BCC Minutes 08/21/1978 C
Naples, Florida, August 21, 1978
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners
in and f~r the County of C~llier, and also acting as the Governing
Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to
law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:10 A.
in CONFERENCE SESSION in Building "F" of the Courti1ouse Complex with
the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: John A. Pis tor
C. R. "Russ" Wimer (9:15 A.
Thomas P. Archer
Clifford Wenzel
ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal
Officer 111:20 A.M.); Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norma~
County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Clifford
Barksdale, County Engineer; Richard Woodruff, Planning Department; an
William Walker, Jr., Civil Defense Director.
Auf,. 21, 1978 (9:a.m.)
1. Request by County's ~egotiatin8 Team reBarding ~urchase of
Seaboard Coast Line Railway Right-of-way: presented by tk.
WCR Downinp" Chairm~n
2. Consideration of Civil Defense Program Pnper for FY "78-79".
3. Consideration of Hater Hanagement Advisory Board recom..nendation
rc maintenance of water control stL~ctures.
~. Consideration of posqfblc use of Golden Gate Estate reserve
funds for redevelonment planninp, expenses.
5. Consideration of request for authorization of legal services
for Golden Gate Estates Interim Action Program.
6. Report by Fiscal Officer on method of payment which may be
used to meet obligation of Immokalee Water-Se'o1er District.
7. *Review of Xerox costs and proposed policy for photcopying uses.
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Consideration of request for approval of Southwest Florida
Mental Health Board, Inc. plan for district.
Consideration of policy regarding distribution of Ilnsolicited
material in and about Court House.
Considp.ration of ways and means to finance fire fighting equip-
ment requested by Isles of Capri Fire Control Subdistrict
Advisory Committee.
*Back-up material attached
Mr. Wes Downing, Chairman, Negotiating Team regarding purchase
of Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way, reviewed for the Board
what is happening with regard to the Seaboard Coast Line proposal for
relocating its terminus outside of the County. He said that a meeting
was held with the Negotiating Team, one of the results being to
conta~t the users of the railroad for financial aid in the project
of retaining said terminus within the County. The users held a
meeting with the end result being that they would not contribute toward
n new terminus, but rather would expend their funds for legal fees at
the time of the hearing regarding the same with the ICC. Further,
said Mr. Downing, it was the feeling of the users that it is possible
to prevent the railroad from moving and also that it is the respons-
ibility of the County to create the new installation. He said that
it ia his personal feeling that it will be difficult to "sell" the
general public on the project when those firms who would receive the
most benefit are not willing to "go to bat and put money up" for
this purpose.
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Mr. Downing commented that he has received an opinion from the
County At~orney that it would not be possible to expend monies from
the Bond Issue for this purpose with County Attorney Pickworth noting
his concurrence with Mr. Downing's statement. Mr. Downing said one
of the concerns is, in the event there is sufficient opposition to
the proposed move to delay it for a period of two or three years, the
County would be faced with having to build roads at that time at a
much higher cost. It was decided, he said, to investigate the right-
of-way costs. County Engineer Barksdale, referring to a blueprint
of the pertinent areas, explained that there is 100' of right-of-way
currently existing; however, from SR 846 to Pine Ridge Road it
will be necessary to acquire an additional 30' of right-of-way on
the east side to align with the 100' on the south side. In this
regard, one of the major problems, said Mr. Barksdale, is the Florida
Power & Light Company's high voltage transmission line which would
Ilave to be relocated and he said that the firm has given an estimate c
$721,000 for this relocation. In response to Commissioner Wimer,
Hr. Barksdale said that the County will have to pay for the costs
for the relocation.
The benefits to be derived from acquiring the railroad right-
of-way include the future four-laning of Goodlette Road and
another east-west road that is now lacking and which will provide
for better traffic circulation. Chairman Pistor inquired about
what will happen to the right-or-way il. the event the railroad t",.;,tinu
is eventually moved with Mr. Downing stating that the railroad would
like to sell it as one parcel to the County, or the other choice is
to sell it to individual property owners.
