BCC Minutes 10/30/1978 W
Naples, Florida, October 30, 1978
LET IT BE KNOWN, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier met in WORKSHOP SESSION at 9:00 A.M.
on this date at the Collier County Courthous. Comp,lex, Naples, Florida,
with the following members present I
CHAIRMAN I John A. Pistor
C. R. "Russ" Wimer
Thomas P. Archer
Clifford Wenzel
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Fiscal
Officer/Chief Deputy Clerk, Jean Swindle, Deputy Clerk, C. William
Norman, County Manager, Richard Woodruff, Assistant County Manager,
Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney, Rollie Rice, County Parks and
Recreation Director, Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer, and Sergio
Montes, Stanlpy Hol. and Assooiat...
October 30, 1978 - 9:00 a.m.
1. Review of proposed plans and operation of Tiger Tail Park.
(a) The need for additional parking.
(b) Landscapin~ plans
(c) Possible provision for park access and control facilities..
2. Discussion of City of Naples Double Taxation Resolution.
3. Discussion of'~oastland Boulevard construction.
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Mr. Sergio Montes, representing Stanley Hole and Associates,
gave the three areas of concern regarding the proposed plans and
operation of Tiger Tail as beingl
l. The need for additional parking
2. Landscaping plans
3. Possible provision for park acce.s and control facilities
and with the help of a map, pointed out the physical location of
the parking area as it now is planned. At his suggestion that
additional land be purchased for the needed parking space, Chairman
Pistor explained that the land was just not for sale, expensive or
not, but, perhaps, the idea of filling in the property for the
necessary space could be researched. Commissioner Wenzel then asked
that County Manager Norman proceed to file for a "fill permit" with
the DER, to be exercised whenever it might be forthcoming, but to
go ahead with the proposed plan for the Tiger Tail Park. There was
discussion regarding the fact that the area under discussion is
"mangrove area" and the permit to fill could be very difficult to
obtain. Mr. Montes asked if the Board were going to wait until the
"fill permit" had been obtained to begin the project and when Chairman
Pistor replied "No" he suggested that the use of the permit be made
part of the contract (when and if it becomes available). In discuss-
ing the question of landscaping, Mr. Montes stated a buffer zone of
at least 25' to 30' must be provided with Chairman Pistor stating that
the foliage would be of natural origin and would require little main-
tenance. County Manager N( ,n~n's suggestion of using a wall instead
of plants for the buffer zone was set aside beoause of the necessity
of having to landscape even such a wall. It was the consensus of the
Board that there be only one boardwalk constructed throughout the
park for use by the handicapped, that there be only outside shower
facilities: that the required toilet be incorporated into a building
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and/or buildings, that a reasonable charge be placed on park
entry; that a guard and/or cashier have a facility at the entrance
into the park, and that the possibility of placing "BBO" elements
at different points in the park be investigated. It was suggested
by Commissioner Archer that perhaps a concession stand could be
employed in the one large building allowed under the grant ap-
plication making the park somewhat self supporting.
The conclusions reached by the Board were as followss
1. County Manager Norman requested to apply for a "fill
permit", under the County's name, with the DER 'to be
used, when available, for increasing the parking area>
2. Mr. Sergio Montes to bring back before the Board within
thirty days, a design and plan that incorporates the
above-referenced changes so that the Tiger Tail Park
project may proceed.
County Manager Norman read a thirteen page report, composed by
Fiscal Officer Hall, County Attorney Pickworth and himself, in
response to the City of Naples' Double Taxation Resolution which
the City had adopted August 2, 1978. It was at the request of the
City Council that the report/answer concerning the Board of County
Commissioners' findings on Resolution '3050 was made, Mr. Norman
stated, and falls within the 90 day time frame legally required for
such an answer. In reading the report, Mr. Norman interjected, that
the finding~ regarding the Sheriff's Law Enforcement and Uniformed
Division of Resolution '30~~ ~ad been discussed with Sheriff Rogers
and the statements contained in the report are in accord with the
Sheriff's response. Fiscal Officer Hall commented on the philosophy
of the Board and staff in regards to all water/sewer activities has
been one of having the specific geographic areas that are benefitting
to pay for such facilities but there is a definite county wide benefit
from a "county water development." And this being so, there could be
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a time when thera are revenues, not strictly geographically oriented
revenues, that might be used for development work that is of county-
wide benefit. Clerk Reagan asked if the County'8 requests of the
City as contained in the report are the same three requests that had
been voiced before - i.e. The City drop their taw suit8' Repeal their
Resolution #3050 and in conclusion - Set aside their opinion of
double taxation with the final result being a cooperative effort
expended by both the County and City toward more efficient and economical
method of rendering quality service to all citizens of Collier County.
Chairman Pistor replied in the affirmative. County Attorney Pickworth
stated that the Board's acceptance of 8aid report makes clear the Board's
position - there is no instance of double taxation and there will be
no further discussion on the subject but, more importantly, the issue
of corporated services will be first and foremost on the Board's agenda.
Following further discussion, Commi&sioner Archer moved, seconded by
Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the "Report to the
Board of County Commissioners on City Resolution #3050 Re Double Tax-
ation" be placed on the Board's agenda for the regular meeting, October
31, 1978 and the Board take appropriate action at that time.
Chairman Pistor reviewed his memo dated October 25, 1978 given to
all members of the Board and stated he had had a meeting with Mayor
Anderson, City of Naples, at which time the construction of Coastland
Boulevard was discussed. Mr. Pistor said this particular project has
not, heretofore, held a pluc~ ~i high priority in the County plans and
reminded the Board that the last meeting concerning the proposed
construction was between the City and the County on May 24, 1976. At
that time, it was the understanding of the Board that the City was
possibly going to build a narrow collector road in the area which
would help the traffic conditions as far as the high school is concerned
but certainly would not be satisfactory for a main boulevard. Mr. Pistor
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continued, that both the City and the County recognize that the proposed
construction of Coast land Boulevard will be an extension of the County
as far as the maintenance goes. During his ~iscu8sion with Mayor
Anderson, Mr. Pistor said the Mayor ~id say the City would provide
sidewalks, landscaping and right-Of-way required, however, there is the
problem of the railroad withdrawal that muet be aocomplished before con-
9ideration about drawing plans and designing the road can be begun in the
proper manner and mentioning that County Engineer Barkodale feels that
a 12 month lead is required before construction of Coastland Boulevard
could begin. Chairman Pistor stated that County Engineer Barksdale
has estimated that a four-lane Boulevard could be built for an amount
between $500,000 and $600,000 if consideration has been given to the
arore-mentioned requirements with the County realistically agreeing to
pay 50% of the cost of the construction when the funds become available
from the gasoline tax and the necessary amount has been accumulated.
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and
carried unanimously, that Chairman pistor write a letter to Mayor Andersol
City of Naples, offering the County to pay 50\ of the construction of
Coastland Boulevard once the funds are available and contingent upon the
City obtaining the lOO feet of right-of-way which they will turn over to
the County and the City's assurance that they will pay their share of
the cost of the Boulevard.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the
WORKSHOP SESSION was adjo'll . ~ at lO: SO A.M.
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