BCC Minutes 08/22/1978 R 4.,d. .. .. I 1 Naples, Florida, August 22, 1978 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Fiscal Officer/Chief Deputy Clerk; Jean Swindle and Edna Brenneman (1:30 P.M.: Deputy Clerks; C. William Norman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Clifford Barksdale, County Engineer; Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; and William McNulty, Sheriffls Department. AGENDA B~ or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . rXNAL AGENPA &u;llll.~ U.. .UllI. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS TilE BO"'RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WIIICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGEND.... WILL DE HE"'RD AT 11100 A.M. 1. INVOC"'TION 2. PLEDGE or ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROV"'L OF AGENDA 4. ~PPROVAL or MINUTES. August I, 1978 5. PROCLAMATIONS ftND PRES~NTATIONS or AWARDS 6. ADVSRTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Final a.....m.nt roll for FI.mlngo Estate. Fir. Hydrant District. (Engin..ring). 'B. rinal as..s.m.nt roll for Cuilford Road Fire Hydrant Di.trict. ~ Bngin..ring) c. Petition R-71-7-1 by Collier Development Corporation requ..ting resoning of prop.rty in S3l, T46S, R29E from "1-A-2" to "I-C-3" tor the purpo.. of constructiD9 a conveni.nc. store. (~lanni~!J) .. ? ~D~~ 043 pc: 20 l....,; 043 rt.~: 23 August 22, 1978 . U. BC" .EOU1Jl: 01' INTERVIEWS A. l:30. Briley, Wild , A"OCliate. B. 2:00 CH2H H.1ll (Black, Crow , Bid.ne..) C. 2130 ae. , J.nsen O. 3100 Cree ley , Uan.en B. 3130 Reynold.. Smith , Bill r. 4100 Ro.., Saarinen, Bolton, Hilder U. ~ .denotes additions ..denotes changes AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITION/DELETION Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the agenda be approved with the following Addition/ Deletion: 1. Consideration of Water Management Advisory Board recom- mendation re maintenance of water control structures (Item 10-5) - Continued until August 29, 1978. 2. Consultant selection/Protest regarding Marco Island Water Sewer approval (Item 10-3) - moved up on the Agenda to be heard before the scheduled public hearings per Commissioner Archer's motion. 3. Addition of item under Clerk's Report/Other - requesting authorization for payment of $5,000 for contractual services rn Clerk's office. MINUTES OF AUGUST 1, 1978 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the minutes of August 1, 1978 be approved as presented. BOARD ACTION OF AUGUST 15, 1978 REGARDING SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR MARCO ISLAND WATER/SEWER - RESCINDED. RESULT OF NEW VOTE: STANLEY HOLE & ASSOCIATES SELECTED FOR ENGINEERING EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL; NOTICE OF PROTEST PRESENTED BY AMERICAN APPRAISAL ATTORNEY, MR. MICHAEL CRANE Commissioner Archer began the discussion by moving that the Board rescind the action it took during the August 15, 1978 meeting on the IL.. --- .t ._1 August 22, 1978 selection of ~ consultant for the Marco Island Sewer project, seconded by Commissioner Nenzcl and carried ullanimously 5/0. In his second motion, Commissioner Archer moved that the Board accept and adopt the results of the original ballot as was announced during the August 15, 1978 meeting and that a new ballot be cast to break the tie between the two firms that were selected for second place (Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc. und Stanley Hole and Associates both had B points each). Before a second was forth- coming, discussion followed rec-rarding the "right" Commissioner Wimer had when he changed his vote on the original ballot without employing Robert's Rules of Order (specifically - not getting the Doard's approval for said change after the results of the first ballot had been read aloud); Commissioner Wimer's remark regarding the list of consultants given for review, saying they all were qualified to do the work but that he personally preferred a local firm that was experienced in water/sewer appraisal such as Black, Crow, & Eidsness or Stanley Hole rather than American Appraisal that admittedly did not have such a background of experience in the State of Florida; also Commissioner Wimer's comment to American Appraisal, Inc. and to the Board regarding the Boardls possible employment of the firm when such real estate appraisal projects become necessary, i.e. Seaboard Coast Line Railroad property as a considered purchase by the Board and the School Board negotiations for a land trade with the County; Commissioner Archer's objection to Commissioner Wimer's remarks; and County Attornay Pickworth's opinion that Commissioner Wimer had the "right" to change his vote during the meeting of August 15, 1978 as there had been no motion on the floor but suggested that the Board might want to move to adopt the origL,al motion, with the results of the ballot being those read by Utility Director Irving Berzon, then vote on that motion. ~~.~~ 043 P:':~ 24 ~,~r': 043 r~:: 25 August 22, 1978 It was at thiR time, Commissioner Wenzel seconded Commissioner Archerls motiJn, already on the floor and upon roll call vote, the motion was defeated 2/3 with Co~~issioners Wenzel, Wimer, and Brown dissenting. Commissioner Brown then moved to nominate as the No. 1 firm, Stanley Hole and Associates; No.2 firm, Watson' Company I and No. 3 firm, Hazen' Sawyer, for the consultants re Marco IslAnd Water/Sewer project's evaluation and appraisal, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 3/2 with Commissioners Pistor and Archer dissenting. Attorney Michael Crane, American Apprainalls representative, stated he had arrived when the Board was just completing the above- referenced action and he hoped, because of such action, that the arguments he had prcpareu in defense of the Notice of Protest he had filed with the Board on behalf of American Appraisal, would not be rendered mute. Mr. Crane addressed the point, as had the Board, of whether or not one of the Commissioners could change his vote based upon the original ballot taken during the meeting August 15, 1978 and questioned the legality of the Board rescinding all action taken of the meeting. He continued, that the Boardls duty under the Competitivo Negotiation Act requires the Board to rate in the order of 1, 2, ) - the three most qualified firms that are seeking to enter into negotiations with the County and onC3 this decision is made, then negotiations must be made with t:le firm rated No. 1. Mr. Crane said such a decision had been made when the Board voted, using the weighted vote method, and placed American Appraisal in first place with 9 points. At this point, according to Florida Statute 287.055, paragraph 5, subparagraph (a), Mr. Crane stated that the requirement placed upon the Board is to begin negotiations with the most qualified firm, in this case, American Appraisal and quoted from Robert's Rule of Order, Section 46 - "A member has a right to ..... &-- t. I August 22, 1978 change his vote up to the time that the vote is finally announced; after that; he can only change the vote by permission of the assembly". This will be the first deviation the Board has made from the results of their "weighted" voting process for the last eight contracts that have come before the C0mmissioners, Mr. Crane concluded. Commissioner Archer reai from the verbatim transcript those portions that verified the statement of Attorney Crane's that American Appraisal had been publicly announced as thA No. 1 firm per the original ballot taken in the August 15, 1978 meeting. Attorney Crane stated at this time that the position of American Appraisal will be that at the time the Board of County Commissioners passed its first ballot, having a clear first place position for American Appraisal as a result of the Board's weighted vote, negotiations should have begun with American Appraisal and that any act of rescission to change such a vote, is not consistent with Parliamentary Procedure. He concluded with the statement that the Board, in his opinion, is under a legal and moral obligation to negotiate with American Appraisal. County Attorney Pickworth, when asked, said that Board action must be defended and that he and Mr. Crane had discussed their respective positions and had agreed to disagree. He also stated that ~Ir. Crane has a cogent argument as does the County. ROBERT WHEELER, HEALTH DEPARTMENT, PRESENTED 15 YEAR SERVICE AWARD Chairman Pistor presented ~tr. Robert Wheeler with a 15 year Service Award, stating that Mr. Wheeler had given great service to the County and the public during the past fifteen years. Mr. Wheeler accepted his award with thanks to the Board of County Commissioners. n[1C~ 043 ~~:: 2B I I I b'l" 043 r:,~: 27 August 22, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 78-128 - RE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR FLAMINGO ESTATES FIRE HYDRANT DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on August 4, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the final assessment roll for the installation of eleven (11) fire hydrants in the Flamingo Estates Special Assessment District. County Engineer Darksdale stated the final cost figure including the 6' administr.ative fee for the installation of the eleven (11) fire hydrants amounted to $9,824.15 and it is the recommendation of the staff that the Board approve the final assessment roll as presented. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 78-128 approving the final assessment roll for the installation of eleven (11) fire hydrants in the Flamingo Estates Special Assessment District in the amount of $9,824.15, be adopted. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....,.. L" ! I August 22, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 7B-l29 RE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR GUILFORD ROAD FIRE HYDRANT DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on August 4, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the final Assessment roll for the installation of t~o (2) fire hydrants in the Guilford Road Fire Hydrant District. County Engineer Barksdale stated the final cost figure including the 6% administrative fee for the installation of two (2) fire hydrants amounted to $2,043.96 and it is the recom- mendation of the staff that the Board approve the final assessment roll as presented. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Resolution 78-129 approving the final assessment roll for the installation of two (2) fire hydrants in the Guilford Road Fire Hydrant District in the amount of $2,043.96 be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o~r:< 043 Pl.:: 30 b:._, 043 r:.:: 33 August 22, 1979 ORDINANCE NO. 78-41 RE PETITION R-78-7-I BY COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REQUESTING REZONING OF PROPERTY IN SECTION 31, T46S, R29E, FROM "I-A-2"TO "I-C-l" FOR CONSTRUCTING A CONVENIENCE STORE _ ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Immokalee Bulletin on July 20, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened tc consider the rezoning of a 400' &trip of land across the S~ of the NE~ of Section 31, Township 46 South, Range 29 East, abutting the north line of SR-850 and lying west of Carson Road and east of 30 foot County Roads excepting therefrom the North 200' of the East 200' west of Carson Road now owned by the Immokalee Fire Control District from "I-A-2" to "I-C-l" as requested by Collier Development Corporation. Zoning Director Carl Clemmer presented the petition stating the request is being made to allow for the construction of a con- venience store and other retail establishments for this fast-growing area of the Immokalee community. Mr. Clemmer stated there would be no traffic problem as there is ample planned parking and the roads are already in existence. He continued, that said petition had been reviewed by the IAPC on May 31, 1978 with a unanimous recommendation for the Board's approval. The staff concurs with the IJ\PC recommendation, he said. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance re Petition R-7B-7-I by Collier Development Corporation to rezone property in Section 31, Township 46S, Range 29E from "I-A-2" to "I-C-l" in Immokalee be adopted. Whereupon the Ordinance as numbered and titled below was adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No.9. ORDINANCE NO. 7a-~ 1I.N ORDINANCE Jl.J.IF:NDING ORDINAt;CE NO. 74-14,THE ZONING ATLAS FOR THB I~~OKALEE 1I.RrA PLANNING DISTRICT ATI.AS P1I.GE NO. 46-29-9 CHANGING THE ZONING CI,1\SSIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY nESCRIBED IlF.REINDELOW FROM "1-11.-2" to "I-C-l" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: I t I August 22, 1978 ORDINANCE NO. 7B-42 RE PETITION R-78-10-C, TALLIE ELLIS, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, FOR PROPERT~ LOCATED IN SECTIO:l 32, TOWNSHIP 50S, RANGE 26E, BETWEEN HYRTLE COVE ACRES AND TRAIL ACRES - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on July 21, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-78-10-C by Tallie Ellis requesting a rezoning from "A" - Agriculture to "PUD" - Planned Unit Development for property located between Myrtle Cove Acres and Trail Acres in Section 32, Township 50S, Range 26E. Dr. Neno Spagna presented the petition r~questing rezoning to use the land as a professional commercial planned unit development and stated the petition has been reviewed and recommended for approval by all County agencies in their areas of concern. When the CAPe reviewed the request on July 20, 1978 there was a question raised as to the entrance to the project and it was stated that entrance would be from U.S. 41 through property that petitioner owns fronting on U.S. 41 and, later on as Trail Acres is developed, from Second Street so that property owners would not have to enter onto U.S. 41. The CAPC then recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners as does the staff, Dr. Spagna concluded. There being no registered speakers, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-78-10-C by Tallie Ellis requesting a zoning change from "A" Agriculture to "PUD" Planned Unit Development for property located in Section 32, Township 50S, Range 26E between Myrtle Cove Acres and Trail Acres be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. aoc~ 043 Pt.:: 34 b"c'; 043 Pl.:: 35 August 22, 1978 ORDINANCE 78 - ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-26-32 BY REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PART OF THE N 1/2 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, LOCATED BETWEEN MYRTLE COVE AND TRAIL ACRES AT THE END OF THE SECOND STREET, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OROINANCE NO. 78-43 RE PETITION R-78-12-C, AMERICAN PISTOL AND RIFLE ASSOCIATION REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "RO" RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 50S, RANGE 26E AND RESOLUTION NO. 78-134 RE PETITION PU-78-12-C REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USES (5) AND (9) FOR SHOOTING AND ARCHERY RANGE _ ADOPTED; PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS ACCEPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 21, 1978 as evidenced by ~ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-78-12-C by American Pistol and Rifle Association requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "RO" Recreational Open Space in Section 14, Township 50S, Range 26E together with the companion Petition PU-78-12-C requesting Provisional Use (5) and (9) for a shooting and archery range. Dr. Neno Spagna presented both petitions - the rezone petition requesting change from "A" Agriculture to "RO' Recreational Open Space for that property located on the SW~ of the NE~ of Section 14, Township 50S, Range 26E and is more generally known as the property located approximately 2~ miles south of Alligator Alley and ~ mile east of SR 951 and the provisional use petition requesting that said property be used for a shooting and archery range. Dr. Spagna stated that the requests have been reviewed by all agencies and have been recommended for approval with stipulations. The CAPC reviewed I I 1._--] J August 22, 1978 tho petitions and recommended approval with a 3/2 vote on July 20, 1~78, Dr. Spagna cOI.tinued, and he had for the record, two letters of oppositionl Mr. James C. Scott, 507 West Clinton, Frankfort, Indiana and Mr. T.J. Boxter, 8732 Beechwood, Indianapolis, Indiana. Chairman Pistor presented for the record five letters he had received in opposition; reasons for opposing were the lowering of property values and the hazard of the proposed rifle and pistol range by ricochetting bullets to people. Mr. Dan Nickel, American Rifle and Pistol Association of Collier County Trustee, stated there has long been a need in the county for a pistol/rifle association and for a range where this Kind of sport and recreation can be safely housed. Mr. Nickel said the property is a 40 acre parcel of land located quite a distance from any residential arca and is for the most part deserted. He gave the size of the range as doubled the area most people use for this purpose which will accordingly reduce all sound levels. The membership of the Association has grown and continues to grow by great numbers, Mr. NiCKel continued, while the interest increases with the same enthusiasm. The proposed range will have public classes in safety and firearms; target practice conducted by a qualified range master; matches between qualified shooters; and, the range will be made available to the public (which includes ROTC instruction; law enforcement agencies; YMCA, etc). Mr. NiCKel said the type of ammuni~ion to be used will be "low-powered" with the Range Master in control of all ammunition that is used by participants at the range site. Discussion followed regarding the future use of center-fire rifles and their ammunition; the bunKers surrounding the target area being very high and equipped with deflectors1 the design of the range having the National Rifle Association approval for safety and utility; and the incidents of accident being non-existent on such ranges already operating. ~:':~ 043 P:.:: 36 b:O~'" 043 p~~~ 37. August 22, 1979 Mr. James C. Scott spoke in opposition, saying his property is just 10 miles north of the proposed site and the installation of such a range would be dangerous to people and would devalue his land. Mr. Scott stated he had no objection to "skeet-shooting" or the use of 221s. Mr. Fred W. Clark spoke in opposition, explaining his personal viewpoint that the rango would be a danger to people and a detri- ment to the surrounding property and wondered why the petitioner had not gone even farther out for a land site. In defense of the petition, Mr. Nickel stated that the Florida State zoning law requires there be one-half mile distance from a highway before a rifle, high-powered or otherwise, can be discharged and this requirement is less than is planned for the range. He also said that proposed site has been dormant land for the past 27 years and the position of Golden Gate Estates in relation to the range is some three (3) miles away. Chairman Pistor asked that the stipulation of not allowing the use of any armour piercing ammunition/steel bullets on any portion of the range be added to the petitioner's agreement and Mr. Nickel concurred. There being no other registered speakers, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimoUSly, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer declared a possible conflict by stating that he is a member of the American Pistol and Rifle Association in an advisory capacity. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimousl~ that the Ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-7B-12-C by American Pistol and Rifle Association re- questing a zoning change from "A" Agriculture to "RO" Recreational Open Space in Section 14, Township 50S, Range 26E, be adopted and I I I .] August 22, 1978 entered intr Ordinance Book No.8. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Resolution No. 78-134 regarding Petition PU-78-12-C requesting provisional uses (5) and (9) for a shooting and archery range in conjunction with the aforementioned Ordinance be adopted and that the petitionerls agreement to the stipulations as previously stated by the staff be accepted. ORDINANCE NO 78 - ~ ., . ~'.~.. .~~i-~ ~ .~ .. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 76-30, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZUNING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOR1\TED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTIUCT DY A:'IENDING'.TIlE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUHBER 50-26-14, By.~REZONING THE . . FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "A" AGRICULTURAL TO "RO" RECREATION OPEN SPACE :...... .. . . SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP '. ;. '.~:~::Y;:_:::.;. 50 SOUTH, RANGE. 26 EAST, -WHICH IS LOCATED . ;'_.;):>'::;<~.'. :';'" 2 1/2 MILES SOUTH OF -ALLIGATOR ALJ..EY AND . . .. <.~:~ :":.-::,.. _~';" 1/2"MILE EAST OF C.R... 951 AfD P~OVIDING A~: .::~:';';:;'>;~;';'~:!'" EFFECTIVE DATE. . "".. .. _~..o.'.I."",., ..... "- ,c~'~;'~~~~:'c .., ~ .... . ...... '. :... ',;~.~'~~0.(~~:;j./- '... . ..... :... '" '" '" '" .... .... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" il,'':< 043 PC 38 b~~': 043 Pt.:: 43 August 22, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 78-130 RE PETITION CCSL-78-7C BY SURETY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY REQUES~lNG A COASTAL CON~TRUCTION SETBACK LINE VARIANCE FOR LOTS 47 AND 48, VANDERBILT BEACH SUBDIVISION _ ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 6, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCSL-78-7C by Surety Construction Company requesting a Coastal Con~truction Setback Line variance for Lots 47 and 48, Vanderbilt Beach Subdivision. Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Director, presented the variance petition requesting a reduction in the Coastal Construction Setback Line from 155 feet, more or less, to 68 feet, more or less, in order to construct a swimming pool with deck and small structure containing bathers' restrooms and pool equipment, seaward of the established Coastal Construction Setback line as defined in Ordinance 75-19 for Lots 47 and 48, Block "A", Vanderbilt Beach Subdivision and located on the west side of Gulf Shore Drive, immediately south of Vanderbilt Club and immediately north of Dayshores I. Dr. Spagna stated that the State Department of Natural Resources is generally Opposed to granting a variance for the construction of a sWimming pool seaward of the established Coastal Construction Setback Lin~ but does take into consideration the existence of a seawall when making their decision. He concluded that such a seawall does exist in this instance and from this the staff recommends approval of the variance. There being no registered speakers, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, to close the public hearing. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously that ReSOlution No. 78-130 approving the variance Petition CCSL 78-7C from the Coastal Construction Setback Line with restrictions as shown and as required by Ordinance 75-19 for Surety Construction Company be adopted. .. . .-.. J t August 22, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 78-131 RE PETITION V-78-l5-C BY C.A. MURPHY REQUESTING FRONT YARD VARIANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SWIMMING POOL FOR BEACHMOORE CONDO AT THE NW CORNER OF VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD AND GDLF SHORE DRIVE - A00PTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 6, 1978 as evi~cnce~ by Affi~avit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, the public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-l5-C by C.A. Murphy requesting a front yard variance for the construction of a swimming pool for Beachmoore Condominium located at the NW corner of Vanderbilt Beach Road and Gulf Shore Drive. Zoning Director Carl Clemmer presented the request, stating the petition had been brought before the Board previously when the question was raised as to the southern access drive to the project which was proposed to come off of Vanderbilt Road and crossin' through a parking lot that the County had provided for that area. Mr. Clemmer said that the Board asked to rehear the petition so that this question might be cleared up. He continued, that the swimming pool has a scalloped fence around it for privacy; the height of the fence being 10' above grade. At this time, Mr. Clemmer presented an alternative, that was acceptable by County Engineer Barksdale, for the drive which will be coming into the property off of Gulf Shore Drive, going around the swimming pool and into the parking structures that are inside the building. Mr. Clemmer concluded that Dtaff recommends approval. County Manager Norman verified that this particular plan was made acceptable according to County Engineer Barksdale's ~emo of August 9, 1978 when the petitioner ay~eed to the erection of a sign, indicating that the drive would only be used by residents and the employment of a gate that would control access to the residents, in this way limiting the drive's use. Mr. Michael Moore, Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Association Representative, gave no objection to the granting of the variance but asked that the Board continue to take a very close look at proposed construction of assessory structures. ~~ ';:" ", Ot!] 4B '1 ~ to , .... ~... b~~\ 043 r~~: 47 August 22, 1978 There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 78-131 approving the variance Petition V-78-1S-C with the above referenced stipulations for the construction of a swimming pool for Beachmoore Condominium located at the NW corner of Vanderbilt Beach Road and Gulf Shore Dirve be adopted. * . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * '--1 l:I I _I August 22, 1978 AGREEMENT RE PETITION SMP-78-5-C BY ROBERT STACKPOLE REQUESTING SUDDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR RIVERWOOD EAST LOCATED IN SECTION 10, T(~NSIlIP 51S, RANGE 16E, LYING BETWEEN MANATEE ROAD AND HENDERSON CREEK - APPROVED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 7, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, the public hearing was opene~ to cons1der Petition SMP-7B-S-C by Robert Stackpole requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for Riverwood East located in Section lO, Township 51S, Range 26E and lying between Manatee Road and Henderson Creek. Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Director, presented the petition and stated the property is located east of Riverwood Nobilo Home Subdivision on the Isle of Capri Road, north of County Road 31. Dr. Spagna said this is an additional section that is being added to the already existing Riverwood development and when the Subdivision Master Plan was presented to the Subdivision Committee on June 14, 197R, the Committtee recommended approval with the granting of a variance for 201 street paving and 41 side- walks. The CAPC on August 17, 1978 at their regular meeting, recommended approval unanimously to the Boa~d of County Commissioners. There being no registered persons to speak, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commi~Hloner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Subdivision Master Plan for River- wood East as submitted by Robert Stackpole be approved and that the signed Agreement between Petitioner and CAPC stating the above-referenced variance be accepted. * * * * * * * * * * 043 SO . r;',:~. rl L_.1 , August 22, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 78-132 RE PETITION BY GARY AND DIANNE NICKELL FOR THE VACATION OF THE SOUTH 6 FEET OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASE- MENT LOCAT~D LOT 18, BLOCK lPg, GOLDEN GATE UNIT 6 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 7, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, pUblic hearing was opened to consider the Petition by Gary and Dianne Nickell to vacate the South 6 feet for a drainage and utility easement located in Lot IB, Block 188, Golden Gate Uni t 6. County Engineer Barksdale stated that the property owners of Lot 18, Block IB8 Golden Gate Unit 6 have requested a vacation of a six foot drainage and utility eAsement along the southern boundary line of their property and no letters of objections from utility companies and/or the adjacent property owners have been received except for GAC. Mr. Barksdale continued, that GAC felt the wording in the plat, itnelf, had granted the dedication for commercial properties sinc~ it reads "homesites are not applicable" but this objection has since been resolved. The staff recommendation is for approval of the dedication, he said. There being no registered speakers, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel mov~d, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Resolution No. 78-132, vacating the south 6 feet of a drainage and utility easement in Lot 18, Block 188, Goldeil Gate Unit 6 as requested by Gary and Dianne Nickell, be lldopted. * * * * * * * * * * * o~~~ 0 43 p~~: 52 I. .. CI f I August 22, 1978 ORDINANCE TO CREATE A TAXING DISTRICT TO PROVIDE STREET LIGHTING FOR NAPLES PARK - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER ~9, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance to create a taxing district to provide street lighting for Naples Park be authorized for advertising for public hearing on September 19, 1978. PROGRESS REPORT OF WIGGINS PASS DREDGING PROJECT GIVEN BY DR. NENO SPAGNA - AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN LETTER OF CONCURRENCE CONTINUED UNTIL AUGUST 29, 1978 County Manager Norman stated the U.S. Corps of Engineers will complete a detailed feasibility and cost study of the Wiggins Pass Dredging Project and will be preparing a recommendation for Congressional action about December, 1978 with appropriations being available around October, 1979. He continued, that the County's cost for the Project will be about 50% of approximately $1,500,000 to $1,750,000 and prior to the finalizing of the report, the Board must provide the U.S. Corps a letter of concurrence to proceed with the dredging project (when federal monies have been appropriated by Congress) and must locate and make available a site for depositing dredge material which is unsuitable for beach disposal and must be placed on upland. He asked that Dr. Spagna be called upon for any questions concerning the proposed project and the method of acquiring the necessary monies. Discussion followed regarding the use of ad valorem taxes; special taxing district; or funded in the 1979-80 annual budget; requesting the Corps of Engineers to scale down the dredging project; the possibility of the State participating in the funding and a brief background of the proposed project in relation to the Board. Dr. Spagna reviewed the subject and said the Board had authorized, in 1974, a reconnaissance study to be made by the U.S. Corps of Engineers and it is this study that will be submitted to the State [)OC~ 043 r~:: 54 b~~S 043 p~~: 55 August 22, 1978 in Decembel, 1978. This proj~ct is one of four other projects that the State will be asking federal funding on and the State will be going before the Congress for approval in October, 1979. If the approval is given, then an appropriation will be available for the FY 1980 resulting in the Board having yet another year (FY 1980-81) before the allocation of any funds are necessary. Chairman P~stor asked if the option to say "No" to the completion of the proposed project would still be open if the letter of concurrence were Bent now and Dr. Spagna replied in the affirmative. Discussion regarding the scope of the study followed with Dr. Spagna saying he would ask the Corps to cut the study down to a bare minimum and still get the job done. Chairman Pistor requested that the matter be continued until August 29, 1978 so that more positive information regarding minimum figures involven would be available and also to have Dr. Jay Harmic and Mr. Bernie Yokel at the next presentation. Mr. Steven Martin spoke in opposition to the project, saying this project would be touching "just the tip of the iceberg" in relation to maintenance and related it to Hickory Pass which, now, must be done again. RESOLUTION NO. 78-135 EXTENDING TIME PERIOD FOR PETITION PU-77-3-C, GRACE BIBLE CHURCH, LOCATED ON TRACT 85, UNIT 29, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNTIL MAY 31, 1979 - ADOPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Community Development Director, stated the Petitioner has not been able to begin construction because of financial delays and recommended approval of Petition PU-77-3-C requested by Grace Bible Church for an extension of time period. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that Resolution No. 78-135, extending the time period for Petition PU-77-3-C by Grace Bible Church until May 31, 1979, be adopted. b~CK 043 p~~~ 57 August 22, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN RENEWAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE MARCO ISLAND INCINERATOR Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that tho Chairman be Authorized to execute the renewal permit application for the Marco Island incinerator. Note: Complete appliCAtion on file in ~ffice of Clerk of the Board. . .,. -It .,. .,. .,. .,. . .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. b:l~'; 0 43 r/.~: 59 August 22, 1978 QUIT-CLAIM DE~DS FOR ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR NORTH 19TH STREET, IMMOKALEE - ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the four Quit-Claim Deeds, which provides an additional right-of-way to complete a sixty foot right-of-way for the extension of North 19th Street, Immokalee, be approved and accepted for recordation. . . . * . * * * * * * * . * * . . * * * * . II 1.-...1 August 22, 1978 BID '311 AWARDED BRISSON ENTERPRISES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,238.85 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT PAVING AND DRAINAGE FOR COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CO~WLEX Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 11 and July 13, 1978 as evidenced by the Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until 2:30 P.M. August 2, 1978 for the construction of parking lot paving ~nd drainage for the Collier County Government Complex. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Bid '311 in the amount of $17,238.85 be awarded to Brisson Enterprises, Inc., being the lowest responsible bidder, for the construction of parking lot paving And drainage for the Collier County Government Complex, as recommended by the Bid Review Committee in their letter of August 9, 1978. SOCIAL SERVICE CASE '1432 - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanin,nusly, that Social Service Case 11432 be approved. CETA PROJECT FOR BEACH AND PARK BEAUTIFICATION TO EMPLOY 3 GROUNDS- KEEPERS FOR SIX WEEKS UNDER PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SUPERVISION APPROVED County Manager Norman stated this is a short term project that will employ eligible applicants and will be funded from identified lapse funds from current CETA projects. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the CETA project for beach and park beaut- ification in the amount of $2,415.87 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 78-133 AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS UNDER THE FLORIDA FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES ACT - ADOPTED _ COMPANION CONTRACT/AGREEMENT RE IMMOKALEE DAY CARE CENTER AND GOLDEN GATE DAY CARE CENTER IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,126. - ACCEPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissi~ner Brown And carried unanimously, that Resolution No. 78-133, authorizing the Chairman to sign an Agreement with the State of Florida De~artment Brc< 043 P,t,~: 64 , b~C~ 043 I't.~~ 65 August 22, 1978 of Community Affairs, be adopted and the companion contract/ agreement in the amount of $8,126 to be used for the Immoka1ee Day Care Center and Golden Gate Day Care Center be accepted. * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * I I I_I August 22, 1978 CONTRACT WITH HEALTH DIRECTOR PROVIDING FOR PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SALAHY - AUTHORIZED WITH STIPULATION OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH'S APP~OVAL County Manager Norman stated the Board of County Commissioners had approved a rate of pay for the Health Director for FY 1977-78 of $37,088.38 annually while the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services had approved only $34,899.92 annually to be paid from state funds. The result has been the request now before the Board - the authorization of a contractual supplement to the Health Directorls salary in the amount of $2,188.56 annually, retroactive to October 1, 1977, to be continued until the Director's retirement and the County Attorney be requested to prepare the necessary contract to amend the FY 1978-79 Health Department Budget so as to accommodate this authorized increased cost. In addition, it is recommended that the annual salary for the now-being-advertised position of Health Director, be $38,000, $33,510 being allowed by the State, which means an additional $4,490 to be paid directly by the Commission. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the staff recommendations regarding the contract with the Health Director be authorized. Fiscal Officer Hall said he would bring the necessary budget amendments before the Board once the approval of the State Health Department had been received. XEROX POLICY AND PROCEDURES - ADOPTED - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LEASE/PURCHASE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR ADDITONAL XEROX 4500 WITH AUDITRON FOR USE ON ~ST FLOOR, BUILDING "F" County Manager Norman presented the "Xerox Procedures & Policy" prepared by Purchasing Director Wilcox, whose department will have the control and responsibility for all photocopying operations, and re- que.ted the Board approve the .ubmittod polioy exoept for the one change as follows: B(l~K .043 ~~:: 81 b~."\: 043 Pt.~~ 85 August 22, 1978 Page 3, Subparagraph Ce) should read "It shall be the responsibility of the Purchasing Director to advise the County Manager in regards to the non-compliance of the competency requirement." Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown ab~ent, that the "Xerox Procedures & Policy" with the aforementiuned change be adopted and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the lease/purchase and maintenance agreement for an additional Xerox 4500 with auditron for use on First Floor, Building "F". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~j( 043 ~ Auqust 22, 1978 CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM PAPER FOR FY 1978-79 - APPROVED AS AMENDED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown absent, that the Civil Defense Program Paper be approved as amended. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f L I August 22, 1978 COUNTY ENGINEER AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PLATS RE WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR UNIT 6, MARCO ISLAND NOW BEING SERVICED BY DELTONA WA~ER/SEWER UTILITY Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that there has been a question concerning the signing of the plats for Unit 6, Marco Island since April 4*, 1978 and he wanted to state his position, for the record, as being one of disagreement with Deltona. His opinion is that the existence of Deltonals franchise does not remove the obligation of the Developer to deed the water/sewer lines to the County and that the rights of the franchise are not denied by this action. County Attorney Pickworth gave his opinion in which he maintains the Franchisee has the right to construct, install, maintain and operate a water utility service in the franchised area with the property remaining in the hands of the Franchisee. Mr. Pickworth said as the situation now stands, the provisions of the Subdivision Regulations requiring the Developers of land to be platted, to construct and dedicate those water/sewer facilities installed in such a development to the County, does not apply. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the County Engineer be authorized to sign the plats for Unit 6, Marco Island. Utility Director Berzon said that there exists a bad franchise situation but the County must "live with it" until it can be undone. *See BCC minutes of that date. CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEEIS "SHORT LIST" OF FIRMS FOR CONSIDERATIO RE CAPRI WATER WORKS ENGINEERING APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION - ACCEPTED - PRESENTATIONS TO BE SEPTEMBER 5, 1978 - UTILITY DIRECTOR REQUESTED TO PREPARE RESOLUTION-FORM POLICY PROCEDURE RE VOTING FOR CONSULTANTS PER BOARD1S REQUEST Utility Director Berzon, in regards to the Board's request for a pOlicy procedure and voting for Consultants, asked for consensus of opinion from the members as to what direction such a policy should take. Chairman Pis tor stated the pOlicy should state that the nvard ~~O( 043 pc: 114 b~\~I; 043 ft.::115 August 22, 1978 Il'..mbers will vote for Number 1, Number 2 and Number 3 with the voting being r~peated until the ~umber 1 firm has the majority of vote, then proceeding to the next number and position until all three selections have been made. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the above-stated policy regarding the voting for consultants be adopted. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the "short list" of firms for consideration re Capri Water Works engineering appraisal and evaluation be accepted and that the presentations of said firms be presented on September 5, 1978. 1. American Appraisal Company 2. Dawkins and Associates 3. James Montgomery 4. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 5. Stanley Hole & Associates CONSULTANT SELECTION/PROTEST REGARDING ~~RCO ISLAND WATER SEWER APPROVAL - SEE ACTION TAKEN EARLIER IN ~mETING Action concerning the Consultant selection for the Marco Island Water/Sewer and the presentation of the Notice of Protest regarding the same item was covered earlier in the meeting. CONSIDERATION OF WATER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD RECO~~NDATION RE MAINTENANCE OF WATER CONTROL STRUCTURES - CONTINUED UNTIL AUGUST 29, 1978 Utility Director Berzon requested this item be continued until next week, August 29, 1978. AGREEHENT WITH DEAN FRANK MALONEY RE LEGAL SERVICES FOR GOLDEN GATE ESTATES INTERIM ACTION PROGRAM - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Agreement with Dean Frank Maloney to provide legal services to the Golden Gate Estates Study Committee regarding the Golden Gate Estates Interim Action Program which includes .. I t L_I August 22, 1978 the raising of water levels in the Estates Area by installing various flow control devices ir the canal system be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign same. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" * * * * * f.""~ 0 43 ~::: 116 1.1 1:)1 August 22, 1978 PAYMENT OF ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented for approval of payment have been prepared following established procedures and that funds are available, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from August 16, 1978 through August 22, 1978: FUND WARRANT NOS. CC Water/Sewer Utility Div. BCC Payroll 26 49238 - 49664 49217, 49237 & 49650/Void 8320 - 8554 County Warrants PAYMENT TO SMALLY, WELLFORD & NALVEN, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS IN THE AMOUNT OF $94,940 FOR IMMOKALEE WATER/SEWER ENGINEERING SERVICES - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated this bill, rendered by Smally, Wellford, & Nalven, Inc., is for services performed for the Immokalee Water/Sewer District and as such, becomes the obligation of the District Board. He recommended payment be made before the end of FY 1978 through the General Fund with reimbursement taking place when funds are availabl. from the Immokalee Water/Sewer District. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carrie( unanimously, that payment to Smally, Wellford & Nalven, Inc. for engineering services performed for the Immokalee Water/Sewer District in the amount of $94,940, be approved. BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-136 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE ADDITIONAL STORAGE RACKS NEEDED FOR RECORD STORAGE AREAS IN THE SATELLITE SERVICE ~UILDING - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 78-136, to appropriate funds for the additional storage racks needed for record storage areas in the satellite service building, in the amount of $2,500 be adopted. ~"~< 043 p~::lZZ t 1_A August 22, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-137 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT FOR MANUFACT~RE OF "NO DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS" SIGNS IN THE AMOUN~ OF $2,500 - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously that Budget Amendment No. 78-137 for the transfer of funds within the Road & Bridge Department for the manufacture of "No Discharge of Firearms" signs in the amount of $2,500 be adopted. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" * StoCK 043 1'.<:::121 . ..'~. i. ._..A August 22, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-138 - TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN DEPARTMENT (ENGINEERING) $5 MILLION BOND ISSUE - IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,000 _ ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budgat Amendment No. 78-138 to transfer funds within department (Engineering) $5 million Bond Issue, in the amount of $33,000, be adopted. . ." * * * * . ." * ." . * * * * * * * ." BGOK 043 Pl.~ 126 (.-.. August 22, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-139 TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN DEPARTMENT (COUNTY MANAGER) FOR XF.ROX, EQUIPMENT RENTAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,725 - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 78-139 to transfer funds within department (County Manager) for Xerox, equipment, rental and contractual services in the amount of $2,725 be adopted. -. * II -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. -. '* '* '* -. * -. * * 8QCK 043 '1.;; 128 ..--A August 22, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-140 TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN DEPARTMENT (PARKS) TO COVER COST OF SUMMER PROGRAMS - IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,500 - APOPTED Commissi~ner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer dissenting, that Budget Amendment No. 78-140 to transfer funds within department (Parks) to cover cost of summer programs - in the amount of $4,500, be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * lj",~~ 0 43 Pl.~~ 130. .. '_...A August 22, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO, 78-141 TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN DEPARTMENT (LIBRARY) FROM SUBSCRIPTIONS TO VARIOUS ACCOUNTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000 - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 78-141 to transfer funds within department (Library) from SUbscriptions to various accounts in the amount of $1,000, be adopted. * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BOOK 043 p,,~: 132. .... ... August 22, 1978 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES RE YEAR-END AUDITS AND FINANCIAL ANALYSES NECESSARY IN THE CLERK'S REPOR~ AREA IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said, in conjunction with the year-end closing, there are, in the Clerk's report area, several financial analyses and audits that need to be made. He requested the Board's approval of contractural services in the amount of $5,000 for said items. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the expenditure of $5,000 for Contractural Services regarding year-end audits and financial analyseo in the area of the Clerk's report be authori?ed. PRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FY 1978-79 TO THE BOARD WILL BE AUGUST 29, 1978 - DATES FOR ADVERTISING RE PUBLIC HEARINGS TO BE SET AT THAT TIME Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated the final figures for the proposed budget for the FY 1978-79 are beginning "to fall into place" and if there are no increases, the Board will not be required to go into the second part of the millage certification. However, he continued, the schedule as it is now planned would provide for one budget hearing at night which would satisify the initial requirement of the budget public hearing and depending upon the millages required to satisfy that proposed budget will determine whether or not further hearings will b~ necessary for the adoption of the millages. Mr. Hall said that all of the proposed budgets will be prepared next Tuesday, August 29, 1978 and suggested the method of handling the millages for some of the special districts would be to track the Statutes properly and to confer with County Attorney Pickworth regarding the schedule. He concluded that the dates for the advertised public hearings regarding the proposed budget could be determined at the meeting of August 29, 1978. n~DK 0 43 rl.~:: 134 b~~~; 0 43 pc~ 13S August 22, 1978 FISCAL OFFICER HALL AU'.L'HORIZED NOT TO INCLUDE MILLAGE FOR THE MARCO ISLAND WATER/SEWER DISTRICT IN THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FY 1978-79 Regarding the Marco Island water/Sewer District, F.'~cal Officer Hall concurred with Utility Director Berzon, that if there is no further engineering work required on the Marco Island Water/Sewer District t.he need for levying of millage on the district will be eliminated. Chairman Pistor then authorized Mr. Hall ~ to include any millage for the Marco Island Water/Sewer District in the proposed budget for FY 1978-79. CHAIRMAN PISTOR NOMINATED TO SERVE ON SOUTHWEST ~LORIDA DISTRICT NENTAL HEALTH BOARD - SOUTHWEST FLORIDA MENTAL HEALTH PLAN _ APPROVED Commissioner Brown nominated Chairman Pistor to serve on the Southwest Florida District Mental Health Board to fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Wenzel. Commissioner Wimer seconded the nomination at which time Chairman Pistor accepted the position. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Southwest Florida Mental Health Plan and its concepts be approved. (The Southwest Florida Mental Health Plan is on display in the Clerk of the Board's office). CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO DIVISION OF FORESTRY, AUTHORIZING THE DIVISION TO UTILIZE THE CONTROLLED BURNING LEGISLATION TO PREVENT FOREST FIRES Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the Division of Forestry allowing the Division to utilize the controlled burning legislation, to prevent forest fires, in those areas as presented by District Forester Michael C. Long. ESCAMBIA COUNTY'S RESOLUTION RE H.R. l2452/CONTINUANCE OF CETA PROGRAM _ MOTION BY THE BOARD NOT TO SUPPORT SAID RESOLUTION - ACCEPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, not to support Escambia Countyls ReSOlution regard!n H.R. 12452 and the continuance of the CETA program. " . 4 1. . August 22, 1978 CERTIFIED MILLAGES FOR ALL TAXING DISTRICTS AND GOVERNMENTAL UNITS RECEIVED FROM PROPERTY ~PPRAISER FOR FY 1978-79 Fiscal O~ficer Harold Hall 3ubmitted for the record, all of the certified millages for all taxing districts and governmental units as received from Property Appraiser Sam COlding. * . . . RECESS: 12:20 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. * . . . MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: 1. Copy of DER permit DOll-5401, dated August 14, 1978 to First Baptist Church of Naples for operation of a pollution source. Copy to Utility Diroctor Berzon and filed. 2. Transmittal letter dated August 14, 1978 of the Depart- ment of Community Affairs amended contract for the development of the Comprehensive Planning elements as required by the 1975 Legislation. Copy to Dr. Neno Spagna and filed. 3. Letter dated August 9, 1978 from the White House acknowledging receipt of the Board's letter. on need for assistance with a national problem - Drug Enforce- ment Assistance. Filed 4. Letter dated August 14, 1978 from Representative Bafalis acknowledging receipt of the Board1s letter regarding needed assistance in the Drug Enforcement area and including the Congressman's statement regarding legislation concerning Collier County's pay- ment in lieu of taxes. Filed 5. Letter dated August 8, 1978 from Miller & Russell, attorney for Richard Joseph Ducharme and Kenneth Roberts, regarding litigation against the Collier County Sheriff. Copy to County Attorney and filed. 6. NACO notice of the conference to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, October 29 through Nov. 1, 1978. Filed 7. County Manager Norman1s report regarding the various issues raised by the Naples Park Area Association and residents at the June 6, 1978 meeting with the Board. Copies to the President of the Naples Park Area Assoc- iation and to Mr. Pobuk and filed. ~O~~~ bOC~ 04.3 p~~~ 137. August 22, 1978 8. Lett~r dated August 14, 1978 from Mr. and Mrs. Don Bisbee of 2400 White Blvd. in Golden Gate Estates regarding their payment of taxes on the many services which they feel they do not receive in return - roads, mosquito control, etc. Filed. 9. Letter dated August 18, 1978 from John Magocs with attached signatures on Petition cbjecting to the rising cost of property taxes. Filed. 10. Social Services monthly report for July, 1978. Filed. INTERVIEWS WITH CONSULTANTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTY WATER TREATMENT AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS - CH2M (BLACK, CROW & EIDSNESS, INC.) SELECTED #1 FIRM; UTILITY DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH # 1 FIRM Prior to the commencement of the consultant interviews, Chairman Pistor announced that all representatives would be asked to leave the meeting room following their presentations. (The record will reflect that this announcement wa~ made at the beginning of each interview) . A. BRILEY, WILO & ASSOCIATES Mr. Carl Montecki, Civil Engineer - Briley, Wild & Associates, stated that he represents the management of said firm and is appearing before the Board to commit his firm to conduct the highest possible quality of work for Collier County. He reviewed the history of the firm, the personnel, past and current projects, qualifications, and the like. Mr. Montecki distributed a brochure of the types of projects managed by the firm and a brochure of the Scope of Work and Project Team for the Development of a Ccunty Water Supply Treatment and Transmission System, Collier County, Florida. Mr. A.J. Birchall, P.~., the Associate in Charge for the project, outlined briefly the scope of the work involved which, he said, contains 8 Plan Elements beginning with a Preparation of Study Goals and Objectives and concluding with a Preparation of the Fiscal Plan. Mr. Michael White, P.E., Project Engineer designee, illustrated by slide projection, a recently-completed water supply program at Ormond Beach, Florida, which he said is similar to what is being proposed for Collier County. y.-.... 'f . . .. . i___1 August 22, 1978 Mr. Montecki stated that the firm is presently establishing a local office in Naples for handling potential Collier County work, noting that a local firm (Tri-County Engineering) would be employed as the subcontractor for performing some of the work such as mapping, graphics and surveying; however, his firm would have full responsibility for the project. He concluded the presentation by stating that his firm would be pleased if the Board would allow the firm to serve the County. B. CH2M HILL (BLACK, CROW & EIDS~ESS) Mr. Ted Smallwood, CH2M Hill/Black, Crow & Eidsness, stated that the firm he represents is pleased to have the opportunity to present their qualifications to the Board for the Development of County Water Supply, Treatment and Transmission System. He reflected briefly on past history stating that in the past 12 months a very progressive approach has been taken by the County in developing a very-much needed County water system. He commented on the agreement reached with the City of Naples by the County stating that it refelcted a program which would place the County in a position of providing for a Phase One Program by 1982 to provide both water treatment and distribution to the major County areas with the possibility of including within that system the Capri Water Works, Marco Island Utility, and the Golden Gate System. He referred to maps displayed to illustrate the current status, the Phase One Program, and what is contemplated for the future with regard to expansion of the system. Mr. David Pine, Staff Member, listed the following proposed objectives for the project to help get the program "off on the right foot" : 1. A Phase Program for system growth in 1990. 2. Preliminary design for those items in the program which will be required for the Phase One construction. 3. Determine the economic feasibility program implementation. 4. Obtain funding for the program. B~.r.