQUEST BY ROYAL PARR VILLAS, INC. FOR CONNECTION TO CITY OF NAPLES SEWAGE SYSTEM - APPROVED, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS AGREE TO STIPULATIONS IMPOSED, CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN "LETTER OF NO OBJECTION" TO CITY OF NAPLES Utility Director Berzon advi.ed that the Board is being requested to approve a request by Royal Park Villas, Inc. to make a connection to the City's Sewer System. He said that it is reoognized that this is a temporary connection to that system with the oonneotion remaining until such time as the County has a sewer system in the East Naples area to which a oonnection can be made, or whioh may be deemed not necessary at the appropriate time. Mr. Berzon said that, if the Board approves the exeoution of a "letter of no objeotion" to the City, there should be an acknowledgement by the property owners that they will pay all of the appropriate assessments that may arise in the future as a result of the County's system, together with any other fees that may come up, as well. Also, continued Mr. Berzon, the County should acknowledge any fees that they will have to pay to the City in the way of system development charges so that these will not be paid twice. However, said Mr. Berzon, construction costs, or anything related to construction, should come up as the occasion arises and they should be responsible for them. He said that the property owners are in attendance and that it is his understanding that they agree to the conditions. In rosponse to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Berzon said that he is recommending the proposal, adding the comment that his main conoern is that the financial integrity of the County's system be preserved and the .owners are in accord with that. Commissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unanimously carried 5/0, that the Board approve the request by Royal Park Villas, Ino. for conneotion to the City of Naples Sewer System, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign a "letter of no objection" to the City, said letter to be subject to the fOllowing stipulations, BCOK 044 'A~574 ~_.,...- ~ ____"d__' . , t~~':"f:.~:l~;~ll'~~i":",~~~i~ 1'~,7''-'~/'Y1-~,''~I. "" '" ' 'lot ;. ',.' . ,.. ~ ',..'oI-~ 1'-"1". "PI . ,'..i.~' 8COK 0 44 PA~ 575 November 28, 1978 as set forth in the exeoutive summary on the matter prepared by ~tr. Berzon, and agreed to by the property owners 1 l. That Royal Park Villas shall be responsible' for all front foot assessments which may result from the construction of the proposed County system for the East Naples area, and 2. Any system charges, eto. whioh may be required of all properties for connecting to the County's proposed sewage system, shall also be the respon- sibility of Royal Park Villas when suoh system is completed and conneotion is ordered. EXCAVATION PERMITS FOR THREB BORROW PITS, ONE EACH IN SECTIONS 19, 18, AND 7, T4BS, R26E, AS REQUESTED BY HARPER BROS., INC. (1-75 PROJECT) _ APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Utility Director Berzon advised that the Board is being requested to approve the issuance of Exoavation Permits for three borrow pits in connection with the I-75 Projeot, as requested by Harper Bros., Inc. 'fhe location of the pits, said ,.fr. Berzon, is Cor one eaoh in Sections 19, lB, and 7, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, which he located on the blueprint displayed. He said that, if the Board concurs, the permits are being reoommended for approval with the following stipulationsl 1. That all applioable provisions ot County Ordinanoe No. 73-l~ be adhered to. 2. That a bond in the amount of $25,000 must be posted for each pit. 3. That an excavation fee as prescribed in County Ord~nanoe No. 73-12 be paid for each pit, based on the amount of fill to be removed. Mr. Barzon said that the WMAB members were polled on the matter, all of whom recommend approval based on the following conditionsl 1. That a berm approximately. 24" in height be placed around the entire perimeter ot each ot the pits to prevent any surtace runoft trom entering the pits and degrading water quality. 2. That on the outer edge of the berm, there a180 be a shallow swale to provide 80me additional soaking op- portunity for surface waters to get back into the ground in that area. - IJI November 28, 1978 Commissioner Pistor expre8sed ooncern over the depth of the pits being deeper than what is usually allowed with Mr. Berzon responding that in eaoh oa8e the mean ground level will be no greater than 81 in depth in the southern pit and that the other two pits will be shallower than that. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Excavation Permits requested by Harper Bros., Ino., as detailed by Mr. Berzon, be approved with the stipulations of the staff, Consultant, and the Water Managemen~ Advisory Board, as listed above. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMEl'lTS MADE, AS FOLLOWS 1 DR. ALLISON J. BERLIN AND MRS. WILLIAM KEY - REAPPOINTED TO ADDITIONAL TWO-YEAR TERMS, JAMES STACKPOOLE APPOINTED TO TWO-YEAR TERM Commissioner Aroher moved to follow staff reoommendation and to reappoint Dr. Allison J. Berlin, Mrs. William Key, and f~. Ray Singer to serve on the Food Establishment Review Board for another term of two years. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pis~or. Commissioner Wenzel moved to amend the motion and appoint Mr. James Staokpoole, Dr. Berlin a~d Mrs. Key, Mr. Stackpoole to replace ~tt. Ray Singer. CommiS8ioner Aroher stated that he has no objeotion to the amended motion oommenting that he was not aware that Mr. Stackpoole had mentioned his desire to serve on the Food Establishment Review Board. .. Commissioner Archer amended his motion to move that Dr. Berlin, Mrs. Key and Mr. Stackpoole be appointed and/or reappointed to the Food Establishment Review Board for two-year terms. Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion which oarried unanimously 5/0. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO 1978 TAX ROLLS Commis.ioner Wimer moved .econded by Corr~issioner Pistor and unanimOUSly oarried 5/0, that the fOllowing Certifioates for &GOK 0 (4. fA';;. 576 - .;-. J:!~~,/".~~t~:j':"",:',"~~(r"., . ,'a"j;"" .. .,.., . " I,'. '..1,': . "'I .!\" ',~,~1' ~. I ..,.,' "''';;,~r',:'f '/~...,.-:tr.-i"~..,I""', BeOK 044 PA~~ 577 November 28, 1978 Correction on the Tax Rolla be approved, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign same. 1978 Tax Roll . !!2!:. 23, 24, 25 ~ November 22, 1978 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DEED NQS. 177 AND 178 _ RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD Pursuant to eotion of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Traftord Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arise., the fOllowing Deods Hos. 177 and 178 were recorded and tiled tor the recordl * . . * * . . * * . . . * . * * * * * November 28, 1978 QUITCLAIM DEED RE ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY (SMUGGLERS COVE) EXECUTED BY ROBERT D. AND PAULINE M. MoDONNELL - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Pursuant to Board aotion taken November 7, 1978 wherein various Quitclaim Deeds for acquisition ot rights-of-way regarding Smugglers Cove were received for reoordation, QuitClaim Deed exeouted by Robert D. and Pauline M. MoDonnel1 was aooepted for recordation this date. . . . . , . * . * . * . . * * . . * ~ . * * ~c.c~ 0 44 fA~ 580 November 28, 1978 BOARD RESCINDS ACTION TAKEN 11/14/78 RE TRANSFER DATES FOR CHAIRMAN- SHIP AND VICE-CHAIRMANSHIP OF BCC, SCHEDULE FOR TRANSFER, CONFORMING TO nOARD ACTION OF 3/21/77 - ADOPTED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan said that on November 14, 1978 the Board motioned to aocept the recommended dates of transfer for the Board Chairmanship and Vioe-Chairmanship, 8S presented by Commissioner Pistor in memorandum dated November l, 1978. As the aforesaid schedule ot date. deviated Slightly from the sequence previously established by and approved by the Board in its aotion of March 21, 1977, Ms. ~~rgan said that a replaoement listing oonforming to the earlier date has been prepared tor Board action. FOllowing briet disoussion, Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the action ot November 14, 1978 be re- scinded and the sohedule, conforming to Board aotion of Maroh 2l, 1977 be instituted, as set out below. The motion carried 3/2 with Commis- sioners Archer and Pistor voting in opposition. . Comm18810ner PosItIon _from: Dates ChaIrman DIstrIot ~ November 21, 1978 to May 22, 1979 VIce ChaIrman D1strIct November 21, 1978 to May 22, 1979 ChaIrman D1strIJt ~ May 22, 1979 to November 20, 1979 VIce Chairman D1atrIct 3 Mil)' 22, 1979 to November 20, 1979 ChaIrman D1atrIot 3 November 20, 1979 to Mil)' 20, 1980 VIce ChaIrman D1strIot 2 November 20, 1979 to May 20, 1980 Chairman D1atrIct 2 Mil)' 20, 1980 to November 18, 1980 VIce Chairman DIstrIct 1 May 20, 1.980 to November 18, 1980 ChaIrman D1strIct 1 November 18, 1980 to Mil)' 19, 1981 VIoe ChaIrman DistrIct 5 November 18, 1.980 to May 19, 1981 eCOK 044 1'~582 \1 ~ ' .. .,.. ~ . . '.