BCC Minutes 09/12/1978 R 1.___' Naples, Florida, September 12, 197B LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Boardls) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on thia date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members presentl CHAI~'~I John A. Pistor VICE-CIIAIIDofANI David C. Brown C. R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano and Edna Brenneman 11:45 P.M.), Deputy Clerka; C. William Norman, County Manager, Donald Pickworth, County Attorney; Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director; Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA September 12, 1978 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA, WILL BE HEARD AT 11: 00 A.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Aug. 22, 1978 and Property Aopraisal Ad~ustment ~ Ninutea for Aug. 23, 24 and 29, 1 78. 5. PROCL1\.MATIONS & PRESENTATIONS OF AWARDS MQ~ 043 ~=:; 269 BD~~ 043 pf.~:;214 September 12, 1979 HINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1979 REGULAR SESSION AND PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMENT BOP~D MINUTES OF AUGUqT 23, 24, AND 29, 1978 - APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimouSly 5/0, that the minutes of August 22, 1978 Regular Session and the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board minutes of August 23, 24, and 29, 1978 be approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 AT 7:30 P.M. IN BOARDROOM "F" REGARDING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 78-79 Chairman Pistor announced that a public hearing on the proposed budget for FY 78-79 will be held on WedneSday, September 13, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. in Boardroom "F" and expressed his desire for much public input with constructive suggestions. CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCES A CHANGE IN THE SETUP OF THE AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR SESSION NEXT WEEK Chairman Pistor explained that due to the fact that one of the Commissioners will have to leave next week's Regular Session early, the Agenda will be rearranged so as to have all matters requiring full Board approval to be considered first. REVISED PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR PRICE ST. IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - APPROVED PER STAFF RECOMMENDATION. STAFF DIRECTED TO BRING BACK RECOMMENDATION REGARDING FINANCING Legal notice having been publiShed in the Naples Daily News on August 22, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the revised Preliminary Assessment Roll for the Price St. Improvement District. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale gave a brief review of previous Board actions regarding the matter. He stated the revised estimate is $137,800 for the total project ($12.168 per front foot). Mr. Barksdale further stated the assessment method used requires a minimum of 75' frontage felt to be the most equitable for the district. '1 , . L__.I September 12, 1978 Ms. Sue Reiter, resident of Price Street, spoke on behalf of the west-end residents in that they are in favor of the proposal recommended by the County Engineer. Chairman Pistor noted the receipt of a letter of objection from a Price Street resident, R. S. Ellis, stating he is in favor of the creation of the district but cannot afford his assessment. In response to Chairman Pistor, Harold Hall, Fiscal Officer, explained that payments would be made over a period of up to 7 years, and he would look into the matter further. Mrs. Richard Brashear stated she is under the impression that Price Street was to be maintained by the County and while she is in favor of improvements being made to Price Street, she feels her assessment is an unfair amount. Mr. Joseph Brenner, resident, stated his approval of the pruicct. Mr. Dick Cord, resident, noted his approval for improvements to be made. l>lr. Freeman Hayward, Western Industries, stated they are in favor of the proposal and would like the assessment spaced out as long as possible. Mr. Bruce Richardson, resident, stated he is in favor of the creation of the improvement district. Mr. Barksdale noted the receipt of two letters from Price ~treet residents both objecting to the assessment amounts. He further noted 1:hat the County has the rights-of-way to Price Street but it is not a County Road. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the staff recommendation be accepted and the Board approve the MC~ 043 ~:::275 BOC~ 043 p~;:276 September 12, 1978 revised Preliminary Assessment Roll for the Price Street Improvement District; the Engineer being authorized to proceed with the bidding process; and the staff directed to come back to the Board with a financing proposal. The motion carried unanimously 5/0. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET '2 FOR FY 1977-78 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 4, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fil~d with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Supplemental Budget '2 for FY 1977-78. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained the purpose of the supplemental budget is to establish special accounts for street lighting, Courthouse parking, operating expenses, County water service and professional and engineering fees for future water development and also to close out the Improvement Trust Fund and the Anti-Recession Fund. He further stated the total funds available and appropriated for the special accounts is as follows: Collier County Lighting Improvement Trust Fund Anti-Recession Fund County Water Service County Water Supply P & E $13,000 40,000 18,000 500,000 50,000 There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Supplemental Budget '2 for FY 1977-7a be adopted as presented by the Fiscal Officer. * * * * * * * * * * * &m 043 rf.~:278 September 12, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN GRANT APPLICATION AND RELATED DOCUMENTS RE NAPLES WIL~ERNESS ALTERNATI~ PROGRAM - RESOLUTION 78-143 _ ADOPTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted that the Board previously approved a letter of intent for the continuation for Naples Wilder- ness Alternative Program to be fully funded by Federal Grant with the local matching share received as gifts from local civic organ- izations under the direction of JUdge Trettis and requested that the Board sign the grant application and necessary related documents re- garding same. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the grant application and related documents for the continuation of the Naples I~ilderness Alternative Program and that Resolution 79-143 pertaining to same be adopted. *Note: Complete application on file with the Clerk . . . . . . fr fr . . . . fr . fr . fr . . r. ~OCK 043 pt,~:2B4- September 12, 1978 E~mRGENCY SITUATION DECLARED AND ORDINANCE '78-46 RE "NO SMOKING" ADOPTED. ENTIRE ORDINANCE TO BE REFERRED TO THE "NO SMOKING" COM- rUTTEE FOR REJISION AND POSSIBL~ AMENDf.IENTS Chairman Pistor referred to his memo to the Board requesting they consider an amendment to the "No Smoking Ordinance" due to the fact he is receivin~ complaints from County employees that the Courthouse Snack Bar has been designated as a "No Smoking" area. Commissioner Wenzel suggested a poll be taken among the employees as to their feelings on the matter. Commissioner Wimer commented the problem involved is that the ordinance stipulates that all public government buildings generally used by the public be designated as "No Smoking," but that he has no problem with treating the Snack Bar the same as any privately owned restaurant in that a certain area may be designated "No Smoking." County Attorney Pickworth noted that an emergency situation must be justified before the amendment can be enacted. