BCC Minutes 09/05/1978 R L-_..J Naples, Florida, September 5, 1978 LET IT DE REMEMBEREn, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting 8S the Governing Board(s) of such spflcia1 districts as have been created according to la,,, and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Rep,ular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Coop lex with the followinp, members prQsent: CHAIRMAN: John A. PiA tor VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Br01-m C. R. "Russ" w.7imer Thomas P. Archer Clifford C. Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officeri nebble Pantano and Edna Brenneman (1:45 P.M.) Deputy Clerks; County Attorney Donald Pickworth; County Manap.cr C. William Norman; Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development; Carl Clemmer, Zontnp, Director; Clifford Barksdale; County Engineer; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's ncpartmentj and, Irving Berzon, Utility Director. DOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA September 5, 1978 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARQ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT . ON THIS AGENDA, WIr.L BE HEARD AT .11: 00 A.f.t. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL or AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 8-1-78 and 8-15-78 5. PROCLAMATIONS & PRESENTATIONS OF AWARDS 6. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Petition V-78-2l-C by Paul Stiger, Vanderbilt West Corp., for requesting side yard variance for Lots 3, 4, , 5, lea.l!I the N 100' of Lot 5, Baker Carroll Point, Block A, Vanderbilt Beach area (Zoning). B. Request by Craig Meffert for vacation of 12' utility easement between Lots 1 & 2, Block 225, Golden Gate Unit 6 (Engineering). ~ ,'" ,~. t', 043 ~.l': 232. . b~C~ 043 f~:~ 235 September 5, 1978 FINAL AGENDA APPROVED WITH DELETION Commissioner Brown requested that. Item B3 under "County !i.!lnager' s Report" re the recommendation for purchase of Lot 13. Block A, Lake Trafford Shores, Immoka1ee, for road right-of-way be deferred until September 12, 1~78. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Final Agenda be approved as amended. MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1978 - APPROVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of August 15, 1978 be approved. PETITION V-78-21-C BY PAUL STIGER, VANDERBILT WEST CORP., FOR A SIDF. YARD VARIANCE FOR LOTS 3, 4 & 5, LESS THE N 100' OF LOT 5, BAY~R CARROLL POINT, BLOCK A, VANDERBILT BEACH AREA - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED UNTIL SEPTE1'IBER 19, 1978 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on August 18, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed ~7ith tnp. Clerk, pubiic hearinB Nas opened to consider Petition V-78-21-C by Paul Stiger, Vanderbilt West Corp., for a side y~rd variance for Lots 3,4 & 5, less the N 100' of Lot 5, Baker Carroll Point, Block A, Vanderbilt Beach Area. Zoning nirector Carl Clemmer explained the petitioner wishes to obtain a north and south side yard setback variance to enable him to construct two seventy-two unit apartment buildings; however, in ana- lyzing this property and applying the necessary criteria to determine a need for a variance, it was discovered that one building can be located in the northwest corner within the coastal construction setback line and the north side yard setback line and the other building can be located in the southeast corner within the front setback line and the south side setback line. In this way, the distance between buildings will conform to the regulation. Mr. Clemmer recommended that the two buildings he relocated as described above and the petition be continued to allow the petitioner to submit a new site plan which will conform with the regulations. r' - '. . L.._. September 5, 1978 Hr. James Irwin of Reynolds, Smith & Hills Architects and Engineers, representing Vanderbilt Hest Corp., stated that if the two buildings ar~ placed as the Zo~ing Director recommends, it places one building in back of the other and is not desirable, from a marketing standpoint, and would also place both buildings facing the sun. Mr. Clemmer referred to a visual map to point out the location of th(! buildings. County Attorney Pickwort"l corranented that "marketability" is not a criteria in establishing the need for a variance but it may be taken into consideration. Mr. Michael Moore, Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners' Association, stnted thp. property owners are very concerned about open space in reference to buildings and accessory structures. Chairman Pis tor suggested the petitioner and the Zoning Director Hork together on the matter and try to come up with a compromise. Commissioner Archer moved, seco~ded by Commissionp.r Brown and carrted unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be continued until September 19, 1978. RESOLUTION 78-138 RF. REQUEST BY CRAIG ~mFFERT FOR VACATION OF l2' UTILITY EASEMENT BETWEEN LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 225, GOLDEN GATE UNIT 6 _ ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on August 18, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the request by Craig Meffert for vacation of a 12' utility easement bet~een Lots 1 & 2, Block 225, Golden Gate Unit 6. County Engineer Cliff Barksdale stated that letters of "No Objection" have been received from the utility companies and the Water Management Advisory Board and the Engineering Department recommend approval of the proposed vacation. B~C~ 043 r~:~ 236 ~~CK 043 p~~~Z37 September 5, 1978 There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner "Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-138 granting vacation of a 12' utility easement between Lots 1 & 2, Block 225, Golden Gate Unit 6 as requested by Craig Meffert be adopted. - . . ~~~K 043 fl.:~239 September 5, 1978 ESTABLISHMENT OF PRIORITIES FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION RE PROPOS En TEN MILLION DOLLAR REVENUE BOND ISSUE - PRIORITY LIST APPROVED AS SUB- MITTED BY COUNTY ENGINEER . County Engineer Cliff Barksdale submitted to the Board copies of the most recent priority list for the Secondary Road Program. He also recommended a list of priorities to be 1nr:1uded in the Ten Million Dollar Bond Issue (5th and 6th Cent Gasoline Tax) which is estimated to fund most of the projects on the list. Mr. Barksdale noted that the Bond Issue will not cover all the priorities on the list and that the DOT has agreed to fund a 4-lane overpass at Golden Gate Parkway and they are requesting a resolution from the Board com- mitting the work for the 4-laning of Golden Gate Parkway from Airport Road to Santa Barbara Boulevard. Con~issioner Brown commented the main access road to the new penal institution tn Immokalee is badly in need of repairs and that it should be taken care of in the near future. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the priority list for road construction undcr thc Ten Million Dollar Bond Issue be approved as submitted by the County Engineer. In response to Commissioner Wimer's question, Mr. Barksdale stated that the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and Airport Road is included in Priority #1 road construction. Commissioner lvimer suggested putting a temporary light at said intersection until a permanent signal can be installed. CETA TITLE I AND TITLE III BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS FOR FY 1978-79 _ APPROVED - SUBMISSIOn OF DATA PACKAGE TO OFFICE OF MANPOWER PLANNING FOR FINALIZATION INTO CONTRACT AGREEMF.NT - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the budgetary data package format covering CETA Title I and Title III be approved and the submission of the data package* to the office of Manpower Planning in Tallahassee for finali- zation into contract agreement be authorized. *Complete package on file in office of Clerk of the Board. - . .. L_J September 5, 1978 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN STREETS IN MARCO ISLAND - APPROVED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale stated that on November 6, 1973 the Board of County Cornmission~rs approved preliminary acceptance of the following streets in l1arco Island: Unit {}l Bayport Avenue Jamaica Road Fourwinds Avenue Sunbird Avenue Skylark Avenue Apricot Avenue Tahiti Road Unit {}3 Shadowridge Court Majorca Court Society C:ourt Seminole Court Hummingbird Court Seahorse Court He further stated at the request of the De1tona Corp., these streets have been inspected three times and previously noted deficiencies have now been corrected, noting that the streets are in an acceptable condition and meet the required Collier County standards that were in effect at the time the roads were constructed. Commissioner Himer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board accept the above-named streets on Marco !sltlnn. PETITION PU-78-14-C, MILESTONE YOUTH HOME, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (5) OF THE ESTATES DISTRICT FOR A YOUTH HOME IN SEC. 8, T50S, R26E, LOCATED ON COPE LANE ON THE EAST SIDE OF COUNTY BARN ROAD - CONTINUED FOR TWO \-lEEKS Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the petitioner wishes to establish a home-type situation for youths with minor offenses such as curfew violations, runaways, etc. He further stated the CAPC, on August 17, 1978, re~ornmended approval of the peti- tion with a 4/3 vote and there is public objection to the petition, mo:t1y the residents on Cope Lane. Dr. Spagna commented there are very few residents in the immediate area. Mr. Richard Schneider, Milestone Youth Home Director, explained the proposed home will temporarily house a maximum of 10 boys and girls, ages 11 to 17, who are in need of supervision. He noted these children will most likely be referred to him by Health and Rehabilitative Services as well as private citizens. Mr. Schneider stated the home &GC.( 043 r~::244 eDC~ 043 p~~~ 245 September 5, 1978 will be supervised with two live-in ho~se par~nts, a Director and secretary and th~ location on COP& Lane was selected al!l the site for the home due to the size (5 acres), price and general location of the area. He further stated the project will be funded by the State as well as private donations and stressed that the children that will be housed there are not criminal types, rather children who are experiencing problems in the home and his proposed home is not a detention center of any kind. Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett commented that many of the children will probably be victims of child abuse. Mr. George King, Cope Lane resident, stated he had recently moved from another section of Naples to Cope "Lane due to the fact hj s home was vandalized and burglarized several times by juveniles and objected to the fact the proposed home is so close to his new one. Russ Mase, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, stated this project would definitely benefit the community as the children will receive 24-house supervision while they are there. He also commented it is better for R minor to have such a place to be referred to rather than to be sent to a detention center for truancy, for example, and be among criminal types. 118. Carol Schneider, Director of Christian Education at First Presbyterian Church, spoke in support of the project, and commented that no matter where the proposed home is bUilt, neighbors would create opposition to the children being there. l1r. John Cope, Cope Lane resident, stated he is representing approximately nine of his neighbors opposing the petition. Mr. Charles Keller, County Barn Road resident submitted petitions from residents of Cope Lane, County Barn Road, Wendy Way and Cynthia Way, all objecting to the project. l' ...., n__" September 5, 1978 Mr. 