< 043 rl.:.:138 Bm 0 43 r~;~ 133 August 22, 1978 Mr. Pine revi~wed briefly the steps that the County will have to go through to get into the water business, including the proposed plan of action to obtain each of the stated objectives. Mr. Pine noted that CH2M Hill provides certain advantages such as local office and personnel local awareness as the result of having been working in Collier County for many years; close cooridnation with the County staff; extensive related experience; complete in-house capabilities in the areas of engineering, economics, water resources; and, proven ability to integratl each of these disciplines into the achievement of satisfactory conclusiol to County projects. With regard to Chairman Pistor's inquiry regarding the importance of population projections, Mr. Smallwood responded that they are very important but that they are recognized to be "crystal ball" figures, adding that the validity of the numbers have to have reason to them. Of more importance, Mr. Smallwood continued, is the projected revenue at the time the system is placed in operation. Utility Director Irving Berzon inquired about the estimated length of time it will take to complete the study with Mr. Smallwood responding that it depends on obtaining information regarding the impact the existing facilities will have on the various alternatives. He said that if that information was available now, it would probably take six months, adding that if the information is integrated on a scheduled basis it can be fed into the stu1y as it moves along and might require an additional month. Mr. Berzon inquired why so much emphasis is being placed on the bonding matter~ prior to the development of detailed plAns and specifications. Mr. Smallwood explained that an evaluation of the utilities and an economic study must be completed, following which a recommended and accepted plan would be established on which to move forward. The next step, said Mr. Smallwood, is to put together a ,.-. -, .. . , 4 L__I August 22, 1978 financial plan to go to the bond purchasers with which will include the ~ecessary implemen~ing ordinance, .the rates to finance the system, and the like, all of which will be necessary at that poin t. Mr. Smallwood concluded the presentation by stating that he would like to work with the County on the program. The record will reflect that brochures were distributed detailing a list of water system development plan studies conducted by the firm, as well as providing answers to the various questions posed by the Utility Division when invitations were extended to the various firms for response. * * * * RECESS: 2:30 P.M. until 2:40 P.M. * * * * C. GEE & JENSON Mr. John McKune, Vice President of Gee and Jenson - in charge of Water and Sewer Department, expressed his appreciation to the Board for the opportunity of making a presentation rr.garding his firm's qualifications for tho subject project, and introduced other members of the firm who would be involved in the project, namely, John Wise, Project Manager on water and waste projects, and N. Sandy Nettles, Hydrogeologist, and provided a brief background of their experience. Using a series of slide projections, Mr. McKune described the firmls offices and facilities, the nearest one to the County being located in Lehigh Acres. Additional slides of recent projects performed by the firm were shown by Mr. McKune among them the water/sewer facilities for the Coral Springs Improvement District and Pompano Beach, Florida. He noted that for the last twenty years the firm has been the City Engineers for Vero Beach, Florida, and that the firm is presently under contract to the Big Cypress Basin to develop data relative to water supply in western Collier County. BecK 043 pf.;:l40 bOOK 043 f~~:141 August 22, 1978 Mr. Nettles projected slides to illustrate the various phases in th~ development of a water supply system, the first step being the delineation of the study area, another step being the evaluation of the water supply, following which a plan is developed based on what is coming into the system, what is going out, and what is being utilized, and the like. He said that at the present time the firm is in the process of making a well inventory, evaluating all of the existing wells to deter- mine where the water is being pulled from, the quality of the water, and the like, using available data where possible, in order to develop a program. He described the monitoring processes which would follow in order to determine as accurately as possible what is taking place within the acquifer, as well as with the surface water. Ultimately, said Mr. Nettles, a water management plan will be prepared which should delineate where the well fields should be placed, how long they can be expected to operate, how far-reaching the effects of the pumpage are, the effect on the adjacent users, and the cost efficiency. Mr. McKune summarized by stating that if Gee & Jenson is selected for the project, the following expertise can be applied by them: 1. A thorough Knowledge of the characteristics of South Florida Water. 2. Engineering staff uses "state of the art" treatment techniques and equipment so that maximum benefit can be obtained from each dollar spent - they do not "pull off standard treatment plants from the shelf". 3. In-house computer capabilities to enable efficient hydraulic design of major regional water mains. 4. The firm enjoys good relationships with the various permitting agencies throughout the State, and with bond counsels and with financial advisors both in Florida and New York. ConclUding, Mr. McKune said that the evaluation of the several independent systems in existence in the County is of extreme importance ,-, . , , ....-.-.. August 22, 1978 in the study and that they should be used as much as is practical as part of the Master Plan, thereby maintaining the desired level and quality of service to the consumer while keeping the water rates and other user charges to a minimum. Mr. McKune add~essed two of the questions contained in the Utility Director's letter of August 1, 1978 to the firm, as follows: 1. Have the principals of your firm ever been involved in arbitration or litigation at any time which questioned technical capability or financial responsibility? and 2. Has your firm or any of its principals ever been involved in bankruptcy proceedings? Mr. McKune stated "categorically 'No'" to both of the questions. Regarding subcontracting portions of the work, Mr. McKune said that subcontractors (local firms) would be used for surveying and for water quality and analysis work. Mr. Berzon inquired how long it would be for the work being done for the District to be of value in the study with Mr. MCKune responding that there will be some direct value by the end of September (1978); however, he said that the program will run another year. Mr. Berzon further inquired if the speaker is familiar with the agreement between the City of Naples and the County with Mr. McKune replying that "Basically, we are". Chairman Pistor expressed the appreciation of the Board to the representatives from Gee & Jenson for their presentation. D. GREELEY & HANSEN Mr. John Federico, Project Developer for Greeley & Hansen, introduced the other representatives of the firm present, and, due to the fact that the f~rm has not previously performed work for the County, provided a brief resume of the firm, its personnel and the various projects both completed and in-progress. He distributed a brochure containing, in addition to data on the firm, answers to WO( 043 pl.:~142. bl,CK 0 43 fJ.~: 143 August 22, 1978 the questions posed by the Utility Director in his letter to the firms dated August 1, 1978. Mr. Edward T. Knudsen, Jr., described representative projects performed by the firm similar to what the County is considering in its project for the development of a water treat- ment and transmission system. Mr. Knudsen said that in the development of the program for the County, it should be recognized that it is imperative to interact their design with the work that has been done by 0thers, noting that there has been some good work, including data, which should be able to be applied to the needs of the County. Efforts will be coordinated, said Mr. Knudsen, with the Big Cypress Basin Project of the South Florida Water Management District, adding that any data available from the USGS data bank regarding County-wide water resources will be interfaced to develop a better "feel" for the water supply in the County. Mr. Knudsen stated that periodic meetings will be held with the Utility Division, including, perhaps, the Water Management Advisory Board, for a step-by-step review of the studies. Hr. Knudsen stated that one of the most important parts of the study is to identify the water sources and locations and he said for this purpose it is propos3d to engage the firm of Leggette, Brashears and Graham, Inc. as the firmls "arm" in the hydrogeological field. Once this phase of the study is complete, ~Ir. Knudsen stated that the next step is to determine the water quality, balancing the various supplies with treatment techniques and costs, and for this purpose, it is proposed that the firm of Edward E. Clark be engaged. Mr. Knudsen introduced Mr. James P. Elliott, Source, Inc., who would be in charge of data collection, and would also serve as liaison for the project. Mr. Elliott explained that his firm is strategically located in Cape Coral and explained his role in data collecting and as r--, . , ..