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that an emergency situation does exist. Motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Brown dissenting. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Emergency Ordinance as numbered and titled below amending Ordinance *78-24 by designating a certain area in the Courthouse Snack Bar as "No Smoking" be adopted. Chairman Pistor, per request of Commissioner Wenzel, instructed the County Hanager to make arrangements to make a survey on the employee's opinion of the matter. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Brown dissenting. A brief discussion was held concerning the fact that small restaurants are experiencing difficulty enacting the ordinance as they only set a few tables aside as "No Smoking" and the non- f _... .. 1..._' September 12, 1978 smokers are not really isolated from the smoke. It was suggested by Chairman Pis tor that the County Attorney draft an amendment to the ordinance giving all small restaurants Iseating capacity limit to be established) the option to designate their entire restaurant as "Smoking" or "Non-Smoking." County Attorney Pickworth commented this type of provision was considered by the original "No-Sr.1oking Committee" and the matter shou be referred back to the Committee. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~nissioner Wimer, that the matter Le referred to the "No Smoking Committee" for possible amendments to the ordinance. Motion carried 4/1, Commissionl Brown dissenting. ORDINANCE NO. 78- 46 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE A}ffiNDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 78-24 BY k~ENDING SECTION THREE THEREOF TO EXCEPT FROM THE PROHIBITION OF Sl-IOKING IN SPECIFIED PUBLIC PLACES DESCRIBED THEREIN Sl~ACK BARS OR CAFETERIAS IN GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. PETITION R-78-20-C BY AMERICAN DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF NAPLES REQUESTING REZONING FROM "MHSD" ~IOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN S17, T50S, R26E, KNOWN AS RIVIERA GOLF ESTATES - ADVERTISING OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 10/24/79 AUTHORIZED Co~issioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-78-20-C by American Design & Development Corp. of Naples requesting rezoning from "MHSD" Mobile Home Subdivision to "PUD" Planned Unit Development for property located in S17, T50S, R26E, known as Riviera Golf Estates be adver- tised for public hearing for 10/24/78. BGe.; 043 p~~:2B5 MQK 043~:: 286 September 12, 1979 PETITION S~W-79-8-C BY AMERICAN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CORP. REQUESTING SUBDI~ISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN S17, T50S, R26E ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS RIVIERA GOLF ESTATES _ ADVERTISEMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 10/24/78 AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition SMP-78-9-C by American Design and Development Corp. requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval fo~ property located in 517, T505, R26E, known as Riviera Golf Estates be authorized for advertising for public hearing on 10/24/79. PETITION SMP-79-9-C BY COLLIER DEVELOPltlENT CORP., REQUESTING SUBDIVISION ~mSTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PORTIONS OF TRACT A, ALL OF TRACT B, AND A PARCEL SHOWN ON BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THE PLAT OF PINE RIDGE SECOND EXTENSION - ADVERTISEltlENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR 10/10/78 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition SMP-79-9-C by Collier Develop- ment Corp., requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for portions of Tract A, all of Tract B and a parcel shown on but not included in the plat of Pine Ridge second extension be authorized for ad- vertising for public hearing on 10/10/78. PETITION R-7B-lB-C BY RONALD BEAUDRY REQUESTING REZONING FROM "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP~lENT TO "RM-2GH" MULTI-FAMILY GROUP HOUSING, II RS-J" SINGLE-FAl-lILY, REMOVAL OF "ST" SPECIAL TREAT~IENT AND ADJUSTMENT OF "ST" SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR LAND LOCATED IN S14, T49S, R25E ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS PINEWOODS - ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR 10/24/78 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-78-18-C by Ronald Beaudry requesting rezoning from "PUD" Planned Unit Development to "RM-2GH" l-lulti-Family Group Housing, "RS-3" Single-Family, removal of "ST" Special Treatment and adjustment of "ST" Special Treatment for land located in S14, T49S, R25E on property known as Pinewoods be authorized for advertising for public hearing on 10/24/78. .,. . .. I. .._1 September 12, 1978 PETITION SMP-78-7-C BY RONALD BEAUDRY REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN S14, T49S, R25E FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS PINEv/OODS - ADVERTISEME.~T FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR 10/24/78 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that PetitiQn SMP-79-7-C by Ronald Beaudry requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for property located in S14, T49S, R25E for property known as Pinewoods be authorized for advertising for public hearing on 10/24/78. PETITION R-78-4-C BY D. A. AND MARGARET HAYNES REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-1A" SINGLE AND MULTI-FAMILY TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP- MENT ON LOTS 6-22 AND 29-39, BLOCK 1, UNIT 1, NAPLES PARK SUBDIVISION, WHICH IS TilE SITE OF THE TRAIL DRIVE-IN THEATER - ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR 10/24/78 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-78-4-C by D. A. and Margaret Haynes requesting rezoning from "RM-IA" Sin(]le and 1.lulti-Family to "PUD" Planned Unit Development on Lots 6-22 and 29-39, Block 1, Unit 1, Naples Park Subdivision, PB4, Pg. 5, which is the site of the Trail Drive-In Theater be authorized for advertising for public hearing for 10/24/78. ORDINANCE TO AMEND COLLIER COUNTY STREET LIGHTING ORDINANCE NO. 72-1 TO INCLUDE THE CREATION OF THE NAPLES MANOR STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT _ ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR 10/10/78 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance to amend the Collier County Street Lighting Ordinance '72-1 to include the creation of the Naples Manor Street Lighting District be authorized for advertising ~or public hearing on 10/10/78. ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH NEW BOUNDARIES FOR COLLIER COUNTY FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT '1 - ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZED FOR 10/10/79 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance to establish new bound- aries for Collier County Fire Control District '1 be authorized for advertising for public hearing on 10/10/78. 8CC\ 043 PC 287 om 043 Pf,;:288 September 12, 1978 ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISII NEW ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT - ADVE~TISEMENT AUTHORIZFO FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR 10/10/78 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance to establish the new Isles of Capri Fire Service Taxing District be authorized for advertising for public hearing for 10/10/79. . . . . . RECESS: 9:50 A.M. until 10:00 A.M. . . . . . FINAL PLAT FOR FOREST LAKES HOMES - APPROVED Attorney Jack Stanley, representing the petitioner, was present to answer questions from the Board. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated his recommendation for approval of the plat. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the final plat for Forest Lakes Homes be approved. (O.R. 773 pgs. 1011-1016) PETITION OSP-78-2-C, HARCO HIGHLAND SHOPOWNERS REQUESTING COMBIN- ATIOI. OF PARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARA. 7, SEC. 19 OF THE ZNHNG ORDIANCE ON LOTS 7-18 AND 47-57, BLOCK 5, MARCO HIGHLANDS (~ON- TINUED FROM 9/5/78) - CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK Petition OSP-78-2-C was continued from September 5, 1979 in order that it be determined who will man~ge the common facility (parking lot). Commissioner Archer moved to approve Petition OSP-78-2-C by the t-larco Highland Shopowners. The motion died for lack of a second. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained this matter was referred to him due to a discrepancy in the formal agreement as to who would maintain the parking area. He stated a new agreement was prepared; however; he was not able to contact all f' - . . -. September 12, 1978 the necessary people for their signature and requested the item be continued for one week. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition OSP-78-2-C by Marco Highland Shopowners requesting combination of parking in accordance with Para. 7, Sec. 18 of the Zoning ordinance be continued for one week. HEPORT REGARDING EMERGENCY ACCESS ROUTE GULF SHORE BLVD., SEAGATE DRIVE, PELICAN BAY - SAID ACCESS ROUTE NOT TO BE CONSTRUCTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, referred to a visual map to point out the proposed connection extending Gulf Shore Blvd. to provide emergency access to Park Shore Unit 15. lie explained there is no land available which does not have to be acquired through negotiations or condemnations with the property owners. Dr. Spagna noted that he has discussed the issue with several persons (City Engineer, the developer of Park Shore, residents of Seagate) all of whom ar~ negative on the matter. He stated that the Traffic Planner has also advised against making the connection as this time; however, he feel& this will be a high priority item sometime after 1990. Dr. Spagna referred to his report dated September 12, 1978 stating he has shown the degree of desirability of the proposed project in regards to traffic potential. He recommended that the opening not be made at this time as there is no justification but again stressed it will be desirable to go ahepd with the project in the 19BO's. In response to Commissioner Wenzel's comment that the Master Plan of Collier County indicates the future density and population of the subject area, Dr. Spagna stated the CAPC had recommended the connection be made at their mee~ing of November 18, 1976 when they approved Park Shore Unit '5 Petition R-75-28-C; however, the Board did not approve the recommendation at their meeting of December 7, 1976. DG~\ 043 p~:: 289 bm 043 rf,~:290 September 12, 1978 Mr. Wade Schroeder, City Council, stated that in 1976 he was the Vice-Chairman for the CAPC and at that time they had requested that the developer be required to open Gulf Shore Blvd. to make the connection with Seagate through condemnation proceedings at the cost of the developer and the Board had approved the PUD document with said recommendation; however, the Board later rescinded their action concerning the CAPC's recommendation. Commissioner Wenzel commented that Seagate should not be involved in this mattor as it is all private property. In response to Mr. Schroeder's comment that the two existing bridges out of Park Shore would not be sufficient in the event of emergency evacuation, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett stated it would not create any problem in that respect. Chairman Pistor noted the receipt of two letters of objection from the Seaga~e Beach Club Board of Directors and private residents, mainly objecting to the heavy traffic flow that would be created if Gulf Shore Blvd. is extended to Seagate Drive. The following residents of Seagate spoke in opposition to the opening of Gulf Shore Blvd.: John T. Gallagher Warren Southwick Virginia Brodigan Mr. Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, urged the Board to consider favorably the proposed connection stating it is to the advantage of the health, safety, and welfare of Collier County residents. Nr. Earl JOhnson, CAPC, also urgl!d the Board to consider the matter further as it would be more expensive to acquire the needed land in the future. Mr. Lloyd Sarty, local resident, suggested the Board consider an alternative route that would bypass the area in question to continue northward. r- .......... .J September 12, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimoUSly 5/0, that the proposed project connecting Gulf Shore Blvd. with Seagate Drive not be undertaken. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PRESENTS CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,620.20 AND 125 BOOKS OF R & H GREEN STAMPS Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett presented the Board with a check in the amount of $12,620.20 which he stated represents the interest earned on Certificate of Deposit 1004240. Mr. Barnett also presented the Board with 125 books of S & H Green Stamps which had been obtained during the year by purchases made by the Sheriff's Department. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board accept said check and that the Green Stamps be turned over to the Purchasing Department. REVISED BUDGET FOR COLLIER COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER - APPROVED County Manager Norman explained that due to the increased workload in the County Medical Examiner's office, a budget increase is being requested by the Examiner in the amount of $20,570 to provide additional office and lab space, preferably separate facilities from the hospital, related facilities, and an executive secretary. Mr. Norman stated he has thoroughly reviewed the Medical Examiner's request and feels there is justification in the budget increase. Dr. Heinrich O. E. Schmid, M. D., District Medical Examiner, was present at the meeting. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and car~ied unanimously 5/0, that the revised budget in amount of $20,570 for the Collier County Medical Examiner be adopted. ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND CONSTRUCTION OF COLLECTOR STREETS IN AREA BOUNDED BY U.S. 41, PINE RIDGE AND CREECH ROADS - APPROVED. STAFF DIRECTED TO BRING BACK RECOMMENDATION REGARDING METHOD OF FINANCING County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the area bounded by U.S. 41, Pine Ridge Road, Goodlette Road and Creech au, 043 n:: 291' bm 043 r~~:29Z September 12, 1979 Road are lackinq in both east-west connections between U.S. 41 and Goodlette Road and internal north-south connections. He stated the proposed east/west connectors are Granada Blvd., Cypress Woods Drive, and Ridge Drive with the north/south connectors. being the extension of Tenth Street, Twelth Street and Fourteenth Street, all of the proposed connectors requiring the acquisition of the rights-of-way. " * * " Commissioner Archer left the meeting at 11:10 A.M. " * * * Some discussion was held as to the benefit these connections would have to the County. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer being absent at the time of the vote, that the staff be authorized to take the necessary action for the acquisition of the necessary rights-of-way and a subsequent r~port be presented to the Board including the costs, construction, a time schedule for construction, and an appropriate method of financing. DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR EXTENSION OF LOIS STREET BY WILLIAM AND RUTH JONES - ACCEPTED County Engineer Cliff Barksdale explained that Lois Street is located between Pineland Road and Shadowlawn directly behind the new shopping center and the developer has agreed to pave the road and grant an additional 60' right-of-way. He stated the developer will construct the road to County standards. " * * * At this point, Commissioner Archer returned to the meeting at 11: 13 A.H. " * * * r -1 -. 1_.....1 September 12, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the dedication of the right-of-way for extension of Lois Street by William and Ruth Jones be accepted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * bGCX 043 pf.::293 1_00. September 12, 1978 PURCHASE OF LOT 12, BLOCK A, LAKE TRAFFORD SHORES, IMMOKALEE, FOR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY - APPROVED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that an extension of Hirham Drive is required to connect the two subdivisions in the area. He stated the owner has agreed to s~ll the lot in question at an amount of $3,000 and will permit the extension of the Mirham right-of-way. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Nenzel that the purchase of Lot 12, Block A, Lake Trafford Shores, Immokalee, for the road right-of-way be approved. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Br.~, 043 p:,;:295 '__.J September 12, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-140 PROVIDING FOR THE CONCURRENT CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR LANES - GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY - ADOPTED Commi~sioner Wimer, noti~g this item has previously been workshopped, moved that Resolution 78-140 providing for the concurrent construction of four lanes of Golden Gate Parkway .be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0. * #I * * #I * #I * * #I #I . . . . . . . #I . . BGCX 043 Pf.:: 2117 bC.C~ 043 Pt:: 300 September 12, 1978 BOARD ACCEPTS RECOMMENDATION OF THE MARCO ISLAND INCORPORATION STUDY COMMITTEE CONTAINED IN THEIR MAJORITY REPORT THAT THE CO~~UNITY REMAIN UNINCORPORATED AND THE BOARD ADVISE THE MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION OF ITS ACTION Mr. Leigh Plummer, President of Marco Ialand Civic Association and member of the Marco Island Incorporation Study Committee, stated the Association's Newsletter of August contained a survey asking the members to approve or disapprove with the result of the Majority Report of the Study Committee which recommends against the incorporation of Marco Island at this time. He further stated approximately 96% of the res?onse received concurs with the Majority Report as there is not widespread dissatisfaction with the services provided by the County. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board accept the recommendation of the ~larco Island Incorporation Study Committee contained in their Majority Report that the community remain unincorporated and that the Board advise the members of the Legislative Delegation of its action. TRANSFER OF WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE TO BIG CYPRESS BASIN BOARD (SFWMD) FOR MAINTENANCE - APPROVED PER WMAB RECOMMENDATION, STAFF DIRECTED TO NEGOTIATE NECESSARY AGREEMENT Chairman Pistor read into the record a letter distributed to the Board by Mr. Fred Vidzes, Basin Administrator, which accepted the recommendation made by the Water Management Advisory Board that a single entity be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all water control structures in the County. County Attorney Pickworth noted it is possible to lease the structures to the Big Cypress Basin Board. Utility Director Irving Berzon commented that the figure sub- mitted by the Big Cypress Basin Board for the operation and main- tenance of the water control structures is consistent with his estimate of same. .. - -, - . .. -. September 12, 1978 The desire and ability of the County to acquire additional rights-of-way was diccussed. It was not determined if this would be necessary. In regards to Commissioner Wimer's concern, Mr. Berzon explained that even though the regular maintenance crew will be coming out of Clewiston, he assumes that any emergency situation would be referred to Mr. Vidzes who would assume responsibility. Mr. Fred McCloska, WMAB, was present and reiterated the recommendation made by the \'later :.lanagement Advisory Board. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the Board accept the recommendation of the Water Management Advisory Board to transfer water control structures to the Big Cypress Basin Board for maintenance and that the staff be directed to negotiate an appropriate agreement with the Basin Board. Mr. Vidzes noted he will draft an agreement which will determine exactly which structures will be maintained by the Basin Board. Upon call for the question the motion carried unanimously 5/0. PROPOSAL RE $5 MILLION BOND ISSUE - SEE ACTION TAKEN LATER IN THE 1.1EETING Mr. Charles D. Smith, of W.R. Hough & Co., presented the proposal prepared by his firm to purchase $5 million of guaranteed entitlement revenue bondF and stated he has comparable information which he will supply to the Study Committee on similarly rated bonds to help in the rating of the merits of the proposal. He suggested the Study Commit- tee review the proposal and come back to. the Board with a recommendati lie then briefly outlined the proposal and recommended the Board adopt the proposal. The Chair directed this matter be turned over to the Study Committee and come back with a recommenation to the Board. * * * * RECESS: 11:50 A.M. until 1~25 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Pantano was replaced by Deputy Clerk Brenneman. * * * * .l"~' 043 /'f.::' 301 ~QCK 043 Pl.