'valter Howe, MY Hom~, stated the reason Cope Lane was selected as the home site was due to the fact it is a remote neighbo~- hood. He spoke in support of the project. Clerk William Reagan noted the receipt of five (5) letters all in support of the project. Mr. Lewis Bal1and, Cope Lane resident, noted his opposition. Chairman Pis tor commented that an institution such as the one being proposed is badly needed in Collier County. Commissioner tvenzel commented that the CA1~ may have been misled ,~ith regards to the fact of the number of residents in the area and suggested it be reviewed again by the CAPC. Mr. Schneioer presented a visual map to point out the location of the proposed home and the present residences. He stated the road is state-owned leased to an individual. Mr. Schneider noted the Fire Department had approved the petition and the road is ample enough for tl>.'O vehicles nt one titne. He stressed there are no plans for future accommodation of more than 10 children as that would defeat the purpose of the program, noting that the supervisors would not be able to con- centrate much of their attention on 25-30 children, for example. Commissioner Brown movp.d for approval of the petition. Motion died for lack of a second. Chairman Pis tor noted the p9titioner has agreed to certain stipu- lations, one of which is the facility shall be used for minor youth offenders only which would include, but not be limited to curfew violators, runaways, etc. and any change in use shall be cause for review of the petition as for a new petition. Mr. Cope stated the road was dedicated to the County for public access. Commissioner Wimer suggested the matter be cleared up as to who owns the road and requested the Engineering Department determine such. B0CK 043 rl.~~ 246 BGC~ 043 p,,~~Z4 7. September 5, 1978 He also suggested the individuals involved get together and try to work out a compromiJe, going to the CAPC, if necessary. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the matter be continued for two weeks. Motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Brown dissenting. Commissioner Wenzel stated he would like the CAPC to review the petitions submitted. Chairman Pistor directed that the County Manaecr advise the CAPC of the matter and possibly have a member of the Board also get together with the individuals involved. * * * Rcccsa: 10:45 A.M. - 10:55 A.M. * * * PETITION OSP-78-2-C, MARCO HIGHLANDS SHOP OWNERS REQUESTING COM- BINATION OF PARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 7, SECTION 18 OF ZONING ORDINANCE ON LOTS 7-18 AND 47-57, BLOCK 5, MARCO HIGHLANDS _ CONTINUED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Developmp.nt, explained this petition was reviewed and recommended for approval by the CAPC on Aueust 17, 1978. County Mana~er Norman pointed out the agreement is incrn plete as to Hho will manage the common facility (parking lot) and it should be determined 'vho will do so bofore the Board approves the petition. Commissioner Henzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the matter be co~tinued until September 12, 1978. RESOLUTION 78-139 RE PETITION MP-78-1-C, PELICAN BAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - REQUESTING APPROVAL OF WATER, SEWER AND WATER MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR PHASE I OF PELICAN BAY SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the approved Pelican Bay PUD Document requires that water, sewer, and water management plans be approved by the various County agencies prior to the issuance of construction permits. He further stated that many changes have occurred in the plans since the original PUD Document and the EAC, WMAB, and the CAPC have all recommended approval to the Board. ,. - ~., L..-J September 5, 1978 Mr. Fred Biery of Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, engineers for the Pelican Bay Improvement District, stated the conceptual plans are completed and have been approved by the Water Management District. He briefly explained the plans for '~ater and sewer and noted there will be a "dual water system" with a complete potable system as well as a complete irrigation (non-potable) system for every customer. He com- .'1ent.:!d that the system has complied \-1lth' Department of Environmental Regulation standards. Mr. Stanley ~ole, engineer for the Pelican Bay project, explained the water management system which ,.;ill provide flood protection and a good treatment of the surface waters. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carded unanimously 5/0, that Resolution 78-139 re Petition MP-78-1-C. Pelican Bay Improvement District be adopted. and that the petitioner's agreement to stipulations be acceptec. ~~:( ()43 n~:248 f,r.Q~ 043 p~~:Z5t September 5, 1978 FINAL PLAT OF PARK SHORE UNIT 5 - APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS STIPULATED IN PUD DOCUMENT - TRUST DEED ACCEPTED AND RECORDED* Mr. Bill Vines, representing P&rk Shore, stated the final plat for Unit #5 is ready for the Board's approval. Chairman Pis tor noted, referring to minutes dated December 7, 1976, that the developer had inferred he Hould pay for the construction and connection of Gulf Shore Bou1everd to Seagate Drive. Mr. Vines commented that the Board has never definitely approved such a project, noting that he does recall a traffic study being undertaken to determine the traffic load. County }tanager Norman stated that all information has not yet come from the EngineerinR Department concerning the plat Rpprova1 and the matter is not ready for a recommendation. Ilr. Clark Nichols, attorney for Park Shore, stated that many years ago, the then Board of Commissioners accepted the Seagate plat for recording and allowed for a "spike" strip keepinp, adjoining property olvners from tying in with other developments and stated it should not he suggested that the developer should solve and pay for a situation for which the government is responsible. Nr. Vines pointed out the final plat is designed to accommodate the connection if and when the Board approves such and noted that the approval of the final plat does not jeopardize anything to do ~1ith the connection. ~r. Scott LutRert, dev~lo~er, stated he does not recall ever having made a commitment to funding the construction of the conn~cti~n of Gulf Shore Boulevard but if it is listed as a condition in the PUD docUQent he will honor it. Commissioner Archer commented he cannot recall anyone having made any sort of commitment for the connection of the roads. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated that, to his knowledge, the final plat meets with all the conditions of the pun document and he recommends approval. >"OR 77l Pg. 1479 ,---, · ... 1 l_-* Septemher 5, 1978 Mr. ~ikc Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, stated the Board had previously stated that "~~e:"\ever the final plat is approveci for Park Shore Unit :P5. the develc..pe:, Hou1d make a commitment to construct a cul-de-sac at the dead e~d of Gulf Shore Boulevard. He suggested that the Board proceed with condemnation proceedin~s of the "spike" strip to be used as a connector for the possible future continuation of Gulf Shore Pc~levard. Chairman Pistor stated this ~a::er is being looked into and ,.ill be hrought up for further cons:deration next week. Commissioner Wimer asked if the Board, in the future, decides to construct the continuation of Gulf Shore Boulevard, could create a taxing district of the res:dents in the area to help fund the project to which the County P.ttc~ney replied in the aff~~native. Commissioner '~enzel moved. secc~ded by Commissioner Bro~~ and cRrried unanimously 5/0. that the fi~a1 plat of Park Shore Unit 5 be anT)roved subject to tp.e condit~.o;.s stipulated in the Pl'D document. * * * Recess: 12 Noon to 1:30 P.M. at "':-.ic~, tiMe Deputy Clerk Pantano was replaced by Deputy r:le::-~'. Srenner:lan. * * * BO^RD AUTHORIZES TAKING OF BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STORAGE AND }~INTENANCE BUILDING FOR THE PARKS & RECPBATION DEPART~mNT County Manager C. Hilliam NO:'!:'.E.r1 explained that the Board authorized the selection of a consultant on June 6. 1978 to prepare construction plans and specificatio~s for a storage and mainten~nce facility for the Parks & Recreation Department. Mr. Norman said that subsequent to that action, Parks & Recreation Director Rollie Rice contacted metal building suppliers and obtained basic building plans and specifications from one of those suppliers which can become the basis for taking bids. He said that the Purchasing Director will work with departmental staff to insure that no potential supplier will be "closed out". Mr. Norman said that he has conferred with Engineer Clifford Barksdale regarding the future plans for the pertinent property and it has been determined that the building has '.', 043 '-'.~':' 252 b:,C,; 043 fL~~ 253 September 5, 1978 been incorporated into t~e future plans for the property and that provision for utilities and drainage have been made. It was Mr. Norman'3 recommendation that bids be solicited recognizing that the project w111 be paid for from the $5,000,000 Bond Issue and that it is part of the preliminary list of priorities for that issue which the Board has previously approved. Also, said Mr. Norman, it is con- tained in the Capital Improvement Budget for the next year. Commissioner Wenzel recalled that when the matter of the new voting machines was discus8e~and if the decision was made to go into a new system, the space formerly occupied by the voting machines would be available for use by the Parks Department. Mr. Norman stated that he has been advised by County Engineer Barksdale that this space would be needed for expansion of the Road De~artment. COTTIr.lissionf'r t..r"nze1 ~otc~. trat he is in favor of a Tncta1 building, cOl'1lT1entinp' that the project does not t'~arrant hiring an architpct and and engineer, and the like; bids can he obtained from the suppliers. Commissioner ^rcher, ohserving that the recommendation is to solicit bids and that a determination can be made at a later time ~s to whether or not to expend the funds for this purpose, moved that the County l'!anap,er be authorized to advertise for bids for the con- struction of a storaRc and maintenance facility for the Parks and Recreation nepartment. Commissioner tUrner seconded the motion which aJrried 5/0. Commissioner Wenzel advised that there are at least four companies that he is aHare of who manufacture this type of building and said that at least those four should be contv~ted. APPEAL OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ABATEMENT BY T. MALONEY - HITHDRAWN AT REQUEST OF APPELLANT County ~1anager Norman stated that the appeal of a public nuisance abatement filed by Mr. T. Maloney has been withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the appellant, following discussion of the matter between Zoning Director Carl Clemmer, ~tr. Maloney and himself. r . . , L_.I September 5, 1978 RESOLUTION CWS-78-1 AMENDING RESOLUTION CWS-77-11 RE SEPTIC TANK SLUDGE DISPOSAL - ADOPTED Utility Director Irving Berzon requested that the Board adopt a proposed resolution, amending Resolution CWS-77-11 regarding septic tank sludge disposal, authorizing a change in time and days of dis- posal of subject material. He said the reason for the change is that the Department of Environmental Regulation has agreed to rec!.assify the plant in North Naples from a "B" plant to a "c" plant which permits the operating hours of the plant to be decreased to a 40-hour, 5-day operation which will have a significant effect on the cost of the operation. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution ClvS-78-1 amending Resolution CWS-77-11 with regard to a change in time and days of disposal of septic tank sludge snd grease trap residue be adopted. Commissioner Wimer inquired about the affect the curtailment of the Saturday operation will have on individual operators with Mr. Berzon responding that the average number of users coming in on Saturdays is two or maybe three at the most and the problem will be to get those persons to work within the new schedule. Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous vote of 5/0 and the following Resolution was adopted. 8GCK 043 PA~:2.54 & 1._.... September 5, 1978 CHAIRl1AN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE LETTER TO THE NAPLES AIRPORT AUTHORITY REQUESTING EXTENSION OF PRESENT LEASE AGREEl1ENT UNDER THE SAME TERMS AND PROVISIONS FOR ADDITIONAL YEAR - SAME TO EXPIRE SEPTIDfBER ~O, 1979 Utility Director Irving Berzon reported that he has received a telephone call from the Naples Airport Authority requesting that the Board consider the matter of extending the existing lease for another year regarding the MVI station and the Transfer station at this time to enable the Authority to act upon it at its next meeting. He said that everything would remain status quo - the same terms, conditions, and the like. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the existing lease with the Naples Airport Authority be extended for one more year, to expire September 30, 1979, under the same terms and conditions now existing. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 5/0, authorizin~ the Chairman to execute ap~ropriate letter to the Naples Airport Authority regardinp, the extension of the subject lease. ROUTiNE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAn:ENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedure~ and that funds are available, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5-0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from August 30. 1978 through September 5, 1978: FUND WARRANT ~ 8715 - 8861 8862 - 8901 48906 - 49331 40 37 14 lS 14 17 10 14 13 14 10 9 9 County Warrants County ''''arrants BCC Payroll General Fund Road 6. Bridge Interest 6. Sinking Interest & Sinking Golden Gate I 6. S Collier County Fire District Immokalee Water/Sewer Special MSTD's Collier County Lighting. Collier County Lifthting Sewer District "A Victoria Park Drainage Federal Revenue Sharing ~". 043 ,.....2516 . " . \ . ., " 8~.C, 043 f~::' 257 Count~ Water System Fund '46 Aquat1c Weed Improveme,t Trust Golden Gate Fire Henderson Creek Fire Ochopee Fire District CETA Kelly Road t-later Water Management Sewer Dist. "A" Assessments Sewer Dist. "A" Revenues Special Road Assessments Fire Hydrant Assessment Fund CC Water/Sewer Utility Division Municipal Service Taxing Dist. Anti-Recession/Fed. Rev. Shar. Capital Improvement Rev. Cert. Grants & Gifts Grants & Gifts (LPW) Immokalee Lighting September S. 1978 1 18 - 19 22 - 23 13 - 14 5 14 22 10 25 - 26 49 - 50 29 - 30 l8 - 19 5 32 26 - 27 13 11 19 7 8 BUDGET AHENDMENT 78-l48 TO ALLOCATE FUNDS IN MVI "TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS" ACCOUNT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $200 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 78-l48 to allocate funds in "Tools and Implements" account to allm., for the maintenance/repair of building and equipment by MVI employees be adopted. f-'" - . . br.C~ () 43 . Pt.~: 259 September 5, 1978 ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING RE COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT MILLAGE ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 (7130 P.M.) AND SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 (9:00 A;M.) Fiscal Officer Harold Hall sa~d that two public hearings, within two weeks of each other, are required with regard to the millage in- crease for the Collier County Lighting District. Mr. Hsll noted that the first heAring should be after 5:00 P.M., and the second one can be at anytime within the next two weeks. He recommended that the Board authorize advertising for public hearings on the matter and suggested that the hearings be held on September 19, 1978 at 7:30 P.M., and the second one be held either on September 26 or October 3, 1978. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and cBrried unanimously, that the public hearings regarding the millage increase for the Collier County Lighting District be advertised for September 19, 1978 at 7:30 P.M., and September 26, 1978 at 9:00 A.M. BOARD ACCEPTS STATE HARWIT NO. 0120402 IN THE AMOUNT OF $480 RE TITLE IV RURAL DEVELOPMENT ACT TO PURCHASE FIRE HOSE FOR THE GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Co~ssioner Wimer and cBrried 5-0, that the Board acknowledge the receipt of State \larrant No. 0120402 in the amount of $480 re advance payment in full for the 50% Federal Cost-Sharing Assistance, Title IV, Rural Development Act, for the purchase of 600'feet of 2.1.1" fire hose for the Golden Gate Fire Control District. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATE FOR CORRECTION ON 1977 TAX ROLL f/4l9 . Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5-0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Certificate for Correction on the 1977 Tax Roll, Certificate No.' 419, dated July 18, 1978. "1 " ~ 1___' September 5, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO MAYOR ROLAND B. ANDERSON, CITY OF NAPLES, OFFERING THE CITY THE USE OF THE COUNTY'S COMPUTER Conunissio'..er Wenzel moved, ceconded by Conunissioner Archer, that the Chairman be authorized to execute letter to Mayor Roland B. Anderson, City of Naples, offering the City the use of the County's Computer. Conunissioner Archer inquired about the monetary arrangements with the City with Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explaining that thiR would be a matter to be worked out between the respective staffs. Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous vote. ALTERNATE MEMBER MIKE TAYLOR OF EAC DESIGNATED REGULAR MEMBER TO COMPLETE THE UNEXPIRED TERH OF t-THEATON KRAFT; RESUMES BEING ACCEPTED FOR PERSON TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE MEMBER Conunissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign letter to Hr. Mike Taylor, Alternate Member of Environmental Advisory Council, changing his status to that of Regular Member to fulfill the remainder of }rr. Wheaton Kraft's term of office, and that an announcement be m~de to the public that resumes are being accepted from individuals interested in serving on the council as Alternate Member. CHAI~~\N AUTHORIZED TO INITIAL DELETED SPACE IN 5/9/78 AGREEMENT t.,rITH HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDICATING APPROVAL OF DELETION Administrati\~ Aide to the Board ~~ry Morgan explained that HRS has refused to sign the agreement with the Health Department, dated May 9, 1978, with regard to janitorial services, until such time as a sentence is deleted. The sentence being deleted, said Mrs. Morgan, reads, as follows: "The health department shall save and hold harmless the Board for any and all liability incurred by the health department as a result of the negligent acts of personnel rendering services pursuant to this agreement". Mrs. Morgan advised that what is being requested of the Board is their authorization for the Chairman, or appropriate staff, to initial the deleted space indicating approval of the deletion. ~,. ~ \ 043 p~::' 260 br,e~ 0 43 f'~~: 261. September 5, 1978 Following brief discussion, Comm~ssioner Wimer moved, second by Commissioner Archer and carried 5-0, that the Chairman be authorized to initial the deletion referred to above in the subject contract, following consultation with the County Manager and the County Attorney. PROPOSED POLICY RE CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCEDURES - TO BE FURTHER DISCUSSED SEPTEMBER l2, 1978 The matter of the proposed Policy re Consultant Selection Procedures, together with Chairman Pistor's memorandum of August 25, 197D relating to lobbying activities by representatives of firms submitting bids for various County projects, was briefly discussed. It IMS the consensus of the Board that the matter be placed on the Scptcmber l2, 1978 agenda for further consideration. BOARD AUTHORIZED PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL DESK, CHAIR AND TELEPHONE FOR BGC OFFICE Chairman Pis tor referred to hiR memorandum dated August 30. 1978 to the Board with regard to office assistance in the BCC office, ex- plaining the need for an assistant to the Administrative Aide to the Board, on a part-time basis, and for an additional desk, chair and telephone for this purpose. During the discussion which followed, Commissioner Wenzel stated that he would not vote to hire an additional employee and Commissioner Nimer concurred that additional help is needed but he is unsure about :he method of obtaining same. Chairman Pis tor suggested the possi- li1ity of using one of the employees in the Clerk's office with Fiscal )fficer Hall explaining that he has a "fill-in-type" individual who .s employed during heavy ~~rk10ad periods, vacation, and the like, Iho could possibly work a few more hours a week in the Commissioners' area. Chairman Pis tor suggested that the Board members give the matter urther consideration with action to be taken at a later date. However, aid the Chairman, the need for the additional help might as well be ecogni7.cd and the equipment secured. ...- . . ". ....1 September 5, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/1, Commissioner Wenzel voting in opposition, that the Board authorize the securing of a desk, chair, and telephone for the BCC office. COUNTY ATTORNEY AND PLANNER WILLI~1 VINES AUTHORIZED TRAVEL TO WAS HIN<iT ON , D. C. RE ACQUISITION OF LAW STUDENTS FOn RESEARCH WORK ON GOLDEN GATE ESTATES REDEVEI.OPME~T PROGRAM County Attorney Donald Pickworth requested authorization for. himself and Planner William Vines to travel to Washington, D. C., bsving the afternoon of September 11. 1978 and returning the morning of September 12. 1978. He explained that the purpose of the trip is to secure the services of two George Washington University Law School candidates for Master's Degrees in Environmental Law to work on the matter of the Golden Gate Estates Redevelopment Program. He said that there would be no charge to the County for the project, other than travel expenses incurred for the trip to explain the program to the individuals and provide th~m with materials. Commissioner Bro~m moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and Archer absent at the time of the vote, that the request for travel, as outlined by Mr. Pickworth, he approved. NrSCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection. the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the vArious departments liS indicated: 1. Letter dated August 29, 1978 from John Conroy Chairman Master Plan Seminar, Naples Area Chamber of C~mmerce ' regarding a seminar to discuss the preliminary work done on the Comprehensive Plan to be held September 9 1978 at the Beach Club Hotel - Filed. ' Memorandum dated September 1, 1978 from County Attorney re Operation and Maintenance of Water Control Structures by Big Cypress Basin and transmitting copy of a letter ~~~:~~ed from Robert Grafton, Counsel, SFWMD re same _ 2. 