-. .. August 22, 1978 liaison, and outlined his qualifications regarding work performed on similar projocts. Followirg the conclusion of the presentation by Greeley & Hansen, Chairman Pistor expressed appreciation to the firm members and representatives. E. * . . * RECESS: 3:20 P.M. until 3:30 P.M. * . . . E. REYNOLDS, SMITH AND HILLS Mr. Robert Klein, Vice President of Reynolds, Smith and Hills, and Regional Office Manager of the Southwest Florida Office of the firm, stated that he was present on behalf of the firm in response to the letter from the Utility Director requesting that the firm submit their credentials and qualifi- cations. Accompanying Mr. Klein, were David N. Hagen, Vice President Plantec Corporation, a whOlly-owned subsidiary of Reynolds, Smith and Hills, who would be in charge of the bond financing system and who would also assist the engineers daily in the technical course of the system, And Also A representative Crum another whully-owned subsidiary 01 the firm - EnvironmentAl Science and Engineering, Inc. The methodology to be used in developing the system, said Mr. Klein, and creating a master plan for the entire County, would be to looking forward to the growth, the demography of the present County And where it is going, and then ~resent a step-by-step grcwth fActor predicated on the actual growth, while simultAneously looking at the existing systems, the sizes and quality of them and try to tie them altogether to provide a unified base. At the same time, Mr. Klein said they would be working with the economist to determine the rates applicable to the type of system, when determined, and the type of financing. Mr. Hagen listed twelve aspects of engineering, economics and utility rate financing for which he would be responsible with regard to the project, among them rate studies, bond financing, 8M, 043 i'/'~~1g. b~~C'(, 043 f~~:145 August 22, 1978 institutional management programs, fiscal impact analyses and assessment programs. He detailed his experience in these areas, following which he commented that the firm will do its utmost to make sure the Board's constituents will know as much and understand as much of the program as is possiblA which will make the Commissioner's jobs easier. Mr. Lee Dowdy, Manager of the Environmental Engineering Division, was called upon to explain how the firm assisted lIillsborough County, Florida in handling their growing problem of providing water and sewer to their constituents. He said that the program in the county, after ten yearsl operation, possesses $20-30,000,000 of capital equipment installation, a $1~-2,OOO,OOO operating budget, 20,000 or more customers, and an operating staff of over 100 people. He said that once a program of providing utilities is started it will mushroom beyond imagination and that it must be started on a firm planned basis so that financing arc not outstripped nor the ability to provide the service, nor, on the other hand, over-commit utility service and not have sufficient customers to pay for that service. Commissioner Archer inquired if the questions posed in the ~reviously referred-to letter from the Utility Director have been answered with Mr. Klein noting that they will be - referrin~ to the documents which he will leave with Mr. Berzon. Mr. Berzon inquired if Mr. Klein is familiar with the agreement between the City of Naples and the County with Mr. Klein detailing his understanding of the agreement. In response to Commissioner Wimer's question as to whether or not the firm has ever been sued, Mr. Klein responded that the firm does get lawsuits against it dirently or indirectly. He said that the firm has a large underwriter insurer who has informed them that for a business of the size of his firm, such lawsuits are in the "--.1 . 1 4,... .M August 22, 1978 very minimal area, observing that there is no question about lawsuits when dealing with human problems in todayls business world. Chairman Pistor expressed the Board's appreciation for the presentation by the representatives of the Reynolds, Smith and Hill engineering firm. F. ROSS, SAARINEN, BOLTON & WILDER Mr. Thomas D. Furman, Jr., Vice President of Ross, Saarinen, Bolton & Wilder, commented that brochures regarding the firm have previously been distributed and reviewed by the staff which negated further comments in this regard. To gather data for the project, Mr. Furman stated that much time has been spent in contacting various persons, reading USGS reports for the district, and the like, and, in his opinion, the firm has identified what is believed to be the key issues in doing a proper job for the County. Mr. Furman stated that in addition to the hardcore engineering aspects of the proposed project, there are other important factors to be considered, such as financing, and the like. The fOllowing team of persons, he said, have been put together to conduct the program: 1. Thomas D. Furman, Jr. - Project Director 2. Clark H. Rowell - Resident proj ect l-fanager 3. Dr. George J. Kelley - Funding and Fiscal Advisor 4. Gerald Hartman - Project Engineer 5. Charles H. Bolton, III - Technical Advisor 6. E. Lawrence Ad.:.ms, Jr. - WateL. resources, Engineering And Financial Management Mr. Furman said that the team is qualified and experienced and so is the firm they represent. With a s~ries of charts, Mr. Furman outlined what the project consists of and the approach which the firm would use to develop the program. He indicated his understanding of the agreement between the City of Naples and the County. 80CK 043 p~~= 146 &0C~ 043 fl.~~14'l August 22, 1978 Mr. Rowdll stated that the study to be performed must answer both technical and financial questions; it must generate an alternative that responds to the above-referenced agreement and provide the building blocks for the future County water system which is attractive to investors with a user's charge that will be taken from the initial meeting with tha County Commissioners up to and including the support of the bond sales. Dr. George Kelley stated that he has, over the years, managed to sell about $250,000,000 worth of municipal bonds either as an advisor or in terms of actually having the local government respons- ibility. From this experience, said Dr. Kelley, he has learned that a firm must work hand in hand to develop a financial package and a technical package, making them compatible in not only meeting needs but at the same time not imposing a financial burden. He said that the firm has an office in New York City, has contacts with the underwriting fraternity in that city, and close contact with the major New York bond counsels, which is an asset in terms of the best financial package available. In summary, Dr. Kelley stated that the matter of solving financial pr.oblems is at least equal to the technical engineering problems. Mr. Furman reiterated the advantages he feels his firm could bring to the project development, noting that since it would be their first project in the County, they would be unbiased and totally objective which might be an advantage for the County. He noted that the intent is for the firm to set up an office in the area which would be established to conduct th~s project and, hopefUlly, others. Commissioner Wimer commented that the presentation by Ross, Saarinen, Bolton & Wilder ~as a fine one and that obviously "they had done their homework". r.-~ .. ~ L._. August 22, 1971; VOTING AND SELECTION OF NOS. 1, 2 AND 3 FIRMS County Attorney Pickworth briefly reviewed the draft of a policy resolution concerning the method of voting and selecting consulting firms to be ranked Nos. 1, 2, and 3. The suggestion, said Mr. Pickworth, is that each Commissioner wHl choose by a writt~n ballot his preference for the firm most highly qualified by writing one name on a slip of paper and turning the slips in to the Clerk. If a firm has three votes or more, following the tally, Mr. Pickworth stated that it become obligatory for a member of the Board or Chairman to move, second, and vote upon the motion without amendment. Tho proposed pOlicy, continued Mr. PiLkworth, provides for the changing of votes, as follows: "Once a member has delivered his ballot to the Clerk, no member may change his ballot after the Clerk has announced the tally unless the Board, by motion duly adopted, shall allow such member to change his ballot." Mr. Pickworth said that this provision is included to allow for breaking a tie vote in the event there is a four-member Board in session. Chairman Pistor instructed the Board to designate their choice for the No. 1 firm on the ballots distributed, sign his name, and turn them in to the Clerk. The results of the ballot were: CH2M Hill (Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc.) - 4 votes Ross, Saarinen, Bolton, Wilder - 1 vote Commissioner Wenzel moved to accept the decision of the ballot and designate the firm of CH2M Hill (Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc.) as the No. I firm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Archer dissenting. The same procedure was followed in selecting the No. 2 firm. The first vote taken resulted in a tie vote, following which a second vote was taken with the following results: BOCK 0 43 p~;= 148 b~,~r; 043 f~~14S August 22, 1978 Gee & Jenson - 3 votes Ross, Saarinen, Bolton, Wilder - 2 votes Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Srown and carried by unanimous vote 5/0, that Gee & Jenson be designated as the No. 2 firm. The ~esults of the vote taken for the No. 3 firm was unanimous in favor of the firm of Ross, Saarinen, Bolton, Wilder. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that Ross, Saarinen, Bolton, Wilder be selected as the No. 3 firm. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried 5/0, that the Utility Director be authorized to enter into negotiations with the designated No. 1 firm of CH2M Hill (Black, Crow & Eidsness), for the development of the County Water Treatment and Transmission System. * * * * There being no further business for the good of the CQunty, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 4:45 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL a.i'~ PISTOR, CHAIRMAN "