~: 302. September 12, 1978 "SHORT LIST" OF CONSULTANTS RE TIGER TAIL BEACH PARK REFERRED BACK TO COMMITrEE FOP REDUCTION TO NO MORE THAN FOUR FIRMS FOR RECOMMENDATION Following brief discussion of the report from the Consultant Selection Committee regarding consulting services for construction plans and specifications for Tiger Tail Beach Park, rubmitted by Parks & Recreation Director Rollie Rice, dated AUgup..~ 9, 1978, Commissioner Wimer moved that the matter be referred back to staff for the purpose of reducing the short-list of applicants from the six recommended to three, or at the most four, firms. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0. REPORT ON PROPOSED USE OF "FLORIDA BOATING U1PROVEMENT PROGRAM" FUNDS FOR ARTIFICIAL REEF BUOY MAINTENANCE - NO ACTION TAKEN PENDING CLARIFICA- TION REGARDING USE OF SUBJECT FUNDS County Manager C. William Norman reported that the DNR has advised the staff by letter dated August 28, 1978 that State Boat Registration Funds cannot be used for artificial reef buoy mainten- ance, but can be used for total buoy replacement, as was originally proposed as a source of funding during recent budget deliberations. The eligible expenses in this regard under the Florida Boating Improvement Program, as contained in the subject letter, were dis- cussed, which include "reef markings" and "replacement of reef markings", and whether or not the project under discussion could be included as being an eligible expense. It was the consensus of the Board that the matter be further clarified by staff and recommendations be presented to the Board when prepared. BIDS NOS. 312 THROOGH 324 FOR FURNISHING A VARIETY OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES ON AN ANNUAL BASIS - AWARDED TO INDIVIDUAL VENDORS AS DETAILED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 1 and 3, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, proposals were received until August 23, 1979 for Bids Nos. 312 through 324 for furnishing a variety of supplies and services on an annual basis. f - , " I ._. Sopternber 12, 1978 Purchasing Director Frank n. Wilcox explained that in all cases, with one or two exceptions as noted in the material furnished to the Board, the recommendatiOll is for awarding the bids to the lowest bidders. BID '312: Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that Bid '312 for furnishing and delivering MOTOR OIL AND LUBRICANTS to the County be awarded to Combs Oil Co., Naples, Florida, to Oleum Corporation, Naples, Florida, to Chevron USA, Inc., Miami, Florida, and to Anchor Distributors Inc. for the items circled under their name and at the unit prices listed on the tabulations submitted, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee lAtter dated August 29, 1979, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. BID #313: Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that Bid .313 for furnishing and delivering '2 DIESEL FUEL AND HEATING OIL to Collier County be awarded to Combs Oil of Naples Florida, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 28, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. Mr. Wilcox explained that a low bid was submitted by Chevron for '2 DIESEL FUEL delivered in bulk transport of 6,900 gallons minimum; however, the County only uses 1,000 gallons annually maximum. BID '3141 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that Bid .314 for furnishing and delivering GASOLINE to Collier County be awarded to Combs Oil Company, Naples, Florida, and to Chevron USA Inc., Miami, Florida, as contained in the recommend- ation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 31, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authortzed to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BID '315: Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that Bid '315 for furnishing and delivering HD-5 PROPANE GAS for the Immokalee Stockade, Victoria Park Pumping Station, and the Collier County Government Center, be awarded to petrolane Gas Company, Tropigas, Inc., and to Northern Propane Gas, respectively, as contained in the recom- mendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 28, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agree- ments. BID '316: Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that Bid '316 for furnishing and delivering TRUCK AND OFF-THE-ROAD TIRES, AND PAS- SENGER TIRES be awarded to Trail Tire and Service Center, Inc., Naples, Florida, and to Hutchison ~ire ~GC, 043 r~~:303 BGCK 043 Pt.~: 304 September 12, 1978 and Battery, Naples, Florida, respectively, as con- tained in the recommendation of the Bid Review committee letter dated August 28, 1978, and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to sign and at- test the resulting Agreements. BID '317: Commissioner Wenzel moved, 8bconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that Bid '317 for furnishing LIMEROCK, CRUSHED ROCK AND FILL to the County be awarded to Meekins, Inc. (Golden Gate), to Highway Pavers (Naples), and to Forrest Harmon, Everglades City, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 29, 1979, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. BID '31B: Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that Bid '318 for furnishing and delivering CONCRETE CULVERT PIPE be awarded to Southern Culvert, Pinellas Park, Florida, and to Joelson Concrete Pipe Co., Venice, Florida, as con- tained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Com- mittee letter dated August 29, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. BID '319: Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that Bid '319 for furnishing and delivering METAL CULVERT PIPE be awarded to Gator Culvert Co., Lantana, Florida, to Florida Steel Corporation, Tampa, Florida, and to Palm Beach Tank and Culvert Co., Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 29, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the rp.sulting Agreements. BID '320: Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that Bid '320 for furnishing and delivering BRIDGE TIMBERS to the County be awarded to Allen Johns Lumber Co., Naples, Florida, as con- tained in the recommendation of the Bid Revlew Com- mittee letter dated August 29, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BID '321: Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner wenzel and carried 5/0, that Bid '321 for furnishing and delivering various SIGN BLANKS AND POSTS to the County be awarded to Municipal Supply and Sign Co., Naples, Florida, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 29, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BID '322: Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that Bid '322 for furnishing and delivering ASPHALT AND RELATED ITEMS be awarded to Brisson Enterprises, Inc., Naples, Florida, to ,-- . . . .. September 12, 1978 Amoco Oil Co., Auburndale, Florida, to Ashland-Warren Inc., Fort Myers, Florida, and to Highway Pavers, Naples, Florida, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review COlnmittee letter dated August 29, 1979 