Mr. Downing observed that the Committee is "stumped" as to the
next step in the process, noting that it appears there is not much
chance of preventing the removal if the review board feels the rail-
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road is losing ~oney and continued operation is not justified. It
was the consensus of the BoaLd that Mr. Downing confer with the
railroad another time, and also the property owners in the area, as
he requested, and to report back to the Board when additional infor-
mation is available.
Mr. Downing, in response to Commissioner Brown, stated that, in
his opinion, the railroad will be removed from the Imrnokalee area
and that he will make further inquiry into this possibility.
Chairman Pistor expressed the Board's gratitude to ~Ir. Downing
and the Committee for their report.
County Manager C. William Norman advised that the Board is being
requested to approve the Local Civil Preparedness Annual Program Paper
for the coming year, copies of which were previously furnished to the
Commissioners. Mr. Norman, referring to subject Paper, noted that two
changes have been agreed upon, after conferring with Civil Defense
Director W. C. Walker, Jr., and with Chairman Pistor, one being the
deferring of the Warning System (Item 5) until ~ later date, the other
being under Training (Item 2) a statement pertaining to the developmen
of a citizens volunteer organization to work on special assignments
with Civil Defense has been included, He explained the purpose of
the proposed organization would be to supplement the existing paid
personnel particularly in areas of evacuation, rescue and traffic
control, noting that such an organization would only be valuable if
they were organized with the full support and assistance of the
County organization whom they would assist such as the Sheriff's
Department, fire departments, and the public works department.
In response to Chairman Pistor's inquiry as to the cost of
the Program for fiscal '79, Mr. Norman stated that the County would
put up $21,295, noting that this figure includes the helicopter
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operation and the staffing of the Civil Defense office. Mr. Walker
pointed out chat the figure re~resents substantially his Civil
Defense budget.
Mr. Walker explained, in reponse to Commissioner Wimer, that
he would like to attend the Graduate Seminar at Staff College in
Battle Creek, Michigan in July, 1979 which he said is a one-week
course and is a requirement in order to be fully qualified as a
Director of Civil Defense. He also said that the course is not
related to the Hazardous Materials course, noting that the Hazardous
Materials course will not be an expense borne by the County.
Mr. Walker explained briefly that portion of the Program
with respect to Radiological Defense and noted that the equipment
for this phase is furnished by the Federal Government. He commented
that the subject program with regard to this matter is difficult to
"sell" but thut it is u requirement.
Following additional discussion, it was the consensus of the
Hoard that the Program Paper be approved, with formal action to be
tukcn at the Regular Session meeting on August 22, 1978.
Utility Director Irving Berzon advised that the Big Cypress
Basin Board is recommending to the South Florida Water Management
District that the Basin Board ta~e over the r~sponsibi1ity, through
the District, of the operation and maintenance of seven water control
structures which are in positions that coincide with saltwater
instrusion points or salinity line points. He said that the Basin
Doard's position is that they should be given the responsibility for
maintenance and operation of the structures, the operation of same
being primarily surveillance and where there is an operating feature
on the structure, they would be responsible for taking care of that.
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He explained that the matter was presented to the County's Water
~lanagement Advisory Board and, after review and consideration,
the advisory board voted to pass on a recommendation to the Board
that all water control structures in the County, approximately 20
in all, be the responsibility of one agency and if it is to be the
SFWMD, they are in favor of it.
concerning the costs involved in the proposal, Mr. Berzon said
that the Basin Board estimates the cost for the maintenance of the
seven structures to be $15,000 and they are putting aside that sum
for this purpo~p in the new fiscal year budget. Mr. Berzon said that
it is estimated thaf.. there is an additional $9,500 worth of maintenance
alone, that would have to be set aside for the remaining structures
throughout the County, said fund not including the cost of the
operation and surveillance of those structures, which he said would
cost approximately $9,000 more.