3. Letter dated August 29, 1978 from Brandt G Watson Director, Collier Mosquito Control District, respo~ding to Board letter of August 8, 1978 re expansion of District boundaries - Filed. ~h~ : ,( 043 pc262 ,-..... September 5, 1978 INTERVIEWS HITH CONSULTANTS FOR APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION OF CAPRI HATER \-lORKS; STANLEY W. HOLE & ASSOCIATES DESIGNATED fil l"IRH; UTILITY DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH ill DESIG~~ATEn FIRM U~i1ity Director Irving Berzon advised that he was informed on September 1, 1978 that the consulting firm scheduled to make a presentation at 1:30 P.M. (American Appraisal Co.) would not appear. DAIVKINS AND ASSOCIATES Mr. Rick Dawkins represented the firm of Dawkins and Associates and provided the Board with a brief background of the firm's history and personnel, as well as describing the various projects upon '"hich the firm has worked. He said that the firm has been serving clients in the central Florida area since it was founded fourteen years ago; however, a branch office has recently been established in Fort Myers and that the County's project will he handled out of that office. Mr. Dawkins introduced his associate, Ar:hur Finney, whom he said has been working in the field of utilities fo~ twenty-eight years, adding that he has an engineering degree from the University of Florida. Mr. Finney outlined what his firm believes to be those steps necessary to establish the value of :he Capri Hater Works utility, namely, very early in the study, they would define the work scope, the service area, and the source of :he data, coordinating same with the County staff. He said it is his understanding that there are some plans of the systero in existence; however, if such plans are not available, or arc incomplete, work .....ou1d be done in the field to determinc the source of the data. Following this, the component parts of the systcm would be defined - the plant, the mains, size and lengthl of mains, meters, storage facilities, and the like. Continuing, Mr. Finney said the: the condition of the system \Vould be defined, follmoling ,,,hich e ~eplacement cost for the sys tern \"otlld be determined based on the cor::?onent parts previously defined and evaluated, adding that at this point, a value would be placed on the utility. The utility's financial records would be reviewed, said Mr. Finney, rates established, operating costs determined, and discussions held with the County's Fiscal Officer with regard to the County's bonding capacity Mr. Finney said that all phases 1"ould be reviewed periodically with the County and stated that the staff of the firm of Dawkins and Associates believes it has the experience to fu1fu11 the purpose of establishing the value of a private utility for the possible transfer to Collier County. In response to Commissioner Archer, Mr. Finney responded that the project is estimated to be completed in approxi- mately ninety days. Mr. Dawkins concluded by saying they would be very proud to serve the County on the assignment and would provide the County with a realistic and objective appraisal for the subject system. n.\ 043 pc: 264 b~~:'. 0 43 p~:: 265 September 5, 1978 JAMES MONTGOMERY Mr. Glen Humphrey, Consulting Englneer, stated that the Montgomery firm :s a consulting enpineering firm primarily engaged in municipal and public water and wastewater facilities. He introduced Mr. Larry Kesting, an associate, for the purpose of outlining the approach the firm would take in appraising and eval- uating the Capri water system. Mr. Keating said that the firm would combine nationally-known stability and expertise and South Florida knowledge and experience which will enable the County to confidently proceed on decisions regarding the possible purchase and funding for the Capri system. lie said that the system is not monumental - there is no need for a large number of PH.n's for the project. He said that the tirm has done a tremendous number of this type appraisal over the years, noting that the firm has an excellent history of stable, reliable service, and has never been involved in bankruptcy proceedings, and is proud of tts record of having done over $1,500,000,000 in con- struction projects. He said that they have gone through so 'nany projects throughout the years that there have been involvements in litigationi however, the firm's insurance carriers have never had to pay a claim despite the many years the firm has been in business and the volumc of that business. Mr. Keating used a series of slides to describe some of the representative projects on which the firm has worked, including feasibility studies, appraisals, and financial and rate studies. Mr. Keating outlined the personnel who would be working on the proj ec t and the funcUons each 1"ould be performing in order to arrive at a reliable conclusion and, to make sure that the firm is not "off base" in any aspect, the results will be reviewed by a technical committee. Conce~ning the timetable for completion of the project, Mr. Keating said that it could probably be done in less than two months. In response to Chairman Pistor. Mr. Keating said that portions of the pipe in the various areas will be checked and/or tested, as well as the storage tanks, The rcpresentatives of James l!ontgomery expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to make their presentation. POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. Mr. Bob Wright, representing the firm, stated that he works out of the Fort Myers office of the firm and expressed the firm's appreciation for the opportunity to compete for the project of ap- praising and evaluating the Capri ~~ater Works. He distributed hand- books which he said were essentially a duplication of the charts which will be displayed during his presentation. He said that the firm has done forty or more studies similar to the work envisioned for the project under discussion and of those studies, at least ten were appraisal and evaluation studies that would 1p.ad tO~Tard the acquisition of a private utility system by a municipal form of government. Mr. Wright provided brief resumes of the team that '~ould be working on the proj ect if the firm is selected, and who ~:ou1d complete a well-rounded evaluation of the system in all aspects _ operation, maintenance, engineering and financial. He said that the project would be totally "in-house" and listed what is felt to be the major work elements in the study of the system, including inventory and life expectancy of said inventory, technical evaluation, dollar evaluation, financial analysis, and the preparation of the finnl report. ,u .. ......." I._-J September 5. 