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements. BID '323: Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5/0, that Bid '323 for furnishing and delivering HYACINTH, WEED AND GRASS KILLER be awarded to Harold F. Brown, Inc., Port St. Lucie, Florida, to Helena Chemical Co., Immokalee, Florida, to Woodbury Chemical Co., Princeton, Florida, to Southern Mill Creek Products, Tampa, Florida, and to JLB International Chemical Inc., Hialeah, Florida, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 29, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and at- test the resulting Agreements. BID '324: Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that Bid '324 for furnishing and delivering of HELICOPTER SPRAY SERVICE for the County be awarded to Colonial Helicopters, Inc., Port LaBelle, Florida, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated August 29, 1979 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. EMPLOYEE MERIT INCREASE AND WAGE ADJUSTMENT - APPROVED AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS AUTHORIZED; PROPOSED POLICY AND PROGRAM TO BE WORKSHOPPED SEPTEMBER lB, 1978 County Manager C. William Norman referred to the Ex~cutive Summary submitted for Board review, dated September 10, 1978, with regard to employee merit increases and uniform wage adjustment program and policies for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1978, with attach- ments, and stated that the program has been followed in a very conscientious manner. He said the results of the evaluations are contained in the summary distributed to the Board which indicates the merit increases being recommended for all but the department heads in each department under the Board of County Commissioners - approximately 355 employees total. Mr. Norman explained the report in detail and commented that what is being recommended is equitable, fair and carefully thought out. He noted that he has provided the Board with a list of those employees (10) who need special consideration by the Board to raise their individual maximum wage scale to accommodate the 5% uniform wage adjustment. ~r~, 043 pt,~:305 BCC~ 043 pl.~:306 September 12, 1979 Chairman Pistor noted that si1..."!e the Board has approved a 5' across-the-board wage adjustment the above-referenced ten employees will have to be paid at an amount above their salary bracket. He said this could be accomplished by either votinq to pay those individuals above the top of their bracket by an appropriate percentage, or to voto to raise the top of their respective brackets by 5'. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the affected employees be paid an amount above their particular wage bracket. The motion carried 4/0, with Commissioner Brown not present. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Archer moved that funds be appropriated from the pertinent funds established for this purpose for merit increases, and for uniform wage adjustments, and placed into the proper budget accounts. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present. Chairman Pistor expressed his desire, with Commissioner Wimer concurring, that a further discussion of the report submitted by the County Manager, as previously mentioned, be held in Workshop Session. PROPOSED BLOCK-BY-BLOCK CENSUS ENUMERATION FOR 1980 - DELETED County Manager C. William Norman stated that it has been determined that a block-by-block census enlweration for computerized data base purposes and needed base map would be impractical for consideration at this time and requested that the matter b~ deleted from the agenda. There were no objections forthcoming to the request. ROUTINE BILT,S - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Clerk William Reagan's st~tement that the bills being presented have all been processed following established procedures and that funds are available, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from September 6, 1978 through September 12, 1978: r .. .. -<to .,. L__I FUND General ~evenue BCC Payroll Asses~ments & Utility C1earinq tt tt n II n n II " CETA Sewer District nAn Revenue Collier County Water/Sewer Utility Division Collier County Water/Sewer Utility Division Col1ier County Water/Sewer Utility Division Collier County Water/Sewer Utility Division County Water System County Water Supply September 12, 1978 WARRANT NOS. 8902-9113 49332-49566 73 74 75 76 23 31 33 34 35 36 2 1 RENEWAL OF WAREHOUSE LEASE AT 3906 MERCHANTILE AVENUE BETWEEN BCC AND DONALD W. AND BARBARA S. GRAY - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board authorize renewal of lease for warehouse space at 3906 Merchantile Avenue, Naples, Florida, under the same terms and at the same rent as the current lease, as recommended by Utility Director Irving Berzon, said lease between the Board of County Commissioner and Donald W. Gray and Barbara S. Gray. The lease will expire September 21, 1979, said Mr. BerzOn. ." ." ." ." ." ." '* '* ." '* '* 8m 043 p~:=307 ." '* '* ." ." .. BeCK 043 Pl.~: 310 September 12, 1978 CHAI~~N PISTOR AND SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS EDNA SANTA APPOINTED TO CANV~SSING BOARD RE SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 PRIMARY ELECTION Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried by unanimous vote 5/0, that Commissioner3 Brown, Pistor and Archer be appointed to the Canvassing Board to count the election returns from the September 12, 1978 primary election. FOllowing County Attorney Pickworth's advice that the statutes determine that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, the Supervisor of Elections and the County Court Judge shall comprise the members of the Canvassing Board, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5/0, that the Board action taken in this regard be rescinded. Mr. Pickworth noted that the County Court Judge in this instance is running for reelection and is, therefore, disqualified from serving. Later in the session, Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan announced that the meeting of the Canvassing Board will be held at 7:00 P.M. September 12, 1978. POLICY WITH REGARD TO CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCEDURES - ADOPTED Chairman Pis tor recalled that the proposed policy regarding Consultant Selection Procedures has been previously discussed; however, the policy has never been officially acted upon. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the policy regarding Consultant Selection Procedures, to define and establish a policy governing the conduct of firms submitting proposals to the Board of County Commissioners for its various projects, be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * ............ 