Mr. Fred Vidzes, Administrator, Big Cypres~ Basin Board, by
means of a slide projector, identified the structures that the Basin
Board has indicated a willingness to assume responsibility for, as
1. SR 29 - near Copeland
2. Fahka Union main weir
3. Haldeman Creek
4. Golden Gate main weir
5. North Naples Drainage Canal
6. Gordon River Basin
7. West Branch of Cocohatchee
Mr. Fred HcC1oska, Water Management Advisory Board member, acting
on behalf of the Chairman, pointed out that the title to the particular
structures, worth in excess of $1,000,000, would be turned over, not to
the Big Cypress Basin Board, but to the SWFWMD, and noted that the
maintenance headquarters for the District is in Clewiston, Florida,
which could present a problem in emergency situations.
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Mr. Vidzes suggested that, in the event all of the structures
are to be ~ntrusted to the Basin Board, the matter would have to be
further considered by the District with regard to adopting a budget
of sufficient size to carry out the additional responsibility. A
further consideration would be whether or not the responsibility
could be assumed without the Basin District having en ownership
interest in the structures, noting that this is a legal problem.
Mr. Vidzes estimated that to set up the program, purchase equipment an
employ the nec~ssary personnel to maintain all of the County's structu
would cost between $100,000 and $125,000 in the first year. Mr.
Borzon suggested that, in his opinion, the expenditure of that much
money would not be necessary, suggesting that possibly the estimate
would be more like $30,000 to $35,000 for the first year. Along
this line, the matter of contracting for the service was discussed
with Mr. Berzon agreeing that this approach is a possibility which
could mean a savings.
Mr. McCloska noted that the Board is discussing approximately
20 structures and pointad out that there are three additional structurE
"in the mill" p1ub Lhe Lely Canal structure which wlll result in an
increase in maintenance activities. Further, said Mr. McCloska,
the WMAB was unan.l.mous in their decision that one organization be
responsible for all of the structures and the final vote was that if
the County Att0rney states that these structures could be transferred
over to the Rig Cypress Board, that woulrl be the recommendation
to be brought to the Board, He noted that concern was expressed for
an operation that would be the least costly to the County.
Mr. William Walters, WMAB and Big Cypress Basin Board member,
stated that he views the proposal as a means of getting maintenance
work done on the weirs, noting that they are new now and do not
require a lot of maintenance but to keep them in good condition
preventive maint~nance is necessary. He expressed the opinion that
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the cost estimate by Mr. Vidzes is high and probably can be
trimmed, noting that he can see no reason why the Basin cannot
do the maintenance work on the structures as cheaply as the County.
When asked for his opinion regarding the Basin Board taking over
the maintenance of all of the weirs, Mr, Walters expressed agree-
ment with the proposal noting that the Baain Board not only can but
should be given the responsibility. He commented that the Basin
Board only voted on the seven aforementioned weirs but his vote
would be "Yes" for the Basin Board to take on the maintenance of
all of them.
During the discussion which followed, County Attorney Pickworth
~tntcd that his initial research into the possibility of transferring
ownership of the weirs to the District has resulted in his opinion
thllt the County cannot do so and that he would counsel against it.
Ile said that whether or not the County can accomplish what it wants
to llccomplish legally without turning over the facilities is one questio
however, that raises a problem for the Basin Board regarding expenditur~
of the Basin funds on structures to which they do not have title.
Prom the county's standpoint, said Mr. Pickworth, the County can
enter into an inter-local agreement with the District or the Basin
to accomplish the purpose and there would be a legal vehicle for doing
that. Anything short of turning over title, said Mr. Pickworth, would
pose no problem. Chairman Pistor observed that before any action
can be taken on the proposal the legal opinion must be clearly
straightenerl out so that the Board can act in good faith. Mr. Berzon
added that a further matter is for the appropriate changes to be
made in the pertinent budgets.
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It was the consensus of the Board that the answers to both
concerns. legal and financial, as well as the determination of
the feasibility of the proposal, be further addressed during the
Regular Meeting of the Board August 29, 1978.