1978 In response to Convnissioner Archer, Hr. l'!right said that some of the information is avai1eb1e from previous work done with regard to the l!astcr Plan project; however, the big item lacking is that a dollar value was never placed on it nor were decisions made as to what was needed to upgrade the syst~m, if necessary, to tie in with the County system. ReRarding the time frame involved, Mr. Wright said that if the records are good and with ~he data already in hand, the maximum for completion would be two months. Commissioner Archer inquired if any of the information obtained by the firm as a result of the Master Water Study has been made available to the County. Utility Director Berzon stated that the final results were provided; however, in his opinion, the material is no where near what is needed for the overall appraisal and evaluation. STANLEY H. HOLE [. ASSOCIATES Mr. Stanley Hoke, President, Stanley W. Hole [. Associates, expressed appreciation to the Board for permitting the firm to be represented and noted that he was accompanied by Mr. Art Charloff, Business Manager of the firm, who handles the financial end of the appraisals. Mr. Hole noted his recent presentation to the Board in connection with the Marco Island project and stated that. in his opinion, there is no need to make a lurther detailed presentation. Ilopcver, supplementary to that presentation, Mr. Hole said that the ap~raisal will be conducted in strict accordance with EPA guidelines. Another matter which was brought out during the previous presentation, said Mr. Hole. is the matter of grants and he stated that the firm hAS ohtained a copy of the Federal l.,rater Pollution Control Act which outlines the ~rants ~vhich are available and how they can be ohtained ",hien he p,ave to the Chairman. Also, continued Mr. Hole, in addition to the detailed report of the enRineering activities which was pre- sented. the fiscal approach to the project was briefly mentioned and sll~r-es tee! that if there were any questions the Board ,,,ou1d like answered, l'lr, Chilrloff was present to respond to them. Chairman Pistor, ohservin~ that Mr. Hole's firm is a local firm and that is has done other work for the County, inquired if Mr. Hole is familiar with the Capri Water Works. Mr. Hole responded in the affirmative stating that the firm had to conduct its own evaluation fo~ a project and it was found that the utility was reliable 'or that project. Responding to COlnmissioner Brown, Mr. Hole speculated that the project would take four months to complete. And, in answer to Com- missioner Wenzel, Mr. Hole responded that all of the firm's employees reside in the County. Mr. Hole concluded his presentation by expressing the firm's desire to work for the County, noting they have worked for the County in the past and that they are good clients. and also stating that of the list of five firms chosen by the review committee 8S being qualified, his firm is the only local firm determined to be technically qualified and that if makes sense to do business with a local firm. j ~c.~, 043 p~:: 266 BroCK 043 p~~: 267 ') September 5, 1978 SELECTION OF 11, 12, AND 13 FImss Commissioner Archer commented that since the firm of Stanley W. Hole & Associates have already been selected for negotiations with regard to the Marco project and since the two projects are closely related, he moved that the firm be designated the 11 firm with regard to the appraisal and evaluation of the Capri Water Works. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. Chairman Pis tor noted that the proposed policy for the selection of consultant firms stipulates that the selections are to be made by ballot. There was no action taken on the motion. The results of the balloting for the No. 1 desjgnee were as follows: Stanley W. Hole & Associates - 5 votes Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried by unanimous vote 5-0, that Stanley W. Hole & Associates be awarded No. 1 consulting firm for the subjedt project. For the No. 2 designated firm, the results of the balloting wcre as follows: Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernig^n, Inc. - 3 votes Dawkins and Associates - 2 votes Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried 5-0, that Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. be awarded No. 2 consulting firm for the subject project. The results of the balloting for the No. 3 designated firm were as follows: Dawkins and Associates James Montgomery - 3 votes - 2 votes Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5-0, that DawKins and Associates be awarded No. 3 consulting firm for the subject project. CommisRioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5-0, that the Utility Director be authorizcd to enter into negotiations with the No. 1 designated consulting firm for the appraisal and evaluation of the Capri Water WorKs project. BUDGET CONSIDERATION RE TECH Chairman Pistor referred to the memorandum from him to the Commissioners regarding budget consideration of TECH which explains that there are funds in the budget, not specifically listed as such, which can take care of the item if and when the Board wishes to vote to do so. Chairman Pistor added that it is his personal opinion that there should be no further discussion on the matter at the present time. The BOArd expressed concurrence with the Chairman's above-referenced memorandum and with his comments re same. ,.-. - . . l.. __J September 5, 1978 ADJOURNMENT There be~ng no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Chairman Pistor, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously - Timel 3140 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARDCS) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL, Q.~~ N ATTEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK II . .\ ol\' ~ '\ 8r.oK 043 PI.~26a