\'" - IIGOK 044 I'A:= 589 November 28, 1978 CLERK WILLIAM REAGAN APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR ASKEW TO SERVE ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of a memorandum dated November 20, 1978 trom Clerk William J. Reagan, advising that he has been appointed by Governor Reubin Askew, by letter dated November 17, 1978, to serve as a member of the Criminal Justice Advisory COmmittee for the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council. WORKSHOP SESSION SCHEDULBD FOR DECEMBER l8, 1978 - DISCUSSION TO INCLUDE CURTAILMENT OF COUNTY TRASH PICKUP, AND CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THE NEW BUDGE7 WITH CLERK REAGAN AND COUNTY FISCAL OFFICER Commissioner Wenzel stated that if a Work.hop Session is to be scheduled for the near future he would like it to include a discussion of the curtailment of the County trash piokup program. Commissioner PiRtor noted that Clerk William Reagan has suggested that a 'ftssion be held on December l8, 1978 to disouss certain aspects of the new budget with he (Mr. Reagan) and Fiscal Offioer Harold Hall. Chairman Brown directed that the aforementioned items be soheduled for Workshop Session December 18, 1978. ~1ISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objeotion, Chairman Brown directed the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated 1 1. General Form Status Inquiry dated November 15, 1978 regarding work contraoted out to Brisson Enterprises in the amount of $17,238.85 from Seaboard SurGty Company - xo to County Enginee~ for completion, and filed. 2. Memorandum to the Board dated November 2l, 1978 trom Commissioner Wimer requesting the Board dJreot the County Attorney to prepare an appropriate ordinance for Board consideration regarding prOhibiting distribution of free newspapers and/or advertising ciroulars - xc County Attorney, and filed. 3. Letter dated November 17, 1978 from Arthur Hale, Marco Island, transmitting petition by residents of Hummingbird Court, Seminole Court, and Sea Horse Court, Marco Island, requesting a street lighting district be created for these areas - xo to County Engineering Department for processing; and filed. ".,- .,' ,...',\' I - ... -..-.........-- ~ ,'. ..,~ II(J;.,""~~ ,fi.. 'f "" 1:""-:"'1" 'p".. ,p"..,...'. :",~'''''''~''' ' -- ~. -.. I '''''''''''''"J. ._'I_'''~~_'''';:..o'.......,.r;.il.......~ 6CDK 044 PA~=585 November 28, 1978 15. Letter dated November 21, 1978 trom Kristine Nelson complimenting the protes8ionalism of the Golden Gate Ambulance crew during recent emergency - tiled. 16. Notice of Quarantine dated November l7, 1978 from the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division ot Plant Industry, preventing the dissemination of citrus exoept through State Regulation due to Citrus Blacktly tindings - xo to Agriculture Direotor Don Lander, and filed. 17. Letter dated November 17, 1979 from Adele D. Spielberger, Chiet, Bureau of Highway Satety, Division of State Planning re granting of award to implement the Highway Satety Alert Program, Project .79-08-01-B-315-1l, in the amount of $10,101 - filed. lB. Notice dated November 16, 1978 from Asa B. Foster, Jr., Hearing Otficer, EPA, re extension ot open record period until Deoember 7, 1978, with regard to proposed designation of the Biscayne Aquifer as a Sole Source Aquiter - xo to Utility Director tor respon.e, if warranted, and tiled. 19. PSC Notice ot Filing tor Extension ot Certificate for Signal Delivery Servioe, Inc., Docket No. 780842-KC - filed. 20. Copy of letter dated November 17, 1978 from Philip R. Edwards, District Manager, DER, to Clyde C. Quinby, Supt. of Collier County Publio Schools, re permit to operate pollution 80urce at Immoka1ee High School - xo to Utility Director, and filed. 21. News Release dated November l7, 1978 from SFWMD re steps taken to proteot quality of water entering Lake Okeechobee - filed. 22. Material dated November 8, 1978 from Department of Admin- istration, Division of Retirement, requesting certain torms be compl~ted for special risk membership of perlons involved with the Oohopee Fire Control D8partment - Original material referred to Payroll Department for response, xo t11~. * * * There being no further business for the good ot the County, -the meeting was adjourned by order ot the Chair - Timel 12110 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/E>: OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARDCS) OF SPECIAL DIS ICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ,J," ',' ..'" . . ... J .'. .,' t' ."t!r(J ..., .'" ......!f"',... " ~ 'I" 'I "'l