RECESS: 11:00 A.M. until 11:20 A.M.
Chairman Pis tor explained that there will be no action taken on
voting on the public hearing dates regarding the Budget for FY 78-79
during the Regular Session of August 22, 1978 due to the fact that
all of the changes that the Commissioners have asked for have not
been made as yet. After the changes have been made, said the Chairma
the budget will be reprinted and millage calculated, noting that at
the present time it appears that there will be a reduction in the
millage for the coming year; however, the approximate amount of
the millage has not been determined as yet.
ncc 8/22/78
Mr. William Vines, representing the Golden Gate Redevelopment
Study Committee, stated that a Lequcst is being made for the Board
to authorize a proposed Interim Action Program (legal research under-
taken by Dean Frank Maloney, University of Florida) which will pro-
vide the Committee with the appropriate background information on a
legal basis for performing wurk in the remote reaches of Golden Gate
Estates in order to diminish the effectiveness of the existing canal
system and thereby diminishing the water loss and the environmental
problems that exist, have existed, and are continuing to exist in
that area. He said that it will be several years until a permanent
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comprehensiv~ redevelopment plan for Golden Gate estates is developed
and can be put into effect, noting that it is the feeling that some
action be taken on a temporary basis that would be helpful and wOllld
not cost a "mountain of money". H~ said that a list of questions has
been formulated to which the Cop~nittee would like to have legal answers.
Mr. Vines further stated that this project is part of the work anti-
cipated and budgeted for the current year and funding will largely
come through the $25,000 matching funds that the Big Cypress Basin
Board budgeted and which is in the process of being transferred to
the Fiscal Officer so that he can write the checks as the billings
Commissioner Wenzel inquired if tht! research could be done by
law students at the University. County Attorney Pickworth replied
that the type of questions being addressed cannot be delegated to
L1W students dlle to the magnitude of the questions and the possible
exposure of the County to millions of dollars r.f liability potential.
lie ildded that much of the legal work will be done by students which
will be reviewed by experts who speciali~e in this area of the law
and who will be able to spot areas where more work is needed, and
the like.
Commissioner Wenzel commented that if the funds are available
he would go alo~g with the proposal. County Manager C. William Norman
noted that funds are available, the bulk of which will be coming from
a check in the amount of $14,000 from the Big Cypress Basin Board.
The proposed contract with Dean Maloney and the scope of the
legal work to be performed was discussed with Attorney Pickworth statiTl~
that the liot of questions is what is believed to be the paramount
legal considerations to be looked at "going in"; however, in re-
searching some of the questions, some may "drop out", and others may
arise, although it is his opinion the matters have been covered in a
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brol'\d way. Commissioner Archer expressed concern that the work
which needs to be done might exceed the $12,000 stipulated in
the contract and Mr. Vines said that the contract is a time and
expense base contract not to exceed $12,000.
Attorney Fickworth observed that the outcome of the research
will provide the information on which to base a decision on what
can and cannot be done, the ultimate decision will not be made by
the research team.
Utility Director Irving Serzon addressed another matter
related to the Study Committee and the manner in which the Committee
hOB been contracting for certai!l services needed from time to time _
in this particular case engineering work. He said that the
Committee hRR hppn tiRing thp firm of Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc.
for some of the functions, together with other firms; however,
said Mr. Berzon, there is nothing ~n the records to indicate that
the Bvard has authorized or approved the manner in which the Com-
mittee has been engaging these services. He ask~d that the Board
give them author.ization to conduct their business in the manner
in which they have been or to give them specific direction so
that there will be no question raised when the time comes for the
approval of bills from these firms. Chairman Pistor commented that
once the budget has been approved for a certain amount of money, it
is his opinion trat such funds can be used at the discretion of
the Study Committee in conjunction with Mr. Berzon as the Board's
immediate representative, and not to exceed the amount approved.