1__.....J September 12, 1978 DER BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT RE SEAWALL PROJECT IN LITTLE HICKORY BAY (DER FILE NO. 11-11548-5E) BY ROBERT J. KOLB - PROJECT APPROVED AND BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT READ INTO THE RECORD Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmental Consultant, read the following Biological Assessment by the Department of Environmental Regulation, dated August 29, 1978, with regard to the Little Hickory Bay Seawall Project CDER File No. 11-11548-5E) by Robert J. Kolbl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BeCK 043 ,~~::315 " ..._,. September 12, 1978 Robert J. KO.l b c/o Ben L. Nelson August 29, 1979 Page (2) Collier County, Seawall, Little Hickory Day; File No. 11-1154B-5E Impact on biological resources, long and short-term, should be insignif-- iCi1nt. Under the provisions of Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, this report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the Board of County Commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for local approval. Proof of :ocal approval must be furnished to this office. ~~~. Michael F. Nowicki, Environmental Specialist MFN/wb COilunissioner Penza1 moved, seconded by COQl'llissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, tr.at the sur.ject assassm~nt be approveci And that the Board ackno~"lI:~dgp. the rfladit'.g of the Bio- logicRI ASRessment re Rame for thA record. 8m 043 p~:= 311 ::/~ ;" ; 'J. :::.,.~;,~..,......*~:~~#~t~.~.~,;;..~,... '~:"'"7' " "._~'e~,;.. , ~;;'-::;:~:.l!.;f'r:tj:f"";'5J.~;?".~~~~'~!~(~:~" ;":".~ff#itf,.:..;/.'.:~~~21"" '.. :;: .' ,..' ..' "::'~'L ':"':.' ,t. ::-::~?:~::~:~:....!'.:,::"~.t'::"',,,:::;:;,:'if' ., "~'~::~"l" ~:' ":~<':,~:;}::..'''' ....:;... ........,.~.~..: " ~ ':"~'i_....J...:. ,:,,,:!,,,:~~~.~,,'1....,..), :;" ;~:r{ ~':" I ::? .}\,~>~:.::'~:~'o:'.~Y 4., bCC~ 043 Pt.:: 318 September 12, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE BOND RE GUN PERMIT FOR FELIPE REYES (PERMIT NOT ISSUED) Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the cancellation of Insurance Bond re Gun Permit for Felipe Reyes. It was noted that the permit was not issued. NOTICE OF C..\l'\CELLATION To: Hnrtrord Accident and In1emnity Cc~~!ny (Duignlltc Compnn) Abovc) Gcn tlemen: Notice is hereby given that thc undersigned. Board of Count:! Commissioners, Collier CO\lnty,Fla. desires to canccl nnd does hereb)' cancel a certain Pistol Toting Bond on behalf of Felipe Reyes, Immoko.ll knol\'n ns Hond No. RN-4387:::>6) including riders or other suppJemenlnry Instruments (orrning a pMt hereof, cxec\lted hythe Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company (hereinafter referred to ns the Under\\'riter) effective ns of 7-5-78 . such cancelation to he errectivc frolll and after noon of thc 5th day of July' . 19 78 and in considcration of thc w:livcr IlY the Underwritcr of the prcmiulll on said bond from nnd after the dnte last mentioned, the undersigned clocs herr.by releasc, exoncrnte and dischnr!:e thc Mid Underwriter frolll liabilit). for Rny nnd all acts or nny kind or nnlure coming wilhin the provisions of said hond cOl1llnilted or occurring nftcr the dnte last mentioned. Sign cd at this day or .19 ~.. \1J CJ.; ,.....\"~ .." tj.;,... ':';.) , :: i;1 ~ ....;..~ t-, .' ') '. ':". l"O, . , ")' . . ;::- 'Atl('st: ~' ::) ',:':(" ~ -, ~ n - ~ .... :" 3 . ~ ~ ,,/; p" ~ ,.'~:,;."<;:i~c.~~~,,,-, " ":-:~~r'~. """''',,' . . ~i' ...... ..... . .," . . r . I .. t I j'l \ Boar~.. .~.r.. ,9.9.~!:l.~~~...q,!?m-')!,~,~, !t~,9.!').~,r ~.". .g.9.n.~~r." G,9.\,m.t-y. , Note: This notice must be signed hy the officer or officer. having IIl1thorlty to bind thc Insured and its corporate scal nlu~' j,c nrlixcd unless the Insllred is n co-partnership, in which cvent the signature or the partner signing should immedi. aIel)' follow the nnme or the linn. ;1: m1~~~~J. lIurford FI..lnsurRnct Company New York Underwrlt." InsllrRn('c Company Hanford Accld.nt Rnd Ind.mnlty Company Twin Clt)' Fire Insurance Company lIartford CasURlty Insurance CompRny r.rm '..2"'.C rrlnWd 1ft U. L A. lo...U '--1 ""-:"1 L___.I September 12, 1978 CO~~IEHORATIVE RESOLUTION 78-142 RE WHEATON W. KRAFT - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board of County Commissioners adopt Resolution 78-142 in memory of Wheaton W. Kraft and that the Resolution be forwarded to members of Mr. Kraft's family. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 * 11 * 11 t, ~", 0 43 r~:: 3j 9 -j September 12, 1979 BOARD APPROVES USE OF VOTING EQUIPMENT FOR STUDENT ELECTIONS AT THE Il11>IOKALEE HIGH SCHOOL IN SEPTEMBER, IF AVAILABLE Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan advised that a request has been received from the Student Council Sponsor, Immokalee High School, for the use of voting equipment for student election9 sometime in the middl~ of September. Following brief discussion regarding the availability of the machines in the event of a runoff election which might be necessary in the County, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5/0, that the request be approved if the machines are available. RESOLUTION NO. 3082, CITY OF NAPLES, REQUESTING THE BOARD TO PERFORM NECESSARY REPAIRS TO MOORING LINE DRIVE PRIOR TO TRANSFERRING THE STREET TO THE CITY FOR MAINTENANCE - REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR RECOMMENDATION Following brief discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that City of Naples' Resolution No. 3082, dated September 6, 1979, requesting the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to perform necessary repairs to Mooring Line Drive, or to pay the costs incurred by the City in repairing the street, prior to transferring Mooring Line Drive to the City for Maintenance, be acknowledged and referred to the Engineering Department for recommendation. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT RE NAPLES LANDING PROJECT CHANGING STARTING DATE OF PROJECT TO DECEMBER 7, 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Amendment to Project Agreement pertaining to the Naples Landing Development Project between DNR _ Division of Recreation and Parks, the City of Naples, and Collier County dated March 7, 1978, changing the start-up date re project to December 7, 1979. BCC~ 043 pf.::3Z1 '--__J September 12, 1979 BO^RD AUTHORIZES STAFF TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS RE POSSIBLE EXPANSION OF MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT RE BLUE HERREN TRAILER PARK/ROYAL FAU1 HAMMOCK ARF;~ AND OTHER AREAS ^dministrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan referred to her memorandum to the Board dated September 6, 1978 pertaining to petition received August 12, 1978 for expansion of the Mosquito Control District to include Blue Herren Trailer Park/Royal Palm Hammock Area and the subsequent response from the District that it is not economically feasible for the District to include the aforementioned area. Discussion followed concerning the possible creation of a special taxing district for the subject area and other areas for mosquito control and it was the consensus of the Board that the matter be further considered. Commissioner Wimer moved, ~econded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Archer absent at the time of the vote, that the staff be instructed to review the matter under discussion and provide the Board with recommendations. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no Objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various department~ as indicated: 1. Letter dated September 5, 1978 from James A. Woomer, Brookville, Pennsylvania, protesting the tagging of his automobile located at Naples Park - Referred to Zoning Director 9/11/78 for response; and filed 2. Copy of the Final Budget for the Big Corkscrew Island Fire and Rescue District for FY 79-79 - Filed 3. Brochure received September 11, 1978 from McManis Associates, Inc., WaShington, D.C. detailing proposal for Management Consultant activities - filed. 4. Petition received September 11, 1978 from employees re smoking privileges at the Snack Bar - filed 5. Copy of petition for Property Appraisal Adjustment submitted by Walter G. Sorokoty, Attorney for John L. Baker, Trustee, regarding protest of the 1978 property tax assessment of Lots 17-20, Block 18, Tier 9 and vacant alley, Naples Seaboard Replat - xc to County Attorney; and filed BCC,~ 043 pf.::323 ... ~... L.J September 12, 1978 17. Copy of letter dated August 28, 1978 from Philip R. Edwards, District Manager, DER, to Moorehead ~lanor ~lobile Home Park, re Construction Permit No. DCll-5207 re Moorehead Manor MHP - xc to Utility Director; and filed 18. Letter dated August 31, 1979 from Brandt G. Watson, Director, Collier Mosquito, re acquisition of helicopters; filed 19. Memorandum dated July 12, 1978 from Department of Administra- tion (received 9/5/78) re establishment o~ salaries for lo- cally elected officials - filed 20. Memorandum dated August 30, 1978 from Senator Lawton Chiles advising that his assistant will be in Collier County on September 6, 1978 from 9:30 - 10:30 A.M. - filed 21. Memorandum dated August 31, 1978 from John P. Thomas, SACC, re need for help on the NACO/CETA legislation - filed 22. Letter dated September 1, 1978 from Ernest S. Urassa, Program Administrator, Balance of State Office of ~lanpower Planning, transmitting Summary of Title II and Title VI Modification re CETA - xc Personnel Director; and filed 23. Copy of Interviews and referrals Summary for the month of August, 1978 re Collier County Department of Social Services - filed 24. Copy of report re Dwelling Units Permitted from January 1, 1975 through August 31, 1978 submitted by Building Depart- ment - filed 25. PSC Notice of Public Hearing issued September 9, 1978 re Sou~hwest Bus Tours, Inc. re hearing held April 17 and 18, 1979 and Order re same - xc Dr. Spagna; and filed DISCUSSION RE AIRPORT LEASE FOR '"'VI STATION AND TRANSFER STATION, OR POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF LAND FOR Sk~ - SCHEDULED FOR ~ORKSHOP SESSION SEPTEMBER l8, 1978 Commissioner Wimer requested that the Board schedule a WorkShop Sossion in the near future for the purpose of discussing whether or not to consider a long-term lease with the Airport Authority for the new MVI Station and Landfill Transfer Station, or to purchas~ property for this purpose. Chairman Pistor noted that there are items which he would like to discuss in Workshop Session also and, if agreeable, he will schedule a session for September 19, 1978. There were no objections voiced. RESOLUTION 78-141 ~mNDING PREVIOUS RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE BCC NOVEMBER 22, 1977 RE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 GUARANTEED ENTITLEMENT REVENUE BONDS - ADOPTED. CONTRACT OF PURCHASE - AUTHORIZED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall advised that the members of the Bond Purchase Proposal Evaluation Committee have reviewed the proposal BCCX 0 4.3 p~~: 325 .bC~~ 043. Pl.~: 325 September 12, 1978 by William R. Hough & Co. and, after some changes in the proposal, especially SOhle of the wording l:lat the attorney for the firm and the County Attorney worked out, the Committee concurs that the proposal is a reasonable proposal and recommends that it be accepted by the Board of County Commissioners. The net interest rate, including all of the expenses, will be 6.64%, said Mr. Hall, adding that all of the documents are ready and available for signature. Mr. Hall said that arrangments have not been finalized on a local bank as the paying agency, commenting that there has been a proposal from one agency but it is felt that there can be a better proposal, and it is the recommendation to the Board that, if possible, a local bank be designated as the paying agency. Mr. Hall suggested that the proposed resolution be adopted leaving the paying agency designation blank at this time. County Attorney Donald Pickworth stated that the resolution can be adopted with the wording in SECTION 4 of said resolution reading: liThe paying agent for the 1977 bonds is to be named by subsequent resolution". Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried by a unanimous vote of 5/0, that Resolution No. R-79-l41 amending resolution adopted by the Board November 22, 1977, providing for the issuance of not exceeding $5,000,000 Guaranteed Entitlement Revenue Bonds, including the language suggested re SECTION 4., be adopted and that the Contract of Purchase be authorized. #I #I #I #I * #I #I * * * * * #I * #I #I r-n L_J September 12, 1978 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NO. 170 - RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD Pursuant to action of the Board taken January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign Deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arises, Deed No. 170 was recorded and filed for the Record. 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It 'It * * * * * * * * * BeCK 04: Pt.:: 337 .-.. September 12, 1978 PETITION FROM OWNERS AT HUNTER CAMP ON DOAK AVENUE REQUESTING ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ACCEPTED, REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AdminiJtrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt, on September 11, 1978, of a petition from R. Garcia with signatures of owners at the Hunter Camp on Doak Avenue, Immokalee, Florida, requesting road improvements by the assessnlent method. The Chnir directed that the petition be accepted and referred to the Engineering Department to determine if the road is a private or a county road and to proceed accordingly with the appropriate action. DISCUSSION RE GULF HARBOR SUBDIVISION BOAT BASIN - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO RESPOND IN THE NEGATIVE TO REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SUBDIVISION ~EQUESTING RECONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of a letter dated September 6, 1978 from Attorney Richard M. Jones, representing some of the owners of Gulf Harbor Subdivision, requesting the opportunity to appear before the Board for reconsideration of previous action taken by the Board with regard to County-owned propert) in the subdivision, said action being to stipulate that the County will only consider release of the property to a homeowners' associatiol Following brief disoussion, Chairman Pistor stated, that if there are no objections, he would sign a letter to Attorney Jones stating that the action previously taken is still the consensus of th~ ooard. There w~re no objections voiced. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 2:55 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY CO!~lISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVE~~ING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~caK 043 p~:::339 I:..~ llf C/;'t, ,,,"TTEST: '1'/ (A/E4 I; .. ." 1", II .