Mr. Berzon responded that he would have no problem with the qu~stion
if that in the Board's position. Mr. Vines noted that from this
point to the end of the fiscal year the matching funds from the
Big Cypress Basin Board will essentially be utilized, said funds not
being part of the line item in the budget, so, therefore, it might
be appropriate for the Board to authorize replacement of the funds
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in the proper position for expenditure on the agreed-upon work.
Mr. Berzon brought up the matter of the use of the County
helicopter in some of the activities suggesting that the Board
approve such use providing there is protection with regard to
liability. He explained how this vehicle can aid in some of the
projects and recommended that the Board authorize the work to be
done in the manner that the Study Committee sees fit and to do
it under water management activities with the further recommendation
that the Board authorize the use of the helicopter with the appropri-
ate charges for such use,
Chairman Pistor directed that Mr. Berzon prepare a memorandum
covering his recommendations for presentation to the Board for
a~tion on August 22, 1978 during Regular Session.
County Attorney Pickworth advised the Board that it is his
opinion that the possible use of the Golden Gate Estate Reserve Fund
to pay for redevelopment planning expenses can be defended, adding
the comment that, obviously, if the Interim Study tentatively approved
had already been done, h0 could provide a much more definitive answer.
He said that if you address the purpose of the Golden Gate Study and
the Agreement language with ragard to the fund, it could be determined
that it is broad enough to cover the proposal.
When asked by Commissioner Brown for his opinion, Fiscal Officer
Harold Hall replied that he can sec no r.eason why the funds could
not be used to fund any activity that will contribute directly to
the ultimate desired end for Golden Gate Estates; however, he said
that, conceivably, over a period of years, a lot of planning could be
done and that when the time comes to start making some physical changes,
the money could be gone. He said that somewhere along the line there
should be a guideline as to how much of the fund would be spent on
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planning and how much to spend on physically making the changes
that are jesired. In other words, said Mr. Hall responding to
Commissioner Wimer, there should be a "cap".
Mr. Pickworth observed that there is another consideration to
be looked at which has two sides - one being the Golden Gate Re-
development Study and taking positive action to rectify what the
County perceives to be wrong, and the other side being the protectior
of the Company, which he said conerns him even more. He said that
the liability potential exposure is presently existing and noted that
his biggest concern is protecting the County against that. Regardin~
the intent of the Agreement with GAC, Hr. Pickworth said that when
the payment from GAC was accepted, it was in return for a release
from Gl\C of their obligations under the Subdivision Regulations.
Commissioner Archer recalled that the funds were given by GAC in
lieu of their physically redeveloping, or bringing certain roads up
to standard. However, said the Commissioner, Mr. Pickworth advised
that in the event of flooding or drainage problems the money could
be used in accordance with the general intent of the agreements made
with GAC and not to go in and "move dirt around, build roads, or put
in improvements other than those specifically set up for what the
money was intended to do". Commissioner Archer noted that meetings
were held in Washington, D.C. with Mr. Vines attending some of them
and after discussion with the FTC, a resolution was forthcoming as
to what would be done with the money a~d why GAC was specifically
giving the County the funds and what the obligations would be to
Commissioner Wenzel moved that there be no expenditure of the
subject funds during the current year in order to give the County
Attorney sufficient time to further research the matter. Commissione
Brown seconded the motion. There was no action taken on the motion.
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Commissioner Wimer noted that the impression of the people
is that tht! $1,300,000 fund t.ill enable eve.cything to be built
up to standards which he said will not be sufficient. He said
that if it is necessary to build roads, dig out canals, and the
like, the funds will be short, the only question being is by
how much.
The question of whether or not the income from the fund can
be used was raised by several of the Commissioners, with Attorney
Pickworth responding in the affirmative stating that the Board
could make this decision - whether to use the income, the principle,
or none of the funds.
It was the consensus of the Board that no action be taken on
the proposal under discussion and that Attorney Pickworth further
review the matter and report back to the Board at some future date.
MEETING 8/22/78
Chairman Pistor advised tho Board that the scheduled report by
the Fiscal Officer regarding the method of payment which may be used
to meet the obligations of the Immokalee Water/Sewer District would
be presented at the Regular Meeting on August 22, 1978.
Chairman Pistor noted that there iH unsolicited material being
left in various places around the Courthouse Complex and it has been
suggested that the Board adopt a policy with regard to the matter.
County Attorney Pickworth stated that, in his opinion, individuals
cannot be stopped from leaving campaign literature around; however,
a policy can be established to prohibit such distribution in areas
where it will disrupt Courthouse activities. He said restrictions
on the Board with regard to freedom of the press and speech are quite
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severe; however, with regard to distribution of advertising
material there is more latitude. Mr. Pickworth stated that he
would hesitate to advise the Board but he expressed the opinion
that the Board should not attempt to restrict or limit the
distribution of campaign-type material.
Mr. Pickworth noted that in the matter of the "Public Trust"
publication, and the like, the Board should restrict the activites
of employees from aiding distribution of this material because it
is his opinion that such material is libelous on its face _ demon-
strably so, and could subject the County or its employees to liability.
Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown
and carried 5/0, that the County Attorney be directed to draft
a policy statement or resolution to prohibit the type of solicitation
under discussion in the Courthouse, and that the draft be brought
back to the Board for consideration August 29, 1978.
RECESS: 12:05 P.M. until 1:50 P.M.
County Manager C. William Norman noted that he has met with
Mr. Joseph Podesta, memhp.r. of the Isles of Capri Fire Control
Subdistrict Advisory Board and volunteer fireman, together with
other members of the advisory board, and reviewed the figures
received from vendors regarding fire-fighting equipment for the
District. He said that among the issues discussed were financing
of the equipment, whether or not sealed bids are required, and how
the purchase would impact the proposed District Budget. Mr. Norman
said that the quotation for the fire truck, plus the other equipment
needed, is in the amount of $45,000. It was felt, said Mr. Norman,
that to obtain a used truck was the less desirable approach to take
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because of the uncertainty of the quality of the unit in terms
of running ability and contir.~ing to provide first-line service.
Lengthy discussion followed with regard to the possibilities
of obtaining equipment for the District, the legal status of the
District, and tho like. It was noted that the Isles of Capri
Fire District is a subdistrict of Fire District Number 1 with
Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noting that the District could be set
up as an MSTU under existing legislation in the manner that other
MST districts have been set up. This approach, said Mr. Hall,
would not require a referendum vote; however, he added that if
there was to be a long-term financing arrangement for the purchase
of e~uipment by ad valorem taxes, there would have to be a re-
Mr. Podesta inquired if the payments due to Fire District Number
can be deferred with Mr. Hall responding in the affirmative, adding
that it can be done with Board approval. Mr. Podesta explained that
by deferring this payment of $6,076 for 1978 and, also, for 1979, thi~
would provide $12,152; this amount plus the $7,500 budgeted for a used
truck and equipment for this year plus the same amount for the next
fiscal year, ann adding the contingency and maintenance funds for
the next two years, would provide $33,199 for the purchase of the
vehicle, leaving a balance due of $12,319. He suggested that this
balance possibly could be obtained from Fire District Number I and
the total amount paid off within three years, He said that the Isles
of Capri Fire District could "live" with that budget. Mr. Hall stated
that the District would be back "in the same box" with regard to
long-term payments.
Mr. Hall explained that funds can be borrowed for two years only i
there are validated bonds and borrowing with bond anticipation
notes awaiting the receipt of bond proceeds. Further, said Mr. Hall,
funds are not borrowed on tax anticipation beyond that taxable year
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that the Commissioners can take action to levy complete taxes
to repay the loan.
Mr. lIa11 explained the possibility of purchasing a vehicle
under a lease-purchase arrangement whereby the seller retains title
until the contractual arrangement has been completed. Another
possibility suggested by Commissioner Wen~el would be to hold
II refcI'eadum to raise the necessary millage which he said might be
the simplest approach to the problem.
Following additional brief discussion, it was the consensus
of the Board that Mr. Podesta meet with Mr. Norman and prepare
proposals and recommendations for review by the Board during the
Regular Session to be held August 29, 1978.
County Manager Norman noted that the proposed policy regarding
Xerox procedures came about during the discussion by the Board of
the recommendation for 1I Xerox machine on the first floor which is
badly needed. The question came up, said Mr. Norman, because of
the difficulties most departments are experiencing over equipment
failures, as to whether or not the lease-purchase program for these
machines should be continued. After meeting with the Purchasing
Director and the representative from the Xerox Corporation, Mr.
Norman said that he has two very important matters which he did not
have when the previous discussion took place, as follows:
1. A commitment from Xerox that, if at any time during
the period of the lease-purchase agreement, which is a
seven-year contract, the County is not satisfied with
the quality of the machine and the service, Xerox will
replace the machine with a new or rebuilt machine.
2. A proposal by Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox to take
over and control very closely the maintenance of all
Xerox equipment as well as the cost accounting for the
equipment and centralize not only the record-keeping
of maintenance problems being experienced, but also
the training of personnel.
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Mr. Norman said that the policy formulated will be presented
at the Regular Session on August 22, 1978 for adoption if the Board
approves. He said that it is being presented to the Board for
formal adoption because it entails activities of County departments
which are beyond his jurisdiction, noting that it will extend to
constitutional officers, and who will all have to cooperate if the
plan is going to work.
Chairman Pistor commented that he has seen members of the press
and others running copies through the machine and inquired how the
proposed policy will stop those activities. Mr. Wilcox explained
how the policy will be implemented, including the use of the auditrons,
and observed that the policy will save the County money and will
?revent a lot of downtime which means more efficient use of personnel,
It was the consensus of the Board that the proposed policy be
tentatively approved with official action to be taken August 22, 1978.
Mr. Lemuel I. Smith, IBM representative - addressing the Board
as a taxpayer, inquired as to why the County has not considered going
into an offset-press operation, noting that the County is running the
biggest business in the County. Mr. Wilcox replied that there has
been a survey made in this regard and it was determined that it would
not be feasible - it is cheaper to use copiers than to establish
another department due to the fact that most of the copy work is
for small numbers of copies - 20 copies or less.
Mr. Smith further inquired if the County has considered a
different v~ndor, or additional vendors. He said that most
government complexes in the southern portion of the State have more
than one vendor - each one serving a different purpose or reason,
depending on the machine's use and location. Mr. Wilcox recalled
that a study was done some years ago, reviewing different machines
such as IBM, Kodak, Xerox, and the like, and the decision was made
to "go with Xerox" for a variety of reasons. Commissioner Wenzel
- -
AI. a
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August 21, 1978
observed that the system used by the County allows for flexibility
in that the bidding process is used to obtain the best pricas, most
efficient methods, and the like.
Chairman Pistor expressed appreciation to Mr. Smith for his
comments, suggesting that he confer with Mr. Wilcox if he has
further suggestions for reducing the probls~s being experienced.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded
by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the Southwest Florida
Mental Health Board, Inc. Plan for the District be tentatively
approved, official action to be taken August 22, 1978 in Regular
Utility Director Irving Berzon recalled that sevAral of the
smaller divisions of the Utility Department Budget for FY 78-79
have not been discussed in detail during previous reviews, sug-
gesting that the Eoard go over the figures presented to determine
if they are acceptable. The latest printout sheets for the budget
were discussed and the changes which were previously suggested with
regard to engineering fees, engineering services regarding water
management, and the like.
Mr. Berzon noted that the bottom line figure for the budget
is $1,478,787 with Commissioner Archer advising that that is the
figure tentatively approved and which the Board will go to the public
hearing with on the FY 78-79 Budget.
Commissioner Archer questioned whether or not a night hearing is
required since it is projected that there will be no increase in the
millage with County Attorney Pickworth stating that, in his opinion,
it is required.
The meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time 3:05 P.M.
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